Artistic analysis of nature in the story Bezhin Meadow. Find descriptions of nature in the text of the story "Bezhin Meadow"

reservoirs 01.10.2019

The writing

I. S. Turgenev is a perceptive and perspicacious artist, sensitive to everything, able to notice and describe the most insignificant, small parts. Turgenev perfectly mastered the skill of description. All his paintings are alive, clearly rendered, filled with sounds. Turgenev's landscape is psychological, connected with the experiences and appearance of the characters in the story, with their way of life.

Undoubtedly, the landscape in the story "Bezhin Meadow" plays an important role. We can say that the whole story is permeated with artistic sketches that determine the state of the hero, emphasize his mood, feelings, determine internal tension. "Bezhin Meadow", in fact, begins with landscape sketches. The author describes a beautiful July day, when “all colors are softened, light, but not bright”, when the “touching meekness” of nature is felt, the air is dry and clean. These pictures appear before the eyes and the smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat, which the author mentions, are felt.

The day is wonderful! The hero is satisfied with the hunt for black grouse. However, the feeling of calm and harmony did not last long. Evening came, it began to get dark. The hero lost his way, got lost, he was seized by inner restlessness. With the help of describing nature, the author manages to show his confusion. The hero was immediately seized by an unpleasant, motionless dampness, which made him terribly. Bats were already "rushing" and belated birds were hurrying to their nests. As the hunter realized that he was seriously lost and that he would not get out of the forest today in the darkness, “the night approached and grew like a thundercloud”, “darkness poured” from everywhere. And when the hope of getting home finally left the hero, he went out to the Bezhin Meadow, where the village guys were sitting around the fire. They pastured a herd of horses. In this romantic setting, they told each other different stories. Hunter joined them. Gradually, the feeling of anxiety went away and was replaced by new feelings: calmness, peace. He began to admire the sky, the river, the crackling tribe of the fire, enjoy the special, lingering and fresh "smell of a Russian summer night."

With curiosity, the narrator listened to the stories of the guys. In the most tense moments of the stories, nature, as if listening to them, sent small surprises. Every time at the most terrible moment something happened. After Kostya's story about the meeting between the carpenter Gavrila and the mermaid, the children hear a "drawn-out, ringing, almost groaning sound," which suddenly emerged from the silence and slowly spread through the air. The story told by Ilyusha about how the kennel Yermil met evil spirit in the form of a lamb, frightens the children even more because suddenly the dogs suddenly got up and, with convulsive barking, rushed away from the fire and disappeared into the darkness. The story about the dead and the foreknowledge of death introduces the guys into thoughtfulness. The appearance of a white dove, flying up to the fire from nowhere, circling in one place and dissolving in the darkness of the night, leads them to think about whether this is a righteous soul flying to heaven. The “strange, sharp, painful cry of a heron”, heard in silence, serves as a transition to a conversation about mysterious and terrible sounds: this is how the soul can “complain” or scream a goblin. All these pictures convey the anxiety, fear, tension of the guys, emphasize their mood. "God's Stars", to which little Vanya draws attention, helps all children to see the beauty of the night sky.

Turgenev's landscape is psychological, connected with the experiences and appearance of the characters in the story, with their way of life.

The story also ends with a description of nature. “Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke,” a new day, unusually beautiful, sunny and bright, combined with the sounds of a bell and invigorating freshness, serves as the final chord of this wonderful work.

The skill of I. S. Turgenev helps readers to feel the beauty of their native nature, to pay attention to what is happening in it every minute, every hour.

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It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time. From early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully rises under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and sinks into its purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their brilliance is like that of hammered silver.

But here again the playful rays gushed, - and cheerfully and majestic, as if taking off, the mighty luminary rises. Around noon there usually appear many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges. Like islands scattered along an endlessly overflowing river flowing around them with deeply transparent sleeves of even blue, they hardly budge; further, towards the sky, they shift, crowd, the blue between them can no longer be seen; but they themselves are as azure as the sky: they are all permeated through and through with light and warmth.

