The character of a woman's appearance. How to determine the state of health in appearance

Engineering systems 10.10.2019


Look at the way you dress. Does a person dress with taste or pretense, does he shock with a suit or hide behind it? Demonstrativeness, originality (or the desire to appear as such), courage, independence or vanity can be determined when a person chooses non-standard solutions in appearance.

Be careful when interpreting. For example, a modest suit can hide suspicion, secrecy, caution, a tendency to manipulate, and even. Or it can conceal an outstanding personality, which the world of things is not at all interested in.

Carefully analyze and accessories. Here, the important indicators are moderation and appropriateness. More often, excesses in jewelry are an indicator of vanity, expressiveness, and maybe even some inadequacy of the owner. Lack of accessories or modesty in their use can indicate both the inability to use them and the simplicity human, straightness or detail.

Pay more attention to facial expressions and gestures human, especially in situations in which he is not "drawn", does not seek to please. Usually, wide and profuse gestures demonstrate extraversion and expressiveness. Meager and angular gestures speak more about tightness and uncertainty. human than about character traits.

Look at upper part faces. For example, according to the severity of the eyebrow line, they judge both the embedded energy and the attitude human to the point - how inclined he is to bring what he started to the end. A forehead line sloping back indicates better interaction with technology, and a straight line, on the contrary, about good things with people, the ability to build relationships.

Analyze the fit of the eyes. Close talks about and concentration human in time, the ability to be accurate. Wide-set eyes indicate the opposite: "swimming" in time and purpose.

Pronounced, well-defined upper cheekbones are evidence of riskiness as a character trait. In addition, it is argued that it is also an obligation to use your right to risk and receive a reward. Wide lower cheekbones will alert you to a person who is difficult to argue with, who feels confident and unshakable.

Look at the most expressive object on the face - the nose. The round, fleshy tip is said to show a broad and good-natured nature, while the narrow tip is suspicious. Humped nose betrays the wise human, and indicates commercialism, or the materialistic orientation of the individual, but snub-nosed noses often speak of childish naivety and some romance human.

Helpful advice

Be attentive to people, take a keen interest in them, and it will be easier for you to solve other people's characters. It can be said that the most important tool for determining the personality of another person is you, and not someone else's noses or foreheads. Your sincere friendliness and genuine participation will lead to the fact that others will gladly open themselves to you.


  • how to determine a person's personality

Subconsciously, a person is always wary of everything new. Therefore, when communicating with strangers, we always try to determine their character and personal qualities, at least on the outside mind. Many believe that habits, character, and tastes are reflected in the way we look, dress, and behave. Even the physical human can tell you what his character is.


Another characteristic type is "somatic". You will always recognize him by his tall stature, rough physique, broad shoulders, large arms and legs. Most often, the skin of people of this type of appearance is swarthy. These are people of action, the consequences of which they think about only after it has been committed. Such

Is it possible to determine the nature of his sexual behavior and his sexual potential, or the level of sexuality, by the signs of a person's appearance? It refers to the so-called sexual temperament - that is, how much a person needs sex and how often. As well as his own sexual abilities. Sexuality is important not to be confused with the concept of sex appeal, as is often the case. A person who is outwardly beautiful, charming, or sociable, humorous, the soul of a company, etc. is called sexy. (This is especially illustrated by the actors). Often under the expression - "He's so sexy!" people mean only external beauty. But not the sexual abilities of this man. Strange as it may seem, but in fact, people who are awarded the title of "sexy" (correctly called sexy) actually often have an underestimated sexual potential. Why does this happen and how to correctly determine exactly the sexual abilities of a person, and will be discussed in this article.

In sexology, sexuality is called the term "sexual constitution". It is worth taking seriously the analysis of sexuality and in assessing the compatibility between a man and a woman. The assessment of sexuality is especially relevant for those who are going to marry. Since sex is one of the important components of harmony in a couple. If the sexual constitution of the partners is radically different, then there is a very high probability that the relationship will go wrong. Especially over the years. A partner with a strong sexual constitution, regularly receiving less sexual satisfaction from a person with a weak constitution (and the difference can be very significant, for example, one needs sex every 1-2 days, and the other, for example, once every 2 weeks, or even once a month ), either starts to get sick and quarrel with her spouse, or goes “to the left” - this already depends on the particular couple. In any case, serious disagreements and disagreements in the family are very likely.

