The biggest mushrooms in the world name. What is he, the biggest mushroom in the world? When the network decides to grow mushrooms

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Scientists consider mushrooms by the most diverse living beings on our planet. There are so many of them that each type of plants accounts for 6 types of mushrooms, with the most approximate calculation it turns out that mushrooms are about 2 million species. They can be predators, move around, treat diseases ...
It has been studied with only 100 thousand, and classified and less.

mushrooms are an independent kingdom.
Long disputes about what mushrooms are: plants or animals ended in 1960, when they were allocated to a separate kingdom of mushrooms. According to the content of mushrooms, the mushrooms closer to the animals, and in the composition of carbohydrates and minerals - to plants.

most of the fungus is not visible to us.
The mushroom body is mycelium located in the ground. He can stretch for huge distances. And directly mushroom is a fruit designed to implement the breeding program.

mushrooms older than dinosaurs.
The fact that mushrooms existed 400 million years ago, that is, long before the appearance of dinosaurs. They are among the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, along with fern. But if gigantic ferns, preserved from the same period, significantly crushed, then mushrooms, adapting, modified and, it seems, all these species exist now.

mushrooms are very survivors.
If the mushrooms were less absensed, they would not save their diversity. As far as they can imagine anyone who at least once sick fungus infection or fought with fungal damage to the walls. Remove the fungus is extremely difficult. Still would! Mushrooms survive at an altitude of 30 thousand meters above the ground, withstand high irradiation (in the center of the Chernobyl accident mushrooms survived) and pressure of 8 atmospheres. They can live even on the surface of sulfuric acid!

mushrooms sunbathe.
Surprisingly, the mushrooms produce vitamin D, if, of course, they are quite sunny. The color of the mushroom hats depends on it.

mushrooms are moving.
Not everything, of course. Now the mushrooms include only mixomycetes. You can find them in the middle lane of Russia. This mushroom has no legs and in its own way resembles a rich jellyfish. He is translucent and shapeless. Moves, roll over with side on the side. The speed of low, but to get into a more suitable place in a few days can, sometimes even climbing the stump.

the mushroom grows with a bamboo speed.
In Russian forests, you can meet a mushroom with the name "Merek", which was entering the Guinness Book of Records as a growth rate record holder. Every 2 minutes he grows on a centimeter! On the first day, he looks like a grayish egg, the second becomes an umbrella on a high leg, and it is not already visible on the third.

mushroom is the most giant living creature on Earth.
Do not believe? Very big white mushroom found in America (Wisconsin) in 1985. He weighed 140 kg and had coverage two meters. But, as we remember, this is only the visible part. The state of Oregon found a mushroom, which occupies 900 hectares and weighing several hundred tons! But in Switzerland, a mushroom has discovered at the age of about 1000 years - fees. His mushroom occupies 35 hectares of the Square of the Swiss National Park of the city of Offenpass.

mushrooms are predators and killers.
The mushrooms feed with nonmatods, setting on them traps from mycelium rings. If the worm is touched by such a trap, it sticks to it and immediately turns out to be hung up the threads of the mushroom. There are no chances to be saved. Spores of mushrooms can germinate inside living beings. But if a person is ill, then the caterpillar, for example, dies. And the mushroom develops. One little pale loyal is enough to kill 4 people. But mumorov will need a few pieces. Mushrooms prepared potent poisons and were actively used to eliminate opponents. Emperor Claudius poisoned his wife Agrippina, welding pale loyal soup.

mushrooms - healers.
Mushrooms with deep antiquity were used as medicinal products. And now in many homes grows in the banks "Tea" or "Milk" mushroom, a drink from which increases immunity and fights with inflammatory diseases. In 1940, A. Fleming from yeast mushrooms allocated Penicillin, opening the era of antibiotics. Therapeutic properties have champignons, robes purple, lounge and autumn, milkman, chaga. And the skin of the raincoats is used instead of the leukoplasty - the inner part of it is sterile and has bactericidal properties.

most Russians use mushrooms.
Half of the inhabitants of Russia collects mushrooms for food independently. Each fifth buys them on the market. 16% - in the store. 14% of Russians never ate mushrooms and do not plan to do this.

mushrooms are a valuable nutritional product.
Mushrooms are a source of protein and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates, at the same time do not contain cholesterol. By the way, precisely because mushrooms do not contain animal saturated fats they cannot be attributed to the class of animals. In addition to protein and carbohydrates, mushrooms are rich in vitamins B1, B2, D, Selenium, potassium and antioxidants

mushrooms - hallucinogens.
Many mushrooms contain substances causing the state of euphoria and hallucination. It was knew the ancient shamans and vikings. Shamans used this property of fungi for rituals, and Vikings - to give themselves the courage and attack the enemy with all fearlessness and power.

billions of mushroom dispute fly in the air.
Mushrooms multiply disputes. Taking air samples in almost any room, you can detect the arms of mushrooms. If we talk about traditional mushrooms, then ordinary champignon throws up to 40 million disputes! Mushroom manure - 100 million disputes. The record holder is the mushroom rain, ejecting more than seven trillion disputes! At the same time, disputes are thrown over a distance of more than two meters and they fly at a vehicle speed: 90 km / h or 25 meters per second.

mushroom can "break through" marble.
During the growth period, the pressure of the mushroom reaches seven atmospheres (equals pressure in the tires of the dump truck). Therefore, it would seem, a soft mushroom hat can be made away not only through asphalt and concrete, but also solid surfaces, such as marble and iron. If the HAT itself does not pass, it will gradually break the opposite mycelium.

mushrooms above the trees.
Such mushrooms grow in the tundra. Trees there are dwarf, 20-25 cm high and flex to the ground. And the mushrooms are standard, so treble over the crowns of trees. Interestingly, they grow almost at one moment, it is in a hurry to manage to break disputes during the short summer period, and the view is very spectacular. Most of all this period is pleased with the deer, who are happy to eat the hats of these mushrooms.

mushrooms are glowing in the dark.
Some mushrooms have glowing mushrooms. For example, autumn fees growing on drunk stumps. At the same time, the mushroom penetrates the stump of thick. In the dark, you can see how the peels are glowing - phosphorese. This spectacle used to be very scarecrowed people, immediately by the woods of witch and leather. What is interesting - the flickering of such lights resembles the movement of living beings, as it changes with each slope, each turn of the head.

mushrooms ladies and gentlemen.
It turns out that mushrooms are divided into men's and women's individuals. This indicates the structure of DNA of mushrooms, resembling genital chromosomes of a person. This was announced by Joseph Heitman, studying the mushrooms of Phycomyces Blakesleeanus in the Medical Center of the Duke University. Female mushrooms can give common offspring. Not all mushrooms have similar genes, which means among the fungi, there are also evolving individuals and who knows what such evolution will lead to.

mushrooms in legends, legends and dreams.
Interestingly, in those places where mushrooms are growing actively, including in Russia, many legends and legends with the participation of mushrooms are folded. At the same time, mushrooms can be a good "mushroom-lading" and evil: "Witin Mushroom". Mushrooms helped to survive a man in the forest.

