How to open the production of artificial Christmas trees and pines. Sale of Christmas trees on the street

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

It's time to talk about New Year's business ideas, thanks to which you can earn money for fun and good vacation. Today you will learn how to build a business in the manufacture of unusual Christmas trees. So, let's begin…

Why Christmas trees?

It's no secret that before the New Year there is a huge demand for gifts and holiday accessories. Main symbol holiday is, of course, a Christmas tree. Green beauty should be present in every home. Some people buy a "live" spruce, while others prefer an artificial version. In the past few years, Christmas trees made in unusual style from extravagant materials. An example of such decorations is a spruce tree made of multi-colored tinsel, cardboard or fabric. Most often, these "beauties" are purchased to decorate offices, offices or New Year's table. There is a demand - there will be money! That is why the idea of ​​making Christmas trees to order is so relevant.

What is the essence of such a business?

The jewelry making business is ideal for housewives, creative people and designers. For such a simple kind of activity, you only need a lot of free time, a desire to create and the necessary material.

First do the following:

  1. Decide what materials you will make "New Year's beauties" from.
  2. Purchase the necessary raw materials, various decorative elements and equipment.
  3. Take a special room or a small corner in which you will create.
  4. Arrange workplace"for yourself", create a cozy atmosphere.

After you are completely ready for production, you need to think about marketing. No business is complete without advertising. It is best to put up a lot of ads and a few bright banners in public places. In the advertisement, you need to indicate that you are making original table Christmas trees to order and attach a few photos of "beauties". Ideally, you can create a business card site so that customers can get to know each other better. finished products. If you are a person far from creativity, then you can hire professional designer and act as an intermediary.

The financial side of the issue

For one finished Christmas tree, you can safely take from 10 to 30 dollars. On average, you will have 5-10 orders per day. Total: you can earn 3000-4000 "green" per month, of which 30% will be spent on the purchase of material and necessary decorations. It is worth noting that such a business will be profitable only in the period from November to January. Nevertheless, this is a good part-time job, delivering some pleasure.

Making artificial Christmas trees is more of a hobby than a job. It's nice when a hobby brings money. Try and prove yourself in such creative activity, because money is never superfluous. Good luck and successful undertakings!

-> Other ideas

Sale of live Christmas trees. New Year's business idea.

The demand for live Christmas trees happens only once a year.
However, a truly enterprising person will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to earn very decent money.

It is clear that sale of live Christmas trees will not provide you with a constant stable income, this is just a one-time source of additional income, but you can really make very good money selling live Christmas trees on New Year's Eve.

A business idea for the sale of live Christmas trees can bring up to 3 thousand dollars in a couple of New Year's weeks.

It should be immediately noted that it is unprofitable to stand on the market and sell Christmas trees on your own. The best option is to open several points with hired sellers at once.

So, what do you need to organize a pre-New Year Christmas tree trade?

You must obtain permission to sale of live trees. Please contact one of the departments about this. consumer market or city government. They will tell you where you can open Christmas markets.

Please note that you need to start filling out the documentation in advance. After all, this process takes enough time, and there is a risk of not being in time for the beginning of the hottest demand.

Most likely, all the most successful and passable places will already be occupied, but do not despair, they will definitely find something for you. Although much depends on the location of the point, the most important thing is financial results. The best option for you - sleeping areas of the city. After all potential buyers usually buy Christmas trees near the house, so that it is not far to carry.

You can enter into an agreement with the forestry only if you have a trade permit in your hands. The forestry nursery sells trees for an average of $1 a piece in bulk. All documents must be kept, as they may be needed in case of verification by representatives of the State Forestry Committee.

Each Christmas tree point should have cash register, fire extinguisher, ruler and price list.

Prices Christmas trees are set depending on their size, fluffiness and other factors. Of course, you should also monitor the prices of your competitors and also take them into account.

You can try to suggest additional service- Christmas trees with delivery. Still, not everyone wants to run around the city in search of a suitable Christmas tree. Some people just don't have time for it. Well, let's help!

