How to choose the right floor covering. What floor is better to do in the apartment

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Manufacturers of modern finishing materials and floor coverings offer a serious and extensive range of products. A variety of price categories, color and pattern spectrum, as well as texture designs allows you to choose the material for the floor in the apartment that fully meets the user's needs. In addition to a huge number of mass-produced offers, there are narrow-profile workshops where you can select and order custom-designed floor coverings made from natural or artificial materials of the highest quality. We offer you to get acquainted with the most common types of finishing products and their prices.

Linoleum and rubber flooring

The type of coatings that are best for laying floors in wet areas: kitchen, walk-through corridors, bathrooms. There are three types of material:

  • Commercial. The densest type, ideal for high traffic areas. Price from $40;
  • Household is designed for laying in apartments, it is thin and flexible. Price from $20;
  • semi-commercial. More durable linoleum, ideal for low traffic office and home flooring. The price from $ 30 is slightly higher than that of a household one, but the quality differs for the better.

The advantages of the material are the following factors:

  1. Waterproof;
  2. Ease of cleaning;
  3. Affordable cost;
  4. Not subject to decay, decomposition;
  5. Ease of installation;
  6. Absorbs noise;
  7. Resistance to mechanical stress;
  8. Huge period of use. Natural linoleum can withstand up to 50-60 years of operation.

It is also worth noting the maintainability of the coating. The material is easy to cut, so you can always replace a leaky piece with a new one, cutting it exactly to size. In addition, linoleum often comes with a substrate and does not require subfloor coating, the roll is glued to any base with an adhesive composition and does not move during operation.

But the best coating in its lineup has drawbacks:

  • Requires perfect evenness of the base. Any debris, chip or tubercle will lead to the fact that it is in this place that the coating will wear out, thin out and break through.
  • The material of artificial origin is inferior in environmental friendliness to wooden coatings. However, it surpasses the latter in many qualitative and aesthetic features.
  • With prolonged stationary heavy point loads, it is pressed through.
  • Linoleum of low price and reduced quality is sensitive to high and low temperatures: it melts from heat, cracks from cold. Therefore, when choosing options for covering the floor of an apartment, it is better to give preference to more expensive and high-quality goods, in the end, “wastefulness” will pay off with a long service life and beauty of the finish.

Cheaper products in the line look unpresentable, while expensive flooring is presented in a huge variety of colors, textures and imitations of natural and artificial materials.

PVC coatings

These are soft, elastic floor materials with an average service life of at least 30 years. Featuring a variety of colors, textures and designs, PVC cladding is ideal for all areas of the apartment, not only for the floor space, but also for wall panels. The price of products starts from $ 15, which means that each user can choose what and how to cover the rooms in the house, apartment or on the balcony.

Positive qualities of PVC coatings:

    Inexpensive price, layering, non-susceptibility to point loads, fire safety, assortment variability - the user can choose the types of floor finishes for different rooms;
  • Small thickness (no more than 3-7 mm) does not increase the height of the floor in the apartment, however, the floor cladding is reliable, surpassing all types of linoleum;
  • Ease of transport and installation;
  • The tile has a body-, soundproofing qualities;
  • Pleasant tactile sensations and additional floor insulation;
  • Large assortment of textures, imitations, colors;
  • The softness and plasticity of the material eliminate the risk of damage from breaking or cracking;
  • Ease of care;
  • High-quality PVC cladding options are not susceptible to chemicals and fine abrasive pastes.

It would seem, what more could you want? But PVC cladding has some disadvantages:

  1. You need a perfectly even base, adhesive composition, some styling skills;
  2. With improper care, there is a risk of drying out of the seams;
  3. High-quality types of PVC products with the desired characteristics are high in cost;
  4. Improper storage threatens with deformation of the elements, which makes installation difficult.

When choosing a PVC coating, it makes sense to pay attention to the packaging, it is even better to open the pack and carefully inspect the tile for defects. Remember that if one element has a lack of paint, a scratch, a bend or other imperfections, then there will definitely be a couple more of these tiles in the pack. Therefore, you need to take the lining with a margin.

Floor cork

What coating can be eternal and not get bored? Of course, a cork. Soft to the touch, retaining its aesthetic and practical qualities, breathable and does not need additional decorations, it perfectly hides noise and warms regardless of the thickness of the layer. The elements produced in rolls or tiles are an environmentally friendly product and are indicated for installation in rooms where there are increased requirements for cleanliness and hypoallergenicity.


  1. Extremely low heat transfer coefficient 0.03-0.04;
  2. Maximum sound absorption, with a coefficient of 0.85, cork is the best floor covering for panel houses, famous for their sound permeability;
  3. Facing withstands point loads, resistant to deformation;
  4. Springy qualities (depreciation) have a beneficial effect on the human support system;
  5. There is no danger of slipping.

A pleasant color, the warmth of natural material, the ideal atmosphere in the apartment - all this is a cork, but the cladding has significant disadvantages and these are:

  • Difficulty in care. Natural cork is demanding on cleaning and detergent substances, but is not afraid of abrasives and household chemicals, with the exception of alkali;
  • Very high price (from $ 150);
  • Low tensile strength. You will have to give up thin heels, sharp furniture legs, all this can scratch the flooring, like the claws of pets;
  • The cork will not let heat through if you want to make a system of underfloor heating;
  • Moisture absorption will not allow you to cover the bathroom with a cork.

In fact, there are many advantages of cork, but the disadvantages can be minimized if you make a choice in favor of an artificial coating, while having a protective film. Manufacturers offer cladding at a price of $70, which will help save money. However, the level of hygroscopicity, breathability and environmental friendliness will be reduced.


