Thoughts determine the future. Life Improvement Tips

Landscaping and layout 30.09.2019
Landscaping and layout

If you increasingly began to think that anxieties, fears and stresses have filled your life and that you are not enough, which pleases you, then something urgently needs to be changed. To be more precise, to improve your life and make positive changes in it.

In this article, you will find 120 tips, listening to which you will significantly improve your life. Believe me, as soon as you begin to apply the recommendations in practice, you will be able to see the result very soon.

1. Doubt. Conquer your fears and doubts. Listen to your inner voice and never doubt.

2. Environment. Work on your surroundings. Think about people. That surround you, and exclude communication with those people who oppress you and do not bring anything positive into your life.

3. Action. Do not postpone the implementation of plans and tasks, but act today and now.

4. . Watch educational films, videos.

5. Read books. But read not just any books, but useful and motivating you for success.

6. Pleasure. Do only what you enjoy. If for some reason this is not possible, then strive for it.

7. Delegate. Learn to delegate tasks and tasks to other people, especially with regard to routine work.

8. Live. Do not be afraid of something new, remove all restrictions in your life, unless of course it contradicts your moral principles and is directed only for the good.

9. Show yourself. Release your dreams and be creative.

10. Confidence. Learn to be a self-confident person, this is a great quality successful person.

11. Pride. This means pride in yourself, do not be afraid of this. But, as far as pride in relationships with other people is concerned, be careful.

12. Good sleep. Of course, the saying "who sleeps a little, he has more time" has a right to exist. But on one condition, if your body and health does not suffer from this.

13. Excuses. Never make excuses. Do it first to understand the reason and move on. And you need to give up excuses forever, this will not make you a successful and respected person.

14. Bad. Perhaps you often think that you feel bad and your life is poor. Think that there are people who are worse off than you. But it's better to focus on those who live better than you and try to move forward.

15. Help. Help other people more often. It will boost your self-esteem and self-respect.

16. Work from home. If you work from home, don't let yourself be relaxed. Get ready every morning as if you were going to work and work at your desk, not on the couch.

17. Distractions. Eliminate them from your life altogether, or at least during the work process. Give up social networks, reading news and blogs, mail, communication in ICQ.

18. Do it. If you have any dream or business that you have been thinking about for a long time, it's time to do it.

19. Food intake. Take care of yourself and your health. Eat only in a relaxed environment and at the same time.

20. Weekends. Spend your weekend with your loved ones, family or friends. Don't burden yourself with work these days.

21. Plans. Learn to make plans. The first and foremost thing you should do is make a plan for the day, week, month, year.

22. Objectives. Don't be afraid to set realistic goals for yourself that you are able to accomplish.

23. Lists of tasks. Do not bypass this point. Make a list of tasks for each new day and follow it as much as possible.

24. List - analysis. Every morning, before you start your day, review and adjust your to-do list.

25. Extraneous. Get in the habit of ignoring anything that doesn't matter to you. Do not be distracted by these things, remember, you have more important things to do.

26. Dreams. Always dream of something positive and joyful.

27. Dreams and reality. Do not be afraid to dream about something global, who knows, maybe if you make every effort, then the dream will become your real life.

28. Dream Diary. Get yourself a notebook and dream every day. Write down one dream at a time and read what you wrote down earlier. Maybe it's time for dreams to become goals.

29. Stopping goals. Set global goals for yourself, but only those that you can achieve.

30. Timing. For each goal, set specific deadlines and remember that earlier is possible and later is not.

31. Dreaming is not harmful at all, but it is very necessary in your sad life.

32. Responsibility. Only you are responsible for your life, as well as for its quality.

33. Routine work. Understand that if this work is very boring for you and does not bring you pleasure, then do not do it, but look for self-expression in other activities.

34. Report. Every night, jot down a short account of what you have done today to make your life even better.

35. Results. Summarize your goals so that you can understand how much closer you have come to your goal.

36. Correction. If there is a need for this, then analyze and adjust all of your goals.

37. Visualize. Imagine your goals, your feelings, when the goal is already achievable, think about it and draw pictures in your imagination.

38. Marker board. Hang it on your wall and write down your goals regularly. Add something as you pass by.

39. Collage. A little creativity. Make a map of your desires and your goals. May she always be in front of your eyes.

40. Failures. Forget this word forever. There is only experience and it is always positive.

41. I don’t want to. You shouldn't ever say these words at all. If you don't want to do anything at all, then push yourself over and do at least something.

42. Sleep. If you cannot overcome yourself, then it is better to go to bed, gain strength.

43. TV. Refuse to watch TV shows and series.

44. Alcohol. Give up this addiction, do not drink alcohol, even in small quantities.

45. Smoking. Similar to the previous point.

46. ​​Teach. If you are good at something or you know, teach it to another person. And you will do a good job and this is a great practice for you.

