Dishwashing detergents - how safe are they? What is the best way to wash dishes? Dishwashing liquid: selection strategy Which washing liquid is the most harmless.

Decor elements 26.06.2020
Decor elements

An impressive amount of time of a modern person is spent on washing dishes. On the shelves in stores, an abundance of bottles of liquid products that facilitate this work. To great joy, housewives are now concerned not only with the smell and price category of such products, but also with the impact on health: human and our planet.

Why are dishwashing detergents dangerous?

The main component of household chemicals for washing dishes is a variety of surface-active substances (surfactants), which determine their washing properties. Surfactants are divided into:

  • cationic (CSAV)
  • anionic (AS)
  • amphoteric (amphoteric)
  • non-ionic (nonionic surfactants)

These chemical compounds are extremely difficult to wash off from the surface of the dishes: one plate must be rinsed at least 15 times, completely immersed in clean water. Can you imagine how much water you need? (After all, even in nature studies classes at school, we were told how important it is to save water resources!) Even if the plate creaks after rinsing, this does not mean at all that the substances have been removed from the surface.

There are dissolved surfactants in the water droplets on the dishes. After drying, these substances still remain, forming a film on the surface. When we put food in this dish, the surfactants join the food and are safely eaten by us. There is a saying that a person consumes half a liter of dishwashing liquid in a year!

What consequences? Unpredictable. Synthetic surfactants in dishwashing detergents. When ingested, they cause gradual poisoning. It all starts with allergic reactions, and can end with the development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract - the fact is that the decay products of many surfactants are carcinogens.

Not only that, when the surfactant comes into contact with the skin, the protective barrier is destroyed, the compounds are absorbed into the blood and are carried throughout the body.

Damage to the body is caused not only by the surfactants of detergents, but also by chemical flavorings and preservatives. When washing dishes, a person actively inhales fragrances, which, according to scientists, leads to many diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma.

Waste waters with surfactants dissolved in them cause great damage to the environment. Detergents with surfactants with a long decay period are more harmful. While the compounds decompose, they contribute to the waterlogging of water bodies, oxygen starvation of their inhabitants, and subsequently to the death of the latter. Therefore, the shorter the decay period of the surfactant, the safer the product for the environment. The trouble is, manufacturers do not write the names of surfactants in the composition.

The most aggressive are anionic surfactants, although some of them have good biodegradability (up to 90%). Non-ionic completely decompose, that is, they turn into carbon dioxide and water, so they do less harm to the environment.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of dishwashing detergents

Of course, the less chemistry comes into contact with the human body, the better for his health. No one encourages readers to completely abandon detergents, but some tips can help reduce the harmful effect.

When washing dishes, it would be great to take care of the environment. To do this, choose safe means.

And also let's notice how much water we spend in the process of cleaning the kitchen? Using a special basin for washing and rinsing dishes will not only save you money on paying for water supply. This is one way to take care of what we have been given.

Purchased ready-made dishwashing detergents have an unsafe chemical composition. Their remains are sometimes very difficult to wash off cups and plates. In addition, they negatively affect the condition of the skin of the hands.

On sale there are also natural eco-friendly options. But their cost is quite high. Therefore, the best solution would be to make such a tool on your own, from safe components. This is especially true for families with children and allergies.

Pros and cons of homemade dish detergent

Before proceeding with the manufacture of such compounds, it is worth carefully studying all their pros and cons. Do-it-yourself dishwashing detergents have many features:

  1. 1. All of their components are safe and environmentally friendly. The resulting product will not have a negative impact on the environment and the health of all households.
  2. 2. Unlike most commercial gels, homemade gels do not accelerate the aging process of the skin of the hands.
  3. 3. Do-it-yourself dishwashing detergent will not contain strong allergens, as in many household chemicals. Therefore, they will not cause allergies and skin irritation. Such compounds do not accumulate in the stomach and respiratory organs.
  4. 4. Homemade dishwashing liquids are budget-friendly. You can always regulate it yourself, replacing the recommended components with cheaper analogues.
  5. 5. Do-it-yourself products are very easy and quickly washed off the dishes. To remove the smallest particles of chemical ready-made compositions, plates and cutlery must first be soaked in hot water, and then rinsed under cool running water for a long time. With a homemade product, the process of washing dishes is greatly accelerated.
  6. 6. Homemade cleansing liquids can have a very pleasant natural scent. To do this, just choose the essential oil you like in the pharmacy.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of homemade dish detergents:

