Utensils for cooking or. What dishes are unhealthy? Crockery from the past - enamelled

landscaping 17.06.2019

This has been a matter of public concern in recent decades. Television and radio broadcasts often discuss Negative influence various materials on the human body, especially those that we use in the kitchen. In Soviet times, the safety of dishes was not asked: either all products were of high quality and harmless, or there were no appropriate sanitary and hygienic examinations. Perhaps both the first and second, because the vast majority of Soviet citizens used cheap aluminum utensils. In our country today, the choice of dishes is simply huge: for every color, taste and budget. But since the size of the wallet does not allow everyone to purchase expensive, but this does not always mean high-quality dishes, many stop at simpler options. They will be discussed. At present, low-quality tableware made in Russia is widespread in Russia. Asian countries. It is this dish that most often falls into the category of harmful and dangerous to human health.

100% harmful melamine tableware

Melamine tableware has long been recognized as hazardous to human health. But it is still supplied to Russia from Turkey, Jordan, China. Moreover, in these very countries it is not for sale (probably, it is specially produced to be used as a poisonous weapon against the Russians). In the European Union and other self-respecting states, the sale of melamine tableware is also prohibited. The same applies to the now so popular melamine sponges: do not use them, their particles are not washed off the dishes at all.

Harmful metal utensils

When preparing hot drinks in tinned copper containers, metal ions are released into the liquid. The same thing happens when cooking hot dishes.

It is not recommended to store cooked food in metal utensils, scratch the inner surface of pots. Since otherwise, metals can penetrate into food and, accordingly, then into your body.

The above recommendations apply even to elite dishes of world famous brands. All metal pots and pans emit unsafe nickel and chromium ions to a greater or lesser extent. It is especially dangerous to leave sour and salty food in a metal dish: it will definitely absorb great amount isolated ions.

Harmful aluminum cookware

Currently, aluminum utensils are tacitly recognized as the most harmful metal utensils for human health. According to the results of comparative tests, aluminum cookware is at the very bottom of the rating in terms of safety impact on the human body.

It has been found that aluminum cookware changes its Chemical properties when interacting with salt, soda and various acids. In this regard, it is forbidden to cook sour foods in aluminum dishes, such as cabbage soup, sauerkraut, sorrel, various kissels, compotes, stewed and fried vegetables, as well as bake food in foil in it. In addition, there is a hypothesis that aluminum cookware releases harmful metal ions into food when the temperature rises. Therefore, it is not recommended to boil milk in aluminum pans.

The facts of food poisoning of people who daily ate food cooked in aluminum utensils were registered. Therefore, refrain from frequently using aluminum products in your kitchen. Do not store even water in aluminum dishes for a long time: it has been noticed that with prolonged water content in an aluminum flask, a kind of metal oxide precipitate forms on its inner surface.

Claims by aluminum cookware manufacturers that an oxide film coating prevents harmful metal ion emissions from entering food are reckless. Aluminum, regardless of the presence or absence of a layer of oxide film, constantly penetrates into food during cooking.

Aluminum has a bad property to accumulate in the human body, which can eventually lead to the development of a serious illness. If possible, it is better to refuse the use of aluminum utensils. In a number of European countries, aluminum cookware without non-stick coating has long been banned.

Harmful stainless steel cookware

Harmful utensils from of stainless steel is a serious problem faced by the CIS countries at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. There are a huge number of cases of acquiring harmful stainless steel utensils by hand or through online stores. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian online stores are full of low-quality dishes of Asian origin, which, by the way, are often passed off as world-famous brands.

Good stainless steel cookware is not affordable for everyone. It is on the relative cheapness of products that Asian manufacturers are betting. But using inexpensive cookware can be hazardous to your health. The thing is that low-quality stainless steel utensils often add cheaper copper compared to other components of the alloy. Food cooked in low-quality stainless steel utensils is enriched with harmful non-ferrous metal ions and becomes unsafe for human health. recognize harmful dishes made of stainless steel is possible by the characteristic metallic taste of the food cooked in it.

It is reliably known that the manufacturers of dangerous stainless steel utensils are such Asian firms as "Happy Lady", "Happy King". Also, the Russian Rospotrebnadzor found that the "Haus Muller Zepter" utensils, which have nothing to do with real Zepter utensils, are dangerous to human health. Now the sale of Haus Muller Zepter is officially prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Enamelware is also sometimes dangerous

Safety enamel cookware can be internally coated in black, white, blue, grayish blue, or cream. If your dishes are covered with enamel of a different color from the inside, be aware that this coating contains a huge number of chemical compounds manganese, cadmium and other harmful metals. Enamelware with brown, red and yellow inner coatings is especially dangerous.