47. Don't give up. If something doesn't work out for you, then try again. Try again and again, but never give up.

48. Endurance. Never lose hope and if you run out of strength, then take a break, and then go again and achieve your goals.

49. Laugh. Laugh often. To do this, you can watch a good and kind comedy.

50. Breathe. Do breathing exercises, and it is good for health and for self-improvement.

51. Biographies. Meet the stories of successful people, study their biography.

52. Facts. Write out interesting and important facts for yourself.

53. Work. Do not forget about your goals, constantly work with them, think over tasks, analyze.

54. Help. Do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones if you really need it.

55. Find the meaning of life. It is different for each person. But there are also people who do not know what is the meaning of their life. Find it, and life will become easier and easier.

56. Delight. The feelings that should evoke goals in you in the end are joy, awe, delight. If there are no such feelings, then this is no longer a goal, but a duty.

57. Words of love. Tell your loved ones more often that you love them.

58. Errors. There is no need to treat mistakes as something negative. Enjoy the experience you have gained and move on.

59. Chance. Do not miss the opportunity, it is better to try than to regret not having done it.

60. Forgiveness. If you harbor resentment against someone, then forgive in the soul of that person. Don't hold bad memories, let them go.

61. Don't copy. You can take something good from a person, but not copy his life and behavior. You can use the idea for a business, but not run it either.

62. Aphorisms and quotes. Memorize them or keep a notebook and write them down.

63. Classics. Read good classic literature and listen to classical music.

64. Poems. Learn poems, train your memory.

65. Time. Save your time and do not waste it on empty phone calls or idleness.

66. Belief in yourself. Learn to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

67. Everything is in your hands. Understand that no one will make your life more beautiful and happier for you. Who if not you?

68. Organization. Develop this skill in yourself.

69. Take it easy. There is no need to complicate life, on the contrary, make it simpler and more transparent.

70. Luck. Remember that luck is on your side and believe in it.

71. Self-love. Reasonable selfishness must be present in your life, love yourself.

72. Appearance. Watch how you look, take care of yourself and your body.

73. Health. Eat right, visit your doctor regularly.

74. Physical fitness. Maintain your body in good physical form, it will give you confidence and self-esteem.

75. Watch your diet. Eat only good foods and eliminate preservatives.

76. Nature. Be outdoors more often.

77. Solitude. Take time for yourself and your thoughts.

78. Situation. Change your environment if possible.

79. Workplace. Always keep yours clean and tidy. workplace, it will help you get in the right tune.

80. Read before bed. Just choose the literature that is easy to digest, for example, fiction.

81. Look around. Pay attention to beautiful things, to nature, to what is happening around you.

82. Envy. Free yourself forever from this ailment and never envy, but do even better.

83. Respect. Learn to respect yourself already and never betray your principles. Respect other people.

84. Relaxation. Remember to sit back and relax.

85. Posture. Watch your posture and develop the habit of sitting and walking upright.

86. Don't push yourself. Do not work with force, it is better to rest or be distracted.

87. Laziness. There is no such thing as laziness, there is reluctance.

88. Circumstances. Never let circumstances rule you or your emotions.

89. The Way. You must know exactly where you are going and in which direction, nothing should lead you astray.

90. Problems. Remember that all your problems are temporary and will soon be over.

91. Exit. Know that no matter what the situation is, there are at least two ways out of it.

92. Walking. Don't limit yourself to this. Take a walk before bed or during breaks during work.

93. Ventilate the room before going to bed. You and your brain need oxygen. If possible, sleep with open window.

94. Houseplants. They will not only decorate your apartment and bring a piece of beauty into your life.

95. Sweet. Spoil yourself sometimes with a bar of chocolate, just like you did as a child.

96. Gratitude. Be grateful today for everything you already have.

97. Comparison. Compare yourself only to those who achieve and strive for good results. Try not to catch up with them, but to overtake them.

98. The past. Remember only the good from the past, and forget all the negative. Just look ahead.

99. Success. A successful person must be successful in everything. This is family, money, loyal friends, inner harmony and health.

100. Patience. Be patient with yourself and the people around you.

101. Endurance. If you run out of patience, then be hardy and treat other people's shortcomings and situations in life easier.

102. Eternal. Think that nothing lasts forever. This applies to close people to whom you owe more often about your love. This also applies to money and problems, they are also not eternal.

103. Working at the computer. Spend less time in front of your computer monitor, get more rest and take walks in the fresh air.