The biggest mushrooms in the world

If you ask people, then the question of "what big creature on earth" almost everyone will answer that blue whale. It even claims some scientists. But they are only partially right. Yes, blue whale is a big animal. But the greatest creation living on Earth is a mushroom. In addition, on the planet, he has already been several thousand years. In fact, mushrooms are amazing nature creatures. They differ from animals with physiology and lack of opportunity to move independently, but from plants because they do not take energy and carbon from carbon dioxide and sunlight. Moreover, in mushrooms, as a rule, there is a chitin who is found in invertebrates. Mushrooms This is a huge kingdom of living beings Today, people know about a hundred thousand fungi, and some of them bring a lot of benefit to humanity. There is no need to forget about antibiotics and penicillin. Well, except for medicine, mushrooms are eaten. Almost all mushrooms grow in the form of cellular cells, which is going to the thread of the fungny. And when they germinate in the plant, they can develop a pressure of 800 tons per square meter. And the same mushroom threads play the role of mouth and stomach in mushrooms. They produce enzymes, breaking potential food to the components and eat nutrients. It turns out, the mushrooms grow inside the food, which is absorbed. By the way, when you cut a mushroom over the ground, then there is still a whole mushroom under it. The fungita is invisible, but very large part of the mushroom between the desperate nerds and the most sophisticated gourmets in shock. The dimensions to which mushrooms can grow can be so impressed that after what no questions appear. It is not known what factors can provoke the growth of mushrooms to unimaginable sizes. But it is precisely clear that such anomalies are extremely rare, at least today is known only about several cases.

Mushrooms can grow to incredible monster sizes. For the first time about the Mushrooms of the Gigants Armillaria, the broad public found out only on April 2, 1992. One of the record holders was on the first lane the most popular newspaper "New York Times". The publication described the find, according to reports, the weave of underground yarns and terrestrial mushrooms covered as much as 15 hectares of the Earth. And all this was one, experts were able to prove. Armillaria - Small mushrooms with a huge mushroom in the same year, found another mushroom gigant of the same species. He served as a space of about 6 square kilometers. But even he did not become a real record holder. The biggest mushroom on the planet has grown in Maler National Park in Origona in Blo-Mountains. "Mushroom" covered an area of \u200b\u200b890 hectares, it is about 1220 soccer fields. Scientists even counted how much time it took him to grasp so huge. It turns out that the age of fungus at least 2400 years. He refers to the type of Armilaria Ostoyae, and besides this, is known as a honey mushroom. However, from such a record holder, the soup is not preparing for sure because he is inedible. On the surface of the mushroom only leaves the dead trees and small whales, the rest is all - underground.

The oldest mushroom in the world

Giant mushrooms

But the biggest edible mushroom found some Jean Guy Richard in Canada. In his basket there was a unique raincoat (Calvatia Gigantean). And he was really gigantic. Mushroom weighed exactly 22 kilograms and in the circumference was 2.64 meters. Mushroom giant weighing 22 kg however, truly brings Mexicans. In the summer of 2007, there were mushrooms by weight of approximately 20 kilograms and a long over 60 centimeters on Caiaps South-East Mexico. It is noteworthy that he grew right among the coffee trees. Another edible record holder, which was found in Italy, weighed 14 kilograms. He discovered Francesco Cito on the territory of Bari Province. And it was a champignon. To give such find to the house, the mushroom has to look for a car.

The biggest mushroom in Italy

Well, the previous mushroom giant was Truffle. True, he weighed a little less than his predecessors, only 7 kilograms. And the most interesting thing is that the people who found a mushroom did not find anything better as the find to fry and ease along with their neighbors. And this, when taking into account that mushrooms in Italy are quite expensive, so the forest miracle could be beneficial. Another natural miracle was met in Switzerland's forests. An interesting fact, a great mushroom turned out to be a simple okey. Scientists truly struck his size, because no one has never even suspected that such mushrooms, as a person, can become giants. And in fact, the dimensions of the fungi can inspire respect. Its length is 800 meters, and the width is about half a kilometer. With its size, the opens swept 35 hectares. In principle, his age is not small, according to the most modest counting of one thousand years.

The biggest mushroom in the world

In 2011, there were reports that scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the island of Hainan discovered a mushroom weighing about 402-516 kilograms. From the moment it is called the biggest mushroom on the planet. Yu Cheng Dai with his colleagues made the discovery completely accidentally. The company went to an expedition to one goal - to study the representatives of the kingdom of fungi as a whole, especially those who, of course, are found in the forests of the native island. The biggest mushroom in the world found in China. It was Fomitiporia Ellipsoidea Mushroom attributed to Fomitiporia Ellipsoidea, and his age was rated at 20 years. Over the years, he managed to grow almost 11 centimeters long, 88 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters in thickness. The mushroom has an unprecedented volume - 409-535 thousand cubic centimeters. However, in three years earlier, too, in China, but on the other island Fujian found similar huge mushrooms, however, they were very different in size from their fellow with Hainan.

Useful tips about mushrooms

Never eat too many mushrooms (in whatever the form). Although edible mushrooms and delicious, nevertheless they require good digestion; The best mushrooms eaten in unlimited quantities can cause people with weakened and irregular digestion heavy and even dangerous stomach disorders.

In aging mushrooms, before cooking, you should always remove the lower, layer of the hat: at plate mushrooms - plates, in the spongy - a sponge that has a ripe mushroom mostly becomes soft and easily separated from the hat. Mature disputes, in the set contained in the plates and sponge of ripe mushroom, are almost not digested.

Purified mushrooms should be placed in cold water for 30 minutes, so that the sand attached to them, dry leaves, and 2-3 times thoroughly wash, pour fresh water every time. It's good to add a little salt into it - it will help get rid of worms in mushrooms.

In the shady wilderness of mushrooms less than on the staddes lit by the sun.

Do not try raw mushrooms!

Do not use peashed, dexcluded, flabby, diesel and spoiled mushrooms.

Remember about false whales: do not take mushrooms with a brightly colored hat.

Champignons are well preserved if they are soaked for several hours in cold water, then cut off the contaminated parts of the legs, rinse in water with the addition of citric acid and boil in water with a small additive salt to taste. After that, hot champignons together with the decoction to decompose into glass jars, close (but not roll!) And stored in a cool place (in the refrigerator). From such champignons you can prepare various dishes and sauces.

