The urgent problems of humanity. Global problems

Engineering systems 14.10.2019
Engineering systems

Recently, you are increasingly hearing about globalization (from English. Global world, worldwide), which means a sharp expansion and deepening of relationships and interdependencies between countries, nations and individuals. Globalization covers spheres politicians, economics, culture. And the basis of its political activities, economic Unions, TNC, the creation of global information about the space, global financial capital. More than the benefits of globalization to the greatest extent can only be used by the "Golden Billion" so-called residents of highly developed post-industrial Western countries, the total population of which is approaching 1 billion.

This inequality caused a mass movement of anti-globalists to life. With the process of globalization is closely connected and the emergence of global problems of humanity, which were in the center of attention of scientists, political figures and the general public, are studied by many sciences , including geography. This is explained by the fact that each of them has its geographical aspects and is manifested in different ways in various regions of the world. Recall that N. N. Baransky called the geographers "Think by continents." However, these days and this approach is not enough. Global problems cannot be solved only "globally" and even "pegionically". It is necessary to start their solution from countries and districts.

That is why scientists put forward the slogan: "Think globally, act locally!" Considering global problems, you will need to summarize the knowledge gained in the study of all the textbook.

Consequently, it is a more complex, synthesizing material. However, one should not be treated as a purely theoretical. After all, essentially, global problems directly relate to each of you as a small "particles" of the united and long-fashioned humanity.

The concept of global NPOBLES.

The last decades of the twentieth century They put a lot of sharp and complex problems in front of the peoples of the world, which were named global.

Global calls the problems that cover the whole world, all of humanity, create a threat to the EGO of the present and the future and require a combined efforts of all gocryards and peoples for the conjunction of joint efforts.

In scientific literature, you can meet various lists of global problems, where the number varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is explained by the fact that along with the main, priority global problems (which will be further considered in the textbook) there are still a number of more private, but also very important problems: for example, crime. Happiness, separatism, deficiency of democracy, texnogenic disasters, natural disasters. As already noted, the problem of international terrorism recently acquired the problem of international terrorism, in fact, which has become one of the most priorities.

There are also various classifications of global problems. But usually they allocate: 1) the problems of the most "universal" character, 2) problems of natural economic nature, 3) social problems, 4) problems of a mixed nature.

More "old" and more "new" global problems are also distinguished. The degree of their priority over time can also change. So, at the end of the twentieth century. Ecological and demographic problems have come to the fore, while the problem of preventing the Third World War has become less acute.

Ecological problem

"Earth is only one!" Back in the 40s. Academician V. I. Bepnadsky (1863 1945), the founder of the doctrine on the noosphere (sphere of Pazuma), wrote that the economic activity of people began to have no less strong impact on the geographical medium than the geological processes occurring in the very nature itself. Since then, the "metabolism" between the society and the nature of many photos has increased and acquired an increase. However, "conquering" nature, people largely undermined the natural foundations of their own livelihoods.

The intensive path is before underway in increasing the biological productivity of existing land. Biotechnology, the use of new, high-yielding varieties and new methods of incidence of soil, the further development of mechanization, chemicals, as well as amelioration, the history of which has several millennia, from Mesopotamia, Ancient Millennium, starting with Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and India has been labeled.

Example. Only for the twentieth century. The area of \u200b\u200birrigated lands increased from 40 to 270 million hectares. Now these lands occupy approximately 20% of the land treated, but they give up to 40% of agricultural products. Opened agriculture is used in 135 countries, with 3/5 of irrigated lands in Asia.

A new non-traditional food production method is developed, which lies in the "design" of artificial food based on a protein from natural natural raw materials. Scientists were calculated that in order to ensure the population of the Earth, food was needed in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Increase the volume of agricultural production by 2 times, and by the middle of the XXI V.V. 5 times. PACCHES show that if the farming level achieved to this in many developed countries was distributed to all countries of the world, one could fully meet the need for food 10 billion people and even more. . Hence , the intensive path is the main way to solve the food problem of humanity. Already now it provides 9/10 to the increase in agriculture products. (Creative task 4.)

Energy and raw material problems: causes and solutions

This is before the problem of reliable human resources and raw materials. And it happened that the problem of peesuropery acquired a certain sharpness. But it usually applied to individual districts and countries with "Hecomplete" composition of natural resources. In a global scale, it first manifested itself, perhaps in the 70s, which is explained by several reasons.

Among them are very rapid growth in the relative limitation of proven oil, natural gas reserves, and some other types of fuel and raw materials, deterioration of gopnotheological conditions of production, an increase in the territorial gap between the production and consumption areas, promotion of mining to the areas of new development with extreme natural conditions, negative impact Industry for the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials on an ecological situation, etc. Consequently, in our era, more than ever, it is necessary to prepare the use of mineral resources related to how you know the category of exhausted and non-repaired.

0Gromic opportunities for this open the achievements of the HTR, and at all stages of the technological chain. So, the most important extraction of minerals from the depths of the earth is important.

Example. With existing methods of oil production, its extraction coefficient varies in the range of 0.25-0.45, which is clearly not enough and mean that most of its geological reserves remain in earthly depths. Increased oil recovery coefficient even by 1% gives a large economic effect.

Large reserves exist in increasing the coefficient of useful use of fuel and raw materials. After all, with the existing technique and technology, this coefficient is usually about 0.3. Therefore, in the literature, you can meet the statement of one English physics that the effectiveness of modern energy installations is about the same Ypovna, as if it were necessary to burn a whole home to roast a pork carcass ... It is not surprising that recently it is very much attention to Not so much further increasing production, how much energy and material saving. GDP growth in many countries of the North is already happening actually without increasing the consumption of fuel and raw materials. Due to the rise in price of oil, many countries are wider using non-traditional renewable energy sources (NWIE) wind, solar, geothermal, biomass energy. NWIE is inexhaustible and differ in environmental cleanliness. Work continues to increase the efficiency and reliability of nuclear energy. MHD generators, hydrogen energy and fuel cells have already begun. . And in front of mastering the controlled thermonuclear synthesis, which is comparable to the invention of the steam machine or computer. (Creative task 8.)

People health problem: Global aspect

Recently, in world practice, in the assessment of the quality of life of people, their health is put forward to the first place. And this is not by chance: it is precisely it that serves as the basis for the full life and activity of each person, and society as a whole.

In the second half of the twentieth century. Big successes were achieved in the fight against many diseases of Chuma, Cholera, OCP, yellow fever, polio, etc.

Example. In 60-70x. The World Health Organization (WHO) implemented a wide CPYG of Medical Activities to Combat OSP, which were used more than 50 countries of the world with a population of over 2 billion people. As a result, this disease on our planet was actually eliminated. .

Nevertheless, many diseases still continue to yugging people's lives, often acquired truly global distribution . Among them can be called cardiovascular diseases From which 15 million people are dying in the world every year, malignant tumors, venereal diseases, drug addiction, malaria. .

Human harm for the health of hundreds of millions of people continues to apply smoking. . But a very special ygrozu for all of humanity is AIDS.

Example.This disease, the appearance of which was noted only at the beginning of the 80-X years, were now called the Chumay of the twentieth century. In the end of 2005, the total number of AIDS infected has already exceeded 45 million people, and millions of people have already died from this disease. On the UN initiative, World AIDS Day is held annually.

Considering this topic, you should keep in mind that when evaluating human health, it is impossible to be limited only to EGO physiological health. This concept includes also moral (spiritual), mental health, with whom the dear is also unfavorable, including in Russia. That is why the human health should remain one of the priority global problems. (Creative task 6.)

The problem of using the World Ocean: a new stage

The world ocean, which occupies 71% of the Earth's surface, has always played an important role in communicating countries and peoples. However, before the Celebration of the XX century. All types of human activity in the ocean dawned only 1-2% of world income. But with the development of HTR, a comprehensive study and the event of the World Ocean took quite different scales.

First, the aggravation of global energy and experience led to the emergence of marine mining and chemical industries, naval energy. The NTR focus opens up prospects for further increasing oil and gase production, iron orders, to extract hydrogen isotope of deuterium from sea water, for the construction of giant tidal power plants, for the desalination of sea water.

Bow-second, the aggravation of the global food problem increased interest in the biological resources of the ocean, which still provide 2% of food "soldering" of humanity (but 12-15% of animal protein). Of course, the prey of fish and seafood can be enlarged. The potential of their withdrawal without the threat of a violation of the current balance is estimated by scientists from different countries from 100 to 150 million tons. The re-reserve is the development mariculture. . No wonder they say that the fish, the contention of little fats and cholesterol, may be "chicken XXI century."

Thirdly, the deepening of the international geographical separation of labor, the rapid growth of world trade is accompanied by an increase in shipping. This, in turn, caused a shift in the production and population to the sea and the rapid development of a number of seaside districts. Thus, many large seaports turned into industrial complex complexes for which such industries like shipbuilding, refining, petrochemistry, metallurgy, and recently some of the newest industries have become developed. Ogumnaya scales adopted seaside urbanization.

The "population" itself also increased (crews of ships, drilling platforms, passengers and tourists), which now reaches 2-3 million people. It is possible that in the future it will increase in connection with the projects of creating stationary or floating as in the zhul novel, the "Floating Islands" is the islands. . No need to forget that the Okean serves as an important means of telegraph and telephone; For the bottom of the EGO, numerous cable lines are laid. .

As a result of all production and scientific activities within the surroundings of the Ocean and the Contact Zone, the ocean of Cysha emerged a special component of the world economy marine farm. It includes mining and manufacturing, energy, fishing, transport, trade, recreation and tourism. In general, at least 100 million people are employed in the marine.

But such activities at the same time spawned the global problem of the World Ocean. Its essence is the extremely uneven development of the ocean resources, in the increasing pollution of the marine environment, in the use of EGO as a military activity arena. As a result, over the past decades, the intensity of life in Irow Okean decreased by 1/3. That is why the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which is called the "Charter of the Seas", is very important. She set the economic zones of 200 sea miles from the coast, within which the coastal state can also carry out the sovereign rights to the use of biological and mineral pecyps. The main way to solve the problem of using world Okana rational oceanic environmental management, a balanced, comprehensive approach to its wealth, based on combining the efforts of the entire world community. (Creative task 5.)

Peaceful Space Learning: New Horizons

Cosmos is a global medium, the common property of humanity. Now that space programs have become significantly complicated, their implementation requires the concentration of technical, economic, intellectual efforts of many countries and peoples. Therefore, the development of space has become one of the most important international, global problems.

In the second half of the twentieth century. There were two main directions in the study and use of outer space: cosmic landland and cosmic production. Both of them from the beginning began to be apeaker both bilateral and especially multi-way cooperation.

Example 1.The internationalization of "Intersice" with headquarters in Moscow was created in the early 70s. Nowadays, more than 1,0 public and private companies in many countries of the world enjoy cosmic communications through the "INTERSPUTNY" system.

Example 2. Works on the creation of the International Space Station (ISS) "Altea", carried out by the United States, Russia, European Space Agent, Japan, Canada, were completed. . In the final form of the ISS, there are from 36 block modules. International crews work at the station. And the connection with the Earth is carried out with the help of American ships "Space Shttl" and Russian "unions".

Peaceful development of space, providing for the refusal of military programs, is based on the use of the newest achievements of science and technology, production and management. It already provides tremendous space information about the land and its resources. Everything is more distinct, the features of the future space industry, cosmic technology, the use of cosmic energy resources using giant solar power plants, which will be placed on a gel-centric orbit at an altitude of 36 km.

The relationship of global problems. Overcoming the backwardness of developing countries - the largest global problem

As you have seen, each of the global problems of humanity has its own specific coding. But they are all closely interrelated: energy and raw materials with ecological, environmental with demographic, demographic with food, etc. The problem of peace and disarmament directly affects all other problems. However, when the transition from the economy of armaments to the economy of disarmament began, the center of gravity of most global problems is becoming more and more moved to the countries of the developing world . The scale of their backwardness is truly worn (see Table 10).

The main manifestation and at the same time the cause of this backwardness of poverty, poverty. In the arts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, more than 1.2 billion people live in extreme impoverishment, or 22% of the population of these regions. Half poor people exist on $ 1 per day, the second half by $ 2 poverty and poverty are especially characteristic of the countries of Tpoptic Africa, which is $ 1-2 a day lives almost half of the central people. Residents of Girls and rural depths are forced to be content with a vital level of 5-10% of the standard of living in the richest sts.

Perhaps the most dramatic even catastrophic nature has acquired a food problem in developing countries. Of course, hunger and malnutrition exist in the world starting from the veryest development of humanity. Already in the XIX - XX centuries. Many millions of lives have taken out of hunger in China, India, Ireland, in many countries in Africa and in the Soviet Union. But the existence of hunger in the Epoch of HTR and the overproduction of food in economically developed Western countries is truly one of the paradoxes of our time. It is also generated by the overall retardation and poverty of developing countries, which led to the gpother lag of agricultural production from the needs of develops.

Nowadays, the "geography of a city" in the world is determined before under the most backward, not affected by the "green revolution" of Africa and Asia, where a significant part of the population lives literally on the verge of hungry death. More than 70 developing countries are forced to import food.

