Useful and medicinal properties of feijoa berries. Useful properties and harm of feijoa

garden equipment 18.10.2019
garden equipment

Feijoa (lat. Acca sellowiana) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Myrtle family and the genus Akka. This name applies both to the fruit itself and to the feijoa shrub, which can often reach a height of four meters. cultivation this plant only started at late XIX century following its discovery by the Brazilian Joano de Silva Feijo. In honor of the mentioned researcher and the Museum of Natural History, the view was named.

The natural distribution area of ​​feijoa is some regions of the South American continent: the highlands of Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. Shortly after being introduced into the diet Western nations feijoa has gained wide popularity in California and even in Eurasia. France began importing fruits in 1890, after 10 years the fruit reached the Black Sea coast, then berries (feijoa is sometimes defined as such) won the attention of Italy and the entire Mediterranean. Currently, the plant is actively distributed in countries with a subtropical and tropical climate. It perfectly took root in the Crimea, in the mountains of the Caucasus and the Krasnodar Territory. Global feijoa exports are primarily associated with the following regions: France, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sicily, New Zealand, Australia, and the US Pacific Coast. Experimental studies have shown that these flowering trees are able to withstand temperatures down to -11 C without damage to their condition. Feijoa ripening occurs in the autumn months (usually in October-November).

As mentioned above, feijoa is often called a fruit, but in terms of biological description fruits are berries, having a shape from wide round to oval. Fruit sizes vary from 2 to 5 cm in length and from 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter. The mass of the berry is from 15 to 70 grams, in rare cases, the weight can reach 110 grams. The fruit seeds are enclosed in a translucent white pulp. Berries can be called large, fleshy and juicy, and in terms of taste, feijoa, as a rule, evokes associations with kiwi, pineapple and strawberries. The peel of exotic fruits can be smooth or bumpy; the first most often corresponds to a yellow-green color, and the second is characteristic of dark green.

Rich in vitamins and minerals and unique properties led to the widespread use of feijoa both raw and in the preparation of gourmet dishes (jams, salads, drinks, canned foods, compotes, lemonades). Also, feijoa fruits are very actively used in cosmetology, especially in the manufacture of face creams. When harvesting from trees, they try to select exactly unripe fruits so that they reach ripeness already in the process of transportation and storage. Otherwise, too soft ripe berries will very quickly lose their beneficial properties and rot. This tropical species also sometimes serves landscape design, because its beautiful long flowering is highly valued by gardeners in Japan.

Vitamin complexes, macro- and microelements in feijoa

Incredible abundance of useful for the body chemical compounds is the reason nutritionists actively recommend feijoa for general consumption. Like many tropical plants, the basis of feijoa berries is water. If we make a calculation for 100 g of feijoa fruit, then it will contain:

  • 86 g water
  • 1.2 g proteins
  • 0.8 g fat
  • 10.5 g carbohydrates
  • and even 0.7 g of ash.

According to the content of vitamin complexes this berry of the Myrtle family belongs to the absolute champions among similar products. B vitamins, always necessary for the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, for the processes of generating energy and normalizing digestion, as well as many other life processes, are found in feijoa. Quantities reach very solid values:

  • 0.008 mg thiamine (B1)
  • 0.032 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 0.289 mg niacin (B3 or PP)
  • 0.228 mg pantothenic acid (B5)
  • 0.05 mg pyridoxine (B6)
  • 38 mcg folic acid (B9)
  • and 20.3 mg of ascorbic acid (C).

The fruits are incredibly rich in organic acids and sugars. From macro- and microelements, significant amounts of the following components can be distinguished:

  • 155 mg potassium (K)
  • 55 mg copper (Cu)
  • 8 to 35 mg iodine (I)
  • 17 mg calcium (Ca)
  • 9 mg magnesium (Mg)
  • 3 mg sodium (Na)
  • 0.085 mg manganese (Mn)
  • and 0.04 mg zinc (Zn).

If we do not calculate on the dry weight of the fruit, then in 1 kg of feijoa berries there are from 2.05 to 3.8 mg of iodine. It should be remembered that the average daily requirement of a middle-aged person for iodine is 0.15 mg. Thanks to a number of studies, the regularity of the content of the amount of this most important microelement from the area of ​​fruit growth has been revealed. For coastal trees, the iodine content in berries reaches highest values, and at a distance of 40–90 km from the sea, the indicators are about 8–9 mg per 100 g of fruit. The iodine in feijoa is water soluble and is absorbed very quickly.

Calorie content and beneficial properties of feijoa

Fresh feijoa has a significant energy value. It contains approximately 50 kilocalories per 100 grams of berries.

