Borshevik photography. Borshevik Landing and care Useful properties Treatment of burns

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

Borshevik is a herbaceous plant relating to the family of umbrella, which has about seventy species of crops growing in the moderate climate of the eastern part of the globe.


Some varieties of Borshevik are cultivated for the production of silage. There are species that are used in phytotherapy due to their medicinal properties. There is a decorative Borshevik used in landscaped design for planting plots. However, the fact that some varieties of plants are very poisonous and contact with them causes severe burns.

To grow this extraordinary culture, maybe even a novice gardener, most importantly, to choose its varietal belonging and ensure the necessary conditions for growth and development. Only in this case, the culture will delight with their luxurious bright green sheet plates throughout the summer season.

Varieties and types of Borshevik

- It is a herby perennial growing in the Caucasus. The plant reaches a height of about three meters. It has powerful branchy shoots forming a large shrub. Light green leaf plates, large, reaching up to one and a half meters long. Inflorescences are large, umbrella, white or light pink shade. The flowering time of the plant falls for July. The culture of poisonous and in contact with it there are strongest burns that can end with a fatal outcome.

- It is a branched bowler, reaching height from 120 centimeters with a period, dark green large foliage. The inflorescence of the yellow-green shade of medium size. Flowers plant from June to August. Culture is not poisonous and has decorative properties.

- It is a herbaceous perennial plant having weakly pubescent stems reaching up to 2.5 meters in height. Land blade sheet plates, with long cutters and five shares. They are rather large and have a bright green shade. Inflorescences are umbrella, large, white shade. This variety is poisonous and causes strong burns.

- It is a gigantic rapidly growing culture reaching in a height of up to 6 meters. Leaf plates are peristracted, large, dark green shade. In length, they grow up to 3 meters. Inflorescences umbrella, white shade. Borschevik flowers from July to August. The plant of this variety is poisonous and causes serious burns. In many countries it is destroyed as a dangerous weed.

It is a herbaceous perennial relating to the umbrella family, reaching up to 2 meters in height. Rhizome is large, steel ribbed, with hard hairs. Large plate plates, dark green, roasting, troops. Inflorescences umbrella, white shade. Motherland culture is Siberia and the Far East.

- It is a major perennial growing in Europe and Asia. Large leaf plates, peristracted dark green shade. In the height, the culture reaches up to 2 meters and has a thick, slightly dipped stem. The plant is not poisonous and has medicinal properties. Inflorescences are large, umbrella white shade. Borshevik flowering time falls at the end of summer.

- It is a herbaceous two-year plant reaching a height of up to 150 centimeters. Top shoots, rounded, furor. Sheet plates oval or rounded, dark green shade with silver villi. Inflorescences are white, umbrella, medium size.

- It is a herbaceous perennial plant, reaching a height of up to 5 meters. Leaf plates of culture dark green, large, growing up to 3 meters in diameter. Inflorescences are large, umbrella, white shade. Eastern countries are considered to be the country's culture. Borshevik of this variety is poisonous and, when contacting it, burns may arise.

Borshevik landing and care in open soil

Borshevik is a fairly unpretentious and survivable plant. It is not demanding to the place and the composition of the soil. Current care is minimal. But if it is grown on the site its decorative form, then it will take care of it more thoroughly.

Borshevik very quickly grows on any territory, so he is unpretentious to the place of its location. It can grow both on solar beds and completely shaded. If the plant is grown as a decorative culture, it follows it where it will be aesthetically looked regardless of lighting.

To the temperatures of Borschevik is also unpretentious, it transfers both severe frosts and severe heat. For this reason, in a special and thorough preparation for winter, it does not need. Humidity indicators also have no value for culture. Borshevik feels fine both in damp soil and dry.

It is planted in the fall, under the winter so that the seeds have passed natural stratification, in carefully reheated bed. For landing seed, garden soil must be mixed with a compost, explode and make small wells. After the seeding of the seed material, it should be sprinkled with the earth and leave until spring.

In the spring, as a threat to frosts, the first germs will begin to appear, which should be broken, leaving between plants more than a distance, given the fact that they greatly grow and have large sheet plates.

Astrance is also an umbrella family representative. It is grown when landing and leaving the open soil without much trouble, subject to agrotechnics. You can find all necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering Borschevik

The rapid growth of culture will be observed in a well-moistened soil. However, if the Borschevik mooring, pests and fungal diseases will begin to appear. For this reason, it should not be allowed to bay plants.

Watering the plant follows as necessary, and after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Soil for Borshevik

Earth can be absolutely any, but better if it is fertile, loose and breathable. To prepare the optimal soil for the plant, garden land should be mixed, compost and peat or sand, which will act as drainage.

After the garden is ready, you can proceed to sowing seeds.

Borshevik transplant

There is no need to transplant culture. She can greatly grow for a long time on the same bed.

If you want to update the plant, it is easier to remove old Borsheviki and plant new ones.

