Dream interpretation seedlings, why dream of seedlings in a dream to see. Fresh - stale, ripe - unripe tomatoes in a dream

Landscaping and planning 29.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

From this article, you can find out why Seedlings are dreaming from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the layout of the dream according to Lenormand will tell. And it will help to understand the dream more precisely moon calendar dreams.

Why dream of Seedlings: interpretation of sleep

Why dream of seedlings in the fall?

Seedlings - Get into new debts.

Why dream of seedlings in summer?

Seedlings - To the news from which you are dumbfounded, the news will be good, this is an interpretation of what this dream is about.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream Seedlings in a dream:

Seedlings - Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts. Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or in greenhouses means that circumstances will turn for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Seedlings - A good business start.

Seedlings - Green sprouts of seedlings on the windowsill, in the greenhouse or in the garden - a symbol of change in your life for the better. If you grow, buy or plant seedlings, you will be rewarded for past vicissitudes.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.


“Dream Interpretation Seedlings dreamed of why Seedlings dream in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Seedling

Why dream of Seedlings in a dream from a dream book?

Seedlings seen in a dream portend changes that will occur in life and will portend only good events. A favorable period awaits ahead, during which everything will turn out as well as possible. Of particular importance for visions of this type is the specific type of seedlings.

For detailed information about the meaning of the seen seedling symbol, refer to Felomena's dream book. If you do not find the answer to your question in the interpretations below, ask an expert.

Seedlings of which plant did you dream about?

I dreamed of cabbage seedlings

Cabbage seedlings are dreaming - get good news from afar. The information received will give you a lot of pleasure, give you a lot of positive emotions. You can enjoy life, feel like a truly happy person.

Dreaming of strawberry seedlings Ў

Why dream of strawberry seedlings? Your efforts and efforts will be appreciated. You will be able to translate long-term plans into reality, to realize your plans. You will receive assistance from the outside, do not refuse help.

Seeing seedlings of cucumbers in a dream Ў

A dream about cucumber seedlings portends the beginning of a new exciting business. According to another interpretation, this symbol is related to real estate, marking the beginning of a new stage in the construction of the house that you have always dreamed of.

I dreamed of tomato seedlings

Dream Interpretation of Felomena considers tomato seedlings as a harbinger of an unexpected visit by a visitor that causes you hostility and negative feelings. This person is able to create a mess in your business and in your home, which will cause difficulties.

Dreaming of seedlings of flowers Ў

Seeing seedlings of flowers in a dream - in reality you realize your own destiny, strengthen your position in life, make important step on the way to achieving your dreams. Buy seedlings of flowers - close people will come to your aid, with their assistance, life will change for the better.

What did you do in your dream?

Watering seedlings in a dream Ў

I dreamed that they watered the seedlings - the trials that fell to your lot will receive a worthy reward. An exceptionally favorable period of good luck and luck awaits you ahead, which should be used for its intended purpose.

Plant seedlings in the ground in a dream

Why dream of planting seedlings in the ground? What you see is a harbinger of change for the better, promising to receive rewards from fortune for your diligence. Transplanted seedlings - any circumstances will be in your favor.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

I dreamed of Seedlings, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Seedlings are dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Hello! I had a dream in which I planted a homemade Chinese rose, shrubs, seedlings in the dacha in the dark, I transplant one bush, the land is fertile, I enjoy planting so much, I water it. I plant with Philip Kirkorov, he meekly helps me,))) from the end country house I understand that this is my home. Maybe this means that I will find a job soon?

I was given 2 large armfuls of pink large blooming roses on long thick stems and I had to arrange them in vases. But since there were not enough vases, I began to empty the vases with my old dried, rotten flowers ( small roses withered, and the irises rotted and the water was rotten). I threw away the missing flowers, washed the vases and placed fresh roses there, after cutting off the dried ends of the stems from them, from which I realized that the roses were cut a long time ago, but they were not given to me. In a dream, I was still surprised that the roses themselves did not wither during this time, but only the tips dried up.

I dreamed that I was watering the fellows in the ground with my mother-in-law, in an old house that had previously burned down.

I dreamed of tomato seedlings, and I plant them in the ground with someone. I make not very deep holes, pour water into it and plant it.

the season is spring, early seedlings rise - shoots of cabbage. there are tulip roots and a tulip flower, in some places there is still snow - but basically the earth has already been freed from snow

I transplanted seedlings of small flowers at first, then she grew up, I distributed them for free, then I saw someone else's tomato seedlings large and my own and asked me to give them away for free,

planted tomato seedlings in the ground, divided holes and planted, planted a lot, and then remembered that it was still cold outside for planting. That's all

Hello! I picked strawberries from the garden and planted them in a pot. And I watered strawberries and vegetables in the garden. And the strawberries looked marbled red with pink in a pot.

i dreamed as if I was pulling out grass and there were a lot of seedlings and fresh cucumbers grew nearby

I saw in a dream, through the window, how seedlings were growing on someone's windowsill. still small, green twigs.

The girl stopped me to ask how to find the house at the address, explaining that there was a Muslim prison there, although real life there is an ordinary residential building, explaining to her how to get there, I paid attention to the package in her hand, there was a juicy, green seedling of flowers, I was very surprised by this.

I stand and look at what I planted a lot of strawberry shoots, they were all green and I was pleased

Planted cucumbers have already grown and began to curl, but I dreamed they were dried up. The color was yellow. The seedling pot is brown.

“Seedlings why dream in a dream? If you see Seedlings in a dream, what does it mean?

