How to make lard at home from pork fat - a useful homemade recipe. The use of lard for coughing: cooking recipes

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Many housewives think that good lard can only be rendered from fresh, selected, lard, but not every housewife knows that fragrant good lard can also be prepared from the interior, kidney or subcutaneous fat of a pig. I am pleased to share one of the ways how to melt pork fat at home.

How to cook lard at home.

So, in order to melt lard according to our homemade recipe, we need subcutaneous, visceral or kidney fat of a pig. Fat trimmed from meat is also suitable.

First, we need to cut the fat into small cubes. We do this for convenience and speed of heating. Before cutting, I usually freeze the fat a little. This makes cutting much easier.

Then, in order for the cut fat to bleed, it must be soaked in cold water for 24 to 72 hours. During soaking, you need to change the water every 12 hours.

When the fat is sufficiently soaked, it will acquire a perfectly white color, without blood inclusions.

Then, it is necessary to pour pure water into the dish for rendering (one third of the amount of fat) and add 1 tsp to the water. baking soda.

We shift the chopped pork fat into a container with water and soda.

Lard begins to appear on the surface of the water after it boils. As it appears, it must be collected with a spoon in a separate container.

You can collect lard until a golden crust forms on the fried cracklings. Then, the cracklings must be shifted with a slotted spoon into a colander and left there until cool. While they are warm, the fat remaining on them will drain from the cracklings.

The next stage of preparation is to remove the unpleasant odor from the melted lard. To do this, you need to melt it again. During re-melting, for each kilogram of finished lard, you need to add 100 grams of fresh milk. Lard with milk must be heated over low heat until the milk turns yellow and sinks to the bottom. It is very important to make sure that the lard does not burn and stir it in time.

If the unpleasant smell of the insides still remains, then in order to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to lower a small amount of heavily fried bread crusts into the lard.

Homemade lard prepared according to this recipe is very well suited for frying various vegetables, and for many it is delicious, just like in the photo.

Pig fat cough has been used by "folk doctors" for more than a generation. The properties of this substance in the fight against colds and other diseases have long been known - pork fat is considered an excellent tool for warming up the body, neutralizing harmful microflora and softening the respiratory tract after cough damage.

In addition, pork interior fat has the ability to fill the body with a huge amount of useful substances, first of all, normalizing and optimizing all physiological processes, eliminating factors that contribute to the development of diseases, and also defeating general malaise.

Why pork - interior?

As mentioned above, for the treatment of colds, accompanied by coughs, diseases, connoisseurs of traditional medicine recommend choosing interior pork fat. Why interior? Because it is inside - this word is called the fatty layer, which in any mammal surrounds the internal organs, protecting them from overheating / hypothermia, shock and even poisoning, taking the first blow.

Interior pork fat is a lumpy mass, crumbling, having a bright white color and complemented by a kind of sinewy mesh. It is the purest product that can be obtained from a pig, which is why its medicinal properties are so highly valued.

Interior pork fat for coughing is used only in its fresh, natural form, since only such a basis for non-traditional medicines can use its beneficial qualities to defeat cough attacks.

Immediately before preparing the drug, fat can be turned into lard, that is, melt it. To do this, put the product in a heat-resistant pan or pan, which then goes to a slow fire or oven with a minimum temperature. Lard should be heated until it turns into a homogeneous mass with a slight satisfying smell, and only after that it can be used.

So, for example, pork interior fat, melted and cooled to room temperature, can be used to rub a person who has been tormented by a cough. A warm substance should be rubbed into the skin of the patient's chest at night, trying to bypass the region of the heart, then, when the patient begins to feel warm, he can be wrapped in a blanket and left to sleep until morning.

For an accelerated effect, with a mass mixed with a small amount of turpentine ointment (3-4 gr.), It is necessary to rub the chest dry, and then dress warmly. The effect will be noticeable after a few hours.

Effects of pork fat

The benefits of using pork fat for coughs or other body lesions (for example, with arthritis) are provided by the content in this product of a large amount of not just useful, but vital components for humans.

In particular, interior "lard" includes:

    vitamins (especially vitamin A, provitamin A, vitamins E, D and K);

    essential unsaturated fatty acids (especially linoleic, palmitic and arachidonic);

    trace elements (potassium, calcium, carotene, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, a small amount of iodine, iron and copper).