Fertilizer for Borshevik

Borshevik can not feed. However, if the soil is depleted, and the gardener wants to get a magnificent culture faster, it is possible to make fertilizer once in the season.

Support must be carried out in the spring, bringing a complex mineral fertilizer under the bushes or a korovak diluted in the water.

Borshevik blossom

Borschevik flowers from July to August. His inflorescences have the form of large umbrellas of white, pinkish or yellowish shade, depending on the variety of culture. Flowers have a lightweight sweet aroma.

After flowing, seeds are formed, which can be used for reproduction.

Trimming Borshevik

In such a trimming, the culture does not need.

To maintain its decorative appearance, it is necessary to remove dried leaf plates and inflorescences after a bunch, in order to prevent self-sewn.

Preparation of Borshevik for Winter

Special preparation for winter does not require a plant. It does not need to be stolen, as it is well tolerate even severe frosts.

The only thing that should make a gardener is to trigger the trunk and shoots to be closed with the ground so that the plant with the arrival of spring can be updated and becoming more lure than before.

Breeding Borshevik Seeds

Culture is multiplied by self-help. Seeds quickly spare and grow. They can be collected and having a plant forcibly. The seed collection is carried out in autumn, after which they immediately evicted in the ground before the first frost.

When sowing seeds in the spring, they should be stratified. A young plant blooms only for the second year after disembarking. In one place grows up to eight years, after which she loses its decorativeness and begins to dry out.

How to get rid of Borshevik on the plot

The most effective way to get rid of the plant is pruning inflorescences during the tamental period of buds and the beginning of flowering. Thus, it is possible to quickly destroy the culture on a small area. But this method is dangerous in that it often causes burns, because during trimming on the skin, plant juice is falling dangerous by its aggressive composition.

Drop needed buds, inflorescences and green not yet developed fruits. Cut follows central umbrella inflorescence and umbrella inflorescences of the first order. Umbrellas related to the second order, with their formation, need to be removed under the base. Pruning should be carried out in gloves and closed clothes.

Also, fighting the Borshevik can be used by various herbicidal compositions. Processing Borschevik needed from the beginning of its rustling after winter and necessarily before flowering. If you process the culture when the seeds begin to ripen, then this will not give the proper effect.

Frequent and intense herbicidal treatment will only act on generative cultures, and only from the moment of the development of shoots before the start of flowering period. In other periods of plant development, without taking into account the growing vegetation of a young Borshevik, a significant effect from processing cannot be obtained.

Diseases and pests

This plant is minimally susceptible to disease and pests. However, at the bay, Borschevik may get milded dew. To eliminate it, the culture must be treated with the preparation of "phytodeter", collecting it according to the instructions on the package.

Also, when the soil is oveurgery, the plant can attack a weevil. To destroy the pest should use insecticide "Decis". The remaining aids and pests of culture are not terrible.

Borshevik beneficial properties and contraindications

Traditional medicine practically does not use drugs made from the drawing of Borshevik, but it is actively used in traditional medicine. This culture is rich in alkaloids, tanning substances, resins, trace elements, furocumary, carotine, flavonoids, glutamine, sugars, arginine, fiber and vitamins.

Rhizomes and fruits are actively used in homeopathy, which includes essential oils and vitamin C. Borshevik juice helps to fight purulent wounds, ulcers and asthma. Roots are used for liver disease and psoriatic lesions.

According to research, Borshevik affects the production of testosterone in men and destroys fungi. The plant has an antispasmodic and soothing effect, so it is used with the ailments of the CNS. In addition, it has a hemostatic and choleretic effect.

Briskhevik decoction

Briskhevik decoction helps to cope with the toothache, fever and inflammatory processes in the lymphatic system. The tincture of the plant eliminates the meteorism, diarrhea and has a healing effect during gastroenteritis. Borshevik leaves are applied to bruises to avoid swelling, and also use as compresses in arthritis.

The drug decoction from sheet plates is added to the bathroom for scabies, and also taken inwards in female diseases, tumor processes, lymphadenitis and as hemostatic. Leaves from dried leaves advise to drink women with sex.

A decoction of fruit is a choleretic agent. It is also used with the ailments of purulent and inflammatory etiology and kidney problems. Borshevik root tincture is used for oncology, epilepsy, diarrhea, depression and spastic pain. Water infusion of leaf plates of plants are used to improve metabolic processes, adjusting the operation of the tract and sedative.

Tincture Borschevik

The most common means based on the roots of Borschevik is a tincture that helps with many diseases. For its preparation you need to take 2 tbsp. Spoons of chopped dry root root and pour it with 0.5 liters of boiled water. Then the resulting mixture is left to come to eight hours, after which it is pressed and filtered.

The tincture takes 50 drops 4 times a day in twenty minutes before meals as a spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent during gastroenteritis and meteorism.

Apply a plant, it is impossible to people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, allergic, hypertensive, yazuvenches, children and future mothers.

