House project combined with a garage in front of the house. Projects of houses with a garage under one roof: beautiful and practical ideas

Decor elements 30.08.2019
Decor elements

Motorists do not need to explain how important comfortable conditions for storage and maintenance of the machine. A spacious garage and a convenient check-in are not a whim, but a necessity. Ideally, you should take care of this before buying a car. Owners of suburban areas, in addition to these issues, need to decide one more thing: whether to combine a house with a garage under one roof? If you still doubt whether this is profitable, we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the projects of such buildings.

From an architectural point of view, a house with a garage under one roof is a good solution.

Having a car largely determines planning suburban area. In spacious areas, the garage can be built wherever you want. But most often you have to save space. It will always come in handy for other purposes as well.

The construction of a garage, combined with a house with one roof, has a number of advantages. The main one is financial savings. It is much cheaper to build one multifunctional building than two that perform two specific tasks.

There are other positive aspects of this solution:

  1. Ease of use. It lies not only in the fact that with a garage combined with a house, you do not need to walk extra tens of meters every day and carry heavy bags at the same time.
  2. From the car room you can make an exit directly to the residential. This will allow you to wash your hands and take a shower while servicing the machine.
  3. Guaranteed reduction in the cost of heating the garage in the winter.
  4. You can forget about the discomfort caused by the need to get into a cold car and warm it up.
  5. It is easier to transfer purchases from the car to the house.
  6. If necessary, a group of friends can be placed in the garage, and not in living quarters. At the same time, all the benefits of civilization will remain within walking distance.
  7. In the garage, you can store all the tools you need on the farm, and not allocate a special room for them in the house.
  8. In winter, there is less trouble with snow removal. In one run, both the check-in and the adjacent territory are cleared.
  9. You can be calm for the safety of the car.

But despite all the attractiveness of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombining a garage with a house, it also has disadvantages:

  1. Systematic heat leakage is guaranteed. Heat loss is inevitable as the car enters and exits, so the cost savings are not as significant as it might seem at first glance.
  2. In order to minimize heat loss, it is necessary to perform high-quality insulation of the garage, which is not the first necessity for its separate location.
  3. More dirt will inevitably enter living quarters.
  4. The noise from opening and closing the gate can interfere with the rest of family members. Especially if you have to come home at night.
  5. Exhaust fumes will penetrate into the interior of the house.

If we talk about the pros and cons of the idea of ​​​​combining a garage with a house in relation to architectural projects, then a fact should be noted: such buildings have a finished, presentable appearance.

General design features

There are three options for the location of the garage in a residential building:

  1. Underground (vertical layout). Here, too, there are some nuances: you can place the box at the basement level or lower, in the underground floor - this option is most convenient for houses built on slopes.
  2. Ground at the level of the 1st floor (horizontal layout). Apart from the car box, there will be no other premises. It occupies an entire floor, and living quarters are built on top of it.
  3. Ground embedded (combined layout). The garage is built into the 1st floor of the house from the side that is most convenient for entering the site.

Important! When developing a project, it is necessary to correctly determine the exit from the garage to the house. It is desirable that it pass through the vestibule. In this space, the main part of the dirt, odors, noises will linger.

Features of designing a one-story house with a garage under one roof

One storey building with a garage - the most popular option

The most popular projects one-story houses combined with a garage at the level of the first floor.

This is due to several reasons:

  • minimization of project implementation costs;
  • there is no need for the device of flights of stairs and interfloor ceilings;
  • no design and installation of roof drops is required.
  • between the box for the car and the living quarters there should be a technical one (dressing room, boiler room, bathroom);
  • the garage is recommended to be located from the northern part of the building, which will provide additional protection from cold winds;
  • the entrance to the garage should be as close as possible to the exit from the site;
  • before entering it is necessary to arrange temporary parking;
  • car box and house can be made separate, but united by one roof;
  • a gable roof is often erected over a residential building, and a flat roof over a garage.