  • The highest content of pure iodine in feijoa is comparable only to this value for seafood. Therefore, the fruits are recommended for the treatment and prevention of anemia, thyroid disorders, inflammation of the kidneys and gastric mucosa.
  • The rich supply of B vitamins make feijoa an amazing natural medicine. Vitamins B1 and B2 are involved in metabolism and growth stimulation, and vitamin B2 catalyzes the production of corticosteroids. These components also favor blood formation, and in conjunction with ascorbic acid, they do an excellent job with fatigue and eye diseases.
  • Feijoa fruits can also be useful for the treatment of neuralgia and lumbago. This is due to the high content of vitamin B5, which is responsible for lipid metabolism, redox balance processes, as well as the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B6 is essential for central and peripheral nervous system.
  • The presence of vitamin C in fruits makes berries an effective antioxidant, so feijoa helps to overcome stress and protect against infections. Also, this product increases the permeability of blood vessels, protecting them from fragility.
  • Due to the powerful anti-carcinogenic effect, feijoa fruits are able to lower blood cholesterol levels, so it is useful to complete the use of fried foods with such berries in order to minimize the harm from it. Feijoa is recommended by some nutritionists for type 2 diabetes because it requires lowering sugar levels for treatment. Feijoa fruits contain relatively few sugars ( most they contain fructose) and a small amount of calories.
  • Many tannins are concentrated in the skin of the berries, due to which the fruits have a tart taste, and biologically active catechins and leucoanthocyanites were found in it. The combination of these antioxidant properties makes feijoa an important tool in the prevention of cancer.
  • To prevent colds, the aroma of essential oils is very useful, which neutralizes the action of viruses and pathogens. The pleasant smell of feijoa, according to psychologists, actively disperses melancholy.
  • Feijoa fruits have also been used in the cosmetics industry. Berries become the basis for masks that provide skin elasticity and relieve inflammation.

Contraindications for use

As a rule, feijoa is not capable of causing an allergic reaction, however, the product should be discarded in case of individual intolerance to its components. For example, this applies to those people who are contraindicated in seafood. Due to the high iodine content, feijoa should not be eaten with thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism).

Feijoa is not often seen in our country. This exotic guest hails from the Brazilian subtropics. In Europe, where the overseas plant came at the beginning of the last century, it was used as ornamental shrub. But soon they tasted the taste of feijoa fruits. The benefits and harms of this fruit are contained in its composition. And although feijoa is low in calories (only about 50 kcal per 100 grams), frequent use of it can lead to an iodine overdose. Therefore, it is better to study the properties of this product so as not to harm the body. Our article will help you with this.

Source of vigor and good memory


Feijoa is the richest natural source iodine. This element has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, in case of its dysfunction. Moreover, water-soluble iodine in the composition of feijoa is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

The mineral composition of feijoa is also very rich. Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc - this plant is just a piggy bank of substances necessary for the body.

Feijoa fruits contain almost all the vitamins so necessary for the human body, pectin and essential oils. Their content is high, so the fruits are a great helper during periods of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Eat feijoa - strengthen the immune system.

There are amino acids in this exotic product.

Useful properties of feijoa for men

It cannot be said that this is some kind of miracle cure for men's health, such as, for example, or, but it can be used to prevent prostatitis and strengthen male power. In addition, feijoa helps to fight depression and fatigue, which is very important for modern men who are tormented by work and stress.

Feijoa benefits for women

What can women do that men can never do? One of the correct and not the most witty answers is to give birth. And here the green guest from the subtropics also comes to the rescue: during pregnancy, he can provide the body of the expectant mother folic acid(about why it is needed during this period), calcium, magnesium and iron, and the body of the unborn child - iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the formation of the nervous system. And the low calorie content will please mothers who are worried about how to lose weight after giving birth - the less they gain it, the easier it will be to lose it later.

Medicinal use

We list the main areas of use of feijoa to improve our health:

  • The most obvious is improvement of the thyroid gland due to the large amount of iodine. For the treatment of the thyroid gland, you can use feijoa jam, the recipe of which we will share below. For such a sweet therapy, a tablespoon of jam is enough 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day for a month. If you do not like sweets, then you can treat with infusion: in the evening, pour 3 tablespoons of dry feijoa fruits with 2 cups of boiling water, leave overnight, and drink in 3 divided doses during the day.
  • Antioxidants in the peel help to rejuvenate the body and are a good remedy cancer prevention. So, sometimes it will be useful to eat a whole feijoa without peeling.
  • Feijoa is also useful for the digestive system. The rich pulp has a mild laxative effect. And the peel, on the contrary, contains tannins. It can be dried and crushed. At indigestion drink half a glass of this decoction before meals: steam a tablespoon of chopped peel with a glass of boiling water.
  • The fiber content helps too. digestive system and cleanses the body.
  • The content in the fruits of a sufficient amount of essential oil, vitamins (primarily B vitamins) and iodine makes feijoa a wonderful remedy for depression, lethargy and loss of strength. Eat it regularly and the autumn melancholy will be removed by hand.
  • Together with depression will go away and sleep problems.
  • The presence of essential oils makes feijoa a good ingredient for inhalation. Ate the pulp, steam the peel with boiling water. You can add a spoonful of soda. And breathe over such a solution for several minutes under a towel. It's a good way control and prevention of the common cold.
  • Feijoa will help with gastritis.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • It will be useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, anemia, beriberi. For these purposes, you can use feijoa juice: 1 tablespoon of pure juice is diluted with 50 ml of water, drunk once a day.
  • And feijoa is an excellent antiseptic that can be used when inflammation of the mucous membranes, periodontitis , cuts , inflammation of the kidneys. For this, a decoction of the bark of a tree, leaves and peel of fruits is used. Considering that it is easiest for us to find a peel, then make a decoction from it.

