Flower elves on your flower or everything you need to know about the Multician Goringe. Grass Hot Korean - Medicinal Plant: Photo, Description, Application

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

The root of the Goringe (Epimedium) in ancient China was used as an effective amplifier male potency. In fact, this product contains a whole range of vital healing substances, thanks to which rhizome has a general health influence on the human body, helps to get rid of a number of diseases and problems.

Indications for use

Goricing root - a proven treatment for treatment:

  • climax. During the period of women's menopause, the root of the Goringe normalizes arterial pressure and stimulates the release of endorphins, as a result, the mood rises and the well-being is improved;
  • impotence reduced sexual entraints in men. Hot - the plant, which is most often used to normalize the sexual function of men. The use of means from the Gorianka stimulates the sensory nerves, due to which the sexual activity increases, the production of healthy and productive sperms increases. Also, this plant normalizes the secretion of male sex hormone - testosterone;
  • infertility (male, female).

Beneficial features

The rhizomes of the Gorianka have the following impact on the human body:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • exciting. The root increases libido, improves erectile fucement;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasteransior;
  • antibacterial;
  • cleansing. Regular reception of drug-based drugs contributes to the elimination of toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • stimulating reproductive function.
  • accelerates mental processes, improves memory, increases attentiveness


As in other parts of the plant, in the root of the Gorianka contains a complex of useful substances:

  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • ikariya - Flavonoid, which contributes to the growth of muscles and strengthen bone tissue, and also has a viagraphic effect.

Mode of application

Epimedium root can be brewed as an ordinary tea drink. For this, 1 tsp. The crushed root is poured in a cup (250 ml) boiling water, withstand 20 minutes. The maximum daily dose of the roots is 15 g (about 3 tsp), an overdose may lead to unpleasant consequences: healing heartbeat, stomach disorder, etc.


Diseases of the thyroid gland, individual hypersensitivity, lactation, pregnancy.

Where can one buy

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Shelf life - 3 (three) years from the date of manufacture, indicated on the package.

Storage conditions: at room temperature.

Manufacturer: Korea General Mannyon Health Corporation.

Manufacturer's address: Chongryu №2, Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR of Korea.

Is I. stochnocides of flavonoids and their glycosides (mainly icy).

Little Korean in Chinese and Korean folk medicine From ancient times, it was used as aphrodisiac and under sexual impotence. The plant was appointed both men and women in sexual dysfunctions, a decrease in libido and infertility. It turns out that this magic plant is in demand and today as a natural substitute for Viagra.

If you believe an ancient legend, the plant with unusual properties was first discovered by a Chinese shepherd, who was observed for the behavior of a goat flock. Once on the field with the Gorianka, the sexual activity of animals increased dramatically. It is due to its stimulating effect, the burning has become known in the world as the "lustful goat grass" (Horny Goat Weed -ang. , Hierba de Cabra en Celo - Sp. , Herbe Cornée de chèvre - Fr. ) Other, the more romantic name "Flower of Elf" Flowing in Europe Thanks to Beautiful and unusual form Flower.

Today, burning Korean is very rare plantwhich is found in Japan, China, Korea. In our country, it grows only in several reserved areas of the Primorsky Territory and is even listed in the Red Book.

In the leaves of the Gorianka contains a whole complex of biologically active substances of different chemical composition. Perhaps the most popular and detailed studied from them is flavonoidikarin. This is a substance improves erectile function And the quality of sperm, increases sexual activity and libido, stimulates reproductive functions.

As Italian scientists proved, the action of Ikarius is the same mechanism as a widely known drug to improve potency. But, unlike Viagra, Ikarindoes not have side effectsSince it acts selectively on the desired enzyme (phosphodiesterase-5), which contributes to the improvement of blood flow in the sexual member and the successful restoration of natural erection.

Indeed, in the experiments on animals, the extract of the historic did not increase blood pressure, did not provoke problems with the heart and violations of vision. This means that it can safely apply men of any age, and the drugs based on Gorianka have every chance of becoming a new safe "vegetable Viagra" or "Novagra". Moreover, according to the cost natural extract of Korean, Korean is much more accessible compared to the synthetic preparation.

