How to get your breath back while running. Proper breathing - running, strength training, swimming

The buildings 11.10.2019
The buildings

Many of us remember how hard it is in physical education after cross-country, after a long draw in football, tennis. Breathing is frequent and I want to quickly restore it. From people we hear different advice on how to catch our breath faster. I decided to put all these tips into numbers and conduct an experiment in which I will compare several of the most famous methods of restoring breathing.

The following methods will be compared:

How the experiment will be conducted, key points.

  • Respiration recovery is the restoration of oxygen debt (aerobic or anaerobic) after work has been completed.
  • A subsequent set of the same exercise can acidify the muscles more than the previous one, and thus the oxygen debt will be higher. To avoid distorting the results for this reason, an alternation of methods is introduced every day.
  • Exercise can lead to adaptation over time and all kinds of rest in the following days will show a better result than in the previous ones. The appearance of such an adaptation can be seen by a decrease in the rate of growth of the heart rate during exercise with days. There is no need to fight this phenomenon, adaptation will improve the indications of all methods of relaxation.
  • It is necessary to start the exercises in the most identical conditions: with good health, at the same time of day, the same time after the last meal and load.
  • Respiration is related to heart rate. Therefore, the criterion for rest in the experiment will be the time for the pulse to decrease to certain values. Presumably, a shorter rest time will indicate a faster replenishment of energy due to: best speed consumption and transportation of oxygen, lower energy costs for the rest itself.
  • The initial pulse before the start of each approach should be the same so as not to transfer the oxygen debt of the previous approach to the next one.
  • The load should be varied, involve the whole body in order to reduce the influence of personal characteristics of development: push-ups - running with a high knee lift - jumping up with arms raised.
  • Each set and cycle in a set should be performed at a similar pace.
  • Before the 1st approach, there is a small warm-up-warm-up.
  • The approach begins at a heart rate of 50% of the maximum. The maximum heart rate is taken from the calculation: 220 minus age. The 50-60%% zone is taken as the easy work zone. Thus, the approach starts at the lower boundary of this zone, beyond which (<50%) идёт зона обычного состояния без физической нагрузки. При максимуме в 190 ударов 50% - это 95 уд/мин. За начальный не берётся пульс в состояния полного покоя (~40%), потому что восстановить его после нагрузки будет достаточно проблематично, долго, что связано не столько со временем на восстановление дыхания, сколько с остыванием тела, оттоком крови от мышц, успокоением гормональной системы и т.п. инерциальными процессами.
  • The exercise is performed until reaching a level of 80% of the max. pulse. 80% - this is the approximate border of the beginning of ANOT (anaerobic metabolism threshold), when anaerobic methods of ATP resynthesis begin to manifest themselves significantly in the production of energy for muscle work. And they dramatically change the rate of onset of fatigue, and the time of subsequent rest. For a maximum of 190 beats, 80% is 152 bpm.
  • Thus, rest is recorded as the time in seconds from stopping the exercise at a heart rate of 152 beats/min until the pulse reaches 95 beats/min. Then follows the recording of the results ~ 5 s and immediately begins the next approach and registration of the execution time of the approach.
The experiment was carried out for 3 weeks, not every day. The break between "working" days ranged from 0 to 4 days, mostly 1 or 3. Exercises were performed indoors. To register the pulse, a wrist heart rate monitor "Sigma" with a chest sensor was used. The heart rate monitor has a convenient function of sound notification about the output (up or down) for a given range of heart rate values, but it works approximately, it works late, therefore, to improve the accuracy of the data, the values ​​were recorded visually on the scoreboard.

Analysis and conclusions:

1) To begin with, we note the expected appearance of adaptation to loads.

With each new day of training, the aerobic capacity of the body increased: the time of work increased, the upper limit of the designated 80% heart rate zone was reached longer. At the same time, the time required for rest also increased, but at a much slower rate than the increase in working capacity. (The downward section of the red graph corresponds to three days of training in a row. Recovery did not have time to occur.)