And all of the above - with a relatively low content of unhealthy cholesterol. Experts note the high biological activity, as well as the "fullness" of pork fat, which makes it an extremely important part of the treatment of diseases that have developed against a background of weakened immunity.

Due to its medicinal properties and rich composition, drugs based on pork fat are primarily used for coughing, when it is necessary to ensure the patency of bronchi clogged with too thick sputum, relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, thin the mucus in the upper respiratory tract and accelerate its excretion.

The use of such funds allows you to alleviate spasms during coughing fits, accelerate the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one, in order to remove pathogens from the body as quickly as possible, for which sputum in the bronchi is a nutrient medium and a breeding ground.

Pork fat drug can disinfect the respiratory tract, warm the body at a temperature, reducing fever, and also enhance the body's own resistance to "infection".

Several useful recipes

Traditional medicine recommends using interior pork fat in various drugs for internal and local use, but always fresh or rendered. So, with an obstructive form of bronchitis, characterized by severe coughing attacks and a problem with blockage of the airways with mucus, you can use melted lard - cooled to an acceptable temperature.

The product can be taken up to 5 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. l.

For the prevention of cough, during the treatment of the underlying disease, in order to prevent the transition of cough into a chronic form that lasts for a month after recovery, you can use the following recipe:

    Brew rose hips (10–15 berries per 500 ml of water), let it brew, strain.

    Pour fat (1/2 tsp) with a slightly cooled broth, stir, add honey (to taste, but not less than 2 tbsp).

    Drink a glass of the drug throughout the day until the urge to cough becomes wet.

Adults can make a cough compress from a product that will also include pork fat.

For this you need:

    Take interior fat (50-60 gr.), Alcohol (30 ml), a little coniferous essential oil (5-7 drops of fir or juniper).

    Melt "fat" in a water bath, cool slightly and stir with alcohol (or vodka) until a homogeneous ointment is formed, and then add oil.

    Apply the ointment on the chest, bypassing the skin above the heart, cover with a bandage folded in several layers with the same composition, after which cover the compress with a thick towel. The patient should wrap up warmly and try to sleep so that the procedure continues all night.

An effective cough suppressant for the whole family - a mixture of pork fat with a number of components that allow you to achieve several goals at once:

    restore the condition of the damaged larynx and nasopharynx;

    liquefy sputum to speed up its excretion;

    bring down the temperature;

    remove swelling of the mucous membranes;

    disinfect the respiratory tract, thereby preventing the possibility of further reproduction and vital activity of pathogenic agents;

    strengthen immunity.

The recipe for this miracle drug is as follows:

    It is necessary to take pork fat (200 gr.), Aloe, honey and soft butter (250 gr each), cocoa powder (optional, no more than 1 tsp).

    Aloe leaves need to be crushed with a blender or meat grinder, melt the remaining components for at least half an hour over low heat. The finished mass is combined with aloe, then sprinkle with cocoa and mix thoroughly.

    The finished product should be stored under a tightly closed lid in the dark and cool. Until the disease goes away with the cough, the drug can be taken by children and adults three times a day before each meal.

It is advisable to use the finished product in a fairly short period of time, since after 1-2 weeks of storage it will begin to lose its healing properties.

And one more useful recipe for folk medicine, which can be used to treat cough in young children, exhausted by a respiratory disease.

Prepare the drug as follows:

    Take milk (350 ml), interior pork fat (1 tsp), baking soda on the tip of a knife.

    Warm up the milk well, put the fat into it and pour the soda, mix thoroughly.

    You need to drink the drug hot, in small sips, drinking at least 3 glasses a day.

If you prepare each serving before taking, that is, drink the drink hot and fresh, after a few days the bouts of dry strong cough will become softer, indicating the approach of the end of the disease.

Pig fat - a natural medicine

No one argues that the words "fat" and "lard" do not sound very pleasant for a modern person, especially when you consider that most of the recipes recommend taking the products called by these words inside.

However, pork fat, used as a folk remedy for cough, can be used without fear. Indeed, for each drug it is required to take it in a small amount, in comparison with fats of a different origin, lard contains a minimum of cholesterol, and the end result will exceed all expectations.

