What to do if you have angina. What to do with angina: how to prevent at the initial stage

landscaping 30.06.2020

Angina is a type of tonsillitis, and it is characterized by acute inflammatory processes occurring in the tonsils. Such an insidious disease does not tolerate negligence in treatment, as it is fraught with complications: heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis and others.

The disease has two ways of transmission: airborne and food (when dirty dishes are used, or unwashed food is consumed). But most often, angina begins as a result of infection of the oral cavity or pharynx. The cause is purulent ailments of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

In the development of angina, an important role is played by temperature fluctuations, a profession in hazardous production, environmental pollution, and unfavorable environmental conditions. Angina can be the result of such ailments as influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria and some diseases of the circulatory system.

It is necessary to figure out how to prevent angina, and also what to do at the initial stage of the disease, what treatment will help to cope with the problem?

How to define a disease?

In the vast majority of cases, angina affects young children, adolescents, and adults aged 35-40 years. Regardless of the age group of the patient, the clinical picture will be the same for everyone.

How do I know if I have angina? Painful sensations appear on the rise. As soon as the sore throat begins, the pain is weak, and practically does not cause discomfort to the patient.

But already on the second or third day, the pain syndrome becomes pronounced and sharp, while being quite strong. Particularly painful sensations manifest themselves when swallowing. As a rule, angina is characterized by a high temperature of up to 39 degrees. In some situations, subfebrile body temperature may be maintained.

When establishing a diagnosis, care must be taken, since the clinical picture of tonsillitis is similar to many diseases. For example, with whooping cough, influenza, scarlet fever, pharyngitis, laryngitis and others.

The initial stage of angina is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness all over the body, joint pain.
  • Headache, high fever.
  • Pain syndrome when swallowing.
  • Feverish state.
  • Muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes.
  • Swelling of the larynx, enlargement of the tonsils.

When it is possible to diagnose such symptoms in time, the therapy will last no longer than one week. With an advanced stage of the disease or its relapses, it will be much more difficult to cope with the disease.

Since advanced forms of the disease sometimes require inpatient treatment under the supervision of the attending physician, as well as the use of serious drug therapy.

What can not be done with angina?

It should be said right away that if the patient only has suspicions of the development of tonsillitis, then it is necessary to exclude smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

If the patient does not give up an active lifestyle, then the weakened body begins to spend its energy also on the "ebullient" activity of the patient, instead of fighting infectious processes. As a result, this will lead to the progression of the disease, and a deterioration in the well-being of the person as a whole.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx. These include salty, spicy and smoked foods, too cold or hot foods, as well as strong foods: crackers and so on.

What else can not be done with angina:

  1. It is forbidden to warm the throat with warm compresses and lotions, as they create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. When on the tonsils, purulent formations are observed. And nothing needs to be done with them, since they do not affect the patient's well-being. And the mechanical removal of pus will exacerbate the inflammatory process, and the situation will worsen.
  3. You can not ignore the sore throat, hoping that the situation will normalize on its own. It is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment in order to kill the causative agents of the disease, otherwise, the disease can give complications to the internal organs.

If you start tonsillitis, or move it on your feet without appropriate therapy, the disease can lead to rheumatism, arthritis and heart disease. In the vast majority of cases, the consequences of the disease affect the heart muscle, since it is minimally protected.

Against the background of a rheumatic attack, heart valves will suffer. And over time, this picture can lead to disability or death.

Rarely, angina can give complications to auditory perception, as a result of which there is pain in the ears, stuffy ears, and hearing loss.

What should be done with angina?

Many patients are interested in what to do with angina? It should be noted right away that at the first symptoms of the disease, bed rest is immediately recommended. To remove toxins, you need to drink plenty of water: warm milk, juice, mineral liquid, tea with honey, jam.

Conservative treatment involves the appointment of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic therapy. The drug, its dose and frequency of administration are recommended on an individual basis, and are determined solely by the doctor. The choice of medication is based on the type of pathogen that caused the disease.

The first help at home, if a sore throat has begun, will be gargling. You need to do it up to 8 times a day. It helps clear the throat of pus, waste products of bacteria, food particles.

You can rinse with the following solutions:

  • If the patient has purulent tonsillitis, then a furatsilin solution in a ratio of 1/5000 will help him.
  • If the patient has a disease, then hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid is perfect for rinsing. In addition, the doctor prescribes injections with antibiotics.
  • If a sore throat is characterized by a strong pain syndrome, then you can use this method: mix one teaspoon of vinegar and 120 ml of beet juice, rinse up to 8 times a day.
  • Essential oils fight the disease, so for half an hour you can chew the zest of a lemon, which "destroys the disease."
  • If a sore throat has just begun, then you can gargle with a decoction based on chamomile, sage and calendula.

It happens that already on the 3rd day the patient begins to feel good and quits the treatment. But it is strictly forbidden to do this, since the inflammatory process has not ended, and the body is still weakened. It is necessary to give your body time to recover for several days in order to avoid possible complications.

If a sore throat in a small child, then you can use sparing methods of therapy. To do this, add a few drops of calendula pharmacy tincture to 120 ml of water, and gargle for 1 minute.

Angina is not always an independent disease, as it often acts as a sign of other infectious diseases - diphtheria, scarlet fever, blood pathology. Therefore, at home, it is not always possible to correctly differentiate the disease, which leads to unsuccessful treatment and oppression of the situation. The video in this article will clearly demonstrate what a sore throat is and what to do with it.

Angina is a type of tonsillitis. This is an insidious disease that does not tolerate negligence in treatment. The causes of angina include the presence of problems with related organs, so regular visits to the ENT will help to neutralize them in time.

The disease affects both adults and children. And some people get angina constantly, several times a year. There are several recommendations for its treatment. However, in order to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease and consolidate the result for a long time, many factors should be taken into account.

Signs of a sore throat

Most often, angina affects children, adolescents, and adults up to 35-40 years of age. Symptoms in all age categories of patients are the same. First of all, it is a sore throat. The pain appears on the rise. On the first day, it is weak and almost does not bother the patient, but on the second or third day the pain becomes sharp and quite strong. It is especially felt when swallowing.

Also, angina is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature from 37.5 to 39 0 С;
  • general malaise;
  • chills;
  • with angina with temperature, muscle and joint pains are observed;
  • swelling of the throat with angina is characterized by enlarged tonsils;
  • there may be pus on the tonsils, which is removed easily and without damage to the mucosa;
  • lymph nodes under the lower jaw become dense and extremely sensitive to palpation.

Children are more likely than adults to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and.

What to do at the first sign of a sore throat?

If you start treatment at the first sign of a sore throat, then it usually lasts no longer than a week. In advanced situations or relapses, it is already more difficult to cure the disease. This may require the use of more serious medications and a hospital stay. Therefore, as soon as you notice that the lymph node has become inflamed or you have a sore throat, hurry to the doctor, make an appointment with a qualified ENT and get a free consultation on the website lor-ent.ru.

How to relieve sore throat with angina?

