Celandine from female diseases reviews. How to be treated with celandine? Healing properties and application

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

The fact that some plants have healing properties is known to many, moreover, this fact is confirmed by scientific research and medical practice. A striking example of this is the widespread use in gynecology.

The use of celandine in gynecology

Celandine - a branchy plant, belongs to the poppy family, unpretentious, therefore it grows everywhere from May to mid-September, blooms and bears fruit several times during the summer period.

Since ancient times, it has been used by women for medicinal purposes, including for various diseases of the reproductive system. The use of celandine grass in gynecology is due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Recently, the ability of the plant to stop the growth of cancerous tumors has been proven.

As a rule, in gynecology they use the healing properties of the aerial part of celandine, which contains a large amount of alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, bitter and resinous substances, essential oils, and carotene.

The use of celandine tincture in gynecology

Celandine tincture and suppositories based on it are successfully used in gynecology, both in combination with other drugs, and separately for the treatment of thrush, colpitis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa that has arisen against the background of various infections. The tincture can be taken internally, as well as used for douching and baths.

For each specific disease, the tincture is prepared in different proportions, in addition, the addition of other herbs is practiced for maximum effect.

For example, with colpitis and thrush, you need to pour one tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink three times a day.

Given the fact that douching in gynecology has always been considered an effective way to combat inflammatory processes, the use of celandine tincture is also practiced for these purposes. Prepare, which can be as follows: pour 30 grams of a dry plant with three liters of boiling water or 1.5 tbsp. collection of celandine with calendula in equal proportions, pour two liters of water, let it brew and strain.

Also, due to its unique properties, celandine is applicable for the treatment of cervical erosion and ovarian cysts.

You can use candles with celandine as an alternative to herbal infusions, they are very convenient to use and at the same time are not inferior in effectiveness. In most cases, suppositories are prescribed to eliminate ovarian cysts.

We immediately admit that a large array of knowledge about the use of this unpretentious-looking weed is completely natural. It has been known for thousands of years, because even the ancient Greeks knew about the virtues of celandine. It was they who called it swallow grass, correlating the flowering period with the arrival of graceful winged ones.

Not surprising is the wide range of folk names among the Slavs, where, along with epithets of admiration, fearful nicknames are added. And here the wisdom of the people is especially obvious, because next to the healing benefits of curly grass, its dangerous properties lurk. Let's find out all the details on how to properly take advantage of the many advantages and not suffer from the poisonous threats of celandine.

Celandine: medicinal properties - an overview

It is easy to feel respect for the bounty of nature, just briefly appreciating how diverse the list of conditions for which there are effective recipes:

  • Leather- eczema, neurodermatitis, various dermatitis, and even cancer;
  • Stomach and intestines-, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, intestinal dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids, fissures, polyposis and tumors of the rectum;
  • and bile ducts- cholangitis, hepatitis;
  • Lungs and bronchi- bronchial asthma, whooping cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Ears, throat and nose- papillomatosis of the larynx, sulfur plugs in the ears, otitis media, tonsils, and acute rhinitis due to or infection;
  • Eyes and vision- cataract and;
  • Metabolism and reproductive system- diffuse goiter and other pathologies of the thyroid gland, fibroids and uterine polyposis;
  • Systemic anti-cancer effect, including after chemotherapy or surgical removal of the tumor - to prevent metastasis.

Some of us first met celandine long before adulthood. Did you also remove warts with celandine juice in the summer at the dacha or in the village visiting your grandmother? A bright orange droplet from the stem three to four times a day and - imperceptibly! - the wart was gone. Such a simple treatment took no more than 2 weeks. And this is a vivid example of how our ancestors managed without a pharmacy and synthetic drugs.

Although the celandine penetrated into official medicine. Based on it, ointments are produced for the treatment of dry corns, warts and other skin formations. Water infusion is popular in hepatology, as it has a bactericidal and choleretic effect. And in oncology of the CIS countries they use a certified preparation from celandine alkaloids - Ukrainian.

However, not every treatment involving celandine is as simple and harmless as the experience with warts from a village childhood. The reverse side of the positive properties is the recognized toxicity of the plant.

Celandine: contraindications

More than 20 types of alkaloids - an explosive mixture that makes celandine poisonous to humans and animals. Therefore, neither cattle nor pigs eat it.

The two main vectors of the harmful effects of celandine are various convulsive syndromes and pathological increase in peristalsis.

Celandine is able to irritate the skin locally and strongly tone the internal organs - up to pronounced convulsive activity from the nervous system, smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines.