When designing a one-story house-garage complex, it is extremely important to take into account the need for effective ventilation system. If the area of ​​the building exceeds 60 m 2 (and in many other cases), natural ventilation through air vents and ventilation ducts will not be enough. You will need a supply and exhaust device. Optimally - with a heat recuperator.

One-story houses with an attached garage are comfortable and economical to operate. With a total building area of ​​141 m2, it has everything necessary premises. The garage area is designed for one car. There is enough space for a workshop. The need to delimit the garage and interior spaces. Between them is a bathroom that absorbs noise from the car box.

Features of designing a two-story house with a garage under one roof

Design two-storey houses with a garage is not much different from one-story

For owners of a suburban area, a one-story building may not be enough. In this case, initially design two-storey house with a garage, or over time they build an attic or a full floor.

Regardless of the situation, the garage is designed in the same way as in the case of a one-story building. That is, the box can be located under the house, built into the 1st floor or attached. Due to the fact that a full-fledged floor is located above the garage, the requirements for the strength of the upper floor (lower for the second floor) increase. There is a need for high-quality heat and sound insulation.

Attention! If there are children and elderly people among family members, the project takes into account the need for ramps and enhanced safety of stairs.

There are a lot of layouts of two-story houses with a garage under one roof. When choosing a project, take into account the need for remoteness from the garage of bedrooms and children's rooms. Often, such houses are built on a foundation with a widening at the level of the basement, which makes it possible to equip a roofed veranda on this site.

One of the successful projects of a two-story house with an attached garage involves the use of a box roof. It has a fenced terrace with a canopy. The exit from the garage is through the vestibule, which meets the requirements for such buildings. The house is small: with a total area of ​​125.8 m 2 and a residential area of ​​105.4 m 2. The garage is also compact - 20.4 m 2.

Design nuances in the presence of an attic

Unlike a two-story house, a one-story building with an attic does not require a solid foundation.

V architectural plan houses with an attic differ from two-story houses only in that the upper floor has a shape truncated from the sides. In technical terms, these buildings are lighter and do not require such a solid foundation as buildings with a full-fledged second floor.

Most projects involve a common foundation for a garage and a residential building. According to building codes, the construction of these facilities must be carried out simultaneously. Houses with an attic and a garage are more profitable for several reasons:

  • heating of residential premises and boxing for cars is carried out from one heat source;
  • non-residential attic reduces heat loss through the upper floor and roof.

Important! The passage from the garage to the house is preferably located in the bearing wall of the building.

Most successful projects houses with an attic and a garage are considered those in which there are no load-bearing walls. This gives a wide range of options for redevelopment of any floor: both the first and the attic. The garage provides space for a workshop or boiler room. The exit from the box to the house is realized through the vestibule.

What materials are best used for projects

In each case, several points must be considered:

  • geological section of a suburban area;
  • climate of the region of residence;
  • the proximity or remoteness of water bodies.

Those materials that are optimal for regions with a warm climate are not suitable for the northern ones. They will be unprofitable economically, as they will require high costs for insulation. However, there are universal Construction Materials which can be used with confidence in any climatic conditions: brick, wood and concrete.

for the south and Middle lane good decision will use foam and aerated concrete. When choosing these materials, one should take into account their high degree of hygroscopicity, which will require the installation of high-quality, expensive vapor and waterproofing of walls and ceilings.

Preferred Styles

The architectural style of a building is the first thing that people pay attention to when choosing a project. Regardless of the number of storeys of the building, the garage attached to it can be made with a flat roof. A terrace is located on it, a flower garden is laid out.

Effective and presentable two-storey houses with a garage, made in the style of minimalism. These are inexpensive and comfortable buildings that allow you to use all horizontal planes. The roof of such buildings often serves as a recreation area or an open terrace.

Popular cozy houses v german style decorated in fachwerk technique. Characteristic such buildings - gable roof with low overhangs, combining a residential building with a garage.