  1. 1. First of all, this is their lower efficiency, which is explained by the absence of active chemical components in the composition, which instantly break down fat and remove other contaminants. But it will be enough just to spend a little more time on the process of removing food debris from the surface of the dish so that it shines with cleanliness.
  2. 2. Another disadvantage is the rapid consumption of the composition. Therefore, when making dishwashing detergent with your own hands, you should immediately make more gel or liquid so that they last for a long time.

Best Recipes

From the simplest components, it is possible to make both a universal remedy and a special paste or liquid for removing dirt from pans, baking sheets, pots and even a greasy stove. Most often, the recipes use soda, laundry soap, lemon juice, mustard, hydrogen peroxide and other inexpensive ingredients that are in almost every home.

It is best to store the resulting products in a glass dish that can be left at room temperature.

Universal gel paste

For such a tool are used:

  • half a standard bar of laundry soap;
  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. baking soda and dry mustard;
  • 4 tbsp. l. spoons of ammonia

You will also need:

  • fine grater;
  • saucepan;
  • glass jar with a lid.

The composition is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. 1. Laundry soap is rubbed with small chips. The component cannot be pre-moistened, otherwise it will be difficult to rub it.
  2. 2. Water is heated in a saucepan to a hot state, soap chips are completely dissolved in it.
  3. 3. Soda and dry mustard are added to the cooled mixture. The composition is mixed until smooth.
  4. 4. Last, ammonia is added to the almost finished product. After another mixing, the composition is poured into a glass container, closed with a lid and left for a couple of hours.

After the specified time, the homemade remedy can be used. With it, you can wash not only cutlery and dishes, but also tiles, stoves and sinks. If the dirt is abundant and old, you can rub it with paste, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash it with a damp cloth.

Soap Soufflé with Baking Soda

You can make such a cleaning and dishwashing detergent at home not only simply, but also quickly.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of grated soap (any);
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 1/4 standard pack of baking soda;
  • 10-12 drops of any essential oil.

The tool is prepared as follows:

  1. 1. Soap chips are poured into a container of boiling water.
  2. 2. The resulting mixture is actively whipped with a mixer or a special blender nozzle until the soap is completely dissolved and foam appears.
  3. 3. Baking soda is gradually poured into the slightly cooled mass.
  4. 4. The components are mixed and then the essential oil is immediately poured in. You can choose any of your favorite flavors. Mint and citrus oils are well suited for detergent: lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit.
  5. 5. The mass is whipped again until an air soufflé is in the container.

The finished product is transferred to a convenient plastic container. It should have a lid.

You can use the mass immediately after complete cooling. The cold agent will thicken considerably. Already in the process of washing dishes, it is convenient to dose the composition with a small spoon.

This baking soda-based cleaner easily copes with yellowish stains on the surface of the bathtub, sink, tiles. Using it, you can update the look of old plumbing at no extra cost.

Soap Glycerin Gel

A unique recipe allows you to prepare a gel with your own hands to quickly remove dirt from any type of dish. This tool is completely safe even for the smallest members of the family and softens the skin of the hands. Therefore, you can use the composition without special gloves and entrust washing dishes with it to a child.

To prepare the product you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. grated dark laundry soap;
  • 1 liter of unboiled water;
  • 8 art. l. glycerin.

The composition is mixed according to the following scheme:

  1. 1. Soap chips are placed in a glass of very hot water, in which it must completely dissolve. The easiest way to do this is in a water bath or in a microwave.
  2. 2. The resulting thick mixture is diluted with the remaining water to the desired consistency. The amount of liquid can be adjusted.
  3. 3. Glycerin is added to the composition.

It remains to pour the resulting product into a convenient container with a dispenser. At first it will be watery, but over time it will begin to thicken and become gel-like.. Already at this stage, you can add any essential oil or other flavoring agent with a pleasant smell to the product.