To assess the sexual constitution, a set of signs is usually taken into account, which are quite simple to determine. It is enough just to pay attention to a few points in appearance:

1. Leg length.

For many, this may seem amazing - after all, it is the long-legged models that in our time flooded the tabloids of the "most attractive and sexiest" people on the planet. However, it has been scientifically proven that the shorter the legs, the sexier the person, the more he wants to receive, and the more he can give in sex. In sexology, there is a concept - the trochanter index (from the name of the point in Latin on the femur), which is calculated by the formula: the length of the body is divided by the length of the leg (from the floor to the highest point on the femur, more precisely, to the slightly protruding tubercle of the femur, where it is attached to the pelvic joint). The resulting figure will make it clear to which sexual constitution a person is mostly inclined. Namely:

  • For women:
    Index from 2.01 to 2.05 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.97 to 2.00 - the average sexual constitution;
    from 1.88 to 1.96 - a weak sexual constitution.

  • For men:
    from 1.99 to 2.00 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.92 to 1.98 - the average sexual constitution;
    from 1.85 to 1.91 - a weak sexual constitution.

If it is not possible to measure the length of the legs of the person you are interested in, you can always roughly estimate this without resorting to measurements - most often short people are sexier than tall ones. The shorter the legs, the sexier and more temperamental the person. More precisely, the shorter the legs are relatively overall length body. It happens that even with growth under 2 meters, the legs are not long in relation to the length of the whole body. And this also needs to be taken into account.

It is enough to remember the rule: the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly related to the level of sexuality), the shorter and wider the bones in a person. This happens because during the growth period of the body, the tubular bones of a person do not grow simultaneously: the closer the bone is to the heart, the later its growth ends and the bone growth zone closes more weakly during puberty. The more testosterone, the earlier puberty occurs, and thus the growth of tubular bones stops earlier, especially those more distant from the heart, such as the bones of the legs.

2. Hair.

Pay attention to the degree of body hairiness. A man with a high sexual constitution has a lot of hair on his chest, arms and legs. He has fast growing facial hair, so he has to shave more often than the rest. Moreover, the bristles are made of hard and dark hair. All of the above is usually observed in dark-haired people. It is believed that brunettes are the most passionate and temperamental natures. Male so-called type "Macho" - bright to that illustration. The more testosterone in the body, the darker the pigmentation. Therefore, most brunettes have a strong sexual constitution. In bed, they take the position of leaders, experiment a lot, are very energetic and assertive. However, for those women who love a lot of tenderness and sensitivity in a partner, they are not very suitable. Their forte is strength and quantity. Blondes are distinguished by the weakest sexual constitution, they prefer to be led in bed. Their temperament is calm, they are balanced and do not like to take risks. But they have a subtle sensitivity, sensitive, gentle and very romantic. They catch the slightest nuances of mood, feel their partner perfectly, perceive and share his emotions, adapt to him, and are prone to unbridled fantasy in sex (another thing is that they will not initiate experiments themselves, but they will gladly follow the initiative of a more active partner). Brown-haired women have a combination of the sexual qualities of brunettes (especially if the hair is coarse), and blondes (especially if the hair is soft and naughty), - the so-called golden mean.

Excess testosterone hormone in men often causes early baldness. Therefore, bald men, for the most part, are owners of hypersexuality. Regrettably, this may seem to the representatives of the beautiful half of the population, most of whom love men with hair.

Temperamental women also have a more pronounced amount of body hair than the rest of the fair sex. But of course, it doesn't look like men.

An important feature that sexologists take into account is the nature of pubic hair. The more hair in this area, the sexier the person.


  • for men - the horizontal nature of hair growth (according to the female type) - a weak sexual constitution;
    hair with a transition in the form of a thin path to the navel (male type) - medium;
    the same, but with excessive hairiness - a strong sexual constitution.

  • For women - a weak, horizontal and strong cone with a transition to hairiness of the limbs describes a weak, medium and strong sexual constitution, respectively. And the coarser the hair, the more testosterone.
3. Eyebrows.

Facial features can also help determine sexual abilities. Let's start with an eloquent sign in this respect - the nature of the eyebrows. As expected, having read paragraph 2. Hair, the relationship here is extremely clear - the more pronounced, thick and wide the eyebrows are, the more sexual appetites a person has. He is energetic, assertive, determined and a great gourmet. As a rule, pronounced eyebrows are in addition to thick body hair. Most often - in dark-haired representatives of humanity. And vice versa - rare, shapeless, hardly noticeable, or naturally narrow eyebrows significantly reduce the sexuality of their owner, as well as the will and strength of character. Such eyebrows usually accompany light and soft hair on the head, combined with weak body hair.

