How to restore your breath during running. Control and recovery after physical training

Encyclopedia plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The main task of breathing is the saturation of the organism cells with oxygen and regulation of the energy balance in the body. All organs and systems participate in oxygen exchange. The better than breathing, the higher our life potential.

However, the low-supporting leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, to the loss of energy, and the body perceives this as a call for aging.

Full breath is:
Full breathing so that the oxygen is enough for all organism cells;
short-term breathing delay so that the cells of the lungs manage to "grab" it, and the blood system delivered it to each cell;
Full exhalation to the last molecule to save the body from the products of the vital cells of the cells (yes, do not be surprised, the cells do the same as all living beings).

Simply put, this is a harmonious alternation of saturation with short starvation. Did you think about your breath? Not? Perhaps it will be interesting to know that the lack of oxygen does not allow the cells and the intercellular fluids to completely free themselves from the slags - here is the fatigue, the decline, depression, the pain of incomprehensible origin, etc. trouble. Life in the city and work in the office (driving) do not contribute to full breathing, which means that energy is saturated. However, there are no such problems with regular sports. If you are not from their number, then it's time to start recovery with simple respiratory gymnastics - it not only charges energy, but will save from flu and seasonal cold.

Respiratory techniques and techniques There are a great set. The most famous: holotropic breathing, pranayama, gymnastics Strelnoye, Gymnastics Buteyko, breathing with the help of simulators. Some are quite complicated in the development, for others you need special conditions or presence of a match coach. In this case, techniques, methods, methods and equipment are used different, but the secret is that the result is always positive.

Therefore, let's take place here with several simple breathing methods. They will use you.

1. With any work, a breather is absolutely necessary. Someone makes smoking, and we will make a breathing.

Right position (I.P.): standing or sitting straightening the back, relax the abdominal muscles, back. Now the semicircular movement is gently pulling the shoulders up and backward, relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders. The chin is kept directly (if you put it on the back of the brush, then the brush will be parallel to the floor) or slightly up. Pose is stable and gives confidence. In this position, the energy moves along the spine freely.

They climbed the fingers of the hands in the castle, on the inhalation on the account once-twoenergetically raise hands, turning palms up; on exhalation on account three four Also energetically lower them to the chest level. We repeat 5-10 times - this "charge" will be enough for one or two hours.

Before the open window, the effect will increase once in 10, as in the room the air "dirtier" than on the street, as a result of use in the finish and in the interior of synthetic materials.

2. The stress situation has become the usual phenomenon of our life. Let's teach remove tensioneasy and easy.

We accept I.P. And on account time - inhale, at the expense two - Relief of breathing, at the expense three four - Exhale. Repeat until the heartbeat is aligned, and then breathe evenly. On the three accounts inhale, a slight delay, and on three Explosion accounts are breathing for a regular calm state. Respiratory control will allow you to distract, calm down and solve the problem without emotions.

3. Take the situation when it is necessary quickly recharge energy: Before the speech, when you meet when you feel fear and fear. This method will give courage and determination.

So, begin. I.P., at the expense once-two - in-oh-oh, on three - delay, on four - Exhale. In-oh-oh - delay - exhale. The cycle needs to be repeated at least 3 times, but better 5-8 times. You can and 10 minutes if dizziness is not embarrassed. It is like charging the battery: longer charge - we use more.

4. The method that in the cold season will help to warm upfaster than hot tea.

Standing in I.P., inhale deeply deeply and on the breath's delay quickly make circular movements with your hands forward for 40-60 seconds. Let us dwell, restore your breath. And again deeply inhaling, driving breathing and now rotate hands in the opposite direction. Lightweight is a heat factory: in frost we inhale the air of the negative temperature, and exhale its constant temperature of 36.6 degrees. Oxygen fasting and movement of hands "causes" lightly overclock with oxygen-saturated blood in all directions. Well, how - warmed? Perfectly!

5. Now let's try to master the way that helps unnoticed In a stuffy room, in the cabin, the car, the bus, in the metro wagon. We will cool the inhaled air due to the narrowing of the nasal passages by the movement of the nose muscles with sound, pumping the air through the nostrils. And exhale, relaxing the nose muscles. It is like a sip of cool water in the heat! I think you will like it, and the cores will save it from the attack of choking.