If you have found a dish with the correct color of the inner enamel layer, still do not lose your vigilance. First, check if GOST is on the label. Secondly, evaluate the quality of the enamel coating itself: there should not be any spots on it (they always indicate improper firing and, accordingly, a poor-quality coating); the thickness of the enamel coating should be sufficient (if the pans are covered with two layers of enamel, the chances of avoiding food contact with metal are twice as high). In the presence of a thick enamel layer, dangerous ions will not break through from the metal base of the pan into food.

Next, make sure that the enamel surface is perfectly smooth. The absence of depressions and pimples will avoid the accumulation of harmful bacteria on the dishes. In addition, there should be no cracks or chips on the inner surface of the enamelware. Otherwise, it becomes hazardous to health.

According to the results of the comparative analysis, enamelware was recognized as the most the best option for cooking and storing food. Read more about such dishes.

Cookware with non-stick coating

Non-stick cookware has won the acclaim of millions of cooks because it can be used to cook food without additional fats, and therefore without additional calories and carcinogens. But, according to researchers, such dishes are not always safe.

In the Teflon non-stick coating, for example, there is harmful perfluorooctanoic acid, which, evaporating when the pan is very hot, kills pet parrots. (Read more in the article on our website). To lethal outcome in most cases, rats also come, whose food gets particles of non-stick coating. The same rodents that manage to survive become indifferent to individuals of the opposite sex and generally begin to lag behind in sexual development.

It is known that Teflon was originally used in the military industry for the manufacture of radars. To date, DuPont has made no secret of the fact that its patented Teflon can harm poultry when heated to high temperatures, and that it begins to break down at temperatures above 350 degrees. However, according to DuPont, this temperature is nonsense when cooking at home.

But unfortunately, PFOS isn't the only thing to worry about with non-stick coatings. Scientists have found that when heated to 220 degrees, the Teflon coating releases benzene and other harmful substances.

Worn out non-stick coating is a particular hazard. Do not use non-stick cookware if it has damage on the inside.

If you can't afford an expensive Teflon coated pan, don't buy a cheap one, instead opt for a titanium coated pan.

When are porcelain, glass and ceramic dishes harmful?

By themselves, porcelain, glass and ceramics are harmless. Well, except that in case of serious damage to the surface from the thickness of the sintered clay of ceramic dishes, salts of heavy metals will begin to penetrate into the food.

Danger can be decorative painting on dishes made of porcelain, glass and ceramics. The painting must be underglaze so that the metals contained in the paints: cadmium and lead - do not get into food. Ware with underglaze (safe) painting is distinguished by the muted colors of the pattern. Poisonous overglaze painting is easy to recognize by the riot and brightness of colors.

Many people think that switching to proper nutrition is as easy as shelling pears - I bought organic products, cooked them in a gentle mode - and that's it: a healthy dish on a plate. However, experts believe that, in addition to quality products, one of the main components of a healthy diet is the “right” utensils for cooking. So, which cookware is better?


pros. The vitreous enamel covering the base material (cast iron and iron) is absolutely neutral to both metal and food. It perfectly protects metal from corrosion, and food from harmful impurities. Accordingly, in such dishes you can cook and store various dishes. These pans are ideal for cooking with large quantity liquids: , jelly, etc.

Minuses. Enameled pots are not suitable for stewing vegetables, meat, cooking pilaf: these dishes burn instantly. And any, even the most durable, enamel can crack. Carefully inspect your old pan, and if you find cracks or chips on its body, say goodbye to it immediately. Otherwise, salts of heavy metals, which provoke the development of oncological diseases, will freely penetrate into food through islands not covered with enamel. Cracks and chips on the enamel can appear as a result of a sharp change in temperature, accidental impacts, scraping, overheating. Enamel retains its integrity longer on heavy, thick-walled dishes.

Stainless steel cookware

pros. Stainless steel cookware is light and comfortable, easy to clean, it is aesthetic and durable, does not react with food. High-quality dishes that comply with GOSTs and have a thick bottom are safe for health. Dishes in it, in general, do not burn, warm up evenly and stay hot longer.

Minuses. Inexpensive stainless steel cookware tends to have a thin bottom, which can cause food with little liquid in it to burn. When buying cheap Chinese or Indian products, one can only hope for their safety for health. The disadvantage of high-quality thick-bottomed cookware is that it is quite heavy and also quite expensive, although given its durability, it still turns out to be cheaper than quickly failing non-stick cookware.

aluminum cookware

pros. Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat, liquids boil very quickly in such dishes. In addition, aluminum pots and pans are light and inexpensive, convenient. In aluminum pans, milk practically does not burn (and, accordingly, milk soups and cereals). High-quality aluminum cookware is durable. In frying pans made of this material, food almost never burns, and when used correctly, it does not stick. If food sticks to such a frying pan, it must be well dried, salt is calcined on it, after which the salt is removed, and the pan is thoroughly wiped with a dry, clean cloth and greased.