Even in those days when the pig was not yet domesticated, people actively used raw materials obtained from wild boars - its wild ancestors. In cooking and household, everything was used, including interior lard. Today, the popularity of this particular ingredient has not diminished. It is still used in various areas of life. True, more and more often there are statements of experts about the fact that the product is not the most harmless and, if possible, it is better to replace it with something not so dangerous.

The chemical composition and physical properties of pork fat have shown that it is rather difficult for the human body to utilize it. When it enters the human body, reactions are triggered that can lead to the development of chronic hunger. To process the substance, the body begins to actively break down glucose, which was intended to feed the brain. It turns out that the more the ingredient enters the body, the stronger the hunger manifests in a person.

Parts of a pig carcass are often contaminated with mycotoxins - this is the result of the vital activity of fungi and their decay. Substances act on the body as carcinogens and mutagens, they depress the immune system and cause cell destruction. Of particular danger is the poison ochratoxin. After the slaughter of the animal, it accumulates just in adipose tissue, blood and internal organs.

Tip: Some housewives, when buying raw pork fat, which will be put into melted fat, taste the mass. Better not to take that much risk. Even a quality homemade product in a very limited amount can cause a number of serious conditions.

The specific set of components for which interior pork fat is famous also endows the mass with a number of not the most positive properties. Because of this, the product is contraindicated in such conditions:

  1. Recent serious illness or surgery.
  2. Having problems with the liver and gallbladder.
  3. Individual intolerance to the composition.
  4. Obesity, tendency to rapid weight gain.

In general, doctors and even supporters of traditional medicine recommend taking pork fat inside only if absolutely necessary. If there is an opportunity to use a less dubious analogue, it should be used. But the external use of the mass can give quite good therapeutic results. But in this case, it is still better to first consult with a specialist.

The composition of pork fat and its beneficial properties

For all its obvious danger, interior pork fat has a number of useful properties, which attracts the attention of supporters of traditional medicine. First of all, it is worth noting the low content of harmful cholesterol in the product. Another advantage of the product is the presence of fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the brain and digestive organs. In addition, there are many vitamins A, D, E and K in the mass of animal origin. For this reason, pork fat can be used as a remedy for beriberi.

In general, there are many more essential elements in pork fat than in other solid fats, such as butter. And its biological activity is 5 times higher than that of beef fat. Noteworthy is the fact that when heated, the nutrient mass does not lose its properties, which cannot be said about other animal fats.

Only a fresh and properly prepared composition has therapeutic properties. When frozen, it will be white, without precipitation and streaks. Melted pork fat becomes transparent and liquid, the presence of an amber hue is allowed. When a sharp and unpleasant odor appears, it is better to discard the mass. Its further use can be dangerous for the body.

External and internal use of pork fat

The benefits and harms of pork fat largely depend on the correct application of the composition and its timely use. Most often, the healing mass shows itself from the best sides with such approaches:

  • Treatment of joint pain. Before going to bed, we lubricate the joint with fat, wrap it with paper for compresses and a warm scarf. We wash off the mass only in the morning.
  • Restoration of joint mobility after injury. For 100 g of pork fat, take a tablespoon of salt and mix well. The product is applied to the diseased joint and a warming bandage is made.
  • Restoration of the skin after a burn. We take 0.5 l of the main ingredient and melt it until dark. Fry one chopped onion in a mass and cool. Add 5 crushed tablets to the resulting mixture. The resulting product should be lubricated on the burn surface, preventing it from drying out (about 1 time per hour).
  • Weeping eczema treatment. For 2 tablespoons of interior pork fat, we take 2 chicken proteins, 1 liter of juice and 100 g of nightshade. All this is kneaded until smooth and insisted for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Lubricate the problem areas with the resulting composition.
  • Cough compress. You just need to moisten a gauze napkin in melted pork fat (not very hot) and put on your back. We cover it with a warm towel and blanket.
  • Rubbing for colds. With a warm melted composition, you can lubricate the chest, back and feet. This approach is prohibited at elevated temperatures.

Inside pork fat is used extremely rarely. Here are a few options for this use of the composition:

  • Tea for obsessive nocturnal cough. In green tea, add a little boiled milk, a piece of pork fat and a pinch of hot pepper. We drink before bed.
  • O fortifying decoction. season with honey and fat. We drink three times a day.
  • Dry cough mixture. We bring the milk to a hot state, melt a piece of fat in it. Cool the mass to 50ºС, add a little honey. We drink 3 times a day.

