Abutilon spotted care at home. Abutilon: we grow unpretentious "indoor maple

reservoirs 23.06.2020

Who doesn't love pretty flowers? Everyone loves them. They fascinate, attract attention and decorate our world. Abutilon room is no exception. The plant is unpretentious. It has beautiful flowers, and its leaves look like maple.

Abutilon's homeland, plant description

The birthplace of abutilone ( Abutilon) is South America, namely Brazil, where it is cultivated as an ornamental crop. The plant has another name kantnik. It belongs to the Malvaceae family. There are about 200 species. Among which are annual and perennial herbs, shrubs. The plant grows in China, India, the Hawaiian Islands. Various types of abutilone are found in South America, Australia and Africa.

Certain varieties of rope rope are used to obtain plant fiber. They produce twine, rope, burlap. In Russia, in the conditions of nature, the Theophrastus Rope is widespread.

Decorative varieties of abutilon are grown at home. Room abutilon was called "room maple". Abutilon Maple, grown at home, has beautiful decorative flowers that may differ from each other in shape and color.

The shape of the flowers of abutilon home is:

  • bellflower;
  • wheel-shaped;
  • funnel-shaped.

Flower buds form on new shoots of the plant. They are found in the axils of the leaves. The leaves are cuttings, arranged alternately. I have a length of 4 to 10 cm. Leaves, like flowers, depending on the variety, can vary and are five-lobed with a crenate edging, ovate and three-lobed.

Abutilon blooms profusely, from spring to autumn, sometimes in winter. The flowers are drooping, with numerous yellow stamens, fused filaments into a tube surrounding the pistil. The color of flowers depends on the variety, it can be white, golden, red, burgundy. Indoor flower can reach 2-3 m in height.

The following varieties are most popular:

  • "Snowball" (with white flowers);
  • "Pearl D'Or" (with golden flowers);
  • "Thomson maple" (with variegated leaves and double flowers);
  • "Isabel";
  • "Little Prince";
  • "Juliet";
  • "Megapotamsky";
  • "Faith";
  • "Variegated";
  • "Organza";
  • Bellevue;
  • "Bella".

Recently, terry abutilon has become widespread. Did not leave flower growers indifferent and abutilon hybrid.

When buying a plant, you must carefully examine it. Make sure the flower is healthy. It is recommended to hold the acquired plant separately from other home flowers for 2-3 weeks. Watch him, and only then, you can put him with home indoor flowers.

Caring for abutilone at home does not require much effort. Even a novice florist can do it.

Abutilon room: lighting

The plant is photophilous, but does not tolerate a sharp transition to brighter light. Ideally, if a bright but diffused light falls on the flower. The flowering of home culture depends on the abundance of light. Abutions with variegated or light, almost white foliage are best shaded. Otherwise, the color may not be preserved and become green.

Indoor maple feels best on windowsills facing east, southeast, west or southwest. On the south side, at noon, there is too much sun. It can burn the plant. On the north side, the sun's rays will not fall on the maple, which is why it will not bloom.

On a note!

The quality of lighting affects the appearance of the plant. Its compactness. In the shade, the shoots of abutilon lengthen. The foliage is thinning, making pruning and shaping the maple difficult.

In summer, it is useful to expose the flower to the open air, to the shady side. There he feels great. It grows and pleases with abundant flowering. In winter, the plant is kept in a bright, cool room. If the plant is planted in the ground, then for the winter it is covered with a special material for warming.

Home maple abutilon: watering

Abutilon is watered abundantly, but do not allow stagnant water. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, soft (pH 5.0). During the period of intensive growth and high air temperature, plants have a very high need for moisture. Overdrying the earthy coma leads to the dropping of leaves and buds. It is desirable to sprinkle the leaves regularly with boiled water - it does not leave white spots. Home maple should be watered when the soil dries a little on top. Reduce watering in winter. Water sparingly as the soil dries out.

Water the flower only with warm water or water at room temperature. Melt water is suitable for irrigation.

Top dressing of abutilon

It is necessary to feed abutilons regularly, every 7-10 days, with complex mineral fertilizers. Not excluding the winter months. In winter, the plant should be sprayed with iron chelate to prevent iron deficiency due to lack of light during this period. From time to time, Abutilon is treated with Epin, Emerald or Zircon. Organic fertilizers may be used. For abundant flowering, preparations with phosphorus and potassium are used, they contribute to the formation of buds. After pruning, indoor maple is fed with nitrogen. It helps the plant to quickly acquire a lush green crown.

Yellowed leaves, short and not abundant flowering, thinning foliage speak of nutrient deficiencies.

Temperature regime

Despite the fact that aboution loves light, you should not keep it constantly in a warm room. At home, homemade maple grew in regions with a temperature regime of + 10 ⁰С. Therefore, the cable car is a frequent guest of winter gardens and greenhouses.

At home, the plant should be kept:

  • In summer, at a temperature of 20-26°C;
  • In winter at a temperature of 12-15°C.

In winter, abutilon is kept in a bright, cool room. With a warmer winter, its leaves dry up and fall off. In the cool air, the flower transforms and becomes green.

At temperatures below 5°C, the abutilon maple sheds its foliage. Stops bud formation. Doesn't bloom. But not only cold temperatures and drafts are dangerous for the plant. The cable car cannot stand the heat when the air temperature reaches 30 °C. At this temperature, home maple suffers. Drops leaves, does not bloom. In such a situation, regular spraying, which is produced with soft or boiled water, will help the indoor flower.