The color of the sky, light, pale lilac, does not change all day and is the same all around; nowhere does it get dark, the thunderstorm does not thicken; except in some places bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then a barely noticeable rain is sown. By evening, these clouds disappear; the last of them, blackish and indefinite as smoke, fall in rosy puffs against the setting sun; in the place where it set as calmly as it calmly ascended into the sky, a scarlet radiance stands for a short time over the darkened earth, and, quietly blinking, like a carefully carried candle, the evening star will light up on it.

On such days the colors are all softened; light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some touching meekness. On such days the heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even "soaring" over the slopes of the fields; but the wind disperses, pushes the accumulated heat, and whirlwinds - cycles - an undoubted sign of constant weather - walk like high white pillars along the roads through the arable land. in dry and clean air smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before night you don't feel damp. The farmer wants such weather for harvesting grain ...

The moon has risen at last; I did not immediately notice it: it was so small and narrow. This moonless night, it seemed, was still as magnificent as before ... But already many stars, which until recently stood high in the sky, were already leaning towards the dark edge of the earth; everything was completely quiet all around, as usual everything calms down only towards morning: everything slept in a strong, motionless, pre-dawn sleep. The air no longer smelled so strongly, dampness seemed to be spreading in it again ... Short summer nights! .. The conversation of the boys faded away along with the lights ... The dogs even dozed off; the horses, as far as I could distinguish, in the slightly glimmering, weakly pouring light of the stars, also lay with their heads bowed ... A faint oblivion attacked me; it passed into slumber. jujuth

Night landscape in the story "Bezhin Meadow"

The story of I. O." Turgenev's "Bezhin Meadow" occupies a special place in the composition of the "Hunter's Notes", but it was he who "was most subject to distortion in criticism." Interpretations of this story are different and often opposed to each other. According to modern researchers, this a work in which "the Russian peasant world - peasant children - is shown not only in its deprivation, but also in its giftedness with spiritual beauty. " But it should also be noted great role nature in this story. Nature under the pen of I. S. Turgenev rises as if alive in all its visual clarity; the writer sensitively notices and subtly notes the various shades of visual, auditory sensations perceived from natural phenomena at different moments of the day and night; nature in the image of Turgenev is organically connected with the experiences of a person, sets up at night for a feeling of some kind of mystery combined with some fear and fear of incomprehensible night sounds, rustles, darkness, flashing stars, awakens creative imagination in adolescents who are just entering life and that’s all are interested. But they, like the writer, not only subtly notice, but also love nature.

The story opens with a landscape of a summer day. The colors used to describe nature by the author amaze with their sophistication and variety: welcoming radiant, lilac, shimmer of forged silver, golden gray, pale lilac. Nature is regal and benevolent... There is no man in the landscape, he has no power to control this power and beauty, but only gazes with delight at God's creation. . The abundance of light is like opposition to darkness. Light gradates, increases from morning to noon and decreases towards evening. There is an abundance of vegetation (bushes, dense, high grass, buckwheat, sagebrush, compressed rye), birds and animals (little sandpipers, dogs, horses, hawks, quails, doves, herons), familiar sounds and smells that are associated with the living world (voices, live sounds, quail screaming, bell sounds, sang, rustled, spoke, smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat). .

There is also an abundance of antitheses here (day-night, light-darkness, life-death, peace-alarm). In the semantic composition of the work, he is opposed to "darkness", "darkness" ("darkness fought with light"). It is the night landscape that plays a special role in creating the figurative and symbolic plan of the work. System speech means, transmitting the onset of darkness, is dynamic. The first comparisons are of a household nature:

“I was immediately seized by an unpleasant, motionless dampness, as if I had entered a cellar; dense high, whitened with an even tablecloth».

The role of means that convey the emotional tension of the narrator and mystery gradually increases. surrounding nature (somehow terribly, mysteriously circling, oxymoron cloudy clear sky etc.).