4. Nose.

Another notable factor among facial features that indicate a person's sexual behavior is considered to be the nose. The more prominent, prominent, large, wide the nose is, the more sexy, energetic and hardy their owner is. At the same time, a fleshy, wide thick nose indicates the great physical strength of its owner, a high degree of sensuality and erotic talent. In bed, such a person is not only very hardy, but also able to subtly feel a partner, be both passionate and gentle with him. And the nose is straight, aquiline - gives pronounced masculinity, strength, leadership and aggressiveness. The owner of this shape of the nose does not listen too much to others, focusing on his feelings and desires, he does everything in his own way. He lacks sensitivity in relationships, but activity and passion - more than enough. A hooked down nose makes a person critical - he limits not only his sexual desires, but also his partner. A nose with very soft outlines - full and round will show that its owner, both in sex and in life, is too soft a person, strongly oriented towards a partner and ignoring his needs.

5. Lips.

Lips give information about the emotionality and sensuality of their wearer. A person who loves sexual pleasures and with developed feelings and emotions has fuller and thicker lips than others. Especially it is worth paying attention to the lower lip. It is she who is the most reliable indicator - in voluptuous sensual lovers of pleasure, the lower lip is thicker than the upper one. Especially if she is also bulging forward - here we can even talk about promiscuity. If the lips are full, it does not mean that a person belongs to a strong sexual constitution. But he is sensual, sensitive and loves sex.

If the lips are thin, then the person is distinguished by leadership inclinations, great willpower, restraint in feelings and sexual pleasures. He tends to subdue others and limit himself. His sensuality is noticeably weaker than that of the thick-lipped ones. The same goes for fantasies in bed. This does not mean that a person has a weak sexual constitution. Especially if thin lips are combined with a wide lower jaw and wide eyebrows (which happens quite often), and for good reason - testosterone usually expands the jaw and thus often narrows the lips. Such people are strong, physically hardy and active, but they are not sensitive and not diverse in bed. But they do not apply to a weak sexual constitution. It's another matter if signs of weak sexuality coexist with thin lips in a person.

6. Chin.

As already mentioned, a wide jaw is often found in very sexy people. Therefore, you also need to pay attention to the chin. The more massive it is, the more sexual power in a person. People with a wide chin love physical pleasures, are very passionate and enduring in sex, but most often they are afraid of deep feelings, failures and rejection in love. Sex with them is intense and hot, but tenderness is not enough.

7. Eyes.

Small eyes with puffy lower eyelids betray a lover of sensory pleasures. Sensual natures often have slanted eyes, slightly lowered to the temple. Eye color also matters - the more intense and warmer it is, the more hot and energetic a person is in bed. Dark brown eyes are inherent passionate natures. A person with green eyes can often be called sexy - he is inventive in bed, gentle and sensitive, in sex he is a gourmet, very selective in choosing a partner, gives a lot, but also demands a lot.

8. Neck.

From the facial features, let's go back to the body. Since testosterone shortens and thickens body parts, the neck will also show the level of sexuality. Representatives of a strong constitution often have a short neck. But even with long legs, a large, full, wide and muscular neck betrays in its owner a person with a large supply of physical strength. A wide neck adds points to a person in favor of a strongly pronounced sexuality. Such a person loves physical pleasures and it is difficult for him to resist the desire to pamper himself.

9. Fingers, brush.

Chirology can also help in determining the degree of sexual strength. Look at the hand and fingers:

a). Great sexual power and passion, up to aggressive violent manifestations, are inherent in:

  • for men - owners of rough hands larger than average, at the base - wide, with fleshy thick round (in cross section) fingers (especially with a wide thumb), wide nails, red skin, pronounced lines and the hill of Venus (pad on the palm near thumb);

  • for women - medium size hands and fingers (which, however, tend to be short, especially the thumb), with thickened first phalanges, oval nails, an elastic wide palm with red (or dark) deep lines and the same skin color, with a developed large hill of Venus.

b). A strong and constant libido, sensuality and passion, which are valued above feelings, but without aggressive outbursts in men and voluptuous, nymphomaniac women, are inherent in:

  • for men, to a man with a hand of smaller size, roughness and redness than in the previous case, with square fingers less wide, elastic palm, and not rough;

  • for women - less red and paler skin, softer and more embossed palm and fingers than in the previous case.

in). Good sexual desire with the simultaneous ability to deep strong feelings, the ability, if necessary, to control oneself - in people:

  • for men - with an even smaller hand and tubercle of Venus, an elastic palm, harmoniously expressed lines and knotted fingers, between which small gaps are visible. And if the joint of the thumb between the two nodules is narrowed, the person is refined and inventive in lovemaking;

  • for women - with longer fingers (especially the thumb), smaller size and palm width, more straight lines hearts and heads.