Due to diseases associated with malnutrition and hunger, disadvantage of pure water, 40 million people die in developing countries (which is comparable to human losses for the entire World War II), including 13 million children. Not accidentally depicted on a poster of the United Nations African girl to the question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Replies only in one word: "Live!"

Sprucely related demographic problem of developing countries . The demographic explosion has contradictory impact on them. On the one hand, it provides a permanent tide of fresh strength, the growth of labor resources, and on the other, it creates additional difficulties in the struggle for overcoming economic retardation, complicates the solution of many social issues, "eats" a significant part of their achievements, increases the "truck" to the territory. In most Asian countries, Africa, Latin America, the growth rate of the population overtakes food production rates.

You already know that recently a demographic explosion in developing countries has taken the form of the "urban explosion". But despite this, the number of rural population in most of them not only does not decrease, but increases. Interestably increases and without one-heading, which continues to maintain a wave of migrations in the "belt of poverty" of large cities and abroad, in richer countries. It is not surprising that the bulk of refugees falls on developing countries. Last to the flow of economic flows, more and more environmental refugees are poured.

With a demographic explosion, the specific age composition of the population of developing countries, where two dependents fall on each able-bodied person. [Gu]. The high proportion of young ages to the extreme aggravates many social problems. Direct connection with food and demographic has an environmental problem. Back in 1972, India's Prime Minister India Gandhi called poverty by the most terrible pollution of the environment. Indeed, many of the developing countries are so poor, and the conditions of international trade for them are so unfavorable that they often do not have anything left, how to continue to cut rare forests, allow the waste of pastures to allow the transfer of "dirty" industries, etc., without worrying about future. This is the root cause of such processes as desertification, deforestation, soil degradation, reducing the species composition of fauna and flora, water and air pollution. Ocapply varying the nature of the tropics only aggravates their consequences.

The plight of the majority of developing countries has become the largest universal, global problem. Back in 1974, the UN adopted a program providing that in 1984 no one in the world went to bed hungry.

That is why overcoming the backwardness of developing countries still remains an extremely urgent task. Its solutions to its decisions are to carry out indigenous socio-economic transformations in all spheres of life and activities of these countries, in the development of scientific and technological progress, international cooperation, in demilitarization . (Creative task 8.)

Global problems of humanity in the 21st century and the likely ways to solve them

The global problems of humanity are related to the problem of a planetary scale, and the fate of all mankind depends on their suspended solution. These problems are not solitary, they are interrelated and concern all parties to the lives of people of our planet, regardless of their economic, social and cultural levels.

In modern society, it is necessary to clearly separate well-known problems from global in order to understand their cause and the whole world to embrace its elimination.

After all, if we consider the problem of overpopulation, then humanity must be understood that it can be easily cope with it, if you do not spend great money for war and advertising, but to provide access to the necessary resources, and to quit all the forces on the formation of material and cultural goods.

The question arises, what true global problems do humanity take up to the twenty-first century?

The world society stepped in the 21st century with the same problems and threats to life on Earth, which was before. Let's consider some of the problems in more detail. The threats of mankind of the 21st century include:

Ecological problems

It was already said a lot about such a negative phenomenon for life on earth, as global warming. Scientists still find it difficult to give an accurate answer about the future of the climate, and that can follow the temperature increase on the planet. After all, the consequences may be such that the temperature will increase as long as the winter will not disappear at all, but maybe the opposite, and the global cooling will come.

And since the point of no return in this matter is already passed, and it is impossible to stop it, then you need to look for ways to control and adapt to this problem.

Such catastrophic consequences led the ragged activity of people who were engaged in robberry natural resources, lived alone and did not think about what it could lead to.

Of course, the international community is trying to start solving this problem, but so far somehow not so actively, as I would like. And in the future, it is definitely a climate will continue to change, but in which direction, while it is difficult to predict.

Threat of war

Also one of the main global problems remains the threat of various kinds of military conflicts. And, unfortunately, the tendency to its disappearance is not expected yet, but on the contrary only sharpens.

At all times, there were confrontations between the central and peripheral countries, where the first tried to add the second dependence and naturally that the second tried to leave it, also with the help of wars.

Main paths and ways to solve global problems

Unfortunately, ways to overcome all global problems of humanity have not yet been found. But in order to occur in a positive shift in their decision, it is necessary that humanity will send their activities to preserve the natural environment, peaceful existence and creating favorable living conditions for future generations.

Therefore, the main methods of solving global problems remain, first of all, the formation of consciousness and sense of responsibility of all without exception of the citizens of the planet for their actions.

It is necessary to continue the comprehensive study of the causes of various domestic and international conflicts and the search for their solutions.

It will not be superfluous and continuous informing of citizens about global issues by introducing the public to their control and further forecasting.

Ultimately, each person is obliged to take responsibility for the future of our planet and take care of her. To do this, it is necessary to look for ways to interact with the outside world, develop new technologies, protect the resources, search for alternative energy sources, etc.

Maksakovsky V.P., Geography. Economic and social geography of the world 10 CL. : studies. For general education. institutions


Introduction ..................................................................................... 3

A look at global problems ......................................................... 4

InterSocial problems ......................................................... ..5

Ecological and social problems ..........................................................9

Socio-cultural problems ...............................................................14

Conclusion ................................................................................................16

List of references ............................................................. ......... 17


From FR.Global - Universal

Global problems of humanity are problems and situations that cover many countries, the atmosphere of the Earth, the world ocean and the near-earth outer space and affect the entire population of the Earth.

Global problems of humanity cannot be solved by the forces of one country, co-developed provisions on environmental protection, agreed economic policy, assistance to backward countries, and the like are needed.

In the course of the development of civilization, there was repeatedly complex problems, sometimes and a planetary nature. But still it was a distant background, a kind of "incubation period" of modern global problems. To full, these problems were already manifested in the second half and, in particular, in the last quarter of the 20th century, that is, at the turn of the two centuries and, even millennia. They were caused to life with a whole complex of reasons, clearly manifested in this period.

The twentieth century is a turning point not only in world social history, but also in the fate of humanity. The principal difference between the outgoing century from the whole previous story is that humanity has lost faith in its immortality. He was available to understanding that his domination over nature is not irrelevant and fraught with the death of him. In fact, mankind itself has never increased quantitatively by 2.5 times during the lifetime of only one generation, thereby increasing the power of the "demographic press." Never before that, humanity did not entitle the scientific and technological revolution, did not reach the post-industrial stage of development, did not open roads into space. Never before for his livelihoods did not require such a number of natural resources, and the waste returned to them was also not so great. Never before that did not arise such globalization of the global economy, such a unified world information system. Finally, never before the Cold War did not let down all of humanity so close to the frontier of self-destruction. If it is even possible to avoid the global nuclear war, the threat to the existence of humanity on Earth still remains, because the planet will not withstand the bullshit, which was formed as a result of human activity. It is even more obvious that the historical form of a person's existence, which allowed him to create modern civilization, with all it seemed to be impossible capabilities and amenities, gave rise to many problems requiring cardinal solutions - and at that immediately.

The purpose of this abstract is to give modern ideas about the essence of the global problems and the nature of their relationships.

Global problem

In the process of historical development of human activity, there is a breakdown of obsolete technological methods, and together with them and outdated social mechanisms of human interaction with nature. At the beginning of human history, advantageously adaptive (adaptive) interaction mechanisms were operated. The man submitted to the forces of nature, adapted to changes occurring in it, changing as its own nature. Then, as the productive forces develop the utilitarian attitude of man to nature, another person prevailed. The modern era sets the question of moving to a new way of social mechanisms, which should be called co-war or harmonic. The global situation in which humanity turned out, reflects and expresses the universal crisis of the human consumer attitude towards natural and social resources. The mind pushes humanity to the awareness of the vital need to harmonize relations and relations in the global system "Man - Machinery - Nature". In this regard, the comprehension of the global problems of modernity, their reasons, the relationship, ways to solve them, is of particular importance.

Global problems they call the problems that, firstly, concern all mankind, affecting the interests and fate of all countries, peoples and social layers; secondly, lead to significant economic and social losses, and in case of exacerbation, they can threaten the existence of human civilization; Thirdly, they require cooperation in the general growth scale, joint actions of all countries and peoples for their decision.

The reduced definition can hardly be considered quite clear and unambiguous. Yes, and their classifications for one or another signs are often too vague. From the point of view of the review of global problems, the most acceptable classification is combining all global problems in three groups:

1. Problems of economic and political interaction of states (intersocial). Among them are the most topical of: global security; globalization of political power and civil society structure; Overcoming the technological and economic backwardness of developing countries and the establishment of a new international order.

2. Problems of interaction of society and nature (environmental and social). First of all, it is: preventing disastrous environmental pollution; ensuring humanity necessary natural; Mastering the world's ocean and outer space.

3. Problems of relationships of people and society (sociocultural). The main one: the problem of population growth; the problem of protecting and promoting the health of people; Problems of education and cultural growth.

All these problems are generated by the disunity of humanity, uneven development. The conscious beginning has not yet become the most important prerequisite for humanity as a whole. The negative results and consequences of inconsistent, ill-conceived actions of countries, peoples, individuals, accumulating on a global scale, have become a powerful objective factor in global economic and social development. They have an increasing impact on the development of individual countries and regions. Their decision implies the unification of the efforts of a large number of states and organizations internationally. In order to have visual ideas about the strategy and methodology for solving global problems, it is necessary to dwell on the characteristics of at least the most topical of them

InterSocial problems

Global security

In recent years, this topic attracts special attention in political and scientific circles, it dedicated to her a huge number of special research. This in itself is evidence of the awareness of the fact that the survival and the possibility of human development is subjected to threats, which it never experienced in the past.

Indeed, in former times, the concept of security was identified with the defense of the country from aggression. Now, it also implies protection against threats related to natural disasters and technogenic catastrophes, an economic crisis, political instability, dissemination of subversive information, moral degradation, degradation of a national gene pool, etc.

All this extensive problem with the full basis is the subject of concerns both in individual countries and within the framework of the world community. It will somehow be considered in all parts of the research. However, it remains, and in some respects it even enhances military threat.

The confrontation of the two superpowers and military units led the world close to a nuclear catastrophe. The termination of this confrontation and the first steps along the path of real disarmament were undoubtedly the greatest achievement of international politics. They proved the principal opportunity to escape from the cycle, inexorably pushing humanity into the abyss, cool to turn away from the injection of hostility and hatred for attempts to understand each other, take into account mutual interests, open the way to cooperation and partnership.

The results of this policy cannot be overestimated. The main one is the absence of the immediate danger of world war with the use of mass destruction and the threat of universal extermination of life on Earth. But is it possible to argue that world wars From now on, and forever are generally excluded from the history that such a danger will not arise again after a while due to the emergence of a new armed confrontation or the natural expansion of the local conflict to world sizes, the malfunction of technology, unauthorized launch of missiles with nuclear warheads, other cases of this kind? This is one of the most important issues of global security.

Special attention requires the problem of conflicts arising on the basis of interfaith rivalry. Traditional geopolitical contradictions are hidden behind them or the world stands before the threat of the revival of jihad and crusades, inspired by fundamentalists of various sense? Some unexpectedly seemed such a perspective in the era of the widespread dissemination of democratic and humanistic values \u200b\u200bassociated with her danger too large in order not to take the necessary measures to prevent them.

Among current security issues also refer joint struggle against terrorism, political and criminal, crime, distribution of drugs.

Thus, the efforts of the global community to create a global security system should go along the way of promotion to: collective security Universal type covering all participants in the world community; Security complex typeencompassing, along with the military, and other factors of strategic instability; Security long-term typecorresponding to the needs of the democratic global system as a whole.

Policy and power in the globalizing world

As in other areas of vital activity, globalization entails fundamental changes in the field of policies, devices and distribution of power. From how correctly the meaning of these changes will understand and the will of the Common Action will be manifested, the ability of humanity to keep the globalization process under control, using its positive aspects and minimizing negative consequences to respond to economic, social, environmental, spiritual and Other challenges of the XXI century.

"Compression" of space Thanks to the revolution in the field of communications and the formation of the global market, the need for universal solidarity in the face of impending threats steadily reduce the possibilities of national policies and multiply the number of regional, continental, global problems. As the interdependence of individual societies enhances, this trend not only dominates the state policy, but more and more gives itself to know in domestic political issues.

Meanwhile, the basis of the "organizational structure" of the world community remains sovereign states. In the conditions of this "dvoevsty", a reasonable balance between national and global policies is needed, the optimal distribution of "duties" between them, their organic interaction.

How realizing is such a pairing whether to overcome the opposition of the forces of national and group egoism, to use the opening unique chance of the formation of a democratic world order - this is the main subject of research.

The experience of recent years does not allow unambiguously to answer this question. The elimination of the split world for two opposing military political bloc did not lead to the expected democratization of the entire system of international relations, to the elimination of hegemonism or reduce the use of force. The temptation is great to start a new tour of the geopolitical games, redistributed spheres of influence. The disarmament process was noticeably slowed down, the impetus was given a new thinking. Instead of some conflicts, others flared, no less bloody. In general, after the step forward, how the cessation of the "Cold War" was made half a year ago.

