Upr on the face and neck. Effective gymnastics for facial rejuvenation and strengthening of neck muscles

landscaping 11.10.2019

Any athlete will tell you how important it is to train each muscle group in our body. By pumping the press every day, as a result, you can delight everyone with your elastic, toned, beautiful tummy without a hint of fat or folds. Being engaged in dumbbells, you can become the owner of beautiful muscles. It's the same with the face. Unfortunately, we forget that it also includes a group of muscles that most often remain without any training.

And then we naively wonder why at the age of 25 “crow's feet” have already gone, at 30 the forehead begins to wrinkle, and at 40 the corners of the lips go down. But all this can be avoided if you regularly do exercises for the muscles of the face, which train them and make them more flexible and elastic.

Many mistakenly believe that by maintaining a motionless facial expression, they thereby save their skin from stretching and wrinkles. A fundamentally wrong idea about how muscles work. The more you load them, the more elastic, more viable they become. As a result of special gymnastics, they acquire the necessary tone and more actively resist premature aging. The result of regular exercise for facial muscles can be felt in the very near future:

  • the skin becomes elastic, elastic;
  • the complexion becomes radiant and healthy, as exercises of this kind also improve blood circulation;
  • the oval of the face becomes clear, embossed, beautifully outlined;
  • even the second chin begins to melt;
  • shallow, mimic wrinkles begin to gradually smooth out: they are no longer so clearly visible;
  • the skin around the eyes is also transformed: dark circles, puffiness, mesh under the eyes disappear;
  • in addition, it has been scientifically proven that such exercises perfectly relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes;
  • tense muscles of the lips relax;
  • this is a kind of forehead massage;
  • the nasolabial muscles are strengthened.

No cosmetics and salon procedures will give you such luxury as elastic, toned skin with a clearly defined facial contour without the slightest hint of aging and age-related changes. So it's worth looking for exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face, which will not take away your precious time or energy, which we all lack for sports.

Instructions for doing gymnastics

Home gymnastics for facial muscles can transform the skin in the most miraculously at any age. In order for it to justify all your aspirations and hopes, you need to know a number of features for its implementation - especially for beginners who want to put their skin in order and prevent the annoying appearance of the first wrinkles.

  1. You need to do it daily. Regularity is one of the main conditions for the success of such gymnastics. Receiving a constant load (which can be increased over time), the muscles acquire the necessary elasticity. Missed a few classes - they become decrepit, atrophy and again lose precious elastin.
  2. The time for such gymnastics can be anything: morning, evening or lunch break at work. The best option- a couple of hours before bedtime, when the skin is already in a semi-relaxed state, it is cleared of cosmetics. Duration - about 20 minutes.
  3. Do 7-10 exercises at a time. Each - 5-7 times.
  4. After three months, change the set of exercises to another one (fortunately, there is a choice). After another same period of time, you can change this one to the third one, or you can return to the old one. The main thing is variety so that the muscles do not stop in their life, getting used to the same workouts.
  5. After exercising, you can rinse your face cold water and apply your favorite cream to the skin.

Knowing these nuances, homework in such gymnastics will turn into a real pleasure. After each such session, you will feel refreshed and rested. And after some time, the first external results will begin to appear, which will definitely please you. But which facial exercises to choose among the variety that today's Internet resources offer us?

A set of exercises for facial muscles

In order not to get lost among the numerous sets of exercises, choose for yourself 10-15 of those that will not be difficult for you to perform. Naturally, all of them should have a neck "exercises for tightening the muscles of the face » , otherwise the rejuvenating result may not be achieved. And in no case do not confuse them with facial slimming exercises. Having set a goal for yourself, go to it day after day - and the skin will answer you with gratitude, shining with youth and beauty. We bring to your attention a small selection of facial exercises that have a pronounced lifting effect. They will help you fearlessly and with pleasure look at your reflection in the mirror and overcome complexes and fears.

  • 1. For cheeks

Take a mouthful of air. Roll this balloon first on one cheek, then on the other.

  • 2. Facial exercises for forehead wrinkles

Open your eyes wide, as if in great surprise, while trying very hard not to wrinkle your forehead. Focus on some point in the distance and freeze like this for 5-10 seconds.

