Why dream of a broken phone in dream books. Mobile phone according to the dream book

reservoirs 16.10.2019

Dial a phone number in a dream and get stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will remain in the cold, as your entourage weaves all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it is difficult for you to turn the disk or you do not get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and leave no trace.

To dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get a nine, then a global event will soon occur in your life, for example, you will be given Nobel Prize or sent to jail.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Phone

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular ones this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the phone: indispensable attribute our lives, so that in dreams it may well appear.

If you call someone on the phone, it means that confidential information will soon be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure, and not only leisure, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about that person around which this gossip curls.

Interpretation of dreams from

It's impossible to imagine life without a phone modern man. Every day we use this accessory to communicate with other people. Therefore, the question of why the phone is dreaming is very relevant. And indeed, this symbol in a dream can tell a lot about what can happen to us in the near future. But in order to correctly decipher the dream in which the phone dreamed up, you need to analyze all the details of the plot you saw.

Phone - interpretation of sleep

When a phone is dreaming, the interpretation depends on how appearance, the dreaming device, and on what actions were performed with it. Moreover, both factors must be linked for correct decoding. And this can only be done if you listen to your own intuition. It is with this approach that it will be possible to say exactly what the phone dreamed about and what life events it can influence.

Very often, a landline phone is dreamed of, on which no one speaks. If you saw such a dream, then be careful in reality. Chances are high that someone wants to confuse you and force you to make the wrong decision. Such a dream indicates that there are ill-wishers next to you, the existence of which you do not even see clearly. But if you dreamed of a mobile phone in a similar plot, then this symbolizes that your life is quite successful, but you lack the sharpness of new experiences. Such a dream, as it were, pushes that the time has come to do a new and interesting business.

In what condition did the phone dream

    A broken phone does not bode well. It simply symbolizes the dreamer's internal, absolutely groundless fears. It may very well be that inner anxiety is due to the fact that you are very afraid of something valuable to you in life. Try to get rid of this feeling, as fear makes you more vulnerable. A broken mobile phone screen symbolizes that you have a poor understanding of people. And your excessive gullibility, often, is very harmful to you. A new phone is a harbinger of a new connection in reality. It is highly likely that fate will give you a promising acquaintance, so take this chance. An old or antique phone symbolizes your conservatism and focuses on the fact that you need to be a little more courageous in reality. A broken phone symbolizes that you are in real life seek to run away from problems, instead of resolving them. Someone else's phone indicates that you are overly concerned about the fate of other people. Try to think more about yourself and your family.

Freud's dream book

In accordance with the interpretation of Freud's dream book, to see a telephone in a dream means being proud of one's sexual capabilities in reality. And if a lot of phones appear in night dreams, then this indicates the disorder of the dreamer's connections. Moreover, it is possible that they may be of the same sex. If a broken phone is dreamed up, then the person has problems in the sexual sphere.

Why dream of talking on the phone

Very often, a telephone conversation in night dreams with a specific person indicates that the dreamer does not have the opportunity to contact him in real life. Sometimes it is associated with objective reasons. But much more often, the dream emphasizes that there is no mutual understanding between people. But on the other hand, talking on the phone in a dream indicates that the dreamer is trying to establish contact with this person. Some dream plots associated with the ringing phone may mean the following:
    If, according to the plot, you picked up the phone, but the phone still continues to ring, then try not to miss a very important call in real life that can affect your whole life. When in your night dreams you were about to call specific person, but there are problems with communication, it is possible that in real life relations with this person will worsen. For a woman, talking on the phone in a dream with a stranger may indicate that in reality her partner will not behave as she would like. the dream calls, but for some reason you do not pick up the phone. This indicates that in real world you prefer not to notice difficulties and do not want to think about existing problems. If you hang up the phone in your nightly dreams, not wanting to continue the conversation, then family troubles may arise in reality. Remember that relationships with loved ones need to be protected, so do not commit rash acts. If you have a dream that you are talking on the phone, but you hear your interlocutor very poorly, then in reality the time has come when you need to pay attention to your relatives. This can be especially true for older parents.

Quite unpleasant is the plot of a dream associated with the theft of a personal phone. But you should not be very upset, because such a dream does not portend global negative changes in the dreamer's life. After such a dream in real life, there is a possibility that one of the people close to you will disappoint you. Most likely, some bad deed will be committed by a person that will not have a direct relationship with you.