On the other hand, not only men suffer from sexual disorders. According to statistics, more than a third of women have certain sexual dysfunctions. Among them, a decrease in sensitivity and sexual attraction, the inability to achieve orgasm and many others ...

It turned out to be a historic extract will beuseful for women. It acts like a genital hormone and is able to stimulate its own sex glands (gonadotropic action), increasing sexual activity and attraction to opposing semi. Not only in men, but in women, the women aggravates and stimulates the sensitivity of nerve endings, supports sexual desire and the overall tone of the body. Mountaining extract can be used in women as a therapeutic agent in disabilities of the menstrual cycle, infertility, inflammatory processes in a small pelvis.

The plant will be very useful for ladies more mature age. Hotels helps to cope with the emerging agent age deficit, it slows down the natural fuss of the hormonal function of the ovaries and contributes to the extension of sexual youth. So the reception of the extract of Gorianka will allow a woman to remain desirable for many years.

Moreover, experiments show the ability of icy to stop the destruction of bone tissue and even contribute to its restoration and strengthening. So burningprevents the development of osteoporosis In women during Klimaks, it struggles with both lifts of blood pressure during this period of life.

But this is not all the advantages of the Gorianka. Scientists in the experiments identified a huge number of useful effects of biologically active substances from the extract of the historic for the body. For example, Ikarinimproves metabolism and oxygen transport to tissues, promotes growth muscular mass- and therefore applied by athletes instead of dangerous anabolic drugs.

Ikarin reliably protects the liver from damage to toxins and medicines (hepatoprotective action),promotes blood sugar normalization and improving microcirculation. The beneficial action has hot on nervous system: Prevents death nerve cells, improves memory and attention, acts asantidepressant.

Korean Mountaining Extractfighting hypoxy, radiation and free radical damage to fabrics (Antioxidant, radioprotective and antihypoxic effect), contributes to the removal of excessive fluid from the bloodstream and reduces blood pressure, stimulates immunity and even possesses antitumor protection.

Despite the rarity of the plant, drugs from Goreanka today are available to everyone. Natural100% Korean Mainic Extract Produced in the form of a biologically active additive to food - source of flavonoids. The drug is safe, all tests have passed for compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in our country. It is used daily for 1/3 tsp. (about 2 g) dissolved in 600 ml of warm water, 200 ml x 3 times a day during meals.

TIVAGEAGE: Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Medicinal plant, strengthening the urinary system. Aphrodisiac plant.

Properties of the plant:

Frame grows in Japan, China, Korea. The main active substance is Flavonoid Ikarin, which improves the work of the reproductive and urinary system, both in men and women, in eastern medicine It is considered to be effective tool Treating gynecological and male diseases.

  • Normalizes the work of the kidneys and urination, helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Normalizes blood pressure, because it dilutes blood, expands blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Due to its properties, ignite blood is a means of preventing infarction, strokes and many other diseases that are accompanied by blood thickening;
  • Improves blood circulation in vessels and capillaries, due to which it has a positive effect on the liver, kidney and reproductive system;
  • Improves potency in men, warns premature ejaculation, increases sensuality and desire for women;
  • Rejuvenates and prevents the formation of wrinkles, saves normal humidity skin;
  • Eliminates dizziness, decay, fatigue and stress, acts as an antidepressant, improves memory and attention; It has a lining and toning property.

For men It is natural viagra - improves an erectile function, and also contributes to the growth of muscle mass, increases the level of testosterone, improves bone tissue strength, improves the mood.

Among women Mountaining extract is used in the menstrual disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, inflammatory processes in a small pelvis. Improves the function of the ovaries, normalizes the hormonal background. Prevents the development of osteoporosis and tides, normalizes the pressure during the climax.


mountaining extract 100%


Dilute 1/3 teaspoon of extract (750 mg) in 1/2 cup of water or any drink and drink. Eat in the first half of the day! Take 1-2 times a day. For the health and improvement of the total tone, take 1 time per day or every other day, athletes can be taken 2 times a day.


