Muscle spasm during pregnancy what to do. Why do cramps occur during pregnancy and how to get rid of them? Pain in the upper right abdomen

landscaping 30.06.2020

Cramping in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. When spasms do not greatly disturb a woman, there should be no reason to panic. Light spasms, as medical practice has shown, subside on their own, without turning into more serious muscle contractions.

Another thing is, if spasms cause pain, you need to urgently visit the women's office or call the ambulance team. Problems with spasms are very rare in pregnant women who are constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

Cramps during pregnancy are more likely to bother women who previously had problems with bearing a fetus, miscarriages and conceiving a child. One should reckon with the theory that indicates the recurrence of negative phenomena during pregnancy. The antenatal clinic doctor constantly works with the pregnant woman, setting her up for calmness, optimism, in order to facilitate the process of bearing a child.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy

It is known that pregnancy and childbearing are accompanied by significant changes in a woman's body, sometimes causing discomfort and inconvenience. On this basis, the development of abdominal cramps during pregnancy is possible. They appear against the background of some physiological abnormalities either.

Spasms occur when smooth, striated muscles contract. In many cases, there should be no cause for alarm, since this is a completely natural phenomenon.

Doctors say that spasms of the muscles of the uterus in early pregnancy do not require any intervention. The gradual increase in the volume of the uterus leads to discomfort due to stretching of its muscles.

When the hormonal background is restructured, the elasticity of the ligaments that support the uterus increases. The positions of the organs in the abdominal cavity change.

For those pregnant women who had painful critical days shortly before conception, abdominal discomfort persists for several more months. It will take a couple of months, and the inconvenience will stop.

The feeling of discomfort begins during sharp turns of the body, with a quick getting out of bed. Overexertion of the abdominal muscles provokes the occurrence of convulsions. In such cases, the pregnant woman is advised not to strain, to rest for several hours.

In the second half of pregnancy, due to sprains, pressure of the growing fetus on adjacent organs, lingering pain in the abdomen may appear.

Wearing a special bandage helps to overcome discomfort in such cases. It is worn in a supine position, placed in the lower abdomen to reduce the load on the vertical muscles when standing up. Wearing a properly selected bandage does not bring any inconvenience.

The origin of intestinal spasm during pregnancy is explained by the movement of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. Such symptoms are expressed slightly a few days after conception.

Intestinal spasms with pain syndrome may be the result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. At later stages of pregnancy, intestinal spasms are caused by the pressure of the fetus gradually increasing in size on neighboring organs.

With frequent repetitions of intestinal spasms with a pronounced pain syndrome, it is recommended to contact a medical institution. In some cases, a warm heating pad gives some relief, but you should not get involved in this method with a very large stomach and acute pain.

The entire period of pregnancy you need to follow the right diet. Pregnant with severe intestinal spasms, the doctor prescribes a children's drug Espumizan or No-shpu.

stomach cramps during pregnancy

Cramps in the stomach during pregnancy occur due to various reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. Uterine growth. Increasing in volume, the uterus creates pressure on the abdominal organs, causing pain in them.
  2. An increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone in the blood. The hormone reduces the tone of the small and large intestines, thereby contributing to the occurrence of flatulence, heartburn.
  3. Gluttony. A large amount of food eaten contributes to an increase in the tension of the abdominal muscles due to insufficient digestion.
  4. Bacterial, viral infections. Symptoms of the disease provoke spasmodic pain in the stomach.
  5. Gastritis acute or chronic. Inflamed gastric mucosa causes disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract. The acute form of gastritis is expressed by fever, diarrhea (diarrhea) and vomiting. In the chronic form of the disease, the pregnant woman has no appetite, she has nausea, heaviness in the stomach.

Spasms and cramps of the muscles of the lower extremities

With spasms occur in violation of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. The same symptoms occur when the enlarged uterus squeezes the adjacent large nerves.