Lost mobile phone

If, according to the plot of a dream, you lose your mobile phone, then a rearrangement of frames will occur in your environment. There is a high probability that some people will leave you forever and the reasons for this can be completely different.

phone as a gift

When you dream that you are given a phone, this indicates that changes will take place in your life that will not depend on you. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to interfere in the ongoing events, it is better to just try to accept them.

Why dream of buying a phone

On the other hand, the dream in which you decide to acquire new phone, symbolizes your desire for leadership in a particular life situation. Moreover, you have good chances for this, since you have very good ideas and you are open to fruitful cooperation with other people.

You won’t be able to find interpretations of what the new phone is dreaming of in old dream books, and it’s understandable, because this invention came to light relatively recently. Therefore, in order to understand what exactly this promises you personally, you should turn to modern interpreters. It would be useful to recall as many details of what you saw as possible.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Explaining what the new phone is dreaming of, this famous interpreter warns the sleeper that soon he will have a lot of enemies and envious people. According to the dream book, the enemies will be able to fight back, but in order not to fall into the set networks, be vigilant and be on your guard.

Interpretations of modern dream books

Why dream of a new, only from the store, smartphone? This dream suggests that the dreamer is torn apart by two strong desires. I want to plunge headlong into new sensations and adventures - after all, life can provide a lot of opportunities. And at the same time, it’s scary to go beyond the comfort zone and change your usual life for the unknown.

But such a dream has another interpretation. He is seen by those who are immersed in work with their heads, not finding a single free minute for themselves. This is the opinion of the Family Interpreter.

Dreamed of a mobile phone? Immediately after waking up, be extremely careful. Any detail, even insignificant at first glance, can be a way to solve a problem or provide the necessary information.

Luck ahead

Did you have a dream in which you got the phone completely unexpectedly? In reality, you will be very lucky. Was the phone in a dream a spontaneous purchase? The solution to some problem lies on the surface, you just need to look at it properly.

According to Erotic dream book if you dreamed of a phone that you always dreamed of, everything is in order with your personal life now.

Stylish and expensive

Dream books also have an explanation of what the iPhone may dream of. This product is not the cheapest, which means it is symbolized not only as a means of communication, but also as a high social status of the sleeper.

  • Did you see him in a dream? Perhaps evil intrigues are weaving behind your back. But such a vision has another interpretation - it portends a quick profit.
  • Did you dream that you were changing your old phone for this prestigious gadget? Be as vigilant as possible.
  • Do you use this gadget for work? You have chosen the right path to achieve your goal.
  • Do you play on it? In reality, you will encounter misunderstandings.

  • Unlucky to lose your phone in a dream? In reality, throw something burdensome off your shoulders.
  • Did you see that the device was updated by itself? Expect important news.

But it may also be that this interpretation is much more literal - probably, the sleeper really wants to become the owner of this stylish and expensive little thing.

Buying a phone

The dream books also have an explanation of what the purchase of a new phone may dream of. According to the interpreters, the sleeper is a person who tries to personally control every situation, not allowing it to take its course.

Sometimes such a dream is seen by those who experience difficulties in communication. The reason can be both ordinary shyness, and the inability to personally talk with this or that person.

For those who in a dream pleased themselves with such a purchase, dream books promise good luck in a business plan. All transactions and projects will bring success and solid dividends, and you will hardly have to make any effort to do this.

A few more interpretations

According to Madame Hasse's dream book, what you might dream of buying a phone indicates the collapse of all plans. But you should not be upset ahead of time - the situation will develop in such a way that in the end you will gain more than you will lose.

At Family dream book have an opinion regarding the purchase of a mobile phone. Soon, the sleeping person will have information that can influence some people. How to use it, the dreamer has to decide.

And what does the dream mean in which you bought a phone "from hand to hand"? As the dream book says, you are jealous of those who are more successful. On the advice of the interpreter, do not wallow in envy, but try to achieve what others have already achieved.

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The telephone is a symbol of communication with outside world. This necessary means of communication has become so firmly established in everyday life that it has become a constant companion of modern man. Why dream of a broken phone? Let's deal with this issue in detail.

The telephone is a symbol of communication with the outside world.

A broken phone in reality and in a dream will cause a state of shock, which does not seem necessary to explain. For some citizens, an expensive phone represents a social image, no less.

