Intellectual game in Russian "Merry Grammar". Extra-curricular event "entertaining games in the Russian language"

Engineering systems 10.10.2019
Engineering systems


  1. To test the knowledge and skills of students in grades 5-6 on general issues of the Russian language.
  2. Develop creative imagination students, using problem situations, to develop the emotions of students, to develop the cognitive interest of students.
  3. To cultivate a sense of collectivism, love for the Russian language, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Equipment: presentation, posters.

“Language is the history of a people. Language is the way of civilization and culture...
That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is
not an idle occupation from nothing to do, but an urgent need.

A.I. Kuprin

“Language, our magnificent language,
River and steppe expanse in it,
In it screams of an eagle and a wolf roar,
Chanting and ringing, and pilgrimage incense.
In it the cooing of a dove in the spring,
The rise of the lark to the sun - higher, higher.
Birch Grove. Light through.
Heavenly rain spilled on the roofs.

K. Balmont

Game progress

I. Presentation of commands.

Team 1.

We answer together
And here there is no doubt:
Today there will be friendship
The mistress of victories.

Team 2.

And let the fight rage on
Stronger competition:
Success is not fate
But only our knowledge.

Teams give the jury their emblems, pronounce their names and mottos.

II. Warm up.

Leading: Answer who or what you are talking about.

  • "Personal file" of the student for the official use of his parents. (Diary.)
  • What is a hand storage? (Pencil case.)
  • A land that anyone can twist. (The globe.)
  • Its long-awaited sound is divine music for a schoolboy who has not learned his lesson. (Call.)
  • What is the school limestone called? (Chalk.)
  • An object that refutes the saying: "What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax." (Eraser.)
  • The word white is relative to the word black. (Antonym.)
  • It's spelled the same, but the meaning is different. (Homonym.)
  • What does a tree growing in the forest and the word tree written on paper have? (Root.)
  • It happens between the root and the end. (Suffix.)
  • In what letter should the word-consent be placed in order to get the product of snow melting? (O yes.)
  • It was with this “tool”, which is part of speech, that A.S. Pushkin called for “burning the hearts of people.” (Verb.)

III. Main part.

Competition 1. Comprehension of folk wisdom.

Leading: For a long time no one argues with the statement that the Russian language is the richest in the world. One of its values ​​is a huge number of proverbs and sayings that have come to us from time immemorial and are still being created by oral folk art. They express folk wisdom, and using them in your speech will help make it more vivid, original, interesting. Now I want to invite you to answer the questions, remembering the relevant proverbs and sayings and formulating them verbatim. In the task, there may also be phraseological turns that are close to sayings.

  • He is healthy in a healthy body. (Healthy spirit.)
  • Part of the clothing that is recommended to be kept wider. (The pocket is wider.)
  • He has big eyes. (At fear.)
  • Only there is free cheese. (In a mousetrap.)
  • They are waiting for her, sitting by the sea. (Weather.)
  • This part of the item is gold. (Mid.)
  • What kind of food does a shoe sometimes ask for from its hapless owner? (Kashu - “boots of porridge are asking.”)

Competition 2. “What is it? Who is it?"

Leading: In this competition you have to solve a crossword puzzle.

Prepared students read A. Shibaev's poem "Words, words, words":

Everything is given a name
Both the animal and the object.
There are a lot of things around
And there are no names!

And all that the eye can see
Above us and below us
And all that is in our memory
Signified by words.

They are heard here and there,
Outdoors and at home:
One has long been familiar to us,
The other one is unfamiliar...

Language is both old and forever new!
And it's so beautiful
In the vast sea - the sea of ​​​​words -
Bathe daily!

Leading: Answer the questions: what is it? who is it?

Leading: This competition requires a certain imagination and a large vocabulary from you. But first, remember what letters are called vowels.


Air flows freely through the mouth
There are no different obstacles.
The voice is participating, the voice is calling,
The sound is vowel.

