Translucent roof covering. Transparent slate: varieties and installation instructions

reservoirs 25.06.2019

A transparent roof is a relatively new solution in the construction services market. This is not only original, but also creates additional lighting, and the space visually seems only wider. Most often, a transparent roof is arranged in indoor pools, galleries, observatories, pavilions, greenhouses, etc., but the range of use of such a solution is much wider.

Types of transparent materials for roofing

The first thing that comes to mind is glass, but its use is limited by its very high fragility. But to create a transparent roof, there are a lot of other materials, and we will focus on them.


Plexiglas has almost the same transparency as ordinary glass, but it is 5 times stronger and 2 times lighter than ordinary glass. Plexiglass perfectly protects from ultraviolet radiation, without fading. And this makes it possible to use it even in complex and demanding structures, for example, for domed roofs, greenhouses, arched ceilings, etc.


This material has a very high impact resistance, especially for monolithic polycarbonate, which is often used to create an anti-vandal coating. It bends well, so curvilinear structures can also be made from it. But cellular polycarbonate has a higher choice in terms of colors, is lighter and more affordable, and therefore is used quite often to create a variety of elements: for visors, greenhouses, awnings, etc.

transparent slate

Transparent slate, or corrugated PVC, is an analogue of ordinary slate, only now it will transmit natural light well. It can be made from vinyl or polyvinyl chloride - it depends on the manufacturer's technologies. Such material can be used both as an alternative to traditional slate, and for arranging windows in a conventional roof.


Triplex is a special laminated glass, pressed and covered with a protective film. And for extra strength, all or several layers of glass are hardened. All this makes the material very durable, and even if it breaks down, it does not break up into dangerous fragments, like ordinary glass, but simply crumbles and remains on the film. The scope of triplex is practically unlimited.

Reinforced polyester

It is a polyester resin that contains fiberglass. The result is a material that transmits light well, can be flat, corrugated, can be produced in rolls. It is this material that is most often used to create transparent structures: greenhouses, sheds, livestock complexes, covered areas, stadiums, etc.

Pros and cons of a transparent roof

The transparent roof has a lot of advantages which are connected, first of all, with its originality. It expands the space very well, makes it possible for natural light to penetrate the room, can be implemented in different colors etc. It protects very well from bad weather, from ultraviolet rays, from moisture, is not subject to corrosion.
For many, the question immediately arises of how durable a transparent roof is, and what are the shortcomings hiding behind so original solution. In fairness, it should be noted that such a design is not without some disadvantages. So, its use is limited by the fact that it is not suitable for all roofs, and the installation of such structures is quite complicated and expensive. For some, the psychological factor also plays an important role - it is important to feel something material and protective above you. And one more drawback - their thermal protection is very low, so this solution is suitable for regions with a corresponding climate. But all these shortcomings become threatening only if you are going to glaze the entire roof - if it is only a carport, an arch or an element of an ordinary roof, then the shortcomings are hidden against the background of advantages.

Even 20-30 years ago, a transparent roof was expressed in a reverent whisper, considering it an unusual invention. Now they talk about it out loud, and not only creative people who want to stand out due to a special roof. Roof made of transparent materials affordable option home decorations.

Transparent roof: features and applications

The roof of transparent materials is constructed according to the post-transom system. In other words, the frame is assembled from aluminum profiles, and the space between them is closed with glass or other building materials.

A roof that transmits light can be one of the following unusually shaped structures:

  • arch;

    The transparent roof in the form of an arch creates a special atmosphere, therefore it is suitable for recreation areas, for example, for a swimming pool

  • slope at an angle;

    Transparent shed roof, despite its routine, looks decent

  • dome;

    The transparent roof in the form of a dome is amazing and is perceived as something grandiose.

  • pyramid;

    The transparent roof in the form of a pyramid seems to be directed towards the light

  • polygon.

    Polygonal transparent roof can ordinary house turn into a real work of art

Most often, a transparent roof is made for such buildings and places as:

  • winter Garden;

    The winter garden under a transparent roof does not leave anyone indifferent

  • exit to the balcony or street;

    The transparent roof over the porch does not add weight to the house, unlike metal

  • greenhouse;

    A greenhouse under a transparent roof does not make one doubt whether the plants have enough light

  • alcove;

    Transparent roof over the gazebo always seems special

  • two separate houses that need to be combined.

    A glass roof connects two buildings

Having decided to build a roof through which the sun will look into the house, you need to be ready for a comprehensive design of the lighting system. The issue will need to be analyzed taking into account the operational properties of the premises and the climate in the area where construction is planned.