One of the most popular floor coverings in the apartment. Opting for laminate means buying the best flooring for your entire space. The main thing is to decide on the type and types of material, take into account practical and aesthetic characteristics.


  1. Resistance to any external influences, ranging from chips and scratches to point physical impacts;
  2. Does not wear out, does not become thinner with time;
  3. Easy to care for;
  4. Perfectly tolerates high and low temperatures, fire resistant;
  5. Practical types of expensive laminate are environmentally friendly, since no chemical compounds are used in the production. Moreover, you can cover the floors with laminate in the nursery, as the product is hypoallergenic;
  6. Ease of installation and affordable prices (from $ 40) make the material extremely democratic;
  7. The durability of the coating while maintaining the quality and aesthetic characteristics is the best you could wish for from the cladding, and the service life of the laminate is from 10 years.

Separately, it is worth noting that the range of goods is sufficient to make a choice not only in terms of practical indicators, but also textural ones, as well as to choose a color, determining which shades of the palette are suitable for a particular interior. Moreover, laminate collections ideally imitate parquet, natural massive boards, other natural and artificial materials. If you lay the floors in the apartment with laminate, you can easily make a heating system, but it is important to know which product to choose, given a number of disadvantages of facing:

  • High requirements for installation: evenness of the base, the presence of a substrate and much more, which can be avoided by choosing another product;
  • The need for very careful selection.

A minimum of minuses still makes users think about buying a product. The price of laminate flooring starts at $40, which makes the product line affordable. However, you need to know the classiness of the cladding, be able to lay it correctly and understand which laminate is suitable for the kitchen and which for the bedroom. With laminate, as with parquet, there are no cheap high-quality products, so if you choose this particular product, you need to carefully read the characteristics and it is better to buy a collection from the manufacturer so as not to get a fake instead of a high-quality product. But the color, texture and imitation can be selected in any assortment, both at an affordable price and in the segment of expensive goods.

Ceramic tiles

The product is indispensable for floor cladding in rooms with high humidity and high traffic. Differing in size, color, shape, texture and other indicators,

The choice of goods is mandatory with the familiarization of such indicators as: water absorption, slip, hygroscopicity and strength. Modern manufacturers make it possible to carefully select the lining not only in the bathroom or bathroom, but also in the kitchen, it depends on which particular nuances to prioritize, and what can be abandoned. For example, for shower rooms, the non-slip index is important, but in the bedroom, texture tiles for wood or a certain color of the room design are suitable. By the way, the elements fit well on the underfloor heating system, so there will be no problems with the installation of heating. Price from $18.


  • A wide range of color solutions that allow you to decorate the surface of not only floors, but also wall panels in an original way;
  • Practicality, resistance to loads, ease of maintenance and transportation;
  • Non-susceptibility to deformation, fading, abrasion and temperature fluctuations;
  • Water resistance, incombustibility.

You can make a whole composition out of tiles, which will give the house a personality, while saving money, for example, by purchasing separate elements of collections. But it is important to remember some disadvantages:

  1. The product belongs to the "cold" type, so it is important to take care of heating;
  2. Improper laying of the cladding threatens with difficulties in updating and repairing;
  3. Installation requires skills, otherwise the seams will turn out uneven.

And, most importantly, a good tile cannot be cheap (from $ 5-7). Such a low cost means that the product was produced in violation of technology, the pattern will wear out, lose color, and the elements themselves will not withstand even the minimum load.

Carpet coverings

Quite popular coatings, affordable (from $ 18), color, texture and other practical characteristics. When choosing a cladding, you need to decide on the basis of the product, today manufacturers offer carpets made of nylon, wool, silk, polypropylene and other materials that can satisfy not only aesthetic, but also high-quality user requests. The main advantage is ease of installation. Roll or sheet elements are flexible, they are easy to cut and, by the way, the same factor is responsible for the maintainability of the lining: in case of damage to a piece of carpet, it can be easily replaced by cutting and pasting a piece.


  • Abrasion resistance (except for high pile carpets);
  • Large range of products;
  • High sound absorption capacity;
  • Pleasure in touch.

There are few disadvantages of the product:

  1. Accumulation of dust;
  2. Sensitivity to UV rays, moisture;
  3. The need for frequent cleaning.

Parquet and solid wood

The most traditional coatings, which differ not only in beauty and environmental friendliness, but also in price. When choosing which flooring is best, you should pay attention to the cost: good wood boards cannot be cheap, so the price is below $ 70, this is not natural wood, but its derivatives.


  • Long service life;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Practicality and reliability;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Minus one - some deformation of the elements. Since wood "breathes", parquet and board will shrink a little at low temperatures, and expand at high temperatures. But this is an insignificant fact given that the tree fills the house with a unique atmosphere and cleanliness.

Important! Wood flooring requires careful selection. The protective impregnation against moisture, fire, exposure to UV rays and mechanical stress is important.

Polymer materials

Such floors are called self-leveling. Divided into groups (epoxy, methyl methacrylate, polyurethane, cement-acrylic), the cladding is diverse in application and aesthetic characteristics, while practical qualities always remain on top. The cost of the compositions is from $ 150, which makes the products quite expensive, but the long service life without the slightest loss of quality characteristics fully pays for the costs.


Choose your floor covering based on the target factor, i.e. purpose of the room. Agree that for the kitchen and bedroom, you most likely will not buy the same material. You can opt for a universal coating that can meet the requirements for all rooms with characteristics.

