The word action of the subject answers questions. Lesson "Words denoting the subject and words denoting

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Russian lesson in grade 1.

Topic: words - names of objects, signs of objects, actions of objects (2 lesson).

Theme of the lesson: "Words - names of objects, signs of objects,

actions of objects "

Objective: to acquaint with words - names of objects, signs

objects, actions of objects.

Training tasks aimed at achieving personal results


Objective: to acquaint with words - names of objects, signs of objects, actions of objects.


1. Get to know the words - names of objects, signs

subjects and actions of objects;

2. Learn to classify and unite words to thematic

Personal results:

1. Control and evaluate your work, its result, the work of others


2. Formation of a valid attitude towards another point of view.

Targets aimed at achieving meta-delta

learning results:

Meta-remote results:

1. The formation of the ability to work with information;

2. Join dialogue;

3. To form cognitive reflection.

Training tasks aimed at achieving subject results



Equipment: Cards to the game "I go to visit", cards with text

UMK "School of Russia" Tutorial in Russian Language V.P. Kanakina, V.G.

Goretsky 1 class.

During the classes.

1. Organizing time.

Let's play the game "Boardlessness" and repeat the rules of conduct

at the lesson.

In the lesson, be diligent,

Be calm and ... (attentive).

All write, not lagging behind

Listen not to ... (interrupting).

Speak clearly, intelligible

So that everything is ... (understandable).

If you want to answer

Need to hand ... (lift).

Good morning. Started day
The first thing is to drive lazy.
In the lesson, do not yawning
And work and ... .. (read).

In the lesson, be diligent,
Be calm and ... .. (attentive).
All write, no lagging,
Listen, not ... (interrupting).
Speak clearly, intelligible
So that everything is .... (Clear).

If you want to answer
Need hand .... (Raise)

2. Increase the learning task.

On blackboard Picture Winnie-Puch

the second is the owners) you will need to be in my signal - cotton,

navigate from one owner to another, visiting you buds offered

consumption - tasks that you will need to perform. Do not forget as

you need to go to visit correctly and take guests.

2. Cleaning library.

Finger gymnastics. Landing rules. Date record.


Put beautifully title and lower case letters


What can you say about this letter? (Vowel, denotes the softness of the consonant, may indicate two sounds)

sound and two sounds when it stands after a vowel, soft sign, at the beginning of the word.)

Read the words on the board:(Words are recorded on the board)

Puppy, cheerful, bird, playing, flies, small

What word is superfluous? Why?

In which words, the letter E denotes the softness of the consonant sound? (happy,

flies, small.)

In which words, the letter E denotes two sounds? (Playing)

- Let's do sound - an alpoint analysis of this Words. (Work at the board.)

Self-determination to activities

Puppy, cheerful, bird, playing, flies, small.

3. Self-determination to activities.

Consider in pairs and tell me what three groups can all be divided

the words?

What is the whole puppy and bird? (What questions they answer and what


What kind of words are cheerful and small? (What questions they answer and

what is called?)

What does the words really play, flies? (What questions they answer and what


Name the topic of the lesson! (Words that call items, signs of the subject, the action of the subject)

signs of items, actions of objects.)


Hands put everything in spool:

A plane appeared.

Mach wing there and here

Make time and do two.

Once and two, time and two!

Hands to keep the sides,

Look at each other.

Once and two, time and two!

Holded hands down

And in place everyone sit down!

4. Work on the topic.

Let's open the tutorial on page 21 and read the question.

What can I call words?

those. Rule and on the screen. (Lesson "Word" on the disk - application.)

Let's give examples of their words of objects, their signs and actions

these items.

Well done!

Work on the textbook with. 23 UPR.9.

Who is this text? Read the words calling the actions of the festivals, and then the words calling the action of Ivan Tsarevich.

Specify the first sentence.

Recall the Speech Speech Rules.

foundation. What do we call a proposal?

from. 23 UPR.10. (orally d / s)


Organization of work in groups.