  • 3. For lips

Squeeze your lips tightly and try to smile through your strength, trying to keep your lips in a bow. Pull them forward, and pull your cheeks in. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

  • 4. For nasolabial folds

Smile, lightly press with your fingertips on the area between the lips and nose. Lift the skin with your fingers and tighten the muscles so that your own fingers feel resistance.

  • 5. For lips

Stretch your neck forward, depict an air kiss. Tighten all the muscles of the face and start blowing air through the lips. Then put your middle and index fingers on your lips, press lightly and try to do the same.

  • 6. Exercises for the facial muscles of the face

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and roll your eyes. Freeze in this position for a minute. Then inhale through your nose, clench your fists and strongly strain all the muscles of your face. Exhale through your mouth, stick out your tongue, bulge your eyes.

  • 7. Against the second chin

An excellent exercise for fixing the muscles of the lower jaw, shoulders, neck. Tilt your head back, press the tip of your tongue on the tubercle located at the top of the palate, turn your head to the left and stretch your neck. Do the same on the right side.

  • 8. From vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Press 3 middle fingers of both hands tightly together, place them on two sides of your vertical wrinkles. Wherein ring fingers should be below, in front of the very edge of the eyebrows. Then stretch the skin with your fingers and slowly begin to push your arms apart. Do not let go of the skin for a minute, keep it taut all this time and try to move your eyebrows, keeping them in a tense state.

  • 9. From horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Place your index fingers over the eyebrows, try to repeat their curved shape. You need to raise your eyebrows in surprise, but at the same time resist them with your fingers lying on the arch of the eyebrows.

These exercises for the face and neck are only a small part of those areas that exist today in gymnastics with a rejuvenating and tightening effect. It is even called by different names: face-building, yoga for the face, facial training. But the goal is the same - to preserve the beauty of your skin for many years, prolonging its youth. Change one exercise for another, look for something more difficult or easier, but the main thing is to do it so that after 30 years you don’t think about your age with horror, but simply enjoy every moment of this life.

If you ask any person involved in sports about whether the training of each muscle group is necessary, then you will hear many arguments in favor of its importance.

As a result daily work above the press, you can catch admiring glances at a toned, beautiful tummy without a hint of fat and folds.

When doing dumbbells, the athlete becomes the owner of beautiful muscles.

Likewise with the face.

Forgetting that the face also consists of a group of muscles, most often we ignore any of their training.

Consequences of non-working muscles

As a result, after some time, it becomes incomprehensible to us why it would suddenly be at such a young age as 25 years old that “crow's feet” already flaunt around the eyes, by the age of 30 wrinkles appear on the forehead, and by 40 and even worse - they fall corners of the lips.

Although, these consequences can be avoided by just doing facial exercises daily. Thus, you can become the proud owner of more flexible and elastic facial muscles.

It is erroneously believed that if you keep your face still, then in this way you can save the skin from stretching and prolong youth.

How Muscles Work

The higher the load, the more elasticity they have. Accordingly, the more often they undergo special gymnastics, the greater their tone, and, accordingly, the resistance to premature aging.

As a result of muscle movement, you can see:

2. Freedom of timing

You can carry out such gymnastics at any time: in the morning, in the evening, during a lunch break. Ideal when you do gymnastics 2 hours before going to bed. At this moment, the skin is in a relaxed state and without cosmetics. You need to do 20 minutes.

3. Number of approaches

In one run, you need to do from 7 to 10 exercises. The duration of each is 5-7 times.

4. Change of a set of exercises

After 3 months, you need to change the set of exercises to another. And after another three months, it is necessary to change the complex again for the third one. You can also return to the first complex. The key here is diversity. It is necessary that the muscles do not get used to the same workouts.

5. Water procedures

After finishing gymnastics, rinse your face with cold water and apply your favorite cream.

Knowing the quiet nuances, doing gymnastics at home will be a real pleasure. And the state after such gymnastics will be fresh and rested. After some time, you will see the first results that will not leave you indifferent.

In order not to wander among the numerous exercises, pick up 10-15 of those that you will be happy to perform.

But, of course, all of them should be designed specifically for tightening the muscles of the face, otherwise, waste your time and not achieve a rejuvenating result.

Also, they should not be confused with exercises aimed at losing weight on the face.

We set ourselves a goal - go to it purposefully, then the youth and beauty of your skin as a thank you will not be long in coming.

