Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles: mimic, Japanese, Tibetan, Chinese. Flabbiness exercises, scheme

Engineering systems 10.10.2019
Engineering systems

Facial and neck exercises will help get rid of wrinkles if they are part of your daily skin care routine. Along with cosmetic skin care with the help of the most various means, you need to constantly, so that they are always in good shape and do not allow the skin to sag and sag.

Start mastering this gymnastics early, while the problems have not yet appeared so clearly on your face. The exercises proposed by us are simple, but they will help restore freshness to the skin and slow down the aging process.

25 Best Anti Wrinkle Exercises

In this article, we will consider the main problem areas and faces and select several effective exercises for each of the zones. It will take 3 to 5 minutes a day, but the result will be amazing.

forehead wrinkle exercises

You can remove deep and small wrinkles on the forehead with special gymnastics from 5 exercises:
1. Sit up straight, put your elbows on the table. Place your palms parallel on your forehead and press your eyebrows. Try to frown or be surprised, feel resistance and stay in this position for 10 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times for each grimace.
2. Place your index fingers parallel to the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead. Direct the pressure of your fingers to the eyebrows, while looking up. Hold this position for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat this movement 10 times.
3. Use your fingertips to press the hairline on your forehead. Pull the skin up while trying to lower the eyebrows down. Repeat the exercise 8 times, alternating tension and relaxation.
4. Place your palm on the hairline and press, slightly pulling the skin up. Tighten and relax your forehead 8-10 times. After that, close your eyes (the palm is in the same position) and slowly move your eyeballs to the right and left, while looking down. Repeat 6 times on each side.
5. Open your eyes wide, while lifting your eyebrows as high as possible. Start the exercise slowly, gradually picking up the pace. Repeat 10-12 times.

Much more useful information you will get in the article:

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

The skin in the eye area is very thin and prone to rapid aging if you do not pay due attention to its care. Mimic gymnastics perfectly complements various homemade masks for skin care around the eyes.

Here are some exercises for wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes:
1. Tie a weight to the thread and swing it at eye level. Follow the movement of the pendulum with your eyes for 3-4 minutes. Then raise the pendulum higher, approximately to the level of the forehead and, without raising your head, follow its oscillations with just one look. Bring the time up to 5 minutes.
2. Press the muscles of the outer corners of the eyes (crow's feet area) with your index and middle fingers. Close and then quickly open your eyes. Repeat up to 20 times.
3. Close your eyelids and try to lift your eyes up, feel how the lower eyelid is slightly pulled up. This will help to remove slight swelling under the eyes and smooth out fine wrinkles. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
4. Keep your head straight and look ahead. Raise your eyes up to a count of 5, then look straight ahead - count to 5 and then lower your eyes down, also to a count of 5. Repeat 5 times.
5. Place your index and middle fingers on your temples, slightly pulling the skin up. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Lift your upper eyelids up and then relax. Eyebrows should not rise or fall. Repeat these movements 30 times. Remaining in the same position, look at your knees and perform the same 30 movements with your upper eyelids. Relax.

How to properly care for the skin around the eyes, read here:

Removing wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle

It is very important to prevent the formation of mimic wrinkles and folds in the area of ​​the nose and lips: marionette wrinkles, folds of sorrow and purse-string wrinkles near the mouth.
These exercises will help prevent their appearance or smooth out if they have already formed:
1. Say, clearly articulating the sounds “O” (lips are rounded), “U” (lips are stretched out in a tube), “I” (lips are stretched in a half smile). Hold your lips in each position for 5 seconds. Do up to 10 repetitions.
2. Move your lips (do not wrinkle!) and lower jaw to the right and left. Repeat 10-15 times.
3. Open your mouth and stick out your straight tongue as far as possible. Hold it in this position for 3 seconds. Remove your tongue and close your mouth for 1-2 seconds to relax. Repeat the movement 5 times.
4. Inhale the air through the nostrils, trying at this moment to narrow the wings of the nose as much as possible. Exhale slowly through your mouth, returning the wings of your nose to their normal position. Try to inhale and exhale continuously for 5-7 seconds
5. Squeeze the nostrils with two fingers and try to inflate them strongly to the sides for 3-5 seconds. Resist your fingers while doing this.
Exercises, massage techniques, masks and compresses can be found in the articles:

Exercises for tightened cheeks and a clear oval

With age, the oval of the face "floats" largely due to weakening facial muscles and neck. To prevent or remove sagging skin, tighten sagging cheeks and emphasize cheekbones, perform exercises that train these muscles:
1. Fill your mouth with air, close it tightly and puff out your cheeks. Press on your cheeks for a few seconds with your palms so that you feel muscle tension. Let the air out and relax. Repeat 10-15 times.
2. Take air into your mouth and roll it in a tightly closed mouth from one cheek to the other, passing under the upper lip. Do this for several minutes until you feel muscle fatigue.
3. Sit up straight and raise your head up, pushing your lower jaw forward. Pull out your lips with a tube, as if pronouncing the sound "U". Hold them in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
4. Round your lips, as if pronouncing the sound "O". Gently massage the inside of your cheeks with your tongue. Do this intensively for a minute, alternating movement with relaxation.
5. Open your mouth and "wrap" your lips inward, stretching the corners of your mouth. Press the upper lip to the teeth, and press the chin with the index finger, as if exerting a slight resistance to the lips. Slowly open and close your mouth with scooping movements, slightly pushing the lower jaw forward and working with the corners of the mouth. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercises to tighten the skin of the neck and décolleté