"Fizz" against fat

This is the easiest and fastest natural remedy to prepare, which can be used to clean different types of dishes. A mixture is prepared from baking soda, boiling water and hydrogen peroxide.


  1. 1. In 170 ml of boiling water, 2 tbsp are completely dissolved. l. spoons of baking soda.
  2. 2. 2 tbsp. are added to the resulting liquid. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  3. 3. The finished product is poured into a convenient bottle.

If there is no peroxide in stock, it can be replaced with ordinary table vinegar.

Use the finished "pop" should be as follows:

  1. 1. Rub the greasy stains on the dishes and stove with the product.
  2. 2. Leave the composition for a few minutes.
  3. 3. Wash the object with warm water.

Homemade Lemon Remedies

Lemon juice copes with a variety of contaminants on dishes, walls, floors. If there is no time to prepare a full-fledged washing gel, you can simply wipe the dishes with lemon juice and soda.

So, a small layer of scale inside the kettle is easily removed in the process of boiling it with juice from half a fruit. It is enough to hold the container with the acidic composition on fire for a couple of minutes, and then leave to infuse for another 2-3 hours.

Lemon Dish Gel effectively removes grease and other stains from kitchen surfaces, cutlery and crockery. It helps to get rid of onion, fish, garlic and other pungent odors. The product is environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless to health. It is easily and quickly washed off with plain water.

To prepare the gel you will need:

  • juice of 1/2 lemon;
  • shavings 1/2 bar of laundry soap;
  • 25 g of glycerin;
  • 1 tsp vodka.


  1. 1. Soap is dissolved in very hot water and whipped until foam appears.
  2. 2. In the process of whipping, freshly squeezed lemon juice, vodka, glycerin are gradually poured into the mixture.

You can use the mass for its intended purpose immediately after it has completely cooled. Instead of vodka, it is allowed to add medical alcohol.

On the basis of lemon juice, a special composition is also prepared for washing glasses and glassware. It needs:

  • a glass of unboiled water;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • half a glass of table vinegar.

You will also need a handy spray bottle.

Preparation steps:

  1. 1. Water at room temperature is poured into a convenient mixing container.
  2. 2. Vinegar and lemon juice are poured into the liquid.
  3. 3. All components are well mixed and with the help of a funnel the resulting product is poured into the prepared bottle.

Cleansing liquid and mustard paste

Homemade dish detergents with mustard are very good and effective. They can be liquid or pasty. The choice of the best housewife is made, taking into account which objects and surfaces the composition will be used to clean. Mustard-based products effectively cope with the removal of food debris and grease stains (even old ones).

To prepare the liquid version, you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. 1. The liquid is heated in a small saucepan, but not brought to a boil.
  2. 2. Mustard is immediately added to hot water.
  3. 3. The components are actively mixed until a thick foam appears.

The resulting solution is suitable for removing greasy deposits from any dishes. It can be easily washed off with lukewarm water.

To prepare a special cleansing mustard paste, you will need to use:

  • a glass of very hot water;
  • a little soda;
  • 1 st. l. dry mustard.

Cooking steps:

  1. 1. First, the water is heated. Dry mustard is immediately poured into it. The ingredients are well whipped with a whisk.
  2. 2. Baking soda is poured into the resulting mass. A big enough pinch. This component is added a little bit so as not to make the mass excessively thick.

During use, the mixture is applied to a washcloth, after which the contaminated dishes are gently rubbed with it, which then remains only to be rinsed with clean warm water. Baking soda in the composition is used for a light abrasive effect. If you want to make the tool more gentle, you can refuse to use this component.

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It's nice when the dishwashing detergent dissolves fat in cold water in a few seconds, the foam is perfectly washed off, the skin of the hands does not suffer, the bottle lasts for a long time. In combination with a low price, not a sharp aroma and a minimum of harmful surfactants, such a product can be classified as ideal.

The presented rating of detergents contains the most popular options that can be found on sale today. They differ in the degree of environmental friendliness, ease of use, cost, and user reviews talk about their effectiveness.

Do you use dishwashing liquid?


Made on the basis of natural ingredients, it perfectly destroys greasy food residues, tea and coffee deposits, without leaving a dangerous chemical residue on kitchen utensils.