Exercise Instructions

We offer you a set of exercises for a lifting effect, which will be your assistant in the fight against complexes and fears.

Gymnastics Carol Maggio

Exercise 1

This exercise is aimed at smoothing wrinkles, reducing fatigue.

  1. Press the bridge of the nose with your index fingers at the beginning of the eyebrow on both sides. Frown for 2-3 seconds, then relax your face. Repeat 12-15 times.
  2. Run your fingers in the direction from the middle of the eyebrow to the temples. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Put 3 fingers together and tap between the eyebrows, building up the pace. It shouldn't be done too hard.

Exercise 2

Open your mouth and stick out your tongue while rolling your eyes. Freeze for a minute. After that, inhale through the nose, clench your fists and strongly strain all the muscles of the face. Exhale through your mouth, stick out your tongue, bulge your eyes.


These exercises are the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and help to reduce the "hood" over the eyelid.

Exercise 1

  1. Get into a lying position. Press your index fingers on your eyebrows and lift them up. Do brief movements up to sting. Then press down with both fingers and wait about 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  2. In the same position, close your eyes and press the base of the hair with your index fingers. Lower your closed eyes down and rotate the pupil in different sides. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows as high as you can. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. Stretch the skin of your forehead down and at the same time raise your eyebrows without lowering them. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 2

Open your eyes wide, as if in great surprise, but do not wrinkle your forehead. Focus on any far point and freeze for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise 3

This exercise will help get rid of vertical wrinkles on the forehead.

  1. It is necessary to press the middle fingers tightly against each other, placing them on both sides of the vertical wrinkles. Moreover, the ring fingers should be below, in front of the edge of the eyebrows.
  2. After that, stretch the skin with your fingers and slowly spread your arms to the sides.
  3. Do not let go of the skin for a minute, it should be taut and do not move your eyebrows, keep them in tension.

Exercise 4

This exercise will help get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

  1. Put your index fingers over your eyebrows, just try to repeat their curve.
  2. And raise your eyebrows in surprise, resisting them with your fingers that lie on the arch of the eyebrows.

Middle area of ​​the face


This effective exercise is designed to narrow the tip of the nose, elevating it by exercising weak muscles.

Performed in any position.

  1. It is necessary to lift the tip of the nose with your finger up, at the same time trying to pull the lip down.
  2. After a few seconds, repeat the exercise.
  3. Repeat 5 times.


By doing exercises on the cheeks, you will achieve their visual expansion, uplift and elasticity.

The exercises are easy to perform during normal activities that you can do while sitting. The largest number exercises are offered specifically for this zone.

Exercise 1

  1. Sit on a chair or armchair, smile with the corners of your lips and lower them. Repeat 30 times. In order to achieve maximum effect, imagine the movement of the cheeks.
  2. Strongly lift the corners of the lips and leave in this position for 5-6 seconds, and then lower. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Press the skin away from the ears with your fingers and pull out the lips. Relax. Repeat 2 times.
  4. Place one fist on the other, lean on them with your chin. Raise your chin with your hands. Repeat 3 times.
  5. Inflate and lower your cheeks several times in 20 seconds.
  6. Close your mouth, clench and unclench your teeth. Try to do it slowly and without opening your mouth. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2

Take a breath in your mouth, and then roll it from one cheek to the other.

Lower face area

This area includes lips, neck, chin. Gymnastics is designed to strengthen the muscles of the cheekbones and raise the corners of the lips, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.


Exercise 1

  1. Squeeze your lips tightly and try to smile through force, while holding them with a bow.
  2. Pull them forward, and pull your cheeks in.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Exercise 2

Stretch your neck forward, imitating an air kiss. Tighten all the muscles of the face and start blowing air with your lips.

After that, put your middle and index fingers on your lips, press lightly and try to do the same.

Exercise 3

  1. Squeeze your lips and tighten the corners. Try your best to make your lips a narrow strip, smile with the edge of your lips, lower. Repeat 20 seconds.
  2. Imagine blowing on a dandelion for 5-6 seconds. Relax, tighten your lips and smile.
  3. Pull out your lips, open and close your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Move the lower jaw in both directions 12 times.

Against nasolabial folds

Smile and lightly press your fingertips into the gap between your lips and nose.

Lift the skin with your fingers and tighten the muscles so that you can feel the resistance with your fingers.