Gymnastics for the neck is very important for the prevention of wrinkles and folds in this area, and also helps to get rid of the second chin.
Here are a few simple exercises for tightening the skin on the neck and décolleté:
1. Take a lying position. Grasp the front of your neck with your palms and raise your head an inch off the floor while tensing your buttocks. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 20-30 times.
2. Lying on the floor, stretch your arms along the torso. Raise your head and shoulders a centimeter above the floor and make 15-20 turns to the left and right. Then return to the starting position and relax.
3. Put your elbows on the table, interlock your fingers and rest your chin on them. Try to lift your chin up with your hands, while resisting with your neck muscles. Hold for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times. Then change direction: try to put pressure on the clasped hands with your chin, and resist with your hands.
4. Sit up straight, look ahead. Gently lower your chin to your chest and then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 20 times.
5. Stand up straight, keep your head straight, arms down. Raise your arms as high as you can, then slowly lower them down. Repeat the exercise 20 times. You should feel tension in the neck.

You will learn in more detail how to train the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Gymnastics for different problem areas of the face and neck is very useful and effective. Try to use it daily for a month and you will see how your face looks younger.

Why do Japanese women keep plastic bottle lips - find out this beauty secret by watching the video:

Many women who have crossed the 25-year mark are faced with the appearance of the first mimic wrinkles on the face. To prevent the deepening of existing ones and the appearance of new folds, special gymnastics for the face from wrinkles will help. Unfortunately, for too deep wrinkles, which are the result of irreversible age-related changes, it is useless. Therefore, it is very important to start classes immediately after the discovery of small defects.

Contrary to popular belief that it is possible to prolong the youthfulness of the face by minimizing facial expressions, special exercises for the face against wrinkles help to get rid of age-related grooves. Its effectiveness is due to the principle of the work of muscle fibers - the more actively they are loaded, the more flexible, elastic and elastic they become. Of course, it is necessary to carry out any actions wisely, then the result will be optimal.

With regular facial exercises for wrinkles, changes will be noticeable after the first month. The skin will become fresher, glowing from the inside, deep wrinkles will be smoothed out, and small ones will disappear completely.

In addition, gymnastics perfectly tones and charges good mood, which is also important for self-awareness beautiful and young.

Charging rules

Facial exercises for wrinkles at home will be effective only if certain rules are followed. You can achieve results by doing exercises daily, preferably twice a day. One session should last no less than 10 and no more than 20 minutes, the time for it must be chosen at your discretion. But the most favorable time for carrying out is considered to be the evening, just before going to bed, when the body is in a relaxed state, and the skin is not loaded with decorative cosmetics.

At first, facial exercises for wrinkles are performed in front of a mirror so that the process is under control. In the future, when the muscles of the face remember the sequence of movements, you can refuse to bind to the mirror.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory phase includes the following recommendations:

  1. Facial exercises for wrinkles cannot be carried out without first cleansing the skin of the face and neck from dirt and cosmetics.
  2. Before starting the exercise, the muscles need to be warmed up. To do this, after applying a moisturizer, the skin of the face and neck is lightly massaged with fingers with tapping movements.
  3. It is better to collect long hair in a ponytail or remove it with a bandage so that it does not interfere with the face during the exercises.
  4. Before starting exercises for facial muscles against wrinkles, you need to relax, do not think about problems, do not frown. You can turn on your favorite music and do your best to tune in a positive way. But if you can’t raise your mood, and unpleasant thoughts come into your head, it’s better to postpone the gymnastics for another time.

A set of exercises for wrinkles on the forehead

Before starting gymnastics, we do a little warm-up of the face and neck. Tap with light movements over the entire surface of the skin, and then massage hairy part heads, increasing blood circulation.

  1. The exercise is performed in 10 approaches. Starting position (IP) - fingers of both hands on the forehead above the eyebrows. Lightly pressing, lower the skin down to the eyes. At the same time, we raise our eyebrows with effort, tensing our muscles. We fix the position of the face for five seconds, relax.
  2. Now we lift the skin up to the hair, and lower the eyebrows down. Do not forget to strain the muscles of the face and neck. Hold for five seconds, release.
  3. We put our fingers on upper part forehead at the border of hair growth. We press our fingers with force, we lower our closed eyes down (the head does not move). In this position, we perform gymnastics, performing rotational movements eyes 10 times in each direction.

Exercises for wrinkles between the eyebrows

The area between the eyebrows often suffers from the habit of frowning or squinting. This leads to the appearance of ugly transverse folds, giving the face a gloomy, preoccupied look.

  1. The middle fingers of both hands are at the point where the eyebrows begin to grow, the index fingers are strictly above them. We strain our muscles, frowning. Fingers at the same time keep the skin from the formation of strong folds. We fix the position, count to five and release.
  2. The phalanxes of the index fingers under the highly raised eyebrows. We close our eyes and with sharp movements we squeeze-unclench the eyelids 5-10 times. This gymnastics helps to remove sagging skin in the area of ​​​​the face under the eyebrows.

A set of exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

Gymnastics from wrinkles under the eyes and the area around the eyes must be carried out with extreme caution. The softer and thinner the epidermis, the greater the risk of damage from too intense movements.

Complex from "crow's feet"

  1. The pads of the index fingers are on the outer corners of the eyes, the middle fingers are on the inner ones. We open our eyes wide, raising the muscles of the eyebrows high.
  2. We relax the muscles of the face and make eye movements in the direction up - down, right - left, diagonally. We try not to involve the muscles of the forehead.
  3. According to the principle of the previous exercise, we make eye movements, drawing a conditional eight in one direction and the other.