Note to those who follow the figure! Feijoa contains only 49 kcal per 100 grams. It is actively used in dietetics. There are express diets when instead of dinner you need to eat 300-400 grams of peeled feijoa, naturally, without sugar.

Have you already wanted to try this magical fruit, but doubt whether feijoa is right for you? Beneficial features and discuss contraindications with a good nutritionist. He will tell you exactly in what quantities and in what combination you can eat an exotic fruit for you. The following are general warnings about the use of an exotic guest.

Feijoa Recipes

Salads, sauces, side dishes with feijoa

Ripe fruits can be eaten raw - for this it is enough to cut off the peel. But feijoa is eaten not only in its pure form. It is included in a wide variety of dishes. Moreover, not only desserts, but also savory treats can be easily prepared from feijoa. Recipes are very common on the Internet on culinary sites and forums.

The easiest way is to make a fruit salad. Cut arbitrarily favorite fruits, including feijoa. You can fill such a fruit mix with yogurt. Feijoa is also added to unsweetened salads and snacks. The recipes are varied. Not difficult at all, but very tasty: mix finely chopped feijoa, boiled and favorite nuts. Experiment, feijoa snacks will definitely not leave your guests indifferent.

Feijoa is also used to make sauces. The easiest way is to grind the peeled fruit in a blender and add sour cream to taste. Feijoa will shade any meat well. You can add feijoa to mixed vegetable side dishes, for example, in combination with boiled or.

For homemade lemonades, vitamin drinks, juices and compotes, feijoa is simply irreplaceable. You can add feijoa pulp to your proven pancake dough, use it as a filling for puffs and pies, spread it as a layer in cakes. Love this exquisite exotic taste - experiment on your health!

If you don't feel like messing around in the kitchen, feijoa can simply be served as a fresh fruit dessert, plain or lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Before serving, peel the fruit and cut into slices of medium thickness - to make it easier to eat. Alternatively, cut the washed and dried fruit in half and arm yourself with a dessert spoon.

Healthy dessert - feijoa jam

Those who love sweets will love feijoa jam. The recipe is extremely simple. We take a kilogram of feijoa pulp, the same amount of sugar, a medium lemon and a glass of water. It is most convenient to cut the fruit into two parts and remove the pulp with a spoon. Let's start cooking:

  • Pour the prepared fruit pulp with sugar and let stand for 20-25 minutes.
  • Then add water and lemon juice. If desired, you can rub lemon zest into the future jam - it will give a light citrus aroma.
  • We put the finished mixture on fire and cook at maximum heat until it boils actively, do not forget to stir constantly. The process will take approximately 10 minutes. A thick foam will become a signal - it means that the sugar has dissolved well. Everything, the jam is ready.
  • It remains only to pour it into sterile jars and roll it up.

It is best to store such jam in a cool, ventilated place - in a pantry or cellar. The amount of sugar can be varied, but it will require at least a third of the weight of the fruit.

Alternatively, you can cut the feijoa into circles, after cleaning it. Pour the prepared fruit with sugar syrup and boil. In this way, pieces of exotic fruit can be preserved to be used later in baking.

There is another interesting option - feijoa jam without cooking. Such a recipe will allow you to preserve as much as possible all the useful things that are contained in feijoa. In addition, such jam is often made from whole, unpeeled fruits, which means that the concentration of vitamins will be even greater. It is done - nowhere is easier. We twist the washed and cut fruits from both ends in a meat grinder and add sugar in a ratio of one to one. Let the sugar dissolve - and the workpiece is ready. Alternatively, feijoa pulp can be ground with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Such a jam will quickly thicken and acquire a rather dense consistency, like jelly.

Just do not make such a live, uncooked jam in large quantities. It doesn't keep well. Therefore, you need to keep it in the refrigerator, preferably no longer than 2–2.5 months.

