Console staircase. Deflection and movement do the staircase on one console

Garden technique 17.06.2019
Garden technique

Faulty state of ladders (corrosion of metal cosomers, elevated platforms and marches, a loose fit of sites and marches to walls, cracks, potholes, deepening flooring in staircases and steps, deepening in steps from abrasion, weakening fastening of fences, handrails and safety nets, damage Railings, waterproofing, insufficient strength of fastening the guards to subcoar beams, etc.) should be eliminated as they appear and prevent further destruction.

Metal elements of stairs should be intermitted periodically every five or six years, pre-cleaning surfaces from rust. Metal boosters must be plastered or painted paint

providing fire resistance limit 1 hour.

In defaults of stair marches and sites exceeding the permissible norms (in the case of increasing deformation), the employees of the Housing Organization's organization must enhance the bearing elements of stairs (for the project), having previously accepted the safety of the safety of stairs.

Sealing cracks, deepening, chosel and oskolov in the designs of stairs should be made as defects appearing with the use of materials similar to the material of the structures. Lost staircase stairs in collapsible marches should be replaced with new ones.

The gaps between the ladder march and the wall should be embedded cement mortar. Fix the chips in the rollers are recommended by applying ready-made inserts or concreting on site.

In stone steps damaged places You should cut down and close the stones inserts.

Replacing damaged and securing detachable ceramic tiles On the staircases, new should be made immediately after detecting defects.

4.8.6. Wooden handrails having cracks and curvature should be replaced by new ones. Small damage (burrs, uneven surface) It is necessary to remove by stripping the surface or replace individual unsuitable parts by inserts with the subsequent finish of the handrail.

Damaged areas of a polyvinyl chloride handrail should be cut and replaced with new ones and the same color. Shakes inserts of the handrail must be cooked and cleaned.

The ladder and damaged parts of the fences have come to the dilapidative state of the steps and damaged parts of the fences, and the increasing fences to strengthen.

When conducting overhaul Stairs to provide a device of ramps.

Staircase structures should be made every five years.

Elements of the stairs:

the minimum permissible value of the content on concrete and metal surfaces - 50 mm, on brick masonry - 120 mm;

the permissible disruption of the horizontal of the staircases is not more than 10 mm, and the steps of stairs are no more than 4 mm;

deviation of the rail from the vertical is not more than 6 mm.


must be a good glazing; availability of accessories on windows and doors (handles, brass), lighting of the staircase;

the room must be regularly ventilated, the air temperature is not less than + 16 ° C;

regular cleaning should be provided: During windows, windowsill, heating devices - not hedgehog 1 time in 5 days; Walls - at least 2 times a month; washing - no less often 1 time per month;

inputs staircases On the attic or roof (with underacted roofs) should be closed on the castle.

It is forbidden to use staircases (even on a short time) To store materials, equipment and inventory, lay staples and other utility rooms under flight marches.

Valves, switchboard and other disconnecting devices located on the stairs must be in closed cabinets, whose keys are stored at the management service manager for a service centenary fund.

Stairs of natural and artificial stone

1.1 Discussion of the steps of the outer staircase from marking

Cause: Incorrect Laying

Freezing of external stairs of old buildings can
A consequence of an incorrect foundation. When drawdown, the foundation changes the tilt of the steps, rain water and snow fall between them, freezing is freezing. The reason may be incorrect installation steps. Right wayWhen the bias is incomprehensible, it is the creation of such profiles when the seams have higher planes come.

Repair Method: In most cases, a complete disassembly, then a solid correction of defects and the installation of steps by qualified specialists. Naturally, damaged steps are repaired, and some of them are replaced. In the latter case, more resistant stone material should be selected (granite, shenitis, gabbro, andhesite, freshwater solid limestone, marble).

1.2 Silvering steps, stiffness disruption Console (hanging) stairs

Reason: uneven shrinkage carrier wall; Bad sealing; Poor-quality crushing

Defects of march stairs with Kosouris, in many cases their destruction are caused by defects supporting (carrier) structures. Such designs must be examined in place, determine what and how they were made, in what condition
There are sometimes possible to determine at what stage of manufacturing a defect arose.

In the buildings built at the turn of the century, boosters made of wood were used. These beams, as a rule, were offended by reed and plastering. Thus, the design turned out to be hidden and it was impossible to determine its diseases (fungus, insect damage). In such a situation, the replacement is required. carrier design; Repair and installation re-steps.