The transparent roof catches the eye, like a crystal vase, and amazes with its amazing lightness, but it has a number of features that affect the operation of the entire structure:

  • in the summer hours under a transparent roof it becomes hot, like in a tropical climate zone, therefore, in the warm season, such a roof must be protected from increased exposure to the sun;
  • when constructing a transparent structure, the lower rows of the material cannot be overlapped by the upper ones, as happens during the construction process slate roof, which means that all seams have to be additionally isolated from moisture;
  • transparent material is fraught with some danger, because being extremely fragile, it can break and injure people inside the room;
  • a transparent surface, like a magnet, attracts dust, which is why its main property - the ability to freely transmit light - may become weaker over time.

Advantages of translucent roofing

A transparent roof has the following significant advantages:

Types of transparent roof

The translucent roof happens:

  • polycarbonate (from cellular polycarbonate);
  • glass (laminated or acrylic glass);
  • plastic (from profiled PVC);
  • fiberglass (made of polyester reinforced with fiberglass).

polycarbonate roof

Cellular polycarbonate can be used to build a roof for any structure, including a gazebo, greenhouse and porch.

Cellular polycarbonate is also called cellular because of its special structure.

The roof made of cellular material is famous for the following advantages:

  • attractive appearance obtained by painting polycarbonate in various colors;
  • light weight, contributing to the creation of an elegant and airy appearance of the building;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, which makes the material immune to snow and hail;
  • soundproofing at the proper level.

The roof made of cellular polycarbonate looks colorful, because it can be different in color

When constructing a roof, polycarbonate sheets are interconnected with special docking profiles made of aluminum or plastic.

The roof is rarely covered with plain glass, because this material can easily break and cause serious harm to health. Instead, they actively use triplex, that is, laminated glass, and plexiglass, which is also called acrylic.

The glass roof looks like a window to the sky

Triplex is produced by pressing two sheets of glass. Multi-layer building product passes heat treatment and is covered with a protective film, due to which it acquires special properties: It cannot be cut or drilled.

Triplex is so strong that when damaged, it does not turn into a mountain of sharp fragments. It crumbles into granules that remain on the film.

Triplex is able to withstand heavy loads due to its multi-layer

Acrylic glass (plexiglass) is superior to ordinary glass, as it has the following advantages:

  • 5 times stronger than traditional glass;
  • 2 times lighter than ordinary glass;
  • not afraid of ultraviolet;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • ideal for complex structures (arches or domes).

Plexiglas is most often used in the construction of arched structures.

Profiled PVC is a plastic copy of a metal corrugated sheet, which exactly repeats its parameters and shape.

Profiled PVC is similar to corrugated board, but differs in transparency

Profiled transparent PVC sheets have the following positive characteristics:

  • chemical inertness;
  • immunity to mechanical stress;
  • moisture protection.

When covering the roof with profiled PVC sheets, steel profiles should be used as rafters.

During the construction of the roof, profiled PVC is fixed on steel rafters.

Polyester roof

Glass fiber reinforced polyester is an alloy of polyester resins and glass fibers. In other words, the material is fiberglass and looks like slate, though transparent.

Transparent slate is not only sheet, but also rolled

The advantages of transparent reinforced polyester are:

  • a variety of forms, as the material is flat or wavy, sheet or rolled;
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient installation;
  • wide scope;
  • low price;
  • high temperature resistance.

Reinforced polyester is indispensable in the construction of greenhouses, sheds, recreation areas and individual roof sections of complex configuration.

A transparent slate roof looks prettier than the roof from asbestos-cement analogue

Do-it-yourself transparent roof

The choice of transparent material requires individual approach for roof construction. If you build a glass roof by analogy with a metal one, then it simply will not withstand the load.

Mounting Features

Before glazing the roof, it is necessary to find suitable rafters. Steel profiles are suitable for large spans, aluminum profiles for medium spans, and PVC profiles for small spans.

When constructing a transparent roof, some points should be considered:

Most often, a polycarbonate roof is constructed with their own hands over a summer cottage. Step by step, this process is as follows:

  1. From the rafters with a section of 6x8 cm, a frame is erected under a transparent roofing material. A distance of 104 cm is maintained between each extreme and adjacent element. And the rafters in the central part load-bearing structure the roofs are separated from each other by 101 cm. This gap is dictated by the width of the polycarbonate sheets. On a roof with a large area, sheathing boards are laid out.

    The rafters are placed so that it is convenient to fix the polycarbonate

  2. Profiles (connecting, end and ridge) are fixed on the rafter legs or crate (if it was made). In size, they should fit polycarbonate sheets.
  3. The supporting roof system is supplemented with limiters. They are placed at a distance of 2–3 cm from the edge of the profiles and fixed with rivets.
  4. Polycarbonate sheets are inserted into the grooves of the profiles. At the same time, 5 mm of free space is left between the material and the connecting elements.