All this does not give reason to believe that the possibility of a democratic reorganization of the international system is exhausted, but indicates that this task is much more complicated than the politicians who dare to take up for ten years ago. The question remains that the new version with the replacement of the Soviet Union of a superpower, monocentrism, polycentricism or, finally, democratic management of the world community, by means of generally acceptable mechanisms and procedures by means of generally acceptable mechanisms and procedures, should be replaced by the Bipolar Mire.

Along with the creation of a new system of international relations and the redistribution of power between states, other factors acquire increasing importance that actively affect the formation of the world order of the XXI century. International Financial Institutions, Transnational Corporations, Powerful Information Complexes type "Internet", Global Communication Systems, Association of Relatives In the Spirit of Political Parties and Social Movements, Religious, Cultural, Corporate Associations - All these institutions forming global civil society There may be a strong impact on the course of world development. They will become conductors of limited national or even selfish private interests or a global policy tool - the question of tremendous importance in need of an in-depth study.

Thus, the emerging global system needs reasonably organized legitimate power expressing the collective will of the world community and has sufficient authority to solve global problems.

Global Economics - Challenge for National Economics

In economics, science, technology globalization exhibits itself most intensively. Transnational corporations and banks, uncontrollable financial flows, a single worldwide electronic communication system and information, modern transport, the transformation of English into a means of "global" communication, large-scale population migrations - all this blurs national-state partitions and forms an economically integrated world.

At the same time, for a huge number of countries and peoples, the status of a sovereign state is represented by means of protection and ensuring economic interests.

The contradiction between globalism and nationalism in economic development becomes an urgent problem. Is it really to what national states lose the ability to determine economic policies, giving way to transnational corporations? And if so, what are the consequences for the social environment, the formation and regulation of which is carried out mainly at the national-state level?

With the termination of the military and ideological confrontation of the two worlds, as well as the progress in the field of disarmament, globalization received a powerful additional impulse. The relationship of market transformation in Russia and in the entire post-Soviet space, in China, Central and Eastern Europe, on the one hand, and economic globalization, on the other, is a new and promising area of \u200b\u200bresearch and forecasting.

Apparently, a new sphere of confrontation of two powerful forces opens: the national bureaucracy (and everything that is behind it) and the international economic environment, losing the national "registration" and obligations.

The next layer of problems is the offensive of the globalized economy on the institutions of social protection created in many decades, the social state. Globalization sharply sharpens economic competition. As a result, the social climate inside the enterprise is worse and outside. This also applies to transnational corporations.

So far, the lion's share of the benefits and fruits of globalization get rich and strong states. It is noticeably increasing the danger of global economic shocks. A special vulnerability is distinguished by a global financial system, which is broken from the real economy and can become a victim of speculative scam. The need for joint management of globalization processes is obvious. But is it possible and in what form?

Finally, the world will have to come to face the dramatic need to rethink the basic foundations of economic activity. This is caused by at least two circumstances. First, a quickly deepening environmental crisis requires significant changes to the dominant economic system, both at the national and global level. "Market failure" in regulating the scale of environmental pollution may in the near future really become a "end of history". Secondly, a serious problem represents the "social failure" of the market, manifested, in particular, in the growing polarization of the rich north and poor south.

All this puts the most complicated questions regarding the place in regulating the future world economy of the classical mechanisms of market self-regulation, on the one hand, and the conscious activities of state, interstate and supranational bodies, on the other.

Ecological and social problems

The essence of this circle of global problems is hazardous to the existence of mankind violation of equilibrium biosphere processes. In the twentieth century, technological civilization came to a threatening conflict with a biosphere, which was for billions of years as a system, ensuring the continuity of life and the optimality of the environment. Without solving social problems for most humanity, the technogenic development of civilization led to the destruction of the habitat. The ecological and social crisis has become the reality of the twentieth century.

Environmental crisis - the main challenge of civilization

It is known that life on the ground exists in the form of cycles of organic matter based on the interaction of synthesis and destruction processes. Each type of organisms - a circuit link, the process of reproduction of an organic matter. The synthesis function in this process is performed by green plants. Destruction function - microorganisms. The man in the first stages of its history was the natural link of the biosphere and biotic circuit. The changes made to them in nature did not have a decisive effect on the biosphere. Today, man became the largest planetary force. It is enough to say that about 10 billion tons of minerals from the subsoil of the earth is extracted, 3-4 billion tons of minerals are spent, about 10 billion tons of industrial carbon dioxide is supplied to the atmosphere. In the world ocean and rivers are reset over 5 million tons of oil and petroleum products. Exacerbates every day the problem of drinking water. The air atmosphere of the modern industrial city is a mixture of smoke, poisonous evaporation and dust. Many species of animals and plants disappear. The great equilibrium of nature is broken to such an extent that a gloomy forecast for "environmental suicide of mankind appeared.

Everything is louder than voices about the need to abandon all industrial interference in natural balance, stop technical progress. However, to solve the environmental problem by discarding humanity to medieval state - utopia. And not only because people will not give up the achievements of technical progress. But, on the other hand, many in the world of science and politics still relieve the artificial mechanism for regulating the environment in the event of deep destruction of the biosphere. Therefore, before science there is a task to find out if it is possible or is it a myth generated by the "Prometheus" spirit of modern civilization?

The satisfaction of mass consumer demand is recognized as the most important factor in internal socio-political stability. And this is placed by the influential political and economic elites above global environmental safety.

Unfortunately, the biosphere catastrophe is quite possible. Therefore, it is necessary for honest awareness of the scale of the ecological threat and intellectual fearlessness in the face of this challenge to humanity. The fact is that changes in the biosphere, including catastrophic, occurred and will occur independently of the person, so it should be not about complete obedience to nature, but about the harmonization of natural and social processes based on the humanization of NTP and the fundamental reorganization of the entire system of public relationship.

Providing natural resources

Mineral resources

Despite the sharp crisis phenomena, manifested from time to time in developed countries and countries with economies in transition, the global trend is still characterized by further growth of industrial production, accompanied by an increase in the need for mineral raw materials. This stimulated the growth of mineral resource production, which, for example, for the period 1980-2000. Total exceeds 1.2-2 times production for the previous twentieth. And as the forecasts show this trend will be maintained further. Naturally the question arises: whether the resources of mineral raw materials are sufficient in the depths of the Earth, to ensure that the specified huge acceleration of mining in the nearest and distant perspective. This issue is natural especially because, unlike other natural resources, mineral resources across the last future history of mankind are non-renewable, and, strictly speaking, within our planet, limited and finite.

The problem of the limited mineral resources has acquired a special sharpness also because in addition to the growth of industrial production, with which the increasing need for mineral raw materials is associated, it is aggravated by the extremely uneven distribution of deposits in the depths of the earth's crust on continents and countries. What aggravates in turn economic and political collisions between countries.

Thus, the global nature of the problem of ensuring humanity by mineral resources is predetermined by the need for a wide international cooperation. Those difficulties that have many countries of the world due to the lack of in them or other types of mineral raw materials could be overcome on the basis of mutually beneficial scientific and technical and economic cooperation. Such cooperation can be very effective in jointly conducting regional geological and geophysical studies in the promising zones of the earth's crust or by the joint intelligence and operation of large mineral deposits, by providing assistance in the industrial development of complex deposits on a compensation basis, finally, by implementing mutually beneficial trading of mineral raw materials. and its products.

Land resources

Features and properties of the Earth determine its exceptional place in the development of the Company's productive forces. The relation "Man - Earth" attitude remains currently and in the foreseeable future is one of the defining factors of global life and progress. Moreover, problem of land Support Due to the population growth trends, it will be constantly aggravated.

The nature and forms of land use in different countries differ significantly. At the same time, a number of aspects of the use of land resources is common to the entire world community. These are primarily protection of land resources, especially the fertility of land, from natural and anthropogenic degradation.

Modern trends in the use of land resources of the world are expressed in broad intensification of the use of productive land, involvement in the economic turnover of additional areas, expanding land taps for non-agricultural needs, strengthening activities to regulate the use and protection of land at the nationwide level. At the same time, the problem of economical, rational use and protection of land should be under increasingly close attention of international organizations. The limited and irreplaceability of land resources, taking into account the growth of population and the continuous increase in social production, requires their effective use in all countries of the world with more and more close international cooperation in this area. On the other hand, the Earth simultaneously acts as one of the main components of the biosphere as a universal means of labor and as a spatial basis for the functioning of the productive forces and their reproduction. All this determines the task of organizing the scientifically reasonable, economical and rational use of land resources as one of the global development of humanity at the present stage.

Food resources

Ensuring the food of the ever-growing population of the Earth is among the long-term and most complex problems of the global economy and policies.

According to experts, the exacerbation of the world food problem is the result of the cumulative action of the following reasons: 1) excessive load on the natural potential of rural and fisheries, which prevents its natural recovery; 2) the insufficient pace of scientific and technological progress in agriculture of those countries that do not compensate for the reduced scope of the natural resumption of resources; 3) All increasing instability in world food, fodder, fertilizers.

Of course, scientific and technological progress and an increase in its database of the production of high-quality agricultural, incl. And food, cultures can afford in perspective and double, and triple. Further intensification of agricultural production, as well as the expansion of productive lands - these are real ways of everyday solution to this problem. But, the key of her decision lies after all the political and social plane. Many rightly note that without the establishment of a fair economic and political world order, without overcoming the backwardness of most countries, without socio-economic transformations in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, which would correspond to the level of requirements of accelerating scientific and technological progress, with mutually beneficial international mutual assistance - a decision Food problem will remain the lot of distant perspective.

Energetic resources

A characteristic feature of the prospective development of the world energy will be a constant increase in the share of converted energy carriers in finite use of energy (primarily electrical energy). An increase in electricity prices, especially basic, is much slower than on hydrocarbon fuel. In the future, when nuclear energy sources will play a more prominent role than at present, it is possible to expect stabilization or even reduce the cost of electricity.

In the upcoming perspective, the share of world energy consumption by developing countries is expected to be a rapid pace (up to 50%). The movement of the center of gravity of energy problems during the first half of the XXI century with developed countries to developing in advance of humanity is completely new tasks on social and economic restructuring of the world, to start solving that need now. With relatively low power supply of developing countries, it creates a complex problem for humanity, which can grow into a crisis situation during the XXI century, unless the relevant measures of an organizational, economic and political nature are taken.

One of the priorities in the energy development strategy in the region of developing countries should be the immediate transition to new sources of energy, able to reduce the dependence of these countries from importing liquid fuel and put an end to unacceptable destruction of forests serving for these countries the main source of fuel.

Due to the global nature of these problems, their decision, as well as the above, is possible only with further development of international cooperation, by strengthening and expanding the economic and technical assistance to developing countries from developed.

Mastering the World Ocean

The problem of mastering the World Ocean has acquired a global nature due to the complex of the reasons: 1) of a sharp exacerbation and transformation into global problems such as the raw material, energy, food, in which the use of resource potential of the ocean can make a huge contribution; 2) the creation of powerful technical means of economic management, which caused not only the possibility, but also the need for a comprehensive study and development of marine resources and spaces; 3) the emergence of interstate relations of the disposal of resources, production and management in the maritime, which turned declarative in the past thesis about the collective (with the participation of all states) the process of mastering the ocean into a political necessity, caused the inevitability of the compromise search with the participation and satisfaction of the interests of all major groups of countries, independently from geographic location and level of development; 4) awareness of the overwhelming majority of developing countries that the use of the ocean can play in solving problems of backwardness, in the acceleration of their economic development; 5) transform into a global environmental problem, the most important element of which is the world ocean, absorbing the main part of pollutants.

From the ocean, a person has long received food products for himself. Therefore, it is very relevant to study the vital activity of environmental systems in the hydrosphere, identifying the possibility of stimulating their productivity. This in turn leads to the need for the need to know very complex and hidden for direct observation and far from not yet disabled biological processes in the ocean, to study which requires close international cooperation.

And in general, the section of huge spaces and resources there is no other alternative as wide and equal international cooperation in their development.

Socio-cultural problems

In this group, the priority is the problem of population. Moreover, it cannot be reduced only to the reproduction of the population and its age. It is here first of all about the ratio of proceedings of the population and public methods of manufacturing material goods. If the production of material goods lags behind the population growth, then the financial situation of people will deteriorate. Conversely, if the population growth is reduced, this is ultimately leading to aging of the population and reduce the production of material goods.

The rapid growth of the population in Asia, Africa and Latin America, observed at the end of the twentieth century, is primarily connected with the liberation of these countries from colonial yoke and their entry into a new stage of economic development. The new "demographic explosion" aggravated the problems generated by the elevation, unevenness and the antagonistic nature of human development. All this was expressed in a sharp deterioration in the nutrition and public health. The shame of civilized humanity is more than 500 million people (every tenth) day after day chronically undernourish, herald existence leads, and it is mainly in countries with the most favorable conditions for the development of agricultural production. As the analysis carried out by UNESCO experts, the causes of hunger in these countries should be sought in the dominance of monocultures (cotton, coffee, cocoa, bananas, etc.) and low-level agrotechnology. The absolute majority of families engaged in all continents of the planet with agriculture still treated land with hoes and soy. Most of all children suffer from malnutrition. According to the World Health Organization, 40 thousand children under 5 years old are dying daily, which could be saved. This is about 15 million people a year.