G). Weak sexuality, reduced interest in sex with an increase in focus on high matters, imagination and words in men, coldness and a tendency to frigidity in women - in people:

  • for men - with a white sleek, flaccid, loose palm, especially if the smooth fingers taper towards the ends. Sexuality is close to zero - if these signs are also combined with a slightly pronounced pale heart line. The same can be said about the owner of a too narrow refined hand, almost flat, while its size no longer plays a role;

  • for women - with a narrow, flat, small, weak, lethargic, faded or gray, knotty hand.
10. Others important signs.

The above features of the appearance of people are easy to see. But to complete the picture, I would like to add some more important features that are taken into account in sexology when determining the sexual constitution. They do not relate to appearance, so you can find out about their character only with a fairly close acquaintance with a person. They demand his answers to questions. However, these signs will provide additional information for determining sexuality in general. Namely:

  • Age of awakening attraction to the opposite sex:
    in men:
    up to 11 years old - strong,
    from 12 to 14 - medium,
    from 15 - a weak sexual constitution.

    Among women:
    9, 12 and 15 years - respectively.

  • Age of first ejaculation in men:
    up to 12 years old - strong,
    from 13 to 15 years - average,
    at 16 and older - weak.

    Or the age of getting the first orgasm in women: 13, 23 and 35 - respectively.

    As well as the age of the first menstruation in women:
    about 10 years - strong,
    about 13 - medium,
    about 16 - weak.

  • The maximum number of ejaculations per day (during the whole life) in men:
    from 6 and more, less than 4 and less than 3 - strong, medium and weak constitution, respectively.

    Or the period of pregnancy after the start of regular sexual activity in women:
    immediately strong
    after 4 months - average,
    after 10 years - weak.

11. Movement.

And finally, a few words about behavior and manner of behaving, by which one can say something about a person’s sexual manifestations:

  • The more graceful and beautiful a person dances, the better he controls his body, the better he feels it, which means that the more sexy he is and the better he knows the art of love. Plastic people are more inventive in this matter. But the ingenuous simple movements of the dancer will most likely show the same manifestations of him in sex.

  • A waddling, imposing, or jumping gait will indicate a person who knows a lot about pleasures. A sluggish, shuffling gait - on the contrary, such a person lacks energy and imagination, determination and confidence, which is reflected in his behavior in bed. A very fast walk will show an impulsive lover - he is passionate, but he is unlikely to like slow and long sex. And a gait with a military bearing will indicate a strong person, in control of himself, but not distinguished by a special fantasy in bed.

We have considered many signs of the nature of human sexuality. Some of them are more important, some less. But it is important to remember that general level sexual potential on one basis is not worth it. The more features of appearance you take into account, the more accurate the result will be.

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What is it in appearance a person to determine his age and character. This question has been asked, is being asked and will be asked by all generations. There are several types of people, with different manifestations and with different physical data.

So, for example, there is such a species as Viscertonik. At first glance, he resembles a ball, chubby, small and always having fun. This is most often a bald individual who has a rounded face with a slightly reddish tinge. People always and everywhere are drawn to him, he attracts them to him like a magnet. He also loves to eat delicious food. He is very kind, sociable, a good family man, it is difficult to determine the age of such a representative, since he goes bald very early. More often these are politicians or simply succeed in any other field. You can’t laugh at such a person, only he can throw jokes at him, and you, in response to his sarcasm, should only answer with a friendly smile. If you do the opposite, then you will be fraught with bad consequences.

Somatonic, another type of human appearance. Broad-boned, slanting fathom at the shoulders, standard masculine rough appearance. Everything is very wide, starting from the legs, ending with the face. Most often dark skin. They do more than they think, and this affects their lives later on. They want to be leaders always and everywhere, sparing neither themselves nor those around them at this moment.

Cerobrothonic is tall, thin, with a pale complexion, he always seems to be sick with something. He most often looks like a kind of "nerd", frail and with glasses, and most often he is. He is a perpetually hungry student. They hover in the clouds, building castles in the air, do not like reality. Bypass sharp corners, at this moment they can even substitute a person close to them instead of themselves. There are few friends, because such people need to be understood, and this is very difficult.