Gymnastics for eyelid training

  1. The pads of the index fingers are on the outer corners of the eyes, the middle fingers are on the inner ones. We look up, raising our eyebrows high and straining the lower eyelid.
  2. The eyes are closed. We begin to sharply open and close the eyelids. The face in the area of ​​the eyebrows and forehead does not move. Only the muscles of the eyelids are involved in gymnastics.

Workout for wrinkles on the cheeks and cheekbones

Cheeks are known to be at risk of premature wrinkles, since their muscles are in a relaxed state due to the structural features of the face. To tone the skin and give flexibility to the muscle fibers, you need to perform simple exercises.

To restore the contour of the cheekbones

We open our mouth. We retract the lips inward with muscle tension and the skin around the lips. Ideally, the mouth should take the shape of an oval. We put our index fingers on the face under the eyes. We smile, trying to push the fingers with the mimic muscles of the cheeks. Fix for five seconds. Relax.

For cheek firmness

  1. We inflate the cheeks as much as possible. We press on them with our palms, resisting the muscles of the face in the cheek area. Hold the position for five seconds.
  2. To prevent sagging skin, the following exercise helps. With effort we inflate the cheeks. We begin to move air through the mouth, straining the muscles of the face.

A set of exercises for wrinkles around the mouth

The folds around the lips can indicate the true age of a woman, making it difficult to visually prolong youth. So that nasolabial wrinkles cannot spoil the mood with their appearance, they must be eliminated as early as possible.

Gymnastics for smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

  1. We put the tips of the index fingers on the nasolabial folds. With effort, we press on the skin. At this time, we tightly stretch the closed lips, resisting the fingers. We do it five times.
  2. Without changing the starting position, we take 10 deep breaths through the nose and exhalations through the mouth.
  3. In the same initial position, with sharp movements, we open our mouth with the letter “O”, straining the muscles. We fix for five seconds, 10 repetitions.
  4. At the end of the gymnastics against wrinkles, we relax the muscles, stroking the face with the fingertips along the massage lines.

Gymnastics for the tone of the lower face

  1. We fold the lips with a tube. We begin circular movements with the lips five times in one direction and the other. Relax.
  2. The starting position does not change. To perform the exercise, we strongly stretch our lips from corner to corner five times in each direction.
  3. Open your mouth slightly. Strongly pull the lips inward, while the index finger holds the skin of the chin in place. Begins slowly, with effort to open and close the mouth.
  4. With an effort we throw back our heads. With force we stretch the lower lip towards the upper. We relax, lowering the head down to the chest. We repeat 10 times.
  5. Slowly move the lower jaw from side to side 10 times, fixing the position for five seconds. Just as slowly, open your mouth wide, fixing the position.

Chin wrinkle exercise

Formed as a result of constant muscle tension. To relax them, it is necessary to massage the problem area, Special attention giving lips.

The following exercise helps to strengthen the muscle fibers of the chin. We open our mouth, forming the letter "O" with our lips. Slowly pull your lips inward, tightening your lips as much as possible towards the end. We put the index finger on the chin and begin to gradually open and close the mouth. In this case, the muscles overcome the resistance of the finger holding them.

Gymnastics from wrinkles on the neck

Ugly folds are easily corrected with the help of a set of exercises for the neck from wrinkles:

  1. We sit on a chair, the head is straight, the chin is parallel to the floor. Turn your head to one side and the other, then up and down. We make movements smoothly, without sharp jerks.
  2. We tilt our head to one shoulder, trying to touch it with our ear, fixing for a few seconds. We repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. We turn our head to one side and pull our chin up with force, fixing the position for a few seconds. We repeat the exercise on the other side.
  4. We open our mouth and, straining the muscles of the neck, we stick out the chin to one side. After a period of relaxation, repeat the same on the other side.
  5. We tilt our head back, we throw the lower lip over the upper one. Then slowly, without jerking, we lower our head to its original position and lower so that the chin touches the chest.
  6. We move to the floor, pulling our knees to the stomach. Drop your shoulders and stretch your neck. We lower our head forward and after a few seconds of fixation we take it back until it stops.

When performing exercises for the muscles of the face against wrinkles, you need to remember that you can not give a big load on the muscles of the face and neck at once. If exercises for the face from wrinkles are done for the first time, for several days you can only do 10 visits of each exercise. And only after this period additional repetitions are added in gymnastics.

Their appearance is not always due to poor performance, often certain defects are too resistant to procedures. In this case, it is recommended to pay the most attention to the problem area, not forgetting about gymnastics for other parts of the face.

As concomitant procedures to increase the effectiveness of gymnastics, it will not be superfluous to conduct sessions for applying moisturizing masks. To increase the tone and elasticity of the muscles and skin of the face, it is necessary to drink up to two liters of water daily, and exclude high-calorie, fatty and overcooked foods from the diet.

Subject to the basic recommendations, anti-wrinkle exercises on the face help restore skin firmness and elasticity, refresh the complexion and give it lost contours. Bags under the eyes and other signs of puffiness will dissolve as a result of the acceleration of blood circulation and improvement of local metabolism. A few extra years that appeared along with unwanted wrinkles will go away, leaving a radiant appearance and youth.

Do you do face exercises for wrinkles?

Facial gymnastics (facebuilding) are special exercises that help keep the facial muscles in good shape. The creator of such a charge is a plastic surgeon from Germany - Reinhold Benz. And his work was continued by the American Carol Maggio, who came up with a special "aerobics for the face." If you devote 20-25 minutes to such a workout every day, you can prevent aging, get rid of wrinkles and a double chin. It is believed that in terms of its effectiveness, such gymnastics can replace the popular plastic surgery procedure - facelift. It also eliminates the need for fillers and Botox. Another plus is that facial gymnastics classes can be organized at home. made a selection of the best facial gymnastics trainers - videos with exercises from Elena Kovalenko, Galina Dubinina and Anastasia Burdyug will help you do facebuilding at home.