1.3 Disruption of continuity ladder march, fasteners of coming, steps, burdensity

Reason: Natural Wear, Mechanical Impacts

Natural wear of the head of the old steps becomes due to the cause of accidents. Characteristic defects: blessing edges of steps, thinned due to abrasion, the formation of the wavy surface of the steps. Defects are aggravated by severe objects, for example, when carrying cumbersome things.

Repair Method: Small damage to monolithic or wedge-shaped steps are repaired, cutting down the deepening in the form of a swallow tail, is then divened, moisturized and make an insert from the stage of the stage or from an artificial stone suitable for color and structure.

Typically, in the manufacture of artificial stone, the stone crumb is used when the deepening damage is damaged. If it is not enough, then a stone crushed stone is added. Repair material is prepared on 2/3 rubbents of various size and 1/3 cement. The main requirement is a good seal. In most cases, it is necessary to achieve a reliable result to a solid formwork. Newly manufactured or repaired surfaces require wet processing for 7 days. The surface of the artificial stone is grinning after 1-2 days. Grinding to the mirror glitter is inexpedient, since the slippery surface can cause accidents. The initial signs of abrasion of occupy, the sivers will continue in the form of formation of waviness or slippery frequencies, are eliminated by a notch surface.

Defects of stairs from natural and artificial stone can be repaired using various modern adhesives. At the same time, metal staples made of reinforcement steel are used in stretched belts

Exterior steps can be covered modern materials. On the smooth surface obtained after the appropriate treatment, the rubber mat, solid sheet PVC, as well as other materials resistant to abrasion and visible edge protection are glued.

1 - flooring from tiles; 2 - Solution

1.4 Cracks on separate steps, sometimes fades

When replacing the steps or the whole stairs, the hanging stairs should be attached to the backups, starting from the base of the wall, with lower floor and by outdoor debt. Works begin with challenging sealing places. Stages dismantle from top to bottom. New marches are mounted below, paying attention to proper installation The planes are incompressible so that water when washing the staircase staped freely. Separate steps when replacing are included at least to a depth of a pollipich with the crushing and sealing bricks on a cement solution (Fig. 1.2). If there is no need for a replacement, then staircase marches can be reinforced with booms from steel beams (Fig. 1.3).

1.5 Sink-shaped detachment of staircase, cracking

Cause: Impact of fire

Natural stone is not racks against fire, although it does not burn himself. Under the action of high temperatures, it cracks, exfoliated, crumbles. Limestones lose greatly their strength under the influence of a relatively low temperature, they occur chemical processes (lime firing). Igmatic rocks In this regard, they behave better. If water suddenly falls on the hot stone steps when steaming fire, it can strongly damage the material from which they are made, and result in strong destruction of stone structures.

1.6 Disturbed Perila

Cause: Weakening racks of railing, fesomas due to corrosion

The characteristic defect railing of the stairs is to loosen the racks in the places of fasteners, the cracking of the stone. The reason may be strong corrosion Metal struts, freezing of their bases, mechanical effects (forced loosening), exposure to water, grinding effect from moving in seams of particles with sharp edges.

It is necessary to periodically examine places of sealing races races. IN initial stage The development of the defect can be used by a simple fill of the cement mortar, followed by the grout of the sandy cement mixture (1: 1), which suspends further destruction sometimes for many years.

When repairing more significant defects, it is necessary to the device of a new nest or replacement of the rusted rack. Caption should be paid to the care of concrete during his hardening, since fast drying A small amount of concrete or artificial stone leads to its destruction. Good result can only be achieved with proper care and normal moisture.

2. Concrete and reinforced concrete stairs

2.1. Flames, cracks concrete stairs

Cause: Cracks in a stretched or compressed belt

Cracks that appear in a compressed belt of stairs reinforced as two-heat beams indicate the weakening of the cross section and can cause trouble. If the edges of the concrete cracks are painted, peeled, this indicates a defect in a compressed belt. After an expert assessment, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen or replace the design.

2.2. Weakening sealing console (hanging) stairs

Cause: Insufficient size of the length of the seal, which is precisely loosened; Incorrect installation of steps, which is why the water when washing the staircase flows against the wall.

The method of repair is identical to those described in paragraph 1.4

2.3. Damage to facing, potholes, breaks

Cause: Mechanical impacts: Natural abrasion, waviness, damage by cargo, carry the stairs

The method of repair is identical to those described in paragraph 1.3

2.4. Exterruption of plastic or rubber rugs covering sticking, gaps

Cause: Mechanical exposures

Destroyed plastic or rubber inserts on disposal are removed, the concrete surface is cleaned, and after checking the correctness of the slope sticks new ones.