Women should also take into account the cosmetic properties of melted lard. The product can be an excellent base for masks. It nourishes the skin well, without blocking tissue respiration and without slowing down metabolic processes.

Rules for the preparation of pork fat

Today, pork fat can be purchased ready-made, but it’s better to do it yourself. Here are a few rules, the observance of which will allow you to get the most useful and safe composition:

  1. you need to take white, clean, without stains, stains and smell. Well, if it is with a skin. This part should also smell good and not have any defects.
  2. A product that is suitable for the preparation of ghee must be soft. You need to try to stick a toothpick into it. If the stick easily enters, this is an indicator of the high quality and freshness of the workpiece.
  3. The thickness of the fat should be medium, layers of gray-red meat are welcome. They are an indicator of the correct diet of the animal.
  4. The fat obtained from the wild boar is even more biologically active. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase it.
  5. Before heating, the bacon must be washed, dried and cut into pieces.
  6. After that, it is enough to place it in a suitable container, put on fire and heat until completely dissolved. We cool the finished product and put it in the refrigerator.

Pork fat is a natural product, but its quality largely depends on the conditions of the animal. If possible, the external use of the medicinal mass should be limited. This approach allows you to get the desired therapeutic effects without risk to health.

pork fat- This is a substance of a thick consistency of light yellow color, which in most cases is odorless. The aroma and color depend on the type of fat. It can be interior, having a pronounced smell, or subcutaneous.

This product is used for melting. The resulting substance is popularly called lard or lard. Traditionally, it is added to the dishes of the village cuisine of different nations. It is a fat that is melted over low heat from interior or subcutaneous fat. Since interior fat has a specific aroma, it is recommended to melt it separately, without mixing with other types of fat.

To date, the food industry produces four varieties of pork fat:

  1. Extra - light yellow in color, odorless, with a sweetish taste. When heated, it turns into a transparent liquid, and at a temperature of 10-14 degrees it has a creamy consistency.
  2. The highest - similar to the extra variety in all criteria, except for the smell. This variety has a mild aroma.
  3. The first grade is made from internal and other types of fat. It has a dense texture and cloudy color. When cooking a dish with the addition of fat of this variety, it acquires a pronounced smell of fried lard.
  4. The second grade is produced in the same way as the first. A distinctive feature is the lower quality of fat.

In cooking, the use of all varieties of this fat is very common.

There is another type of pig fat - raw fat. It is a fatty tissue obtained in the process of cutting the carcass of a pig and processing its entrails. Widespread in the production of animal rendered fats.

Externally, melted pork fat is mostly transparent, with a light yellow tint. If this product is placed in the freezer, it will acquire a uniform structure of snow-white color. In a cool dark place it can be stored for a year.

The composition of pork fat is unique, since it includes saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which retain all the benefits even after the product has been cooked. These are the acids:

  • linoleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmintic;
  • oleic.

Pork fat is very common in various areas of human activity and has many useful properties, which we will discuss below.

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of pork fat are quite diverse. This product is a fat of animal origin, the benefits of which are quite large for the human body.

Lard is superior to other fats of animal origin in most characteristics and medicinal properties. It has a huge activity of useful components, which is many times more than ordinary butter and even beef fat. In the composition of pig fat, fatty acids necessary for the body are present in high concentrations. Despite the claims of many doctors that fat contains a huge amount of cholesterol, pork fat is an exception. It contains cholesterol, but not as much as in other fats.

This type of fat is absorbed in the body many times better than beef or mutton. It contains practically no carbohydrates and proteins.

Pork fat gives a lot of energy and strength. It is rich in vitamins of different groups. Many scientists, after conducting research, came to the conclusion that the composition of pork fat is so diverse and rich in useful components that, with moderate use, you can fill the body with all vital components.

Arachidonic acid, which is part of the fat, is an important element necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. It is classified as an unsaturated fatty acid. It normalizes cholesterol metabolism and promotes the formation of certain hormones. Arachidonic acid has the ability to enhance brain activity and normalize brain function.