Facial gymnastics at home - 5 rules for Facebook builders

Before you start training your facial muscles, you need to learn the five golden rules of Facebook building. Without them, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.

    The ideal age to start classes is 25 years old. After 30 years, gymnastics should become a mandatory part of facial care. Gymnastics should be done daily. It is best to do this in the morning. In Facebook building, the main role is played by regularity and effective technique. Before starting classes, choose a suitable course from a well-known trainer and steadily follow his rules. It is not necessary from the first days to give an increased load on the muscles of the face. It is better to gradually move from a smaller to a larger volume of exercises. Gymnastics for the face should be done with clean hands. The skin before training should be cleansed with a mild tonic.

The effect of training will not be noticeable after the first session. The contour of the face will tighten after 15-20 days of daily training. Wrinkles will begin to disappear not earlier than in 2-3 months. Then the face will acquire beautiful colour and a healthy glow, and the cheeks will become more elastic.

Home gymnastics for the face from wrinkles, or How to look 35 at 50, photos before and after Facebook building

The powerful anti-aging effect that facial gymnastics gives has long been proven. Many anti-age techniques have been developed. Such rejuvenating gymnastics is done in stages. Different parts of the face are gradually warmed up and toned. Use our photo table as a hint for successful Facebook building.

    eyelids. Index fingers close in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows. Large ones are placed at the outer edge of the eyes. It turns out the girth in the form of points. Eyelids must be tightly closed. Then the index fingers between the eyebrows rise upwards. Large ones also move up, but towards the ears. The exercise should be done for about 40 seconds.

Result: swollen areas in the eye area disappear, the tone of the upper and lower eyelids increases, the skin is rejuvenated, signs of eye fatigue are removed.

    Forehead. The thumbs are fixed under the cheekbones. The remaining fingers of the palm are placed over the upper curve of the eyebrows. Eyebrows need to be raised up, and fingers should be lowered down, forming resistance. This position is fixed for 30 seconds, then the facial muscles relax.

Result: effective prevention against wrinkles on the forehead, transverse wrinkles between the eyebrows and longitudinal wrinkles disappear, overhanging of the upper eyelids is eliminated.

    Lower eyelids. Index fingers are placed under the lower eyelids, at the extreme lash line. Then you need to squint strongly and look up as much as possible. Stretch your face forward, and pull your shoulders back. There must be resistance. Hold in this position for 30 seconds.

Result: dark circles and bags under the eyes gradually disappear.

    Cheeks. Index fingers press on the most protruding part of the cheeks in the center. Lips pressed close to teeth. Now you need to depict the interjection "Fu!" - exactly what we say when something unpleasant is mentioned. In this case, you need to smile, but only in the middle part of the lips, trying not to close them. The fingers should feel the movement of the cheeks. Do the same 20 times.

The result is elastic, taut cheeks.

    Nose. The bridge of the nose is wrapped around the index finger and thumb. With the index finger of the second hand, the tip of the nose rises. Pull the upper lip down and hold it in tension for a few seconds. Do nose exercises 40 times.

Result: the nose remains in good shape, does not increase as a result of aging (the fact that the nose grows throughout life is a long-proven fact).

    Lip corners. Squeeze your lips tightly, pull their corners inward. With index fingers, you need to massage the skin up and down, without tearing them away from the corners of the lips. Massage for 40 seconds. Then, practically without opening the lips, exhale the air and relax the muscles.

Result: One of the clear signs of age is the corners of the lips, depressingly pointing down. This shortcoming is easy to prevent and eliminate by doing this simple exercise.

    Lip volume. With index fingers, twist the outer edge of the lip under the inner one. Fix the “twisted” lip in the center with your fingers and press it down well on both sides.

Result: lips become voluminous, elastic and elastic without the use of special fillers.

    Nasolabial folds. The lips are pressed as close as possible to the gums and open in the shape of an oval or an elongated letter "O". Index fingers are applied to the corners of the lips. Then the fingers move up to the wings of the nose and down in the reverse order. The landmark of movement is the nasolabial fold.

Result: elimination of even deep wrinkles between the nose and lips.

    Face contour. The mouth opens, the lower and upper lips are pressed tightly against the teeth and wrapped inward. In this position, you need to slowly open and close your jaws five times. Then, keeping your mouth closed, slightly lift your chin up. Fix it for a few seconds in this position, relax the muscles.

Result: clear contours of the oval of the face along the jawline, getting rid of the double chin.

    Neck and chin. Put one hand on the neck and press a little, the other lean against the wall. Raise your head and smile. After that, stretch your tongue to the tip of your nose and push off the wall. Repeat the movement 30 times, keeping everything in the same position. Do the exercise 30 more times, turning your head to the left and another 30 times to the right.

Result: the contour of the chin and jaw is improved, the neck is tightened and the second chin disappears. Photos before and after Facebook building can convince even the most inveterate skeptics that Facebook building is not a waste of time, but an effective and rejuvenating facial exercise.

Gymnastics of the face from Anastasia Burdyug - 13 exercises against wrinkles

All these Facebook building techniques are offered in trainings by Anastasia Burdyug. She called the lesson "Super Face". It includes 13 exercises. In time, they take only 8 minutes twice a day. As a result - 16 minutes that will make your face young, beautiful and fit.