Borshevik's burn treatment at home

When the juice of the plant with skin cover, it appears heavy itching, irritation, fever and headache. Very often there are burns that turn into ulcers that are long sentenced and leave strong scars.

To avoid such serious consequences, the place of hitting the borshevik juice should be immediately rinsed with water and apply a synthesic emulsion, after which it is covered with a bandage. Burn place must be hiding from the sun.

To remove itching, you can drink antihistamine or make a damaged range from strong tea.


Borshevik is a beneficial plant used in landscape design, cooking and medicine.

However, you should treat them carefully, since contact with its juice can cause serious burns.

Only negative things speak about Borschevik, believing that this weed is the most dangerous and harmful of all known plants found in natural conditions. However, a lot of plant species are known to botany, which are harmful to livestock, as well as dangerous for a person. And Borschevik is a vote viewwho fell into many regions of our country from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus 50 years ago, and today is the most famous of the "quarantine" species of weeds.

About this plant walks an incredible number of different rumors and fairy tales, most of which can be considered truthful only in part. Is it really this plant so poisonous and harmful as they say about him?

Name and origin

Borshevik (Lat. ) - the genus of the plants of the family of umbrella, numbering 52 in Ida, common in the moderate belt of the Eastern Hemisphere (one species in North America).


On the territory of the former union there are more than 30 species of these weeds from the genus Borschevikov (or heraklium). And in total in the world there are no less than 65 varieties of Borshevik. And on the territory of our country there are no more than 15 species.

Some varieties of this weed reach a height of up to 4-4.5 m, and the main umbrella form of inflorescence in diameter reaches 1.0 - 1.1 m, and sometimes to 1.5 m. Its flowers - beautiful turbines, the smell flies And bees, and wasps. The foliage of these weeds reaches a significant size in length - up to 2 - 2.5 m, and some copies of the length of 2.8 - 3.0 m.

Therefore, in the people, this type of weeds and nicknamed "Hercules grass".

In our country, the name of this plant was given because it was used when cooking boors. And in a number of regions of our country, the name has been reduced to Barshigia. Another name is "bear lap" due to the form and size of foliage.


In some regions of Russia, the spring was collected by the young foliage of Borshevik and added to the first dishes, first of all, to borschy. The young stems of this plant were marinated, the foliage was used to salmon, and even Cucats were prepared from the shoots. The foliage of Borshevik was also dried, only previously soaked for several hours to remove some active substances - essential oils, coumarins and some others. The root system of this weed contains a large number of sugars, so they produced sugar, and also prepared alcoholic beverages.

In some regions of the Transcaucasus, this plant enters the diet not only livestock, but also present on the man's table.

But in the United States of America, only one type of this weed is growing - the Borshevik woolly, which is close to our Borshevik sweet, which grows in the Far East. There it is actively used when cooking in the spring period.

And just one type of Borshevik is a poisonous for humans and dangerous for pets - borschevik Sosnovsky.

It quickly applies to wasteland, along the edges of the village roads and on the launched fields.

In natural conditions, another type of this plant is most common - Borschevik Siberian. But this type of weeds does not cause strong burns of skin cover or serious dermatosis, because the level of Kumarin (which is the cause of skin lesion) in them is small.

Why does skin damage to Borshevik

When this plant begins to actively grow, then in the aboveground part of many types of Borshevik begins to accumulate a sufficient number of fourocumarines. If you get into the skin of such Borschevikov, burns or dermatitis occur. In some cases, such dermatitis were too strong (up to stage III), and in young children, such skin diseases sometimes ended with a fatal outcome, if such skin burns were too much.

If Borschevik is often used in food, a huge number of kumarins accumulates in the human body, provoking the development of a serious disease of vitiligo.

Borshevik juice contains a large number of kumarins and Furokumarins, which are "culprits" to increase the sensitivity of the human body to sunlight. Such juice, hitting the skin of a person or an animal, under the action of ultraviolet rays enhances their pigmentation or causes the development of dermatitis, which some consider burns.

Such properties of the kumarins are manifested not only when entering the skin, but also when taking inside.

Application of Borshevik in folk medicine

This plant is widely used in traditional medicine, and the raw materials of the Siberian Siberian raw materials are most often used.

However, the organic properties made on the basis of the aboveground parts of Borshevik, as well as from its roots, are still not sufficiently studied by the official medicine.

Although in folk medicine, the alcohol tincture of Borshevik extract is actively used in the treatment:

  1. Jelly Disease
  2. In some kidney diseases
  3. Diseases of respiratory tract (in particular, lungs)
  4. In the case of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The decoction of the root of this weed is used to remove nervous excitement, as well as soothing with skin diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a strong itch.

How Borschevik spread in Russia

In the mid-40s of the last century, the question of how and how to feed cattle in our country was very acute. And Stalin, reading that Borschevik was used as the main feed in America, ordered this plant in the fields of Soviet collective farms. Borschevik Sosnovsky was used as the main type of cattle cows and other representatives of cattle.

However, several years later, the following drawbacks of pet feeding this kind of Borschevik were identified.

