What flower to plant in a large pot. In which pot to plant ficus - the secrets of the right choice

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

When choosing pots for cacti, it is worth remembering that these plants do not tolerate stagnant fluid. Therefore, the answer to the question of which pots to plant cacti in, suggests itself - in those in which the root system will be warm and dry. Cactus flower pots should have good drainage capacity and retain the accumulated heat energy during the night period. These consumer qualities have ceramic containers with thick clay walls. If necessary, you can use plastic pots for succulents, but you need to ensure that they are constantly in a warm place. For example, provide for the location of plants on the windowsill, under which the central heating battery passes. Or put it on a sunny window during the day, covering the green part of the plant from direct ultraviolet rays.

Look at the proposed photos of cacti in a pot - they are well illustrated with all the described principles for choosing dishes:

Choosing pots for cacti

Plant utensils, commonly referred to as "flower pots", are of great importance for the growth of cacti, as they determine the volumes of soil mixture available to plants, and with it the amount of nutrients and water.

Florists and flower shops sell cacti most often in very small pots, as they take up less space and are cheaper. This applies, first of all, to miniature clay pots with spectacular looking “mini-cacti”. However, for further cultivation of plants, these small pots for cacti are completely unsuitable, because they cannot provide them with a sufficiently large living space and conditions for growth.

In the sun, a small pot heats up very quickly, and when the sun hides, it cools rapidly. In heat, the soil dries out very quickly, so that the plant is constantly between two unfavorable poles: “very damp” (immediately after watering) and “very dry”.

And since cacti are extremely hardy plants, they do not immediately show that they can hardly endure such conditions.

In other words, satisfactory cultivation of cacti in these small commercial potted plants is not possible in the long term. Gardeners in these pots. Very often they are grown in large beds in greenhouses and transplanted into mini-pots only for sale, or small clay pots with plants planted in them are buried in large tabletop peat boxes or beds in optimally adjusted greenhouse climate conditions, that is, they have more living space with even climatic conditions. Therefore, we choose more suitable containers for growing succulents.

In what size pot to plant a cactus for active growth

The size of the cactus pot is of paramount importance, so after buying new cacti, the amateur cactus grower most often needs to immediately plants from small pots into a more spacious dish that is suitable for their further cultivation. There is no single answer to the question of what size the pot should be. In which pot, each grower decides individually, depending on the choice of pots.

A new pot should provide the plant with the opportunity for normal active growth and development within one to two years, and after a certain time, the earthen clod in it should be completely penetrated by roots.

On the other hand, it is also wrong to plant a small plant in a very large pot. Otherwise, in the substrate, where the roots do not braid the entire earthen lump for a long time, unpleasant decay processes may begin. Therefore, very small plants are best planted several together in a larger pot or bowl.

Planters for cacti and succulents

When growing a culture, clay pots for cacti, traditional dishes for all indoor plants, have both their advantages and disadvantages. Their characteristic feature is a certain evaporation of moisture through the porous walls, and the more, the drier the surrounding air and the more sunlight and heat in the place where they stand.

Thus, the soil in the pot dries out much faster than would be expected based on the plant's water requirements. On the one hand, the evaporation of water through the walls of the pot leads to a certain cooling of the earthen clod.

On the other hand, all the salts dissolved in water during evaporation form an ever-increasing layer of white coating on the walls of the pot. Especially strong limescale is formed in regions with very hard water, when watered, the soil in clay pots eventually alkalizes. And since almost all cacti prefer slightly acidic soil mixtures, their root system gradually dies off, which leads to the death of the plant.

However, along with these shortcomings, clay planters have their own advantages. Firstly, ceramic pots for succulents retain their shape better; when choosing large dishes - this circumstance is often a decisive argument in their favor compared to plastic or plastic pots.

In addition, due to their own weight, they are more stable, which is especially valuable when growing tall cacti or species with drooping shoots. Sometimes a strong evaporation of water can also be an advantage: namely, when the plant is watered abundantly at the wrong time.

As a result of the rapid evaporation of moisture through the porous walls of the pot, the soil dries out faster. You can avoid the formation of limescale on the walls of clay pots if you use soft or artificially softened (distilled) water for irrigation. It is possible to completely eliminate the evaporation of water through the walls of the pot by painting it from the inside with waterproof paint (for example, a special paint used to paint the inner walls of containers with drinking water).

