Writing ь ъ in words. Hard and soft sign

Decor elements 03.07.2020
Decor elements

Dividing b written after consonants before letters i, yu, yo, e , transmitting combinations [ j] with vowels, in the following cases.

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant. Examples:

a) in words with Russian prefixes: non-nuclear, awake, enraged, pissed off, hackneyed, interlingual, eat up, go around, departure, lift, pre-anniversary, present, disperse, detachable, eat, cringe, sarcastic, supernatural, super-capacity, super-bright ;

b) in words with prefixes of foreign origin: countertier, post-nuclear, post-anniversary, subunit, subnucleus, superyacht, trans-European .

Words of foreign origin are also written with the initial parts ab, hell, diz, in, inter, con, ob, sub, which are prefixes in the source language, but are usually not distinguished as prefixes in Russian. These include: abjuration, adjective, adjectivation, adjunct, adjunctive, adjutant, disjunction, injection, injected, interjection, coadjutor, conjecture, conjugates, conjugation, conjunctiva, conjunctiva, conjunctivitis, conjuncture, conjunction, object, objective, subject, subjective.

2. In compound words:

a) after the initial parts two, three, four, for example: two-anchor, two-capacity, three-core, four-tier;

b) in words pan-European, courier.

3. Letter b it is also written when transmitting foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters translating paired solid consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Torjal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China) Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry).

In all cases, except for the above, after consonants before letters i, yu, yo, e , and , transmitting combinations [ j] with vowels, spelled separator b .

Examples: ya Keywords: devil, Yudyachy, monkey, billiards, family, drunk, ears of corn, draw, shepherd's, Lukyan;ew : loach, interview, pour, family, drink, trot, fifty, sew, puff(interjection); yo : nightingale, gun, drinking, crow, serious, life, whose, we sew;ye : premiere, play, courier, entertainer, jam, lull, Vietnam, Fourier;uh : passerine, nightingales, fritters, bears, vary, articles, whose, Vigny.

Section of the OGE codifier in Russian: 6.4 The use of b and b.

Spelling of the soft sign b is to comply 4 groups of rules: 1) dividing soft sign: spelling; 2) the use of a soft sign when denoting the softness of consonants; 3) soft sign after hissing; 4) soft sign in some case and verbal forms.

1. Separating soft mark

The dividing soft sign is written:

  • before e, yo, and, yu, I am inside the word, not after prefixes, for example: career, curious, passerine, blizzard, monkey ;
  • in compound words if the soft sign was in the first word, for example: flour mill, Svyazinvest;
  • before O in the following borrowed (foreign language) words almost complete list: battalion, broth, guillotine, canyon, companion, cotillon, Cro-Magnon, lotion, medallion, minion, monsignor, pavilion, papillotte, postman, seigneur, fjord, champignon, chignon, goatee.

2. The use of a soft sign when denoting the softness of consonants

  1. On the end of word sign b written after any soft consonant, for example: horse(cf. windows), coal(cf. angle), lantern, strike (cf. blow).
  2. AT middle of a word soft sign is written:
  • after soft L standing in front of any consonant(hard or soft), for example: sick, herring, boy, sawyer ;
  • after soft consonant standing in front of hard consonant, for example: Kuzma, less, fight ;
  • between two soft consonants only if, when changing the word, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first remains soft, for example: in a request (request), Kuzmich (Kuzma), about the struggle (struggle).
  1. Letter b not spelled inside combinations chk, ch, lf, nsch, rsh, rch:river, river, nurse, bricklayer, lamplighter, small chest.
  2. soft sign not spelled between two soft L: illusion .

3. Soft sign after hissing

After hissing soft sign is written:

  • in singular feminine nouns(name and wine case), for example: speech, silence, rye, mouse, daughter, night;
  • : assign, cut, eat, assign, cut, eat ;
  • in the indefinite form of verbs:save - take care, shear - shear ;
  • in the 2nd person singular of present and future tense verbs, for example: carry, carry, throw, rush, rush, fuss;
  • in adverbs, for example: helplessly, completely (exceptions: already, married, unbearable );
  • in particles vysh, bish, only, ish (exceptions: already, already ).

4. Other cases

The soft sign is used:

  • in the instrumental plural of some nouns(for example: children, people, four )
  • numeral eight in all cases (for example: eight, eight, eight );
  • in the indefinite form of the verb: carry - mess around, shave - shave ;
  • in the imperative mood of verbs(See Note 1): get ready, get ready, get ready .
  • at the end of the following numbers(name and wine case) five six. seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty ;
  • before the letter O in some numbers(See Note 2): sextillion, quadrillion, quintillon, septillon and etc.


(1) Pay attention to the use in the imperative mood of the forms of the verb, which has only two forms: the form of the 1st person singular. numbers - lie down and the form of the 2nd persons, part - lie down .

(2) There is a variant spelling of the following numerals: sextillion, quadrillion, quintillion, septillion and etc.

(3) Note: nouns daughter, bone and whip in the instrumental case pl. hours have an ending -ami (daughters, bones, whips ), and obsolete forms ( daughters, bones, whips ) in the modern language can be found only in phraseological units ( lie down with bones, beat with whips ).

