We save a rose in a pot from drying out. Indoor roses - “What to do so that the rose does not die after purchase and bloom? The basics of caring for a rose Home rose dropped leaves what to do

garden equipment 25.06.2019
garden equipment

Happy owners luxury plant- roses, everyone should know necessary rules care for this finicky flower "queen". If a indoor rose turns yellow, and the leaves fall off - this is a signal of the unfavorable development of the plant, it is urgent to take action to eliminate such signs. Ignoring the symptoms of plant diseases leads to disastrous results, in the worst case, even to the death of the flower. It is necessary to immediately identify the causes of yellowing of the leaves and take all measures to eliminate them.

First you need to figure out why the leaves of a room rose turn yellow. Often, to solve such a problem, it is enough to rearrange the pot to another place where there is no direct exposure to sunlight - then the state of the flower returns to normal. But it happens that the causes of yellowing of the leaves lie in other unfavorable conditions for the development of the plant.

Adverse factors for roses

  • watering too cold water- Water should be water at room temperature.
  • Drafts - it is recommended not to keep the plant under an open window.
  • Abundant or, on the contrary, rare watering - the rose requires an optimal moisture content in the soil.
  • Flaw fresh air- in the summer you need to take the pot out to the balcony or terrace.
  • Flaw nutrients Roses need regular feeding.
  • Wrong transplant - if you want to move the plant to a large container, you need to do this with the utmost care, and choose the month for such actions - February. In this case, the rose is more likely to take root.
  • powdery mildewwhite coating, which appears when excessive fertilization or lack of fresh air.
  • Rust - looks like bumps. The reasons for its appearance are abundant watering, high room temperature.
  • Thrips - appears at low humidity, it gives the leaves a gray-yellow color.
  • Spider mite - provoked by too dry air or insufficient space for plants.

Yellowing roses with a lack of nutrients in the soil

Many people ask this question, why do rose leaves turn yellow? This is often due to insufficient useful substances in the ground:

  • Nitrogen deficiency is characterized by faded and wilted leaves.
  • With a low content of phosphorus in the soil, not only the ground part is affected, but also the rhizome. An excess of this substance is also undesirable.
  • Potassium is responsible for the duration and intensity of flowering. Its insufficient amount is manifested in the appearance of brown, yellow spots on the leaves.
  • Chlorosis is provoked by a lack of iron in the soil. Its first signs are yellowing of the leaf.

Why does a room rose turn yellow

What to do if the plant began to wither, the leaves turned yellow, although all care recommendations were followed? If the plant is still young, and the process of natural aging is excluded, perhaps the reason lies in the presence of a disease, which will require special preparations to get rid of.


Folk methods also help a lot. To get a medicine for a pet, you need to insist 170 g of chopped garlic in 1 liter of water for 5 days. The resulting infusion is diluted with water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter. For best results, you can sprinkle the soil with mustard or wood ash.

Indoor rose requires close attention and careful care. It is imperative to monitor the condition of the leaves, in a timely manner to prevent the development of diseases. By following the recommendations for care, you can grow beautiful flower with rosebuds, which will delight its owners with a luxurious, royal look.

Indoor roses are delicate creatures, and require even more attention than their garden relatives, because the home climate differs from outdoor conditions, and the limited space in the pot also affects the well-being of the plant. Most often, such a problem arises before flower growers - just yesterday, a beautiful bush begins to dry out. Why does a rose in a pot dry up and what should be done to prevent its complete death? Let's sort it out in order.

So, the most harmless situation is when the leaves of a purchased rose dry and fall. Everything is clear here, this bush is going through a period of acclimatization. AT flower shops he had completely different conditions: the air was not so dry, and they were stuffed with fertilizer for abundant flowering to the delight of buyers.

In the first few weeks, the flower will adapt to a new place of residence, it may even partially shed its leaves. You don’t need to do anything with it, just put the pot in a bright place right away and water it periodically. After a while, the bush will get used to and heal itself.

The purchased rose immediately after bringing it home must be cut, shortening the branches to 5 buds.

More serious reasons for the drying of a rose can be:

  • care mistakes;
  • the presence of pests;
  • disease.

Wrong care

Dries if the room is too hot. You can not put a flowerpot next to a working radiator, and to increase the humidity of the air, you should regularly spray the bush.

Timely watering is also of great importance: with a lack of moisture, the leaves will crumble. Water the plant as soon as the soil is slightly dry. It would be nice to use watering through the pan - in this case, the flower itself will take the amount of moisture it needs, and the excess water must be drained.