Metaphorical word usage acts as the leading principle of the lexico-semantic organization of this text fragment:

“Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; it seemed that together with the evening vapors, darkness rose from everywhere and even poured from above.

Metaphors and comparisons create a certain emotionally expressive halo around neutral units of the context. The night landscape in the story "Bezhin Meadow" is characterized by a special depiction of realities, which are abstract, partly hyperbolic. This is not so much a description of the forest middle lane Russia, how much is a generalized transfer of the most characteristic natural elements expanding space:

“I quickly pulled back my raised leg and, through the barely transparent twilight of the night, I saw a huge plain far below me. A wide river curved around it in a semicircle going away from me... The hill on which I was, suddenly descended in an almost sheer cliff; its huge outlines separated, blackening, from the bluish airy void ... "

At the same time, the duality of the narrator deepens: on the one hand, his objectivity is emphasized, on the other hand, his assessments become more emotional and subjective:

  • BUT) ... with every moment approaching, gloomy darkness rose in huge clubs. My footsteps reverberated through the freezing air.
  • B) the sky hung so high, so despondently over her, that my heart sank.

The words of one lexico-semantic group gloom, darkness, haze, twilight are regularly repeated in this description, which are characterized by a stable symbolic halo. The description ends with the image of a "terrible abyss".

Such a movement of speech means is not accidental - in this fragment of the text it is a form of expression of a figurative and symbolic plan: the external, daytime world hides the "nameless abyss" of the night, in front of which the narrator finds himself. The human "I" in this compositional part is opposed to nature - the eternal Isis.

And in fact, the night nature plays a very important role in the story. It does not give the inquisitive thought of a person complete satisfaction, it supports the feeling of unresolved mysteries of earthly existence. Turgenev's night is not only creepy and mysterious, it is also regally beautiful with its "dark and clear sky, which "solemnly and immensely high" stands above people, "languishing smells", sonorous splashes big fish in a river.

It spiritually liberates a person, cleanses his soul from petty everyday worries, disturbs his worldview with the endless mysteries of the universe: “I looked around: the night stood solemnly and regally ... Milky Way, and, right, looking at them, you yourself seemed to vaguely feel the impetuous, unstoppable run of the earth ... "

Nature, taking place in the darkness of its night life, prompts children around the fire to beautiful, fantastic plots of legends, dictates their change, offers children one riddle after another, and often itself suggests the possibility of solving them. The story about the mermaid is preceded by the rustling of reeds and mysterious splashes on the river, as well as the flight of a shooting star - the human soul, according to peasant beliefs. The image of the mythical mermaid is surprisingly pure and, as it were, woven from a wide variety of natural elements. She is bright and white, like a cloud, silver, like the light of the moon poured the sparkle of a fish in the water. And "her voice ... she has such a thin and plaintive", like the voice of that mysterious "animal", which "weakly and plaintively squeaked among the stones."

So, after short-term fears, the summer night brings glimpses of hope to the hunter and peasant children, and then a peaceful sleep and calm. Omnipotent in relation to a person, the night itself is only a moment in a living breath. space forces nature, restoring light and harmony in the world: “A fresh stream ran down my face. I opened my eyes: the morning was beginning... Before I had gone two versts, it was already pouring all around me... first scarlet, then red, golden streams of young hot light... Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke. Large drops of dew blushed everywhere like radiant diamonds; towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness, the sounds of a bell came, and suddenly a rested herd rushed past me ... "..