104. Music. Listen to your favorite music to cheer you up.

105. Travel. Explore the world, visit new countries and cities.

106. Self-discipline. Do not relax and do not allow yourself to rest too much.

107. Demandingness. Understand that you are capable of more, so demand it from yourself.

108. Self-education. Constantly engage in self-education, study, learn something new, read books.

109. Practice. Apply all the advice and knowledge gained in practice, including the recommendations of this article.

110. Gifts. Give people not only your joy and a smile, but also small gifts for no reason.

111. Map of desires. Use it to achieve your goals.

112. Take not everything from life, but only what will be useful to you and what is really important to you.

113. Dispute. Make a bet with someone you know. For example, that you accomplish a goal by a specific deadline. Not only will this motivate you to succeed, but the taste of victory will be much sweeter.

114. Publicity. Don't be afraid to talk about your goals to others, and remember to talk about accomplishments.

115. Motivation. Remember to motivate yourself. It can be various pictures, music, success stories, your map of desires.

116. Take life easier and always smile at it.

117. Frivolity. Relates easier to life, does not mean to be frivolous and let your life take its course.

118. Bad words. Do not use bad and negative words in your speech, talk about positive and beautiful.

119. Cleaning. Clean up your home, desk, and life more often. Throw away everything unnecessary and useless.

120. Diary of success. Keep your diary every day and write down your victories, even small ones.

How to change your life? Another guide to action to improve your life and put in order not only your thoughts, but also your things. As we know, everything is interconnected: if you lower your head and slouch, you immediately feel insecure. But it costs you even bad mood raise your head, straighten your shoulders and smile, how everything changes around and you are already the kings of the ball.

"100 days of summer" will not work anymore, so let's add a small piece of the velvet season there for even counting;)

In order to change your life (and in any direction), you need very little - just start acting. But this “simple” is not always that simple. Sometimes we know what to do, but these actions seem intimidating to us. And sometimes we have no clear plan, no understanding of how to make this plan. Perhaps these 60 little steps will help you finally start doing something. And even if after 20 steps you realize that this is not your plan, you will already be ready to make your own plan. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing?


1. Create your "Calendar for cleansing the House of unnecessary things", spreading out by day putting things in order in various areas of the home.

Day 1: Sorting out the magazines.

Day 2: Take apart the DVD.

Day 3. Disassembling books.

2. Live by the mantra: "Everything has its place and put everything in its place." Try to follow these 4 rules for 10 days:

1. If you took something - put it back later.

2. If you have opened something, close it.

3. If you dropped something, pick it up.

4. If you have removed something, hang it in place.

3. Walk around the house and find 100 things that need to be fixed or slightly tweaked. For example, change the light bulb, seal the hole in the wallpaper, screw on a new socket, etc.


4. Finally, follow the advice that psychologists of all countries and absolutely different views repeat - write on a piece of paper from 5 to 10 things for which you are grateful in your life every day.

5. Create a list of 20 small things you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one such thing a day for the next 100 days. For example, there is your lunch on a bench in the park, walking in the park in the evening with your dog, 1 hour of painting with watercolors, etc.

6. Keep a diary of your psychological chatter - that is, write down your thoughts and feelings that have arisen throughout the day. For example, how many times a day have you accused yourself of something, how critical you are of others, how many times a day positive thoughts have come to your mind, etc.

7. For the next 100 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day.

Study or self-development

8. Pick a difficult book that you still haven't dared to read, but wanted to. Read it 100 days from cover to cover.

9. Learn something new every day. For example, the name of a flower, the capital of a distant country, the name of a dog breed you like, etc. And in the evening you can scroll through everything new that you have learned over the past day in your head, get out a dictionary and learn a new word.

10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. Negative thoughts lead to negative results. Whenever you feel like complaining, try to stop yourself.

11. Set your alarm one minute earlier every subsequent day for 100 days. Try to get up immediately after the alarm rings, open the windows, do light exercises. After 100 days, you will wake up 1.5 hours earlier without much effort.

12. For the next 100 days, maintain the Morning Pages, a simple stream of consciousness in the morning that you will write in a special notebook. This should be the first thing you do after waking up.

13. For the next 100 days, try to focus your attention on the thoughts, words and images of who you want to become and what you want to achieve.


14. Make a budget. Write down every penny you spend in 100 days.

15. Search the internet for good finance tips and pick 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, going to the store with a limited amount of cash and no credit card, doing several things in one trip to save on gas, etc.

16. Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change after purchases in the piggy bank. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.

17. For 100 days, do not buy anything that you do not really need (meaning rather large purchases). Use this money to pay off the loan (if you have one) or put it in a deposit account for six months.

18. For 100 days, devote at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.

Time management

19. For the next 100 days, carry a notebook with you everywhere. Write down all the ideas and thoughts that come to your mind, make your to-do list, write down new appointments literally on the go right after calls.

20. Track how you use your time for 5 days. Use the information you have gathered to create your "time budget": the percentage of the total time you spend on the things you do every day. For example, house cleaning, commuting time, vacation time, etc. See to it that you are on budget for the next 95 days.