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,
They can cry and scream
They can cradle a child in a crib,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

Leading: And now, please, arrange the vowels in the structures proposed to you, for example, as shown on the board. (Slide 9)

Letter E

BP - VeeR

Teams receive a task on cards:

Letter O

KN - window
HGH - peas
KKKL - bell
TPT - stomp
BLT - bolt
PKY - peace
GRN - horn
TRN - throne
KRK - ham
GLTK - sip

letter U

SD - court
ShRP - screw
KSS - vinegar
KST - bush
BRNDK - chipmunk

Letter A

BRN - ram
TK - attack
RF - harp
MRK - brand
STR - aster
KRMN - pocket
BRK - barrack
SHLSh - hut
FNT - fant
ShRM - scar, charm

Letter I

PRZ - prize
PC - rice
LLYa - lily
FLN - eagle owl
PC - iris

Competition 4. Editor.

Leading: In this competition, we will test your ability to build sentences correctly. You are offered excerpts from children's compositions. Find the mistake in each sentence and explain why it is wrong to write it that way.

The facilitator distributes texts to the teams:

Competition 5. Oral speech.

Prepared students read V. Shefner's poem "Oral Speech":

This is so, and not otherwise,
You, my friend, do not cross me:
People began to live richer
But speech became poorer.
Oral literature is extinguished -
Conversational beauty;
Retreating into the unknown
Speeches of Russian miracles.
Hundreds of words native and well-aimed,
drooping, losing his voice,
Locked up like caged birds
Dozing in thick dictionaries.
You let them out of there
Return to everyday life,
So that speech - a human miracle -
Not missing these days.

Leading: In this competition, you need to connect the phraseological combination on the left side of the board with its explanation on the right. (Slide 12)

Answers: 1E, 2D, 3B, 4A, 5G, 6B, 7G, 8Z.

Competition 6. Find the mistakes.

Leading: Now we can check which team has the most attentive and competent children. Before you is a dictation written by a student who rarely attended Russian language lessons. Correct the mistakes in the text.

For each corrected error, the team is awarded 1 point.

Competition 7. Fun grammar.

Prepared students read a poem by O. Vysotskaya:

Noun - school,
Wakes up- verb.
With an adjective cheerful
A new school day has arrived.

got up we- pronoun
Beats the numeral seven.
For learning, no doubt
Everyone should be accepted.

We are the adverb Great
We value the lessons.
We habitually follow
discipline and mode.

Not and neither we have particles
We need to repeat them.
And wherein not be lazy
And neither hour not lose!

After school, as you know,
We ride in a sleigh.
Here are especially relevant
Interjections oh and Oh!

And then
At the warm stove
We repeat
Parts of speech!

Leading: Let's work with parts of speech. Form nouns from the suggested adjectives. (Slide 15)

IV. Summarizing.

While the jury is summing up, the students act out a skit.

Linguistic joke "Awkward things".

- Hey!
- What are you carrying?
- I carry different things.
- Absurd? Why are they awkward?
- You yourself are absurd, as I see it. I carry different things. Various! Understood? Here I bring chalk ...
- What failed?
- Leave me alone.
- Why, you say: "I failed!" What failed something?
- I'm bringing the chalk!!! Need to listen. I carry chalk. Mishka. He will need to.
- Well, if his wife gets him, why are you talking?
- What wife? Is this Mishka's wife?! And you are a joker! I said, "He'll have to." Needed, that is.
- That's it...
- And I also have good news for Mishka: I found the brand that he has been looking for for a long time.
- Tamarka?
- Yeah.
- And nothing, pretty?
- Beautiful! Green like that.
- So how?
- Green colour.
- Wait, wait... What is it: her hair, perhaps, is green?
- Who has hair?
- Yes, Tamarka has something.
- What-oh?!
- Well, you yourself said: "Tamarka was found."
- Ta! Brand! Mark, do you understand? The one Mishka has been looking for for a long time. Understood? Green such... There the arch is drawn.
- Yeah, is Tamarka still drawn? On the stamp, it means that Tamarka is drawn, right? That's what I would say!
- Yes, get off with your Tamarka, stupid head! There is an arch! Arch!!! Can't you even understand it? For now, I have no time.
- Till! Look, don't lose your awkward things.
- Well, you ...
- Yes! Stop, stop!
- What else?
- Say to him hello.
- To whom?
- It is known to whom: Tamarka, Mishka and Mishka's wife.

Stelmachenok Lyudmila DmitrievnaMBOU "Secondary School No. 27", PermPrimary school teacher

"Didactic games in Russian language lessons"

“Without play, there is and cannot be a full-fledged mental development. The game is huge bright window, through which spiritual world the child is infused with a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around him. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

How to make a Russian language lesson an interesting, entertaining and favorite subject for a child?