Never collect and do not eat mushrooms in food, at the base of which there is a dirty thickening (like a red mumor), and do not try them.

Figures and lines must be drunk and rinse thoroughly with hot water.

Mushroom meltchiks before littering or eating in the fresh form, dummage or soaked for a long time.

Raw mushrooms float, cooked - fall on the bottom.

When cleaning fresh mushrooms, only the bottom, contaminated, part of the legs are cut off.

The oils remove the top skin of the hat.

Smorchkov, the hats cut off from the legs, soaked for an hour in cold water, washed thoroughly, 2-3 times changing water, and boiled in salted water for 10-15 minutes. The decoction in food is not used.

Bouillons and sauces are prepared from white mushrooms, they are tasty in salty and pickled form. With any method of cooking, they do not change the color and aroma inherent in them.

Only decoction of white mushrooms and champignons can be used. Even the small amount of this decoction improves any dish.

Podbestos and boomines for cooking soups are not suitable, as they give dark decoctions. They are fry, extinguished, salted and marinate.

Gudget and rhyge are used mainly for salting.

Cheesecakes are boiled, fry and salted.

Wood fry. Small hats of these mushrooms are very tasty in salty and pickled form.

Chanterelles are never wormwood. They are fry, salted and marinate.

The mushrooms are fried before extinguishing.

Mushrooms should be filled with sour cream only after they are well delighted, otherwise the mushrooms are obtained by boiled.

Champignons have such a gentle taste and smell that the addition of sharply smelling spices only worsens their taste. They are the only mushrooms that have a light, slightly acidic taste.

Such original Russian food, like mushrooms, refuel with sunflower oil. All tubular mushrooms are fried on it, as well as raw materials, chanterelles, champignons. They are filled with salted freight and waves. Butter is poured glass jars with pickled oils and thickens, so that its thin layer prevented marinade from mold.

Do not leave fresh mushrooms for a long time, dangerous to health appear in them and even for the life of the substance. Immediately beat and start cooking. In the extreme case, fold them into a colander, a sieve or an enameled saucepan and, without covering the lid, put it in the refrigerator, but not more than a day and a half.

Mushrooms collected in rainy weather, especially quickly deteriorate. If you leave them in a basket for several hours, they softened, will become unsuitable for use. Therefore, they should be prepared immediately. But finished mushroom dishes can not be stored for a long time - they will ruin.

So that the peeled mushrooms do not blacken, put them in the salted water, add a bit of vinegar.

With cheese makes it easy to remove the skin, if you pre-give them boiling water.

With oil before cooking, you must remove the film covered with mucus.

Spices in marinade are put only when it is finally cleaned of foam.

In order for the marinade from the boletins and the boominovikov, they do not blacken before cooking, hold them with boiling water, hold 10 minutes in this water, rinse, and then boil in the usual way.

So that purified champignons do not darke it, they are put in a slightly acidified lemon or citric acid water.

Remember the possibility of botulism and other bacterial diseases in the event of a violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements when preserving mushrooms.

Banks with pickled and salty mushrooms do not rush with metal covers this can lead to the development of the botulinus microbe. It is enough to cover the jar with two sheets of paper - simple and waxed, tight and put in a cool place.
It should be remembered that the bacteria botulinum produce their deadly toxin only with the tasty lack of oxygen (that is, inside hermetically closed cans) and at temperatures above +18 gr. C. When storing canned at temperatures below +18 gr. With (in the refrigerator), education in canned cells is impossible.

For drying, unstable strong mushrooms are taken. They are moved and cleaned from the attachment of the Earth, but do not wash.

White mushrooms have a feet completely or partially so that no more than half remains. Dry them separately.

Papebisterovikov and boominuses are not cut down, and the entire mushroom is cut vertically in half or 4 parts.

You can salt all suitable mushrooms, but most often only lamellar uses for this, since tubular mushrooms when salting become flabby.

Marinade from the boletins and boominovikov will not black, if before cooking, to quive the mushrooms with boiling water, to withstand 5-10 minutes in this water, then rinse with cold water.

So that the marinade is light and transparent, it is necessary to remove the foam during cooking.

Salted mushrooms can not be stored in warmth, it is impossible to freeze: in the other case, they are darker.

Keep dry mushrooms in a closed dish, otherwise the fragrance will disappear.

If dry mushrooms were cut when stored, do not throw away the crumbs. Exploding them into powder and store in a well-cloned glass jar in a dry, cooler place. From this powder you can prepare mushroom sauces and broths.

Dried mushrooms are good to hold a few hours in salted milk - they will become like fresh.

Dried mushrooms are much better absorbed if they are crushed into powder. From such fungal flour you can cook soups, sauces, add to stew vegetables, meat.

Dried foxes are better welded if adding a little drinking soda into the water.

Strits and curls before cooking should be sure to peel 7-10 minutes, the decoction (it contains poison) pour. After that, mushrooms can be boil or fry.

Chanterelles and Valiui before marinating tapping in salted water for 25 minutes, leak onto the sieve and rinse. Then put in a saucepan, pour the required amount of water and vinegar, add salt and boil the secondary.

Cook mushrooms in the marinade you need 10-25 minutes. Mushrooms are considered ready when they begin to fall on the bottom, and the brine becomes transparent.

Salted mushrooms should be kept in a cold place and at the same time follow the mold. From time to time, the fabric and a circle that they are covered, it is necessary to rinse in hot, slightly salted water.

Marinated mushrooms must be stored in a cool place. In the event of the appearance of mold, all mushrooms should be folded on the colander and rinse with boiling water, after which they make a new marinade, to peel mushrooms in it and, folding into clean banks, pour vegetation oil and cover with paper.

Dried mushrooms easily absorb moisture from the air, so they should be stored in a dry place in moisture-proof bags or tightly closed banks.

When salting mushrooms do not treat dill disregard. Boldly put it, marinating ancillary, planting raw, chanterelles, Valius. But the freight, rhyge, whitening and waves are better shed without fragrant herbs. Their natural aroma is more pleasant than dope.

Do not forget about hell. The leaves and roots of Khrena, laid in mushrooms, not only give them spicy sharpness, but reliably persist non-risks.

Green sprigs of black currant give mushrooms fragrance, and the leaves of cherry and oak - appetizing fragility and fortress.

Most fungi is better to shed without a bow. It quickly loses its fragrance, easily pops. Crumble onions (can be green) only in salty rims and freight, as well as in pickled wog and boring.

The bay leaf, abandoned in the cooking and boring, will give them a special fragrance. Put in the marinade also a bit cinnamon, carnations, badyana.

