Games for the development of creative imagination in children. Psychological games for the development of imagination in children

Decor elements 11.10.2019
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Imagination is a key component of the creative process, which allows you to create new images, tasks and their solutions based on past experience. For kids, fantasies are always an emotional process, an opportunity to go beyond reality and a way of knowing the world without any restrictions. The latter stimulates the cognitive abilities of the child, contributes to his creative and intellectual development.

In children, imagination begins to develop from the age of 2 and is manifested by minor fantasies in the game. By the age of 3, as a variety of experiences accumulate, the child's fantasies become more complex and brighter. The kid can confuse reality with fiction, for example, being afraid of fictional monsters. From the age of 4, the imagination becomes creative, the child independently comes up with plots for fairy tales, drawings, new games and finds new uses for old things. For the harmonious development of new abilities, a variety of games have been invented, which we will talk about today.

Games for the development of creative imagination on paper

From another planet

Have your child draw an animal or plant from another planet. Imagine what it is called, what it might look like, what to eat and what benefits it can bring to the planet. Other options: fairy forest, kind wizard, house from the future.

Guess the image

The task of the game is to see a specific image behind the blurry outlines of some objects. You can consider natural objects: , puddles, fountains, shade of trees, forms of bushes; or artificial objects. We will deal with the creation and consideration of the latter on paper:

  • Let the kid paint over his palms with paint and leave prints on a piece of paper. Imagine together what the traces of the palms look like. Draw the necessary details to complete the drawing. The same prints can be made with the legs and fist of the baby;
  • Put blots in different colors on paper and fold the sheet in half so that the blots are printed. What images did you get?
  • We put blots with well-diluted gouache and inflate it in different sides by using . The result is often funny monsters and octopuses. Do not forget to finish the details;
  • Ask the kid to choose 3 jars with different colors of gouache and paint over a sheet of paper with them. What does this drawing look like? What emotions does it evoke? My daughter loves to portray and tell whole stories on them. He says that if you draw "as usual", then everything does not fit.


Draw 2 identical ones on a sheet and ask the child to turn them into a good and evil wizard with a pencil. Happened? Now we come up with a story in which it is necessary to tell: where did the wizards get their knowledge about magic, what did they do good and bad, and how a good wizard defeated an evil one.

Continue drawing

Draw 10 circles and ask the child to make each circle part of the drawing by adding the necessary details. For example, a circle can turn into a sun, a flower, a human face, part of an alien ship, an apple, a cheese head, a pizza, etc. The same can be repeated with other shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles.

Speech games for the development of imagination

New fairy tale

Have the child write own fairy tale. To do this, select heroes from famous fairy tales and help unite the characters into a common plot. For clarity, it is convenient to use pictures to it. You can either select the characters yourself or offer the child a choice of complete sets of several fairy tales. In addition to pictures for flannelgraph, use child's drawings, illustrations from books, clippings from a magazine.

A more difficult task is considered when one new hero / object is added to a well-known fairy tale. For example: a hare, a fox, a rooster, a dog, a wolf, a bear and an airplane. The child understands from the characters what it is about, but how to fit the plane into it is the question!

Making history

Invite the child to connect two unrelated sentences into a logical plot:

  • On the shore of the ocean, a baby turtle hatched from an egg ... so the football team won the match”;
  • It started to rain in the morning, so dad gave mom flowers;
  • The hare found a carrot in the clearing, ... so Ira's balloon burst.

Fairy tale in reverse

Invite the child to tell a fairy tale well known to him, but with one condition: everything in the fairy tale should be the other way around. For example: The grandfather cooked a square bun and the bun flew across the field. He saw a hare, chased him and said: “I will eat you!”.

family stories

Write an extraordinary story together. You start, and the child must continue, then again you, and again the child. The main thing is that the plot develops harmoniously and is a logical continuation of the previous part. The resulting stories can be recorded and formatted as "Tales of our family."

fortune teller

We choose a fortune teller. The rest of the participants approach the fortuneteller and ask her various questions about the future or ask her to make a forecast for a month or a year. The fortune-teller asks the questioner to take a funny pose and, based on this, gives playful predictions.