The game is the main activity of the child. It plays an important role in the formation and development of mental, emotional, physical and creativity child. The game helps to develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention,helps shape phonemic perception words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, stimulates speech. As a result, children have an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of the spelling vigilance of a younger student.

A didactic game is a valuable means of educating the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material fascinating, creates a joyful working mood among students, facilitates the process of mastering knowledge.

AT didactic games the child observes, compares, contrasts, classifies objects according to one or another feature, makes analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

Game activity how an element of the lesson can be applied at any stage of it - from checking homework before execution verification work and generalizations.

1. Didactic game "Hard - soft"

Purpose: repetition of the spelling of hard and soft signs.

The students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is called “Water”. The “Stone” team gets up if I read a word with a solid sign, if I read a word with soft sign, the “Vata” team gets up.

Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pours, entrance, pour, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears of corn, drink, shooting, etc.

2. Didactic game "Be careful."
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.

From the proposed poems write out words with combinations of zhi, shi:

1. They lived in a hut siskins,

Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,

Walruses come to visit them

And giraffes and snakes.

2. Vest, animal, belly,

giraffes, painting, lives,

Rosehip, tires, reeds,

Cars and pencils

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, mix

Hiss and sew.

All combinations of ZhI and SHI

Only with the letter And write!

3. Game "Boomerang"

educates children's attention and speed of reaction: the student needs to remember the right word and "return" it to the teacher.

Find a synonym.

Ordinary person(guileless), a simple task(light),simple truth(capital);restless person(restless),restless look(anxious);strong friendship(reliable)strong sole(durable).

Find an antonym.

close shore(far),close person(stranger);funny comedy(boring), fun mood(sad); deep well(small), deep knowledge(surface);small fish(large), shallow river(deep).

4. "Phraseological menagerie" .

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of students.

Add the missing word - the name of the animal. Hungry like ... (wolf). Cunning, like ... (fox). Cowardly, like ... (hare). It's like ... (fish). Prickly like ... (hedgehog). Healthy as ... (bull).

5. "How many dots - so many sounds

Equipment: cube, on the sides of which different number points: two, three, four, five, six; one side is empty.

Children take it in turns to throw the dice and name words in which the number of sounds is equal to the number of dots on the top of the dice. If zero is rolled, the player skips a turn and passes the die to the next player.

6. Didactic game: "In a word."
Purpose: to activate the vocabulary of children, to develop the ability to generalize.
Students are invited to replace combinations of words and sentences with one word that has the syllables cha, shcha, chu.shu.

1. Stump of a tree - ... (block).

2. Sixty minutes - ... (hour).

3. Dense frequent forest - ... (thicket).

4. Predatory fish with sharp teeth - ... (pike).

5. What heavy pans are made of - ... (cast iron).

6. Cover your eyes from the sun - ... (squint).

7. A vessel with a handle and a spout for boiling water or brewing tea - ... (teapot) and

7. Didactic game: "All the way around."
Purpose: to fix the spelling of words with the combination -ch-.
The teacher invites the children to replace the word combinations of the noun + noun type proposed by them with another one so that one of the words includes the combination -ch- in its composition.

Christmas tree toy - ... (Christmas tree toy)

Fairy tale hero - ... (fairy tale hero)

Apple juice-… (apple juice)

Milk soup - ... (milk soup)

Strawberry jam - ... (strawberry jam)

Buckwheat porridge - ... (buckwheat porridge)

Water from the river - ... (river water)

Well in the castle - ... (keyhole)

Wheat flour - ... (wheat flour), etc.

8. Didactic game: "Replace the letter."

Purpose: to activate mental activity students, to develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, logical thinking.

Children are offered the original word with a spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it sequentially, while maintaining the combination -chk-, and get new words. Whoever makes it wins the largest number words.

daughter pen
barrel river

night candle

tussock stove

kidney point

cloud daughter

wheelbarrow night
9. Didactic game "Find the mistake."
Purpose: to develop the ability to highlight in speech words denoting an object.

The teacher names a number of words denoting the names of objects and makes one "mistake". Pupils must determine which word is superfluous and why.
1. Doll, house, sea, left, student.

2. Map, sun, iron, door, sailor.

3. Girl, chalk, more, pencil, toad.

4. Castle, hard, rooster, plate, cherry.

5. Runs, book, window, gate, elephant, etc.

10. Didactic game "Find a couple."
Purpose: to develop the ability to correctly correlate the name of the object and action.