We give an advertisement for the sale of Christmas trees with delivery. The client on the phone explains what kind of Christmas tree he needs (height, fluffiness). We accept an order, choose from the trees you have in stock and deliver to the client. In theory, everything is simple, but buyers can be picky, so in this case it is better to carry several spruces to choose from (“Can I see all of them?”).

Sale of real live Christmas trees has always been and, I think, will be relevant for a very long time. Despite the huge popularity of artificial trees, real spruces are in great demand. The smell of real pine needles will not be replaced by any flavors. And for you, this circumstance is a good way to earn extra money before the holidays.

Before the New Year holidays, there is a huge demand for Christmas trees. Entrepreneurial people earn good money on this. Of course, this is a seasonal job, but if you correctly organize the sale of Christmas trees for the New Year as a business, you can get a good additional income in just two weeks.

Types of Christmas trees

On the market you can find different types oil. Recently, the most popular are:

  • Danish;
  • Fir Nobilis;
  • Ordinary spruce;
  • Pine Crimea mix.

They differ in type of branching, color, appearance and size. If you decide to start selling Christmas trees before the New Year, you should familiarize yourself with their features in more detail.

Danish firs are perfectly shaped and have dark green needles. They are in high demand due to their symmetrical conical shape. The needles of these trees do not crumble, even if they long time are kept indoors at room temperature.

Nobilis fir is famous for its blue-green color. If you look at the tree from a distance, it seems that it is slightly covered with frost. Such a breed, as well as Danish, stands indoors for a long time and does not crumble.

The common spruce is denser than the Danish spruce, but it has thin branches. Saturated green color and dense needles are distinctive features this forest beauty.

Pine is a classic a budget option. Such copies are always in great demand. If you choose a tree with dark green fluffy needles, it will stay in your house all new year holidays and will not lose appearance. ? Try to engage not only in trade, but also in cultivation coniferous trees different breeds. You can earn a good income from the sale of such goods. Your clients will be not only individuals, but also companies that are engaged in landscape design.

Features of choice

If you are interested in selling Christmas trees as a business, you need to learn how to choose a quality product. Most importantly, check the trees for a tendency to shed. To do this, take the spruce by the trunk and lightly hit it on the ground. If the needles do not fall, the goods can be bought. In addition, you also need to inspect the trunk. It should not have mold, growths or any other defects. Pay attention to the fact that the trees are not flimsy and too thin. A good spruce has dark green needles, without any yellowness.

Artificial or natural?

Real natural spruce gives the room a special touch. The wonderful smell of pine needles spreads throughout the house and creates a special festive atmosphere. Since such a forest beauty can be found in almost every home before the holiday, the sale of Christmas trees brings entrepreneurs a good profit.

In order not to buy a cut spruce every year, you can purchase a small tree in a tub. Definitely need to take care of it. all year round, but then it will be such a Christmas tree that cannot be bought at the market.

A cut tree must not only be bought and brought home, but also installed. This is a rather laborious task, so recently many consumers have begun to give preference to artificial specimens.

Nowadays, the sale of artificial Christmas trees for the New Year is established at the very high level. Sometimes artificial trees very difficult to distinguish from natural. They imitate the texture of real spruce, its color and even smell. Such a product is not cheap, but such a high price pays off it long term operation. The most important thing is to choose a quality product and ensure proper storage conditions.

Before the New Year, when stores put up artificial Christmas trees for sale, consumers' eyes widen from their diversity. These are blue spruces, firs, pines with hoarfrost on needles and other representatives of conifers, of various colors and shades. When choosing these products, please Special attention on their strength, design features, operational safety and, of course, cost.

Business registration

If you decide to organize the sale of Christmas trees as a business, first of all, you need to legalize this business. Find out what documents are needed to sell Christmas trees and get down to business.

To begin with, you should register as a sole proprietor in order to obtain permits for the sale of Christmas trees on the street. After that, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the forestry for the supply of products. All documents must always be at the outlet in case representatives of the State Forestry Committee come to you with a check. In addition, you need to have a bill of lading and a bill of lading with you. Do not forget also that the cut of each tree should be branded. For the sale of artificial Christmas trees, it is enough to obtain a certificate individual entrepreneurs and trade license.

