Vegetables in English with translation. Theme "Food, vegetables, fruits" in English for children: necessary words, exercises, dialogue, phrases, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with transcription and translation for

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

At the grocery store, you decide to buy vegetables [vegetables] - vegetables.

First you take the most basic in the grocery basket:
Cabbage [cabij] - cabbage
Potato [potato] - potatoes
Onion [onion] - bow
Carrot [carrot] - carrots
Cucumber [kyukambe] - cucumber
Pepper [pepper] - pepper
Tomato [tomato] - tomato, tomato

I go to the grocery for vegetables. I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions for the soup. [Ai go tu the growery for vegetables. Ai nid potatos, kabij, carrots and onion for the soup] - I'm going to the grocery store for vegetables. I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions for soup.

Mary likes to make a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes

You may also need other vegetables:
Eggplant [egplant] - eggplant
Pea [pii] - peas
Bean [bin] - beans
Radish [radish] - radish
Garden radish [garden radish] - radish
Beetroot [biitrut] - beets
Lettuce [lettuke] - salad
Broccoli [broccoli] - broccoli

We ate soup with beetroot and fried eggplant for lunch today

Ann and Peter take the frozen broccoli with discount - Ann and Peter take the frozen broccoli with discount.

Celery [kelary] - celery
Haricot [harikou] - beans
Pumpkin [pumpkin] - pumpkin
Parsley [paasli] - parsley
Vegetable marrow [vegetable marrow] - zucchini

We need to buy a pumpkin for Halloween - We need to buy a pumpkin for Halloween.

Garlic [gaalik] - garlic
Sorrel [sorrel] - sorrel
Marjoram [marjoran] - marjoram
Spinach [spinash] - spinach
Horseradish [hosradish] - horseradish
Turnip [tönip] - turnip
Cymbling [simbeline] - patisson
Artichoke [artichok] - artichoke
American artichoke [emerikan artichok] - Jerusalem artichoke
Dill [dill] - dill
Basil [bazl] - basil

It is also worth mentioning adjectives with which you can describe vegetables:

sweet [sweet] - sweet
salty [salty] - salty
sour [sour] - sour
bitter [bitter] - bitter
fresh [fresh] - fresh
rotten [roten] - rotten, spoiled
tasty [tasty] - delicious
delicious [delishes] - delicious
tasteless [taistless] - tasteless
fatty [fatty] - fatty
spicy [spicy] - sharp

My mom makes delicious soup with champignons and potatoes almost without spices. [My Mom Makes Delicious Soup Wiz Champignons & Potatos Olmost Wizout Spices] - My mom cooks tasty soup from champignons and potatoes almost without spices.

More vegetables can be prepared in different ways; these words can often be found in recipes:

cooked [kuukt] - cooked
baked [beikd] - baked
grated [greated] - grated
boiled [boild] - boiled
stewed [stewed] - stewed
sliced ​​[slice] - sliced
peeled [piild] - peeled
steamed [stiimd] - steamed
cut [cat] - chopped
roast [roast] - fried, baked
broiled [broiled] - fried on fire
fried [fried] - fried

My friends like to eat stewed cabbage [My friends like it stewed cabbage] - My friends like to eat stewed cabbage.


To cheer yourself up, it is advised to eat sweets. A great option for a snack would be fruits [fruts] fruits. The main names of fruits in English:
1. Apple
2. Pear [pea] - pear
3. Banana [benena] - banana
4. Melon [melen] - melon
5. Watermelon [watamelen] - watermelon
6. Peach [peach] - peach
7. Pineapple [pineapple] - pineapple
8. Tangerine [tenzherin] - mandarin
9. Plum [flame] - plum
10. Apricot [epricot] - apricot
11. Orange [orange] - orange
12. Coconut [coconut] - coconut
13. Cherry [cherry] - cherry.

If I need to choose between an apple and a pear, I will choose an apple.
An apple day keep doctor away. - One apple a day will save you from doctors.
Tangerines and oranges are citrus fruits. - Tangerines and oranges are citrus fruits.
Nick has two oranges and three apricots. Nick has two oranges and three apricots.
If you want to be healthy, you should eat many fruits. If you want to be healthy, eat lots of fruits.