A characteristic feature of houses in Italian style- the presence of balconies with an elegant crate. The garage here is part of the first floor. Choose any layout.

European-style houses provide for a multi-pitched roof. The garage here is often attached, combined with the building by one of the roof slopes. Such houses are extremely convenient in that they allow, without prejudice to appearance increase the area due to extensions.

Gaining popularity simple and cozy American style. In such houses, garages can be built into the ground floor, underground or attached. As a rule, boxes are designed for two cars.

A house with a garage under one roof is a profitable solution in most situations. It is important to determine the location of the garage and choose the right project. This will help information about the requirements for such buildings.

Availability of a garage country house- practically a constant for any future homeowner. Therefore, it is quite natural to want to take into account such necessary element future life when designing a house. The first question that arises in this case is whether to build a garage into the structure of the house or build it separately. It seems quite obvious that a well-designed and properly built garage in the house is much more comfortable. However, such a house occupies more space, it is more difficult to fit it into the existing land plot.

Advantages of a house and a garage under one roof:

  • Comfortable living conditions in the house and ease of operation of the machine. In order to unload something brought in a car, or, conversely, to load something from home things, it will take much less effort. And it’s certainly much more pleasant to drive without leaving home, especially when it’s raining or minus 25 degrees outside;
  • Economic efficiency of construction. A built-in garage will significantly reduce (at least by the cost of one wall of the garage and the foundation under it, and if properly planned, also part of the roof) construction costs. In addition, depending on certain design solutions, savings will almost certainly be achieved on the construction of plumbing, heating and sewerage systems that do not have to be laid in a separate garage;
  • Possibility of using the garage premises for purposes not related to the car (workshop, warehouse, boiler room, etc.);
  • Extended vehicle life thanks to the best conditions storage.

The main points to be considered in the design and subsequent construction:

  • The garage must be initially included in the project. Making changes on your own project documentation will not lead to anything good;
  • Placing a garage in a basement or basement must necessarily be economically calculated;
  • The heating system common to the house and garage should take into account the possibility of increasing heat loss through the walls and garage doors. A garage ventilation system should also be developed to prevent exhaust gases from a running car from entering the house;
  • Provide for the possibility of entering the garage both from the street and from non-residential premises Houses.

Exists great amount ready-made projects of a wide variety of houses with a garage under one roof.

Small 2-storey house with a living room on the front side (see photo)


  • a dining room with an area of ​​19 sq.m.;
  • kitchen (9.1 sq.m.);
  • four rooms;
  • two bathrooms (one for each floor);
  • garage (20.4 sq.m.);

  • The premises are clearly structured:
  • a large well-lit space on the 1st floor - day area;
  • three bedrooms with shared bathroom on the 2nd floor - night zone;
  • A comfortable terrace (exit from the large bedroom) provides the possibility of arranging a summer recreation area;
  • Construction use modern materials ensure the reliability and quality of construction:
  • the walls were built of lightweight aerated concrete;
  • floor type - reinforced concrete slabs;
  • roof - PVC membrane.


  • small area (residential and common);
  • the staircase takes up a lot of space and is located in the center of the house;
  • insufficient autonomy of the bedrooms.

One-story cottage with a garage for two cars (see photo)


  • Convenient for people who value low-rise buildings and do not like to climb even to the second floor;
  • Spacious dining-living room with an area of ​​41.3 sq.m. with access to the terrace;
  • Spacious garage (50 sq.m.) for two cars;
  • Standard, but no less modern and high-quality building materials, namely:
  • walls - foam blocks;
  • type of floor - on beams of wooden beams;
  • three possible options tiles - ceramic, metal, cement-sand - as a roof covering will allow you to meet the requirements of the future owner as much as possible.


  • With relatively large area at home (153.4 sq.m. / 203 sq.m.) the area of ​​the rooms is clearly insufficient;
  • As a result, in fact, there is an overpayment for living space.

