Tangerine description. Tangerines - overseas fruit

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

Photo: Tangerine (Citrus reticulata)

Description of tangerine

Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) is a small citrus tree with a very dense crown and small, narrow leaves. The same term is used for the fruit of this tree, which does not have seeds (pits). Belongs to the Rutov family. There are a number of other names for this tree and fruit, which can be considered synonymous with the above name.

In general, to be precise, tangerine is not a botanical term. Therefore, the selection of tangerine, as a separate type of tangerine, does not fully correspond to the accepted classification, or, to put it mildly, not strict. Tangerines are usually called red-orange, bright tangerines, sweet in taste, in which the thin peel easily separates. Yes, in fact, translated from English, Tangerine means - tangerine, orange color.

So, in China, one of the many varieties of mandarin (thin-skinned and sweet-tasting) is tangerine, and to this day is considered the main Chinese citrus crop. Thus, tangerine can be absolutely rightly attributed to that botanical appearance, which includes tangerine. Although in the modern sense, tangerine occupies a lower rung of horticultural plant cultivation than mandarin.

The main differences of tangerine are its pronounced color - orange, in contrast to tangerines, which are characterized by a yellowish color, and more early ripening: fruits of tangerine ripen somewhere in the month of November, while tangerine in February. As for the aroma, it is almost the same, although it is less pronounced in tangerine.

Despite the fact that China is considered the place of origin of tangerine, the production of the main product obtained from this fruit, oil, is established mainly in the United States and, to a lesser extent, is organized in Sicily in Italy. Tangerine oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit by cold pressing.

Brief description of the fruit tangerine

The fruit has a yellow-orange color, fresh fruity-sweet, citrus aroma. The fruit contains the following chemical compounds: citrals (aldehydes), cadinene (sesquiterpene), lianols, citronellols (alcohols), limonene.

Tangerine has an antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic and sedative effect, enhances the functional activity of the stomach. Doctors believe that tangerine oil has an almost hypnotic effect. In any case, in stressful conditions, with nervous tension its reception is recommended, as it really has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Tangerine can also be used for cosmetic purposes. So, it activates blood flow and due to this it is able to return the natural color of the skin (instead of pale). It is also a good skin tonic in combination with other ingredients. It should be noted that tangerine oil has almost the same properties as orange and tangerine. And this means that its use can help in solving a variety of healing and psycho-emotional problems of a person.

Source: www.hoga.ru

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Mandarin tangerine (Citrus reticulate Blanco var. Tangerine) is a small-sized citrus tree with a dense crown and rather small narrow leaves. In my own way appearance tangerine is not much different from the usual well-known mandarin. The tangerine plant belongs to the Rutov family. Notably, tangerine is not the accepted scientific name for a particular type of citrus plant.

Mandarin tangerine is out of the accepted classification, therefore officially given plant are not isolated as a separate species, but are considered as a mandarin fruit. As a rule, tangerine is a variety of tangerines with a thin peel and a bright, rich, juicy tangerine flavor of the pulp. Even in literal translation, the name of the plant tangerine sounds like "orange tangerine".

It is worth noting that it is the mandarin tangerine that is considered the most common citrus fruit growing in China. Mandarin tangerine belongs to the genus Citrus and is an evergreen shrub that does not exceed 4 meters in height. For the first time, Chinese tangerines were known in Europe only in the 19th century.

Currently, many varieties of tangerines, including tangerine, are grown in Spain, France, Algeria, Georgia, Morocco, Japan, Azerbaijan and Argentina. Tangerine is eaten fresh and processed. Since the vitamin and mineral composition of tangerine fruits contains a large number of various beneficial natural compounds, the fruit has long been used as a Chinese traditional medicine.

From the fruits of tangerine, fruit juices, jams, jams, and confiture are made. In addition, tangerine is considered an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of some sauces, as well as fish, rice and poultry dishes. Tangerine is part of the national Asian sweets, pastries and fruit salads. Currently, breeders have bred several varieties of mandarin tangerine, among which the following are the most popular and common:

  • ball tangerine, a fruit with a sweet and sour taste, as well as a dark orange peel, which is very easily removed from the fruit;
  • honey tangerine has a sweet rich taste, since the fruits of the plant contain a large amount of sucrose of natural origin;
  • The Minneola tangerine is a hybrid of a mandarin and a grapefruit that is distinguished by its pear-shaped shape.

As a result of the studies, it was found that regular consumption of tangerine fruits improves immunity. human body. In addition, tangerine has an antispasmodic, antiseptic and tonic effect. Tangerine is often used as a natural sedative. Based on tangerine essential oil, which has found active application in cosmetology, folk and official medicine.

Calorie tangerine 53 kcal

Energy value of tangerine (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Tangerine ( Citrus tangerina) is a type of tangerine ( Citrus reticulata), which has an easy-to-peel, loose rind that covers the delicious sweet slices of the fruit. Clementine is the most known species which is sold in many shops. This article is useful for gardeners who would like to learn how to grow tangerine and how to care for it.