21. Identify a low priority activity for yourself that you may not be doing for 100 days, and replace it with something that is truly important.

22. Identify 5 leaks of your time and limit that time to the next 100 days. For example, do not watch TV for more than 1.5 hours, do not spend more than 1.5 hours a day at in social networks etc.

23. For the next 100 days, stop multitasking and do only one important thing a day.

24. For the next 100 days, plan your day in the evening.

25. For the next 100 days, do the most important things on your to-do list first, and then do the rest.

26. Review each week for the next 14 weeks. During your weekly survey, answer the following questions:

What have you achieved?

What went wrong?

What did you do right?

27. For the next 100 days, at the end of each day, tidy up your desk, paperwork, and stationery. So that every morning you will find order on your desktop.

28. List all the promises and commitments you've made for the next 100 days, then grab a red pen and cross out anything that won't bring you joy or bring you closer to your goals.

29. For the next 100 days, before you switch from one activity to another during the day, ask yourself if this is the best use of your time and resources?


30. Losing about a pound of weight requires burning 3,500 calories. If you reduce your calorie intake by 175 each day, you will lose approximately 2.5 kg after 100 days.

31. For the next 100 days, eat vegetables 5 times a day.

32. For the next 100 days, eat fruit 3 times a day.

33. Choose one of the foods that consistently interferes with your eating habits healthy food- whether it's a cheesecake from the nearest bakery, pizza, or your favorite potato chips - and stop using it for the next 100 days.

34. For the next 100 days, eat from smaller plates to control the amount of food you eat.

35. For the next 100 days, consume 100% juice instead of substitutes with large quantity Sahara.

36. For the next 100 days, drink only water instead of soda.

37. Make a list of 10 easy, healthy breakfasts.

38. List 20 lungs and healthy dishes that can be consumed for lunch and dinner.

39. List 10 easy, healthy snacks.

40. Use your healthy food lists to plan your meals for the week ahead. Eat like this for the next 14 weeks.

41. For the next 100 days, keep your food journal to see if you are straying from the menu.

42. For the next 100 days, devote at least 20 minutes each day to physical exercise.

43. For the next 100 days, always carry your pedometer and try to walk 10,000 steps a day.

44. Customize your scales and hang a schedule with your bathroom. At the end of each of the 14 weeks, weigh yourself and record data on weight loss (gain), changes in waist size, etc.

45. For the next 100 days, set a reminder on your watch or computer with a repetition interval every hour to drink water.

46. For the next 100 days, meditate, breathe, visualize - make it your daily ritual to calm your mind.


47. For the next 100 days, find something positive about your partner every day and write it down.

48. For the next 100 days, keep an album of your joint affairs, do scrapbooking. At the end of your experiment, present your partner with the resulting album and a list of all the positive things you have observed during those 100 days.

49. Define 3 actions for yourself that you will take every day for the next 100 days to strengthen your relationship. It could be the words "I love you" or hugs every morning.

Social life

50. Chat every day for the next 100 days with someone new. This could be your neighbor whom you have never spoken to before, your comment on a blog where you have never posted anything before, a new acquaintance on social networks, etc.

51. For the next 100 days, focus on connecting with people you admire and respect.

52. For the next 100 days, if someone has offended or upset you, think a minute before answering.

53. For the next 100 days, don't even think about reaching a final verdict before both sides have listened.

54. For the next 100 days, try to do at least one good deed a day, no matter how small.

55. For the next 100 days, praise everyone who deserves it.

56. Practice active listening for the next 100 days. When the interlocutor speaks, listen to him, and do not rehearse your answer in your head, ask again to make sure that you heard everything correctly, etc.

57. Practice empathy for the next 100 days. Before you judge someone, try to look at the case from their point of view. Be curious, find out more about the interlocutor (his interests, beliefs, etc.)

58. For the next 100 days, live your life and don't compare yourself to anyone else.

59. Look for good intentions in the actions of those around you for the next 100 days.

60. Over the next 100 days, constantly remind yourself that everyone is doing the best they can.

Many people, in difficult moments of their lives, do not know what to do to change their lives, and how to improve their lives, when everything is crumbling before our eyes, when every day a person is faced with a bunch of problems and troubles.

Today we decided to understand the question of how to change life for the better, how to improve our life, what mistakes prevent life from improving, what to do so that everything in life becomes normal, and negativity and problems disappear, as if they did not exist.

The first and most important advice on how to improve your life, and how to change your life for the better, will be a simple rule: to improve your life, you need to act. Inaction is a direct path to failure, because only he who acts wins.

Even if the changes in life seem unrealistic, it is worth trying, acting and not stopping. Psychologists advise how to change life for the better, and how to improve life. To do this, you must become confident in yourself and your actions.

First, make a plan that should be your guide for change for the better.