Recently, aluminum frying pans are most often produced with a special non-stick coating that protects, among other things, food from direct contact with aluminum (see Teflon cookware).

Aluminum cookware is convenient for camping and fishing.

Minuses. If you decide to buy thin-walled aluminum cookware, be prepared for the fact that in a year or two it will not take on a very aesthetic appearance, primarily due to deformation, and in a thin-bottomed frying pan, food will regularly stick, heat unevenly and burn. Therefore, try to give preference to products with thick walls. Aluminum does not get along with all products: it does not tolerate contact with the acidic, salty and alkaline environment of borscht, stews from sour or pickled vegetables, salted fish, fruit compotes, fruit drinks, milk, soups with tomato dressings, tomato sauces and gravy. With such food, this metal enters into chemical reaction, which means that with each plate of freshly prepared borscht or kharcho soup, you can get from 3 to 5 mg. aluminum. The permissible dose of metal for a person is 30-50 mg per day. And you can’t store cooked food in such dishes at all. In a real dish, the amount of this metal is 30-45 mg, and such doses of it can provoke cystitis, anemia, cause memory disorders and low concentration of attention, and accumulating in the body over time, lead to cancer.

Cast iron cookware

pros. Cast iron cookware has no equal when it comes to dishes that require long cooking - the most delicious, juicy and appetizing, or pilaf will turn out in just such a cookware. The dishes in it warm up very evenly, with proper use they do not stick to the bottom, cast iron cookware has natural non-stick properties. In pans made of this material, they are best baked and meat is perfectly fried. And in order for something to burn in it, you need to try very hard - the heat is so evenly distributed over its thick porous bottom. This happens due to the low thermal conductivity of cast iron, which, by the way, is very reluctant to give it away.

Minuses. One of the disadvantages is the fragility, susceptibility of cast iron to rust, so the dishes after washing should be immediately wiped and lubricated with vegetable oil, you can warm it up. It is undesirable, by the way, to wash dishes from this porous material with detergents - soda is preferable. Do not leave “wet” cereals or stewed vegetables in it: dishes may darken and acquire an unpleasant metallic taste. Do not rush to throw away rusty cast iron cookware - it is easy to restore it. Another disadvantage is the heaviness. Periodically (and at the beginning of use it is necessary) such dishes must be calcined. Despite some shortcomings, I really like this dish. And you?

Glass and ceramic dishes

pros. fireproof glass and ceramic tableware does not react with acidic, salty or spicy foods (it is safe for health), perfectly absorbs and retains heat, and is easy to clean. Such dishes please the eye with their aesthetic appearance. I myself use glass and ceramic baking dishes, and am very satisfied. Subject to the rules of operation, such odds are durable, safe, the dishes in them look very beautiful. When choosing glassware, I recommend that you carefully examine it so that there is no marriage - the glass should not have cracks and chips, and there should not be air bubbles inside it.

Minuses. Fragility. Refractory glassware and ceramics require special treatment. Pots should not be put on fire without a flame divider (unevenly heated bottom cracks). In addition, the liquid should not be allowed to boil away - the pan may burst. Heat-resistant glass does not tolerate temperature changes, that is, it cannot be poured into heated dishes cold water, such dishes should not be placed on a hot oven rack. It is necessary to remove the grate from the oven, preheat the oven, and only then place the grate and dishes made of glass or ceramics there. Hot dishes made of such materials should not be placed on a cold or wet surface, otherwise they may crack.

Teflon cookware

pros. Such utensils are made of steel or aluminum and are coated with a fluorine-containing polymer Teflon, in the case of aluminum, further protecting food from contact with this metal. Teflon is resistant to acids, alkalis, high temperatures; it is very slippery and therefore an excellent non-stick coating for pans and pots. Moreover, the coating is smooth and porous, in which microcells contribute to more uniform heating of the bottom and walls. This cookware is quite light and easy to use.

Minuses. Main disadvantage- fragility, since the Teflon coating is very easy to mechanically damage. A damaged Teflon coating is also toxic. That is why it is highly recommended to stir the contents of such pots and pans with wooden (not metal) spoons or spatulas. For the same reason, Teflon dishes cannot be cleaned with hard washcloths and powders. If the Teflon dishes are nevertheless scratched, it is better to say goodbye to it: firstly, in places of damage, food can stick to the bottom, and secondly, harmful substances can penetrate food from scratches. Teflon also releases toxic substances when overheated. It used to be that temperatures up to 250º were considered safe, currently temperatures up to 200º are considered safe, and according to some reports up to 165º. Particularly harmful are the vapors released when Teflon is overheated.