Start making art with your child with pleasure!

Who goes?

Look out the window and fantasize with the baby what kind of person is passing by your house, who he can be by profession, what his mood is and where he is going. If you live in a private house and you can’t see passers-by from the window, fantasize about flying birds and other people’s cats.

Sony's dog questions

Remember how the smart dog Sonya pestered Ivan Ivanych with questions after the tale: “What happened next?” Let's play like this. Ask the kid, what happened after the fox ate the bun? And then? You can invent not only from the end of a fairy tale, but also from the very interesting place. What happened to the fairy after she helped Cinderella? What did the fox do when she returned home, but the cockerel did not?


This game does not have any plot. Words are selected on the basis of associations and contribute to both the development of the child's imagination and vocabulary. We build a dialogue, you start:

  • What summer?
  • Hot, bright, sunny (hereinafter we start from the last word);
  • What else is sunny?
  • Day, drawing, bunny;
  • What is a bunny like?
  • White, gray, fluffy, cowardly, etc.

It doesn't happen!

Children and adults take turns telling fictional stories. The winner is the one who can tell 3 stories in a row, to which the audience will say: “It doesn’t happen like that!” Be sure the child will win.

Pebbles on the shore

Draw a river bank and pebbles in front of the baby, resembling some objects / animals along the contour. Say that an evil wizard passed and turned everything that came in his way into stones. To disenchant the pebbles, you need to guess who they were before and write a short story about them. It is desirable that two or three pebbles be of a similar shape, and the baby could dream up.

Music games

Music images

We turn on classical music, and the child closes his eyes and listens to it. When the work ends, we ask the child to tell what images he had while listening and depict them on paper.

Another option: the child, while the music is playing, demonstrates his associations with movements. You have to guess what the child is showing. Then you change places.

If it is difficult for a child to portray someone, help him. Turn on "Flight of the Bumblebee", "March of Radetzky", "Polka", nature sounds "Stream" and together show a fast bumblebee, a marching soldier, a dancer, a merry stream.


Turn on rhythmic music that you have not used to dance before and ask your baby to come up with new moves to dance for you. In addition, ask to perform a dance of some animal for you: monkeys, ducks, horses. When the baby gets a taste, complicate the game. Now he is, and you indicate what image he depicts. It can be not only animals, but also seasons, natural phenomena.

Other ways to develop imagination you will learn from this video.

The development of creative imagination in children is very important, as it lays the foundation for the rest of their lives, no matter what the child decides to do in the future. He may not become a great writer or musician, but in any case he will be inventive and creative, and therefore successful.

Here are some tips to help kids develop their creative imagination.

1. Read fairy tales, poems and fiction stories look at the illustrations in the books. Go with children to theaters, museums, on excursions.

2. Teach children to draw everything they saw, to talk about everything they experienced.

3.Encourage drawing and sculpting by design. Discuss the plot with your child, help him mentally see what he has planned.

4. Encourage children's writing in all its manifestations: fairy tales, stories, poems.

5. Children should play as much as possible. The game - best view activity that develops creativity.

6. Get kids all kinds of designers. The more types of constructors are offered to the child, the more his creative imagination develops.

In addition, use special games for the development of creative imagination in children.

The game "I have a grasshopper in my hand"

This game can be played both outdoors and at home. First, an adult talks to the children about grasshoppers. He asks the children how he jumps, what he eats, where he lives? Listen carefully to the answers.
Then, together with the children, he imagines that they are catching grasshoppers in a forest clearing. Here they jump after them on the grass, here they cover the grasshopper with their palm or panama. Then gently clamp the cam.
After that, the host asks the children: “What is your grasshopper doing?”, “What color is it?”, “Does he have children?”. Listen carefully to the children's responses. And then he invites them to let the grasshoppers go. And turn into grasshoppers for a while. Children begin to jump like grasshoppers, play an imaginary violin. An adult should allow children to freely express their ideas about the life of grasshoppers.