Consider statistics when choosing flooring. A common practice is that parquet or laminate flooring is most often chosen for living rooms, linoleum for the hallway, and porcelain stoneware or tiles for the kitchen and bathroom. But the choice is far from limited to these materials. Yes, and standard coatings differ within each type in terms of quality positions.

Choose parquet for living rooms: living room, nursery, bedroom, office. But it is not recommended to lay it on the kitchen faucet because of the wood's dislike for moisture. Parquet is one of the most elite, expensive and durable floor coverings. It is environmentally friendly, has increased strength and good thermal insulation properties. The service life is more than 50 years. The parquet board is made from expensive wood species - oak, ash, beech. Having decided to give preference to parquet, keep in mind that this coating needs special care and is afraid of moisture. It also requires an ideal "rough" floor. The cost of parquet varies from 15 to 150 dollars per sq.m.

Think carefully before choosing a cork. This material is less popular than parquet. It is unique in design and is not suitable for all rooms. Its most valuable quality is high heat and sound insulation. Therefore, it is best to lay it in the living room and bedroom. Available in the form of rectangular or square plates. Such a coating will serve you from 5 to 20 years. It should be borne in mind that the cork has a low resistance to mechanical damage. Therefore, if a neat appearance of the floor is important to you, do not lay this expensive material in the nursery. After all, its price ranges from 20 to 70 dollars per sq.m.

If you are planning to make high-quality repairs in the middle price range, choose laminate. In recent decades, it has become just a bestseller in the construction market. Low price (it ranges from 4 to 60 dollars per sq.m.), good performance, ease of installation and the most diverse design made it truly popular. The composition of the laminate resembles a multilayer cake pressed under high temperatures. High-class material is resistant to moisture and mechanical stress, any kind can withstand UV rays. A low class will serve you for about 5 years, a high one - 20 years or more. Thanks to the special substrate on which the coating is laid, it has excellent shock-absorbing, heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. Great for any living room in the apartment.

When choosing flooring for the hallway, kitchen and bathroom, first of all, consider wear-resistant, moisture-resistant qualities, ease of maintenance and immunity to stains and dirt. The best are linoleum for the hallway and porcelain stoneware for the kitchen and bathroom. Recently, the self-leveling floor, which was previously used in industrial premises and enterprises, has gained great popularity. But new aesthetic qualities have allowed it to become an excellent flooring for living spaces.

Choosing the best floor covering

1. Linoleum

A variant from the "cheap and cheerful" series. The most affordable and inexpensive synthetic material. There are no restrictions in colors and patterns, it happens with or without insulation. It is customary to divide linoleum into three types depending on its strength: household, semi-commercial and commercial.If you decide to opt for linoleum, then take a semi-commercial one for your home: it is much stronger, although a little more expensive than a household one.By the way, the same story happens with the laminate, which will be discussed a little later: for the home, they most often take a laminate that is intended for public spaces.Linoleum can be laid in any home, except for cold ones: it will crack in severe frost.Pros:
  • Does not rot, is not subject to the harmful effects of moisture With proper care, it has a long service life - over 10 years.
  • Good soundproofing properties
  • Easy care
  • Lots of design and color options
  • Linoleum is demanding on the base, it must be laid on a perfectly flat floor, then it will last a very long time. Otherwise, it will soon crack and "creases" will be visible.
  • Non-environmental: linoleum is a completely artificial material, and noticeably loses in this regard to natural coatings.
  • Low mechanical strength. Heavy furniture or even sharp heels can damage linoleum. Pets, especially large dogs, can destroy linoleum in a very short time.

2. Carpet and other carpets

Another inexpensive and very common flooring option. It is low cost, easy to install and does not require special care. Synthetic carpets are absolutely not interested in rodents and insects. Plus, there is a huge selection of colors and patterns, from classic "carpet" to radically avant-garde.Carpet can be used in any room except wet: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.Pros:
  • Resistance to external influences - abrasion and various mechanical damage.
  • Large selection of designs and colors
  • High noise-absorbing qualities
  • Excellent heat retention
    Not resistant to fading and fading, especially in inexpensive types of carpet types. The need for regular dry cleaning. If you choose carpeting - take care of a good vacuum cleaner. Dust accumulation. Carpets are not recommended for people with a predisposition to allergies. Aesthetics (it is easy to deform)

3. Laminate

Laminate is the third most popular inexpensive and common flooring material. It consists of special panels made of fibreboard (MDF) and several layers of special thick paper. A pattern is applied to the paper (most often the texture of a tree is imitated) and a special durable protective layer of lamination. Hence the name - laminate.
    Strength. Laminate perfectly copes with any mechanical load, scratches and so on. If you have pets, their claws will not be afraid of him. Laminate perfectly tolerates high temperatures, and is able to withstand short-term contact with fire (for example, with a match accidentally dropped on the floor). Laminate can be used together with underfloor heating systems, such as electric, and water. Affordable price. Laminate is more expensive than carpet or linoleum, but nevertheless, cheaper than many other types of coatings, for example, a visually similar parquet board
    Fear of moisture. Despite its strength, the laminate is contraindicated in prolonged contact with water and other liquids. From prolonged contact with water, its fiberboard base will swell, and the laminate will become unusable. Short service life, despite mechanical strength. It is recommended to replace it every 5 to 7 years. Despite the apparent simplicity, laminate flooring is difficult to install without experience. It is better to hire professionals, and this is an additional amount to the cost of a laminate. It is easy to chip it, cause defects for a pattern. This is a huge minus, because a laminate, unlike a parquet board or an array, cannot be restored.

