Beautiful abs in women exercises. The best dynamic abs exercises for girls

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modern woman of any age carefully monitors himself and his physical condition. It is important for her not only to feel healthy and full of energy, but also to look young and fresh, and the older the woman, the more attention she pays to her appearance.

How to become the perfect lady?

In complex necessary conditions physical perfection for her, one of the main things is a flat stomach. How to achieve and, most importantly, maintain the elegance of the lines of a thin and elastic waist? for women show that any lady can actually achieve perfection, even if she is not richly gifted by Mother Nature.

Let the girl be quite round and even massive since childhood, but the dream of achieving the ideal is feasible. It is not at all necessary, as it was thought before, to be thin and correspond to the unthinkable parameters of the podium, the main thing is to achieve harmony in the ratio of the forms given by Nature. From this point of view, exercises for the press for women at home, even from a busy housewife, will form an ideal lady.

Kitchen instead of gym

"Is it possible?" - the one who sincerely believes that she has no time to visit fitness grounds can ask a question, and therefore there is nothing to dream about the graceful forms of her untrained and already blurred waist. However, exercises for the press for women largely take into account the specifics of her lifestyle: workload with family responsibilities, caring for children. You don’t need to specifically set aside time for training, but you just need to include it in your regular routine.

For example, a woman is preparing dinner. But she does not stand all the time at the stove, stirring the brew. In those 15-20 minutes that are sure to be found in the break between chores, you can do great exercises for the press for women at home.

What to do when dinner is cooking?

You can perform simple exercises while standing in front of the stove or getting up from the computer:

  • stand up straight and touch your head with your fingers, your knees are relaxed, put one leg a little to the side;
  • pull the knee of the retracted leg to the body, at the same time making an opposite turn of the torso at the waist, trying to touch the knee with the elbow of the opposite hand;
  • return to the starting position and repeat the movement 8 times at a slow pace;
  • then do the same action quickly 8 times;
  • repeat again 8 times slowly and 8 times quickly;
  • then switch sides.

Attention! Pulling the knee, exhale and pull in the stomach.

These abdominal exercises for women do not require much space, they can be done during the day at any time. They form a thin waist and burn belly fat. Add another easy exercise that will tone your abdominal muscles while maintaining a flat profile:

  • stand straight, knees relaxed, feet together, right foot touching the floor with a toe, elbows pressed to the sides;
  • put the right leg back, simultaneously straighten the arms forward, take a breath;
  • pull the leg and arms to the starting position, draw in the stomach strongly and exhale vigorously;
  • do the same, but while inhaling, take the leg and arms to the sides, and then return to the starting position and make an energetic indentation of the abdomen as you exhale.

Which press is more important?

Those who are just starting out will learn for the first time that abdominal exercises for women are actually quite diverse. They act on different areas muscles that form a perfectly flat shape of the abdomen. So, there is a workout for the lower muscle bundles and exercises for women. Experts recommend distributing the load evenly, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved. The flat shape of the abdomen is provided by all muscle groups: upper, lower and oblique. In each workout, the exercises are necessarily distributed into three targeted groups.

How to perform the movements correctly?

Usually done from a prone position, since this achieves the maximum load on the desired muscle while turning off others. Another 15 minutes can be found in a busy home schedule: it’s not difficult to lie down on the carpet in front of the TV to combine watching your favorite series with working out the abdominal muscles. The movie has begun, and you start training:

  • press your lower back and feet to the floor, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head, take a breath;
  • as you exhale, raise your shoulders, squeeze your stomach as much as possible, feel the tension in its upper part;
  • repeat 8-16-14 times;
  • do the same movement at different paces and with a delay on the rise for a few seconds.

The correct execution technique prescribes to press the lower back to the floor and prevent it from bending when lifting the torso. This is a classic movement for working out the upper press. Doing it every other day, you can quickly achieve visible results.

The best exercises for the lower press

The lower abdominal muscles also need to be carefully worked out. It is these muscle bundles that can be forced to contract with special exercises, which are quite simple, but require strict observance technology. Beginners will be helped by video instructions or exercises for the press for women at home, photos of which can be found in specialized publications. You need to train in combination with other departments - the upper ones. In general, everything will take 10-15 minutes, which you can always find in the daily routine.