After 2-3 months, the most effective anti-aging technique will be available, or rather, on the face. Wrinkles will begin to disappear, the skin of the face and neck will become smooth, without wrinkles, the contour of the face will tighten. Eyes, lips, cheekbones will become more expressive, signs of rosacea will disappear. In the video from Anastasia Burdyug - detailed instruction about how to do anti-aging facial exercises.

There are plenty of Facebook building techniques. Developed by renowned trainers, they are a big hit with anyone who wants to keep their skin looking youthful and fresh. It's so easy - 20-minute facial gymnastics and no Botox.

In pursuit of beauty and youth, women have tried to maintain facial skin tone for centuries. different ways. This often requires a significant investment of time and money.

However, leading cosmetologists and face-building trainers have developed a unique set of exercises that tone muscles, which does not take much time and does not require financial investments.

Exercises to support the facial muscles can be used at any free or convenient time, anywhere.

How facial gymnastics affects muscles and skin. How often do you need to practice it for the effect of tightening and muscle tone

Apart from daily care behind the face, experts recommend every day, even at home, to perform special exercises for the skin and muscles of the face, which results in a tightening effect.

It takes a little time and effort to complete them, about 5-10 minutes, and the benefits of such exercises are great.

Facelift exercises at home do not give an instant effect, but if you have patience, then this one is free and safe method sure to bring positive changes.

Regular exercise for the face contributes to the following effects:

  • Increased outflow of lymph, which contributes to the rapid removal of toxins;
  • Improving blood circulation and improved oxygen supply to them;
  • Smoothing mimic wrinkles, due to the growth of facial muscles;
  • Accumulation of protein and collagen molecules that contribute to firmness, elasticity and muscle tone.

6 simple exercises in 5 minutes for a facelift

Unique facelift toning exercises will take a little time and will not require much effort.

Circular eye massage

Eye massage is performed on the areas of the lower and upper eyelids, under the orbit and above the orbit. Before starting the massage, apply a light moisturizing nourishing cream or homemade serum to the area around the eyes.

Be careful! Performing exercises at home to tighten the skin of the face in the eye area, do not forget that the epidermis of this area is very sensitive. The skin is delicate, so it is contraindicated to allow painful sensations here.

  • With the pads of four fingers, perform massage movements of 2 eyes at the same time, in circular motions with a slight pressure on the skin in one direction and then in the other. So you need to do 10-12 repetitions in each direction.
  • With four fingers placed vertically, lightly press down on the lower and then on the upper eyelid for 4-8 seconds. Then, with frequent taps, go through the eyelids towards the nose and back.

  • Make 8-10 weak pressures with finger pads on the outer eye sockets, then with rolling movements go to the bridge of the nose and repeat 8-10 pressures. From the inner corners of the eye sockets along the eyebrows and upper eye socket, roll your fingers to the temples to the outer corner of the eye sockets. Repeat such spiral pressure from 10 times.
  • After lymphatic drainage, it is necessary to perform a contrast rinsing of the face. Start and end with cold water.

Surprise (great surprise)

It is important to know! Performing a classic exercise for tightening and toning the skin of the frontal part of the face, you can hold the muscle with your hands (just press your fingers to the center of the forehead) so that small wrinkles do not form in the center of the forehead, preventing the formation of new wrinkles.

  • With the pads of your index fingers, slightly press the skin above the eyebrows. Then, with a conductive movement, stretch your arms to the sides, stretching the wrinkles. Repeat the movement 4-5 times.
  • Place your palms on your forehead, placing the base of the brush over your eyebrows. With the muscles of the forehead, raising the brow arches, create a slight resistance with the hand. Repeat these movements 5-6 times.

Cheek puffing

Exercises that help lift the face oval and correct the cheeks.

  • Take a deep breath in through your mouth and puff out your cheeks as much as possible to hold your breath. Then slowly release air through half-open lips. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Inflate your cheeks a little and do a rolling motion with air from cheek to cheek.
  • Perform massaging movements with the tongue inside cheeks.


Exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of the muscles that control the movement of the lips.

  • Smile as wide as possible, then quickly and smoothly make a tube with your lips. Repeat the exercise 15-18 times.
  • The neck should be stretched as much as possible, the lips should be directed forward, squeezing them with a bow, stretch them forward, as if kissing. Press your lips lightly with your fingers. This tension will cause resistance in the labial muscles.

Ear pulling

Exercise aimed at significantly slowing down the formation of wrinkles.

Pinch the earlobes with your fingers and pull them down for 25-35 seconds, then pull them up for such a time. After that, in a circular motion, pull the earlobes in one direction and the other.


To relax the facial muscles, you should press the superciliary arches with three fingers. Stretch the eyebrows for 2-4 minutes. This exercise helps to tone the subcutaneous muscles of the frontal part of the face.

A set of universal exercises for facial rejuvenation at home

Facial muscles need regular training, if this is not done, they quickly lose their tone, elasticity and vitality. This provokes sagging and aging of the skin by the age of 37-40.

If you regularly do facelift exercises at home, the facial muscles will actively resist sagging and become fresh and elastic.

Interesting fact! Sometimes among people there are those whose face does not correspond to their real age at all. Thanks to a young face, a person seems much younger than he really is.

According to dermatologists, this type of people are simply prone to more feelings and emotions than ordinary people.

Thanks to this, they willy-nilly perform much more facial movements than others. This helps to maintain all the muscles of the face in constant tone and it ages much more slowly.

The result of performing a set of gymnastic exercises that tone the skin of the face will become noticeable after 2-4 weeks of daily active work.