    Polycarbonate sheets are assembled in a single row using connecting profiles

  5. Adhesive tape is glued to the side surface of the polycarbonate panels. Perforated adhesive tape is used for the bottom edge, and ordinary tape is used for the top. This little trick will protect the transparent roof from the reflected rays of the sun, and also clog the cells of the material so that insects do not get into them and dust does not get into them.
  6. Removed from fixed polycarbonate protective covering. Plugs are mounted on a transparent roof. The joints between the bearing profiles and sheets of material are coated with silicone mastic.

Video: an example of building a transparent slate roof

How to half glaze a roof

If you have an idea to glaze only half of the roof, then it is best to use a combination of metal profiled sheet and profiled PVC. Such materials look good together and are mounted in the same way: the lateral overlap is performed in one wave, and the longitudinal overlap is 10-15 cm, roofing screws with washers are used for fastening.

As an option, one roof slope can be covered with a metal profiled sheet, and the other with polyvinyl chloride. It is also a good idea to alternate these materials, creating a kind of chessboard on the roof.

A good combination of slate with reinforced polyester is considered. At the same time, only one strip on the roof slope can be covered with a transparent material.

The combination of asbestos-cement and transparent slate will help illuminate the space under the extensive roof

How to build a pyramid roof

To make a transparent pyramid-shaped roof that is simple in design, you need to prepare 4 mauerlat bars, 4 diagonal rafters, a rack and a bed.

  1. Assemble from four beams and fix the upper trim on the top of the walls.
  2. Using steel corners 2 mm thick and self-tapping screws, fix the diagonal rafters at the corners of the roof base.
  3. Connect the upper ends of the rafters to the rack coming from the floor in the room.

    The frame of the pyramid roof necessarily includes a rack and sprigs

  4. Place one additional board between the diagonal rafters.
  5. Reinforce the corner rafters with the help of sprigs, which are attached with the upper end to the middle of the rafter leg, and with the lower end to the top trim board.
  6. Cut out 4 triangles from transparent roofing material and fix them on the rafters.

    The cap is put on the top of the pyramid roof so that moisture does not seep through it.

Photo gallery: airy transparent roofs

If you want to make the space under the roof more illuminated, you can make the middle of the roof transparent Under a gable roof made of transparent material, you can create a comfortable seating area Half-glazed roof can combine a living space and a gazebo Under a transparent roof, you can leave a car in the yard In a room with a pool, transparent can be both walls and roofing Transparent roofing over the passage between two buildings, made in the form of an arch, expands the space Transparent roofing in the form of a dome is often created high above ground level Transparent glass roofing from ordinary house makes a luxurious mansion

For such an interesting undertaking as the construction of a transparent roof, you need to take it with inspiration. A roof that transmits light is built using a special technology, but it will shine in the rays of the sun and the glory of its owner - a jack of all trades.

V colloquial speech often all corrugated roofing sheets are called slate, only at the same time they specify how it looks and what material it is made of. Recently, more and more often in suburban summer cottages, as well as in urban private houses, you can see the roofs of verandas, gazebos, canopies over the car platform made of transparent slate, as well as original light-transmitting inserts in the roofs made of the same material.

Therefore, transparent slate: varieties and installation instructions are of interest to many owners of suburban areas who are just starting to plan buildings, or have decided to reconstruct them.

Transparent roofing material is made of polyvinyl chloride, plexiglass, fiberglass or. All of these polymers have their own pros and cons, as well as their own advantages over other traditional roofing materials. Since this variety building materials while it remains an unknown novelty for many, then before buying it, quite rightly, a lot of questions arise both about the characteristics and about the features of conducting roofing works.

Transparent roofing material can be used in quite a variety of ways. And to make sure that it is able to be not only a functional coating, but also to give a special aesthetic to any structure, it is worth considering several options for its application.

  • Transparent slate is often used to cover roofs. individual rooms public buildings and agricultural structures. The material is mounted completely on the entire roof or inserts are made from it, which serve to illuminate interior spaces without windows, which helps to significantly save on electricity.

  • It is used to cover arched structures in poultry farms, greenhouse complexes, as well as hangars and construction warehouses.

  • Increasingly, transparent slate in combination with other materials is used for the device. For example, this photo shows a structure made of transparent tinted material, protected from the outside by a chain-link mesh. This lightweight building looks quite aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time it is quite reliable, since it is not easy for an attacker to overcome it without the owners noticing it.

  • Transparent slate makes an excellent canopy over a car park - such a building will cost much less than a capital garage. Moreover, if desired, it is quite possible to use it as a gazebo by installing a table, chairs or a sunbed under the roof.

  • Covering gazebos, terraces and verandas with this material is increasingly included in landscape design, as it adds exclusivity and aesthetics to it. In addition, a transparent roof helps to save on electricity, as under it the whole daylight hours will be light.

  • , built entirely of sheets of transparent slate or roofed with similar material They function perfectly not only in the spring, but even in winter. This is because the material retains heat well inside the building and does not let the wind through, and natural light enters throughout the daylight hours.