Improving Your Life: Tidying Up Your Home

You can't even imagine how many unnecessary and unnecessary things you have at home. To improve your life, start by tidying up your home.

Look at things that you rarely use, or have forgotten about them altogether. Don't be afraid to throw away everything you don't need to make room for the really useful stuff. Try to put everything in its place, and not leave putting things in order for later. Try to sort out things that need repair or fix.

How to change your life for the better: don't be afraid to be happy

To improve your life, you must be grateful for what you already have. Think about the things that make you happy and the things that make you happy.

Try to do what you love more often and delight yourself with the things that make your life better.

Keep a diary to write down your thoughts, experiences, feelings. So you can follow the changes that are taking place in your life, see what feelings certain moments in your life cause you, analyze what is happening in order to slowly but surely change your life for the better.

Laugh more often. Make it a rule for yourself to laugh several times a day. There are all kinds of things that can cause you to laugh. Therefore, try to find funny moments that will make you happier.

How to change your life through study and self-development

One of good advice how to improve your life is study and self-development. Start small. Get in the habit of reading books. Learn something useful and new throughout the day, and in the evening analyze the information received.

Forget the habit of complaining about life. Get rid of the negativity in your life. Stop thinking negatively by replacing bad thoughts with ones that make you feel good.

Build willpower through simple life changes such as getting up a minute earlier each day. Train your body with a little exercise every day.

To change your life better, focus on the things that will help you change and achieve success.

How to improve your standard of living by controlling your finances

For your life to change for the better, you must clean up your finances. To do this, create an income and spending budget that will help control your finances.

Think about how to limit spending and increase income through the right allocation of funds, smart savings and new earning opportunities. How to achieve an increase in income, what you must change in your life for this. Buy a piggy bank and start saving money for some the right thing... Try to pay off debts, if any.

How to change your life for the better with smart time management

If you are seriously thinking about how to change your life, and how to improve everything in your life, try to capture your thoughts and ideas for the implementation of your plan. Try to make a to-do list for one day, doing all the tasks one at a time.

Don't waste your time. Analyze which tasks you need more time for and which ones you need less time. try to think about your day in such a way as to save time, minimizing its costs whenever possible. Spend the saved time usefully or devote it to your family and friends.

Think about what to drop from your to-do list and what to add to your important to-do list.

Limit the time you work with a computer and other gadgets, because they eat up our precious time the most. Make a plan of action in advance and establish the sequence of their implementation.

At the end of the week, review your actions over the past days. , fixing their failures, achievements, which accompanied or interfered with the achievement of the goal.

You should not only make a to-do list, but also write down everything that you have promised to do to other people, so as not to forget about the obligations you have made.

Cross off from your to-do list anything that is detrimental to achieving your goal and does not make you happy.

How to improve your life by monitoring your health

When psychologists advise how to improve your life, and how to change your life drastically, they always remind a person that before you change something, you need to put your health, physical and emotional state in order.

Take care of yourself. Start eating the right food, exercise, control your weight. Try to diversify your menu with new dishes that will make you more a healthy person... Think about what you need to do to improve your health. Take action.

How to change your life by improving relationships with people

To improve your life, try to live in a positive way. Determine which relationships with which people make your life better, and who negatively affects your worldview.

Try to get closer to your partner and think about ways to make them happier. If your soul mate is happy, and you will feel the same way.

Make new acquaintances, be open and good-natured. Connect with those who raise your self-esteem and those who admire you.

Try to limit communication with those people who affect you badly. Think about what others like about you. Determine what your actions in communication make you happier, with whom you feel like a full-fledged, self-confident person.

Even if you were told unpleasant things, try not to react badly, analyze why you heard these words.

Praise people, learn to listen, sympathize, do good deeds, do not refuse help.

Do not try to compare yourself with another person, rejoicing and enjoying your successes and deeds.

To change, you need to think not only about how to change and how to improve your life, but also about what mistakes complicate our life, making it worse.

Mistakes that prevent us from improving our lives

These may not be the most important, but quite common mistakes that prevent us from improving and changing our lives.

  1. Not discussing or criticizing other people and their lives. Why waste time on these things when you can spend it on something useful.
  2. Distracted from the conversation in communicating with people on what is in this moment not so important.
  3. Spend a lot of time on social networks, replacing live communication with virtual ones.
  4. Rely only on your willpower, do not recognize help from other people.
  5. Reflect instead of doing.
  6. Don't believe in yourself.
  7. Do not develop and motivate yourself.
  8. Afraid of experimenting and not wanting to change.
  9. Blame others for your problems.
  10. Do not see your shortcomings, and do not want to change.

Well, we tried to understand the issues of how to change life, and how to improve life using simple tips and rules. Of course, there is not all that can be done to improve your life, but even if you try to follow these rules, the changes will be visible soon.