For lips

Squeezing your lips tightly, without opening a tight bow, try to smile. Pull your lips forward, pulling your cheeks inward. Fix each position for 8-12 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions.

Against breely

Take a mouthful of air. Squeeze the muscles of the cheeks as much as possible, roll the ball of air either to one or the other side of the cheeks.

For nasolabial folds

Smiling, gently press down on the nasolabial fold. Pinch a little and pull the skin with your fingers. Straining the muscles, you need to feel resistance with your fingers.

For neck and chin

Tilt your head as far back as possible, press your tongue on the tubercle located in the sky. Stretching your neck, gently and slowly turn your head to the sides.

From wrinkles around the eyes

  • Lightly press the corners of the eyes with two fingers. Close your eyes as much as possible, hold for 3-4 seconds and open them as wide as possible. Under the fingers you need to feel a slight tremor of the muscles.
  • Leave your fingers at the corners of your eyes. Raise your eyes as high as possible. Pull the lower eyelid up, overcoming tension, alternate with relaxation of the eyelid. You need to feel tension and a slight tremor in the outer part of the orbit.
  • Draw an infinity sign in different directions for 20 seconds.

From mimic wrinkles

Open your mouth as wide as possible, stick out your tongue, roll your eyes. Lock in this position for 60 seconds. After slowly inhale through your nose, relax your face.

From vertical wrinkles on the forehead

With the pads of the 3 fingers of both hands, press the vertical wrinkles tightly in the center of the forehead. Stretch the skin well and spread your fingers apart. At the same time, try to move your eyebrows and keep them in tension.

From horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Press the superciliary arches with your fingers, repeating their shape. Raise your eyebrows up, with your fingers you need to resist them.

A set of exercises for lifting the oval of the face (face-building)

Facebook building is a set of affordable exercises for lifting and correcting the face, which can be performed at home. Already after 1 month of daily training of facial muscles, you can see a significant effect.

Note! When preparing to do complex facial gymnastics, you should thoroughly wash your hands and apply a light nourishing cream or vegetable oil to your skin.

1. We pronounce vowels. Tighten the muscles of articulation as much as possible. Pronounce vowels with expression: E, U, O, A, Y. This exercise should be repeated at least 30 times.

2. Protrusion of the lower jaw. Tilt your head back, pulling the skin from the chin and collarbone. Extend the lower jaw. Fix this position for 10 seconds. Then slowly relax.

3. To rejuvenate and strengthen lips. To raise the lowered corners of the lips, you need to fix the nasolabial area with your fingers and, smiling, lift the corners of the lips up.

4. Strengthen and smooth the cheeks. Put (from top to bottom) index fingers in the crease between the nose and cheeks, slightly stretch the lips. Hold the corners of the lips with your middle fingers, make sure that the corners are raised. Tightly compress and relax your lips.

5. We pout our lips. Press the corners of the lips and cheeks firmly with the palms of your hands. Pull the lips forward with their entire surface, without folding the bow. Resist with palms.

6. For eyes. Close eyes. Roll the pupils up and return back. Performing the exercise, make an effort not to open your eyes. In the upper eyelid, you need to feel muscle tension.

7. We open our mouths and blink. Open your mouth as much as possible. Move your head slightly forward, while blinking your eyes often for 8-10 seconds. Exercise repeat 25-30 times

8. We move our ears. Press on the skull auricles, slowly move them up and down 20-25 times. When performing the exercise, you need to feel the contraction of the ear muscles.

9. Language exercises.

  • Stick out your tongue and roll it into a roller, then unroll and roll it up again. Repeat the exercise for 10-15 seconds.
  • Extend the tongue as much as possible, trying to reach it to the chin, then to the nose, to the right and left corners of the lips.

Face gymnastics Carol Maggio. Features how to do

Performing Carol Maggio's exercises for a facelift at home, the skin becomes fresher, its color improves, bags hanging on the eye sockets decrease or completely disappear, nasolabial wrinkles are leveled, the contour of the face oval becomes taut and clear.

The delicate and sensitive skin of the neck, décolleté and eyes is also strengthened and smoothed.

A feature of Carol Maggio's Facebook building technique was a collection of elementary actions that involve all existing facial muscles in the work.

Carol divides the whole complex into 3 main courses:

In addition to general strengthening exercises, Carol, together with cosmetologists, develops individual sessions for a rejuvenating effect on the face. You need to perform such a complex several times a day.

Carol Maggio advises following several rules when performing her exercises:

  • Exercises must be performed from the correct starting position: inverted abs, tight buttocks and hips.
  • Mandatory concentration on working facial muscles.
  • Connect imagination and imagining tremor and muscle tension.
  • After each exercise, completely relax all working muscles.

Performing the exercises from the complex from Carol Maggio is quite simple, easy to remember and perform on your own at home.

To eliminate and prevent a double chin, you should pinch the skin on the neck and between the collarbones, lean back with your head. This movement is enough to perform 30 times, fixing for 3-4 seconds.

To eliminate and exclude the formation of jellies, bite the lower lip with the lower row of teeth, press the cheeks with your fingers. Pulling the head back slowly and smoothly open and close the mouth. Hold the maximum head position at the bottom for 25 seconds.

To strengthen the eyelids, you need to hold the eyelids with your fingers, then try, overcoming the resistance of the fingers, look up and squint. This action is best performed by observing in the mirror.

Reduce the nose and shorten its tip. Lightly touch the tip of the nose with your index finger from below. Pull the upper lip down as much as possible, while the mouth should remain closed. It is desirable to hold this position at least 30 times for 2-3 seconds.