In the pharmacological industry, pork fat occupies a significant place. It is added when creating an ointment that treats diseases of the joints. Such a remedy is very easily absorbed into the skin and does not cause allergic reactions or irritations. You can get rid of the remnants of this ointment on the skin with ordinary soap and water. Pork fat has the ability to easily combine with various additives. It is inherent in this fat and the ability to oxidize, so it is not recommended to use it for the preparation of ointments with various oxidizing agents.

Lard made from pork fat has the following properties:

  • activates fat metabolism;
  • contributes to the rapid absorption of protein;
  • protects the liver;
  • minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • promotes the formation of hormones;
  • reduces pain;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs;
  • improves immunity;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • fills with strength;
  • lifts the mood.

Doctors recommend using this fat for people suffering from anorexia, as well as those with respiratory diseases and skin diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis, the condition of the skin and muscle tissue. Regular moderate use of pork fat will have a rejuvenating effect and reduce the risk of cancer cells. With the use of this fat, hemorrhoids are treated, compresses are applied to diseased joints.

At the same time, pork fat also has harmful properties. Excessive use of this fat in the diet contributes to the development of obesity, as metabolism fails. Scientists explain this process by the fact that the body uses glucose to break down this fat, which enhances brain activity. A person feels hungry all the time, despite the large fat reserves. Pork fat has a very high calorie content, and you need to use it with caution.

The mycotoxins present in the fat, which occur during the life and reproduction of fungi, can cause harm to the body. These ingredients can cause food poisoning and harm your overall health. When a pig is slaughtered, a very harmful and dangerous fungal poison is released in its body, which poses a serious danger to human health.

The use of this fat is contraindicated for people with such diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Pork fat should not be consumed by people with individual intolerance, the presence of which you can ask your doctor. You can diversify the diet with pork fat, but you need to know the measure in everything and not abuse it.


The use of pork fat has gained great popularity in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Using it, various ointments, mixtures, soaps, drinks, dishes are prepared. There are many other ways to use this product. We will talk about them below.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, pig fat is used mainly externally and it is used to treat various colds, respiratory diseases in adults and children. This product is rarely used as part of medicines, mainly only in traditional medicine. When treating a child with a folk remedy, you need to take into account all the nuances and view the ingredients. Many recipes contain alcohol or vodka; children should not be treated with such medicine. Below are several recipes for preparing medicines at home, where the main ingredient is pork fat.

Disease name

Method of preparation and treatment

For colds and coughs

To cure colds or coughs with this fat, rubbing is used. To prepare it, you need to melt half a glass of fat with a water bath, let it cool to 35 degrees and add 3-4 drops of fir essential oil to it. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the resulting mixture while warm on the chest, throat and legs. This method can be used to treat both children and adults. Also used for coughs is a combination of ingredients such as aloe, honey and rendered fat.

From temperature

With a cold

A small piece of salted bacon must be heated in a pan for one minute. Then we wrap the fat in a bandage, apply it to the nose, on the sinuses, and hold a piece until it cools. This procedure is best done before bed.

For ear pain

In order to get rid of pain in the ears, you need to melt the fat using a water bath, then we moisten the tampon in the fat and warm the ear. The pain will go away faster if you bandage your ear with a woolen scarf.

With tuberculosis

To prepare the medicine, mix one glass of melted lard, half a glass of decoction of lime flowers and half a glass of honey. For the treatment of tuberculosis, the prepared mixture is used orally, one tablespoon once a day.

For the prevention of colds

In order to prevent colds, folk healers use lard and rose hips. It is necessary to pour a pinch of rose hips with a glass of boiling water and leave for one hour. Then add 20 grams of melted lard and 20 grams of honey to the rosehip. It is recommended to use the decoction hot, so it will bring the greatest benefit to the body.

With bronchitis

An excellent folk remedy for bronchitis is a pork net. To do this, grind the fat and melt the fat using a water bath. It should be consumed with honey and milk in a warm form inside and rub the chest with fat at night. The duration of such treatment varies from one to two weeks.

From allergies

A wonderful remedy for getting rid of this ailment is a cream. To prepare it, you need to mix interior pork fat and birch tar (in a ratio of 1: 1). Before treatment, it is necessary to conduct a test. To do this, spread the resulting mixture on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for five minutes. Then we wash off. If no redness appears on the skin, then this method of treating allergies is right for you. Wet a towel in the solution and apply for ten minutes to the skin areas where the allergy is expressed. After we wash off. It is recommended to repeat this procedure twice a day. The treatment lasts four days.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of various recipes for the preparation of medicines using pig fat. Everyone can choose the option that suits them.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the use of pork fat is not very popular. Basically, it is added to the composition of masks and ointments, it is used to make soap.