Does not irritate the upper layer of the epidermis. Gives a perfect shine to products made of crystal, porcelain and silver. Detergents are made from starch, sugar and coconut oil. Such a mixture amazingly washes away dirt and softens hard water.

  • washes in any water;
  • copes with heavy pollution;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • economically spent;
  • no cloying fragrance;
  • without dyes.
  • you can only buy online;
  • high price.

Feedback from Alena, 26 years old. I always try to use environmentally friendly solutions that do not irritate the respiratory tract and skin. SODASAN has written out on the Internet. Expensive but economical. For medium soiled cups and mugs, one press on the dispenser cap is enough. I believe that the quality declared by the manufacturer is true.

Perfectly removes heavy dirt. Actively formed foam penetrates the structure of the dirt and cleans kitchen utensils in cold water without pre-soaking. Removes unwanted odors from fish, meat, smoked meats.

Special ingredients protect the delicate skin of the hands. Rinses off quickly with a rinse, leaving porcelain, crystal and glass sparkling clean without streaks. Does not damage kitchen utensils, prevents corrosion. Reliable and sealed bottle.

  • dissolves fat in cold water;
  • rinses off without residue
  • neutralizes bad odors;
  • concentrated, economical;
  • convenient bottle;
  • affordable price.
  • small instruction;
  • contains harmful ingredients.

Feedback from Olesya, 37 years old. For me, it is important that the product dissolves the old oil in the pans. And I don't like to overpay. The AOS complies with these requests. It washes everything perfectly, a liter bottle is enough for me for a year and a half.

One of the most environmentally friendly effective products without borates, formaldehydes, phosphates and organohalides. Removes grease and dirt with natural natural ingredients. Brings to shine porcelain, metal, glass, earthenware, enameled dishes, pans and pots.

Organic surfactants have the ability to rapidly break down at the biological level. Preservatives and flavorings are kept to a minimum. Lemon peel extract is used as an organic detergent. The manufacturer does not test its products on animals.

  • effectively removes grease and dirt;
  • based on herbal ingredients:
  • pleasant, fresh lemon aroma;
  • washability corresponds to GOST;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • does not negatively affect the epidermis.
  • watery, not economical;
  • strong aroma.

Feedback from Violetta, 27 years old. I bought a green lemon to try. The fragrance is gentle, not chemical. For plates, spoons and forks I dilute 2 ml. in five liters of water. I wash pots and pans with undiluted detergent. Washes well, but ends quickly.

The gel-like mixture includes chamomile and aloe, and is successfully used to wash children's dishes and toys made of plastic, silicone, glass, faience.

Removes all impurities without residue in cold water. There are no traces after him. At the same time, it fights against pathogens. It can be used at any frequency without fear of hand irritation. Without artificial colors, the aroma is light, almost inaudible. Due to the thick consistency, it is economically consumed.

  • perfectly cleans surfaces;
  • convenient bottle;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
  • economically spent;
  • fights microbes;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable price.
  • fragrance remains after application;
  • there are surfactants in small quantities.

Feedback from Marina, 37 years old. I have been using Eared Nanny for five years now. This is the benchmark for me. I tried other similar products, but I don’t like the fragrance, then there is little soapiness. Everything suits here. I bring to the ideal state not only sets and pots, but also toys, a crib,. No allergies, affordable price, launders great.

Liquid based on natural raw materials can be used to wash not only cups, but also vegetables and fruits. The main active ingredient is an extract from charcoal obtained after processing pine. The valuable absorbent and cleansing properties of charcoal allow it to absorb the persistent taste of smoked meats, fish, onions, and garlic.

At the same time, the components and minerals of coal protect sensitive skin from irritation and dryness. At the bottom of the bottle, a sediment in the form of microparticles of pine coal is visible.

  • components from 100% vegetable raw materials;
  • foams well;
  • perfectly cleans and dissolves dirt;
  • destroys microbes;
  • complete biodegradability;
  • can be used for toys and children's equipment.
  • unusual color;
  • not sold everywhere.