Add candied fruits or your favorite nuts (chopped with a knife) to any of the recipes and you will get a wonderful dessert. In addition, feijoa jam can be used to decorate cakes and pastries. But even if you just spread it on cookies or slices of bread, you can get gastronomic pleasure.

Beauty with an exotic taste: application in cosmetology

Feijoa is also used for many cosmetic procedures. It is included in many masks for facial skin, since the antioxidants in the fruit have a powerful anti-aging effect. Try this mask: pulp crushed into porridge plus a little sour cream. We put the gruel on the face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse well.

To brighten and brighten the area around the eyes, as well as smooth the area and reduce eye bags, simply apply fresh feijoa skin for 15-20 minutes.

You can add grated feijoa to coffee and honey peeling. Such a tool is well suited for combating cellulite, it will sufficiently soften and moisturize the skin of the body.

Warm baths for hands and feet with the addition of a decoction of dried feijoa peel have a softening, soothing and regenerating effect.

We eat with caution! Contraindications

Fans of this fruit need to remember that you can not overeat feijoa. Both useful properties and contraindications are associated precisely with the high content of iodine in fruits. This is especially true for those who suffer from hyperthyroidism - enhanced function thyroid gland. It is better for such patients to refrain from eating fruit altogether, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of thyroid hyperfunction.

Symptoms of an overdose of iodine: increased nervous excitability, restlessness, sometimes turning into a nervous breakdown, increased heart rate and "jumping" temperature. General depression, decreased performance, memory impairment - if this condition lasts for weeks, be sure to go for an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

Choose your feijoa carefully when buying. If an exotic fruit is knocked out or has other visible damage, do not take it, you can get poisoned by the waste products of bacteria. Also, if the feijoa that has been stale in your home has begun to rot, do not risk your health and the well-being of your loved ones, throw away the spoiled product.

An upset stomach can also be provoked by the use of feijoa along with cow's milk. It is better to combine this fruit with sour milk. For example, a fruit salad is delicious and healthy seasoned with fresh natural yogurt, and the sauce is made based on sour cream and feijoa.

Feijoa is also contraindicated for those who are diagnosed with diabetes, since the fruit contains a lot of sucrose. But there is an opinion that the high content of pectin levels this property. Better check with your doctor. And if he allows, you can sometimes include feijoa in the diet, for example, as a side dish or as part of sauces for meat, seafood and fish.

Don't forget that on overseas fruits many people have an allergic reaction. If you are trying feijoa for the first time, start with small pieces to see if your body will accept such food without consequences. Be especially careful when feeding feijoas to children.

Where can I buy?

In our country, this fruit is gaining popularity. Not everyone can pamper themselves with an exotic fruit all the time - it will be a little expensive. But take a closer look at the feijoa in the fall - in the middle of winter. This period is considered the season of exotic feijoa. At this time, it can be found more often in the store, and at a very affordable price.

How to store?

Just keep in mind, if you buy feijoa, think right away how to store it. Fresh, it can lie in the refrigerator for 7-10 days, then it will begin to flake and lose flavor. Therefore, having eaten plenty of seasonal feijoa, it is better to cook jam in reserve.

But this applies to mature fruits. An immature feijoa can live much longer - up to six months in the refrigerator, with desired temperature and ventilation. But still it is better to make jam.

How to choose?

Remember, when choosing a feijoa, the benefits and harms will depend primarily on the freshness and maturity of the fruit. Here are some tips to help you avoid mistakes:

  • When choosing a fruit, carefully check it for damage and dents - such fruits will not suit us. There is less benefit in them, and doubts arise: it is unlikely that those who did not pay attention to the normal transportation of the product paid attention to its quality in bulk purchases.
  • Feijoa should not be too hard - this indicates that he has not yet ripened. Bought such fruits - leave for a couple of days at room temperature. They “reach” to a soft mature state literally before our eyes, and there will be no less useful properties with this method.
  • You should not buy overripe fruits either - the fermentation process will begin and you will no longer be able to eat such fruits or make jam.
  • Pay attention to the fact that the skin should be uniform and green, closer to a dark color. Dark brownish spots are unacceptable on quality feijoas that have been properly transported. The shape and size varies - the fruits can be round or oval, 3–8 cm in diameter.
  • Although this is not the most important parameter, if possible, take larger fruits.
  • A well-ripened feijoa has white, fragrant, firm jelly-like flesh. The presence of a yellowish tint of the pulp is allowed, but the brown color indicates that the fruit is unacceptably overripe.
  • Feijoa should not have stalks. Their presence indicates that the fruits were cut too early.
  • Feijoa can not only be touched, but also smelled. If the smell is similar to the smell of pineapples, then everything is fine - the product is ripe.