The game "My years are growing ..."

You can start playing the game after reading . Or a conversation about who the father, mother, grandparents of the child work for.

Letter to the future

Required inventory: Glass bottle with a screw cap, a piece of paper, a pen.
An adult, together with a child, writes a “letter to the future”, for example, for a younger brother, sister. He can write a letter for himself, but he is 3-4 years older.
The letter is placed in a bottle and buried. Then a map is drawn showing the location of the buried message.
A very exciting activity that combines mathematics (calculate right amount steps for the correct route to the message on the map), writing skills, imagination is actively involved.

Game "Continue the story"

In this game, you can use any literary works familiar to a child of this age, and gradually introduce him to new fairy tales, stories and poems.
An adult sits next to the children and asks them to listen carefully to the story he wants to tell them. After a while, the adult should “forget” the fairy tale and ask the children to remind him what happened next, or to tell the fairy tale to the end themselves.

Other games based on fairy tales can be found in the book Gianni Rodari "Grammar of fantasy (Introduction to the art of inventing stories)".

This book is not written directly for children, although it is ultimately written for them. The main content of the book is the issues of versatile education of the child, the formation of his unique personality. The author is especially interested in the problem of the development of creative principles in children, in particular the "phenomenon" of fantasy. A number of chapters are devoted to the analysis of the structure of a fairy tale and different ways her creation.

Game "Bag of stories"

Why do we need all these small figurines of animals and people, tiny dolls, funny creatures, surprises from kinder surprises? With them you can come up with different magical stories! Collect all the small figures that you have in one beautiful bag. The rules by which stories are written are very simple. If the children are still very young, an adult acts as a leader, if the children can already tell stories themselves and come up with new twists, then there will be more participants. So, the first participant takes out of the bag, without looking into it, several figures at once, for example, three. And he comes up with a story with him, or rather, its beginning. For example, “Once upon a time there was a princess and she had a talking fox. One day they went for a walk in the forest and found a magical turnip that granted wishes. They began to pull it, they can’t pull it out ... ”. The next participant or the same one again takes out 2-3 figures and with them composes the continuation of the tale. And so on until it ends or gets bored. You can limit the number of participating figures, for example, no more than 10. You can mix the plots of different fairy tales, why not?
Such a fabulous game teaches you to develop your imagination, compose, invent, tell, choose the right words, learn new words, think!

There are an infinite number of similar games and exercises for the development of creative imagination in children, everything depends only on the creative imagination of adults who have set themselves the goal of helping each child grow up as a creatively gifted, non-standard thinking, successful person.

Game [How it affects our imagination, brain and health] Brown Stewart

Imagination game

Imagination game

Imagination is probably the most powerful human ability. It allows us to create fictional realities that can be explored without leaving the real world. The earliest manifestations of games involving the imagination are observed at two or three years in the form of fragmentary stories. Game researcher Brian Sutton-Smith describes these early attempts as pieces of narrative based on amusing nonsense without necessary elements plot - beginning, middle and end. Then, in the process of development, children acquire the ability to talk coherently. The need to make up stories arises in children all over the world and is an integral aspect of games. But no matter how old, no matter how jerky the story, as the storyline unfolds, the narrator has a very joyful verbal experience.

After this stage, children often begin to play, using their imagination, moving naturally and vigorously between reality and fiction. Determining what is fiction and what is reality is usually more important for adults who are listening or watching than for a child involved in imaginary adventures.

As children grow up, the line between fiction and reality becomes more pronounced, but imaginative play continues to inspire them. As I said, a close study of the stream of consciousness in adults demonstrates that a person invents throughout his life - this is a property of his thinking. We are constantly making up stories in our heads to keep the past, present and future in the same context. As children embark on new adventures hourly, the impulses of fantasy provide them with the context for the emotional and cognitive symphony that is their evolving being.

In the process of life, imagination remains necessary for emotional stability and creativity. Deprivation studies have shown that fantasizing is imagination inner life others and comparing it with your own is one of the keys to developing empathy, understanding and trust, as well as personal coping skills.