Now we will be divided into 3 groups (by rows).

You have a text on the desk. Let's read it.

Spring has come. The sun shines brighter. Snow began to melt. A transparent ice was melted on the river. Voices of birds are heard in the forest. The bear woke up after the hibernation.

Your task:

1 row - Site words - names of objects;

2 row - write off words - signs of items;

3 row - write off words - actions of objects.

- Check the task. (On the board, cards appear with the words that the children should have emphasized).

Summarizing. Reflection.

What was the subject of the lesson?

What did we know?

Guys, let's estimate your work at the lesson. This will help us with flowers.

Orange - I worked perfectly in class

Red - I worked well, but I can and better

Blue - I worked not bad, but not in full force

Now let's decorate our clearing and see how we worked today.

Guys, see which colorful glade we succeed!

Thanks for the job!


Specify text.

Forest. Silence. The bush attached the tricky fox. And the potion climbed into high grass. Panty!

Tasks: write out of the text on one word

    calculate object

    calling action

    calling a sign

Additional task

1 . Other among the combination of letters words

Almster Pig Frame Pima Pim

April Spring Predmi Leaf

2 . Stress the words denoting live items.

Fox, window, sea, mosquito, part,

3 . Stress the words that can be attributed to the spring

Creek, snow, mushrooms, drops, fur coat

4 Linse words

Fox white

Wolf redhead

Gray hare

5 Extra word

Rain, wind, snow, tree

6 . Actions that can make a cat. Emphasize them.

Jumps, says meow, writes

Sections: Primary School


  • introduce students with words denoting the action of the subject and responsible for questions ;
  • learning to allocate these words in speech.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Uch The call rang -
We start our lesson.

2. Mobilizing stage. Formulation of the theme and objectives of the lesson

On the desk : Som's student carefully ... the task. Boy ... above her question. Kohl necessarily ... the task is correct.

Help: Decides, read, thinks

Uch-L. . Read the text on the board. Get acquainted with the help. Formulate commercials .

Accounting. It is necessary to restore the text, using words from the reference.

Uch Read the restored text.

(Pupils perform the task, read the resulting text: Somov's student read the task. The boy thinks over her decision. Kohl will definitely solve the task correctly.)

Uch Determine what designate words from the reference and what questions they answer. Name the topic of today's lesson.

Accounting. The words in the certificate indicate the action of the subject and answer questions what does.? what have you been doing? what will do? This is the topic of our lesson. (On the board opens a pre-recorded temporary.)

Uch We define the purpose of the lesson.

On the board reference recording:

  • get acquainted with ... denoted ... ... and responsible for ...? ...? ...?;
  • learn to allocate data ... in ... and ... speeches.

Teach. The purpose of the lesson is to get acquainted with the words denoting the actions of the subject and responsible for questions what is he doing? what have you been doing? What will do? And learn to allocate these words in oral and written speech.

3. Minute of cleaning

Uch Let's start working on the right to go from a minute of cleaning. For a moment of cleaning, we will make a pattern. The lowercase letter should be logged in it, which is available in all words from the reference and any elements of the letters. Find this letter.

Accounting. In words read, thinksand Solimthere is a lowercase letter t.. We will be written in the purview pattern.

Uch Recall how the lowercase letter is written correctly. t.(A poster is hanging on the board with writing this letter, and the teacher draws attention to the specifics of writing the parallelism of the elements in the letter t..) Everyone will now make his own pattern.

Pupils independently write their patterns in the notebooks, 2-3 student then write them on the board. (For example: t / t // t /// t //// ... and indicate the pattern of recording: the lower case t. Alternates with writing short inclined lines, the number of which increases by one.)

4. Study of the new material

Uch Guys, call again words from the reference. (Words are removed from the board) Give the characteristic of the sound indicated by the letter with which they worked in a configuration.

Accounting. In words read, thinks it will decide lowercase letter t.indicates the consistent deaf pair solid pair sound [t].

Uch Come up and name the words on the lesson, so that this letter indicates a soft sound at the beginning of the word.

