How faster breeding irises. How to quickly propagate the irises

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Fragile and gentle irises have nothing to get their name in honor of the Rainbow goddess: these flowers are surprised by the richness of the colors and the variety of appearance. There are more than 250 types of irises, of which the minimum 20 is actively grown in Russia. Experienced flowerflowers they attract not only cute external appearance, but also unusual sometimes flowering. They seem to fill in a pause between spring and summer flowers and are perfectly suitable for those who want to always see the flowering garden. With all the external fragility it unpretentious plantsAnd the cultivation of irises on the site does not require much difficulty.

General description and varieties of irises

Not everyone knows, then entitled "Iris" is hidden immediately: these are the root irises and bulbous species we are common, which are also divided into several groups.

These include junns, xifium and iridodictum. For the landings, the root irises are often chosen on the flowerba, which are often called "cocks" or "" kasaty ".

The most common variety of irises - bearded cocks.

  • They received such an unusual name due to a special form of a flower, which really resembles her head with a ridge.
  • Bearded irises - the most unpretentious variety, but far from the only one.
  • Popularity also enjoy dwarf, blue, Japanese irises, and bully varieties even more.
  • Selection work continues and now, therefore, in the future, new interesting varieties will begin to appear.

All rhizuy irises have a sword-shaped flat leaves growing at the bottom of the flower on the leaf stem. In the late spring, large single flowers appear on them with a pleasant aroma. Each flower has 6 petals that can have the most diverse color. The lower petals are lowered down, and they may differ from the top.

When petals are squealing, a fruit box with seeds are formed on the flowers, which are used for the selection of flower breeding.

The painting of the petals of the irises is divided into monochrome, two-color, dowry, bordered and overflowing. The last variety has a very unusual color, at which one tone seems to be overflowing into another. Elegant and however, modest irises can turn into an ideal decoration for a plot.

Requirements for the cultivation of root irises

Root and bulbous irises differ in their requirements for the conditions of cultivation:

  • Bulbous varieties more like heat and sunlightThey are harder to organize the perfect environment for long flowering.
  • Root irises are less whimsally, and they find a place on the plot much easier.

This type of plant makes the following requirements for places and gravity conditions:

  • Soil should not be too dense. So that the irises grow well, it is necessary to add peat and sand to the ground, the mixture is thoroughly mixed with a shovel.
  • On the acidic soils, the irises give leaves, but in this case they will not bloom.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to enter ash or in a different way to neutralize excess acidity.
  • In the soil it is desirable to provide a drainage layer, since the common disease of the irises is to rotate the roots.
  • At the same time, Iris -, so it will be necessary to water it often. The earth must constantly be a little wet.
  • Root iris - light-loving plantBut he does not like a strong heat. In the southern regions with a warm climate, it is quite possible to grown in the shadows, while he will feel great and will give large flowers At the set time.
  • Excess sun, on the contrary, can damage the leaves and lead to the crepe of petals.
  • Fertilizers in the soil will need to be made in about a week before landing. The main type is nitrogenous fertilizers that need to be made to the depleted soil. In this case, the amount of feeding should not be excessive.

Special requirements concern and planting material. If you took a young root il bulbous plantThey cannot be wrapped in polyethylene or wet fabric. Roots begin to heat very quickly, so they should just be stored free to landing.

It is no coincidence that the landings choose the strongest and thick roots: in them nutrients More, and the plant calmly moves the transfer to a new place.

Planting root irises: reproduction of rhizome

Vegetative reproduction is most often used, since it is much less laborious than growing seeds, it allows you to achieve the desired result. Already the next year after transplantation, the plant will begin to bloom. Dellets are used - so called one-year-old rhizomes, from which the lower leaves are cut. Dellets are going after it ends it summer flowering - Usually it is the beginning of July. It is this time that is the best for reproduction of plants.

  • It is defined once every 3-5 years, since the plant will quickly begin to form a tight carpet.
  • Flowers will become smaller.
  • Dipped rhizome is exempt from dry and sick leaves, in addition, you need to carefully examine the root.
  • If he partially began to rot, all the affected areas need to be removed as soon as possible.
  • The location of the cut is to be filled with a mixture of sulfur and poured coal - it will protect the root from the further spread of the disease.

The planting material in front of the room in the garden is maintained in a weak solution of manganese: it is an additional protection against rot, it will help the rhizomet better fit in a new place.

Parts of the rhizomes on the garden have about a distance of 40 cm from each other, whatever he had. The Earth stops at the depth of the bayonet, then the rhizomes can be placed on the garden. The planting material is only vertically, the kidney should remain at the surface level. It is not worth putting the plant too deeply, all the remaining leaves should be completely on the surface and be vertically.

Root iris

Iris - which requires regular, but not at all burdensome:

  • Immediately after planting the plant, it is necessary to pour well, and the next watering is not less carried out than three days later.
  • At first, before root system It is necessary to protect the irises from weeds: they are neatly pulling their hands there, so as not to damage the root of the cultural plant.
  • The soil should be loose very carefully, parts of the root will be located close to the surface.
  • After the roots grow sufficiently, loose and it will be necessary to frustrate, as weeds can no longer damage the colors.