In general, taste exotic feijoa reminiscent of strawberries put together. But you understand - it's better to try once than read a hundred times!

Growing feijoa at home

You don't have to live in Brazil to grow feijoa. It can be done here in Russia in our beautiful gardens, Next To Apple And Cherry Trees. Moreover, these exotic trees bloom very beautifully. There are 2 ways to grow feijoa at home:

  • Growing from seeds: you need to take ripe fruits, cut them and extract the seeds with pulp. To separate the seeds, rinse it all in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry the seeds and plant them in the soil (first in a small pot, and then in the garden).
  • Growing from cuttings: small cuttings (up to 10 cm) with one pair top leaves stuck into the soil two-thirds of the length at an angle. Better ground pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate and cover with a film. Remember that feijoa loves moisture and intense diffused light. The roots of the cutting will appear in 1.5-2 months, after which it can be planted in the ground.

Some more useful information about this wonderful product:

  • Feijoa fruits, strictly speaking, like the fruits of our favorite watermelon, are berries.
  • Feijoa skins are a good source of antioxidants, but due to their specific taste, they are often peeled before consumption. You can dry the skins and use as a flavoring for homemade tea.
  • Feijoa bush flower petals are also edible and have a delicate apple flavor. They can be deep-fried - you get sweet chips. You can season them with a salad.
  • Jam from this fruit is called FeikhOevoe (emphasis on the second syllable). Although, nevertheless, “feijoa jam” sounds more familiar to our ears.

Feijoa is exactly the fruit that appears in the stores of our country only in early October. The sale of this product ends in December. At the same time, many do not even know how to eat feijoa correctly, what can be cooked from it and what useful qualities it has. Let's figure it out.

Where does this fruit grow?

Initially, an evergreen plant called feijoa appeared in Argentina. Uruguay, Brazil, it is in the subtropics of the distant South America. For the first time about this tree in Europe learned only at the end of the 19th century. The plant got its name from the discoverer of the botanist - Joanie da Silvo Feijo. Now this tree is grown in the Crimea, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and the Krasnodar Territory. But large feijoa plantations can only be found in New Zealand. For a long time, this plant was considered decorative. A delightfully tree with silvery leaves spread very quickly in almost all subtropical zones. But in the tropics, the plant did not take root at all. Gradually, the popularity of this tree has increased. But despite this, many still do not know what feijoa is. The beneficial properties of this plant have long been proven.

Useful properties of feijoa

So, what is the use of feijoa. It should be noted that this fruit contains great amount iodine. According to the content of this trace element, feijoa can only be compared with seafood. Why does the body need iodine? This microelement improves memory and speeds up thought processes. When there is enough iodine in our body, we feel great. We are cheerful and full of energy. If there is a decrease in the amount of an element in our body, we feel severe weakness and get tired very quickly.

In addition, the feijoa fruit contains about 93 substances useful for humans. This fruit is a real piggy bank of vitamins. Feijoa contains fiber, essential sugar, malic acid, macro- and microelements.

The fruits of this plant are recommended for use in diseases of the thyroid gland. Feijoa fruit, the beneficial properties of which have been known for a long time, can be used for pyelonephritis, gastritis, beriberi, and also in the presence of inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the fruits of the evergreen tree can reduce pressure, calm the heart. Feijoa essential oil helps to eliminate skin problems. This substance has anti-inflammatory properties.

Where can you use feijoa

As for the smell and taste of this fruit, they resemble a combination of pineapple, kiwi and strawberries. Now imagine how many different dishes can be made with such a unique component. Feijoa fruit is used to prepare various sauces, salads, desserts, compotes, jams and marmalades.

It is worth noting that these fruits go well with seafood. Especially with noble varieties of fish, such as sea bass or black cod. They can be stuffed with feijoa or served with fruit with these products as a side dish.

These fruits give a spicy and unique taste to poultry and pork meat. Very often, a side dish with feijoa is made in combination with various vegetables: zucchini, Brussels sprouts, carrots. However, the fruit itself should not be processed, as the boiled fruits become softer.

How to choose the right feijoa

So, what is useful feijoa, you already know. Now you need to understand how to choose the right fruits. When choosing this fruit, you should pay special attention to the color of the pulp. Of course, the feijoa needs to be cut. If the flesh of the fruit is transparent, then it is ripe. Don't buy fruit Brown. This indicates that the feijoa has begun to spoil. If the flesh inside turns out to be opaque and white, then the fruit is not ripe.

It is also worth remembering that the fruit retains its beneficial qualities only for a week. Therefore, you should not buy feijoa, the beneficial properties of which have long been known, with a margin. It is better to immediately cook something tasty from the fruits. It is worth noting that the fruits of this plant will not only allow you to diversify your menu, but also become a table decoration.

