What dishes are best not to eat from? Environmentally friendly dishes - wooden In which dishes you can not cook food.

garden equipment 15.06.2019
garden equipment

Having made repairs in the kitchen, equipping it with the latest technology and decorating original decor, we have only one thing left - to cook delicious food. But for this, even the smallest thing is needed - high-quality utensils for cooking.

Of course, you will also need cool recipes and organic products, but we think you can figure it out on your own, but we will help you choose dishes for the kitchen.

Today, the market is overflowing with offers, and if you have a good budget for buying everything you need, you will no longer meet with a shortage. The main thing remains - to choose dishes for yourself and the requirements of the kitchen, be sure to take into account the size of the family and the approximate range of dishes, focus on cooking or frying. Although, it would be more correct to stock up on everything you need, because in the kitchen we need a complete set.

Popular cooking utensils

Classification kitchen utensils happens according to the material of manufacture, appearance, brands and many other factors, but the most basic is safe cookware for cooking, because some materials can affect us negatively, oxidizing or releasing harmful components during cooking and storing food, other materials deteriorate during cooking. So, what is the best utensils for cooking, what is needed in the kitchen, and what is the most suitable for us?

Aluminum cookware

Aluminum cookware is known to each of us, because even if now we are trying to replace sets of kitchen utensils with new ones, there are still one or two similar pans in the pantry. This is a pretty good option, but you should always remember that it is undesirable to cook sour or spicy dishes in aluminum cookware, as they negatively affect the pans. Destroying aluminum, these products contribute to the release of salts, which have a very negative effect on human body. Therefore, you can cook in such dishes, but you can store finished products in it, which gradually nourish themselves. harmful substances- is strictly prohibited.

Stainless steel cooking utensils

Stainless steel cookware is very popular as it not only looks very attractive in the kitchen but also cooks great. That is, the products do not lose their useful properties, the necessary trace elements and vitamins remain useful and effective after cooking, you can even store food in such dishes.

It is recommended to use 18/10 brand safe cooking utensils. The marking numbers mean that 18% chromium and 10% nickel are used in the material for the production of dishes. By and large, these components do not decompose during cooking, but only under certain conditions. Thus, cooking in this dish is convenient and safe, but if you suddenly decide to cook spicy sauce, nickel can saturate dishes that are not the most useful properties and act as an allergen.

Enamelware for the kitchen

Very practical and convenient utensils, which are completely safe not only for cooking, but also for storing ready-made foods and dishes. The material does not deteriorate, does not oxidize, does not emit harmful components and does not saturate products with them.

The disadvantage of such dishes is considered to be some tenderness, because the enamel is very easily beaten off by pots and bowls, if you drop them or just hit them. After such an “injury”, the chipped enamel begins to let in moisture and various chemical elements, due to which the dishes quickly deteriorate, as corrosion begins to eat it from the inside. But if you are purchasing enamelware trimmed with stainless steel, then you can not be afraid of such problems.

Polymer coated cooking utensils

Choose dishes with polymer non-stick coating be careful, as it has both advantages and disadvantages. I would like to say about the pros right away - this is a high-quality non-stick coating that is not toxic. But, on the other hand, it is such only during normal cooking, that is, at a temperature of about + 220 ° C. If the temperature is raised to +300°C, polymer coating becomes toxic, decomposes and releases harmful substances. In addition, while cooking with such utensils, you will only need to use a plastic or wooden spatula, as metal accessories quickly damage the coating.

Ceramic and glass cookware

Glass ovenware and ceramic ovenware are considered very cool. In addition to being very beautiful, cooking utensils are also of high quality, but only when they are really heat-resistant, and not a fake.

This cookware is considered safe and is great for cooking almost any dish. In addition, ceramics become even stronger after each calcination on fire. But there is also bad news - ceramic utensils quickly absorb all kinds of fats, which will be more and more difficult to wash each time, until it becomes completely impossible. You should initially understand the cost of such dishes, it certainly does not please, as it often occupies the highest positions.

Cast iron cookware for the kitchen

Cast iron cookware has been, is and will be in almost every kitchen, as it is a real classic. Of course, today many people get rid of it, trying to purchase more modern cookware, but also many housewives update cast iron cookware, as it is pleasant and convenient to cook in it.

