Pump up the perfect press in 30 days table. We pump the press at home: exercises for men

Encyclopedia of Plants 10.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Both men and women dream of a beautiful toned stomach.

In the review: techniques and tips on how to achieve the coveted eight pack abs.

How to build perfect, beautiful abs in 30 days - training program for girls: table

Before you start training, carefully read, and most importantly - realize a few general rules"eight dice":

  • Get rid of subcutaneous fat. The first step is a proper balanced diet.
  • Always and everywhere draw in the stomach. AT this case, the abdominal muscles will be strengthened due to constant static tension.
  • Work all the abdominal muscles evenly.
  • Remember, the press loves not effort, but time, i.e. the longer you work, the faster you move towards your goal.
  • Your friends and helpers in the fight for a perfect stomach: horseback riding, skiing, SUP-surfing.
  • The technique that will save the lazy and busy is the bar on the elbows. This technique pumps up not only the stomach, but also the arms, back, hips. Plank time for beginners: from 10 s per set. Gradually increase the time to 120 seconds in one set.

And if you have both time and willpower, then use a set of exercises for practicing at home.

Remember, to activate the abdominal muscles, it is enough to tear the shoulder blades off the floor from the “lying on your back” position. It’s good if you raise your legs during the exercise, for example, lean against the wall. Ideally, if you do not just lift your legs, but keep them on weight.

Exercise 1.

Important: do not take immediately after eating! Wait 1-2 hours.

Exercise 2.

Start from the capabilities of your own body: do as many exercises as you can.

Exercise #3

If during the course of a series of exercises you feel that you are tensing your abdominal muscles too much, do an exercise to stretch the muscles:

  • roll over on your stomach;
  • raise upper part torso on the hands;
  • bend back (feel how the abdominal muscles are stretched).

Start doing the main exercise.

Exercise #4

Remember: It is perfectly acceptable to take small pauses between exercises.

Exercise #5

Important: At the end, the entire set of exercises takes about 30 minutes. Keep this in mind when planning your daily schedule.

Exercise #6

The proposed set of exercises will help you quickly bring abdominal Press in proper shape. However, even very embossed abs will be lost under a layer of subcutaneous fat.

Important: six exercises performed in a row make up 1 training set.

The duration of 1 set is approximately 36-40 s.

Day Number of sets
1st 6 sets 1 time per day
2nd, 3rd 6 sets 2 times a day
4th, 5th, 6th 6 sets 3 times a day
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th 8 sets 3 times a day
11th, 12th, 13th, 14th 10 sets 3 times a day
15th, 16th, 17th, 18th 12 sets 3 times a day
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd 14 sets 3 times a day
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th 16 sets 3 times a day
27th, 28th, 29th, 30th 18 sets 3 times a day
Training can and should be continued following scheme(see table).

How to pump up the perfect, beautiful press in 30 days - a training program for guys and men: table

The above training program is also suitable for men. However, if the first option seems too easy for you, use training scheme # 2.

The complex consists of the following exercises:

  • raising the body by 45⁰;

  • twisting with a turn;

  • lifting legs from a supine position;

Technique "Raising the legs from a supine position"
  • bar (see photo at the beginning of the article).

The training scheme is shown in the table below.

Day Raising the body by 45⁰, times Twisting with a turn, times Raising the legs from a supine position, times Plank, seconds
1st 15 5 5 10
2nd 20 8 8 12
3rd 25 10 10 15
4th relaxation
5th 30 12 12 20
6th 35 15 15 25
7th 40 20 20 30
8th relaxation
9th 45 30 30 35
10th 50 50 30 38
11th 55 65 33 42
12th relaxation
13th 60 75 40 50
14th 65 85 42 55
15th 70 90 42 60
16th relaxation
17th 75 100 45 65
18th 80 110 48 75
19th 85 120 50 75
20th relaxation
21st 90 130 52 80
22nd 95 140 55 85
23rd 100 150 58 90
24th relaxation
25th 105 160 60 98
26th 110 170 60 100
27th 115 180 62 110
28th relaxation
29th 120 190 62 115
30th 125 200 65 120

Is forming a relief press at home your goal for the near future? Then, before turning reality into dreams, you need to study the nuances of this process so that training brings results. It would seem that there is nothing easier than pumping up your stomach, because even people who are far from sports have heard about classic exercises for this part of the body. But this opinion is erroneous, and adhering to it, you will look for your cubes for a long time. A special complex can help in this matter.