Heaters harm abutilon. So that they cause less harm to the plant, they construct a screen from a film or fabric. It protects the flower from drying out.

Abutilon soil

An important point in the cultivation of abutilon is the selection of soil. It should be nutritious and breathable. The composition of rotted leafy litter, soddy-peat soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 is most suitable; the acidity level of the soil should be pH = 5.0. When planting or transplanting a plant, a small layer of drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot and covered with sand.

On a note!!!

The soil is disinfected before planting, especially if organic mixtures are used for planting.

Abutilon: transplant

During the development of the root system, maple does not bloom. For this reason, a young plant is planted in a pot, the volume of which should not exceed 9-10 cm. Gradually, as the home maple grows, the plant is transferred to a larger pot. The fact that abutilon needs to be transplanted is indicated by an earthen ball hidden by the weaving of horses.

The plant is transplanted as the root system develops: young plants annually, and adults as needed. The pot is taken 1.5-2 cm more than the old one.

Abutilons grow rapidly. In order to prevent strong growth of the plant, the roots are pruned. The flower is pulled out of the pot along with the earth. Lay sideways on paper and cut the roots with a sharp clean knife.

Abutilon care, reproduction.

In the spring, the plant is pruned by 1/3 to encourage the growth of young shoots and abundant flowering. To enhance branching, pinch the tops of young shoots.

Abutilon is easily propagated by both cuttings and seeds. In the open ground, a lot of seed pods form near the flower; if desired, seeds can be collected. Seed boxes do not spoil the appearance of the plant; they are not visible behind the chic flowering.

Abutilon from seeds

Abutilon is grown from seeds. By pollinating varieties with each other, you can bring out wonderful specimens of this plant with an unusual flower shape, different in color and leaf size.

It is better to start sowing seeds in early February (if there is backlight), if there is no backlight, then you need to sow later, when daylight hours increase. Seeds are pre-soaked in a stimulator and put overnight in a warm place. In the morning, the seeds are laid out in peat tablets to a depth of 3-5 mm. The greenhouse is placed in a warm place and regularly opened slightly. When two leaves appear, the plant dives.

Small containers are taken for transplanting. After five months, the plant blooms. Not all types of plants propagate by seeds. For example, abutilons with variegated leaves propagate only by cuttings.

Abutilon propagation by cuttings

Abutilon is propagated by cuttings only in spring. They are rooted in sand or a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Abutilons root better at room temperature 22-25°C. To obtain cuttings, young shoots are cut, removing buds or healthy strong stems from them. For better rooting, the end of the cutting is dipped in Kornevin. Cooked cuttings are planted in a light substrate. Cover with foil to create greenhouse conditions. Quite quickly (after 2-3 weeks), the roots appear in the cuttings and they can already be planted in a small pot.

Do not immediately plant young plants in large pots, they will not bloom, and the root system will grow greatly.

In culture, abutilon grows as a large specimen. Therefore, this plant is planted in spacious rooms and winter gardens.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Abutilon leaves turn yellow and fall off. The reason may be.

Abutilon or indoor maple belongs to the Malvaceae family.

This plant attracts the attention of gardeners with a variety of forms, occurs as a small bush, tree, or herb.

The flower develops well in a tropical or subtropical climate.

The countries of Africa, Australia and Asia are considered to be the habitat of various types of abutilon.

Note! In nature, there are about 150 varieties of home maple.


Abutilon is a perennial plant with numerous green leaves, their edges are carved, in appearance they resemble maple greens. The size of leaf blades in some varieties reaches 20 centimeters.

With proper care of the culture at home, its height can reach 2 meters. The bush is well leafy, branched, the shoots are red with a brown tint.


Culture is characterized long flowering. The first inflorescences form on abutilone in May, the flowers fade in October. The color of the bells depends on the varietal characteristics of the plant.

Petals can be golden, pink, red or orange. The inflorescences of the plant can be simple or double.

Species and varieties with photos

Despite the diversity of the culture in question, several dozen ornamental varieties can be grown under indoor conditions. Let's take a look at the description of the most popular of them:

Abutilon Bella

This compact branchy shrub. The plant is characterized by abundant flowering throughout the growing season.

Inflorescences of various colors, made in the form of a bell. Bud diameter from 7 to 10 centimeters.

Formed from thin drooping shoots. The leaves are green, oval, slightly elongated, with serrated edges. Inflorescences solitary, arranged on long stalks. The corolla of the flower consists of wedge-shaped petals with a red spot near the base.

It has an unattractive appearance. In old times raw material from this plant was used to make fibers and burlap.

This culture differs from the rest in heart-shaped leaves and yellow inflorescences. In indoor floriculture, theophrast rope is not used.

Abutilon Hybrid

This home flower with brown shoots, its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The leaves are green, slightly dissected with 3-5 lobes. On the inner surface of the leaf plates, a white edge is noticeable.

Inflorescences drooping, made in the shape of a bell, petals, red, burgundy or golden.

Abutilon Sello (abutilon sellowianum)

Reaches up to 2 meters in height. The shoots of this culture are erect, the leaves are whole, rarely trifoliate.

Inflorescences purple with pink veins. The flowering of the culture in question continues from late spring to mid-autumn.

It has shoots up to 1 meter in length, culture stems with a light edge. At the top of the plant, the leaves are three-lobed with barely noticeable pubescence up to 20 centimeters in length. On the lower leaves there are 5-7 lobes.

Inflorescences are shaped like a bell, are formed on a peduncle in several pieces. The flowering period of the culture is from mid-spring to September.