A very important feature of internal pork fat is that it does not lose valuable substances during any processing. It also has the ability to quickly absorb into the skin, since its composition is very similar to human.

The use of ointment with pork fat does not clog pores, the skin breathes, and the cream is easily washed off with ordinary soap. Ointments help to eliminate peeling of the skin, nourish it with beneficial substances. Basically, fat is used to prepare a cream that is ideal for the skin in winter, when it is most vulnerable and needs extra nutrition and hydration more than ever.

Pork fat is present in the composition of some drugs, or rather, ointments. You can buy this ointment at a pharmacy. But it is not necessary to look for pork fat when buying a cream or mask, you can cook them yourself at home. To prepare the mask, which bears the name of the famous Queen Cleopatra, you need to crush three rosebuds, add 30 grams of melted pork fat, 20 grams of honey to them and mix all the ingredients well. The prepared mask is recommended to be applied to the skin of the face for half an hour, after which we wash it off first with warm water, then cool. The use of this mask will give the skin an amazing shade and help get rid of dryness.

An excellent tool for giving hair strength, shine and filling it with useful components will be a mask. It is very simple and effective, but its application is time consuming. It is necessary to carefully rub melted warm pork fat into the hair roots and wrap your head first with cellophane (or put on a shower cap), and then with a warm towel. Keep this mask on your head for two hours. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with shampoo. Oil may not be completely washed out of the hair after one wash, so the procedure may have to be repeated.

There is a recipe for a wonderful lip balm that will not only moisturize them, but also slightly increase the volume. To prepare a miracle balm, you need to mix 7 grams of honey with one teaspoon of purified melted pork fat, cool in the refrigerator and apply to lips if necessary.

To get the desired result from the use of pork fat for cosmetic purposes, you must follow the storage rules and carefully choose the fat. Do not use technical pork fat or unrefined. Prepared masks, creams and other products should be stored in containers with a tight-fitting lid in a dark, cool place (the refrigerator is an ideal storage place). After one and a half years from the date of preparation of a homemade cosmetic product, it must be thrown away. A spoiled product will have an unpleasant odor and after application may cause an allergic reaction in the form of redness..

In cooking

In cooking, the use of pork fat is very diverse. Scientists conducted a study and proved that dishes prepared using fresh pork fat are much better absorbed by the body than with vegetable oil. This is due to the fact that vegetable oil tends to lose its value when heated, which cannot be said about pork fat. Of course, it is best to use natural fresh fat. In addition to the fact that the use of this product in moderation will benefit the body, it will also give great gastronomic pleasure. Dishes cooked with pork fat acquire magical taste qualities.

There are many recipes using pork fat. It serves as an additive in the preparation of fried potatoes, a variety of pastries (shortbread, pies, donuts, etc.), preparations for the winter of mushrooms, in particular, chanterelles. Pork fat is even used in the preparation of chocolate.

Add pork fat to dishes with caution. After all, it itself has a high calorie content, and if it is used with some other ingredient, the calorie content will increase.

Children are recommended to use lard after two years and in small quantities. Many doctors claim that this ingredient is very harmful, and categorically forbid its use by children. Others believe that in moderation it should be added to food. Whom to believe, decide for yourself.

How to melt pork fat at home?

How to melt pork fat at home? At what temperature? These questions are of interest to many lovers of homemade lard. After all, he will not only be able to complement the dish with taste, but with his help you can easily cure various diseases. You need to be very responsible when buying fat or fat. By purchasing an old product, you will get lard with a pronounced unpleasant odor, and if you use it for food, you will only spoil the taste.

Here are some tips for using and choosing fat:

  1. For frying and stewing, lard under the skin is ideal. It is mainly bought for salting, but it also melts well into fat. You can buy it in a butcher shop or in the market.
  2. Fat from the belly of a pig is best used for frying. It has a layer of fat and meat. It's good to make bacon out of it.
  3. Fat, which is rendered from internal fat, is ideal for making various kinds of pastries. They grease pies to get a beautiful crust and prepare the dough using it. This fat is carefully cut off from pig organs, so it is called the purest. This fat does not have any odor..