An acute global problem is the problem of education. Currently, almost every fourth resident of our planet over the age of 15 years remains illiterate. The number of illiterate increases annually by 7 million people. The solution of this problem, as well as others, rests on the lack of material means for the development of the education system, at the same time, as we have already noted, huge resources absorbs the military-industrial complex.

No less burning are questions, in their aggregate, fixing cultural, religious and moral problems of the globalization process.

As the basic principle of coexistence and free development of civilizations and cultures, an idea of \u200b\u200binternational justice may be announced. The problem of transferring the principles of democracy as a tool for coordinating interests and organizing cooperation between countries, nations, civilizations is becoming relevant in the globalization process.


An analysis of the global problems of modernity shows the presence of a complex and branched system of causal relations between them. The largest problems and their groups in one way or another are conjugate and intertwined with each other. And any key and large problem may consist of a variety of private, but no less important in their topical problems.

Millennies a man lived, worked, developed, but he did not suspect that it may be the day that it becomes difficult, and maybe it is impossible to breathe clean air, drink clean water, growing something on earth, as the air ¾ is contaminated , Water ¾ poisoned, soil ¾ is infected with radiation or other chemicals. But much has changed since then. And in our century it is a completely real threat, and not many people realize it. Such people ¾ owners of large factories, oil and gas industry, think only about themselves, about their wallet. They neglect the safety rules, ignore the requirements of the environmental police, Greanpeace, sometimes it is reluctant or lazy to buy new filters for industrial effluents, gases polluting the atmosphere. And what is the conclusion? ¾ Another Chernobyl, if not worse. So, maybe we should think about it?

Every person must realize that humanity on the verge of death, and we will survive or not ¾ merit of each of us.

Globalization of world development processes implies international cooperation and solidarity within the global scientific community, an increase in the social and humanistic responsibility of scientists. Science for humans and humanity, science in order to solve the global problems of modern and social progress - this is the true humanistic orientation, which should unite the scientists of the whole world. This suggests not only closer unity of science and practice, but also the development of fundamental problems of the future of humanity, involves the development of unity and interaction of sciences, strengthening their ideological and moral grounds that meet the conditions of global problems of modernity.


1. Alexandrova I.I., Baikov N.M., Beschensky A.A. and others. Global energy problem. M.: Thought, 1985

2. Allen D., Nelson M. Space Biospheres. M., 1991.

3. Baransky N.N. Economical geography. Economic cartography. M., 1956.

4. Vernadsky V.I. Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. M. 1991.

5. Global problems and civilization shift. M., 1983.

6. Global economic processes: analysis and modeling: Sat Art. M.: Tsami. 1986.

7. Zotov A.F. New type of global civilization // Polis. 1993. No. 4.

8. Isachenko A.G. Geography in the modern world. M.: Education, 1998



(from Lat. Globus (terrae) - the globe) - a set of vital problems affecting generally and insoluble in individual states and even geographic regions. G.P. Released at the first 20 century. As a result of a significant increase in population number and cutting intensification of the production process in industrial society. Attempts to solve G.P. are an indicator of the gradual formation of a single humanity and the formation of a truly global history. By the number G.P. include: preventing thermonuclear war; reduction of the rapid growth of the population ("demographic explosion" in developing countries); preventing catastrophic pollution of the environment, primarily the atmosphere and the world's ocean; Ensuring the further economic development of the necessary natural resources, especially non-renewable; overcoming the gap in the standard of living between developed and developing countries; Elimination of hunger, poverty and illiteracy, etc. Circle G.P. It is not discouted sharply, their peculiarity is that they cannot solve the isolated one from and from their solution largely depends on the human itself.
G.P. It is generated by the enormous increased impact of a person to the surrounding, its transformative nature of economic activities that have made comparable to its scale with geological and other planetary natural processes. On pessimistic forecasts, G.P. Generally cannot be resolved and in the near future will lead humanity to the ecological catastrophe (R. Halebroner). The optimistic suggests that G.P. It turns out to be a natural consequence of scientific and technological progress (G. K.) or the result of the elimination of social antagonis and the construction of a perfect society (Marxism-Leninism). The intermediate consists in the requirement of a slowdown or even zero growth of the economy and the population of the globe (D. Medos, etc.).

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivin. 2004 .


[Franz. Global - Universal, from lat. Globus. (Terrae) - the globe], a set of vital problems of humanity, from which further progress is depends on sovr. Epoch, - Preventing the world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; Overcoming an increasing break in economy. level and income per capita between developed and developing countries by eliminating their backwardness, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe; Termination seeks. population growth ("Demographic. Explosion" in developing countries) and eliminating the danger of "depopulation" in developed capitalist. countries; Prevent catastrophic. Environmental pollution, including the atmosphere, the World Ocean and t. d.; Ensuring further economic. development of humanity necessary natural resources both renewable and non-renewable, including food, prom. raw materials and sources of energy; Preventing direct. And remote denied. The consequences of scientific. Revolution. Some researchers in the city of P. The problems of health, education, social values \u200b\u200band t. P.

These vital problems thus existed before in one way or another as local and regional contradictions acquired in sovr. The era of planetary and unprecedented scales due to the concrete history of concrete-horsepower in the globe. Situations, namely, a sharp exacerbation of unevenness of socio-economic. and scientific and technical. progress, as well as an increasing process of internationalization of the whole societies. Activities. Contrary to opinion mN. Scientists and societies. figures in the West, in particular, representatives of the Roman Club, G. P. It is not so much with the enormous agents of the impact of mankind to the world around the world and a huge scope (scale) his hose Activities that have become comparable to geological. and dr. planetary nature. processes, and above all the elements of societies. Development and anarchy of production in the conditions of capitalism, the legacy of colonialism and the ongoing operation of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Lat. America Multinion. corporations as well dr. Antagonistic. Contradictions, chase for profit and current benefits to the detriment of the long-term, indigenous interests of society as a whole. The globality of these problems implies not from their "widespread" and the more not from "predic. human nature ", allegedly inherent in any social system, according to bourges. ideologists, and from the fact that they somehow affect humanity as a whole and cannot be fully resolved within departure states and even geographic. Regions. They cannot also successfully resolve isolated one from another.

Universal. The character of G. P. By no means attaching to them as an absentee and offside. Contents are believed bourges. Scientists, considering them from the standpoint of abstract humanism and liberal-reformist philanthropy. The globality of these problems does not cancel the class approach to their research and fundamental differences in the methods and methods of solving them in various social systems. Marxists reject the pessimism in the west. and pseudoop-thymist. The concept of G. P., according to which they are either at all can be resolved and inevitably injected humanity in, catastrophe (Halebroner)or can be solved only by price t. and. Zero growth of the economy and the population of the globe (D. MEDO and dr.) Or to solve them is just one scientific-technical. Progress (City). Marxist approach to the city of p. Different from Nemarxistsky also in terms of their hierarchy (priority in solving them): in Bourges, ideologists that put forward or ecological. Problems or "demographic. Explosion, "or the contrast between" poor and rich nations " (the end of the north and backward south), Marxists consider himself true. Problem Preventing the World Thermonuclear War, Termination of Arms Racing and Providing intern. Safety, believing that this will create not only favorable peaceful for socioeconomic. The progress of all nations, but also extends huge material resources to solve the remaining G. P. Resolution of the emerging G. and. It is possible only after the elimination of social antagonisms and the establishment, relations between society and nature on the scale of the whole globe, i.e. in kom mung. society. However, already B. sovr. conditions mN. G. P. Can be successfully solved not only in socialist. society, but also by the rest of the world during the communion-brake-tich. Fight for and dischargeing tension, against selfish. Policies state-mono-polystych. capital, by deploying mutually beneficial intern. cooperation, establishing a new global economy. Order in relations between developed and developing countries.

Mutual conditionality and complex nature of G. P. Suggest that their scientific The study can be successfully implemented only thanks to the cooperation of scientists from different specialties, representatives of societies., Nat. and tech. Sciences, based on dialing-tich. methods and use of such methods scientific knowledge of social reality, as well as global.

Materials XXVI Congress KPSS, M., 1981; Brezhnev L. I., Great October and the progress of mankind, M., 1977; Commoner B., Circle, per. from english, L., 1974; Biola, Marxism and the surrounding, per. about franz., M., 1975; Boo d s about M. I., Global Ecology, M., 1977; Shiman M., by the third millennium, per. from weng., M., 1977; G V and W and A N and D. M., Methodological. Problems of modeling global development, "VF", 1978,? "" 2; Arab-oglu 9. A., demographic. and zkologhch. Forecasts, M., 1978; Forrester d. V., World per. from english, M., 1978; Zagdinv., Frolov I., G. and the future of mankind, "Communist", 1979, No. 7; Their F E, G. P. Modernity: Scientific and Social Aspects, M., 1981; Frolov I. T., human prospects, M., 1979; Sociological. aspects of global modeling, M., 1979; Future of the global economy (Report of the UN Expert Group led by V. Leontiev), per. from english, M., 1979; Future. Real problems I. bourges. Specs, Sofia, 1979; ? E who, human. qualities per. from english, M., 1980; G. P. Modernity, M., 1981; L E and B and N V. M., "Models of the World" and "Man": Critic. ideas of the Rome Club, M., 1981; F a L k R., The Study of Future Worlds, N. Y.; Kahn H., Brown W., Martell., The NEXT 200 YEARS, L., 1977.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. GL Editorial: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .

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    Modernity is a combination of societies, the social progress of humanity and the preservation of civilization depends on the solution. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and for ... ... Wikipedia

    Global problems, modern problems of humanity as a whole, on the solution of which depends on its development: preventing the world of thermonuclear war; Overcoming a gap in the level of social economic development between developed and developing ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The modern problems of the existence and development of humanity as a whole preventing the world thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples; Overcoming a gap in the level of social economic development between developed and developing ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    A combination of interrelated planetary problems affecting the vital interests of humanity and requiring joint efforts of all states and peoples to solve the joint efforts. System of modern G.P. Includes two main groups ... ... Dictionary rapid situations

    Modern problems of the existence and development of humanity as a whole: Preventing the world thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples; Overcoming a gap in the level of social economic development between developed and developing ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    GLOBAL PROBLEMS - Area of \u200b\u200bphilosophical studies, which defines the prerequisites for solving global problems of modernity, analyzes the philosophical aspects of social, demographic, environmental forecasting, searching for ways to restructure the world ... ... Modern Western philosophy. encyclopedic Dictionary

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    GLOBAL PROBLEMS - Problems affecting the existence of modern humanity as a whole, all countries and peoples, regardless of their civilization specificity and level of development. Their decision requires so many means and agreed efforts that only ... ... ... Philosophy of Science: Dictionary of Basic Terms


The development of human society has never been a conflict-free, consistent process. Throughout the history of the existence of a reasonable life on Earth, questions have consistently arose, the answers to which they were forced to revise the already familiar ideas about the world and man. All this gave rise to countless problems that most acutely stood in front of a person in the second half of the 20th century, when his destructive activities acquired a global scale. Our planet has such conditions, processes, phenomena that put humanity before the threat of undermining the foundations of its existence themselves. The circle of problems whose solution ensures the survival of humanity, got the name of the global problems of modernity.

Truly key, the concept of globalization has become at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. The human genus for the first time in its history faced with the possibility of his common death. In the question of the very existence of life on Earth, i.e. Global problems of humanity cover all countries, the atmosphere of the Earth, the World Ocean and the near-earth outer space; They affect the entire population of the Earth.

A distinctive feature of modern civilization is an increase in global threats and problems. We are talking about the threat of nuclear war, growth of weapons, unreasonable waste of natural resources, diseases, hunger, poverty, etc., Therefore, the study of the phenomenon of globalization attracts scientists, public and political figures, representatives of the business world.

The purpose of this work is: a comprehensive study and characteristics of modern global problems of humanity, as well as causes from occurrence.

To do this, we solve the following tasks:

essence, causes of occurrence, features of each of the global problems, possible ways to solve them;

possible consequences of the manifestation of global problems at the present stage of the development of societies.

The work consists of introducing three heads of the main part, the conclusion, the list of sources used and applications.

1. Modern global problems of humanity

1 concept, essence, origin and character of global problems

The second half of the XX century. marked by the processes of globalization. According to the representation of the majority of researchers, the main content of the process of globalization is to form humanity as a single society. In other words, if in the XIX century. Humanity has also been a system of independent societies, then the XX century, and especially in his second half, there were certain signs indicating the formation of a single global civilization.

Globalization is a natural and inevitable process, its basis is internationalization, a high degree of labor separation, the development of high, and above all, information technologies, the formation of global markets. End of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries. They led to the overwork of a number of local, specific issues of the development of countries and regions in the discharge of global. The problems arising, threatened the threat that are worldwide, generally plaguard and therefore got the name of global.