Functional, lightweight and at the same time - a beautiful canopy over the home pool

  • To protect the pool from wind, UV rays, dust and tree leaves, transparent slate is the best option. It looks harmoniously with the water surface against the backdrop of natural landscapes, and most importantly - the pool - can be used in summer in any weather.

  • This material has become very popular for mounting canopies over entrance doors, as well as for the formation of figured roofs over terraces. All this is due to light weight, original appearance and the ability to create structures of various shapes.

The main areas of application of plastic transparent slate were listed above, but besides this, they cover winter gardens and balconies, arrange interior partitions from it, sheds over the territory of the yard, and much more.

Advantages and disadvantages of transparent slate

A quick look at the applications of this relatively new modern coverage, it can be concluded that it has numerous positive qualities. However, it is not without specific shortcomings. It is also necessary to obtain information about all these “polar” qualities in order to have an idea of ​​how the material will behave when exposed to various external factors.

Advantages of transparent slate

TO positive qualities This material can undoubtedly be attributed to the following:

  • Strength

Transparent modern plastics designed for roofing, walls and partitions are designed for outdoor use, so they have high impact resistance and are dozens of times superior to glass in this quality. As a result of the foregoing, plastic slate can be called an absolutely safe material to use. So, for example, when hail falls on such a roof, in the worst case, it will leave a crack on its surface, but the glass can shatter and wake up on the head of those who will be inside, say, a greenhouse or

  • Light transmission

The transparency of the roof makes it possible to achieve maximum daylight under the roof, which is especially important if it is arranged above the greenhouse, winter garden or in poultry houses. Not prevent good lighting and for a gazebo, workshop or balcony, because thanks to the transparent coating, you will not have to turn on artificial light again, which will significantly reduce energy costs.

  • Ecological purity of the material

The environmental friendliness of the material is one of the most important qualities of such roofing. During operation and under the influence of external factors, plastic slate does not begin to emit substances harmful to humans or the environment. In contrast, traditional asbestos-cement roofing becomes dangerous to human health over time. Characteristically, since 2005, asbestos-containing materials are generally prohibited for use in European countries.

  • UV resistance

UV resistance is also an equally important advantage of transparent roofing. It passes the sun's rays through without absorbing them, so it is less prone to damage from ultraviolet radiation, which can be called the main enemy of most other roofing.

The transparent roof practically does not heat up and does not accumulate heat, as it does not absorb heat rays. Unlike it, metal roofs, as well as traditional slate, get very hot, and then, with the onset of evening and a decrease in atmospheric temperature, they begin to give off heat inside the premises.

  • Flexibility of transparent slate

The flexibility that transparent polymer slate has makes it possible to design and install complex roof structures - these can be arches, semi-arches, domes, trapezoids and other even more intricate structures consisting of several geometric shapes.

  • The lightness of transparent slate

A transparent roof not only looks airy, but also has a very low weight, so it practically does not put a load on the foundation and walls of the building, which is its clear advantage over other roofing materials.

  • Aesthetic clear coating

Aesthetics is an indisputable quality of translucent slate. With the use of this material, surprisingly beautiful verandas, awnings and gazebos are obtained, and greenhouses installed on the site look no worse. Such structures can be an excellent addition to the design in a certain style.

  • Temperature resistance

The advantages of such a translucent slate include its endurance to low and high temperatures, as well as their sudden changes. Thus, roofing plastic is designed for use in the temperature range from -50 to +120 degrees, which means that it can be used in almost any Russian region, with the exception of only a few "cold poles".

Disadvantages of transparent slate

The disadvantages of using transparent slate for the construction of the roof of a private house include the following points:

  • The complexity of the work. Installation of plastics on the truss system must be carried out with extreme caution, since any of them is not designed for too much point, undistributed load. Therefore, special flooring or scaffolding will be required for work.
  • Plastic transparent coating is not compatible with all roofing materials and truss systems. Therefore, the "minuses" of these materials include the limited use of them.

However, the conclusion clearly suggests itself that the material, when quality installation and properly used, has much more advantages than negative qualities.

In addition to the general "pluses" and "minuses" of transparent slate, for the right choice for a specific application, it is necessary to have an idea about the qualities of the varieties of this material. And you need to start with the general characteristics that are common to all transparent plastics.

Forms of release of transparent roofing

A fairly wide range of transparent material offered for sale can also be attributed to its positive qualities. You also need to get information about this in order to make the right choice.

  • Variety of colors

Transparent slate has a lot of colors, which allows you to choose the right option for a particular building. It is produced in the following colors:

- transparent, colorless;

- color - the color of slate can be pure or mixed, such as turquoise, beige, milky, bronze, etc.

If colorless transparent slate is used for greenhouses, then for other buildings it is quite possible to use different color options.