(Pupils call words, and the teacher writes off the proposed options on the board.)

Uch Ask questions to these words.

(Pupils call questions, and the teacher posts a poster with verb questions.)

Uch Tell me, what denotes the data of the words responsible for the listed questions.

Accounting. These words indicate the actions of the subject.

Teacher. Tell that you have learned about these words.

Student. These words indicate the actions of the subject and answer questions. what have you been doing? what is he doing? What will do?

Uch Open the tutorial on page 72 and read Rule.

(CMD "Planet of Knowledge", TMANIANOVA "Russian Language" 1 Class)

5. Wise work

On the desk : Curduszhepnvaret

Uch And now in this entry, find a new vocabulary word. Is it suitable for the topic of our lesson?

Accounting. In this record, we skip 2 letters and get the word paint. It denotes the action of the subject and answers the question what to do?, So comes to the topic of our lesson.

Uch Let's make a phonetic analysis of this word.

(Make up collectively, teacher writes on the board the word transcription PAINT - [p, and with and in a / t,] - 8b., 7zv.

and fill the speech pattern of the word:


Uch We will offer a proposal with a new Word Word according to the scheme on the board:

|____ |____ ____ ____ ____ .

(For example: Marina girl paints landscape.)

Uch Write down this proposal by changing the word corresponding to the topic of the lesson, on a one-called, which answers the question what did?

Pupils write offer: Marina girl drew scenery paints.

6. Fizminutka

Uch Children stand up, exit from the desk. I will call words, and you perform the actions that they indicate:

  • stepping - stand;
  • hands raise - omit;
  • sat - stretch up;
  • we laugh - wech;
  • screaming - silent;
  • Cost - sit down.

7. Primary fixing new material

Uch What is a feature in the words used on the warm-up?

Accounting. The words denote opposite actions, i.e. are Antonyms.

Uch Name Antonyms to the words: sleep up.

Accounting. Antonym by the word cheering - Health, and by the way sleep - big. (On the board, the card with the data is shielded:

cheering - Health
sleep - awake)

Uch Write down any couple of words from the names named. (Pupils perform a task.) Tell me which pair you recorded. (3-4 student respond.)

Uch And now name Synonyms. close in meaning, to the same words: sleep up.

(Pupils are called, and the teacher highlights the card to the board:

cheering - Chin
sleep - peck nose)

Uch Write down a few words that is figured.

(Pupils write down a couple: sleep - peck the nose.)

Uch This expression "Peer nose"call Phraseologism. This is a stable expression with an independent value. In the textbook page 73 will find an exercise 4.

(To turn in the clouds - ...

Keep your mouth shut - … .

Nick down - … .)

Uch Let us read the proposed phraseologisms. We will pick up the words close to them by the meaning of the lesson.

Accounting. Synonyms to this phraseologism will be such words:

to turn in the clouds, i.e. dream;

keep your teeth - silence;

borrow on the nose - it means remember.

Uch Write down that phraseology, which consider for yourself instructive.

(Pupils are chosen and recorded, and the teacher finds out which phraseology is recorded in 3-4 students.)

8. Fixing a new material

On the desk: The wind is how much.

Thunder rinsing.

Birds pricked.

The sun hid.

Uch Read offers. Try to remember them. (Pupils perform the task.) Write memory suggestions in this order to get text . (Closed board.) Check.

Accounting. I recorded proposals in the following order:

The sun hid. The wind is how much. Thunder rinsing. Birds pricked.

Uch Raise your hand who wrote everything right. Continue the text by adding another proposal of a similar structure so that the story is completed.

(For example: Thunderstorm began. 2 student read the resulting texts.)

Uch In the resulting text, find words on the lesson.

Accounting. In the text I found the words: howls, rinsing, pricked, hid, beganwhich correspond to the topic of our lesson.

Uch Prove that these words really correspond to the topic of the lesson.