The importance of global problems has been particularly increased in the second half of the twentieth century, by this time the territorial section of the world was completed, two poles were formed in the world economy: in one pole were industrially developed countries, and in the other of the country - agrarian-raw materials appendages. The latter were drawn into the international division of labor long before the formation of national markets there. Thus, the world economy formed, even after the independence of independence, former colonies, has retained the relations of the center and the periphery for many years. From where the current global problems and contradictions originate.

Thus, under the global problems of our time, it is necessary to understand the combination of problems, on the decision of which the further existence of civilization depends.

Global problems are generated by uneven development of various areas of life of modern humanity and contradicts generated in socio-economic, political and ideological, socio-natural and other relations of people. These problems affect the life of humanity as a whole.

With all the diversity and internal differences, global problems have common features:

acquired a truly planetary, global character, and, by virtue of this, affect the interests of the peoples of all states;

threaten (in case their decision)) humanity or the death of civilization as such, or a serious regression in the further development of productive forces, in the conditions of life itself, in the development of society;

need emergency solutions and actions to overcome and prevent the dangerous consequences and threats to the life support and security of citizens;

require collective efforts and actions for their solutions from all states, the entire world community.

The global problems of modernity are among themselves in organic communications and interdependence, form a single, holistic system characterized by their known subordination, hierarchical cozenosis.

This circumstance allows you to classify these problems based on the establishment of causal dependencies between them, as well as accounting for the degree of their acute and, accordingly, the sequence of the decision. The main criteria for the assignment of a particular problem to the category of global is considered to consider its scale and the need for joint efforts to eliminate it. According to its origin, the nature and methods of solving global problems, according to the international classification adopted, are divided into 3 groups.

The first group makes up the problems determined by the main socio-economic and political tasks of humanity. These include the preservation of the world, cessation of arms race and disarmament, nonymilitarization of space, the creation of favorable conditions for world social progress, overcoming the lag in the development of low-income countries per capita.

The second group covers a set of problems revealing in the Triade "Man - Society - Technique". These problems should take into account the effectiveness of the use of NTP in the interests of harmonious social development and the elimination of the negative impact of the technique per person, the growth of population, the approval of human rights in the state, its exemption from under the excessively strengthened control of state institutions, especially on personal freedom as the most important component of human rights.

The third group is represented by the problems associated with socio-economic processes and the environment, i.e., the problems of relations in the Nature Company. This includes solving raw materials, energy and food problems, overcoming the crisis of the environment, covering more and more new areas and able to destroy human life.

Note that the classification given is relative, because Different groups of global problems combined form a single, extremely complex, multifactorial system in which all components are interconnected.

The scale, place and role of individual global problems are changing. More recently, the struggle for the preservation of peace and disarmament occupied the leading place, currently an environmental problem was published.

There are changes and inside global problems: they lose their former importance to some of their components and appear new ones. So, in the problem of the struggle for peace and disarmament, the main emphasis began to decrease the funds of mass lesion, the non-proliferation of mass weapons, the development and implementation of measures for the conversion of military production; In the fuel and raw material issue there was a real possibility of exhaustability of a number of non-renewable natural resources, and in demographic - new tasks arose related to the significant expansion of the international migration of the population, labor resources, etc. It is also necessary to consider that global problems do not occur somewhere nearby With previously existing and weathered the local character problems, and organically grow out of them.

2 Modern problems generated by globalization

In scientific literature, you can meet various lists of global problems, where the number varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is due to the fact that along with the main, priority global problems (which will be further discussed in the textbook) there are still a number of more private, but also very important problems: for example, crime, nonsense, separatism, democracy deficit, texgenic disaster, natural disasters, etc. .

In modern conditions, the main global problems are related.

The North-South Problem is the problem of economic relations of developed countries with developing. Its essence is that to overcome the gap in the levels of socio-economic development between developed and developing countries, the latter require from developed countries of various concessions, in particular, expanding the access of their goods to the markets of developed countries, strengthening the influx of knowledge and capital (especially in the form help), write off debts and other measures towards them. The backwardness of developing countries is potentially dangerous not only at the local level, but also for the global system of the economy as a whole. The backward south is its component and, it means, its economic, political and social problems will inevitably find and already find manifestation. Specific evidence of this may, for example, be a large-scale forced migration from developing countries in developed, as well as the dissemination in the world as new and previously considered already defeated infectious diseases. That is why the North-South problem is legitimate to interpret as one of the global problems of modernity.

The problem of poverty is one of the main global problems. Under poverty it is understood as the impossibility of providing the simplest and affordable living conditions for most people in a given country. Large scales of poverty, especially in developing countries, are of serious danger not only for national, but also for world sustainable development. According to World Bank estimates, the total number of poor, i.e. Living less than $ 2 per day is 2.5-3 billion people in the world. Including the total number of people living in emergency poverty (less than $ 1 per day) - 1-1.2 billion people. In other words, 40-48% of the world's population are poor, and 16-19% are superbounded. Most of the poor is focused in rural areas of developing states. In some developing countries, the problem of poverty has long reached a critical level. For example, at the beginning of the XXI century. Less than $ 1 per day is forced to exist 76% of the population of Zambia, 71% - Nigeria, 61% - Madagascar, 58% - Tanzania, 54% - Haiti. The special severity of the global poverty problem gives the fact that many developing countries, due to low income level, do not have sufficient opportunities to mitigate the problem of poverty. That is why there is a broad international support to eliminate poverty.

The world food problem is the inability of humanity to the present to fully ensure itself with vital food. This problem acts in practice as the problem of an absolute food shortage (malnutrition and hunger) in the least developed countries, as well as non-backed nutrition in developed. Over the past 50 years, there will be significant progress in food production - the number of malnutrition and starving almost twice. At the same time, a considerable part of the world's population still feels food deficit. The number of people in need exceeds 850 million people, i.e. Absolute food shortage is experiencing every seventh. More than 5 million children die annually from the consequences of starvation. Its decision will largely depend on the effective use of natural resources, scientific and technological progress in the field of agriculture and on the level of state support.

The global energy problem is the problem of ensuring humanity with fuels and energy at present and in the foreseeable future. The main reason for the global energy problem should be considered a rapid increase in mineral fuel consumption in the XX century. From the proposal, it is caused by the discovery and operation of huge oil and gas fields in Western Siberia, on Alaska, on the shelf of the Northern Sea, and on the demand of the demand - an increase in the car fleet and the increase in the production of polymeric materials. The increase in the extraction of fuel and energy resources led to a serious deterioration in the environmental situation (expanding open mining, mining on the shelf, etc.). And the growth in demand for these resources has strengthened competition as countries - fuel exporters for the best sales conditions and between importing countries for access to energy resources. At the same time, there is a further increase in mineral fuel resources. Under the influence of the energy crisis, large-scale geological exploration was activated, which led to the discovery and development of new energy resources. Accordingly, the performance of the most important types of mineral fuel has increased: it is believed that with the current level of extraction of explored coal reserves should be enough for 325 years, natural gas - for 62 years, and oil - for 37 years. If developed countries solve this problem now, first of all, due to the slowdown in its demand by reducing energy intensity, then in other countries there is a relatively rapid growth of energy consumption. There may be a growing competition in the global energy market between developed countries and new large industrial countries (China, India, Brazil) to add to this. All these circumstances, in combination with military-political instability, in some regions may determine significant fluctuations in the level of world energy prices and seriously influence the dynamics of supply and demand, as well as the production and consumption of energy products, creating sometimes crisis situations.

The global demographic problem disintegrates into two aspects: a quick and weakly controlled growth (demographic explosion) of the population of countries and regions of the developing world; Demographic aging of the population of developed and transitional countries. For the first decision is to increase the rate of economic growth and a decrease in population growth rates. For the second - emigration and reform of the pension system.

Never in the history of mankind, the growth rate of the world's population was not so high as in the second half of the XX - early XXI century. For the period from 1960 to 1999, the population of the planet doubled (from 3 billion to 6 billion people), and in 2007 amounted to 6.6 billion people. Although the average annual growth rates of the world's population decreased from 2.2% in the early 60s. up to 1.5% in the early 2000s, the absolute annual increase increased from 53 million to 80 million people. The demographic transition from the traditional (high fertility - high mortality - low natural increase) to the modern type of population reproduction (low birth rate - low mortality - low natural population growth) ended in developed countries in the first third of the 20th century, and in most countries with economies in transition - In the middle of the last century. Then, in the 1950-1960s, a demographic transition began in a number of countries and regions of the rest of the world, which begins to end only in Latin America, East and Southeast Asia and continues in East Asia, Africa south of Sahara, in the near and Middle East. The rapid growth rates of the population compared to the pace of socio-economic development in these regions lead to the exacerbation of employment problems, poverty, food regulations, land, to the low level of education, worsening public health. These countries see the solution of their demographic problem in the acceleration of economic growth and simultaneously decline in fertility (China). In Europe, in Japan and a number of CIS countries from the last quarter of the XX century. A demographic crisis occurs in slow growth and even natural loss and aging of the population, stabilization or reducing its able-bodied part. Demographic aging (an increase in the share of the population over 60 years old over 12% of the total population, over 65 years old - excess of 7%) is a natural process, which is based on the successes of medicine, improving the quality of life and other factors contributing to the extension of living in a significant part population.

For the economy of developed and transitional countries, an increase in the life expectancy of the population has both positive and negative consequences. The first one refers to the possibility of extending the work of elderly citizens over the current threshold of retirement age. The second should be attributed to the problems of both the material support of the elderly and elderly citizens and their medical and domestic services. A fundamental exit from such a situation lies in the transition to the accumulative pension system, in which the citizen itself is responsible for its pension itself. As for the aspect of the demographic problem in these countries, as a reduction in the economically active population, its decision is seen primarily in the influx of immigrants from other countries.

The relationship of population growth and economic growth is a long time to study economists. As a result of research, there were two approaches to assessing the impact of population growth on economic development. The first approach to one degree or another is associated with the theory of Malthus, who believed that the growth of the population is ahead of the growth of food and therefore the population of the world will inevitably be poor. A modern approach to the assessment of the role of population on the economy is integrated and reveals both positive and negative factors of the effect of population growth on economic growth. Many experts believe that the actual problem is not the growth of the population in itself, but the following problems: the weakness - retardation in development; Exhausting world resources and environmental destruction.

The problem of human development is the problem of compliance with the quality characteristics of the workforce with the nature of the modern economy. Human potential is one of the main types of cumulative economic potential and is distinguished by specific and qualitative characteristics. In the conditions of post-industrialization, the requirements for physical qualities increase and especially the formation of an employee, including its ability to continuously advanced training. However, the development of the quality characteristics of the workforce in the global economy occurs extremely unevenly. The worst figures in this regard demonstrate developing countries that, however, are the main source of replenishment of world labor resources. This is precisely the global nature of the problem of human development.

The problem of disarmament and preservation of peace on earth. The history of mankind can be viewed as a history of wars. Only in the XX century. Two world and many local wars (in Korea, Vietnam, Angola, in the Middle East and in other regions) took place. Only after the Second World War before the beginning of the XXI century. There have been more than 40 international and about 90 domestic conflicts, where tens of millions of people died. At the same time, if in international conflicts, the ratios of the dead civil and military are approximately equal, then in the civil and national liberation wars of the civilian population, three times more than the military dies. And today there are dozens of points of potential international or interethnic conflicts on the planet.

The problem of ensuring human safety. The growing globalization, interdependence and reduction of temporary and spatial barriers create a situation of collective unprotected by various threats from which person cannot always save his state. This requires the creation of conditions that enhances the human ability to independently resist risks and threats. Over the past two decades, the safety concept has been substantial revision. Its traditional interpretation as the security of the state (its borders, territories, sovereignty, population and material values) was supplemented by human security (human security).

Human safety is a state of protected people from internal and external threats and risks and freedom from fear and needs, which are achieved through joint and purposeful activities of civil society, the national state and the international community. The main conditions providing human security include: Freedom of Personality; peace and personal safety; full participation in the management processes; human rights protection; access to resources and means of the first vital necessity, including access to medical services and education; Favorable person environmental environment. The creation of these conditions involves, firstly, the elimination of the root causes or the establishment of effective control over the sources of threats and, secondly, the increase in the ability of each individual to withstand threats. To ensure these conditions, two groups of measures are possible: preventive, or long-term, and immediate extraordinary ones. The first group includes events aimed at overcoming problems that are most often sources of instability and local conflicts. The second set of measures includes measures to resolve existing conflicts or post-conflict rehabilitation measures and humanitarian aid.

The world's ocean problem is the problem of preserving and rational use of its spaces and resources. The essence of the global process of the World Ocean is the extremely uneven development of the ocean resources, in the increasing pollution of the marine environment, in the use of EGO as a military activity arena. As a result, over the past decades, the intensity of life in the World Ocean decreased by 1/3. That is why the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which is called the "Charter of the Seas", is very important. She set the economic zones of 200 sea miles from the coast, within which the coastal state can also carry out the sovereign rights to the use of biological and mineral pecyps. Currently, the global ocean as a closed ecological system with difficulty withstands many times a strengthened anthropogenic load, and it creates a real threat to his death. Therefore, the global problem of the World Ocean is, above all, the problem of his survival. The main way to solve the problem of using the world's ocean rational oceanic use, a balanced, integrated approach to its wealth, based on the union of the efforts of the entire world community. It is in difficult to find ways to optimize the operation of the ocean bioresources and is the essence of this problem.