If you ask people, then the question of "what big creature on earth" almost everyone will answer that blue whale. It even claims some scientists. But they are only partially right. Yes, blue whale is a big animal.

But the greatest creation living on Earth is a mushroom. In addition, on the planet, he has already been several thousand years.

In fact, mushrooms are amazing nature creatures. They differ from animals with physiology and lack of opportunity to move independently, but from plants because they do not take energy and carbon from carbon dioxide and sunlight. Moreover, in mushrooms, as a rule, there is a chitin who is found in invertebrates.

Today, people know about a hundred thousand fungi, with some of them bring a lot of benefit to humanity. There is no need to forget about antibiotics and penicillin. Well, except for medicine, mushrooms are eaten.

Almost all mushrooms grow in the form of cellular cells, which is going to the thread of the fungny. And when they germinate in the plant, they can develop a pressure of 800 tons per square meter. And the same mushroom threads play the role of mouth and stomach in mushrooms. They produce enzymes, breaking potential food to the components and eat nutrients. It turns out, the mushrooms grow inside the food, which is absorbed. By the way, when you cut a mushroom over the ground, then there is still a whole mushroom under it.

Meanwhile, desperate nerds and the most sophisticated gourmets in shock. The dimensions to which mushrooms can grow can be so impressed that after what no questions appear. It is not known what factors can provoke the growth of mushrooms to unimaginable sizes. But it is precisely clear that such anomalies are extremely rare, at least today is known only about several cases.

Mushroom Monster

For the first time about the mushrooms giants Armillaria, the wide public founded only on April 2, 1992. One of the record holders was on the first lane the most popular newspaper "New York Times". The publication described the find, according to reports, the weave of underground yarns and terrestrial mushrooms covered as much as 15 hectares of the Earth. And all this was one, experts were able to prove.

In the same year, another mushroom gigant was found. He served as a space of about 6 square kilometers. But even he did not become a real record holder.

The biggest mushroom on the planet has grown in Maler National Park in Origona in Blo-Mountains. "Mushroom" covered an area of \u200b\u200b890 hectares, it is about 1220 soccer fields. Scientists even counted how much time it took him to grasp so huge. It turns out that the age of fungus at least 2400 years. He refers to the type of Armilaria Ostoyae, and besides this, is known as a honey mushroom. However, from such a record holder, the soup is not preparing for sure because he is inedible. On the surface of the mushroom only leaves the dead trees and small whales, the rest is all - underground.

"This is a single organism, which starts its height as a microscopic dispute, and then spreads like a plant, - Specialists say, - and if you could remove the kidney and look at everything that remains, we would see a big one bunch of one mushroom with all the threads Mushrooms.

Giant mushrooms

But the biggest edible mushroom found some Jean Guy Richard in Canada. In his basket there was a unique raincoat (Calvatia Gigantean). And he was really gigantic. Mushroom weighed exactly 22 kilograms and in the circumference was 2.64 meters.

However, truly brings Mexicans. In the summer of 2007, there were mushrooms by weight of approximately 20 kilograms and a long over 60 centimeters on Caiaps South-East Mexico. It is noteworthy that he grew right among the coffee trees.

Another edible record holder, which was found in Italy, weighed 14 kilograms. He discovered Francesco Cito on the territory of Bari Province. And it was a champignon. To give such find to the house, the mushroom has to look for a car.

Well, the previous mushroom giant was Truffle. True, he weighed a little less than his predecessors, only 7 kilograms. And the most interesting thing is that the people who found a mushroom did not find anything better as the find to fry and ease along with their neighbors. And this, when taking into account that mushrooms in Italy are quite expensive, so the forest miracle could be beneficial.

Another natural miracle was met in Switzerland's forests. An interesting fact, a great mushroom turned out to be a simple okey. Scientists truly struck his size, because no one has never even suspected that such mushrooms, as a person, can become giants. And in fact, the dimensions of the fungi can inspire respect. Its length is 800 meters, and the width is about half a kilometer. With its size, the opens swept 35 hectares. In principle, his age is not small, according to the most modest counting of one thousand years. Poletonenik

The biggest mushroom in the world

In 2011, there were reports that scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the island of Hainan discovered a mushroom weighing about 402-516 kilograms. From the moment it is called the biggest mushroom on the planet. Yu Cheng Dai with his colleagues made the discovery completely accidentally. The company went to an expedition to one goal - to study the representatives of the kingdom of fungi as a whole, especially those who, of course, are found in the forests of the native island.

The mushroom attacked Fomitiporia Ellipsoidea, and his age was rated at 20 years. Over the years, he managed to grow almost 11 centimeters long, 88 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters in thickness. The mushroom has an unprecedented volume - 409-535 thousand cubic centimeters. However, in three years earlier, too, in China, but on the other island Fujian found similar huge mushrooms, however, they were very different in size from their fellow with Hainan.

Mushrooms are a separate class of amazing living organisms. But the largest plant is algae. According to the site, the biggest plant in the world is a posidonium.
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Its weight is more than 20 kilograms, and the height is about 75 centimeters ...

Scientists say that this is Macrocybe Titans and this instance one of the largest edible mushrooms that have ever been found on our planet ...

However, he does not reach the record: in 1985, the Galvatia Gigantea mushroom found in the American state of Wisconsin weighing 140 kilograms and the coverage of almost two meters. This giant got into the Guinness Book of Records.

An unusual find was already taken to a special laboratory. Usually in such cases, the giants are dried and conduct research for their chemical composition ...

But this is the largest of edible mushrooms, but an example of really giants!

So, the top 10 giant fungi.

10. Calvatia Gigantea from England. Weight of 2 kg

Opens a dozen major mushrooms Calvatia Gigantea from England. The record holder found a young gardener Gardener Terry Khodson Walker, after the rainy season. The width of the giant's hats was about 46 centimeters, and he weighed 2 kilograms. After the find, the girl decided to apply for the Guinea Book of Records, in order for macromitet to be officially recognized as the biggest mushroom in the world. The scientific name of the found mushroom - Calvatia Gigantea. This is an ordinary raincoat that can be found practically throughout the world. This species can achieve colossal sizes, but often becomes a victim of forest animals, which are not averse to being reached by the raincoat.

9. Podberezovik from Russia. Weight 2.4 kg

Another contender for the title of the biggest mushroom in the world is a subboler from Russia discovered in the Tomsk region. Local mushroom picker Alexey King in the forest near his village found a giant stabber. The diameter of the Hat Mushroom Giant was 36 centimeters, and the height of the legs - 28 cm. The weight of the record holder was 2 kilograms of 400 grams! As noted by the TV channel "Russia", this is not some new one - a mutant from space, but an ordinary boletus, not even worm.