Other reasons: physical overload of the body, prolonged stay on the legs. If convulsions and spasms began to recur frequently, the doctor prescribes blood tests with subsequent correction of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

When it occurs, the pregnant woman is given calcium-containing preparations.

  1. Avoid lifting or moving heavy objects.
  2. Reduce the amount of time spent in a standing position.
  3. Limit physical activity as much as possible, avoiding overwork of the body.
  4. Exclude from the daily diet, buckwheat, fish, oatmeal, legumes.

Muscle cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy quite often disturb a woman. Several reasons contribute to the appearance of such symptoms. Basically, this is a pronounced sprain of the ligaments that support the growing uterus throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Spasms are aggravated when the woman in labor sneezes, coughs, gets up or sits down, rolls over from one side to the other. The same spasms occur in the functional pathology of the digestive tract of a pregnant woman.

Spasms with intestinal colic are expressed by a sharp pain in the lower abdomen due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. Changing the diet will help improve the condition of the pregnant woman. You should connect foods containing fiber: nuts, cereals, bran bread, vegetables, fruits.

At the end of pregnancy, cramps in the lower abdomen are caused by fetal movement. With swelling of the lower extremities, fluid intake is limited, which will help get rid of discomfort.

When do the first cramps in the lower abdomen appear during pregnancy? They can occur a week after conception. This is the period of movement of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus.

This physiological phenomenon occurs in the process of hormonal changes in the body. Increasing in size, the uterus causes increased synthesis of the hormone progesterone. Thus, the body prepares for bearing the unborn child.

At the same time, the woman in labor feels a dull pain in the lower abdomen, there is occasionally slight bleeding. Sometimes cramps in the lower abdomen cause an urge to urinate. The explanation here is this: the growing fetus squeezes the bladder, causing some discomfort.

After a certain period of time, spasmodic attacks stop if the pregnant woman regularly rests and takes care of her health. However, in cases where cramps in the lower abdomen do not stop, intensify with irradiation to the lumbar region, are accompanied by spotting, the woman should come to the antenatal clinic as soon as possible.

Muscle spasm of the uterus during pregnancy

Uterine spasms during pregnancy cannot cause miscarriage or premature birth. However, you should consult a doctor to clarify the cause of this discomfort and conduct treatment for medical reasons.

The first spasms of the uterus are noted in the second trimester. But closer to childbirth, uterine cramps with abdominal pain are becoming more common. Doctors say that mostly uterine spasms are associated with its increase in volume.

Over time, the fetus increases in the womb along with the growth of the uterus, the mobile child resembles spasms with its jerks. This should not be feared due to the absence of any threats of gestation.

Spasmodic pain during pregnancy

Pain with spasms during pregnancy does not always lead to miscarriage, although it is necessary to find out the cause of discomfort. An accurate diagnosis should be made with a deep examination in a medical institution for the mother and child.

Such pains are possible due to dysfunction of the intestines, flatulence, an increase in the size of the uterus. Or appear as false contractions. The constant repetition of the pain syndrome, accompanied by discharge, bleeding is the reason for the immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, if the gynecologist notes not dangerous cramps, they can continue without consequences until the middle of the pregnancy.

Cramps in early pregnancy

Cramping during pregnancy in its early stages is very similar to the pain that occurs during menstruation. Such a combination of circumstances often leads a woman to a delusion: she thinks that critical days are approaching.

Such contractions occur against the background of hormonal changes in the body associated with conception. They may occasionally be accompanied by bleeding. A woman should take a pregnancy test when she finds herself having cramps during a missed period.

How to treat spasm during pregnancy

Doctors of the antenatal clinic recommend that pregnant women always have Papaverine and No-shpa tablets with them. These antispasmodic drugs easily relieve painful spasms of the smooth muscles of the internal organs (uterus, stomach, intestines, kidneys) during pregnancy.