Dangerous pests

If the leaves not only dry, but at the same time dark dots and traces of nibbling are clearly visible on them, it is worth treating the bush with Fitoverm from aphids and thrips. The drug will also help get rid of, often appearing on roses. You can easily find it by a thin cobweb under the leaves.

All pest-infested leaves should be removed.

How to cure a rose?

Quite often, the drying of indoor roses provokes the processes of decay of the root system. This happens due to excess moisture or too dense soil that does not have time to dry out. AT this case it is necessary to free the bush from the old earth, cut off the damaged roots and rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then stand the rose for 30 minutes in a fungicide solution and transplant it into a fresh, loose and nutritious substrate.

Video about the intricacies of caring for indoor roses after purchase

When the street is gray and dull, we are happy to go to flower shops, admire and buy something for spiritual positive. Often, as a relaxation, we choose miniature roses in pots. So I want them to bloom on the windowsill all winter. And the roses, as if on purpose, begin to shed their leaves. We puzzle over why this is happening, and shed tears over the deceased. It turns out that everything is simple

Where are the flowers in winter?

We forget that a rose, even a miniature indoor one, is a deciduous shrub that needs rest in winter, - explains biologist Irina Bashmakova. Therefore, as soon as the length of daylight hours decreases, the temperature drops, and the growth processes slow down in the rose. In October-November, it begins to shed its leaves, preparing for winter.

If you want a rose to bloom all year round, provide her with the same conditions for all twelve months as she has in the summer. These are the conditions that are created in greenhouses where roses are grown: maximum lighting - 12-14 hours a day, a constant temperature of 22-24 degrees, high humidity, watering. Although watering high humidity significantly reduced - in addition to root nutrition, the plant takes moisture from the air. Thanks to all this "summer" care, miniature roses appear on sale in winter and spring, so that we can please our loved ones on winter birthdays, Valentine's Day and March 8th. By the way, if a rose is given on Women's Day, then this, the biologist says, is not the worst option. Because already from mid-February, the rose can be prepared for active growth: transplanted, put in a more lit place.

Falling leaves on a rose can be a natural process if it is winter outside. Or maybe the result improper care or plant diseases.

It's hard to buy a healthy plant

You need to understand that it is difficult to buy a 100% healthy plant, - warns Irina Bashmakova. And this is not the fault of the store, but the transportation. The goods from the greenhouse are certified, not sick. But no one monitors the conditions of transportation further. The bushes stood for a day in plastic packaging in dark bunkers without normal air access - fungal diseases begin. And since transportation takes more than long time, then as a result, stores receive products not of the first category. Why are the flowers always beautiful in the store? Because they stand there for a short time, they are sold out, and a new product arrives. People get the impression that everything is beautiful there, but there is no home. In fact, flowers in the store can hurt just like they do at home. But the store knows how to properly care for them.

Why is it called room?

This rose is called a room rose, because it is more or less adapted to room conditions, and the bush itself is small, - explains Irina Bashmakova. - In flower shops, they may have several names. Roses of two series are most often brought to us: with small flower and with a big one. But both those and others are undersized, compact. If the flowers are small, the bushes are branched, this is a series of "parade" ("Pagade"). If the flowers are larger and, moreover, they are fragrant, this is a series of "patio" ("Patio" or "Pagty"). There are also two main producers and suppliers of roses:

from Denmark and Germany.

If you bought a miniature rose in the summer, you can plant it in the country. True, in such conditions, both the peduncle, and the flower and the bush itself become larger. They can be left in open field even in winter, if you dig a bush and cover it, like ordinary roses.

You have been given a rose in a pot.

What to do with her?

“First you need to know what a rose is,” says Irina Bashmakova. “Knowing the physiology and morphology of the plant well, it is then very easy to deal with it.”

If you are buying a plant yourself, carefully listen to all the recommendations for caring for it in the store. If you were given a gift, read care books or get information from the Internet.

At home, place a pot of roses in a south or southeast window.

Treat the new plant so that the acquisition does not create problems for others indoor flowers. Roses are often attacked by spider mites (a sucking insect carried by small spiders) that are not visible to the eye. We, as a rule, are already observing the results of a mite infestation of a plant, when the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

We provide the plant with temperature, air humidity, soil moisture and give it two weeks to adapt to new conditions.