  • milk cows are very sad;
  • the plant itself was very dangerous, since his juice caused strongest burns and dermatitis not only in humans, but also in animals.

As a result, the idea of \u200b\u200bfeeding a cattle with a cattle with this type of Borschevik refused, but unfortunately, sufficient measures to destroy the landing of Borshevik in our country did not accept. As a result, this plant, inclined to active self-east, has spread throughout the country.

Now the fight against this malicious weed began to give fruit - the plantation of Borschevik Sosnovsky has significantly decreased.

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Borshevik (lat. Heracleum) - the genus of the umbrella family, numbering in different sources from 40 to 70 species of plants common in areas with a temperate climate of the Eastern Hemisphere. Some types of Borshevik are grown as silage or food plants, there are species with medicinal properties, and some representatives of the genus are grown as decorative plants. But one Borschevik represents a serious danger. We will tell you where Borschevik Sosnovsky appeared, than dangerous Borschevik of this kind, which types of Borschevik are popular in culture and what properties are representatives of this kind.

Borshevik Plant - Description

What does a Borschevik plant look like?

Borsheviki - twilight or perennial herbs with a height of 20 cm to 2.5 m. The stems in them are usually hollow, with rare nicking or ended along the entire length. Very large three, twice the three-way or peristo-separate leaves of Borschevikov are collected in a root rosette. Flowers in plants of this kind of bright pink, white or greenish-yellow, forming complex umbrellas up to 40 cm in diameter. Most of Borschevikov blooms in May, but the duration of flowering has its own. Borshevik's fruit is a two-seated bedboard. Borshevik seeds ripen in July-September.

Types and varieties of Borshevik

In the culture you can meet not so many types of Borshevik.

- Two-year-old North African and Eurasian plant of large sizes with a hollow furrotted stem, covered with hard hairs. Presents the value of plant seeds containing fragrant oil, which includes an octyl ester of acetic acid.

or pican or beam - View growing throughout Europe, as well as in the predfaccazier and Western Siberia. This is a two-year or perennial plant with a powerful vertical rhizome, single hollow, ribbed and branched in the upper part with a height of up to 180 cm and large, rough blade or peristraced (sometimes twice or three times) with leaves of the round-ovoid form. The lower leaves are sweet, the upper is not so big as the lower. Inflorescences are large complex umbrellas at 15-30 pubescent rays: larger central umbrellas consist of hawk flowers, and side - from male, often fruitless. Flowers of yellowish green shade. Blossom occurs in the summer, and fruiting - from July to September. Fruits - bare beds. All plant exudes a pleasant fragrance. Borshevik Siberian is a medicinal and food plant: in Siberia from it makes caviar, reminiscent of the taste of eggplant, soup with Borshevik Siberian has a mushroom fragrance.

Borshevik Shaggy (Heracleum Villosum)

or bear Paw Suitable for spices. This is a two-year grassy plant, in the first year, a developing root rosette, and in the second - stems, flowers and fruits. His rhizome is thick, white, spindle-like, stem is a reprehensive, rounded, furor, high up to 1.5 m with a diameter of 3-5 cm. Clash leaves, rounded, elliptic, pubescent, green, up to 60 and up to 10 cm wide, with This root leaves are much larger than storm. Small white rimprons are collected in umbrellas with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Fruit - naked oblong seed.

- Decoratively deciduous perennial view. Its ribbed, branching in the upper part of ferrous-pubescent stems reach height from 3 to 5 m and form a loose spacious bush. The lower threatened or peristracy leaves are located on long stiffs. Top - stroke, sediment, with large and swollen vagina. Leaves, like stems, covered with red spots. Numerous White Borshevic Flowers Mantagazzi, collected into large complex umbrella influences with a diameter of up to 1 m, possess a specific odor. The flowering of this species occurs in June-July.

or borshenechnik poisonous - A large herbaceous plant, which in the middle of the 20th century was cultivated as a silage culture, not suspecting that it also starts to spread into natural ecosystems of Northern and Eastern Europe. Today it can be found on the shores of water bodies, wastehouses, forest edges and glades, the slopes of the mountains, in the valleys of rivers, along the roads and on the untreated fields of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Scandinavian countries, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. The composition of the leaves and fruits of plants of this species includes a large number of essential oils containing furanocumarines, which when entering the skin increases its sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, and this leads to strong burns. Therefore, any plant similar to Borshevik, it is better to go around the party.

Grass Borschevik Sosnovsky is a very large biennial or a perennial plant that blooms and fruits only once, and after that squeezes. It is in height, it reaches from 1 to 4 m. It has a rod root system, reaching 20 m, but the main mass of the roots is not deeper than 30 cm. Stem at the plant grungy, furor-ribbed, purple or green with purple spots, partially durable, with large triple or peristrained yellowish-green leaves with a length of 1.4 to 2 m. Complex umbrellas of inflorescences up to 80 cm in diameter consist of 30-75 rays with numerous pink or white flowers, which can be up to 80 on one plant 000. Blossom continues from July to August, and wide-elliptical or reverse-human fruits 10-12 cm long ripen from July to September.