Why dream Seedlings:
interpretation of sleep according to 90 dream books

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seedlings - get into new debts.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seedlings - to the news from which you are dumbfounded, the news will be good.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seedlings are a good business start.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing seedlings in a dream is a good change.

If you dreamed that you yourself grew, bought, watered or planted seedlings, you will soon be rewarded for the previous blows of fate.

You watched someone grow, buy, water or plant seedlings - soon someone close will come to your aid, and your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed that you were selling seedlings, be careful, you yourself can ruin the fruits of your labors.

my father dreamed of the late wife, that is, my mother, and she gave dad a lot of green seedlings for planting in the garden.

I often write down my dreams, almost all dreams with meaning, some very curious.
If you send your mail, I would like to get some point of view on some.
Insertion is not possible in this column.

a dark room, light comes through a small window. There is a box with seedlings on the table - a solid weed, long stems of some kind of purple plant. I feel that I can’t swallow, bend down and spit out shiny new sewing needles from my mouth. scarlet, sweet blood. I bow to the box, move the weed with my hand and see elastic seedlings densely sown white color sweet pepper.

for some reason, we plant potato seedlings with my husband and look among them there are strawberry seedlings, I warn him not to confuse that there are seedlings among the seedlings and strawberry seedlings will need to be planted separately

I grew seedlings of cucumbers on the balcony, taking into account the fact that I don’t have my own garden, I thought whether to give these seedlings to my mother-in-law or let them grow on the balcony. the glass on the windows was painted white to keep the leaves from burning.

I dreamed that I and other people, among them a little girl (about 10 years old), were planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers in pots.

began to breed with a daughter houseplants, began to swear, about the fact that she did not water them again, the flowers were not withered

I watered the seedlings (sprouts are small) planted in the ground, and a small red dog with kind eyes sat next to it. I don't remember anymore.

I dreamed that I was walking across the field and there I met a man stripped to the waist
And tell the shaft seedlings in very long rows.

I dreamed that I was digging seedlings of field flowers of different colors in a clearing, the flowers were very bright purple, red, yellow, but purple was especially memorable.

I had a very vivid dream, it was spring, it was my village and I see that my friend is planting a ditch with flowers and seedlings for me so that I would also regret ... why this dream, please tell me

I saw myself pregnant in a dream, and my mother and I asked the nurse for seedlings of potatoes. Then we planted it in the beds.

we are driving in a car, it seems like some kind of truck is rushing after us - which wants to overtake us and it seems that an accident occurs but not with us - then we get off the car and, it seems, we plant seedlings of pepper on the beds

In a dream I buy a lot of seedlings of flowers, I don’t know the names of the flowers, but they are very bright, they are all blooming and very beautiful, red and pink color, with me, my mother, she also bought a few flowers.

I dreamed that it was summer and I planted seedlings of cucumbers, that's enough long seedlings, one bush began to be transplanted towards evening closer. I was looking for a sunny place so that it would be warmer. I dug a hole in the ground with my hands and planted it in it.

I dreamed that when watering indoor flowers in one of the pots I found seedlings of cucumbers, the seedlings were very strong and beautiful

a neighbor brought me 3 boxes with seedlings of daisy flowers pink white and purple gave them to me another neighbor this is her seedlings

I was going to buy seedlings with a grandmother for her when I arrived there, the idea came to my mind what to buy and for my mother, too, I bought and for her we came home

Hello. My name is Irina. Today I had a dream in which I planted asters (seedlings) in boxes. What is it for?

I dreamed of my dead mother. It was as if we were at some kind of bus stop, there were a large number of people there. And they planted seedlings. And we were looking for where to plant tomatoes. But there was no place nearby and we went along railway. There was a wasteland there and I offered her to plant it there. She stayed there and sent me back for something to return to the stop. When I returned to her, she had already landed everything. And here I woke up.

i dreamed of a bed of strawberries and I planted tomato seedlings in this bed and at the same time processed strawberries from a mustache where I came across spiders which I tried to kill because I'm afraid of them.

there were many people of relatives and friends of her husband. I was cleaning my husband's house - washing the floor, laying out things, I saw boxes with seedlings and someone asked my husband's friend to take them to the balcony. The seedling was very well maintained, green and quite large. the floor was washed, despite the fact that it was constantly trampled on. Then suddenly I saw a big box in the middle of the hallway, I ask what is it?? they answer me - you remember that we had a cat, we could not let her go and she is there (like dead).

Hello, Tatyana. Such a dream, my husband and I held seedlings in our hands and looked for a place where to plant them.

Good afternoon, I dreamed.

a German shepherd dog of a very beautiful color, at first they wanted to let her down on me, and then she came up to me and she had kind eyes, she looked at me and calmed down, then I went to the store there were new brown patent leather shoes colors with gold with a metal buckle, and then I found myself in a flower bed where a man planted flowers, they were very beautiful multi-colored

I am going to plant seedlings outside in spring, and suddenly I realize that I was late to plant seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, so I only plant flower seedlings. but at the same time I constantly repeat, how did I miss the time to plant the rest of the seedlings

Hey! in a dream I saw a plant in my room. but I don't know who brought it. and I also saw in a dream how I was giving birth. tell!

I come to the market, I see a lot of strawberries and strawberry seedlings, the price for seedlings is 2.50, I talk with the seller about the benefits and benefits of growing strawberries, I think to buy or not. woke up further. that's all.

