What is the best staircase varnish. What varnish to cover the stairs to the second floor

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There is a staircase in almost every house and in most cases it is made of wood.

If you chose to independently make the interfloor structure, then at the end of the work, of course, the question arises of covering it with varnish or paint.

This issue should be taken seriously, as wood can undergo several types of finishes. It depends on its structure, where the tree sprouts, and many other factors. That is why, when choosing a varnish for a wooden staircase, you should pay attention to several points.

  • Conifers contain resin, which can significantly affect the strength of the entire coating.
  • Oak, bamboo, hornbeam, ash, etc. - have a beautiful natural wood texture. This should also be taken into account when choosing a coloring composition. Best to give preference transparent coatings, which will emphasize all the beauty and perfection of natural material.

Finishing methods

On this moment there are 2 types of wood finishes:

  • Transparent;
  • Opaque.

If you are faced with the question of which varnish is better to cover a wooden staircase, then you should initially study the composition of the substance, its properties and read the instructions for applying this coating on various surfaces and types of wood.

This will greatly facilitate the task and will not force you to change the coating again, since dismantling the old coating is a rather complicated process and requires a lot of effort and experience.

Types of coatings for wooden structures

Varnishes for wooden stairs are solutions that form a film when applied to a surface. The film can be matte, transparent and shiny.

There are several types of coatings and the price for them does not differ much, but the properties are different for everyone:

  • Alcohol- resin solutions that differ in their fast drying(no more than 2 hours) and ease of polishing. But it is also worth remembering the disadvantages of alcohol varnishes - low moisture and frost resistance, which imposes a number of restrictions on the use of these coatings on the street. Alcohol-based compounds can only be used inside buildings for painting flights of stairs and flights.
  • Nitrocellulose- more resistant to external natural anomalies and can be used outdoors. Solutions of these varnishes contain varnish colloxylin, resins and a plasticizer in volatile solvents.
  • Formaldehyde- one of the most durable and best suited for steps and stairs often used in the house. These varnishes contain resins of the same name, which give good adhesion to a wooden surface. The downside of such a coating is its pronounced smell, which for a long time escapes from the room.
  • Alkyd varnishes are best used for steps in those houses where they rarely use flight of stairs, at dachas and country cottages... They contain wood, linseed and other oils, which penetrate deeply into the wood structure and tolerate mechanical stress well, but just as quickly and become unusable.

Tip: When choosing a cover, be sure to read the instructions or ask a more experienced seller for advice.
It is believed that stair tread varnish is best for water based or formaldehyde.
It is not recommended to use alkyd compounds, which penetrate into the structure of the tree and are more often used in the furniture industry, since when applied to a staircase, everything will have to be restored in a couple of months.

Types of staircase finishes

How to varnish a wooden staircase at home is described below, now let's talk a little about what types of finishing of interfloor structures exist and what is the difference between them.

  • Opaque coating is the application of opaque varnishes to the surface that hide some imperfections in the wood structure. This kind finishing often involves the application of paint or varnish not in one, but in several layers. a prerequisite is the cleaning of the entire surface from the old coating, if there was one, sanding, priming and putty of the entire structure, and then applying any coloring composition to the surface.
  • Sheer Finish - Works well on beautiful wooden surface where the structure of the tree is clearly visible. Most often, staircases made of oak, beech and some exotic varieties of trees are covered with a transparent composition. in this case it is used only in case of small defects, otherwise the varnish is applied evenly to the dry cleaned surface in order to avoid smudges. The photo clearly shows all the beauty of this coloring, its advantages and harmonious combination with the interior.

All varnishes are toxic in one way or another, and when painting stairs and other products, be sure to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible poisoning.
Any varnish for a wooden staircase contains toxic substances and it is better to carry out work in a protective mask or respirator, and send all your household members to rest or visit before the end of all work.

Small instruction for home craftsmen

It would seem, well, who does not know how to varnish the stairs? Everything is simple and elementary and you can do this procedure yourself without any problems. But not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance.

Any coating made at home occurs with the use of an improvised, not electric, but hand tool.

You will need:

  • Bristle brushes, drying oil;
  • Hair brushes, turpentine.