Is it possible for such short term make the body of Apollo at home? You can, but on the condition that you do not have a large number excess weight. If this problem is present, then first you need to lose excess kilograms, reduce the fat layer, and only then dream of a relief. For people with a normal physique, this task is within their power.

We bring to your attention a program designed for 30 days. It will help pump up the cubes with simple exercises. If you stick to her recommendations and plan as much as possible, then by the end of the month you will see impressive results. Take a photo at the beginning of your journey and at the end to objectively evaluate your cubes.

Press pumping table for men for 1 month:


I - lifting the body

II - twisting

III - leg lift

IV - plank

Day, No. Plan, number of repetitions Day, No. Plan Day, No. Plan
1 I-15

IV - 10 sec.

2 I-20

IV - 12 sec

3 I-25

IV - 15 sec.

4 relaxation 5 I-30

IV -20 sec.

6 I-35

IV - 25 sec

7 I-40

IV -30 sec.

8 relaxation 9 I-45

IV -35 sec.

10 I-50

IV -30 sec.

11 I-55

IV - 42 sec.

12 relaxation
13 I-60 14 I-65

IV - 55 sec.

15 I-70

IV - 60 sec.

16 relaxation 17 I-75

IV - 65 sec.

18 I-80

IV - 70 sec.

19 I-85

IV - 70 sec

20 relaxation 21 I-90

IV - 80 sec.

22 I–95

IV - 115 sec.

23 I-100

IV - 90 sec.

24 relaxation
25 I-105

IV - 95 sec.

26 I-110

IV - 100 sec.

27 I-115

IV - 110 sec.

28 relaxation 29 I-120

IV - 115 sec.

30 I-125

IV - 120 sec.

All exercises must be performed accurately. At the beginning of training, give preference to a slow pace in order to feel each muscle well. In the future, if physical fitness allows you, then do it with medium intensity.

Task Technique

So, you have decided to pump up your abs and form cubes at home using the set of exercises presented by us, then in the next few weeks and days, you will need to follow a diet and rest.

  • Now you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. On the night sleep should take 6-8 hours.
  • Review your diet. Increase the amount of protein foods and vegetables. You can not eat fried, fatty and smoked meats. By the way, sweets should also be cut to a minimum or completely eliminated.

Before you start doing the exercises, be sure to do a warm-up: light jogging, jumping rope, etc. Just 5-10 minutes will help prepare the muscles for the load.

To pump up the relief, you must follow the technique. We recommend studying it according to the instructions with a photo:

  1. Raising the body.

Lie with your back on the floor, arms bent and located at the back of the head, crossed at chest level or at the temples. If you chose the first option, then try not to put pressure on your head, as there is a risk of damage cervical vertebrae. For men, the second option is more suitable, and the third is mainly recommended for girls. Now slowly raise the body with the force of the abdominal muscles until right angle and at the same pace we lower ourselves, but the shoulder blades and head do not touch the floor, so as not to unload the muscles and pump them up.

When lifting the body, it is important to round the back so that the vertebrae at the level of the lower back do not experience undue pressure.

Beginners practicing at home are allowed to bend their knees and straighten their arms.

#2 Twisting

To perform the exercise, you must take a supine position with bent legs. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the side. We tear off the shoulders, straining the press and without lifting the back from the floor. Hold at the top for a few seconds to pump up the main muscle.

#3 Leg raises

The starting position is the same. The arms are extended along the body. We raise the straight lower limbs to form a right angle with the body and slowly lower them back, lingering 10 cm from the floor. Feet should not touch the surface during the entire time the task is completed.

#4 Plank

To perform the exercise, stand in a push-up position, but with your elbows bent and your weight on your forearms. Straighten your legs, feet together, and the body is tense and forms a straight line. It is important that the lower back is not rounded or arched. Tighten the abdominal muscles as much as possible, retract the stomach. Elbows strictly under the shoulders.