A sore throat is not to be endured. Any rinses recommended for sore throats, inhalations and compresses help. From severe pain, a solution of table salt with soda and iodine will help. If frequent rinsing is not possible, chew anise seeds. They are also good for pain relief. At home, you can make a decoction of burdock roots, an infusion of aloe or marshmallow roots.

What to do with angina?

Treatment for angina is traditionally prescribed using a complex of drugs. These include antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain and swelling of the throat. These include nurofen, paracetamol, tavegil, mefenamic acid, claritin, etc.

With severe angina, antibiotics are used: amoxiclav, augmentin, cefuroxime, cefatoxime, azithromycin, macropen, etc.

In the event of complications and intoxication, courses are prescribed with the use of glucocorticoid hormones (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone), as well as infusion-detox therapy.

What to do with purulent sore throat?

With purulent tonsillitis, the tonsils do not just increase. A purulent plaque appears on them. At the same time, rinsing with sea water, beetroot juice, diluted lemon juice is recommended. You can also use various herbal preparations, previously infused in boiling water.

What to do with angina at home?

If you decide to be treated at home, then carefully read the recommendations. As folk remedies, you can use:

  1. Warm milk with honey is the most common and effective method. For a softening effect, butter can be added to it. It also helps a lot if.
  2. You can drink beet juice, to which you can add a little diluted vinegar, cranberry juice, onion or carrot juice. Beetroot broth with propolis or honey is used for rinsing.
  3. Iodine and Lugol's solution help very well. However, there should be no contraindications to them, because iodine can cause some allergic reactions.
  4. A solution of a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water is known to many. It is absolutely safe and quite effective for gargling.
  5. Propolis is great as a medicine. It can be chewed a little after a meal, or gargle, making an alcohol tincture.
  6. Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make an iodine grid. It is possible and very useful. It is applied to the neck, avoiding the thyroid area.
  7. A dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat tonsils.
  8. Garlic is used in many ways. You can make garlic water, juice, or mix it with honey, milk, or vinegar.

If a sore throat struck your body for the first time, you should know that neglect of its treatment is unacceptable. In this case, the likelihood of complications in vital organs increases several times. Therefore, when you have a sore throat again after undergoing treatment, immediately consult a doctor.

Another reason for an immediate visit to a specialist if a sore throat occurred during pregnancy. During this period, the child in the womb and his mother's immunity is rather weak, which can be fraught with all sorts of complications.

Do inhalations for angina?

Inhalations are recommended for those who have no temperature with angina. For their preparation, decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, oregano, calendula are used. You can use soda, chlorphilipt, chlorhexidine. You can add iodine and soda to boiled potatoes, then you will also get an antimicrobial agent.

Is it possible to do a compress with angina?

Compresses, as a folk remedy, are very effective for angina. They are applied to the neck area, not including the thyroid area. You can apply the following compresses:

  1. From raw potatoes with vinegar.
  2. From boiled potatoes.
  3. On alcohol.
  4. Cabbage leaf with honey.

The disease threatens with serious complications

Many people had to deal with tonsillitis (tonsillitis). This is an infectious disease, sometimes causing various complications in the human body - with angina, one cannot be careless.

The infection affects the tonsils. It manifests itself as an independent disease, and may be a sign of other ailments: diphtheria, scarlet fever, leukemia. Therefore, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis.

Young children and adults under the age of 40 are more likely to be affected by this disease. People with unfavorable working conditions, residents of large cities with a strong polluted atmosphere.

Persons with pathology in the nasopharynx, difficulty breathing. There is a high risk of hypothermia, malnutrition and malnutrition.

Causes and symptoms of angina

What causes angina? Viruses, bacteria, rods, fungi of the genus "candida". Ways of infection are chronic inflammation of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, food and airborne types of infection. The most common is bacterial tonsillitis caused by streptococci.

There are symptoms that make it possible to identify the disease at the first stage.

  • General weakness of the whole organism, headaches, joint pains, all over the body.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Pain when swallowing, the more severe the form, the stronger the pain in the throat.
  • Slight redness, swelling of the tonsils.

All these signs are characteristic of the initial (catarrhal) stage of the disease. The course is mild, timely treatment predicts a positive result. The duration of the course is three to five days.

The more severe stage is the follicular stage. The main symptom is the formation of purulent foci on the tonsil follicles. General intoxication is more pronounced, in contrast to the initial stage. High fever, up to vomiting. Analyzes show changes in blood counts. Inflamed lymph nodes.

Complications due to illness

In a neglected state, there are more severe forms of the disease than catarrhal and follicular. Why is tonsillitis dangerous, what complications do people who have had the disease have? They are of two types: general (organ damage occurs), local (a certain area is damaged).

Most of all, the consequences affect the heart and joints. These are the most defenseless organs, to which the disease first of all draws attention. Rheumatism, inflammation of the heart muscles can be the result of a sore throat.

With rheumatism (an inflammatory process of connective tissues throughout the human body), heart valves are damaged. After a certain time, a person can become disabled, death is possible. Often children between the ages of five and fifteen are affected, but adults are also at risk.

The deterioration, which is called a rheumatic attack, does not appear immediately after the symptoms of the disease subside, but after a few months. Signs: fever, joint pain, their increase. Some patients suffer from seizures. A rash may appear on the skin of the face.

With myocarditis (damage to the heart muscle), the main symptoms are: pain in the region of the heart, the appearance of shortness of breath, weakness, and malaise. There is a violation of the heart rhythm of different types, noises appear. Such dysfunctions threaten the formation of blood clots, which will spread through the blood vessels, close the gaps of the arteries. This leads to tissue necrosis in other organs.

Critical organs at risk

Endocarditis (inner lining of the heart). With a complication of the endocardium, the first signs may appear after two weeks: internal and external bleeding, rash formation, fever rises, heart failure develops.

The next stage is swelling, swelling of the fingers. The pain in the heart does not appear immediately. It varies in nature and flow. If the diagnosis is not made in time, the kidneys and brain are affected. At best, with such complications, you can remain disabled, at worst - go to another world.

Pericarditis (damage to the heart sac, or pericardium). It happens dry and exudative (with effusion of fluid into the pericardium).

  • Dry pericarditis is marked by heart pain, more in the left region. Cough, fever, chills are characteristic signs of dry pericarditis. When coughing, turning and taking a deep breath, there is an increase in discomfort in the chest.
  • Exudative pericarditis manifests itself a little differently. Since excess fluid is formed in the pericardium, there is pressure on the heart with this fluid. The patient develops severe swelling of the face, hands, neck. There is a "barking" cough, squeezing the larynx. It is difficult for the patient to speak, swallow. The behavior manifests anxiety, fear of death.

The kidneys are another vulnerable spot affected by tonsillitis. The lesion process occurs quite quickly, within two weeks. Disease of the kidneys and renal pelvis needs long-term treatment under medical supervision, kidney problems must be taken seriously. Therefore, it is important not to miss the symptoms characteristic of their disease.

The appearance of edema, increased blood pressure, malaise, weakness, headache, discoloration of urine. Pain in the lumbar region, there is a temperature. There is frequent urination. Complicate the situation can stones in the kidneys or bladder.

