Learn colors in English. For children and parents

garden equipment 10.10.2019
garden equipment

Bears / bears

To the process of memorizing the names of colors on English language was not boring and of the same type, you can do this with entertaining games.

In addition, these games will help to master not only the names of colors in English, but also to learn the score.

Note: Color (colour) in English / with translation and transcription

Phrases in English with translation that you may need to play with your baby

Note: The word "bear" can be replaced by any other.

What color is this bear? What color is this bear.
Where is a yellow bear? Where is the yellow bear?
Find a red bear, please. - Find the red bear, please.
Where are we to put this bear? Where should we put this bear?
How many green bears are there? How many green bears are there.
How many bears there at all? - How many bears are there?
How many bears are left? How many bears are left?

Game 1. Delicious game of marmalade in English

This game is interesting because you can print the material or buy your favorite marmalades of any shape and start learning colors and counting with your baby.

  • Tasty game in English

Game 2. Didactic game "Semitsvetik" for learning color in English

Make a seven-flower. You name the color, and the kid must tear off the desired petal. One (last) color is not named. Whoever has the correct color is the winner.

Everyone must name the color that he has left. If it is not correct, ask the child to think and name what color it is. If he can’t, name yourself and ask him to repeat.

Game 3. Didactic game "Color Path" for learning color in English

We need colored paper (primary colors). We cut out one shape from each primary color (circle, square, heart, etc.). We call clearly 5-7 colors at once in English. The child must remember them and lay out in front of him (to meet you) a path of these figures in the order in which you named them.

Then the child returns to the beginning of his track. We call the colors again in the same order. After each color name, the child should take a step onto colored paper if its color matches what was said. The winner is the one who reached you along the entire path or went further than the rest.

Game 4. Didactic game "Plant flowers" for learning color in English

We plant a flower bed of prepared colored monochromatic stickers (primary colors) on the base (a sheet of cardboard or landscape). You name the color, and the child must “plant” exactly the flower of this color. Then each in turn should name the colors of their colors.

Then we take the butterflies cut out in advance (from colored plain stickers of the primary colors). And we say: "Red butterfly on yellow flower." The child must stick the butterfly of the named color onto the flower of the indicated color.

At the end we check everyone's flower garden. Who made fewer mistakes, he won.

Or you can start to simplify the game. Prepare a template where the landscape sheet is pasted flower pots different colors. The child will have to plant the flower corresponding to the pot.

Educational cartoons for learning colors in English

We offer educational cartoons to help you learn colors in English with your child with the correct pronunciation:

  • Educational cartoon in English (Colors)
  • on the topic "colors"

Game 5. Didactic game "Let's get to know each other" for learning color in English

We will need: a white sheet of paper, A4 size; yellow objects (flat and voluminous); dwarf in green clothes ("Green"); yellow pencils.

A gnome comes to visit, whose name is "green". He lives in a green country. The gnome brings only green items to the kids. The child lays out objects on white sheets, examines them and circles them with a green pencil.

Then bring the game "Find the same", where the child selects green objects according to the model.
In conclusion, the child is offered to find objects in the room that are also green.

Game 6. Didactic game "Treat the gnomes with fruits and vegetables"

We will need: gnomes (yellow, red, green, blue, purple, orange); a set of fruits (plum, orange, lemon, banana, red and green apple, pear, grapes).; set of vegetables (eggplant, red, yellow, green pepper; carrot, tomato, cucumber).

The gnomes have come to visit. The child is offered to treat the gnomes with fruits (vegetables). You should start the game with the words: “What fruits and vegetables do you think gnomes like? For example, a yellow dwarf likes a banana, a red dwarf likes a red apple. How do you think why?". The child is treated to gnomes, they call the colors in English.

Game 7. Didactic game "Who lives in the house?"

We will need: houses (pink, blue, gray); gnomes of the corresponding color. Children are offered houses in which gnomes in colored clothes should be settled.

Pink house - pink gnomes,
Blue house - blue gnomes,
Gray gnome - gray gnomes.

Hey! Interesting how easy it is to remember English words? Now we'll tell you everything! Today we are learning colors in English. For children, memorizing colors in English is not easy.

And we turned it into a funny and fun! After such a transformation, it was not difficult for my eldest daughter Mariska to learn all the colors assigned in the English lesson!