If it is so uncomplying to regularly train the inner muscles to the nostrils, then they will gradually strengthen and, if you hear a rather, you can easily lose such "glory", and if you suffer from rhinkers, it is very likely that you will get rid of them.

6. And finally, for the most decisive. If you have found the strength for the development of respiratory skills to climb on your own floor on foot or run in the morning - the honor of you and praise! On account once-two - inhale, at the expense three - Exhalation (without delay !!). This method when making a "feat" will allow you to "take off" to your floor or run a rather long distance without stopping. Just do not forget to stretch the muscles of the thighs and ICR to stretch the muscles, so that the next day, the crepe pains did not interfere with the repetition of the feat. And if the "smokers" did not have enough with unusual - increase the cycle by 2 times: inhale into 4 bills, we exhale 2 bills.

Senake the magic effect of the "session" of simple harvesting gymnastics? What are you willing to get from regular classes?

Energy, health and good mood! Forever and Ever!

The breath between approaches was lost and is not restored for the minute-one and a half, which is customary to rest between the sets? There is a simple exercise that helps a light and cardiovascular system quickly come back. Use!

The correct technique of performing exercises on the simulators and its importance in pumping the necessary muscles and the prevention of injuries has no matter anyone. However, in the interruptions between approaches athletes, everyone also continues to aimlessly stagger in the aisles between the simulators, noting that the breath is restored not as fast as I would like. And meanwhile there is a way to reduce breaks to a minimum, simply occupying the most physiologically correct position for recreation.

The effectiveness of the correct position in the intervals between approaches is not at all the next fitness myth.

During scientific experiments, it was proved that compared with the usual unhurried mischieving between the simulators, the right position of the body contributes to a faster slowdown in heart rate.

The heart rate decreases by an average of 20 shots per minute faster. Together with the slowdown in the heart rate, the load on the respiratory system is reduced, which allows you to quickly restore the normal rhythm and the depth of breath and exhale.

What is this position?

From the position, we lean forward, putting hands on your knees. It is for such a position that all coaches scolded athletes, claiming that they were bended, trying to breathe her and give the body only the finished lazy people. And meanwhile, the body itself knows that he needs to quickly recovery after the load.

According to scientists from the University of Washington, such a possession of physiological, allows you to quickly restore your breath with strength, which gives a significant advantage to the athlete during training and competitions.

If an athlete can restore forces faster than the opponent, he has much more opportunities to win. If the athlete is restored faster between sets, then it can significantly increase the efficiency of the training and achieve his goals for a shorter period. This is especially true of cardion loads and high-intensity interval training.

How it works?

Pose of recreation, which an athlete takes after the load affects the functioning of the respiratory and central nervous system:

  • the slope of the housing ahead and the support in the hands gives the body a signal to rest: the nervous system begins to slow down the generation of nerve pulses that regulate the heart rate and respiratory frequency;
  • in this position, due to the lower arrangement of the diaphragm and greater involvement in the process of breathing the muscles of the abdominal press, inhale becomes deeper, and the output is full and sharp, which accelerates the saturation of blood oxygen and the removal of excess carbon dioxide.

We should not believe the word. Just try and appreciate the result. Quick recovery will bring you only the advantages.

Run is considered one of the main and natural types of exercises. However, the right breathing when running is not always laid in us from nature. With incorrect breathing, you probably noticed how the turns are rapidly lost, fatigue appears and it is difficult to choose the right rhythm. Fortunately, learned to control the breath simply simply. You just need to know how to breathe when running, namely: learn how to maintain a permanent pace, breathe deeply and run to increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system.

1.1 Decide with running intensity

It is simply impossible to run constantly at the same speed, so you must learn to adjust your breath under the intensity of the workout. Suppose you will have a fast jogging of a coward or training for the marathon. If the training is simple, your breathing will be slower and close to normal, and as for complex and long-term occasions, here you will have to find a more structured approach so as not to eat too quickly.

  • It is very important to control the breath during complex occasions.
  • During short jogs and a light run of a coward, you can continue to breathe normally.

1.2 Set the rate of breathing in steps

During the run, count your steps and see what rhythm it turns out. Your goal should be to synchronize your breathing with the pace of running. Imagine that every step is "bit", and then decide for yourself how much "bit" must be inhaled and exhale. That way you must learn to keep your breath when running.