Appendicitis is one of the possible complications.

Appendicitis is sometimes associated with angina. This is the ability of the body to fight infection. The appendix zone takes on some of the impact, but cannot fully cope. The result is acute appendicitis.

A very serious complication is sepsis or blood poisoning. Its appearance can be expected at any stage of the disease. Even in a person who is in remission. There is a very sharp jump in temperature, an increase in blood pressure. Lymph nodes quickly increase, severe shortness of breath, rapid breathing begins. In different organs, pustular foci are formed. It needs urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit.

Critical states

It is important to catch the first symptoms of angina and prevent complications. If this happens, contact your doctor immediately. There are several serious types of conditions that can be characterized as critical.

An abscess (a cavity filled with pus) forms in the tonsils. Signs: general intoxication, temperature, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. In this case, an autopsy is necessary. Then treatment is given.

Phlegmon - unlimited purulent inflammation of soft tissues. There is damage to muscles, fiber, tendons. The neck is red and swollen, painful to the touch. There is a temperature, headache. In severe cases, it must be opened.

Inflammation of the middle ear

Swelling of the larynx is fatal. When edema appears, the patient becomes "barking", hoarse voice. At first it is difficult to inhale, then exhale. Oxygen starvation causes blue skin, it becomes difficult to breathe. Man is subject to panic, fear of death.

Otitis or inflammation of the middle ear. Symptoms: ear pain, which can radiate to the teeth and temples, weakness, fever, malaise.

Possible hearing loss, tinnitus. In the acute stage, pus forms, pressing on the membrane. If there is no breakthrough of pus, it threatens the formation of adhesions and hearing loss. In the blood, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased, which indicates inflammation in the human body.

Bleeding of the tonsils occurs when there are ulcers on them. If such bleeding occurs, the patient must be urgently hospitalized. Appropriate treatment is carried out in the hospital.

Purulent tonsillitis is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases. Most often occurs in childhood. In medicine, it is called tonsillitis. It is characterized by the appearance of purulent plaque on the mucous membrane of the throat. If left untreated, it develops into a chronic form.

Causes of purulent tonsillitis

Most often, purulent tonsillitis is caused by streptococci.

Angina is an infectious disease caused by group A streptococci. Also, staphylococci and pneumococci can become pathogens of the pathological process. Infection occurs through contact with sick people.

On the surface of the mucous membrane of the tonsils there are always various microbes. In a normal state of immunity, they do not cause an inflammatory process. The activation of microorganisms and their rapid spread can be triggered by various factors:

  1. Hypothermia or sudden changes in temperature.
  2. Drinking cold drinks or foods.
  3. Damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane of the tonsils.
  4. Insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  5. Inflammatory process affecting nearby structures.
  6. Penetration of streptococci from other organs and systems.
  7. The presence of diseases that cause a decrease in immunity.
  8. Entering the oral cavity with a bacterial or fungal infection.

In these cases, the body's immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to inflammation of the tonsils. When the disease is advanced, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate deep into and cause angina.

Varieties of the disease

Infection usually occurs by airborne droplets.

The purulent form has several varieties. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, there are:

  • Purulent lacunar. The infection reaches the mucous membranes of the tonsils, where the accumulation of purulent masses occurs. Tissue necrosis is also observed.
  • Purulent follicular. The pathological process affects the almond follicles. This type of disease can be determined by the presence of yellow nodules on the surface of the tonsils. Inside them is pus. In some cases, they merge and form an abscess.
  • Purulent-necrotic. The inflammatory process is characterized by an aggressive course and causes the death of tonsil tissue and the appearance of an ulcer on their surfaces.
  • All types of purulent tonsillitis can occur alone or mixed. There are also chronic and acute course of pathology.

The acute form begins rapidly, the symptoms are pronounced. Chronic is the result of an already transferred disease. It is manifested by common signs, the inflammatory process proceeds sluggishly. It is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

How can an illness be recognized?

All signs of pathology can have varying degrees of severity, depending on the nature of the course and the form of angina. An increase in body temperature is not always observed with the development of an inflammatory process in the tonsils. The main symptoms in this case will be sore throat, swelling of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and the appearance of pustules or plaque on them.

Purulent foci are localized on the palatine tonsils

Most often, purulent tonsillitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fever and fever up to 40 degrees.
  • Intoxication. In this case, the patient feels a headache and severe weakness. There is no appetite.
  • Sharp pain in the throat. It is strongly felt during the swallowing of food.
  • Inflammation and soreness of the lymph nodes.
  • Redness and swelling of the tonsils.
  • Swelling of the neck.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
  • Rashes on the surface of the skin

Purulent formations and plaque on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. They are removed without difficulty with a medical spatula. At the same time, they do not injure the mucous membrane.

The incubation period is short and ranges from 2 to 5 days.

All symptoms develop rapidly. You can recognize the beginning of the spread of the inflammatory process by the appearance of chills, which is quickly replaced by fever. A feature of purulent tonsillitis is soreness in the throat, which grows and begins with discomfort.

It is necessary to start treatment of the disease immediately after the first symptoms appear. This is the only way to avoid the development of complications and reduce the period of therapy.

Complications of purulent tonsillitis

Lack of treatment can lead to the development of serious complications. They may be local or general.

Running purulent tonsillitis can cause acute paratonsillitis

Common complications include:

  1. Rheumatism. It is characterized by the spread of inflammation in the joints and heart muscle.
  2. Myocarditis. It causes the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the heart.
  3. Endocarditis. The pathological process also affects the inner shell in the heart. It can proceed both independently and be a consequence of rheumatism.
  4. Pericarditis. Inflammation affects the pericardial sac and the outer membrane of the heart muscle.
  5. Pyelonephritis. Refers to kidney disease. The reason is the high content of protein compounds in the patient's blood with angina.
  6. Sepsis. It is considered one of the most serious and dangerous consequences of the disease. A purulent infection in this case spreads along with the blood throughout the body.

Local complications include:

  • Phlegmonous inflammation. The pathological process develops in the muscles and tendons.
  • Abscess formation. It is characterized by the appearance of several purulent formations inside the tonsils. Surgery is prescribed for treatment.
  • Damage to the eardrums or middle ear. Refers to the manifestations of acute otitis media. Lack of therapy causes hearing loss and the formation of adhesions.
  • Swelling of the larynx. They cause difficulty in breathing. The consequences can be suffocation and death.
  • Bleeding of the tonsils. It is a complication of the purulent-necrotic form, while the ulcer penetrates into the deep layers of tissues and damages the blood vessels.

The danger of purulent tonsillitis lies in its consequences. That is why when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Medicines and antibiotics

Medical therapy consists of antibiotics

Treatment of a purulent sore throat should be carried out with the help of antibiotics and other groups of drugs.

When diagnosing a disease, semi-synthetic aminopenicillins, such as Amoxiclav or Augmentin, are prescribed. 2nd or 3rd generation cephalosporins may also be used.

The most effective are Ceftriaxone and Cefotaxime. If the patient is allergic to the components of drugs from the penicillin group, macrolides are indicated. The reception of "Azithromycin" or "Macropen" is shown.

