Metaphorical Maps in Psychology - The Psychology of Effective Living - Online Journal. Where are the metaphors taking us?

Landscaping and planning 29.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Today, metaphorical cards are used more and more often in the work of psychologists. There are many training seminars and webinars on cards, even entire festivals dedicated to working with decks. This direction, this tool of work is gaining more and more popularity all over the world. So what is it - metaphorical association cards?

What are metaphorical cards?

The image shows cards and words from the decks "" and ""

Metaphorical cards are a set of cards the size of playing card or postcard. What do they show? Anything can be depicted: people, landscapes, animals, fairy-tale characters, abstraction - pictures that are completely different in style and content, sometimes supported by words and phrases. The most important thing to understand is that the main thing is not what is shown on the map, but how what is shown on it responds in a person.

When a person peers into a metaphorical map, he, in fact, travels through his inner museum. For example, he looks at a picture depicting a crying child, and it gives rise to some kind of memory in him - this may be a situation in which he himself was a participant, or maybe something that happened not to him, but somehow affected him in a way. In any case, there is a similar exhibit or even several in his personal museum, and when you look at the map, they “come to life”.

© « » G. Katz, E. Mukhamatulina

Metaphorical cards also have other names, and each of the options has a right to exist:

    Association cards- cards cause a person to have various associations from his life, experience, which actualize feelings and problems;

    Projective maps- the interpretation of the card is always individual, each person sees exactly what in some way resonates with his inner feelings;

  • Psychological cards/ therapy cards- cards are a tool in the work of psychologists, psychotherapists.

Metaphorical associative maps (they are also called MAK for short) are not a new direction in psychology, not projective technique, it is an effective and versatile tool, a support, a visual tool in the work of a psychologist.

What age groups are metaphorical cards designed for?

One of the most common questions when working with metaphorical cards is what age are they intended for? It can be conditionally considered that it is worth using cards in work with clients not younger than 5 years old. Why? Because working with cards implies a certain level of development of abstract thinking, the ability to refer to images. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth evaluating how your client is capable of this. Otherwise, there are no restrictions - metaphorical cards are suitable for working with children, teenagers, adults, regardless of gender, social status and other factors. Metaphorical cards can be used in counseling, group and individual work, in coaching, etc.

Why are metaphorical maps needed?

The image shows a card from the deck ""

Metaphorical cards - assistants on different stages the work of a psychologist.

1. Assistance in establishing contact with the client.

It is not so easy for a person who comes for a consultation to take and talk, to tell in detail about his feelings and experiences (anxiety, protection, denial - there can be many reasons). It is not so easy to win the attention of a child at a consultation. Maps can help initial stage. For a child, cards become an exciting “game”, for adults, “playing” with pictures allows you to relax, creates a kind of safe feeling. Thus, a visual metaphor allows you to establish contact and enter into the problems of clients in a fairly safe, "playful" form. When working with a group, it also allows you to create a warmer atmosphere, to start working.

2. Removal of barriers, protections.

It is often difficult for a person to talk about problems directly. When a client does not speak about himself, but describes what he sees in the image, barriers are removed. With the help of cards, a person begins to open up, they help to take the problem “outside” and start talking about topics that are subject to internal prohibitions, taboos.

3.Appeal to the subconscious.

Many messages are encrypted in the images of the cards. Considering, describing the map, the client can understand what he did not understand before. Opportunities of perception are opening up, which flow beyond the limits of consciousness.

4. Problem actualization.

Cards allow you to realize, feel and verbalize actual, exciting problems. Despite the fact that the image on the card contains various little things, details, the client will see exactly what corresponds to his current state.

5. Search for new solutions.

Looking at and describing the cards, a person turns on the fantasy, starts the mechanism of associations that can lead the client to the most unexpected decisions, views and discoveries!

Metaphor allows you to approach inner world, to feel the problem as a separately existing one, to see the prospect of overcoming as a path with its own obstacles, to feel the resources. This is her strength.

© « » G. Katz, E. Mukhamatulina

How to work with metaphorical cards?

The image shows cards from decks " " and "

General work strategies.

The following strategies for working with metaphorical associative maps can be distinguished:

    Random, open card selection- the client chooses the images himself. This is a safer and less disturbing option for the client.

  • Closed choice, blind choice- the client chooses a card at random without seeing the image. On the one hand, this option is more difficult and requires deeper work, and on the other hand, it introduces an element of the game, fatefulness.

You can also subdivide strategies for working with cards into:

    work with images;

  • work with words .

There are clients who find it easier to work with visual images, there are those who find it easier to work with words, “to call a spade a spade”. You can combine both strategies and work with a double row of cards.

Choosing a deck and work technique .

The image shows the decks "", "" and ""

The choice of a deck of cards is influenced by the theme of the deck (Women's identity, Male identity, Childhood experiences, Self-image, Relationships in a couple, etc.), style, images and colors. Both one and several decks can be used in the work - it depends on what goals the psychologist sets for himself (narrow the problem, focus on something, or vice versa expand the problem).

In addition to general strategies for working with cards, there are specific techniques. Of course, each psychologist decides for himself which techniques to use, guided by a particular situation. No clearly established rules. Here the specialist is absolutely free to choose and even has the right to come up with something of his own.

In our article, we will give some options for working with metaphorical cards:

  • Animation- the client chooses a card that personifies his problem and conducts a dialogue with it;
  • zoom- together with the client, you can “zoom in” and “delete” the image on the card. For example, you can "divide" the image into small parts, and consider them in more detail. Or, on the contrary, ask to choose other cards, arrange them around the main one at a distance in accordance with their proximity to the idea of ​​​​the main card, which will allow you to see the whole situation as a whole;
  • Glasses- the client is invited to look at the problem from different angles. For example, think about how the image on the map looks from the back;

You can read more about the principles and techniques of working with associative cards in the book "" (authors - G. Katz, E. Mukhamatulina).