Facebook building is mainly aimed at the category of women aged 35 and above, since it is at this time that most women notice sharp age-related changes in the skin of the face.

However, girls are more young age Those who want to prolong the youthfulness of their skin should start doing facelift exercises at home as early as possible.

The author of the technique insists that when exercises are performed in a standing position, one must not forget to keep tension in the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abs. This allows you to focus your attention on the area of ​​​​the person involved in the work.

Facebook building is a fairly common, effective and non-radical way to bring the skin of the face into a satisfactory condition and maintain it in the necessary tone. Home exercises replace surgical braces and other expensive procedures.

A simple set of gymnastic exercises aimed at working the facial muscles are gaining more and more popularity. It is not difficult to perform them and the costs are minimal. All that is needed for gymnastics is oil or light cream and the desire to be beautiful.

To achieve significant results will help the regular and correct implementation of all necessary exercises for the skin. Of course, for the best result it is important A complex approach to maintain and restore beauty.

When performing a set of exercises, it is also important to adhere to proper nutrition, regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, devote enough time to active rest and sleep, drink enough clean water.

Exercises for lifting and perfect face oval at home:

Useful fitness secrets for the face:

A simple and effective anti-wrinkle system that any woman can afford at home is facial gymnastics. Along with other methods of correcting cosmetic defects, it is attractive for its harmlessness and a small number of contraindications.

Systematic adherence to the chosen algorithm makes it possible to achieve facial skin rejuvenation without expensive measures.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles at home aims to strengthen the facial muscles, which are very closely intertwined with the skin. An increase in their tone entails a visible improvement external state faces.

In order for the result of classes to be noticeable and last for a long time, you need to adhere to several simple rules:

Facial exercises that get rid of wrinkles can be started at any age, and the sooner you start doing it, the better and longer the result will be. Ideally, if the first experience will take place under the guidance of an instructor. When starting classes on your own at home, you need to remember some contraindications.

Contraindications for facial gymnastics:

Facial exercises for wrinkles at home for women over the age of 50 have some features. They are shown a set of exercises with increased load. In an effort to refresh aging skin, care must be taken to avoid stretching.

Consistently applying the proposed correction system, it is possible to slow down the aging process and simulate a tightened facial contour, eliminate the second chin, sagging cheeks and other undesirable age-related manifestations.

Exercises for different zones

Eye area

Over the years, the muscles around the eyes weaken, as a result, wrinkles begin to appear, the skin of both eyelids sags. Paying attention to this problem every day, you can restore your eyes to their former youth.


  1. You should open your eyes as wide as possible, freeze for 5 seconds, then close and feel peace.
  2. Repeat the steps, putting two fingers on the location of the "crow's feet".
  3. Fingers stay where they are, eyes are closed. It is necessary to forcefully close the eyelids, resisting pressure on the annular muscle.
  4. Gently stretch the skin from the corners of the eyes to the sides and blink.
  5. With a glance, outline a cross in the air (from top to bottom and from one side to the other).
  6. Pressing with three fingers on the edges of the eye and in the middle of the eyebrow, you need to try to squint.
  7. Blink quickly and often for a few seconds, then close your eyelids.
  8. Having fixed the skin on the outer corners of the eyes, in the middle of both eyebrows and at the point between them, ensure a slight pressure. Looking up, try to pull the lower eyelid to the upper one. Remove your fingers, close your eyelids with force and open them calmly.
  9. By pressing your fingers on the temples, you should pull the skin up. Look again to “draw” a cross in the air.

Strengthening the muscles of the lips

With age, the delicate annular muscle of the mouth loses its elasticity, the lips seem to blur or, on the contrary, narrow into a line. Systematic training will restore their former shape.


  1. Lips need to be shaped as if to pronounce the sound "u".
  2. Filling your cheeks with air, roll it from side to side, then release it through pursed lips.
  3. Pull your cheeks in and bite lightly.
  4. Inflating a balloon is a good exercise for the muscles of the lower part of the face.
  5. Pressing on the edges of the mouth, you need to prevent the efforts to smile.
  6. Lips perform a movement, as if rubbing lipstick.
  7. In conclusion this complex you should smile broadly, curl your lips into a tube, yawn.

Bridge of the nose

Wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose can appear quite early. The reasons may be negative experiences, hereditary factors. Gymnastics for the face helps to eliminate vertical folds and other wrinkles at home.


  1. By pressing on a point slightly above the bridge of the nose, you need to resist the urge to frown.
  2. The hand should pull the skin of the forehead up and hold in this way for several seconds.
  3. Pressing each eyebrow in the middle with your fingers, you need to frown, overcoming the resistance of the fingers.
  4. Perform light tapping between the eyebrows with your fingers.
  5. Smooth the skin of the forehead along semicircular massage lines from the middle to the edges.

Nasolabial folds

The causes of the appearance of two folds descending from the wings of the nose to the edges of the lips may be an unreasonable passion for diets, excessive exposure sun rays, sleeping on the stomach. In order to smooth them out, it is necessary to train the circumlabial muscles.


Oval face and cheeks

Cheeks begin to lose elasticity by the age of 35, and in overweight people this process begins even earlier. By systematically practicing gymnastics for the face, you can achieve excellent results: the cheeks will rise and the oval of the face will improve.


The chin

Even slender and young people are not immune from the appearance of a double chin. The reason may be a low tone of the muscles of the neck. It is they who need to be trained in order to get rid of this cosmetic defect.



A set of exercises is aimed at activating the large frontal muscle. Regular exercise helps to smooth wrinkles on the forehead, prevent sagging eyebrows.