Boregovik burns

Treatment of burns from Borshevik

Boregogs from the juice and pollen of Borshevik Sosnovsky you can get not only with direct contact of the plants with your skin, but also through clothes. If the juice splashed on you abundantly, the skin form filled with liquid blisters, which fell very long and leave after themselves ulcers, scars and dark spots. Children are more likely to suffer from burns: they play with hollow stalks of the plant, making pieces of sparing tubes and resulting from the burns of the lips and the mucous membrane of the mouth. If the burn has obtained 80% of the body surface, a fatal exodus is possible.

How to treat burns from Borshevik? After contacting the plant, it is necessary to wash the place of touching to the Borshevik with flowing water with the household soap, rinse (it is rinsed, and not wipe) their alcohol, vodka or cologne and close them from sunlight for several days. This is very important: the sun rays should not get to the place of contact of the skin with Borshevik at least two days. To remove itching, do on the affected places of the rod from the bark of oak (1 tablespoon of the cortex boil 10 minutes in 2 glasses of water) or strong tea. If burns still appear, treat them with a syntomicine liniment or sodium power in the fir balsam. But in case:

  • there are more than 10% of the body surface;
  • there are large merging blisters;
  • the eyes or mucosa of the oral cavity or nose are damaged;
  • allergic reactions appeared - the swelling of the nasopharynx, the rash on the skin or bronchospasm;
  • the temperature of the body has risen and vomiting began

it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The most dangerous Borschevik Sosnovsky during the flowering period and on sunny days. If contact with the plant will occur on a cloudy day, and then you will not be exposed to sunlight for two days, you will not have a burn.

Fighting Borshevik on the plot

How to get rid of Borshevik

The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from Borschevich's burns is to remove this plant from your site. To begin the fight against the plant with chemicals (herbicides) is needed at the time of its shoots and carry out frequent and intensive processing to the very beginning of Borshevik flowering. The concentration of the solution must be 2-3 times stronger than is proposed in the instructions. It will be enough three spraying with a break in 2-3 weeks. Chemical treatment is carried out on a cloudy day, having accepted all precautions: putting tight clothes with long sleeves, pants and gloves. After the work done, the clothes need to be installed.

However, if the bloom has already begun, the chemical processing of the results will not give, and you will have to trim and burn the inflorescences so that the plant does not multiply by self-sowing: the seeds in Borshevik are formed in large numbers, and many of them, falling to the ground, will germinate in the spring.

An effective way of struggle, if the Borschevik on the plot has grown strongly, is its burning. This method requires great caution: plants pour fuel liquid in such a way that all inflorescences with fruits are frightened. And keep in mind that when combustion, fruits will highlight flammable essential oils.

They fight with Borshevik and agrotechnical techniques: the roots of the plant are trimmed with flattererium roots at a depth of 5-10 cm, cutting a point of growth. But if a large territory is busy with Borschevik, it will have to resort to plowing, which is carried out several times over the growing season, and depending on the facility of the field, you will have to do this for 2-7 years. At the autumn time, plowing on a plot with Borshevik cannot be carried out, since it will contribute to the accumulation of its seeds in the soil.

Small shoots of Borshevik are destroyed when weeding, but they can appear not only in the spring, but also throughout the summer, so regularly examine the plot and destroy young plants.

What can not be done by destroying Borschevik

Firstly, It is impossible to raise the Borshevik at the time of the fruit tying, if you are not going to burn it immediately. Cut, eliminated or beveled plants can not be left on the spot, as the stem has a large supply of nutrients, which will allow to ride the bred seeds, because the life of a new plant can give seeds that have reached dairy maturity.

Secondly, It is impossible to mow Borschevik or cut its inflorescences in the period of ripening and sinking seeds, as this will lead to the spread of Borshevik to new territories.

Thirdly, It is impossible to work with Borshevik, without protecting the body with waterproof clothing. Do not forget to also put on the face of a protective mask.

Borshevik contains alkaloids, resins, flavonoids, carotene, glutamine, fourocumarine, microelements copper, manganese and iron, tanning substances, arginine, sugar, essential oils, ascorbic acid, fiber and vitamins. Plant juice is used to treat asthma, psoriasis, purulent wounds and ulcers. According to scientists, Borschevik contributes to the development of male hormones. It pernicably acts on fungal activity, has a spasmolitical and soothing effect in hysteria, neurotic disorders, nervous ticks, epileptic seizures and skin diseases. Roots and fruit plants have a choleretic and hemostatic effect.