There are clay pots for succulents of a wide variety of shapes, although small flower shops usually sell ordinary round ones. For many cacti, especially for species that form whole clumps, low, flat pots are more suitable.

Plastic pots for succulents, often referred to as plastic in everyday life, also have both their advantages and disadvantages when cultivating cacti. Firstly, plastic pots of the most varied quality are commercially available.

An amateur cactus grower should choose for his plants not disposable plastic pots, which, due to their low price, are preferred by floricultural farms, but better dishes. These pots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are round, low and wide pots that are especially well suited for growing clump-forming cacti; very tall flowerware is more suitable for plants with a long turnip main root. From plastic, both ordinary round pots and square-shaped pots, which are especially popular with owners of greenhouses and greenhouses, are produced.

Plastic pots are cheap, light, and easy to stack. Thanks to the smooth walls, they can be washed well and thus prepared for reuse. Due to the fact that the walls of the plastic pot do not allow moisture to pass through, the plants need to be watered less frequently.

True, this advantage for inexperienced amateurs often turns into a disadvantage. Plants in plastic pots need about 1/3 of the water that plants in earthenware consume.

Therefore, there is a danger of waterlogging of cacti in plastic pots. In addition, even when the surface of the soil is dry in the plastic pot, the substrate may still be damp at the bottom of the pot.

However, cacti require another watering only when the substrate dries sufficiently; as mentioned above, they absolutely cannot tolerate the constant dampness of the soil. Over time, plastic pots also age, become brittle and break easily. And this primarily applies to the cultivation of cacti, since it is in this case that strong solar radiation and relatively high temperatures are a characteristic feature.

As a generalization, when growing cacti in separate pots for smaller plants, plastic utensils have certain advantages. In small clay pots standing, for example, on the windowsill, it is difficult to maintain the humidity and temperature of the soil at the right level, since the pots heat up very quickly, and the substrate in them dries up completely. In such cases, it is better to use plastic utensils.

On the other hand, large cacti need large pots. However, in this case, a larger volume of soil provides a more uniform temperature and moisture of the substrate also when using clay pots.

In addition, when using large-sized dishes, durable clay pots have advantages over plastic pots that easily bend and break (for example, when lifting a plant carelessly). In addition, if a plant in a large plastic pot is watered too heavily, that is, it can take a very long time for the soil to dry out again, and meanwhile a fungal infection can spread in the soil and infect the plant through the roots.

See how potted succulents look like - the photo shows different options for ceramic and plastic containers:

Square pots and bowls for cacti

Taking into account all the disadvantages that cultivation of cacti in small clay pots brings with it, with their poorly tolerated plants, drastically changing conditions, you very soon come to the conclusion whether it is not necessary to plant many plants at once in large cactus bowls, thereby creating for them more free living space. Indeed, amateurs who grow their plants in rooms are increasingly finding very attractive and well-growing landscape compositions of cacti in bowls or low flower boxes. And, on the contrary, cacti growers. those who have a greenhouse or conservatory in which they can create favorable conditions for the growth of cacti prefer to grow their plants in separate pots - if they do not plant their large cacti directly into the soil.

If an amateur has a desire to try in a bowl, then first you need to choose the right dishes for this. Flower shops often offer arrangements from bowls.

This in itself is not objectionable if the bowl has drainage holes to drain excess watering water - and if the amateur is not tempted by the round shape to the point of placing the bowl in the middle of the table in the room. Because it's definitely too dark for cacti.

For closed flower windows, depending on their design, amateurs have at their disposal special square cactus pots of various sizes, and for growing on a windowsill, on the contrary, it is necessary to give preference to flower dishes in the form of balcony flower boxes. Eternite boxes, which are produced today from asbestos-free materials, are best suited for cultivating cacti on an external windowsill.

If you intend to grow cacti in a room, it is best to choose more attractive plant boxes, such as plastic ones. In any case, the flower box should have drainage holes at the bottom through which excess watering water can drain.

On an outside window sill this dripping water may not be a problem, but in a room the flower box should be placed on a galvanized steel or plastic tray. Since a pallet of the right size is often very difficult to find, it is necessary to buy a flower box together with the pallet from the very beginning.