8. Lingzhi from China. Weight of 7.5 kg

The found huge drumper lacquered, or, as they are called in China - Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) - weighs 7.5 kg, and its diameter - 107 cm. Find a discovery in one of the provincial Chinese cities in Khchezhou. This mushroom belongs to the genus Hanoderma, which has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000. He is also called the "mushroom of immortality." It is believed that Lingzhi increases immunity due to active compounds called polysaccharides, which can increase the activity of white blood cells. The inspiring size and weight of the clutch allow him to take one of the line of the ranking of the biggest mushrooms in the world.

7. Raincoat from Russia. Weight 12 kg

The biggest mushroom in Russia is a raincoat found by Mushroomnik Vladislav Grabosinsky in the fall in the Perm Territory. The diameter of the giant cap was 1 meter and 72 centimeters, and the height is about half a meter. The weight of the find exceeded 12 kilograms. Biologists do not consider this finding rare. Raints grow up and large sizes reaching 20 kg in weight. Raincoats are eaten when they are still young. Since there was a giant already too late, Vladislav answered him to study at the Department of Botany of the Perm University. This edible miracle was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

6. Champignon from Italy. Weight 14 kg

In Italy, the peculiar record is also recorded. A huge champignon, weighing about 14 kilograms, found Francesco Cvito, a resident of the province of Baria. Despite the fact that the mushroom was discovered next to the village, Francesco could hardly carry him on his shoulder, so he had to use the car. The mushroom turned out to be unspoked and edible. I had to call the neighbors to eat such a giant.

5. Macromyzet from China. Weight of 15 kg

In the Chinese province Yunnan, a giant macromitzet was discovered, which weighed 15 kilograms. The mushroom was not only enormous, but also had an unusual form. Outwardly, he resembled a hundred minor mushroom hats growing on one leg! In the diameter of the Hats, it reached almost 1 meter. What kind of eccentric mushroom organism applies, scientists have not yet been determined.

4. Macrocybe Titans from the USA. Weight of 20 kg

If we talk about traditional macromitzets in the usual understanding, then the leader in size can be called MacRocybe Titans, which grows in Caribbean countries and the United States. In one of the South Mexican States in 2007, an instance was found, the mass of which was 20 kg, and the height is about 70 cm. However, this discovery is not the only one. In 2005, in the United States, a Mexican biologist, a specialist in Mushrooms Renee Andrrad came across the same mushroom, which also grew on the coffee plantation, and its weight was equal to 28 kilograms. Such large sizes make this macromitzet as an object of close attention of the scientific community.

3. Macromyzet from Canada. Weight 26 kg

Canadian macromitsets can also compete in size. A resident of Canada Christian Terryn was discovered raincoat weighing 26 kilograms. Detected a male mushroom while walking with his son in the forest. Canadians struck their find and they admitted that they had never seen such major raincoats in their lives. The mushroom was taken home and arranged a photo session with him.

2. Fomitiporia Ellipsoidea from China. Weight 500 kg

Another mushroom, found and studied by Chinese mykologists, was wrapped in a height of 10.85 meters with a width of a hat 82-88 cm. Scientists believe that this outstanding representative of the Mushroom Kingdom of Ros, at least 20 years. Giant drover with the world's largest fruit body was found on Hainan Island in 2010, and now studied and classified. Brown monster turned out to be a perennial wood mushroom - a representative of the formitiporia ellipsoidea. One of the authors of the opening, Yu Cheng Dai, from the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, says that solid specimens of the same mushroom, he together with colleagues first found in Fujian province back in 2008. But still those macromycetes were not so great as a giant with Hainan. Interestingly, the authors of the study were not looking for a record holder intentionally, but simply studied the diversity of wood mushrooms in the forests of the island. "None of us did not even assume that the fungus can grow so huge," says Professor Dai. "We did not recognize him right away in the forest, because he was too big." The volume of this mushroom biologists were estimated at 409-525 thousand cm3, and the weight of about 500 kilograms. Detected by scientists F. Ellipsoidea grows underground, so it remained unnoticed for a long time and was able to grow to such impressive sizes.

1. Armillaria Ostoyae from the USA. Weight more than 600 kg

The first line of the rating occupies the largest mushroom in the world, which is micols ( Mycology (from Dr.-Greek. ύύκης - mushroom) - section of biology, science of mushrooms.) Detected in the US Ricketting Forests. It is considered the largest living creature on the planet. Belongs to this giant with the Armillaria family, whose representatives have already been known for quite a long time. Most of this living organism was underground, on the surface it was possible to clearly see only small mushrooms. The name of these macromycetes - Armillaria Ostoyae or otherwise they are called honey. One such feet easily placed in the hand and is not too remarkable. But his mushroom, which is a single organism, occupied 880 hectares in Oregon National Park! Her tentacles are located underground and excavated the territory equal to the size of 1665 soccer fields. The mushroom has grown over the Oregon forests about 2500 years, destroying the root systems of trees on their way. That is why this macromitzeth is considered the largest on the planet.

Mushrooms combine signs of plants and animals. Among them have their own chanders for growth and weight. Any mushroom can become a giant if it grows in favorable conditions for him. Biologists believe that the giants are not an anomaly. And oddly enough, most of the most huge mushrooms belong to the edible, which some kind of miracle did not fall into the Lukoshko to the mushroom and were not eaten by animals.

10. Calvatia Gigantea from England (weight 2 kg)

Opens a dozen major mushrooms Calvatia Gigantea from England. The record holder found a young gardener Gardener Terry Khodson Walker, after the rainy season.

The width of the giant's hats was about 46 centimeters, and he weighed 2 kilograms.

After the find, the girl decided to apply for the Guinea Book of Records, in order for macromitet to be officially recognized as the biggest mushroom in the world.

The scientific name of the found mushroom - Calvatia Gigantea. This is an ordinary raincoat that can be found practically throughout the world.

This species can achieve colossal sizes, but often becomes a victim of forest animals, which are not averse to being reached by the raincoat.

9. Podbirovik from Russia (weight 2.4 kg)

Another contender for the title of the biggest mushroom in the world is a speakers from Russia, found in the Tomsk region.

Local mushroom picker Alexey King in the forest near his village found a giant stabber. The diameter of the Hat Mushroom Giant was 36 centimeters, and the height of the legs - 28 cm. The weight of the record holder was 2 kilograms of 400 grams! As noted by the TV channel "Russia", this is not some nuclear mutant from space, but an ordinary stabber, not even worm.

8 Lingzhi from China (weight 7.5 kg)

The found huge drumper lacquered, or, as they are called in China - Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) - weighs 7.5 kg, and its diameter - 107 cm. Find a discovery in one of the provincial Chinese cities in Khchezhou. This mushroom belongs to the genus Hanoderma, which has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000. He is also called the "mushroom of immortality." It is believed that Lingzhi increases immunity due to active compounds called polysaccharides, which can increase the activity of white blood cells. The inspiring size and weight of the clutch allow him to take one of the line of the ranking of the biggest mushrooms in the world.