Purchase of goods

To organize the sale of live Christmas trees, you need to find suppliers and choose a place for the outlet. Usually in the forestry you can buy a batch of at least 100 pieces. You will have to make a 50% advance payment for the goods. Felling starts on December 10-15. A Christmas tree 1 m high can be purchased for 100-130 rubles. A two-meter tree will cost 250-300 rubles. Pine trees can be purchased 1.5 times cheaper.

To avoid being fined and taking away the goods on the way, you need to issue a consignment note. It indicates the number of units of production and the vehicle number.

Wholesalers of such products can be found through advertisements in the media and on the Internet. The most convenient way to buy goods in farms who are engaged in the cultivation of coniferous trees. But they offer small lots and do not provide any documents for the goods.

Location of the outlet

Before you organize the sale of Christmas trees for the New Year, you need to choose a place for the outlet. Do not be upset if forest beauties are already being sold on all the busy streets. Of course, the success of your business largely depends on the location. But the most important thing is the financial result. You can open outlets in residential areas. Usually, buyers try to buy a spruce near the house so as not to carry it on public transport, so trading in such a place is quite profitable.

In addition, you can advertise the delivery of Christmas trees to your home. The client makes an order by phone and explains which tree he wants to buy. You accept an order, select a suitable copy and take it to the specified address. Since a picky buyer can get caught, it is advisable to take several firs at once so that a person can make a choice for himself.

Financial calculations

The wholesale price of one spruce is about $1. You can put a 50-70% markup on each unit. If the competition is not very strong, you can try 100%. The price should be set for each tree, depending on its fluffiness, size, etc.

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A good income is brought by the business idea of ​​selling artificial Christmas trees. They can be sold together with natural ones in one outlet. Also try selling artificial Christmas trees in bulk. Such goods can be ordered at a low price on Chinese sites. To get started, invest 10-15 thousand rubles in several products different sizes. You can earn about 30 thousand rubles on them. You should not set too high prices, because this is a seasonal product and you need to have time to sell it before the New Year. Great profits can be made from the sale of artificial snow-covered Christmas trees. Such models are in great demand. If you offer them at affordable prices, there will be no end to buyers. Of course, you should not sell a product with a margin below 25%, but it is unreasonable to raise it higher than 75%.

AT last days trade can raise prices by 10%. On the evening of December 31, the cost of Christmas trees drops sharply, as sellers do not want to be left with unsold goods and give it away at the purchase price.

Business Profitability

interested in many netizens. Of course, the Christmas tree trade will not be able to provide you with complete financial independence. related to the sale of New Year's goods is an additional income, not a permanent job. The profitability of such a business is 15-25%. Christmas trees sell 10-15 days. During this time, you can earn about 3 thousand dollars.


For start-up entrepreneurs, selling Christmas trees is one of the most affordable ways to

In November 2016, I decided to start a seasonal business - selling artificial Christmas trees, we will talk about Christmas trees of the "economy" segment. In the article I will share the features of this business and the results that I got. Due to the huge popularity, the article has been completed/corrected for 2018.

The inscription on the box "Merry Christmas" The Chinese are handsome!

Prerequisites for a successful sale of artificial Christmas trees

It would be foolish to start a business, even such a small one, without analysis and financial miscalculation. Plans and conclusions on the analysis for November 2016:
  1. Demand is growing, the main peak of sales is December 15-30.
  2. Margin from 100 - 200% (for economy class Christmas trees), depending on the sales channel.
  3. Purchase in the amount of 90,000 rubles / 72 Christmas trees in assortment + garlands /, expected income - 200 thousand rubles. / Profit - 80 thousand rubles. (net, excluding advertising 30 thousand rubles)
  4. The consumer of a million-plus city prefers 80% - an artificial Christmas tree to a natural one (determined according to secondary research)
  5. The most popular sizes of Christmas trees: 180 cm, 210 cm. A little worse: 150 cm ... above / below I recommend buying at a minimum (they are sold out poorly).
This data was enough for me to order a batch of Christmas trees from a wholesaler, they additionally gave me a ready-made website where I had to correct phone numbers, prices and other information.