(4) Remember: if the end -nya preceded by a letter l, then after it write a soft sign: bathhouse, bell tower, ironing room, smokehouse and etc.

(5) Remember spelling adverbs: exactly the same and colloquial until now .

(6) Distinguish spelling of suffixes -t-(sya ) and others, infinitive from suffix -t-(sya) forms of the 3rd person of the present tense. Compare: She wants to teach to be at the conservatory. She teaches there tsya ?

(7) Pay attention to the spelling of the following words: I mean (i.e., namely), carcasses (musical greeting) and ink (dye), thinner and the thinnest , nurse and babysit .

(8) Pay attention to the spelling of the word love . common noun love in indirect cases loses the vowel o: no love, for love, about love. Given name Love preserves this vowel in all forms: Young Blok spent a lot of time with Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

>>Russian language Grade 2 >>Russian language: Separating soft sign (ь)

Separating soft character (ь)

The role and meaning of the soft sign in Russian

Today in the Russian language lesson we will study a special letter, which is called a soft sign. Such a letter as a soft sign does not have and does not designate any sound, but its role is to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing.

For example: bathhouse, stranded, coal, seal, laziness, sorry, horse.

But, besides the fact that a soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds, it can also be a dividing one.

And so, now we can summarize and conclude that such a letter as a soft sign is used in Russian:

To soften the preceding consonant;
As a delimiter;
To denote certain grammatical forms.

We have already determined when it is necessary to write a soft sign in words to soften consonants. And now let's try to deal with the separating soft sign and find out why the soft sign is also called separating, in which cases the soft sign is separating, and how words with a separating soft sign are written.

In order to better understand this topic and understand the difference between a soft sign, which serves to soften consonant sounds and a separating soft sign, let's try to consider this issue with an example.

For example: Seed and family

Read these words carefully. Now pay attention to how the last syllable in the first word sounds - seed. In this word “seed”, the sound [m "] has a soft sound, since the letter I gives it softness, and the vowel and consonant are pronounced together in this syllable.

Now let's look at the next word. The word "family" is [sem "ya]. In this case, we see that the consonant and the vowel following it are pronounced separately. Such a separate pronunciation between a vowel and a consonant in writing is indicated by a soft sign, which is called a separating soft sign.

For example: Kolya - stakes, salt - salt, flight - will pour.

Therefore, we can already conclude that the separating soft sign indicates that the consonant and vowel are pronounced separately.

Rules for writing a separating soft sign

Separating b (soft sign) is written:

First, in the middle of a word before vowels: e, e, u, i. For example: blizzard, terrier, monkey, health, underwear, leaves.

Secondly, in words of foreign origin before the letter O. For example: champignons, postman, broth.

Thirdly, a dividing soft sign is written in the roots of words, after consonants. For example: December, barley, sparrows, steppe, night.

Also, it must be remembered that the separating soft sign is never written:

First, at the beginning of the word;
Secondly, after prefixes.

And now let's take a closer look at the picture and try to compare the difference between the soft sign, which serves to soften the consonant and the dividing soft sign:


1. Read carefully the words with a soft sign and first write down only those for which the soft sign acts as an indicator of softness, and then the words with a separating soft sign.

Moth, dress, family, skates, day, chairs, wool, streams, stakes, ice hole, laziness, despondency, housing, friends, bathhouse, health, jelly, coat, autumn, letter, downpour, computer, corduroy, Daria, happiness, joy, sadness.

2. Choose antonyms for these words and tell me what role the soft sign plays in them?

Purity, boredom, work, harm, light, enemies, sugar.

3. Write the words in the plural:

Friend, leaf, wing, bough, log, tree.

4. When writing a separating sign, what sound do you hear in words?
5. Solve the crossword.

Crossword questions:

1. What is another name for a snowstorm?
2. Where do bees live?
3. Dad, mom, I am friendly ....
4. An animal that loves to climb trees.
5. Carlson's favorite treat.

Note.Letter b before about written in some foreign words, for example: battalion, bouillon, guillotine, Carmagnole, companion, minion, pavilion, postman, champignon.

§ 72.Letter b written to denote the softness of a consonant, Besides h, sch(see §75), at the end of a word, for example: drink, darkness, horse, and in the middle of a word before a solid consonant, for example: threshing, request, nurse, less.
To indicate the softness of a consonant before another soft consonant, b written in the following cases:
  1. If, when changing the word, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant retains its softness, for example: nannies(nurse), wedding(wedding), eight(eighth).
  2. To indicate softness l, for example: herring, flatter, smaller, finger.
In all other cases, before soft consonants, including before h, sch, letter b not written, for example: bones, early, babysit, tip, mason.

Note.between two soft l letter b not spelled, for example: illusion, goofy.