Fruits are one of the sources of easily digestible carbohydrates. Fructose predominates in pome fruits, glucose and sucrose predominate in stone fruits.
Fruit is one of the sources of easily digestible carbohydrates. Fruit of pome fruits predominates fructose, stone fruit - glucose and sucrose.

We often use words in our speech related to everyday and economic topics. This article will consider a lexical topic dedicated to edible plants. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and pronunciation in Russian will also be presented in this article.

Origin of the word vegetable

Vegetable is a culinary term meaning the edible part (such as fruits or tubers) of a variety of plants, as well as any solid food of plant origin, with the exception of fruits, cereals, mushrooms and nuts.

In English, the word vegetable is translated as vegetable. It was first recorded in English in the early 15th century. It came into the language from Old French and was originally applied to all plants; the word is still used in this sense in biological contexts.

It comes from medieval Latin vegetabilis and translates as "grows, prospers". Semantic transformation from the late Latin language means "revival, acceleration".

The meaning of the word vegetable as a plant grown for consumption was not known until the 18th century. In 1767 the word was specifically used to refer to all edible plants, herbs or root crops. In 1955, the abbreviation for vegetable was first used as slang: veggie - "vegetarian".

As an adjective, the word vegetable in English is used in a scientific and technological sense with another much broader definition, namely "pertaining to plants" in general (edible or not), that is, an object of plant origin, the plant kingdom.

Vegetables in English with translation

Consider the names of the main vegetables and fruits in English. The list will consist of those products that we use every day. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and transcription is presented below:

1. White cabbage - cabbage - [ˈkæbədʒ] or white cabbage.

And the translation of its varieties and methods of preparation:

  • wild — wild cabbage;
  • pickled - pickled cabbage;
  • dried — dehydrated cabbage;
  • pickled  — liberty cabbage;
  • Chinese - celery cabbage;
  • shredded - shredded cabbage;
  • decorative - ornamental cabbage.

2. Garlic - garlic [ˈɡɑːrlɪk]; fragrant garlic - fragrant garlic.

3. Turnip - turnip [ˈtɝːnəp].

3. Onion - onion [ˈʌnjən].

4. Leek - leek [ˈliːk|].

5. Potatoes - potatoes.

Set phrases with the word potato will be translated as follows:

  • boil potatoes— to boil potatoes;
  • dig up potatoes — lift potatoes;
  • young potatoes - new potatoes.

6. Common carrot - carrot [ˈkærət].

7. Tomato - tomato.

The tomato used to be called the apple of love. This is due to the literal translation from Italian. Vegetables and fruits in English are mostly of borrowed origin.

Translation of the main varieties of fruits in English

Let's move on to the topic of fruits. In English, the word "fruit" is translated as fruit ["fruːt]. At its core, this is not a botanical term, but rather a colloquial and household term for the name of sweet large fruits.

Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • apricot ["eɪprɪkɒt] - apricot;
  • banana - banana;
  • grape - grapes;
  • grapefruit ["greɪpˌfruːt] - grapefruit;
  • pear - pear;
  • melon ["mɛlən] - melon;
  • lemon ["lɛmən] - lemon;
  • mandarine ["mænəˈriːn] - mandarin (a word of Chinese origin);
  • plum ["pləm] - plum;
  • apple ["æpl] - apple;
  • citrus ["sitrəs] - citrus;
  • kiwi [ˈkiːwiː] - kiwi;
  • fig [ˈfɪɡ] - fig;
  • date - date (this word can also be translated as a date);
  • mango [ˈmæŋɡoʊ] - mango;
  • persimmon - persimmon;
  • pomegranate [ˈpɒmˌgrænɪt] - pomegranate;
  • pineapple ["paɪnˌæpl] - pineapple.

Origin of plant terms

Most of the terms for vegetables and fruits in English are borrowed from other languages. For example, the word "tomato" comes to the European world from the Aztec empire. The name of the plant tomal through the French language tomate got into both English and Russian. In modern Russian, both names are equivalent.