The iris requires care with a certain periodicity, these rules will help you ensure the best conditions for it, and the result will delight you with beautiful large colors:

  • Mineral fertilizers in the soil should be made three times: at the very beginning of the spring, during the flowering of irises and a month after its completion.
  • In the filled soil in the required quantity.
  • Once every two weeks, irises spray from pests. This plant may be affected by the TRIPS, which eats leaves. They become weak and depressed, wax raid disappears with them. Special protection will allow preserving the green mass free of pests, besides, it is not a very common attack.

Much more often, the plants suffer from diseases, among which the rotten rhizivism remains the most common.

If the root begins to be installed, it is necessary to extract it from the soil, remove damaged areas and process the drug "Xom". After processing, the root of the iris is dried within 12 hours outdoors. The most common cause of the occurrence of rot - the mooring of the soil. Watering should not be excessive, and the drainage layer of sand under the garden will help to remove excess water from the roots.

Common disease - gesting position, affecting the leaves of the plant.

Small brown spots begin to appear on them especially often with this you can face closer towards the end of summer. Each affected leaf must be cut, and then all the plant is treated with copper vitrios in the amount of 50 gr. on 5 liters of water. In winter, plants must be close from the cold leaves, especially for gentle varieties. With the beginning of spring, as soon as it becomes snow, "bedspread" is removed that the plant has time for the appearance of leaves and flowering.

The cultivation of bulbous irises is somewhat more complicated, as they are more demanding and to the lighting regime, and to the amount of moisture. They need a sunny place, periodic abundant watering and fertile soil - It will provide plants rapid flowering with large buds. Juno remains the most unpretentious type of bulbous irises - it can grow even on stony soils, but it necessarily requires a sunny side.

The bulbous irises bloom about two months: the first buds will appear in mid-May, and flowering will end at the end of June.

After that, the bulbs are digging. If, after flowering, leave them on the garden, the bulbs will suffer from fungal diseases and will be unsuitable for further use. After digging, they are treated with a weak solution of manganese and dry well. This is a landing material that should be stored until September.

In September or at the very beginning of October, the bulbs are planted into the ground, after that they are covered by winter. After wintering with the beginning of the spring, they will quickly start giving shoots again. After such a cycle, you can expect real large buds that will turn into a garden decoration.

Soot bulbs about 5 cm from the soil surface.

Bulb plants require greater care than corneared, as they do not like weeds and fear pests. With proper processing and care, the bulbous iris is good and does not cause any difficulties for the novice gardener. If the flowers are becoming too high, they must be supported so that they do not break under their own severity.

What kind of iris choose for a plot

Since there are many types of irises, many beginner gardeners are lost and do not know what to choose. If you are not satisfied with the usual bearded iris with blue flowersYou can decorate your garden next exotic species:

  • Yellow Queen - a grade of a bulbous iris, which is referred to by the number of overgrown due to the special color. The main tone of bud is yellow, but it differs significantly on the lower and upper petals.
  • Iridodikim Vinogradov is an interesting bulb, with white petals covered with an interesting point pattern. It will unusually look at the garden, and at the same time is not particularly demanding of care.
  • Juno Bukhara is a plant with narrow petals and two-color white and yellow buton. This plant looks amazingly elegant, it is one of the most fragile and exotic varieties.

These are just some of the unusual types of irises that can be planted. For Iris, it's not difficult to create, they can grow even with moderate watering.

If you try to multiply the Irises seeds, you can get the most unusual colors of buds - own selection work It can become a real pride of the owner of the site.

More information can be found from the video.

Irises are the very cockerels (or tales) who are familiar with everyone since childhood. Calvators can be of various shades: yellow, white, lilac, blue or any other colors. In their way appearance They look like orchids, only with thinner petals. Rainbow flowers like many, they are able to decorate any plot. Beginner gardeners are often wondering how irises are breeding.

Reproduction of Irisov

Irises are a generalized name for several varieties. garden plants With a different root system: bulbous or rhizona.

Some sources indicate that the plant matures roots. But the root of the kasatikov is not able to regenerate. Most likely, we are talking about rhizome, no need to be confused 2 different organs.

Note! Need bulbs nor rhizome is the root of Iris - these are the shoots of the plant.

Cockery with rhizuy root system are divided into 2 groups: not bearded and bearded.

To the group N. bearded Irisov Come: Siberian, Japanese, chrysographers and others. The bearded representatives of iris include: high, dwarf, average bearded bearded and others. They are unpretentious and fulfilled well winter.

The bulbous irises are also divided into groups: Ksifium, Junon and Iridodikim.

The reproduction of irises can be carried out in two ways: the division of rhizomes (vegetative) and seeds (generative).

Most often used the vegetative method of breeding, since in this case the clowns will bloom from the first year. When reproduction of irises, the seeds of the bushes will bloom no earlier than in 2-3 years.

