Plant hyssop properties application. Hyssop useful properties and contraindications photo

garden equipment 13.06.2019
garden equipment

Hello my dear gardeners!

I want to tell you about the wonderful spicy plant- . Planting on your site, you will never regret it.

This plant appeared for the first time in our suburban area 10 years ago. My mother was presented with a “root” by her friend, a summer resident, who told about its beneficial properties and how to care for it.

We planted it and for a whole year it grew beautifully with us. And then, due to various other concerns and problems, we simply forgot about hyssop.

Without proper care, although he does not require much, we eventually disappeared.

And last year, while leafing through a catalog with seeds, I came across hyssop seeds. Of course, I immediately ordered them and, since then, several beautiful hyssop bushes have been growing in our summer cottage.

And now I never forget to take care of them and give them time. Hyssop is a real decoration of my garden and a valuable medicinal plant.

Hyssop is a perennial semi-shrub plant with a strong spicy aroma and taste, 50-70 cm high, with small blue, purple or even pink flowers.

In the wild, it is found in the Mediterranean countries, the foothills of Altai, the Crimea, and Kazakhstan.

Hyssop is grown in our gardens as a spicy and excellent ornamental plant. The popular names of this plant are blue St. John's wort, hyssop grass, susop, yuzefka.

Hyssop bushes look very cute strewn with flowers, over which bees are constantly buzzing, since hyssop, moreover, is an excellent honey plant.

It blooms for a very long time from June to October, until frost. It is enough to plant only 4-5 bushes of this plant on the site and you will be provided with spicy greenery.

Hyssop is also good because it can be repeatedly cut for drying during the season and it quickly grows back.

Young shoots with leaves and buds can be used as food, they are very pleasant in taste and smell.

I use hyssop as a seasoning for many salads, vegetable soups and sauces, as well as fish and meat dishes.

It is also very suitable for flavoring liqueurs, tinctures, all kinds of pickles and marinades.

Healing properties

Hyssop is also a most valuable medicinal plant, oh healing properties which was known as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century.

Around 1305, the famous doctor Arnold of Villanova wrote the poem "Salermo Code of Health", which he dedicated to healing herbs.

And it contains these lines about this amazing plant:

“The chest is cleansed of phlegm by a herb called hyssop.

Hyssop is useful for the lungs if it is boiled together with honey,

And they say that it gives the face an excellent color.

For medicinal purposes, the tops of flowering shoots of hyssop are usually used, which are harvested at the beginning of flowering.

For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, they can be used both fresh and dried.

Hyssop is used as a wound healing agent, for the treatment of eczema, bruises, bruises and wounds.

For example, for resorption of bruises (bruises), we make lotions from the infusion of hyssop grass.

To prepare it, you need to place two teaspoons of dry raw materials in enamelware, pour one glass of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Then cool the infusion and strain.

Hyssop is very helpful when coughing. Pour 2 teaspoons of fresh hyssop herb with one glass of water, bring to a boil over low heat and leave for 5 minutes.

If you use already dried hyssop, then to prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials and pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain and take 0.5 cups of this drink half an hour before a meal or one hour after a meal.

This contributes not only to the discharge of sputum, but also to a decrease in temperature. And if you add 1 teaspoon of honey to this drink (decoction or infusion), then this will significantly enhance healing action hyssop.

The infusion can also be used at the first sign of a sore throat to gargle.

And fresh flowers and hyssop leaves excite the appetite.

It is also used for heart disease (angina pectoris), neurosis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma.

Growing hyssop

Growing hyssop is not difficult at all. This plant is extremely undemanding and grows well even on not very fertile soil, but it should not be forgotten either.

Hyssop reproduces both by seeds and by dividing the bush.

Growing hyssop from seeds is not difficult, but you still need to know a few subtleties.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground or grow hyssop through seedlings. I liked the method of growing through seedlings more.

In early spring, I sow hyssop seeds in a greenhouse in seedling boxes, slightly sprinkling them with earth.