Against the second chin

A wonderful exercise to strengthen the muscles of the jaw, shoulders and neck!

Tilt your head back and press the tip of your tongue on the tubercle in the upper part of the sky, turn your head to the left and stretch your neck. Repeat to the right side.

Facial contour area

This set of exercises is aimed at getting rid of a double chin and strengthening the muscles of the neck.

  1. Lift up the chin, push the lower jaw forward and stretch the neck. Lock the position for 3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Turn your head to the left, raise it slightly and open your mouth. Tighten the muscles of the neck and chin. Hold the position for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise, only on the other side. Repeat 2 times.
  3. Place your fist under your chin and lower your lower jaw onto it. At the same moment, press with your fist, opposing them to each other. Strengthen the pressure. After reaching the greatest tension, it is necessary to stick out the tongue and reach for the chin.
  4. Grit your teeth tightly and stretch your lips into a smile. Press your tongue on the sky, feel the tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold for 5 seconds and relax.


In addition to this technique, there is another unique complex for facelift - facelift. It maintains muscle tone, restores contour, narrows the nose.

  1. Put your fingers at the beginning of the growth of the eyebrows and press them, and try to move the eyebrows. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Place your fingers on the corners of your eyes and apply pressure. Stick your eyes out a lot. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Open and close your eyes 5 times, leaving the eyebrows in place. Try not to wrinkle your forehead.
  4. Pull your lips down and expose your lower teeth. Repeat 5 times.

The proposed exercises for the face and neck are only a tiny part of the existing ones with a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

They even have different names:

  • facebuilding,
  • face yoga,
  • face training.

But all of them have only one goal - to preserve the beauty of the skin and prolong its youth.

Women constantly want to look beautiful and young, only with a return, the skin of the face loses its firmness, elasticity, resulting in wrinkles. In modern cosmetology, there are many ways to improve the condition of the skin and prevent aging, but it is not at all necessary to carry out expensive plastic surgery, because doing gymnastics for a facelift will return the correct contours and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Execution efficiency

Mankind often experiments on how to keep their youth longer. Age-related changes in a woman are primarily manifested on the face, which they fight with the help of cosmetic procedures, products, but not everyone knows about gymnastics for lifting the oval of the face, which has a beneficial effect on her external state. Female representatives know that beauty can be restored accessible ways, but it is not at all necessary to go for expensive operations and injections by visiting salons. Exist effective exercises, which are aimed at lifting the oval of the face and neck, for the chin, helps to get rid of many visual problems.

Training for a facelift and getting rid of wrinkles can be performed at any age, since there are no restrictions, contraindications, the sooner you start, the more likely you will get rid of the problems of sagging skin and a second chin. By training the muscles of the face at an early stage, it will be possible to strengthen them and see changes in one week, provided that you adhere to the regularity of execution. It is never too late to start, the main thing is not to wonder and the result will not keep you waiting, all efforts will not be in vain.


Each exercise is aimed at certain muscle groups, which helps to correct problem areas of the face, they were specially developed and improved. long time, with their help, blood circulation improves, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, small mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, the contours of the face oval are strengthened, there is every chance to get rid of the second chin.

All classes are designed for long-term performance, you do not need to think that wrinkles will disappear in a few days, you will need to be patient. But withering of the skin can be stopped in advance by tensing the facial muscles daily. Only in this way, you can ensure your future beauty and attractiveness, and most importantly, a healthy appearance.

Often, many women believe that in order to maintain a youthful face, it is enough to apply anti-aging creams, masks with a lifting effect, wrinkles are formed deep enough, to the base of which the cream does not penetrate. Skin and muscles lose their elasticity and elasticity with age, according to the law of gravity of the Earth they sag and stretch, as a result of which the face oval is deformed, and the muscular frame is modified. Therefore, you should always remember that the condition of the skin does not always depend on the layer of the epidermis, it is the muscles that play a significant role in good looking face and its contours.