The word potatoes (potatoes) comes from Spanish, but it came to Spanish from the Quechua Indian language during the period of the conquest by the conquistadors South America. Thus, these two words for nightshade come from the Indian languages ​​of Latin America.

One way easy memorization new words foreign language is a grouping of words by topic. Vegetables in English is a necessary topic, because we encounter vegetables in everyday life. We buy in the store, cook food from them, grow them in the garden. That is, having memorized at least a few basic vegetables in English, you can easily keep up the conversation at once on several running topics.

In addition, knowledge English titles vegetables can come in handy when traveling - when ordering side dishes in a cafe or restaurant, as well as just when communicating with foreigners. As a rule, they are definitely interested in national Russian cuisine. Therefore, telling foreigners about cabbage soup and borscht, vinaigrette and sauerkraut, you can not do without knowing the English names of vegetables.

So, let's make a list of vegetables in English with translation that you need to learn first.

Vegetables ["veʤ (ə) təblz] ("vegetables) vegetables

Beet (bi: t) beets

Cabbage ["kæbɪʤ] (‘kabij) cabbage

Carrot ["kærət] ("carot) carrots

Cucumber ["kjuːkʌmbə] ("kyukamba) cucumber

Eggplant ["egplænt] ("egplant) eggplant

Onion ["ɔnjən] ("onion) bow

Potato (by "teitou") potatoes

Pumpkin ["pʌmpkɪn] ("pampkin) pumpkin

Radish ["rædɪʃ] ("radish) radish

Tomato (then "meitou") tomato

With such minimum set We can cook soup and cook salad. And at the same time, name everything we cook from in English. This "practical" way of memorizing new words is very effective. Moreover, it is equally exciting for both adults and children.

After the first ten most common names are learned, you can expand the "range" - learn a few more less frequent, but still quite common names.

Beans (bi:nz) beans

Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] (‘broccoli) broccoli

Cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] (‘coliflaua) cauliflower

Celery [ˈseləri] (‘seleri) celery

Corn (ko:n) corn

Spinach [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] (‘spinidzh) spinach

Lettuce [ˈletɪs] ("letis) lettuce (leaves)

Turnip [ˈtɜːnɪp] (tönip) turnip

Vegetables in English can also be learned using picture cards. This method is usually used in teaching children. Whatever method of memorization you use, not only an adult, but also a child will be able to name vegetables in English after a little training.

As you know, any knowledge necessarily requires consolidation in practice. English words are no exception. At whatever stage of learning English you are, you can consolidate your knowledge and continue learning using the unique methodology of the English language tutorial. Specially selected texts, stories and fairy tales voiced by professional American speakers will help you significantly expand your vocabulary, while exercises and a grammar guide will help you learn how to quickly and correctly build English sentences.

We all love delicious fruit, fragrant berries and healthy nuts. But what are they all called in English? Let's find out!

First, a little grammar: it should be noted that the word fruit (fruit) in English has two forms plural- fruit and fruits. When it comes to any fruit without specification, fruit is used. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables”.

Or you can say: “It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter” (It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter). If they mean different kinds fruits, fruits are used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island” (I want to try tropical fruits this island).

Fruit in English

Consider the names of the most common types of fruits:

apple Apple nectarine nectarine
avocado avocado orange Orange
apricot apricot pear pear
banana banana papaya papaya
date date fruit pineapple a pineapple
fig figs peach peach
grapefruit grapefruit plum plum
grapes grape persimmon persimmon
kiwi kiwi pomegranate Garnet
lime lime passion fruits passion fruit
lemon lemon quince quince
mango mango tangerine mandarin
melon melon watermelon watermelon

Berries in English

Along with fruits, it is worth remembering berries. Berry in English is berry, and this word is integral part many names of berries.

Many wild berries are worn different names depending on the region. For example, cloudberry can be called cloudberry or yellowberry, in Canada it is called bakeapple, in England it is knotberry, and in Scotland it is averin. Cowberry can be found under the names cowberry, foxberry or lingonberry.

Nuts in English

And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means "nut".

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