Cockery breeds seeds, as a rule, to create new varieties or to introduce wild varieties in culture. Depending on the climatic features of the area, determine best time For breeding colors.

Cockery breeds seeds

Additional Information. Calvators can not be multiplied by leaves, they do not form roots.

Reproduction of seeds

Some gardeners practice the reproduction of columns seeds at home. After the flowering period, it is recommended right on the flower stem to pack the seed box with a still immature sowing material in a gauze fabric. After all, the seeds are growing up to autumn, and you can skip the moment of opening the box.

There are two ways to grow cockerels from seeds. Each dacket can choose the most convenient way to propagate the irises:

  1. In September, the seeds need to land on a garden to a depth of 2 cm. The distance in the arses and between landing in a row - about 10 cm. To protect young sprouts from frost, they are covered with syntheps;
  2. The clock seeds need to be wrapped in a wet marla, put in a closed container and withstand them in the refrigerator 1 month (on the top shelf). Already in February you can sow seeds into individual peat pots. Seeds need to be planted at a depth of 2 cm. Young shoots need to be kept in bright and warm room.

In September, seeds need to land on a garden to a depth of 2 cm

Note! Both methods are suitable for breeding only species irises.

When dividing irises

The best period when you can share the irises and disassemble, is summer or the beginning of autumn. By this time, the irises are already fighting. If you sear plants during this period, they manage to root well to the first frost. So, young Irises will be well transferred to the winter and falls next year.

If the plant is planted late in the fall, they will not have time to form a strong root system to frost and may die. Some flowerflowers divide irises in the spring. It is quite possible, but you should not wait for the bush to bloom this year.

How to propagate irises

Advantageously, the irises determine the fission of rhizomes, that is, in a vegetative way. This method is less labor-intensive, and culture begins to bloom next year.
Inexperienced flowers often make mistakes, because they do not know how to multiply the irises in a vegetative way.

It is necessary to divide the rhizome into parts, it is necessary to make it a clean and sharp knife. In the process of dividing the irises, the tool must be repeatedly disinfected by manganese. Suitable rhizome consists of 2-3 year old sections or more mature with healthy shoots of shoots. Slices are recommended to be treated with manganese or coal (pushed).

It is necessary to divide the rhizome into parts

Dellets before landing on the garden is better to withstand in a weak solution of manganese. This will serve as a corneeling of additional protection against rot, which will help come across the new portion of the soil.

The root particles need to be located on the bed in such a way that they have enough space for growing, approximately with a 40 cm interval between landings. The land is pre-drunk to the depth of one bayonet.
The planting material should be placed extremely vertically so that the kidney is floss with the surface. It is not necessary to plant the scatter strongly deeply, all the leaves should be on the surface and in a vertical position. After landing, the plant must be abundantly pouring.

Transplanting Irisov

Irises need timely transplant, they painlessly transfer this procedure. If the mound does not reset, then they get sick and bloom badly.

Specialists advise:

  1. Pulling Dellets every 4-5 years, otherwise the iris will start creating a dense carpet. Flowers in this case will be small;
  2. Rhizome is important to free up after digging from dry leaves;
  3. Carefully examine the lure of the tavern: if it started to refuse, then urgently need to remove the affected areas before the transplant.

Transplanting Irisov

Experienced dachables allocate the following deadlines and transplantation of irises: summer (after the end of flowering), spring and early autumn.

Petushki can be transplanted in two ways: dig a bush completely or separate part of the root (decene).

If you need to transplant the plant completely, it is neatly digging for a pitch, so as not to damage. Then the leaves are shortened, get rid of damaged areas, disinfected in potassium permanganate solution (0.2%), dried slightly. After that, the bush transplant to a new place.

If the transplant is carried out in the second way, the deceit is separated by a well-compatible knife, and then carefully dig up a shovel. The location of the cut is disinfect with ash or green. In this way, 2 goals are achieved: transplanting and updating the old bush.

Reproduction in Siberia and Moscow region

Irises are able to grow in different climatic conditions. It is only necessary to choose suitable varieties that feel good in the suburbs or in Siberia. Such irises should be unpretentious and hardy.

The Siberian group of faborrow irises is perfectly adapted for growth in a cold climate. Varieties: Hubbard, Queen Show, Til Velvet. From bearded representatives: Ruby Morne, white moth, deltaplan and others.

Siberian irises

For the suburbs are suitable for zoned varieties of colts. Of bearded varieties Suitable: Snow Waltz, Lilac Glory, Clear Polyana and others. Of the Japanese representatives of iris, it is better to grow those varieties that brought out in Russia.

Siberian irises perfectly multiply the fission of rhizomes. Use part of the one-year-old rhizome (2-2.5 cm), on which there are 3-4 sprouts. The plant is well attached and punishable, but it will bloom only the next year.