Also, when establishing a purulent form of angina, the following are prescribed:

  • Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. They help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the throat. When using them, it is also possible to reduce toxic manifestations. Most often, Tavegil, Claritin, Paracetamol, Nurofen or Erius are prescribed.
  • local impact. Any effect on purulent formations should be excluded. This is due to the fact that a direct effect on the inflamed tonsils provokes the process of penetration of toxic products into the bloodstream. It is recommended to gently gargle with antiseptic solutions. Lozenges such as Trachisan or Jox can also be used.
  • Detox therapy. In the presence of severe intoxication or complications, glucocorticoid hormones are indicated, such as Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone, or Dexamethasone.
  • Bicillin prophylaxis. It is carried out after the removal of signs of exacerbation. "Bicillin 5" is used. “The drug belongs to the group of penicillins of short duration.

It is strictly forbidden to postpone treatment with the development of purulent tonsillitis. It is also not recommended to use traditional medicine methods without consulting a doctor. Self-medication or lack of therapy can lead to the development of serious consequences or the transformation of the disease into a chronic form.

Folk methods and recipes

Propolis is a useful and effective remedy for sore throats

When diagnosing a purulent form of angina, treatment can be carried out at home with the help of traditional medicine. Methods and prescriptions should be used only after consulting a doctor.

The most popular and effective means are:

  1. Propolis. It is used in its pure form for resorption. Consume after eating or rinsing no more than a teaspoon per day. It is necessary to dissolve each portion for half an hour.
  2. Decoctions. Chamomile and calendula are used to prepare healing decoctions. Plants have a calming effect, relieve irritation, discomfort and itching. Chamomile and calendula are considered traditional medicine but are also widely used in traditional medicine. Various creams are made from them. Decoctions with regular use contribute to the removal of purulent masses, reduce signs of the disease and improve the general condition.
  3. Soda and saline solutions. It is used for inhalation, rinsing and compresses. They have a warming effect and create an unfavorable environment for microbes. In addition, they allow you to remove sputum that accumulates on the walls of the mucous throat.
  4. "Furacilin". It is used as a solution for irrigation and gargling.

Alternative recipes are used only to relieve symptoms. It is impossible to cure purulent tonsillitis with their help. Use methods of therapy after stopping the acute stage.

How and with what can you gargle?

Gargle with a decoction of chamomile flowers

Patients suffering from purulent tonsillitis are recommended to gargle with solutions that have an antiseptic effect. Most often, "Furacilin" or "Givalex" is prescribed. Gargle about 6 times a day for several minutes. You can also use sprays such as Ingalipt or Hexoral.

The gargling procedure can be carried out using the following means:

  • Infusion of calendula, eucalyptus and chamomile flowers. Medicinal collection in the amount of one tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture, then cool and gargle.
  • A solution of salt and soda. Mix one teaspoon of soda and salt, add five drops of iodine and dilute with a glass of warm water. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Infusion of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile. Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. Insist for two to three hours and cool.

Gargling with regular procedures helps relieve sore throat and avoid the development of various complications.

What can not be done with purulent sore throat?

In the initial stages of development, angina is successfully treated with heating. It can be a compressor or inhalation. But with the transition of the inflammatory process into a purulent form, an increase in body temperature is observed. At the same time, warming procedures are strictly prohibited.

Contraindications to inhalation or compresses include:

  1. Vascular diseases.
  2. The presence of damage to the skin at the site of the proposed setting of the compress.
  3. Violation of blood clotting.
  4. Thrombophlebitis.
  5. Also, warming procedures are prohibited in the event of an acute infection as concomitant diseases.

Putting compresses with purulent sore throat is prohibited!

In order to exclude the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to follow a number of rules. With purulent sore throat is prohibited:

  • Eat spicy, spicy, pickled dishes and use seasonings.
  • Do compresses and inhalations.
  • Eat very cold or hot food.
  • There is dry food.
  • Eat solid foods.
  • Do not take antibiotics or other medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Also, when establishing a sore throat of a purulent form, patients are advised to observe bed rest and rest. It is necessary to take sick leave and not engage in excessive physical exertion.

Purulent tonsillitis is not a serious enough disease, but can cause the development of life-threatening and health consequences. That is why the disease is best prevented than treated.

More folk recipes for angina can be found in the video:

  1. Dress only for the weather. It is not worth it in the autumn, spring, in the winter season, you walk without a hat. The throat should also be covered with a scarf or warm collar.
  2. Do not swim in open water where the water is still quite cool.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Do not be in drafts.
  5. Do not drink too cold drinks or food during the winter season. In autumn and spring, it is also forbidden to eat ice cream or drink cold drinks on the street.
  6. When hardening to cold conditions, you should accustom your body gradually. To do this, you can use a contrast shower and conduct outdoor sports.
  7. Timely treat caries and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  8. Healthy food. The diet should include vegetables, fruits and berries, as they contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  9. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol adversely affects health.
  10. Do not come into contact with sick people. If there is a person suffering from purulent tonsillitis in the house, he must be isolated from healthy family members. Also for him you need to allocate dishes and personal hygiene items. The rest need to wear special gauze bandages and ventilate the apartment every 2 hours.
  11. In the autumn and spring periods, the incidence of infectious pathologies increases. To protect your body from angina, you should regularly take vitamin complexes. They will help strengthen the immune system.

Purulent tonsillitis with timely therapy passes without a trace. But the lack of treatment can lead to the development of serious and dangerous consequences. That is why it is necessary to take care of your throat and contact a specialist when the first signs appear. Self-medication also will not bring positive results.

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Purulent tonsillitis in adults - symptoms and treatment, photo

Angina can rightly be called one of the fairly common diseases that affect adults. The causative agents of this infectious disease are staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and adenoviruses, the main "blow" of which always falls on the tonsils.

Depending on the specifics of tissue damage, angina is divided into catarrhal, necrosis, purulent, herpetic.

Each of these varieties has similar symptoms, but differs in some features, including methods of treatment. The peaks of angina usually occur in autumn and spring - seasons characterized by high humidity.


According to the classification, there is no such thing as purulent tonsillitis. Tonsillitis (tonsillitis), according to the classification of Soldatenk I. B., is divided into:

  1. Acute tonsillitis (this includes catarrhal, lacunar, follicular, ulcerative necrotic tonsillitis).
  2. Chronic tonsillitis (there are two forms, compensated and decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis).

Purulent tonsillitis primarily implies acute tonsillitis (lacunar or follicular forms). This is due to the fact that when examining the tonsils, purulent films can be seen on their surface, as well as liquid pus in the lacunae of the tonsils.

What is the difference between the types of purulent tonsillitis from each other?

There are 3 forms of this disease:

  1. Follicular. The mildest form of purulent tonsillitis, when accumulations of pus are visible through the epithelium in the form of small dots. Usually, follicular angina rarely occurs without fever.
  2. Lacunar. In this case, gaps are filled with pus, so a peculiar pattern is formed on the tonsils from light stripes, not dots.
  3. Phlegmonous. It is one of the most severe forms of the disease, since purulent fusion of the tonsil itself occurs here, which requires inpatient treatment.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis in an adult will directly depend on the symptoms and form of the disease.