Today I planted peppers. The next day I woke up, and the seedlings, surprisingly, were 10 cm. After that, I went to the garden and found that the cucumbers were 1.5 meters thick and there were a lot of fruits. In a dream, I told many friends about this with great surprise! (All this I dreamed today)
Thanks in advance.

Someone asked for seedlings in children. gardens. I picked what was: flowers, tomatoes, etc. The seedlings were both good and frail

I dreamed that two (a man and a woman) strangers were transplanting plants on my loggia. I see seedlings in a box. Fresh, bright green. They brought me full order with plants. Everything is watered and well maintained.

I dreamed that my mother and I grow and sell garden seedlings, some we plant in the garden, and some we sell seedlings, flowers, tomatoes, peppers


i dreamed that I transplanted tomatoes and peppers and cabbage into beds and also sowed semin carrots

a man (I know him) brought a box full of green small seedlings planted in a long box and put his suitcase, too, I talked to him cheerfully, he kept asking me, I hugged him, said that on the way back he would call for a longer time and went out with someone to talk and the seedlings and the suitcase remained with me and I woke up. write in more detail what it means. Thanks in advance

She squeezed seedlings, probably tomatoes, cared for, watered, transplanted. And then or before that was abroad

I went to the gate and saw the former mother-in-law, who brought flowers with tubers for planting. She avoided me and talked to my grandmother. And to spite me, I wanted to show her what I became after the divorce from her son. I defiantly walked around the room where she was sitting, but we don’t have such a room at home. And I think I smoked with her. I haven't smoked in almost 2 years though.

i dreamed that I was digging into the beds and planting green seedlings, and at the same time I was looking for something in the garden and I didn’t find it.

I planted carrots. Tonight I dreamed of her - a well-sprung young bright fluffy greenery

I was given seedlings of small marigold flowers, a neighbor, my enemy (she does not love me)

I saw a seedling of cucumbers and the desire to plant them on a narrow and long bed, but at the end there are no stones visible and I want to sprinkle some normal earth and wake up. Valentina, 68 years old, I have 3 children myself without a husband, 2 marriages, 1 cheated, lived for 6 years, 2 children. The second drank and died.

i dreamed that I was sitting on the windowsill, and my young man was giving me seedlings in containers, each separately in a container, I told him that it was too early to grow seedlings, to which he replied that nothing was too early, but then the cucumbers would start faster grow and the ground near the seedlings is dry, what is it for?

I saw a garden, and green seedlings, at that moment I thought that soon it would be necessary to plant a garden. And everything in the garden is green already.

My colleague at work has beautiful flowers growing in the fence, I asked for a lot for transplanting myself. She digs them for me, then I dig others myself and give 2 other colleagues a few roots.

I can’t clearly describe my actions in a dream. I remember that they sowed tomatoes.
shoots immediately appeared. there was some kind of spinner, they twisted it. but not a garden bed

Hello, I dreamed that my mother and grandmother and I were buying a white pot for seedlings, which I was going to plant, I don’t remember

Why does a woman dream of stealing flowers from a flower bed with a root to plant? I rode a bicycle and saw a flower bed and started stealing them with a root, I chose what was best to plant, I immediately dreamed that I saw a lot of apples on the plates, they were so beautifully stacked that I wanted to but there was a man there and I asked him, but at first I wanted to steal, and he allowed me and I chose the biggest red and beautiful one and started to eat, and it was so sweet and tasty this apple.

went into the hall and there full room garden, beautiful seedlings
most likely tomatoes
the room is nicely lit sunbeams from windows

I saw beautiful indoor flowers, blue, red, white, bright, and began to dig up shoots with roots, plant them for myself. The roots are big, good. I picked it up and hid it. In another room I saw boxes with flower tubers and stole a lot of different ones.

I dreamed that I was watering the planted seeds of wild tomatoes in the stable, but they had already sprouted all three seeds

Good day! I dreamed that I was buying seedlings of pepper and tomato, 2 pieces each. I was going to grow on the balcony. Before this dream, I dreamed about how I was telling someone about my sister-in-law, and I was talking maliciously. It was interrupted by the fact that the husband ran in from another room and wanted to hit. Then I woke up and saw that the child was sleeping close to the edge.
Tell me what you dreamed about?)

I had a dream my husband caught big fish in the river and I was very happy, a few days later I dreamed of a garden and flowering seedling tomato

I did not have time to plant seedlings / tomatoes /, evening came.

I bought a seedling of onions, potatoes, and what else I don’t remember, as if through my grandmother’s good friends, and it seems like I bought it expensively. But they claimed that the breakup is very good..

I dreamed that I sowed seedlings on the window sweet pepper and it grew very large in the morning, I thought that the seedlings would outgrow.

Seedlings of tomatoes are tall and lush in the garden and someone is watering it. I say it turns out that this is exactly my seedlings. And she stands out in the garden among other bushes. A man is watering a garden


Flowers in a dream - a symbol of beauty ; beautiful deed ; pleasant surprise. They can act as a symbol of the beauty of thoughts.
Seeing flowers in a dream is good dream. The probability of witnessing a beautiful act, a pleasant surprise, a joyful event.

Of no small importance is the color of the flowers in the dream. This will help you understand more clearly what to expect.

Green is a symbol of prosperity.
White is a symbol of purity and light.
Red is a symbol of risk and adventure ; color warns of the need for increased attention ; tension color.
Pink is a symbol of personal female opinion.
Yellow is a symbol of cunning; parting.
Orange is a symbol of quality ; attractiveness.
Blue is a symbol of elevation; purity of feelings; ease.
Brown is a symbol of pride.
Black is a symbol of error, delusion.