The world of the boys in the story "Bezhin Meadow" is a poetic world and in many ways attractive to the narrator. The attitude of children to nature differs significantly from the position of the hunter at the beginning of the story. For peasant boys, nature is a single whole, each point of which is connected to the rest. The views of the heroes are commented on, comprehended and in some cases refuted by both the narrator and the characters themselves, are refracted in different subjective spheres and appear in double illumination. The principle of correspondence between two plans - real and fantastic - acts as the leading compositional principle of this part of the work. The descriptive contexts framing the children's stories create the impression of inexhaustible explanation, approximate motivations, which is enhanced by the use of attributive series such as an incomprehensible night sound, a strange, sharp, painful sound, etc. “The world, approaching from all sides to the faint light of a night fire, does not lose its poetic mystery, depth, inexhaustibility ... Night nature does not give self-satisfaction to a person’s inquisitive thought, it supports the feeling of unresolved mysteries of earthly existence.” At the same time, the image of the night is associated with the motif of revelation, an irrational approach to the truth: it is no coincidence that the boys' night stories contain elements of prospects - tragic references to the fate of other heroes of the Hunter's Notes (Akulina, Akim the Forester), thus, "Bezhin Meadow" really acts as the "center of the poetic line" of the cycle. .

The sunrise of the mighty luminary opens and closes Bezhin Meadow - one of the best stories about Russian nature and its children. In "Notes of a Hunter" Turgenev created a vivid poetic image of Russia, which was crowned with a life-affirming sunny nature. In the peasant children living in close union with her, he saw “the germ of future great deeds, great national development, giving the picture of nature a vivid poetic imagery, consistent with the spirit of those folk legends that peasant children tell on a mysterious night by the fire.

We see the onset of evening, the sunset. Night shadows thicken, the area becomes ghostly, the exhausted hunter and dog go astray, lose self-control, experiencing an acute sense of loneliness and loss. The mysterious and enigmatic life of nocturnal nature comes into its own, over which man is by no means omnipotent. The silent flight of frightened birds reminds him of this, the gloomy, swirling darkness, weak and plaintive squeak of some animal between the stones.

It is unlikely that in this story we will find someone who is commonly called the "protagonist." Because the people themselves, adults and children, who are described in the work, are not “main” in relation to everything that surrounds them. “More important” than them is the night, the fire of a fire, the stars in the sky, the sky itself in its unimaginable and disturbing infinity. Finally, the planet Earth, rushing in the cosmic void in its inescapable circle - the narrator experiences a vague feeling of this movement. And if we talk about the dominant position of representatives not of the human, but of the cosmological series, then it should be recognized that the real protagonist of the story is the Sun. The description of the rising sun "frames" the story, although all of its nightly events and incidents.

The action of the story begins in the evening, after sunset (“evening dawn has already gone out”), but in the introductory part the author gives a description of the passing day, clearly fixing its shares: “ From the very early morning ... Around noon ... By evening ..The most important element of this description is the sunrise: " The sun - not fiery, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully rises above a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into its lilac mist ... But here again the playing rays gushed, - and cheerfully I majestically, as if taking off, a mighty luminary rises.. At the end of the story, the hunter, leaving the fire, is, apparently, with his back to rising sun. But the effect of "solar presence" does not weaken from this, it's just that the observer's gaze is not directed upwards, but "around". The narrator supplements the invisible part of the sun-drenched space of the earth with imagination: Before I had gone two versts, it was already pouring all around me over a wide wet meadow, and in front, along the green hills, from forest to forest, and behind along a long dusty road, along sparkling, crimson bushes, and along the river, bashfully blue from - under a thinning fog, - first scarlet, then red, golden streams of young, hot light poured..

Arousing superstitious feelings first in the soul of a hunter, and then in the minds of peasant children, Turgenev's night gives only hints of the possibility of a realistic explanation of its mysteries and mysteries. She is omnipotent and omnipotent, she protects the final word of the solution from a person in her dark depths.

Milestones of development artistic idea corresponds in the semantic composition of the work to the opposition "light" - "darkness" - "light", and in the external composition - its tripartite structure. In the first part of the story, as already noted, the image of light is dominant, the lexical means used in it are characterized by common semantic features "meek", "peaceful" (mild blush, friendly radiant sun, even blue, peacefully emerges, calmly set, touching meekness). These “overtones of meaning” (B. A. Larin) interact in the introduction with other units generated by “hot drought”, “fire”, “storm”, “thunderstorm” - the image of a serenely bright nature turns out to be internally contradictory, which prepares the system images of the central part of the story. It is dominated by images of Darkness, gloom, night, opposed to the image of light. The fantasy of the story introduces dark features into nature, which usually scare people away, instill a sense of fear, which is inherent when darkness comes. The stories of the boys are far from reality, but, nevertheless, they are impressive and evoke terrible thoughts. And fear comes only because everything happens at night, at the most mysterious time of the day, which in itself does not attract people, but, on the contrary, scares them away. Therefore, the legends that the boys tell each other look even more impressive and memorable. But in the last part of the work, "darkness" recedes, "light" wins:

... poured first scarlet, then red, golden streams of young, hot light. Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke. .