Accounting. These words indicate the actions of objects and answer questions: what is he doing? - howl, rich; What did you do? - Primkley; What did you do? - hidden; What did you do? - Began.

Uch Read the rule from the textbook again. (Pupils read the rule.) Tell us the rule. Give examples that have not sounded at the lesson. (Answer 2 student.)

Uch Find the words in the text that denotes the actions with the same orfogram as in the word "straight".

Accounting. In the word "straight" unstressed vowel, I, which can be checked by the word "straight". So, in the text, I must find words denoting the actions of the subjects in which there is a checked unstressed vowel: screaming - roar, started - the beginning, began.

9. Outcome lesson

Uch Guys, did we fulfill the goal set in front of us at the beginning of the lesson? (Compare with a board where the goal is encoded.)

Uch Tell me, please, what did you learn in the lesson? (2-3 student listened.)

10. Homework

Uch Record your homework: learn rule; Exercise 3 on page 72.

11. Reflection

  • if you were interested and everything is clear - chlo in your hands;
  • if you have any problems with performing tasks for a new material - sway;
  • if you were bored - to keep your feet.

Pupils express their proposed relevant to the lesson and their work on it.

Uch Thank you, children, for lesson!

The speech therapist asks students: "What can a person do?" And asks to answer in one word (work, read, write, cook, build, talketc.). The speech therapist clarifies: a person can produce various actions. What do students do on speech therapy classes, in class? (Answer, think, they say, sit, listen, drawetc.) the words that you called are denoted by actions. The speech therapist puts pictures on the board, depicting objects in action, for example, the boy goes, stands, runs, etc., then

specifies questions: What is the boy doing? (Goes, stands, runsetc.).

L about g o p e d. What did I ask the question? (What is he doing?)What do the words indicate that answer the question of the championship? (Actions.) What question will we put to the words denoting the action?

(What is he doing?)You can invite students a number of questions: What actions can be bee? Cow? Dog? What do these words mean? What question do they answer?Then the students themselves invent and call the words denoting the actions of the subject, and put questions about them.

IV. Graphic image of wordsdenoting the action of the subject. The speech therapist explains to the disciples that words-actions are denoted by two straight features. The speech therapy on the board gives a sample of the graphic image of the word-action and offers to portray words (for example, flies, buzzing, might, walks, chews, growling)graphically. Questions to students: how did you depict the words-action? What words will we depict two features?

Working with cards.

The speech therapist distributes students to two cards with a graphic image of words denoting the subject and action, then calls the words-items and words, and offers to raise the corresponding card.

PRI and B L and ZA and T E L N S Y P E R E C E H L WILLES, N A ZHN ABOUT M: Fly, Bee, Jack, Build, Tree, Staircase , sew, noise, leaf.

V. Exercises for the development of auditory attention and memory.

The speech therapist offers children to name only those words that indicate the actions: dance, bush, glass, bridge, grows, washes, erases, sister.Then asks: What do these mean

the words? What question do they answer?

Vi. Outcome.

L O G O P E D. What did you know the new on the lesson? What did you learn?

Lesson 4.

Subject. Word.

Purpose. Fastening the topic "Words denoting actions". Development of auditory attention and memory.

ABOUT B O R U D O V A N E. Pictures depicting objects in action.

Travel course.

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist offers students to remember and say that they found out at the last lesson.

II. Working with words denoting the action of the subject.

The speech therapist calls words look, listen, work, sing, sew,offers to put a question for them and asks: What is the word meaning? The children then consider alternately pictures put on the board, and answer the question of the championship. in a word. For example, running, sitsetc.

Then the children are invited to remember and repeat the words close on the meaning runs, rushing, rushing; worried, worried, worry, worries; spinning, spinning, spinning, rotates, goesand to say that they indicate these words to what question they answer. After that, the speech therapist suggests students to remember and name words-actions close to meaning: rotates- ..., rush

- ..., worried- . . . .

To say what actions can produce porn ... (sew, throw, sew);cook... (cook, saline, interfere, fry, cut);joiner ... " (pinch, strict, navigate, score

fug);cleaner ... (sweep, wipe, wash, wipe, clean).