Classic exercise for the lower press:

  • lie down, press the lower back tightly to the floor and do not tear it off during the entire workout, raise the legs up at a right angle, but do not pull, but relax at the knees. Feet can be kept apart or crossed;
  • inhale and at the exit tear the buttocks off the floor, swinging your legs forward, at the same time strongly squeezing the abdominal muscles below;
  • do it slowly at first, then at a faster pace;
  • as skills are consolidated, increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

Alternate leg raise exercise:

  • from a prone position, pull one straight leg to your chest, at the same time tear your shoulders off the floor and clasp your thigh with your hands, pull in your stomach, exhale;

The rectus abdominis is indivisible, and you cannot train only the upper or lower abs separately. The nerve impulse passes simultaneously through all the nerves and approaches the muscle group, so the exercises for the press for women pump all the longitudinal muscle bundles that go in the vertical direction. To get a flat stomach and narrow the waist, it is enough to perform several exercises in which you can statically strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible. We will tell you how a set of abdominal exercises for girls differs from a male abdominal muscle workout and how to perform it correctly.

Many girls are afraid to lose tone in the abdomen and pump abdominal Press daily, and even with a dumbbell or disc in hand. Such fear is usually present in those who do not eat well and do not pay enough attention to the rest of the muscle groups. A good tone is really preserved, but the result is not encouraging - the stomach becomes as if swollen.

The thing is that the rectus abdominis muscles contain a large number of white fibers, rapidly increasing in volume. By pumping the press a lot, amateurs only add muscle thickness to the fat layer. Without calorie restriction, these muscles are not visible at all, and the stomach grows, and the waist becomes wider.

According to the classic bodybuilding scheme, you need to do no more than 15 repetitions in a weighted approach. But this scheme is suitable for those who wish to increase the thickness of the cubes. Girls do not need a fast pace, which does not dry the press, but stimulates the growth of white fibers. Best for women is a slow pace and one-set training.

Why is a flat stomach better for women than convex embossed cubes?

In a normal state, a woman should have about 20% subcutaneous fat, and the cubes are clearly visible at 10%. In order for the relief press to be clearly visible, a woman will have to sacrifice her health. Another argument in favor of a flat stomach without cubes: if you do not attend gym and do it yourself at home, then most likely the body is developed inharmoniously and the press cubes, combined with skinny arms, an undeveloped back or delta, look ridiculous. In addition most girls spend time in clothes and the cubes are not visible, but thin waist noticeable not only in a bathing suit.

How to train the press correctly and how much?

The secret to a beautiful flat stomach: training, static work and nutrition. For non-competitive girls, it is advisable to do several different exercises at a slow pace, combining them into supersets or performing one approach for each. So you "smear" the load - do not give white muscle fibers a reason to grow. The abdomen will be flat, hard and bulky.

Connect static voltage - pause at the most difficult top point. In the last repetition, you can make several such pauses as you return to the starting position.

Proper breathing is especially important - the abdominal muscles contract as much as possible on a full exhalation. You need to exhale only on effort. The range of motion should be almost complete, which will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. At the bottom point, you can not fully straighten and relax. Study carefully the video lessons of fitness experts, in which they teach you how to perform all the exercises correctly step by step.

Many will be surprised by the fact that it is desirable to do once a week. At the same time, it is necessary to train other muscle groups 3 times a week, pay attention to strengthening the core muscles and do not forget about cardio training. V basic exercises, which are performed at every workout, the press is in static tension, so the abdominal muscles will not lag behind.

How to pump up the lower press?

The rectus abdominis muscle is not divided into parts, and during the training of the press, it contracts equally at the top and bottom. When doing leg raises, you may think that the lower abs are working, but in fact, the iliopsoas muscle is involved. Below is a large amount of connective tissue. Women in this area have more of it than men, and even fewer nerve endings, so the area is poorly worked out.

How to get rid of belly fat?

In order for girls to get rid of excess deposits throughout the body with the help of aerobic (!) Loads. The laws of physiology are such that burning fat in one particular area is impossible.

Women find it harder to burn fat and sculpt abs because of less testosterone. Make the right diet, be prepared in advance for a long systematic work on your body and do not believe the stories about how extra centimeters burn in the bar.

The best dynamic abs exercises for girls

Lying on the mat, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor or lift your crossed legs up. Cross your arms over your chest. Raise upper part body up to 30 degrees, pressing the lower back to the floor. Perform the exercise slowly with a delay of 3-4 seconds at the top point and do not strain your neck. At this pace, you won’t be able to do 100 repetitions, but 8-30 will be more effective.

Lying on the floor or on a bench, lift your slightly bent legs up. During the exercise, raise your legs strictly perpendicularly, while lifting your lower back off the floor. Keep the abdominal muscles constantly in tension.