Borshevik tincture is effective in diarrhea, gastroenteritis, meteorism. The leaf of herbs is used to treat scabies, tumors, lymphadenitis. Water infusions are used as a sedative, as well as to adjust the metabolism and functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, knowing that Borschevik is a poisonous plant, before starting to take his drugs, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

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Borshevik and his varieties

Borschevik Wilhelma

Sem umbrella. Plants 142-152 cm height. The leaves are green, large, grain-sophisticated, 152 cm long and 120 cm wide. Flowers are white, collected in an umbrella. When sowing seeds germinate in the third decade of May. During the first two years of life, the plants vegetate in the form of a rosette of leaves. The first bloom comes on the third year of vegetation. The rustling of plants on the second and subsequent years begins on April 15 - May 5; Blossom - from the second half of June for 16 days, the death of leaves - from the first decade of July, the formation of summer leaves - from the second half of July. During this period, seeds are ripening. Vegetation continues to autumn frosts. Perfect grows in open areas. Decorative leaves and inflorescences. During the fruit formation, the flowers and spring leaves are removed. It is recommended for single and group landings, as well as the soil plant.

Borshevik Gorno.

The plant height is 165-230 cm. Leaves are dark green, large, peristrarite, 140 cm long and 108 cm wide. White flowers are collected in an umbrella with a diameter of up to 60-90 cm. When sowing seeds germinate in the third decade of May. Flowering and fruiting begins for the fourth year of vegetation. Perennial copies grow from April 9 - May 3, bloom from 5-14 nuns for 14-20 days, the leaves die in the first decade of July, the formation of summer leaves occurs in the third decade of July, the ripening of seeds - from the second half of July, the end of the growing season is celebrated from October 28 - November 5th. During the fruit formation, the leaves of the first generation and the color saws are removed. It is recommended as a soil plant and for single landings on lawns, lawns, in water bodies and among shrubs.

Borshevik LeManna

A bush forms a few stems with a height of 150-185 cm, which are branched from the middle into a wide blizzard. Pale green leaves, periston-cut, 115-120 cm long and 60-65 cm wide. During the first four years of the life of the plant vegetate in the form of a rosette of leaves. The first bloom is marked in the fifth year of life. In the future, there is regular flowering and fruiting. The rustling begins on April 5-22, flowering - from June 2-10 within 15-20 days, the ripening of seeds - from July 5-13. The minion of spring leaves is observed in the second decade of July, and the resumption of new leaves - from July 25 - August 5, the end of the growing season - from October 25 - November 2. Breeds seeds. Winter is good. High drought resistance. It is recommended as a soil plate and for group landings among shrubs and trees.

Borshevik Leskov

Endem Caucasus. Forms a bushes with a height of 135-165 cm. The leaves are large, a length of 140 cm and a width of 110 cm. White flowers, are collected in an umbrella with a diameter of up to 65 cm. When sowing seeds germinate in the third decade of May. For four years of life, plants vegetate in the form of a rosette of leaves. The first bloom occurs in the fifth year of vegetation. Reverence is observed in the second decade of April, bloom - from May 25 - June 2, within 26-29 days, the ripening of seeds - from June 26 - July 9, the death of spring leaves - in the second decade of July, the resumption of summer leaves - from July 5 - August 8, the end of the vegetation - from October 25 - November 2. Drought-resistant, winter is good. It is recommended as a soil plate and for group landings among shrubs and trees.

Borshevik stovety

The bushes have several stems with a height of 130-180 cm, the leaves are dark green with a length of 90 cm. Inflorescence - an umbrella, a diameter of 15 cm. In case of seeding, seeds germinate in early June. During the first two years of plants vegetate in the form of a rosette of leaves. The first bloom comes on the third year of life. Reverelation is observed from April 9-23, bloom - from June 25 - July 5 within 17-20 days, the ripening of seeds - from July 15-20, the death of spring leaves - from July 2 - August 20, the formation of summer leaves - from June 30 - July 27, the end of the growing season - from October 26 - 10. Winter is good. Drought-resistant. It is recommended as a soil plate and for group landings among shrubs and trees.

Borschevik Sibirsky

A two-year or perennial plant with a height of 110-220 cm. Dark green leaves are large, wide, peristoids with 3-7 shares. Flowers are yellowish-green, assembled in an umbrella with a diameter of 16-20 cm. With seed reproduction blooms on the second year of life. Perennial copies will grow from April 13-23, blooming from June 24 to July 10, the seeds begin to ripen from the second half of July. The species has two periods of formation and growth of leaves - spring and summer (the first decade of August). Maximum leaves are formed in spring. The duration of the growing season is 200-210 days. Propagated by seeds (sowing sowing) and rhizomes (spring). It grows perfectly in open areas and in the shade. Decorative leaves and inflorescences. During the fruit formation, the flowers are removed. It is recommended for single and group landings, as well as the soil plant.