We hope our tips will help you improve your worldview, thereby improving your life.

What rules do you follow in life?

The sand in the clock runs away, and we are more and more existing than we live. Irrational use of time reduces its effectiveness, which affects the indicators of the overall success of a certain life span. A stable stay in the comfort zone does not lead to anything other than prolonged depression. If you feel that you can take more, then you need to decide as soon as possible how to improve your life, and urgently take action.

About happiness and success

The concepts of "happiness" and "success" are completely different in their essence. However, in society they are often identified. Happiness is a special state of the human soul, which corresponds to his contentment with his own social status, health, success and personal life. Simply put, happy with what he has. Only this judgment is only partly correct.

Indeed, in achieving success, a person finds self-realization, an expanded opportunity for the use of benefits and satisfaction. The only paradox is that, living life incorrectly, he can be deeply unhappy, just as an unhappy person will never achieve his goals and will not realize his dream. And in order to live right, you need to clearly understand how to improve your life.

What do you need to be happy?

What are they - the rules of a happy life?

  1. Healthy body and mind.
  2. and inexhaustible positive.
  3. Order in thought and deed.
  4. Effective self-realization.
  5. Family is the highest value.
  6. Rest is as much a duty as work.

All this is exactly what is needed for a good life for every individual. In order to put your existence in order, to learn to be happy and successful, it is necessary to radically change the everyday routine. Only self-discipline and work are the foundation for the fulfillment of dreams.

Sport is health

Before you figure out how to improve your life, it is important to learn how to take care of your physical health. After all, it is in him that half of the personal potential is hidden. The primary concern is sports:

  1. Exercise in the morning. A ten-minute warm-up or an hour-long workout doesn't really matter. The main thing is to start and continue on an ongoing basis. Morning physical activity awakens all organs and systems, stimulates the production of endorphins - the hormone of happiness, tune the metabolism to correct work, energize for the whole day.
  2. Regular loads. In your busy schedule, try to set aside time for an afternoon or evening workout at the fitness center, on the treadmill, or in the pool. Ideally 3-4 times a week. It doesn't work out often - do it for at least 1-2 days. Sport is a significant contribution to health for many years to come. It really changes life and the attitude of its owner towards it.

Health is the main resource

To prevent problems, you need to control your well-being. Be mindful of your body:

  1. Give up bad habits. Smoking is harm, alcohol is evil. In the life of a healthy and successful person, they should not be. If you can't quit smoking, do it as little as possible and in designated areas.
  2. See your doctors. Go through a medical board once a year. Do not neglect pain and discomfort - get treatment on time. Be attentive to your body.
  3. Eat right, watch your weight. Eat healthy food... Avoid fast food, convenience foods, high-calorie sweets, soda, and alcohol. Eat small meals - don't overeat. Drink vitamins. Eat fruits and vegetables. Follow your daily routine.

Less complaints - more gratitude

And their achievement is made difficult by the presence of mental imbalance. A healthy and positive spirit has tremendous potential. If you want to reveal it as much as possible, put things in order in your soul and in your head:

  1. Complain less. Modern life full of stress. People absorb the outside negative energy like sponges, they also create their own out of discontent and complaints. Remember: many inhabitants of the planet do not have what you have! If negative emotions prevail, change the situation for a while, and then look at the situation through the prism of positive and note for yourself all the good that can be distinguished from what happened.
  2. More thanks. This standard of attitude to the world is a continuation of the previous one. Thank God for your children, for your husband, for living parents, for your friends. Be grateful for household chores - it means you have a home; for the duties of cooking - it means eating food; for the difficulties of organizing the celebration - it means that there are relatives and friends; for difficult working moments - it means there is a development perspective.

Individuality of thinking

  1. Self-control. Control your thoughts. After all, they always precede actions. Always think before you say something. Think about the activity a few steps ahead.
  2. Objectivity. Learn to consider any situation with different sides as if in a 3D dimension. Weigh the positive and the negative soberly.
  3. Creativity. Many people think according to a template, complain about the lack of imagination and special talents. Listen to yourself. Get creative with everyone business as usual... Develop personal potential.
  4. Initiative. Always have your opinion, feel free to express it. Confidently submit personal ideas and suggestions.