Abutilon Striped (variegated)

also found under the name spotted. The bush consists of short and thin shoots that become woody over time. The leaves are pointed without edging, heart-shaped.

Inflorescences are formed in the axils of the plant, bell-shaped on long pedicels. Flower petals are golden with reddish veins. Inflorescences are simple or double.

During development, it takes the form of a sprawling bush. This the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height. The stems of the culture are with a margin, erect, the leaves are large, up to 15 centimeters in length, green.

The beginning of flowering of this variety of abutilon is observed in May, ends in late autumn.

This is a hybrid blooming almost all year round.

This indoor maple grows up to 150 cm, does not require special care.

Considered one of the highest varieties, because this plant reaches 4 meters in height. In this regard, the specified abutilon Suntense is planted in winter gardens.

In room conditions Suntense reaches 2 meters in height. Buds up to 10 centimeters in diameter are blue or lilac.

Abutilon Bellevue reaches up to 2 meters in height. The inflorescences are quite large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, red, pink, yellow or orange.

Bellevue is suitable for growing in attic greenhouses and balconies.


Indoor maple is a rather unpretentious plant, but certain conditions must be observed for its normal development. Culture loves the light, but does not tolerate the direct influence of direct sunlight.

Advice! In the summer, install a flowerpot on the balcony and hang a curtain on the window for shading. To obtain annual flowering, regularly transplant the crop into a suitable container.


The best temperature conditions for the development of the cable car are considered to be the following indicators:

  • 20 ... 25 degrees in the summer;
  • 12…15 degrees in winter.

Important! When installing a plant on a loggia, the temperature in the winter season should not fall below +5 degrees. In such conditions, plants do not develop well and can lose foliage. The effect of a draft is especially detrimental to crops.

When the temperature rises to +30 degrees and above, the formation of buds stops, the flower can discard the existing inflorescences.

Indoor maple loves soft, diffused lighting.

Direct sunlight on its foliage is contraindicated.

To protect the plant from the scorching sun, flowerpots are installed on the eastern or southwestern windowsill.

On the north side of the house, the culture will not receive enough light. With a lack of lighting in abutilons, the crown is thinned out, a reduced number of leaves, less intense flowering are observed.


The plants in question need abundant moisture, especially in winter when heating appliances are operating or in summer during a prolonged drought.

A lack of moisture in the soil can lead to dropping foliage and flower buds. Watering is carried out as needed as the topsoil dries. In addition, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room are taken into account.

Important! At room conditions, abutilon should be watered with warm settled or rain water. During the dormant period, soil moisture is done much less frequently than in summer.


The plant does not impose requirements on the humidity of the air in the room, but spraying will not be superfluous. Such operations are best carried out in winter with the heating running in the evening.

In addition, spraying is carried out in the summer with a persistent drought, although there is no particular need for this.

Soil and transplant

For transplanting an annual plant, a flowerpot with a capacity of 1 liter is enough.

When growing the flower in question, the following feature is observed, until its root system fills the entire earthen ball, it will not begin to form inflorescences.

Transplanting a plant into an oversized container should be carried out after the roots appear from the drainage holes.

Many growers use store-bought universal nutrient mix for indoor maple.

The soil can also be made independently from coarse sand, peat and deciduous soil.

These components are mixed in equal proportions. Another option for preparing a nutrient composition is used:

  • 0.5 parts of coarse sand;
  • one part of peat;
  • one part of humus;
  • two parts of deciduous land.


Abutilon differs from other houseplants in intensive growth, the rapid formation of lateral shoots, therefore, for its normal development, formative pruning is needed.

Such operations should be carried out in early spring, when the plant has not yet come out of dormancy. During pruning, all shoots are cut to a third of the length.

Thus, the gardener will be able to form a beautiful crown and receive abundant flowering of the culture. After flowering, you need to remove the shrunken inflorescences and adjust the crown.


Culture propagation is possible using cuttings, as well as by seed.

Sowing seeds is carried out in early or mid-March in a pre-moistened nutrient mixture of peat and sand in the same proportions.

The seeds are buried in the ground by 1.5 centimeters.

After that, the seedling box should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and covered with a transparent film. When grown in room conditions, the first shoots appear within a week after sowing.

For propagation by cuttings, segments of lateral shoots up to 12 centimeters long are taken from the culture. The lower leaves must be removed from them, after which the vegetative organs are installed in a solution of the root former, then buried in a moistened nutrient mixture and a film shelter is built on top.

After 2-3 weeks, when the first leaves appear on the shoots, the greenhouse is removed and they begin to take care of the cuttings, like an ordinary plant.

Diseases and pests

Aphids can be driven away by treating the leaves with soapy water or simply drive away insects with a stream of water. To combat the mealybug, an alcohol solution is used, which is impregnated with a cotton swab and applied to the leaves.

Of the diseases, the culture is often affected by powdery mildew.

Symptoms of this disease can be easily identified by the appearance of a sticky black coating on the leaves.

Get rid of powdery mildew will help the chemical preparation Aktara.

Gardeners often encounter another popular indoor maple disease, root rot.

This disease is associated with wilting and shedding of leaves from the crop. An effective treatment is considered to be a flower transplant, removal of rotting roots and treatment of plant wounds with crushed coal.

Other problems with abutilone are related to improper culture care. It can be:

  • sudden changes in temperature in the room;
  • lack or excess of moisture in the soil;
  • crown thickening;
  • lack of spraying, dry air in the room.

These problems lead to yellowing and curling, and sometimes even falling leaves of the flower.