Silicone molds (silicone utensils)

pros. Silicone is used to make various molds and molds for freezing, mats for rolling and baking dough, etc. The main advantage of silicone molds is their non-stick properties, as well as, importantly, their compactness (they can be folded), ease of use, aesthetics and diversity.

Minuses. fragility. Silicone utensils should not be used on open fire. You can not get pastries (sweets, ice) out of it with a knife or fork, since it is easy to damage, pierce the form. Low thermal conductivity, baking time is required more than when using metal molds. It is worth pouring batter into a silicone mold only after you have placed it on a baking sheet, otherwise it is easy to spill its contents when transferring the mold. In addition, there are many fakes, and low-quality silicone utensils can emit not only bad smell rubber, but also harmful substances. It is better not to use such dishes. Personally, I'm still actively considering whether to buy a silicone mold. She has advantages, but it stops the fact that silicone is a product of oil refining, and there are doubts about its harmlessness.

  • To make your stainless steel pot last longer, lubricate the inside with vegetable oil from time to time.
  • Dry the pots after washing, and they will never develop a musty smell and mold.
  • Do not overheat stainless steel cookware or it will lose its luster.
  • If food is burnt in an enameled pan, pour a thick layer of salt on the bottom and leave for several hours. After that, it will be much easier to clean the dishes.
  • If the aluminum pan turns black, pour water into it, add 3-4 tbsp. l. vinegar and boil for 10-15 minutes: it will shine like new.
  • It will be easier to wash a glass pan if you soak it in a solution of vinegar and water for 10-12 hours, and then wash it in salt water with soap and rinse under cold running water.

In this article, we will look at the different materials from which modern tableware is made. heat treatment products, and find out which dishes meet modern requirements security.

From the course of chemistry and physics high school, We know that chemical elements react with each other, form various compounds that may be unsafe for humans. The structure of the alloys from which the dishes are made is different, and it affects the quality of the food.

Ideally, the dishes should be chemically inactive, neutral, so that the taste of the products does not change, and that various substances are not released into them. Consider what kind of dishes are.

Clay dishes

Pottery is safe, proven for thousands of years. Even if clay particles enter your body, you will not get poisoned, nothing bad will happen. However avoid cooking and eating from earthenware decorated with bright colors . Such paints may contain lead, cadmium, zinc. So for food, it is optimal to use earthenware without painting and / or store only dry foods in it.

copper utensils

Copper has a high thermal conductivity, which means it takes less time to cook food, which helps retain more of the nutrients in the food. But you can not store food in copper dishes. Especially foods with high acidity - copper oxidizes.

Copper utensils are good for everyone, but they are very expensive.

Cast iron cookware

Many people think that good old cast iron is very good: pans do not wear out, last almost forever, do not deform, and keep heat well. We hope you remember that cast iron (it contains 97-98% iron) rusts without special care - regular calcination and lubrication with oil. Cast iron is a porous alloy, so care for cast iron cookware will be special.

Lilia Gushchina, head chef of the MitStar cafe, notes that porous cast iron cannot be considered safe : "We don't cook twice with the same oil because it's unhealthy, but somehow we let the remaining oil in the cast iron pan heat up over and over again, releasing carcinogens for food."

To prevent this from happening, it is logical to apply a special coating to cast iron, but so far no company has achieved success in this direction. More about cast iron pans we wrote in the article.


The task of enamel is to protect the metal from oxidation, interaction with products. But this effect persists only until the first chip or crack. And then everything, the way for acids to the metal is open.

Note that the enamel itself (red or brown) is not safe - it contains a lot of magnesium and manganese, and its excess in the body leads to loss of appetite, drowsiness. Most safe cookware with white, gray, blue enamel. However, enamel does not solve the problem of food burning at all.

Stainless steel utensils

Made from stainless steel surgical instruments- this is the main answer to the question about the safety of stainless steel. In the production of such steel, an alloy of iron, nickel, chromium, manganese, and copper is used. Steel does not rust, retains its appearance, food rarely burns on it. We can say that such dishes are chemically neutral - they do not interact with acids or alkalis.

But stainless steels are different. For example, in order for the dishes to be as safe as possible, nickel should be no more than 10% . And it is not recommended to store food in such dishes - metals can penetrate food.