Feijoa: how to eat

This fruit can be eaten raw. It is worth noting that not only the pulp, but also the peel is suitable for food. Of course, it is not as tasty, but it has much more benefits. To eat the pulp, you need to cut the fruit and carefully cut it out with a spoon. However, it is better to prepare various dishes from feijoa. At the same time, vitamins are almost completely preserved. What can be cooked?

raw jam

So, feijoa, how is it eaten and in what form? For starters, you can try the jam from this fruit. The fruits should be crushed to a mushy state. This can be done with a blender or a meat grinder. In this case, the peel should not be removed, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins. The resulting mass must be mixed with sugar. It will turn out just amazing jam without cooking. For 1 kilogram of feijoa, 1 kilogram of sugar is needed. When the jam is ready, you can arrange it in jars, previously sterilized. It is better to store the finished product in the refrigerator. You can also add crushed hazelnuts or walnuts to the mixture.

How to make real jam

Feijoa, whose beneficial properties are known to many, can be eaten in the form of jam. To prepare it, you need water, grated ginger, fruits and sugar, the amount of which should be 25% of all fruits. All components should be placed in a refractory container and put on fire. But best for water bath. The delicacy should be cooked for 6 hours. In this case, you need to remove the foam and stir regularly. Do not immediately add grated ginger. It is better to do this at the end of cooking. It is worth noting that such an extraordinary combination will make the jam more delicious. The finished delicacy should be wiped through a sieve. This will separate the ginger fibers and feijoa seeds from the jam.

Feijoa with beets

To prepare this simple salad you will need:

  1. Beet medium size.
  2. From 100 to 200 grams of feijoa.
  3. Walnuts.
  4. Salt.
  5. Vegetable oil.

Fruit must be peeled and then finely chopped. It is better to boil the beets and grind them on a coarse grater. Peel and crush nuts. Mix all the ingredients in one container, lightly salt and season with vegetable oil. It is worth considering that the calorie content of feijoa is very small. Therefore, the dish is perfect for those who follow their forms. In addition, boiled beets help cleanse the body. Such a diet salad contains a lot of vitamins and fiber.

Pork special

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • Pork.
  • Feijoa.
  • Lime.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.
  • Cashew.
  • Paprika.
  • Mix of lettuce leaves.
  • Low-fat yogurt or mayonnaise.
  • Red wine

The meat must be washed, dried with a paper towel, and then cut into small and thin slices. Lime and feijoa also need to be thoroughly washed and chopped. Fruit is best cut into thin rings. Onions should be peeled and cut into strips. After that, you need to put a frying pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil and warm up well. In the heated fat, it is necessary to lower the pork slices and fry them on all sides. After that, put fruits and onions in the pan. You need to fry everything for another three minutes.

In an almost ready dish, you need to add a little red wine, soy sauce and add chopped cashews. All components must be thoroughly mixed and removed from heat. A mix of completely different varieties should be combined with low-fat yogurt or mayonnaise. An extraordinary dish is ready.

Cranberry and feijoa tincture

The calorie content of feijoa is very small, so from this fruit you can cook not only delicious, but also diet meals and drinks. To prepare cranberry tincture you will need:

Berries should be washed and crushed. Peel the feijoa and chop as desired. After that, you can prepare sugar syrup. To do this, pour 75 milliliters of water into a refractory container and dissolve sugar in it. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. Pounded berries and chopped fruits should be transferred to a container with a volume of 700 milliliters. You also need to add sugar syrup. The remaining volume should be filled with water. Then everything needs to be mixed well. The container should be tightly closed and placed in dark place. The tincture will be ready in 7 days.


Feijoa is a real storehouse useful substances. You can eat fruit not only in its raw form. Feijoa is great for preparing various salads, sweets and even meat. This product has a simply amazing taste, which makes any dish simply unique.

Feijoa was first discovered in Brazil, since then the exotic fruit has gained popularity all over the world. Currently, the berry can be found in the vastness of our country, mainly the product grows in the southern regions. Feijoa has a rich chemical composition, which contains the necessary trace elements for human body.

Choosing the Right Feijoa

  1. To choose worthy fruits, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the shell. The peel should not have damage and dents. Ripe berries are smooth, firm and firm to the touch.
  2. If you cut an exotic fruit, the flesh should be transparent and fleshy. In this case, the taste of feijoa will be fully revealed.
  3. When choosing a product on the market, ask the seller to cut the berry, so you can make sure it is whole and ripe.
  4. If the flesh is white, the fruit can be considered immature. Do not despair, place the fruits at home in a warm room. After a few days, the feijoa will acquire the proper maturity, it can be consumed.
  5. Exotic fruits are harvested unripe, the berries ripen during transportation. Feijoa also tends to spoil quickly. If, when cutting the fetus, you saw the pulp dark color, refrain from buying.