Feedback from Tatyana, 33 years old. I can’t stand harsh chemical fragrances, I’m tired of using soda, I decided to try an eco-friendly liquid without surfactants with charcoal. The impressions are the most positive. Does not stink, not liquid, fat dissolves, cleans tea mugs to a shine. You can work in the kitchen without rubber gloves, the skin does not dry out. The only problem is that I have not seen such a company in the nearest markets.

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Economical gel with a convenient dispenser, thanks to which you can pour it drop by drop and control its consumption. Effortlessly rinses off the surface, leaving no residue. Quickly eliminate persistent unpleasant odors from fish, seafood, spoiled food. Thanks to antibacterial components, it kills influenza viruses and other pathogens.

The gel is successfully used to clean clothes and wash hands from oil stains, even if there is no way to heat water. The manufacturer reduced the cost of its products due to economical packaging. You can not throw away the bottle with the dispenser, but fill it with a solution from replaceable bags. No protective gloves are required when using Mama Lemon.

  • convenient bottle with a dispenser;
  • the possibility of buying replacement packages;
  • copes well with fat;
  • rinses off without problems
  • foams well;
  • enough for a long time;
  • does not dry out the skin;
  • ecological composition.
  • strong smell;
  • high price.

Feedback from Maria, 39 years old. I often try new things. Mama Lemon attracted the fact that it is harmless, destroys bacteria. Foams and washes dishes and pans at the highest level, it is washed off easily. Concentrated, can be diluted without compromising the cleaning effect. I plan not to throw away the bottle, but to buy it for refilling in soft packaging.

An ideal choice for people prone to allergic reactions. Can be used for baby equipment and toys, fruits and vegetables. Abundant foam is quickly removed by running water, does not leave a film. Not aggressive to the skin of the hands, eliminates unwanted odors. Ergonomic packaging with dispenser.

The texture of the product is gel-like, the color is transparent. Refers to environmentally friendly, odorless, biodegradable products that do not harm natural resources and human health. The bottle is made from recycled materials.

  • natural ingredients;
  • high washing effect;
  • lack of aroma;
  • without dyes;
  • does not spoil the skin of the hands;
  • convenient container;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  • ends quickly if not diluted with water.

Feedback from Galina, 37 years old. I am allergic to many detergent ingredients. I have been using PURE WATER without health consequences for three months. To make it last longer, I dilute it in half with water. I use it for washing fruits and vegetables, it perfectly cleans the multicooker bowl, leaves no smell and no soapy aftertaste. Good natural product for a reasonable price.

One of the best means for washing dishes, fruits, toys, children's equipment. Removes bad odors and degreases the surface at low temperatures. In the manufacture of the product used surfactants of plant origin.

Completely decomposes and has no negative impact on nature. Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Has a light lemon scent. Convenient container with a pleasant design made of biodegradable plastic.

  • ergonomic packaging;
  • good washability;
  • not aggressive to the skin of the hands;
  • washes greasy surfaces;
  • intensive foaming;
  • you can wash fruits and toys.
  • not economical consumption;
  • sharp aroma.

Feedback from Valeria, 28 years old. When I am very busy, I wash my kitchen utensils in the dishwasher, but more often I do it by hand. Synergetic washes oily surfaces well and rinses quickly. There is an unobtrusive aroma of lemon. I didn’t wear gloves, I didn’t notice that the gel dried the skin. Good effect when washing apples and carrots. It does its job perfectly, it is my good assistant in the kitchen.

When a consumer chooses which dishwashing detergent to buy, his ability to perform its direct function comes first. Even the most natural and safe remedy will be a waste of money if the kitchen utensils remain dirty. For many years, Fairy has been the leader in efficiency, which successfully removes pollution of any intensity.

For supporters of eco-friendly products, BioMio and PURE WATER are suitable, with which you can wash root crops and fruits, accessories for children, toys.

Expert advice

Mikhail Voronov

Specialist in the field of household appliances, electronics, construction tools, goods for cars, sports and recreation, beauty and health.

Synergetic Gel and Eared Nyan do their job well and are very safe to use, but they leave behind a slight scent that not everyone likes. For those who want to discover a radically new product, we can advise Lion Chamgreen with charcoal. Mama Lemon has many fans. You should not throw away a bottle from it, but buy a detergent mixture in soft, economical packaging.