If the dishes are new, the food in it does not burn, the temperature rises and falls gradually, which means that the stewing will proceed very correctly. Heavy? Yes, and this is a serious minus, but not enough to completely abandon cast iron in the kitchen.

How to choose utensils for cooking?

Choosing dishes for cooking in the kitchen is based on many parameters, and the material of manufacture is only one of them.

Having chosen the material, you can proceed to the manufacturing technology. Of course, cast-iron cookware is much better, better and more durable, which perfectly distributes heat, eliminates burning or uneven cooking, and also serves for a long time.

Speaking about the thickness of a metal or other material, it should be understood that a thickness of only 1.5-2 mm does not bode well for you. Such a pan or pan can quickly burn out or simply deform due to temperature changes. A thickness of 2.5 mm is considered the most popular, since such dishes can be used without problems on gas or an electric stove. Cooking utensils 4-6 mm thick are considered the most reliable and durable, and this one will certainly last a long time.

Be sure to look at the convenience and practicality of dishes. For example:

  • Welded handles are much better and more durable than riveted ones. In addition to the fact that they will not fall off the main container, they will never spoil it. appearance. Riveted handles can loosen, fall off, or simply, due to the stroke and play, chip off the decorative coating;
  • A non-stick coating on the bottom of the cookware or a embossed bottom will help to avoid burning, which means even cooking;
  • Special handles of pots and pans that do not heat up during cooking are very convenient, if only because they exclude dangerous injuries;
  • Heat controllers built into the lids help housewives cook by reporting the temperature inside the container;
  • Steam outlets on the lid, special temperature discs on the bottom of pots and pans, ready indicators, transparent lids, and so on.

As you can see, it remains only to choose a design for the design of the kitchen, the number of items in the set of dishes, as well as the volume of each of them.

Try to choose dishes slowly, because any set is not cheap, and for your money it should be not only pretty, but also of very high quality.

Kitchen utensils for cooking (video)

Choose cooking utensils difficult only if you have never cooked in the kitchen. Many experienced housewives can easily cope without our advice, but we suggest playing it safe and, if necessary, just peep into the list of requirements that our dishes need to present.

It is important to understand which cooking pot to choose - after all, you will use it very often.

We have prepared detailed instructions about how not to make a mistake when buying and what you should pay attention to. And the first thing to talk about is how many pots should be in the kitchen and why they are needed.

Decide on the purpose of use

If you don’t have pots at all yet, then everything seems simple - get a ready-made set of 5-6 containers. But what if there seems to be enough dishes, but cooking a certain dish is inconvenient?

Not everyone thinks that each pan has its own functional purpose. Let's figure it out:

  • large saucepan 3-5 liters is ideal for soups, and in summer time- compotes. True, if you live alone and prefer to do without first courses, you can not buy it.
  • The average capacity is 2-2.5 liters. considered universal. It is used both for warming up first courses and for preparing small portions of soup, pasta, etc. In fact - a must-have.
  • Liter saucepan with a long handle is used for cooking eggs, sausages, vegetables. Convenient and practical.
  • Useful and thick-walled saucepan or cauldron - suitable for cereals, pilaf, products that require a long stewing process.
  • Saucepan, in fact, is a hybrid between a standard pot and a frying pan - a container of medium diameter with fairly high walls. Perfect option for products that are very important to retain moisture or sauces.

We have described minimum set, which is enough to cook all the main dishes. Of course, professional chefs will find that this is critically small, and those who practically do not cook at home will decide that five pots is an excess.

Therefore, think carefully about which ones you really need - it is better to have only 2 pans in the kitchen, but good and high-quality ones.

However, it is not enough to decide on the volume and shape: now cooking utensils are made from 7 various materials . How do they differ and which one to choose?

The perfect pan - what is it made of?

To make it easier to navigate, we analyzed all 7 types, highlighting in them main advantages and cons. We are sure that with these tables the choice will be much easier!

1. Dishes from the past - enameled

Surely, everyone remembers it from childhood - a white or blue saucepan with obligatory drawings on the sides.