If the weather is still cold and sometimes there are even night frosts, I additionally cover the boxes with foil.

When the seedlings grow up and the threat of frost passes, I plant hyssop seedlings in the ground in a permanent place.

I dig up the ground for planting in advance and loosen it to a small lumpy state.

I plant seedlings in the garden. You can, of course, plant hyssop on a flat surface, but I prefer to plant everything in beds, since it is much easier to process plants.

The width between the rows is 25-30 cm, and the plants themselves are at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.

Hyssop is very easy to care for, you just need to regularly weed it, water it, loosen it, feed it (especially in the first months of life).

If the growth of hyssop is slow, it is recommended to feed it with a mixture of mineral fertilizers (20-30 g per 10 liters of water), but I still prefer to feed it with organic fertilizers.

In one place, hyssop can grow well up to 4-5 years. It does not even require shelter for the winter, although I still mulch it for the winter with peat (or other mulch) - just in case.

Dear summer residents, I strongly advise you to plant this wonderful plant on my site, I repeat once again, you will not regret it!

Hyssop (Hyssópus) is a perennial fragrant grass or semi-shrub of the Lamiaceae family, sometimes a branched shrub 50-60 cm high. The stem is rigid, the leaves are linear oblong, dark green, the edges are omitted. Flowers zygomorphic, blue, white or Pink colour, are collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences growing from the axils of the leaves.

Each flower blooms for a short time, then a new one blooms. The flowering period is July-August. The fruits are nut-shaped, ripen in September. Hyssop is considered winter-hardy and drought tolerant plant. Propagated by seeds, cuttings or division.

In some places, this plant is called blue St. John's wort. In total, about 50 species of hyssop are known, growing in the south of Siberia, in Asia, regions of the Caucasus, middle lane Russia. The plant is not demanding on soils, prefers the steppe terrain or rocky slopes and gently sloping dry hills.

Useful properties of hyssop

Herbalists deservedly call hyssop the same as St. John's wort - a cure for a hundred diseases.

  • Hyssop received the widest use of medicinal properties in the treatment of colds;
  • Herbalists advise using it directly to treat colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and hoarseness in the voice;
  • Hyssop helps with stomatitis or other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • The antiviral effect of the herb provides tangible help with conjunctivitis;
  • Normalizes digestion, improves appetite. Helps with intestinal catarrh, chronic constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence and chronic colitis. And not only relieves all symptoms, but also contributes to a complete recovery;
  • Actively fights bad breath;
  • If you have no contraindications to the use of hyssop, then use funds from it to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, angina pectoris, anemia, rheumatism, increased sweating;
  • In addition, the medicinal plant is an excellent biostimulant. Your memory will improve significantly, it will be much easier to focus your attention if you just drink tea brewed with a plant;
  • Hyssop gently removes the manifestations of depression, while not causing drowsiness - this is its undoubted advantage;
  • The diuretic effect of blue St. John's wort will save you from fine sand in the kidneys;
  • Grass is a natural natural anthelmintic agent, often used in folk medicine to expel helminths.

External use of products with hyssop:

The disinfectant, wound healing and antimicrobial therapeutic effect of hyssop is used here.

  • Purulent diseases of the skin.
  • Bruises, bruises.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Edema.
  • Burn.

Contraindications to the use of hyssop

Before using a medicinal plant, it should be noted that hyssop has a number of contraindications:

  • Hyssop is not recommended for people with high acidity;
  • Long-term use of infusion with hypotension, nephritis and nephrosis contributes to the appearance of side effects;
  • A decoction of hyssop helps to reduce and stop lactation, so pregnant and lactating women are strictly prohibited from taking it;
  • The essential oils contained in the plant have a negative effect on the body of people suffering from epilepsy and neuropathy;
  • The use of hyssop in the form of a tincture should be discontinued in case of diarrhea and indigestion;
  • Children and adolescents should take the infusion with caution, since the oils that make up the plant have a potent effect;
  • Children under 2 years of age are strictly prohibited from taking hyssop.