4. Floor board

Probably the most classic flooring option made from natural materials is wooden plank flooring. Solid wood flooring is expensive, but it is one of the most reliable and environmentally friendly types of flooring.
Modern solid wood floorboards are made according to a special technology, dried and processed on special equipment. The boards have lock joints that simplify installation - the floor is obtained without gaps and height differences, as it was in the old grandmother's apartment.The floor from the array does not need to be painted: the boards are already ready for use, covered with pesticides and a layer of varnish.Pros:
    Strength and durability. Solid wood flooring can last more than 50 years without the need to replace the boards. Such a floor can be scraped and sanded as many times as you like - the thickness of the boards allows this. Easy installation. Although, as in the case of laminate, you should not do it yourself - it is better to hire specialists. Good heat and sound insulation
    High price. Solid wood is much more expensive than other types of wood flooring. Sensitivity to moisture: with prolonged contact with moisture, a board made of solid wood can "lead". Special protection against scratches is required. The massive board needs to be sanded, scraped and varnished annually. It is necessary to regularly treat with pesticides, despite the initial treatment.

5. Parquet and parquet board

Parquet from solid parquet boards is an expensive pleasure. Floors in royal palaces and very rich houses are laid out with such type-setting parquet. Modern parquet is cheaper, as it is made from composite materials: its base is thick plywood, and only the top layer of 3-5 mm is valuable wood.
The parquet board has the same structure as the type-setting parquet: thick plywood with a thin face layer. Because of this, both parquet and parquet board today are quite affordable for people with an average income (cunning: take a three-strip parquet board, it is much cheaper).Pros:
    Environmental friendliness. Parquet and parquet board are, first of all, natural wood. Adhesive based on natural resins is used as internal binders. Long service life. Good parquet can serve you up to 20 years. Parquet and parquet board perfectly retain heat. Appearance. Type-setting parquet can become a real work of art (there is a name for this - artistic parquet). Using parquet from different types of wood, you can create original ornaments and patterns on the floor. It can be restored (this is a definite plus, but it only applies to parquet treated with oil. It is more difficult to restore varnish, you will have to replace the whole board).
    High price. And this is not only the cost of the material, but also the cost of laying work. If you want really high-quality parquet, you will have to spend money on a classy parquet floorer. Parquet is subject to mechanical damage, so it is not recommended to use it in a house with large animals - their claws will make the parquet unusable in a very short time. Parquet is afraid of moisture. And although it is less prone to warping than a solid board, it is not recommended to allow prolonged contact with water.

6. Engineering board

Engineering board is a relatively new type of coating. In fact, this is a parquet board, but made using a slightly different technology. An engineering board consists of two or three layers: a thick (up to 1 cm) layer of expensive wood, a layer of cheaper wood or plywood, and another layer of expensive wood (for a three-layer engineering board).
Another difference between an engineered board and parquet is that it contains only water-soluble glue that does not contain toxins, while some inexpensive types of parquet can also use synthetic compounds.Pros:
    Strength and durability. The engineered board is much stronger than ordinary parquet, its service life is longer - 20-25 years. The thick top layer allows it to be scraped and polished more times than parquet. It retains heat well. It is less susceptible to moisture than ordinary parquet. It is easy to install.
    The price is still quite high: the cost of an engineered board is comparable to the cost of a good parquet. To lay it, you need to prepare a good, even base and a substrate made of plywood or fiberboard. Despite the increased moisture resistance, it is still not recommended to use an engineered board in wet rooms.

7. Cork floor

This is a natural coating with good heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties, pleasant to the touch and easy to install. Made from pressed cork bark. It is produced in the form of plates and in the form of rolls.
Cork flooring is perfect for a nursery, bedroom or living room. It is absolutely eco-friendly.Pros:
  • Good thermal insulation. On such a floor, even in winter, you can walk barefoot - it keeps room temperature.
  • Good soundproofing. In professional recording studios, for example, the floors and walls are necessarily finished with cork panels.
  • Resistant to deformation. Heavy furniture does not leave marks on the cork floor - dents are leveled out on their own within a short time.
  • Prices for material and the cost of installation work are comparable to the cost of laying parquet - not the most economical option.
  • Cork flooring can swell and deform when exposed to water for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to use indoors with pets: the claws will easily damage the cork floor. Also, do not walk on the cork floor in heels.

8. Ceramic tiles and natural stone

Surely in any apartment there is a room (and certainly not one) with a ceramic tile floor. Most often it is a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, less often a hallway. Durable, resistant to abrasion and not afraid of moisture, the tile is an ideal material for wet and walk-through areas.
In principle, a ceramic or stone floor can be arranged both in the living room and in the bedroom, but in this case it is ideal to combine such a coating with a warm floor, otherwise your feet will simply freeze.It is probably not worth talking about the fact that the assortment of tiles and artificial stone is huge - in any, even the smallest hardware store, there are at least a dozen types of tiles for every taste and budget. This gives unlimited possibilities in terms of interior design.Pros:
  • Affordable price. From the extensive range of ceramics, you can always find exactly the option that will suit you both in price and quality.
  • Strength. When properly installed, ceramic tiles can last forever. An example of this is the ancient Greek temples, the floors of which are still finished with ceramics.
  • Ease of care. Ceramic tiles and artificial stone are perfectly washed, they are not afraid of moisture.
  • Labor intensive installation. Laying tiles or artificial stone requires long and careful preparatory work.
  • Seams between tiles. No matter how hard the master tries, the seams will always remain. It is necessary to close them carefully, and this is also a rather laborious process.
  • The need to combine ceramic tiles with underfloor heating systems, and these are additional costs that increase the final cost of the coating.