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Educational games for children from 4 to 10 years old

Imagination - this is the highest mental function that ensures the conscious creative activity of a person. The child is born with the potential to carry out the activities of the imagination. However, only in real activity in solving creative problems does the development, improvement and complication of the function of imagination take place. Unlike other higher functions, imagination develops most intensively at a fairly early age, approximately between four and ten years of age. If you do not make special efforts to form the imagination, then in the future this function becomes passive. A simple example: ask a six-year-old child to write a story or come up with a new plot for a game, most children can handle it without much difficulty. The same task will be a significant difficulty for an ordinary adult. However, without imagination, no creative activity is possible. All ingenious and talented people who left extraordinary achievements to mankind were distinguished precisely by the high activity of the imagination. So, to develop the imagination is to provide a powerful creative potential in the future.

Most of the child's play activity occurs with the intensive work of the imagination. Imagination underlies the formation of personality, creativity, and the success of children's studies.

☺ Two Wizards game

This game is aimed at developing the moral assessments of children. Children can play from the age of four.

One child is invited to become a "good wizard", and the other "evil". Alternatively, one child can perform each role in sequence. First, they are invited to portray the facial expressions of good and evil wizards. Then list what kind of good and evil magic does one and the other. Then figure out how a good wizard will disenchant the bad deeds of an evil one.

Children can draw a good and evil wizard together or individually. One has a kind face, and the other has an evil face, and then paint the wizards so that it is immediately clear who is good and who is evil. Draw magical objects - a magic wand, a magic elixir, a magic hat, etc. The main thing is that it is immediately clear which is a good wizard, and which is evil.

☺ Candy city game

it story game for a group or one child.

Leading. Do you like candy?

What else do you love? Probably toys and merry-go-round rides, right?

Now we will try to make as many sentences as possible from your favorite words: CANDY, TOY, CAROUSEL.

All children love sweets and sweets. One kind wizard decided to bring joy to children and with the help of magic wand turned one city into the City of Sweets. In this city, everything has become sweet. Houses and sidewalks, trees and cars, merry-go-rounds and toys, park benches and car signs—everything became caramel, biscuits, ice cream and chocolate.

- Think and tell how the inhabitants of such a city live.

What happens when the city gets hot or it rains?

Would you like to live in such a city?

The title of "chief candy master" is awarded for the best story. The children are then asked to complete the game room like "Candy City". Children come up with new names for sweets, remember how more titles sweets and write them down on pieces of paper (or an adult presenter does this). From them, choose the names of streets, squares, parks of the "Candy City". All this can be arranged in the form of a picture-plan of the "Candy City".

☺ Magic tree game

It is better if a large branched bough is used for this game, which imitates a tree, but you can use a hanger or artificial Christmas tree. A variety of items that were taken from children (scarves, pens, bows, etc.) are hung on it. Children are told that this is a magical tree and therefore everything that is hung on it becomes magical. Each child must go to the tree and remove from it an object belonging to a particular player. (For example, a “magic” object of Petya or Masha or Tanya, etc.) The child must guess which object belongs to the player and think of what kind of “magic” this object can perform. (For example, make the owner dance, or laugh out loud, or sing, or jump on one leg, etc.) If he guessed the owner of the item correctly, then the “magic” is performed by the owner of the item, and if he made a mistake, then the “magic action” is performed myself.

For younger children, a simpler version of the Magic Tree game is possible. Images of various objects are attached to the drawn Tree. Then the child is asked to determine what can really be on the tree, and what is superfluous. For example: “Imagine that there is a magical tree on which everything that grows on trees at all (or maybe lives among the branches) can grow. The artist painted such a tree, but he messed up a lot. Look carefully and say what is right and what is not in this picture.

☺ Game "Transformation"

The host takes some object (glass, ball, pen, etc.). Then, with the help of pantomime, he manipulates the object, "turning" it into something. For example, a glass becomes a vase, a spyglass or a candlestick, a ball becomes an apple, a bun, hot air balloon, a pen - with a pointer, sword, spoon, etc. Children must guess what this object has turned into. When it becomes clear to everyone what he has become, he is transferred to another participant in the game and asked to "turn" into something else.