Dosage forms of hyssop

Most often, hyssop is used in medicine in the form of decoctions, tinctures, teas and infusions. Decoctions are usually used to treat diseases. respiratory tract and eliminate inflammation of the urinary tract, they help fight colds. Tinctures - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they will be especially useful for colitis and swelling, as well as externally for the treatment of hematomas, wounds and other skin lesions. Infusions are used for rinsing the throat and mouth with inflammation of the mucous membranes and stomatitis, with conjunctivitis for washing the eyes, they also improve appetite. Tea is useful for coughs, sore throats and colds. In addition, this tool improves digestion, increases blood pressure, soothes nervous system and reduces fever.

  • Decoction of hyssop. Place 100 grams of dried, chopped grass and hyssop flowers in a liter of boiling water, then boil the composition for about five minutes. Strain the finished product and mix with 150 grams of sugar. You can drink no more than 100 ml of decoction per day, it is advisable to divide this dose into three to four doses;
  • Hyssop infusion. Pour 20 grams of the dried plant into a thermos, then pour a liter of boiling water there. After half an hour, the product will be ready, pour it out of the thermos, and then strain. The infusion should be taken three times a day. In this case, a single dose should be half a glass;
  • Hyssop tincture. Mix dry white wine (1 liter) with 100 grams of dried herbs. Soak the product for three weeks in a cool, obligatory, dark place, shaking the container with it daily. Take strained tincture three times a day for a teaspoon.

Traditional medicine recipes based on hyssop

1. Bronchial asthma and suffocation can be prevented with the help of infusion, for this you need to take 4 tablespoons of grass, grind it thoroughly, put it in a thermos, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 1 hour. Then strain. You need to take it hot 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. The course of treatment is 1 month.

2. With a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperhidrosis, you can drink such a decoction, this will require a teaspoon of small flowers, leave for 2 hours, take 3 times a day. It is good to wash the eyes with this decoction if they are affected by conjunctivitis.

3. You can cure tinnitus and shortness of breath with the help of powdered leaves, be sure to add honey. You need to take an infusion of 1 tsp. 3 times a day, drink water.

4. If a person is often worried about respiratory diseases, you can apply this recipe - take 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day. In cases of bronchitis, you need to take a teaspoon of hyssop, add mother and stepmother, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 2 times a day.

5. You can overcome a cold with this recipe: mix hyssop with mint, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, take 1 cup 2 times a day.

6. Collection of sage, hyssop will help to get rid of laryngitis and pharyngitis, for this you need to mix everything thoroughly, pour a glass of boiling water, insist and drink. Take twice a day for one week.

7. A recipe based on hyssop and white wine will help get rid of flatulence and colitis, leave for one month, shake and take.

8. In cases of impaired appetite, you need to take a decoction of hyssop grass, it will require two tablespoons of chopped herbs, leave for one hour, strain.

9. Rinse your mouth with gingivitis, stomatitis, you need an infusion of hyssop, it will require 120 ml of alcohol, 20 grams of grass, insist for one week, strain. Take a teaspoon of tincture, dilute it in water, rinse your mouth with it.

Hyssop in cooking

As a spice in hyssop, leaves and the non-woody part of the twigs are used. Hyssop has a spicy, tart and slightly bitter taste and a pronounced aroma, which makes it an important component of many dishes, contributing not only to improving their quality, but also enriching them with useful substances.

In home cooking, fresh leaves and tops of twigs with flowers are used, which are added to minced meats, soups and pates. This seasoning is often used for stuffing sausages and eggs. Hyssop is considered indispensable in the preparation of dishes such as fried pork, stew, beef zrazy. Hyssop goes well with cottage cheese dishes, but it is added to vegetable side dishes and dishes in small quantities and with caution. A very small amount of flowering twigs will add aroma and improve the taste of tomato and cucumber salads. In the countries of the East, hyssop is used even in the preparation of drinks.