2) Dependence of the recovery time of the pulse on the method of rest

A) The diagrams below show that the methods with raising and lowering the arms take the longest to restore breathing. On average, a little over 2 minutes. Moreover, on the move, breathing was restored not only no longer, but even on average 2 seconds faster than standing still!

B) Slightly better results (15% less rest time compared to the first 2 methods) were given by 3 methods - all standing upright. At the same time, raising hands to the belt only increased the rest time by 7%, and raising hands behind the head to the lock did not affect the result in any way - it showed the same as simply lowered hands.

C) The last 3 methods showed themselves best, and they differ significantly from the results of standing.

Two of them - standing in an inclination and sitting - in both cases there is a passive (not due to the tension of the trapezium) raising the shoulders. It is likely that the passive lifting of the shoulders opens the upper part of the lungs, which increases their volume, relieving the load: it helps the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm to inhale, due to which, firstly, the energy consumption of the muscles is reduced; secondly, the same effort of the respiratory muscles allows you to take in more air in one breath, which increases the specific volume of gas exchange per unit of energy expended.

Compared to standing methods, passive shoulder raise methods have been shown to halve the rest time!

Sitting, compared to standing, leads to a small (8% or 5 seconds) acceleration of rest.

The lying position relaxes the body as much as possible and, as expected, showed the shortest recovery time for breathing: 21% (12 s) better than sitting, 27% (17 s) better than standing in an incline, twice (57% or 1 minute difference) faster than standing and three times - than methods with raising hands.

3. Characteristics of the duration of work (the time required to increase heart rate from 50% to 80% (from max.))

The duration of work from approach to approach within one training session by day is shown in the graph below. It clearly shows that the duration of the first approach is long (moreover, it increases with each workout due to adaptation), and the time of all subsequent approaches is significantly reduced and then almost does not change (at least for 8 approaches), amounting to approximately 1 min 40 s . This constancy of time indicates the absence of factors that accumulate over time, which would lead to the accumulation of fatigue.

The signal for the beginning of protective inhibition is negative shifts from the norm of various indicators in cells: an increase in acidity, an increase in the concentration of ADP. This indicates the correct selection of the load and the upper limit of the power of work.

The reason for the long time of the first approach is not clear (perhaps, with it the body temperature is low, then it rises and, as a result, the rate of chemical reactions decreases, there is an additional load on the cooling of the body), but suggests that the pulse is not the only and not universal indicator of the load on the body.

Breathing is the most important function of the human body. Inhaling air, a person saturates his body with oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs without exception, for the growth of new cells, the production of hormones, and the normal course of metabolic processes.

If you know how to breathe correctly, there will be no problems with sleep, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins in a timely manner. Breathing exercises can save you from stress, help develop speech, help in the treatment of certain diseases. Let's find out what breathing techniques exist and how to use them correctly in practice.

General information

The science of breathing in modern society is incredibly popular: there are entire schools offering various sets of breathing exercises. Indian, Chinese, yoga - this is a list of the most famous techniques, but there are (and are constantly being developed) author's systems, thanks to which a person can learn to perform a vital skill correctly.

Whatever breathing recovery technique you decide to practice, it is important to remember that without exception, all exercises for development correct breathing must be performed regularly.

If a "oxygen exercise" will be carried out, only from time to time - there will be little sense from it.

For gymnastics, you do not need to look for a specialized room - you can conduct classes in any place that is comfortable for you, where you can relax as much as possible and focus on the complex. The only condition is that a good supply of fresh air is desirable in the chosen room.

Let's look at some types "oxygen gymnastics" and learn some useful exercises.

Recovery complex

A set of exercises for restoring breathing is especially useful for those who are passionate about sports, it will also be useful for people aged who feel a lack of oxygen during a long climb or fast walking. Exercises in this technique are extremely simple and all you need is just to focus.