The color of the selected slate for a visor, veranda, terrace or fence should be organically combined with the design of the walls of the facade of the house. Therefore, if the ideal shade is not found, then you can choose a neutral one, for example, smoky or bronze.

  • Light transmission level

In addition to the color range, plastic slate is also divided according to the level of light transmission:

— Completely transparent, having 92÷95% light transmission. It may well be comparable to glass, so it is used for rooms that require increased lighting.

— The translucent material has 55÷75% light transmission. Behind it, the contours of individual objects are visible, but it will not be possible to consider them properly.

- Matte slate has the lowest percentage of transparency, so it practically does not let light through. But on the other hand, it is distinguished by the most intense coloring.

- Opaque material is completely opaque.

  • Sheet profile configuration

Plastic slate can look different, and in many respects its appearance depends on the cross section - it can have different forms and dimensions:

- wavy shape, in the form of smooth sinusoidal waves;

- trapezoidal waves have clear wave boundaries, like most types of metal;

Not quite "slate" - roofing sheets without wavy shapes

- flat sheets are divided into monolithic and honeycomb options.

Table of wave types by size and color:

Wave ConfigurationWave (length, mm / height, mm)Sheet length, mmSheet width, mmThickness, mmMaterial color
146/48 2000 1090 1.1÷1.3Transparent
94/34 2000 900 1 Red Green Yellow Blue Brown Black
70/18 2000 1090 0.8 Clear Smoky Yellow Green Red Blue
76/18 2000 900 0.8 Transparent Smoky
76/18 2000 1030 2.5 Prism

It should be noted here that slate, which has a wavy shape or a trapezoidal profile, has much greater rigidity and strength compared to flat sheets, therefore it is more resistant to shock and static loads. Thanks to such configurations, water is more efficiently drained from the roof, leaving less traces of drops.

Corrugated slate is produced in sheets and rolls. Their dimensions are selected in accordance with the existing dimensions of the roof slopes. Standard sheet parameters: 2000×900; 2000×1086; 2200×1140 mm and others, depending on the type of material and manufacturer. Each slate sheet usually has 7-12 waves, depending on their width and depth.

Slate sold in rolls can have a length of 10, 20, 30 m and a width of 1.5 ÷ 3 m. These dimensions allow the use whole fragments material to cover one roof slope in length or width. Thanks to such coating parameters, even on a large roof slope, the number of sheet joints is significantly reduced, and the installation process itself is also simplified.

Materials for the manufacture of transparent slate and their characteristics

So, transparent slate is made of four types of plastic - these are polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass, acrylic plexiglass and polycarbonate.

Reinforced polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

PVC slate sheets are produced in transparent or color variant, can have various sizes and thickness. The material has a large number of advantages, the main of which are lightness, strength and fire safety.

Transparent PVC slate has the ability to scatter light, which is well suited for arranging the roofs of winter gardens, greenhouses, and balconies.

PVC slate can have trapezoidal and sinusoidal waves, but it is not produced in the form of even sheets.

This material can be of two types - conventional and reinforced with fiberglass. The second option has greater mechanical strength, but less flexibility.

Polyvinyl chloride, unlike polycarbonate, is more resistant to chemical aggressive substances. Therefore, it is well suited for arranging the roofs of balconies and awnings above the entrance to houses located in industrial areas where dust with an admixture of aggressive elements or acid precipitation is possible.

The standard sizes for PVC sheets are 2000×1090 and 2000×1080 mm with a sheet thickness of 2 mm and a number of waves from 5 to 8 pieces. The weight of the sheet is 2.5 ÷ 3 kg, which is much lighter than any other roofing material.

On the Russian market this plastic slate is available in a colorless transparent form, as well as in blue, blue, red, yellow and green palettes. Opaque PVC slate is produced in gray and blue.

Polycarbonate slate

Three types of roofing material are produced from polycarbonate - it is monolithic, honeycomb and with sine waves. All of them can be used for arranging a roof, but each of them is suitable for a specific case. For example, monolithic sheets of material are used to insert sase into the roof of a residential building, since they are thick enough and are quite capable of replacing the usual glazing.

For the manufacture of greenhouses, canopies, canopies and gazebos, honeycomb and corrugated plastic slate is most often used.

Polycarbonate honeycomb sheets are interconnected by profile elements provided for this purpose, and wavy sheets are overlapped in one wave.

Slate from this plastic has its advantages over other similar coatings. These advantages include:

- High resistance to mechanical stress. Polycarbonate can withstand heavy objects falling on it, and with a properly arranged rafter system, it can withstand the weight of one person, which is very important for ease of installation and repair work on the roof.

- Polycarbonate is the most resistant of all types of plastic slate to ultraviolet radiation, as it does not lose its original appearance under its influence for 8-10 years.