2.5. Flames, bentry railing, deformation of the Kosomrov, Flaws of monolithic staircases

Cause: Construction defects, bugs in concrete care, reinforced concrete corrosion, concrete damage under the influence of acids, alkalis, oils, fats

In any case, an expert assessment is needed. After the necessary examination and the calculation, the decision on repair or replacement is made, in the latter case, elements of factory manufacture can be used.

2.6. Weakening of the concrete of outer stairs, painting, fesomas, surface detachment

Cause: Exposure to frost in the period of hardening or frequent fruit of finished concrete

Constantly wet or often with moisturized concrete ladders can cause great damage to frost. Especially for external stairs, frost-resistant concrete using frost-resistant inert and with the corresponding selection of quality and quantity of cement. Repair of old concrete ladders is only a temporary event, since further damping leads to their destruction.

2.6. Deformations reinforced concrete structures, degradation of fittings under the detached concrete, etc.

Cause: Impact of fire

Under the action of fire (already at a temperature of 500 ° C) additives to the concrete burn out; Crushed stone from limestone added to the concrete, begins to decompose (the burned lime is formed); The strength of the reinforcement is reduced. After any fire, it is certainly necessary to conduct an expert examination and determine on its basis future events.

3. Wooden stairs

Material for the manufacture of stairs inside buildings can serve as soft and solid wood. Often used designs - a screw staircase, a straight or curvilinear inquiry staircase, which are usually well designed, are constructively simple. Defects are usually a consequence of damage. In rare cases there are damage to insects and fungus. Also, rarely defects occur due to corrosion of metal connecting elements.

The method of repairing highly worn or broken steps is the full replacement. Smaller damage is eliminated by inserts. Taking into account the opinion of experts, defects may be prevented, which can arise due to the effects of fungal diseases and insects. An essential requirement is an exception in all cases of moistening opportunities for staircases.

Defects of Kosomrov designs, shortcomings in nodes of CO compounds, walls are eliminated in accordance with the rules for manufacturing carpentry structures.

The wooden staircase quickly burns in a fire, so it can not be intended for the evacuation of people both inside and outside the building.

In the process of reconstructing residential buildings, regardless of the bearing capacity and material status wooden stairs It should be replaced with reinforced concrete, stairs from natural and artificial stone, except internal stairs in single-storey housesIf they comply with the requirements for material and bearing capacity.

4. Stairs from steel structures

4.1 Bending bent elements, cracks, fracture of connecting elements, deformation of steps

Reason: static and dynamic overvoltage

Replacing or enhancing the bearing elements in accordance with the expected additional static or dynamic loads, replacing the metal stage (plate), sometimes the device rigid ribs against possible bending.

4.2 Excessively smooth surfacenot safe for walking; protrusions of connecting elements over stu-sheen

Cause: Constructive effect

Replacing the steps, originally made from the plates, without roughness or ribbies. Elimination to avoid accidents of protrusions of connecting elements by lowering them under the plane of the plate plate (welding on the bottom) or in another way.

4.3 Exterrevity of the surface of the steps, polling; Edge dressing

Cause: Mechanical exposures

Creating a rough surface or replacement.

4.4 Deformation of all or part of the design of the ladder from high temperature

Reason: Fire

Depending on the conclusion of experts, the replacement of individual elements or the entire staircase, depending on the degree of lesion.

4.5 corrosion of all or parts steel structures

Cause: corrosion

First of all, eliminating the causes of moisturizing, then purification from rust structural elements suitable for use, and anti-corrosion treatment.

Steel stairs are very rarely used in residential buildings; in public buildings, offices - in the form screw stairs (due to the limited space). Most used in industrial buildings For the approach to the appropriate technological posts. Usually, high steps (more than 20 cm) are characterized for marchs of such stairs; Steep stairs are supplied with double-sided railings. Increased attention to the state of such stairs is very important from the point of view of accident prevention.

When the need for comfortable and secure access to the second floor is thoughtful in the process of designing the house, you can lay the staircase of any type. This is much more efficient than after trying to squeeze at least anything responding, not to mention aesthetics. One of the participants of our portal thought everything in advance, and as a result he has a cantilever staircase, which is considered one of the most attractive in terms of "airiness". His experience is interesting because, remaining the customer, he was still able to save even in terms of finance, not to mention time and labor costs.