Descriptions of the night and morning landscapes reveal a system of echoes and correspondences. (the motionless, dark mirror of the river, the river bashfully blue from under the thinning fog), and sound designations are complemented by color designations that correspond with the introduction. .

We also observe an amazing picture of the night in the story "Forest and Steppe". Reading the first lines of the story, we are immersed in the calmness of the night, which the author tells us about. The features of the night are described in great detail. Turgenev did not want to miss even the smallest details. In the image of nature, there is no simplicity that we are used to seeing, the author opens up a new picture of nature for us, makes it possible to feel and enjoy it. Just a few lines at the beginning of the story, and we already feel that extraordinary calmness that happens only in summer, and we see pure “ dark gray" the sky on which somewhere the stars are twinkling". Light coolness, the noise of trees, gray shadows - all this calms us down, helping us to forget about the problems of the approaching morning. We are accustomed to associate the night with calmness, silence, carelessness, also with romance, beauty, mystery - this is how we see the night, and the author does not contradict our ideas, but, on the contrary, depicts them as brighter and more saturated. We listen to the “restricted, obscure whisper of the night”, trying to understand it, merge into one with the silence of the night and completely immerse ourselves in the world created by I. S. Turgenev.

It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time. From early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully rises under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into its purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their brilliance is like the brilliance of forged silver... But here again the playful rays gushed, - and cheerfully and majestically, as if taking off, the mighty luminary rises. Around noon there usually appear many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges. Like islands scattered along an endlessly overflowing river flowing around them with deeply transparent sleeves of even blue, they hardly budge; further, towards the sky, they shift, crowd, the blue between them can no longer be seen; but they themselves are as azure as the sky: they are all permeated through and through with light and warmth. The color of the sky, light, pale lilac, does not change all day and is the same all around; nowhere does it get dark, the thunderstorm does not thicken; except in some places bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then a barely noticeable rain is sown. By evening, these clouds disappear; the last of them, blackish and indefinite as smoke, fall in rosy puffs against the setting sun; in the place where it set as calmly as it calmly ascended into the sky, a scarlet radiance stands for a short time over the darkened earth, and, quietly blinking, like a carefully carried candle, the evening star will light up on it. On such days the colors are all softened; light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some touching meekness. On such days the heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even "soaring" over the slopes of the fields; but the wind disperses, pushes the accumulated heat, and whirlwinds - cycles - an undoubted sign of constant weather - walk like high white pillars along the roads through the arable land. In dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before night you don't feel damp. The farmer wants such weather for harvesting grain ...
On such a precise day I once hunted black grouse in the Chernsky district, Tula province. I found and shot quite a lot of game; the filled game bag mercilessly cut my shoulder; but already the evening dawn was fading, and in the air, still bright, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread, when I finally decided to return to my home. With quick steps I passed a long "square" of bushes, climbed a hill and, instead of the expected familiar plain with an oak forest to the right and a low white church in the distance, I saw completely different ones, I didn’t Famous places. At my feet stretched a narrow valley; Directly opposite, a dense aspen forest rose like a steep wall. I stopped in bewilderment, looked around ... "Hey! - I thought, - yes, I didn’t get there at all: I went too far to the right," - and, marveling at my mistake, I quickly went down the hill. An unpleasant, motionless dampness immediately seized me, as if I had entered a cellar; thick tall grass at the bottom of the valley, all wet, white as an even tablecloth; It was kind of scary to walk on it. I quickly climbed out to the other side and went, taking to the left, along the aspen forest. The bats were already hovering over its dormant peaks, mysteriously circling and trembling in a vaguely clear sky; a belated hawk flew briskly and straight up in the air, hurrying to its nest. “As soon as I get to that corner,” I thought to myself, “there will be a road right now, but I gave a hook a mile away!”