Polyposis of the uterus: combining the power of decoction and oil

  • We prepare a rich broth: add 1 tablespoon of herbs to 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes - over moderate heat. We perform douching with warm strained broth in the morning and evening.
  • At the same time, we put a swab with celandine oil at night. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks. You may need a second course, before which you should take a week break.

Prostate adenoma - we attract juice to the rescue:

  • We prepare the juice: we use fresh celandine with flowers, wash it in running water, dry it in air and twist it in a blender. Through cheesecloth, squeeze the juice from the raw material and mix it with vodka - in equal proportions. Pour into glass and store in the dark.
  • The treatment regimen for prostate adenoma will require accuracy and patience. On the 1st day, use 1 drop of juice in 1/3 cup of water. On the 2nd day already 2 drops of juice and so on. When the number of drops reaches 30 (this will be the 30th day of therapy), we take a break for 14 days, and then repeat the course from the very beginning.
  • The same scheme is effective for the prevention of prostate adenoma: take the entire course regularly - once a year.

Swallow grass in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis

Potentilla herb and 2 parts peppermint. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 5 hours. We use 60-80 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals - before, lunch and dinner.

Celandine and its use in oncology

2 ways to prevent cancer, including metastasis after conventional therapy:

  1. We use compound collection of dried herbs- celandine grass + nettle leaves + calendula flowers. We mix the components in equal quantities. In the evening, in a thermos, pour 1 tablespoon of the herbal mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse until morning. We take the first half of the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening before dinner - the second half. The course of treatment lasts 1 month, repeated once a year.
  2. We use dry grass: 4 tablespoons pour 1.25 liters of boiling water (1 liter + 1 glass). We filter the infusion that has cooled to warmth and drink 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before the main meals. Drinking algorithm: 10 days drink - 5 days break. We drink again for 10 days - a 5-day break. Then we drink for 10 days - a 10-day break. Preventive reception lasts 1 month. Postoperative reception will require 2-3 repetitions of therapy: 1 month each - with the same one-month breaks.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Celandine is a very common plant. It grows remarkably well in public gardens, and in the forest, and even along roads. But, looking at celandine, it would hardly occur to you that this plant is able to cure you of such unpleasant diseases as ovarian cysts, mastitis, and even stop the development of metastases in oncological diseases of the female organs. The medical board of the website (www.site) will tell you about the use of celandine in gynecology in this article.

How to prepare an infusion of celandine?

For medicinal purposes, only the aerial parts of celandine are suitable. They contain the most healing yellow juice. But for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the appendages, you will need to prepare an infusion of celandine. This is done very simply. Take as much celandine greenery as will fit in half a half-liter jar. You need to take all the aerial parts, it is better to do this during the flowering period of celandine, but even before the first pods begin to ripen. If you do not have fresh celandine, you can use dry. But then take half the herbs. Fill the celandine with boiling water, filling the jar to the brim. Cover the jar tightly and keep it until the liquid has cooled. Strain and use as directed.

What to do with the infusion of celandine for women's diseases?

Perform douching. For one procedure, you will need just the entire portion of the infusion. Procedures should be carried out twice a day. This is a very effective remedy for all inflammatory processes that take place in the pelvic organs in women.

Against inflammation in the uterus or ovaries, there is another recipe. There is also a cleanser in it. It is necessary to take the same number of branches mistletoe white, celandine herbs and tansy flowers. Mix the herbs well, take one tablespoon of the collection, brew with 500 milliliters of boiling water, steam for ten minutes until boiling, remove from the steam and hold for another ten hours to brew well. This remedy should be drunk in a quarter cup twice or thrice a day.

If you are breastfeeding a baby, and you are tortured by cracks in the nipples, then celandine will help in this problem. Only now you will need juice. Treat cracked nipples with celandine juice. Before feeding, be sure to thoroughly wash the nipple, as all preparations from celandine are very poisonous. But the cracks will pass in a matter of days. Although it will bake a lot.

If you cannot go out into the garden and pick a celandine plant to treat the nipples with fresh juice, prepare it as follows: grind fresh celandine bushes in a meat grinder and squeeze the resulting mass through two layers of gauze. Drain the juice into a well-sealed container. Periodically open the container to release the gas. Keep it at room temperature for a week. This period is enough for the fermentation processes to end, and the juice to become curative.