  • Group your steps in a set of 4 "bits", which will help mentally follow your rhythm. 1-2-3-4 Interpreted as left leg, right leg, left leg, right leg.

1.3 Synchronize breathing with steps

Now, when you dealt with the rhythm of running, use your steps to maintain proper breathing when running. Many routing coaches recommend the pace "2-2" for running moderate intensity and when quick walking, it means that you inhale your nose to account 2 (1 step with left foot, 1 step with right foot), and then exhale through 2 accounts. For more complex occasions, it is recommended to use temp 3-2 when running long distances to feel better and inhale more oxygen, or use the rate 2-1 to accelerate breathing.

  • Experts do not always agree that it is necessary to make a longer breathing or exhalation. Do the way you are comfortable.
  • Faster respiratory rate, such as 2-1, is perfect for high-intensity jerks, such as sprint, for example.

1.4 Change your breath as intensity changes

Change your breath so that it corresponds to the running tempo. As you start tired and slowing down, the same should happen with breathing, it should be deeper and slower. And vice versa, when you accelerate or want to work well, accelerate the rate of breathing to get more oxygen and keep performance at an optimal level.

  • Do not slow down breathing too much. It is very important to maintain endurance so that in the body circulated fresh air.

2. How to properly breathe when running: Proper technique

2.1 Breathe through your mouth

Unlike normal respiration, when the run should be inhaled and exhaled only through the mouth. The reason for this is that with such breathing more oxygen and faster enters the lungs. Slightly open the mouth and breathe deeply and controlled. Try not to breathe during the running often or hard and do not disclose the mouth too much at fatigue.

  • If you notice that you start to fall, or slow down your breath, or choose such a pace of breathing, which you can control. Difficult or rapid breathing is a symptom of fatigue and bad breathing control.
  • You have to breathe when running on any distance is strong enough to hear yourself during running.

2.2 breathe belly, not breast

When a person breathes, on the breath, the chest rises, and the exhale is descended as the lungs are expanding and narrowed. Breast breathing limited ribs and chest. Instead, try to breathe a stomach so that when inhaling the stomach is filled forward. This is the so-called "diaphragmal breathing" when the diaphragm is strifted, which allows you to make a deeper breath.

  • To learn to breathe a belly, protrude it on inhale forward as if you imagine yourself fat.
  • The diaphragmal breathing gives an easy space for expansion, only not to the side, and down.

2.3 Get the maximum from each breath and exhalation

Breathing should be part of the running technology, and not by a by-product of fatigue. Each time inhale, try to capture as much fresh oxygen as much as possible. Exhale how the remnants of carbon dioxide are followed by the next breath. Oxygen serves as fuel when running, so try to get it in sufficient quantity.

  • Too frequent breathing leads to a decrease in the rate of running, as the body begins to test oxygen starvation.

2.4 Do not delay your breath

When you are at the peak of fatigue, it is very easy to forget about breathing, but breathing delays can only aggravate your condition. Remind yourself that you need to breathe when running constantly, and try to find the right rhythm of breathing in accordance with your races. Slow down the rampage and allow you to easily catch up. The worst thing that the runner can do is burn oxygen, without restoring it at the same time.

  • If you breathe loudly, it will help you keep your breath.
  • Breathing control is a good skill for the average runner. Experienced runners, as a rule, delay their breath to focus on the running technique.

3. How to run and breathe when running: learning more efficient breathing method

3.1 "Preheat" as it should

The better you will disperse, the easier it is for oxygen to circulate on blood flow. Always spend the warm-up before running. Fright thighs, knees and ankles for 5 minutes, at least. Move as it follows that the heart began to beat more often, and blood flow faster. To prepare the lungs to hard work, during the warm-up it is recommended to perform slow and deep respiratory gymnastics.

  • The warm-up relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation, which will allow to deliver oxygen to different parts of the body faster.
  • A good warm-up makes it easier and helps prevent injury.

3.2 Run more often

If you often lack breathing during running, then most likely you are not in shape. Perhaps it is worth adding a few more workouts on the run and turn on the power exercises, stretching exercise or any other exercises. Do not drag yourself during such training, give yourself time. Improve the state of the cardiovascular system gradually and over time you can cast longer and intense distances.

  • If you are new to run, it is worth starting with small and moving slowly. Start walking and more walking, then run the coward, increase the speed from the workout to the training on a little bit, and soon you can withstand the load even when the long distance runs.
  • You will notice that the more you run, the easier it is to breathe.