The trees themselves are made in China. There are red boxes, there are pink ones, I had blue ones. All this is almost irrelevant, because. these are cheap brushes with a coating brought from the east. Everyone who writes about these trees that Russian production- lie, everything is China. We have literally 3-4 mass productions in the Russian Federation, and the cost of a Russian artificial Christmas tree 1.5 meters high starts from 3 thousand per piece. at wholesale price. China looks like the picture above. I will give the approximate wholesale cost of purchasing Christmas trees in the assortment, I think the price in future years will not jump much:
  • 120 cm - 500-600 rubles / piece
  • 150 cm - 800-900 rubles / piece
  • 180 cm - 1250 - 1350 rubles / piece
  • 210 cm - 1600 - 1700 rubles / piece
Do I need to apply for an IP? I must say right away that if this is your first business and you sell them for delivery, then the business of artificial Christmas trees is not worth it, you definitely don’t need taxes and all these crap, especially if you don’t sell anything other than Christmas trees. An exception is work with legal entities. persons, there is a thread of a patent needed. All this, of course, is at your own peril and risk, but the tax authorities have enough cases on New Year's Eve, they are not up to you.

The main sales channels that I used- website, VKontakte group, Avito, Yula, partner, offline. Now I will go through each channel that I have personally tested.

waiting vs. reality

contextual advertising

The very first sales were brought by Yandex.Direct. Having unscrewed 6000 rubles. until December 10, I realized that I had to spend 500 rubles. and more to attract the customer, it is very expensive. It was advertised mainly by hot requests "artificial Christmas trees to buy", "artificial Christmas trees in the city of N", etc.
Let's count if the Christmas tree costs 2200 rubles. (1.5 meters) minus 900 rubles. purchase, minus 500 rubles / application, 800 rubles remain. from the order, and then there is also gasoline for delivery and they can refuse.

So-so result, but alas, at the beginning of the month, few people think about buying a Christmas tree, they compare a lot, run around the sites and 100 rubles can play a big role. dropped by a competitor. The conclusion was this - the price of the client is high, you work as a taxi driver throughout the city. Decided to remove ads for the time being.

Spent 6,000 rubles and 7 orders in the amount of 19 thousand (this is somewhere around 5 thousand net profit)

Channel recommendation: Until December 15, advertise only on YAN on Yandex (KMS on Google Ads), after that you can already get into advertising in search results. We make the highest margin on the goods (due to high costs for advertising). As soon as the application arrives, we immediately call back.

Social networks (on the example of VK)

Until December 15, the Vkontakte group was actively developing - daily posts, launching contests with drawing Christmas trees. Paid posts were submitted to the communities of the city from 20,000 to 120,000 thousand subscribers. The conclusion is emptiness, these contestants are not converted into sales (it's easier to catch up with bots!), It's too early for posts, and to be honest, it's a wasteland. Yes, there were several applications for Christmas trees in VK, but not significantly.

Separately, I want to say about the conduct of the group. These New Year's emojis, reflections about how it's like "New Year, and you're without a Christmas tree" didn't fucking give up to anyone. All you need to do is make a design, add products with prices, add an application form application. Posts - how to collect, how much it costs, leftovers. That's it - only targeted traffic is needed further.

Settings: view - carousel / promo post with a button, a link to either the application or the group. Targeting:

  1. Residential complexes (new buildings) CPM
  2. Buy online (CPC)
  3. Have children (up to a year, 1-3, 3-6) CPM
  4. cpc moms
  5. Anything else
Channel recommendation: You will need an audience scraping program - I would use Segmento-target , or equivalent. In terms of meaning, here you need skills in working with targeted advertising, either learn in advance, or hire a specialist, or don’t take it at the last moment. Also, install the VK application on your phone to instantly answer and call back on requests.