Two-storey villa with a garage and a balcony above the entrance (see photo)


  • Large spaces (292.0 sq.m. / 354.6 sq.m. - respectively residential and common areas) create a feeling of comfort;
  • Sauna on the first floor, billiards on the second floor allow you to diversify your leisure time and have a great free time;
  • Four bedrooms on the second floor without any problems will provide comfort even to a very large family or company of guests of hospitable hosts;
  • Spacious garage for two cars with an area of ​​48.2 sq.m.


  • The only and main thing is the cost of the house. The price of the project alone is 90.8 thousand rubles, which is 2.1 and 2.7 times more expensive, respectively, than the two previous projects. The construction cost ratio is likely to be the same.

As a classic of Russian literature once said: the housing problem spoiled the Muscovites and turned out to be wrong. The problem of housing got not only the residents of the capital, but in general everyone. A roof over your head is something that a person cannot do without. In our Fatherland, every person strives to acquire his own apartment or his own house, rightly believing that living in a rented apartment is extremely short-sighted, since you have to pay for it, practically, as much as for a mortgage.

At the same time, having paid for a mortgage for 10-15 years, a person receives 2-3 rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom and a calm old age in the future, and after living 15 years in a rented apartment, he simply loses these fifteen years.

Having your own apartment is, of course, good, but not everyone likes life in a concrete box, especially if this life takes place in a large metropolis.

Therefore, every year the number of people seeking to move to a permanent place of residence in the suburbs is increasing. Buy six acres of land there and build your own house with a garage, a bathhouse and other delights of rural life with urban amenities.

Legalize the future garage

Of course, there are problems here. No one will let you build something just because you saw a photo of a house with a garage on the Internet and you wanted to have one. Dodgers who do manage to do so are periodically forced to demolish their illegal structures. In order not to fall under the rink of justice, it is necessary, first of all, to legalize the construction.

To legalize such construction means to obtain permission for it from local authorities. It can only be issued to the owner land plot, on which he (the owner) is going to build a house with an attic and a garage.

Moreover, in the documents you received, it should be unambiguously stated that in addition to a house with an attic, you are also going to build a garage. It is better to discuss all these nuances in advance so as not to return to them every time you want to build some kind of extension next to the house.

Country house options

The simplest and cheapest option for a country house is a wooden building. It holds heat well, is environmentally friendly and, as a result, does not have any harmful effects on human health.

But if you want to build housing for several generations of your family, then it is better to build it from bricks. A brick house will stand for hundreds of years and, importantly, it will never burn down, that is, it is practically not afraid of fires.

Before you start building, you need to develop a project for the future building or just look for something suitable on the Internet, for example, study the projects of houses with a garage and choose the one that suits you.

In general, this approach to construction is the most rational, since it saves time and money. After all, not every one of us is able to create our own project, therefore, it will still have to be ordered by someone.

The one to whom you order it will do just that, find the project on the Internet and sell it to you as his own. Of course, there is always the possibility that you will run into an honest man, and he will faithfully work out the money received from you. When choosing a project for a future home, you need to decide on the location of the future storage place for your car.

Garage placement

It can be placed in the basement or basement under the living quarters. You can attach directly to the house on the same foundation. However, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land plot allows, it is best to build a car box a little to the side. Such placement of this building has undeniable advantages and will cost no more, and maybe even cheaper than the first two options.

As a rule, even wealthy people are short of money and have to count every ruble, so when they talk about suburban housing, they mean a one-story house with a garage built a little away from the main building. The fact is that to build them on the same foundation with the house or, for example, in ground floor, of course, tempting, but also somewhat fraught.

House and garage on the same foundation

If you are building a foundation brick house, then it must be powerful enough to withstand the load of a large building. At the same time, the garage is relatively small room, whose height rarely exceeds two meters.