Now it is used less often, but they are not in a hurry to forget. Why is this happening?

How to choose : Pay attention to the way in which the enamel is applied- there are only two of them. The first, called spraying, is not very reliable - after six months the coating will begin to peel off. Dipping is more durable and with proper care will last you for many years. It is indicated by 2-4 points at the bottom of the pan - the place of fasteners on the conveyor.

Besides, the color of the enamel inside is important- it must be black, white or beige. The remaining tones indicate that dyes were used. They have a bad effect on the strength of the coating, and in themselves can be toxic - especially in cheap Chinese dishes.

2. Aluminum

Reviews about her say different things. For example, that food cooked in an aluminum pan is not edible and almost poisonous. Is it really?

Expert opinion: Indeed, it is not recommended to buy such pans. If used frequently, they can be harmful to health.

So is it worth the risk? After all, there are many other, safe analogues that are not much more expensive!

3. Durable cast iron

Heavy dark pans at first glance seem unsightly. Let's see what advantages compensate for the appearance.

Now in stores you can find cast iron pans with enamel. Significantly facilitating the care of dishes, at the same time they deprive them of their main advantages. So think twice.

When choosing, pay attention to the material itself: it should be dark and porous. In this case, the surface is homogeneous, even. Any chips, dents and deformations are a sign of poor quality.

4. Popular Teflon

In the 90s, Teflon pots and pans made a splash. Are they really that good or is it just a marketing ploy?

What are the conclusions? According to reviews, high-quality Teflon pans can withstand even pasta forgotten on the stove and do not deteriorate. But they are expensive and require extremely careful handling.

When buying, make sure that the coating is even and try to choose dishes with the thickest possible layer of Teflon.

5. Environmentally friendly ceramics

Ceramic pots have become extremely popular on the crest of the fashion for environmental friendliness and naturalness.

Let's see why they are loved:

Many experts advise using ceramic pans - they justify their high cost. But be sure to consider the shortcomings - if you are not distinguished by accuracy, it is better to look for another option.

6. Stylish glass

We are talking about its special, refractory form. According to the hostesses, such dishes are in no way inferior to ceramic ones.

When choosing glass pans, pay attention to the material itself: it must be homogeneous, without bubbles and discoloration. And, of course, refuse Chinese dishes for 100 rubles - there is a risk that it will burst as soon as it starts to heat up.

7. Eternal stainless steel

The undisputed leader in popularity is pots made of stainless or medical steel. Why is that?

An important parameter is wall thickness. So, the bottom should ideally be at least 3 mm, and the walls - about 0.5.

We also advise you to study the labeling. It is usually presented in chrome/nickel format. 10/18, 12/18, 08/12. The more chromium in the alloy, the stronger and better the pan. However, it is not necessary to memorize the numbers - if anything, in good store the seller will always advise you.

We hope we have been able to explain the difference in an understandable way. The choice is yours: think about what you plan to cook and what characteristics are priority. The only thing we still recommend is to abandon aluminum pans - they are too unsafe and low price it doesn't compensate at all.

But it is not enough to decide which pan to buy - enameled, cast iron or stainless steel. Necessarily consider what stove you have- for different types suitable for different pots.

We select dishes under the hob

Yes, you are not mistaken. This is really very important - not every pot can be placed on a glass cover or gas burner. Let's figure it out together:

  • For electric stoves with glass-ceramic surface do not use any pans with a rough surface - for example, cast iron. Suitable dishes made of stainless steel, glass, Teflon or ceramics, enameled steel.
  • For induction panels it is important that the bottom has magnetic properties - choose metal utensils.
  • For gas stoves It is undesirable to use glass pans. But everything else - without restrictions. True, it is better to put ceramics on a small fire first so that it warms up evenly.

As you can see, it's really important point: it will be a shame to buy an expensive pan that simply does not heat up or bursts on the first day.

What else is worth paying attention to?