There are several options for forming the crown of indoor maple:

wide bush can be formed if 4-5 powerful shoots have formed near the ground. Such branches are obtained by growing a plant in one trunk. It is cut to half the length after reaching a height of 25-30 centimeters.

When the side shoots reach 25 centimeters, they are shortened again by 50%. A wide bush is obtained by periodic pruning for 6 months.

A tall bush is formed according to the type of crown of a tree for 4-6 months. Indoor maple is grown in one trunk until it reaches a height of 20 centimeters, then cut to 30% of the length. After a few weeks, buds and buds will appear on the central shoot, which need to be pinched.

When the crown of the flower grows strongly, the side shoots need to be shortened by half, as, for example, in this video:

A standard tree is formed by pinching the crown of the plant after the trunk has reached the required thickness. The lower branches are removed with a pruner, the upper ones are left to form a future crown.

Exists many varieties of abutilone for growing indoors. Each flower is beautiful in its own way, but in order to obtain abundant flowering, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for caring for the crop, inspect the plant, fight diseases and pests.

Abutilon may not be one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of this little shrub. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. Its decorative appearance is due to the large, bright flowers as well as the leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x hybridum) belongs to the Malvaceae family. Its natural habitats are found in the forests of South America (Brazil).

The genus Abutilon includes more than 100 species of very diverse plants (shrubs, semi-shrubs, herbaceous plants), which reach a height of several meters. When growing at home, we mainly encounter hybrid forms of abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x hybridum) and abutilon megapotamus(Abutilon megapotamicum) - with drooping shoots. In our climate, they are grown as houseplants.


Indoor maple is characterized by an elevated structure, green shoots, sometimes stiff at the base. The bush is fast growing. In their natural habitat, shrubs can reach 3 m in height, home-grown samples, depending on the variety, can reach a little more than a meter in height, and, as a rule, lower. Very decorative leaves, shaped like maple leaves. Depending on the variety, the number of shares varies - from three to seven. Color from bright green to motley with white or yellow spots. Numerous bell-shaped flowers appear in spring and bloom until late autumn. Flowers planted on long petioles, depending on the variety, delight - red, orange, white, pink, yellow flowers. The diameter of the flower can reach 8 cm. The seeds are dark and reniform.

With proper pruning, abutilon can be formed into a small tree.


On sale you can buy a very diverse variety, so it is worth looking around and choosing the most suitable variety.

Popular Bella series includes colorful forms with large flowers, the diameter of which reaches 7 cm.

  • "Red" with burgundy flowers,
  • "Deep Coral" with coral flowers,
  • "Apricot Shades" with apricot flowers,
  • 'Salomon Shades' with salmon colored flowers.

It is worth noting that these are dwarf forms, about 45 cm high.

The yellow color will delight the varieties: Canary Bird, Golden Fleece, and spotted leaves Cannington Carol, Cannington Sally. 'Ashford Red' blooms red. A particularly beautiful variety is "Savitzii" with decorative white-framed leaves.

Popular at the moment abutilon hybrid Juliet mix of colors, a mixture of varieties of different colors and Bellevue variety- a mixture of colors, a shrub 90 cm high, blooms summer-autumn. Maple green leaves. The flowers are large, different colors.

Varieties with variegated leaves are the result of infection of abutilon with viruses. The presence of the virus in the cells does not significantly affect the growth of the plant, it can slightly slow down the growth. Indoor maple with spotted leaves looks original.


Abutilon hybrid, grown at home, should be placed in a bright room (south window), this guarantees lush flowering. Since abutilon can be grown on a balcony and terrace, it is worth using this option, especially since the plant likes fresh air during its lush growth. In the fresh air, it is better to provide a secluded place, sheltered from the scorching sun. Abutilon also grows in partial shade, however, in such a place, it will not pamper us with too lush flowering.

The room temperature during the growth period is 16-22 °C, in winter it is definitely lower than 10-15 °C.

The soil is fertile, humic, permeable and rich in nutrients. You can use a universal substrate for potted flowers.


Abutilon care includes watering, fertilizing, transplanting, tweezing and overwintering.

Watering is a very important home care procedure for abutilon, especially during the growth period and when grown in a sunny place. The plant in such conditions needs a lot of moisture. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, but it may be necessary to water the plant daily, when grown outdoors, during dry periods, even twice a day. When grown indoors, abutilon should be provided with good drainage because it does not like water. During the winter period, the soil should not be constantly wet, on the contrary, between the first and second watering, the soil should dry out slightly.

During the growing season, abutilon is fertilized every 7-14 days with a multi-component liquid fertilizer in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Do not fertilize in winter.

The leaves are cleaned by washing off the dust with warm, soft water, being careful not to spray the flowers.

It should be remembered about tweezing for a beautiful plant shape. During the season, this procedure is carried out several times.

Abutilon is transplanted in early spring. If necessary, lightly trim the roots. When transplanting, you need to remember about drainage!


Abutilon hibernates in a bright room, at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. Watering is limited and fertilizer application is stopped.


Abutilon hybrid is propagated through shoots and apical cuttings. Basically, seedlings can be obtained during the entire growing season, but it is best to do this in the spring when transplanting and pruning abutilon. The length of the cuttings is 6-10 cm. The seedlings will take root in a few weeks, providing moisture (cover with a film) and a warm substrate, which is a mixture of peat and sand. Rooted cuttings are placed in a bright place at a temperature of 20 ° C.

Abutilon is also propagated in a generative way from seeds. Sowing them in February and May. Acquired seeds germinate fairly quickly (2-3 weeks), it is better to stratify collected seeds with your own hands.