Here is a description of several exercises of gymnastics, which is aimed at restoring full respiratory capacity:

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up, take a deep breath through your nose and, lowering your upper limbs down, shout as loudly as possible, for example, “Crow!” ;
  • The position remains the same as in the previous complex, you need to raise your hands in front of you and fold your palms into a kind of volumetric ball. Inhale deeply and exhale, while folding your lips into a tube, and your hands go down and, as it were, describe a large ball;
  • In the next exercise, you need to simulate that you are splashing water on the laundry;
  • The position of the body, without changing, go to the complex, which is called "Owl". Raise your upper limbs with an inhalation, lower them and, as you exhale, hoot like an owl.

The imitation of blowing out a candle also perfectly restores breathing. The exercise should be accompanied by a deep breath, drawing as much air into the lungs as possible and exhaling just as noisily, but the exhalation should be divided into three parts.

Learning to breathe correctly

There are a great many sets of exercises for proper breathing, and they all have different purposes: from a general health function to the treatment of specific diseases and weight loss.

Complexes for proper breathing must be performed daily, then significant results can be expected from them:

  • Take your first deep breath. You need to draw air into the chest through the nose, but breathe - it is with the stomach, and not with the chest. You should feel air filling your belly;
  • Exhale the collected air only through the mouth. When exhaling, squeeze your lips into a narrow strip, leaving only a small crack for the release of air. This part of the exercise must also be performed with the stomach, if you do the exercise correctly, you will feel that the front wall of the press, as it were, “sticks” to your back; During the exercise, you should strain not only the abdominal area, but also the buttocks;
  • Then make three more short exhaling movements so that your lungs are empty;
  • Try to take the deepest possible breath. Stop when you feel that the air fills you from the inside, and you are no longer able to draw it in. Hold your breath for exactly thirty seconds.

Finish the exercise with a deep, long exhalation.

Diaphragmatic gymnastics

The basics of diaphragmatic breathing are studied by future singers and actors, but exercises for the development of proper diaphragmatic breathing will be useful for people who are often nervous, experiencing stressful situations and feelings of anxiety. Gymnastics will help relieve nervous tension, relax.

To perform exercises, you need to carefully prepare: try to stay alone and remove all annoying and distracting factors from the practice room. Change your clothes before class, you can put on loose gym clothes or, in general, stay in your underwear. Open the windows - let fresh air freely enter the room.

After preparation, you can proceed to the complex:

  • Lie on your back on the floor. Do not lie down on carpets or soft rugs, it is important to lie on a hard and as hard surface as possible;
  • Pull the air into yourself with your nose, trying to tighten it slowly and smoothly, while imagining that the air enters not into the chest, but into the abdomen and gradually fills it. To control the correct execution, place one hand on the chest, put the other limb on the press area;
  • You can exhale as you like - with your mouth or nose, the main thing is to do it as slowly as possible and try to release all the air from your lungs;
  • Further exercises can be complicated: for example, when drawing in air, hold your breath for a few seconds and also restrain the ability to breathe on exhalation;
  • When drawing in air, raise your hands up and wind them behind your head, pushing air out of your lungs - mix your limbs on the press.

It is important to know: you can practice diaphragmatic gymnastics in the complete absence of problems with the heart and blood pressure. Keep in mind that after completing the complex, you may feel very dizzy. Don't be scared - it's normal if your head is spinning too much, you can lie down and sleep.

Speech gymnastics

The sets of exercises for the development of speech breathing are especially useful for young children: the proper development of speech breathing teaches the child to control the volume of his speech, its rhythm, not to swallow words and pronounce them clearly and to the end. Exercises will also be useful for people with diction disorders.

The pleasantness of the complex is that it can be carried out in a playful way:

  • Take a piece of cotton wool and roll it into a medium-sized ball. Place the ball on a chair, in front of an impromptu gate made of cubes or other objects. Draw oxygen into your chest and exhale it by pursing your lips and blowing on the balloon. The ball must enter the gate;
  • Spread various objects of varying severity on the surface of the table - paper snowflakes, candy wrappers, crumpled into lumps, beads. As you exhale, try to blow everything off the table so that its surface is clean.