3.3 Keep your breath

As soon as you learn correct breath during running, you can control the pace and quality of breathing. Deep and regular breathing should be in priority. At first, it will distract you from running, but as soon as you are comfortable, thoughts about how to breathe and how to count and how to count, go to the background, and your productivity will increase at times. Proper breathing during running is one of the leading skills of a good runner.

  • My advice, be sure to take notes after each race, namely: pay attention to the length of the distance, the intensity of the run and how different respiratory techniques affect your performance, speed and well-being.

3.4 Do what seems natural

If some pace or some of the respiratory techniques do not fit you, try to choose what will work for you. Synchronization of breathing with the tempo of running brings visible fruits quickly enough, but if something is worth changing or adjusting, do it, relying on your well-being, opportunities, abilities, running style and the level of physical training.

  • Listen to your body. If something seems difficult or brings discomfort, it is possible to try something else or find another way.


I have breathing problems when running for 2 km. What should I do to learn to control your breath?

Good question. 2 km is a relatively small distance. I suggest you focus on exhale and coordinate him with a leg step, or rather with each second leg step. After the breath, exhale so much as possible. You need to practice a lot to learn to breathe correctly. Try running for longer distances to make sure you are in the desired form to run 2 km. The more you run, the faster your breath will configure the right rhythm.

What exercise helps reduce shortness of breath?

Focus on deep, controlled breathing during running. When you start feeling fatigue, reduce the rate of running and adjust your breathing under it. Try to get a maximum of each breath and exhalation.

Why, after physical activity, I have a shortness of breath and there is not enough breathing?

It is absolutely normal. A large physical activity contributes to greater absorption of oxygen by the organism. When you intercepted your breath, slow down the ramp of the run and give your easy opportunity to catch up. After workout, try to keep your breath under control so that the body will receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and do not forget to drink.

If I run very quickly, how to learn to control the breath on the treadmill?

Practice to start at home. Start with a slow rate of running and adjust your breath to this tempo. As soon as you succeed, increase the speed and breathe through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

When synchronizing breathing with steps than your steps, the faster there will be breathing. If you are a sprinter and just run with small steps, it means that the rhythm of your breathing will be very fast.
Try to keep your breath more or less constant and uniform, even if you practice various rates of running.

Stay relaxed. The voltage leads to an unnecessary waste of energy and may cause an involuntary breathing delay.

Do not bother on trifles, otherwise it will complicate both run and breathing. Let everything go on their own man, listen to your intuition, she will tell me what is better.


If during the race you felt weakness, dizziness or your breathing has become short and intermittent, immediately stop. Most likely you are exhausted. Move with your hands in different directions to resume blood circulation at the top of the body. If after 10-15 minutes of rest you did not make it easier, immediately consult a doctor.

Do not overgrow your body. Make as much as you can. Increase the load gradually. Strive for more, but with comfort for yourself.

What is useful to run: 10 reasons to start running

The correct physical exertion is the key to the fact that the recovery after training almost all the muscles will be faster. Although no less important behavior at the time of rest from classes. It is impossible to completely neglect, otherwise the result will be only chronic fatigue and stress for the body. Read more about how to restore the muscles after training, you will learn below.

Muscle restoration after training

The training itself is a stress for muscles. During the exercise, they receive microes, stretching. Their body begins to gradually heal. In general, the restoration of the muscles after the workout takes place in four stages:

  1. Fast. Continues for half an hour after training. During this period, the pulse frequency will be restored. The content of such stress hormones such as insulin, adrenaline, cortisol becomes normal. The reserves of fast "energy" consumed during training - ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen are also replenished.
  2. Slow, or compensation. Reparation of damaged cells and tissues begins. Here is synthesized protein with amino acids and enzymes. It is very important that these nutrients come from still out, therefore, at this stage, carbohydrate products use sports nutrition to restore forces.
  3. Supercompensation, or super standardization. It comes 2-3 days from the last workout, has a duration of about 5 days. It is largely similar to the previous phase, but here the muscle fibers thicken in order to be the opportunity to withstand the volume of loads. During this period there should be the next training, because after it the body returns to the initial state.
  4. Delayed recovery after training. If there is no new load, then the whole previous work was done in vain. The muscles will return to the treadmill level, which is characteristic of the usual lifestyle without a gym.