. “Imagine how difficult it is for a rose from a greenhouse with ideal conditions get used to your house, where the batteries are fried, and the air is naturally dry, says the biologist. - No wonder that the leaves of a rose can immediately crumble. Therefore, I recommend putting jars of water on the windowsill. Or make a special litter for a pot: take sand, expanded clay on top, moisten it all well and put a pot on such a litter. It is important that it does not stand in the water, but on top. The water from the bedding evaporates and humidifies the air. Or, if possible, spray the bush frequently."

We transplant after two weeks. The soil in which roses are grown and sold is not suitable for further use. This is a light substrate (coco fiber or peat), intended only for growing cuttings quickly. For transplanting, it is better to buy a special soil for roses. Receiving all the necessary substances, it will bloom for a long time and grow well. You can also prepare the soil yourself. Composition: two parts sod land, one part peat and one part sand. It is desirable to remove buds and excess green mass for better rooting. There is no need to regret, because as soon as the plant is well rooted, it will immediately give you a good increase in green mass and flowering. We leave three or four buds, as with pruning street roses. When transplanting, inspect the earthen room well. The fact is that now an accelerated method can be used to grow plants for sale: for intensive growth of the root system, it is placed in a special bag. Therefore, this bag must be removed and the roots soaked for an hour or two in a root system growth stimulator (for example, in "root"). There can be 4-6 cuttings in one pot. They can be planted in separate pots. A large pot is not needed for a rose, pick up as it grows. “In general, I recommend planting all flowers in plastic pots, and then inserting them into beautiful ceramics. It is more convenient to take care of it, and the ceramics do not deteriorate, ”advises Irina Anatolyevna.

Immediately upon transplanting, water the plant abundantly, and then just sprinkle it for one and a half to two weeks. Do not get carried away with watering, because the roots will not yet be able to assimilate a large number of water. The first three to four weeks no fertilizer is needed.

If you cannot provide a rose with sufficient lighting and a constant temperature during the cold season, be prepared for the fact that she wants to retire, shed her leaves. Then you put the pot in a cool place with a temperature of 10-12 degrees for about one and a half to two months. Reduce watering to a minimum—simply sprinkle the earth ball from time to time, moistening it slightly if dry. Since daylight hours are already small, there is no need to put a pot in a dark place.

propagate indoor rose better cuttings. It is most favorable to cut cuttings in late June - early July on a waning moon. Take care of part of the stem - 4-6 buds. Two are immersed in the ground, the rest are at the top. The soil should be light - coconut fiber or peat. We hide the planted cuttings under glass jar to increase humidity. Do not forget to ventilate this mini-greenhouse, and the cuttings can be processed by special means for prevention, so that any living creatures do not start. If there is nothing at hand, then you can use the old-fashioned method - treat with a solution of simple soap.

What will save the rose from pests?

The rose is processed by two types of preparations:

insecticides - against insects (fitoverm, actelik), fungicides - against fungal diseases (quadris, chorus, ridomil). There are also mixed preparations. Dosages are indicated in the instructions.

For room conditions fitoverm, for example, is more acceptable because it is less toxic. You can also use the drugs that you usually treat tomatoes in the country from late blight. But double the dosage. Try to buy licensed drugs,

process three times with a break of 10-14 days, advises Irina


If you prepare the soil for the rose yourself, it is better to disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate, the biologist is sure. They watered the earth, and let it stand for a week. You can do this several times.

You can plant a rose and water it with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will be a treatment for fungal diseases, and potassium supplementation.

Earth is a living substance in which a lot of microorganisms live. When we fry the ground for disinfection, we get just gunpowder, - Irina Anatolyevna explains her position.

Recently, it has become fashionable to give not cut, but potted indoor roses. This is understandable, they also look very decorative, they are not much more expensive than temporary flowers and, as the buyer suggests, they should delight with repeated flowering in subsequent years.

In essence, indoor roses are ordinary flowers that prefer to grow in the open field, but squeezed into a compact pot frame. It all looks very tempting at first glance. Even small shops have long since learned to take full advantage of beautiful packaging and correct delivery.

When a person who received a live rose as a gift removes the film packaging at home, then a beautiful flowering plant begins to dry quickly, its leaves fall off (sometimes immediately after purchase they are partially dry from the back “hidden” side). That is, temporary packaging performs an important function of retaining moisture and hiding existing defects. Please note that in the store it is usually not allowed to temporarily remove the packaging and carefully examine what is actually contained under it.