Borschevik Sosnovsky

Endem Caucasus. Plant height 190-245 cm. Large leaves, pale green, 140 cm long and 70 cm wide. In the autumn seed seed, shoots appear in the third decade of May. Flowers and fruits on the fourth - fifth year of vegetation. The individuals of this species behave like monocarpical plants with a 4-5-year-old development cycle. Relomination is observed in the first half of April, blossom - from June 19-23 within 20-25 days, the ripening of seeds - from July 12 - August 5, the die away leaves (spring) - in the second half of July, the formation of summer leaves - from July 21 - August 5, the end of the vegetation - from October 24 - November 5. Decorative white inflorescences with a diameter of up to 60 cm and large leaves. The most reinforced growth of the leaves occurs in June. Winter is good. High drought resistance. It is recommended for single landings on lawns, in ponds and among shrubs, as well as the soil plate.

Attention! Borshevik of Sosnovsky poisonous and dangerous, his juice causes burns on the skin.

Borshevik Steven

Plant height is 120-200 cm. Leaves are dark green with a length of 90-117 cm, a width of 60-70 cm. Flowers are yellowish-white, collected into an umbrella with a diameter of 50-70 cm. In the autumn seed seed rates, seeds appear in the first decade of June. In the first 5 years of the plants form a rosette of the leaves, among 5-7. Starting from the sixth year of vegetation, all individuals regularly bloom and fruit. The resumption of perennial copies is observed in the second half of April, bloom - from the first decade of June within 23-29 days, the ripening of seeds from June 29 - July 20, the fat leaves - from July 12-28, the formation of summer leaves - from July 30 - August 10 The end of the growing season is from October 25 - November 5. Winter is good. Great grows on the open plot. Gives selfoshev. Decorative during the period of the whole growing season with timely removal of yellowed flowers and first generation leaves. It is recommended as a soil plant and for single landings.

Borshevik roughcast

Plants 130-190 cm height. Pale-green leaves 115 cm long and 75 cm wide. Inflorescence - an umbrella with a diameter of 20-26 cm. At the autumn timing of seeds, seeds appear in the first decade of June. During the first four years of the life of the plant form a rosette of leaves. Blossom and fruiting begins on the fifth year of vegetation. Renewal of perennial copies begins in spring from April 5-22, bloom-from June 9-25 within 20-26 days, the ripening of seeds - from June 5-20 - July 12, the formation of summer leaves - from July 5-25, the end of the vegetation - From October 10 - November 5. Drought-resistant, winter hardiness is high. The yellowed leaves and flowers are removed during the fruit formation. It is recommended for group landings on lawns, in water bodies, among shrubs and trees.

Beauty and health encyclopedia medicinal plants and herbs

Borshevik - the plant in Russia is known, and our ancestors knew about his useful properties much better than we, living in cities and away from nature.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant to the umbrella family; It is very large, just a huge - it takes up to 3 m high, with rigid hairs, large leaves and very powerful stem - nerds for it called HERACLEUM - Grass Hercules, and in the people called "bearish paws." Borschevik blooms from July to September - its flowers, greenish-white or pink, collected in large umbrellas.

In our country, a lot of Borshevik - it grows in many areas of the middle strip, in Udmurtia, in the Urals, in the Caucasus, in Altai, in Siberia, etc. The types of Borshevik in nature are also a lot - about 70, and most of them are found in Russia.

Composition Borshevik

The chemical composition of Borshevik is rich and diverse: There are quite a few sugar in it - up to 10%, there are vegetable proteins, tanning substances; glutamine amino acid - immunity stimulator; essential oil; Arginine - amino acid forming proteins; Kumarian - substances of the ether group with anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and soothing effect. In Borshevik, a lot of vitamin C, there is a carotene, iron, nickel, copper, manganese, titanium, boron.

Borshevik essential oil has a complex composition: in it there is ethyl esters of oil and acetic acids; Aldehydes - substances with a pleasant smell used in the perfumery industry; Acetic acid octyl ester is in oil to 80%. This ether is characterized by activity against trichomonades - causative agents of intestinal infections, genital organs and mucous membranes of the mouth, and is used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Properties of Borschevik

Borsheviki possessic and food propertiesBut there are species that have a toxic effect on the body. Some of them can also be eaten - for example, Borschevik Sosnovsky, derived artificially, but it is necessary to first treat it in a particular way.

On the healing action of Borschevikov, still medieval doctors knew, and they treated them difficult breathing and asthma; Avicenna used it for the treatment of epilepsy, as well as jaundice and other liver diseases. Modern phytotherapists are also widely used by Borschevik in the treatment of many diseases.

Borschevik Sibirsky

Borschevik Sibirsky is very widespread - It is used in traditional medicine and is used in cooking. In the proteins of this plant, there are many amino acids - about 17, including tryptophan and lysine, so the borsal of Siberian Borshevik to taste resembles chicken broth.

A decoction and water infusion of roots have various healing actions: soothing, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, painkillers, anti-inflammatory; Improve digestion, remove convulsions and treat skin diseases. Alcohol tinnitus roots are used externally, with dental pain; With pain in the joints and rheumatism to the patient places are applied by sparkling leaves of Borshevik; When scabies make a rumor from the brave of all plants.