Muscle recovery time after training

There is a direct dependence that connects the speed of muscle recovery with their magnitude. The supercompensation period may differ. For example, biceps are restored for 48 hours. Breast muscles need 3 days, and backs or feet - as many as 5 days. The calculation of the deadlines of supercompensation is individual. Accurate answer to the question how many muscles are restored after training, it is impossible to give. If they hurt, then the recovery stage has not yet ended. An indicator here is an increase in working weight. In the absence of progress, rest is prolonged for 1-2 days.

Muscle recovery nutrition

One of the important criteria in successful muscle recovery is balanced nutrition. It can be represented simply a competently composed daily diet, although professional sports care is often used in bodybuilding. Muscle recovery products should be predominantly protein, with animal origin. At this time, carbohydrates are important - without them, feeling after training will be much worse.

More is needed water. It reduces the load on the heart and the muscles themselves. In addition, it reduces the temperature, which is important for recovery. It is very useful in this case green tea enriched with antioxidants. The following products are needed:

  • fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • fats obtained from whole sources, such as nuts or avocado, fish, vegetable or flaxseed oil;
  • products enriched with potassium - potatoes, bananas.

Muscle recovery ointment

Very often, many athletes use muscle recovery ointment. Its action lies in anesthesia, reducing inflammatory processes, reducing edema. There are ointments with warming or, on the contrary, cooling effect. Among the most effective are the following:

  • Apizartron;
  • Viprosal;
  • balsam Sanitas;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Heparoid;
  • Efalkon;
  • Nicoflex.

Muscle recovery drugs

There are different preparations for muscle recovery. Three main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Plastic. Help the synthesis of proteins and cell rehabilitation, prevent the state of overtraining. This includes carnitine drugs, Lipocerebrin, Kobamimide, orotat potassium.
  2. Adaptogens and general consensus. Protect sustainability to sharp physical exertion, improves performance.
  3. Energy. Accelerate the replenishment of spent resources. These are methionine, glutamic acid, Panangin, aspark.

How to understand that the muscles recovered

Only feelings help to accurately understand that the muscles recovered. The pain may not be felt on the first day, but the second often becomes strong. At this time, the body is only going with the forces. The next day discomfort decreases again, but at the voltage is still felt. When he almost stops feeling, it means that the recovery almost ended.

Respiratory recovery after exercise

The permissible pulse value is 75 shots per minute after a couple of hours after load. How to reduce it immediately after workout or when resting between exercises? It is recommended to perform slow breaths and exhalations in a position with an emphasis on your knees. So the pulse frequency is reduced by 22 impact. There is another embodiment of respiratory after exercise. It is necessary to straighten up, put his hands behind the head and breathe calmly. This method, how to quickly recover after training is less effective compared to the first. Although it will be easier to get enough.

CNS restoration after training

If energy, muscles and hormonal background have already managed to come back, then the restoration of the central nervous system after training can take much longer. The symptoms of its exhaustion are the decline of strength and mood, the lack of progress and reluctance to go to the hall. What to avoid this is necessary with a periodicity of 1.5-2 months to give the body a vacation for 1-1.5 weeks. Recommended sometimes and change the principles of training.

Restore forces after training

The main factor of the full recovery of forces after training is the rest. Most athletes in this case are enough of only 1-2 days without exercise. At this time, it is important to adhere to the full nutrition, drink the required amount of water, follow sleep mode. So that the process of replenishing the forces passed easier and faster, it is important and correct to finish the training. It is impossible to do it sharply. Training must end with a catch, i.e. Loads in the form of stretching the upper and lower parts of the body or light cardio.

How to recover after training

Accent when recovery should be not so much at speed as on productivity. Permanent lack of rest can cause overtraining. This state is when the load injures the body much more than he can recover. The lack of desire to engage already says that you do not have time to relax. Many events recovery after workout help - a contrast shower, a sauna or a hot tub, food, including sports additives, high-quality sleep, outdoor walks, massage and even listening to your favorite music.

Hot bath after training

As a soft cardio or simply an active view, a sauna or a hot tub after workout. They enhance blood circulation, lightly load the cardiovascular system, and all the others, on the contrary, relax. It is recommended to add to the bath near the sea salt. It makes it easier for muscle pain and helps to withdraw all toxins. Taking a bath is only 20-30 minutes.