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that working with metaphorical cards does not imply images simply printed from the Internet. In psychotherapeutic work with metaphorical cards, everything matters - format, material, coating (sometimes it can play a role, glossy or matte coating of the card) and, of course, the skill of the psychologist!

In our online store "Books on Psychology" you can purchase decks of metaphorical associative cards and literature on working with them in .

We also invite you to ours, which is located in Moscow (VDNKh metro station, Yaroslavskaya st., 14, building 1.), where you can get advice from our employees on the products you are interested in and, most importantly, consider, feel, read the instructions and purchase the decks you are interested in.

“It's hard for me to open up to people,” admits 29-year-old Evgenia. - I went to a psychologist, but I could not bring myself to speak. Then he laid out a stack of cards with landscapes and offered to consider them. Some I liked, I put them aside. The psychologist asked why I chose these. Gradually, I started talking ... "These cards are special, not playing and not fortune-telling.

“They are called metaphorical or associative,” explains psychologist, director of the Genesis publishing house Ekaterina Mukhamatulina, “because the images presented on them become a visible metaphor for our values, fears, desires, or are associated associatively with our inner experience. Another name is therapeutic cards, since psychologists use them in their work.

individual meaning

In the photo - an evening deserted street, illuminated by rare lanterns. “This is an image of loneliness,” says 32-year-old Anna, “and so I wander through life alone, without companions, and it is already starting to get dark, and this scares me.” 45-year-old Ivan perceives the same image in a completely different way: “The work day ends, and you can finally relax, walk around the city, and no one will pull me,” he explains his choice.

Metaphorical cards are not a psychological test, although, as in many tests, the mechanism of psychological projection is also involved in working with them. What is the difference?

“The set of all possible results was included in the test even before we started its implementation,” explains psychologist Galina Katz, the creator of several decks of metaphorical cards. - After passing the test, we eventually get a ready conclusion about our character, abilities or condition, it already depends on the purpose of testing. It's different with cards. The choice of this or that card in itself does not say anything. There are no ready-made results here, there is a process: we assume, make adjustments, reflect and gradually delve into the meaning.

This path can be done independently or together with a psychologist, whose task in this case is to move along with us, without looking ahead.

Reduce anxiety

Almost everyone who comes to a psychologist for the first time experiences anxiety to one degree or another. It is not easy to immediately trust another person, moreover, so far unfamiliar. It is not easy to talk about issues that are scary or embarrassing. It is much easier to start by discussing the picture, because then you can stay in the shadows for a while. Talk not about yourself, but about the image and control the measure of your frankness. This is especially valuable for those who find it difficult to be in the spotlight.

“Many are preparing for an unpleasant or difficult conversation with a psychologist, and looking at pictures is a simple activity in which no one can fail, so the tension quickly subsides,” Galina Katz notes.

Cards can be used at any time when the client is experiencing anxiety and there is a need to help him feel safe.

Find a path to important topics

Few people know in advance what result they would like to achieve in the course of psychotherapy. Some are brought into the office by a vague feeling of dissatisfaction. What is its cause, where did it come from and what exactly would you like to change in life - these questions can be the beginning of psychotherapeutic work. Taking a deck in your hands at this moment, you can pick up the symbolic images “as it is now” and “as I want it to be”, making them visible.

“We live in a visually oriented culture,” emphasizes psychologist Galina Katz, “so visual images are easier to perceive and serve as a starting point for conversation. If we listened to music more, perhaps we could turn to melodies. But we tend to look. That's why we offer pictures that spark the imagination."

Metaphorical cards help not only at the beginning psychological work. They allow taboo or difficult topics to be discussed, such as violence or incest.

“It is easier for many clients to show the appropriate card than to put into words what happened to them,” notes Galina Katz.

For example, a client cannot say aloud: “my father beat me,” but she chooses a card with a waved hand. Then, with the help of a psychologist, he finds the strength to describe everything that happened. So, thanks to metaphorical cards, the ban on speaking is lifted, and feelings finally find their expression.

For different purposes

Some people like cards with specific images (house, apple), others prefer to work with abstract images. Preferences depend on habits of thought and perception. Psychologists often offer the client several sets to choose from. For example, a deck of two parts: larger cards depict different bodies, male and female, in home or formal clothes or naked, and smaller cards are placed ... heads. You can select a body and attach different heads to it. Or vice versa.

It turns out strange, sometimes fantastic combinations - on a woman's body, dressed in a dressing gown, a curly black head. These hybrid beings make sense in the context of the client's psychological life. “The head can symbolize the mind or conscience,” explains Galina Katz, “and the body can symbolize desires, physical life.”

There are other sets of cards, such as a deck suitable for talking about childhood. On one card, a child holds the hands of both parents; on the other, he looks out from under the lid of a large chest. These decks are suitable for both adults and children. Especially for children, decks with large, bright and simpler drawings have been created. They help children learn social skills: to be friendly; to ask questions; asking someone else to stop if they do something unpleasant...

There is a “cope deck” (“cope” in English “overcoming”), created to work with injuries. It is divided into two parts: half of the cards depict traumatic situations, such as physical injury. The second half shows different resources to overcome: support from friends, creativity. They can be used to talk about how we usually deal with difficult situations, and to find new opportunities that have not yet been exploited.

How to choose

If we select metaphorical cards for ourselves, for reflection, meditation or discussion with friends, then the choice depends on the goal and on our taste. Everything matters here - and the theme (for example, the Windows and Doors set is suitable for thinking about how to interact with outside world, and "Ways-roads" - for understanding life paths), and colors, and even matte or glossy cards.

“Gloss is perceived by many as something more joyful and optimistic,” notes Ekaterina Mukhamatulina, “but there are those for whom it symbolizes detachment, it is, as it were, “an alien life.” Now in the publishing house "Genesis" you can buy some sets in two versions, matte and glossy. However, professionals prefer matte, they are more suitable for psychological work.