The simplest exercise that can be performed daily for both an adult and a child is inflating balloons and inflatable toys.

Proper breathing during training, how to breathe correctly during power loads, breathing while running, how to restore breathing after running, swimming and proper breathing.

The desire to look beautiful, to have a slender waist and pumped up muscles, to feel cheerful makes us devote time to training. Some people prefer to go to sports. gym, others train at home. Wherever your classes take place, special attention should be paid to proper breathing, the technique of which can be mastered at home. Many experts say that proper breathing during exercise is the basis of the effectiveness of any workout. What threatens improper breathing during exercise? The result of improper breathing will be:

1. Decreased efficiency from the exercises performed.

An insufficient amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream slows down the process of breaking down fats, and it becomes more difficult for you to get rid of extra pounds.

2. Wrong operation cardiovascular systems s.

Due to insufficient oxygen, the heart works intermittently. During exercise, a person who breathes incorrectly gets tired 2 times faster.

How to master the breathing technique during training? A few tips will help you with this!

Proper breathing during exercise

Before starting a workout, take 2-3 deep breaths / exhalations. During classes, you need to adhere to the main rule: we make an effort on exhalation. When you inhale, AT (blood pressure) rises, so at this moment it is important to exclude excess load. In addition, the performance of a particular exercise requires concentration, and it is much easier to coordinate your movements while exhaling.

Tip for a beginner: it's good to practice breathing correctly before starting the exercises. You need to inhale with the diaphragm, and not with the chest, fully using the lungs. At the same time, breathing should be smooth and deep, and the exercises themselves should be performed slowly. I must say that breathing during strength exercises, running, swimming or aerobics is somewhat different. Some types of training require frequent intermittent (shallow) breathing, others require breathing slowly and smoothly. After breathing correctly becomes a good habit, you can start exercising. At first, breathing will have to be controlled, after a while breathing correctly will become your habit.

How to breathe properly during exercise

Beginning athletes should inhale and exhale air like this: “fuuuuuh!” Without holding your breath. It's important not to overdo it. The main thing is not loud, but right! Performing a small load during training, you can breathe freely. When performing exercises with a lot of weight (dumbbells, barbells), the effort should be done exclusively on exhalation. For example, when lifting weights, you should inhale on bent arms, and exhale while lifting.

Some coaches advise holding your breath, but this point is quite controversial, especially if you have problems with blood pressure (blood pressure). During push-ups, maintaining the correct breathing regimen will not be difficult: inhale on straight arms and exhale on bent ones. It is important to keep your back straight during push-ups without overstraining your muscles.

Breathing while running

While running, a person's need for oxygen increases by almost 10 times. Not paying due attention to cardio is tantamount to saying that the benefits of sports training will be less than the harm. That is why it becomes important to monitor your breathing while running. Training should also begin with a warm-up, during which you should also breathe correctly. At the moment of tension - inhale, the least tension - exhale. For example, when bending over, exhale; when lifting, inhale. Just before a run, you can "ventilate the lungs." To do this, take 10 deep breaths / exhalations for about 1 minute.

During training, it is recommended to inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. This technique allows you to inhale clean air, which is purified in the nasal mucosa, and exhale as much carbon dioxide as possible, providing better ventilation of the lungs. Breathing exclusively through the nose is wrong. Not enough oxygen passes through the nose, causing oxygen starvation. Breathing only through the mouth is also wrong. This can cool the respiratory system.

In addition, without being cleaned through the nasal mucosa, all microorganisms and dust penetrate the bronchi, trachea and settle there, causing infectious diseases. Many professional runners advise using the methods of alternating inhalations and exhalations at regular intervals. For example, you can inhale through your nose for a while, exhale through your mouth, and then vice versa. This will control the amount of air entering the lungs.