Equipment: each student has a card on the desk, on which the words are written in one column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds, fog, frost, and in another column words - actions: dripping, floating, falling, spreading, floating, sweeping, thundering, baking, sparkling, blowing, cracking.

For each word denoting the name of the phenomenon, students select a word denoting the action of the object, marking with an arrow.

11. Didactic tasks and exercises.
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Dividing soft sign", develop memory, thinking.

1. First name the words in which you need to write the letter b at the end, and then in the middle.

2. Find words with a dividing soft sign. Emphasize them: drink, sew, beat, family, ring, spear, pony, dress, coat, sparrow, sew, etc.

3. Write out the words with a separating b:

The seal lies all day

And he is not too lazy to lie down.

It's a pity, seal diligence

Not a role model.

(B. Zakhoder)

Here you are, hare, and fox teeth!

I wish you gray, but wolf legs!

Here you are, oblique, and lynx claws!

-Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

Soul - then I still have a hare.

4. Charades.

I'm with L softened - underground With hard L I'm on the wall

I am stone and brown. (books, for example, on me),

And with a hard one - in any room, But as soon as you soften L,

AT geometric figure. Turn it into a dance.

(Coal-corner) (Polka-shelf).

Without M - in the forest I show off;

With M - the courts are afraid of me.

(Spruce strand).

Children really like it and here are the coloring pages:

Guzanova Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school in the village of Ust-Omchug"

slide 2

Solve the charades.

  • 1. Take the preposition K before the pronoun ME.
  • 2. Add the noun SON in the dative singular.
  • 3. Complete the word so that it answers the question WHAT TO DO?


  • 1. The prefix of this word denotes an approximation.
  • 2. A stem from the adjective INDIVIDUAL was added to it.
  • 3. Then the suffix, which is written for adjectives after hissing and c under stress (reed, arctic fox).
  • 4. And a suffix with an ending, like the noun LOSS.


slide 3

An illiterate grandmother from the village sent a telegram to her relatives:

Healthy. I arrive in perfect condition.

Everyone went to the station to meet their grandmother, but she did not come. What happened?

To arrive - to come, to come somewhere;

To abide is to be somewhere or in some state.

slide 4

Find inflected nouns in all sentences:

1. The blacksmith left, the fire raged for some more time.

2. Finally calmed down, and heaps of coals without a flame burned brightly in the darkness of the night, and the burnt residents of Kistenevka wandered around them.

3. Provincial officials trembled at his name.

time, flame, name

slide 5

There is a proverb “Seven do not wait for one”. And if there were not seven people, but nine? How would you say?


slide 6

What numeral in all cases has the ending -a?

one and a half, one and a half

How many endings does the word seven hundred have?

Two endings, both zero

Slide 7

We say: increase by one and a half times. FLOOR is half, but what is TORAH?

The word "one and a half" was formed from "one and a half" (half of the second unit)

Slide 8

The number 100 is represented by three digits. The name of this number - one hundred - also consists of three letters.

Find another number whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters that make up the name of this number.

1,000,000 is a million (there are seven letters and seven numbers in the word0

Slide 9

What categories of pronouns differ only in meaning? Give examples.

Interrogative and relative.

What time is it now?

The clock I looked at showed midnight.

Slide 10

Guess the indeclinable noun.

Linear measure unit

In conjunction with a vowel

You will be told right away that in the capital

Anyone can see right away?

slide 11

Form common nouns from words:

  • jump out
  • bully
  • break
  • don't sit
  • smear
  • work
  • upstart
  • bully
  • broken
  • fidget
  • slob
  • hard worker
  • slide 12

    Why is the particle NOT with the adjective SIMPLE written separately?

    Squirrel sings songs

    And he gnaws all the nuts.

    And nuts are not simple,

    All shells are golden.

    There is a hidden opposition.

    slide 13

    Determine in the meaning of which moods the verbs in these examples act.

    1) And if it wasn’t for me, you would have been poring in Tver.

    2) Hey, let's go, coachman!

    3) You should eat something, Pulcheria Ivanovna!

    1) Imperative in the meaning of the conditional.

    2) Indicative in the meaning of imperative.

    3) Conditional in the meaning of imperative.