The most common growing problems

When growing hybrids, one should be careful with numerous pests, which, with mistakes in home care, often attack weakened plants, especially at low humidity. These include:

  • whiteflies;
  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • mealybugs.

As mentioned earlier, abutilon hybrid loves moisture, but not a wet substrate. When the substrate is too wet, the leaves fall off. The problem very often occurs in winter, when watering must be limited.

Yellowing and dropping of leaves is a reaction to a significant change in temperature, for example, after moving a plant from a terrace into a house.

In addition, regular watering is required because drought will cause the leaves and flowers to curl and fall.

In a sunny place, with a lack of humidity, plants wither. At noon, it is worth shading the plant and providing it with a sufficient level of humidity.

When growing hybrid varieties, a bright place is very important, which contributes to lush flowering. In a dark place, the number of flowers is much less. In a too shaded place, the shoots become elongated, the leaves are lighter.

More light leaves will be a symptom of a lack of fertilizer. Lack of fertilizer leads to lack of flowering.

A wonderful houseplant is represented by Abutilon. It belongs to the family called Malvaceae.

The appearance of the plant is very beautiful, as it has lush bushes and maple leaves, on which there are large flowers in the form of bells.

On our territory, this culture can still be called a rope or indoor maple. Some people call Abutilon happiness, because due to its appearance, the plant cheers up.

Absolutely all continents where there is a tropical or subtropical zone can be considered the home of this culture. It is important to note that even when growing a plant at home, it feels at a high level. The plant does not require any increased care, but it is still important to know some of the nuances in order for the plant to maintain its beautiful appearance.

plant description

Most often you can find this plant called indoor maple. In total, in all of nature, you can find about 150 different species that grow in their natural conditions. Abutilon grows exclusively in the form of shrubs or dwarf trees. There are types of similar maple that can reach a very large size, for example, two meters in height.

If we talk about the indoor cultivation of such a maple, then the plant can be perennial, or maybe annual. The same applies to the growth of the plant, it can be undersized, and maybe tall. It is important to note that there are also plant species that are distinguished by their branching. Of all the types of Abutilon, only a small number of plants can grow indoors.

In tropical areas, it is quite possible to extract raw materials from this crop, since the material is strong and fibrous. In the future, ropes and other wicker-type products are made from it. It is worth noting that a very large number of different countries grow the crop as a home plant.

This is justified by the fact that the plant does not imply any serious features in direct personal care. The plant is only able to quickly build up a mass of foliage and thus have an even more lush appearance.

During the flowering period of culture, a beautiful plant is able to decorate absolutely any atmosphere and interior in the house.

Due to the very active work of breeders, from time to time new hybrids of Abutilon appear in the world. which are getting better and better. Quite often, specialists in the field of floriculture breed a plant as bushes, which are very voluminous in size, there is also an option with the production of miniature plants.

All indoor plants have distinctive features in the form of shape, growth, color during flowering, the amount of foliage, and so on.

There are a number of varieties that differ in that they include large foliage. Inflorescences are able to form on mature plants and on shoots that have just appeared. Very often, the plant has buds, which, having gathered into one single brush, display small bells.

It is important to know that, regardless of the variety of Abutilon, all plants have one identical characteristic. This feature lies in the foliage, or rather in its structure, because it is soft and lobed. This form of foliage is extremely similar to the form of foliage with a maple leaf, from which the second name of Abutilon was obtained.

After the winter ends, the plant begins its immediate flowering, and this lasts until the very beginning of autumn time. It is important to note that there are also hybrids that carry out their flowering throughout the year., but they are predominantly annuals. Such varieties have a distinctive feature in terms of foliage color, as various spots and stains can be found on it. You can also find a difference in the shape of the immediate flower.

Maple of this type, when grown indoors, is a very unique crop that is in demand among gardeners. There is an opinion of people that Abutilon should be given to people with private nervous disorders. As they say, a plant during its flowering period is able to spread energy around the room, which calms and directs in the right direction. To a greater extent, it is recommended to plant this plant in offices and workplaces, since the atmosphere in such places is often tense.

Views from photo

In total, about a hundred species of Abutilon can be found in nature. But you need to understand that only a small part of all species can be found for growing in room conditions. We present to your attention the most common varieties for home cultivation.


This type of room-type Abutilon is very common. This culture was obtained artificially, due to the fact that it was crossed several times. In the production of this plant, the researchers managed to achieve the result that they got a plant of a small shrub species that has short internodes and flowers of large size.

As a result of such crossing, not a small number of varieties of the maple rope were obtained. So, let's move on to the main description of the variety. Leaflets have a maximum of five blades, which include small cannons.

Bells along with flowers have a very beautiful color, which differs from other varieties. There are a number of varieties of this hybrid that differ in their color, for example:

  • white king- a plant that has a white flower color, while the stamens in this case are yellow;
  • Ashforth Red- This is an artisanal plant with large red flowers;
  • de Bonn- in this case, the distinguishing feature is not flowers, but foliage, because it has the so-called yellow border.


This type of Abutilon also has a second name, which sounds like a weeping lantern. This shrub has a beauty that comes from the flowers of a large species. Such flowers are located in a single form and hang on single shoots, which are very flexible.

Thus, the heads are tilted down. The plant has a particular variety of colors. The flowers themselves have a pronounced yellow color, and the cups at the same time are red. It is this feature that gives the culture some immediate peculiarity.