The thickness of the garage walls is also practically half the thickness of the walls of the main building. It follows from this that the load on the same foundation in its different parts will not be uniform, which means that a crack may form over time at the junction of the house with the garage.

Of course, you can do without a crack if you combine them with a common armored belt, in this case, the difference in loads on the foundation affects much less and in no way affects appearance Houses.

Mounting the armored belt is a rather time-consuming task, but this is not its only drawback. Because they will be connected common wall, then it is very likely that the living room will constantly smell like a garage.

This trouble can also be eliminated if done between the living quarters and the garage double doors. Most in a reliable way to avoid the penetration of odors from the garage into the living room, it is the arrangement between them of another ventilated room, for example, a boiler room.

In general, such a layout of the house is fully justified if a reliable ventilation system is installed in it, which can be either natural or forced.

Garage on the ground floor

Good ventilation in any case will not hurt, because in addition to the attached garage, there will probably also be a bathroom inside the house, so why not put it on the same foundation with the house.

The second version of the garage located in the basement also has the right to exist. However, perhaps its only advantage is that the car, which is practically under your nose, will always be at hand.

The disadvantages of such a project are much more than advantages. The very first of them is the price. It will cost a lot both in terms of money and labor costs. There are other equally significant drawbacks to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bkeeping your car in the basement.

The first of them, if I may say so: environmental - the evaporation of fuels and lubricants will inevitably fall on the upper floors.

Life in such conditions will become uncomfortable and lose all the charm of existence in countryside. Any bad weather, rain, for example, will lead to flooding, it will be very difficult to avoid this.

However, numerous projects of two-story houses with a garage on the ground floor indicate that this idea is very popular among the people. It is understandable, because in this case you will have not just a roof over your head, but the roof of a house with a garage.

Garage away from home

In fairness, it must be said that projects of one-story houses with a garage are no less popular. Especially in cases where the garage is not under the same roof as the house, but is placed a little further away.

The fact is that when you combine a house and a garage into one whole, it, this whole, should look like this, that is, both buildings should be brick.

If the storage place of the car is aside, then it can be made both wooden and metal, and this gives the owner a free hand and allows you to save a lot.

A metal structure will be much cheaper than a brick structure. The same can be said about a wooden garage, which has both its drawbacks and a number of advantages.

Among the disadvantages of a wooden garage, the main one can be distinguished, it is built from combustible material. As for the advantages, there are a lot of them. Chief among them is low price. wooden garage in a private house is best option, for middle-class Russians.

Photos of houses with a garage

When an unequivocal decision is made to build a private or country house, most of us take the wrong first step - they begin all work with a search for a responsible contractor. We called it wrong not because it does not matter who will be involved in the construction and not because all developers are equally good. But because before entrusting such a responsible matter to someone, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want to build and what expectations and requirements you place on your future home. Therefore, it would be more correct to first consider a lot of projects and at least roughly determine the direction for yourself. After all, you can like many projects, but you need to choose only one, ideal for you and your family. It is also important to understand why one-story buildings are in such demand, and what requirements should be met modern house. We have selected for you some of the most interesting projects one-story houses with a garage.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-story houses

At one time, two-story houses gained immense popularity. It is not surprising, because their dimensions will be much more compact than single-storey ones, even with the same area. However, on reflection, it is not difficult to conclude that a single-tier building has many advantages, which in many cases will be the determining criteria when choosing a project.

Concerning disadvantages:

  • High costs in the construction process will be associated with the inevitable need to build a roof of a large area. But even after the construction, the costs will not stop and will be associated with the need for regular scheduled repairs;
  • One-story houses of a large area require sufficient land for building. If this is not possible, you will have to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, respectively, sacrifice the size of future rooms;
  • When designing a one-story living space, there is a good chance that most of the rooms will be walk-through. Of course, it is possible to avoid this, and the selection of a competent project will help to do this.