According to studies (1), high doses of nickel lead to respiratory failure, protein dystrophy, allergies, promote the development of cancer and increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women.

It is also important to know what kind of chromium was used in production - trivalent (natural) or hexavalent (created in production and ecotoxic). The latter can cause lung tumors, allergies, gastritis and stomach ulcers, accumulate in the liver, bone marrow, lead to disorders nervous system and reduced reproductive function (2).

aluminum cookware

Perhaps the most common in Soviet times, due to its cheapness and lack of corrosion, a natural oxide film forms on the surface of the metal and protects it, but is easily destroyed by acids. AT Soviet time many people knew that it is impossible to ferment cabbage in aluminum dishes - the cabbage will change color to gray and acquire a metallic taste.

According to scientists (3) excess aluminum in the body negatively affects the central nervous system, bone marrow, kidneys, lungs, female reproductive system . With intoxication, speech disorders, loss of consciousness, coma occur, immunodeficiency develops. Aluminum accumulates in tissues and its toxic effects, such as Alzheimer's disease, may take several years to appear.

However, recently there have been a lot of cookware made of aluminum alloys with silicon, which is becoming more and more popular because it does not rust. To prevent aluminum from interacting with food, a special coating is applied to the dishes. The coating recipe is different - but they not only cover the metal, but also improve its properties - in particular non-stick.

Cast aluminum pans with non-stick coating have long been a hit with housewives. How safe are they for humans?

Non-stick coating is a relative newcomer to our kitchens, it is still being studied and tried to find its flaws. Luckily, modern technologies allow for rigorous testing of coating formulations, and manufacturers can draw up detailed instructions for correct use such dishes.

Du Pont, the inventor of Teflon, confirms that when heated above 300 degrees Celsius, Teflon begins to release fluoride compounds . But it is worth remembering that modern stoves heat up to 220 degrees. So there is no danger of harm.

Here is what Anton Aleshin, technologist at JSC Neva Metal Ware, says about coatings: “ Non-stick coatings really protect the metal from contact with food. In this case, it is recommended to use wooden or silicone spatulas when cooking, so as not to leave deep scratches on the surface to the metal. Minor damage to the coating is not terrible.

It is very important that the coating was not very thick- the thicker the coating, the more likely it is to cease to be solid, cracks will appear, through which vegetable acids will penetrate to the metal. Modern coatings make multi-layered, where each layer is independent and at the same time thin.

The temperature regime is an important point. If the pans are overheated, overheated, then the coating can be burned, it will become unusable, the food will burn. And this is a signal that such dishes can no longer be used.

Any visible damage to the coating should be replaced. . In particular, our company provides a free replacement of dishes within the warranty period.”

Lilia Gushchina, the chef of the MitStar cafe, explains how to properly handle cooking utensils: “Questions arise - how best to use frying pans for frying food so that the meat is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Firstly, the less fat when frying, the better . If you still use oil, it is better to buy special olive oil for frying - Yes, it is more expensive, but safer for health.

Secondly, to avoid overheating the coating of the pan, you need to heat it over low heat - for induction cookers this is mode 6, for electric - 2.

Harm and benefits of infrared sauna

universal rules there is no kitchen arrangement, everyone forms a set of necessary items based on their habits and needs. Someone in everyday use definitely needs a table service, and someone can eat directly from the pan without experiencing any discomfort. One certainly needs the most modern devices for the kitchen, while the other needs an ascetic set of kitchen utensils. And yet, what should be the necessary utensils in the kitchen, what exactly is on the list? After all, there are things without which it will not be possible to cook and serve even the simplest food. This can be considered a basic set of dishes and various useful gadgets for the kitchen, with which you can already lead household and receive guests.

  • pans
  • frying pans
  • Kitchen knives
  • Cutting boards
  • Dinnerware
  • What else do you need in the kitchen
  • Miscellaneous little things and usefulness


Large pot of 5 liters. In it you can cook chicken, a piece of meat with a bone, boil water (you never know for what), cook pasta, dumplings, dumplings, compotes, etc.
3 liter pot. It is useful for soups and second courses.
Pot for 1-1.5 liters. This saucepan is convenient for heating food, boiling eggs, preparing gravies and sauces.
When choosing pans, we pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to this:
- Practicality. The most durable and easy to use enamel pots and.
- The weight. A stainless steel pot should be heavy, with a thick bottom. Chips and cracks are unacceptable on an enamel pan, both outside and inside.
- Pens. They must be welded on and be of the same material as the pot body. Plastic handles with screw fastening crack over time and can burn over high heat.
- Lids. Metal, no glass inserts. Glass lids are more fragile and difficult to clean.