7 Raincoat from Russia (weight 12 kg)

The biggest mushroom in Russia is a raincoat found by Mushroomnik Vladislav Grabosinsky in the fall in the Perm Territory. The diameter of the giant cap was 1 meter and 72 centimeters, and the height is about half a meter. The weight of the find exceeded 12 kilograms. Biologists do not consider this finding rare. Raints grow up and large sizes reaching 20 kg in weight. Raincoats are eaten when they are still young. Since there was a giant already too late, Vladislav answered him to study at the Department of Botany of the Perm University. This edible miracle was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

6 Champignon from Italy (weight 14 kg)

In Italy, the peculiar record is also recorded. A huge champignon, weighing about 14 kilograms, found Francesco Cvito, a resident of the province of Baria. Despite the fact that the mushroom was discovered next to the village, Francesco could hardly carry him on his shoulder, so he had to use the car. The mushroom turned out to be unspoked and edible. I had to call the neighbors to eat such a giant. (AdsbyGoogle \u003d Window.adsbygoogle

5 macromitzet from China (weight 15 kg)

In the Chinese province Yunnan, a giant macromitzet was discovered, which weighed 15 kilograms. The mushroom was not only enormous, but also had an unusual form. Outwardly, he resembled a hundred minor mushroom hats growing on one leg! In the diameter of the Hats, it reached almost 1 meter. What kind of eccentric mushroom organism applies, scientists have not yet been determined.

4 MacRocybe Titans from USA(weight 20 kg)

If we talk about traditional macromitzets in the usual understanding, then the leader in size can be called MacRocybe Titans, which grows in Caribbean countries and the United States. In one of the South Mexican States in 2007, an instance was found, the mass of which was 20 kg, and the height is about 70 cm. However, this discovery is not the only one. In 2005, in the United States, a Mexican biologist, a specialist in Mushrooms Renee Andrrad came across the same mushroom, which also grew on the coffee plantation, and its weight was equal to 28 kilograms. Such large sizes make this macromitzet as an object of close attention of the scientific community.

3 macromitzet from Canada (weight 26 kg)

Canadian macromitsets can also compete in size. A resident of Canada Christian Terryn was discovered raincoat weighing 26 kilograms. Detected a male mushroom while walking with his son in the forest. Canadians struck their find and they admitted that they had never seen such major raincoats in their lives. The mushroom was taken home and arranged a photo session with him.

2 Fomitiporia Ellipsoidea from China 500 kg

Another mushroom, found and studied by Chinese mykologists, was wrapped in a height of 10.85 meters with a width of a hat 82-88 cm. Scientists believe that this outstanding representative of the Mushroom Kingdom of Ros, at least 20 years. Giant drover with the world's largest fruit body was found on Hainan Island in 2010, and now studied and classified. Brown monster turned out to be a perennial wood mushroom - a representative of the formitiporia ellipsoidea. One of the authors of the opening, Yu Cheng Dai, from the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, says that solid specimens of the same mushroom, he together with colleagues first found in Fujian province back in 2008. But still those macromycetes were not so great as a giant with Hainan. Interestingly, the authors of the study were not looking for a record holder intentionally, but simply studied the diversity of wood mushrooms in the forests of the island. "None of us did not even assume that the fungus can grow so huge," says Professor Dai. "We did not recognize him right away in the forest, because he was too big." The volume of this mushroom biologists were estimated at 409-525 thousand cm3, and the weight of about 500 kilograms. Detected by scientists F. Ellipsoidea grows underground, so it remained unnoticed for a long time and was able to grow to such impressive sizes.

1 Armillaria Ostoyae from USA weight more than 600 kg

The first line of the rating occupies the biggest mushroom in the world, which mycologists have discovered in the relict forests of the United States. It is considered the largest living creature on the planet. Belongs to this giant with the Armillaria family, whose representatives have already been known for quite a long time. Most of this living organism was underground, on the surface it was possible to clearly see only small mushrooms. The name of these macromycetes - Armillaria Ostoyae or otherwise they are called honey. One such feet easily placed in the hand and is not too remarkable. But his mushroom, which is a single organism, occupied 880 hectares in Oregon National Park! Her tentacles are located underground and excavated the territory equal to the size of 1665 soccer fields. The mushroom has grown over the Oregon forests about 2500 years, destroying the root systems of trees on their way. That is why this macromitzeth is considered the largest on the planet.

In 2000, Professor Toshiyuki Akhakaki, a biologist and physicist from Japanese Hokkaido, took a sample of a yellow molding mushroom and put it at the entrance to the labyrinth, which is used to check the intelligence and mice memory. On the other end of the labyrinth, he placed a Sugar cube. The mushroom not only found the way to Sugar, but also used the shortest path for this.

What do mushrooms think about?

Physarum Polycephalum as if felt the smell of sugar and began sending his sprouts on his searches. The mushroom cage was split at each crossroads of the labyrinth, and those who came to the deadlock were unfolded and began to search in other directions. For several hours, mushroom cage filled the passes of the labyrinth, and by the end of the day one of them found the road to sugar.

After that, Toshiuki and the group of his researchers took a piece of mushroom cage, which participated in the first experience, and put it at the entrance to the copy of the same labyrinth, also with a sugar cube at his other end. The occurred struck everyone. At the first moment, the web branched his way to two: one process paved his way to sugar, without one excessive turn, the other was scrupted along the wall of the labyrinth and drive it directly, on the ceiling, straight to the target. Mushroom cobweb not only remembered the road, but also changed the rules of the game.

I dared to resist the tendency to treat these creatures, like plants. When you are engaged in fungi research for several years, you start paying attention to two things. First, mushrooms closer to the animal world than it seems. Secondly, their actions sometimes look like a result of a conscious decision. I thought that mushrooms should be given the opportunity to try to solve riddles.

Further studies of Toshiuki found that mushrooms can plan transport routes no worse and much faster than engineers-professionals. Toshiuki took the map of Japan and placed pieces of food in places corresponding to the country's large cities. He put the mushrooms "on Tokyo." After 23 hours, they built a linear network of web to all pieces of food. The result was almost an accurate copy of the railway network around Tokyo.

It's not so difficult to connect several tens of points; But it is not easy to connect them effectively and most economically. I believe that our studies will not only help understand how to improve infrastructure, but also how to build more efficient information networks.

Mystery of another creature

Only by modest estimates, there are about 160 thousand strains of mushrooms on Earth, most of which have impressive abilities.