If dried hyssop is used (drying leaves and twigs), then you can add them to all kinds of dishes, observing the norms for laying this spice.

Norms for laying dried hyssop greens for one serving of the product:

  • 0.5 g of dry green hyssop is added to the first dishes;
  • in the second courses - 0.3 g of dried hyssop;
  • in sauces add - 0.2 g of dry hyssop.

The secret of cooking dishes with hyssop: after this spice has been added, the dishes do not need to be covered with a lid, because this will spoil the aroma of the whole dish. In any case, hyssop should not be used in large doses, it can be combined with other spices, such as parsley, dill, mint, fennel, celery, basil, marjoram.

Essential oil of hyssop

Hyssop essential oil is very popular. It perfectly calms the "frivolous" nerves, relieves spasms, fights allergies. Women often use it to normalize the menstrual cycle. The oil perfectly relieves meteorological dependence and helps to reduce warts and calluses.

Applications essential oil are also varied. As aromatic baths, it is enough to add 10 drops of oil to warm water and 10 minutes of bliss and recovery are provided. You should not abuse being in such a bath; since hyssop, although it is a medicinal plant and has enough useful properties, still belongs to the weak poisonous plants, and in certain cases is contraindicated for use.

As inhalations, water vapor is inhaled for 5-7 minutes with the addition of 5 drops of essential oil. Acne, bruises and bruises, warts, eczema, wounds are often smeared with essential oil.

For colds and joint pains, a massage using essential oil will come in handy. To do this, 10 drops of ether are mixed with 20 ml of any vegetable oil and rubbed into the body. After applying the oil to the body, as a rule, there is a slight tingling or redness of the skin. You should not worry about this, this is a natural property of the plant.

Harvesting hyssop

Herbalists advise collecting hyssop during full bloom, at sunrise, in the first phase of the moon - then it has full healing power and will bring maximum benefit.

  • Before you cut the grass, be sure to say hello to it and ask permission to collect it. For medicinal purposes, cut off the flowering tops;
  • To properly dry the grass, collect it in small bunches and hang it in a ventilated place, but away from the sun;
  • It is better to store hyssop in a hermetically sealed vessel.

In our country, the plant has long been grown under industrial conditions, but they do this mainly to isolate the most valuable essential oil from it.

A light, pure herb, hyssop, which has wonderful healing properties and a minimum of contraindications, regulates the energy of a person as a whole and has a powerful healing effect.

Hyssop has been used since ancient times as a medicinal plant that can cure great amount diseases. And today it is actively used in folk medicine. Today we will talk about such a plant as hyssop - what it is, what effect it has on the body, what properties it has. And also, in what form it is better to take it for certain diseases, what contraindications it has.

plant description

Hyssop, beneficial features and the contraindications of which will be described in detail in this article, grows in Asia, central Russia, the Mediterranean, in southern Siberia, in the Caucasus. He prefers gentle dry hills, rocky slopes, as well as steppe terrain.

Hyssop is a perennial shrub with oblong or linear leaves. flowers irregular shape, are white, blue or pink. They are collected in the apical spicate inflorescence.


Hyssop (what it is, we are now considering) is perennial, which has about 50 species. It is used in cooking as a fragrant seasoning, in folk medicine, as well as in the decorative arts.


The medicinal raw material of the hyssop plant, the photo of which is presented in this article, is its aerial part, or more precisely, the leafy shoots collected at the beginning of flowering. For example, the tops of the stems, the length of which should not exceed 20 cm, are carefully cut, tied into small bundles and dried in a ventilated room or under a canopy. Subsequently, the dried raw material is crushed, after which it is stored in glass jar, cardboard bags or clothes bags.

A properly dried plant has a bitter taste and a pungent odor.

Chemical composition

Hyssop, the beneficial properties of which will be described in detail below, contains oleanolic and flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, bitterness, tannins.