Further, in such boxes it is necessary to plant only approximately equally growing, strong cacti that require similar conditions. A particularly well-growing species should not be allowed to grow rapidly and suppress with its growth a rare specimen that grows slowly in the neighborhood.

This overgrowth can also take place in the soil, where the roots of the fast-growing species increasingly restrict the living space of the slower-growing species, causing the plant to wither.

In addition, "white" looking species that require bright sunlight and plenty of heat should never be planted next to the less thorny green species, which, although they prefer a lot of light, need protection from direct sunlight during the midday hours. And since in the general substrate of any flower box all the roots living in the soil can freely spread, only healthy-looking plants are planted together.

With the right choice of plants according to the location of the box, the amateur cactus grower can achieve very good results. True, when cultivating cacti in flower boxes, it can be very difficult to take out a single plant from there, for example, to photograph it or to transplant a particularly strongly grown plant into a large dish. Most often, in this case, you have to replant all the cacti growing in the box.

However, it is possible to combine the advantages of growing plants in individual pots with the advantages of growing in large containers, if cacti growing in clay pots are placed in a flower box and the free space is filled with a mixture of sand and peat.

Then, thanks to the porous walls of the clay pots, moisture leveling occurs through the filler substrate, and the soil in them does not dry out too quickly. In addition, when cultivating species that prefer not completely dry conditions in winter, lightly moistening only the box filler substrate can keep the potting soil slightly moist. If individual cacti grown in plastic pots are placed together in a bowl, then this will not give great advantages in culture, since in this case moisture exchange does not occur through the walls of the pots.

In which pot to plant ficus? Of particular importance, from what material the pot for the plant will be, is not.

It is important to pay more attention to size. Do not forget about the correct placement of the ficus pot. Care for him and timely transplantation will help keep the plant in proper form.

Home ficuses are represented by a wide variety of types and sizes. Therefore, the question often arises, which ficus pot to choose. To do this correctly, you need:

  • Calculate Size
  • Choose form
  • Pick up material

The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the roots of the plant. The optimal size will be the size in which they, by about two centimeters, will not reach the walls of the selected container. You need to purchase a not too large vessel, with a good drainage system.

There is no ideal form of dishes for growing ficuses. In most cases, ordinary classic-shaped products sold in stores will do.

However, for those who like to grow a plant using the "bonsai" technology, flat models are needed, with sides from 10 cm.

What the dishes are made of, in which the “tree” will grow, does not matter much.

It can be plastic, clay or ceramics, and for especially large specimens, wooden tubs are suitable. The main thing when choosing a material is the absence of a chemical effect on the flower.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that when choosing a pot, you need to remember the condition of the roots, the size of the ficus and the way it is grown. The vessel should not be treated with chemical compounds and fit into the interior.

It is easy to determine in which pot to plant a young ficus. For such a plant, you will need a standard small pot with good drainage. If you need to transplant a grown plant or a copy recently bought in a store, you need to know how to choose a container.

To wonder in which pot to plant a ficus, which is purchased in a store, you need 3-4 weeks after a new pet has appeared in the house. The plant is already experiencing stress from a change in microclimate, if you add a transplant to this, the flower may weaken or get sick.

It is important to keep the new specimen away from other houseplants. In flower shops, greenhouses and greenhouses, sometimes pests appear or plants are attacked by an infection.

It is important to leave the new pet in the quarantine area for about a month to make sure it is healthy and will not infect other flowers. After all, there are insects that affect almost all crops and are difficult to remove. An example is spider mites.

Thinking about which pot is needed for ficus, we recommend choosing a container that has such proportions - the height is equal to its diameter. This recommendation applies to container selection for Ficus Benjamin and Rubber Crops.

Do not try to delay the next transplant by choosing too large a "home" for the described plant. This can have several negative consequences. So, the flower will begin to spend a lot of energy on building up the root system, which can adversely affect its decorative effect.

Also, when watering in too large a container, water may begin to accumulate, which the roots cannot reach. This will provoke moisture stagnation, and, as a result, rotting of the roots and flower disease.

For the purpose of decoration, you can use a planter for ficus. They are made by hand or purchased in specialized stores. In the first case, you can use a vine for weaving, decoupage and other techniques.