  1. Don't chew gum while exercising.
  2. If you start to choke, slow down your pace.
  3. If you have pain in your side, slow down, walk for a few minutes, and then start running again.
  4. Do not run long distances at once, start training with small races.
  5. Don't stop immediately after finishing your workout. Walk for a few minutes on foot, gradually normalizing breathing.

To restore breathing after running, you should take a few deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

A small test will help you learn how to breathe properly while running. To do this, you need to follow several sequential steps:

  1. We lay down on our back;
  2. We put one hand on the chest, and the other on the stomach;
  3. Take a few deep breaths/exhalations.

If during breathing there is a movement of the hand on the stomach, then you are breathing correctly - with the diaphragm, there is no lack of oxygen. If the hand moves on the chest, breathing is wrong. There is a lack of oxygen. This test will help you learn how to breathe with your diaphragm for the most effective workout.

Swimming and breathing

It is quite difficult to breathe properly in the pool. Improper breathing contributes to rapid fatigue, constant tension in the muscles of the back and neck. By mastering the correct breathing technique, you will be able to swim comfortably in any way and at any distance.

In swimming, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. You need to exhale for a long time, this helps to free the nose from the trapped water. When swimming with a breaststroke, it is imperative to take a breath for each stroke. Butterfly involves a breath for every second stroke, and crawl - all the time under one arm or alternately under each arm. When swimming on your back, you can breathe in the way that is comfortable for you, observing a certain rhythm and without delay. In any case, you need to breathe evenly, rhythmically, without interruption.

It is especially difficult to learn the breathing technique for beginners. In this case, it will be relevant (especially for children) to perform a special exercise: while standing in the water, you need to take a deep breath and dive headlong into the water. Count to 15 and jump out. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times, gradually increasing the number of dives up to 25 times. Breathing training in this way will help you quickly master the technique of proper breathing, prepare your lungs for a certain load in the water.

Breathing technique while running is one of the key points in the course of aerobic exercise, without which it is difficult to overcome long distances and cope with the load. Irregular or too frequent inhalations and exhalations can adversely affect endurance, coordination of movements, muscle work, or even increase the load on the heart muscle. That is why the breathing technique when running must take into account a number of rules. We have identified exactly 6 of them. By following each of the tips, you can get the most out of your morning runs and stay healthy.

Rule 1. Combine breathing techniques

In the case of low-intensity exercise, try to breathe through your nose. Firstly, in this case, cold air will be better warmed up passing through the sinuses, which means you will reduce the risk of hypothermia. Secondly, in the nose, the air is cleared of dust and microorganisms, and does not settle on the tonsils as when breathing through the mouth. In turn, this will help reduce the risk of getting an infection after the next run.

If we are talking about medium and high speed jogging, the body needs oxygen more urgently. In this case, mixed breathing will help you - simultaneously through the mouth and nose.

Rule 2 Protect Your Throat

During mixed breathing through the mouth and nose, the tongue will help protect the tonsils: for this, it must be raised with its tip up, leaning against the upper palate, and then it will block the flow of cold air, which goes directly to the tonsils. A light scarf will also come to the aid of the tongue, which will help insulate the throat.

Rule 3. Focus on exhalation

It is the exhalation that will help free the lungs from stagnant air and fill them in a new way. The more oxygen they get, the better.

Ideally, about 30-40% of the total lung volume should enter the lungs. Of course, it is almost impossible to exhale 100% of the air from the lungs, and at the maximum exhalation you will just get those same 30-40%. That is why try to exhale as much air as you run - this way you will ensure good ventilation of the lungs and reduce the degree of oxygen starvation of the body during aerobic exercise.

Rule 4. Breathe regularly

Breathing should not be confused, and the ideal breathing rhythm is one inhalation and one exhalation for three to four steps when running slowly, and one inhalation and exhalation for one or two steps when running at medium intensity. As for sprinting, there are no iron rules here, it becomes more difficult to follow them under such high loads. In this case, you should rely on intuition and breathe depending on the needs of the body.