  1. Place your fingers horizontally above the eyebrows. The skin should be pulled up while lowering the eyebrows.
  2. The fingers are right there. Now you should sip the skin of the forehead towards the rising eyebrows.
  3. Pressing the edges of the eyebrows with your fingers (alternately, then from the inner edges, then from the outer ones), you need to try to frown.
  4. Having fixed the skin on the forehead with the palm, it is necessary to raise and lower the eyebrows.
  5. If possible, you can move your ears.


Loose skin on the neck is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. Too sharp and active manipulations can cause serious harm, so movements must be performed slowly and carefully, feeling muscle tension.


  1. Slowly pull your chin forward, and from this position gently turn your head to the right and left.
  2. Pull the chin to one shoulder, then to the other.
  3. Place your chin on your fists. Try to close and open your mouth, despite the hindrance.
  4. Lie on your back on the bed, hang your head. Raise it, hold it in this position as long as possible, lower it and relax.

Tibetan complex

Tibetan women take care of their face according to the principles traditional medicine based on the regulation of the movement of internal juices human body and energy flows.

To perform Tibetan gymnastics, you need to stand on your feet, stretch out into line, rushing your whole body up. It is important to tune in to finding a state of harmony and peace. All manipulations involve an 8-fold repetition due to the special positive power assigned to this number - a symbol of infinity and prosperity.


  1. First you need to warm up your palms, charge them with positive energy. Connect them, bring them to the forehead, then separate them and cover the closed eyelids with them, press. Without removing your hands, rotate your eyes clockwise and against it, move them along a vertical line.
  2. Grab the eyebrows in the middle. They should be raised, lowered, pulled in one direction, then in the opposite direction.
  3. thumbs smooth the skin from the places of formation of "crow's feet" to the temples.
  4. Warm up the hands, smooth the skin in the direction from the cheekbones to the chin.
  5. Fold your palms with a “dipper” ̶ as if you are going to scoop up water and cover your face with them from the bridge of your nose to your chin. Open your mouth wide, show your tongue, rotate it, touch the upper and lower teeth.
  6. The hands are there. Pull lips alternately different sides. Strongly squeezing the lips, imitate swallowing. This must be done 3 times.
  7. Make a light tapping massage all over the face.
  8. Massage the head from the forehead to the back of the head, as if combing.

Japanese system

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles at home has been used by women of the country since ancient times rising sun. A set of exercises is aimed at activating the lymph flow, which contributes to skin rejuvenation.

Japanese gymnastics can not be used for colds, runny nose, inflammation of the lymphatic system.

When performing procedures, it is imperative to use cosmetic milk, oil or cream. It will be quite easy to prepare a cosmetic product for this procedure yourself. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal or flaxseed flour with half a glass of boiling water, cool, strain and you can start exercising.


  1. The pads of the 3 middle fingers of both hands move smoothly from the middle of the forehead to the temples with pressing movements.
  2. Then press the temples for 5-7 seconds.
  3. You need to do eyebrow massage in the direction from beginning to end.
  4. Press the bridge of the nose for 5-7 seconds.
  5. Having placed your fingers near the wings of the nose, you need to move them symmetrically along the lines of the nasolabial folds down to the middle of the chin.
  6. Also go from the cheekbones to the ears.
  7. With fingertips, successively press on the chin, on the corners of the mouth, near the wings of the nose, near the ears at the level of the cheekbones and then smooth the skin along the contour of the face down to the chin.
  8. Pressing on the points near the outer corners of the eyes, you need to slip along the lower eyelids to the inner corners of the eyes, along the upper eyelid go back.
  9. Smooth the skin from the chin to the ears with the edges of the palms.
  10. Smoothing movements move from the edges of the nose through the cheeks to the temples.
  11. Fingers should be pressed in the middle of the chin. Without releasing pressure, walk around the lips and, reaching the dimple above the upper lip, press this point.
  12. Press on biologically active points on the neck.

Japanese gymnastics for the face from wrinkles:

Mimic gymnastics

It is built on the alternation of phases of tension and relaxation of the facial muscles. As a result, their tone will improve, the skin will gain firmness and elasticity, the oval of the face will become more toned and embossed.


Chinese gymnastics Qigong

The ancient Chinese healing technique Qigong (“qi” - life and “gong” - manage) teaches you to activate the hidden possibilities of the human body, to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Chinese gymnastics for the face is a delicate massage that has no contraindications.


  1. With light movements, smooth from the center to the edges of the forehead, the area under the eyes, cheeks - from the nose to the temples, chin - from the middle to the ears.
  2. In the same order, pats are performed with the fingertips.
  3. Now the skin of the forehead, cheeks, chin should be smoothed with palms.
  4. With fingertips, acupressure is performed along the main lines.
  5. In the same way, you need to walk, slightly pressing the bottom of the palm.
  6. Clenching your palms into fists, make stroking movements with your finger joints.
  7. Knead and warm up the face, gently pressing on the massage areas with the knuckles of the fingers.

After completing the set of exercises, you should wash your face with warm water and apply a light cream. You can make a nourishing mask.

Chinese gymnastics for the face and self-massage will help at home to get rid of wrinkles and maintain youthful skin

Above is an overview various techniques performing gymnastics for the face from wrinkles. By choosing for yourself a set of the most suitable exercises, it is possible to maintain youthful skin at home.

Doing it regularly, do not forget that healthy eating, giving up bad habits, positive thinking, good sleep will improve the results of your efforts and will slow down the aging process for many years.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: gymnastics for the face from wrinkles at home

Simple gymnastics for the face from wrinkles at home:

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