Air beds. Ampelous flowers for a luxurious garden

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

In order to decorate gazebos, verandas, balcony boxes or window sills often use ampelous plants. They will perfectly decorate a window or entrance, help to give a sense of celebration on the terrace or in the garden.. Such species are indispensable for decorating the cottage.

ampelous plants or ampels- decorative representatives that are grown in hanging pots, baskets, vases. The name "ampel" comes from the Latin word Ampella, which is translated into Russian as "small bottle".

Any flowerpot can be planted in pots or vases, but it is best for ampels, curly upwards, creeping or falling shoots are suitable. Ampels can grow in an apartment, greenhouse or in the ground.

TOP-1O most popular hanging flowers for home and garden

Ampels are divided into:

  1. succulents
  2. decorative leafy
  3. beautiful blooming

Ampels are also divided into curly and creeping. Curly - releasing antennae. With the help of them, they cling to the net or other nearby objects and rise up. Creeping - hang a container high above the floor in which the plant grows. Stems hang down freely.

Below are the most popular types of Ampel plants:


One of the most beloved representatives of all gardeners. Differs from other representatives of a diverse colors and shape, long flowering. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. Easy care. prefers lit, warm places. Grows fast. Blooming wattle fences completely cover the edges of the hanging container.


Widely known ampel. coral or bright red. Their shape resembles a miniature chrysanthemum. You can plant this begonia in a pot, box or flowerpot.. Extremely negatively tolerates heat and bright rays of the sun. Therefore, it is important to place it in partial shade.

If the plant is completely removed in the shade, the begonia may lose its decorative properties.


It differs from other representatives in that there are no blooms on it, or they can appear periodically. Dichondra flowers are inconspicuous, dull, almost invisible. It adorns any place with its silver-green leaves with a silky edge and lashes, reaching a length of more than one and a half meters. In nature, dichondra grows in marshy places. Heat-loving, so it can be found on open terraces only during the warm season. To save the plant from frost, it should be brought indoors for the winter.


A herbaceous flower that blooms from early spring to late autumn. Grow as an annual. But vervain tolerates winter well. Planted in hanging containers. The stems hang down a meter. Verbena grows very fast. Leaves are dense and hairy. Verbena flower stalks can be blue, purple, pink or red.. After flowering, a nut is formed. It breaks down into four parts. Butterflies and caterpillars feed on verbena.


Rarely seen in Russia. Widely known in European countries. Herbaceous, creeping and climbing perennial. Wattle reach 1-1.5 meters in length. The leaves are olive green in color. Bacopa blooms in waves. The buds bloom at the same time and fall off after flowering. Then new buds open. Thus, Bacopa blooms all season. For the winter in regions with severe frosts, it is brought into the room.


A hanging plant that produces long shoots or climbs along a wall. ampelous geranium differs from the usual in its long, strong shoots that are able to support the weight of the leaves and great amount colors . The leaves are smooth, five-pointed, without fluff on the surface. large and bright. They are the pride of any grower. Therefore, flower growers prefer to plant in one container different types geraniums to get flowers of different colors.


Belongs to the bell family. Perennial herbaceous plant. Although gardeners use lobelia as an annual plant. The leaves are densely arranged on stems, small and shiny. The flowers are also small in size, but have a bright blue, magenta or purple color.


Feature is unusual shape flowers and duration of flowering. Flowers can be blue or purple. The shape of the flowers may resemble bells or dancing ballerinas.

herbaceous plant, pleases with its flowering almost until frost. Stems can be either erect or weaving. irregular shape can be orange, yellow and red.

Herbaceous plant with light green leaves round shape with serrated edges. It differs from other ampelous flowers in large and densely arranged flowers on the stem.

Benefits of Ampel Plants

Almost all ampels are annuals. But they can be stored until the next warm season by putting them indoors for a period of frosty winter. In addition, they valued among flower growers for unpretentiousness.

With the help of an ampel, you can decorate any terrace or window sill. They will not leave indifferent any gardener.

Ampelous (ampels, ampelniks) are called plants that themselves are not able to hold their shoots. Their long and flexible stems limply and charmingly hang down from hanging planters and baskets, and sometimes crawl up along walls and other vertical surfaces. They can be perennial and one year of flowering, in the first case they are taken to a heated room for the winter. For hanging compositions, ampelniks that constantly bloom throughout the summer are usually chosen. These plants are very decorative and infinitely varied in color and texture, and in skillful hands turn into indescribably charming hanging flower beds and entire garden compositions.