The environmental situation is currently one of the most acute and difficult. The peculiarity of our time is the intensive and global impact of a person on the environment, which is accompanied by intense and global negative consequences. The contradictions between man and nature are able to exacerbate due to the fact that there is no limit to the growth of the material needs of a person, while the ability of the natural environment to satisfy them is limited. Contradictions in the system "Man - Society - Nature" acquired a planetary character.

Allocate two aspects of the environmental problem:

environmental crises arising as a consequence of natural processes;

crisis caused by anthropogenic effects and irrational environmental management.

The main problem is the impossibility of the planet to cope with the waste of human activity, with the function of self-cleaning and repair. Biosphere is destroyed. Therefore, the risk of self-destructing humanity as a result of its own livelihoods.

Nature is influenced by the following areas:

use of environmental components as a resource base of production;

the impact of the production activities of people on the environment;

demographic pressure on nature (agricultural use of land, population growth, growth of large cities).

Many global problems of humanity are intertwined here - resource, food, demographic - all of them have access to environmental issues.

The environmental potential of the global economy is increasingly undermined by the economic activity of mankind. The answer to this was the concept of environmentally sustainable development. It involves the development of all countries of the world, taking into account these needs, but not undermining future generations. The problem of ecology and sustainable development is the problem of stopping the harmful effects of human activity on the environment.

In the middle of the last century, the ecology was the internal affair of each country, because pollution as a result of industrial activity was manifested only in areas with an increased concentration of environmentally harmful industries. However, in the second half of the XX century. The economic impact on nature has reached the size under which it began to lose the ability to self-healing. In the 1990s. The environmental problem came to the global level, which manifests itself in the following negative trends:

the destruction of the global ecosystem occurs, more and more representatives of flora and fauna disappears, disturbing the ecological balance in nature;

all large areas of the planet become an environmental disaster area;

the most difficult and potentially most dangerous problem is the possible climate change, which is expressed in the growth of the average temperature, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme natural and climatic phenomena: droughts, floods, tornadoes, sharp thaws and frosts that are applied Significant economic damage to nature, man and economy of countries. Climate change is made to communicate with the strengthening of the "greenhouse effect" - the growth of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, which fall there from fuel combustion, associated gas in places of production, on the one hand, and information of forests and land degradation - on the other.

The main consequences of environmental pollution are reduced to the following: harm to human health and farm animals; Polluted areas become unsuitable or generally unsuitable for people and their economic activity and pollution can lead to a violation of the ability of the biosphere to self-cleaning, its complete destruction. The main directions of the exacerbation of the environmental crisis include the conclusion from land use saline soils subject to wind and aquatic erosion; Excessive use of chemical fertilizers, etc.; an increasing chemical impact on food, water, human habitat; Destruction of forests, i.e., all the fact that in one way or another affects the life and health of people; growing emission into the atmosphere of pollutants leading to the gradual destruction of the protective ozone layer; Raising waste growth, neighborhood with dumps of various industrial and household waste of human habitat.

Reduced the level of environmental burden can be in principle in three ways: a decrease in the population; reducing the level of consumption of material goods; Conduct fundamental changes in technology. The first method is actually already implemented naturally in developed and many transitional economies where the birth rate has significantly decreased, gradually this process covers an increasing part of the developing world, but the growth of the total world population will continue. Reducing the level of consumption is hardly possible, although recently in developed countries there is a new consumption structure, in which services and environmentally friendly components and reuse products prevail. Therefore, technological measures are of paramount importance for the sustainable development of the global economy, to preserve the environmental resources of the planet:

tightening measures to prevent environmental pollution. Today there are tough international and national standards, stipulating the content of harmful substances, for example, in car exhaust gases, which causes automotive companies to produce ecologically less harmful cars. As a result of GNA, concerned about the negative reaction of its consumers to environmental scandals, seek to follow the principles of sustainable development in all countries where they act;

creating economical products that can be reused. This allows you to reduce the increase in the consumption of natural resources;

creating clean technologies. The problem here is that in many industries are applied outdated technologies that do not meet the needs of sustainable development. For example, in the pulp and paper industry, many manufacturing processes are based on the use of chlorine and its compounds that are among the most dangerous pollutants, and only the use of biotechnology can change the situation.

The number of global problems is not constant and steadily growing. With the development of human civilization, the understanding of existing global problems is changing, their priority is corrected, as well as new global problems (the development of outer space, weather and climate management, etc.).

Currently, other global problems are emerging.

The twenty-first century, just starting, has already added its problems: international terrorism. In the context of globalization, international terrorism is the most serious security problem. International terrorism aims to undermine the stability of society, the destruction of the borders and the usurpation of territories. The objectives of globalization are the same: to achieve influence, power, wealth and redistribution of property with a price of public or international security.

The public danger of international terrorism is primarily expressed, first of all, in a transnational scale of its activities; expanding his social base; changes in nature and growth of goals; increase the severity of the consequences; rapid change in growth rates, level of organization; In the appropriate logistical and financial support of its nature.

Thus, the problem of international terrorism represents a real planetary scale a threat to the world community. This problem has its own specificity, which distinguishes it from other universal difficulties. However, this problem is closely interconnected with most global problems of modern international relations, so it can be considered as one of the most pressing global problems of our days.

The terrorist acts of recent years, and above all, the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York, on its scale and influence on the further course of world politics, became unprecedented in the history of mankind. The number of victims, the size and nature of the destruction caused by the terrorist attacks of the beginning of the XXI century were comparable to the consequences of armed conflicts and local wars. Response measures caused by these terrorist shares led to the creation of an international anti-terrorist coalition, which included dozens of states, which had previously occurred only in the case of large armed conflicts and wars.

Answered anti-terrorist hostilities acquired a planetary scale.

In these conditions, the global problem of international terrorism cannot be considered only as an independent phenomenon. It began to turn into an important part of a more general military-political global problem related to the fundamental issues of war and the world, on the decision of which the further existence of human civilization depends.

In modern conditions, the newly formed global problem is the development of outer space. The topical formulation of this problem is quite obvious. The flights of a person in near-earth orbits helped us to make a true picture of the surface of the earth, many planets, earthly solid and ocean expanses. They gave a new idea of \u200b\u200bthe globe as a focus of life and the understanding of the fact that man and nature is in an inseparable integer. Cosmonautics provided a real opportunity to solve important national objectives: improving international communication systems, long-term weather forecasting, navigation development of marine and air transport. The human yield into space was an important impetus for the development of both fundamental science and applied research. Modern communication systems, forecasting many natural cataclysms, remote intelligence minerals are only a small part of what has become a reality due to space flights. At the same time, the scale of the financial costs necessary for further development of the space space today is already exceeding the possibilities of not only individual states, but also groups of countries. Exceptionally expensive components of research are the creation and launch of spacecraft, the content of space stations. Colossial investments are required to implement projects related to the exploration and promising development of other planets of the solar system. As a result, the interests of the development of outer space objectively suggest broad interstate interaction in this area, the development of large-scale international cooperation in the preparation and conduct of space research.

The emerging global problems currently include the study of the structure of the Earth and the weather management and climate. As well as the development of outer space, the solution of these two problems is possible only on the basis of broad international cooperation. Moreover, the weather and climate management requires, among other things, the global coordination of the behavioral norms of economic entities in order to widespread minimizing the harmful effects of economic activity on the environment.

An independent problem of generallylanet scale is the problem of disasters of a technogenic nature that have no relation to natural catastrophes.

One of the most accelerant global problems in the scientific literature is identified with the urbanization process.

According to many scientists, the independent global problem of modernity can identify natural phenomena.

Another emerging global problem is the problem of suicide (voluntary death). According to open statistics, in most countries of the world, suicide curves today crawling upwards, which indicates the globality of this problem. There is a point of view, according to which suicide (not drugs, AIDS or traffic accidents) are becoming an increasingly common cause of death in peaceful conditions. This is an inevitable payback for the benefit of technological progress in all its manifestations: industrialization, urbanization, acceleration of the pace of life, complication of human relationships and, of course, confusion.

The concept, essence, classification and ways to solve global problems of modernity are clearly shown in the appendix.

2. Causes of global problems and ways to solve them

An objective prerequisite for the emergence of global problems is the internationalization of economic activities. The worldwide labor development led to the interconnectedness of all states. The scope and degree of involvement of various countries and peoples into world economic bonds acquired unprecedented sizes, which contributed to the processing of local, specific problems in the development of countries and regions in the discharge of global. All this indicates the presence of objective reasons for the appearance of such problems in the modern world that affect the interests of all countries. There are contradictions of the global scale affecting the foundations of the existence of life on Earth.

The UN appeals to all countries: if we want to take the best from globalization and avoid the worst - it is necessary to learn how to manage better together. These appeals could work successfully if most countries were at a fairly high level of economic development, and there would be such significant differentiation in terms of income per capita between countries. A huge inequality in the distribution of wealth in today's world, the pathetic conditions in which more than a billion people live, the prevalence of interethnic conflicts in some regions of the world and the rapid deterioration of the natural environment - all these factors in their aggregate make the current model of development unstable. It is possible to say with a complete reason that to reduce tensions for a variety of global problems, it is necessary to completely discard the factors of the class and political confrontation of social systems and groups of people, and when considering global problems affecting the formation of world economy, the principle of spatial institutionality.

Thus, the causes of global problems: on the one hand, it is a huge scale of human activity that radically changed nature, society, lifestyle of people; On the other hand, this is the inability of a person to rationally dispose of this force.

Allocate the following ways to solve global problems of modernity:

preventing world war with the use of thermonuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction threatening in the death of civilization. This involves curbing the arms race, prohibition of the creation and application of weapons of weapons of mass destruction, human and material resources, liquidation of nuclear weapons, etc.;

overcoming the economic and cultural inequality between the peoples inhabiting industrialized countries of the West and the East and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America;

overcoming the crisis state of interaction between humanity and nature, which is characterized by catastrophic consequences in the form of unprecedented pollution and exhaustion of natural resources. This makes it necessary to develop measures aimed at the economical use of natural resources and a decrease in pollution by waste material production of soil, water and air;

reducing the growth rate of population in developing countries and overcoming the demographic crisis in developed capitalist countries;

preventing the negative consequences of the modern scientific and technical revolution;

overcoming the trend towards a decrease in social health, which involves the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, oncological diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases.

Therefore, the priority global goals of humanity are as follows:

in the political sphere - a reduction in the likelihood and in the future, the complete elimination of military conflicts, preventing violence in international relations;

in the economic and environmental spheres - the development and implementation of resource and energy-saving technologies, the transition to non-traditional energy sources, development and the ubiquitous use of environmental technologies;

in the social sphere - raising the standard of living, the global efforts to preserve the health of people, the creation of the global food supply system;

in the cultural and spiritual sphere - the restructuring of the mass moral consciousness in accordance with today's realities.

The solution of these problems is today an urgent task for all mankind. From when and how they will begin to decide the survival of people.

Thus, summarizing the foregoing, we note that the global problems of modernity are a combination of key problems affecting the vital interests of all mankind and requiring their permission of agreed international actions across the world community.

Global problems include the problems of preventing thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples, overcoming an increasing gap in the economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries, the problems of eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe, demographic and environmental problems.

A distinctive feature of modern civilization is an increase in global threats and problems. We are talking about the threat of thermonuclear war, growth of weapons, unreasonable waste of natural resources, diseases, hunger, poverty, etc.

All global problems of modernity can be reduced to the three main:

the ability to destroy humanity in the world thermonuclear war;

the possibility of the world environmental catastrophe;

the spiritual moral crisis of humanity.

It is important to note that when solving the third problem, the first two are almost automatically solved. After all, spiritually and morally developed person will never take violence towards another person or in relation to nature. Even just a cultural chalind does not insult others and never throws garbage on the sidewalk. With little things, global problems grow with improper individual behavior. It can be said that global problems are rooted in the consciousness of man, and while he does not transform it, they will not disappear in the outside world.


Thus, the global problems are the key problems that have inserted in the second half of the twentieth century in front of all humanity, from which its existence depends on the solution, the preservation and development of civilization. These problems that existed before local and regional, acquired planetary in the modern era. Thus, the time of the occurrence of global problems coincides with the achievement of the industrial civilization of the apogee in its development. It happened, about the middle of the XX century.

Global problems appeared in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution in the second half of the twentieth century, they are interrelated, cover all parties to the lives of people and concern all countries without exception.

Many problems are considered global, in the scientific literature the number of them varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is explained by the fact that along with the main, priority global problems (which will be further reviewed in the textbook) there are still a number of more private, but also very important problems: crime, notion, separatism, deficit of democracy, texgenic disasters, natural disasters.