Men are completely embarrassed to ask or clarify something. In addition, they will grab the most spectacular pot with large quantity blossoming buds. But for this entire “celebration of life”, the plant spends incredible forces from its extremely meager reserves. That is, the more magnificent the potted rose blooms at the time of sale, the more likely it is that its age will be short-lived.

If you do not want to wait until all the leaves of the presented roses fall off, immediately after receiving the gift, do the following:

  1. Cut everything with scissors lower leaves- and those that have already begun to dry out, and those that still look healthy. due to poor circulation and high humidity air, which in a packed plant was concentrated in the lower part of the pot, fungal diseases are almost guaranteed to be present on the lower shoots.
  2. As you trim the lower leaves, you may run into another surprise. Instead of one bush in a pot, several will be planted at once. Thus, the manufacturer is trying to create the illusion of a lush, healthy bush when selling. Plants in a small pot become even cramped from this. In addition, with abundant foliage, they will strongly obscure each other on our dimly lit windowsills. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately plant roses in separate planting containers.
  3. It is important to remember that the benevolent picture created by the seller is the plants from doped greenhouses, which are “up to their ears” stuffed with growth stimulants before being sold. The task is to sell here and now (an emotional choice), and then - at least a flood (in case of claims, it will be possible to write off your inept actions for care). Therefore, if you want to keep living plant, and not a “picture from the store”, immediately cut off the already opened flowers and all the buds. And cut with a margin, with 1/3 top stem with leaves. Cut off flowers can be put in a temporary vase in order to enjoy their beauty and aroma, although not for long.
  4. As a result of all the manipulations, you should be left with a small shabby bush without buds and lower foliage. Oddly enough, but now he has a chance to survive in real home conditions ( low light, dry air, incorrect and untimely watering and fertilizing).
  5. Remove the bush along with the root ball from the pot (most likely, it will be completely braided with roots, which indicates an acute lack of space for development). Pay attention to the substrate - most likely in front of you will be the usual transportation peat soil Brown color, which, among other things, is light in weight (another feature that affects the sale is that everything is magnificent, rich and at the same time compact and light). Gently wet the root ball in the basin and try to separate all the bushes without causing significant injury to them (the roots of the "neighbors" will be tightly intertwined).
  6. Separated roses should also be planted in small pots, but separate ones. Be sure to put good drainage at the bottom of each. Do not take the cheapest soil mixture, it is better to overpay and take better soil initially (the miser pays twice). After planting, compact the surface a little with your hands.
  7. If there is blackening at the base of the stems, then they must be immediately cut to healthy green tissue and treated with fungicidal preparations (for example, Fitosporin). The fungicide solution is also used for irrigation after planting.
  8. At first, transplanted plants should be kept in shady places with diffused light.
  9. Do not forget to regularly spray the aerial part from the spray gun to compensate for the lack of moisture in the air of the apartment (as in the case of the first watering, at first it is advisable to spray not with water, but with Fitosporin solution).
  10. To improve the survival rate, it is desirable to initially create greenhouse conditions over the plant. A simple greenhouse can be organized from an inverted cropped plastic bottle.

After performing the described steps, your purchased store-bought roses have a chance for a normal long-term life.

Roses love:

  • southern and southeastern windows and balconies;
  • nutrient soil;
  • fresh air in the warm season;
  • abundant watering during the active growing season (as the soil dries);
  • top dressing once a week during growth and flowering;
  • transshipment from a cramped pot to a more spacious one (if necessary).

Roses do not like:

  • cold irrigation water;
  • overheating in the heat;
  • leaving wilted flowers on the plant;
  • injury to the roots if the destruction of the earthy coma occurred during transplantation;
  • the appearance of pests and diseases;
  • warm winter.