Artificial flowers in a dream are most often false, a substitute for true beauty and imaginary aesthetics.
To accept such flowers in a dream is likely to be disappointed in something, make a mistake or overestimate someone's capabilities.


Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream portends you pleasure and acquisition, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble.

If you dream of a rich and beautiful bouquet of flowers, this is a harbinger of receiving an inheritance from some rich and unknown relative; this dream also promises pleasant, joyful hours in the company of young people.
Seeing a fading bouquet in a dream is a prediction of illness and death.

If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers.

Seeing flowers growing on barren land portends a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Seeing a bouquet of daisies in a dream means chagrin. However, if you see a green, sunlit meadow strewn with these lovely flowers, then happiness, health and prosperity will compete with each other in order to lead you on the most pleasant roads of life.
Seeing daisies at other times of the year means that some kind of misfortune awaits you ahead.

Wangi's dream book.

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in real life this dream means your familiarization with the knowledge and understanding of the world.

The dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers presented to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this portends the intrigues of enemies who will do everything possible so that you do not receive the information you need.

In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream portends you in reality an unusual, romantic meeting.

Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see how fans literally shower you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your spiritual loneliness may drag on. Your overestimated claims will most likely remain unfulfilled.

In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wild flowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

The dream in which you receive as a gift in indoor pot flower, means that you will receive news of a deceased person.


Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy, fun.
Planting flowers in the garden is something unpleasant.
Sniffing flowers is a loss.
Picking flowers is a joy.
Pick a flower - find a friend; take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date; secret pleasure to deprive or lose innocence.
Seeing flower buds is good.
Withered flowers are a disease.
A lone flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs; waking dreams are waiting for you.
Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a beloved person; danger from excessive joy.

To see or receive artificial flowers is a sad event; danger to your life or the life of a loved one.
To make them is to weave a lie.
Burning them is a desire to decisively break with previous relationships, to start a new life.

A bouquet of flowers - joy, happiness in love.
Bouquets to make, collect - pleasant pleasures.
Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.
Faded bouquet - coldness in love or marriage.

Different plants and flowers in a dream:
Velvet is a joy.
Black velvet - chagrin.
Belena is a certain evil woman; witch.
Periwinkle - sincere love of friends; pure love.
Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes. Dried - life will require great patience and endurance from you.
Hyacinth - pure, unexpected joy; happiness in love.
Datura thickets - you are being deceived ..
Larkspur - fidelity of friends; matrimony; gratitude.
Irises are a pampered person; languid unreasonable sadness. See a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with the beautiful, life in art.
Swimsuit - seduced and deceived female soul; woman's revenge
Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, aloofness.
Seeing a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.
Buttercups - treason, betrayal. To collect them is to prepare treason, your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.
Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection. Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others, and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.
Dry lavender - the same as "dry lily of the valley".
Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling. Breaking it is a loss.
Narcissus - gossip; secret pleasures; proud person.
An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.
Primrose - difficult circumstances in relation to people, especially in love.
Sunflower is a great external success that will seem insignificant internally.
Wormwood - sadness, crying. There is it - to the disease.
Tear a fern, decorate a room with it - tempt someone, seduce. Fern thickets - get secret power over a person. To see how it blooms is happiness, luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.
Reseda - something that has existed in your life for a long time, will suddenly open up to you as new.
Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.
Chamomile - small joys that brighten up your everyday life; pay attention to your health.
Burdock - an obsessive person, annoyance from him.
To see a tulip is damage from arrogance and swagger. To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person; love without hope. Tear a tulip - achieve proud and beautiful woman.
Hops - profit, wealth.
Chicory is fun.

Seedling interpretation of the dream book

Why dream of seedlings? It portends change and well-being in life. The dream interpretation explains the symbol as follows: the dreamer will have a positive stage and everything will be as good as possible. In addition, insignificant details will have a meaning for the dream. So, the interpretation will depend on which seedlings you examined in a dream.

General value

Why dream of planting seedlings on your own and moistening the soil? The interpretation of the dream is this: at the end of the difficulties endured, fate decided to reward the dreamer. A white streak comes in life, so you need to enjoy it to the fullest.

Dreamed of seedlings of vegetable plants from the garden? This is a positive sign. The dream book makes it clear: fortune will be on your side, circumstances will change for the better.

Seeing in a dream the soil where young bushes of strawberries or cucumbers are planted - your efforts will be appreciated, you will be ready to realize your plans. Planting seedlings of flower plants - a dream portends the things you need, creative work, a desirable pastime.

What were the plants?

Dreaming green cabbage shoots, recently emerging from the soil, predict a new exciting undertaking or the foundation of a mansion under construction. Growing them in a dream in your house on the window - many different incidents will happen. Thin out cabbage - according to the dream book, chores about children are foreseen.

Why dream of tomato seedlings? To the unexpected arrival of an unwanted guest. He is able to turn the situation into chaos, both in your family and at work. This will result in great difficulties. But, with a decent sense of purpose, you will be able to improve the results.

Planting flowers in a dream - understand your own mission in life, stabilize your position, go forward, for example, start a family. The dream interpretation indicates: fate is on this moment presents all the best, and the dreamer will find the strength in himself to keep all her gifts, and then increase them.

To grow strawberries on a loggia - to use your talents in practice in order to help a friend. Did you dream of strawberry bushes that grow within the house? The person wants to start a new life.