There are various classifications of global problems, usually allocate: the problems of the most "universal" nature, problems of natural economic nature, social problems, mixed problems. More "old" and more "new" global problems are also distinguished. The degree of their priority over time can also change. So, at the end of the twentieth century. Ecological and demographic problems have come to the fore, while the problem of preventing the Third World War has become less acute.

Among modern global problems are allocated main groups:

Problems of socio-political nature. These include: the prevention of the world thermonuclear war, the establishment of a nuclear non-violent world, overcoming the increasing gap in the level of economic and cultural development between the advanced industrial western countries and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Problems related to relationships between humanity and society. It is about eliminating poverty, hunger and illiteracy, to combat diseases, on the cessation of population growth, the prediction and prevention of the negative consequences of the scientific and technical revolution and the rational use of its achievements for the benefit of society and personality.

Ecological problems. They arise in the sphere of relations between society and nature. These include: protection and restoration of the environment, atmosphere, soil, water; Providing humanity with the necessary natural resources, including food, raw materials and sources of energy.

The problem of international terrorism has been particularly relevant to the problem of international terrorism, actually becoming one of the most priorities.

The causes of global problems are:

the integrity of the modern world, which is ensured by deep political and economic relations, for example - war;

the crisis of world civilization is associated with the economic power of a person: the impact of a person in nature in its consequences is comparable to the most terrible natural forces;

the uneven development of countries and cultures: people living in different countries, with various political buildings, on the achieved level of development they live in historically different cultural era.

Global problems of humanity cannot be solved by the forces of one country, co-developed provisions on environmental protection, agreed economic policy, assistance to backward countries, and the like are needed.

In general, global problems of humanity can be schematically represented in the form of a transshipment of contradictions, where diverse threads are drawn from each problem to all other issues.

The solution of global problems is possible only by the joint efforts of all countries coordinating their actions at the international level. Selfolation and development features will not allow individual countries to remain aside from the economic crisis, nuclear war, the threat of terrorism or the AIDS epidemic. To solve global problems, overcoming the danger that threatens all humanity, it is necessary to further strengthen the relationship between the diverse modern world, the change in the interaction with the environment, the refusal of the cult of consumption, the development of new values.

globalization Economic Growth Crisis


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The relationship of global problems of humanity


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the combination of human problems whose social progress and conservation of civilization depends on the solution:

preventing world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples;

overcoming the gap in the economic level and income per capita between developed and developing countries by eliminating their backwardness, as well as the elimination of hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe;

termination of the rapid growth of the population ("demographic explosion" in developing countries, especially in tropical Africa) and eliminating the risk of "depopulation" in developed countries;

preventing catastrophic environmental pollution; ensuring the further development of humanity with the necessary natural resources;

preventing the immediate and distant consequences of the scientific and technical revolution.

Some researchers include the global problems of modernity also problems of health, education, social values, relations between generations, etc.

Their features are: - have planetary, global character, affect the interests of all the peoples of the world. - Threaten degradation and / or the death of all mankind. - need emergency and effective solutions. - require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples for their permission.

Basic global problems

Destruction of natural environment

To date, the largest and dangerous problem is the exhaustion and destruction of the natural environment, disruption inside it is an ecological equilibrium as a result of people growing and poorly controlled by the activities. Exceptional harm is made by industrial and transport catastrophes, which lead to the mass death of living organisms, infection and pollution of the world ocean, atmosphere, soil. But even greater negative impacts have continuous emissions of harmful substances into the environment. First, a strong impact on the health of people, the more destructive that humanity is increasingly bored in cities, where the concentration of harmful substances air, soil, atmosphere, directly in the premises, as well as in other effects (electricity, radio wave, etc.) very high. Secondly, many types of animals and plants disappear, and new dangerous microorganisms appear. Thirdly, the landscape deteriorates, the fertile lands turn into piles, rivers in the waste ditch, changes the water regime and climate. But the biggest danger is threatened with a global change (warming) of the climate, possible, for example, due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It can lead to the melting of glaciers. As a result, underwater will be huge and densely populated areas in different regions of the world.

Air pollution

The most common atmospheric pollutants enter it mainly in two types: either in the form of suspended particles, or in the form of gases. Carbon dioxide. As a result of fuel combustion, and the production of cement in the atmosphere comes with a huge amount of this gas. This gas itself is not poisons. Carbon monoxide. The burning of fuel that creates most of the gaseous, and the aerosol contaminants of the atmosphere, serves as a source of other carbon compound - carbon monoxide. He is poisonous, and his danger is exacerbated by the fact that he has no color, no smell, and poisoning them can occur completely unnoticed. Currently, as a result of human activity, about 300 million tons of carbon monoxide flows into the atmosphere. Hydrocarbons entering the atmosphere as a result of human activity make up a small proportion of hydrocarbons of natural origin, but pollution is very important. Their receipt to the atmosphere can occur at any stage of production, processing, storage, transportation and use of substances and materials containing hydrocarbon. More than half of the hydrocarbons produced by a person enters the air as a result of incomplete combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel when operating cars and other means of transport. Sulphur dioxide. Pollution of the atmosphere of sulfur compounds has important environmental consequences. The main sources of sulfur gas are volcanic activity, as well as the processes of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds. Surnese sources of sulfur gas in the intensity have long surpassed volcanoes and now they are equal to the total intensity of all natural sources. Aerosole particles enter the atmosphere from natural sources. The processes for formation of aerosols are very diverse. This is primarily fragmentation, grinding and spraying, solids. In nature, such origin has mineral dust, raised from the surface of the desert during the dusty storms. The source of the atmosphere of aerosols is of global importance, since the deserts occupy about a third of the sushi surface, and there is still a tendency and their increased share due to the unreasonable, human activity. Mineral dust from the desert surface is transferred to the wind for many thousands of kilometers. A similar manifestation of a volcanic ash, falling into the atmosphere during the eruption occurs relatively rarely and irregularly, as a result of which this source of aerosol by mass is significantly inferior to dusty beams, its value is very large, since this aerosol is thrown into the upper layers of the atmosphere - to the stratosphere. It remains there for several years, it reflects or absorbs a portion of solar energy, which could in its absence to achieve the surface of the Earth. The source of aerosols is also technological processes of the economic activity of people. Powerful source of mineral dust - industrial building materials. Mining and crushing of rocks in careers, their transportation, cement production, the construction itself - all this pollutes the atmosphere of mineral particles. A powerful source of solid aerosol is a mining industry, especially when mining coal and ore in open careers. Aerosols fall into the atmosphere when spraying solutions. The natural source of such aerosols - the ocean supplying chloride and sulfate aerosols is formed as a result of the evaporation of sea splashes. Another powerful formation mechanism, aerosols is condensation of substances during combustion or incomplete combustion due to lack of oxygen or low combustion temperature. Aerosols are removed from the atmosphere in three ways: dry precipitation under the action of gravity (main path for large particles), precipitation on obstacles and disposition of precipitation. The aerosol of contamination affects the weather and climate. Chemical inactive aerosols accumulate in the lungs and lead to damage. Conventional quartz sand and other silicates - mica, clay, asbestos, etc. It accumulates in the lungs and penetrates into the shelter, leads to a disease of the cardiovascular system and liver disease.

Soil pollution

Almost all pollutants that initially fell into the atmosphere, ultimately turn out to be on the surface of sushi and water. Seen aerosols may contain poisonous heavy metals - lead, mercury, copper, vanadium, cobalt, nickel. Usually they are sedimed and accumulated in the soil. But the soil falls with rains also acids. Connecting with it, metals can go to soluble compounds available to plants. In soluble forms there are also substances that are constantly present in the soil, which sometimes leads to the death of plants.

Water pollution

Water used by man ultimately returns to the natural environment. But, except for evaporated, it is no longer clean water, and household, industrial and agricultural wastewater, usually not purified or peeled. Thus, there is a contamination of freshwater ponds - rivers, lakes, sushi and coastal seas. There are three types of water pollution - biological, chemical and physical. The pollution of the oceans and the seas occurs due to the intake of pollutants with river drains, their falling out of the atmosphere and, finally, thanks to human activity. A special place in the pollution of oceans occupies pollution of oil and petroleum products. Natural pollution occurs as a result of leakage of oil from oil-bearing layers, mainly on the shelf. Sea transportation of oil, as well as sudden spills of large amounts of oil with tanker accidents are made of the greatest contribution to the oil pollution of the ocean.

Problems of the ozone layer

On average, about 100 tons of ozone is formed in the atmosphere of the Earth. Ozone Even with a slight increase in the dose, a person appears on the skin. Diseases of skin cancer, as well as eye disease, leads to blindness, is associated with increasing the intensity of UV radiation. The biological effect of UV radiation is due to the high sensitivity of nucleic acids, which can be destroyed, which leads to the death of cells or the occurrence of mutations. The world learned about the global environmental problem of "ozone holes". First of all, the destruction of the ozone layer is increasingly developing civil aviation and chemical production. Applying nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture; Chlorination of drinking water, widespread use of refrigeration fareons, to extinguish fires, as solvents and in aerosols led to the fact that millions of tons of chlorofluoromethutans are entered into the lower layer of the atmosphere as a colorless neutral gas. Spreading up, chlorofluorometrics under the action of UV radiation are destroyed, highlighting fluorine and chlorine, which actively enter into the processes of ozone destruction.

Problem temperature air

Although the air temperature is the most important characteristic, it, of course, does not exhaust the climate concept, for the description of which (and corresponds to its changes) it is important to know a number of other characteristics: air humidity, cloudiness, speed precipitations Aerial flow, etc. Unfortunately, the data that would characterize changes in these values \u200b\u200bfor a long period across the entire globe or hemisphere, currently no or very little. Works on the collection, processing and analysis of such data are carried out, and if the hope that in a short time it will be possible to more fully assess climate change in the twentieth centuries. Better than others, it seems that the situation is about sediments, although this climate characteristic is very difficult to objectively with global analysis. An important characteristic of climate is "cloudiness", which largely determines the influx of solar energy. Unfortunately, there are no data on the change in global cloudiness for the entire century period. a) the problem of acid rain. When studying acid rains, first of all, to respond to two main questions: what causes acid rains and, as they affect the environment. Every year about 200 mil is thrown into the atmosphere of the Earth. Solid particles (dust, soot, etc.) 200 mil. T. sulfur gas (SO2), t. Carbon oxide, t. Nitrogen oxides (NO), which in the amount is more than 1 billion tons of harmful substances. Acid rains (or, more correctly), acid precipitation, as the fallout of harmful substances can occur both in the form of rain and in the form of snow, hail, apply environmental, economic and aesthetic damage. As a result of acid precipitation, the equilibrium in ecosystems is disturbed, soil productivity deteriorates, rust metal structures, buildings, structures, architectural monuments, etc. are destroyed. Sulfur dioxide is adsorbed on the leaves, penetrates inside and takes part in oxidative processes. This entails genetic and species changes in plants. First of all, some lichens die, they are considered "indicators" of clean air. Countries should strive to limit and gradually reduce the pollution of the air, including pollution, which goes beyond their state.

The problem of greenhouse effect

Carbon dioxide is one of the main perpetrators of the "greenhouse effect", why what other famous "greenhouse gases" (and about 40) determine only about half of global warming. Just as in the greenhouse, the glass roof and walls pass solar radiation, but they do not allow heat and carbon dioxide with other "greenhouse gases". Practically transparent for sunlight, but delay the thermal radiation of the Earth, do not give it goes into space. The passion for the average global air temperature should inevitably lead to an even more significant decrease in continental glaciers. The warming of climate leads to the melting of polar ice and an increase in the level of the world's ocean. Global warming can cause a displacement of the main zones of agriculture to a temperature, large floods, sustainable droughts, forest fires. Following the upcoming climate changes, changes will inevitably come to change the position of natural zones a) reducing the consumption of coal, replacing its natural gases, b) the development of atomic energy, c) the development of alternative types of energy (wind, solar, geothermal) d) Worldwide energy savings. But the problem of global warming to some extent is currently compensated for due to the fact that another problem has developed on its basis. The problem of global dimming! At the moment, the temperature of the planet rose only one degree in a hundred years. But according to the calculations of scientists, it was worthwhile to rise to a higher meaning. But due to the global darkened effect, the effect was lowered. The mechanism of the problem is based on the fact: the rays of sunlight that should pass through the clouds and reach the surface and in a consequence to increase the temperature of the planet and increase the effect of global warming can not go through the clouds and reflect from them as a result of it without reaching the surface of the planet. And thanks to this effect, the atmosphere of the planet is not rapidly becoming. It would seem that it would be easier to do nothing and leave both factors alone, but if it happens, the human health will be in danger.