From a botanical point of view, there are many forms of such plants - climbing (beans, bindweed), climbing (grapes, hops), creeping (all ground cover), "whiskered" (chlorophytum, episcia). Landscape and room designers include in this group all plants that can be planted in a suspended container so that the stems hang down. They, in turn, are divided into flowering and decorative-deciduous varieties. Plants that cling to supports and crawl up, they belong to the group of vines, although by and large these are also ampels.


The advantages of designing a site using ampels are obvious:

The best ampelous flowers for the garden

Keeping outdoors, even in the warm season, makes its own demands on flowering plants. When placed in an open area, they should tolerate the sun well, and in the gazebos and on the northern walls they should be darkened, have greater resistance to winds, changes in day and night temperatures, and withstand the pressure of rain jets. In terms of resistance to various natural factors they can be divided into separate groups.

Shade resistant

Balsam (Roly wet)

Annual. Prefers moderate sun, feels great in lace shade, so flowerpots with it can be hung directly on the branches of apple trees, pears and others. fruit trees. Under the scorching sun begins to wither. In warm weather it can bloom until October.

Viola ampelnaya (Pansies)

Selective variety of garden violet. Forms a spherical bush with big amount variegated flowers.

The first period of vegetation shoots grow vertically, their hanging begins with the beginning of flowering. It has good shade and cold resistance. Can be grown as an annual or biennial.

Resistant to direct sunlight


This ampel variety petunias with chic double flowers.

Colors can vary from pale pink to deep blue. It reproduces vegetatively.

To enhance the splendor of flowering, you need to cut the lashes several times over the summer to stimulate the development of side shoots.

Surfinia (cascading petunia)

It blooms profusely and brightly, grows rapidly, has a wide variety of colors, and is unpretentious in care.

Mauritanian bindweed

It looks very pretty on the steps and supporting walls, flowing along them light colored coverlet and covering bald spots and voids. Looks great in hanging vases. In care, he is content with little, but requires placement in a sunny location.



A well-known houseplant that reveals itself in a completely different way as an element of street decoration. Light-requiring, but does not like strong heat. Drinks a lot, requires frequent watering.

Flowers, depending on the variety, can be double and simple, bloom brightly, in white-pink and crimson-violet tones. Produces flowers throughout the summer, but requires formative pinching. It can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings, it is best to do this in the spring.


Very effective decorative and deciduous ampelnik. It forms waterfall compositions with long whips hanging down to the ground. Particularly beautiful are the varieties with silvery leaves.

With its help, you can shade an open gazebo or veranda, arrange a fence, cover unsightly places. It looks better in longitudinal drawers than in round pots. Easy to plant, low maintenance.

wind resistant

Euphorbia "Diamond Frost"

A houseplant that feels great in summer and outdoors, even in fairly windy places. During flowering it is covered with a white cap of small flowers on falling shoots. Well rooted in a sand-peat mixture.

It appeared on the flower market relatively recently, reproduction occurs vegetatively. In addition to wind resistance, it tolerates a lack of moisture well, it can do without watering for several days. But in the absence of a sufficient amount of light, it does not bloom so abundantly, which is why it loses in decorativeness.


This flower is often confused with petunia, but in fact it is its F1 hybrid. Available for sale in seven colors - from pink and salmon to raspberry and purple. It blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, it has good resistance to bad weather. This perennial crop in this variation is grown as an annual.

drought resistant

Pelargonium ivy

At favorable conditions can bloom all year round.

He likes bright places, but can feel good in partial shade. Withstands drafts, so it often serves as a decoration for windows open for the summer.

Secrets of gardeners - pelargonium loves to "drink" milk diluted with water and live in cramped conditions. The roots should be close to the walls of the pot.

feruloline sequence

Charming clouds of yellow delicate flowers surrounded by lacy leaves. It is very popular in Europe, although it came into the circle of interests of flower growers only in 1992. It was noticed by breeders, thanks to which, to date, a dozen varieties have already been bred.

Can be used in ground flower beds, looks charming in hanging compositions and solo. It tolerates well not only drought, but also prolonged cold snaps and shaping (haircut), does not require fertile soils, does not suffer in dense plantings.