How to transplant ficus

If the plant grows well, does not get sick, there is still a need for a ficus transplant. Usually for a ficus, the following terms of "moving" can be determined:

  • 3 year olds - once a year
  • five years - no more than once in a three-year period
  • More adults - once every six years

The new "apartment" is selected by about a couple of centimeters in volume, more than the previous one.

In order for the transplant to be successful, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

Your flower will not experience much stress if everything is done carefully and competently.


Although it is not a very picky plant, ficus care requires certain knowledge:

  • It should be located in a well-lit room without direct light.
  • The temperature should not exceed 30º in summer and not fall below 16º in winter.
  • The room must be well ventilated.

Ficus does not require frequent watering. In summer, it will be enough to water as the earth dries. However, this must be done in abundance. In winter, do not allow an excess of moisture, as this has a bad effect on the root system.

Land for adult plants should be of a fairly dense consistency. For bait, organic fertilizers and mineral mixtures are used.

Settling dust is washed off with a warm shower a couple of times a month, and you can wipe the leaves with a wet sponge every day.

Timely care of the plant will give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously.

Ficus propagation

Ficus, like all plants in nature, seeds. But at home, this process is easier and more efficient to produce vegetatively. There are three main possibilities for how to implement:

With the help of cuttings. The shoot is cut off (14-17 cm), the leaves are removed. The cut site should be washed and dried.

The prepared cutting is placed in the ground or in an aqueous solution. At the initial stage, the process must be kept in the dark and under the film, creating the effect of a greenhouse.

Using a cutting with a leaf. The shoot is cut off with a leaf. The main thing is that the cut was made at an angle along the trunk node.

After the shoot is installed in a pot, the leaf is twisted and fixed. Then it is also covered with a film.

Creating air layers. An incision is made around the circle of the shoot, and the crust is removed. Moss is attached to the damaged area and wrapped in a film.

The top and bottom are tied. Moss must be kept constantly moist. Soon roots will appear in this place. Next comes the transplantation of the shoot with a layer into the ground.

Young shoots need to be transplanted into pots without glaze, as it passes air and moisture worse.

You need to breed plants at home in the spring, having good soil for planting.

conditions for the plant

Ficus is rightfully one of the most beautiful and spectacular types of home flora.

Properly chosen pot and care, timely transplantation, well-executed reproduction is the key to a prosperous and long life for your pet.

Attention, super FLY!

Good afternoon dear friends!

Recently I looked at photos of beautifully decorated flower beds in German cities. I have always been interested in the question, how do they get such lush beautiful flowers in flowerpots and flowerpots? I tried to study this issue, looked at the advice of our experienced flower growers. It turned out that the matter is not only in proper care, but also in what flowers to plant in a flower pot!

What flowers to plant in a pot

We all love beauty, especially hand-grown flowers. Usually, in the country there is not much space to break large flower beds. In this case, it is convenient to plant flowers in a flower pot. Even small flower arrangements in flowerpots and flowerpots will embellish the site and create a mood. But even in large areas in landscape design, flowers in flowerpots are necessarily used. This is so beautiful! And they bloom all summer.

Moreover, not only classic ones bought in stores are suitable as flower pots, but also, in principle,.

Let's find out first of all what flowers can be planted in a flowerpot. It can be not only ampelous (strongly hanging) plants, but also others.

The most popular flowers that look great both in hanging planters and in tall flowerpots:

  • alyssum that blooms with a beautiful hat
  • achimenes - a chic flowering plant with large flowers of white, red, blue, purple
  • balsam is a bright plant that blooms all summer

  • bacopa - a beautiful plant with different sizes of flowers of blue, white, pink, forms chic cascades. Very picky in care. Unlike petunia, which needs to be plucked all the time, bacopa is a self-cleaning plant. Small flowers dry up and fall off without loss for decoration.
  • rose-like begonia

  • bidens is a very unpretentious plant, loves bright places. The more light, the more abundant blooms. And the more pinching done, the thicker and denser the cap of the plant
  • verbena - a well-known beautiful plant
  • calibrachoa - a plant with small bell flowers, related to petunia, very similar to it

  • lobelia with small charming flowers of sky-blue color, but it can also be white and purple. Planting and care is also similar to petunias - lobelia is grown by seedlings, already in February small seeds are sown, scattering over the ground, better mixed with sand. Usually several plants dive together a month after the appearance of sprouts.