The problem of overpopulation of the planet

The number of earthlings grows rapidly, albeit constantly slowing down the pace. But each person consumes a large number of different natural resources. Moreover, at present, this growth is necessary, first of all, on weakly or not enough developed countries. However, they are focused on the development of the state where the level of welfare is very high, and the number of resources consumed by each resident is huge. If you imagine that the entire population of the Earth (the bulk of which today lives poorly, and even starving) will have a standard of living as in Western Europe or the United States, our planet will simply not stand it. But it is also believing that most earthlings will always be labeled in poverty, ignorance and murderer unfairly, injurious and unfair. The rapid economic development of China, India, Mexico and a number of other multiple countries refute such an assumption. Consequently, the output of the limitation of the birth rate with simultaneous decrease and mortality and improvement of the quality of life. However, the birth restriction is encountered on many obstacles. Among them, the reactionary social relations, a huge role of religion, encouraging largeness; primitive community forms of management, in which large-order wins; illiteracy and ignorance, weak development of medicine, etc. Consequently, the backward countries have a tight node of the most complex problems. However, they rightly and nearby in backward countries, those who own or tribal interests put the above state, ignorance of masses are used for their mercenary purposes (including wars, repression and other things), growth of weapons and similar things. The problem of ecology, overpopulation and backwardness is directly related and threatened by the possible shortage of food in the near future. Today, in a large number of countries, due to the rapid growth of the population and the insufficient development of agriculture of modern methods. However, the possibility of increasing its productivity seems to be not limitless. After all, an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers, keriformicates, etc. leads to a deterioration in the environmental situation and an increasing concentration of substances harmful to humans. On the other hand, the development of cities and technology takes a lot of fertile lands from turnover. The lack of good drinking water is especially harmful.

Problems of energy resources.

Artificially low prices were misled by consumers and served as an impetus to the second phase of the energy crisis. Now energy, it turns out due to fossil fuels, goes to support and the growth of the achieved level of consumption. But since the state of the medium worsens, you will have to spend energy and work to stabilize the environment, with which the biosphere is no longer cope. But then more than 99 percent of electric and labor costs will go to the stabilization of the environment. But the maintenance and development of civilization remains less than one percent. There is no alternative to increasing energy production. But the nuclear power plant fell under a powerful press of public opinion, hydropower expensive, unconventional types of generating energy solar, wind, tidal, under development. It remains ... traditional heat and power, and with it and dangers associated with the pollution of the atmosphere. The work of many economists showed: electricity consumption per capita is a very representative indicator of living standards in the country. Electricity is a product that can be spent on your needs or sell for rubles.

The problem of AIDS and drug addiction.

Fifteen years ago, it was hardly possible to foresee that the media would be so much attention to the disease that received the summary of AIDS - "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." Now amuses the geography of the disease. According to the World Health Organization, since the beginning of the epidemic, at least 100,000 AIDS cases were found all over the world. In this case, the disease was detected in 124 countries. The greatest number of them in the United States. Social, economic and purely humanitarian costs of this disease are already great, and the future is not so optimistic to seriously count on a quick solution to this problem. Not less evil are international mafia and especially drug addiction, tens of tens of millions of people and creating a potatal environment for crime, diseases. Already today - even in developed countries - not to consider diseases, including mental. In theory, hemp fields should be protected by employees of the state farm - the owner of the plantation, the brigadier is red from constant lack of sleep. Understanding this problem, it must be borne in mind that in this small North Caucasian Republic there is no sowing of Poppy and Cannabis - neither state nor private ones. The republic has become a "transshipment base" for DURMOM traders from various regions. The growth of drug addiction and the struggle with the authorities resembles a monster that fights. This is how the term "drug maffia" arose, which today became synonymous with millions of emotional lives, broken hopes and fate, synonymous with a catastrophe, who fell into a whole generation of young people. In recent years, part of the profits of drug addict spends on strengthening its "material base". That is why caravans with a "white death" in the "Golden Triangle" accompany the detachments of mercenaries armed. Drug addict has its own runway, etc. Drug addicts announced a war in which tens of thousands of people and the latest achievement of science and technology are involved on the part of the governments. Among the most frequently used narcotic drugs, cocaine, heroin. Health effects are exacerbated by using alternately two or more types of different drugs, as well as due to particularly dangerous methods of reception. Those who injected them into a vein waiting for a new danger - they are subjected to enormous risk to infected the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which can lead to a deadly outcome. Among the reasons for the growing thrust to the drugs of young people who are not working, but even those who have been afraid to lose her lose whatever it is. There is, of course, the reasons for the "personal" character are not a relationship with parents, is not lucky in love. And drugs in a difficult moment, thanks to the "concerns" of drug addicts, always turns out to be at hand ... "White Death" is not satisfied with the conquered positions, feeling the growing demand for their goods, sellers of poison and death sellers continue the offensive.

The problem of thermonuclear war.

Whatever serious hazards for humanity were accompanied by all other global problems, they even together are remotely incompatible with the catastrophic demographic, environmental and other consequences of the world thermonuclear war, which threatens the existence of civilization and life on our planet. Back in the late 70s, scientists believed that the world thermonuclear war would be accompanied by the death of many hundreds of millions of people and the resolution of world civilization. Studies dedicated to the probable consequences of thermonuclear war have revealed that even 5% accumulated to date the nuclear arsenal of great powers will be enough to imagine our planet in an irreversible ecological catastrophe: the soot rising in the atmosphere from covered cities and forest fires will create an impenetrable screen for sunlight and will lead to a drop in temperature for dozens of degrees, so even a long polar night will come in a tropical belt. The priority of the prevention of the world thermonuclear war is determined not only by its consequences, but also because the non-violent world without nuclear weapons creates the need for the prerequisite and guarantee for the scientific and practical solution of all other global problems in international cooperation.

Chapter III. The relationship of global problems. All global problems of modernity are closely connected with each other and mutually due, so that the isolated solution is almost impossible. Thus, ensuring the further economic development of humanity by natural resources, it is obvious to prevent growing environmental pollution, otherwise this will lead to an environmental catastrophe in a planetary scale. That is why both of these global problems are fairly called environmental and even with a certain basis are considered as two aspects of a single environmental problem. In turn, this environmental problem can only be solved on the path of a new type of environmental development, fruitfully using the potential of the scientific and technological revolution, while preventing negative consequences at the same time. And although the pace of environmental growth over the past four decades in general in developing time this gap has increased. Statistical calculations show: if the annual increase in the population in developing countries was the same as in developed, the contrast between them would reduce the contrast in terms of income per capita to date. Up to 1: 8 and could be in comparable soul sorts of the population twice as much as now. However, this "demographic explosion" itself in developing countries, according to scientists, is due to their continuing economic, social and cultural retardation. The inability of humanity to develop at least one of the global problems will affect the ability to solve everyone else. In the presentation of some Western scientists, the relationship and interactiveness of global problems form a certain "vicious circle" of disaster unresolved for humanity, from which there is no way out at all, or the only salvation is to immediately terminate the ecological growth and population growth. Such an approach to global problems is accompanied by various alarmist, pessimistic forecasts of the future humanity


Christianity originated in the first century in Israel in the context of the Messianic movements of Judaism.

Christianity has Jewish roots. Yeshua (Jesus) was brought up as Jew, observed Torah, visited the synagogue to the Sabbath, observed the holidays. Apostles, the first students of Yeshua, were Jews.

According to the evidence of the New Testament text of the Acts of the Apostles (Acts (Acts12: 26), the noun "χριστιανοί" - Christians, adherents (or followers) of Christ, first entered into use for the designation of supporters of the new faith in the Syrian-Hellenistic G. Antioch in the first century.

Initially, Christianity was distributed in the Wednesday of the Palestine and the Mediterranean diaspora, but, already starting from the first decades, thanks to the preaching of the Apostle Paul, it acquired more and more followers among other peoples ("pagans"). Until the V century, the spread of Christianity was mainly in the geographical limits of the Roman Empire, as well as in the sphere of its cultural influence (Armenia, Vost. Syria, Ethiopia), in the future (mainly in the 2nd half of the 1st millennium) - among Germanic and Slavic peoples, later (by the XIII-XIV centuries) - also among the Baltic and Finnish peoples. In the new and the newest time, the spread of Christianity outside Europe was due to the colonial expansion and activities of missionaries.

Currently, the number of adherents of Christianity worldwide exceeds 1 billion [source?] From them in Europe - about 475 million, in Latin America - about 250 million, in North America - about 155 million, in Asia - about 100 million, in Africa is about 110 million; Catholics - about 660 million, Protestants are about 300 million (including 42 million methodologists and 37 million Baptists), Orthodox and adherents of the Neakhalkidonian Religations of the East (Monophysites, Nestorian, etc.) - about 120 million.

The main features of the Christian religion

1) a spiritualistic monotheism, an in-depth of the teaching on the terrain of persons in a single being of the Divine. This teaching gave and gives a reason to the deepest philosophical and religious speculations, revealing the depth of its content for centuries everything from new and new parties:

2) the concept of God as an absolutely perfect spirit, not only an absolute mind and omnipotence, but also absolute goodness and love (God is love);

3) The doctrine on the absolute value of the human person as an immortal, spiritual being created by God in his image and likeness, and the doctrine of the equality of all people in their relationship to God: everyone is beloved by him, as children by the father of heaven, everyone is intended for Eternal Blessed Being In conjunction with God, everyone serves funds to achieve this destination - free will and divine grace;

4) the doctrine of the ideal assignment of a person in infinite, comprehensive, spiritual improvement (be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect);

5) The doctrine of the full domination of the spiritual principle above the matter: God is the unconditional Lord of Matter, like her Creator: a man was awarded to domination over the material world, in order to carry out their perfect purpose through the material body and in the material world; Thus, Christianity, dualistic in metaphysics (as it takes two foreign substances - spirit and matter), is monistically as a religion, because it puts matter to the unconditional dependence on the Spirit, like creation and environment of the activity of the Spirit. Therefore, it

6) The equally far from the materialism of metaphysical and moral and from hatefulness in relation to matter and the material world as such. Evil is not in matter and not from matter, but from the perverted free will of the spiritual beings (angels and man), from which it passed on the matter ("Cursed the Earth in Your Affairs," says God Adam; when it was created, everything was "good beer ").

7) the teaching on the resurrection of the flesh and on the bliss of the resurrect flesh of the righteous, together with their souls in the enlightened, eternal, material world and

8) In the second cardinal dogma of Christianity - in the teachings of God, about truly embodied and crudely to rescue people from sin, curse and death by the eloquent son of God, identified by the Christian church with its founder, Jesus Christ. Thus, Christianity with all the impeccable idealism is the religion of the harmony of matter and the Spirit; It does not swear and does not deny any of the spheres of human activity, but it all adds them all, inspired to remember that they are all - only means to achieve a man of spiritual god-like perfection.

In addition to these features, the disadvantages of Christian religion contribute:

1) essential metaphysicity of its content that makes it invulnerable to scientific philosophical criticism and

2) for the Catholic churches of the East and the West - the doctrine of the infallibility of the church in matters of dogma due to the Holy Spirit acting in it at all times, in the right sense guarding it, in particular, from criticism of historical and historical philosophical.

These features jammed by Christianity through two millennia, despite the abyss of misunderstandings, hobbies, attacks, sometimes unsuccessful defenses, despite the whole of the abyss, which was done and was made in the name of Christianity, lead to the fact that if the Christian teaching could always be taken And do not take, believe in it or not believe it, then it cannot be disproved and may never be. The specified features of the attractiveness of Christian religion should be attached another and not the last: the incomparable personality of its founder. To renounce Christ, maybe much more difficult than renounce Christianity.

Nowadays, the following main directions exist in Christianity:




Catholicism or Catholicism (from Greek. καθολικός - World; for the first time in relation to the church, the term "η καθολικη εκκλησία" was applied about 110 g. In the letter of St. Ignatia to the residents of Smyrna and fastened in the Nike Symbol of Faith) - the largest in the number of adherents (more than 1 billion) the branch of Christianity , formed in the I millennium in the territory of the Western Roman Empire. The final gap with Eastern Orthodoxy occurred in 1054.

Orthodoxy (tracing with Greek. ὀρθοδοξία - "Proper judgment, glorification")

The term can be used in 3 people, but cleanedly different values:

1. Historically, as well as in theological literature, sometimes in the expression "Orthodoxy Jesus Christ", indicates the teaching tested by the Universal Church - as opposed to heresy. The term became used in the end of IV and in the doctrinal documents was often used as a synonym for the term "cofolic" (in the Latin tradition - Catholic) (καθολικός).

2. In modern widespread word, denotes the direction in Christianity, which formed in the east of the Roman Empire during the first millennium N. e. Under the guidance and under the capital role of the Department of Bishop of Constantinople - the new Rome, which professes the Nikeo-Tsareghad Symbol of Faith and recognizes the decisions of the 7-Ecumenical cathedrals.

3. The set of teachings and spiritual practices that the Orthodox Church contains. Under the latter is a community of autocephalous location churches with each other by Eucharistic communication (Lat. Communicatio in Sacris).

Lexicologically incorrectly in Russian to use the terms "orthodoxy" or "orthodox" in any of the above values, although such a word consumption is sometimes found in secular literature.

Protestantism (from Lat. Protestans, born. Protestantis - publicly proving) - one of the three, along with Catholicism (see Patex) and Orthodoxy, the main directions of Christianity, which is a combination of numerous and independent churches and denominations related to their origin with the Reformation - Wide anticatolic movement of the XVI century in Europe.

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