- Wavy and honeycomb sheets are lightweight. So, a corrugated sheet with an area of ​​​​1 m² weighs only 1.15 ÷ 1.2 kg with a thickness of 0.9 ÷ 1 mm.

Video: helpful information about profiled polycarbonate

Plexiglas slate

Acrylic plexiglass is produced in monolithic and corrugated sheets, with sinusoidal and trapezoidal waves. Acrylic slate has a glossy surface, it diffuses well sunlight and absorbs noise. Monolithic sheets are great as inserts in mansard roof residential buildings, and the corrugated version is used for roofs of light buildings, canopies, roofs of balconies, etc.

The thickness of slate sheets is most often 1 ÷ 1.2 mm, and monolithic from 1 to 24 mm.

The length of slate sheets can be 4000, 6000 and 12000 mm, but for their comfortable transportation standard size usually in length does not exceed 2050 ÷ 3050 mm. The material is resistant to deformation and brittleness, even when exposed to ultraviolet rays and other natural factors, as well as to chemical inorganic influences.

Acrylic slate has a fairly high impact resistance, and can be used at temperatures of -40 to +80 ˚С.

A very important quality is the environmental friendliness of the material. Throughout the entire period of operation, it does not emit toxic substances and is absolutely safe for human health. The disadvantage of the material is the instability to many organic solvents.

fiberglass slate

Fiberglass is made from polyester resin, which ensures the resistance of the material to aggressive atmospheric influences, and glass fibers, which give the sheets special strength. Due to its components, fiberglass has high heat resistance and frost resistance - its operating temperature can vary from -40 to + 140˚С.

Fiberglass is produced in sheets and rolls, so you can choose a form of manufacture that is convenient for installation.

The material has a low thermal conductivity, so slate from it is great for arranging the roofs of greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses. Diversity colors fiberglass allows you to use this material as a decorative one, using it for the construction of gazebos, roofs of balconies and other buildings for household or household purposes.

The standard roll size is 2.5×20, 2×20, 1.5×20 m. The thickness of the roofing material can be from 0.8 to 2 mm.

Fiberglass is light in weight. Thus, a sheet with a size of 3000 × 1000 mm weighs only 3.5 kg, which greatly facilitates its lifting to a height and installation.

Manufacturers give a guarantee for fiberglass roofing up to 10 years.

Installation of transparent slate

The installation of plastic slate has its own nuances, which also need to be studied before the start of roofing. One of highlights is the basis for fixing the material - the design of the crate, so you should follow the existing recommendations.

How to mount wave transparent slate

Calculation of the parameters of the crate

Naturally, first of all, for laying any roofing material, a crate must be prepared. Most often it is made of a wooden beam, placing transverse waves guides with a certain step. But the step itself depends on the thickness of the profiled sheet, and on the expected load on the roof.

The minimum distance between the transverse supports (sheathing pitch) mm, with the thickness of the profiled sheet:
0.8mm 1.0 mm 1.2mm 1.5mm
50 975 1050 1125 1225
75 850 925 975 1050
100 775 850 900 950
125 725 775 825 900
150 675 725 775 850
200 625 650 700 750
250 575 625 650 700
300 525 575 625 675
350 500 550 575 625
The minimum slope of the ramp is not lower than 10 °

Now it remains to decide what will be the load on the roof. This indicator is the sum of the possible snow and wind loads, which, in turn, depend on the region of construction, the specific location of the building or structure, and the steepness of the slope. Obviously, the steeper the slope, the less impact will have snow load, but with a simultaneous increase in the significance of the wind.

There is a special algorithm for calculating the load on the roofing. It contains several formulas and quite a few tables with fixed values ​​and various correction factors. But in order to simplify the task for the reader, we have compiled a special calculator that will allow you to quickly and with quite acceptable, very small error calculate the planned load in just a few minutes.

Roof Load Calculator

So, first you need to determine which zone in terms of snow and wind load the construction area belongs to. It is not difficult to do this using the maps of the territory of Russia placed below.

The rest of the parameters - the angle of the slope, the degree of openness of the territory, the height of the building - everything is easy to determine in place.

When determining the degree of openness of the construction site (zones "A", "B" and "C"), it should be borne in mind that characteristic artificial or natural wind barriers should be located no further than in a circle outlined with a radius of 30 ×h, whereh is the height of the roof above ground level.

Having all the above data on hand, you can enter them into the calculator and get the calculated value of the total pressure on the roof.

The price of a transparent roof

The construction industry is changing every year. Methods are changing, new materials are appearing, which not only open up new perspectives for designers, but also make our lives more comfortable. One of these innovative discoveries is the transparent roof.

It would seem that the roof is a simple design, which is no longer possible to greatly modify. But light-transmitting materials perfectly coped with this task. They are both durable and reliable and do not cover our house from the starry sky and white clouds.