  • About console stairs.
  • sergpn.
  • Project.
  • Materials and tools.
  • Execution.

About console stairs

The effect of ease and airiness in these structures is achieved due to the absence of outdoor supports in the usual understanding - there is neither even Kouryer, nor the instrument, no vertical support. The "steaming" steps are mounted directly into the wall, given that all the load will have only on this fastener. Choosing this type of stairs, it is necessary to correctly calculate, first of all, the carrying capacity of the wall. The type of fastening of steps depends on the result of calculations, these may be the following options:

  • the cutting into the wall - the depth depends on the strength of the wall, on average 20-40 cm;
  • brackets - both special fasteners and various variations (metal plates, channel, decorative supports);
  • the frame - with the minimum bearing capacity of the wall close to it, the frame of metal (channel, profile) is placed, which is fixed to overlaps, and to it - cantilever steps.

The handrail is usually started on the wall, if necessary, the ceiling shots are made as a fence, in rare cases in the sake of the visual component, it is completely without chickens, and without handrail.

As for the materials, the flight of fantasy is almost impaired, but the most practical stairs with steps on a metal frame with wooden linings or cases. It is this version of execution from our craftsman.

Metal Console Staircase sergpn.



The house at the topikstarter was built on monolithic technology, and since he conceived the console staircase initially, then one of the diaphragms of the stiffness of the metal frame and was involved in the construction. The missing fragment was supplemented by a channel.

All calculations and the project itself sergpn.i ordered from professionals. Careful ability and resistance to dynamic loads are also taken into account. Our craftsman believes that the project is obligatory.


All moments are taken into account at the design stage, I deliberately allocated the costs of calculating a separate line, and did not write that "we go to the barn, we look at what from the scrap metal, and cook from this the staircase about this form." Given the pathological rejection of the most part of the members of any expenses on the projectors and the desire to build on intuition, I want to convey to them that the project and the calculation is the savings, and not expenses.

Drawings of their stairs sergpn.posted for all interested.

Materials and tools

Used materials:

  • profile trumpet 60 × 60 × 5 mm - framework steps;
  • sheet metal, 10 mm thick - support plates and "brazers";
  • sheet metal, 4 mm thick - stipped and end planks;
  • schweller 270 × 6 mm - missing part of the support for four steps;
  • chemical anchor, studs - for attaching to the wall of support plates and chapellers.

Instead of bother with a sharp of such a thick metal with a grinder, gave everything into the workshop on plasma cuttingFor welding, an inverter welder and professional 5th discharge welders were used.


The first stage on the markup was drilled by holes for the heels and fixed them in the wall, the support plates under step and the channel were mounted on them. Chemical anchor Cellets preferred usual to avoid further the formation of a backlash.

Due to certain difficulties, the execution algorithm was as follows:

  • pipes "patches" to the support plate;
  • kosinki;
  • stolen leaf;
  • face plank.

It is this sequence that is due to the fact that with other options to withstand the plane was not ideal possible.


Cooked alternately, which is somewhat more complicated, due to the impossibility of attaching the thrust plates smoothly (somewhere armature, somewhere else some kind of trouble). Therefore, each step is made individually. The frame from the prom cook is easier to cook, but this design works worse on bending, which is fully sewn from above covering parallel tubes. But, on the other hand, the sewing sheet is possible from above (as practice has shown) only for pipes that are already welded to the plate, otherwise it is difficult to observe parallelism (leaf leads). Here, in fact, because of this, this method of assembly was chosen.

Some participants in the topic were interested in the question, was it not easier to use through fasteners. As Clevelets answered, due to the load, it is impossible to make the bolts. And to do double work on fastening the plates on the other side and after still inventing how to close them, too problematic. Other embarrassed brazers, since many examples of installation of steps - without this node. It turned out, shim banks are not only necessary, but also useful.

Since the financial considerations in the foreseeable future of decorative wooden cases are not expected, the craftsmen generously processed the finished design of the primer and still stopped at this.

As recommended by the project, after graduation mounting work The staircase was checked on the carrying ability "classic" method - loaded onto the step bags with cement at 250 kg. The deflection was less than 1 mm, which is quite satisfactory, given that the weight of households is much smaller, and no one plans to jump on consoles.

Given all the spending, the staircase cost 45 thousand rubles:

  • the project is 5 thousand;
  • metal (with sharp) - 15 thousand;
  • installation (welding / cutting in place) - 20 thousand;
  • consumables and components (anchor, studs, electrodes, primer) - 5 thousand.