Types of personalities deal with outside world and with yourself. Viscertonik, instead of solving pressing problems, it is better to go to an entertainment institution, or sit with friends in a company. The main thing for him is to fill his stomach with a good dinner, and drink good wine than to solve any pressing problems. Somatonic will rush to the embrasure with his chest, covering everyone and sacrificing himself. He is not afraid of anything in this world, although at the same moment he may faint at the sight of a mouse. Cerebrotonic will hide in the farthest corner and will sit in it until someone comes and saves him. Or he will begin to think hard about what to do next, instead of starting to act immediately.

The opinion about a person is composed only according to external data, not always correct. There are some other factors by which you can make a more reliable picture of a person. Everything is important in a person, his facial expressions, his constant posture in which he likes to sit or lie down, how he smiles, what kind of wrinkles are on his face. How a person keeps himself in society, what kind of posture he has. Proud, straight posture, says that this person is ambitious and adamant. Next to him, you can feel not quite at ease, although it may be an ordinary person, without any troubles. Why do we react so much to his posture and proud appearance?

When a man was just becoming a man, He observed such a picture in the animal world: “A pack of wolves gathered, the leader of the pack always held his head above everyone else, while his lower part remained uncovered, which made it possible for the enemy to bite him. But the enemy would never have dared to approach such a proud beast, because he showed with his whole appearance that he was stronger. And the man decided to experience it for himself, also raised his head high, straightened his back and went to his compatriots. And people began to treat him with undisguised respect, this trait of character has passed into our time.

An important factor is the gait of a person, how he walks, how he steps. When a person loves a rhythmic life, his gait becomes rhythmic, as if to the beat of a song. If a person is more constrained in his manners, and he will walk like a duckling, or a girl in a very tight skirt. He will carefully mince his feet. A person with a wide and open soul has a sweeping gait. In an evil person, the tread is heavy and slow. A person, by his nature, is slow, and his steps are also slow, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

The next step in determining the character of a person can be recognized by the hand. The lines on the palms clearly characterize the behavior, character and fate of a person. Depending on how a person's life will change, or has already changed, so the lines on the palms change their direction, or completely disappear. Each person has their own lines on the palms, they define them. life path, which can always be rotated the other way.

The age of a person is usually determined by the neck and arms, you can look a person in the eyes and read his age there. The fact is that no matter how many women use plastic surgery, it is impossible to correct the eyes, they can say everything about a person. His mood, characteristics, and most importantly, age. Just look deep into the eyes and you will understand everything.

Everything that is written here is not a panacea for everything, each person is individual and it is difficult to adjust it to one characteristic.

You met a person. How can you understand in a few minutes what kind of person is in front of you? Most people answer this question something like this: “I immediately see whether this person is good or not.” But then it turns out that apart from the inner feeling of "good - bad" there is nothing. And in our relationship with this person, we adhere to the old rule - “time will tell ...” But time shows different things ...

It is believed that physiognomy is the oldest science in the world and originated in China. Chinese physiognomists say that one can read even his fate from a person's face. Physiognomy - in fact, this is the relationship between the characteristics of a person's character and the proportions of the face. The meaning of this system is that the muscles of the face respond to the smallest signals of our nervous system and with constant reduction form a certain constitution.

This system is based on the idea that most We perceive information at the subconscious level. Wherever you find yourself, everywhere you make an initial judgment about another person according to outward signs: by his face, physique, clothes, manner of speaking, etc. When you first meet a person, you instantly make an intuitive judgment. Subsequently, you supplement or change this judgment.

I think you have also heard the thesis more than once that at the genetic level there is a transfer of individual character traits from parents to children. So, these individual properties of character can be determined by similar facial features, the shape of the eyes, ears, nose, fingers, etc. Another thing is when you know how to do instant analysis external manifestations interlocutor. So you can easily determine the course of his thoughts, speed of response, self-esteem, style of behavior, temperament and type of thinking, motives for actions, various inclinations and predispositions.

It should be noted that a woman's face is more difficult to read - a woman hides a lot behind cosmetics. But even in this case, it is difficult for her to "change" the shape of her face and eyes. So let's take a look human face, and learn to read it: about what hidden virtues or shortcomings it tells us. Physiognomists distinguish five major facial features: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.


In men, eyebrows are easy to read, in women it is difficult, since very often women's eyebrows undergo cosmetic treatment. However, in all cases, there is one clear sign: the thicker and stiffer the eyebrows, the more uncompromising and stubborn the person's character. The thin outer end of the eyebrow speaks of nobility, the wide one - of masculinity and enterprise, even a tendency to rigidity is possible.