The leaves of the plant have an elongated shape, in which there is a green tone of a saturated type. The height of such a bush is about one meter. It is this variety of Abutilon that is distinguished by the flowering period throughout the year.


This variety was obtained again by crossing more than one type of plant. Such a plant can be grown on window sills in the house. The Bella variety can include about seven types of individual hybrids, where each has its own peculiarity. Such hybrids were obtained as a result of cross-pollination. Thus, each has its own individual color.

This plant is a shrub that can grow, but does not reach large sizes, since the main focus of the hybrid is indoor cultivation. The flowering period occurs in an abundant form, where the flowers open very widely and create a very large-scale form.


The plant of this individual has a branching structure, where the foliage will always be green, regardless of the season. Such a plant does not differ in demanding care. But you need to understand that the plant should receive at least the minimum necessary.

Organza prefers enough lighting, but at the same time, heat is not needed in this case., but the humidity should be high. In summer, the plant can be taken to a dark place and provide maximum watering. As for watering in winter, soil moisture should be regulated based on the drying of the soil itself.

Important! The foliage in this plant has from three to five lobes, which is standard for Abutilon. Peduncles can be located both singly and in pairs, which creates a very beautiful appearance of the plant.


This plant is probably the most unpretentious to care of all those that are and will be presented in this article.

Juliet is a hybrid of a plant that does not require an increased level of care when grown. With such care that is needed for this plant, even a novice gardener will cope, who will be able to gain experience at the same time.

Maple of this variety begins its flowering one month after planting. This is provided that the plant will be located in the light and watering will be on a regular basis.

The flowering period is extremely unusual, as it is accompanied by bright bells, which can be red or yellow. The growth period is extremely fast, although this does not require anything from the owner. In just a couple of years, the plant is able to reach one and a half meters in length.

When spring comes, in order for the plant to acquire the most compact and beautiful shape, it is necessary to cut and reduce it, because then it will still give its growth. In the summer, pots with this plant should be taken out to fresh air, but at the same time, do not expose the plant to direct sunlight, because they burn the foliage.


A shrub of this type has an extremely small height - a maximum of 30 cm.
The foliage of this hybrid has the so-called variability, and at the same time its color is green with the presence of certain spots.

The flowering period is not distinguished by its immediate brightness, while the bells have a small shape. During the flowering period, the flower lasts no more than five days.

Abutilon of this variety is already distinguished by its direct demands for care. The brightness of the lighting should be at the maximum level, only under such conditions the plant will give the necessary growth and please the owner with its appearance. If there is little lighting, then the branches of the plant will begin to become fragile, which leads to the depletion of the plant and in the future its death.

This plant, compared with indoor cultivation, gives a very excellent increase in open ground conditions. At the same time, the whole plant is not afraid of direct exposure to the rays of the sun, which is justified by the resistance to sunburn.


Abutilon of this variety has an average growth size, and also belongs to hybrid plants. In this case, experts note that the variety belongs to the so-called wine series. The height of a plant that has already grown can reach about 70 cm.

In a room, that is, in a pot, the plant can be grown as a shrub or as a standard tree. The stems in Recioto are distinguished by their flexibility and do not break. The foliage has average size parameters and is distinguished by a pronounced green color.

The flowering period of the plant is distinguished by its duration and abundance. The flowers are bell-shaped and thus create an exceptionally spectacular appearance. The shape of the bell in diameter is about 10 cm. The petals have a bright color, which is dark red. Due to the fact that each flower has black veins, a corrugated effect is created.


This variety also has a second name, which is the spotting of the plant. There is also literature where the Striped Abutilon is called the Painted Abutilon. This is still the same shrub, which is distinguished by thin shoots, a very flexible shape.

The leaves, according to the standard, have about six lobes and are pointed at the end, but at the same time they have a smooth base, and the shape itself looks like a heart. Flowers have the peculiarity of being deposited in special axils and do this exclusively one at a time. Petals have a golden color, which is complemented by reddish-type veins.


Quite often, lately, Abutilons have been grown at home, which have a different color. In this case, such varieties are produced as a result of mixing several mixtures of hybrid plants. An excellent example of a multi-colored plant is Bellevue.

This plant is hybrid due to the fact that it was obtained by crossing a large number of species of rope. This variety is distinguished by its mix. This is justified by the fact that the plant turned out due to plants that do not have a name, but have already managed to get signs.

From English, the name of this variety is translated as a red species. This name is used for all types of Abutilon that bloom with flowers that are bell-shaped and about five centimeters in diameter.

The distance between the nodes in this case is not large, and the arrangement of the stems is very compact. If you buy seeds in a store, then guessing the color of the plant will be almost impossible. The color can be either red or pink, yellow or orange, and so on.

Important! Due to the fact that the petals are large and heavy, the inflorescences can be drooping. During the flowering period of the plant, these flowers are not able to fully open.


This is the last type of hybrid on our list today, and it is characterized by abundant flowering. Lateral shoots are very positively formed.

The plant itself has a large base, and the petals themselves are of a crinkled type. It is very difficult to give a complete description of the plant, because in the process of one flowering period, the petals can change color several times.

At the beginning, this variety begins its flowering with a red color, then the petals begin to gradually lighten, and shades of crème brulee remain at the edges. When flowering is already coming to an end, the petals become vanilla-like.

Without special additional care, the plant is able to form a very lush bush, which reaches a height of about 25 cm, as it grows at home.


We have provided you with complete basic information about a very non-standard plant called Abutilon. In total, there are a very large number of its species, and the beauty of the plant is very diverse, which sometimes becomes difficult to stop at one. Despite the beautiful appearance, this shrub is unpretentious to care for.