9. Polymer coatings or self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floors have recently given way to more environmentally friendly materials - wood, cork or parquet, but still remain in demand. The reasons - the self-leveling floor is very durable, not afraid of moisture and provides unlimited opportunities for the implementation of design ideas.
The material for such floors are cement-acrylic, epoxyurethane, polyurethane and epoxy compounds. In houses and apartments, the last two types are most often used. Self-leveling floors can be one-color, with a simple or three-dimensional pattern - the so-called 3D floors.Pros:
    Self-leveling floors are not afraid of moisture, so they are most often used in bathrooms and kitchens. Properly made self-leveling floor can last up to 50 yearsResistance to fire and temperature.Ease of care.
    High price. This includes not only the floor material itself, but also preliminary work on the preparation of the base, design, and so on. All this brings the self-leveling floor to the top price category. The quality of the self-leveling floor itself will depend on how well the rough preparatory work is done. The complexity of the replacement. If you get tired of the self-leveling floor, and you want to dismantle it, get ready for serious work and high costs.

The results of the hit parade

In our hit parade, we tried to briefly talk about all the most popular types of flooring that can be found on the market. Which of these do we recommend you choose?
    If you are an adherent of eco-style and love experiments - try cork flooring. Love the classics and reliability - there is nothing better than a real solid wood floor or good parquet. Save, or do not want to invest a lot of money in a rented apartment - take an inexpensive linoleum, carpet or laminate .
In any case, you choose. And we will help make your choice easy and enjoyable. Live easy!

Finishing the floor is one of the last stages of repair in an apartment or private house. It can be carried out using various materials, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the purpose of the room, there are certain requirements for materials:

  • Hallway. A room with a high foot traffic, in which a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates. The flooring should be as durable and non-marking as possible.
  • Bathroom. In this room, the floor covering is constantly in contact with water, so the material must be moisture resistant and easy to clean.
  • Kitchen. It also needs a material that is not exposed to moisture and does not absorb fat.
  • Balcony. The conditions in such a room are close to outdoor ones, so the products must be resistant to low temperatures and humidity.
  • Living room. This is a room with a high foot load, so the main characteristic of the material is mechanical strength.
  • Bedroom. In this case, the floor covering must be environmentally friendly.
  • Children's. The material should combine the characteristics of products for the two previous rooms.

This material is used for laying floor coverings in rooms of any purpose. Linoleum was especially popular during the Soviet Union, now it is not so common, but still holds certain positions.

Linoleum - availability and ease of care


  1. Wide range of. The material for the floor is made in various colors and may have patterns and ornaments on the front. Modern rolled materials imitate the surface of stone, wood, parquet and so on.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Mechanical strength.
  4. High rates of sound and heat insulation.
  5. Easy installation and aftercare.

Of the shortcomings, too high plasticity should be noted; dents remain on the linoleum after furniture and other heavy objects. Some models emit harmful substances, this can be determined by a strong chemical smell.

Another classic flooring option. Most often, the material is used for arranging floor coverings in kitchens and bathrooms.

Ceramic tiles - environmental friendliness and durability

The positive aspects of the tile include:

  • Resistant to chemicals, water, UV and abrasion.
  • A wide range of colors and sizes of products. Materials are also produced that imitate the color and texture of natural wood, stone and others.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Health safety.

Tile is considered almost ideal for floors in the house, but the material is cold, which makes it unpleasant to walk barefoot on it. Some types become slippery when wet, and the tile is also quite fragile and easily breaks when hit or dropped by an object.

Wood is now experiencing a new wave of popularity. With its help, floors are laid in rooms for any purpose, including kitchens.

Plank floor - nobility and a sense of comfort


  1. Noble appearance.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Feeling of comfort and coziness.
  4. Can be used in almost any interior and combined with other materials.

Of the disadvantages, exposure to water should be noted, therefore, measures must be taken to protect the coatings. Because of this, finishing floors requires more time and money. The ability to absorb moisture makes wood very brand, spilled juice, tea or coffee will leave a mark on the coating.

Also, the tree requires regular cycling, because over time, burrs appear on the surface. In addition, high-quality natural materials are quite expensive. If they are not processed correctly, they can swell or dry out, which will lead to deformation. Do not forget about rodents and insects that prefer to settle in such an environment.

Cork floor - naturalness and warmth

Such floor materials allow you to create a truly original coating. Products are made from cork tree bark, so they are completely natural and environmentally friendly.

  • Comfort when walking barefoot.
  • The coating is non-slip and non-marking.
  • Cork is well protected from moisture.
  • The material is easy to care for.
  • Wide range of colors and textures.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out low mechanical strength and a short service life. In addition, the cork needs subsequent varnishing, so such floors cannot be called budgetary.

Laminate - a wealth of choice and ease of care

These products were invented to replace natural wood. Some of its characteristics are much higher than those of wood:

  1. The laminate is issued in very rich assortment. It can imitate the shades of almost all types of wood, natural stone, fabric, leather and so on.
  2. The material is warm, in addition, under it you can lay the "warm floor" system.
  3. Ease of care.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Ease of installation (products are equipped with locking systems, thanks to which they are easy to stack).

Despite the fact that there are models with a moisture-proof coating, it is better not to use laminate for the kitchen or bathroom. You will also need to lay a layer of waterproofing. It should be noted that the laminate is quite fragile: prolonged contact with water and mechanical stress leave traces on it. In addition, during installation there is a risk of damaging the locking joints, so products must be purchased with a margin.