Rule 5: Get your breath back after running.

After exercise while running, breathing tends to quicken. To bring it back to normal, there are a number of recommendations. First, immediately after running, it is necessary not to stop the load, but to change it to a less intense one, for example, slow running or fast walking. Secondly, you can rearrange the breathing technique in such a way that the inhalation goes through the nose, and the exhalation through the mouth. Finally, you can make wide swings with your arms, which will also help you quickly restore your breathing to a normal rhythm.

Rule 6

Finally, the last rule that will help you breathe correctly and in an even rhythm is regular and frequent jogging. Thanks to them, the body will be able to adapt to running, and your lung capacity will increase. As a result, at high loads you will be able to get more oxygen, which will improve endurance and performance.

Ideally, running breathing technique should take into account all 6 rules, however, for beginners, this can be an overwhelming task, especially when it comes to breathing rate. In this case, it is better to reduce the running speed, and increase the intensity from training to training, so that

No one will dispute the benefits of physical activity for health, however, when performing physical exercises, it is important not to overdo it. This is especially true for people suffering from certain diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is important to monitor the pulse during physical exertion, as well as monitor the respiratory rate and general well-being. It is also necessary to know how to recover from physical exertion so as not to feel tired.

Physical activity for health and control of their intensity

There are two methods of controlling physical activity: medical and independent. Before starting regular physical training, it is useful to consult with your doctor, cardiologist and physiotherapy doctor in order to choose the right individual complex of physical activity. It is important to know the condition of your spine and joints, because many seemingly innocent exercises can lead to serious consequences.

If you are young and healthy (20-25 years old), then move, load and have fun. Everyday physical activity will provide you with muscle strength, ligament elasticity, bone strength, a reliable immune system, a good condition of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

If you are over 30 years old and have not exercised in recent years, then a medical examination is necessary, especially if the following abnormalities occur:

  • high blood pressure;
  • a history of heart attacks;
  • severe shortness of breath during physical exertion;
  • heart disease or early death from cardiovascular disease in parents (men under 55, women under 65);
  • attacks of headaches or dizziness;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, anemia, etc.).

For men over 35-40 years old and women over 50 years old, even in the absence of complaints, an electrocardiographic examination is mandatory not only at rest, but also during physical activity to detect latent coronary insufficiency.

Patients with coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension who regularly engage in physical activity require systematic and thorough medical monitoring using a stress test with physical activity.

Normal and maximum heart rate during exercise

Clinical examination(life history, sports history, examination, palpation, auscultation, measurement of blood pressure and heart rate).

Anthropometric examination(height, body weight, waist circumference, lung capacity, measurement of fat component).

Functional examination(exercise tolerance, functional class) Additional examinations of the patient are necessary in case of deterioration of health and after breaks in classes due to illness. You can not engage in physical education during an acute illness, including a cold, and during an exacerbation of a chronic illness. When resuming classes, it is recommended to reduce the usual loads by half and gradually bring them to the previously reached level.

The pulse during physical exertion must first be checked before training. The heart rate during physical exertion 10 minutes after completion may be 10-25% more than the initial one (for example, before training - 72 beats / min; after - 90 beats / min, that is, 25% more). For the elderly and untrained people, the maximum heart rate during physical exertion can be 10 - 14 bpm higher than the original data.

"Conversation test" during physical activity:

  • can speak fluently - increase the intensity;
  • speak briefly, breathing deeply between phrases - such a load corresponds to your functional status;
  • able to say only 1-2 words, and then you can hardly catch your breath - a clear overstrain.

The pulse is counted in the morning at rest while lying in bed. Normally, daily fluctuations in the pulse do not exceed 2-5 beats / min. If the fluctuations in the pulse are unstable and exceed this value, then the body is chronically overtired.

orthostatic test. The pulse is counted first in the supine position, then - 1 minute after lifting. With good adaptation, the difference in normal heart rate during physical exertion should not exceed 8-10 bpm. A difference of 15-20 strokes is satisfactory; >20 - a sign of overtraining, or detraining, or dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

Normal sound sleep, good health and mood are indicators of a properly selected training intensity.