What is the safest dishwashing detergent?

Adherents of eco-products expect to purchase a washing product that will be classified as safe as possible for humans and nature. These products are made from raw materials of organic origin. It should not have phosphates, formaldehydes, various dangerous surfactants.

Detergents are biodegradable, do not adversely affect the skin of the hands, do not cause irritation of the respiratory tract. At the same time, dirt is washed off well, leaving no traces and smells behind.

Such eco-products include SODASAN Lemon, Frosch Green Lemon, Lion Chamgreen Charcoal, PURE WATER, Synergetic Gel, BioMio. This product is used for cups, nipples and bottles that are intended for children. Rubber gloves are not required.

Manufacturers warn that even the most environmentally friendly products must be used strictly for their intended purpose and used in accordance with the attached instructions. Keep household chemicals out of the reach of children.

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Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 7 minutes


Surely you, like most families, have a bottle of dishwashing detergent in the kitchen. Do you want to know which dishwashing detergent is more popular with housewives, and what do they think about dishwashing detergents offered on our market?

Read also:

  1. Dishwashing detergent Myth and Fairy by Procter & Gamble
    Detergents for dishes of the international concern Procter & Gamble are widespread - such as "Myth" and "Fairy". They are affordable: a 1000 ml bottle of "Fairy" can be bought at a price of 115 rubles, and 0.5 liters of "Myth" - from 30 rubles.

    Manufacturers offer them with various fragrances. For example, with the smell of lemon, orange, berries, apple. In a wide range of dishwashing products, you can find those that have added vitamin E, chamomile extract to protect hands.
  2. Frosch dish detergent from Werner&Mertz GmbH
    The German company Werner & Mertz GmbH - the manufacturer of the well-known Frosch dishwashing detergent - offers lemon and pomegranate balms that dissolve grease and remove dirt using fat dissolvers obtained from the outer shell of the lemon and pomegranate extract.

    Aloe vera takes care of the skin of the hands. The constituent components of this dishwashing detergent are from 5 to 15% anionic surfactants, ampholytic surfactants and less than 5% non-ionic surfactants.
    For a half-liter bottle of such a product, you need to pay 190 - 200 rubles.
    But, according to consumers, the consumption of the product is minimal, so it will last for a long time: 4 ml of the product for 5 liters of water.
  3. Pemolux and Pril - dishwashing detergents from Henkel
    Henkel supplies Pemolux and Pril dish detergents. "Pril" - dermatologically tested with pH - neutral agent, effectively fights fatty contaminants and has no dyes. At the same time, it does not dry or irritate the skin of the hands, it has a convenient cap for dosing the product. The aloe vera component present in the composition does not violate the protective layer of the skin.

    Consumption: for 5 liters of water - 1 teaspoon of the product. The advantage is that the tool is not expensive, but works like an expensive one. 1L Pril costs 140 rubles.
  4. Detergent for dishes Eared Nyan from Neva Cosmetics
    Neva cosmetics is not inferior in quality to Western manufacturers. "Eared nannies" - dishwashing detergent, loved by many, especially young mothers who care about the health of children and when washing children's dishes.

    The product is made without dyes, works in cold water, does not cause irritation on the hands and is completely washed off from the dishes.
    A half-liter bottle of "Eared Nanny" for dishes costs 450 rubles.
  5. AOS, Sorti, Biolan - dish detergents from Nefis Cosmetics
    The Kazan enterprise Nefis Cosmetics owns such well-known trademarks as AOS, Sorti, Biolan. The main direction of the AOS trademark is dishwashing detergents.

    Many Russian housewives consider this remedy the best. The secret of success is in proven facts. Recorded in the Russian Book of Records about the unique formula of the product, it proves that one bottle of AOS is enough to wash 9664 plates.
    The product foams well, is easily washed off, does not leave streaks, contains caring hand balms and vitamins.
    500 ml of funds costs 160 rubles.
  6. Reckitt Benckiser Dosia Dishwashing Detergent
    Reckitt Benckiser, a world-famous company selling household goods in more than 60 countries, offers Dosia dish detergent.
    It consists of: surfactant, mineral salt, alkali - to combat pollution. Dyes - for the corresponding color, complexing agents - to soften the water, sodium laureth sulfate - for the formation of foam.