Sit on the bars, leaning on your elbows. Keep your elbows close to your body to make it easier to isolate the working muscle group. Tightening your abs, raise your legs bent at the knees slightly above the horizontal level. Similarly, the legs are raised in the hang on the horizontal bar.

Grasp the handles of the simulator and pull your head to the pelvis, not reaching full folding. Hold for a few seconds until peak muscle contraction and gradually come back.

The best static (isometric) exercises for the press

It is performed in the morning on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating in a standing position, lying down, on the floor on all fours, sitting on a chair or on your knees. The technique is always the same: exhaling and completely releasing the air from the lungs, draw in the stomach as much as possible. Hold for 10-15 seconds. As you exhale, relax your abdominal muscles. Do 5-20 repetitions daily. Gradually progress, increasing the tension time to 60 seconds. More details about this exercise in the article "".

The hands or elbows should be under the shoulders. Legs and back are straight. The press is maximally tense. Do not lower your head too much, do not stoop, do not raise your buttocks. "Twist" the pelvis inward, reducing the deflection in the lower back and stretching the body in one line. Do not get hung up on time and do the exercise efficiently. More details in the article "".

Lie on your back, lift your straight legs up (20-30 cm from the floor) and put your hands behind your head raised up. Look up and do not press your chin to your chest. Hold this position until your limbs tremble.

Twisting with legs up

Lying on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees perpendicular to the body. Stretch your arms along the body and tear your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Press your back to the floor and do not bend at the waist. Hold the position for 15-60 seconds.

With osteochondrosis, disc displacement, injuries and back pain, do not perform abdominal exercises. Consult your doctor before starting exercise.

Effective sets of exercises for training the press

For beginners, 1-2 exercises are enough. Do them as many times as you can without breaking the technique with correct breathing. If you train in the gym, use the services of a trainer and ask him to teach you the exercise technique.

The most effective superset:

  • classic crunches 20-30 reps;
  • hanging leg raises 12–20;
  • plank 30-60 seconds;
  • break 15–30 seconds;
  • repeat the whole complex 2-3 more times.

Training for advanced athletes in deep relief with a low percentage of body fat:

  • hanging leg raises 3x20 (3 sets of 20 reps with a break of 15 seconds);
  • classic twisting 3x20;
  • "bicycle" or "scissors" in the air 3x20;
  • plank 1 minute.

When to download the press: before or after the main workout?

Not for abdominal muscles of great importance when you train them. At the end of the workout, abdominal exercises will restore intra-abdominal pressure, at the beginning they will additionally warm up the body. However, it should be borne in mind that the press is a significant stabilizer in most exercises for different muscle groups. After his training, other exercises may be harder.

When can I eat after a ab workout?

The press does not train on a separate day and exercises for beautiful belly should always be combined with lower or upper body work. The following nutritional guidelines apply to any workout:

Want to burn fat? Do not eat after training for 1-2 hours - let the body use the available reserves.

Intensive training for the press is very tiring, after it a woman can feel the same way as after squats. But ab exercises do little to burn fat, and one extra ab set can make you succumb to dessert in the evening. This is unprofitable and impractical for those who are trying to lose weight. Don't overtrain and it will be easier for you to stick proper nutrition, which means that the result will be the best!

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every woman (and not only a woman) dreams of a toned and beautiful tummy. And if it is also with press cubes, it’s generally wonderful!

Naturally, cubes on the stomach do not appear on their own, and in order to achieve the ideal in this matter, you have to sweat in the literal sense of the word. But, first of all, we note that the most effective workout on the press are in the morning, on an empty stomach and with proper breathing.

exercise bike

This exercise is familiar to everyone from school physical education classes. But many will learn about its effectiveness after spending many years on completely useless training.

"Velosiped" confidently enters the TOP-3 the best exercises for the press - moreover, he takes the first place among the exercises for the rectus muscle, and the second - for the oblique muscles.

How to do?

We lie down on our back, putting our hands behind our heads (we don’t catch them in the lock!) - the hips are perpendicular to the floor, we imitate cycling. That is, we “pedal”, straightening one leg and at the same time pulling the knee of the second to the chest on exhalation (approx. - we straighten the leg on inhalation).

It is desirable that when approaching the chest of the right knee, the left elbow moves towards it (and, accordingly, vice versa) - they should lightly touch each other when they meet (however, this is not necessary).

The number of repetitions is 10-20, the number of approaches is 3-4, rest between sets is half a minute.