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Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • fostering a reverent attitude towards nature.

Lesson equipment: Presentation, portrait of the writer.

Literary theory: landscape, exposition.

Methodological techniques Key words: conversation, expressive reading, commentary reading, text analysis.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greeting guests. Get in the mood for work: we have a lot of work to do in the lesson. We are getting ready for work. You know everything and know how to do everything, and you will definitely succeed, although it will not be entirely easy. But together we will overcome any difficulties.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher

Guys, the topic of our lesson today is “Landscape in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow".

Write down the topic of the lesson “Landscape in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". (Slide 1)

The purpose of the lesson:

  • show the relationship between man and nature in the story;
  • identify the role of landscape in the work;
  • development of expressive reading skills, text analysis;
  • development of the literary concept of "landscape", familiarity with the concept of "exposition";
  • fostering a reverent attitude towards nature. (Slide 2)

In the last lesson we talked about main topic stories are peasant children; they are the central image of the work. Their attitude interested the writer. We learned about the life of teenagers in the 19th century. But Turgenev permeates this image of peasant children with the image of Russian nature. This is what we will talk about today. The key words will be the words "landscape", "nature".

3. Learning new material.

What is a landscape?

A landscape is an artistic description of a picture of nature. Describing nature, the writer shows its features, beauty and grandeur. But he does not simply describe nature. At the same time, he expresses his attitude towards her, conveys his mood, reveals thoughts and feelings, helps to understand the mood of his hero.

The story "Bezhin Meadow" begins with a lyrical landscape imbued with a sense of the joy of life - a description of a "beautiful July day."

A) - How does the landscape appear before the hunter at the very beginning of the story? We find this place in the text, read it expressively, so that it is easier to imagine the July day. ( Episode reading) (Slide)

What are they, the colors of the July day? (the sky is clear; blush, the sun is not fiery, not dim - crimson, hello - radiant, purple)

Who found in the story what a day in July smells like? ( Wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat.)

Conclusion: The July day creates an impression of joyful and calm. The landscape "Bezhina Meadows" outlines the theme of the story - the theme of the beauty of nature - and creates a bright mood.

- This first part of the story creates a vivid image of Russian summer nature.

B) - And now let's try to imagine a quiet dewy night; a fire is burning nearby, a river is nearby, horses are nibbling grass a little further away. Quiet, comfortable. There are a few guys around the campfire. Guys unknown to us. These are peasant children of the century before last. They graze horses and while away the time, telling different fables. They are unusual for us. They are different.

And now let's observe what they see, observe at night, what does the author of the story see? ( Students read an episode describing a summer night.) (Slide)

(Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud...)

How is the disturbing mood of the read fragment created?

Find words and expressions that convey the feelings of a person? (Expressions underlined).

The hero's internal monologue, rhetorical questions, vocabulary symbolizing something creepy, dark, ominous, disturbing.

What role do dots play? (The abundance of dots emphasize the confusion of the hero.)

Conclusion: Under the influence of darkness, a mood of mystery and vague anxiety grows, preparing the reader for the main part of the story - for the boys' conversation about brownies and goblin.

What does a summer night smell like? (“At the campfire: the smell of a Russian summer night ... P. 137, slide 6)

Night nature lives its own life. She has her own sounds, inexplicable, mysterious. For the boys, whom the hunter met at the night fire, nature on the one hand is their life, even a holiday. On the other hand, nature for them is full of mysteries, incomprehensible phenomena, which they explain by the action of otherworldly forces: in stories about a brownie, a mermaid, a goblin, a water one.

Guys, you, too, probably noticed that during the day you feel different, not like at night? But as?