Removing spasms of smooth muscles, these drugs do not affect the central nervous system.

conclusions. Abdominal cramps during pregnancy are not always a cause for panic, but regular visits to the antenatal clinic will help a pregnant woman to bear and give birth to a healthy baby without any consequences.

In fact, the manifestation of cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is not considered any serious abnormality. This symptom is inherent in almost every girl in the position and is considered the norm, such as toxicosis, breast enlargement, growth of the tummy and the belly in it.

As a rule, discomfort in the lower abdomen occurs for the following reasons:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • problems in the digestive system (bloating, flatulence, constipation);
  • Braxton Hicks training bouts;
  • painful tingling in the lower abdomen at the end of pregnancy, signaling the onset of the birth process.

Along with the usual causes of abdominal cramps, there are certain points that require increased attention from expectant mothers. For example, if brown / bloody discharge, loss of consciousness, general malaise, fever, vomiting, nausea, painful urination are observed with spasmodic pain. These symptoms may indicate the following:

  • possible ectopic pregnancy;
  • premature birth, possible miscarriage;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of appendicitis;
  • intestinal flu, rotavirus infection.

It should be noted: most of the above signs, causes of discomfort, the occurrence of cramps in the abdomen can be observed in every girl in a position (healthy, painful, physically fit, weak) and accompany a pregnant woman at any time.

Cramps in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

Abdominal cramps in the early stages of pregnancy primarily occur due to the pregnancy itself, a large-scale restructuring of the body as a whole. Due to hormonal changes in the uterine wall, the ligaments that support it become more elastic, stretch, which causes some discomfort in the lower abdomen. Small contractions of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy are considered a natural reaction of the body to the birth, formation of the embryo: the uterus is rapidly changing, as a result of which contractions of the muscles of the organ, spasms occur.

You should be wary if the contraction, hardening of the lower abdomen is accompanied by sharp, sharp pains with bloody discharge, nausea, loss of consciousness. These symptoms may indicate the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or if the ultrasound does not confirm the fetal heartbeat, a missed pregnancy. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to urgently seek professional help.

Muscle cramps in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy can be felt by girls in whom the monthly cycle was painful, various diseases of the reproductive organs were observed. Sometimes spasms of the lower abdomen occur at lightning speed with sudden movements, coughing, sneezing. Often, spasmodic pains appear in re-pregnant women after cesarean section, who have a scar on the uterus.

Cramps in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy

Abdominal cramps in late pregnancy are usually caused by the same uterine hypertonicity. Only if the main cause of increased uterine tone in the first trimester is hormonal changes, the formation of an embryo, then in the second, third trimester, spasms appear due to the rapid growth of the baby, an increase in the uterus in size, due to preparatory contractions (from about the 20th week), At the end of pregnancy, discomfort is reputed to be one of the signs of an imminent birth.

With an increase in the volume of the uterus, the abdominal organs are displaced, compressed, therefore, in the later stages, abdominal cramps during pregnancy can signal a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. So, in a pregnant woman, along with spasm, there is often a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating. Due to the uneven passage of food through the intestines, flatulence (gas formation), constipation occurs. Therefore, nutritionists recommend moms to revise their menu and adjust the time of eating: eat often, but in small portions. Include fresh fruits, vegetables in your diet, do not neglect sour-milk products, dried fruits. But it is better to forget about smoked meats, pickles, fried dishes for a while.

Non-obstetric causes of lower abdominal cramps

To non-obstetric causes of abdominal cramps at the very bottom, experts primarily include inflammation of the appendix - the appendix of the rectum. Increasing prolonged pain (more than twelve hours) in the right lower side, radiating spasm to the umbilical region, speaks precisely of inflammation of appendicitis. Therefore, in order to avoid peritonitis, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist, a surgeon to confirm / refute the diagnosis and provide timely surgical care.