What if we're going to see a psychologist? “In this case, you need to choose not the cards, but the specialist who works with them,” emphasizes Galina Katz. “The cards themselves are only an aid, they are not a method of psychotherapy, but only its tool.” At the same time, they are universal, they are used by psychologists who practice a variety of approaches, from Jungian to cognitive.

let's play

You can play with these cards. There will be no losers, everyone will win.

Consider, for example, the game "Unfortunately for you." Players take an equal number of cards from the deck, usually 5–7. The first one chooses one of his own and quickly comes up with a story “by the picture”, addressing it to another player and starting with the words “unfortunately for you”.

For example, a card with a dragon can serve as the basis for such an opening: “Unfortunately for you, a terrible dragon is chasing you, he wants to eat you.”

The task of the other player is to "cover" the presented card with one of his own, accompanying it with a happy ending, which begins with the words "to my happiness."

For example, "dragon" covers "lake": "Luckily for me, I can swim, but the dragon can't. I dive into the lake and find myself safe.”

The next move can develop this plot or start a new one. Other players can help the “attacker” or the “lucky one” - there is room for imagination here.

“Such a game stimulates ingenuity, trains the skill to quickly find a way out of the situation,” explains Galina Katz, “and also allows you to express aggression in a playful, harmless form. "Your unhappiness" is good to play in the family or with colleagues, because in any group there is almost always hidden aggression. And the game helps to relieve the tension that arises because of this.

Detailed information about metaphorical cards can be found on the websites publishing house "Genesis" and psychological Center "Creative World".

Metaphorical cards are psychological pictures that depict people, events and abstractions that cause each person to have their own associations. Working with metaphorical associative cards refers to projective techniques, as it helps to reveal the individual mental contents of the client through the transfer to the cards. In identical pictures, one person, thinking positively, is in good mood, can see a holiday, joy, delight, happiness and other positive contents, while the other, having internal problems, will transfer them to the cards and see some kind of tension, resistance, war, anxiety. A person projects his subconscious onto a picture without realizing it - it is this unawareness that in reality does not allow solving his problem.

Metaphorical associative maps are good because they are a translator of the unconscious to the level. The unconscious operates with images and pictures, while the consciousness thinks in units of speech - words, phrases. At the same time, unconscious processes are the largest part of the mental iceberg, only a small part remains for consciousness, which no longer solves, but only explains unconscious impulses.

In, as a rule, generic, childhood traumas are hidden, which create prohibitions in a person for certain actions. A person may desire something, but the unconscious, following its goal of preserving life and mental balance, does not let him in, because a certain trauma has occurred here. Even another person could face danger, which can be preserved in the subconscious and will prevent the repetition of a negative, possibly, experience. With the help of pictures, you can extract what hinders the achievement of goals.

Metaphorical cards - a guide for a psychologist

How do metaphorical mind maps work? The person describes the picture that he pulled out at his request, the barrier is quietly removed. He does not talk about himself, and therefore relaxes, working with metaphorical associative maps releases painful blocked experiences that a person cannot raise in the usual way. Through the cards, pain can be detected, pulled out and worked through until complete healing.

Customers love interacting with metaphorical pictures because most time they need to relax and play, even this has a beneficial effect on the emotional state. If the client does not always take work with projective cards seriously, then with the professional work of a psychologist, tremendous work can be done with deep internal changes which the client will not be able to ignore.

There are many different configurations, methods for laying out cards and sets. For example, the Persona deck is used when working with personal aspects and in constellations. In consultation with her, the psychologist asks the client to find a face that matches the current state, then the desired, problematic, or such that no one has seen the client. The client lays out and talks about the cards, then the psychologist offers to move them, if there is such a desire. There is also children's version decks - "Personita".

Oh cards contain not only pictures, but also frames for them with words. First, a frame is laid out, and a picture is placed on it, and the psychologist asks the client what they mean. The client is trying to understand this metaphor. However, there are no strict rules here, if the picture and the word for it do not connect in any way and do not resonate, the material did not go well - you can replace the picture.

There are card sets for dealing specifically with traumatic experiences, for finding resources, even blank sets for drawing what you want. Many card sets also have a digital option that allows you to consult remotely, saving the entire process in a presentation. It can be transferred to the client, he will be able to continue to interact with it, consolidating the results of the work.

Metaphorical associative cards even allow you to conduct an independent session, and you can use the cards in a very creative way, moving away from the instructions. Laying out and interpreting the cards, a person with experience begins to realize his current inner state, experiences, and attitudes.

The meaning of metaphorical cards

The law of metaphorical cards - the card itself does not mean anything, it contains what the client sees. Methodically, metaphorical cards are associated with the Rorschach test, in which the subject follows in ink stains view the image. Of course, each person begins to talk about himself, seeing what worries him. Over time, the direction has developed into a whole class of projective techniques that easily bypass the client's resistance, solve the problem of verbalizing the problem.

Metaphorical cards help to work when a person does not even find what to say about his own people at all, is defocused, cannot realize why he feels bad. Describing card after card, for example, using the six-card technique, when you need to describe each image in relation to the word laid out to it, the client usually understands by the sixth card what his problem is, what is worth working on, what is his main theme. Since the technique is projective, working with metaphorical cards has a big plus - there is no retraumatization. A person always talks about the map as about some object that is outside, he does not need to immerse himself in his experiences. Do not confuse metaphorical cards with divination, tarot cards and other esoteric techniques.

Metaphorical cards themselves do not reveal anything, except for what is contained in the unconscious of the person himself, and therefore they can help in questions about the search internal solutions and resources, but they cannot answer whether something will come true from the outside without the intervention of the subject and his mental forces. To eliminate the association with Tarot cards, some psychologists have even begun to call metaphorical cards projective cards.

Metaphorical cards are also rarely used for psychodiagnostics due to compliance with the law that the metaphorical card itself does not carry any meaning other than what the client sees in it.

How to work with metaphorical cards?