Cleansing Time and Space

Every day, a person spends a lot of time in vain: "gives" the World Wide Web, television "zombie" and total uselessness. Meanwhile, globally, it could be spent on personal growth or, if you take a single day, for an absolute revision of the rubbish that has been accumulating over the years. But it can be identified with useless information that "cluttered" the brain in the process of irrational use of human potential. To clear free space and discipline yourself, you need to follow the tips on how to change your life for the better:

  1. Virtual reality is the main enemy of full-fledged human activity. Minimize it. Better to exclude it altogether. Your success shouldn't be the goal on your avatar. A fictitious existence on the World Wide Web inhibits the work of the brain, leads to a partial degradation of the personality. Does this lie in the way of dreams? Online activity is not an obligatory aspect of our time, but a scourge of everyday life. Control the amount of time wasted on useless sites.
  2. Spring-cleaning. Organize all lockers and drawers. Review every thing. Be extremely objective. If it is no longer worn, even if not fashionable, but beloved, exclude it from your wardrobe. Sell ​​everything you don't need or do charity work. And never save up trash again. Exclude from your "warehouses" unnecessary rare trinkets, old notebooks, notebooks, unnecessary books. If they are very expensive, and there is no purpose for them, set aside a special drawer for them on the uppermost shelf in the very large closet... But remember: there should be a minimum number of such objects of attachment.


Life is a constant development. Therefore, a successful person has no right to stand still. You need to develop, strengthen your erudition and your own strengths.

  1. Reading will save the world. Read a lot of books. Delve into different genres and styles, write down the sayings you like. Delve into news and interesting informative articles. Learn new information about distant countries, scientific discoveries, cultural achievements. Watch quality documentaries and feature films periodically. This good passive rest will allow the number of topics for communication in the company of friends, will help you have your own opinion in different areas.
  2. Learn languages. Spend at least 30 minutes a day practicing, and very soon you will be pleased with the result. Watch movies, listen to music, read literature in the target language. Try to practice. Improve yourself. Additional linguistic knowledge can open up new horizons and change everything in an extraordinary way.
  3. Initiative and individuality are encouraged. Learn to do something with my own hands or through technology, but in such a way that the product or service is useful and competitive. This can be handicrafts, creativity in the beauty or wedding industry, tailoring and repairing clothes, writing books and articles, repairing equipment, creating websites and programming. It all depends on what the soul is in. There should always be an opportunity for additional earnings, which, by the way, can become the main one, bringing profit and pleasure. As they say, choose a job you like and you won't have to work anymore.

Self-discipline and planning

  1. Setting goals and achieving them are motivation to work on yourself. This is important point in the life of any person. Here you need to learn how to manage your time, plan things, work productively with the maximum use of your own resources. Without this, the process is impossible.
  2. How to organize your life? There are many ways. It's good to have a diary notebook. Conduct short-term planning first: identify the tasks that require immediate completion. The next step is to carry out strategic planning... Write down the dream, indicate one or two main ones, think about the necessary means of achieving them. Beginning and ending the day, think only of the tasks at hand. According to the secret laws of the Universe, the whole world will help you in the implementation of your plans.
  3. Plan your daily routine, meals, and sleep. A good rest at night is a guarantee of health. Get enough sleep. However, don't make sleep a cult of existence. Get up early. Ideally - at 5-6, well - at 7 o'clock in the morning. It all depends on the schedule of the working day. If it is difficult to make an abrupt change in your usual lifestyle, start with small changes. Set your daily alarm 5 minutes earlier than the day before. After 10-14 days, it will not be difficult to wake up an hour earlier than before.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, plan your day. Classify tasks by importance. Start doing the most important ones, and only after having mastered them, you can move on to less serious ones.


  1. Tasks are set not for availability, but for their alternate solution and slow progress towards the goal. Having made a daily plan, at the end of the daily wakefulness, determine what has been done and what has not been accomplished. It is even better to control yourself hourly: how the hour went, what was done, what the time was spent on, how it could have been spent differently. Analyze whether the daily routine is being followed.
  2. Write everything down in your diary notebook. Re-read the shortcomings periodically and eliminate them. Be self-critical as you plan and analyze your day. However, do not set too many tasks, do not be discouraged if something did not work out, correctly assess your abilities and capabilities.
  3. Personal planning and analysis financial system... Learn to save money. Save 10-20% of your income monthly. Contribute to your dream. Buy quality books on self-development, make investments in business, pay for and attend courses and trainings in the area that will lead to the goal.

Commitment to excellence

You can achieve success and improve your life only if there are conditions for constant growth and development:

  1. Even if you are an expert in your field of activity or have extraordinary talent, attending courses, trainings and conferences is a must. With their help, it is possible to replenish their knowledge, improve their qualifications, exchange experience with colleagues and like-minded people, make new useful contacts, and get an additional incentive for personal growth.
  2. Never stop there. Having reached your goal, learn from the past, set new tasks, improve on the way to a new dream. To maintain inner harmony and at the same time well-being of the soul, one must be content with the present, and with the mind, strive to improve the future.
  3. Strive to learn something new that you do not yet know and have never done. Receiving latest skills for your personality - a springboard to self-knowledge, self-development, and possibly to the work of a lifetime.