Effective facial gymnastics exercises

The visible result comes after a weekly course of regular classes and correct technique execution. It will take not much effort to make significant progress that will become noticeable. Consider the basic techniques for doing gymnastics:

  • An activity that affects all areas of the face: The technique of execution is to take a deep breath and puff out the cheeks, keep the lips closed. With the help of palms, press on the cheeks, thereby creating resistance. Slowly count to 5 and relax, the number of repetitions is 10 times.
  • Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the chin and oval: Go to the mirror, round your lips in the shape of the letter O and make pressure movements on the cheek with your tongue. Try to create tension and change the location of the tongue along the inside of the cheek. It is required to perform the exercise up to about 20 times for each cheek.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the cheeks, eyes and mouth: You need to open your mouth as wide as possible, making it an oval shape, press your upper lip to your teeth. Put your index fingers near the lower eyelids of the eyes, no need to press. Then smile slightly with the corners of your mouth and return to the starting position. In this case, tension should be felt under the fingers. Do 30 repetitions.
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth and smoothing wrinkles: We squeeze our lips tightly, putting our index fingers to the corners of the mouth. Keep your lips in tension, making a slight smile. Do 15 repetitions. Finish the exercise with tapping movements of the fingers on the corners of the lips.
  • Improving the oval of the face and smoothing nasolabial wrinkles: Open your mouth wide, pressing your lips to your teeth and make an oval shape of the open mouth. Do with index fingers massage movements from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose and back. Perform movements until a slight burning sensation of the nasolabial folds is felt. Then use the fingertips to make tapping movements up and down for 1 minute.


Additional facelift methods

You can supplement gymnastics for the face from jowls with the following useful procedures:

  • the use of masks made from natural ingredients that are available to every woman, for example, dairy products, olive oil and others that nourish and moisturize the skin of the face;
  • rubbing ice cubes on the face to invigorate the skin and improve blood circulation;
  • the use of herbal decoctions;
  • massage with a terry towel, which can be moistened in a saline, herbal solution.
  • applying night and day cream
  • various facial massage techniques, for example, Italian massage, Facial massage with snails, Lifting massage for face slimming and restoration of the oval, and others.

It is the technique of lifting the oval of the face, for the chin at home, that has received many female reviews, and cosmetologists-specialists confirm the effectiveness of performing exercises aimed at the disappearance of wrinkles and smoothing wrinkles, due to the physical activity of the facial muscles. During physical activity, the muscles of the face begin to work and be constantly in good shape, there is a slight load on certain areas, helping to form and maintain the desired shape and shape of the face, eliminates the second chin, strengthens the muscles of the neck and décolleté.

Facial fitness is often referred to as a “non-surgical facelift,” as with regular exercise, you can achieve no less impressive results than with a plastic surgeon. The American author of sculptural gymnastics for the face, Carol Maggio, claims that if you practice 2 times a day for 10 minutes, in a couple of days the result will be literally “obvious”. Carol recommends taking a photo before starting the facial exercise and after 10-14 days of training to compare the changes.

Before performing sculptural gymnastics, cleanse the skin of the face and neck. After completing the exercises, it is recommended to moisturize the face with your day or night cream, depending on the time of the workout.


  1. Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles: smooth out the nasolabial folds. Open your mouth by stretching your upper and lower lips vertically. Then smooth the nasolabial folds with your fingers, carefully working them from top to bottom, and vice versa. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  2. Exercises for the face from bryley. Place your index fingers on your cheeks and try to smile against resistance. Repeat 10-20 times.
  3. Neck rejuvenation. Lie on your back. Turn your head in different directions 20 times. Then wrap your arms around your neck, creating a slight tension with your fingers at the back of your head. Raise your head a couple of centimeters from the floor, stay in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 7-10 times.
  4. Exercise for slimming face and cheeks. Open your mouth wide. Make sure your lips cover your teeth. Slowly move your palms along the cheeks and cheekbones from the bottom up, as if stroking. Do until you feel tired and a slight burning sensation.
  5. Wrinkle facial exercise. It is recommended to do for training the muscles of the eyes and mouth, as well as for tightening the cheeks. Open your mouth by stretching your lips in an O shape. Place your index fingers on the bottom edge of your eyes. Smile with the corners of your mouth, and then return your lips to the shape of the letter O. Repeat 20 times.


This video will help you to do wrinkle facial exercises more effectively. Do not forget to open it every day and repeat the training, because regularity in this matter is the main condition for achieving results.

Gymnastics for the face is the answer to the question of how to rejuvenate facial skin at home. If, in addition to exercise, you also eat right, drink enough water, moisturize your skin and sleep at least 8 hours a day, your reflection in the mirror is guaranteed to delight you every day.