Similar symptoms with inflammation of appendicitis are with rotavirus infection. However, in addition to sharp spasms and nagging pain, intestinal flu is characterized by frequent vomiting and diarrhea. As a result, while waiting for an ambulance, it is necessary to drink still water or sweet tea often, but fractionally. It is forbidden to take any medications without a doctor's prescription. This can aggravate the situation and harm the baby.

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If muscle spasms in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are accompanied by tingling and painful urination, this is due to the occurrence of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), which is caused by a bacterial infection entering the body.

Pregnant women have an acutely developed "sixth sense", so they can easily determine in which situations cramps in the lower abdomen are insignificant, and which symptoms should be listened to. In any case, future mothers need to take care of themselves, and at the slightest hint of problems, consult with the leading doctor.

Cramps are voluntary muscle contractions. This phenomenon in pregnant women occurs in most cases in the morning or at night. Numbness is most common in the second trimester of pregnancy. What are the causes of leg cramps during pregnancy at night and not only?

Why Do Cramps Occur During Pregnancy?

In fact, there are many reasons why calves, feet, stomach cramps at night during pregnancy. Most common:

  • toxicosis: at this time, the female body is greatly weakened and is not able to absorb the necessary substances and vitamins in the right amount. During the period of toxicosis, the expectant mother eats little and not infrequently meals are accompanied by vomiting;
  • calcium and magnesium deficiency: these trace elements are washed out of the body during the period of toxicosis. With the growth of the baby, calcium and magnesium are lacking more and more. According to experts, the lack of these elements is the cause of leg cramps;
  • lack of glucose: an unbalanced diet helps to reduce blood sugar levels;
  • varicose veins: exacerbation of the disease occurs due to increased pressure of the fetus on the veins of the small pelvis. The female body is not able to control this situation. That is why, the expectant mother may feel cramps and numbness in her legs;
  • seizures may be due to abuse of beverages such as coffee and tea;
  • diuretics remove not only excess fluid from the body, but also useful substances. Even if this type of drug is prescribed by a doctor, drugs can have a negative effect on the body.

What to do on your own when convulsions start

If it cramps during pregnancy, or discomfort appears in the abdomen, then in some cases you can do without the help of a doctor and eliminate the unpleasant sensation yourself:

  1. The most important thing is not to make sudden movements. Gently roll over onto your side and slowly lower your legs. Try to press your feet to the floor as hard as possible. In this position, you need to stay for about 30 seconds;
  2. Within 60 seconds slowly stroke and knead the flattened area in the direction from the foot to the knee;
  3. Holding on, for example, to the bed try to get up;
  4. Continuing to hold on to something, it is necessary carefully walk around the room. You need to walk until the painful sensation is completely gone;
  5. Once the pain subsides rub the feet with a warming agent(for example, "Asterisk") and put on warm socks. Thus, you can prevent the recurrence of seizures;

As for abdominal cramps during pregnancy, when they occur, it is still better to call a doctor, as they can mean a threat of miscarriage. If you do not have the opportunity to call an ambulance, then take antispasmodics and sedatives. Separately, it is worth mentioning that for the third trimester of pregnancy, infrequent cramps are quite normal, indicating an impending birth.


As mentioned above, cramps often appear due to a lack of calcium or magnesium in the body. That is why the level of these trace elements must be monitored throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It is extremely important to take into account all the patient's complaints and symptoms. It is necessary to clarify what were the previous pregnancies and whether there were convulsions before. Flat feet, varicose veins, and swelling of the extremities can provoke convulsions. Particular attention should be paid to the diagnosis of flat feet. Even if a woman did not have such a disease before, during pregnancy it can manifest itself in the form of numbness of the limbs.

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What sedatives and folk remedies will help a pregnant woman deal with stress will be described further.

It is also important to carry out various tests: a general blood test, a general analysis of urine, feces, a biochemical blood test with a diagnosis of basic electrolytes. If the pregnancy is normal, then there should be no changes indicating a pathology.

Prevention and treatment

  1. Seizures can occur due to high or low blood sugar levels. pregnant woman It is recommended to eat often and in small portions.. It is best to exclude starchy and sweet foods from the diet.