For example, a mushroom was found in Chernobyl, feeding with radioactive products and, at the same time, cleansing the air around him. This mushroom was found on the wall of the destroyed NPP, which for many years after the disaster continued to produce radiation destroying everything alive within a radius of several kilometers.

Exploring the Amazon Forests, two biologists from Yale University found Pestalotiopsis Microspora fungus, capable of decomposing plastic. This ability was discovered when the fungus ate a Petri dish in which it was grown.

Until now, neither our science nor our technology is capable of it. Pollution plastic is one of the largest technological problems. Today we impose great hopes for this fungus. - Professor Cattle A. Strokl.

Genetics from the American Institute of Bioenergy managed to ensure that the pellets of mushrooms fasterly digest the natural sugar - xylose. The potential value of this discovery is to create a new, cheap and fast method of producing pure biological fuel.

How would it seem how "primitive" the body that does not have a brain and limited in movement, creates miracles, non-private science?

To try to understand the world of the mushroom, you must first explain something. Shiitake, Portobello and Champignon are not only the names of edible mushrooms. Each of them is a living organism representing a network of millions of subtle web underground. Mushrooms looking out of Earth are only the "fingertips" of these web, "Tools", with the help of which the body distributes its seeds. In each such "finger" contains thousands of dispute. They will be dealt with wind and animals. When the disputes fall into the ground, they create new networks, and germinate with new mushrooms.

This creature breathes oxygen. It is so unusual from a biological point of view that he belongs to his own kingdom, separating and from the animals and from plants.

But what do we really know about this form of life?

We do not know what it encourages the underground system of web at a certain point to release mushrooms on the surface of the Earth; Why one mushroom grows towards one tree, and the other - towards another; And why some of them produce deadly poisons, while others are tasty, useful and aroma. In some cases, we cannot even predict a temporary schedule for their development. Mushrooms may appear in three years, and can and 30 years after their dispute found a suitable tree. In other words, we do not know about mushrooms of even the most basic things. - Michael Pollan, researcher.

Queen of the Dead

It is difficult for us to understand mushrooms because of their anatomical structure. When you take a tomato in your hand, you keep the whole tomato in your hand as it is. But you can not disrupt the mushroom and explore its structure. Mushroom is just the fruit of a large and complex organism. The web web is too thin so that it can be cleaned from the ground without damaging. - Rugs of Moting, microbiologist.

Another problem is that most forest mushrooms cannot be domesticated and very difficult to grow, both for research and for industrial purposes.

They choose only a certain litter, they themselves decide when to germinate. Often their choice falls on old trees that cannot be transferred to another place. And even if we put hundreds of suitable trees in the forest and spray billions spores on Earth, there will be no guarantee of the receipt of fungi at an affordable time. - Michael Pollan, researcher.

Power systems, growth, reproduction and energy production in mushrooms are completely different than animals. They do not have chlorophyll, and therefore, in contrast to plants, they do not use the energy of the Sun. Champignons, Shiitaka and Portobello, for example, grow on a litter of tagged plants.

Like animals, mushrooms digest food, but, unlike them, digest food outside their bodies: the fungi is distinguished by enzymes that decompose the organic matter on its components, and then these molecules absorb.

If the soil is the stomach of the globe, then the mushrooms are his digestive juices. Without their ability to decompose and recycle organic matter, the Earth would have suffered long. Dead matter would be infinitely accumulated, the carbon cycle was interrupted, and all living things would remain without food.

In their research, we focus on life and growth, but in nature, death and disintegration are equally important. Mushrooms are indisputable rulers of the kingdom of death. Therefore, by the way, there are so many in cemeteries. But the greatest mystery is a huge energy of mushrooms. There are mushrooms capable of hacking asphalt, glowing in the dark, recycle overnight a whole bunch of petrochemical waste and turn it into an edible and nutritious product. Mushroom Coprinopsis Atramentaria is able to grow fruit body in a few hours and after that, in one day, turn into a puddle of black ink.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms change the consciousness of people. There are poisonous mushrooms capable of killing an elephant. And the paradox is that they all contain a tiny amount of calories, with which researchers usually measure energy. Our way of measuring energy, apparently, is not suitable here. Calories characterize solar energy stored in plants. But mushrooms are poorly connected with the sun. They germinate at night and swept the day. Their energy is something completely different.
- Michael Pollan, researcher.

Internet under Earth

The fungnya is a complex infrastructure on which all plants in the world are located. In ten cubic centimeters of the soil, you can find eight kilometers of her web. The feet of man covers about half a million kilometers closely located web. - Paul stemps, mycologist.

What happens in these webs?

In the early 1990s, the idea that the network of these webs not only transfers nutrition and chemicals, but is also a smart and self-learning communication network. Considering even small sections of this network, it is easy to know a familiar structure. The graphic image of the Internet looks in the same way. The network branches, and if one of the branches fails, it is quickly replaced by bypass pathways. Its nodes in strategic areas are better supplied with meals due to less active places, and enlarged. These web has sensitivity. And each web can transfer information to the entire network.

And there is no "Central Server". Each web is independent, and the information collected by it can be transmitted to the network in all directions. Thus, the basic model of the Internet existed at all times, it was only hiding in the ground. - Paul Stems, Mikogol

The network itself seems can grow to infinity. For example, in Michigan, a mystery was found, which went down under the ground to the square in nine square kilometers. It is estimated that its age is about 2,000 years.

When will the network decide to grow mushrooms?

Sometimes the reason is the danger to the future network. If the forest feeding the network burns, the mushroom ceases to receive sugars from the wood roots. Then she germs mushrooms on the most distant their ends so that they spread mushroom spores, "liberated" her genes and gave them the opportunity to find a new place. So the expression "mushrooms after the rain" appeared. The rain wash the organic rot from the ground and, in essence, deprives the network of the source of its power supply - then the network and sends "rescue detachments" with disputes in search of a new refuge.

Nightmare for insects

"Search for a new house" is one more thing that distinguishes mushrooms from the kingdom of animals and plants. There are mushrooms that spread their disputes just like fruit spread their seeds. Others produce pheromones that encourage living beings to be obsessively craving. White truffles collectors are used for pig search, since the smell of these mushrooms is similar to the smell of Alfa-Kaban.

However, there are more complex and cruel methods for the spread of mushrooms. West-African anti-Foetens observation of the MEGALOPONERA FOETENS has recorded that they are climbing high trees every year, and with such force they believes their jaws in the trunk, that after that they can not be released and dying. Earlier, the cases of mass suicide ants were not observed.