frying pans

The pans should be of different sizes, but for the first time three are enough: one large, one smaller and one for pancakes.
- Large frying pan with a diameter of 26-28 cm (preferably with a lid). This is a multi-purpose frying pan: you can fry and stew in it.
- A smaller frying pan with a diameter of 18-20 cm is mainly used for heating ready-made dishes, for preparing scrambled eggs, omelettes, frying vegetables, etc.
- The pan for pancakes should only be used for its intended purpose - for frying pancakes and pancakes. Any diameter, depends on what kind of pancakes you like.
Modern frying pans are produced from different materials, but Teflon-coated pans are considered the most unpretentious and versatile. They can be made of aluminum, cast iron, steel, coated on the outside with enamel, but for performance characteristics the inner layer (or coating) is responsible - Teflon. Teflon-coated pans are easy to use, nothing sticks to the surface, and you can fry them with a minimum amount of oil. When choosing, pay attention to:
- Quality Teflon coating. It can be smooth or rough, but there should not be any scratches. A rough coating is preferable - it has better non-stick properties.
- Bottom. It must be thick so that it does not deform from temperature.
- The weight of the pan. A light pan will not last long and will not provide even heat. Give preference to pans with a thick bottom and thick walls. Such dishes heat up evenly, the products in it are well fried and do not burn.
- The height of the sides. Deep pans are more versatile and easier to use. On the contrary, choose a pan for pancakes with low sides, so that it is more convenient to turn and remove pancakes.
- The handle must be covered with a heat-resistant material and it is better if it is cast, i.e. on the inside There are no traces of fastening on the frying pan. But there are pans in which the handle is fastened with one or two bolts, so when choosing, be sure to inspect the inner surface of the walls. The downside of this method is that the coating can crumble at the attachment point and in the future the process will move to the rest of the surface of the pan. If you are going to use a frying pan for cooking in the oven, then choose one with a removable handle.

Kitchen knives

Although there is an opinion that there should be a set of knives in the kitchen, in practice it all comes down to the fact that 1-2 knives are actively used. And, nevertheless, different knives may be needed:
- Knife for meat - it should be wide, of medium length.
- Knives of universal use: cutting (16-20 cm) and for peeling vegetables and fruits (10-12 cm).
- Small knife for removing small damages and eyes (6-8 cm).
- Knife for cutting bread.
The best knives were and are considered knives made of steel. Yes, they are not cheap, yes, they need to be sharpened periodically. But in terms of quality they have no equal. When choosing a knife, pay attention to:
- Steel quality. Required condition- a homogeneous composition of the material from which the knife blade is made. If any stains or crevices are noticeable on the blade, such a knife will not last long.
- Sharpening (quality of the cutting surface). Turn the knife towards you with the cutting surface - you should see a thin continuous line from the handle to the tip of the knife.
- The handle can be made of wood, plastic, metal. Each material has its pros and cons, you choose. Knife with wooden handle can not be left in water for a long time and washed in dishwasher. Of the benefits - when buying, you can see how deep the steel blade goes into the handle. At good knife it should reach almost to the end of the handle. Plastic handles are not afraid of water, but unlike wood plastic handle hides the part of the canvas on which it is worn. Therefore, the strength and quality of fastening cannot be verified. Handles made of metal (solid or in combination with plastic, wood) are considered the best option. They are durable, do not break, do not crack and do not become loose.

Cutting boards

The kitchen should have at least two cutting boards - one for foods that are eaten raw (vegetables, herbs, cheese, bread, sausage), the second for meat products, chicken and fish. But it will soon become clear that two boards are not enough. For example, it is more convenient to cut bread on a small board, while for vegetables you will need a larger board and it is desirable that there are grooves along the edges into which the juice will drain. Even if you rarely cook fish, you need a separate board for it, and no other products on this board should be cut. It is very convenient when boards for different products differ in material, shape, and color. Then in a hurry you will not confuse anything, and it will be easier to remember what to cut on what.
Cutting boards come in a variety of materials: wood, plastic, glass, marble, granite, and even silicone.

Wooden boards. Wood is considered a traditional material, although such boards are inferior to all others in terms of hygiene: wood absorbs odors, wooden planks difficult to wash and over time they are deformed. But they also have a lot of advantages - knives do not get dull on a wooden board, products do not slip on them, it is very convenient to work with dough on a tree, and finally - wooden boards are beautiful and fit into any interior.