There are two main methods for melting fat:

  • wet;
  • dry.

Using the first method, you need to finely chop the fat or fat, then put it in a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid, add a little water and bring to a boil. After boiling, make the fire smaller and melt the fat until it is completely dissolved.

With the dry method, the heating process takes place using an oven, a slow cooker or a frying pan (at your discretion). The dishes you have chosen should be well heated and finely chopped lard or fat should be put into it. In the process of melting, it must sometimes be stirred.

Below I propose to your attention three ways of rendering lard and fat.


Warming method

Melting fat with water

2 kilograms of finely chopped bacon (the smaller it is, the sooner it melts) put in a saucepan, pour in a glass of water, cover with a lid and put on medium heat. After boiling, reduce the fire as much as possible. Fat is melted in this way for five hours. It must be stirred once per hour, preferably with a wooden spoon. The melted fat must be filtered and transferred to a jar or tightly closed container. It is recommended to store lard in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5 years.

Roasting in the oven

The easiest way to melt. Cut into small pieces or twist pork fat or lard in a meat grinder. We shift it into a cast-iron cauldron and place it in an oven preheated to 90-120 degrees. With a large amount of fat, the melting process will take a long time. From time to time, you can carefully, so as not to burn yourself with pork fat, take out the cauldron and stir. Melted lard or fat is separated from the cracklings and poured into jars.

Rendering internal pork fat

This type of fat is very well rendered, as it is very soft and layered. So, we cut one kilogram of fat into small pieces, put it in a cauldron, add a glass of water, put it on a small fire and melt the fat. The process can take anywhere from two to four hours. An hour after the start of melting, the fat must be stirred. We filter the melted fat from the cracklings and pour into jars.

When melting fat, it is very important to follow these recommendations:

  • lard or fat cannot be melted at a low temperature (35-50 degrees);
  • after the fat begins to melt, it must be mixed;
  • lard or fat should not be melted until brown cracklings form, they should have a light color, then you can fry them separately and add them when cooking fried potatoes or some other dish;
  • the melted fat has a light yellow color, after solidification it is white;
  • it is best to store the finished fat in a glass jar with an airtight lid;
  • before pouring fat into jars, it must be cooled down so as not to get burned and cracked containers;
  • Ready lard is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, it can also be frozen;
  • The shelf life of rendered pork fat is one year.

Pork fat is a very popular additive in cooking, as well as a cosmetic and healing agent. Its uses are very diverse and beneficial for health. But the use of this fat in food should not be abused, because all foods should be added to the diet in moderation. Only moderate consumption can not harm health and benefit the body.

Cough is a symptom that is present in the clinical picture of many infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. To get rid of the ailment, they use specific medications, physiotherapy procedures and alternative medicine methods. The latter are allowed to be used only after agreement with the attending physician. The safest folk remedies include cough lard.

This natural product contains a large amount of useful substances. Thanks to them, the recovery of the patient comes much faster. The advantages of drugs containing animal fat include their availability, high efficiency, and the almost complete absence of adverse reactions and contraindications. Preparations prepared according to "grandmother's" recipes are not addictive. The risk of allergies when using the drug is minimal.

To achieve coughing, it is recommended to use visceral fat. It is very different from lard in appearance and location. Intrinsic fat can only be found inside the body. The specified ingredient is characterized by a loose structure and a grayish-white tint. The composition, which is obtained as a result of heat treatment, is often used in the preparation of hot dishes.

There are no age restrictions for visceral fat. It is allowed to be included in medicines that are used for treatment in old age, during pregnancy and lactation. The natural component is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In order for the finished mixture to retain all the beneficial properties, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

The absolute leader in this category is pork fat. But for therapy, you can use goose, bear, badger fats. It is often combined with other ingredients (glycerin, bee products, spirits). Alcohol is included in adult formulations. A mixture intended for a child should not contain hazardous substances, which include ethyl alcohol. Combined cough medicines help to eliminate the clinical manifestations that occur with colds and bronchitis.