Commodity bulletin boards (Avito and Yula)

These are truly the coolest channels for receiving applications, but also the most competitive. Junk sellers have been using a bunch of leftist accounts for a long time to drain "good" through fake accounts. If you look at AVITO at the height of the season and write "artificial Christmas trees", you will see a bunch of announcements with Christmas trees falling out every hour. The selling strategy on the sites is as follows: automatically throw out a bunch of identical offers with goods every day, but with different descriptions, pictures and headings (in order to pass moderation). All this is done to squeeze out competitors and get maximum views.

Another point, I'm not sure about AVITO, and YULA uses the principle of ranking by dot geography, i.e. if you are closest to the seller (indicated in the ad), then your ad will come out among the first. In general, in order to sell a lot there, you need to get confused with accounts, texts, etc. (this is a topic for a separate article) Another option is to use paid placement - not so profitable, but not so bloody. Ultimately, when some sizes of Christmas trees began to run out of competitors, I launched paid placement there and received several orders.

Channel recommendation: the most profitable channels, but every year there is more competition, and if you don’t bother, then it’s best to sell here with a paid package. Well, some share of the pie, but you get it. Of the minuses - a small markup on the product, the winner here is the one from whom the purchase was the most profitable.

Offline sales

As of December 18, only 12 Christmas trees were sold, while advertising was actively spinning in Ya.Direct (Search and YAN), but there were more than 50 Christmas trees left and something had to be done about it, sales rates are far from rosy. I made a mobile advertising structure and decided to trade from the spot, and you know what? This shit doesn't work. If you are not standing in a shopping center, then most are ready to overpay 2-3 thousand and buy indoors. I took risks and tried to stand in the market (central entrance), at the entrances to residential complexes. There were several sales from the spot - but it's not worth it: it's cold, people don't trust such a sale anymore!

Major sales

From the 19th, the main sales of 4-7 Christmas trees per day began. You have to get ready for the fact that you will have to wander around the city a lot in traffic jams and deliver to ebony, while taking orders by phone if you work alone.
One would think that this is everything for me - no, competitors working in a similar way had the same situation on average 0-2 orders / day until the 20th and then better. The highest rise in applications, of course, falls on Friday and Saturday.

I made an attempt to offer competitors to raise prices, but did not lead to a result, but we were able to subsequently resell orders and Christmas trees to each other, which ensured about 15 sales.

The peak of sales fell on December 28-30, when the awakened people ran to the stores, and there were leftovers, expensive, there was nothing to choose. As a result, 70% of the Christmas trees were sold, about 60 pieces - some with a minimum margin and a lot of money was gobbled up by advertising and payments to partners. Did not even go to payback, taking into account all the expenses.