Breeding Siberian irises better in early spring or at the end of August.
In the suburbs, the irises prolonged also in a predominantly vegetative way. You can share bushes in the southern Moscow areas for 3-4 years, and in the northern (for example, Sergiev-Posad) - for 4-5 years. It is possible to plant delays in early spring, in summer, early autumn.

The world of irises is very diverse. A rich selection of varieties allows us to grow tales and admire their beauty even in cold Siberia.

You can very quickly get a lot of material for reproduction of irises. The plant, whose grade especially liked, you need to remove the top kidney fall in the fall. If you do this, then the next spring, as soon as the sun priges, young shoots will grow from the root, and they will be several times more than usual.

How to sear the decenes of irises

Seared Iris Dellets is better in the open area - in shading adult plants can have simply a luxurious green mass, but the blossom is not impressive. The organic is not like these flowers, it is necessary to feed them only with minerals. Humid from leaves garden trees, ash - excellent additives.

It is necessary to plant separated plants very finely (the renewal kidney should be placed in the soil). If you put the irises deeply, there will be a slow growth, and flowering (and that is not lush) will be an incredible gift.

Sutting off the irises, the leaves need to trim the shorter (leave about 1/3 of the length). If the landing goes by rows, the plants are placed so that the flat part of the sheet "watched" is across the beds - in this case their roots will grow along it.

"Strangeness" of Irisov

From the "oddities" of irises: plants produce on the surface of the Earth top roots. They do not need to be sprinkled - the irises will thus produce the necessary substances for growth, which are not in the ground. These flowers do not tolerate the convergence, they are better dry, but not dense soil. Even if you gathered quickly to propagate the irises and seeded the bush, it's not worthwhile to water the decenes.

Very often you can observe how the irises "crawl". Of course, their movement is stretched in time: to defeat 8-10 cm. The plant needs a year. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to plant different varieties of plants - can be confused.

Irises - Aristocrats, if weeds grow nearby, they will oppress them. Therefore, in order to quickly reproduce the irises, the flower garden, where they grow, should always be perfectly clean.

Surprisingly arranged a flower of this plant. Its petals, or, more precisely, the shares of the perianth are deployed in such a way that any of their detail is visible to the viewer. The mysterious gloss of the flower, especially noticeable with the oblique rays of the sun and electrical lighting, is explained by the structure of skin cells focusing light as miniature optical lenses. Translated from the Greek Iris means rainbow.

The flower personifies one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature, in the Russian people gently and affectionately called the rusket; Ukrainians for boycevato raised over fan leaves brightly painted flowers nicknamed iris cock.

As a decorative plant, Iris is known for a long time. This is evidenced by the fresco on one of the walls of the Palace of Palace (about. Crete), depicting a young man surrounded by blooming irises. This fresco is about 4,000 years.

Iris Whitish (Iris Albicans) was grown by Arabs from ancient times. From Arabia, this Iris with a low (50-60 cm) with coloring and fragrant white flowers was distributed to Mohammedan pilgrims throughout the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea. During the rule of Mavrov, this species fell into Spain. After the opening of America was brought to Mexico, and from there penetrated California, where it can be found in the wild.

The American Irisserd Mitchell discovered in Madrid dated 1610. Drawings of the Irisov, filled with Flemish artist Jan Breighel. According to these drawings, it can be seen that in those distant times, the decorative forms of iris with bordered petals have already been familiar with Europeans.

Have long been interested in man and medicinal properties Iris. Greek doctor DIOSCHRID (I century new era) talks about them in the composition "On Medicines".

Various useful properties Possess leaves, rhizomes and even roots of irises. More than 300 years in Italy, under the name of the violent root, Iris Florentine, the rhizer of which contains a valuable iris oil, which includes a special substance - ion - with a delicate aroma, violets. This oil is used in the perfume industry. In the roots and rhizomes of Iris Dzungar, substances with antiseptic properties were detected. The leaves of this species give a very durable fiber used for the manufacture of brushes. Most types of iris leaves are very rich in vitamin C.

The first printed mention of iris as decorative plants We find in the book of Botany Karl Clusis, published in Antwerp in 1576

Of particular importance in the history of the culture of Iris have end XIX. - The beginning of the XX century. This time is due to the names of the two British nerds - Michael Foster and William Daix. The first of them as a result of hybridization work with irises created a qualitatively new group of polyploid forms, and the dike conducted the most detailed studies of the types of iris natural flora. He studied and described them in the monograph "Rod Iris", published in 1913. It is still a capital reference book for those who want to get acquainted with worldwithland a variety of natural species.

In the XX century Irises like floral and decorative and medicinal perennials received wide recognition in the flowers of most countries of the world. According to the number of varieties, they are registered more than 35 thousand, this perennial came out on one of the first places among cultivated plants. The culture of the Iris in Japan occupies a completely special place. This country is an undoubted patriarch of iris production. Here, as a result of centuries-old work, the culture of Japanese irises was mastered, many of which are strikingly beautiful, especially in combination with water bodies. Starting from the 20s of our century, the most intensive hybridization work with garden irises is carried out in the United States. A special success was achieved when not only professionals were engaged, but also the wide layers of amateur flower.