On the manufacture of the staircase took only four days. As separately emphasizes sergpn,companies offering finished structures Such a plan called the price tag from 100 thousand rubles and a period of two weeks. Therefore, even with refusal to independent manufacture In favor of professional, really reduced costs twice. If there are appropriate skills and equipment, then the costs of materials and at all are minimal at all.

Trace further development events can be more about different types stairs, including consoles - in the article, how to provide access to cold attic - in the material. An example of a very unusual staircase - in one of our videos.

  1. Introduction
  2. Stairs of natural and artificial stone
  3. Concrete and reinforced concrete stairs
  4. Wooden stairs
  5. Stairs from steel structures
  6. Bibliography
  7. Introduction

Faulty state of ladders (corrosion of metal cosomers, elevated platforms and marches, a loose fit of sites and marches to walls, cracks, potholes, deepening flooring in staircases and steps, deepening in steps from abrasion, weakening fastening of fences, handrails and safety nets, damage Railings, waterproofing, insufficient strength of fastening the guards to subcoar beams, etc.) should be eliminated as they appear and prevent further destruction.

Metal elements of stairs should be intermitted periodically every five or six years, pre-cleaning surfaces from rust. Metal boosters must be plastered or painted paint

providing fire resistance limit 1 hour.

In defaults of stair marches and sites exceeding the permissible norms (in the case of increasing deformation), the employees of the Housing Organization's organization must enhance the bearing elements of stairs (for the project), having previously accepted the safety of the safety of stairs.

Sealing cracks, deepening, chosel and oskolov in the designs of stairs should be made as defects appearing with the use of materials similar to the material of the structures. Lost staircase stairs in collapsible marches should be replaced with new ones.

The gaps between the staircase and the wall should be embedded with cement mortar. Fix the chips in the rollers are recommended by applying ready-made inserts or concreting on site.

In stone steps, damaged places should be cut down and close the stones inserts.

Replacing damaged and fixing the detached ceramic tiles on the staircases new should be made immediately after detection of defects.

4.8.6. Wooden handrails having cracks and curvature should be replaced by new ones. Small damage (burrs, uneven surface) should be eliminated by stripping the surface or replace individual unsuitable parts by inserts with subsequent finishing of the handrail.

Damaged areas of a polyvinyl chloride handrail should be cut and replaced with new ones and the same color. Shakes inserts of the handrail must be cooked and cleaned.

The ladder and damaged parts of the fences have come to the dilapidative state of the steps and damaged parts of the fences, and the increasing fences to strengthen.

When conducting overhaul stairs to provide a device of ramps.

Staircase structures should be made every five years.

Elements of the stairs:

the minimum allowable value of the content on concrete and metal surfaces is 50 mm, on brickwork - 120 mm;

the permissible disruption of the horizontal of the staircases is not more than 10 mm, and the steps of stairs are no more than 4 mm;

deviation of the rail from the vertical is not more than 6 mm.


must be a good glazing; availability of accessories on windows and doors (handles, brass), lighting of the staircase;

the room should be regularly ventilated, the air temperature is not less than + 16C;

regular cleaning should be provided: During windows, windowsill, heating devices - not hedgehog 1 time in 5 days; Walls - at least 2 times a month; washing - no less often 1 time per month;

the entrances from stairwells on the attic or roof (with underacted roofs) should be closed on the lock.

It is forbidden to use staircases (even for a short time) to store materials, equipment and inventory, to arrange staircases and other utility rooms under flight marches.

The valves, switchboard and other disconnecting devices located on the stairs must be in closed cabinets, the keys of which are stored at the Housing Research Organization Manager.

1. Stairs from natural and artificial stone

1.1 Discussion of the steps of the outer staircase from marking

Cause: Incorrect laying

Freezing of external stairs of old buildings can
A consequence of an incorrect foundation. When drawdown, the foundation changes the tilt of the steps, rain water and snow fall between them, freezing is freezing. The reason may be incorrect installation of steps. In the correct method, when the bias is coming out, it is the creation of such profiles when the seams have higher planes come.

Repair method: In most cases, a complete disassembly, then a thorough correction of defects and the installation of steps by qualified specialists. Naturally, damaged steps are repaired, and some of them are replaced. In the latter case, more resistant stone material should be selected (granite, shenitis, gabbro, andhesite, freshwater solid limestone, marble).