What did they do with her?

Why dream of trading green seedlings in a dream? This is a sign: remember to be careful - there is a possibility of destroying where a lot of effort has been invested. The dream interpretation advises: by thinking through your own actions and statements as best as possible, prevent possible adverse consequences.

Raised her on her own, moisturized her, took care of her? It will be possible to achieve stability with your own work, pressure and determination. Bought - yours financial condition will get better. Sold - make a mistake, after which you have to start all over again - from the very beginning.

Asking a stranger for cabbage seedlings in a dream means actually being dependent on someone. To change for something else - to achieve a positive opinion about your own person from other people.

Affairs, welfare

Young sprouts seen in night dreams predict a gradual increase financial wealth dreamer. The dream book informs: large, strong plants reinforce such an interpretation, while sluggish and small ones recommend not to expect big changes yet.

Green seedlings in a dream portend a favorable start to any business. You can think of fresh ideas, start latest projects. It will turn out to successfully complete the started enterprises.

Dreamed seedlings of vegetable crops or flowers indicate new debts. It is likely that you will need a large amount of money to buy a significant thing, but it is worth considering whether you can repay the debt in a timely manner.

Love, relationships

Planting tomato seedlings in a dream - the sleeping one harbors hopes in the depths of his soul that his love relationship will finally become stronger and move on to creating a family. But, you should not impose yourself too much on your soulmate, because in this way there is a threat to spoil everything even more.

Why dream of watching someone plant and water seedlings? Very soon, relatives or close comrades will help you. The dream book gives an additional interpretation of sleep, as a sign of upcoming positive changes.

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When cabbage seedlings dream, you will soon find out good news. It is likely that such news will be brought to you by relatives or friends living in other cities or abroad.

Learn to rejoice without expecting a catch. When you receive good news, do not think that they want to deceive you.

Why dream of strawberry seedlings

If you dreamed of seedlings with strawberry sprouts, your efforts will be appreciated by the management. An interesting and important project is ahead, promotion and a large cash bonus are possible.

Work hard and act responsibly in the performance of duties, and the reward will not be long in coming.

I dreamed of cucumber seedlings

Seeing seedlings of cucumbers in a dream is the personification of an interesting and important matter. It could be an unusual, exciting project at work, or setting up your new home and moving.

Be creative in new endeavors, and then the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Transplant seedlings in a dream

If in a dream you happened to transplant seedlings, then after various trials, luck will finally come to you. The unexpected reward will be so large that it will be difficult for you to believe that in life it really has come. light streak.

Do not torture yourself with baseless suspicions. Enjoy the gifts of fate, you deserve them.

Watering seedlings in a dream

A dream about watering seedlings promises an improvement in life after a long series of failures. You steadfastly endured all the losses prepared by fate, and now prosperity awaits you.

Accept the gifts of fate with gratitude: appreciate the people who love you. Don't waste money.

Tomato seedlings according to the dream book

According to the dream book, tomato seedlings warn against the intrigues of envious people. A person who dislikes you can deal a blow to both your family life and your career.

Be vigilant: watch your words, do not be frank with friends and colleagues.

Dreaming about planting seedlings

When you dream about how you plant seedlings, there is a good period ahead, favorable for undertakings in any field. You will have a chance to radically change your existence.

Strive to realize everything that you dreamed about, the probability of success is very high.

Dream interpretation seedlings

Why dream of seedlings, tomatoes or cucumbers? In most cases, such dreams portend the beginning of a new life stage and a series of inevitable changes to come. In dream interpreters, such a sign is associated with a favorable period, during which all undertakings will end in the best way possible. What was seen in the dream will also play a big role.

What to pay attention to?

As the dream book emphasizes, seedlings are a sign that fate has decided to reward you for your labors and trials. .

A bright streak will come in life, which you just need to properly dispose of. You may dream of seedlings of different plants - all these are favorable symbols that will tell you that circumstances will begin to change for the better.

To see small sprouts of strawberries or cucumbers - your work will finally be rewarded at its true worth, and any plan will be realized. The main thing is not to forget that fortune is not always favorable to you, you cannot waste a minute. If flower seedlings appear in your dream, then in real life you will be doing really useful things that will be of great benefit not only to you, but also to the people around you.

If you dreamed of shoots

What plants?

To form a common understanding, you need to decide what kind of vegetation you managed to see.


If in night dreams it was possible to see young cabbage sprouts that just appeared above the ground, then the dreamer will expect positive changes:

  • opening your own business;
  • the beginning of the construction of the house;
  • renewing old relationships, etc.

Grow on a windowsill a large number events that can be pleasantly tiring. Thinning out young growth - to increasing concern for children.


If you dreamed of tomato seedlings, then in real life you will expect a visit from an unpleasant guest, which can bring a lot of trouble to a measured lifestyle. It can bring chaos, which will negatively affect not only workers, but also household chores.

As a result of this, the dreamer may begin to have serious problems, which can be eliminated with the proper degree of determination.

Flowers bursting from the ground

Planting flower seedlings - to realize your destiny and strengthen your life position. Most likely, in your life you will need to take a difficult step that changes life radically. According to most dream interpreters, the sign seen portends favorable changes. The main thing is to properly dispose of the gift of fate, since such an opportunity falls only once in a lifetime. Your task is not just to save the result, but also to try to increase it.


When the dreamer begins to grow strawberries on the windowsill, it means that in life you will have to master the skills to save your close friend. If small bushes grow in your room, then the dreamer will be able to reach a new level of development. It should be noted that the changes should be smooth and uniform.