  • nasturtium - its shoots can reach 2 meters
  • beloved by all of us. There is probably no other culture that enjoys such a worldwide wide love. The least whimsical and capricious are such varieties of petunias as purple, lilac and pink.
    potonia - differs from the petunia we are used to in that it does not require pinching, it itself naturally branches. But she loves to eat very much, the more often she is fed, the longer the shoots are. And you need to feed the potunia with each watering, i.e. almost daily, with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers (if the fertilizer instructions say to dissolve one cap per liter, then in our case you need to take half a cap)
  • ivy-leaved pelargonium is a very spectacular plant and an unusually beautiful sight! From the beginning of July until the very frosts, pelargonium produces large, profusely flowering cascades. The length of the shoots can be up to 1 meter;

  • fuchsia - unpretentious flowers of a very beautiful color.

Of course, other flowers can be planted in pots on the street: in the country and even on the balcony in containers or hanging pots.

How to plant flowers in a pot to bloom all summer

First you need to determine where the flower pots will be. From this place will depend on what flowers to plant.

For places where the sun will look only in the morning or in the evening, fuchsia and morning glory are suitable.

On the south or southwest side, it is good to plant, for example, petunias, violets, begonias.

In Europe, it is not customary to grow monocultures in pots, i.e. consisting of one type of plant, as we have only one petunia or pelargonium. They like to combine these plants with each other. And it is right. The point is not only that interesting beautiful compositions are obtained, but also because many ampelous plants are very capricious. The most capricious is our favorite petunia. A few days of rain and the petunia leaves miserable lashes with drooping flowers, you have to pluck it so that it comes back to life. Therefore, to create an ever-beautiful flowering planter, you do not need to plant petunia alone in it, but you need to combine plants.

A mixture always looks better than a single plant.

We place 2-3 varieties of plants in one pot. We select them by color so that they are either in the same color scheme or contrasting. For example, red and green plants, yellow and purple, or blue, purple and green are well combined.

We arrange the plants so that they look beautiful in a flower pot and correlate with each other in height.

In the center we place taller plants, for example, three fuchsia bushes of different shades. They will become a bright accent of the composition due to their bright pink flowers.

Hanging plants are placed along the edges of the pots. You can add ivy or indoor chlorophytum to fuchsia, which feels great outdoors in summer.

In general, flowers of green or white-green color go well with all types of ampelous plants.

Plectranthus, coined loosestrife, tolmeya are very well suited as replanting.

Plectranthus is interesting for its unusual coloring of foliage and enlivens any composition. Very unpretentious, has great growth power, easily rooted at home. If a plant suddenly falls into the pot, the plectranthus will always occupy this space.

Monetary loosestrife is not a capricious plant, it takes root well, it is not at all demanding for top dressing. But in the sun or when it dries out, it can turn yellow, so watering should be regular and sufficient.

Tolmeya is a shade-tolerant culture, can grow in the light, and feels great in the shade.

In the country or in the garden, use several containers of different sizes and shapes, but from the same material, then the compositions will not be boring.

How to plant correctly:

  1. First of all, let's prepare a planter - we will arrange a drainage layer in it, it is better to use expanded clay, which must be poured into the bottom of the planter with a layer of 2-3 cm.
  2. Then we pour a small layer of fertile soil. Ordinary land from the garden is heavy and in this case is not suitable. For flowers in a flowerpot, it is better to purchase a special primer in the store.
  3. We place our plants on the ground. The distance between flowers planted in pots should be slightly less than is usually recommended when planting in open ground.
  4. Then we fill the free gaps with earth. There should be 2 cm left to the edge of the pot, unoccupied by the ground. This is necessary for convenient watering.

As the shoots grow, to form a lush even bush, the pots need to be turned every two weeks in different directions with respect to the sun.

Song examples:

  • petunia - bidens - ipomoea
  • petunia - caliberhoa - bacopa
  • petunia - verbena - calibrachoa
  • colius - petunia - alyssum
  • verbena - calibrachoa
  • calirahoa - sweet potato - verbena or geranium
  • verbena - bidens - lobelia.