Learn English

So. We have news! We are learning English!

And immediately faced with a new need for memorization - English words!

The fact that it is better to learn English words with the help of association, I heard for the first time, probably from a wonderful person and a very effective leader course "Yes" Sergei Smirnov.

Moreover, the more we say, the funnier the association, the better it will be remembered. Roughly such is his main idea in this regard.

And we also learn English words with fun and interest.

So. Our associative cards for memorizing English colors. Meet!

We have a page and a half so far.

Memorize colors in English

This is how our first flower cards looked like 🙂 Front side

Ah, there was a time...

I'll leave the pencil cards for memory. They are so cute))

And we are moving on to our new bright and colorful cards with the ability to print and study by the piece.

Learn colors in English. Part one

Here you can download file in pdf format with cards for duplex printing on A4.

And this is word document 97-2003 . The document image quality is better. Despite the fact that when opening cards from a Google drive, they look a little strange, after downloading them in a file, everything is fine with them. So - download boldly!


RED Tomatoes
Ate children for lunch


We speak in secret
That the grasshopper is GREEN

Blue - BLUE

I love the sea very much
Because the colors are BLUE!

Yellow - YELLOW

Whatever you do with the sun
The color will always be YELLOW

Black - BLACK

very black man
Wears BLACK jeans


There are many cranes
Dirty-dirty! BROWN colors


The tram runs in January
All covered in WHITE snowflakes

Colors. Part Two (General)

At this point, the reverse side began in our leaflet. Here it is:

Well, now - new bright cards for


Ate blueberries
Hands in PURPLE steel

Actually, I thought it was burgundy, but they gave it to us as purple. So - we still have it purple.

Pink - PINK

Daddy Pig loves mom
From love all colors PINK

This name is. Pig. Yes Yes.

Gray - GRAY (GREY)

Help quickly!
I see a mouse of color GRAY (GREY)!

(grAy is more American, grEy is English, but both spellings seem to be acceptable)


Orange to the rescue
The super fruit is ORANGE!

This is all the colors we have studied so far. Who is bigger?

These are the methods we use to memorize colors in English.

Like our method? Leave your applications! Typed on a card - draw, publish new series cards with your words.

These were our cheerful English colors!

Learn colors in English for kids - compose, draw, laugh, memorize!

And about how easy it is to memorize English words. And today we had memorization of colors - I hope - effective?

English for kids: colors

Today we will explore the most simple words: COLORS in English.

Yellow - yellow (yellow)

Green - green (green)

Blue - blue, blue (blue)

Brown - brown (brown)

White - white (white)

Red - red (red)

Orange - orange (orange)

Pink - pink (pink)

Purple - purple (ash)

Black- black (black)

English colors for children: video

In this video you can listen to the pronunciation of all these colors.

Methods of teaching English to children

Learning English with children is necessary with the help of various kinds of visualizations. If a child writes 10 names of colors and says "Learn!". The probability that all the names of colors will be remembered is small! Children have a very well developed visual memory, and it is necessary to focus on it at primary school age.

For clarity, I presented a drawing of pencils. You can take 10 simple pencils and play with children.

Each new word must be fixed. Show a colored pencil and ask what color it is. You can come up with various exercises to fix the names of colors in English.

In our case, let's take drawn pencils with written colors. Children need to color them according to the name of the color. Children love to color, and they should enjoy this exercise. The main thing to remember is that learning English words with children must be combined with the game. Learning in the game is the most effective technique memorization of words.

And one more task to fix. To the name of the color in English, you need to choose the appropriate shell.

In fact, the more memory exercises you do, the more effective it will be. ask your child “What color is this?” when you walk on the street, eat. Most importantly, don't get carried away. Too much will not lead to anything good either.

We have learned the colors! Therefore, we took the first step in learning English! Read my next articles, ask your questions, write wishes. I'll be glad to help 🙂 See you soon!

From the first days of a child's life, a colorful world opens up for him, although for a more detailed distinction between colors and the assimilation of their names by a child, several years must pass. At right approach parents to this case, this task is quite doable, even if we are talking about the assimilation of colors in a foreign language.