The concept of a house that meets European standards

We all aspire to European level life. And we really have something to borrow, because their technologies are more advanced and thoughtful. Really well-planned and the erected house must meet four main criteria:

Low operating costs. That is, after commissioning, the house must require minimal cost to your content Maintenance and heating. To achieve such results, it is necessary to use construction and Decoration Materials appropriate quality and energy efficient .

Let's proceed directly to the consideration of finished projects.

Project No. 1 - "Hannover"

Example competently organized space with an area of ​​129 square meters. This is a finished project of a one-story house, which can be called ideal option for a comfortable stay of a small family of 2-3 people. This project perfectly combines all the necessary qualities:

  • Initially, the whole idea of ​​whether you like the house or not, develops depending on its external attractiveness. V this case we can say that the facade has the right, sharp lines, which is almost symmetrical, is not overloaded with unnecessary elements, and is very discreet and neat. This is a big plus, since it will not draw attention to itself, distracting from the beauty of the adjacent area;
  • The layout is thought out to the smallest detail, which allows you to rationally use every square meter;
  • The entrance to the house is Behind the front door there is a spacious and wide enough corridor that will allow you to install a spacious closet;
  • The central place is occupied by the living room combined with the dining room. A pleasant moment is the provided place for a fireplace;
  • A covered spacious terrace adjoins the dining room, which makes it possible to organize lunches and dinners in the warm season. fresh air. Thanks to this proximity, you do not have to go through the whole house to take ready-made meals outside;
  • From the living room there are separate entrances to two separate bedrooms of sufficient size. One of them contains in itself, and in the other there is a place for a closet. Both rooms have large windows that provide the right level of lighting;
  • Depending on the personal preferences and needs of future owners, the developer offers two layout options, which have minor differences;
  • In the first case, there will definitely not be problems with a lack of storage space, given that there is access to another wardrobe from the corridor. Because of this, the bathroom has a smaller area, and allows you to fit only a shower.
  • Conveniently, from the wardrobe you can get directly into the garage, designed for one car. So you don't have to once again go outside in the cold. From the garage there is an exit in those. room, and from it - to the porch of the backyard;
  • In the second case, there is no wardrobe. And there is no way to go from the garage directly to the house. But almost 10 squares are reserved for the bathroom, which can really be called a room. It includes both a shower cabin, and a bidet, and a bath or a small sauna;
  • Please note that almost all rooms have the correct shape and sufficient area;

Project No. 2 - "Z131"

This sample project radically different from the previous one. Its area is slightly larger - 138 square meters. And the house itself is designed for a family of 3-4 people. Also, the difference lies in the possibility of arrangement.

  • The facade of the house can be safely categorized as modest, but modern and attractive;
  • The entrance to the house is covered, and is made in the form small veranda where you can place a small table and a couple of captive chairs;
  • On the same line with front door There are also garage doors. The layout does not provide for the possibility of access to the house from the garage;
  • The area of ​​​​the garage is a little more than 20 squares, which makes it possible to place only one car;
  • From the garage you can go to a small additional room, which can be used as a technical one, and from it go out to a small but very cozy terrace;
  • Behind the front door there is a convenient square shape, which provides space for a large closet;
  • Next we see an L-shaped corridor from which you can get to 7 different rooms. This form of passage made it possible to make all the rooms not walk-through, but isolated. This is a definite plus of this layout;
  • The house has three full bedrooms with space for, each of which has a large window;
  • Between the two bedrooms is the first bathroom, spacious enough to accommodate everything you need;
  • To the right along the corridor is a second, more modest-sized bathroom with. This creates additional convenience when all family members gather somewhere at the same time;
  • Opposite it there is a room that can be used as a study or a small library. Or come up with your own arrangement. Perhaps you have always dreamed of a yoga room;
  • Living room, 30 sq. meters attracts with its spaciousness and availability, which makes it cozy for such a size. The living room is combined with a no less spacious dining room, which provides for a small but roomy;
  • From the living room you can go to spacious terrace through large glass sliding doors. This element gives the room functionality and progressiveness.