1.2 Silvering steps, stiffness disruption console (VIslyachi) Stairs

Style directions in the interior design are increasingly affecting the modification of stair structures. So, the popularity is gaining console staircases. The advantage of it is that it does not prevent the spread of light indoors. Such a design looks quite non-standard, you can even say bizarre. The sticky is just hanging in the air on the consoles deposited from the ceiling. But it's not worth afraid to walk on it, because the design engineering is thought out. In the presence of construction experience and desire, a comfortable and unusual console staircase can be made with your own hands.

Constructive features

The advantages of the design:

  • unusual appearance;
  • small consumption of material - such stairs do not have risers, and sometimes fences;
  • saving space.

IMPORTANT When designing such a design, take into account the loads perceived coming. They must withstand 150 kg. - And this figure does not take into account the weight of the handrail.

Even the organization engaged in the manufacture of console stairs does not have prepared for installation of products. They have only separate elements, of which the march will be collected later. Each design should be developed individually for the customer, taking into account all the conditions.

But it's quite difficult to make such a staircase. Its installation occurs at the stage of construction or before finishing the room. There are several ways to fasten come:

  1. Grinding steps into the wall.
  2. Grinding brackets into a protective design, which will later be attached to the sticky.
  3. Fastening steps with anchors.
  4. Fastening to the ceiling.
  5. Brackets that weld or screw to the steel tutor.

If the house is performed from brick or heavy blocks, good option For the device of the console staircase there will be staples on the construction stage. For this end, the ends come to be impaired into the wall for a distance of 1/4 part of finished product. So, if you want to make a staircase will fly equal to 80 cm. It is necessary to lay 20 cm. Stages. Another requirement with this installation option is to be reused at least ten rows of masonry.

In the case of use of more lungs building materials, such as picked ceramic, void ceramzit concrete blocks Or a slotted brick, the depth of the projected bookmark increases 1.5-2 times and will be 30-40 cm. It will be difficult to implement if the thickness of the designed wall is less required.

Aerated concrete buildings also have their own features of the device of the console staircase. In the walls, it will be necessary to strengthen the places of sealing of all coming through the mortgage elements made of heavy concrete. Being for the appearance is not worth it, because there are decorative lining, for example, wooden. Also fit laminated panels, natural or fake diamond. When applying such a design in style decision Loft can be left without change.

With this embodiment of the console staircase, it is necessary to climb the profile pipe with a length of no more than meter. The depth of the bookmark must be at least 25-30 centimeters. The reserved issues must correspond 2/3 of the length of the sticky. The requirements for the walls remain the same, the possibility of choosing the material of the steps is expanding. For such an embodiment, you can apply an engineering array of wood, as well as materials based on wood composite, such as chipboard, mor. This is because the stickies now do not appear as self-supporting designs. All load turns on the bracket close-ups. Metal parts can be hidden in the grooves or holes that are drilled in projected.

Fastening anchors

This method applies when the walls are already erected and there is no possibility to close in the finished enclosing structure. fastening elementsas in the first two cases. But it also remains important material. Walls made of a picked block or slotted brick are unable to keep anchors.

To reduce the possibility of unscrewing anchors in case the walls are not made of sufficiently durable material, it is necessary to increase the size of the reference sites.

In order to carry out this installation of the console staircase, you will need welded brackets that have reference sites. Ready items must be attached to the wall at the location of the steps using anchor bolts. Their quantity must be at least four, and the length from 15 cm., The radius is needed to choose more than 10 cm.

Fastening to the ceiling

Such a way will be an alternative for those whose house has already been built or with insufficient strength of the enclosing walls to withstand the load. Fastening steps must be carried out before finishing work. If you briefly describe the essence of this method, it is to use a powerful weld metal frame made of a chaserler, and profile pipe is also suitable. This design is performed in the entire height of the room, because it is attached metal carcass will be to the ceiling.

Metal frame placed along the entire length of the march close to the wall. It is also necessary to bind to the upper and lower ceilings. After that, the console supports must be welded to the received racks, it is possible to use fixture bolts. The resulting frame can be hidden by plasterboard lifting or masonry from light blocks.

Steel aunt

This method of mounting the console staircase is perhaps the most difficult. For it, the brackets that weld or screw to the steel tutor are used. Such a support is the only one. It must be fixed on overlaps using powerful reference sites and anchors. To prevent twisting the taper under loads, you need to create a complex design. It will have welded farms with ribbon ribs that have transversely, diagonally and longitudinally. This design is slightly reminiscent of the boom crane arrows. With the console, too, will have to work hard. It must be thought out to avoid the heads of the steps, provided that it is not embedded in the wall.