All athletes know how important it is to train all muscle groups of the body. If you do exercises for the press every day, then the result will be a beautiful, elastic, toned stomach and no fat and wrinkles. When exercising with dumbbells, beautiful muscles will result. The face also consists of muscles, but which few people do not train.

As a result, crow's feet appear early, the forehead wrinkles, the corners of the lips fall. Such consequences can be avoided if you do exercises for the muscles of the face, train them so that they become more elastic and elastic.

Indeed, with age, the muscles of the face become weaker, and this leads to the sagging of the oval of the face, the appearance of a second chin, and the departure of the elasticity of the cheeks. Therefore, regular gymnastics will help transform the face.

There is an erroneous opinion that if the facial expression is as motionless as possible, then this way you can protect the skin from wrinkles and stretch marks. However, this is absolutely false, facial muscles do not work like that. The more stress placed on them, the more flexible they become.

After doing gymnastics, the desired tone appears, and the muscles resist early aging. If you do gymnastics regularly, you will soon notice the result.

Positive results with regular exercise:

With the help of cosmetics and procedures, it will not be possible to obtain such elastic and toned skin with a clear facial contour and the absence of signs of age-related changes.

Therefore, it is important to choose for yourself exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face, so that you can practice at home when you have time, and there is no time to go to the gym.

How to do facial exercises

In order for home exercises for facial muscles to help transform your skin and your hopes come true, you need to do the exercises correctly, especially at the beginning and for those who want to avoid the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Each exercise for the muscles of the face will give you a feeling of freshness and relaxation. Then you will see results that will please you.

Exercises for the muscles of the face

Among the variety of sets of exercises for facial muscles, you need to choose 10-20 for yourself, which you will be comfortable doing. If you want to get young and beautiful skin then do the exercises regularly and according to the rules.

Consider one of the options for facial exercises with.

Consider another version of a set of exercises for training facial muscles.

Here, gymnastics begins from the upper part of the face, from the area between. Exercises are needed here to eliminate wrinkles and reduce fatigue.

Such exercises can be done while doing normal activities, sitting. It should be noted that for this zone there is maximum amount exercises.

We sit down and try to smile only with the corners of the mouth and at the same time immediately lower them down. Repeat about 25 times. After that, we complicate it a little, you need to raise the corners of the lips as much as possible and hold them in this position for 6 seconds, then release. Repeat three times.

An exercise for the muscles of the cheeks is also effective, it is to inflate and lower the cheeks for 22 seconds.

The mouth is closed, while you need to squeeze and unclench your teeth slowly so as not to open your mouth. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Nose exercises

Nose gymnastics helps to narrow the tip and slightly lift the nose with the help of muscle training. The exercise is performed in any position. The tip of the nose should be raised with a finger up, and the upper lip should be pulled down. Hold for a few seconds, repeat 6 times.

Lower face workout

This area of ​​the face includes the lips, chin, and neck. will help strengthen the muscles of the cheekbones and return the corners of the mouth to the desired position, prevent the appearance of wrinkles. There are many exercises for this part of the face. Let's consider some of them.

Gymnastics for face oval

Such gymnastics for the oval of the face helps to get rid of a double chin and strengthen the muscles of the neck. Lift the chin up, push the lower jaw forward and stretch the neck. Fix this position for three seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Turn your head to the left, slightly raise and open your mouth so that the muscles of the neck and chin tense.

Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Do the same when turning your head to the right. Repeat 2 times for each side.

Place your fist under your chin and lower your lower jaw onto it. Press the jaw down, while the pressure with the fist goes up, that is, they act against each other. Gradually increase the pressing force. With the greatest tension, you need to stick out your tongue and try to reach it to your chin.

Grit your teeth, while stretching your lips in a smile. At this time, we press the tongue on the palate, we feel tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold this for 5 seconds and relax.

Gymnastics for the face according to the method of Carol Maggio

This is one of the most popular techniques for correcting facial features. If you do it regularly, you can tighten your cheeks, remove your chin and reduce the number of wrinkles.

There are 14 exercises in the complex, 56 muscles are being worked out. The effect can be seen after 10 days.

Let's consider some of them.

There are other effective exercises:

Such exercises for facial muscles can be found under different names— facebuilding, yoga for the face, training for the face. But all of them are needed to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin for years.

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