In the process of work, the psychologist as a leader asks leading questions, the client answers, describes the picture, verbalizing and then realizing his mental contents transferred to it. For example, a client asked to find his destination. The psychologist asks him to say his question and draw one picture from the "Person" set. The client turns it over and sees a person with ambiguous emotions. The psychologist asks to describe who he sees on the map, to tell what this person is like. After that, the psychologist offers the client to analyze how the description of the person in the picture corresponds to the client’s personality, what is the similarity.

If he saw something very unpleasant for himself in the picture, causing discomfort, he can immediately work out this problem, find a resource for it. For example, black hair for the client was associated with a difficult character, then the psychologist suggests that he choose one more card from the next “Persona” deck to solve this problem, having expressed aloud before that the desire to find a resource that can most fully help. For example, it turns out to be a card with a person covering his face with his hands. The client describes him as playing hide-and-seek, currently in the game, in a state of focus, anticipation that we all experienced as children.

If this is not enough for the client, he can choose other pictures in the open. For example, for self-confidence, he stops at the image of a person diving against the backdrop of the sun and fine weather. He is purposeful, his body radiates strength and relaxation, he feels good and enjoys his body. The card can even be placed on top of a previously drawn card that causes discomfort, as if overlapping it.

Having described the resource map, you can put it aside and look again at the first map that previously caused unpleasant associations. The psychologist asks the client to see what has changed on her. Surprisingly, what I didn’t like seems to soften - ugly hair becomes quite attractive, a prickly look becomes kinder. The client already reports that the person on the map has confidence, he is going in the right direction.

Often during the sessions, the picture changes literally before our eyes. If the client saw the facial expression tense, eyes sadly closed, then after interacting with the map, adding forces and resources, other states, the client sees calmness, even some kind of joy, relaxation, changes immediately occur in better side. As soon as he starts working with the cards, he seems to give a command to the subconscious, which perceives the images of the pictures and already at the conscious level returns the answer, as a result of which life changes occur.

Techniques for working with metaphorical cards

Metaphorical maps are a good working tool that, in an easy, relaxed way, reveals the deep contents of a person that he could not even tell right away.

There are many techniques for using metaphorical cards, moreover, you can freely invent new ones, use several decks at the same time. For example, if a person has laid out a card of the current state, and with it a card of the ideal, you can invite him to find a card and a transitional state that will allow him to achieve what he wants. You can ask questions and take out cards at random, you can look at the cards, simply explaining what you see on them. Each metaphorical deck usually has about 90 cards, so there are quite a lot of storylines that can be decomposed. Having extensive experience working with different sets of cards, a psychologist can choose the most suitable deck for each client and his problems.

In classical counseling work, the psychologist usually asks the client leading questions to each card, and the questions must be open-ended and not lead the client to the content that the psychologist himself could put into the card. For example, if a mountain or a volcano is shown on the map, the psychologist only asks what kind of mountain, what kind of volcano, where they are, what is happening there. Listening to the content of the client, at the end the psychologist finds out from the client, maybe he has something else about it.

There are also techniques that are mainly based on the game. For example, in the "Obstacles and Opportunities" technique, the psychologist acts as a leader and asks the players to select 5 cards blindly, without even asking any questions before that, without formulating requests. The game is associative, therefore there is no gain here, except, of course, the psychological benefit from the conclusions obtained. The psychologist asks the first player to look at the cards without showing them to others, and choose one that shows an obstacle or difficulty. For example, he chooses and lays out a card with a house, saying that it is falling apart. The task of the second player is to find among his cards and lay out the one that depicts an opportunity to solve the problem. The first player to present the problem listens and accepts the proposed solution. If it turned out to be, as he considered, inappropriate or insufficient, he reports this, the second player again offers an opportunity card. After decision players change places.

After the game, the psychologist asks the players to analyze whether the game intersects with life, whether the participants have discovered any personal problems, as well as solutions for them. An explanation in front of other participants, therefore it is not necessary for him to be detailed, it is enough to understand the situation for himself, voicing a little. However, often even before that, participants understand what determines their choice of cards.

The next technique is called "The place and time of my dreams." The client is asked to choose one of the cards turned upside down, before that, you can also not formulate a request. Looking at her, he should think what kind of country it is, what time, whether ours, the past. What does he need to stay in this time. The client can imagine himself in it, as if entering the world depicted on the card, and walk around in it, look, even mentally take a gift for himself or a loved one. The psychologist asks again leading questions, asks what the client found useful for himself in this time, what resource he was able to replenish.

The Dead End Technique is suitable for finding a way out of difficult situations and analyzing recurring problems that the client cannot solve in any way. To determine the current deadlock situation, several cards are laid open in front of the client, it is proposed to choose one that describes the current state of affairs as accurately as possible. You should choose with feelings, the card that attracts the most attention. Having chosen, the psychologist clarifies what the client clings to on this card, where the eye is drawn all the time. Paying attention to this detail, the client should observe what emotions appear in him. Perhaps on the map he will also find something that he does not like, causes rejection, unwillingness to look at this element of the map. Next, the psychologist asks to talk about the situation depicted on the card and the hero of its plot.

The next layout in this technique is images various doors as a way out of the situation. The client needs to select one and describe what the door is, whether it can help get out of the impasse, whether it is difficult or easy to get into it, whether it is open or closed for him. Then perhaps the client can imagine what is behind the door, describing their feelings. If for the client this door is not an exit, then the psychologist specifies where it can lead.

Then follows the layout of the cards on the issue, which prevents you from getting out of the impasse. Here the client can choose up to three cards, those that describe fears and blocks. The psychologist clarifies what the client himself means in each selected card, which, perhaps, frightens the client or hinders the search for a way out, asks to tell the story of each card, about the characters depicted on it, in order to reveal as much as possible what blocks the client, does not allow him to get out difficult situation. Often, secondary benefits of the client are also found on the cards, the psychologist asks him to think about what benefit he gets from remaining in this impasse, from which fear may protect him, what is even more terrible can happen in life if he decides to do it anyway. change. By being aware of their fears, blocks, and secondary gains, the client can move on and have a chance to overcome the impasse.