Can be installed for attic, porch, playground, gazebo, car park or greenhouse. They let in sunlight, but protect from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The main types of transparent roofing

Today, there are two main groups of light-transmitting roofs - these are acrylic glass materials polymer materials . The first group is distinguished by high strength and elasticity, but on the other hand it has a significant specific gravity and high cost. It is used for glazing mansard roofs.

A more profitable solution and easier to implement is transparent roof polycarbonate protective layer from ultraviolet. The material is hundreds of times stronger than silicate glass, but at the same time it has a low weight and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Externally, a house with such a roof looks just as impressive as with a glass roof, only the installation is much faster and the price of polycarbonate is much lower.

No less popular today and transparent PVC materials for roofing or transparent slate. Outwardly, the structure resembles ordinary slate, only transparent. Unlike glass, this material is resistant to precise impacts. Installation on roofs with a complex truss system is possible.

Transparent roofing for a residential building and its main advantages:

    Transparent roofs are an ideal opportunity to visually expand the space, make even a very modest attic boundless;

    Provides natural light, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;

    Resistant to all weather conditions;

    It is an environmentally friendly material that is not afraid of corrosion, mold and aggressive precipitation;

    Has a beautiful aesthetic appearance;

    Reliably protects open terraces from rain and snow, but at the same time does not close the room from the flow of fresh air.

Transparent roof manufacturers

Today you can buy a transparent roof in Moscow from different manufacturers. One of the most reliable is the light-transmitting roof from the American concern Tuftex. The main material of manufacture, which is vinyl.

Available in the following configuration:

    Milky light sheets with a matte base. They scatter sunlight, blocking bright rays. On a hot day, under such a roof it will be cool and light enough.

    Sheets with a transparent base. They let in all the sun's rays, but protect from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ideal solution for winter gardens and greenhouses.

If we are talking about a plastic transparent roof, then due to the low weight, the installation process is greatly simplified. No professional equipment or special construction skills are required. A simple crate is installed, the sheets are measured, holes are made in them (by self-tapping screws), then the process of installation and fastening takes place.
From a plastic roof, you can easily create such masterpieces as arches and domes. Perhaps this is due to the property of the material to thermoforming. It is enough just to heat the sheets a little and turn on the fantasy.

Where to buy a transparent roof?

There may be several options. The most traditional is visiting markets and hardware stores. But in a big city, this will take not a single day, and this is at best.
It is much faster to make a purchase online. By contacting the specialists of our company, you will not only be able to safely count on the fact that the price of a transparent roof will be profitable, but you will also receive competent advice from masters with many years of experience in the roofing industry.

Do you want to fall asleep under the endless starry sky, hanging over you with a huge dome extending into outer space? To do this, you will need a transparent roof that will allow you to admire this divine, incomparable beauty. Such a roof can be built for the whole house, or you can limit yourself to a living room, a winter garden, a terrace or a bedroom. Transparent roofs are also appropriate in external architecture - in gazebos, picnic houses, pools, etc.

Requirements for light-transmitting structures are presented on the basis of their main task - to ensure natural light indoors.

List of requirements:

  • to provide indicators of illumination in the premises in accordance with existing standards;
  • protect work areas from bright sunlight;
  • provide ventilation and the possibility of smoke removal in case of fire;
  • develop a set of measures for the operation of the structure (replacement, washing, etc.);
  • solve issues of removing snow and water from surfaces;
  • choose the most suitable light-transmitting materials (glass, polymers, double-glazed windows);

A transparent roof can be installed throughout the house or in a separate part of it

  • calculate the static strength of the structure;
  • provide waterproofing, vapor barrier, thermal insulation and sound insulation of the roof;
  • arrange ventilation of joints and drainage of condensate.

A transparent roof can be in the form of sloping slopes, domes, pyramids, arches, etc. It can be warm or cold.

Varieties of constructive solution

Structurally, light-transmitting roofs are:

  • from profile systems;
  • from self-supporting elements;
  • in the form of skylights and skylights.

When using profiles, any roof can be made: gable, single-pitched, domed, hipped, etc. As a rule, for simple designs manufacturers have standard technical solutions. For objects over complex shapes designers develop individual projects.

Polymer roofs can be in the form of flat or curved segments.

As materials for profiles are used:

  • for large spans - steel;
  • for small and medium - aluminum;
  • for small spans - PVC.

Profiles are used with any light-transmitting elements. Between them it is necessary to install a sealant. Synthetic rubber is most often used as a sealant.

Profiles can be used with different light-transmitting elements.

Self-supporting light-transmitting structures are made of polymers in the form of flat and arched segments with stiffeners.

Skylights are glass inserts in the roof or projections in the building. Their shape can be very diverse - rectangular, trapezoidal, anti-aircraft, sawtooth with vertical or inclined glazing. Their glazing is made with transparent self-supporting elements, profile systems, double-glazed windows or polymers.