III. Outcome.

L about g o p e d. What did you learn to occupy?

Lesson 5.

Subject. Word.

Purpose. Teach children distinguish words denoting objects and actions of objects. Develop audit and memory.

ABOUT B O R U D O V A N E. Pictures depicting objects and objects in action, cards with a graphic image of words and words-action.

X o d z and i t and me

Similar information:

  1. Citation tasks with examples of solutions. 1. Under the action of ultraviolet rays, Europeans skin get brown

Integrated lesson 2 class (Russian, literature) Topic: "Words denoting actions of objects" S.M.Lukiananova Secondary school No. 17 Karaganda Objectives of the lesson: to form the grammatical concept of "verb", enrich speech students with verbs; Learning to allocate verbs in the text; develop spelling dorms; Educating accuracy, hard work. Location lesson: 1. The organizational moment. Today there will be an unusual lesson. "What is unusual?" - you ask. And I will answer: "It is unusual that one lesson we will try to" kill two hares "(by the way, what does this expression mean?). Read the poem, we will analyze and work on words that indicate the action of the subject. Thus, we will spend another experiment with you, in which instead of one lesson we will spend two at once. So that the lesson came out, you need ... right, quickly answer and write. 2. Minute cleaning. - Write in the notebooks letter from the word chocolate, which always denotes a solid pair sound. W Shsh 3. Statement of the lesson. Now let's try to guess what the poem is called, which we will read today. To do this, we will conduct exploration. 1. In the land there are many different words and it turns out one small letter can turn one word into another. For example: Som-House. Listen to poems with lost letters. Loke-beetle Herkel-Drops Booth Booth Lev-Forest Boiler-goat and now the next task - Guess the Rus. K T O (Cat) Replace one letter so that a new word is (a large mammal of the sea animal). Kit - Well, now you can guess what is called what is called the poem, which we read today with you today. "Kit and Cat." Posted by his wonderful Children's poet Boris Vladimirovich Sadis. Reading poem. -And now find and write down the words in the notebook, which indicate the actions of China and Cat. All these words guys are called in one word - verb. The verb is an extraordinary part of speech. By frequency of use, it ranks second after the name of the noun. And what is the name of the noun? (Part of the speech that means the subject and answers the questions who? What?) -And now a small creative work. Create two suggestions with the words of Kit and the cat. The most successful we will write down in the notebook and emphasize the subject and lean. Huge whale swims on the noisy ocean. Fluffy cat purries near the stove. 4.Pizkultmintumka. I came from school (walk), I teach the verbs ... I will learn them - nothing, I have my own method! It is used so, this new method is: "screaming" - shout (AAA), "Vertete" - to you (thrust your head), "moving" - moving (masses with hands), "jump" - jumping (jumping). 5. Work on the lesson. Now expect in words denoting the action of the subject. Extract the words to get suggestions: Bear (eating) honey. Spring brightly (shining) sun. Boy (reads) book. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. On the desk (lies) penalty. Next task on the contrary. According to these actions, guess the subject and write it down in the notebook: jumps, jumps (ball, hare). Shines (sun, lamp). Howl, runs (wolf). Crawling, stamping (snake). Flying, sting (bee). 6. Slice work. Professor Puzyuznikin sent you a task. After completing the crossword and writing all the guessed words to the notebook, we will learn a new word, whose writing today will try to remember. 1.The Senokos is bitter, and in the frost sweet. What is the berry? Rowan 2. The visation of this berry comes from the word "blue". Blueberries 3. This berry grows on very prickly bushes. 4. This is black berries. Blueberry Gooseberry 5.As from these berries are boiled jam, which is consumed with a cold. Malina So, a new word is a berry. 7.The device. Let's come up with an offer with this word, write and find the action of the subject. Summer is sleeping tasty berry. 8. Camera lesson. -What is called verb? What does the verb mean? Give examples. Used literature: Klockova L.A. Think and answer. - M. - Enlightenment, 1989. Arserie A.T. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. - M. - Enlightenment, 1967. Glaser S.I. Games with words. - M.-Children's literature, 1966. Panov G.A. Interesting tasks in the Russian language. - M. Spring, 1977.