It doesn't matter what material or volume you prefer. There are some nuances that are always important:

  1. 1. Choosing from two similar pans, take the one where the walls and bottom are thicker. Yes, it will heat up longer, but more evenly.
  2. 2. Than more layers of non-stick coating the longer your cookware will last.
  3. 3. Carefully inspect each element- no defects, chips, scratches. They significantly reduce the service life, and in some cases can be very dangerous.
  4. 4. Pay attention to the lid: it should fit snugly against the hem, not move or slide off when tilted slightly.
  5. 5. Important: Ideally, if it has a small hole for steam to escape - this will prevent the liquid from boiling over.
  6. 6. Make sure the bottom is level. The pan must be stable on the grate or hob.
  7. 7. If you buy pans made of steel, aluminum or enameled, look at the handles. Do not take those where they are welded - if they are soldered inaccurately, there is a high risk of injury.
  8. 8. It is better to assemble a set of separate but really necessary pans than to buy a ready-made set. The advantage of the last option is a more favorable price, the minus is the risk of taking unnecessary utensils.
  9. 9. Not related to choice, but useful advice: think about where and how you will store this dishes. This is really a problem, especially in a small kitchen.

There is another important point. Any utensils come into contact with your food. Are you sure that it is worth buying an unknown brand that does not guarantee high quality?

Understanding brands

Don't try to save money on this.

At best, you run the risk of throwing away money, at worst - even harm your health.

So, which firms have shown themselves well in the production of quality pans?

  • If we talk about aluminum, then it's worth buying dishes only with protective layer. It is these products that are produced by the German company BergHoff, as well as the Italian brand Lamart.
  • Leader among Teflon pans- known to all Tefal. Perhaps it is difficult to find a worthy competitor. But keep in mind - the price is appropriate.
  • We recommend buying cast iron cookware Russian production- they are thicker than European or Asian ones. The concert “Biol” proved to be a good one. If you want enameled cast iron, take a closer look at the products of the Turkish brand Lava - it is inexpensive, and the quality, according to reviews, is at its best.
  • French Savasan enamel pots won't be happy with the price. But they are very reliable, durable and beautiful - such dishes can not be hidden before the arrival of guests.
  • Italian Granchio Lauro Green Fiamma ceramic pots are of high quality and variety of designs. Definitely, the manufacturer deserves a place in our rating. Emile Henry also deserves attention - fans of cooking will be attracted by a wide range, where, in addition to ordinary dishes, there are rare variations such as tagine or ceramic baking pots.
  • A large selection of stainless steel pans is widely represented by the already mentioned BergHoff brand - reliability and durability for affordable money. Unexpectedly competes with them Chinese Kohen tableware- it has been certified and confirmed its high quality.

If you like other dishes trademark, be sure to look for real reviews on the Internet so as not to purchase a low-quality or even dangerous item.

In our article, we tried to cover all important aspects. We hope now you understand how to choose really a good pot and what to pay attention to. Happy and useful shopping!

Is there really safe cooking utensils? What should you cook your culinary masterpieces in, and what pots and pans should you avoid?

Have you ever thought about the fact that the usefulness and nutritional value of food lies not only in the food itself, but also in where and how it was prepared?

What our body will eventually receive directly depends on the quality of pots, pans, baking dishes. And much to my regret, we live in a world where safe cooking utensils may still have to be found.

Do you still use aluminum cookware or maybe you are not happy with your next Tefal non-stick pan because you can fry food on it without using any fat?

Have you forgotten how to use your grandmother's old, tried-and-true cast-iron skillet?

If you answered at least one “yes”, but then, without hesitation, read on. I will reveal to you all the secrets of your dishes for frying, stewing, boiling and baking and tell you how to be sure that you do not consume toxins that you do not need with your food.

Dangerous Cooking Utensils

It turns out to choose natural and healthy foods nutrition in order to fully eat - that's not all. They often have to be cooked. And regardless of the type of cooking, some dishes begin to release harmful synthetic substances into food.

Here are the types of dishes that your food should not come into contact with:

aluminum cookware

It's hard not to guess, but it contains Aluminum, a metal that is not naturally present in our body. But living, as we live now, enjoying (the main active ingredient in which aluminum is), and aluminum utensils, we accumulate and put aside even small deposits of Aluminum in our body.

Scientists come to the conclusion that it is this metal that is one of the causes of the development of Alzheimer's disease, and also goes "next to" damage to the nervous, musculoskeletal systems and cancer.