Project #3 - "Z200"

This is an example of a well planned house with garage for two cars where everything you need is there. The total area is 171.7 square meters. meters. The rooms in this case are even more spacious. This is especially true for bedrooms.

Project No. 4 - "Summer"

If your house is located in a picturesque place, be sure to pay attention to this project. It will not leave indifferent lovers to enjoy the beauty of nature. The area of ​​the house is 126.5 square meters. meters and is designed for a family of 2-3 people. However, if you change functional purpose one of the rooms, you can comfortably accommodate a family of 3-4 people.

Project No. 5 - "Falcon Mountain"

This project is an example of the successful placement of three bedrooms, a spacious living room with a bay window, and a spacious garage for 2 cars. The area of ​​the house is 151 sq. meter.

Project No. 6 - "Comfort"

This is an example layout big house 180 sq. meters. Its feature is the presence of a large coveredterraces, a garage that is equipped basement and in the spacious living room.

Project No. 7 - "Z311"

An example of chic spacious house for comfortable placement large family of 5 and a spacious garage for two cars. The total building area is 201 sq. meter.

  • The garage is somewhat pushed forward relative to the facade of the building. Thanks to this, the entrance to the house is a small covered terrace;
  • From the garage there is an opportunity to go into a fairly spacious Utility room, as well as in a small dressing room;
  • From it you can go directly to the hallway, where there is a large closet. This small room is separated from the area where there are passages to living rooms, door;
  • A long hallway leads to three separate bedrooms that adjoin each other. Each of them has a place to install a large and spacious closet;
  • The fourth bedroom is the largest in terms of area, it has space for a wardrobe;
  • Of the three bedrooms, it is possible to access a long terrace that encircles almost half of the house;
  • There is also access to the terrace from the huge living room with an area of ​​40 sq. meters, which is combined with the dining room;
  • In the kitchen, a small nook was provided for the installation of shelving or cabinets, thus solving the problem of lack of storage space;
  • It is impossible to ignore the fact that the layout allows you to place as many as four bathrooms in the house. The largest one allows you to install a full-fledged bathtub, two other smaller rooms are designed for a shower cabin, and the fourth one has a sink and a washing machine;

Project No. 8 - "L-shaped house"

This is an example of a project that is great adapted to the characteristics of the site under construction. After all, it is not always possible to get a plot correct form in the form of a square or rectangle. Or, in addition to the house itself, there is a need to equip a small one in front of the porch or beautiful flower garden. Then such a solution will help you carve out some free space, but at the same time not lose any comfort. The building area is 210 sq. meters. The house is designed for a family of 2-3 people.

Project No. 9 - "A house with a garage under one roof"

In most cases, the garage clearly stands out in relation to the residential part of the house, since, in fact, it is an extension. Not everyone likes such a clear contrast, so we bring to your attention a house project in which garage is his organic continuation and be under the same roof with the residential part. The area of ​​the house is 200 square meters.

Your own home is an opportunity to independently equip housing, choose a layout and carry out the necessary communications. If the family has a car, when building a site, you should think about a parking space.
The ideal solution is a garage located inside the cottage.
Projects can be found on our website country houses with internal parking space including layouts and photos. House with a garage under one roof - practical solution for a modern suburban area. Built-in parking suitable for both small one-story houses, and more massive buildings. It makes boarding and disembarking more comfortable, creates a safe parking space on the site.

Advantages of house projects with a garage under one roof

Built-in parking space adds aesthetics to the house. With it, the building resembles American brick cottages located on the outskirts of Hollywood. But this is not the only advantage of cottage projects with a garage:
  • saving the effective area of ​​the site;
  • to get into the car, you do not need to go outside;
  • communications are simpler and without additional coordination;
  • the same materials are used in the construction as in the construction of the house;
  • even if the parking lot is not heated, it will receive heat from the main building.
An extension for a car, due to its size, requires changes to the interior of the house. This will allow you to realize unique design projects and buy for the property. unusual furniture. The costs of creating ventilation and soundproofing are disproportionately small compared to the final benefits of parking inside the house. The architects of our company implement the most comfortable design project, where every square meter will be used wisely.