There are many varieties of flower pots on the market and it's time to figure out which one is better. This article lists the pros and cons of different types of modern pots and talks about which pots are best suited for certain types of plants. Indoor flowers are a wonderful addition to the interior. They delight the eye with a variety of colors and enrich the air in the room with oxygen. And in what pot should a plant be planted so that it feels like in natural conditions? Let's figure it out.

Houseplants in pots. © Flozo Content:

What is the difference between pots and pots?

Flower pots, unlike planters that are used to decorate nondescript pots, have drainage holes in the bottom. Drainage holes are designed to drain water so that water does not stagnate, and this does not lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of unpleasant odors. Holes for water drainage are sometimes used for lower watering, when the plant absorbs moisture with its roots from the pallet or from the planter in which it is installed.

Nowadays, due to economy and the race against time, planters have lost their purpose and are being used more and more as pots. That is, they retained the aesthetic purpose, but a functional one was added to it, a vessel in which the plant grows and develops.

In the article, I will dwell on the most popular and versatile materials for flower pots, the use of which is possible not only in functional terms, but also aesthetically at the same time.

plastic pots

Now technologies make it possible to use plastic not only as a material directly for a pot, but also to create flower pots from them.

Thanks to technical advances and the work of designers, plastic pots have turned from ordinary, nondescript vessels into real works of art. Due to the plasticity of the material, such flowerpots have a rich variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Plastic flower pot © 55Laney69

Benefits of plastic pots

The advantage of a plastic pot or planter is its lightness. When growing large plants such as Ficus, Dracaena, Strelitzia, located on the floor, many will opt for a plastic pot that is easy to move if necessary. And with vertical gardening, you can’t do without lightweight planters, which can be given any size or decorated for any material.

Another advantage of plastic is that it can be given any shape, from tall flowerpots to a flat saucer.

Now popular pots with automatic watering system. At its core, this is a pot and planter in a set. A pot with an indicator of fullness of water is inserted into the pot, which has a special hole for watering. Such pots provide an opportunity to do floriculture even for the most forgetful, as they can reduce watering to just a few times a year.

There are also medicinal pots. The specificity of such a pot is that in the bottom of the pot, concave inward, in addition to holes for water drainage, holes are made for air circulation. The roots of the plant breathe and such a pot does not require an additional drainage layer.

Plastic pots are convenient, they do not allow water to flow when watering. The richness of shapes, sizes and colors allow you to choose a pot for any interior, and the cheapness of the material makes them accessible to a larger number of buyers.

Modern technology makes it possible to use plastic pots as additional lighting or make them glow brightly in the dark. Want to plant your flower in a marble vase, but avoid the hassle and expense of moving? Pay attention to plastic pots.

Disadvantages of plastic pots

Of the few disadvantages, it is worth noting that plastic is an artificial material, and it does not breathe, which sometimes negatively affects the development of plants, and when overflowing, rotting of the roots is possible. When growing very tall plants, such pots can become unstable.

Ceramic or clay pots

Clay or ceramic pots have been used by mankind to grow plants for more than one century.

Advantages of ceramic pots

The indisputable advantage of this type of dish, if it is not glazed, is its naturalness. Due to the porosity of the material, excessive moisture evaporates through the walls of the vessel, and the roots of the plant are also saturated with oxygen.

Unfortunately, gypsum fakes that do not have a set of useful properties began to appear on the market. You can tell them apart by sound. When struck lightly, a gypsum pot makes a duller sound than its clay counterpart.

Ceramics, be it simple terracotta or glazed, will always add solidity and richness to the interior. Thanks to centuries of craftsmanship, it is possible to achieve that the pot looks like an ancient flowerpot of the dynasty of some Chinese emperor and a simple cheerful vase with colorful colors.

The clay from which such pots are made is a natural material found in nature. The hydrated water contained in such pots serves as an excellent temperature regulator. In winter, the plant in this pot is warm, and cool in summer.

Plants grown in such pots feel better. Due to its mass, such dishes are more stable and more suitable for growing large plants, including trees.

Ceramic flower pot © g 3

Disadvantages of ceramic pots

Of course, there are also disadvantages to growing plants in ceramic pots. Clay ware is quite fragile and can break if not handled carefully.