This group includes all ampelous succulents (plants capable of accumulating moisture in special tissues). This is an ideal choice for sites whose owners do not have the opportunity to visit them every day. The best of them: wood ceropegia, ripsalis, sedum, eryphyllum, sickle-shaped crosses, rooting, large-tongued, rowley.

Ampelous flowers for planters are a simple solution not only to visual problems personal plot, but also numerous design ideas. If it is impossible to transfer perennials to a warm room for the winter, it is enough to leave one small mother plant, which is much easier to find a place in the house for. And in the spring, it will easily give life to new flower arrangements that will enliven the most modest corners of your garden.

Video review of ampelous flowers

Plants grown in a hanging container - pots, are called ampelous. German Ampel means hanging vase. Increasingly, this method of gardening is found on balconies, verandas, and gardens. Hanging flower basket saves space, makes flower arrangement noticeable from any angle and just looks very beautiful and festive.

What plants are suitable for ampel cultivation

For ampel cultivation choose colorful plants, beautifully flowering, or having long shoots hanging from the pots. Nasturtium or petunias have this property to some extent. And viola, snapdragon and pelargonium (geranium) are not curly or drooping, but colorful and meet all the requirements of ampelous floriculture. Either way, all varieties are very suitable for decorative purposes when grown in hanging baskets. Nowadays, even small shrubs are used for planting in a hanging vase.

Most popular and well-known plants for ampel breeding are listed in the following list.

In addition to those listed, in this type of floral design, ampelous flowers for flower pots are widely used, the names of which are less known.

  • Surfinia, which is characterized by various shades of colors and abundant flowering. Grows fast, reproduces vegetatively
  • Lubelia with shoots hanging like a waterfall, flowers of various colors: white, blue, pink. Blooms in June if sown on time.
  • Bacopa common in America and Europe, but we are still not popular enough. Loves warmth, sun, which ensures flowering.
  • Dichondra complements other plants, combining with them, forming hanging cascades.

The fact that some ampelous plants are not known to everyone does not diminish the importance of such a culture in decoration.

How to choose the right plants for your garden

Flowers or plants of the same species look great in a hanging planter. But you can plant two or more species in one basket. Then it will be possible to combine plants and make whole compositions. Plants are distinguished by species and growing conditions.

We list the ampelous plants for the garden. Their names, depending on the method of cultivation, are as follows.

If they were moved to the garden on summer period, and they usually hibernate in a room, then these are perennials: pelargonium, begonia.

  • Pelargonium is suitable for the case when it is not possible to regularly water the plants. It tolerates heat, heat, drought, being an unpretentious culture.
  • Begonia and lubelia, on the contrary, cannot stand the heat, require regular watering and care.

Both plants can or should be placed in shaded areas.

garden annuals need to sow in early spring or take ready-made seedlings.

  • Ampelous petunia is suitable for multi-color combinations. Blooming balls and cascades are made from it, and vertical structures are decorated. loves the sun good soil and regular watering. Petunia, as well as bagopa, are distinguished by long flowering, right up to the cold autumn.
  • Lubelia tolerates the sun, but it also needs always moist and fertile soil.
  • Ampel dichondra is still new in everyday life, not a well-known plant. Differs in long shoots more than a meter in length. Small leaves sometimes have a silvery color. Suitable for vertical gardening.

Ampelous flowers for the garden, whose names were not listed, are also viola, nasturtium, balsam, nolan, diasia, bindweed, scaevola.

Hanging vases with flowers easily transferred to a new place, creating the new kind old garden landscape. Dull or boring areas are enlivened with planters. When used outdoors, annual flowering plants are often used. They grow rapidly, requiring only the most simple rules care. So, for example, plants that love moisture and are resistant to drought are not planted in one pot. And also light-loving and shade-loving.

Plants for the balcony

In the interior for ampelous cultivation is used indoor views plants. IN summer time they can be moved to the balcony, veranda. These are begonia, fuchsia, campanula, geranium, the perennials listed earlier. For a colorful and colorful decoration of the balcony, petunia, nasturtium and other annuals are sown. Sowing is done in a pot with soil or a balcony box. A hanging vase is convenient in that it can be moved from place to place, changing the look of the veranda. Just like in the garden, from petunia, lubelia and surfinia, they make flowering balls or cascades on terraces and balconies. Balcony boxes should be well fixed or stably placed.