    To protect hands from negative effects, glycerin, natural extracts from plants, aloe vera are added to the product.
    0.5 liter concentrated product "Dosia" costs 34 rubles.
  7. Dishwashing liquid Morning Fresh
    Morning Fresh dishwashing detergent received a lot of positive feedback. 900ml funds can be bought for 60 - 90 rubles.

    Consists of water, fragrances, 15-30% surfactants (anionic), dyes and preservatives. Foams well, saves hands.
  8. Detergent for dishes Lapis Lazuli from TM Aist
    Lapis Lazuli is a dishwashing detergent made of crystal, faience, glass, porcelain, plastic and ceramics. This tool, presented by TM "Aist", is manufactured according to specifications developed in 2002. The latest development allows, according to the manufacturer, to defeat fat and protect hands at the same time.

    The product is specially designed for dry and sensitive skin: vitamin F heals microcracks and softens the skin, and aloe extract prevents moisture loss.
    500ml funds will cost 35 rubles.

And what modern dishwashing detergents do you prefer? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

At home, you often have to wash dishes by hand. To achieve the result, use dishwashing detergents. They dissolve fat even without hot water, require no effort and guarantee the destruction of germs. Such goods are available at an attractive price, so there will be no problems for the family budget.

Dishwashing liquid. Which firm to choose?

A wide range of products from manufacturers, both foreign and Russian, is presented on the household chemicals market. A total of 4-5 companies are leaders in the household chemicals segment because they sell well and receive positive feedback from consumers.

Nefis Cosmetics

The history of the Nefis company from Kazan began in 1855, when a stearin and candle factory was built in the city. For 150 years, the company has been producing candles, powders and household chemicals. She has repeatedly won awards at the local and all-Russian level.

Procter & Gamble

An American multinational giant whose product range is represented in many countries of the world. This is one of the leaders among all global companies producing consumer goods, which speaks of quality and affordability.

Greenfield Rus

Greenfield Rus company specializes in household chemicals, and specifically in detergents. It has its own production lines and supplies products to 150 Russian cities through Auchan, O'Key, Perekrestok, Fix Price networks.

In addition, the products of manufacturers such as Nevskaya cosmetics, Alfatekhform LLC, Mommy Care and others are popular with consumers.

best product for newborns 97

Rating of the best dishwashing detergents

An effective and inexpensive product with lemon extracts has an antibacterial effect and copes with pollution. The composition does not contain hazardous substances, so there is no dangerous effect on the skin.


    high washing efficiency;

    balanced value for money.

    bulk foam;


    thorough rinsing is required.

    inexpensive option for home use.

Fairy "Gentle Hands", "Tea Tree and Mint"

A classic dish detergent with a pleasant aroma and thick consistency. Differs in economical consumption, cleaning burnt and dried food. This product needs no introduction, because it is known to consumers.


    fat cleaning;

    economical consumption.

    thick consistency;


  • prolonged use dries out the skin.

Inexpensive dishwashing liquid from the Russian manufacturer Nefis is no different from imported analogues, because it contains the same components, only in a slightly lower concentration.


    cleaning greasy surfaces;

    does not dry the skin.

    abundant foam;


    liquid, so the consumption is greater;

    a skin-friendly option, although less economical than the same Fairy;

Rating of the best baby dishwashing detergents

To care for children's dishes, pediatricians and other experts recommend using special products. There are many options on the market that are suitable for washing bottles, cups and cups. These products do not leave a strong odor, do not contain dangerous allergenic components.

Frosch Baby does not contain hazardous ingredients and does not cause allergies. It is effective against dried milk, juice and other liquid products.

A good product for children's dishes, although it does not remove strong odors, for example, fishy.


    safe product suitable for any dishes;

    lack of caustic dyes and fragrances;

    fat cleaning;


    high price;

Russian-made gel with a low content of surfactants (no more than 15%). Gentle on hands even after prolonged use.


    cleaning of plastic, silicone, glass and latex;

    lack of dyes;


    does not cope well with strong odors;

    safe product, although it does not cope with all types of pollution;

Natural remedy with citrus oils and anise. It is distinguished by complete safety, therefore it is used even for washing baby bottles. It rinses off well and leaves no residue.