All of the above information about the iris are drawn by us from the books of the famous Irisovod, the books of the famous Irisovod, the books of the famous Irisovoda, Dr. in 1988 biological Sciences G. I. Rodionenko "Irises". It also described about the variety of species and varieties of irises, about agrotechnik and about breeding ... We advise the flowers to meet this wonderful book.

"Soil orchids"

Among the variety of garden irises are perhaps the most famous flowerfish irises bearded. IN middle lane their bloom falls on June, although early varieties They can bloom at the end of May, and later capture part of July. Depending on the conditions of the year and the variety, the flowering period can continue from two weeks to a month, and with a certain selection of varieties - within two months. Another advantage - from cut irises, like the gladioles, the boutons that existing on the villages are blooming, which are up to ten pieces. The size of each flower is from 10 to 15 cm and more in diameter. Flowers of Iris on the grace of shapes can compete with orchids, often they are called "soil orchids" (Fig. 1).

The color of the perianth has a large variety of amazingly pure colors. In addition, the upper shares of the perianth, as a rule, have a silk transfusion glitter, and the lower petals - velvet texture. Recently, many varieties have appeared with a transfusted polychrome coloring petals and bright, contrastful painted beards on the lower petals of the perianth. Many varieties have a strong pleasant aroma. In short, after acquaintance with blooming irises, no indifferent remains.

The choice of place for landing is not such a simple matter.

Irises - Plants of the first half of the day, they feel well, if until noon is illuminated by the sun, and abundantly bloom, if the neighboring large plants (trees and shrubs) do not take moisture from them. Therefore, under the irises, it is desirable to divert well-lit plots with a slight bias on the southern or south-west side, which snow is not blown away in the winter. Soils are preferable to light mechanical composition, well-drained, with acidity close to neutral. To improve mechanical composition clay soils In front of autumn resistance, manure, peat or compost (1 - 2 buckets per 1 m2) are made (1 - 2 buckets per m2) and at least on the bucket of river sand. Of course, sandy soils need the addition of organic and a small amount of clay.

The powerful root system of irises improves the structure of the soil, so they can be included in the cultural turn of the garden or alternate with other floral plants. Irises should not be planted after potatoes, since these plants have common diseases, but after pure couple, lupins, many vegetable crops They grow very well. In one place plants retain their decorativeness from 5 to 7 years.

Preparation of the site.

With a shortage in the soil of nutrients, it is desirable to make full mineral fertilizer (NPK) with autumn peroxide, the depth of which should be at least 25 cm.

Preducting soil treatment is carried out 2-3 weeks before landing. For the central districts of the Non-Black Zone, this end of August - the beginning of September. Irises can be replanted immediately after flowering, but then there will be less divinity - landing units from one plant.

In areas where water, irises are seized in the spring and autumn, only at high ridges, otherwise the plants may die. When landing the roots are freely distributed in the soil, the rhizome should be in a horizontal position and closed with a layer of soil by no more than 2-3 cm. The depth of planting significantly affects the state of the plants. Look at Figure 2.

The first plant (a) was planted for a normal depth. It blew, gave a replacing side kidney escape and begins to develop three more such kidneys. The second (b) and third (c) plants were planted very deeply. They spent a lot of time and effort to make rhizome closer to the surface. The second plant did not form a vegetative escape, the side kidneys of his rhizome are poorly developed. The third did not even bloom, the formation of its rhizomes is not completed, and the side kidneys are not visible. Both of them fell behind the first to the whole growing season.

The distance to the row between the plants can be from 30 to 50 cm, depending on the purpose of planting, the rate of breeding the variety and the duration of cultivation in this place. The longer the Iris bush will be in one place, the greater the power area for it will be required.

Varietary irises breed vegetatively, that is, the division of the bush. Plants intended for division are usually digging garden toys. Rhizome shake off the ground and cut so that each one-year increase has a bundle (fan) of the leaves. To reduce evaporation, the leaves are shortened by 2/3 of their lengths, and the roots are 1/3 (Fig. 3). The old links of rhizomes that do not have good roots and leaves should not be thrown away, since they have sleeping kidneys, which after landing will be in growth and will give an additional planting material. They also need to carefully examine, remove damaged parts and process together with the details. All sections make a sharp tool (knife or secateur) so that the root surface is smooth.

Freckled deems for disinfection are placed on 10-15 minutes in a dark solution of potassium permanganate. After drying, the material before landing can be picked.

Care for irises.

It is started immediately after the melting of snow: they take off the shelter if it was, carefully collect and burn herbal residues. Plants grow well and develop in a loose, weed-free soil containing enough nutrients and moisture. Every 10 to 12 days the soil loose. As needed, especially during periods of intensive growth, the appearance of buds and flowering, irises are watered.