The benefits and composition of feijoa

  1. When studying feijoa, it turned out that the fruits contain a high rate of iodine. The enzyme is easily absorbed by the body, because it is in a water-soluble form. It has been scientifically proven that berries are an order of magnitude superior to red fish and seafood in terms of iodine content.
  2. If you eat only a few fruits a day, in this way you will replenish daily allowance iodine in the body. It is strongly recommended to use exotic berries for people who have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also worth including feijoa in the diet of children and the elderly.
  3. It is highly recommended to consume fruits if you live in metropolitan areas. Feijoa contains ascorbic acid, which actively prevents colds. Thiamine is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, maintaining the work of the heart muscle and brain activity.
  4. The presence of riboflavin in the composition of berries is responsible for stabilizing the level of hormones in the body. In addition, the enzyme is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, the breakdown of fats and the renewal of fibers and tissues. Nicotinic acid normalizes the work of the pancreas and the activity of the digestive tract. The enzyme reduces pressure and prevents the development cancer cells.
  5. Due to the content of pantothenic acid in feijoa, the work of metabolic processes in the body is restored. The enzyme actively suppresses a number of ailments and is able to cope with pancreatitis, allergies, liver diseases, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  6. Pyridoxine helps to build enzymes that are necessary for the work of all the muscles of the human body. Chemical substance effectively affects the muscles with convulsions, spasms and numbness of the limbs. At the same time, pyridoxine slows down tissue aging at the cellular level.
  7. Feijoa is rich in niacin, an enzyme that is an integral part of the central nervous system. The substance is actively involved in protein metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to the easily digestible fats and proteins that feijoa is rich in, it can be classified as a dietary product.
  8. The peel of exotic berries contains leukoanthocin and kahetin, chemical enzymes are recognized as the most powerful antioxidants. Substances resist harmful effects environment. In addition, kahetin and leukoanthocin prevent the formation of cancer cells and pathologies.

  1. Pediatricians strongly recommend introducing feijoa into the baby's daily diet with extreme caution. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing intolerance in the child even after 1 berry.
  2. If complementary foods have passed without harmful consequences, feijoa will bring only invaluable benefits to the child. Due to the high content of iodine in the product, the baby will not feel tired. Also, berries will have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Feijoa has proven itself as an effective product in strengthening immune system. Thus, with regular use, the body's resistance increases. The child is not threatened various diseases viral infections and mushrooms. It is strongly recommended to consume fruits in the off-season.
  4. You should also be careful if the child is at risk of developing overweight or diabetes. Berries can be consumed, but it is worth limiting their daily amount and constantly monitoring the body's reaction.

Feijoa benefits for pregnant women

  1. Girls who are in position need to take nutrition with special responsibility. The main criteria remains that the products must be balanced, healthy and varied. During pregnancy, the formation of the fetus and its organs occurs.
  2. Try not to succumb to various temptations in terms of harmful dishes, it is during pregnancy that you want something useless. Experts recommend that girls in position consume various vegetables and fruits that grow in your climate. In the cold season, things are more complicated.
  3. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa, despite its exoticism, is excellent for the fairer sex during gestation. In addition to the above trace elements, ascorbic acid and niacin are of particular benefit. Enzymes are easily absorbed by the body.
  4. Also, tropical berries include a high content of iodine and iron. Minerals are easily absorbed by the blood and form the fetus without signs of disturbance. It is also worth considering the fact that if your doctor has prescribed iodine-containing vitamins for you, you should limit the use of feijoa. An excess of a trace element is just as harmful as its deficiency.

  1. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. With the help of various infusions, decoctions of fruits and leaves, abrasions on the skin can be healed. Remedies are great for bleeding gums and toothache.
  2. To make a nourishing face mask, it is enough to combine the grated fruit with the yolk of an egg. As a result, the skin will receive a charge of useful microelements, microcracks and creases will be smoothed out. Also, the dermis will acquire an even tone, smoothness and velvety.

Contraindications and possible harm to feijoa

  1. The product is so unique that it has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
  2. It is necessary to be careful with the fruits of individuals who may have allergies and hypersensitivity to iodine. As practice shows, such phenomena occur in rare cases.
  3. Therefore, if you are allergic, carefully monitor your health. In case of any deviations, immediately stop eating exotic berries.