Purulent tonsillitis in the vast majority of cases is an infectious disease caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. This pathogen is found in approximately 60-80% of cases of purulent tonsillitis. Most experts still tend to attribute angina to streptococcal infectious diseases. However, the possibility of purulent tonsillitis of staphylococcal and pneumococcal origin is not excluded. There are also descriptions of listerella angina etiology.

The source of infection is patients with angina or healthy people carrying streptococci. Is purulent tonsillitis contagious? Of course, yes, if you do not follow the rules of hygiene and do not wear a protective bandage when in contact with the sick.

In special depressions of the palatine tonsils (lacunae) there are always microbes. With normal immunity, they do not cause disease. However, there are a number of factors that cause the launch of the infectious process a:

  1. Hypothermia of the body, sudden changes in temperature, cold drinks and foods.
  2. Mechanical damage to the palatine tonsils with their further infection.
  3. Avitaminosis, the presence of concomitant inflammatory diseases of nearby structures.
  4. Transfer of streptococcal infection throughout the body.
  5. Immunodeficiency, diseases that provoke a decrease in immunity.
  6. Entering the oral cavity of a fungal or bacterial infection.

In these cases, the defenses of the whole organism are reduced and, above all, this occurs in the tonsils. When the process is started, the pathogenic microflora penetrates deep into the tonsils, causing their acute inflammation - tonsillitis. How to treat this disease and whether antibiotics are needed for this, we will consider a little lower.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis

In the case of purulent tonsillitis, symptoms in adults may have varying degrees of severity, depending on the form and neglect of the infectious process. Also, angina is able to proceed without a significant rise in temperature. In this case, the main and defining signs are sore throat, a change in the appearance of the tonsils: redness, swelling of the mucous membrane, pustules and plaque on the tonsils.

However, most often purulent tonsillitis in adults is characterized by the following symptoms (see photo):

  • acute onset of the disease: fever up to 40 C and even higher;
  • fever;
  • severe intoxication (headache, lack of appetite, severe weakness);
  • acute pain in the throat, most strongly felt when swallowing food and saliva;
  • soreness and inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • swelling and redness of the palatine tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall and small tongue;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • skin rashes;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the presence of purulent foci, raids on the tonsils, which are easily removed with a medical spatula without injuring the mucous membrane.

The incubation period of purulent tonsillitis can be from 2 to 5 days. Signs of the disease appear quickly enough, and one of the first signs, as a rule, is chills, followed by intense heat. A characteristic feature is that the soreness in the throat area gradually increases, starting to disturb from a simple feeling of discomfort to severe pain associated or not associated with swallowing.

Treatment of the purulent form of the disease lends itself to a rule common to all ailments: the sooner it is started, the sooner recovery will come and the less complication will be. That is why, in order to quickly cure purulent tonsillitis, measures must be taken when its first signs appear.

Purulent tonsillitis photo

What purulent tonsillitis looks like, we offer detailed photos for viewing.


Purulent tonsillitis is dangerous for its complications, which can be both late and early.

Early ones include:

Later may develop:

The prognosis for timely and high-quality treatment of the disease is favorable.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis

With purulent tonsillitis, it is extremely important to start treatment in a timely manner in order to avoid possible complications in the form of phlegmon and abscesses in the neck, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the kidneys and joints.

An approximate treatment regimen for angina in adults is as follows:

  1. In the acute period of the disease, the patient is shown bed rest with limited contact with others and compliance with voice rest.
  2. Treatment is rarely complete without antibiotics. Adults are prescribed antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group: amoxicillin, cephalosporins of the first, second or third generations (cefadroxil, cephalexin, cefuroxime, cefixime), amoxiclav, and macrolides (clarithromycin, azithromycin).
  3. The appointment of a local antibiotic Bioparox for purulent sore throat is no less important than systemic antibiotic therapy. This drug acts directly on the focus of inflammation, killing bacteria immediately, in place.
  4. In case of high temperature or severe pain, the use of painkillers containing ibuprofen and paracetamol is recommended to alleviate the patient's condition.
  5. You can gently gargle with solutions of aqueous antiseptics in the form of liquids or special sprays (Lugol, Chlorhexidine, Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt, lozenges Trachisan, Yoks, Orasept, Gorlospas, etc.).
  6. Antihistamines. Their use will provide a reduction in swelling and sore throat, as well as reduce general toxic manifestations. The most common are claritin, tavegil, erius, mefenamic acid, paracetamol, nurofen.
  7. Food should be varied, rich in vitamins, but the main rule is the absence of irritating factors. All dishes are served warm, pureed, semi-liquid, without spices and hot sauces.
  8. Plentiful warm drink is shown.

Remember that if you run a sore throat, you can get very serious complications.

How to gargle?

Patients are advised to gargle with special antiseptic solutions. For these purposes, a solution of furacilin, givalex is suitable. The procedure should be carried out up to 5-6 times a day for several minutes. You can also use sprays of identical composition: hexoral, ingalipt, tantum verde.

A couple of popular ways:

  1. An infusion of chamomile, calendula flowers, eucalyptus is a miraculous remedy for gargling. We take 1 tbsp. l. collection for 1 tbsp. boiling water. The resulting mixture must be insisted, cooled and rinsed with purulent sore throat.
  2. In a glass of warm water, add one teaspoon of salt, one baking soda and 5 drops of iodine, mix thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  3. Another equally valuable infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula has been used since ancient times. You need to take 1 tbsp. collection in 1 cup of boiling water. Then insist, cool and rinse.

Gargling will help relieve sore throat.


Most often, experts prescribe penicillin drugs. They are perfectly absorbed in the body, have pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal characteristics.

Patients are prescribed the semi-synthetic antibiotic Amoxicillin, an antibiotic from the cephalosporin group Cefalexin, Sumamed, Cefazamin, or drugs from the macrolide group can be prescribed. Clindamycin, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Erythromycin are also used for treatment.

Only a doctor should choose the appropriate drug, prescribe the dosage and duration of administration. It is important to complete the course of antibiotic treatment to the end, even if the symptoms of the disease have significantly decreased.

How to treat purulent sore throat at home

With an established streptococcal infection of the tonsils, the treatment of purulent tonsillitis at home must necessarily include antibiotic therapy. The doctor prescribes the drug and its dose.

  1. Natural propolis should be sucked or chewed every time after eating and rinsing. Daily use no more than one teaspoon of propolis, dissolving each portion of it within 20-30 minutes.
  2. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula. They soothe the mucous membrane, relieving irritation, itching, discomfort in the throat. They are considered folk remedies, but these plants are widely used in official medicine. Rinsing them with decoctions helps to remove pus, which improves the patient's condition, reduces the severity of symptoms of sore throat.
  3. Salt, soda solutions. Used for rinsing, inhalation, compresses. They act warmingly, create an unfavorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms, remove sputum from the walls of the pharyngeal mucosa.
  4. Furacilin. It is used as a solution for rinsing, irrigating the throat. It is active against the most common pathogens of bacterial angina.