If you take this position incorrectly, you will not get the desired result and the cubes will remain only in your dreams.

For men with good physical fitness, several complicated variations of this exercise can be offered to quickly pump up the press at home:

  • Plank with a raised arm - emphasis on only one forearm, the second limb is extended forward.
  • On one leg - raise your leg up and linger for a few seconds, and then change sides.

The complex presented in the table is suitable for both men and girls. You can practice at home without special devices and trainers. The program allows you to pump up the cubes and make the press embossed in a short time. What is the secret of its effectiveness? The fact is that the system involves daily laborious work with a gradual increase in load. Despite the fact that the number of exercises is scarce, they are aimed at working out the entire muscles of the abdomen, which is very important in training for the formation of the torso.

Thanks to the lifting of the body, the work is switched on upper section and abdominal muscles. Twisting causes excess fat to burn, reducing the layer and tightening the abdominal wall. Leg raises are considered one of the most effective types of load on the lower press. In turn, the bar makes the entire muscular system of the body work, forms beautiful body and helps in weight loss.

This complex is widely represented in the photo of popular programs and is often included in the strength training of famous fitness gurus. It is used to pump up the stomach, lose weight and reduce body volume.

A beautiful flat belly without a drop of fat is the dream of many men and women of all ages.

Every person can get the perfect relief, the main thing is to see the goal, not to give in to laziness, and also to know how to perform the exercises correctly so that the effect of them is maximum.

Pumping the press at home allows you to form the cherished "cubes" in the shortest possible time, as well as increase the overall tone of the body, improve the work of many internal systems organism. You can perform workouts for the abdominal muscles at any age, and for this you do not need to buy a subscription to the gym.

The main condition for homework is the regularity and correctness of execution.

Most novice athletes do not have special simulators at home to help strengthen the press (pumping with their help is much faster). Some have sports equipment that can be used as an addition to training: horizontal bars, wall bars, dumbbells, weights.

And even in the absence of all these "helpers", you can cope with the task of pumping up the abdominal muscles. All that is needed is the desire of the athlete himself and knowledge of the press pumping scheme.

To pump all the muscles of the abdomen, there are several dozens of various exercises. Most of them do not require special equipment, but when using even standard sports equipment, workouts are more efficient, as they increase the load, helping to expend more energy.

IMPORTANT!!! Horizontal bar, dumbbells, Treadmill, an exercise bike and a Swedish wall are excellent helpers not only for swinging the press, but also for all other areas of the body.

The main problem of most guys and girls who want to improve their appearance, is body fat located on the abdomen.

Most of the press swing schemes are designed specifically to strengthen muscle tissue, and not to burn fat reserves, therefore, even if you intensively pump the body, you will not be able to see the cherished cubes.

Exit - A complex approach to solving the problem. The technique of classes should include not only a power load that strengthens the muscles, but also cardio training that helps to lose weight.

How to supplement homework?

There are a number mandatory conditions, without which, it makes no sense to train. It:

  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • refusal of strict diets;
  • clear daily routine.

Dietary restrictions, combined with active physical activity, will give the opposite result - instead of losing weight, the athlete will begin to actively gain weight. This is due to the reflexes of the body: personal reserves disappear, food is not supplied, which means that you need to actively stock up on what enters the body. Therefore, leaving the diet before starting training is required.

The diet should be complete, providing the body with a full supply of energy. The main thing is to give up foods that contain fast, empty carbohydrates.

From the menu you need to exclude sweets, flour products, fast food. Preference should be given to protein products, cereals, gifts of nature. They must be prepared in such a way that they are minimally exposed to heat treatment. You need to eat often, but in small portions.

The main thing is that the body is saturated, since the feeling of hunger is a bad helper in sports. Basic Rule proper nutrition- Eat fewer calories than you expend. Only in this way the body will begin to give up its fat reserves, which will contribute to weight loss in the right places.

Another important condition to lose weight - a load on the heart. It is provided by aerobic exercise: cycling, running, walking, swimming, skiing. If it is not possible to engage in these sports, and buying a simulator is not affordable, then a jump rope will save you, which is inexpensive, and its benefits are enormous.