Attached garage - an integral part of the house

With an extension, the site looks more harmonious than with a separate parking space. A practical space is created where, in addition to the car, you can place workplace: workshop, pantry, household block, etc. House with garage under one roof suitable Russian realities- less hassle with heating the room, cleaning snow from the roof, supplying electricity. Often inside such a room there is an entrance to the basement, the boiler room. The extension mentally separates housing from technical premises.

Garage with a second floor - a great solution

Many owners think that built-in parking makes an awkward adjustment to the building's final shape - the extension block needs to be taller than the ground floor walls. As a result, when combining a parking lot with a building, you have to make a staircase to the living space. This opinion is especially widespread among the owners of suburban areas. In fact, the built-in garage block allows you to enrich the interior of the cottage: make high ceilings, place a unique non-residential space above the parking space.

Garage options

There are three options for placing a car in a building:
  1. Annex. most popular and practical option. The parking space is located in a separate block, which is adjacent to the house. Soundproofing is provided by a thick bearing wall cottage, it is easier to carry out ventilation. Such an extension is heated worse.
  2. Inside the house. Difficult, but more comfortable option. In architectural terms, the garage does not stand out from the general surroundings of the building. The room is perfectly heated by adjoining residential blocks. In such a building it is more difficult to organize sound insulation and exhaust gases.
  3. House with underground garage. It is located below the level of the entrance to the cottage. Such a garage space will not affect the use of space inside the building and will look harmoniously against the backdrop of the building. For the entrance, it is necessary to additionally equip the descent.

Entrance to the garage

An important stage of construction is the creation of an entrance. The road to the parking space should be level, consistent with the architecture of the site, and combined with a small footpath to the porch. For an extension or project of a house with a garage, the design of the entrance is not difficult. Another thing is when the parking is in the basement. In this case, it is necessary to artificially create a slope for the car to enter. Here it is necessary to take into account the height of the family car and the depth of the garage space. We realize all types of entrances, including inscribing the road into the natural landscape.

Features of designing houses with a garage

An extension for a car is not quite an ordinary room. It requires compliance with certain building codes. For example, houses with a two-car garage and larger parking lots vary in building characteristic. Recently, houses with a garage and a bathhouse have become popular. Building standards affect more than just height garage doors but also finer details. Let's take a closer look.


An extension for parking a car is a fire hazardous room. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to properly equip the garage: place the device automatic fire extinguishing, get rid of the use of combustible building materials, organize ventilation. Our interior decorators will make your garage safe and protected from the elements.


If you decide to build a brick house with a garage, you need to build a foundation for the garage space along with the main building. This will eliminate the subsidence of the foundation, the rupture of the connecting seams. You can create an extension separately, but in this case the building will not last long.


Exhaust gases pose a serious danger to humans. When entering a room smoky from a car, after a few minutes you can lose consciousness without noticing the danger. To prevent this from happening, be sure to create ventilation in a private house with an internal parking lot. Our architects include in the initial design of the garage a ventilation system designed for any car. It will also help eliminate dampness, the spread of mold and make the room more comfortable in the summer heat.


When planning a house, it is necessary to take into account the number of cars that need to be placed in the garage. As a rule, within the framework of the characteristics of a standard cottage, projects of houses with a garage for 2 cars are created. If you plan to use an extension for parking 3-4 cars, in this case the dimensions of the garage compartment may differ. A convenient way out of the situation is the combination of a built-in parking space and parking in the basement. At the same time, two garage blocks will have common communications and are interconnected by an entrance.

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