Beneficial features

The hyssop semi-shrub has extensive useful properties. It is used as an expectorant, laxative, wound healing and antihelminthic.

The preparations of this plant have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Hyssop, due to its antispasmodic properties, soothes stomach pains. Subshrub-based products increase blood pressure, and also act against various kinds fungus.

What does hyssop treat?

Hyssop in folk medicine is used in the treatment of conditions and diseases such as:

hyssop flowers

Hyssop flowers and leaves are used to treat various skin diseases, bruises and wounds. In addition, infusions and decoctions from these parts of the plant are used externally for rinsing, and in the oral cavity they relieve inflammation. Preparations from these parts of this medicinal shrub are indicated for various problems GIT.


hyssop seeds in medicinal purposes are not used.


The leaves and stems of the hyssop plant have been used in the treatment of the diseases mentioned above, internally and externally.


A decoction of hyssop flowers and leaves is indicated in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • respiratory catarrh;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina.

In addition, the decoction eliminates inflammation of the urinary tract. It is prepared like this: 100 g of stems and flowers of the plant are poured with a liter hot water and boil for 5 minutes. Half a glass of sugar is added here, then the decoction is consumed per day, 100 ml each.


With flatulence, preparations from a plant such as hyssop are used. What it is, we already know. Tincture is used externally as compresses that accelerate wound healing.

For its preparation, 100 g must be poured with a liter of dry white wine. Then the tincture is removed for 3 weeks in a cool and dark place, means at the same time it is necessary to shake up regularly. Before use, the tincture is filtered. Used three times a day for a teaspoon.


An infusion of the hyssop plant (you can see a photo of the medicinal shrub here) has an exciting effect on the secretion of our digestive glands, in addition, it increases appetite and reduces the fermentation processes that occur in the intestines. It is used externally for diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity for rinsing, in addition, with conjunctivitis, they wash their eyes. It has been proven that it helps to get rid of the herpes virus, therefore, hyssop is used externally during an exacerbation of this disease.

20 g of chopped and dry grass should be placed in a thermos, then pour a liter of hot water, leave for 25 minutes. The infusion is taken half a glass 3 times a day.


Hyssop syrup is used as an expectorant.

A tool that is prepared from 100 g of raw materials per liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for half an hour. Then 1.5 kilograms of sugar are added to it, after which it is evaporated to the consistency of a viscous syrup. The remedy is used up to 5 times a day for a tablespoon.

Essential oil

To obtain the essential oil of hyssop, the flowering tops of the shoots of the plant are processed by steam distillation. The finished oil is distinguished by a green-yellow color, a sweetish tart aroma and fluidity.

Application in cooking

For the prevention of various colds, strengthening immunity, as well as raising vitality and giving dishes a piquant aroma and taste, hyssop has also been used.

In cooking, fresh tops of twigs and leaves of the plant are used. They are added to soups, minced meat, sausages, pates. In addition, hyssop goes well with various dishes made from cottage cheese, dill and parsley, fennel and celery, mint, basil and marjoram, but it is advisable to add this seasoning to vegetable side dishes carefully so that the dishes do not give a bitter taste.

The plant will improve the taste various dishes, which includes peas and beans. It is used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and olives. In the countries of the East, hyssop is used in the manufacture of drinks.

It is necessary to observe the norms of bookmarking this spice for one serving of the product. For example, up to 0.5 g of greens should be added to first courses, while about 0.3 g to second courses, and 0.2 g of a dry plant is the norm for sauces.

After adding it, you can not cover the dishes with a lid, otherwise you can spoil the aroma of food.


Hyssop also has contraindications. It belongs to potent plants, therefore, its use must be approached with extreme caution. To begin with, a visit to a specialist is recommended, who will help you choose the right dosage. It should be borne in mind that prolonged use of hyssop without interruption is undesirable.

In large doses, the plant can provoke spasms, therefore, it is contraindicated in people with epilepsy. People who suffer from hypertension, high acidity of the stomach, and kidney diseases should be treated with extreme caution when taking this spice.