Diary of heart rate and respiration control during physical exertion

In the diary of monitoring the intensity of physical activity, indicators of an objective and subjective nature are entered, which are valuable information for medical control, self-control and optimal choice physical training programs. special attention deserves in the diary of self-control of the graph "violations of the regime." This information will help explain changes in other indicators of self-monitoring. Regime violations can mean non-standard situations, such as stress, a sleepless night before an exam, smoking, alcohol, overeating, etc. The last three must be strictly controlled in order to physical training were complete and rejuvenating.

Smoking people engaged in health-improving physical education get tired faster, endure stress harder, and get sick more often. The destructive effect of nicotine on all body systems leads to the fact that, in combination with smoking, intense training can lead to the development of cardiac complications.

With alcohol abuse, there is a deterioration in performance, which is associated with a decrease in the function of all body systems that provide physical activity. Even small doses of alcohol greatly increase the risk of injury during training due to poor coordination and slower motor response.

Once you have learned to control your condition during training, it is important to learn how to properly recuperate in order to avoid overexertion.

Diary of self-control:

self control Date of observation
6.08.09 (rest)
Body weight, kg (1 time per week) 62 - -
Waist, cm (1 time per week) 70 - -
Arterial pressure, mm Hg Art.
  1. at rest
  2. 10 minutes after training
  1. 120/80
  2. 140/100
  1. 110/80
  2. 135/90
Pulse, bpm
  1. at rest
  2. at load height
  3. 10 minutes after training
Type of load run rhythm.
Duration, min 30 - 45
Load tolerance satisfactory - choir,
Pain No sore leg muscles No
well-being good good ex.
Dream 8 o'clock, strong 8 o'clock, strong full-fledged
Regime violations No No No

Recovery of the body: how to recover after physical exertion

To recover from physical exertion, it is recommended to take a shower. The action of the shower is determined by the temperature of the water and the force of its pressure. There are rain, needle, circular, jet showers that have a different massaging effect. On average, the duration of a warm shower is 3-5 minutes, a cold shower is 2-3 minutes.

Baths with a water temperature of 35-370 C are an effective procedure for restoring the body after physical exertion. They contribute to the regulation of the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, reduce muscle tone, and improve metabolic processes. To enhance the effect in baths add sea ​​salt(15-30 g/l), coniferous extract (60-100 g/l), medicinal herbs(mint, chamomile, oregano, mixtures of herbs). The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes.

As a result correct use Bath procedures restore the pulse after physical exertion, stimulate blood circulation, respiration, metabolic processes, increase flexibility and mobility of the joints. The bath is effective for pain in the joints and muscles associated with overload. The action of the bath depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, the time spent in the steam room. In a Russian bath, the humidity is 80-100% at a temperature of 50-700 C. In a Finnish sauna, the air humidity does not exceed 25% at a temperature of 90-1300 C. It is more easily tolerated by children, the elderly, patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Losing up to 1.5 liters of sweat, there is a quick recovery after physical exertion, you get rid of unnecessary toxins. drenched cold water or wiping yourself with snow after a steam room, you harden your body. The healing effect of the bath will be only in the case when the thermal load corresponds to the capabilities of the body.

Water procedures have hygienic, hardening and regenerating effects. After water procedures there should be a pleasant feeling of warmth, cheerfulness and good health. They allow you to relieve fatigue and increase efficiency.

To restore breathing after physical exertion, it is recommended to take a deep breath through the nose, hold your breath for 2 seconds, and then exhale the air through your mouth with short intermittent movements.

Another means of recovery after physical exertion is massage, which has a healing agent. Under the influence of massage, the supply of tired muscles with oxygen improves and nutrients, they are easier to get rid of slags. An increase in muscle elasticity increases the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus.

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