Porcelain stoneware - strength and practicality

This material is very similar to ceramic tiles, but is produced using a slightly different technology. At the same time, it resembles a natural stone. In the modern world, porcelain stoneware products are popular due to the following advantages:

  • The strength of porcelain stoneware is rated 9 points out of 10.
  • Surfaces can last up to 50 years.
  • Does not emit harmful substances when heated and wet.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Resistant to sunlight and water.
  • Does not burn and does not support combustion.
  • Wide range of.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, and this applies to prices for both materials and installation work. Polished porcelain tiles are too slippery for use in kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, it is cold, so it needs to be heated. In some cases, it is impossible to cover the floor with such material due to the large weight.

Self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floor - aesthetics and uniqueness

This type is considered relatively new, it has not yet gained popularity among users, but it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The presence of polymer compounds in the composition provides high moisture resistance, so it is easy to wash.
  2. Self-leveling floors can last about 20 years.
  3. Seams are not formed on the surface, so it looks aesthetically pleasing. The same feature protects the coating from the appearance of fungus.
  4. Attractive appearance.

Among the shortcomings, the high cost of the material and the need for serious preparatory processes should be noted. In addition, the coating cannot be repaired locally. That is, if the floor crumbles in some place, you will have to completely remove the coating and fill in a new one.


Previously, concrete was used only for arranging floor coverings in utility rooms, garages, and so on. Now a concrete screed is very often the basis for other products: parquet, laminate, tiles and others. But modern methods of pouring and grinding make it possible to create a perfectly even, visually attractive (as you can see in the photo) and absolutely inert to water coating. In addition, the floors are strong and durable.

Concrete floor - strength and durability

Among the shortcomings, a large weight of the material can be distinguished, so it cannot be used in wooden houses. Also, to obtain a perfectly even surface, specialized construction equipment and qualified operators are required to maintain it. Another disadvantage is the complexity of the work.

On a note! If the floor is finished with concrete, then it is subject to mechanical stress. Despite the strength, the material can crumble when an object falls on it from a height.

Once this material was the main product for construction, but now it is considered a sign of wealth and luxury. The fact is that the stone itself is cheap, but its processing requires high-tech, and therefore very expensive, equipment and consumables.

Natural stone - presentability and practicality

Among the advantages it should be noted:

  1. High mechanical strength.
  2. Resistance to almost any influence (precipitation, sun, impacts).
  3. Almost unlimited service life.

But natural stone also has disadvantages:

  • Significant weight, which makes it difficult to work with, it is not suitable for all floors.
  • The stone is cold, so you will have to install a "warm floor" system.
  • The installation process is quite expensive.
  • The material requires special care.

Another material for arranging floors, which has been known to mankind since antiquity. It is also considered expensive because it is quite difficult to install. It is made of glass or natural stone.

Mosaic - elegance and originality

The main advantage of the mosaic is that it turns out to finish even curved surfaces, while you can create any patterns and patterns using multi-colored elements. For ease of installation, manufacturers pre-attach mosaic fragments to the grid, forming a pattern. The master can only stick it on the floor. In terms of performance, the mosaic resembles a tile.

Of the shortcomings, the high price of the material itself and the work on its installation should be noted. In addition, the mosaic coating will not suit modern interiors, it looks better in a classic or antique style. It should also be noted that only an artist or a person with a developed taste and imagination can cope with laying mosaics on their own.


Products from this material are produced in the form of tiles with an adhesive base or interlocking. There are also cheaper varieties that need to be laid on a layer of tile adhesive. Modern PVC coatings are produced in a wide range of colors. Previously, tiles made from this material were also used for laying flooring, many remember these blue and green squares, now the products look more aesthetically pleasing.

PVC tiles - a wealth of choice and resistance to moisture

Among the advantages it should be noted:

  1. Easy and fast styling.
  2. Ease of care.
  3. High soundproof characteristics.
  4. A wide range of colors, shapes and sizes.
  5. Long service life.

Despite these advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • High requirements for the preparation of the base. The rough coating must be perfectly even, otherwise all defects will eventually be reflected on the tile. It is also important to take into account that the moisture content of the base cannot be higher than 5%.
  • Before laying the floor with such material, it is necessary to hold the tile in the room for several days so that it adapts to the conditions. In addition, each manufacturer indicates the temperature and humidity conditions that must be observed during installation.
  • Changes color and breaks down when exposed to sunlight.
  • PVC is a synthetic material, so it releases harmful substances when burned. As for fire safety, it also leaves much to be desired.

This is a fairly popular option for finishing floor surfaces. It is a soft and warm material with a long or short pile, which is laid on a prepared base and covered with a plinth. The result is a coating that resembles an ordinary carpet, but which is covered over the entire area of ​​​​the room.

Carpeting - comfort and sound insulation


  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Comfort and coziness.
  3. A wide range of design solutions.
  4. Long service life and resistance to various kinds of influences.
  5. High level of sound insulation.

Of the negative qualities can be identified:

  • Cheap product options are not protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • High hygroscopicity and susceptibility to water.
  • Accumulate debris and dust.
  • Difficulty in care.
  • Light products are very easily soiled.
  • Foundation preparation requirements. Under the carpet must be a layer of reliable waterproofing.

Last on the list, but not least, flooring option. Represents high-quality and at the same time elite covering. Performance indicators directly depend on the type of wood used in the manufacture, as well as production and processing methods.

Parquet - durability and warmth

If we talk about the positive aspects of parquet, it should be noted:

  1. Attractive appearance. Like other natural wood products, parquet boards look noble.
  2. Long service life. With proper installation and regular sanding, the coating can last about 30-40 years.
  3. High thermal insulation qualities. In warm regions, there is no need to lay insulation under the parquet.