With attention to the use of this plant, it is necessary to approach pregnant and lactating girls, and only after consulting with your doctor.

In general, follow the doctor's instructions and stay healthy!

Hyssop grass is a two-in-one plant - both an aromatic seasoning for various dishes, and a cure for many diseases. The medicinal properties of the herb have been known to our world since ancient times and are used in the treatment of bronchitis, flu and all types of coughs. The fragrant leaves are used in cooking for minced meats, soups, sausages and salads, adding a bit of bitterness to the dish. It is also widely used in the preparation of products in the form of pickles for the winter.

Herb hyssop description and application

medicinal plant is a perennial small fragrant shrub, reaching only 50 cm in height. It has many stems on one root, which end in a profuse inflorescence containing small flowers of irregular shape from white to of blue color. There is another popular name: blue St. John's wort or bee grass.
It occurs mainly in the southern regions in the steppes, on rocky slopes and hills.

Our ancestors knew what hyssop is and its scope, so they used it to treat respiratory diseases, to lower the temperature and as a general tonic.

Hyssop medicinal use in medicine

In folk medicine, healers use tinctures, infusions, decoctions, tea and essential oil from hyssop. The composition of leaves and flowers is rich in vitamins, healing trace elements, flavonoids and tannins. In addition, the leaves contain high levels of copper, zinc, calcium and manganese. In medicine, herbal remedies are used both internally and externally. Decoctions received wide application as a prophylactic against catarrhal seasonal diseases, the benefits of which are evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Medicinal properties of hyssop officinalis

The unique properties of the medicinal herb hyssop increase immunity and appetite, normalize the digestive process in the body and are used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.

The plant has pronounced properties following direction:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antispasmodic;
  3. expectorant;
  4. antipyretic;
  5. wound healing and many others.

It is used in gynecology as a tonic for menopause, hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.

Despite the benefits of a medicinal plant, it also has some contraindications, harming the human body. Hyssop tincture is contraindicated in children under two years of age, people with very high blood pressure and pregnant women. Children from 2 to 12 years of age are allowed to take drugs with a reduced dose.

Cough tincture - instructions for use

Hyssop tincture for cough has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, has a good expectorant effect, therefore it is used for all types of coughs from the age of two years. The use of tincture during a cough leads to a faster recovery, having an anti-inflammatory effect aimed at reducing the irritating process in the throat. To enhance the effect, add half a teaspoon of May honey to the prepared tincture.

Hyssop tincture on vodka for asthma and bronchitis - recipe

There is the following recipe, tincture of hyssop, which will help get rid of excess mucus in bronchitis, relieve coughing in asthma:

  • take 20 grams of chopped dried herbs, pour a glass of vodka, mix well and insist for 7 days, after careful straining, take 1 teaspoon three times a day. The course of admission is about 2 weeks.

Long-term use of tincture can cause allergic reactions, as the plant has a potent effect.

How to brew hyssop herb with menopause

The use of hyssop in gynecology is due to the fact that it is able to restore hormonal balance during menopause. Infusions and decoctions fight excessive sweating and normalize constantly jumping body temperature, resulting in an improvement in the general condition of the body.

brew grass to relieve symptoms of menopause simple enough:

  • take 1 tablespoon of chopped dried herbs, pour 2 cups of boiling water, mix well and insist for an hour, take the strained broth 2 times a day for half a glass a little warmed up, so the prepared remedy is enough for two days of taking, store the rest in the refrigerator .

Is it possible during pregnancy

When using hyssop during pregnancy, contraindications must be considered first. medicinal herb has not only beneficial properties for health, but also contains to some extent toxic substances, therefore it is not recommended to take it inside for pregnant women, but external use does not harm the body of either the mother or the fetus. In inflammatory processes of the skin, it is allowed to use decoctions as antiseptic.