Plants for hanging pots

Equifoliate campanula, fuchsia, ampelous begonia are well known to lovers indoor plants. When hung in the summer on balconies and verandas, these chic representatives should still receive appropriate care. It is necessary to loosen and moisten the soil, protect from direct sunlight, acting long time. For long-term flowering of Campanula, wilted flowers are removed in time.

Outdoors in the summer, annuals are used: petunia, snapdragon, viola, especially climbing varieties, nasturtium. These plants can be planted without being combined with other plants. The compositions are made up of geraniums and petunias. Begonia and fuchsia are combined with lubelia. Petunia is complemented by verbena or dichondra.

How to arrange ampelous plants

Ways to decorate the territory with hanging plants and flowers obey the rules.

Observing general rules, you need to consider where this or that culture grows better: in the light or in the shade. Keep in mind the ability to tolerate drought when regular care is not possible, wind resistance. First of all, you should be interested in these parameters in order to extend the life of the ampel "masterpieces".

Ampel nasturtium

Nasturtium is distinguished by its decorative originality, having flowers original form with red and yellow coloration. Flowering is pleasantly complemented by contrasting leaves. Nasturtium does not grow in the room and is an annual garden plant . Many flower growers have paid attention to its diversity, willingly cultivate it. Depending on the variety, nasturtium is more or less climbing, often winding, or vice versa, similar to a grassy bush.

Although this flower needs a fair amount of sun, it can also live in partial shade. Often grown in garden vases, it also looks elegant in hanging vases. Ampelous nasturtium gives rather long shoots, more than a meter. Beautiful view obtained from a combination of red, orange and yellow flowers. But there is also terry varieties. The plant is easy to sow and sprout, but this should be done in May, when frosts are excluded. To the soil, this culture is unpretentious.

Conclusions about ampelous floriculture

Hanging baskets, flowering balls and cascades decorating interiors, gardens and even city streets have become commonplace. Making life more beautiful, ampelous plants attract with the possibility of a convenient location in a suspended form with a significant decorative effect. All they require to maintain their beauty - regular watering and a little care. By choosing this method of plant breeding for landscaping, flower growers will be able not only to impress others, but also get delighted with the result for themselves.

Ampel flowers for flowerpots

At the end of the last century, vertical gardening became an iconic element of European garden design. All kinds of planters, hanging baskets, vertical flower beds and flower towers filled the large and small gardens of Europe. They have taken root especially well in cities where concrete and glass dominate, and there is so little space for greenery. Thanks to this fashionable fad, interest in ampelous plants with hanging shoots-lashes has significantly increased. It is especially beautiful when these shoots are decorated with flowers. In vertical gardening, plants with small flowers and luxuriant blooms. The British have already come up with a definition for this group of plants: “basket fillers”.

Traditionally, the main decoration of hanging baskets are flyers, which are distinguished by a special luxury of flowering and, no less important, by its duration. Breeders are breeding more and more new varieties of flyers for flowerpots and hanging baskets, which are subject to increased requirements for resistance in extreme growing conditions - in the sun, dry soil, with strong winds. Seedling producers are now required to indicate in the catalogs whether a given variety is suitable for hanging decoration.

Among the letniki, plants with ampelous ones are especially valued, i.e. hanging shoots. The range of such plants for hanging flower baskets is truly huge: in addition to traditional begonias, verbenas, ivy-leaved pelargoniums, nasturtiums, lobelias, ampelous forms of petunias are very popular in the West, as well as plants that are still unfamiliar to us - diascia, bacopa and bidens and others.

In the 60-70s of the XX century, a new variety of hybrid ampelous petunia appeared - surfinia (Surfinia) . It has a dark or light spot at the base of a large (6-9 cm in diameter) flower and a contrasting network of veins. The color of the flowers is varied, except for bright yellow and orange. The main difference is that surfinia either does not produce seeds at all, or does not transmit varietal characteristics by inheritance. Therefore, it is propagated mainly vegetatively. It has amazing resistance to winds and other adverse factors.

Recently, another variety of hybrid ampelous petunia has gained popularity - caliberchoa (Calibrachoa) . She has very small flowers, up to 3 cm in diameter, but exceptionally abundant flowering. It differs from petunia in longer (1.5-2 m) hanging shoots, which are more lignified and branched.