Irises are well responding to fertilizer, first of all reworked manure. In the fall, at a peroxide, it is added in a dose of 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m2, and in the summer the feeding of a cow. If there are no organic, then you can use mineral fertilizers. Recommended doses of full fertilizer (NPK) - 20 g per plant with 5-6 vegetative shoots at the main introduction, and in feeding - 20 g nitrogen (immediately after melting of snow), 5 g nitrogen and 15 g of phosphate (before flowering), 10 G phosphoric and 10 g of potassium (after flowering).

To protect against disease and pests, attention should be paid primarily to prevention. This is the struggle with weeds, timely cleaning of planting from plant residues, especially early in spring, after melting of snow, and in the fall, before leaving plants in the winter. After the first severe frosts before the snow dropping, the leaves should be trimmed approximately at an altitude of 6-7 cm on the soil level, and then process the plants by burgundy liquid or a suspension of colloidal sulfur. In areas with severe winters, irises are coated with peat, dry leaves, sweetheart, sawdust. Well overwhelmed plants are less ill.

In the summer, when appearing on the leaves of spots, 2-3 spraying of the above preparations are performed.

In case of bacteria, the rhizomes are dried, remove the damaged fabric and is treated with a dark red solution of potassium permanganate or a mixture (1: 1) of sulfur with charcoal. It is very important to disinfect the tools when cutting a coloring, cutting leaves, dividing root.

The disease characteristic of irises is the spottedness of leaves - heterospace. Losses from spotting, as well as the grinder decrease with small landing and use of soft mulching material.

In particular wet cool years, irises can be amazed by gray rot. Against slugs effectively pollinating plants hawed lime with tobacco dust in a 1: 1 ratio; Scattering in the aisle of superphosphate, breaking the large lumps of soil, under which the slugs are laying off eggs. Regular weeding eliminate natural sources of drift on the Irises of Tley and TRIPS.

Somehow, during a meeting with amateur flowers, I was asked me: "Why are you so promoting the irises?

After all, they for all summer bloom no more than two days. " Indeed, the Iris flower retains the decorativeness of 2 days and only in cool weather - up to 3-4, besides, some botanical species On the stem happens only one flower. But in my garden, in the suburbs, the flowering of irises is continuous - from mid-May to the beginning of August, that is, two and a half months.

In terms of flowering, Irises can be divided into very early, early, medium, medium, medium-stage, late. Many varieties even within one such unit bloom at intervals of 5-9 days. There are multi-dimensional forms with 5-7 flowers, and they are not blown away at the same time, while the decorative period of one bush is stretched for a week, or even for 10 days. With the skillful selection of varieties of irises bloom in the garden all summer.

The earliest - Iris Pumin. Coloring flowers in varieties of this species is the most diverse: yellow, purple, blue, brown, greenish, two-color. All of them are low, the height of the bloomer does not exceed 35 cm. Such irises is called dwarf.

In June, the irises of the middle time of flowering bloom. The height of the color saw in the varieties of this group is 36-70 cm, they are most suitable for bouquets, so they are called bouquet, or tables. At the same time, Pallide irises bloom, as well as befelling, moisture-boring - marsh, oriental, cereal (they are planted near the reservoirs).

By July, Siberian Iris blooms. These are powerful bushes with a diameter of up to 1 and a height of up to 1.5 m with a multitude of flowers and various color flowers. The varieties of the hybrid garden iris of the middle-aged flowering period are presented by the largest (flower diameter of up to 20 cm), tall (up to 1.2 m), long-tight, key-shaped plants. And by August, late-driving Iris - Japanese, who are also known as the varieties of Iris Kempfera. These irises differ from all previous groups opened by the flower shape - all six pieces are in the same plane.

Where to buy landing material? Unfortunately, state enterprises Do not grow irises for implementation, so it remains to get acquainted with amateur flowers. In Moscow, for example, a section of the Irisov section operates at the city of amateur flower clubs. Section members are divided into each other with their experiences, exchange the planting material, organize exhibitions.
P. Gathetberger, Agronom

Magazine "Pomit".

Sale Iris

Dwarf, bright blue, amethysts with red - the choice of irises is the biggest, and time for their landing suitable.

Popular dwarf irises are now popular. Very nice dark purple varieties demon, Pamping Irone, yellow with bright blue grooves Ireish Chantes and Glitter Bit; Two-color amethyst with red (Jollerra Art, Pink Chan Ted, white with beet bordeaux) and many others.

When landing, try to pick up a place with loose, well-drained soil, where there is never a stagnation of water, first of all in winter or spring. Do not be fond of excessive feeders, especially in the second half of summer.
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Irisa is about 700 different options Popular colors differing in color and shape. Amazing the fact that Irises appreciate not only beauty during flowering period, but also as raw materials for production. Essences for perfumery are manufactured from irises.

The irises are distinguished by flat leaves of the sword-shaped. The fan bundle becomes an excellent paperwork even after the flower poured. During the flowering period, the flower is distinguished by grace and aroma. Single Flowers of Irisov have long been very popular, before they could be found on every flowerbed. Elegant flower petals can have any color up to black.