So, 15 minutes of jumping rope is comparable to the load received when overcoming half a marathon distance. Moreover, during the jumps, absolutely all the muscles of the body work, including the heart, so the jump rope can easily replace any simulator.

The nuances of preparing a training program

When drawing up a training scheme, you need to take into account that the press consists of several muscle groups (2 pairs and two singles), so for a beautiful, flat stomach, you will need to provide each of them with a load. The press scheme includes straight and oblique (right and left) muscles.

If the guy’s goal is to get beautiful cubes, then it is the rectus muscle that should be pumped first. You also need to train oblique sections, but they can be given less attention, since they will also receive their part of the load.

But the girls will have to pump completely, since their main problem is the presence of "ears" at the waist - a kind of pockets on the sides. Ideally, to get a beautiful figure, you need to train all muscle groups, so the schemes for pumping the press, especially starting from scratch, must include at least a minimum study of all zones of the abdomen.

The training program should include exercises for the transverse muscle pelvic floor(lower press), which is responsible for supporting and correct location abdominal organs.

When compiling a press pumping scheme for men and women, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • classes designed to strengthen specific muscle groups have a positive effect on the condition of all parts of the abdominal press;
  • pumping up the muscles of the lower section is harder than the upper one;
  • to strengthen each department, only two to three effective exercises are required;
  • when practicing with the lower section, the upper will also be strengthened.

Important tips for pumping abdominal muscles at home

To make the workouts as effective as possible, and flat, beautiful belly appeared as quickly as possible, the exercises must be performed correctly. So, each movement should begin with inhalation, and moving to the main position - with exhalation.

The minimum number of repetitions for a beginner is 10 times, for a man with an average physical form - 20. As soon as the muscles acquire tone, you can add weights to your workouts or move on to more difficult options exercises.

The first lessons, designed for beginners, should be short - the maximum duration of the main workout should not exceed 10 minutes. During this time, you should thoroughly work out the technique of performing movements, so that when they are strengthened, you will no longer be distracted by trifles like breathing, correct position, etc.

Such an adaptation period is from three to seven days, it all depends on the strength of the athlete's muscular corset.

There is no need to start immediately with a long and difficult complex: a feeling of fatigue and krepotura next day for a long time discouraged to engage in further. Because the most of exercises are performed on the floor, you should take care of the presence of a karemat - it is such a sports accessory that will help you train with great comfort.

The average scheme for working out the press for guys and girls is designed for 30 days. There are special tables that describe the most effective exercises for all muscle groups that should be performed every day, gradually increasing the load. Training schemes are different: some include daily classes, others involve one day of rest once a week.

They are designed for different level physical training, and therefore even those whose experience in sports is zero will be able to choose the optimal training schedule. The main thing is to perform the exercises in full, observe the number of exercises and approaches.

Basic exercises for training

30-day abs pumping schemes usually include the following exercises:

  • twisting straight and oblique;
  • touching your toes with your hands;
  • reverse twists;
  • side twists.

All exercises are performed in the starting position “lying on the floor”. The legs should be bent at the knees and the feet should be well fixed (they should not slip). Hands are removed behind the head. For straight twists, you need to gently lift the body up, pulling the forehead to the knees, for oblique twists, touch it with the opposite elbow.

In the second type of exercise, the leg to which the hand will reach should be torn off the floor, so the efficiency will be maximum. All movements should be performed vigorously so that their amplitude is as high as possible. First, twisting is performed in one direction, then the supporting leg changes, and the training is carried out for the second side of the body.

To touch your toes with your hands, you should lie on the floor, raise your legs up. If it is difficult to hold them straight at first, you can slightly bend your knees. Raising the torso, you need to pull yourself up to the feet, reaching the touch of the ankles or toes, then gently lower yourself back.

For reverse twists, you need to stretch your arms along the body, pressing your palms to the floor. Cross the feet, fix the pelvis. If a physical form allows you to raise the shoulder and head. Pull your knees up to thoracic spine.

For side twists, you need to press your legs tightly against each other and lower them to the right or left of the body, bending at the knees. Remove the opposite hand behind the head, fix the second on the thigh. Gently pull the body to the knees. The last two types of exercises require smoothness and softness: sharp jerks are prohibited.