What did you do?

After you managed to identify the plant with which you were dealing, you need to understand what happened to it next.

Selling plants in a dream

If a sleeping person begins to sell fresh and green seedlings, then such a dream will play a warning role. Forgetting about your own caution, you may encounter big problems, and the case you've been working on for large gap time will be irretrievably lost.
The dream interpreter advises: each step must be analyzed in detail and, based on the information received, draw appropriate conclusions. This approach will allow you to protect yourself from unnecessary negative emotions. If you decide to sell your seedlings, you will most likely allow serious mistake. The set goal will have to be achieved again and, perhaps, will have to make every effort.


The dreamer caring for the plant will constantly strive to gain stability. Everything will depend on what efforts he made: the harder he worked, the faster he will achieve his goal.

Other interpretations

If you managed to see young sprouts, then your business will gradually go uphill. If the plant is large and strong, then success will be quick, and if it is small, then more effort will have to be made.

Green seedlings - a sign of the beginning business relations. You can safely plan a large project and gradually begin to implement it. You will be able to complete even the case that did not give in.

Garden seedlings - to new debts. If the dreamer wants to purchase the necessary thing, he will have to refuse a loan or loan, since it is not a fact that he will be able to return it on time.

Seedlings - Get into new debts. What is the dream of Seedlings in a dream book: Seedlings - To the news from which you are dumbfounded, the news will be good, as the dream book predictor reports. Seedlings - Planting garden seedlings is a sign that circumstances will soon change for the better and fortune will reward you for your efforts.

Growing or buying garden seedlings, planting them in beds or greenhouses means that circumstances will turn out for the better for you, you will be generously rewarded by fate for previous trials. What is the dream of Seedlings in a dream book: Seedlings - Green sprouts of seedlings on the windowsill, in the greenhouse or in the garden - a symbol of change in your life for the better. If you grow, buy or plant seedlings, you will be rewarded for past vicissitudes.

Why Seedlings Dream - Interpretation by Days of the Week

Dream Interpretation: Seedlings why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Seedlings

Finally, changes for the better will soon take place in your life - this predicts a dream about seedlings. Very soon you will receive a big reward for the previous blows that fate inflicted on you - this is evidenced by a dream about seedlings that you yourself planted and watered. In the very near In the future, you will receive help from someone close to you, and good changes will take place in your life - this is a dream about seedlings that someone else is planting and watering, and you are just watching. If you are not careful, then you will ruin the fruits of your labors yourself - this is warned by a dream about the seedlings that you sold.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about seedlings mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see seedlings in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Why dream of tomatoes. Dream interpretation tomatoes.

Tomato is a plant of the Solanum genus of the Solanaceae family, an annual or perennial herb. Cultivated as vegetable crop. The fruits of a tomato are known under the name of tomato?ry. The type of fruit is a berry. The name tomato comes from Italian. pomo d "oro - golden apple.

The real name was among the Aztecs - tomato, the French converted it into fr. tomate (tomato). The difference between the scientific and everyday (culinary) ideas about fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables in the case of a tomato (as well as some other plants, such as cucumbers) leads to confusion. Tomatoes - the fruits of a tomato - from the point of view of botany - multi-nested paracarp berries.

In English, there is no difference between the terms fruit and fruit. In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that tomatoes should be considered vegetables for customs duties (although the court noted that botanically, tomatoes are fruits. In 2001, the European Union decided that tomatoes were not vegetables, but fruits.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word tomato.

If you eat tomatoes in a dream, it means. You are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, then she will be happy in marriage.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov. Meaning of the word tomato.

Modern dream book. Why dream of a tomato

Tomato seedlings - an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes - to rivalry in love. Picking ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth. Picking unripe, brown or green tomatoes - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes - weakening of vision. Canning tomatoes - change views. Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon spill out with insane passion. Buying tomatoes - you can be seriously defeated


Tomatoes, like any other product that is grown in the ground, has a set necessary to a person vitamins. Tomato seedlings can symbolize the bearing of secret plans. Due to the fact that the color tomato juice similar to blood, it can be assumed that in a dream this relationship can be traced. That is, this image carries a message about a meeting with relatives

In contact with

If you eat tomatoes in a dream means you are recovering. Growing tomatoes- promise you happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream- so she will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Dreamed growing tomatoes - good sign portending success and happiness in family life. The girl who dreamed of ripe tomatoes- will be happily married.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream- symbolize activity and vigor. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans. However, at the same time, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans. Rotten or damaged tomatoes- a harbinger of failure and loss. The dream suggests that your arrogance or excessive ambition may be the cause of these failures.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of ripe tomatoes- A happy marriage awaits you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Tomatoes- happiness and joy in family life, mutual love and respect.