    Slide 14

    What part of speech does the numeral ONE play in the following sentences?

    1) One fisherman said that he caught a fish weighing three pounds.

    2) Everyone left, I was the only one left.

    3) All as one.

    4) One for all, all for one.

    5) It went in one ear and out the other.

    1) Odinrybak is an indefinite pronoun.

    2) I was left alone - a particle (only).

    3) All as one - adverb (together)

    4) One for all, all for one is a noun.

    5) It went in one ear, went out the other - adjective.

    slide 15

    In which of the following sentences the underlined words are numerals?

    1) About a quarter of an hour has passed.

    2) The second academic quarter has passed.

    3) Exactly at a quarter past seven they woke me up.

    4) It's half past three.

    5) Cut off half of the watermelon and give it to me.

    6) The owner and his family occupied the second half of the hut.

    quarter past seven, half past four

    slide 16


    1. O. Repina. Tests for the school textbook: Russian language. Grade 6: Reference manual.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1999.-480 p.

    View all slides

    It is known that children's interest in learning activity increases sharply if they are included in a game situation. In play, the child does not act out of compulsion, but out of inner impulse.

    The purpose of the game is to help make serious, hard work entertaining and interesting for students.
    In Russian language lessons, you can use word games. The peculiarities of their use are that the game is introduced into a certain part of the lesson in accordance with its tasks. AT learning activities an element of competition is introduced, and the success of the task is associated with the game result. In this case, only verbal props are used.


    Task: Who will quickly replace all the words in the sentence (except service words) with synonyms?

    • The doctor prescribed an injection for the patient.
    • An angry blizzard covered the paths.
    • The driver again began to peer into the darkness.
    • The sentry hid from the downpour under the roof of the building.

    Quest: Who will find foreign words and replace them with Russians?

    • During the inspection, many defects were found.
    • He writes memoirs.
    • Your arguments are persuasive.
    • Everyone worked with enthusiasm.
    • We are proud of our goalkeeper.
    • The newspaper published information about a football match.
    • A tiny amount of copper was found in the alloy.

    Task: Who will be able to find Old Slavonic (by origin) words and replace them with Russian ones:

    • Fresh cheeks are burning with a blush.
    • The old man furrowed his brow.
    • A great city was built over the Neva.

    The game "The investigation is conducted by experts"

    Task: Pupils are invited to guess what profession they are talking about and prove the validity of their point of view.

    1. He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression of still lifes is a bright, colorful carpet of colors that shimmer and sparkle with all the colors of the palette.
    2. Leshem he (Rimsky-Korsakov) he came up with two leitmotifs. One entrusted stringed instruments. The second is played by four horns and cymbals. The leitmotif of Santa Claus sounds harsh and depressing. The timbre of woodwind instruments conveys a feeling of the winter stiffness of nature.
    3. - Surname? Istomin Valery Sergeevich.
      - What about him?
      - Infiltrate in the left lung under the clavicle.
      - And how many grams of streptomycin have you injected into this young man?
      – Fifty-two, Roman Borisovich.
      - Appoint him for a consultation with Zatsepina.

    Game "Auction"

    Conditions: Just like in a real auction, the one who called the last word wins the competition. If, for example, the task consisted in the selection of synonyms for the word hot (tea), then the winner is the one who finishes the list of synonyms, will name the last of them.

    The game can be played when studying synonyms; for example, tasks are offered to find synonyms for words: move, said, big (house), courage, dispute, laugh, longing, bad (person), etc.

    Working on obsolete words you can invite children to name obsolete words on one of the proposed topics: 1) clothes, shoes, 2) weapons, 3) vehicles, 4) furniture, 5) words that “retired” after the revolution, etc.

    Working on neologisms students can compete in the selection of neologisms born 1) during the years of the civil war, 2) in the era of space exploration, 3) reflecting the achievements of science and technology, etc.
    Consolidation of the topic "Professional vocabulary" the task will help to choose professional words used by people of different professions (builder, librarian, linguist, historian, athlete, geologist).

    Game "Corrector"

    Find the mistake in the choice of the word.

    • After warm precipitation, bright drops sparkled on the leaves.
    • There are negative and positive defects in the design.
    • From the advanced brigade, he moved to the backward.
    • A monument to the hero was built in the center of the city.

    Who will edit notes faster and more accurately?

  • We recommend reading