Bristles, usually brushes round shape, in most cases for the application of components with a viscous and long-drying structure. And with flutes - soft brushes with the longest bristle - they work with a liquid composition. (see also the article How to paint a staircase inside the house: tips and tricks on choosing paints and varnishes and the main stages of work)

Tip: Prepare your brush before starting work.
When using a liquid composition, the length of the pile should be 2 times longer than the diameter of the brush, and for working with thick paints, on the contrary, shorter.
This should be taken into account.
Before work, it is better to moisten a new brush in drying oil, and then rinse in turpentine and only then start painting.

Instructions for applying any varnish to a flight of stairs:

  • Clean the surface from old paint or varnish;
  • Remove residual dust and, if necessary, cover the entire area with a primer and filler;
  • It is better to hold the brush itself not perpendicularly, but at an angle to the surface;
  • Apply varnish optimally in wide stripes, and then smooth everything;
  • If there are villi or brush marks on the surface, they should be removed after leveling;
  • Be sure to mix the varnish composition most thoroughly and often in the process so that large particles do not settle to the bottom.

If something remains unclear to you, then watch the video in this article and you will definitely find something useful in it.


With a great desire and good imagination, all work can be done without the involvement of professionals. (see also article: choice paints and varnishes and technology) It is easy to transform an old staircase by painting it in new shades and varnishing the entire surface. Your interior can be the way you want, the main thing is not to deviate from the intended goal.

Most interior staircases are made from wood. To ensure a long service life and give a beautiful appearance, a special coating is applied to wooden stairs. How to cover a wooden staircase depends primarily on whether it is in the house or on the street.

The main types of coatings for wooden stairs

The properties of wood as a material have their own characteristics that determine the necessary properties of the coatings used for it and the preparation of the surface for coating.

Important! It should be borne in mind that not all stair parts are subjected to the same mechanical stress. Therefore, when choosing a covering for a wooden staircase, you can combine their different types.

The following types of coatings are used to cover wooden stairs:

I.Wood primersand stains. Wood has a porous and non-uniform structure, which is why it has the ability to absorb the applied coating unevenly. Therefore, before applying the layers of the main coating, first apply special primer mixtures, which reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes and improve their adhesion to the wood surface. Also, thanks to this, the finish will be even.

The uneven density of wood is externally manifested by a characteristic pattern, which is of the main aesthetic value. By using tinted primers, the beautiful woody structure can be accentuated. In addition, the primers contain special additives that prevent wood from rotting. So before you cover wooden steps stairs on the street with paint, they must be treated with antiseptic impregnation.

II. Oil paints . If you are thinking about how to cover a wooden staircase on the street, the most the right choice there will be oil paint. The drying oil, which is part of their composition, penetrates as deeply as possible into the structure of the wood, thereby creating a barrier to atmospheric moisture.

Alkyd and urethane paint components create a durable, but at the same time elastic coating, which will be able to expand with the wood for a long time without the formation of unwanted microcracks. Interior stairs can also be painted. If your staircase inside the house is made of low quality wood, on the surface of which there are putty cracks and sealed rotten knots, then there should be no hesitation about what to cover the wooden staircase to the second floor with: the best option there will be paint.

III.Lucky. This is the most common type of coating. At the same time, the high aesthetics of the lacquer coating comes to the fore. It retains the unique grain and color of the wood. Their composition determines the physical and mechanical properties the resulting coating.

According to the reflective characteristics of the resulting surface, varnishes are glossy and matte. According to the principle of film formation, varnishes come with the use of solvents or two-component varnishes with the use of chemical hardeners. The most common and readily available are solvent-based varnishes. They are of 4 types:

  • Oil varnishes. It is a mixture of oils and resins. Linseed oil usually acts as a solvent oil, resins are a film-forming component. Such varnishes are not resistant to weathering and are used for internal works.
  • Alcohol varnishes also do not have moisture resistance, with their help they make high-quality coatings in protected areas. Such varnishes are used more in furniture production.
  • Nitrocellulose varnishes. Also used for interior work. The film obtained by using such varnishes is especially transparent and colorless, completely preserving the original shade of the wood.
  • Water based. Such varnishes are of low toxicity, which is important when working in inhabited premises.