Rules for the use of feijoa

  1. So that feijoa does not leave you indifferent and brings maximum benefit for the body, you need to eat only ripe fruits. The snag can only be in the event that the berries did not have time to ripen. As described earlier, feijoas are harvested unripe.
  2. If you purchased fruits in this form, do not despair, the product can be kept in a warm room for several days, after which you can enjoy the pulp of a unique taste. In the process of ripening, feijoa will acquire a jelly-like filling, and the peel will noticeably thinner.
  3. The method of eating feijoa is very similar to kiwi. You can remove the peel from the berries and chop into pieces. Also cut from the fruit upper part and eat with a dessert spoon, taking the pulp out of the cavity. Do not forget that if the feijoa is fully ripe, it can be consumed whole. As you know, it is in the peel that almost all the benefits are concentrated.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, obesity, beriberi or a breakdown, experts strongly recommend including about 6 feijoa berries in your daily diet. After a few days you will feel better. In addition, the fruits are rich in essential oils, which are involved in strengthening the human protective shell.

Video: the benefits and harms of feijoa

Feijoa (novolat. Feijoa) is a green oblong berry native to South America. In size, feijoa is 5-7 cm in diameter and weighs approximately 20-120 g. When ripe, the fruit becomes very juicy with a slight sourness.

Legend and discovery

There is a legend of the origin of feijoa. About how the young man was in love with the sea princess, but yearned for the earth. For the decision to return to solid ground the sea king turned it into a tree with the aroma of the sea breeze in the fruit.

A new plant was discovered at the end of the 19th century. in Brazil during a scientific expedition and got its name in honor of the director of the Natural History Museum, Joao Feige. In Europe, the fruit first appeared in 1890 in France. From there, feijoa spread to the Mediterranean countries, the Crimea and the Caucasus. The tree is very thermophilic and can withstand maximum frosts down to -10°C.


Feijoa peel is quite dense and tart in taste, and the flesh is soft and juicy with a small amount of seeds. In this case, the entire fruit is used. Some prefer to use only the inner part of the fetus, forgetting that a large number of useful substances are located in the peel. The peel can also be dried and added to tea for flavoring. Feijoa ripening occurs from mid-October until almost the end of November. Therefore, this berry is very popular in countries of the temperate climate zone, where cold weather already sets in during this period and fresh fruits begin to depart.

Collection and storage of feijoa

Feijoa harvesting is carried out when the berry is not yet ripe - this allows it to be transported without damage. When choosing a feijoa, you need to try it by touch. The fruits should be soft and without visible damage. If the feijoa is hard and there is no other, then it can be left for several days in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 20-23 °. Such conditions will allow the fetus to ripen naturally. In order to definitely check the quality of the feijoa fruit, it must be cut. The pulp of a ripe berry is transparent. If the pulp is white, then the fruit is not ripe, brown - it is already spoiled.

Feijoa can be stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable and fruit section, but, like any other seasonal berry, not for long. Depending on the degree of maturity of the berries, this is from 7 to 14 days. During storage, feijoa loses moisture, which makes it sweeter. You can also make jam from feijoa, which can be consumed throughout the winter period. To do this, you need to wash the feijoa, cut off the inflorescence and grind. In puree, add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Initially, the jam will be green in color, but later it can turn brown due to the pigment of the seeds. With this method of harvesting feijoa, all its useful properties are preserved.

Feijoa use

The berry is widely used in cooking (comotes, jams, pastries, desserts, salads, marinades, wine, tinctures), cosmetology and independently as a medicine. When using feijoa, not a single case of allergic reactions was detected.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of feijoa

Composition and presence of nutrients

Feijoa fruits contain vitamins (, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, PP), micro and macro elements (iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, manganese), acids (malic, folic ) and essential oils with pineapple and strawberry aroma. Due to the presence of easily digestible proteins and fats in the fruit pulp, feijoa belongs to dietary foods, using which you can replace one of the meals or use it in dishes while following a diet. This will make up for the lack of vitamins and reduce weight.

Feijoa is the only plant in the world with more iodine content than seafood. It is in a water-soluble state, so it is well absorbed by the body. Doctors prescribe feijoa fruits for people with thyroid disorders and mental stress. It is also used in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, atherosclerosis, beriberi, hypovitaminosis, pyelonephritis, gout, Graves' disease, and constipation.

The peel of the fruit contains the biologically active substances kahetin and leukoanthocin, which are powerful antioxidants with preventive action for oncological diseases.

Vitamin C and aromatic feijoa essential oils are used in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections and influenza, as well as an immunomodulator. For treatment, it is better to use fruits with a warm drink in the form of jam.

The use of feijoi in cosmetology

Feijoa cosmetic masks have anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and nourishing effects. To prepare the mask, mix 1/3 of the chopped feijoa with the yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with water.

Feijoa in cooking

When preparing feijoa dishes, its flavor combination with other products should be taken into account. So feijoa in salads is in harmony with oily and citrus fruits, with fresh and boiled beets, carrots, apples. For dressing, it is better to use low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Dangerous properties of feijoa

Ripe feijoa fruits due to the high sugar content are contraindicated for people suffering from

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