The last alignment is resource. Again, there are several cards in front of the client with what can help get out of the impasse, make changes. The psychologist asks him to choose those that are support and resources for the client, on which he can rely, and after choosing, describe each. The client tells what is most interesting, positive for him on the card, what attracts attention, causes a surge of energy, gives strength. The psychologist suggests considering which of the depicted resources the client already has and which can be attracted, think about how the resource can be used, what can be done in the near future. The more detailed the client answers the questions, describing the map, the more meaningful he will extract the result, the more interesting discoveries will get about his impasse, about why he is in it, why he needs a dead end. This can become a point from which the client can even turn his worldview around.

With the help of associative metaphorical cards, you can work with the Shadow. The psychologist then asks the client to create a mental intention, and then choose himself from a deck of cards with faces, how the client now sees and accepts himself, then his opposite. The gender and age of the person depicted on the card does not matter, only his emotions are important. If the client finds it difficult to choose only one card for each of the incarnations, he can choose two or even several.

Describing the first hypostasis, the client tells what he sees on the card, what feelings and emotions are present on it. If the person depicted on it, according to the client, is looking at someone, the psychologist asks to choose from the deck the one he is looking at, what can be done in private, and then describe. Next, the psychologist leads the client to a description of the opposite card. Then he asks if the cards are correctly placed in front of him on the table, or if the client wants to change their positions. Most often, the client pushes back the opposite card, symbolizing his Shadow.

The psychologist asks the client to analyze the interaction of antipodal cards, asking if one card sees the other. If yes, then how the personalities depicted on them relate to each other, is the card of the opposite of the main card needed, can the main card thank its opposite for something, what negative does the card of the opposite bring to the life of the main card, if you want to move it away.

If the cards do not see each other, then what needs to be changed in the layout so that they see each other. When the client changes the position of the cards, the psychologist will know what has changed in the main card. When the client talks about the negative qualities of the antipode, the psychologist listens, then offers to transform these qualities, replacing them with positive synonyms, and sums up, pronouncing what positive grain was found, how the main card can integrate these qualities, how it will change after that, can it thank its own the opposite and what feelings after gratitude it experiences.

After the work done, it will be great if the client, on behalf of the main card, expresses gratitude to the antipode card for the transferred resource. Perhaps after that the client will again want to change the arrangement of the cards on the table or even replace one card with another from the deck.

This technique allows you to work out the shadow qualities of the personality, as a result, the client can integrate, accept his shadow side. The psychologist asks what the client feels in connection with the work done, how his feelings have changed after reconciliation with his previously repressed part.

Some of the most popular cards in the work of a psychotherapist are:

The set includes two decks of cards: the 1st consists of cards with the image of faces various people, the 2nd deck reflects the possible patterns of interactions within any human system. Maps help to identify intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts client and find for them optimal solutions. Maps depicting people can be used as "virtual" substitutes for individual work in Gestalt therapy, when using systemic family therapy (B. Hellinger) or in working with subpersonalities within other approaches. Interaction diagrams help to see the real relationship of the client within his system.

A set of cards depicting heroes, magical objects and plots from various fairy tales. Cards help to immerse yourself in the world of fantasy, to gain access to the unlimited possibilities of our imagination. The cards are designed for both children and adults. They can be used in the joint game of children and parents, teachers and students.

A set of cards depicting in symbolic form traumatic and stressful situations and ways to solve them. Referring to a traumatic situation through a metaphor avoids additional retraumatization and creates a safe context for finding and modeling a solution. The cards start the internal processes of self-healing and the search for your own unique way out of the crisis.

Metaphorical associative cards are a set of pictures the size of a playing card or a postcard depicting people, their interactions, life situations, landscapes, animals, household items, abstract paintings. Some sets of cards combine a picture with an inscription, others include separate cards with pictures and cards with words. The combination of words and pictures creates a play of meanings, enriched with new facets when placed in a particular context, studying one or another topic that is relevant to a person at the present time.

Initially, this is a projective technique: what is important is not the meaning originally laid down by the researchers, but the emotional response of each individual to the picture that came across to him. In the same picture, different people will see completely different phenomena, in response to a stimulus they will bring out their own internal content of actual experiences. Moreover, in different periods of life and in the context of different topics, the associations and interpretation of what is happening in the picture will differ each time even for the same person. From this point of view, the deck of associative cards is inexhaustible: the number of combinations of work topics and pictures is endless.

To work with the family system, portrait decks of cards are usually used, for example, “Persona”. A deck is a set of faces of people of any age, from babies to very old people. You will meet any facial expressions in the deck: undisguised happiness, and sadness, and fear, and tension, and distrust, and fatigue, and the search for contact, and hope, and bright joy. With the help of these portraits, we can consider any relationship, choosing cards for the role of deputy participants in the relationship. When a psychologist's client selects a card to represent himself or another participant in the relationship being worked on, the psychologist asks him what similarity this choice was made on the basis of. Facial expression? A message being broadcast to the world? External similarity, clothing style, accessories, attributes? At the initial stage of working with associative maps, you will be surprised how often people choose as their substitute a person of a different sex, a completely inappropriate age, sometimes a different skin color - where it would be impossible for the observer to understand what this choice is based on. Here it is appropriate to be curious and find out what traits of the selected person are important for the client, and what he wants to tell us about himself by choosing this card.

How do metaphorical cards serve mutual understanding between people? First of all, cards help build a bridge from person to person in cases where people find it difficult to talk to each other on some sensitive topic. Cards help express thoughts, formulate them and concretize the message that needs to be conveyed. In addition to facilitating the verbal expression of emotions, the card, as an intermediary between emotional worlds two people, itself carries a certain emotional charge, and can be perceived as a message even without verbal accompaniment. Sometimes you can just show the interlocutor three portraits and say: “I feel like this, like on the first card, but I want to feel like this, like on the second, but I don’t have enough for this what is on the third map” - and the interlocutor will understand you without further ado.