Blossom usually coincides with the calendar beginning of the summer. At this time, amazing flowers are blooming, the three petals of which are turned on the book, and the three remaining are connected at the bottom into the tube and stretch up. Usually the lower and top petals have different color. At the same time, no more than three colors can be blooming, the duration of their flowering is up to 5 days. After the flower appears, you can see the fruit box.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Iris varieties are very much, they differ in the size of the flower, its color. To tell about all is impossible. Among the entire presented manifold, you can allocate only the most popular:

  1. Bearded Iris is a whole group of species, a distinctive feature which are shaggy hairs on petals. These varieties are classified in height and other features. Distinguish some experimental gardenersAnd for lovers, they will all differ only to height.

  1. Hermann is highly increasing. It is considered the most common in the gardens bearded Iris.. View is great amount varieties whose distinction in corrugation of petals, color. Some varieties are popular only geographically. So, the AKOM grade loves the Americans.
  1. Iris dwarf. The most common appearance. They bloom immediately after tulips. The height of the species usually does not exceed 40 cm. Standard options They have 2-3 flower, but miniature - only 1-2. Color solutions depend on what variety of dwarf species you purchased.
  1. Iris Siberian. The varieties of this type may have absolutely various coloringBut combines their complete absence of any fragrance.

Reproduction and care

Irises landing and care in open soilAs irises are breed - such questions are interested in many flower water. Most suggest that these are wispid labor-intensive processes, it is not worth it for the beginners. And absolutely in vain: anyone desires them with cultivation.

Knowing the secreets of plant care, you will get beautiful flowers Without much effort:

  1. At the end of the season, spite your bushes peat - so you protect the growing horizontal root of the irises from the freezing. With the beginning of the new season, the coating is cleaned.
  2. Having planting plants, take into account the location of the leaf fuel: it must be located along, and not across the planted range of colors. These measures are needed in order to avoid the curvature of a number, as Irises are traveler plants, during the year they change their location for several centimeters.
  3. Bearded species are better to plant in the sand. Do not forget to pour when landing in the prepared hole slide sand. Putting your seedling deeply, you risk to destroy the plant or not see his colors.
  4. Handsome are not tolerated organic feeding. The best way solutions to the problem - making liquid mineral fertilizers.


Planting Iris can be carried out in any season. Optimal solution - Landing at the end of the season - early in the fall, so that the rehabilted bushes come to the onset of colds. The transplant must be performed regularly, once every 3-4 years.

Not so whimsical to transplant Iris Siberian: they should be disturbed only 1 time in 10 years. Ignoring transplant leads to a flower degeneration. In this case, the irises stop blossoming, they begin to grow strongly.

The perfect place and conditions are chosen based on the available species. Each type requires compliance with certain conditions. So, bearded views are well transferred to landing if you place them in a place where best lighting. It is especially important that the flower get access to the light before noon.

Provide a place where there is no risk of draft, better - on the hill, but the slope, from which the outflow of melt waters will be more intense. They love these species when the Earth has been prepared and a good drainage is made.

If the soil is wet on your plot - choose the marsh or siberian specieswho are not afraid of the excess of moisture. The main thing is that the land is rich in content minerals - It is worth taking care of the landing, making the necessary mineral fertilizers.

You can also add fatty garden landcompost. For fertilizer, select Potash-phosphate samples. Irises will feel bad landing if the soil is acidic. It is possible to fix it with the help of dolomite flour, chalk, wood ash. Sugilistic soils must be diluted with sand peat with sand, and gliding ground add to sandy.

Important!!! In no case do not fertilize the prepared ground for irises with a manure - the plant will not postpone the landing, may die.

Well, if you have the opportunity to displaced the Earth before landing. Choose fungicide and herbicides for this - so you will secure your landings from pests and weeds.

Requirements for landing depend on the season in which it is carried out. The harvested planting material is well transferring the winter, and you can land it in the spring, if you did not have time in the fall. Before boarding, process seedlings of growth stimulants - so more chances to get beautiful flowers. Preview the roots of the plant: long it is better to cut, places with rot - delete.

The optimal option is to hold the root of the Iris before omitting them into the ground, in a weak solution of manganese for 20 minutes. In the prepared hole, do not forget to pour the slope of the sand, the root is already placed on top and carefully paint the roots. The rhizome is not completely falling asleep - the upper part is left above the ground. After that, the landing site is abundantly watered.

Important!!! Without leaving part of the root above the ground level, you can not get sprouts, as the root starts.

However, these rules concern only bearded species. With fabor, everything is different - the rhizome is plugged and mulched peat that festering a cheese for retention of moisture.

When landing, consider the optimal distance between the iris - it is 50 cm.

Autumn planting a little different from landing produced in spring. Usually, the transplantation is planned for August-beginning of September, when the flowers have already been blowing away. The sooner you make a transplant, the more chances of the successful shot of the flower.

For the transplant, dig the Eris bush and divide it taking into account the annual links. Process the rhizome, removing rotes and cord-shaped roots, disinfected with a manganese solution. Sweep the rhizome within 4-5 hours. When landing, observe the distance between the bushes: for little varieties - 15 cm, for high - 50.