Strengthening design

If you doubt the safety of the operation and reliability of your console staircase, you can use some engineering tricks to enhance the design:

  • Hard binding to coming together. Bolt is suitable for this. They will transmit load on overlapping. The bolt is the hidden bolts that are used with a distational sleeve. If speak about console designIt is necessary to connect each such bolt with one such a bolt with one such a bolt by placing the edge. Since all major loads fall on the wall mount, the possibility of using small-sized population appears. This embodiment of the design will reduce the brackets. So, for each stage it will be sufficient to use one pair of rods that will have the following parameters: Length - 40-60 cm., Diameter - 3-4 cm., Seeling into the wall - by 8-16 cm.

The bit can be hidden, disguising them under the details of the enclosing structure, as well as hide in the inner part of the risk.

  • Fastening to the ceiling by weight. For this work, they will need cables, the material for which serves stainless steel 8-10 mm thick. It will also be necessary to install screw hooks - Talp. They will help to exclude the slack of heavy. Such an option suspended fastening Allows you to make the design of the air, unlike the Bathhouse.

Possible mistakes

When installing the cantilever staircase, there is a chance to miss some of the features of its device, which will lead to danger of use. The most typical errors are:

  • Incorrectly selected method for fastening to the enclosing structure. For example, it will be a mistake to try using anchors to be attached to the masonry if the wall is made of slit bricks or light blocks.
  • Unfigured mounting brackets to the wall. If the diameter of the steel anchor is incorrecting, or in the case of using a plastic dowel, it may be loosened with incompressions.
  • Application as a bracket or frame not enough thick metal. Select the diameter of the element less than 3 mm. It may lead to the formation of twisting bearing elements under the action of the load.
  • Installation of compensated on the brackets in the wall without using a special damping gasket. Its application will avoid the transfer of the sound of a step through the enclosing structure into neighboring rooms.
  • The use of sufficiently heavy material for the rail. It is worth abandoning cast or forged fence, because it will have additional loads on the steps.

Cosur in the stairs is called an inclined metal beam, which are based on the steps.

This calculation applies to metal cososov from rolling channels.

Attention! The article periodically flies font, after which instead of the sign of the angle of the staircase "Alpha" displays a sign "?" I apologize for the inconvenience.

Initial data.

The width of the staircase march is 1.05 m (staircases of the LS11 teams, the mass of 1 steps 105 kg). The number of cosomes - 2. H \u003d 1.65 m - half of the height of the floor; l. 1 \u003d 3.7 m - the length of the Kourow. The angle of inclination of the KOOMER α \u003d 27 °, COSα \u003d 0.892.

Harvesting loads.

As a result, the active regulatory load on the inclined spaces is equal to q 1 H \u003d 449 kg / m 2, and the calculated Q 1 p \u003d 584 kg / m 2.

Calculation (selection of cross sections of the Kourow).

The first thing to be done in this calculation is to give a load per 1 kV. M Square march to horizontal and find the horizontal projection of the Kourow. Those. In fact, with the real length of the Kooow l. 1 and load on 1 sq. M. Marsha Q 1, we translate these values \u200b\u200binto the horizontal plane through COSα so that the relationship between Q and l. remained in force.

For this we have two formulas:

1) Load for 1 m 2 horizontal projection Marsha is equal to:

q \u003d Q 1 / COS 2 α;

2) horizontal march projection is equal to:

l. = l. 1 cOSα.

Note that the steeper the angle of the Kourow, the less the march's projection length, but the larger the load on 1 m 2 of this horizontal projection. This is just preserving the relationship between Q and which we strive.

In proof, we consider two couquet of the same length of 3m with the same load of 600 kg / m 2, but the first is located at an angle of 60 degrees, and the second is 30. From the figure it is clear that for these cosomes of the projection of the load and the length of the Kooowar, they differ very much from each other. But the bending moment is obtained for both cases the same.

We define the regulatory and calculated value of Q, as well as l. For our example:

q H \u003d Q H 1 / COS 2 α \u003d 449 / 0.892 2 \u003d 564 kg / m 2 \u003d 0.0564 kg / cm 2;

q p \u003d Q p 1 / cos 2 α \u003d 584 / 0.892 2 \u003d 734 kg / m 2 \u003d 0.0734 kg / cm 2;

l. = l. 1 cosα \u003d 3.7 * 0.892 \u003d 3.3 m.