Roof windows can also be installed in roofs with slopes of 15–90°.

Skylights are installed in the roof, the slopes of which are located at an inclination of 15–90 °

Types of transparent materials

Glass, double-glazed windows and polymeric materials are used as transparent materials for roofs. The choice is determined by practical expediency, depending on the properties and characteristics of the material.

Glass, as a material for the manufacture of various products, has been known since ancient times. Glass samples found by archaeologists date back to 2000 BC. e. In construction, this material began to be used recently. Its active use falls on the second half of XIX century. At this time, many buildings with a glass roof were built: the Moscow GUM, the Paris d'Orsay station, which later became an art museum, the Victor Emmanuel II gallery in Milan and others.

Reinforced structures in the form of aluminum or steel profiles are used for glass roofing.

To ensure aesthetic, protective, heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties, modern manufacturers have developed various types of glass, as well as products using them, called double-glazed windows. Double-glazed windows are two or more glasses with a spacer and a dehumidifier. The gaps between the panes are filled with an inert gas (krypton, argon), and the panes have a sealed connection along the contour. Double-glazed windows are characterized by excellent heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. Any type of glass can be used for their manufacture.

As an alternative to glass, in 1930 German scientists invented acrylic (organic glass, polymethyl methacrylate, plexiglass). It is an easy-to-work, thermoformable, weight-bearing, colorless material.

The properties of acrylic did not satisfy the designers enough, so they continued to search for polymeric materials and invented PVC. Of the many advantages of this material, high temperature resistance and high moisture resistance should be noted.

The domestic construction industry most often uses cellular (cellular) polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate is another transparent polymer used for roofing. The physical and mechanical properties of the material remain unchanged when exposed to higher temperatures than acrylic. Polycarbonate can be operated at temperatures from -40 to +120 °C. It is produced in the form of structured and monolithic panels and sheets.

It's important to know ! Monolithic polycarbonate is an ideal roofing material for flat and curved structures, which is not inferior in transparency to glass. Its only drawback is its high cost. It is much more expensive than structured polycarbonate.

Transparent structured polycarbonate roofs

The most common in the construction industry are structured (honeycomb or cellular) polycarbonate sheets and panels.

Roofs made of this material are characterized by:

  • low specific gravity (from 0.7 to 4.8 kg / m 2), which allows you to build lightweight structures, realizing various ideas of designers, without spending a lot of money;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • high bearing capacity;
  • flexibility to produce arched structures;
  • durability (guarantee - 10-12 years);
  • high chemical resistance;
  • low combustibility.

On the basis of system profiles, a polycarbonate roof of any configuration can be built

Do-it-yourself transparent terrace roof

If the construction of a complex structure and a large area of ​​light transparent roof is available only to professionals, then a small transparent roof of a terrace, gazebo or garage made of polycarbonate can be installed without the involvement of specialists. Fortunately, materials teaching the construction of such structures can be found on the Internet. These are step-by-step descriptions of the process, and detailed video tutorials. Theoretical preparation and your responsibility will lead to the desired result.

The rafters are fixed at a distance of 1.01 m, which corresponds to the width of the polycarbonate sheet.

Before laying polycarbonate, you need to take care of the supporting structures. The rigid and strong framework will provide to a roof reliability and durability.

It's important to know! For a transparent roof, thick load-bearing beams are unacceptable; their optimal size is 60x40 or 60x80 mm. The rafters are fixed at a distance of 1.01 m, which corresponds to the width of the polycarbonate sheet. The minimum allowable angle of inclination is 5 degrees, the optimal one for drainage is 10 degrees or more.

To do the job, you must prepare:

  • transparent plastic;
  • profiled foam;
  • O-rings;
  • sealant;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • roulette;
  • felt-tip pen.

With SALUX transparent sheet, you can
transform both small structures and large building structures.

Instructions for laying polycarbonate

  • Take measurements of the terrace roof. Mark the roofing material so that the sheets overlap with a width of up to one and a half centimeters. Mark the cut line with a marker.
  • Holes for the screws are then drilled into the plastic. Their diameter should be 4 mm larger than the diameter of the screws. Screw in the screws, fixing the plastic on the roof. In order to avoid damage to the material, the mechanical impact on it should be limited.
  • During installation, plastic caps and sealing rings must be installed between the roof and the wall. For additional sealing, profiled foam is used.
  • With a small roof slope, it is recommended to fill the space under the overlap with sealant.

The method of fastening polycarbonate sheets using profiles

A light-transmitting roof must be erected in strict accordance with the project, subject to technological standards. When using glass, you should choose triplex or material armored with a special film. If you decide to use a metal-plastic or aluminum profile for glazing, it is better to contact a specialized company to solve this problem.

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