The herb is used for stomatitis, purulent skin formations, inflammation of the eyes and all kinds of wounds.

Medicinal properties of herbs for colds

From ancient times medicinal properties hyssop herbs were used to treat colds. Hyssop is excellent for coughs, runny nose and other respiratory infections. Used to treat such diseases next recipe, which is quite easy to cook at home:

  • take 2 teaspoons of dried grass or flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, mix and leave for an hour, drink the strained broth half a glass 2 times a day, or 1/3 cup 3 times a day, the course of admission is 7-10 days.

The prepared decoction is also used to treat problems with the digestive system, rheumatism and excessive sweating. Suitable for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Tea with medicinal hyssop - benefits and indications for use

Tea made from medicinal hyssop flowers is used as a tonic for excessive thinness, improving appetite and filling the body with useful vitamins and microelements. The benefits of taking this tea are unique properties. Tea has an expectorant effect, while normalizing the processes in the digestive system.

You can prepare tea as follows:

  • take 2 tablespoons of dried flowers, pour 1 glass of boiling water and leave for about 10-15 minutes, drink a glass several times a day, adding honey or sugar to taste.

Tea made from flowers does not contain toxic substances, so you can drink it without restriction, but not more than one month, then take a break. Medicinal tea helps fight colic and constipation, relieves the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Decoction can be used to treat wounds and inflammation of the skin.

Useful properties for children

The medicinal plant can be used in childhood starting at two years old. For children from two to 12 years old, reduced doses of drugs are used. In folk medicine, decoctions are often used to increase appetite in children, due to the content of bitterness, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food, thereby causing appetite. Hyssop medicinal use for children, it is acceptable due to the high content of vitamins and rare trace elements contained in the leaves and flowers of the plant, which have a general beneficial effect on the children's body.

For children's cough and bronchitis, only decoctions, infusions and tea prepared from the flowers and leaves of the plant are used.

Hyssop tincture on vodka for tuberculosis - preparation method

Hyssop tincture is prepared for pulmonary tuberculosis according to the following recipe:

  • take 20 grams of crushed dried raw materials, pour a glass of vodka or diluted alcohol, mix and infuse for 10 days, take the strained solution in a teaspoon 3 times a day, the course of treatment is about 1 month.

The prepared tincture is suitable for getting rid of helminths.

Planting care and cultivation

The plant is an unpretentious plant in care, but nevertheless loves warm areas and moderate watering. A real find for beekeepers, since the plant is an excellent honey plant and blooms from June to the very end of September, honey from it is not only useful, but also very fragrant. Therefore, beekeepers plant and grow entire plantations of odorous grass on their plots. Planting is carried out by seeds.

In order for the plant to retain all the beneficial properties, you need to know exactly: when to collect, how to dry and how to brew hyssop. Flowers are picked at the moment abundant flowering, the collection of leaves and stems is carried out along with the flowers. The collection and preparation of raw materials for the winter is carried out from July to September, at the time of the most abundant flowering, when the plant contains a maximum of useful substances.

It is necessary to collect raw materials only dry without dew and dry them in well-ventilated areas, preferably on a sheet of paper or natural fabric. Well-dried raw materials are folded into paper bags or stored in a suspended state in the form of brooms.

Hyssop(blue St. John's wort) is a plant of the Lamiaceae family that grows in Asia, the Mediterranean, in the south of Siberia, in the Caucasus and in central Russia. Hyssop grows in the steppe area, as well as on rocky slopes and gently sloping dry hills. There are more than 50 types of hyssop.

Hyssop grows as a highly aromatic herb or shrub. Medicinal hyssop is a branched shrub with stiff twigs that grows 50-60 cm in height. Dark green leaves with drooping edges and flowers that grow in the leaf axils are located on a stiff stem. Hyssop flowers can be blue, white and pink. Hyssop begins to bloom in July and ends only in September, when nut fruits are formed.