Rules: do not lower your legs to the floor, do not strain your neck, do the exercise slowly, smoothly and on a hard surface.

Press Leg Raises

The main task of the exercise is not to lift the pelvis up, but to “twist” it towards the head.

How to do?

We lay down on the floor, hands along the body - or hide behind the head. Next, bend your legs and pull your hips towards you so that they are perpendicular to the floor (this is the starting position). Then, on exhalation, with the effort of the abdominal muscles, we sharply twist the pelvis to our head, lingering in the peak position for a second.

Now you can take a breath and lower the pelvis with your legs, but without touching the floor with them. The closer the knees to the head, the stronger the load.

Rules: we use the entire range of motion, do not lower the pelvis, do not twist to the sides - strictly vertically.

Be sure to breathe with each repetition - holding your breath for the entire approach is not recommended.

As a result of careful scientific research, the most effective exercises for “building up” beautiful abs cubes are recognized as exercises such as “bicycle”, the leg raises we described in the hang and twisting.

But only if the fat content is less than 12%. Otherwise, your fantastic cubes will simply be lost in the depths of fat folds.

Therefore, in addition to hard training - diet, routine and the right approach to classes!

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If you think that perfect abs it is impossible to pump up right at home, then you should know that there are effective exercises for the press for girls at home!

Because it doesn't matter where, but how! And we'll tell you exactly how.

Gotta get up!

Before you start the process of creating a beautiful, embossed press, it will be useful to know what kind of muscle it is.

The press is one large muscle that protects the organs located in the abdominal cavity and forms posture.

A good training program is the key to success!

It consists of four segments:

  • rectus abdominis- responsible for the appearance of "cubes". Function: tilts the body forward, raises the pelvis with a fixed chest;
  • external oblique muscle- the most extensive abdominal muscle. Function: bends the torso and pulls the ribs down;
  • internal oblique muscle- makes up the second layer of the abdominal wall. Function: flexion and rotation of the body;
  • transversus abdominis- forms the third layer of the abdominal wall. Function: tightens the abdomen and tightens the ribs.

Here are a few rules for successful lateral and oblique abdominal exercises for girls:

  • Start eating right. It's not that you have to go on a strict diet. Proteins, carbohydrates and calories are essential when exercising.
    However, the diet should be reviewed: it should not contain flour and bakery products (if you cannot live without bread, replace it with bread), chocolate, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
    Drink plenty of water, as it "carries" extra pounds with it and improves metabolism.
  • Do not overdo it! No need to load the body with unnecessary training. To achieve relief, the abdominal muscles need to recover after each session, so leave time for rest.
    You need to do the press once every 2-3 days; constant pressure on the press will not bear any fruit.
  • Start running, dancing or swimming. Not in order to have fun, but in order to put an additional load on the body.
    This will bring your weight back to normal, since the exercises themselves are not able to do this - they only form a "corset".
  • Approach workouts gradually.. Start with a minimum load, gradually moving to a medium one.

We make a training program

An important role in pumping up the press is played by the technique of performing exercises.

You can do a hundred exercises, but you will not achieve any effect if you do them incorrectly.

In addition, if you do exercises for girls for the press on the horizontal bar incorrectly, you can injure your back! So please read carefully step by step plan any exercise.

The training program is also an important aspect. If your workouts were held in a fitness club, it would be very simple: take your own personal instructor, and he will create a personal training program for you.

When training at home, you are your own instructor, so you must develop a training program for yourself with exercises for the press and buttocks for girls at home in advance.

First, determine the specific purpose of the classes, their frequency and intensity. The goal must be serious enough. As the writer Hemingway said, "Once you've started, win!"

Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in the “transformation” of your press, you will have to work hard, even if you have a lot to do or you are suddenly tired. Beauty you know what it requires.

The frequency of training is the time that you are able to devote to them. We have already said that for a “newbie” in this business, such an amount of time is quite suitable: once every 2-3 days, that is, 2 times a week. Over time, you will be able to practice 5 times a week.

The intensity of training is a value that includes the speed of exercise, the number of sets, repetitions, and so on. For beginners, the intensity should be small. If you want to achieve relief of the press, the intensity must be gradually increased.

Exercising too frequently will result in muscle loss!
You need to do 20-25 minutes.

Weight training

So, you have developed a training program for yourself and move on to the exercises for the press for girls, you can find them in the pictures. Before performing them, you should always warm up the muscles.

For this purpose, cardio training is suitable: running, jumping rope, cycling, etc. You need to warm up for 45 minutes; if training is the first, ten minutes will be enough.