Folk recipes can only be used to relieve symptoms; they are not able to cure a sore throat.


There is no specific prevention of acute tonsillitis.

To prevent the disease, you should pay maximum attention to your own health: eat rationally, have a good rest, lead an active lifestyle. Timely diagnosis and rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection in the body, as well as hardening, are important.

Purulent tonsillitis

Purulent tonsillitis is a name that combines two purulent forms of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) - follicular and lacunar. These forms of angina have a similar general and local course, one patient may have signs of both forms of angina at the same time. Often the pathological process occurs in the palatine tonsils, in more rare cases, the lingual, nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tonsils are affected.

Most often, purulent tonsillitis is diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. In children under 5 years of age, as well as in adults, viruses often act as an infectious agent; in the age group of 5–15 years, purulent tonsillitis of bacterial etiology is more often observed.

Causes of purulent tonsillitis and risk factors

Infectious agents are able to penetrate into the tissue of the tonsils exogenously (from a sick person by airborne droplets, household or alimentary routes) or endogenously (from carious teeth, with acute respiratory infections, and other infectious processes in the body). In people with weakened immune systems, the disease can be caused by opportunistic microorganisms that are constantly present on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or pharynx and do not provoke inflammation under normal conditions.

Risk factors for the development of purulent tonsillitis include:

  • hypothermia of both the body as a whole and the throat (for example, when eating ice cream, too cold water, etc.);
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • trauma to the tonsils;
  • air pollution;
  • high humidity in the room;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • prolonged exposure to solar radiation;
  • food and other intoxications;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • severe overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • immunodeficiency.

Forms of the disease

In total, according to the nature of the inflammatory process, 4 forms of tonsillitis are distinguished, one of which is purulent:

  • catarrhal (superficial lesion of the tonsils, no purulent plaque);
  • herpetic (on the tonsils, subepithelial vesicles filled with serous exudate);
  • purulent (purulent plaque is characteristic, which is easily removed without damaging the surface under it);
  • necrotic (dense plaque of green-gray-yellow color, after removal of which the bleeding surface is exposed).

A rare but dangerous complication of purulent tonsillitis can be severe swelling of the tonsils, up to the development of suffocation (including in sleep).

Purulent tonsillitis, in turn, can be follicular (mainly the follicles of the tonsils are affected, purulent islands are found on the tonsils, as well as purulent plaque on the mucous membrane of the tonsils, which is released from the follicles) and lacunar (accumulation of pus in the lacunae of the tonsils is characteristic).

Depending on the localization of the pathological process, angina can be unilateral (rarely, usually only at the beginning of the disease, later the process spreads to both sides) and bilateral.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis

The incubation period lasts from 12 hours to three days. The disease debuts acutely, with an increase in temperature to febrile values ​​​​- 39-40 ˚С, chills, headache, weakness, aching muscles and joints appear. There is a sharp pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing and during a conversation, the cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. The palatine tonsils and adjacent tissues are hyperemic and edematous, in some cases the edema is so significant that it makes breathing difficult.

A common sign of purulent tonsillitis in the follicular form are areas of purulent fusion on the surface of the tonsils, which look like white or yellowish bubbles, which, in combination with a hyperemic tonsil, provides a characteristic symptom of the "starry sky". With the lacunar form, pus is located in the mouths of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils, having the form of whitish-yellow films or stripes that can extend beyond the lacunae. Both with lacunar and follicular forms, the plaque is easily removed, without the appearance of a bleeding surface under it - this symptom distinguishes purulent tonsillitis from other forms of the disease similar to it.

Features of the course of the disease in children

Purulent tonsillitis in children has a rapid course. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature (up to 40 ˚С), the child becomes capricious and drowsy, refuses to eat and drink due to perspiration and severe sore throat. Regional lymph nodes increase, tachycardia often develops. In some cases, with purulent tonsillitis in children, there is such a pronounced swelling of the tonsils that they begin to put pressure on the Eustachian tubes, causing stuffy ears and noise in them, and sometimes the spread of the infectious process to the ear.


To make a diagnosis of purulent tonsillitis, an anamnesis and patient complaints are collected, as well as pharyngoscopy. As a rule, this is enough to make a diagnosis. If necessary, a general analysis of blood and urine is carried out, as well as a bacteriological study with an antibiogram of a swab from the pharynx. In the general analysis of blood, an increase in the number of leukocytes with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left is noted. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases, reaching 40-50 mm/h (normal 1-15 mm/h). In some cases, to identify an infectious agent, a serological blood test and the determination of the pathogen's DNA by the polymerase chain reaction method are necessary.

Differential diagnosis with diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis is necessary.

Most often, purulent tonsillitis is diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis is usually carried out at home, hospitalization is indicated only in severe cases and for children under 3 years of age. The main method of treatment is antibiotic therapy, with the correct selection of the drug and dosage, the patient's condition improves already on the second day from the start of administration, however, the course of antibiotic therapy must be fully completed in order to avoid the development of antibiotic-resistant forms of microflora, as well as the occurrence of complications. Since there is a need for an urgent start of treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually used.

With a significant increase in temperature, antipyretics are used (the need for them, as a rule, occurs only in the first 1-3 days). General therapy is supplemented by frequent gargles with antiseptic solutions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, which make it possible to remove pus from the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx. In addition to rinsing, topical medications in the form of sprays can be prescribed (irrigation with sprays in the treatment of purulent sore throat has replaced the previously used lubrication, as it is more convenient and less painful).

While the elevated body temperature persists, patients require strict bed rest. A sparing diet and plenty of fluids are shown. During the period of the most acute manifestations, refusal to eat is acceptable, but an intensive drinking regimen is required.

Sometimes abundant liquid pus, localized in the mouths of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils, is poorly removed by rinsing. In this case, washing the tonsils, which is performed by an otorhinolaryngologist, can provide a positive effect.

Possible complications of purulent tonsillitis and consequences

Against the background of purulent tonsillitis, early and / or late complications may develop. Early complications are due to the spread of the infectious-inflammatory process to nearby organs and tissues: sinusitis, otitis media, purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes, inflammation of the mediastinal tissue (mediastinitis), paratonsillar abscess. A rare but dangerous complication of purulent tonsillitis can be severe swelling of the tonsils, up to the development of suffocation (including in sleep).

Late complications develop 3-4 weeks after the onset of the disease. These include glomerulonephritis, renal failure, myocarditis, septic arthritis, acute rheumatic fever, rheumatic joint disease, sepsis.

In the case of frequent recurrences of purulent tonsillitis, inflammation becomes chronic, chronic tonsillitis develops. The constant presence of an infectious agent in the tonsils leads to its entry into the bloodstream, and with the blood flow it spreads to other organs and systems. To prevent the development of complications, as well as in the absence of a positive effect from conservative therapy, it is recommended to remove pathologically altered tonsils. Surgical treatment is not indicated for patients with heart defects (grades 2 and 3), severe forms of diabetes mellitus, and hemophilia.

With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In the case of complications, as well as with frequently recurring purulent tonsillitis, the prognosis worsens.