- Indeed, the night nature creates a sad, mysterious mood.

And now consider the picture of deep night before dawn. Let's read the episode of the description of the deep night. ( The students read the episode.)

What sounds do we hear here?

The landscape changes when the author moves on to characterize the boys and their " scary stories". Turgenev, on the one hand, admires nature, the beauty of the night, with great interest their mysterious stories, and on the other, he seems to be experiencing incomprehensible natural phenomena together with them “The night was solemn and regal ...” and “a strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out two times in a row over the river and, after a few moments, it repeated further ... "Slide p. 149)

Find the episode "Short Summer Nights! .." (Slide p. 155)

The whole story ends with a picture of a summer morning. The picture of the awakening and revival of nature is drawn with a special feeling. Let's find this place in the story. ( Episode reading.)

“The morning was beginning ...” (Slide p. 155)

In this description, one can hear the noise of awakening life: “... At first, scarlet, then red, golden streams of young, hot light poured ... Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke. Large drops of dew blushed everywhere like radiant diamonds; towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness, the sounds of a bell came, and suddenly a rested herd rushed past me, driven by familiar boys.

Nature in the story creature, she needs to wake up, move, meet a new day.

What colors do we see in the picture of the awakening morning?

And what sounds are heard in the early morning in the meadow?

With love and tenderness, Turgenev draws in the story of peasant children, their rich spiritual world, their ability to subtly feel the beauty of nature.

Therefore, perhaps, the story ends with a festive picture of the coming morning.

Try to remove pictures of nature from the story. What will be left?

Teacher: Yes, without pictures of nature, without these landscape sketches, the charm and all the charm of this short, but such beautiful story. Pictures of nature helped us to better understand the characters actors story

4. Working with a dictionary.

Landscape is a picture of nature in a work of art. The description of nature helps to better understand the characters and their actions, to imagine the place of action. (Slides 11-12)

5. What artistic visual means did the writer use?

Epithets: “The sun is not fiery, not red-hot ... Bright and radiant”, “playing rays”, “an endlessly overflowing river”, “a mighty luminary”.

Comparisons: “the brilliance is like the brilliance of forged silver”, “they themselves ... are azure like the sky”, “the last of them, blackish and indefinite, like smoke”, “like a carefully carried candle” ...

Metaphors: it spreads with a gentle blush”, “the sun rises peacefully”, “playing rays gushed” ...

Personifications: “the wind disperses, pushes the accumulated heat”, “whirlwinds ... walk along the roads ...”, “clouds disappear ..., lie down in pink clubs” .... (Slide 13)

6. - Did you notice anything fabulous in this story?

7. Problematic question (slide)

How does the writer show the connection between man and the nature around him throughout the story?

Episode analysis.

Reading the first passage "Beautiful July Day": the beginning of the story to the words "A farmer wants such weather for harvesting" and answers to the question: is this part of the story connected with the main plot?

This part of the composition of the story is called exposition. (Slide)

The exposition is an image of the position of the characters, the circumstances and the situation in which they are before the start of the action.

What function does it perform in this story? (The landscape of a July day performs an aesthetic function.)

What mood does this description create? (Joyful, cheerful, clear.)

Lesson conclusions.(Slide)

What role does the landscape play in I.S. Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow”?

  1. Turgenev, in describing nature, creates an atmosphere of mystery, shows that something mysterious must inevitably happen on such a fantastic night.
  2. He peers, observes, not only notices, but also reveals the secrets of the habitually familiar world.
  3. The author uses a poetic, fabulous device: the hunter got lost. Got lost…. And unexpectedly for himself he discovered a special world of nature, a children's world, a world full of fantastic secrets, beliefs, fairy tales, a world of sparks and kindness.
  4. Pictures of nature in the story reflect the mood of a person, a person is a part of nature.
  5. Turgenev's landscape lives one life with the characters, as if nature understands people.
  6. We can safely say that Turgenev is a master of landscape.

6. Homework: memorize a passage - one of the descriptions of nature - by choice.

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