Thus, in addition to using the metaphorical associative cards "Persona" as a psychotherapeutic tool in professional psychological practice, we can use them in our family and personal relationships to communicate with family members and loved ones on acute, possibly painful, deeply personal topics. The mediation of the card creates an additional atmosphere of security and friendly attention and facilitates the discussion of risky and difficult topics in families. Metaphorical associative cards develop the ability to communicate with others, understand them, find positive traits in each person and the common thing that unites you with others.

I will tell you about the methods of working with metaphorical mind maps that can be used to develop creativity.

I had my first encounter with these colorful pictures a few years ago, when my friend and colleague Masha brought a deck with cheerful inhabitants of an Indian tribe (the Morena deck) and had a short session with me.

For the first time during a coaching session, I did not turn on the mind and logic, but some other options. I looked at the tanned, strong and cheerful inhabitants of the tribe, and feelings, associations were born in my head, emotions turned on.

It was a completely different job. Deeper and more real.

Then I began to study metaphorical cards as a tool for my practice. I read how psychologists use them in their work, explored unique cases of healing with the help of cards (physical and emotional).

At that moment, I considered this instrument too serious for myself.

You can use cards both in individual and in team work to develop the subconscious. People react very differently to them. In the same picture, one sees something very dark and scary, the other sees something inspiring and beautiful.

Periodically, the cards returned to my life.

The TanDoo relationship deck I associate with sunny summer. One day we Masha sunbathing in the country and talking about important things. To help us, we took TanDoo, and this deck has two types of cards: beautiful, schematically traced pictures of men and women in various unusual situations and positions, as well as unprecedented road signs.

I remember the cards that I pulled out then, I remember my feelings from these cards.

From that summer I started playing with metaphorical cards. First, in my closed groups, where I conducted various programs. Then in his livejournal.

She suggested topics for research, applying different decks to them. Participants voiced the request, called the numbers and received a map for their situation. Then they wrote the associations that first came to mind.

So this work-play unfolded in full force. On the basis of all the games held in my LiveJournal (and those games that I played in a guest format - visiting other bloggers), you can write a whole dissertation.

People react very differently to cards. Looking at the same picture, someone sees something very dark and scary, while the other sees something inspiring and beautiful. Almost everyone receives very non-standard, beautiful and elegant answers to their requests or finds support in thoughts and intentions.

Why is this happening, how do the cards work? Let's look at the types and types of maps, how to work with them (including for self-study) and answer these and other questions.

Where did the cards come from?

There is a whole family of metaphorical associative cards that are produced under the name "Oh-cards" (

It was interesting to know that initially decks of cards were formed according to the canvases of famous artists: Paul Gauguin ("Tahiti"), Hieronymus Bosch ("Bosch"). And these cards were printed for art lovers.

Art takes on completely different, more accessible forms, and in the compact form of card decks, it is as close as possible to ordinary people. If a person plays a passive role when contemplating monumental canvases, then contemplation of the same work in a card format can awaken his own creative impulse...
A work of art arises not only at the moment of its creation by its author, but every time it is born anew when it is perceived by each specific viewer. Which, thus, is also attached to the process of creation.

The very first “Oh” deck was conceived precisely in the aspect of “Art in Card Format”. Then it turned out that the cards are more suitable as an ideal tool for therapy, self-exploration and the development of creativity.

Why mind maps work so well?

Our mind has a "checklist" and it gives us this list in response to any question.

The first thoughts that come to mind are socially approved or socially significant decisions. Or standards imposed or firmly planted in the head by someone.

When questions are asked directly, head-on, the mind first runs through this list, and there is nothing new in it! There are no new, bright solutions, insights, discoveries! The conscious mind is conservative, it is difficult for it to look for new things and leave the comfort zone.

Everything new, tasty, interesting is in the unconscious - where intuition lives. To turn on the unconscious mind, to look for non-trivial solutions in it, you need skill and skill. We need games, metaphors and associations and maps - great way“disconnect” from the conscious (after all, there are no direct answers on the map!) and connect to the unconscious, creative.

When working with cards, “the power of spontaneous dialogue between the two hemispheres of the brain is turned on: thanks to the joint work of these opposite principles, intuition awakens and an optimal solution is born.”

In what situations are associative maps needed?

In therapeutic work with children and youth.
- In adult psychotherapy.
- Professional development and mentoring.
- In group trainings for creativity, communication skills and development of leadership skills.
- To work with dreams.
- As a means to train intuition and inner voice (for independent work or games in the company).

  • "Self-discovery cards can bring out the ability to create your own stories in a storytelling game with other storytellers."

With decks of cards, you can play the most curious games, inventing stories and stories, and then considering yourself in these stories. Now there are many games built on working with associations. For example, Imaginarium or Dixit.

  • "Card games teach us to think about ourselves, they teach us to be free and unleash our creativity."

AT modern world more than ever, you need the ability to quickly respond to any changes in the situation spontaneously, creatively and intuitively. In games with associative cards, such a skill is developed. They also train flexibility and imagination, which are needed in Everyday life in the event of unforeseen situations.

  • "Mind map games teach us to look to the future openly and without fear."

If we can make a decision in a game that is unexpected for us and react accordingly, then in life we ​​can boldly go towards the new and unexpected, cope with it spontaneously, creatively and intuitively.

Types and types of cards

For myself, I divided the cards into the following groups:

Cards with drawings (abstract or concrete);
- cards with pictures and words (with the picture playing a leading role);
- cards with words (drawing as a background or addition).

In the "Oh-cards" family, I like the following decks:

  • already mentioned by me "Moraine".

In this deck there are scenes from the life of the inhabitants of the tropical forests, and there are cards with different traces.

“Traces are the imprints of events. To step into someone's footprints means to do the same as the one who left the footprints, to live the same way as he did. We, in fact, do this by looking at the pictures in the deck: we step into the footprints of people living a life that we unconsciously yearn for, which we ourselves would gladly live.