Glass boards. Boards made of special glass - glass ceramics (do not confuse with ordinary glass) are perfect for cutting meat, fish, slicing any products. They do not absorb odors, do not deform, this material is durable, and the choice is huge - different colors and sizes, with a pattern, rubber pads. All these advantages are crossed out by a big drawback - in contact with glass, the knife makes a characteristic sound, which not everyone can withstand. And besides, knives quickly become dull on a glass-ceramic board.

Plastic boards. They are light, strong, wash well, durable. Plastic boards do not absorb moisture, but they can absorb and transmit odors, so if you buy such a board, then it is not the cheapest. Of the minuses - plastic boards slide on the table, and products can slide on them (for a good board, the surface should be slightly rough or embossed). Plastic is afraid of high temperatures; hot pots and pans should not be placed on such boards. Another disadvantage is that over time, scratches from the knife will remain on the surface.

Marble and granite boards are very expensive, heavy and not suitable for daily use. But they are convenient to work with dough and cut meat products.

Silicone boards are a novelty in the world of kitchen utensils. While the reviews are good - the boards wash well, do not slip, they can be rolled up like a rug and stored in a closet.

Choose cutting boards based on your needs, but be sure to consider the characteristics of each material. And don't forget that a good cutting board doesn't come cheap.


Plates are soup (deep), table, dessert and salad. Buy six of each type at once so that you can receive guests. But in the kitchen, always keep one set for each family member. Otherwise, dirty dishes will constantly collect in the sink and on the table. Which plates to choose is a matter of taste, it all depends on how you intend to use them. If both for every day and as “ceremonial” dishes, then choose plates made of fine porcelain, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern, so that you can set the table for any holiday. If only for use in the kitchen, then you can buy cheaper dishes, also porcelain, but thicker, stronger, and it doesn’t matter what color it is.
It is also better to buy six tea and coffee cups at once and plus a few larger ones (for milk, juices, cocoa, etc.).

What else do you need in the kitchen

- metal teapot for boiling water
- Teapot
- Baking molds (one with removable sides and one for muffins)
- Forms for baking (oval for chicken, rectangular or square for casseroles, meat, fish, etc.)
- Plastic bowls of different sizes (for mixing, whipping and storing food in the refrigerator)
- Faceted glass (usually used as a measuring glass)
- Forks, tea and table spoons, table knives (all based on six people)
- Clay pots (2-6 pcs)
- Jars for spices (at least 6 pieces)

Miscellaneous little things and usefulness

You can’t do without some little things in the kitchen - they not only save time, but also greatly facilitate the process of cooking. Of the inconspicuous, but very useful things you will need:

Fine mesh sieve for sifting flour
- Wooden rolling pin for rolling out dough (if you like to bake)
- Metal or plastic colander (at least two - one for draining liquid from pasta, boiled vegetables, the second for fresh berries, fruits, herbs)
- Containers for storing flour and cereals (the simplest plastic or glass ones with a lid will do)
- Universal opener (for everything - cans and bottles)
- Corkscrew (it is better to choose with handles and a large screw)
- Mortar for grinding spices and spices
- Garlic (garlic press)
- Tetrahedral grater and fine grater for zest, ginger, garlic
- Funnels of various diameters
- Aluminum foil for baking
- Baking paper
- Wooden spoons and spatulas for mixing
- Puree pusher
- Ladle for first courses
- Skimmer
- sugar bowl
- Spice cutlery (or a salt and pepper shaker at least)
- Butter dish with lid
- Large diameter plate or dish (for cakes, pies, serving meat, chicken)
- Coasters for hot
- Kitchen towels(4-6 pieces)
- or a mitten

Well, in conclusion, one more piece of advice - do not rush to run to the store and buy everything! Without a clear idea of ​​​​what you need and why, you will buy completely useless things that will clutter up the kitchen and cannot be found. practical application. At first, you can do minimum set kitchen utensils and various useful little things, and when you get used to it a little, you will understand what else you need to make your work in the kitchen easier. Happy and useful shopping!

This online store tescoma-ukraine.com.ua has a wide selection of branded TESCOMA kitchen utensils. Here only high-quality Czech original kitchen utensils and accessories at affordable prices. Come in and choose, everyone will find the right product for themselves.

The safest cookware Video

In pursuit of healthy eating and natural products, we often forget about the dishes in which we cook and store our food. But some unusable saucepan can become a serious source of a wide variety of diseases. How to navigate the current flood of kitchen utensils, advises candidate of medical sciences Ravil Salakhovich Khamidulin.

- Each material from which the dishes are made can be harmful in its own way. From poor-quality enamels, for example, heavy enamels can stand out, from plastics - harmful organic matter; some do not withstand high temperatures, others - contact with fatty or acidic foods.