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A very modest-looking plant, but at the same time uniquely charming. The carved leaves and modest flowers-bells of the abutilon indoor maple do not leave anyone indifferent, and it is worth seeing this plant at least once to fall in love with it completely and irrevocably. This home green "pet" has undeniable advantages - it is unpretentious in care and blooms almost all year round. Find out how to properly care for him so that Abutilon feels good?

Indoor maple is a member of the Malvaceae family, which includes more than 200 different types of perennials and annuals. Among the representatives of this family there are grasses, shrubs and even small trees. Abutilon's closest relatives are hibiscus, stockrose, and mallow.

Abutilon is a small evergreen shrub and can reach a height of 1.5 m. Its leaves are lobed (up to 3-5 lobes), serrated, rather large (reach a length of 15 cm), resemble the leaves of an ordinary maple tree in shape.

Abutilon blooms at home throughout almost the entire year - the flowering period begins in early spring and lasts until late autumn. The flowers are in the form of bells or lanterns, they bend down under the weight of the petals. They can be single or collected in inflorescences. Their color can vary from white to red-yellow.

The birthplace of abutilon (indoor maple) is Australia, China, India, subtropical and tropical regions of the continents of North and South America. There is a species that grows in the territory of Russia in the wild - this is Theophrastus' cable car. Now it is actively cultivated and grown at home, gardens, greenhouses.

Home maple is also called rope maple. The fact is that some of its subspecies can be used for the production of various products - for example, burlap, ropes, ropes.

Species, varieties and hybrids

This plant has a lot of subspecies, and all thanks to breeders who tirelessly work on the variety of abutilon. Most often, abutilon hybrid is found in apartments and offices, which appeared due to the crossing of several wild species. The plant is prized for its beautiful bell flowers, which can range in color from yellowish orange to reddish pink, and often have contrasting veining. There are even white buds. The size of the flowers of indoor abutilon is about 4-5 cm.

The size of the hybrid abutilon is small, but it bushes well, may have lobed or heart-shaped leaves. Grows fast.

There is also a cultivar called Abutilone Hybrid Bellevue Blend. The name "Abutilon Bellevue" can be translated from French as "beautiful kind of flowering maple". It arose at a time when French was an international language and was often used by the nobility. As a rule, Bellevue abutilon is called those types of domestic maple that give rather large (up to 5 cm in diameter) flowers.

Abutilon Bella is also a hybrid variety. It blooms for a long time and has fairly large flowers from 5 to 10 cm in diameter, pleasant and smooth to the touch. In shape, they are somewhat different from the usual abutilon bells - they are more open and more like a skirt around the corolla than a familiar flower. The color of the petals is usually red, bright orange, peach or white. Hybrids can occur that produce pink or salmon. Bella is small in size - the bushes rarely stretch more than 50 cm in height and therefore do not require pinching and crown formation. The leaves are bright green and ovate.

Abutilon megapotamus came from Brazil to the collection of gardeners. It grows quickly and looks great in hanging baskets or garden vases, and has leaves with yellowish spots or streaks. It blooms with single lantern-shaped flowers. It is usually grown in the garden, but when the air temperature drops to +15 degrees, the plant is immediately brought into the room. In winter, it is kept as a regular hybrid maple. The plant is also called the Amazon maple.

Also in demand are such varieties as Abutilon Organza or Abutilon Juliet. They are ideal for growing in bright rooms, unpretentious and literally 4-5 months after planting they are already starting to bloom. Juliet can reach a height of 150 cm, moreover, the annual growth is about 50 cm. And in order to keep the shape of the plant beautiful, it is recommended to cut the top shoot every spring, shortening it by 2 times.

For those who want to grow a profusely flowering plant, Abutilon Amelie seeds are suitable. It is lush, easily forms a beautiful crown of the desired shape, has large flowers with pressed tea-colored petals. Over time, they lighten to cream, and in the central part they become fuchsia.

How to care for abutilone

Caring for abutilone at home is quite simple. Indoor maple is unpretentious, but still needs the right conditions. Only in this case will it please with a plentiful and long flowering period.

Temperature regime

Do not forget that the abutilon flower is thermophilic, but it does not like excessively high temperatures. The best option is if in summer it is kept at a temperature of +24 degrees, in winter the regime with the thermometer readings of +14 ... +17 degrees will be optimal.

In the warm season, abutilon is often taken outside, but in this case it is recommended to carefully monitor the weather forecast. If frosts are promised or the temperature suddenly drops to +12 ... +15 degrees, the plant must be brought into a warm room.

The minimum air temperature that abutilon can withstand is +10 degrees. With an excessively low indicator, the flower will begin to lose leaves and may get sick. But at too high a temperature, it is likely to stop blooming.


Abutilon maple is a photophilous plant. It needs a lot of ambient light for abundant flowering, and feels best on the windowsills located in the south, southeast or southwest sides of the apartment. The abutilon bush needs some shade only on very hot days, because if the sun is too bright, the pattern burns out on the leaf plate.

In winter, the plant may experience a lack of light - it is recommended to additionally illuminate it with fluorescent lamps.

Air humidity

Humidity for indoor flower abutilon is also one of the main factors for its prosperous existence. The plant prefers high values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator, so it is recommended to spray the foliage regularly (about once every 2-3 days), and also place a container with water near the bush. It is especially important to frequently irrigate abutilon on hot days, but the procedure is carried out only in the morning or in the evening.