The memory of a wonderful time is vivid here, when people had not yet separated from the rest of the animal world and felt their unity with everything living. The peculiarity of the Xingu people is that they continue to live in such unity, while for us, modern people, it's just a beautiful illusion. The harmony of life, in which a person is a part of the nature around him, is visible in every picture of Walde Mar. The player is given the opportunity to find this harmony in himself. If this succeeds, it means that we have managed to preserve our childishness, which dares to dream.
Waltraud Kirschke "Strawberries outside the window"

  • Ekko cards

Here is a completely different format of work, as the participants themselves will be involved in the creative process!

The card is proposed to be put on Blank sheet paper and color it, draw something of your own. As a result, a picture "grows" on the entire sheet of paper.

Then you can remove the card and fill in the white space below it.

As in other associative cards, we are not talking about achieving some result or winning at any cost ... Players need to give vent to feelings and liberate their imagination when talking about what they saw in the cards and what they drew. Such a game option (as in almost all games with associative cards) can be either just a fun game together or a stepping stone to a serious conversation.
  • Cards for self-development "Claro"

Professionally printed, with a bright patent-leather back and a blank front, these cards can be self-filled with drawings, quotes, poems, whatever. Then cover them with a special fixative and use them to develop your subconsciousness and intuition.

A wide scope is given to the spirit of invention, imagination and creativity - both in creating maps and in opening a variety of game options.

Cards for the development of creativity

  • Zebra Cards

"Zebra Cards" are excellent cards, I work with them with pleasure both in individual sessions, and in team sessions, and in trainings.

I use this deck in my personal work, it helps a lot in working with entrepreneurs and teams.

This is where inscriptions play a big role. Each card contains a description of some animal and the strategy of its actions, a schematic representation of this strategy.

At one strategic session, the customer and the organizer of this very session chose the Possum card. Action strategy: knows when to play dead. Every time a respected entrepreneur started giving a fiery speech about efficiency and productivity, I jokingly asked him to pretend to be a possum. And he listened to his command.

Seriously, with the help of these cards you can come up with new products. For example, how to connect innovation in the automotive industry and the quality of a chameleon? Create a car that changes its color depending on the owner's mood. Or look for answers to your queries, or even think about why this or that card has now fallen out.

  • "Shoes and Hats"

In my opinion, a purely feminine deck. I played with her in Israel and did not have time to learn all the ways of working.

However, the cards are curious, you can play with them “openly” - choose shoes and hats according to the situation and discuss them. And you can "closed". I, in my opinion, pulled out a bonnet and elegant over the knee boots, and then decided how this reflects my situation.

It turned out to be fun, as is usually the case with cards.

  • "Coach Trees"

For example, when answering the question: “Which tree reflects your life values,” I choose a large spreading tree. It stands on the bank of the river and is reflected in it. The host asks me: “How can the crown of this tree describe your life values?”.

I look at the tree in a new way, and the words that come to mind can be attributed to my life values.

Non-idle questions - and deep reflections that lead to curious conclusions.

Words and pictures only help us awaken our intuition, see new twists and turns, look from a different perspective. And the drawn card becomes a visible embodiment of hidden knowledge about oneself.

Believe it or not, it works!

How can you play with cards?

In the game with associative cards, there is only one rule and it is this: what the player sees in his cards at the first glance at them remains as such, no new interpretations and interpretations are allowed.

It is very important to glance at the card and immediately give an answer in order to overtake reason and give the floor to intuition, playing abilities. Turn off the internal censor and release everything that comes.

Let's take off - then we'll figure it out!

You can simply draw yourself a “Card for the Day” from any deck and ask her one question. For example: “What do I need to get rid of in order to move forward?” or “Which resource do I need the most right now?”

Or use one of the many options:

1. Compose own fairy tales or stories and develop creativity. It looks like this: each player in turn draws a card, and, looking at it, spontaneously pronounces a phrase.

The next one continues, so the story unfolds. Each participant can choose three cards. The most difficult thing, of course, will be the last one - he will have to complete the fairy tale.

In such games, adults have fun like children, because the deck challenges the players, arranges a test of their imagination and builds unexpected and vivid plots.

In addition to fun, such tales or stories (when written down and then read) can tell us a lot about ourselves.

2. Draw one card and speak briefly on the topic “I had a dream”, based on the picture that fell out.

Tell where you yourself live in this story, what you think about in this dream, how you feel. Then you can imagine yourself as some other participant in this card (person, animal or object) and imagine yourself from the point of view of this participant.

As if this participant in the picture is telling something about who sees this dream.

Key question: "Which of my sides is represented by this card?"

Here's what happened to one participant Online Games in my LiveJournal:

3. Designate some kind of request (goal, task). Choose a card and name ten of its properties that immediately caught your eye (color, structure, concept, characteristics, characters).

Write them out as a list, and then write down for each item - what kind of solution can it be?

Summarize and choose the most inspiring options.

I am a professional (author Lyubov Moshinskaya)

Choose three cards (open):

I am in the profession - at the beginning of the journey.

I'm like a pro today.

Ideal: I am what I would like to be in the profession.

Tell us why these cards, what is important for you at each stage.

From the cards lying face down, choose the fourth card: what will help you achieve the ideal?

Six cards for creative life planning

  1. Initial situation. Who am I now, at the moment when I step on the Path to my goal.
  2. An aspect of a goal or dream. What do I need to consider? What to focus on?
  3. Obstacles on the way to the goal.
  4. Resources to overcome obstacles.
  5. Am I ready to start?

17 more ways to work with metaphorical cards

1. Acquaintance (ice-breaking exercises in trainings)

Everyone draws a card and talks about their mood through the card: what mood is similar to what is shown on the card, what is not.

2. Group idea generation

One person announces the task. The others take turns drawing a card and coming up with ideas on how to solve the problem by interpreting the card they have in their hand.

After everyone has voiced their idea, maybe even more than one, the next participant asks the problem.

3. Projection technique

Can be done alone or with someone.

Choose a card from the deck that depicts the image that you think you look like the most. To choose means to look through the cards and find the most similar to yourself.