The strength characteristics of the varnish depend on the film-forming component of the varnish. They divide varnishes into the following types:

  • Alkyd varnishes. They form a sufficiently strong film that allows the use of such a coating for steps. They are resistant to weathering, therefore, suitable for outdoor use.
  • Polyurethane varnishes. These are the most durable and weather-resistant varnishes at an affordable price. If you do not know how to cover the steps of a wooden staircase so that they serve for a long time and maintain a good appearance throughout the entire time, it is recommended to choose this type of varnish.
  • Multi-component varnishes. They are obtained by mixing several components, which as a result chemical reaction harden to form durable coating... These components are mixed immediately before application. These varnishes include high-strength acid-formaldehyde-based parquet varnishes and epoxy varnishes with hardeners. Many of these varnishes are toxic and require personal protective equipment when working with them. But after hardening, they become completely safe, and the coating is very durable.

Important! Pine wood is distinguished from other varieties by a resinous ooze that creates problems during coating, especially with additives of dyes. Before covering a wooden staircase made of pine, its surface must be cleaned of wood resin by wiping with a cloth moistened with turpentine.

Factors influencing the choice of the type of coating for wooden stairs

Wood itself is not resistant to mechanical stress. Environment also has a destructive effect on wooden parts of any structure, including stairs. When deciding what is the best way to cover a wooden staircase, one should proceed from the conditions of its operation.

To such parameters having crucial when choosing the type of coverage, include:

  • The intensity of the ladder. Ladders located on routes of heavy traffic will experience increased mechanical stress, especially the surface of the steps.
  • The location of the stairs indoors or outdoors. It is clear that a staircase located outside will be exposed to precipitation, temperature changes and air humidity. Such conditions will be the best for rapid destruction. wooden parts stairs.
  • Aesthetic requirements for outward appearance stairs.

Ladders that are intended for infrequent use or that will not be walked with coarse-soled shoes can be coated with inexpensive oil varnishes.

Important! In any case, scratches will appear on the steps of the stairs, so it is advisable to use matte varnishes to cover them.

To save money, the stairs can be trimmed different types coatings. This is convenient when the ladder is covered prior to assembly. In this case, the steps are covered with a more expensive and durable varnish, and the railings and treads are covered with an inexpensive oil varnish. In the same way, the stairs are decorated with different colors or shades.

Sometimes the task is to renew the old wooden staircase covering. Usually outdoor wooden stairs need such maintenance, which quickly lose their good appearance. The main difficulty in this case is the preparation of the surface for applying a new coating, because the old one must be carefully removed.

When applying layers of different materials, the compatibility of the coating components should be considered. For example, if you apply nitro varnish to a layer of oil varnish, it will curl up, ruining all your work. But applying oil varnish to dried nitro varnish will not cause any negative consequences.

Coating wooden stairs involves the application of a primer layer and at least two layers of the coating itself.

Knowing the conditions in which the staircase will be used, you will be able to determine which varnish is best to cover the wooden staircase so that it will last a long time, while maintaining its beautiful appearance.

What technology is used for the top covering of steps in a darker color to match the color of the parquet floor and natural light color or white for handrails and risers. What kind of varnish to buy and how to lighten the railings and risers to give a contrasting effect when painting stairs in a private country house

  1. If you are going to paint the stairs in different colors, it is better to do it disassembled. Anyway, before installing light elements.
  2. Wear-resistant varnishes should be used to cover the stairs. Ideally, it is special for stairs, it has a thicker consistency than parquet, does not run off during painting, has increased strength and is more expensive. Alas, you can buy it not everywhere and not always.

    Stair varnishes are made thicker than parquet varnishes, this is especially convenient when painting with a brush

    High-quality parquet lacquer is also suitable. Practical experience shows that supposedly environmentally friendly newfangled water-soluble varnishes should be preferred "chemical" version on organic solvents, preferably two-component polyurethane. No matter what the seller says, the coating proven for decades will last longer. As for the brand, German manufacturers have proven themselves well: Herberts, Remmers, Caparol. Good Swedish Sadolin, respectable Finnish products. The list is incomplete, the quality directly depends on the price. According to the degree of gloss, varnishes for wood are subdivided into glossy, semi-matt (silky-matte) and matt. We recommend choosing a semi-matt finish, which shows the least signs of wear.

