How to choose the best champagne (sparkling wine). Names of champagne that are known all over the world

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There are just a couple of days left before the New Year, so many of our compatriots are actively engaged in solving the issue of purchasing food for the festive table. At the same time, not the last place is given to the choice of a sparkling drink, which will make the holiday truly memorable and fun. And, in order to make this task as easy as possible, experts have compiled , having familiarized yourself with which you can easily purchase a quality drink at an affordable price. The relevance of the issue of choice lies in the fact that the modern market is simply replete with offers, significantly increasing the chances of the consumer to purchase surrogates.

Champagne is synonymous with fun, joy and victory, so you can always see it as a decoration for a romantic meeting and other other festive events. And if it the best Russian champagne, rating which occupies high horizons among similar products, the holiday can definitely be called a success. At the same time, it is important to understand that the best sparkling wines are produced in regions that are engaged in the cultivation of grapes of special varieties. If we talk about Russian manufacturers, then best Russian champagne rating 2017 suggests that these are products from CJSC Abrau-Dyurso (Krasnodar Territory), whose main brands are the wines Victor Dravigny, Specific Office and Imperial.

Rating of Russian champagne 2017

According to experts, Abrau-Dyurso CJSC is the largest domestic producer of sparkling wines, which makes its specialists zealously monitor the quality of drinks supplied to the market. It is for this reason that its products lead , especially since the pricing policy of the enterprise allows us to talk about the availability of low-alcohol drinks for most segments of the population. On the whole distributed as follows:

  • ZAO Sparkling Wines (St. Petersburg). Main brands: Saint-Petersburg, Rossiyskoye, Bourgeois, Lev Golitsyn.
  • ZSHV "New World" (Crimea). Main brands: Krymskoe, Pinot Noir, Novosvetskoe.
  • JSC "Moscow plant of champagne wines" (Moscow). Main brands: Moskovskoye, Rossiyskoye, Zolotoy Standart.
  • LLC "Kuban-Vino" (Krasnodar Territory). Main brands: Chateau-Tamagne.
  • LLC "Rostov Plant of Champagne Wines" (Rostov-on-Don). Main brands: Rostovskoe.
  • OJSC "Tsimlyansk wines" (Rostov region). Main brands: Tsimlyanskoe.
  • In this context, the correspondents of our news agency put emphasis on the fact that this rating of Russian champagne producers was compiled not on the basis of the quality and taste characteristics of drinks, but on their popularity and demand among the population. Well, since people tend to buy products only from trusted manufacturers and at affordable prices, the rating compiled by experts can be considered as the main criterion for choosing champagne, including for the purpose of decorating the New Year's table with it.

    Some nuances of buying drinks

    Despite the fact that experts have Russian champagne rating, allowing you to make an accented choice, it is important to understand that you need to buy it only in specialized stores or in large supermarkets. As a rule, employees of retail chains of this level very scrupulously check the supplied goods for quality and timing of implementation, and their pricing policy is based on a more flexible schedule. And of course, their marketers track positions such as rating of champagne wines of Russian producers, trying to buy only the drinks that are in demand. And this means that here you can always buy a bottle of high-quality sparkling wine and celebrate the New Year fully armed.

    Special attention should be paid to the cost of the drinks offered. So, if we are talking about products that are rating of Russian-made champagne 2017 occupies the highest positions, then its price cannot start with an amount below 300 rubles. Of course, if we talk about global manufacturers, then their drinks can cost up to 5,000 per bottle, but not everyone can afford these products. Well, for an average Russian, a bottle of sparkling wine at a price of 300-500 rubles is quite acceptable. Incidentally, for comparison, consider rating of Russian champagne 2016, which practically does not differ from the current situation on the market of low-alcohol products. For our part, it only remains for us to add that the question how to choose the right champagne for the new year actually presents no difficulty. You just need to follow your priorities and take into account information regarding the rating of the manufacturer.

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    Of course, champagne wines are one of the most expensive categories of alcoholic beverages. And in the event that you want to try them, you have to choose a worthy option. For those who are not too well versed in the range of champagnes, this can be challenging.
    The list below is a kind of reminder for champagne lovers.

    Most people use the term “champagne” to include sparkling wines from other regions. In fact, it is fair to call “champagne” only drinks from the Champagne region of France.
    Often, when people talk about “champagne” wines that are not related to the Champagne region, they mean sparkling wines made according to the “champagne method” (Méthode Champenoise).