Sports nutrition for recovery

Do not forget about sports nutrition for recovery after training. It is intended to purposefully supply the organism by amino acids. After classes, you must accept:

  • BCAA - 3-5 g to suppress the destruction of muscle tissues;
  • glutamine - 3-4 g for energy production and activation of growth hormone synthesis;
  • creatine - 2-3 g for the complete restoration of the spent creatine phosphate;
  • whey protein - about 20 g for women and 30 g for men to accelerate and optimize regenerative processes.

Sleep after training

Evidence of the replenishment of forces is a strong healthy sleep after training. Fatigue can be expressed in weakness in the afternoon, especially in his first half. At night, the dream remains restless. For recovery, it is necessary to sleep on 7-8, and even 9 hours a day. It is important to observe and the same time of awakening and waste to sleep, for example, get up at 7 am and falling at 10 pm. Sleep immediately after the training is not recommended. The body needs to give the time to cool.

Vitamins for recovery after training

A special place when filling the forces after intensive trainings occupy vitamin preparations. Without them, rehabilitation deteriorates and raises the risk of disease. Calls to help in this situation such complexes, like Witrum, Oligimit, complivit and Undevit. Vitamins for recovery after training can be any, but in their composition must be attended:

Restoration after intensive training

The purpose of breathing restoration exercises is: to teach children to relax and restore the body after exercise and emotional arousal; Adjust the process of respiration, focus on it to control the relaxation of its body and psyche.



Breathing restoration exercises


I. P. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands raise through the sides - inhale through the nose, omit down, exhale and say: ka-ka-re-ku!


I. p. Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands raised up, palms and fingers form a small ball. Inhale through the nose, exhale, lips - tube, hands fall through the sides, form a big ball.

"Splashing underwear with water"

A deep breath, imitation of water splashing on lingerie: P-R-R-R, P-R-R-R, P-R-R-R. ..


I. n. Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands up through the side up - inhale through the nose, omit down, exhale and say: U-g.u-gu, U-gu ...!

"Rubym Firewood"

I. p. Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands raise up, we connect to the castle - inhale through the nose, omit sharply down, exhale and pronounce: Oh! Oh! Oh!


Moving in the column with each other, or standing on the spot, legs on the width of the shoulders. Inhale through the nose, hands up through the sides up, omit and say: Tu-Tu-U-U-U-y ...


Moving in the column each other, the hands are bent in the elbows, or standing on the spot, legs on the width of the shoulders. Inhale through the nose, hands promote ahead of the circular movements and say: Chuh-Chukhi ...

"Flower smell"

It is necessary to imagine that you inhale the aroma of a beautiful flower, which grows in the meadow. It is necessary to make a noisy slow breath in the nose, and breathe mouth.

"Trip to elevator"

It is necessary to imagine that you eat in the elevator and declare the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice. We go first from the first to the ninth, and then on the contrary.

"Wake up a candle"

  • Make one big breath and immediately breathe all the air "Wake up a large candle";
  • Make one big breath and exhale three small exhalations "Play three candles";
  • Make one big breath and slowly blow up a lot of candles on your birthday cake.

"Exhale with the score"

Take a deep breath, pronounceing the patter:

How on a hill on the hill

Stand 33 Echorks:

in exhale, consider until the air is run:

OK York, two Egorka, three Egork ...

"Bake on the snowflake"

It is necessary to imagine that fluffy snow falls, you can put easy music. We stretch the palm to one, then in the other side, we catch a snowflake on my palm and blow it down.

"Snow in the snow"

The teacher offers to put a piece of cotton (or Pyryshko) on his palm and pour on it.

"The ball burst"

Children join the hands of hands in a small lump. Slowly do inhale and pronounce:

Inflation quickly ball

He becomes big.

Suddenly the ball burst,

The air came out,

He became thin and thin.

When exhaling, I say the sound: S-C-S-S-C-C ...


Children are squatting, cross the turning out and publish the sound: Sh-sh-sh-sh ...

Then move forward in squatting, hands depict the beak, publish sound: Ga-ga-ha ...

Turn in squatting around themselves, the wings-hands are folded behind the back: ha-ga-ha ...


I. n. Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands raise up, taking a breath. I exhale, lower your hands down, leaning and saying "ball".

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