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Convulsions during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon, which of course needs to be dealt with. Often, seizures occur at night and do not allow a woman to sleep normally. Self-administered massage will help relieve pain. But nevertheless, in order to subsequently get rid of seizures, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist, after conducting an examination, will prescribe the correct treatment and adjust the diet.

About cramps during pregnancy on video:

Pregnancy is long-awaited and joyful news. The process lasts 9 months, this is a period associated with changes, and there are no guarantees that there will be no periodic difficulties with the health of the expectant mother. The load on the internal organs during gestation increases as the child grows inside the abdomen. The article discusses what difficulties arise on the way to the maternity hospital.


Painful symptoms during the period of expectation of a child occur in every woman. This is due to the restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, the internal organs are rebuilt. It can also be a symptom of an increase in uterine tone.

Weak spasmodic phenomena are permissible to simply lie down, the pregnant woman needs to relax and rest. Sharp pains require a serious attitude and mandatory medical care.

Spasms in the early stages

Many women, being in the first trimester of gestation, complain of a painful sensation in the abdomen. There are situations when urgent hospitalization is necessary, and there are situations when you can not rush to see a doctor. You should pay attention to how intense the pain is, where the source of pain is located, where it gives off.

Cramps during pregnancy can pierce suddenly, be sharp or constant. Sometimes spasms resemble contractions - they increase, decrease or do not stop. Depending on the area where the pain comes from, it is possible to approximately determine the area of ​​attention. The stomach or pancreas hurts at the top of the abdomen, and the intestinal tract signals in the navel area.

Spasms in expectant mothers who are in the first trimester are conditionally divided into two types: safe and dangerous. The first type of pain is temporary, associated with the natural course of the process of bearing a child. The fetus grows, the organs are slightly deformed, the hormonal background changes. The latter are associated with serious diseases and cause abortion or infection of the fetus.

Safe spasms

According to doctors, pain is associated exclusively with the growth of the fetus inside and accompanies women who have had painful menstrual cycles, attempts to get pregnant or miscarriages, miscarriage. But doctors do not consider the spasms mentioned to be dangerous for a woman and for her unborn child.

Adhesive processes

Pain is associated with the appearance of adhesions in the uterus and ovaries. The formation of adhesions occurs due to the connective tissue, which, by its protective functions, connects to the place where the inflammatory process occurs or there was a surgical intervention. It seems to stick together with the focus of inflammation and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body. When the inflammation subsides, then at the place of gluing, the tissues fuse and adhesions form.

Reasons for the formation of adhesions:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • after surgical measures, for example, to remove the appendix;
  • proliferation of the mucous membrane outside the uterus or endometriosis;
  • blood in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of adhesions during gestation is limited in the choice of drugs. The expectant mother should refrain from eating foods that promote gas formation, meals should be taken in portions - up to five times a day, in small volumes. Painkillers should be carefully selected by a doctor, gymnastics should be performed.


A common injury that occurs in early pregnancy is that each muscle is stretched and sprained. This is due to the restructuring of the muscles of the uterus, other muscle groups located in the abdominal cavity, the vascular system, and the hormonal background of the body. Everything is getting ready for the next birth. The process is associated with discomfort, especially if before the position the woman did not go in for sports or other types of keeping the body in physical shape. For unprepared muscles, the period of gestation is associated with overstrain and pain.

Pregnancy is long-awaited and joyful news. The process lasts 9 months, this is a period associated with changes, and there are no guarantees that there will be no periodic difficulties with the health of the expectant mother. The load on the internal organs during gestation increases as the child grows inside the abdomen. The article discusses what difficulties arise on the way to the maternity hospital.

Painful symptoms during the period of expectation of a child occur in every woman. This is due to the restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, the internal organs are rebuilt. It can also be a symptom of an increase in uterine tone.