You are unlikely to get acute poisoning, but with prolonged use of low-quality dishes, sores cannot be avoided. Her harmful secretions, difficult to remove from the body, can cause disorders of the nervous system, metabolism and even cancer.

- What kind of dishes do you prefer?

- Recently, a huge number of new types of kitchen utensils made from a variety of materials have appeared on the market. The choice can be guided only by the authority of the manufacturer. Of the traditional dishes, enameled ones have proven themselves well.

Modern enamel is a very resistant coating. In such dishes you can cook and store any food. You can safely make pickles and marinades in it. However, one of the main disadvantages of enamel is fragility. Chips and cracks often appear on enamel pans. Through the damaged coating, moisture easily penetrates to the metal, corrosion begins.

In this case, rust gets into the food, and with it harmful metal impurities. These impurities, in which there will be heavy metals, can be quite a lot, because the hygienic requirements for steel intended for the manufacture of enameled dishes are not very high. In addition, the possibility of broken pieces of enamel getting into the food is not ruled out. Sharp particles swallowed with food can easily damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract or, even worse, sit in the delicate wall of the stomach or intestines, cause inflammation and even a small ulcer.

-And how do you, experts, feel about Teflon dishes?

- Teflon coating is the most resistant of all used, it can even withstand aqua regia - a mixture of concentrated acids, in which both gold and platinum are dissolved. But, as you know, requires even more careful attitude. If an empty Teflon pan is heated to 300 degrees (normal frying takes place at 200 - 220 degrees), the plastic coating will begin to decompose, releasing rather harmful fumes.

Before you start using a new Teflon pan, it would be a good idea to boil clean water in it 2-3 times. Actually, this is supposed to be done with any new dishes. When washing Teflon, do not use any abrasive scouring powders and hard washcloths. If the integrity of the coating is still broken, it is better not to use the pan at all. Deteriorating Teflon can, albeit in small amounts, release toxic hydrofluoric acid and other harmful substances into cooked food.

- Recently, everyone took up arms against aluminum utensils ...

— We have had to reject aluminum cookware more often than any other before. Complaints were usually caused by the increased content of lead, arsenic and other toxic metals in the material, which easily got into food during cooking. Especially when it comes to acidic or alkaline foods, which are the least resistant. Until recently, no one considered aluminum itself dangerous. However, enough scientific evidence has now accumulated to call this into question.

According to the results of the experiments, the maximum allowable amounts of aluminum falling from the walls of the dishes into food were established. When they began to check how much it dissolves in real products, it turned out that these norms were exceeded many times over. For example, in sour soups, metal was found 70 times more than it should be, and in cranberry juice and in the marinade - as much as 500! While the compote is infused, the pan will become half a gram lighter. And remember the half-licked catering spoons and forks!

“Maybe it’s better to get rid of aluminum dishes as soon as possible?”

- Why? You risk nothing if you use it to cook cereals, pasta, potatoes, lean meats. It is in an acidic and alkaline environment that the solubility of aluminum increases. Therefore, cook, and even more so store cabbage soup, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables and mushrooms, salted fish, as well as mineral water, dairy, lactic acid dishes and compotes I do not recommend.

All of the above applies to disposable baking pans and aluminum foil. Unlike the losing popularity of pots and pans made of light metal, foil is increasingly used by housewives. However, as it turned out, not every sandwich can be wrapped in it.

Washing dishes made of aluminum must also be approached wisely. Upon contact with air, a thin protective film forms on aluminum, which isolates the metal from external environment. In order not to break it, you can not clean the surface of the dishes with a metal brush or emery. If you nevertheless decide to tear off many years of soot, then after that it is better not to cook anything in this dish for a day or two until the protective film is restored. It is also undesirable to use ordinary soap, which has an alkaline reaction.

What do you think is the safest dish?

- Perhaps the most environmentally clean dishes- wooden. Of course, no one will eat with wooden spoons now, but pickling and pickling in wooden barrels is ideal.

Stainless steel utensils work well. You can cook any food in it. By the way, the famous 18/10 Zepter steel is the most common stainless steel, and its name only says that it contains 18 percent chromium and 10 percent nickel. I bet that a good half of the stainless spoons and forks in your home are made from this steel.

- What is the basis for choosing kitchen utensils?

Even porcelain and faience, seemingly impeccable in this respect, can be harmful if the hacks "in the old fashioned way" coated products with a long-banned lead content. You may not find such dishes in the store now, but it’s hard to vouch for what they sell in the markets or along the roads. Moreover, according to the new rules, any SES has the right to issue certificates. Where can you control it? The only way out is caution. Well, as for the color and style, then there is complete freedom in the choice. If only the porridge would not burn, milk would not run!

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