It turned out that insects act against their will, and someone else sends them to death. The reason is the smallest arms of the mushroom הטומנטלה, which sometimes it is possible to get into the mouth of the Muravyov. Being in the head of the insect, the dispute sends chemicals in his brain. After that, ant starts to climb on the nearest tree and jaws in his bark. Here, as if waking up from nightmare, he begins to try to free themselves and, in the end, exhausted, - dies. About two weeks later, the mushrooms הטומנטלה germinate from his head.

On the trees in Cameroon you can see hundreds of mushrooms growing from the bodies of ant. For mushrooms, this power over the brain is a reproduction means: they use ant paws to climb on a tree, and height helps spread their dispute with wind; So they find new homes and ... New Muravyov.

Thai "Zombie Mushroom" Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis encourages the ants feed on them to scribble on the leaves of some plants. The distance that infected ants overcome for this is significantly higher than the distance in their ordinary life, and therefore, coming to leaves, insects die from fatigue and hunger, and after two weeks, mushrooms germinate from their bodies.

These are creatures, perhaps the most striking of all seen by me. We believe that they produce chemicals like LSDs, but we have not yet met drugs that cause behavior that meets someone's interests. - Professor David Hughes.

Hughes discovered mushrooms, brain control of spiders, lice and flies.

This is not a coincidence, natural selection or side effects of another process. These insects are sent against their will to where they should not be, but like mushrooms. When we transferred infected ants to other leaves, the mushrooms simply did not sprout. - Professor David Hughes

How to invented antibiotics

The fact that mushrooms can produce strong poisons, there is a positive side. Some of these poisons are effective weapons against our common enemies. For example, microbes.

Of the 160 thousand species of mushrooms, the bodies of which contain complex chemical compounds, the science was able to decipher and reproduce only 20, and among them there are several major medicines.

There is a reason why the mushrooms produce medicines. They always grow in the worst places, in dampness, in the heat, in places that are "microbes and viruses" factory. Most plants have no protection from these factors, but mushrooms are resist. The famous Lipior Medicine, which is one of the few solutions known to us for cholesterol and diabetes, was found in the Red Chinese Mushroom. And Enoki and Shiitake mushrooms are included in the basket of drugs obtained by oncological patients in Japan. - Elinor Shavit, micrologist.

Unfortunately, the variety of fungal drugs is constantly decreasing. The reason is in the destruction of woody forests, especially in the Amazon basin.

At the same time with other forms of life, we destroy and mushrooms. The number of their varieties is constantly decreasing and it bothers me from purely selfish considerations. The world was present a stunning gift - a huge natural laboratory for the manufacture of drugs. From penicillin and to money from cancer, AIDS, influenza and senile diseases. The ancient Egyptians were not for knowing the mushrooms "God of Death". Today we consistently destroy this laboratory ... - Paul stemps, mycologist.

Stemets talk about Fomitopsis mushroom. This mushroom, found in 1965, showed himself an effective tool from tuberculosis, and today it grows only in five places in the United States. In Europe, this mushroom has already completely disappeared.

With a group of specialists, we went tens of times in the forest, trying to find some more such fungi. After a long effort, we still found one sample, which we managed to grow in the laboratory. Who knows how many people will save this mushroom in the future. - Paul stemps, mycologist.

Last year, the stemets joined the US Defense Biological Protection Program and helped in finding and maintaining 300 rare species of fungi.

We conducted an experiment: collected four heaps of garbage. One was used as a control; In the other two we added chemical and biological substances, decomposing garbage; Over the last - mushroom disputes sprayed. Returning in two months, we found three dark silent heaps and one bright, overgrown with hundreds of kilograms of mushrooms ... part of poisonous substances turned into organic. The mushrooms were attracted by insects, those put the eggs from which the caterpillars hatched, and then birds appeared - and all this heap turned into a green, full of life hill. When we tried to do the same in polluted rivers, then noted the process of cleansing from poisons. That's what to explore! Perhaps all our pollution problems can be solved with suitable mushrooms. - Paul stemps, mycologist.

And where is the brain?

"According to one of the estimates, the fungi works in a similar way," says Toshiyuki, "with a purely biological point of view, each web separately receives chemical signals about where she should move and what to avoid. The sum of these signals creates a kind of decision-making system. In other words, the intelligence of the fungus is on its network. Add to this millions of years of evolution in the most difficult conditions multiplied by hundreds of thousands of different species, and you will get something that, in any case, should be smart enough. "

- And this is your explanation of what is happening?

- This is the beginning.

In the US, grows the biggest mushroom on the planet

It is difficult to even imagine that a mushroom fell into the list of the largest living organism on Earth, more precisely, mushroom mushrooms, growing in the Malurry State Reserve Oregon (USA). The mushroom dwells on the square of almost 1000 hectares, which is approximately 1600 football fields. Age is 2,500 years, weight - more than 600 tons. The mushroom is also called Oregon Monster, or a monster opon. The reason for such a name lies not in its colossal territorial scales and weight, but that the fungal, entangling the roots of trees, causes their death. Already many trees in the reserve became victims of this spruit, and it was on the mass death of plants that scientists learned about Giant.

Previously, the Leader was considered the mushroom mushrooms in the state of Washington on an area of \u200b\u200b600 hectares. It is likely that larger mushrooms live on Earth, the existence of which is still unknown because of the difficulty of determining them. The "the phenomenon of the serial killer" of the trees explained like this: Giant mycelium wrapped the roots of trees, introducing special thin threads into the thickness of the wood. Thanks to the rhizoids of moss, lichens, algae and mushrooms cling to the surface, in a particular case - to the crust and roots of trees, pumping out moisture and nutrients from them. Biology, by conducting a comparative analysis with other mushrooms, found out that the rhizoids of dark ointments have a unique genome, which can excellently and effectively decompose Lignin. And the main purpose of lignin, which is part of all earth plants - ensuring the tightness of the walls of the vessels, according to which water moves and the nutrients dissolved in it.

The authors of the work suggested that, most likely, the ability to destroy the fabrics of higher plants arose at the Oregon Monster at that time, when their ancestors were fed only by the wood of deceased trees. In the course of evolution, they gradually adapted to the penetration of the bore of healthy plants - both coniferous and a number of others. Their rhizoids, once sneaking under the bark, spread to dozens of meters, pumping down water saturated with nutrient elements along the way. Trees, excreted by the rhizoids of oarca of dark, die over time.

Detect the fungnitsa is difficult. The obvious testimony of its livelihoods is organisms in the form of mushrooms with hats, growing on the stumps, trunks and roots of trees. According to the authors of the study, today these largest organisms in the world are a serious threat to forests, mainly coniferous, causing the externally unfortunate death of trees. The methods of effective struggle with them almost do not exist. Researchers note that all kinds of appearance are destructive pathogens. Because of them, forests are often fading in many regions of the planet.

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