Care rules

  1. Once you have bought a rose bush you like and brought it home, do not rush to transplant it. Place the plant in an east or southeast window, let it get used to the new microclimate.
  2. Roses are watered as often as the soil dries out. Watering is carried out with settled (at least a day) ordinary tap water room temperature.
  3. Roses respond well to leaf spraying. Spraying roses is carried out in the evenings cold boiled water or a solution of special fertilizers in cold boiled water. The underside of rose leaves is sprayed with a mist sprayer. But daily spraying of roses is not worth it, even in summer.
  4. As soon as the moon enters the growth phase, there comes a good period for transshipment of the plant. Transplanting roses from a container into a pot should be carried out carefully - without destroying the coma of the earth, without disturbing the roots. Rose roots often have white or gray compound fertilizer granules that do not need to be removed or washed off. Before transplanting, a small amount of old earth is removed from the top of the earthy coma, gently loosening and removing it without damaging the roots.
  5. Roses need nutrient soil for good growth: a mixture of 4 parts sod, 4 parts humus soil and 1 part sand. In such soil, when planting, it is necessary to add granules of complex fertilizer. If you do not have the opportunity to procure the necessary components for soil mixture, then roses can be planted in ready-made purchased soil.
  6. A new rose pot should be larger than the container in which the plant was sold, at least 2-4 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm in height. Too much big pot not worth taking either. the aerial part of the plant should be related to the volume of the pot as 1:1. If the pot is ceramic and completely new (nothing has grown there yet), then before planting the roses, it is pre-soaked in warm water for 2 hours (this is especially necessary if the pot is unglazed). If something has already been grown in a pot, it is well washed with a stiff brush in warm water, but without soap.
  7. A layer of drainage (preferably expanded clay) about 1 cm thick is laid on the bottom of a pot prepared for transplanting a rose. If the pot does not have a drain hole (and it is impossible to make this hole), then the drainage layer should be at least 3 cm. fertilizer granules, then sprinkled with a layer of earth without fertilizer.

care mistakes

Symptoms. The rosette dries up, sheds leaves, the buds wither, the ends of the shoots turn brown, dry up.

Cause. Insufficient watering, low air humidity.

Treatment. Cut off all dried branches to a height of 3-4 cm from the main trunk, as well as all dry twigs and yellowed leaves. Water the rose, put the pot under a plastic bag to ensure high humidity under the shelter. When new shoots appear, start airing the greenhouse, accustom the rose to dry air. If the rose has withered but not shed its leaves, try dipping the entire pot in water for 5 minutes and misting the plant, or even soaking the entire pot for 2 hours in a tub wrapped in a plastic bag. If symptoms appear in the fall, don't worry - the rose is getting ready for winter.

Symptoms. The rosette dries up, sheds leaves, the buds wither, the shoots turn brown, rot.

Cause. Too much watering frequent spraying in a cold room.

Treatment. It is more difficult to reanimate a rose that has been “filled in” than “underfilled”. You need to take it out of the pot, clean the roots from the ground and inspect - if not everything is rotten, cut off the damaged ones and transplant the rose into new land(the old one may be sour), watered moderately, but not allowing the coma to dry completely.

Rules of care for the seasons


In summer, caring for a rose consists in watering, spraying, fertilizing, removing wilted flowers (with a secateurs or a sharp knife, cut the peduncle to the first formed leaf bud). It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant (so that the rose does not overheat; in time to notice signs of diseases and pests that have appeared). If the rose grows very quickly and the selected pot has become too small for it, wait for the moon growth phase and transfer the plant to a new, more spacious pot. If a rose stands on a window and is illuminated from one side, it, of course, reaches for the sun. In order not to get a one-sided bush, the rose pot must be rotated from time to time to ensure uniform illumination of the bush.


In autumn, when the night temperature drops to 15-12 degrees, the rose is transferred from the balcony to the room and placed on the windowsill of the south window. When the rose stops blooming and forming buds, it is prepared for wintering: watered less often (leaving the ground dry for a day or two before watering) and stop feeding. If possible, put a rose on the windowsill for wintering cold room with a window (in winter, the air temperature in it should not be higher than 15-17 degrees). AT ordinary apartment With central heating options are possible: a rose for the winter is placed between the frames; or they do not seal the window on which the rose hibernates in autumn; or fenced off from the rest of the room plastic wrap the part of the window where the rose hibernates. In any case, next to the wintering rose there should not be electrical and heating appliances (computer, TV, heating battery, etc.).


Before putting a rose for wintering, it is usually cut off, leaving 5 live buds on each branch; leaves are not removed. Pruning is done when the moon is in its growth phase. If pruning is not carried out in autumn, then next summer the rose will bloom much later, flowering will be less plentiful, the bush will not look very neat. If you did not prune your rose before wintering, pruning can be done in the spring.

In winter, the rose will not grow and bloom, but will drop the remaining leaves and look very sad; at this time, plant care is rare watering(after the soil has dried, water it after 2-3 days) and spraying. When wintering a rose in a room with central heating, it is recommended to place the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles or gravel and make sure that the stones are always wet - this will protect the rose from excessive dryness of the air.