Family values

Having figured out how to organize your life, putting things in order in thoughts and deeds, having learned to work productively and confidently move towards your goal, you need not forget about another important component of personal happiness - harmonious relationships with loved ones, maintaining a healthy atmosphere and warmth in the family:

Proper rest

It is important not to lose understanding with yourself and with others:

  1. Privacy. In the hustle and bustle of your daily routine, find time to recharge. If at work there is no rest from the piled-up affairs, and you feel that you need a time-out, go to Fresh air for 5-10 minutes and take a deep breath, think about your dream, motivate yourself and keep working. However, when you return home, despite your chores, take 20-30 minutes of relaxation, meditation, and complete relaxation. Cleanse your mind and thoughts that have accumulated during the day.
  2. Be honest with yourself. Be sincere at all times, especially when alone with yourself and loved ones. Choose the right way and live so that when you reach any height in life, your family will always remain a quiet haven for relaxation and warmth.
  3. Have a beauty day. Especially true for women. If Sunday is family day, devote the entire Saturday night to your body. Cosmetic masks, haircut, manicure, pedicure, massage are mandatory procedures for a successful and beautiful woman... Love yourself and always be on top.

Can a person change himself? Undoubtedly! One has only to realize the futility of the days lived, the lack of fulfillment of one's own potential and a great desire to achieve goals. Under such conditions, almost immediately there is a realization of how to improve your life, albeit initially vague. Following the above-stated clear instructions, within a short period of time, you can again feel the taste for life and the energy to strive for a dream.

Well, you again could not resist. You tried, you really tried. And yes, yes, of course you did it very politely: “Is that your call? Oh, it must be mine, I'm sorry ... ”And buried ourselves. Or not: you just completely, completely imperceptibly (in any case, it seems to you so) threw glance down. Or they even just fell silent and, having stopped listening to the interlocutor, concentrated on the phone. Unless you want to be known as an insensitive biscuit, never do that. The phone doesn't care when you give it a second of attention. The phone will not appreciate him anyway, and this is his difference from people.

2. Distracted by meetings

If you want to shine and prove yourself - close your laptop, turn off your phone and listen (and yes, this very last very important letter will also wait; and no, nothing fatal will happen on Twitter in half an hour of your absence). Concentrate on what is happening here and now and you will be surprised how much new and important you will take out for yourself from the most everyday meeting. Hidden implications of contracts; unexpected opportunities for expanding partnerships, new ideas for projects - it's all here in this dull planning meeting, but you will be the only one who will notice it - you are the only listener.

3. Reflect on the fate of people who have nothing to do with your life

Believe me, the inhabitants of "House-2" will perfectly understand, and without your vigilant attention, why Petya left Katya for Masha. Better turn it to your loved ones: wife, children, parents, friends. Dedicate your time and your thoughts to them. They deserve it much more.

4. Turn on all social media alerts

Look, you really don't need to know about every spam email that goes to your inbox. And social media posts aren't that important either. And likes on Instagram are, of course, sacred, but why do you need to find out about them every two minutes? If you are busy with something important, you should not be distracted by nonsense. Allow yourself to fully focus on the task at hand. You can always check social media and email when you're done. Don't let others schedule your life; what you are working on right now is much more important than what others can do.

5. Living in the past

No, of course, the past is an important part of our experience. The mistakes we have made teach us to be stronger and not repeat them, but it is very important not to dwell on them. Learn to forgive: yourself and others. If you did something wrong, do not gnaw yourself on the rest of your life, but look at the situation as an opportunity to fix everything and learn something in the process. If someone else is wrong, do not throw the full power of your criticism and caustic wit on him: this is your chance to show generosity, kindness and understanding. Don't miss it.

6. Wait for the perfect moment

The perfect moment will never come. Perfect moments don't exist at all. Instead of waiting for a mysterious coincidence, take a chance. And even if you are not sure of success (and no one is sure of success when trying something new), you can always be sure that no one will stop you from trying again. Stop waiting: you will lose much less than you fear, and gain much more than you dare to hope.

7. Gossip

It's not worth it. If you have discussed with everyone what Ivanov is doing there, why not everyone discuss it with Ivanov himself, and not behind him? Ah, "you're in no position to talk to him"? So maybe then you shouldn't rant about his person at all? Spend this time on productive and meaningful conversations - this is useful for the business, and will not be known as a gossip.

8. Agree out of courtesy

Yes, it is not easy to refuse: how will friends and colleagues look at it? .. But, as a rule, both friends and colleagues understand if you refuse politely and with an explanation of the reasons for the refusal. And those who do not understand and are indignant - do you really care about their opinion? Saying "no", you will, of course, go through a few unpleasant minutes, but nothing more. And by subscribing to something that makes you painfully want to escape to the ends of the world, you will suffer at least as long as this damn thing takes. Maybe longer.

For more details see. J. Hagen "8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day" on media portal

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