    A staircase in a semi-matte finish looks nicer, moreover, defects and signs of wear are not conspicuous

  3. When tinting wood in dark color We recommend using not a colored varnish (although it is more convenient), but treating the steps with a stain, then protecting them with a colorless varnish. The fact is that the stain is absorbed 1-2 mm deep into the wood and when the varnish is abraded, if the process is not started, the color will remain. For restoration, it will be enough to refresh the colorless layer. If the colored varnish peels off, the unpainted surface will be exposed and the step will have to be completely re-sanded, otherwise, when trying to touch up, it will go spots. It is advisable to choose a professional, imported color stain (stain). Such compositions are rarely sold in stores, are expensive, but the consumption is low. They are for furniture production and, as a rule, are sold by specialized supplying companies. Experienced furniture chemists-technologists know about the preparation and painting of wood an order of magnitude more than sellers in hardware stores and will give you competent advice. Color composition often mixed in a special computerized "mixer". Be careful when choosing a shade, it may look different on a small sample than on a ladder. It is better to purchase the smallest possible packaging for a sample to start with. Look who is supplying paints and varnishes for furniture and joinery industries in your area. Such compositions are either very liquid ( alcohol base) or, conversely, thick, even gel-like (water base, organic solvents). The latter are easier to work with, but the former are absorbed deeper, we would recommend them.

    Liquid stains should be applied quickly or stains will remain. As a rule, the composition is applied with a brush, and carefully rubbed into the wood with a soft cloth.

  4. With light color if it is necessary to preserve the drawing of the tree, it is a little more complicated. There are no brightening stains. On the Internet you will find great amount recommendations for highlighting with ammonia, acids, alkalis. But they are effective for wood that has darkened with time, this is not your case. In addition, aggressive chemistry destroys the structure of the material. For clarification, it is worth using translucent, glazing compositions with the addition of light dyes. They slightly conceal the texture of the wood, make it less expressive, in contrast to dark stains. The glazing varnish will not penetrate the wood; if the coating is damaged, a natural color will appear. We recommend applying a layer of clear varnish to already tinted products, it will protect them from scratches. By the way, light colored risers may look nice, but not very practical. If the stairs are not walked in soft slippers, but in street shoes, conspicuous footprints may remain. And on a dark surface, they will not be noticeable.

    Lightening ash countertop, transparent base + white dye. They will mix almost any shade and degree of whiteness that you specify. In breeds with large pores (oak, ash), bleaching will slightly muffle the pattern, with small pores (pine, birch, alder), it will “cloud” strongly

  5. Primer for varnish. Whether to use primer or not, the opinions of the masters, as a rule, differ. In this matter, you should be guided by the manufacturer's instructions. If the recommendation for the use of the varnish of your choice indicates that a preliminary primer is needed (or not needed), this should be done. Compositions from different manufacturers should not be used categorically. The primer, in order to avoid surprises, should be of exactly the brand that is indicated in the instructions for use of the varnish. Other conditions must also be observed strictly, including the interval between coats. The varnish, especially semi-matt, must be thoroughly mixed during operation, otherwise the first step will come out glossy, and the last matte.
  6. Finally, we will say that no matter how hard you try, the coating on the edges of the steps will wear out very quickly. There are two ways out. The first is to renew the coverage annually. The second is to spread a carpet runner or to install the pads on the steps, made of carpet or PVC.

Carpet pads will protect the steps, make the stairs non-slip and safe, and minimize the maintenance of the coating

To paint a pine staircase, you need to choose the finish that works best for it. Alcohol-based or nitrocellulose-based varnishes emphasize the natural color of the wood and dry quickly. Some of them are used to cover stairs indoors, while others are used outdoors. You need to choose the most suitable cover... For this, it is important to know what paints and varnishes are on the market and choose the best option.

Varieties of varnish

There are several types of such varnishes:

  • nitrolac;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylic;
  • yacht;
  • epoxy;
  • resinous;
  • alkyd.

The stairs covered with nitro-varnish dries quickly and looks good. But it is more suitable for outdoor use. The disadvantage is that it is highly toxic.

Polyurethane varnish is not so harmful to health, as it is based on water. However, it is short-lived, turning yellow over time. A staircase covered with such a varnish becomes unattractive.

Acrylic varnish is also water-based. It is non-toxic, heat resistant. It can be used for interior work.