  • Susceptibility to various deformations. Wood expands in summer and contracts in winter, so expansion joints must be left during installation.
  • High price. Parquet is significantly superior to laminate or linoleum in this indicator.
  • The need for regular repair and replacement of the protective varnish layer.

Parquet is one of the best types of flooring, but due to the high cost of material and work, it has not gained much popularity.

There are many different materials available for flooring. Craftsmen even use coins or cardboard to decorate the floors. Most products can be laid by yourself to save some money on hiring specialists. But there are those that require qualifications and the use of a professional tool.

Owners of new urban apartments with rough finishes and properties that are about to undergo major repairs will not be able to get rid of laying the flooring. The interior design of the premises and the conditions for their operation, comfort in the house depend on it. An analysis of the operational and technical characteristics of the proposed materials will help determine which floor is better to make in an apartment.

The main types of floor coverings

When considering modern floor coverings for an apartment, property owners choose between the following materials:

  • linoleum;
  • ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles;
  • laminate;
  • piece or artistic parquet;
  • cork floor;

All materials for the floor in the apartment are distinguished by a variety of designs, a long service life, and easy maintenance. The differences are in the laying methods, the complexity of the preparatory work, cost and practical characteristics.

Laminate or linoleum?

With a limited budget, the choice of the best flooring for an apartment is traditionally made between linoleum and. Linoleum is a classic solution, this material is easy to install, has a long service life and a variety of assortment. Manufacturers offer flooring for a room with any traffic intensity. The design of the collections impresses with its variety: the pattern of linoleum can be any - abstract, wood or tile, metal or parquet, natural stone or pebble. The main advantage of the material is the ease of installation, the work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Laminate is a trend of the last decade, this material is presented in different price categories, can be used in underfloor heating systems and is distinguished by a variety of collections. Manufacturers offer a waterproof laminate for the bathroom and kitchen, created from PVC. Laying the flooring is done using a simple tool, but requires an even base and care during work. Be sure to use a substrate that compensates for small flaws in the base and improves sound insulation.
When choosing what to make a floor from - from linoleum or laminate, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the base.

An uneven screed will lead to the fact that the locks of the laminate will begin to break, cracks will appear in which water will get into. An ideal base and a competent choice of laminate in terms of abrasion class is the best solution for budget repairs. Linoleum is indispensable when there is no way to improve the quality of the screed. The foam base of this flooring is able to compensate for small flaws in the subfloor.

Which floor is better to make in the apartment: parquet, parquet board or cork?

When deciding what to put on the floor in the apartment, fans of environmentally friendly materials choose between piece parquet, cork flooring and parquet board. For elite urban apartments, these floorings can be competed with artistic parquet, which is distinguished by its exquisite design and high cost.

Parquet and cork panels are an expensive floor covering for a room, the choice of which should be taken with special attention. Piece parquet is made from solid wood of the best grades. Its service life exceeds 50 years, the material is not afraid of high loads, and sanding can restore its ideal appearance during scheduled repairs. The disadvantages of the material include its cost and the need to involve specialists in laying.

Cork flooring is available in two types - tiles and panels with a lock. For self-installation, the question: which flooring is better is rhetorical. Cork veneer tiles must be glued to an ideal surface and then varnished, like parquet. The lock cork flooring is laid according to the laminate principle and this work can be done without the involvement of craftsmen.

Parquet and cork compete with parquet board - a compromise solution not only in terms of price, but also in terms of quality. The panels of this material resemble laminate, have a locking connection and are easy to install. Unlike parquet or solid board, the thickness of expensive wood species is only 4-6 mm, which reduces the cost of the material. The basis of the parquet board is a beam of softwood, glued perpendicularly to a thin pine veneer. This design guarantees the strength, durability of the floor covering, meets strict environmental standards.

When deciding what is better to lay on the floor - parquet or parquet board, tiles or cork wood panels, you need to be guided by your budget. All materials are environmentally friendly, with an individual texture and a long service life. Cork parquet and tiles are suitable for exclusive interiors, parquet board and cork wood panels are the best solution in a classic style.

Moisture-resistant floor in a city apartment

When analyzing which flooring to choose for a kitchen or bathroom, you need to consider the likelihood of puddles on the floor. A spilled pot, a malfunctioning dishwasher, or a disconnected water heater hose can cause puddles to form on the floor. Water is the main enemy of wood, laminate, cork. It is for this reason that there are reliable moisture-resistant floor materials - ceramic and clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware, self-leveling floors.

Ceramic tiles are distinguished by a variety of assortment and an affordable price. This is the best choice for small rooms with high humidity. The competition for this material is clinker tiles and porcelain stoneware. They are highly resistant to abrasion, strength, frost resistance. Deciding what is best for flooring in the garage, the choice is stopped on clinker tiles, as it does not absorb engine oil. In a city apartment, you can use any option, thanks to the impressive variety of collections.

The tile material competes with the self-leveling floor, which is distinguished by its durability, strength, and water resistance. Material suppliers offer exclusive solutions for any interior. The only drawback of self-leveling floors is the high cost and the need to attract qualified specialists.

Choosing a floor for different rooms

When choosing a floor covering in an apartment, it is difficult to determine what is best for all rooms. All rooms differ in traffic intensity, air humidity, environmental requirements. It is not difficult to answer a rather simple question - for covering the floor in the kitchen, which is better ceramic tiles or parquet - and it is problematic to choose between linoleum and laminate in the living room. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the subfloor and the qualifications of the master.