Care for iris

Caring for planted irises is not particularly difficult. It is important to remember that they differ in thermal loss and demanding to lighting. During the formation of buds, it is important to monitor the regularity and sufficiency of watering. During the rest of the time, watering is carried out only as the earth dries.

Important timely and correct feeding. Fertilize the earth in the spring when they prepare a plot to landing. However, if you see that the plant cares, it does not have enough food, it is worth it to fade by phosphate factory-potash samples, which can be found in any store. The selected fertilizer is made under the root of the plant during its growth.

Important!!! Do not allow fertilizers to the irises during their flowering period.

Plot where your irises live, you need to pour. It is advisable to do it manually to not damage the rhizome. Periodically, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the plant, but it is necessary to do it very carefully, so as not to damage the root system.

Important!!! Delete the blurred inflorescences in a timely manner - they can become a reproduction site of numerous pests.

Standard reproduction of irises occurs the root division, which can be carried out no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering. It is necessary to do it carefully not to damage fragile young roots. Seed reproduction Not so popular. Usually this option prefers breeders engaged in the removal of new varieties.

Possible diseases and pests

Resistance to diseases and pests directly depends on the variety of irises: what they are more beautiful, the less stable. Observing the rules for the care and reproduction of colors, you will reduce the risk of diseases to zero. Watch out for the well-being of your favorites during their growth and flowering, but after they beat away, do not forget about them. So you can see and eliminate the problem without serious consequences for the plant.

The most terrible disease affecting the handsome female. If suspicion of the development of this disease arose, the plant is immediately destroyed to prevent the spread of infection. Healthy bushes are treated, introducing a 2% solution of Fundazola. This drug is recommended to be used for prevention, processing roots before planting.

The common problem of Iris owners is spotting. To combat it, 1% solution of the bordeaux mixture is used.

Among the common pests affecting handsome, you can call:

  • scoops;
  • triples;
  • slug.

Determine the presence of the first of these pests is sufficient simply: the scoops eaten the base of the floweros, which then begin to turn yellow and completely dying. Prevent the appearance of the pest is easy: it is only necessary to treat plants at the very beginning of the growing season with a 10% carbofos solution. The procedure is performed twice with an interval of 1 week.

Gladiolus trips that are in the iris violates the life processes in the leaves. The affected leaves change color, dry out. The pest can hit the bud - in this case, the buds of your favorites will become ugly, lose color.

The highest activity of the trips is observed in the dry time. The same carbofos comes to the rescue, which spray the affected plant. If there is no desire to use chemistry - prepare a solution of 400 g of Machorka and 40 g of the household soap that should be grate.

You can get rid of the slugs with the help of unfolded wet rags or lops. Their slippers will be used as a shelter, and assemble the pests will not be difficult.

Preparation of Iris to winter

If you are afraid that the plant will not survive the cold - sprinkle the roots, sand or ground root peat on the surface of the earth. The thickness of the layer of 8-10 centimeters will save your favorite plants from freezing. If you predict a frosty winter - cover the landing site with dry leaves, sweetheart.

Irises that do not need to transplant or disperse, experts recommend to get rid of flowers at once at the end of flowering. With yellowing leaves, it is neatly cut off with yellowness - it will help keep the attraction of the bush, will allow Kornviole to gain nutrition and flowering forces next season.

With a warm autumn, you have the opportunity to observe the re-blossom of your handsome. When the leaves of the pets have already dreamed, they should be cut, leaving only 10-15 cm from the ground. Sliced \u200b\u200bleaves are burned, as they can be pest eggs.

Burned autumn planting material of bearded species stored in a cold room of a small humidity. The roots are well saved in the box brought to the balcony. To protect them from the cold - wrap the roots into paper or cloth, pour into a prepared sawdust or dry peat.

Unborn species love moisture, so their storage is somewhat different. Place the root of this species in Vazon, observing the landing conditions of the Iris. Spring root along with a lump of land can be planted at a permanent place.

What kind of choose to apply in landscape design

Choosing irises for your site, first decide on the view: bearded or non-counted. The view is better to choose, based on the features of your soil. Bearded demanding of lighting, do not like high humidity. Only deciding with the view, choose a variety.

The variety is selected by individual preferences. The value of the height and color, the size of the colors and their number, the aroma of the variety.

The lowest varieties are well suited for the design of borders, and high, spreadable better to move into the background or put in the center of the flower beds. Use these flowers to design artificial reservoirs on the site. Combining different varieties of plants, you can compose beautiful compositions Exclusively from the irises - they look unusual and original.

Irises love as one of unpretentious perennials. With proper care, the flower can delight you and the surrounding many years with beautiful elegant blossoms. You can buy seating in specialized stores that are many both in the cities and in the Internet.

Choose the sample that suits you, and you will never regret your acquisition. Correct care And care will provide you with beautiful and long-lasting flowering, which will surprise and admire your garden guests.

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