In order to remove a cyst from the ovaries, you should purchase Celandine suppositories at the pharmacy. The package contains ten candles, this is the course. You need to enter the suppository into the rectum one at a time at night. Combine this with daily leaf douches. bay tree. At the end of the candles, continue douching with the solution until the end of the month. This treatment can be repeated for another month.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer of the organs of the reproductive system, you can make an infusion that prevents cancer from spreading throughout the body. To do this, take the same amount celandine, nettle and calendula, chop and mix. Take one tablespoon of the mixture, brew with 250 milliliters of boiling water and keep in a thermos. You need to drink the drug at 125 grams on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Celandine juice is also used for adenoma-fibrous mastopathy. In this disease, celandine juice should be taken orally. Drink celandine juice four times a day, one tablespoon. Celandine juice should be washed down with clean water in small quantities. You need to take juice for thirty days in a row, then a break for ten days, and then repeat the course. This treatment should be carried out every three months.

If your stomach resists taking celandine juice, drink half a glass of only cooked carrot juice before celandine. This dietary supplement (biologically active additive) will help normalize the secretion of gastric juice and soften the effect of celandine.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


Thrush does not allow to live normally after a course of antibiotics. I remembered that once an old woman told me how she treated herself with douching from a decoction of celandine. Today I decided to take Grandma's advice. Maybe this method will help me too. I took pills for a month, then again itching and discharge. In general, I read on the internet that this plant acts as a poison. So drink carefully, I think it's dangerous you can get poisoned.

I want to tell my story of treatment with this wonderful herb! I had bilateral andexitis, which was difficult to heal, I lay 2 times in the hospital, they injected me with the strongest antibiotics, from which I swelled up, my vision deteriorated greatly, there was a complication in the kidneys. It got to the point that I could not do without antibiotics. I began to look for how to get out of this state. She began to douche with this herb, drank half a glass a day. I made candles from this herb. And only thanks to her I was cured! And now, as soon as I got a little cold and felt pain, I don’t delay it and immediately douche, the main thing is not to delay it.
I have this herb all the time.
I recommend to everyone to be treated, it is possible without antibiotics!

I did douching for 2 weeks, after that I beat everything cleanly, drank 3 days and 300 ml of celandine tea in the morning, this is a lot, I felt dizzy and weak. I realized that it was from celandine and stopped drinking teas in such large quantities.

You need to drink celandine very carefully for those who have hearing problems, cochlear neuritis, sensory hearing loss, because. it is a toxic poison that can permanently kill the auditory nerve!!! I think no more than 1 incomplete teaspoon, but it is better to consult with someone who knows for sure. Maybe it's not possible in this case.

Someone wrote that celandine needs to be filled with medical alcohol, but where can I get it? Is it possible to pour celandine with vodka?

I have been drinking celandine on vodka for a year. a tablespoon in 100 ml of water before meals. At the end of the mixture, I take a break for 10 days. I feel good. I continue to drink.

In case of cervical dysplasia (II), it was advised to drink the following infusion: pour a pack of celandine bought at a pharmacy with medical alcohol so that it covers the plant itself, then put it in a dark, cool place for 9 days. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with one drop in a glass of water. We reach 50 drops and back. Then we rest for 3 months and start all over again. They say that such treatment has results in malignant tumors in the chest, as well as reproductive organs. I don't know what to do.... I've never used homeopathic remedies, but I'm already tired of fighting with traditional remedies... Nothing works. Tell. Thank you in advance.

Please tell me where you can buy suppositories "Celandine". I live in Yekaterinburg. Thank you.

Great medicine! I started drinking with half a teaspoon of celandine juice, now I take a big sip. Alive, healthy! The body itself requires it. There is no sputum in the morning, heartburn, the liver does not hurt, because it is an excellent choleretic agent. I believe in celandine - an excellent doctor from everything!!!

I can agree with the use of celandine for douching. But what about drinking inside, and even in such quantities? Here I completely disagree. And I even think that it can be dangerous. Celandine contains substances that cause muscle paralysis. Even the heart may stop. It all depends on the amount of the drug. Therefore, such free compositions can cost someone their life. I heard that they drink celandine drop by drop, but not by tablespoons.

Celandine from thrush - a common disease that affects the mucous membrane of the female, genital organs. Every fourth woman has one. Under favorable conditions, it affects other organs. Chronic diseases, low immunity, antibiotics contribute to this process. Treatment of thrush with celandine gives good results.

Douching with celandine for thrush - 2 tablespoons herbs are brewed with a liter of boiling water, boiled for 4 minutes. Insist in a tightly sealed container for an hour. This amount is enough for two procedures. Heated composition is douched in the morning, in the evening. Then take a break for 7 days, repeat the treatment. Duration - two months.

Treatment of inflammation of the female organs with celandine

2 tbsp. herbs of this plant, elecampane high, coltsfoot, birch buds (white), burdock. To the pounded mixture add 5 tbsp. St. John's wort, 3 tablespoons tansy flowers and 4 tbsp. shepherd's bag. Two tablespoons of a mixture of medicinal plants are brewed with half a liter of boiling water. Warm up in a water bath for 1/2 hour. After an hour they express. Drink two weeks 100ml three times a day. The treatment is repeated after 14 days.