What symbolism does this image in a dream contain? If the phone was new, expect bad changes in life. If cell phone was old, a renewal is coming in life. Getting rid of old things and objects in a dream is always a good change.

If we consider the gadget as a means of communication with the outside world, then a broken gadget will mean:

  • loss of connections with the right people;
  • parting with friends or a loved one;
  • conflicts with business partners due to misunderstanding;
  • an obstacle to communication with the right person;
  • lack of necessary information;
  • unwillingness to communicate with anyone.

If we consider the actions that were associated with the phone, the following plot will be important:

  • the phone crashed unexpectedly;
  • you intentionally broke your gadget;
  • someone else broke your phone;
  • you see someone's phone broken.

Break your phone by accident- not good. The dreamer expects problems in solving important matters related to communication. If the screen of the gadget is cracked, the dreamer does not have a clear idea of ​​​​the case in which he got involved.

Seeing a broken phone in a dream- a symbol of problems in communicating with loved ones. Soon there will be misunderstanding and conflict with friends, and communication will be interrupted for a while. However, you should not be upset: communication will be restored after a while.

If the dreamer in desperation breaks his gadget, this could mean:

  • anger at inaccessible information;
  • an attempt to get rid of communication;
  • desire to get rid of old memories;
  • desire to radically change your life.

Secret or inaccessible information that the dreamer needs can provoke an attack of despair or anger. This is what the dream means in which the sleeping smashes the gadget against the wall or thrown to the floor. No matter what you do, you will not find out what you want to know in the near future.

Sometimes the old social circle bothers a person so much that he is ready to run away anywhere, just not to meet unnecessary people. Either a person suffers from unnecessary communication and does not know how to get rid of it - the subconscious mind sends an image of a broken phone. The dreamer himself must abruptly stop all contacts that are not beneficial.

Both positive and negative memories are associated with communication. Break a gadget in a dream- subconscious advice to get rid of unnecessary memories. Live in the present day, not in the past. Also, a phone smashed against a wall can give a clue to a change in lifestyle, which begins with the denial of previous contacts and a change in environment.

Sleep warning

If you're trying in your sleep talking on a broken phone, soon there will be conflicts with friends or employees. If you wanted to tell a friend the news on a broken phone, it is with him that misunderstandings will arise. If you called at work, expect problems with colleagues. If a girl calls on a faulty cell lover, the couple will soon part.

If you call a person with whom you are in a quarrel on a faulty phone, you should immediately reconcile with him. This dream is a clue to action. Now is a good time to build relationships.

You Bought a new phone that was broken? So soon there will be big problems in dealing with people. On the contrary, breaking the phone is to get rid of the annoying problem associated with unnecessary communication. You dialed a number and phone cracked or spoiled? So you're exaggerating your communication problems.

If you are trying to find a solution to an issue or in doubt where to start, - a dream with a broken gadget indicates a lack of awareness. You do not have the information to successfully cope with the intended business. As soon as the necessary amount of information arrives, everything will be solved by itself - and the problem will disappear.

Communication, communication, information - through them we keep everything under control. Therefore, a broken means of communication warns that the situation is out of control and develops spontaneously.

If you were entrusted with a secret, but there is a temptation to tell the world about it - a dream warns not to do stupid things. Bury the secret in the depths of your soul, because it does not belong to you. Don't make a fatal mistake.

The psychological aspect of the dream

Psychologists consider the image of a broken gadget a symbol of psychological problems associated with communication:

  • fear of loss of communication;
  • desire to avoid responsibility;
  • desire to keep information confidential.

A broken phone can dream of lovers people who are afraid of losing each other. In this situation, a dream is a reflection of daytime experiences and is not subject to interpretation. A broken/broken means of communication is a nightmare for loving hearts who only live by communicating with their loved ones.

When a person is afraid to take responsibility for his words/ deeds, the image of a broken means of communication expresses his subconscious fear of being responsible for what has been done. This dream also has no interpretation, as it is a reflection of the dreamer's thoughts, an attempt to avoid talking.

Fear of revealing secrets can also be transformed into the image of a broken means of communication. The dreamer is so afraid that someone will find out about his act that he clutches at straws - he dreams that all means of communication will disappear from his life. Fear can be passive - the image of someone's broken gadget comes. Fear can take a panic form - the dreamer breaks the phone in a rage.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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