As a child, one of my mom's favorite frying pans was just aluminum. I think my family was hardly an exception to the rule. My mom got rid of her favorite even before I started dripping on her brains, I don’t remember exactly where she found out about the dangers of aluminum cookware, but after that we didn’t have a single pot or pan containing this metal at home .

Cookware with non-stick coating

Surprise surprise! How far are we willing to go to make our lives easier and simpler, sometimes even putting our health at risk?

So what's wrong with these special non-stick coatings? The fact is that they are made from Polytetrafluoroethylene, which in turn is obtained from Perfluorooctanoic acid. And this acid is to be blamed for fertility problems, thyroid gland and blood cholesterol levels.

The most common non-stick brand is Tefal. Any cookware labeled as Teflon automatically contains these toxic substances.

I perfectly understand your frustration and impending question! So what, then, in fact, can and should cook food?

Safe Cooking Utensils

This is a cookware that has a relatively low risk of leaking toxic metals into food and then into our body. And all the safe options, one way or another, have been used throughout a large number years, us people!

Cast iron cookware

It is unlikely that there will be someone who will not be able to remember his grandmother and her signature dishes cooked just in a cast-iron skillet! For me this fried potatoes on fat!

And it was a big discovery for me that it turns out that our ancestors, who cooked on cast iron, did not suffer from anemia and lack of iron, because they got it ... from their dishes! Yes, cast iron releases a small amount of Iron every time you cook food in it, which is a good thing. If you suffer from any disease associated with excessive accumulation of Iron in the body, then cast iron would be a bad idea for you.

Cast iron cookware has been around for centuries! She is eternal.

Just do not forget that it must be thoroughly oiled once in a while. To do this, you need to apply persistent fat (ghee or coconut oil) on it and put it in a preheated oven for an hour. This will reduce the chances that food will stick in it.

Although you should understand from the very beginning that cast iron cookware does not have a non-stick coating and you will not be able to cook in it without the use of fat. Don't soak your cast iron cookware in water and dry thoroughly after washing. I do not recommend using dishwashing detergent and a hard brush on it - this will destroy the oil layer we need.

Yes, cast iron cookware requires maintenance and yes, it's not as easy to cook in as it is in a non-stick pan. But what delicious food is obtained from there and without any harm to health!

Stainless Steel Cookware

This dish does not cause any harm to our health, if it is of course of high quality.

The point is that the dishes of stainless steel contains aluminum, copper or nickel in its so-called inner layer, since these metals distribute heat very well and evenly, which is necessary for uniform cooking. Of course, this is then covered with stainless steel, and therefore it is very important to buy only high quality dishes to be sure that these metals will not "leak" into the food.

Caring for such dishes is relatively simple - do not rub hard with a brush so as not to scratch the surface and wipe dry after washing.

Glassware and earthenware

This cookware is perfect for the oven! It is non-toxic and quite stable!

I like glass molds for baking bread and pies. And clay pots are generally a separate conversation - what could be tastier than dishes stewed in them?

I also like to warm up food in the oven (since) just in glassware! It is very versatile as it can also serve as a simple serving plate. And of course, the price is attractive too!


Where would we be without her With nostalgia, I remember my mother's saucepans, painted with berries, and also our big blue teapot!

The quality of this dish directly depends on what this enamel covers. In my opinion, the most non-toxic option would again be cast iron or stainless steel.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything about Soviet enamelware; What exactly was it made of? Therefore, without this knowledge, I can not recommend it.

Behind any dishes you need a good and proper care depending on what it's made of.

With any cookware, I recommend using natural remedies for washing, as it is full of everything that can remain on the surface of the dishes and enter our body through food. We already live in a time where we are surrounded by toxins, why do we need additional ones?

I wash all my dishes in the same way that I wash my hands, floors and sometimes even my body - natural and I personally recommend it to everyone!

High-quality safe dishes, I confess honestly, the pleasure is not cheap. As in principle, and all natural and healthy.

But you don't need a whole set of 5 frying pans and 10 pots, it's better to invest in a couple of good ones that will serve you forever without worrying about your health.