Most children from 2-3 years of age distinguish colors and know their names, but sometimes this ability can come to a later age - by 4-5 years. The failure of adults to see the results of their work on the assimilation of the names of colors by a child should not deprive the child of a thirst for knowledge of the colorful world. The explanation for this can be found in the effect imprinting- the ability to assimilate a large amount of information in the early stages of development without putting effort into it. It follows from this that by surrounding the child with information useful to him (in this case, bright pictures with the names of certain colors, or daily or at intervals repeating their names with the child in a playful way), you contribute to its involuntary assimilation.

Children see the difference in the color of objects. However, matching a color with its name can be difficult for a child. The help of adults will facilitate this task, because the names of colors are common vocabulary, regardless of age. Very important correct pronunciation color names for adults and control over the pronunciation of the child, because it is more difficult to relearn than to teach correctly.

The word "color" in English is " color" ([ˈkʌlə] - [ˈkale] (British English)) and " color" (American version).

  • Black - - [black] - black;
  • Blue - - [blue:] - blue;
  • Brown - - [brown] - brown;
  • Green - - [gri: n] - green;
  • Orange - [ɔrɪndʒ] - [orange] - orange;
  • Pink - - [pink] - pink;
  • Purple - - [ash] - purple;
  • Red - - [red] - red;
  • White - - [white] - white;
  • Yellow - - [elou] - yellow.

    [:] - long sound

    Russian transcription conveys the approximate pronunciation of the word!

Visual support (visual material - pictures, drawings, posters) will help you quickly learn the names of colors. Modern techniques offer to show pictures with color and its spelling.

Thus, visibility will simplify the process of mastering the name of a color by a child, namely the ratio of its spelling and pronunciation.

For example, you can use the following set of cards when working:

The table shows the primary colors. If their assimilation did not cause difficulties, you can additionally learn the names of the shades of the basic color palette.

You can also introduce the child to the division of colors into warm and cold in this way: the sun is yellow and when it shines, we become warm, which means yellow warm; and in winter it snows from dark gray and blue clouds and it’s cold for us, which means blue and gray colors are considered cold.

Color naming option

  1. Show the child a picture or object of a certain color, pronouncing its name in English.
  2. Ask the child to repeat the name of the color.
  3. Ask the child to list the objects of this color in the room or outside the window (in Russian).
  4. Repeat the name of the color again.
  5. In the same way, work on the names of 2-3 colors (you can take more colors if you are sure that the child will learn their names).
  6. Offer the child several colored cards in order to choose the color cards that you name in English.
  7. Lay out some bright objects and ask the child to choose an object of the color you named.
  8. Show your child a picture or object and ask what color it is.

What is the best way to study colors?

There is no single answer to this question, since all people can be divided into the following types:

  1. Visuals - better perceive information through the organs of vision.
  2. Audials are those who perceive information better with the help of hearing organs.
  3. Kinesthetics are people who learn maximum amount information with the help of other senses (smell, touch ...).
  4. Discrets are those who assimilate information by constructing logical reasoning(through logical reasoning).

That is why the forms of learning colors for each child are different! If you are dealing with a group of students, then you should combine and alternate different kinds and forms of work.

Learning colors in a playful way

The most popular game in learning English is Matching, which in Russian is called "Pick a Pair". Variants of this game great amount, in the process you can change the conditions and adjust the task. The easiest version of the Matching game is to lay out 2 sets of cards on the table. One set with words (eg red, green, black, pink…) and a second set of cards with circles different color. The child should cover the card with the word with the word desired color circle. There are many variations of the game, but its goal is to match the right pair.

For children who do not yet know how to read, you can pick up other games. If the child is mobile, then you can play the game "Jumping gallop". Terms of the game: the baby names his favorite color. The parent or teacher lists any colors, and when the favorite color is said, the child should jump as high as possible.

Are very popular Online Games which will help make the learning process brighter and more diverse. You can find a collection of such games on the website: http://english4kids.russianblogger.ru/category/english_beginner/english_colors.

Educational videos

Children are very fond of cartoons and all kinds of colorful videos. The use of such videos makes learning enjoyable and useful occupation for a child. There is nothing better than learning with your favorite characters:

Learn colors with Peppa Pig:

Learn colors in English with Luntik

Funny songs - Color Song

It is important not only to watch a video or listen to a song with a child, but also to learn the basic words on the topic.