Weak spasmodic phenomena are permissible to simply lie down, the pregnant woman needs to relax and rest. Sharp pains require a serious attitude and mandatory medical care.

Spasms in the early stages

Many women, being in the first trimester of gestation, complain of a painful sensation in the abdomen. There are situations when urgent hospitalization is necessary, and there are situations when you can not rush to see a doctor. You should pay attention to how intense the pain is, where the source of pain is located, where it gives off.

Cramps during pregnancy can pierce suddenly, be sharp or constant. Sometimes spasms resemble contractions - they increase, decrease or do not stop. Depending on the area where the pain comes from, it is possible to approximately determine the area of ​​attention. The stomach or pancreas hurts at the top of the abdomen, and the intestinal tract signals in the navel area.

Spasms in expectant mothers who are in the first trimester are conditionally divided into two types: safe and dangerous. The first type of pain is temporary, associated with the natural course of the process of bearing a child. The fetus grows, the organs are slightly deformed, the hormonal background changes. The latter are associated with serious diseases and cause abortion or infection of the fetus.

Safe spasms

According to doctors, pain is associated exclusively with the growth of the fetus inside and accompanies women who have had painful menstrual cycles, attempts to get pregnant or miscarriages, miscarriage. But doctors do not consider the spasms mentioned to be dangerous for a woman and for her unborn child.

Adhesive processes

Pain is associated with the appearance of adhesions in the uterus and ovaries. The formation of adhesions occurs due to the connective tissue, which, by its protective functions, connects to the place where the inflammatory process occurs or there was a surgical intervention. It seems to stick together with the focus of inflammation and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body. When the inflammation subsides, then at the place of gluing, the tissues fuse and adhesions form.

Reasons for the formation of adhesions:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • after surgical measures, for example, to remove the appendix;
  • proliferation of the mucous membrane outside the uterus or endometriosis;
  • blood in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of adhesions during gestation is limited in the choice of drugs. The expectant mother should refrain from eating foods that promote gas formation, meals should be taken in portions - up to five times a day, in small volumes. Painkillers should be carefully selected by a doctor, gymnastics should be performed.


A common injury that occurs in early pregnancy is that each muscle is stretched and sprained. This is due to the restructuring of the muscles of the uterus, other muscle groups located in the abdominal cavity, the vascular system, and the hormonal background of the body. Everything is getting ready for the next birth. The process is associated with discomfort, especially if before the position the woman did not go in for sports or other types of keeping the body in physical shape. For unprepared muscles, the period of gestation is associated with overstrain and pain.

The body of the expectant mother is rebuilt to support the life of the woman and the fetus. Essentially two organisms in one. The circulatory system creates an additional circle of blood vessels, the heart increases to be able to pass more blood flow.

Restructuring of the hormonal background

Simultaneously with the organs, the hormonal system of the body is rebuilt. During the period of gestation, the content of the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, progesterone, increases. A woman's character changes, gastronomic preferences change, even the position of internal organs changes. The number of tantrums may appear or increase, this is a temporary phenomenon. When the child is born and the feeding period passes, the woman's body will return to normal again and the hormonal background will become the same as before the change began.

Flatulence and constipation

The course of pregnancy does not pass calmly and without excesses. Many women suffer from increased gas formation and, accordingly, there are painful sensations. The reason for this may be a change in the position of the internal organs and a change in the hormonal background. Increased production of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the uterus, causes muscles in the intestines and stomach to relax. These organs are not so active in performing their functions, which causes incomplete digestion of food, stagnation of waste products in the rectum, and weak peristalsis of the organs. Stomach cramps during pregnancy are also related to hormones.

To exclude such unpleasant and painful sensations during pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude from the diet or consume foods that promote increased gas formation in small quantities. To help the intestines in releasing digested food residues, do a light self-massage. Only the attending physician should prescribe medications.