For greater interest in the game, it will be better if the children prepare each item in advance and figure out what they will “turn” it into. Then they show the item with the appropriate manipulations. The more participants correctly guess what the object has turned into, the better the result of the game. It is important that every child participate in the game.

☺ Inventor game

This game, along with imagination, activates thinking. The child is presented with several tasks, the result of which should be an invention. You have 15 minutes to work. During this time, the child must formulate his invention for each problem.

- Invent a non-existent device needed in household;

- Invent a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name;

Suggest what needs to be done to make all people happy.

The next stage of the game is visual. Several options are possible:

First option . Draw everything that was invented by the child before.

Second option . Depict what was invented earlier using a set of circles, rectangles, triangles and stripes different color prepared in advance.

Third option. Depict what was invented earlier with the help of a set of toys (game items, toy animals, dolls, etc.).

☺ The game "Drawing in several hands"

This is a group game that closely links imagination and emotions and is saturated with high emotional potential. Has no age restrictions. All participants are invited to imagine an image. Then, on a sheet of paper, the first child depicts a separate element of the intended image. The second player, necessarily starting from the depicted element, continues the work of the predecessor to transform it into his own idea. The third one does the same, and so on. The end result is usually something abstract, as none of the forms are complete and all flow seamlessly into each other. But, as a rule, the final product is of little interest to children. Pleasure is the process of depiction and the struggle that arises when trying to take over other people's forms, to impose one's own, as well as surprises and discoveries of new content and image that arise at each stage of work.

You can include an element of competition - when children are divided into teams and each draws its own drawing. As a result, the winning team is determined.

☺ Make a square puzzle game

This is a group game that forms the skills of group interaction, mutual understanding and requires the active work of recreating the imagination and logical thinking. All children are divided into teams of 2 to 5 people. Puzzle squares are prepared in advance for the game. 2 squares are cut out of colored paper. The squares must be different colors. Each square is cut into a multiple of the number of team members pieces different shapes. For example, there are five players in a team. Blue, red, etc. are being harvested. squares. Each is cut into 10 pieces.

Each player is given an envelope containing two blue and two red triangles. As many such team sets are prepared as there are playing teams. At the command of the leader, the teams open their envelopes and begin to fold squares of the same color from the existing parts. Each team must put together three squares as quickly as possible. However, this game has three rules which players must adhere to.

1. Folding the squares, you can not talk.

2. The child should not give any signs that he needs a specific part.

3. You can give puzzle pieces yourself, but you can't take them from anyone.

The leader of the game monitors the implementation of the rules. If there are many teams, then each should have its own “controller”. For each violation of the rule, the team receives one penalty point. At the end of the game, the result is determined. The number of penalty points is added to the time (in minutes) of the team's work. The team that has the smallest final result wins: it worked the fastest and with the smallest number errors.

Agree, a sad impression is made by a child who is slow-witted, intellectually constrained, afraid of his guesses, especially those that are different from the opinions of adults, who does not know the possibilities of realizing his own ideas. Therefore, the ability for creativity, fantasy, non-standard manifestations of one's personality must be brought up from an early age. This article has collected best games to develop children's imagination, stimulate their imagination and creativity. Playing together with a preschooler in games to develop the imagination, you thereby protect him from intellectual leveling, teach him to retreat from memorized algorithms.

1. Magic blots

Material: a set of 8-10 magic blots, made as follows: a puddle of colored ink or paint is applied to half a paper sheet. The sheet is folded in half and rolled between the palms to make a symmetrical spot. If desired, the image (for example, just a round spot or a strip of ink) can be slightly finished.

Guide: the child is shown sheets with blots in turn, and the adult offers to carefully examine the stain depicted and describe what it looks like. In one game, you can use 2 - 4 blots so that the child does not quickly get bored with their interpretation.

The second version of the game: with the help of felt-tip pens, the child is invited to finish the stain so that it looks like something.