Long, graceful eyebrows are calmness, conservatism. The elegant line of the eyebrows is longer than the eye - an outstanding intellect. A short and thin eyebrow - a person is in a state of struggle. Short and coarse eyebrows - an amorous nature, a tendency to change course frequently. If the eyebrows are almost invisible - in front of you cunning man. Short and thick eyebrows - independence, but also aggressiveness, irascibility.

Eyebrows fused into one line - resourcefulness, determination, straightforwardness. A shiny black mole inside the eyebrow is a success. Eyebrows in the shape of a boomerang - ingenuity.


It is truly a mirror of the soul. Nothing says more about a person than his eyes. You can redo everything in your face, but the expression, the shape of the eyes will remain unchanged.

So, big eyes mean receptivity and sensitivity, masculinity and authority. Small eyes - complacency, stubbornness, jealousy. If the edges of the eyes are beveled upwards, sensitivity, courage, and determination are inherent in a person. Eyes slanted down - good nature, optimism, attentiveness. If the outer corner of the eye is long and sharp, this is intelligence and insight. The outer corner of the eye is bent to the top - courage, recklessness, greed. If the corner of the eye looks down - humility, humility.

Crawling of the upper eyelid into the middle of the eye - insight, dexterity. If the entire eyelid falls slightly - great sexual attractiveness, but a cold heart. The upper eyelid, falling from the middle to the corner of the eye - pessimism. The general sagging of the lower eyelid in women is warmth and femininity. Swollen in the middle of the lower eyelid - self-centeredness. Swollen eyelids, both upper and lower - fatigue from life.


A long nose is usually characteristic of conservative personalities. An overlong nose means a tendency to intellectual achievement and capriciousness. Long and wide nose - stable character and calm temperament. Short nose - open character, optimistic and friendly.

Skinny and bony nose - weak concentration. A bony nose with a small hump or a high inflection - pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination. Small, in comparison with other facial features, the nose of women is petty jealous. A high nose in a woman with a protruding back is the ability to compete with men for a high position.

The tip of the nose is also various shapes. The round shape of the tip of the nose is a prosperous personality. If the tip of the nose sags - a supersexual nature. Pointed, not fleshy tip of the nose - a tendency to betrayal. The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle - revenge. Full, large, convex tip of the nose - kindness, warmth, readiness for self-sacrifice. An upturned nose with nostril openings is a free sexual morality, an inability to keep secrets.

By the way, during the life of a person's facial features change, depending on what lifestyle he leads and, accordingly, which muscle groups are more involved. So, some features become pronounced, others seem to be erased. Therefore, a careful look into a person's face can provide fairly accurate, and most importantly, up-to-date information.

Of course, this is only a small part of an interesting science - physiognomy. You can also "read" the mouth, ears, chin, etc. Most complete description a person can be given by considering his face as a whole, but you can begin the study of physiognomy by examining individual facial features. This will help you quickly navigate where there is little information about the partner with whom you have to do business.

The legendary Coco Chanel said: "At 20, you have the face that nature gave you, at 40 - the one that you made yourself, and at 60 - the one that you deserve."

Let's try with an example to show how just a few values ​​can work.

Well-known actors of the comic genre Jim Carey and Pavel Volya. Many will agree that in the manifestation of charisma, each of them is on top. These are energetic and original people. If we did not know their work on the stage and in the cinema, but assessed only by three physiognomic features (the shape of the nose, the direction of the tip of the nose and the shape of the chin), then psychological picture would be next.

Jim Carrey:
- Rounded chin (orientation to the feelings and attitude of other people towards oneself, friendliness);
- The tip of the nose is slightly directed upwards, snub-nosed (energy and optimism, non-critical perception, active learning of the new);
- Rounded tip of the nose (gullibility, tolerance for the weaknesses of others).

Pavel Volya:
- Elongated triangular chin (strong concentration and determination without regard to moral aspects, and the opinions of others);
- Pointing down the tip of the nose (skepticism, caution, calculation);
- Pointed tip of the nose (insight, the need to work out details, and find out the essence of things).

From the listed values, we can conclude that Jim Carey is really an energetic optimist who pleases others with the help of childish mischief, lightness and immediacy of behavior. And Pavel Volya, like a knife through butter, passes through the moods and motives of other people. This he succeeds due to subtle insight, sarcasm and the ability to notice details. And although such behavior can sometimes greatly confuse opponents and cause aggression, this does not scare him much. A strong concentration on one's own ideas does not allow one to be distracted by "someone else's moral principles."