In the spring, new leaves and twigs appear at the rose. At this time, they begin to water it more abundantly, the dried-up earth remains dry for no more than one day until the next watering. At the beginning of growth, the rose must be fed with a complete mineral fertilizer, or with a solution of mullein or bird droppings.

  • Mullein solution: 1/3 of mullein and 2/3 of water are placed in a container, closed and left for 3-4 days, stirring occasionally. After the fermentation stops, when the solution becomes lighter, it is ready (the fermentation time depends on the temperature, sometimes it takes 1.5 weeks). Ready solution mullein is diluted with settled tap water in a ratio of 1:15 (one part of the solution to 15 parts of water) - top dressing is ready.
  • Bird droppings solution: one part of bird droppings is poured into 200 parts hot water and insist for two days. The finished solution is diluted with settled water in a ratio of 1:25 (1 part of the solution to 25 parts of water) and used for top dressing.

The rose is fed after regular watering. For the formation of large flowers, as soon as the buds are tied, the rose must be fed once a week. During the growth period, during the formation of buds, the rose should not lack moisture or light. The plant is exposed to the most bright window, watered as the soil dries out with settled water, in the evenings they are sometimes sprayed with cold boiled water from a thin spray bottle. As soon as the plant has outgrown the pot, it must be transferred, without disturbing the roots, into a larger pot. It does not matter what season of the year the rose is transplanted; you can transplant if necessary even in winter, but the moon must be in the growth phase.

When the spring frosts pass and the warm night temperature sets in, it's time to take the rose out to the balcony or garden. In the first weeks, the rose should be gradually accustomed to the bright sun. To do this, the plant is first exposed to a shady corner of a balcony or garden, and only after about two weeks is transferred to a sunny place. If there is no shady corner, use a "sliding shadow" from a sheet of thick paper cut into checkerboard pattern stripes 8x2cm. Cover the rose with this leaf for 2-3 weeks.

Why do roses drop leaves?

If a houseplant sheds leaves abruptly, this is usually the result of stress experienced by the plant. Stress for indoor flowers is a sharp drop in air temperature, cold drafts, a sudden change in light levels, when you suddenly moved the plant pot to a sunny windowsill after a shaded place. From the stress experienced, the flower begins to drop leaves, and even buds.

What to do if indoor flowers fall leaves?

If your indoor flower leaves fall, analyze whether you are watering it correctly. In winter and fall, for example, most houseplants only need to be watered once or twice a month.

What if the leaves curl and turn red before falling?

Twisting and reddening of the leaves may be due to the fact that your flower received a direct burn. sunbeams. In this case, rearrange it to shade, update upper layer soil in a pot, spray the diseased flower with epinol.

What if the leaves are falling green, but some of them seem to be shriveled?

Most likely, these symptoms indicate that your plant has suffered from dry air or improper watering- too frequent or, conversely, too rare. In this case, regular spraying with water and revising the irrigation schedule in accordance with agrotechnical requirements will help. It is advisable to remove bare shoots, but even better - transplant the plant into fresh soil with fertilizer.

What if the leaves curl up and fall off?

These are clear signs that the plant is frozen. Check for drafts in the room. Another one possible reason- constant waterlogging of the soil.

What to do if the lower leaves fall?

If the plant sheds precisely the lower leaves, while the leaves fall dry, then the flower is probably unevenly lit, it has little light. In addition, the cause may be dry land or too high air temperature for the plant, or insufficient humidity.

What to do if a recently purchased flower sheds leaves?

Very often, indoor flowers after transplanting or when moving (from a store to your home, or even from room to room) experience stress and, as a result, shed their leaves. Do not worry if a few leaves have fallen, but if real leaf fall has begun, take urgent action. The normal period of acclimatization of the plant lasts no more than two weeks.

What to do if buds and flowers fall?

Usually buds and flowers houseplants dumped in poor lighting, lack of moisture, when the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen. Certain types of pests and lack of nutrition can also deprive your plant of flowers and buds. Examine the flower for unwanted guests and feed.

Pests and diseases

  1. . The main difficulty in caring for indoor roses is the fight against this pest. It is almost impossible to avoid its occurrence. To make the pest appear less often, you need to often spray the plants, bathe them in the shower, and maintain high humidity. It is because of the lack of moisture that the pest appears most often in autumn and winter. Roses that are kept in mini-greenhouses in winter get sick much less often.