As an aphrodisiac manifests itself on 5-7 days of admission: men begin to feel the improvement of potency, women begin to increase libido. To achieve a persistent wellness effect, a course reception is required.

within 4 weeks reception every day, then 10 days break. With prostate, to improve potency, with gynecological violations it is recommended to take three months, further continue as necessary. With a daily one-time reception of one bottle, it is enough for about 15-20 days.

Side effects in overdose:

extremely rare, practically no found. In rare cases, tachycardia is possible, excessive excitability and aggressiveness.


individual intolerance, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding period, it is required to consult a doctor.


10: 1 (10 kg of raw materials spent on 1 kg of extract). Used raw material: stem and leaf.

Packaging:bottle with a spoon, net weight: 15

Little large-flowered - a perennial evergreen plant. Hot Epimedium grows in South-East Asia and Eastern Europe, in countries such as China, Japan North Korea, Croatia and Turkey. Rights in Russia - in the Primorsky Territory.

The national name is no coincidence - the plant prefers a hilly terrain and forests in the mountains.
Mountaining extract is used in medicine. Medical properties Mountaining large-flowered helps in the fight against diseases of the urogenital system, with high arterial pressure, with infertility and men's impotence, with pain in the joints.

This plant is used not only in therapeutic purposesBut for the decoration of the gardens.

Little Large-flowered - Perennial garden plant. Belongs to the barberry family. In the family there are more than 50 species.

The plant has a strong, long, creeping rhizome with a lot of branches. The leaves of the Goringe predominantly roasting, dense and leathery. From how the leaves are located, the plant density depends. In different varieties, leaves can be winter-depleted, leaf fall and semi-offelen.

Fireball is herbate plant For open soil, which has no stem.
Flowers in Epimedium are small and beautiful, white, yellow or purple, depending on the variety. Blossom is predominantly in May.

Types and varieties

Epimedium Youngianum Roseum.

The genus epimedium has more than 50 species. The most common among gardeners: burning Korean, hot colorful, large-flowered burning, burning red beauty.

Epimedium Multicolored

Epimedium Multicolored - Hybrid of Kolchida and Large-flowered Goringe. Reaches 30-40 cm in height.


Hot large-flowered native from Japan. Most of Garden hybrids originated from this species. Height up to 30 cm. Flowers in May-June. In winter it is better to strengthen, as it can join.


Hot Korean grows in forests Far East, in a height of about 15 cm. The turns of this species loose, green foliage and thin. Flowers are large. Flowering in May, a duration of about 20 days. This forest plant is unpretentious and resistant to frost.


Hot red - hybrid of large-flowered and alpine mountaineers. The height reaches 35-40 cm. Dernin dense. The leaves are small, in the edges painted red. Buds are small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, pink and yellow flower. This species is most common in the gardens.

Hot red


Frame small - relatively recently open view. The height of this species reaches 25-30 cm. Named so due to the fact that the leaves are elongated and pointed. One of the main components is Ikariin, which acts as a Testosterone booster. Therefore, the extracts from the Goreanka are used by athletes and for the treatment of potency.


Little Collid - evergreen plant, which grows in the forests of Turkey and the Caucasus. Up to 30 cm high, forms a dense solid cover. The leaves are shiny, green, wintering. Flowers yellow. It blooms this species in May-June about 10-15 days.

Frame Colchida


Hot Warry - hybrid plant. Reaches up to 50 cm in height. Flowers are red, with a copper tint.

Hot Warry

Care and cultivation

Landing and care in open soil Flower burning is not complicated, but there are some nuances. It grows equally well both in the shade and in the sun. But in some species, for example, Varley, the leaves fade in the sun. And Collid is very good. In any case, the plant should not be subject to extreme conditions, better plant Place in half.
The soil should be fresh, sandy-dung or clay-dung, rich nutrient substances. Acidness must be observed neutral.