Here are the utensils I use for cooking:

Now I dream of buying a couple of Le Creuset shaders, the price of which, of course, does not inspire me much. But I heard a lot of positive feedback about these dishes, their quality and safety, so I will build my collection gradually

The safest cookware Video

In pursuit of healthy eating and natural products, we often forget about the dishes in which we cook and store our food. But some worthless saucepan can become a serious source of the most various diseases. How to navigate the current flood of kitchen utensils, advises candidate of medical sciences Ravil Salakhovich Khamidulin.

- Each material from which the dishes are made can be harmful in its own way. From poor-quality enamels, for example, heavy enamels can stand out, from plastics - harmful organic matter; some do not withstand high temperatures, others - contact with fatty or acidic foods.

You are unlikely to get acute poisoning, but with prolonged use it is unkind quality dishes pain cannot be avoided. Its harmful secretions, difficult to remove from the body, can cause disturbances nervous system, metabolism and even cancer.

- What kind of dishes do you prefer?

— Recently, the market has appeared great amount new types of kitchen utensils made from the most different materials. The choice can be guided only by the authority of the manufacturer. Of the traditional dishes, enameled ones have proven themselves well.

Modern enamel is a very resistant coating. In such dishes you can cook and store any food. You can safely make pickles and marinades in it. However, one of the main disadvantages of enamel is fragility. Chips and cracks often appear on enamel pans. Through the damaged coating, moisture easily penetrates to the metal, corrosion begins.

In this case, rust gets into the food, and with it harmful metal impurities. These impurities, in which there will be heavy metals, can be quite a lot, because the hygienic requirements for steel intended for the manufacture of enameled dishes are not very high. In addition, the possibility of broken pieces of enamel getting into the food is not ruled out. Sharp particles swallowed with food can easily damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract or, even worse, sow in the delicate wall of the stomach or intestines, cause inflammation and even a small ulcer.

-And how do you, experts, feel about Teflon dishes?

- Teflon coating is the most resistant of all used, it even withstands aqua regia - a mixture of concentrated acids, in which both gold and platinum are dissolved. But, as you know, requires even more careful attitude. If an empty Teflon pan is heated to 300 degrees (normal frying takes place at 200 - 220 degrees), the plastic coating will begin to decompose, releasing rather harmful fumes.

Before you start using a new Teflon pan, it would be a good idea to boil clean water in it 2-3 times. Actually, this is supposed to be done with any new dishes. When washing Teflon, do not use any abrasive scouring powders and hard washcloths. If the integrity of the coating is still broken, it is better not to use the pan at all. Degrading Teflon can, albeit in small quantities, release toxic substances into cooked food. hydrofluoric acid and other harmful substances.

- Recently, everyone took up arms against aluminum utensils ...

— We have had to reject aluminum cookware more often than any other before. Complaints were usually caused by the increased content of lead, arsenic and other toxic metals in the material, which easily got into food during cooking. Especially when it comes to acidic or alkaline foods, which are the least resistant. Until recently, no one considered aluminum itself dangerous. However, enough scientific evidence has now accumulated to call this into question.

According to the results of the experiments, the maximum allowable amounts of aluminum falling from the walls of the dishes into food were established. When they began to check how much it dissolves in real products, it turned out that these norms were exceeded many times over. For example, in sour soups, metal was found 70 times more than it should be, and in cranberry juice and in the marinade - as much as 500! While the compote is infused, the pan will become half a gram lighter. And remember the half-licked catering spoons and forks!

“Maybe it’s better to get rid of aluminum dishes as soon as possible?”

- Why? You risk nothing if you use it to cook cereals, pasta, potatoes, lean meats. It is in an acidic and alkaline environment that the solubility of aluminum increases. Therefore, cook, and even more so store cabbage soup in aluminum pans, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables and mushrooms, salted fish, as well as mineral water, dairy, lactic acid dishes and compotes I do not recommend.

All of the above applies to disposable baking pans and aluminum foil. Unlike the losing popularity of pots and pans made of light metal, foil is increasingly used by housewives. However, as it turned out, not every sandwich can be wrapped in it.