2. What are these items for?

Material: a set of ten common items known to children: a newspaper, a spool of thread, a handkerchief, a jar of instant coffee, a plastic bag, a sock, a milk carton, a small pillow for needles, a deep plate, an umbrella.

Guidance: An adult takes an object, such as a newspaper, and tells how it can be used. So, it can be read, something can be wrapped in it, it can be put on a park bench if it is not very clean, it can be used as a “toilet” for a cat, walls are glued with newspapers to then paste wallpaper; you can melt the stove with newspapers, etc. Giving examples, an adult each time, with the help of children, specifies what properties of the newspaper make it possible to use it in this way: for example, newsprint burns well; the newspaper is wide and soft - you can wrap it in it, etc. Children are invited to think, dream up and name as many options as possible for using sequentially presented well-known objects.

3. Cheerful shifters

Material: a set of questions for modeling opposites (good - bad).

  • Candy: good or bad? Good: they are delicious. Bad: if you eat a lot, your teeth may get sick and will have to be treated.
  • Medicine: good or bad? Good: it helps to cure the disease. Bad: a lot of pills - poison.
  • Wind: good or bad? Good: in the heat it refreshes, brings coolness. Bad: in the cold with the wind it becomes even colder; strong wind can knock down trees, rip roofs off houses.

4. And then what?

In this exciting game participants will have to explain the words with a picture, words or pantomime. On task cards, not only is the word requiring explanation written, but also the corresponding picture is drawn.


  • 25 pictures 6x6 cm in size with images of various objects (helicopter, bucket, shovel, broom, hat, goose, felt boots, etc.);
  • box covered with a scarf.
Guide: an adult invites children to tell a fairy tale known to everyone in a new way ("Geese swans", "Thumb boy", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", etc.). To do this, an adult puts different pictures in a box and covers it with a scarf. Children sit in a circle and take turns telling a story, passing a box of cards to each other. On his turn, the child, without looking, takes out a card with the image of one or another object from the box. Some items are easily included in the plot, and some are able to destroy its logic. The task of the child is to weave the object into the general outline of the fairy tale. An adult participates in the game on an equal footing with children and helps them if necessary.

5. Come up with a combination


  • a set of frequently used pictures from children's loto (animals, objects, people);
  • a large box covered with a scarf.
Guide: an adult places the cards in a box, having previously examined them with the children, and covers them with a handkerchief. He suggests playing a game where you need to link two different objects together, writing a short story about it (in 1-2 sentences). Having pulled out the cards, the child must first name different combinations two words for the items on the cards. For example, the child pulled out pictures of a closet and a dog. He needs to name various combinations, linking these two words: for example, a dog with a closet, a closet of a dog, a dog on a closet, a dog in a closet, a dog closet, a dog near the closet, etc. Then, choosing any combination as a title, he comes up with a short story with the help of an adult about these items, for example: "The dog guards the closet where the sour cream pie is. If the cat comes up and wants to eat the pie, the dog will bark loudly."

6. Hilarious nonsense

Guide: an adult introduces children to a number of prefixes such as non-, semi-, anti-, super-, micro-, maxi-, archi-, etc. It is necessary that children remember the meaning of each prefix. Then the adult offers to play with words, attaching different prefixes to them. Children sit in a circle, for each adult chooses one prefix. Then he calls any word (dog, apple, elephant, telephone, plate, umbrella, monkey, night, water, etc.) and asks the children, putting their prefix to it, to tell how the thing that has received the new name will change, for example, what the anti-dog looks like, what kind of character it has, how it behaves, etc.

7. Draw music

Invite the children to listen to short pieces of music in sequence and, as they listen, draw their feelings with paint on paper. Each piece of music has its own drawing. The set of musical fragments can be any, as long as the melodies are without text and differ markedly from each other in tempo, rhythm, key, musical content. For example, an excerpt from the "belts of the year" by Vivaldi ("June"); an excerpt from the overture to "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Glinka; an excerpt from Chopin's "Revolutionary Etude"; an excerpt from Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner, etc.

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