Planting a tangerine

Tangerine is grown in pots unless you live in a tropical or subtropical region. Although the plant tolerates cold weather better than most citrus fruits, nevertheless, tangerine cannot survive in severe frosts. Even in warm climates, it's best to provide a sheltered place to plant the tangerine. The growth of tangerine depends on the amount of sun, so give preference to a sunny area.

You might want to try growing a tangerine from a seed, but in all likelihood, your efforts will end up with a different fruit tree than you expected. It will be much better to buy a tree in a greenhouse with a good reputation. An annual or biennial tree will be grafted onto a stock.

Before deploying a purchased tree, it is advisable to know how to grow it in the best possible way. First, you'll need a container that has enough room for the tree to grow. Although potted citrus fruits may be held back by the size of the pot, you'll definitely want your tree to have enough room to grow and develop. But don't overdo it. Just make sure there is a few inches more soil around the root ball than in the container the tree was in before.

We pass to the second condition necessary for landing. Tangerine prefers soil with a neutral pH, so it is recommended to wash the peat off the root ball. Most quality potting mixes are pH neutral, and peat will make the soil acidic.

Place the tree in a pot and fill the space around the roots with soil. The tree should be at the same level it was originally when you bought it from the greenhouse, and pack the soil well. The young tree needs in large numbers water until it takes root. Keep the soil moist by watering the tree regularly for one to two weeks, but avoid overwatering.

How to care for tangerine

Now that you've finished planting your tangerine in a pot, it's time to talk about caring for your tree. Tangerine growing in a pot needs top dressing at least twice a year; the time to start feeding the tree is when you see new growth. Put the pot in a sunny place, now let nature take care of it.

When the weather gets above +5°C, you can move the tree to the street, although, like most indoor plants if the tangerine is moved to a new microclimate gradually, this will prevent the plant from going into shock and losing foliage. They do the same in the fall, when the air temperature begins to drop.

When the tangerine is indoors, it needs to be watered when upper layer soil is dry to the touch. Once you have moved your potted tangerine outdoors, it needs to be watered daily.

Since we are talking about the care of tangerine, it would be remiss not to mention the future. Unlike other trees, tangerine does not need pruning.

As the tree grows, it needs to be transplanted into new pot every three to four years. As with other indoor plants, it will be enough to take a pot one size larger than the previous one.

It also takes three to four years for a tree to bear fruit. So be patient and enjoy the beauty of the tree in the meantime. And when you taste the first fruits of your labor, you will be rewarded for carefully studying and observing the conditions for growing tangerine.


Today, the champion in growing tangerines is Thailand. Therefore, it is customary to call tangerines Thai tangerines.

At first glance, tangerines are ordinary tangerines. But they have a thin peel, a brighter aroma than a regular mandarin, and an unusually fresh taste. In addition, tangerines are often green. Their color is not an indicator of ripeness. There are just tangerines various kinds and sizes - green and orange, large and very small. There are no seeds in this tangerine, so it is very pleasant to eat it.

In its composition, tangerine is a whole set of vitamins and trace elements dissolved in a liquid. Folic and betocarotene acids, magnesium, calcium and potassium, lutein, xanthine, vitamins C, B1, B2, P, A, K, D ... No wonder they are strongly advised to include in the diet of vegans and fruitarians, whose diet is limited.

Read more about the beneficial properties of tangerines:

  • The fruit is unique in that it contains almost half of the daily requirement of vitamin C (10 g of pulp - 35 mg of the vitamin). This means that the fruit is a natural antioxidant. Therefore, eating tangerine helps prevent aging, strengthen immunity, and increase vitality. Tangerine in Thailand is considered a worthy alternative to tonic drinks.
  • The presence of vitamin K in the composition of the fruit helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin D is necessary for the prevention of bone and connective tissue diseases. Tangerine contains phytoncides - natural neutralizers of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Like many other fruits, tangerine contains fiber and pectin. Therefore, tangerine is a fruit for those who wish to have healthy digestion and normal cholesterol levels.

Despite the fact that the pulp of the fruit is quite sweet, there are very few calories in tangerine - only 53 Kcal per 100 g. The fruit is useful for losing weight, even in cases where fruit consumption is advised to be limited.

In Asia, tangerines ripen all year round. In Thailand, they sell both the fruits themselves and the juice from them, which perfectly quenches thirst and tones. Juice is often used to treat skin diseases - acne, psoriasis. For cosmetic procedures, however, tangerine essential oil is more suitable, it is obtained by cold pressing from the peel of the fruit. The oil not only improves the condition of the skin, but is also effective for the treatment of minor damage to the dermis, cuts and burns.

Buying green tangerine is quite difficult, but overripe fruits are common, and they lose both in taste and in useful properties. Therefore, when choosing a tangerine, it is important that the peel has a uniform fresh color, without spots, and the fruit is elastic to the touch.

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