Washing dishes made of aluminum must also be approached wisely. Upon contact with air, a thin protective film forms on aluminum, which isolates the metal from external environment. In order not to break it, you can not clean the surface of the dishes with a metal brush or emery. If you nevertheless decide to tear off many years of soot, then after that it is better not to cook anything in this dish for a day or two until the protective film is restored. It is also undesirable to use ordinary soap, which has an alkaline reaction.

What do you think is the safest dish?

- Perhaps the most environmentally friendly utensils - wooden. Of course, no one will eat with wooden spoons now, but pickling and pickling in wooden barrels is ideal.

Stainless steel utensils work well. You can cook any food in it. By the way, the famous 18/10 Zepter steel is the most common stainless steel, and its name only says that it contains 18 percent chromium and 10 percent nickel. I bet that a good half of the stainless spoons and forks in your home are made from this steel.

- What is the basis for choosing kitchen utensils?

Even porcelain and faience, seemingly flawless in this respect, can be harmful if the hacks "in the old fashioned way" coated products with lead content that had long been banned. You may not find such dishes in the store now, but it’s hard to vouch for what they sell in the markets or along the roads. Moreover, according to the new rules, any SES has the right to issue certificates. Where can you control it? The only way out is caution. Well, as for the color and style, then there is complete freedom in the choice. If only the porridge would not burn, milk would not run!

Many of us try to lead healthy lifestyle life and carefully monitor what foods to consume. We try to avoid eating foods that are poor beneficial substances and it's all great. But how often do we think about what kind of dishes we cook these useful and delicious food? And how much food that has passed heat treatment in such dishes, is it really safe?

Dishes are made from a variety of modern materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Adds further confusion huge assortment brands that are presented on the market, as well as advertising (not always conscientious). Let's figure it out together, and the rating of cooking utensils will help us in this.

Rating of the most popular manufacturers

To begin with, a few words about the most popular manufacturers, which are presented on modern market.


A world-famous company that has achieved popularity thanks to the production of excellent non-stick cookware, as well as household electrical appliances. The products of this company turn the usual process of cooking into a very entertaining and interesting.


The German company is known as a manufacturer of reliable and high-quality cookware, which is used not only by housewives, but also in professional kitchens. The modern developments of this company combine German quality, functionality and modern style.


Fissler products from Germany are well known to both ordinary housewives and culinary professionals. Distinctive qualities of this ware are ease in leaving and operation, convenience, quality assurance and attractive design.

Neva-Metal Ware (NMP)

A well-known domestic manufacturer of kitchen utensils, which combines high quality and affordable prices. This company embodies convenience, ease of use and modern technologies in its products.


Although this company is presented as a European manufacturer of kitchen utensils. To date, factories for the manufacture of its products are located in Turkey and Asia.

Gipfel kitchen utensils are well-deservedly popular among many housewives. The quality of the materials used, affordable price, ease and comfort of use - all this can be said about this cookware.


Vitesse provides users with a huge range of various equipment and products for the kitchen, as well as serving items. The products of this company have earned confidence due to their good quality and affordable price.

Teflon coated

The Teflon coating is very resistant to the corrosive effects of salty and acidic products or chemical detergents:

  • As scientists assure, it is safe to cook anything in such dishes. In this case, indeed, you can practically not add oil (as we are told in TV advertising). In addition, today the technology for manufacturing Teflon coatings for dishes has been noticeably improved, and this material has become more reliable and durable. Including in the issue of protection against scratches.
  • But all such Teflon-coated items are short-lived - their service life is no more than 3 years, and they require careful handling.

Important! Such dishes should not be overheated or abrasive powders that scratch its surface, and even more so metal washcloths, should not be used for cleaning - in this case, a violation of the integrity of the coating is very likely. In this case, the pan or pan will have to be thrown away, as it becomes unsafe for health.


Many users call such items the best cooking utensils, but not everything is so clear. Modern views enamels are resistant and non-toxic, so you can cook and store any food or ready-made meals in such dishes, including pickled vegetables and marinades.

Among the advantages can be identified:

  • High safety with gentle handling.
  • Durability (again, with careful handling).
  • Affordability.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Poor quality enamel can release heavy metals when cooked.
  • If chips appear, enamelware should be thrown away immediately, as it becomes hazardous to health. But if you value this particular vessel very much, you can try to restore it. To do this, read all about.