New family dream book

I dreamed that I was eating tomatoes- Great, it means you're recovering. Growing tomatoes- dream of happiness and joy in family life. The girl who saw ripe tomatoes in her dream- will be happy in marriage.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tomato- it is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

Children's dream book

Tomato- to a new, rather pleasant, acquaintance.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

See in a dream ripe tomatoes on the bushes- to joy and happiness in family life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

There are red tomatoes in a dream- to enjoy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Dreaming of a red tomato- get angry; green- to bewilderment.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Growing tomatoes in a dream at home- means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden- portends that excessively curious persons can find out and divulge your heart secret. tomato seedling- means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest. Watering high large tomato bushes in a dream- portending a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival living with you in the neighborhood. Harvest ripe red tomatoes- happiness and wealth; immature, brown or green- to an unforeseen and undesirable hitch in business at work. Spoiled tomatoes blackened from unexpectedly early fogs - bad sign portending a weakening of vision or a progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes- fail due to your own indiscretion, feed to cattle- to the illness or death of loved ones. Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream- means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom. cutting tomatoes for salad- portends a decline in business or salary delays, cook borscht with tomatoes- love is ripening in the soul and will soon spill out with insane passion. Buy tomatoes in a dream- portends that you can suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals. There is fresh tomatoes - carefully monitor your property, which you can lose; tomato dishes- You will reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation from A to Z Tomato»›

Growing tomatoes in a dream at home: means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden Tomato seedlings: means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering high large tomato bushes in a dream: portending a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon find out about the existence of a rival living with you in the neighborhood. Harvest ripe red tomatoes unripe, brown or green: to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled tomatoes blackened from unexpectedly early fogs: a bad sign that portends a weakening of vision or a progressive eye disease. Throw away rotten tomatoes Canned salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream: means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

cutting tomatoes for salad Buy tomatoes in a dream: portends that you can suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals. Have fresh tomatoes tomato dishes: reach a ripe old age.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Tomato»›

There are tomatoes in a dream: to recovery from illness. Growing tomatoes: portend happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream: she will be happily married.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter Tomato»›

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream: symbolize activity and vigor. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans.

However, at the same time, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans. Rotten or damaged tomatoes: a harbinger of failure and loss. The dream suggests that your arrogance or excessive ambition may be the cause of these failures.

Psychoanalytic dream book Tomato»›

Tomatoes: associated with blood, fear of rape or fantasies about it.

The latest dream book Tomato»›

Tomato: it is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Tomato»›

Dream Interpretation: why Tomato is dreaming, to see Tomato in a dream

Tomato - Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream - to joy and happiness in family life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had. What does it mean according to the dream book if Tomato is dreaming: Tomato - I dreamed that you were eating tomatoes - great. So you are recovering.

Growing tomatoes dream of happiness and joy in family life. A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in marriage. Tomato - dreaming of a red tomato - angry; green - to bewilderment. Tomatoes.

There is - to improve health or recovery; to see growing tomatoes - fortunately and joy in family life. A girl to see ripe tomatoes in a dream - to a happy marriage, an improvement in relations with her lover, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way. Tomatoes - Tomatoes mean secret love.

Tomato seedlings - an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes is a rivalry in love. Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth.

Collect unripe, brown or green tomatoes - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes - weakening of vision. Canning tomatoes is a change of heart.

Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon spill out with insane passion. Buying tomatoes - you can suffer a serious defeat Tomatoes - There are red tomatoes in a dream - to enjoy.

What does Tomato dream about in a dream book: Tomatoes on a plate - waiting for you in the very near future a pleasant surprise. Cut tomatoes for salad - you will accept important decision, the consequences of which will be reflected in later life.

Pick up scattered tomatoes from the floor - things or household items that you thought were lost long ago will suddenly be found, moreover, in the most inappropriate place. What does Tomato dream about in a dream book:

Examining tomatoes in a dream - experiencing secret love for someone; beautiful tomatoes on the bushes or picking tomatoes - fortunately, the joys of family life. There are tomatoes - get well. Green tomatoes are a sign of premature and wrong decisions.

If in a dream you grow tomatoes in greenhouses, then you will have a complete absence of any troubles associated with family life, children or parents. Tomatoes - Only for women - For a girl to see ripe tomatoes - to a successful marriage.

If Tomato is dreaming, what is it for: Tomatoes - good health. Sexual pleasures. Seeing tomatoes in a dream is a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors.

Dream Interpretation Tomatoes, what Tomatoes dream of, in a dream Tomatoes

If you had a dream in which you eat tomatoes, then in real life you don’t have to worry about own health- yours is excellent. If you dreamed of tomatoes that grow in the garden, in the country, then soon you can expect good news, joyful events in your life. If a young woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then the most favorable period in her life is coming for a romantic acquaintance, a successful marriage - the chosen one will be a reliable and worthy young man, and the marriage will be strong, happy and durable. If you saw green tomatoes in a dream, then such a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to spend a lot of effort and time for in order to achieve the set goal. And at the same time, if you do not give up, but go through all the trials sent to you by fate, then the result will exceed your wildest expectations. If you watch in a dream how tomatoes grow, then in reality you can achieve amazing success on your chosen field in a fairly short period of time. If in a dream you take care of tomatoes - water them, weed them, and so on, then in reality your efforts will pay off doubly.

Dreamed of tomatoes in a dream. Dream interpretation fresh and salted tomatoes

Dream interpretation tomatoes. Why dream of red tomatoes

Like most juicy red fruits, dream book tomatoes are included in the section of love dreams. But the neutral or sour taste of a tomato represents cooler or repressed feelings and emotions.

So far, they do not manifest themselves in the dreamer's life, but there are vague prerequisites for their emergence or manifestation. One of the circumstances that does not involve an open demonstration of feelings is secret intentions or secret love.

So a tomato is not such a simple symbol in a dream. Seeing tomatoes in a dream means secretly wishing love relationships. New meetings, renewal of old acquaintances, strengthening of family ties - all this awaits you in the future, as indicated by the dream book.

Why dream of tomatoes? Like all juicy and red vegetables - for love pleasures.