Mix 2 tbsp. medicinal plant, 3 tbsp. knotweed herbs and a spoonful of eucalyptus leaves. Steamed in a thermos for 4 hours a spoonful of collection. Use two weeks three times a day a spoonful of the medicinal composition before meals. Honey is added to the bitter medicine to improve the taste.

Painful menstruation

And here the celandine will help a woman improve her condition. Mix a spoonful of plants with 1.5 tablespoons. lemon balm leaves, add a teaspoon of elderberry (color, leaves). Brew 1 tsp. collection with a glass of boiling water, let stand for a quarter of an hour. Drink the whole composition in small portions per day.

Mix one spoonful of celandine, dill seeds, nettle leaves and shepherd's purse, add crushed birch buds. The entire collection is poured with two liters of chilled water, allowed to boil over low heat, kept for 6 minutes. Leave to stand until cool. Drink a third of a glass a month before meals three times. At the same time, douching is carried out.

Menstrual irregularity

This problem worries many women. To normalize the cycle, an infusion of celandine is used when menstruation is delayed. Take 2 tbsp. of this plant, buckthorn bark, juniper berries, parsley, thyme herb. 4 tablespoons are added to the herbs. mint, St. John's wort, yarrow flowers and 3 tbsp. common wormwood. A spoonful of herbs with celandine for women is brewed in a thermos with a liter of boiling water, kept for six hours. Drink at night, ten days 200 ml daily.

Another healing infusion for women with celandine grass. They take 2 tablespoons of a useful plant, common wormwood grass, Asian yarrow flowers. To carefully mixed raw materials add 3 tbsp. thyme and herbs of the northern prolomnik, 4 tbsp. juniper berries. A spoonful of the collection is brewed with a liter of boiling water in a thermos, kept for 5 hours. Use a warm infusion at night, a glass before the onset of menstruation.

Celandine with menopause

Every woman endures menopause in her own way, not everyone experiences severe anxiety or malaise. An important role is played by the general condition of the body, how healthy the woman was before the onset of menopause. Aggravate the course of heart disease, female organs, mental disorder. Herbs are often used. One of them is celandine, which helps women cope with age-related changes.

Infusion with celandine to improve overall well-being I - during menopause, there is often weakness, poor health in women. This collection helps. Mix taken equally celandine, common yarrow, goose cinquefoil, chamomile color. A collection spoon is insisted in a thermos for an hour. Water will need a liter. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Tea with celandine for women

  • on a tablespoon - flowers of calendula, sandy immortelle
  • roots - valerian, angelica, burnet
  • leaves - mint, large plantain, thyme grass and caraway seeds.
  • to the crushed herbs add taken 2 tbsp. herbs - celandine, oregano, coltsfoot, linden leaves, stinging nettle.

The collection is large enough, not all herbs can be found, so even an incomplete composition, the main thing is to have celandine, will benefit a woman. Important - at least seven herbs from the list. A glass of raw materials is poured with two liters of boiling water, kept overnight. Drink 200 ml on an empty stomach (morning) for a month. Further, after 14 days of rest, the treatment is repeated.

strong tides - This problem often worries women. From hot flashes, infusion of celandine helps. A spoonful of grass is steamed with a glass of boiling water, allowed to stand for forty minutes. Drink a remedy for the day.

11 recipes with celandine for women in this article, which will help improve the condition, normalize the cycle, and survive the menopause with dignity. Be healthy!

For treatment thrush and colpitis apply an infusion of celandine from one tablespoon and a glass of boiling water. A glass should be drunk in three divided doses, drunk in 1 day.

For douching and baths, prepare an infusion of 30 g of celandine per 3 liters of boiling water.

The mixture is poured with boiling water at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per 2 liters of liquid, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and cooled. The infusion is used for douching and sitz baths.


At menopause take an infusion prepared from the collection: celandine herbs - 1 part, goose cinquefoil herbs - 1 part, yarrow herbs - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 2 parts.

Prepare an infusion at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.


endometritis(inflammation of the uterine mucosa), resulting from infection, is treated with celandine infusion, which is prepared from 1 tablespoon of grass and a glass of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, and then filtered. The infusion should be drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 weeks, a single dose is 0.25 cups.

However, it must be remembered that the treatment of endometritis requires the supervision of a physician, since there is a risk of the lesion spreading to the muscular layer of the uterus.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix treated with baths with infusion of celandine. The infusion is prepared as follows: take 1.5 tablespoons of grass, pour it with 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, then filter. Baths should be taken daily for 10 days; the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

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