    Names of champagnes

    Champagne producers tend to produce more than one brand: they are differentiated by cost and style. For example, the world-famous vintage premium brand Dom Perignon (Dom Perignon) is produced by Moët et Chandon (Moët e Chandon), the same house that produces the quite ordinary White Star and the American sparkling wine Domaine Chandon, which is made using the champagne method, but is not champagne.
    Within the brand, different types are created, differing from each other in belonging to a particular crop (vintage or single), sugar content (for example, brut) and the types of grapes used in production (for example, blanc de blancs (blanc de blancs) or pink) .

    • AR Lenoble (A.R. Lenoble)
      AR Lenoble produces relatively inexpensive champagnes with fairly high ratings. The line contains both single and vintage drinks, there are pink versions and banc de blanc.
      What to try: Try the Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru, which is made from Chardonnay. This champagne costs around $35 and usually has good reviews from critics.
    • Circle
      Krug is the name of the most respected champagne producer in France. This brand of champagne belongs to the top brands and is distinguished by its high cost. For example, one of the Krug champagnes is included in the Forbes list of the most expensive champagnes: the cost of a bottle of this manufacturer Clos du Mesnil Blanc de Blancs in 1975 is $750.
      What to try: If you decide to celebrate in full, a relatively inexpensive option is the Krug NV (non-vintage) Grand Cuveé for a little under $200. This expensive wine has the characteristic features of champagne: biscuit aroma, delicate and fresh bubbles.
    • Moët et Chandon

      This champagne name is best known for its Dom Pérignon brand. Dom Pérignon are vintage champagne wines that are produced only in those years when the vintages are recognized as good or great. In the mainstream segment, Moet et Chandon produces White Star and NV (non-vintage) champagnes.
      What to try: if you really want to try Dom Pérignon but are on a tight budget, keep in mind that different vintages have different prices: good vintages are cheaper than great ones. For example, Dom Pérignon 1998 costs from $150, while the 1996 vintage costs $350.

    • salon
      Salon is a small manufacturer with a focus on quality. Salon produces exclusively vintage wines from white grape varieties (blanc de blancs).
      What to try: The most famous vintage is 1997. The cost of one bottle starts from $ 250 of the manufacturer. But the harvest of 1996 is no longer so valuable. A bottle of this wine will cost you only $30 per bottle.
    • Veuve Clicquot (Veuve Clicquot)

      The name "Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin" is another of the most famous brands of French champagne producers. Veuve Clicquot is known for her relatively affordable and high-quality Yellow Labels, as well as her premium line of La Grande Dame wines, which are produced only in good and great years.
      What to try:“Yellow Label NV Brut” is a very worthy drink that combines the highest level of taste and not too high cost (for champagne). The cost of this drink is about $50.
    • Louis Roederer (Louis Roederer)
      This producer is known for the names of their expensive vintage wines "Cristal". However, producer Louis Roederer also makes affordable wines such as NV Brut and NV Rosé (about $50)
      What to try:"Louis Roederer Brut Rosé" 2004 - a great option for a first acquaintance with excellent high-end rosé champagne. Here - flowers, caramel and notes of fried wheat bread. Cost of pleasure: about $65.
    • Perrier Jouët (Perrier Jouet)
      Perrior Jouët is a producer known for its Belle Epoque Cuvée (bottled in a floral design) and Fleur de Champagne vintages. The lines also include pink, NV (non-vintage) and blanc de blanc.
      What to try: A very worthy option that will allow you to get acquainted with the wines of this manufacturer is “Perrier Jouët NV Grand Brut”. This drink has good expert ratings, and its cost is about $45. A bottle of this drink is in no way inferior to its contents in its appearance, and the wine itself will not disappoint you.
    • Bollinger (Bollinger)

      Bollinger is a heritage of France. While the main producers of champagne fell under the influence of large corporations, Bollinger retains its independence and is still managed by the descendants of the family that created this brand.
      Bollinger offers both affordable NV wines and premium vintages (such as Vieille Vignes Françaises blanc de noirs).
      What to try: Bollinger Champagne Special Cuvée with the aroma of baked apples and orange blossoms. Cost from $80 per bottle.

    Champagne is a sparkling wine produced by secondary fermentation in the Champagne region of France. As you may have guessed, this drink was named after the province where it comes from, but in the post-Soviet countries almost any carbonated drink can be called champagne, which of course is wrong.

    Interesting fact. Real champagne glasses have inner walls with a microscopic relief layer for bubbles to stick to the walls.