Prevention of purulent tonsillitis

In order to prevent the development of purulent tonsillitis, it is recommended:

  • timely diagnosis and treatment of helminthic invasions;
  • regular, at least twice a year, preventive examinations at the dentist;
  • strengthening of general and local immunity (hardening of the body, rational nutrition, avoidance of hypothermia, etc.);
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoiding contact with patients with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Angina (acute tonsillitis)- This is an acute infectious-allergic disease, which is accompanied by inflammation of the palatine tonsils. Its causative agent is group A hemolytic streptococcus.

Causes of the disease

The infectious agent can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drink, with direct contact. Angina can be caused by hypothermia, especially during cold and damp weather in autumn and spring. In addition, angina can be one of the manifestations of such complex diseases as diphtheria, scarlet fever, influenza, whooping cough, as well as some blood diseases.

Symptoms of angina

Symptoms of angina are probably known to everyone: fever up to 39-40 ° C, sore throat, especially when swallowing, redness of the pharyngeal mucosa. On examination, one can see enlarged, palatine tonsils covered with plaque. Joint pain can also be a sign of the disease. With a favorable course of the disease and its proper treatment, inflammatory phenomena disappear within 4-5 days.


In no case should you self-medicate angina! This threatens with such complications as the development of rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, myocarditis. Also, the symptoms of angina can be confused with diphtheria, and this disease threatens the life of the patient.

Treatment of angina

At the first symptoms of angina, you should consult a doctor, to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, he may prescribe a bacteriological study of plaque on the tonsils. Treatment of angina is usually outpatient, the severe course of the disease requires hospitalization in the infectious diseases department.

The issue of hospitalization of the patient is decided in each individual case separately and depends on many factors: the patient's condition, living conditions, etc.

  • The most important conditions for accelerating the recovery process, preventing complications and the spread of infection among others are isolation of the patient and strict bed rest. The patient must necessarily allocate separate dishes and linen, which after use must be carefully processed.
  • Particular attention in any form of the disease is given oral care, hygiene, in which the patient is located (ventilation is required at least 2-3 times a day, wet cleaning), as well as dishes,
  • Recommended plentiful drink. It can be fruit juice, tea with lemon, honey, raspberry jam, etc. For this, an older child is asked to blow his nose, and small children are washed.
  • Appointed sparing milk-vegetarian diet that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The food should contain the optimal amount of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and trace elements. It is important to monitor regular bowel movements, if necessary, prescribe enemas or laxatives.
  • Used for topical treatment gargle(solution of furacilin 1 tablet per 100 ml, infusions or decoctions of herbs - sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort 4-5 times a day), spraying medicinal powders on the surface of the tonsils, lubricating the tonsils with Lugol's solution. Gargling with antibiotic solutions is not advisable, since a complication of treatment is a fungal infection of the mucous membrane cavity, which is very difficult to get rid of. An effective treatment for angina is irrigation of the oropharynx with interferon.
  • Also used for topical treatment dry heat, warming water, semi-alcohol compresses, heating pads on the neck area on the lymph nodes.
  • For general treatment prescribed antipyretics, painkillers, antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs should be prescribed by a doctor with the obligatory consideration of the patient's age, indications, contraindications, as well as the prognosis of complications.
  • The use of desensitizing agents is shown - calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, antihistamines.
  • At paratonsillar abscess - a complication of tonsillitis - the treatment is the same, but an opening and surgical emptying of a mature abscess is added.
  • For the treatment of tonsillitis with prolonged lymphadenitis (inflammation of regional lymph nodes: submandibular, sublingual, cervical, supraclavicular and subclavian), physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also used. Microwave therapy, UHF are used, which reduce the inflammatory reaction in the oropharynx, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and also have some antiseptic effect.
  • With ulcerative necrotic angina, antibiotics are mandatory for injection, rinsing the mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, salicylic acid, lubricating and dusting the ulcerative surfaces with special solutions.

But do not think that when the symptoms subside, the disease goes away. This is not true. Angina is formidable with its insidious complications. Therefore, do not neglect treatment and be sure to listen to your doctor.

Medicines for angina

With angina appoint:

  • Antibacterial drugs: antibiotics of the penicillin series, macrolides, cephalosporins. The choice of antibiotic is made by the doctor.
  • Antipyretics: paracetamol, nimesulide, ibuprofen.
  • Detoxification measures in the form of heavy drinking; in severe cases, intravenous infusions of sodium chloride or glucose solutions are necessary.
  • Local treatment: gargling with solutions of furacilin, chlorhexidine, decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula; irrigation of the tonsils with aerosols (Tantum Verde, Stopangin, Ingalipt, Givalex, Bioparox, Proposol); resorption of septolet lozenges, strepsils tablets, gramicidin, pharyngosept.
  • Vitamin preparations with a high content of ascorbic acid and B vitamins.
  • Antifungal drugs (for fungal angina): nystatin, fluconazole, itraconazole.
  • Warming compresses on enlarged lymph nodes with vodka, camphor oil.
  • Means that increase immunity: sodium nucleinate, echinacea tincture.
  • Antihistamines to relieve swelling of the larynx: loratadine, cetirizine, diazolin.
  • After taking antibiotics - drugs to restore the intestinal microflora: linex, bifidumbacterin, bifi-forms.

After the subsidence of acute processes, the following physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • Irradiation of the tonsils with short-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV) to improve blood circulation.
  • Inhalations with hydrocortisone, dioxidine, decoctions of medicinal herbs to relieve inflammation and disinfect the throat.
  • Ultraphonophoresis on the palatine tonsils with the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • UHF therapy - exposure to the tonsils with a high-frequency electromagnetic field to improve metabolic and immune processes in the focus of inflammation.

If the disease recurs more than four times a year, they resort to surgery - the removal of the palatine tonsils (tonsillectomy). Also, to remove the tonsils, a cryosurgical method is used, that is, their freezing.

However, it is better to try by all means to avoid recurring sore throats and removal of the tonsils, as they protect our body from getting microbes inside. A modern method has appeared - laser lacunotomy, when, with the help of a laser, areas of the palatine tonsils that have been changed as a result of frequent tonsillitis are removed. The tonsils become smaller, but at the same time they continue to perform their protective functions, the frequency of recurrences of angina decreases.