Due to the same porosity of the material, the walls of the vessel can become very cold during evaporation, which will lead to serious injury or death of the plant.

When transplanting a plant from such a pot, the roots that stick to the inner walls are damaged.

Salt deposits appear on the surface of clay pots, which are very difficult to get rid of, and the glaze does not let air through.

Forged flower pot in York. © Harry Mitchell

Pots made of other materials

Less common materials for planters are metal, natural stone, glass.

Glass pots

Glass material is very fragile and traumatic, it is very easy to break it. Glass is used, as a rule, for growing orchids. You can also grow mini gardens in large glass pots or aquariums, or plant plants that require special climatic conditions.

Glass is a very decorative material, but not suitable for growing most plants.

Natural stone pots

Natural stone is a rare material for a flower pot or planter. A tall tree growing in such a flowerpot will look great in a spacious room with panoramic windows or an open patio. Unfortunately, the high cost of such material does not allow its use in everyday life. Yes, and caring for a plant in such a pot will be difficult. Natural stone heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly, so not all plants are suitable for growing in it.

Flower pot made of natural stone with a fountain © Dezidor

Metal pots

Metal, no less brutal material for creating planters. Thanks to artistic forging, it can be shaped into various animals or pedestals. Unfortunately, the metal heats up and cools down just as quickly, and eventually corrodes.

With the right selection of a pot or flowerpot, the flower will delight you with its growth and aroma for a long time.

I ask you to supplement this article with your comments, share your experience and send your recommendations.

Gardening stores sell a lot of all kinds of objects that can decorate the garden, complementing what is created by nature. But what if you don't like the banal figures of gnomes and other "sculptures"? Do you want to show excellent European taste?

Pay attention to large pots and planters, from 60-80 cm high. Did you know that these impressive items are not only for planting flowers? They can play many roles, the main of which is to create a spectacular and original corner in your garden.

Where to place such large and even huge pots? Which ones to choose so that it does not look trite? What to add to enhance the effect? How can large planters fix "problem areas" in your garden and around the house? What secrets do landscape designers know when it comes to patios?

The answers to all these questions, 25 best design techniques and 50 photos of large pots with examples of harmonious landscape design - in our new guide. Discover another amazing garden feature!


First, let's talk about what probably worries you the most - where to place large pots and planters . We have found 10 interesting tricks.

1. Front entrance.

Old as the world, but still effective: put two identical plant containers on either side of the entrance to the site. And admire how your yard has changed! By the way, capricious plants can also be grown in such containers - as soon as the temperature drops, just bring them into the house.

2. Punctuation marks.

How does this relate to our topic? And so that plants in large containers can make the garden more structured, as do periods and commas in the text. They can mark a turn in the path or point to a bench in the shade.

3. Like sculpture.

Another "punctuation mark", but in the role of the central element of some of the sections of the garden. Adds order and European elegance, especially if you choose a large pot in the old style.

4. Point of attraction.

And the third way to designate the structure of the garden is to install a large planter at the end of the path or where it bifurcates.

5. Mediterranean notes.

When decorating a Mediterranean-style garden or patio with characteristic round areas like waves, think about how to fit large vessels or pots made of natural-colored unglazed ceramics into them. Add a round mini flower bed (pot in the center) or surround it with small pebbles.

6. Attention to corners.

Vegetation in the corners of a small area is always appropriate, helping to give it smooth shapes. Add a large pot to one of these areas - with plants or even without them. This focal point is sure to catch the eye and showcase your out-of-the-ordinary taste.

7. Change the proportions.

Around the house, as a rule, there is little land, and all the vegetation is either under your feet or above your head. Balance this picture by adding a "middle element" - at eye level or just below (a large pot of flowers or plants). You will be surprised how much more harmonious it looks now.

8. Among the foliage.

Agree, quite unexpectedly to meet a huge vessel in the far corner of a wild garden. Rising above the low foliage, it looks like it was conjured by a wizard, and treasures await inside.

Tip: for such areas, choose pots of soft shades of natural nature (gray, beige, green), this will enhance the charm of "magic".

9. Non-banal garden.

We have already talked in detail about. And here we propose to supplement it with a large pot-vessel. Such a high element adds decorativeness to trivial beds.