Color Exercises

Linguists developed a large number of exercises for easy assimilation by children of the names of colors. Recently, this kind of material has been in great demand by teachers and parents, since English is one of the most common languages ​​in the world. Exercises for memorizing color in English are varied, taking into account the direct connection with the skills of recognizing speech by ear (listening), building logical chains, and improving writing skills.

Coloring pictures as a child is one of the most effective and fun ways to learn the names of colors in English.

Coloring option:

  1. Name the color that you want to paint over part of the image in English.
  2. An alternative is online coloring in English, most often such exercises are in the sections of games in English.

Another type of exercise for children is the recipes that are well known to many. Here it is possible to write the name of the color in English and color the objects.
It is useful to reinforce previously learned written or oral exercises. For example, you can ask your child the following questions:

  • What is it? (What is it?) - It is a cat! (It's a cat!) What color is the cat? (What color is the cat?) - It is white (She is white).
  • What is it? (What is it?) - It is a ball! (It's a ball!) What color is the ball? (What color is the ball?) - It is red (It is red).

Many children like to solve riddles, this hobby can easily be turned into a useful exercise. For example,

  • The whole world is warmed by this color and it is called…red!
  • I remembered for a century: black in English is black.

Remembering colors in English will be easier if you solve a crossword puzzle.

How to quickly remember colors in English?

  1. Repeat color names regularly.
  2. Surround the child with information related to flowers.
  3. Focus on color - at home, while walking, when dressing a child.
  4. Fulfill different types exercises to use all types of memory (visual, auditory, tactile ...).
  5. Turn the learning process into a game. A child will learn information better if it is presented in a playful way.

Adapted texts in English

Hello kids, their parents, nannies and teachers!

I noticed a long time ago that along with numbers, children love to learn words for colors in English. Apparently, therefore, according to the well-known law "The more interesting, the faster", they remember such words with lightning speed!

If you don't believe us, let's check it out right now! And let's start with songs and videos, which, I'll tell you, are just an abundance on the Internet. But I have chosen the best ones for you! And she provided a dictionary with a translation of those without a single Russian word))

So, learning colors in English for kids is our goal today! Go...

balloon - balloon
bye-bye - bye-bye
say "bye-bye" to all the beautiful balloons - say "bye-bye" to all the beautiful balloons!

Let "s learn the colors song together - Let's sing a song of flowers together
Apple is red - red apple
Leaves are green - leaves are green
Lemon is yellow - yellow lemon
Sky is blue - the sky is blue
Carrot is orange - orange carrots
Berries are purple - purple berries
Flowers are pink - pink flowers
Night and day for black and white - Night and day for black and white
Rainbows are always bright - rainbows are always bright

What colors do you like? - What colors do you like?
I like blue sky - I love the blue sky
I like green grass - I love green grass
I like purple butterflies - I love purple butterflies
I like yellow daisies - I love yellow daisies
Pink and orange sunsets - pink-orange sunsets
I like white - snowy white - I love white - snow white
Black of the night - Black as night
I like the brown of the earth in the ground - I love brown like the earth
I like blueberry-pie - I love blueberry pie
Green cabbage and broccoli - green cabbage and broccoli
I like yellow corn - I love yellow grain
Orange carrots too - orange carrots too
White mashed potato - white mashed potatoes
And a brown gravy stew
I like red strawberries - I love red strawberries
Purple grapes - purple grapes
I like pink grapefruit - I love pink grapefruit

There are also a lot of interesting things in Russian-language videos, but keep in mind that if the child is not more than 3 years old, it is better for him to show only the English-language versions (those above). If he's older, it's up to you to decide. And if his age is approaching 8 years or more, then a video with Russian comments will be just right!

And here they are:

It's time to add to this riot of emotions and voiced cards in the form of a table (under it you will find a file for printing), which will help you repeat the colors and come up with different games with them.

The following game came to my mind: The kid chooses any card from your hands at random. When he sees a color, you are together or he himself must remember the word corresponding to the color, and then you go in search of an object of that color - at home, in the garden, on the street! When this stage is completed (several such sessions are required), you can do the opposite - show the baby an object and ask him to find a card with the appropriate color and pronounce it. Or you offer him two oral options, and he chooses.

You can invent games on the go - it's very easy and fun!

By the way, if you need a word with transcription, there is a service in the sidebar on the right that can provide it to you. Just enter the word and click "Transcribe"

And we continue:






File for downloading and printing cards with colors and words in English

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