Depending on the purpose of the rooms, it is worth choosing between the following materials:

  • entrance hall - semi-commercial linoleum, laminate 23 or 31 class, cork flooring 23 class, ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware;
  • bathroom and toilet - ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, PVC-based laminate, self-leveling floors;
  • kitchen - ceramic or clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware, PVC-based laminate;
  • living room - laminate 22 or 23 class, cork, parquet, parquet board, linoleum;
  • children's room - cork flooring class 23, parquet board, parquet;
  • bedroom - laminate, parquet board of small thickness, parquet;
  • balcony or loggia - linoleum, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware.

For bedrooms and children's rooms, the environmental friendliness of the materials used is important, the bathroom and kitchen are demanding on the moisture resistance of the coating. Abrasion-resistant materials are used in the hallway of a city apartment.

Often, property owners ask themselves: what is better to use for underfloor heating? These heating systems are popular, the best choice for them would be ceramic tiles, clinker or laminate. When using parquet or parquet boards in rooms with underfloor heating, you should refuse collections of hornbeam, cedar or maple and give preference to teak or merbau. In this case, the flooring will last as long as possible, and its exterior will remain flawless.

Vinyl Flooring: Features and Benefits

If parquet seems to be an expensive pleasure for someone, then, for sure, they will see a worthy alternative in vinyl flooring. He is credited with many of the positive features that characterize wood flooring and linoleum. At the same time, there are no bad sides of vinyl that competitors have. The owners of an apartment or a private house get the opportunity to decorate any interior by choosing the best solution with a vinyl coating.

The structure of vinyl flooring and its advantages

The production technology provides for the inclusion of polyvinyl chloride, chemically inactive fillers, crushed quartz and some other components in the composition of the material. A decent look and proper shape are given by pressing at high temperatures. Synthetic components should not cause concern that during operation they can serve as a source of toxic substances, thereby posing a potential threat to the health of the inhabitants.

If you look at the cross-sectional plane of the vinyl coating, the following layers can be distinguished:

  1. At the very bottom is a layer of polyvinyl chloride. It is attached to the base of the floor. The polymer strengthens the vinyl flooring.
  2. Above is a reinforcing fiber layer of woven glass strands. Thanks to him, any kind of factors acting from the inside and outside are not able to change the shape of the product.
  3. The so-called interlayer, which consists of quartz and sand, also reinforces the structure.
  4. Decorative film. The topmost layer is also represented by a polymer - polyurethane. First of all, it is entrusted with the task of preventing the destruction of the product in the event of moisture, mechanical stress or ultraviolet rays. Sometimes there are modules with a convex surface or a surface on which the sole does not slip. On the other hand, decorative film is designed to give the impression that the floor is covered with stone, wood, leather, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl flooring

Benefits of vinyl flooring:

  1. From all the huge colorful variety, you can choose the color or pattern of the coating in accordance with your design tastes.
  2. Many of those who use vinyl flooring for a long time, for sure, were convinced of its practicality. The original appearance almost does not change, the surface is not scratched, and when light objects fall on the floor, dents do not form.
  3. Vinyl is comfortable in wet environments. Therefore, they can safely cover the floor in the bathroom or kitchen without fear.
  4. There is no need to use chemicals to restore a well-groomed appearance. It is enough to wipe it with a cloth dipped in plain water.
  5. Outwardly, the structure seems to be monolithic, the seams are almost invisible on the floor - the elements are so tightly adjacent to each other.
  6. With the installation of vinyl, as well as this repair, almost every owner will cope with minimal professional skills.
  7. Even if you walk barefoot on vinyl flooring in winter, it will not seem cold to your feet.
  8. Vinyl flooring is cheaper than some of the other options.

Disadvantages of vinyl flooring:

  1. High requirements for the base of the floor - it must be even and clean. Otherwise, the vinyl coating will wear out or deteriorate before the operating period allotted to it by the manufacturer.
  2. Toxins are distributed only when the material, through the negligence of the owners, catches fire.
  3. The old vinyl coating taken to the landfill after dismantling will lie there for decades without decomposing into simple components.
  4. If, for example, in a bathroom, a rubber mat is placed on a vinyl floor, then a stain will form under it after a while - the polymer reacts with discoloration or pallor after prolonged contact with rubber.

Vinyl Sizes

Rectangular tiles 600 mm long and 300 mm wide. In addition to the usual vinyl tiles, there is a quartz-vinyl version on sale. In the latter case, the floor covering is more resistant to chemicals and mechanical stress, an excellent insulator in relation to electricity. Quartz-vinyl tiles have proven themselves well in those rooms that will be frequently visited by people.

Roll cover. In each such roll, the canvas is from 15 to 20 meters long and 2 meters wide. Suitable for use in large rooms.

Laminated modules, each of which is a plate stretched up to 920 mm in length and 100 mm or 180 mm wide. A ball of fiberglass or felt that is in direct contact with the base of the floor plays the role of a shock-absorbing substrate, softens sharp mechanical loads when walking. The smallest thickness is 1.5 mm. The pattern on the front side gives the vinyl flooring a resemblance to a wood structure or makes it hard to distinguish from real bamboo in appearance.

Methods for installing vinyl floor coverings

Actually from the name "adhesive" the essence of the installation is clear - with the help of glue, which is usually applied with a spatula. It is convenient to press down to the base of the floor with a roller.

Locking modules assume the orientation of two plates to be joined in such a way that the spike of the first of them enters the groove of the other. The end result is a really secure connection like a lock. This method is good in that no additional fixing means are required during installation.

Self-adhesive vinyl tiles have an adhesive layer on the back under an easy-to-remove film. The film is needed to prevent the adhesive from drying out. It is removed immediately before laying the tiles on the subfloor. The laid tiles are pressed by rolling a rubber roller.

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