In these examples, we have considered just a few positions and applied them to the way we express ourselves in public. Physiognomy has a richer and more versatile tool for predicting behavior and determining the inner essence of a person. The Center for the Study of Personality "Laboratory of Visual Psychodiagnostics" was created with the aim of popularizing such areas as physiognomy and chirology. The main goal of the company is to make our methods effective and easy to use, they are all time-tested.

Boyko Vladimir,

practical psychologist, palmist, specialist in the field of visual psychodiagnostics.

Learning to determine the character of any person, based on his external data, is a very tempting prospect. There is a separate direction in psychology that deals with the issues of determining character traits by analyzing a person’s appearance, which is called “physiognomy”. Towards this direction modern science is skeptical, classifying it rather as esoteric than as a traditional understanding of psychological teaching. However, physiognomy has many followers today, but its roots go back to the depths of centuries.

Strengths and weaknesses of the doctrine

Critics of physiognomy refer to the absence of immutable, indisputable criteria in its basis, which could serve as a starting point for further analysis. Indeed, physiological data (such as: height, proportions, facial features, etc.) are the result of genetic inheritance, while character is largely the result of upbringing. Of course, in this case, one can object, saying that the character is also inherited, showing its individual features even in infancy.

However, the personality traits inherent in a person are not yet the whole character. Thanks to proper upbringing and the efforts of parents, a child can acquire those qualities that will serve him well and which were initially difficult to count on. It is no secret that you can work on your character on your own, creating your own personality on your own. For example, you can change yourself beyond recognition if you solve such problems as:

  • Conquer fear, no matter what it was associated with. If a person sets a goal (and, if necessary, enlists outside help), then he can get rid of the fear of darkness, heights, death, loneliness, etc. Fighting fears is an essential part of the process of self-improvement. However, do not confuse fear with the instinct of self-preservation. Instinct prompts a person to take actions aimed at saving his life. Uncontrolled fear, on the contrary, paralyzes, making it impossible to act and, accordingly, posing a threat. Distinguishing one from the other, you can begin to fight against harmful qualities.
  • Develop punctuality. This will also help you change your character. A person who is constantly late suffers himself and causes distrust among others. It is also quite possible to change this quality. Many people begin to solve this problem, as they say, "from the wrong end." First of all, they try to calculate the time differently, start getting ready in advance, etc. This, of course, is also a completely justified path, but if it does not help, then you need to learn first of all not to rush, but to wait. In fact, the problem often lies precisely in this - often late people do not fit in their heads, how they will come to a meeting in twenty minutes or to work in half an hour. “What am I going to do there for twenty minutes?” they say. Meanwhile, if the thought of this did not disgust them, if they could calmly wait for something during this time, they would not subconsciously limit the time of their exit from the house to the usual ten minutes before the appointed time, which they always lack.
  • Defeat verbosity. The ability not to waste words in vain, to remain silent once again, to speak briefly and succinctly - the quality is very valuable and rare. Unfortunately, the habit of chatting for no reason very soon transforms into an addiction, which is very difficult to cope with. Meanwhile, the words of a man of few words are valued higher and inspire more confidence. He himself gains a reputation as a reliable, at least intelligent person. In addition, restraint in words helps to avoid huge amount problems.

This list can be continued for a long time. But even these examples are enough to imagine how much the character of a person will change if he copes with the tasks described above. And needless to say, at the same time, the height of his forehead, the shape of his eyes, the length of his neck, the outlines of his lips will remain the same. If, however, parents, assuming undesirable character traits in their child (for example, laziness or optionality), in time and correctly begin to educate opposite qualities in him, then the result will exceed their expectations. Usually about the traits of character brought up in this way, it is said that "he absorbed them with his mother's milk."

However, one can immediately object that if no action is taken, if certain character traits are not specially brought up in oneself or in a child, perhaps his nature will remain in accordance with external data. Maybe that's what physiognomy says? Or to say that a person by nature weak and weak-willed is simply not able to cultivate such qualities in himself.

This is partly true, but practice shows that at least external education is able to model personality traits not only in weak people, but also in those who suffer from developmental disorders, mental disorders, and pedagogical neglect. Of course, in each individual case, different methods and an individual approach will be required, but such a possibility exists. Needless to say, external data will not matter in this case.

Meanwhile, physiognomy has justified its existence for many centuries. In China, for example, it is taken seriously. Many, probably, are familiar with such common expressions as “a fat person is always kind” or “thin lips are evil people". Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: after all, a thin person can turn out to be the kindest, and the owner of rounded shapes can be an egoist and a greedy person. Some serial maniacs, again, had the right features, an attractive appearance, a direct, open look, full lips and thin fingers. Nevertheless, physiognomy quite definitely describes the dependence of appearance on character, and how much this corresponds to reality, everyone can evaluate for himself.