Perform exercises alternately on both sides.

The “vacuum” exercise is well suited for working out the transverse muscle. Its advantage is that not only the abdominal muscles, but also the heart receive a load, which means that it contributes to the burning of body fat.

To perform, you need to select one of the poses:

  • On knees;
  • sitting, the pelvis is lowered down, the palms are fixed on the knees;
  • sit with a straight back, put your hands on your knees;
  • become straight;
  • lie on your back with your knees bent, hands on your stomach, elbows to the sides.

As soon as the position is taken, you need to take a deep breath through your nose and immediately exhale sharply through your mouth, while the stomach is drawn in as far as possible. This is followed by a half-minute pause, during which it is not recommended to breathe. Then you can relax and repeat.

Such a complex will help you get a beautiful and strong press in a month of daily training. Over time, it can be made more difficult by adding new exercises or increasing the number of approaches. The main thing is not to quit training and eat right.

Journalist-practitioner, checks recipes for himself.
Knows everything about men and traditional medicine.

At all times, the fair sex wants to look attractive. Standards are changing female beauty, but this desire remains always.

Today, a beautiful toned body, elastic buttocks, slender legs, and a flat stomach are in fashion. It is about how to pump up the press for a girl at home, our today's article.

What is the best time to download the press

When exercising at home, many recommend exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body consumes all evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use the energy of fats. The right step to get rid of the fat layer on the stomach.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen supply (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is almost zero, therefore power training not recommended. It is good to do yoga, stretching, simple exercises without load. Monitor your well-being.

Perform exercises, observing the correct breathing technique: exhaling effort, inhaling muscle relaxation. The most effective training will not give the desired result without correct technique breathing.

How fast can you pump up the press

As for the timing, on average, it takes at least a month of regular classes to give relief to the abdominal muscles (pump up the press with “cubes”). It is better to practice every day, spending half an hour exercising. Assurances that there are miracle programs, thanks to which you can achieve perfect abs in a week at home, are simply a myth. The task becomes more difficult if the girl is overweight. A layer of fat layer on the abdomen with a thickness of more than 1 cm will hide the cubes even during the most intense exercises. In this case, strength training is necessarily accompanied by exercises for weight loss (running, walking), healthy eating and drying of the body.

Press exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing exercises on the press can be various diseases and ailments of the organs that are in this area, hernia, recent surgery, problems with the spine. I think this is understandable, but still once again I will say that pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.

Home workout rules for girls

  • you need to do it no earlier than two hours after eating;
  • you can go to bed a few hours after a workout;
  • it is better to do exercises on a hard surface, since a soft one will not give the desired effect and can damage your back;
  • training is best done every other day, so the body will have the opportunity to recover;
  • the most acceptable for girls will be training, where each exercise will be repeated 10-15 times, and the number of approaches will not exceed 4;
  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • Warm up before loading.

For the last point, running, warming up or intensive cleaning of the apartment is perfect. That will help to combine business with pleasure, and warming up, and clean housing.

Exercises for girls to pump up the press

If you're working out at home, here are some great exercises to get you started:

  1. 4 count crunch – 10 reps. As you perform the exercise, think about lifting your shoulders off the ground or mat as you crunch.
  2. Twisting - 10 reps. When crunching, you don't have to lift your entire back off the ground like when you sit down. Only the upper back needs to be torn off. Lie down on a mat, floor or carpet. Hold your arms to your head or cross your chest. Use your abs to tear your shoulders off and hold them up. Exhale as you descend.
  3. Circular crunches - 10 reps. Get into a crunch position. Bend your upper body to the left for the left circle and to the right for the right circle. For easy execution, make small circular movements. To add complexity, do large circular motions.
  4. Reverse crunches - 12 reps. Begin the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Bring your knees to your chest and then slowly return to the starting position. Use your arms to support your sides.
  5. Bicycle - 10 slow reps, 8 fast reps. Bend your knees to your chest, lift your left knee and turn your right shoulder towards your knee. For a complete repetition, switch legs and repeat on the other side.
  6. Straight Leg Raises – 10 reps. Start the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Raise your knees to your chest. Then stretch your knees up. To complete the rep, lower your straight legs to the mat. For extra stress, keep your hands under your lower back.
  7. Stretching the press - hold for 30 seconds. Draw out the arms and legs. Tighten your abs as if pulling your fingers and toes towards opposite walls. Try to take a deep breath.
  8. Oblique muscle stretch - hold for 30 seconds This exercise is performed in a sitting position. Bring your right leg up, keeping your feet flat on the mat. Wrap your left leg around your right and bend it to the right. Breathe deeply. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  9. Side Plank – Hold for 30 seconds. Position your elbow below your shoulder. Raise your hips, balancing on your feet and elbow. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  10. Hip Raise – 8 reps. After the plank, lie on your back on the floor. Raise your hips up towards the ceiling. Then lower them to the floor. Would you like to get sculpted muscles in a month? Accelerate your results with this effective workout plan.