Weight training is the most effective!

Training will be fruitful if you start it in the morning, after breakfast. Exercises should be performed on a flat surface. As a "props" we advise you to purchase a rug.

It is believed that weight-bearing exercises are one of the most effective, especially for girls whom nature “rewarded” with fat in the lower abdomen. A heavy object, which is used as a means of weighting, creates an additional load, as a result of which the muscles work more intensively.

Let's take a look at some weight training exercises:

  • Twisting for the press. You will need: a heavy object, weighing no more than 5 kilograms (ball, book).
    Technique: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Hold a heavy object between your knees, take a dumbbell in your hands. Pull your knees to your chest, thereby twisting the body.
  • Weighted leg raises. You will need: weights that can be attached to the ankles.
    Technique: fasten the weights on your legs and lie on your back. Raise your straight legs up one by one.
  • Incline with dumbbells. You will need: Dumbbells, suitable for weight.
    Technique: in right hand- dumbbell, put the left on the belt. Right side lower your body. Repeat the exercise, only on the other side.

Simple and perfect. Nutrition is 80% of a beautiful body.

Exercises without weights

These were the most effective exercises, thanks to which in one and a half to two months you will have the abs of your dreams.

Exercise "Vacuum":

  • stand up straight or take a supine position;
  • slowly take a deep breath through your nose;
  • with a powerful exhalation, get rid of the air, drawing in the stomach as much as possible;
  • stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, exhale.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Video "Home workouts for the press"

On the video, exercises on the lower and upper press for girls at home:

Gym at your home

If you can afford home exercise equipment, then the most popular and effective home exercise equipment below will help you pump up your abs.

  • Rowing machine- A compact device that fits anywhere. There are: hydraulic, magnetic and air simulators.
    The most democratic are hydraulic, their price is about 10 thousand. The most expensive are magnetic, they cost from 50 thousand rubles.
    Rowing machines develop back muscles and help to pump up the press well.
  • AB roller- is a frame that helps to perform twisting of the abdomen, while straining the muscles of the press.
    A compact, inexpensive simulator that is suitable for both professionals and beginners.
  • Hula Hup- hoop trainer.
  • gymnastic roller- has the form of a wheel with two handles on the sides.
  • Gymnastic ball- fitball.

Secrets of the Stars

Not all movie or show business stars can boast of a flat, inflated tummy. And those who can do it share their secrets.

  • Shakira:
    The beautiful tightened belly of the singer is the result of many years of oriental dancing. TO strength training she is indifferent, and she does not follow her diet very carefully. But dancing is another matter!
  • Jennifer Lopez:
    The actress and singer is over 40, but her abs are in perfect condition - how?! The thing is that Lopez regularly runs and dances, and also does not eat junk, high-calorie foods.
  • Miranda Kerr:
    The model prefers cardio training and healthy food.
  • Anna Sedokova:
    The gym helps the singer keep her press in perfect condition.

Now you know how to pump up the abdominal muscles right at home: where to start, how to create a personal training program, what exercises to perform.

Make a narrow waist and flat stomach at home with the best abdominal exercises for girls. Ladies, swing the cubes for the summer! Our complex will help to immediately tighten the upper, lower and oblique muscles of the press at home and without simulators.

We present nine effective exercises on the press for girls to tone the abdominal muscles at home. Do not forget to do the "vacuum" exercise, remember that by pulling in the abdomen, you are working out the deepest abdominal muscle (transverse), which is directly involved in creating a flat tummy.

The exercises are divided into three sections: upper abdominal muscles, obliques and lower. You can go to training three different ways: Take one exercise from each section and do two or three sets, take two exercises from each section and do one or two sets, or, for that matter, do all nine exercises at a time. It all depends on your preparedness and attitude.

Combining these exercises with regular cardio Pilates and healthy eating, as well as eating “flat tummy” food, will help you keep your abdominal muscles in great shape all year round.

Upper Press Exercises

1. Upper press: twisting on a gymnastic ball (fitball)

  • Sit on a well-inflated fitball. If you haven't bought a ball yet, then choose one that sits on which your legs will be at a right angle.
  • Put your hands behind your head, put your feet away from the ball so that your torso can roll freely on it. The fitball should support your hips and lower back. The knees should be bent at the right angle.
  • Exhale and lift your upper torso to a 45-degree angle, pulling your stomach in, and return to the starting position. Do not make sudden movements with your neck! Repeat 25 times.