Folk remedies

  • Gargling:
    • cranberry juice with honey;
    • warm carrot juice;
    • decoction of quince seeds;
    • decoction of 20 g of dry pomegranate peels per 200 ml of water (boil for 30 minutes);
    • warm 7-9-day infusion of kombucha;
    • infusion of garlic (100 g gruel per 100 ml of warm boiled water, leave for 5-6 hours);
    • decoction of spruce needles (grind 40 g of needles, boil for 20 minutes in 200 ml of water, leave for 2 hours);
    • tincture of St. John's wort (100 g of grass per 0.5 l of vodka, leave for 7 days, take 30–40 drops per glass of water);
    • decoction of viburnum (50 g of dry fruits boil for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water);
    • infusion of clover (1 tablespoon of dry grass pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes);
    • decoction of fireweed (boil 3 tablespoons of dry grass for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water);
    • infusion of leaves and stems of raspberries (2 tablespoons leave for 40 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water);
    • infusion of fragrant chamomile (1 tablespoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, add honey);
    • infusion of horsetail (5 tablespoons of dry raw materials pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes);
    • infusion of thyme or sage (leave 10 g for 30 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water);
    • red beet juice (grate a glass of beets, pour in 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar, insist, squeeze, rinse, swallow 1-2 tablespoons);
    • rinsing, prepared from equal parts of celandine and chamomile, quickly cures a sore throat;
    • you can dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Cool and gargle with this decoction throat 2-3 times a day;
    • 100 g of dry blueberries pour 0.5 liters of water, boil until the amount of water decreases to 1/3 liter, strain.
  • Decoctions. Take inside:
    • decoction of dried raspberries (30 g per 200 ml of water, 1 cup 3 times a day);
    • a decoction of linden flowers (20 g per 200 ml, leave for 20 minutes, 1-2 cups at night);
    • infusion of mullein scepter (15 g pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 20 minutes, take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day);
    • decoction and infusion of blackberries.
  • Propolis. Propolis is the most effective remedy for angina at any stage of the disease. Take a fingernail-sized piece of propolis and chew it slowly after eating. It is recommended to eat about 5 g of propolis per day. Keep in mind that propolis is considered good, which causes a burning sensation in the mouth and a slight numbness of the tongue. You can also put a piece of propolis on your cheek at night.
  • Inhalations. Used for inhalation: decoction of common pine buds; eucalyptus oil (15-20 drops per inhalation); thyme herb infusion (leave 10 g for 45 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water); decoction of pine buds (20 g boil for 30 minutes in 200 ml of water).
  • Lemon. If you feel the approach of a sore throat, chew half a lemon with zest. Do not eat anything for an hour to allow the essential oils and citric acid to work on the sore throat. Repeat this procedure every 3 hours. You can also cut a lemon into thin slices and suck on them. Repeat the procedure every hour until you feel relief. Fresh lemon can be replaced with a 30% solution of citric acid and gargle with it after an hour during the day.
  • Honey with lemon. Mix 1 cup honey with 1/2 cup lemon or cranberry juice. Boil and drink every 5 minutes, 1 teaspoon.
  • Honey with horseradish. Mix equal parts of horseradish gruel and honey. Take this mixture for loss of voice every 30-60 minutes.
  • Raspberries. Mix 1 handful of dry raspberries, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 3-5 g of ginger powder and pour 3 cups of boiling water over this mixture. Insist the night, well wrapped. Strain and drink 1 cup warm in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.
  • Horseradish. Finely chop a piece of horseradish the size of a hazelnut, pour 1/3 cup boiling water, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then add a little granulated sugar and drink 1 teaspoon several times a day in small sips. This is a good remedy for loss of voice.
  • Onion (husk). Pour 0.5 liters of water 2 teaspoons of dry onion peel, boil, leave for 4 hours, then strain. Gargle several times a day. This is a good remedy for the prevention of laryngitis.
  • Rose hip. 5-6 tablespoons of cinnamon rose hips pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, drink during the day. It increases the body's resistance to all colds, promotes rapid recovery.
  • Golden root. 50 g of dry root of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7 days in the dark and strain. Dilute a teaspoon of tincture in half a glass of hot water and gargle continuously for 10-15 minutes, then rest and repeat gargling again - until the disease disappears. This is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of angina.
  • Violet. 25 g of fragrant violet flowers are poured with 1 glass of 40% alcohol and kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. The nasopharynx is rinsed with a warm solution prepared at the rate of: 2 teaspoons of tincture per 1 glass of water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning after meals and before bedtime.
  • Anise. Pour 1 glass of water into the pan, pour half a glass of anise and boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds, and boil the broth with 1/4 cup of honey and pour in 1 tablespoon of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon every 30 minutes.
  • figs. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped dry figs, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. A decoction is used for sore throat, stomatitis, hoarseness, and also as a diet drink for exhaustion.
  • Kalanchoe. Mix Kalanchoe juice in half with water and gargle with this solution several times a day.
  • Onion (juice). Juice is squeezed out of freshly grated onions and immediately swallowed in slow sips (amount - 1 teaspoon). This is done 3 times a day. This is a radical antibacterial agent that kills microbes that cause inflammation of the pharynx.
  • Collection number 1. Take equal parts of marigold, plantain leaves and wormwood. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture with 1 glass of water, boil over low heat (preferably even in a water bath) for 10-15 minutes, let it brew, strain. Gargle with warm decoction every 2 hours. The decoction can be taken orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Collection number 2. To harden the throat, mix equal proportions of chamomile flowers, calendula and eucalyptus leaves. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture. Boil for 2 minutes, then let it brew for 30 minutes in a warm place and strain. Gargle 2 times a day - morning and evening, dividing the infusion in half. Start rinsing with an infusion temperature of 26°C; gradually reduce it by 1°C per day, thus reaching 16°C. Carrying out such procedures for a month, you will harden your throat well.
  • Collection number 3. Common oak bark - 7 parts, heart-shaped linden flowers - 3 parts. Apply as an infusion for rinsing the mouth and throat in inflammatory processes.
  • Collection number 4. Eucalyptus rod leaf - 20 g; calendula flowers, medicinal sage leaves - 15 g each; chamomile flowers, high elecampane roots, licorice roots, heart-shaped linden flowers, wild rosemary grass - 10 g each. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and rinse your mouth and throat with laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
  • Collection number 5. Salvia officinalis leaves - 4 parts, nettle leaves, pedunculate oak bark, calamus rhizome - 5 parts each. Pour the mixture with 1 liter of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Gargle with sore throat.
  • Collection number 6. Malva forest (flowers) - 2 parts, chamomile (flowers) - 2 parts, oregano (grass) - 1 part, sage (leaves) - 1 part. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes and filtered. Gargle with warm infusion sore throat 4-5 times a day.
  • Collection number 7. Common fennel fruits - 10 g, peppermint leaf, chamomile flowers, medicinal sage leaf - 30 g each. Apply as a warm infusion of 1/2-1/3 cup for gargling with laryngitis and sore throat.
  • Collection number 8. Flax seed - 30 g; medicinal sweet clover herb, marshmallow root, chamomile flowers - 20 g each; calamus rhizome - -10 g. Use as a warm infusion for rinsing the mouth and throat with inflammation of the mucous membranes, as an emollient.
  • Collection number 9. Mix 1 part linden blossom, 2 parts oak bark, or 2 parts linden blossom and 3 parts chamomile flowers. Then brew 1 tablespoon of either mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, hold on low heat for 5 minutes. Insist 1 hour, then strain. Gargle, diluting the decoction with honey slightly. With a sore throat, it is also advisable to add 5 g of salt to 1 glass of decoction of linden flowers and gargle with this composition several times a day.
  • Collection number 10. Mullein scepter flowers - 1 part, mallow flowers - 1 part, coltsfoot leaf - 1 part. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and gargle several times a day for inflammatory processes.

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