Blooms profusely and another form of petunia with flexible, strongly branching shoots up to 1 meter long - fortune (fortune= wonderwave= wave). These are F1 hybrids of ampelous petunia, which can be sown with seeds and propagated vegetatively. The total height of plants reaches 15 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is 5-7 cm. The variety is represented by seven colors - purple, various shades pink and raspberry, salmon.

More recently, two varieties of a surprisingly beautiful ornamental leafy plant appeared on sale at once - silver dichondra, or creeping (Dichondra argentea= Dichondra repens) - with bright green and bright silver leaves. This ampelous plant has numerous thin lashes that creep along the surface of the soil or hang down 1.5 meters or more. The shoots of the plant are completely covered with rounded leaves the size of a small coin, but the flowers located in the leaf axils are very inconspicuous and almost invisible.

Based on books:
E.G. Kolesnikova, M.V. Gorbachenkov "Petunias, Surfinias, Calibrachoa" - M., 2004,
“Novelties and rarities. Flowers for the garden and balcony "- M., 2005,
magazines " household farm”, “Floriculture”, “Flowers in the garden and at home”.

ampelous petunia This is a flowering plant with long hanging shoots, with the help of which they decorate balconies, arbors, terraces, fences. Grow in hanging baskets or planters. Adapts to any soil and climatic conditions. Like all ampelous flowers, it is sensitive to soil moisture - when insufficient watering flowers shrink, foliage thins. After heavy rain, it loses its attractiveness for 2-3 days, until new buds bloom. For supporting decorative look simply cut off damaged and faded inflorescences. However, thanks to modern breeding, petunia varieties have been bred today that are not so sensitive to excess moisture in the air, and calmly react to the scorching sun.

The main exquisite forms of ampelous petunias include:

(Surfinia) or cascading petunia, characterized by abundant flowering, variety and saturation of shades, rapid growth. The diameter of surfinia flowers varies from 5.5 cm to 9 cm, depending on the variety. Reproduction is possible vegetatively.

Calibrachoa ( Calibrachoa) is an ampelous species with miniature no more than 3 cm in diameter, but abundant flowers on highly branched, lignified stems. Reproduction is carried out by cuttings. This species does not tolerate excessive waterlogging of the soil, but responds with lush flowering to the application of phosphate fertilizers.

(Thumbelina) is a form of chic ampelous terry petunias from dark blue to soft pink colors. Several times during the season you need to cut the lashes for the appearance of young lateral shoots and more. lush flowering. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively.

(Dichondra) This is a very effective ampelous ornamental deciduous plant. Can also be used as a groundcover. Loves high humidity and sunny places, insufficient lighting causes yellowing of the leaves. The rest is not whimsical. Shades of foliage, depending on the variety, are silvery ( "Silver Falls") and green ( "Emerald Falls"). Thick, thin, hanging whips reach a length of 1-3 meters, as if they were jets of a waterfall, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Dichondra is used as an annual, mainly in combination with bright ampelous petunias, verbena, begonia or lobelia, creating a background for them. , and cuttings. Vegetative propagation is the fastest and easiest way.

(Bacopa) this is one of the best extraordinarily charming ampelous plants. Graceful long shoots are strewn everywhere with small flowers. Bacopa bloom alternates with dormant periods, but continues until late autumn. Prefers sunny places, does not like waterlogging. Bacopa does not lose its beauty in bad weather, it frees itself from wilted inflorescences. During the season, the shoots are pruned. Reproduction by vegetative means. Terry varieties have been bred.

Bacopa "Scopia Double Ballerina Pink"

(Pelargonium) a rather unpretentious ampelous plant, which has earned its popularity among flower growers. Loves sunlight, drought tolerant. Requires protection from strong winds, which can break stems with peduncles. Shoots reach 1 meter in length. Umbrella-shaped pelargonium flowers are different forms, sizes and shades depending on the variety. Ampel looks very elegant, abundantly flowering with terry hats. In order for flowering to be constant, it is necessary to manually remove faded inflorescences and make regular top dressing. Propagation is carried out by sowing seeds and cuttings.

Pelargonium "Angels Perfume"

tuberous begonia (Begonia) from all the variety of types and forms Special attention is given to bushes of ampelous begonia blooming in clusters. Flowers on long stalks are large up to 8 cm in diameter, have many bright shades - lemon, pink, red, orange. Flowering with proper care is plentiful. Prefers loose soil, well-lit location, abundant watering and regular top dressing. Water stagnation must not be allowed. withered flowers and dried leaves are removed. Propagated by cuttings, division of tubers and seeds.