Yacht varnish is durable. It is used on decks and interiors. Epoxy varnish hardens quickly. It applies to different types interior and exterior finishes.

Resin varnish perfectly emphasizes the wood texture, it contains less toxic substances than synthetic. Perfect for varnishing pine stairs alkyd varnish... But it dries for a long time, more than two days.

Varnishes vary in gloss. They can be matte or glossy to varying degrees. Before covering a wooden staircase, you need to think carefully about which varnish is best to use. Lacquered pine stairs last longer.

Pine wood staircase varnish

How construction material pine has its own advantages and disadvantages. It can be processed and dried well. Pine stairs are inexpensive and more affordable.

Growth rings are visible on the wood, which gives an attractive appearance different designs from her. The pine texture allows you to leave the wooden staircase unpainted. However, the clear-lacquered construction is more reliable. But you should think about what kind of varnish to cover the steps.

Over time, the pine tree can begin to rot and collapse. To preserve the structure and protect against negative changes, it is best to varnish the wood. Preference should be given to polyurethane varnish. Polyurethane is a durable, flexible material. It is able to withstand heavy loads, therefore it is recognized as the best for covering pine wooden stairs.

Experts advise you to choose polyurethane varnish with a hardener. It is odorless, handles well, highly resistant.

The best manufacturers of polyurethane coatings are the USA and Germany. Finnish company Tikkurila paints and varnishes can be found in many world markets. There are many types of varnish from this manufacturer. good reviews... It has varying degrees of gloss. Before using Tikkuril varnish, you should carefully read the instructions.

Ladder processing

Before applying the varnish, the wooden staircase must be finished. It is dried, jointed, sanded and polished. Impregnation and priming are carried out before applying the varnish. This will help protect the pine tree from mold, mildew, and insects. The varnish is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun.

All photos from the article

A wooden staircase has a unique natural aesthetics, which, unfortunately, can be disrupted over time due to the impact of various negative factors... In addition to the appearance, the structure of the wood itself may also suffer, which will completely lead to the destruction of the structure.

To avoid such a disastrous outcome and preserve the natural beauty of the tree for the longest possible period of time, the surface of the structure must be covered with special protective equipment, which will be discussed in this article.

General Provisions

Before covering a wooden staircase with any compounds, it is worthwhile to deal with the dangers it needs to be protected from:

Factor of negative influence Description
Mechanical stress The treads are in constant contact with the feet: the heels of outdoor shoes leave dents and scratches, and the soft soles of indoor shoes abrade the wood surface. The railings are polished during their operation with the palms, which also does not add aesthetics.
Excessive humidity The tree is subject to decay processes. Dampness or direct contact with water will gradually destroy it.
High temperatures This material is easily flammable, which can lead to tragic consequences if a fire breaks out in the house.
Ultraviolet radiation As a result of constant exposure sun rays the unique woody pattern loses its clarity and fades.
Pests There are many types of insects that can simply eat a wooden ladder. Mice and rats are also capable of causing serious damage to her with their teeth.

As you can see, the timber structure in mandatory needs to protective coating, which is easy to apply with your own hands ().

Choice of means

So, how to cover a wooden staircase to be sure of its durability? There are three main groups of suitable substances:


Paint doesn't just create protective layer but also gives the wood surface the desired shade. The choice should be made between the following types:

Dye pros Minuses
  • Environmental friendliness and safety, due to the use of a water base;
  • Lack of unpleasant odors;
  • The presence of pores that allow the tree to breathe;
  • Resistant to moisture;
  • High reliability due to the use of acrylates as a binding agent;
  • Saturated colors;
  • Possibility of tinting;
  • Simple application instructions;
  • Possibility of subsequent washing;
  • Long operational life- up to ten years;
  • Low price;
  • Increased moisture resistance;
  • High frost resistance - can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius
  • Relatively short term service due to poor penetration into the wood layer;
  • Impossibility to apply on a wet surface
  • Bright shades
  • Toxicity and unpleasant odor;
  • Leakage formation;
  • High price;
  • Long drying time

Tip: if you decide to use oil paints, then be sure to use a respirator, create conditions for high-quality ventilation in the room to exclude the possibility of toxic poisoning.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials... Take care of extra protection for your wooden staircase.

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