Fresh - stale, ripe - unripe tomatoes in a dream

Seeing fresh tomatoes in a dream means meeting your life partner in the very near future. For men, this dream symbolizes the love pleasures delivered by a partner. Ripe tomatoes in a dream portend family happiness.

Picking ripe vegetables means that your chosen one is ready to offer his hand and heart. Watering ripe tomatoes - get ready for the wedding. Why do red tomatoes dream?

If recently an acquaintance took place in reality, then red, ripe, juicy tomatoes dreamed, then a fire can flare up in these relationships, but, in the end, the relationship still does not live up to expectations. According to the dream book, red tomatoes on the bushes also often appear in a dream for good luck, success in business and happiness in personal life. Seeing large, ripe vegetables among green bushes in a dream means that soon you will receive a lot of money that you will have to pay off your debts. If you dreamed of a lot of red tomatoes, then strangers will find out your love secrets, and therefore you will have to blush with embarrassment.

But you should not make hasty conclusions about the partner's infidelity, perhaps with the help of innocent flirting on the side, he makes up for the lack of attention from the sleeping person. The intention to change or the betrayal itself suggests a dream where the beloved eats tomatoes, or buys them in the market, or brings them home.

Himself eating red tomatoes in a dream is a sign of a lack of love emotions in real life, dissatisfaction with personal life, a desire to get to know each other, a desire to feel the urgency and fullness of intimate life. If the tomatoes are unripe, green - what green tomatoes dream of - the sleeper is not proactive in love and is not ready to realize love desires.

Yellow tomatoes dream of unjustified jealousy. According to the dream book, spoiled, rotten tomatoes in a dream - a love partner will upset the sleeping person, this dream can mean a quarrel with a lover or a family conflict. It is also possible that the relationship is becoming obsolete or that the intimate relationship of the couple lacks passion.

Garden-tomato dreams

A vegetable garden with tomatoes can mean different things. Taking care of these vegetables, such as watering, weeding or tying them up, means that a lot of people will know about your personal life. Beware of gossip.

If you are just looking at tomatoes growing in the garden, then friendly communication awaits you in the family circle. What is the dream of tomato seedlings for? To an unexpected and unpleasant visit. Your guest will create a mess in the house and possibly in the business, which will greatly complicate your life.

Planting tomatoes in a dream means hoping for strengthening love relationships and happiness in family life. If in a dream you throw away rotten tomatoes, it means that troubles await you soon. As the dream book says, tomatoes in the garden dream of joyful changes in personal life.

Get ready to open a new page in your biography, perhaps you will soon get married or meet your chosen one. Tomato bushes in a dream promise a fun feast with close friends. During this holiday, you may meet your future husband.

Collect tomatoes in a dream

To collect tomatoes, the red fruits of which hang down to the very ground, means to rush to enjoy love. However, there is no need to force events, the partner may misunderstand you, as the dream book writes.

Picking unripe tomatoes means that you are not yet ready for a serious relationship. If in a dream you are trying to pick a green fruit, then in reality you are taking premature action. If you dream that you eat ripe tomatoes, the dream book interprets this as success, wealth, good health and harmonious family life. If the sleeper is sick, then such a dream portends a speedy recovery.

Other tomato dreams

Canned tomatoes - to a change in attitudes and tastes in the field of love. Get dirty with tomatoes or be thrown tomatoes (if someone threw a tomato at the dreamer) - get insulted or cause disrespect and contempt (from the one who threw it).

Tomatoes in a jar appear in a dream to the fact that happy changes can pass by and not touch your life. Do not be too conservative, let changes for the better into the house. Why do salted tomatoes dream?

These vegetables appear in a dream for changes not only in life, but also in the thoughts of the sleeper. A new understanding of the situation will bring a quick solution to personal problems, which will lead to success in a love relationship.


According to the dream book, salted tomatoes in a jar portend that a long stagnation is possible in love affairs. Your chosen one is not yet ready for the wedding, so the relationship will not develop. Pickled tomatoes mean a piquant situation.

Perhaps you are being misled and deliberately provoked into conflict with your lover. Take a closer look at your surroundings, you will probably find an envious person in it. There are salted tomatoes - it means that you have to do something unusual.

If you dreamed that in a dream you eat not only tomatoes, but also pickles, this means that trouble awaits. Perhaps the lover will be carried away by another woman.

Serious trials await your love. Buying tomatoes means that you have a rival, but your lover is not interested in her. An unexpected obstacle lurks if the tomatoes you bought are unripe or rotten. Salt the tomatoes - portends the promotion of changes in your personal life.

You yourself will become the reason for parting with a partner. Waiting for you new love and family happiness. Cutting tomatoes means hidden anxiety and anxiety. Secret love can be revealed and you are afraid of the consequences.

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals.

Caring for tomatoes in the garden portends that excessively curious persons can find out and divulge your heart secret.

Tomato seedlings mean confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering tall large tomato bushes in a dream, portending a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival who lives right next door to you.

Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled, blackened from unexpectedly early fogs, tomatoes are a bad sign, portending a weakening of vision or a progressive eye disease.

Throwing rotten tomatoes - fail because of your own indiscretion, feed to cattle - to the illness or death of loved ones.

Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom.

Cutting tomatoes for a salad portends a decline in business or a delay in salaries, cooking borscht with tomatoes - love ripens in the soul and will soon spill out with insane passion.

Buying tomatoes in a dream portends that you can suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals.

There are fresh tomatoes - carefully monitor your property, which you can lose; tomato dishes - you will reach a ripe old age.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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