    Often, difficulties arise when choosing champagne for a wedding or other festive events, where the main task is to combine good quality and reasonable price. We will help you not to make a mistake when choosing a fizzy drink and reveal many nuances.

    By following these tips, you will definitely choose a good champagne, but remember that the taste and color cannot please everyone, so you can only find your ideal option by trial and error.

    Interesting infographics on the topic of champagne. Lots of interesting facts and useful tips.

    Champagne variety

    The amount of sugar added after fermentation and aging affects the production of any variety. Champagne is divided into:

    • Sweet (Doux / Du) - very high sugar content. More than 50 g/l
    • Semi-dry (Demi-sec / Demi sec) - contains about 33-50 g/l
    • Dry (Sec / Sek) - sugar content in the range of 17-35 g / l
    • Extra dry (Extra sec / Extra sec) - sugar content within 12-20 g/l
    • The most dry or brut (Brut / Brut) - the sugar content is less than 15 g / l
    • Extra brut (Extra brut / Extra brut) - sugar is not added to such champagne at all

    The most common variety in the world (but not in Russia)- brut. In Russia, they prefer sweet or semi-dry sparkling wines, choose these varieties if you arrange events with a large number of guests. If you are on a diet, then it is better to choose brut, because. it contains almost no sugar

    I really like champagne, namely French, real, and not "Soviet", Spanish, etc. But I agree, it takes a little getting used to brut, especially after many years of “Soviet sparkling”.

    Feedback from the forum

    Champagne quality

    Producers divide champagne into:

    • Champagne without year (champagne sans annee)- currently occupies a huge share of the wine market. This is a champagne that has not even been aged for a year. Only the type of champagne is written on such bottles. (white, pink, etc.) and be sure to indicate the sugar content.
    • millezimnoe (millesime)- such wine is wholly or partly made from grapes of the harvest of the year indicated on the label.
    • Prestigious (cuvee de prestige)- champagne made from the highest quality must, the year of production must be indicated and often the bottle can have an individual name.

    It is also worth paying attention to the presence of an abbreviation, if there is one, then you are holding real, French champagne in your hands and you can be sure of its quality.

    NM: negocian manipulant. These are companies (including most major brands) that buy grapes and produce wine;
    CM: cooperative manipulation. Cooperatives that produce wine from grapes grown by members of the cooperative, with the entire crop pooled together;
    RM: Recoltant manipulant. Producers who independently grow grapes and produce wine from them. They are allowed to purchase no more than 5% of the grapes from outside;
    SR: Societe de recoltants. Association of winegrowers who produce common champagne but do not form a cooperative;
    RC: Recoltant cooperateur. A member of a cooperative selling champagne produced by the cooperative under its own brand;
    MA: Marque auxiliaire or Marque d'acheteur. A brand not associated with producers or growers; the name of the wine owned by someone else, such as a supermarket (such as Private Label);
    ND: Negotiant distributeur. A merchant selling wine under his own brand.


    Grape sort

    Traditionally, champagne is made from white chardonnay, red grape varieties are very rarely used, and these varieties are also rarely mixed.

    Good to know. Champagne almost always comes out white (possibly yellowish) color, even if it was made from red grapes. This is because the juice has very little contact with the skin, which gives the grapes their color.

    bottle size

    Most often, champagne is bottled in standard bottles. (750 ml) and large bottles (1.5 l) they are called magnum. Champagne in large bottles, usually of better quality (because they have less oxygen), respectively, it costs much more than champagne in a standard bottle.

    It is very difficult to find magnum bottles in Russia, because it is very difficult and expensive to produce them. (This can only be done by experienced glassblowers). If this bottle is not made correctly, it is likely that it will burst due to high pressure, so manufacturers use a more reliable option, a standard bottle for 0.75 l

    Video about choosing champagne

    The video will tell you how to choose the right champagne (a sparkling wine) in the store, they will also tell you which variety is better and which snack to use when serving it.


    You have learned enough about champagne to pick it up for the festive table or just buy it for dinner. Now you can feel free to experiment and find your own taste without worrying about which champagne to choose.

    • Large selection of democratic wines from around the world
    • Leading Russian manufacturers represented
    • Proven quality confirmed by certificates
    • Excellent value for money drinks

    Inexpensive champagne for every day can be found in the portfolio of every wine-growing country. True, if we use competent terminology, it will not be champagne in the classical sense, but sparkling wine. The fact is that only sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France, made according to the traditional Champenoise method with secondary fermentation in the bottle, has the right to be called champagne. Most other sparkling wines are produced using the Charmat method, where fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks.