Conclusions and wishes

  1. If you have your own walk-through stores ( best type- household goods / groceries), sell there or arrange in advance for sale with the owners (no later than December 10)
  2. It sells well on Avito, but it is important to set prices no higher than competitive ones, otherwise there is nothing to do there and only with a paid package.
  3. The competitor says that SMM works well on VK, using the method of mass liking, adding to friends in the target audience. I will not argue, I have not tried.
  4. The main profile of the target audience is M/F 23-35, residents of new buildings/rent housing, have small children, don't have much money, are economical.
  5. At 10-20 days of school, kindergartens begin to spend budgets on new year decoration- here it is important that there is an IP. The segment is hemorrhoids, but if you work it out, you can drain a lot of good.
  6. In early November, start negotiating with organizations for the purchase of Christmas trees / garlands (you also need an individual entrepreneur).
  7. Artificial Christmas trees are almost never sold from the street - I don’t advise spending time on this, this is the lot of real Christmas trees. The maximum is to give it to some merchant on the market.
  8. First of all, look for a supplier in your city, if there is none for the first time, then do not take a large purchase of more than 30 thousand rubles. - you can not sell.
  9. The most important thing is that people are hardly ready to buy Christmas trees from the picture, it is important for them to feel and see them live. Competitors had a lot of negativity due to the fact that the assembled Christmas tree in the picture did not correspond to reality. I don’t know which is better - post real pictures (as I did and 0 failures) or post photoshopped and get opened boxes, which you then hard to drive. In general, post normal photos (ask the supplier).
  10. Sales channels were also tried - SPAM mailings on the basis of the organization. The mailing must be done before December, otherwise it's too late (I sent it too late). I turned to this freelancer and for 600 rubles. he filtered and sent the base of the 2GIS organization I bought. A lot got into spam, but there were transitions.
  11. Involve your acquaintances in the sale - many of them work in organizations where offices, corridors, halls, etc. will be designed. 200-400 rub. roll back them from the sale of 1 Christmas tree - easy!
  12. If you drive traffic to the site, you should connect a visitor retention system like this one to the site.
  13. Get at least one phone number for calls and a separate (preferably push-button) phone to hold the battery, and their reception, as it turned out, is better than touch ones! Or get yourself a powerbank.
  14. 95% of customers don't fucking need 1-2 hour rush delivery. Arrange delivery for the next day, so at least plan the route, and you won’t ride like a fucking broom.
  15. Don't lower your price for the customer if your prices are in the market. If you are on his doorstep, then he is already ready to buy and, in fact, already owes you. you stuck in traffic jams before him, respect yourself.
  16. The ideal scheme of work is to find a partner for traffic on the basis of requests and roll back what is due to him, about 300-400 rubles. from sale.
  17. Don't forget that you are selling cheap "Chinese consumer goods" Christmas trees. You will have questions like "what is it like, you can see the trunk." This man buys the cheapest crap, it's worth the money it sells for. In other words, do not be fooled, buyers of the cheap segment are very fond of haggling.
  18. Make upsells, that's important. It's cool if you have different garlands, tinsel, balls in your assortment. Partner with firecrackers, sparklers, etc.
  19. Get ready for the Christmas tree trip from November. Depending on the chosen sales channels: there must be a website, a group on a social network, an IP is registered (if you work with legal entities), courses on working with Yula and Avito have been viewed, there should already be outlines for partnership with someone (it’s better to work with those who also traded the same goods last year, they have everything under control).
  20. If you deliver the goods yourself, take 2-5 more Christmas trees with you in order to sell them to someone at a sudden drop in demand, and you have it on your way, or by additional purchase. I had such that they ordered 1 Christmas tree, arrived - there was a company, and 2 more were taken by a colleague's steam locomotive. Give a discount of course.

Unfortunate experience, but priceless

As I already wrote, the business did not pay off, but now it will not be scary and I will sell the rest in a year. There is terrible competition, but there really are no barriers to entry into this business. I consider my main mistake that I took too large a batch and could not sell it (more precisely, there were not so many orders). Colleagues from other cities have a similar situation, alas, they didn’t manage to earn a lot - but nevertheless, many sold and went into profit. It turned out that it is much easier to sell in non-millionaire cities (take note)!

The main factor successful sales artificial Christmas trees - a passageway (shop, shopping center), exhibited copies, inexpensive advertising (avito, YAN, CMS, SMS / viber / e-mail, conversion site). Christmas trees for delivery will be a good part-time job if your activity is connected with a free schedule. Don't buy a lot if you are trading for the first time.

A lush beautiful pine or spruce is the main attribute of the long-awaited holidays of the New Year and Christmas. Many Russian consumers prefer naturalistic and easy-to-use artificial Christmas trees, the service life of which is at least 6 years. We encourage you to consider opening own business for the production of artificial Christmas trees and pines.

Benefits of producing an artificial Christmas tree as a business:

  • A small business does not require a large start-up investment;
  • Relatively low cost of equipment;
  • Large margin on sales at low cost of production;
  • Simplicity of production technology;
  • A large production and storage facility is not required - a business option in a garage is possible;
  • Return on investment - in a few New Year's weeks;
  • Low bankruptcy rate.

Variety of artificial coniferous products

The most popular raw materials for the production of artificial Christmas trees:

  1. From thick paper with special impregnation - the cheapest models (made in China). They look good, but they don't last long. Characterized by increased ignition.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tape models with a wire base and steel pipes-trunks. Resistant to fire, do not deteriorate and are practically harmless. They look pretty and quite natural. Retail price - from 0.9 rubles / m. This is the least expensive production.
  3. Fir-trees-pines from plastic line or PVC line-tape combinations. They look very natural: the fishing line imitates young light green needles, and closer to the trunk, the color turns into dark green. Cost - from 1.5 thousand rubles / m.
  4. Modern effective light-guiding models fiber optic. For example, with a luminous tip of a single needle or with LEDs embedded along the entire length of the branch. Price: from 4-5 thousand rubles / m.