30 day abs exercise programs

Exercises for the formation of "cubes" for girls

However, many women who are wondering if it is realistic to pump up the press in a month want to get a relief press with noticeable cubes. For this purpose, you can use the following exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair or bed with your legs extended forward. Bend them and pull them to the chest, tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible, then return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, hold on to the edge of the sofa. Raise your straight legs slowly and slowly lower them.

Do the bike exercise.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hips at right angles to the floor surface. Pull your knees closer to your chest, tensing your abdominal muscles, then return to the starting position. These exercises are called reverse crunches.

Effective exercise for the press on video

We pump the muscles of the lower press at home

There are a lot of exercises for girls to build muscle. lower press at home. As a basis, take the above method of strengthening the abdominal muscles. But be sure to add:

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Raising your pelvis a little, try to pull your knees up to your chest. If you can’t immediately perform this action, tighten as much as possible.
  • Keeping previous position, straighten your legs and lift them slightly off the surface, keeping them parallel to the floor. And now we perform “scissors”, alternately spreading our legs and crossing them together.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

We swing the muscles of the upper press at home

  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and place them hip-width apart. Hands can be behind the head or crossed in front of you. Raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. No need to try and raise your lower back! It should not come off and be tightly pressed.
  • Another complex for the upper press is raising the legs. Lying on the floor, straighten your legs. Lift them up until they reach a right angle with the floor. Lower. To make it more difficult, you can raise your legs not perpendicular to the floor, but by 45 ° and hold them.

I have six cubes. OK. Sometimes I have 6 "cubes". OK OK. Two months a year I have 6 perfectly inflated "cubes" on my stomach. Forgive me for embellishing, but I'm not a photo or fitness model or anything like that. I am already a fairly mature and shabby 37-year-old man. But I can shake the press without problems 30 days before the “cubes”. Is this real, you ask.

I'm not going to fool you and suggest that anyone can achieve this in a month. One month may not be enough for some people, as getting rid of belly fat depends on many factors. Genetic predisposition, current weight, diet, past injuries, etc.

Belly-picture is not a dream. In my opinion, any self-respecting girl, woman or man can pump up his stomach. If you exercise regularly, eat something healthy, do not have serious herbs, do not suffer from obesity and are ready to work hard on yourself, then getting relief abs quickly is within your power. How to pump up the press in 30 days? The way to achieve this is simple and quite real, but requires strict adherence to the rules and hard work, and it is as follows:

The most important rule of "6 packs": Create a calorie deficit!!!

Forget all that diet mantra you've read and heard before, the process of burning fat comes down to one simple and proven fact. You need to burn more calories than you consume. This is the way you will get rid of fat deposits on your stomach and understand how to pump up the press in 1 month, because the abdominal muscles are hidden under the fat.

Powerful Abs Workout at Home!

How to create a calorie deficit?

1. Cardio exercises and weight lifting

The fitness world is divided into two camps when it comes to cardio exercises and their impact on weight loss. For one part of people, intensive cardio training is the best option for weight loss, and the other part adheres to more relaxed options for cardio workouts. The first type of training will help you burn excess fat faster, but high-intensity cardio is much more difficult. To burn the same amount of calories, but with the help of measured cardio exercises, it will take more time, but the loads here are moderate. Choose yours suitable option and remember that all that matters is the calories you burn.