Integrated lesson

Grade 2.
(Russian, literature)

Topic: "Words denoting actions of objects"
S.M. Lulukyanova

High School No. 17


Objectives lesson:to form the grammatical concept of "verb", enrich speech students with verbs; Learning to allocate verbs in the text; develop spelling dorms; Educating accuracy, hard work.

During the classes:

1. The organizational moment.

Today there will be an unusual lesson. "What is unusual?" - you ask. And I will answer: "It is unusual that one lesson we will try to" kill two hares "(by the way, what does this expression mean?). Read the poem, we will analyze and work on words that indicate the action of the subject. Thus, we will spend another experiment with you, in which instead of one lesson we will spend two at once. To work the lesson, you need ... right, quickly respond and write.
2. Minute cleaning.
- Write in the notebooks letter from the word chocolate, which always denotes a solid pair sound. shch
3. Statement of the lesson.

Now let's try to guess what the poem is called, which we will read today. To do this, we will conduct exploration.
1. In the land there are many different words and it turns out one small letter can turn one word into another. For example: Som-House. Listen to poems with lost letters.



And now the following task - Guess to the Rus.

Replace one letter so that a new word is (a large mammal marine animal).
- Well, now you can guess what is called the name of the poem, which we read today with you today.
"Kit and Cat."

Posted by his wonderful Children's poet Boris Vladimirovich Sadis.

Reading poem.
-And now find and write down the words in the notebook, which indicate the actions of China and Cat.

All these words guys are called in one word - verb. The verb is an extraordinary part of speech. By frequency of use, it ranks second after the name of the noun.

And what is the name of the noun? ( Part of speech, which means the subject and answers questions who? what?)
-And now a small creative job. Make two sentences with words whale and cat.The most successful we will write down in the notebook and emphasize the subject and lean.

Huge whale swims on the noisy ocean.

Fluffy cat purries near the stove.
I came from school ( walk),

I teach the verbs ...

I will learn them - trifle,

I have my own method!

It is used so

New method this:

"Scream" - shout ( aAA),

"Vertette" - first ( vertim head),

"Move" - \u200b\u200bmoving ( mashed hands),

"Jump" - jump ( jump).
5. Work on the lesson.

Now expect in words denoting the action of the subject. Extract words to get suggestions:
Bear (eating) honey.

Spring brightly (shining) sun.

Boy (reads) book.

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.

On the desk (lies) penalty.
Next task on the contrary. According to these actions, guess the subject and write it down in the notebook:

Jumps, jumps (ball, hare).

Shines (sun, lamp).

Howl, runs (wolf).

Crawling, stamping (snake).

Flying, sting (bee).
6. Slice work.
Professor Puzyuznikin sent you a task. After completing the crossword and writing all the guessed words to the notebook, we will learn a new word, whose writing today will try to remember.
1.Inken - Gorky,

And in the frost sweet.

What is the berry? Rowan
2. The collection of this berry comes from the word "blue". Blueberry
3. These berries grow on very prickly bushes. Gooseberry
4. This is black berries. Blueberry
5. And the drug jam is boiled from these berries, which is consumed with a cold. Raspberries
So, a new word - berry.
7.The device.
Let's come up with an offer with this word, write and find the action of the subject.

Summer is sleeping tasty berry.
8. Camera lesson.

What is called verb? What does the verb mean? Give examples.

Used Books:

Cable L.A. Think and answer. - M. - Enlightenment, 1989.

Arserie A.T. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. - M. - Enlightenment, 1967.

Glaser S.I. Games with words. - M.-Children's literature, 1966.

Panov G.A. Interesting tasks in the Russian language. - M.-enlightenment, 1977.

We recommend to read