Usually hyssop is used as an aromatic spice, the taste of which has a hint of astringency. From the leaves of this plant, an oil is made, which finds its application in medicine, perfumery and the production of liquors.

The chemical composition of hyssop

Hyssop, like most herbs, contains essential oil in an amount of 0.3 to 2%, as well as up to 8% tannins of glycosides, diosmin, issopine, hesperidin, resins, etc. In the green grass of hyssop, cut before the moment of flowering there is a lot of ascorbic acid: in 100 g of fresh leaves - about 170 mg. Such fresh foliage has bactericidal properties.

Healing properties of hyssop

Hyssop has long been used in folk medicine different peoples. Even in the treatise of Avicenna, it is written that hyssop has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, antitussive and stimulating effect.

The medicinal properties of hyssop are widely used folk medicine. It is used for heart disease (angina pectoris), neurosis, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Hyssop is used to treat inflammation of the pharynx and oral cavity, with impaired digestion. A decoction of hyssop is indicated for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis and catarrh of the respiratory tract, it helps to relieve inflammation of the urinary tract. Hyssop is used for rheumatism, conjunctivitis, and also for removing worms. Hyssop is an excellent remedy for excessive sweating.

Gargle with hyssop infusion, it is used for compresses that are applied to bruises, as well as for the treatment of wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time.

Hyssop is especially useful in old age, because it strengthens the stomach and stimulates appetite, for this purpose they drink drinks from hyssop.

Official herbal medicine also makes extensive use of hyssop.

The use of hyssop in cooking and its taste

As a spice in hyssop, leaves and the non-woody part of the twigs are used. Hyssop has a spicy, tart and slightly bitter taste and a pronounced aroma, which makes it an important component of many dishes, contributing not only to improving their quality, but also enriching them with useful substances.

In home cooking, fresh leaves and tops of twigs with flowers are used, which are added to minced meats, soups and pates. This seasoning is often used for stuffing sausages and eggs. Hyssop is considered indispensable in the preparation of dishes such as fried pork, stew, beef zrazy. Hyssop goes well with cottage cheese dishes, but it is added to vegetable side dishes and dishes in small quantities and with caution. A very small amount of flowering twigs will add aroma and improve the taste of tomato and cucumber salads. In the countries of the East, hyssop is used even in the preparation of drinks.

If dried hyssop is used (drying leaves and twigs), then you can add them to all kinds of dishes, observing the norms for laying this spice.

Norms for laying dried hyssop greens for one serving of the product:

  • 0.5 g of dry green hyssop is added to the first dishes;
  • in the second courses - 0.3 g of dried hyssop;
  • in sauces add - 0.2 g of dry hyssop.

The secret of cooking dishes with hyssop: after this spice has been added, the dishes do not need to be covered with a lid, because this will spoil the aroma of the whole dish. In any case, hyssop should not be used in large doses, it can be combined with other spices, such as parsley, dill, mint, fennel, celery, basil, marjoram.

Contraindications to the use of hyssop

Self-treatment with hyssop without sufficient experience is impossible. Since in large doses, both when taken orally and in the form of an aromatic essential oil, hyssop can cause spasms, which is why it is strictly contraindicated in patients with epilepsy, as well as pregnant women. With increased caution, people with hypertension should treat the use of this spice.

However, hyssop can be safely used as a spice, because due to its pungent smell and taste, it cannot be added to food in in large numbers, which means that it can not bring harm to health.

In small doses, hyssop will stimulate the body's digestive system and make food easier to digest.

Hyssop is especially good for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives. It can be safely added to sauces, soups, salads, fish dishes and when frying meat. Hyssop will improve the taste of peas and beans. This seasoning is also used in the manufacture of liqueurs, and oriental cuisine even offers fruit drinks with this spice.

Interesting historical fact: in ancient times, in the areas where hyssop grew, it was used in the rite of purification, for which this plant was tied in bunches and, moistened in holy water, sprinkled people, dwellings, objects, and even livestock.

Romanchukevich Tatiana
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