Fuchsia (Fuchsia) depending on the type and variety, both ampelous plants for the garden are used, and in the form standard forms. Fuchsias are photophilous, do not like heat. They require abundant watering, forming pinching and top dressing. Flowers on long pedicels, depending on the variety, are simple, semi-double and double. Fascinating flowering long and abundant. The fruits are spherical, edible. From the garden, plants can be carried home if grown in hanging planters, baskets or pots. Transplant fuchsia in the spring. Propagation is carried out by cuttings and sowing seeds.

Beedens (Bidens), or succession- an annual lush plant with spreading shoots hanging up to 60 cm. Elastic, strongly branched shoots can be formed into a ball shape by pinching. bright yellow fragrant flowers on stems are formed until late autumn. Prefers open sunny places, drought-resistant, does not lose its decorative effect in rainy weather. Planted in hanging planters, baskets or balcony boxes. can be grown as an independent crop, and also goes well with red, blue and lilac petunias, dichondra, lobelia, geranium and verbena. Propagated mainly by seeds.

(Lobelia) undemanding annual plant growing in a sunny place, but does not like heat and overdrying of the soil. Shoots up to 40-50 cm long with many small flowers that abundantly cover lobelia all summer and autumn. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter have different colors and shades: blue, blue, purple, white, purple, red, with a contrasting border or dot in the center. On soils rich in organic matter, the number of flowers decreases. mostly seeds.

Lobelia "Magenta"

(Diascia) very popular flowering plant for balconies and terraces. It develops well and blooms for a long time in sunny places. likes wet nutrient soils. Responsive to regular watering with abundant flowering, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Flowering continues from early summer until October. Faded inflorescences are harvested to maintain an elegant appearance. Does not lose its decorative effect after rains. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. There are many types and varieties of different shades.

Verbena (Verbena) it is an annual plant, not demanding on soils, grown from seedlings from the end of January. Likes sunny areas, drought tolerant. The stems are up to 60 cm long. It blooms with fragrant flowers of the most incredible colors. Requires regular plucking of faded shoots so as not to waste energy on seed maturation, which will stimulate abundant flowering. Fed with a special fertilizer for flowering plants. Propagated by seeds.

Verbena ampelnaya "Lanai-Twister-Pink"

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) an annual flowering plant, diverse in shape. Looks good in garden vases, hanging planters. Long climbing varieties reach 2 meters. Unpretentious, blooms profusely and on poor soil with yellow, orange, red, brown edible flowers. The leaves are also edible - often used in salads and desserts. Flowers - simple and semi-double, depending on the variety. All of them have a pleasant specific aroma. It is sown in May immediately to a permanent place.

Coined loosestrife (Lysimachia nummularia) is a fast-growing perennial with creeping shoots up to 60 cm in length with small leaves. The flowers are small yellow color. Flowering depends on the location. loves sunny wet places but does not require special care. It is used as a ground cover, because of the ability to line any surface with stems in the form of a carpet, and as an ampelous plant for decorating walls, fences, and vertical gardening. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively and by seeds. A variety with yellow-green leaves "Aurea" was bred.

In addition to the above plants, in container floriculture for compiling interesting ampel compositions cultures such as allisum (annual), kufeya, laurentia, catharanthus, ever-flowering begonia, climbing violas, sanvitalia and others are also used.

To make the garden look bright and rich, you need to use ampelous plants that can be planted in one species or combined with each other and get the most unexpected contrasts. Almost all types of ampelous flowers are perfectly combined with decorative foliage crops, as well as among themselves.

Currently, it is very fashionable to decorate balconies, loggias, verandas, terraces, gazebos, patios, window and doorways with flowers. They are planted in hanging baskets, planters, boxes, as well as flowerpots or removable containers. Bright petunia, verbena and dichondra, which are also used for decoration, are unusually beautifully combined with each other. retaining walls. Good combination there will be a red pelargonium with a white petunia or a string; lemon and blue lobelia; fuchsia mixed with lobelia and bacopa, etc. For single plantings in a hanging planter or flowerpots, bacopa, diascia, bidens, nasturtium, petunia are suitable. How to make a hanging ampel yourself - a "blooming ball" - read in.

Feel free to experiment and get amazing compositions!

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