Home abutilon is not a succulent and it does not accumulate water, which means it needs quite frequent watering. The procedure is carried out with warm settled water so that the earth lump does not dry out. Watering in summer is more frequent than in winter.

Experienced flower growers advise diluting ordinary settled water from the water supply with boiled water before watering. The optimum temperature of the liquid for irrigation is +30 degrees. In order for it to become somewhat sour, you can add a little lemon juice to it - a few drops are enough.

top dressing

In the spring, Abutilon begins a period of active growth, and at this time it is recommended to feed it with nitrogenous fertilizers. You can purchase those that are sold in stores and are suitable for indoor decorative foliage crops. During the formation of buds, phosphorus-containing and potassium compounds will become the best top dressing. Fertilization interval - 10 days. In the autumn and winter seasons, abutilon does not need additional feeding - there is a dormant period.


Home abutilon needs periodic pruning of shoots, as it grows quite quickly, especially if kept indoors. Pruning is done only after the end of the flowering of the plant or in early spring, before the start of the period of active growth.

Each shoot is cut off by about a third of the length. In this case, the crown of the bush will learn to be neat, and it will bloom more abundantly, since flowers rarely form on old branches. For the first time, abutilon should be cut only when it reaches a height of 20 cm.

Propagation of indoor maple

Reproduction of abutilon can be done in two ways. In indoor conditions, it propagates by seeds and cuttings.


This method is used in the spring, when the plant enters the stage of active vegetation. Abutilon propagates very well by cuttings - it is enough to cut off young shoots 10-12 cm long and remove excess leaves (only the top 2-3 pieces remain). It is recommended to dip the cut point in a root growth stimulator, and then plant the finished cuttings in soil prepared from peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1. The plant is covered with a film or placed in a small greenhouse. Rooting by cuttings lasts about a month, after which abutilons are planted in separate pots.


It will take a little longer to grow abutilon from seeds. Planting of seed is carried out in spring (in March) in moist soil. However, before you start growing small abutilons from seeds at home, the seed goes through some preparation. It is thoroughly washed, then soaked in a growth stimulator and scarified. For the last procedure, you can use sandpaper, which processes the seeds. If they have completed this training in production, then this item can be skipped.

Abutilon from seeds is grown in a mixture of peat and sand. Planting material is placed in the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. The container with future seedlings is covered with a film, placed in a well-lit and warm place (about +20 degrees) in the house. It is very good to germinate abutilones in peat tablets. In any case, it is important to monitor the indicators of lighting and temperature.

The soil is irrigated daily with water from a spray bottle, and the container where the abutilon seeds sit is ventilated. Sprouts will appear within about 20 days. Seedlings can be planted in separate pots no earlier than they have 2-3 leaves.

It will not work to propagate abutilon of hybrid varieties with seeds collected independently, since the qualities and characteristics of the mother plant in this case are not inherited.

Abutilon transplant

Abutilons are transplanted depending on the age and size of the bush. Young maples are transplanted every year, adults - no more than 2-3 years.

Pot selection

If you have just started growing abutilon, then plant the first shoots in pots with a volume of about 1 liter. This will be enough. If the container is too large, then the plant will not bloom - until the bush has entwined the entire earthen ball with roots, you should not wait for flowers. Further, abutilons are regularly transplanted into pots, which are 2-4 cm larger than those previously used in diameter.

Soil preparation

Home maple loves a loose, slightly acidic substrate, the pH of which should be in the range of 5-5.7. The soil for abutilon is recommended to be prepared from coarse sand, peat and leafy soil (all components are taken in equal parts) or sand, leafy and soddy soil, as well as humus, mixed in a ratio of 0.5:1:2:1. Coconut substrate is also suitable as soil for home maple.

Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. It can be expanded clay, broken brick, clay shards.

Transplant process

Abutilon transplantation begins around February-March. To begin with, new pots of a larger diameter are being prepared. They are washed, drainage is poured into the bottom and some fresh soil (2-3 cm thick) with the addition of coal. A piece of sphagnum moss can be placed over the drain as a moisture buffer. Next, abutilon is carefully removed from its old pot (to simplify the procedure, the soil can be shed well), the old soil is gently shaken off the roots. After that, the roots can be carefully straightened and powdered with Kornevin.

After that, the plant is transplanted into a prepared pot. The free space between the walls of the pot is covered with fresh soil. The root neck is also sprinkled with earth. For the first 3-4 days, the transplanted abutilons are covered with a plastic bag. Watering for the first time is done only after the substrate has dried.

Diseases and pests

Abutilon is not a capricious plant; diseases and pests affect it very rarely. But periodically it can be attacked by aphids, mealybugs or spider mites. Insecticides will help to cope with them.

In general, all diseases of abutilon can occur only due to improper care of the plant. It can be powdery mildew, root rot, when the last watering occurs, reduce it.

Possible difficulties in growing

Difficulties in care and cultivation, as a rule, consist only in providing special conditions for the plant. If it is dried out, grown with a lack of light, waterlogged or improperly fed, then it will most likely die.

In case of overdrying of the soil, the leaves begin to curl, fade. If they are pressed against the trunk, then the plant lacks nutrients. With a lack of minerals, the leaves of abutilon begin to turn yellow, and leaf fall is also possible. If the bush is standing in a draft, then the leaves may dry out around the edges.

Expert opinion

Mila Rozhkova

Color Expert

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In general, abutilon is not a capricious plant, but it is very beautiful, which is why it is popular among flower growers. But, knowing all the subtleties of its cultivation, even a beginner in the world of floriculture can provide him with the right care.

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