Market value of PVC film fir trees(with shoot 10 cm in diameter)

Height, mEconomy class, rub.Premium class, rub.
0.6 530 2490
0.75 730 730
0.9 960 4490
1,2 - 1,3 1400 7490
1,5 -1,6 2050 21590
1,8 - 1,9 3650 34990
2 - 2,2 3850 49990
2,3 - 2,5 7200 59990
2,6 - 2,8 10050 86500
3 13900 130480

Stages of technology for the production of prefabricated spruce from PVC film and lek

Spruce paws are fixed in tiers on a special metal base. Depending on the size of the segments, the length of the Christmas tree rod can be of different heights and “fluffiness”. For the manufacture of metal bases and the frame, a welding machine is used.

We have developed for you a business plan for an enterprise for the production of Christmas trees. The process of assembling a Christmas tree is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Expenditure part

To open your own mini-production, 300 thousand rubles are enough. Get a relatively inexpensive universal machine - about 65-95 thousand rubles. This option is cheaper, although the range of products produced is somewhat limited. Under production room you can redo the garage, cottage, basement.

For business in industrial scale will require large expenditures on specialized equipment. Having tree making machine (LPH line), you can make not only Christmas trees, pines, holiday paraphernalia, but also ritual baskets, wreaths from artificial needles.

More thoroughly familiarize yourself with the equipment for making artificial Christmas trees.

The cost of machines for the production of Christmas trees

EquipmentPrice, thousand rubles
cutting machine50 - 60
Dissolvable machine34
ruff machine90 - 125
needle twister64 - 120
Combined twister150
For rewinding wire20
Rotary line100
Autonomous scissors25
Welding machine30
LPH monophonic with film1276
LPH bicolor with film1407
LPH with ruff1125

Required raw materials:

  • Color film made of PVC or polypropylene in rolls d=30-50 cm. Expensive, high-quality film has an additional texture that imitates the naturalness of needles (PVC2 film).
  • PVC knitting line in braids (usually 3 m each) or already loose 0.9-1.2 mm. The most popular is 1-1.1 mm.
  • Coil wire 0.8-1.1mm. The most running - 0.9mm.
  • Reinforcement or thin tubes - for the base of the tree.

Usually raw materials are ordered from abroad, so please take shipping costs into account right away.

Cost of Christmas trees

Calculation of the cost of a small PVC model (height 0.6 m)

The calculation is made taking into account the fact that 1 m of twisted needles requires 32 g. (1.2 m) films and 9 gr. wire.

In total, the cost of one Christmas tree will be 98 rubles + electricity (excluding VAT).

Time costs - 3 hours.

Profit and payback of business

The volume of sales of artificial Christmas trees depends on the quality of the products produced, during the season - up to 50 units per day.

The duration of the season is about 2-2.5 New Year's Eve weeks. In the off-season, you can make other coniferous products.

Calculation of profit for the New Year season (excluding VAT):

  • The cost of a tree with a height of 0.6 m economy class - 530 rubles;
  • Profit for the season - about 371 thousand rubles;
  • Production costs - 77 thousand rubles;
  • Income - 294 thousand rubles.

As we see, at good deal the payback period of mini-production will be about 1.5-2 years. And if the production of artificial Christmas trees is not the only direction of the enterprise's work, then you can count on a stable profit in 1 year.

Business options with small start-up capital

1. Business software for mobile phones ideal for creative people who can work with their hands. Production can start with minimum investment at home and minimum set equipment.

2. Niche in our country has vacancies. You can start a business with simple garage. The markup on manufactured products is over 50%. After establishing permanent sales outlets, you can expand production.

3. . This type of private activity is extremely in demand, requires relatively small investments, and can act as additional income.

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