Despite the fact that this plant is unpretentious, you need to remember some of the peculiarities of the care. For example, before wintering roots, it is necessary to clicked by a compost (that is, to cover protective layer). Some species need to be covered with leaves to leave the leaves that should be removed in the spring. Immediately, as soon as it becomes snow, you need to trim the leaves. It will give new leaves and escape the opportunity to actively develop. It is worth remembering that frosts are devastating for young shoots.

You need to regularly loose soil. At the same time, be careful - do not damage the root system.


During the heat, the plant should be regularly watered, but not overdo it to prevent the root rotting.

Grass Mountains Large-flowered application in folk medicine

Decractions and infusions based on epimedium are used mainly to treat infertility and increase male potency. But that beneficial features This plant is not limited. Different types Help with osteoporosis, increased arterial pressure, diseases of the urogenital system.

Little large-flowered is used as aphrodisiac than the name "Green Viagra" deserved.

Little Korean in many ways duplicates the properties of the Gorianka large-flowered. Extracts from this species are used as a diuretic, for blood dilution, to reduce the uterus, improve blood flow into a small pelvis.

Natural Viagra

Acceptance of drugs with epimedium extract causes emission of adrenaline into blood, and also increases testosterone levels. This, in turn, causes sexual arousal and long-term erection. That is why Epimedium is also called "green Viagra". Less romantic Chinese is the name of the Goryanka "Grass of a Jewelful Goat". Unlike the synthetic preparation, the extracts of this plant are more harmless, although they have contraindications.

The consequences of the use of drugs in athletes

Mountaining extract causes active testosterone emission, which is responsible for muscle buildings. That is why B. last years Interest in this plant has grown multiple times. Acceptance of sports additives with epimedium extract causes both other hormones: norepinephrine, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine. They are responsible for improving metabolism and help more actively improve the body, which is especially important for athletes.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Like other means based on herbs, the Extract of Korean Mountains should be taken with caution. It is advisable to consult a doctor before receiving.

Absolute contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • problems with thyroid gland;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • childhood.

It is desirable to take herbal infusions separately from drugs, including homeopathic, as some substances can interact, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Extract of Korean Mountaining Epimedia

In stores you can buy a tincture of Korean Gorianka. This is biologically active additive And the medicine is not. Take an extract is needed 2-3 times a day, previously collecting 1-2 grams in a glass of warm water. One banks are enough for about 2 months of reception.


The historic extract consists of 100% of the grass of the Korean Gorianka, which includes cversidide, hyperin, flavon glucoside icy (21%), epimedoside, and ikariside, and alkaloids, steroids (beta-sitosterin) and steroid saponins.

Landing and reproduction

In order to plant an epimedium, you need to prepare the soil and place for landing. For low varieties, choose places under the trees, and high squeeze along the tracks or on the lawn. The soil should be loose and fertile with zero acidity. If the soil is on your plot with high acidity, neutralize it with dolomite flour. In order for the soil better to let moisture and the air needs to be carefully populated before planting. You can add clay and sand. Do not forget to help the plant with a compost.

Wells need to be located 30-40 cm from each other. It is necessary to plunge each seedling for more than 5 cm. After landing, the plant must be covered. Plant Epimedium is best at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. For breeding it is recommended to choose frost-resistant varieties, such as burning large-flowered, red and multicolored. Epimedium can grow in one place up to 10 years. After that, he needs a transplant.


Goricing flower reproduction occurs seed fashion or the division of the bush.
It is worth remembering that the reproduction of seeds is used much less often and takes longer, as the plant blooms only 3-4 years after landing.

In the fall, after the silated inflorescences, you need to collect seeds. Be careful - do not overcover them, otherwise they will not go.

During three following Weekly hold seeds at a temperature of + 15 ... + 20 ° C. Then place them in a wet container, maintaining the temperature 0 ... + 4 ° C. For this, the shelf for vegetables in the refrigerator is suitable. Then transferred to the prepared containers. Do not forget to regularly water seedlings.

To multiply the epimedium method of dividing the bush, you need to use the segments of rhizomes. Most often this is done at the end of the summer - early autumn. Just at this time, the roots of the plant are actively growing. Acute shovel should be carefully separated the right amount roots. Digging all the plant is not necessary - root system It is located close enough to the surface. Each seedling should be immediately meditated.