    Good cheap champagne

    Good sparkling wine is produced by the leading countries in the wine industry. Technologies here are honed to perfection, and the experience of ancestors is carefully preserved and transmitted.

    • France. It mainly produces white dry sparkling wine, which in quality and taste competes with classic champagne from famous Houses. Burgundy sparkling wines from the Crement de Bourgogne region, as well as products from Patriarche, Paul Chevalier and others, have gained a particularly good reputation.
    • Italy. It is this country that can offer a huge variety of delicious and inexpensive sparkling wines for every taste. Among them are the famous white Prosecco from Glera grapes and the equally famous Lambrusco from Emilia Romagna, which can be either red or white. Piedmont sparkling wines from the region of Asti are the main rivals of French champagne. Wines produced by Zonin , Casa Defra , Martini , Gancia receive invariably good customer reviews .
    • Spain. Among Spanish sparkling wines, you can choose good examples of rosé and red sparkling wines made from local grape varieties. Dry sparkling wines from the Jaume Serra line are highly acclaimed by critics.
    • Russia. Russian inexpensive champagne is experiencing a real renaissance today. Decent quality for an acceptable cost can be obtained by paying attention to the brands Abrau-Dyurso, Lev Golitsyn, Chateau Taman, here you can also include the products of the oldest factory Phanagoria.

    Russian factories use grapes grown in the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, South Africa, Chile, Spain and other countries for the production of sparkling wines, production is controlled by leading oenologists from France, so the quality of many sparkling wines is brought to a high level. The Abrau-Durso factory also produces a line of sparkling wines made using the classic champagne technology. This is, for example, Imperial brut, which compares favorably in price with French champagne.

    Champagne is an invention of the French. No wonder that French stamps still hold the palm to this day. Choosing them, you can not doubt the contents of the bottle for a second.

    1. "Louis Roederer" (Louis Roederer), "Laurent Perrier" (Laurent-Perrier) - from 3000 rubles.

    2. "Veuve Clicquot", "Moe & Chandon" (Moet & Chandon), "Bolinge" (Bolinger) - from 2500 rubles.

    3. Budget French champagne - "Jean-Paul Chenet" (J.P. Chenet) - from 700 rubles.

    Italian wines

    The Italians have never lagged behind the French in winemaking. Their sparkling wines are distinguished by fruity aftertaste and more affordable prices.

    1. Dry sparkling "Prosecco" is closest to the taste of champagne. Cost - from 400 rubles.

    2. Wines of the province of Asti - "Martini Asti", "Cinzano Asti", "Asti Mondoro" and others - are sweeter and less strong. Prices - from 500 to 1000 rubles.

    3. Sparkling "Lambrusco" can be white, red, pink, dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet, that is, for every taste. From 200 rub. Decent option for a budget celebration.

    4. Bosca Anniversary costs only 200 rubles, tastes close to Asti and has become a popular alternative to cheap domestic champagne. But this is an artificially carbonated wine, and it is produced mostly in Russia and Lithuania, and not in the brand's homeland.

    domestic wines

    If you are not a professional sommelier, you will hardly notice the difference between real French and good domestic champagne.

    1. "Abrau-Durso" - wine-legend. "Brut" of the brand "Imperial" and "Dravigny" is practically in no way inferior to French wines. Cost - 300-800 rubles.

    2. "Tsimlyanskoye" brand "Onegin" is also considered one of the best. Price - 500-1100 rubles.

    3. Crimean wines "New World". The price is about 700 rubles.

    4. Worthy of attention wines "Chateau Tamagne" and "Fanagoria". Price from 350 rubles.

    See also:

    How to choose and serve champagne?

    Read the label carefully, especially the small print on the back. Wines of the correct technology - "seasoned", "classic", "sparkling". Bottles with the inscriptions "carbonated", "saturated", "effervescent" and "sparkling" are best put in place immediately.

    If you choose an inexpensive drink worth up to 400 rubles and want to avoid soreness, give preference to semi-dry or semi-sweet wines. Sugar masks obvious taste deficiencies. And in general, dry wines are not for everyone, even expensive ones.

    The sweetness of the drink should also be selected for the menu. Dry drink as an aperitif. Semi-dry is suitable for the main meal, and leave semi-sweet for dessert.

    A bottle of champagne must be cooled to 6-8 ° C in a refrigerator or bucket of ice. Before removing the wire, slowly turn the bottle upside down. Pour champagne into crystal clear tall glasses. With new happiness!

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