Dangerous spasms

In addition to the natural pain that accompanies pregnancy and does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn child, unfortunately, there is another kind of spasms. Involuntary contractions of the muscle tissue of the organs often lead to pathologies of the fetus, threaten the health of the mother and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Placental abruption

The process of placental abruption is a diagnosis in pregnant women leading to miscarriage if left untreated.

The pillow-like placenta is a connective tissue. Through it there is a connection between the mother and the unborn child, he receives the necessary nutrients. Placental abruption is detachment from the wall of the uterus. The fetus begins starvation, including oxygen.

Ectopic pregnancy

The egg is not fixed in the uterus, but outside it. An ectopic pregnancy is not viable, it poses a threat to the health and life of a woman. The reason for what happened lies in the pathology of the fallopian tubes. Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is amenable only to surgical intervention. Left unchanged, the situation leads to death for the woman.

Cramps in late pregnancy

Being in the third semester, the body prepares directly for childbirth. To prepare, he conducts a kind of teaching for the woman. The former feel intense pain, the latter do not feel anything.

It is said that the cervix decreases in length, and the cervix opens, ready to release the baby into the world. But not all pains prepare for childbirth. Spasms are known, indicating the difficulties that have arisen in the body, threatening the fetus and the woman.

Non-dangerous spasms

Improper nutrition can cause spasms in the organs involved in the process of digesting food. A heavy dinner, not enough fresh food, too fatty - can provoke pain in the abdomen - dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Sprains also cause pain. The abdominal muscles are under constant tension. In order for such pain to go away, you need to lie down and rest.

To relieve the symptoms of intestinal obstruction, you should observe the water balance, not exceeding the norm of water consumption, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to boil and bake vegetables, avoid fried and canned foods.

Dangerous spasms

Painful symptoms occur in the last term of pregnancy with the threat of miscarriage. The pain is aching in nature, not subsiding, reminiscent of contractions. There is a discharge from the genitals of a woman. In this case, seek medical attention immediately!

Less common are pains in the lower back, when the uterus seems to turn to stone. These are false contractions, dangerous for periods less than 37 weeks. When the interval between spasms shortens and the pain in the lower abdomen increases, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature ejection of the fetus. Need emergency medical help.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy occur due to changes in hormone levels in a woman's body. Elevated hormone levels weaken the muscles of the uterus, which can cause cramps. Such spasms can pose a threat to the health of the child.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy: a common cause

Cramps are common for women in position, and often they accompany the entire pregnancy. But cramps in the abdomen during pregnancy should alert, because it is they who pose a particular threat to the child.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy: how to react?

Cramps often occur because the pregnant woman's belly begins to grow, which stretches the muscles that support the uterus. Abdominal cramps that occur for this reason resemble ordinary menstrual pain.

Vitamin deficiency in the body can cause seizures

Also, the cause of seizures is a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and macronutrients. The body begins to sound the alarm and thus reports the presence of a problem. In a pregnant woman, immunity is lowered, since all the vitamin and mineral reserves of the body are spent on the development and growth of the child.

As a rule, convulsions appear with a deficiency:

  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

Toxicosis, which appears in the first trimester, also often causes seizures. This is due to the fact that frequent vomiting disrupts the function of the pancreas, and the mother's body begins to poorly absorb nutrients.

In what cases do abdominal cramps during pregnancy threaten the baby?

Not every time you have seizures, you need to panic, but you should pay attention to the symptoms when seizures are threatening:

  1. Sudden pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms are characteristic of abortion.
  2. Moderate pain with bloody, pale pink, yellowish or brown discharge. The presence of any discharge indicates a deviation from the norm.
  3. Light tingling. If you feel light short tingling, and then they begin to become more frequent or the pain intensifies, immediately call an ambulance.

There are cases when abdominal cramps are the norm during pregnancy. This often happens in the third trimester of pregnancy. This phenomenon is called training contractions. They can appear suddenly and often happen at night. Their frequency indicates the approach of childbirth.

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