Aluminum cookware is one of the most practical types, it would seem, because it:

  • It burns a little.
  • Light.
  • It tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Washes great in every way.
  • Water boils quickly in such a container.

However, there are also many “buts” regarding it:

  • On the modern market, you can find a lot of poor quality aluminum products - in cheap dishes made of this material, there may well be an increased content of arsenic, lead and other harmful components that will get into food during cooking.
  • Cast aluminum thick-walled cookware is made from recycled aluminum alloys, even exposure to organic acids or table salt bad for her.
  • In addition, even in high-quality aluminum kitchen utensils, you cannot cook alkaline, sour and salty foods, as well as compotes, marinades and sour-milk products.
  • It is impossible to wash such items with alkaline detergents, and after scraping with a stiff brush, it is advisable not to cook anything in it for a couple of days. For a complete selection of methods and means for cleaning and restoring such dishes, see our separate article.

stainless steel

In fact, it is universal, since you can cook any products in it:

  • You can scrub and sand by absolutely any means - absolutely nothing will happen to her. Heat up - the same thing as much as you like. However, all this applies only to high-quality steel. To make it easier for you to take care of such dishes and they always look presentable, see the overview of tools and methods,.
  • The best and safest thing in the kitchen is “ordinary” stainless steel - an alloy of 10% nickel and 18% chromium, which is marked on the bottom as 18/10.
  • Steel quality kitchen utensils 18/10, as a rule, cost 2-3 times more than enameled ones.
  • Among the shortcomings can be noted rapid burning (especially in objects with thin walls). And thick-walled products are very heavy and expensive.

Important! Quality steel cookware should have a thick or thin (but not suspiciously thin) bottom. Cheap Chinese-made steel utensils are usually very thin - this should alert you. In any case, steel is an expensive material, so don't be tempted by the cheap price tag. It is better to give preference to dishes from a well-known manufacturer (Italian or German).

Ceramic Coated

This kitchen utensil is good for everyone:

  • Aesthetic.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Has antibacterial properties.

But it could not do without minuses, like with Teflon: fragility due to the tenderness of the coating. It must not be overheated or dropped on the floor. Although it looks durable, in fact, this is not entirely true: a similar product for the kitchen is not a friend for years, but consumable like printer paper.

Porcelain, faience

Logically, it’s very good, but in reality, the glaze covering it may contain impurities harmful to health, including lead (which is virtually impossible to verify, of course, if you don’t have a laboratory at hand). Therefore, before buying such dishes, you should think carefully.

Cast iron

Old, "grandmother's". On the cast iron pan perfect for preparing many dishes:

  • It warms up slowly, but evenly, it is able to keep heat for a long time.
  • Another advantage is that it almost does not burn, so it is convenient to cook pancakes and pancakes in it, fry soy products.

There are also disadvantages:

  • This material is hardly suitable for everyday use, since if the protective film that covers the pan is broken, the dishes begin to treacherously stain the food.
  • It cannot be washed with modern detergents.
  • Such dishes are very heavy and fragile - it is enough to drop it once.

Important! After washing, cast iron cookware must be wiped dry with a towel, otherwise it begins to rust. And it is also periodically desirable to restore non-stick properties.

Heat resistant glass

Choosing the best dishes for cooking, you can also not ignore heat-resistant glass kitchen utensils, they are good for everyone:

  • Suitable for cooking and storing any food.
  • Can be washed with any detergent.
  • Looks very aesthetic.
  • Absorbs well and retains heat for a long time.
  • Great for baking.

But, as elsewhere, it was not without drawbacks:

  • In practice, it is short-lived.
  • During frying, food can burn, and the saucepan or pan itself strives to burst if you do not use the grid or flame divider in time.
  • With a sharp change in temperature or a fall, it easily bursts.
  • Glass kitchen utensils are among the most expensive.

Important! If you are ready to risk money for the sake of external aesthetics and attractive consumer qualities, then choose such dishes very carefully: it should not have scratches, chips, air bubbles inside - this is a marriage, it will quickly burst.

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