10. Creative (devil) order.

Instead of accentuating the space, huge pots and planters can create it themselves, breaking the excessive order and introducing new lines.


Now for some ideas on how choose a large pot or decorative vessel to make the most impactful experience.

11. With a touch of time.

A large vessel can be a great focal point if it stands out from the crowd. The bigger the pot, the better. Vessels, on which the imprint of time (patina) is clearly felt, look especially luxurious.

12. Game of contrasts.

If you have a lawn or a flower bed, feel free to put large planters and pots there. Right in the middle of the green. This will certainly attract attention and give your eyes a rest from a solid green canvas. Containers can be very diverse, but they must have something in common - color, shape or material.

13. At the behest of nature.

Take a closer look at the landscape - perhaps there is already an answer to the question of what containers should be. For example, as here: a heavy rounded vessel resembles stones in shape, and the exotic, unusually dark color of plants suggested the shade of the pot - black.

14. A piece of exotic.

Among the great variety of leaf colors, blue shades are very rare. Especially in our latitudes. That's why look for bright blue containers or trendy teal color - against the backdrop of greenery, they will look incredibly exotic. Want to enhance your impression? Install artificial leaves or feathers inside, painted in a similar tone.


Did you know that with the help of decorative planters and pots you can solve the problems of the site or garden ? Find out a few ways to do it.

15. Harmony does not tolerate emptiness.

Every designer knows: there should be no empty corners. If you still have them - put a large container with plants there (or an empty one - as a decor). A group of such containers will help disguise unaesthetic utilitarian items: an air conditioner module, a generator or utility hatches.

16. From scratch.

Perhaps you are puzzled about what to do with a boring white fence. Or with the barn wall, which, with its screaming emptiness, offends your aesthetic feelings.

Just imagine this surface as a canvas and yourself as an artist. And create! Put several identical, but certainly spectacular containers with greens along the wall. And now enjoy your creation with a trendy touch of modern decor trends!

17. Provisional measure.

If there are still few plantings on the site, large pots with flowers and plants will perfectly save the situation and get rid of the impression of uncomfortable emptiness.


Now let's talk about what to add to large pots and planters or what to plant in them if you like original solutions.

18. Curious instance.

Large forms - for outstanding content. Try growing a tree with interesting branches or even fruits in a huge container. This is not at all the same as planting it in the ground - a huge pot will highlight the plant, tell everyone about its uniqueness. And you will only have to admire this excellent specimen.

Tip: Before planting a tree in a pot, think about its future needs. After all, the root system and crown will grow, and the container may simply not withstand the pressure. Therefore, carefully study everything regarding the development of this plant.

19. Mexican landscape.

Have you dreamed of some exotic landscape for a long time? Take large pots, place pots of succulents in them and fill them with gravel on top. Put it on a site with the same coating, and put the containers in the house or winter garden for the winter.

20. Add water.

How about getting a garden fountain made from a huge ceramic vessel? You can, of course, look for ready-made models. But it’s really possible to do it yourself - from a large pot and a special set for arranging small garden fountains.


And in conclusion, we offer spectacular ideas for decorating the patio - also with the help of large pots and decorative vessels.

21. Magic bush.

Do you regret that bushes with beautiful flowers are located far from your favorite vacation spot? Plant young plants in large pots and rearrange wherever you want.

22. Berries at hand.

In large containers, not only flowers or greens can grow, but also berry bushes. Find out from horticultural firms which varieties are best to choose and get such a “delicious” decor.

23. Blooming stairs.

This trick adds a sense of celebration, turning the daily climb of the stairs into an exciting event that pleases the eye. Use the same pots with the same contents - this will reflect your impeccable taste and professional approach to design.

24. In a slender framework.

Very large planters with plants can perfectly zone individual elements of the patio. For example, limit the barbecue area or become an interesting alternative to a garden fence. But, unlike the fence, it is pleasant to admire them.

25. Southern European chic.

And if you have special places for eating or relaxing, limited by stone walls, mark the entrance with a pair of unglazed terracotta pots. Plant beautifully flowering plants or bushes with picturesque small leaves like boxwood inside.

We hope this detailed guide on how to use large pots, planters and decorative vessels in your landscape design will inspire you to create original garden and patio elements. We wish you success in this and admiration of the guests!

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