We read the character in the face

If we rely on the statements of physiognomy, then the qualities of a person have an external expression in the form of facial features and body proportions. For example, a stubborn, determined, purposeful person should have the following appearance:

  • square shaped face;
  • the nose is correct, well-defined, with a rounded tip;
  • mouth large;
  • eye color is pronounced.

Of course, a determined person can be both good and evil, and a purposeful person can be fair or unprincipled. In this case, the appearance will be completed various features. It is believed that deep-set eyes indicate an envious and cruel nature, and a potato-shaped nose is characteristic of kind and unselfish people.

A romantic, trusting nature, prone to daydreaming and lack of concentration, is usually characterized by wide (not necessarily large) eyes, a thin neck, a rounded face and an indistinct eye color. At the same time, the lips, most likely, without obvious dominant features, the upper and lower lips are approximately the same, they do not protrude in relation to each other.

A complex, capricious, selfish character can be identified by thin, clearly defined eyebrows, a protruding upper lip, an upturned nose, and a narrow forehead. A small mouth, a poorly developed chin and a forked tip of the nose often indicate insecurity, weakness of character, and shyness.

Usually an oval-shaped face, regular features that do not have a tendency to dominate, a high or above average forehead, a developed chin, but not protruding, are characteristic of people who are intelligent, who know their own worth, and who have the qualities of a leader. Such people, even if they do not occupy leadership positions, can, if necessary, take on organizational responsibilities, make decisions, and think strategically.

Physiognomy presents this dependence as a regularity, arguing that the assessment of external features allows you to "calculate" the character like a mathematical action - by the sum of personality qualities. It is not surprising that fundamental science is in no hurry to share this point of view. After all, in addition to the influence of education, there are anthropological features that are characteristic, for example, of a group of people belonging to a certain race.

If you rely on the statements of physiognomy, narrow eyes are a sign of cruelty and expansive nature. Does this mean that among people with a narrow slit of the eyes, the vast majority have such qualities? Very doubtful. Moreover, some nationalities, which are characterized by narrow eyes, are wary of big-eyed people, believing that "demons are hiding in wide eyes." In the culture of some peoples, traditions are still preserved, according to which, for example, the choice of a bride is carried out taking into account characteristic features her appearance, supposedly indicating desirable qualities of character.

What else is worth paying attention to

If we talk about reading the character in appearance, it is better to pay attention not so much to the shape of the nose and lips, but to other signs. If the height of the forehead, chin, face shape, etc., are inherited by a person from his parents and he cannot change them, then he still creates something in his appearance himself, sometimes even unwittingly. This applies to the manner of dressing, talking, gait, hand motility, gaze, behavior, etc. These features say much more about a person than anthropological characteristics, because they are a direct reflection of his character.

With prolonged communication, of course, character, one way or another, makes itself felt, therefore, in a large team, for example, people are grouped precisely according to the principle of similarity of features or, on the contrary, compensation for their own qualities. But people subconsciously feel their preferences from the first minutes, not yet knowing the character of a person. So, with a cursory glance at a person, you can find out:

  • Dressing style. Bright, overly catchy things, massive jewelry, contrasting colors in clothes indicate that their owner is self-centered, quick-tempered, sociable, impulsive, needs the attention of others, highly appreciates himself. Elegant clothes of restrained colors are typical for people who have a sense of tact, listen to the opinions of others, collected, scrupulous. Carelessness in clothes, preference for convenience over beauty speaks of a person’s passion, stubbornness in their views, and shyness.
  • The manner of speaking. Verbosity, talkativeness is characteristic of people who are proud, at the same time unsure of themselves, touchy. Quiet, slow speech, embarrassment when it is necessary to speak in public speaks of self-doubt, a tendency to self-criticism, perseverance, vulnerability. A sharp, sometimes rude manner of speaking for no reason, interrupting, smirks indicate that a person is not self-confident, touchy, distrustful, pessimistic, selfish.

In addition, gait, the position of arms, legs and the whole body during a conversation, look, and facial expression are not the least important for determining character. If a person makes an effort to hide his condition, tries to control his behavior, he can be provoked to an unplanned reaction to see what lies underneath " protective layer". You can evaluate the correspondence of your own character traits and appearance, look at yourself from the outside. If you delve into the process of studying human nature in appearance, this activity can be extremely exciting and useful.

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