2. Upper press: Pilates 100

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs (hips and knees at a right angle). Tighten your abs so that your lower back is pressed to the floor. Make sure you don't "bulge" your belly, which means you're only tensing your outer abs, which Pilates is strictly forbidden to do.
  • Exhale and lift your upper back off the floor so that your shoulder blades do not touch the floor. Straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle (but so that your lower back does not come off the floor). Stretch your arms forward. Hands in this position should be 10 cm from the floor.
  • Raise and lower your arms with a small range of motion, do not bend your elbows. Slowly inhale for five swings with your hands, exhale for five swings. This is the completion of one set of the cycle. Repeat the cycle nine more times, for a total of 100 swings.
  • Keep your upper body motionless while swinging your arms.

This abdominal exercise for women is perfect to strengthen not only the upper abdominal muscles, but also other muscle groups.

Exercises for all abdominal muscles

3. Full Abs: Elbow Plank

  • Rest your knees and forearms on the floor.
  • Straighten your legs one at a time, assuming a straight plank position (as in a prone position)
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles so that they do not sag, but do not pull them in either. The back should be parallel to the floor, the abdominal muscles are tense and stretch up to the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds, gradually, becoming stronger, try to extend up to 1 minute.

If you're tired of the fixed plank exercise, you can always do exercises with outstretched arms to further tighten your abs.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the press

4. Oblique abdominal muscles: twisting "bike"

This exercise is considered one of the most effective for the press, it really works out the oblique muscles.

  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed into the floor (pull your belly in, which will also help you strengthen your deep muscles). Interlace your fingers and place your hands behind your head.
  • Pull your knees up to your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Straighten your right leg at a 45-degree angle to the floor, at the same time twist your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Make sure your rib cage moves, not just elbows.
  • Change position and repeat the same motion for the other knee and elbow, completing the exercise (and creating a "pedaling" motion). Do this exercise slowly and with concentration.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.

5. Obliques: Side plank with twist

  • Turn your right side to the floor, put your feet on top of each other, weight on your right elbow, fingers pointing away from the body, palm down.
  • Put your left hand behind your head, inhale.
  • Exhale, press the navel to the back to engage the deep abdominal muscles, rotate the left side of the chest to the floor. Hold this position for a second, and tighten your abdominal muscles, pressing your navel even closer to your back.
  • Return to starting position, repeat seven more times for a total of eight reps, then switch sides. Repeat the same for the other side.

6. Oblique muscles: twists of the torso in the sitting position "Russian twist"

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, heels 30 cm from the buttocks.
  • Lean back slightly without rounding your back. It's actually important and difficult to keep your back straight, so don't let yourself hunch over.
  • Arms straight out in front of you, legs crossed. Hands should be at the same level with the chest.
  • The navel is pressed to the back, slowly turn to the left. The movement is not wide, the chest turns, not the arms. Take a deep breath and turn to the right. The exercise is over.
  • Repeat 16 full turns.

To make the exercise more difficult, hold a 2 kg dumbbell or medicine ball at chest height.

Lower press exercises

7. Lower press: hanging crunches

This exercise involves all the muscles of the press, but especially the lower, deep, transverse muscles. The abdominal muscles stabilize the powerful movement of your hips in this exercise.

  • Using the horizontal bar, grab it well, palms facing each other or vice versa.
  • Legs hang straight, as you exhale, draw in your stomach, bend your knees and pull them to your chest.
  • Without rotation, slowly lower your legs to the starting position, straightening your knees.
  • Repeat 10-12 times.

8. Lower press: leg extension with rubber

Sit on a mat or covered floor. Throw ribbon loops over both legs. Grab your hands in the middle of the tape and lie on your back.

The navel is pressed to the back, with the legs perform the “scissors” movement, starting with the left leg. Do it slowly, pull the sock. Each time the right leg drops, count one set. Do 10-15 sets.

To make the exercise more difficult, lower your legs so that they are 15-25 cm from the floor - as in the picture above. Make sure your stomach is pulled in while working your feet low off the floor. Repeat "scissors" for another 10-15 sets.

9. Lower press: V-shaped raises (bending “book”)

  • Lie on your back on the floor, raise your arms and legs at a 90 degree angle.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders and pelvis off the floor. Touch your fingers to the tips of your toes.
  • Keeping your abs tight at all times, slowly lower your arms and legs back to the starting position to complete the exercise.
  • Repeat 20 times.

Exercises for the press at home - video

We remove the lower abdomen in 6 minutes a day.

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