Beneficial features

Animal fat has a positive effect on the patient's body. It contains vital compounds. Among them, fatty acids are distinguished: oleic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic. The list is supplemented by fat-soluble vitamins. Arachidonic acid prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques. It is also required for:

  • effective work of the heart muscle;
  • stabilization of metabolic metabolism at the cellular level;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • adequate production of hormones.

Through oleic acid, you can achieve an improvement in the general condition. This compound has restorative and antitumor effects. The fatty acids listed above are essential for the formation of the bilipid layer. In its functions: protection from harmful particles and the withdrawal of metabolic products.

The interior fat does not have a specific smell. A useful ingredient can be purchased fresh. Melted lard is often used as the basis for a therapeutic mixture characterized by high biological activity. The component does not lose its healing properties when heated.

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excess body weight;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • metabolic disorders.

For external use, the composition of interior fat (lard) is rubbed with light, gentle movements. The organic product is characterized by a reduced melting point. Substances that penetrate the body in this way compensate for the partial dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. This allows you to stabilize the balance of fluid in the skin. An additional bonus is protection from the harmful effects of external factors. In the spectrum of action of visceral fat:

  • decrease in body temperature;
  • elimination of spasms and pain syndrome;
  • removal of swelling of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract;
  • pathogen neutralization.

Cooking methods

Pork fat is used to treat ailments of the respiratory system for a long period of time. It is added to the composition of ointments, rubbing mixtures. A weighty reason for using fat is a heel spur, weeping eczema, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Before preparing the drug, the fat must be melted. This process is carried out using a water bath or oven. In this case, less harmful compounds are formed.

Before heat treatment, fat must be crushed. The finer it is crushed, the less time it will take to melt. Adding salt is strictly prohibited, it is fraught with the loss of useful qualities. Fat cannot be brought to a boil, it must languish for a long period. At the next stage, the melted fat is cooled and filtered. The resulting homogeneous mass is called lard. Fat must be fresh. Otherwise, the composition will have an unpleasant odor. The finished mixture can be taken orally. Healing oils, ointments are used for rubbing and compresses.

Thanks to the timely use of melted fat, the following occurs:

  • warming up the affected areas;
  • enveloping of mucous membranes;
  • restoration of functional tissues;
  • relief of the general condition;
  • more efficient expectoration.

When selecting a natural ingredient, the diagnosis, the characteristic manifestations of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient must be taken into account:

  • Pig fat - strong cough.
  • Goat fat - catarrhal phenomena in newborns.
  • Goose fat - weakening of the immune system, swelling, problems with the withdrawal of accumulated sputum.
  • Bear lard - dry mucous membranes, spastic seizures.
  • Badger fat - progression of the inflammatory process.
  • Dog fat is a debilitating cough.

Salo is a product with a high energy value. With it, you can eliminate the lack of vital elements.

For internal reception

A painful cough can be relieved by taking ½ teaspoon of melted visceral fat several times a day. Medicinal drinks are also prepared on the basis of the fatty ingredient. There are several effective recipes:

Therapeutic formulations are taken at bedtime. The medicine chosen must be approved by a doctor.

It is contraindicated for underage patients to give a cough remedy if:

  • in the anamnesis there is an individual intolerance to milk;
  • It contains pepper.

For babies, you can make a preparation from melted lard and marshmallow root (dry mixture). Prepare it as follows:

  • ½ tablespoon of the herbal ingredient is combined with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • The mixture is placed in a water bath. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  • The resulting composition is placed in a warm place.
  • 4 teaspoons of melted suet are added to the filtered drink.

The medicine must be taken three times a day. With inflammation of the lungs, a positive effect can be achieved with a mixture of processed lard, lemon peel, mint leaves and raspberries.

For outdoor use

With the help of an interior product, you can get rid of fever, severe cough and other manifestations of a cold. The mixture is allowed to be applied to the chest, feet and calves of the legs, throat. The procedure is recommended to be done during the day or at night. The compress is put on for several hours.

The composition used externally, in addition to melted lard, may contain fir oil, vodka, turpentine. Fat is most often heated in a water bath. After treatment of the skin, the patient should wrap himself in a terry towel. Due to profuse sweating, the condition of the patient who coughs improves significantly. After removing the compress, you need to change your underwear.

The lard used for the preparation of medicines is strictly forbidden to freeze. Pork visceral cough fat should be fresh. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from therapeutic measures.

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