Such a product is not used every day because of the high cost and small volume, but it is great for washing children's dishes.


    application safety;

    pleasant aroma of lemon, cloves and orange;

    absence of dangerous chemical components - parabens, SLS, SLES, flatlates;


    high price;

    small volume 200 ml.

A Russian product that is allowed to be used for washing dishes even for newborns. It does not contain any chemical dyes and hazardous components.

An option for young mothers worried about washing baby dishes. For other cases, it is unlikely to fit.


    cleaning of plastic, glass and other surfaces;

    dyes and pungent odors;

    safety for the body of babies;


    inconvenient dispenser;

    Universal dishwashing detergent. Frosch specializes in the production of environmentally friendly products with natural ingredients. This tool removes dirt well and rinses itself off quickly, but you have to pay more for it.


      optimal thick consistency;

      lack of plaque on the dishes;

      effective removal of food residues;


    • higher cost.

    A Russian product without harmful chemical components is even suitable for washing children's dishes. It is odorless and does not dry out hands, although it contains anionic surfactants that increase cleaning efficiency.


      quick wash;

      suitable for the whole family;



      the composition is not completely natural;

      big expense.

    Natural eco-liquid for washing dishes based on vegetable and mineral components. Suitable for people with sensitive skin and children. An eco-friendly option for an effective product. But due to the high cost, not everyone will choose for everyday use.


      safe and environmentally friendly composition;

      thick concentration;

      lack of phosphates, solvents, chlorine;

      respect for the skin;


      high price;

      The density of the foam depends on the quality of the water.

    Organic People contains organic lemon, so it is used to wash not only dishes, but also fruits, vegetables and children's toys. Organics copes with grease and stubborn dirt, thanks to a balanced composition.


      cleaning various surfaces;

      safety for health and the environment;

      natural ingredients;


      high price;

      limited selection in stores.

    The product in the De La Mark line combines the best solutions - a balanced composition and the absence of harmful components. If you need a good product that will be completely washed off the dishes, you should pay attention to this option.


      lack of plaque from the chemical film;

      balanced concentration and density.

      hypoallergenic composition;


    • rarely found on sale.

    Winni's Piatti Concentrato

    Hypoallergenic detergent with a high concentration for thorough washing of dishes. Thanks to the concentrated composition, 1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water is enough for effective cleaning.


      copes well with washing;

      high concentration;

      the composition contains only vegetable natural components;


    • dishes must be washed thoroughly.

    Rating of the best dishwasher detergents

    Dishwashers are popular, they help to cope with large volumes of dishes. But it is important to select effective washing tablets for them, because otherwise the process itself will create more inconvenience than benefit.

    Finish Powerball All in 1 Max Tablets, 100 Tablets

    Tablets for use in dishwashers on a short cycle. In the composition - phosphates 30%, oxygen-containing bleaches 15%, non-ionic surfactant 5%.

    Effective dishwasher tablets, although the composition seems aggressive for a small amount of dishes.

      effective washing;

      with a small load, ½ tablet is enough;

      no harmful components;

    Noah's disadvantages

      the presence of soda;

      not enough active components for tap water.

    What dish detergent to buy?

      A popular and affordable household dishwashing detergent is Fairy. It is a gel with a thick consistency. There is a wide range of scents to choose from. One drop is enough to form a foam that breaks down fat and removes food debris.

      A cheaper analogue is the Russian remedy Sorti. It has similar qualities, because the composition contains the same components. But it is not so concentrated, so the product is liquid. Accordingly, one-time consumption increases during dishwashing.

      For washing children's dishes, it is recommended to select special products. A good option in terms of performance is the Eared Nyan gel. This tool was created specifically for the care of children's dishes. Frosch Baby also stands out based on natural ingredients.

      The dishwasher leader is Finish tablets. If they seem chemical, then try BioMio with natural eucalyptus oils. For lovers of eco-friendly products, a line of products from Frosch is presented, including those for dishwashers.

    Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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