Your body will change with cardio exercises. You, no doubt, will lose weight, but it is better to combine these exercises with weight lifting, otherwise the relief tummy will not be visible at all. I do not stop carrying iron until I understand that I am not ashamed to expose my perfectly pumped up torso somewhere in a public place. My training program is very simple. If I include cardio exercises in my workout, then I understand that I need to roll less weight than usual, I also shorten the pauses between sets in order to properly distribute the load from the added cardio. With this approach, the muscle will pump up faster. And I keep lifting weights because the more muscle you have, the less fat you have. Like I said before, it's all about burning those calories!

2. Nutrition

O it is very difficult to propose and develop any specific diet that would suit absolutely everyone and thanks to which you could get perfect abs in 30 days. All people are different, and in general I do not think that the diet, as such, really works. You must know your body and be aware of foods that contain a lot of nutrients and few calories. I personally practice intermittent fasting as a means of maintaining a functional eating plan for myself. Believe me, it is much more useful than millet weight control.

If you eat a lot of lean protein, about the same number of grams as you weigh, eat a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables, and fill out the rest of the diet healthy fats and carbohydrates, I can say with confidence that you are on the right track for weight loss and the cherished 6 “cubes”.

3. Drink water

Drink up to 3.5 liters of water per day. Water helps you keep your hunger at bay, and it also keeps more fluid in your system—which is a real problem when trying to get abs that are lean. Pour at home in the morning required amount liquid in a container, and every time you feel hungry, drink water before eating. In most cases, when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty, so drink enough liquid and you will eat less. With sufficient fluid intake, the pump will go faster, because our goal is the perfect abs in 30 days.

4. Stop training for one muscle group

I want to dispel the main misconception about lifting weights. Performing exercises for only one muscle group, you will not be able to get rid of fat deposits throughout the body. Such a training scheme is not productive, it is used to pump up muscle mass and the fat doesn't go away. If you will spend in gym 20 minutes a day, performing crunches and planks, then the fat in the abdomen will not decrease. Try to perform a variety of exercises to achieve maximum results. We pump the whole body, and not just the abdominal muscles!

5. Diet pills and supplements

Is it possible to pump up the press in a month using "pills" for weight loss ?! No matter how tempting and promising the etiquettes of these drugs are, b Most of them are crammed with ingredients that have nothing to do with burning fat or are completely dangerous to health, because in order to achieve a visible effect, you have to drink them in large quantities or doses. My advice is simple: forget about diet pills and stop doing nonsense, direct all your efforts into hard work on your abs, then there will be a result.

Press for a month. Maybe? For beginners and advanced

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

So, we have considered the main recommendations, the observance of which will contribute to the appearance of the cherished 6 "cubes". And now let's move on to the question of how to pump up the press for a month at home to cubes, namely, to specific exercises that will speed up this process and bring it to the end. As mentioned earlier, it is not advisable to spend the entire workout only on exercises for the press. It is best to leave some time at the end of your workout on them. It is desirable that such training be 3-4 per week then pumping the abdominal muscles will be easier and faster.

Below I have selected so that the pumping of cubes takes place more intensively. You can include them in any workout.. I suggest that you choose any two of them and do approximately 3 sets of 30 reps during every workout. In the end, you will come to the conclusion that I was right that you can pump up the press in a month by combining these exercises and lifting weights.

Crunches on the block


Hanging leg raises

Plank Spiderman

Leg raises for the lower press


To get a beautiful and embossed press, you have to work a little and show discipline. It may cost you mental and physical suffering. Do not believe those who say that everything can be done much easier. And there is no other fast way pump up. Just start working on yourself, create a calorie deficit, exercise regularly, lift weights and do cardio exercises, eat right, drink plenty of fluids and don't listen to any magic promises. If you follow these guidelines, you will get your 6 packs in thirty days. A week will pass and you will begin to feel and see all the transformations of your body. And they will show off on your stomach as long as you keep exercising! I am sure that after reading this article, you will have the right idea of ​​​​how to pump up the press in a month at home to cubes.

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