§ 73. Letter b It is also written in the following cases:
  1. In formed from numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine complex numerals in which both parts decline, for example: fifty(fifty, fifty) sixty, seventy, eighty, nine hundred, but: fifteen(fifteen, fifteen) sixteen etc.
  2. In the instrumental plural, for example: children, people, also four.
  3. In an indefinite form before -sya and in an imperative mood before -sya and -those eg: drink - get drunk; fix - get better, fix; suspension - get suspended, weigh.
§ 74. Letter b not written:
  1. In adjectives with a suffix -sk - formed from nouns on b, for example: Kazan(Kazan), Kemsky(Kem), Siberian(Siberia), brutal(the beast), January(January).
  2. Note.adjectives September, October, November, December, June, day (day-day) are written with b; adjectives formed from Chinese names in -n , for example: Yunnanese(from Yunnan).

  3. In the genitive plural from nouns on -nya with a preceding consonant or th and in those formed from them with the help of a suffix -to - diminutives eg: cherry - cherries, cherry; slaughter - slaughterhouse; reading room - reading room; but: bath - baths, bathhouse; Apple tree - apple trees, apple tree; also a village villages, village; young lady - young ladies; kitchen - kitchens, kitchenette.
§ 75.After the sizzling (and, h, w, sch) letter b written only in the following cases:
  1. At the end of feminine nouns in the nominative and accusative singular, for example: rye, night, mouse.
  2. In the ending of the 2nd person singular of the present and future tense of the verb after the final w, for example: carry - carry, wear - wear, accept - accept.
  3. At the end of the verb in the singular imperative mood, and letter b is preserved before -sya , for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  4. In the plural imperative before -those, -tes, for example: smear - smear ; hide - hide ; eat.
  5. At the end of the verb in the indefinite form, and letter b written before -sya, for example: cut, get a haircut.
  6. In all dialects after final w and h , for example: entirely, jump, away, as well as in the adverb wide open.
  7. At the end of the particles: vish, I mean, only, ish.

DividingKommersantwritten after consonants before lettersI, Yu, Yo, E,conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels, in the following cases.

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant .

For example:

a) in words with Russian prefixes: non-nuclear, awake, enraged, pissed off, hackneyed, interlingual, eat up, go around, departure, lift, pre-anniversary, present, disperse, detachable, eat, cringe, sarcastic, supernatural, super-capacity, super-bright.

Letter b traditionally also written in the word flaw, although from- is not a prefix in it.

b) in words with prefixes of foreign origin : countertier, post-nuclear, post-anniversary, subunit, subnucleus, superyacht, trans-European .

Words of foreign origin are also written with the initial parts ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, ob-, sub- , which are prefixes in the source language, but are usually not distinguished as prefixes in Russian. These include: abjuration, adjective, adjectivation, adjunct, adjunctive, adjutant, disjunction, injection, injected, interjection, coadjutor, conjecture, conjugates, conjugation, conjunctiva, conjunctiva, conjunctivitis, conjuncture, conjunction, object, objective, subject, subjective .

2. In compound words:

a) after the initial parts two, three, four , for example: two-anchor, two-capacity, three-core, four-tier ;

b) in words pan-European, courier .

After the initial parts of compound words, the separator b traditionally not written, for example: military lawyer, state language, children, party cell, food fair, spetseda, business unit, foreign language, Inyurkollegiya, Ministry of Justice.

3. The letter ъ is also written when transferring foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters transposing paired solid consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Torjal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China) Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry).

In this case, the separator b also possible before a letter and , for example: Junichiro(Japanese name).


1) The letter ъ is not written before letters a, o, u, uh, i, s.

For example: interatomic, counterattack, transoceanic, three-story.

2) The letter ъ is not written in the middle of a word (not after a prefix!), for example: dress, deacon. Exceptioncourier.

3) The letter ъ is not written at the junction of parts of a compound word.

For example: detyasli (children's nursery), Inyaz (Institute of Foreign Languages).

4 ) The letter ъ is not written in a noun clerk(there is no prefix in this word) under- !). Separator is written in the middle of the word b , since the prefix stands out here on- and the root dyak (-diach-).

5) In the middle of a word (at the root) rear guard is written with a separator , but not b , because prefixes ar- not in Russian.

6) In the word defect (Turk.) spelled ъ by analogy with the verb to withdraw.

Dividing b written after consonants before letters i, yu, yo, e, and, conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels.

For example:

- ya Keywords: devil, Yudyachy, monkey, billiards, family, drunk, ears of corn, draw, shepherd's, Lukyan;

-yu : loach, interview, pour, family, drink, trot, fifty, sew, puff(interjection);

- yo : nightingale, gun, drinking, crow, serious, life, whose, we sew;

-e : premiere, play, courier, entertainer, jam, lull, Vietnam, Fourier;

-s : passerine, nightingales, fritters, bears, vary, articles, whose, Vigny.

1) Separating b is written in the middle of the word (not after the prefix!) after a consonant before letters e, yo, yu, i if after a consonant before a vowel sounds [ j ]; for example: vViet [v'jot], loach [v'jun], dyak [d'jak]).

2) Separating b is written in some borrowed words (as a [j] sound signal) after a consonant before a letter about.

For example: bouillon[bul'jon], sir[sin'jor], minion[min'jon].

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