Disorders of the stomach and intestines are treated with water infusion of Siberian Borshevik seeds. 1 tsp. Seeds are brewed with boiling water (250 ml) and insist 2 hours, then filter and drink during the day in small sips. The next day prepare fresh infusion.

In case of furunculese, the infusion of seeds is prepared and accepted somewhat differently: 1 tsp. Seeds are poured with boiling water (200 ml), it is boiled on a small fire for about 8 minutes, insist the hour, filter and drink 4 times a day - 50 ml before meals.

Jaundice is also treated with Borschevik seeds: they are tricious into powder, and in equal parts mixed with honey. Take, drinking water, 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals.

You can pour the dry grass of Borshevik with cold water, insist 2 hours and drink 4 times a day, by ½ cup. Borshevik grass - 3 tsp, water - 500 ml. The same infusion is taken with convulsions, and skin diseases and tumors are externalized.

Eating rhizomes, leaves and young stems Borshevik. Stems are put in salads in raw form - they look like cucumbers; And also fry them in oil with onions, boils, salted and marinate. Leaves and stems are put in soups, mashed potatoes; Young leaves are similar to carrots to taste, so they are a great filling for pies. Rhizomes are also solid and marinate, as well as dried for the winter - they are sweet enough.

Borschevik ordinary

Borschevik ordinary is also used in food and used with medicinal goals - Leaves and roots. He has a lot of titles in the people, and for some reason all different: Barsh, Wrestler, Bodran, Borshovka, Dyagil, Cow, Kozhelets, etc.

The decoction of the roots is used for epilepsy, neurosis, colitis, colic in the stomach and intestines. 1 tbsp. Grid roots are poured with water (250 ml), and boiled until 1/3 of the water is discharged, then cool and filter. Take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

For diarrhea, taking the infusion of leaves: poured 1 tbsp. Glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter, and drink 1 tbsp. Every 2 hours.

Common Borshevik leaves are put in salads.

Therapeutic and food properties have almost all types of Borshevikov.

Borshevik dissection

Borshevik dissection called a beam - it is eaten fresh and in soups; To treat his grass it is better to harvest in spring: its infusion is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lymphadenitis - inflammation of lymph nodes, rheumatism; Externally for rinsing wounds. 1 tbsp. Dry herbs are brewed with boiling water (250 ml), they insist hour and drink 100 ml 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Borshevik shaggy

The seeds of Borshevik of the shaggy (just called "bearish paws") reassuring. The infusion of his seeds is prepared in the same way as in the case of Borshevik Siberian, and drink 4 times a day by ¼ cup, with hysteria and spasms of the stomach.

Borshevik Sweet

On Kamchatka, on the mountain meadows and coasts, sweet grass grows - Borshevik Sweet. Local always used her young cutters and stems, cleaning them from the peel - it is considered delicious delicacy. From this type of Borshevik even made sugar: from 16 kg of dried stems, 100 g of sugar was obtained - a little, but before the sugar did not deliver sugar. Borshevik sweet feeds livestock, and very quickly gaining weight - this is an excellent feed plant, but its juice can cause burns, getting into the human skin.

Borshevik pubescent

Borshevik pubescentIf you salute, can replace the sauer cabbage and salty cucumbers - before it was really shedding for the winter, like these vegetables. Leaves and boiled shoots eat, like any garden greens; They can be added to soups with homemade noodles and meat, to dairy and potato soups.

Stems and stackers of large leaves, scratched with boiling water and shaved in the flour, fry in oil - it is very tasty. Similarly, Borscheviki eaten in other countries: in Germany, Bulgaria, the USA and Latin America.

Briskhevik's decoction doveped with chilled, instead of kvass.

Original and useful sweets can be quickly and just prepare from many types of Borshevik - ordinary, sweet, sowned, etc. The plants stems are cut by pieces of 3-4 cm, cleaned with skin and put in boiling syrup, cooked in advance (2/3 cup of sugar on a glass of water). The stems are boosted for 10-15 minutes, then pull out, put on the grid or colander to give the syrup drain, lay out on the plate and sprinkle with coconut chips (you can add sugar powder to the taste). With such sweet tubes, green tea drinks well.

If Borschevik does not grow on your site, it is easy to grow. The soil should be loose, fertilized and wet, but not too. To sow the Borshevik seeds is better in the fall, about 3 weeks before frosts - it will be less than the hassle. Borscheviki blossoms start on the 2nd year after germination. It can be said that there is no special need to grow Borscheviki - we have enough food, but it is precisely because we have forgotten a lot of what our grandmothers knew so well, we have become frequent visitors to pharmacies and a clinic. The point is not that we have nothing to eat - you just need to use any opportunity - including natural nutrition, - in order to extend our youth, keep beauty and health.

Nectar Borschevikov loves bees, and the oil of seeds of some species is because of their pleasant smell, perfumers use with pleasure.

With hemorrhoids, cracks of the rectum, gastritis use the preparations of Borshevik and eat it in food is not recommended. With unstable arterial pressure, the Borshevik is treated with caution, and better under the supervision of the doctor.

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