Epimedium is not only decorative, but also very useful plant. Every year, scientists find more and more new species. Caring for it does not require special skills, even novice gardeners can decorate their garden with these flowers.

Epimedium, or Korean hot, is a medicinal plant attributed to the barberry family. The rich component composition of herbal culture is ensured by the ability to stimulate the work of the male reproductive system. The advantage of using epimedium for drugs is the absence of contraindications.

The plant is a long-term grass that has a creeping rhizome. Leaves are located on stems or in the roasting area. Petalic plates of leaves have a small teeth.

Composition of plants

The chemical ingredients of the Gorianka Pharmacists include:

  • steroids (B-Sitosterlin, Campestterine)
  • alkaloids (deoxyomethilicarin, magnoflin)
  • glycosides (Epimin and Quercetin, Icariside and Ikarin)
  • flavonoids
  • higher aliphatic hydrocarbons (Nonakosan, N-Ghentriakontan)
  • saponins

Healing properties of epimedium

The benefits of herbal plant for potency

The systematic use of tiny-based infants and decoctions leads to an increase in spermatogenesis rate, the amount of sperm in the ejaculate increases. A man gets the opportunity to cope with the signs of infertility due to increasing the activity of sperm and increasing the likelihood of fertilization of the egg during sexual contact.

In addition to stimulating sperm production extract medicinal plant Allows you to achieve the intensification of the work of the semennikov responsible for the secretion of male sex hormone. If the body is regularly supplied with a sufficient amount of testosterone, then the man does not have a decrease in sexual attraction and can maintain the usual level of sexual activity.

The components of the medicinal plant help to normalize blood circulation processes. Thus, the regular reception of the Korean Goringe can help men suffering from a weakened and short erection. The use of epimedium-based funds will help to increase the bloodstream of the cavernous bodies of the male genital organ, to achieve sufficiently strong and long-lasting penis rigidity in the excited state.

The lining properties of the vegetable matter allow you to strengthen the immune defense of the body and eliminate negative factorscontributing to the weakening of reproductive and urinary systems. The grass prevents premature ejaculation in men, allowing you to achieve full satisfaction of sexual partners.

In Chinese medicine, fervent is considered highly efficient vegetable aphrodisiac. It provides an increase in sexual entry in men and women. Conducting the course of phytotherapy allows you to stimulate sensory nerves, increase the sensitivity of the small pelvis organs. Thus, the use of herbal concentrate provides an increase in the number of pleasant sensations that partners are experiencing during intimate proximity, intensity enhancement and the duration of orgasm.

Other healing properties of the Goringe

The plant is used to prevent cardiovascular pathologies. It has the ability to align high blood pressure, eliminate migraines and dizziness. Preparations based on herbal concentrate from epimedium make it possible to eliminate the weakness of the limbs and increase muscle tone, avoid rheumatoid articular pains. Medicinal products are recommended to use with a high risk of developing convulsive seizures, with a stupor and contracture of muscle tissues.

Infusions with healing grass take women who are experiencing a period of menopause. Korean burning stabilizes mood, allows you to avoid sharp drops emotional state and maintain a high level of performance.

The use of herbal teas and decoctions provides maintaining the necessary speed of interaction of neurons. These properties are useful not only for the development of timely sexual excitement, but also to save high level Intellectual activity, increased concentration of attention and excellent memory.

The healing properties of the plant help to avoid kidney and liver lesions, destructive processes and stone formations in the bustling bubble and the development of pathologies of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that the use of drugs based on Korean Gorianke is shown in chronic radiation disease, since the plant extract produces an intense antitoxic effect.

Epimedium helps to cope with urination rapidly regulates the level of fluid in the body, contributes to the removal of toxins and slags. The positive impact of the ingredients of the Goringe provides the rejuvenation of the skin, getting rid of the shallow mimic wrinkles. The use of creams and tonic with the addition of grass allows you to achieve moisture and nutrition of the skin.

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