Next, you need to describe this character or this image. Who is he, what does he do, what is being done to him, what does he think about, what does he want, what does he do well and not so well, what does he need help with, etc.

Everything that you say on behalf of the character is your projection, all this is in you. If you want deeper insights, replace "he" or "she" with "I." And try to say the same thing, but on your own behalf.

Perhaps some thoughts will be close to you, and some you will want to throw away. Think about every sentence you say.

4. Birthday gifts

Don't know what to give? Open the cards one by one and catch the flow of ideas. Use a deck of cards as a chest with gifts.

Characters, colors, places that are depicted in the pictures become triggers that quickly generate ideas.

5. Relationship questions

Select the relationship you would like to sort out (partner, spouse, friend, child, parent, colleague, boss, etc.).

Blindly draw five cards:

1. What doesn't work in a relationship?
2. What am I bringing to the relationship?
3. What does the other side bring to the relationship?
4. What works in a relationship?
5. What needs to happen to improve the relationship?

6. How I see you - feedback

Similar to method number 3, only you need to choose a card that, in your opinion, reminds you of a partner (friend / girlfriend, husband, brother, colleague, etc.) the most.

Then tell why you chose this particular card. What part of your partner is reflected in the picture? How is the character similar to your partner? What external and internal characteristics they are similar, etc.

The method can be used as entertainment, as a way to get to know each other, as a way to give and receive feedback if it is difficult to do it in direct communication.

7. Movie

A map is a frozen frame of a film.

What is depicted now (how does it relate to your life)?

What was "before"?

What will happen "after"?

You can speak in turn in the first person for everyone who is depicted. At the very end, a story on behalf of the director (the director is the one who works with the map): what is the idea really?

This will allow you to choose a plot suitable for a person from all that have been voiced earlier.

8. Analysis / introspection
At the end of the training, operative, conversation, you draw out a card and answer the question: “What was the most important thing about it?”.

You draw the next card: "What will be the first steps after this?". Brief and helpful!

9. Photo frame

Everyone draws a card and stands in the pose that is depicted on it. A group or individual photo is taken. Fun and original!

10. Obstacles and resources

One card - what helps in solving the problem, the second - what hinders, the third - a new direction in solving the problem.

11. Development of positive thinking

The game consists of two stages.

First, picture cards from any deck are quickly divided into two piles: “positive” and “negative”. This is done without much thought.

Then all the cards from the "negative pile" are taken and one by one are interpreted as "positive". After describing the negative characteristics of the cards, you can end the story with a positive conclusion.

12. Familiarity with the familiar

A group member (client, player) is asked to focus on a problem or an unpleasant situation in their life.

Then the client draws eight cards from the deck and arranges them according to the following scheme:

  1. A look at what is happening from the orbit of a space satellite.
  2. A bird's-eye view of what is happening.
  3. A look at what is happening from the top of a nearby tree.
  4. A look at what is happening from the palm of your hand.
  5. A look at what is happening from a deep dungeon.
  6. A look at what is happening through the eyes of a curious wizard.
  7. A look at what is happening through the eyes of a neighbor's cat.
  8. A look at what is happening through the eyes of a psychiatrist.

13. Dialogue with yourself

Mix two different decks and spontaneously, guided by feelings, choose five cards with which you can imagine yourself as a child, teenager, girl (boy), adult, elderly person.

Organize their conversation with each other.

Players receive or blindly draw two cards, look at them.

Each participant opens and chooses one card, which symbolizes the problem, and one - the solution to this problem.

As soon as everyone is ready, a short explanation follows - a story to the group about the problem and its solution.

If the work is individual, you can use the third card (from any other deck) as a transition between one state and another.

15. My history (including for diagnosing changes)

At the beginning of work (training, counseling), draw out five cards blindly, arrange them in a convenient order. Briefly describe what these cards are about, how they relate to life history.

At the end of the work (consulting, course, training), take these five cards, arrange them in accordance with your current state and view of the situation. Tell the story in a new way.

When working through a difficult, traumatic event, you can, after talking about it, immediately (at least three times) do this exercise. The negative charge of the situation is reduced, obsession with it is removed.

16. Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Each player draws three cards blindly and flips them over when it is their turn to speak - so that the associations are spontaneous.

Open the cards and decide which one fits "yesterday", which one corresponds to "today", which one - "tomorrow".

Describe the story. Separate moments of the description should be connected and indicate the direction from the past to the future.

17. Drawing

Blindly draw out a card, arrange it on the sheet so that it is comfortable, and finish the picture in the way that seems right, so that the card becomes part of it.

Or you can draw a card openly, according to the state, and draw a state picture to allow emotions to be expressed, to be legalized.

Using maps in everyday life

Here is how writer Stuart Weir works with cards:


The Saga and Myth cards often help me get my creativity flowing.

Taking a break from work for a moment, I pull out a map, and the picture depicted on it gives a new, unexpected direction to my thoughts. Even a card that I have drawn more than once before takes on a new meaning for me.

The state I'm in determines the meanings I find in the cards and is reflected in the nuances of the emerging story.

Development of the Spirit

The world of images feeds my spirit and allows me to step on new territory and cross the outback. Even if the story that arose thanks to the map does not have a definite relation to my current work, all the same, in the process of working with maps, my vision of the problem changes, and I gradually get out of the quagmire of a creative crisis.

In the same way that I use cards for creativity, I use them to solve some everyday problems. Moreover, the story that arose thanks to the cards usually has nothing to do with the real problem.

As my creativity awakens, my vision expands and new solutions come into view.

The solutions that emerge are the by-products of an invented story. Revealing the hidden reserves of creativity means opening up new possibilities of choice, at the same time taking into account new solutions.

Metaphorical cards are an amazing tool. Powerful, resourceful, inspiring and opening up new facets. Try the cards at work! And you will see that decisions can be made easily, and tasks can be solved effortlessly.

Unleash your intuition and subconscious wisdom! If you have any questions - write, we will discuss!

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