In order to choose the cross section of the Kooowar, it is necessary to determine its moment of resistance W and the moment of inertia I.

The moment of resistance is found according to the formula w \u003d Q R a l. 2 / (2 * 8mr), where

q p \u003d 0.0734 kg / cm 2;

l. \u003d 3.3 m \u003d 330 cm - the length of the horizontal projection of the Kooowa;

m \u003d 0.9 - the coefficient of the working conditions of the Kourow;

R \u003d 2100 kg / cm 2 - the calculated resistance of steel brand ST3;

8 is a part of the unsolicited formula for determining the bending moment (M \u003d QL 2/8).

So, w \u003d 0.0734 * 105 * 330 2 /(2**. 20.9*2100) \u003d 27.8 cm 3.

The moment of inertia is found according to the formula i \u003d 150 * 5 * aq n l. 3 / (384 * 2Ecos?), Where

E \u003d 2100000 kg / cm 2 - steel elastic module;

150 - from the condition of the maximum deflection F \u003d l./150;

a \u003d 1.05 m \u003d 105 cm - march width;

2 - the number of cosoms in the march;

5/348 - dimensionless coefficient.

For those who want to deal with more detail in the definition of the moment of inertia, we turn to the Linovich and bring the above formula (it is somewhat different from the original source, but the result of the calculations will be the same).

The moment of inertia can be determined from the formula of the permissible relative deflection of the item. The deflection of the Kouryer is calculated by the formula: F \u003d 5Q l. 4 / 348ei, from where i \u003d 5q l. 4 / 348ef.

In our case:

q \u003d aq n 1/2 \u003d aq n cos 2? / 2 - distributed load on Kosur from half march (In the comments, they are often asked why Kosor is considered to be all load from the march, and not half - so, two in this formula is just gives half the load);

l. 4 = l. 1 4 = (l./ cos?) 4 \u003d l. 4 / COS? four ;

f \u003d. l. 1 /150 = l./ 150cos? - relative deflection (according to DSTU "Defrogy and Movement" for a span of 3 m).

If we substitute everything in the formula, we get:

I \u003d 150 * COS? * 5AQ H COS 2? l. 4 / (348 * 2e l.cOS 4?) \u003d 150 * 5 * AQ N l. 3 / (348 * 2Ecos?).

Linovich, in essence, the same, only all the numbers in the formula are given to the "coefficient fromdepending on the deflection. " But since in modern standards Requirements for defunctions tougher (we need to be limited to 1/150 instead of 1/200), then all numbers are left for ease of understanding in the formula, without any abbreviations.

So, i \u003d 150 * 5 * 105 * 0.0564 * 330 3 / (384 * 2 * 2100000 * 0,892) \u003d 110.9 cm 4.

We select the rolling element from the table below. We are suitable for Sweller number 10.

This calculation was carried out on the recommendations of the book Linovich L.E. "Calculation and design of civilian buildings" and provides for only the selection of the cross section of the metal element. For those who want to deal with more detail with the calculation of the metal platter, as well as with the design of the elements of the stairs, it is necessary to refer to the following regulatory documents:

Snip III-18-75 "Metal structures";

DBN B.2.6-163: 2010 "Steel structures".

In addition to the calculation of the Kourow, according to the above, the formulas must still be calculated on the pity. What it is? Kosur can be durable and reliable, but when walking on the stairs, it seems that it shudders at every step. The feeling is not pleasant, therefore the rules provide for the following condition: if you load Kosor to a concentrated load in 100 kg in the middle of the span, it must bend no more than 0.7 mm (see DSTU B.V.1.2-3: 2006, Table 1, p. 4).

The table below shows the results of the calculation for the staircase for the stairs with steps 300x150 (H), this is the most convenient size for a person the size of the steps, different height floor, which means different length Kourow. As a result, even if the above calculation gives a smaller cross section of the element, it is necessary to finally choose Kosor, referring to the data of the table.

The length of the projection Marsha LX, M

Height Marsha N, M

Length of Kourow L, M

Rental Schweller GOST 8240-97, DSTU 3436-96

The number of curved sewller GOST 8278-83

GOSTER 8239-89 DY 8239-89

Sizes of bent pipe Square GOST 30245-94, DSTU B.V.2-6-8-95

In order to properly make the staircase, you can use the sample series:

1.450-1 "Stairs from the precast concrete steps on steel Kosomers";

1.450-3 "Steel stairs, platforms, stepladers and fences."

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