Symptoms. The mites appear on the underside of the leaves and appear as small individual dots of red, red or dark brown. If you spray a rose and look very carefully, you can see how they move. In addition to dots, larvae can be distinguished: they are light, white-green in color. The leaves of the rosette are covered with dots, as if the thinnest cobweb appears on the processes. Young leaves are exactly punctured with a needle, first turn yellow, then brown, and eventually fall off. First of all, the tick starts on young shoots.

From natural folk methods garlic infusion helps: 170 g of finely chopped or grated garlic is infused in 1 liter of water for 5 days, in a tightly closed container in dark place. A solution is prepared for spraying: take 1 teaspoon and dilute in a liter of water, add a few drops of ammonia. Tobacco infusion is also used to treat diseased plants (a pack of cigarettes per liter of water). Insist for a day, then sprayed so that it does not fall on the soil. You can try powdering the bushes with dry mustard or wood ash.

  1. Shield (or false shield).

Symptoms. Leaves and stems are covered with brown plaques, which can be easily separated by hand, the plant sheds leaves, does not bloom, lags behind in development. Dies without treatment.

Treatment. Any insecticidal preparations.

  1. Beetles.

Symptoms. Beetles gnaw holes in the leaves, in addition, often the insect itself can be found inside the flower, which gnaws its way out.

Treatment. Actellik, feverfew, rotenone, preparations containing karbofos.

  1. Pest. Caterpillars.

Symptoms. Caterpillars can both gnaw small holes in the leaves and gnaw them to the ground.

Treatment. Collect and destroy caterpillars or treat plants with a preparation containing karbofos.

  1. carved aphid

Symptoms. Colonies of small sucking insects; found on buds and young shoots, they are clearly visible. Affected buds and leaves are deformed, curl unnaturally, dry out.

Treatment. Spraying with a soap solution (especially insecticidal soap) or tobacco infusion helps well. From chemicals apply actellik (20 drops per liter of water), feverfew, rotenone, preparations containing karbofos. If there are few aphids, you can bring and plant a few on the bushes. ladybugs that feed on aphids. against aphids and spider mite apply a solution of yarrow. For its preparation, blooming yarrow is collected, dried, crushed, insisted (1/2 liter jar dried grass pour water) 3-4 days, add a small piece of green soap and spray the plant.

Symptoms. The pest eats young shoots and buds, the plant lags behind in development, the leaves are deformed. The females lay their eggs under the bark of the plant.

Struggle. Treatment with Fufanol or a drug containing karbofos.

  1. Disease. dark spots

Symptoms. A fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of small dark spots on the leaves, the affected leaves turn yellow and fall off. Yellow roses are most susceptible to this disease.

Treatment. This disease develops in conditions of high humidity. Do not let moisture get on the leaves - water the ground, not the whole plant. Remove and destroy all infected leaves. Use fungicidal (antifungal) soap or other fungicidal preparations. With spotting, topsin or foundationol helps.

Symptoms. The color of the leaves, young shoots and buds becomes grayish, or they are, as it were, covered with a white powder. Young leaves may even become deformed. Powdery mildew often appears when warm days are followed by cold nights.

Struggle. Cut and destroy all damaged parts of the plant. Treat with a fungicide or benomyl.

  1. Disease. Mold.

Symptoms. The lower part of the trunk and shoots are covered with white bloom. Mold can be on the surface of the earth in a pot, its bottom. Leaves become blotchy and dry up. Without treatment, the plant rots and dies.

Struggle. Fungicide, avoid excessive soil moisture, too frequent fertilization, ventilate the room more often.

  1. Disease. Bacterial cancer, viral infection.

Symptoms. A viral infection manifests itself in the form of yellow stripes or spots on the leaves, which appear at the beginning of the season; with viral cancer, the roots and lower part of the plant begin to rot.

Struggle. If there is suspicion of viral infection, dig up the plant and destroy it. Plant new roses in new ground away from the infected area. Suitable chemicals there is no fight.

What will save the rose from pests?

R Oz is treated with two types of drugs:

insecticides - against insects (fitoverm, actelik), fungicides - against fungal diseases (quadris, chorus, ridomil). There are also mixed preparations. Dosages are indicated in the instructions. For indoor conditions, fitoverm, for example, is more acceptable, because it is less toxic. You can also use the drugs that you usually treat tomatoes in the country from late blight. But double the dosage. Try to buy licensed drugs.

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