Rorschach test for schizophrenia online. Rorschach test pass online for free (method ink spots, blots)

The buildings 14.10.2019
The buildings

An interesting test that is used by psychologists
for the study of human personality and its violations.

1. Look at the Rorschach inkblot
2. Remember the first association
3. Read the value...

1. The muzzle of a cat or fox.
This is the most common association.
If you saw a fox or a cat (namely the face) - it means that you are relatively healthy,
that is, the Rorschach test does not reveal deviations and you belong to 85% of people.

2. Butterfly
If you see a butterfly, it may indicate a mild condition.
cognitive dissonance within you.
As a rule, a butterfly is seen by impressionable young people under 20 years old, prone to
to reflections and superficial depressions.
The butterfly is a symbol of harmony, which is lacking for those who see it in a blot

3. Bat
A bat can be seen by people prone to aggression and cruelty.
Andrei Chikatilo saw a bat on the Rorschach test.
Sadistic tendencies may develop.

4. Animal skin
The skin of "some" animal - a bear, a tiger, a wolf, etc. -
testifies to a very strong and healthy psyche.
As a rule, skins are seen by people who know well what they want.
and how to achieve this, people with a stable value system
(teachers, church ministers, vegetarians, religious
fanatics and just pious people).
The skin of the beast symbolizes victory over a wild animal - that is,
victory over your doubts

5. Crab
The crab is seen by people prone to hysteria, neuroses and anxiety disorders.

6. Two bears at the fountain
Quite rare, but not a single association.
May be indicative of a schizophrenic personality type
and about schizophrenia.
In no case can the Rorschach test make a diagnosis,
and as serious as schizophrenia.
Two bears on the fountain can be seen as schizophrenics,
and just people with a well-developed imagination.

The remaining associations are considered by specialists individually and require special interpretation.

Psychodynamic Rorschach Inkblot Test- projective method of personality research. Created in 1921 by the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. In terms of its popularity in psychodiagnostic studies of personality, this test occupies a leading place among other projective methods (the bibliography includes about 11,000 works).

Rorschach selected 10 inkblots and published them in 1921 along with instructions for use in clinical evaluation.

In domestic psychology, the Rorschach test was used mainly in clinical and psychological studies of personality (L.F. Burlachuk, 1979; I.G. Bespalko, 1983, etc.). There are a number of studies on the use of the Rorschach test in the examination of depressive patients, with MDP, brain tumors, epilepsy, in children, and in senile patients. Significant work has been done to standardize the test (B. I. Bely, 1982; I. G. Bespalko, 1983).

The stimulus material for the test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical amorphous (weakly structured) images (the so-called Rorschach "spots").

Each answer is formalized using a specially designed symbol system for the following five counting categories:

  1. localization(selection for the answer of the entire image or its individual details);
  2. determinants(to form an answer, the shape of the image, color, shape in combination with color, etc. can be used;
  3. form level(assessment of how adequately the shape of the image is reflected in the answer, while the interpretations received most often are used as a criterion);
  4. content(the answer may concern people, animals, inanimate objects, etc.);
  5. originality-popularity(Very rare answers are considered original, and those that are found in at least 30% of the surveyed are considered popular).

These enumeration categories have elaborate classifications and interpretive characteristics. Usually, "total estimates" are studied, i.e. sums of the same type of assessments, the relationship between them. The totality of all obtained relationships allows you to create a single and unique structure of interrelated personality traits.

Despite the fact that there is still no complete theory linking the features of stimulus interpretation with personality characteristics, the validity of the test has been proven by numerous studies. Special studies 80-90 years. the high retest reliability of both individual groups of test indicators and the methodology as a whole was also confirmed (J. Exner, 1980, 1986, etc.). Known tests of "ink spots", developed on the model of the Rorschach test, its modification for group examination.

Order of conduct

The study should be conducted in a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the absence of strangers. If the presence of a third person is necessary, it is advisable to warn the subject about this and obtain his consent. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of the experiment in advance, to exclude phone calls and other distractions. If the subject uses glasses, care must be taken in advance that they are at hand. The test is best done in daylight. In cases where an extensive psychological research, the Rorschach test is recommended to be offered to the subject in the first place.

The experimenter sits down at the table at a right angle to the subject or next to him so that he can see the tables at the same time as the subject. The tables are preliminarily placed to the left of the experimenter face down.

Before starting the experiment, it is necessary to ask the subject whether he is familiar with the technique, heard or read about it. Before showing the tables in a preliminary conversation, you should establish contact with the subject. It is also extremely important to be aware of the subject's physical (fatigue, illness) and mental state at the time the tables are shown.

The origin of the tables is usually not explained. If the subject asks if this experiment is an intelligence test, the answer should be negative, but one can agree with the opinion that the test is a fantasy test. Questions of the subject during the experiment should be avoided and their resolution “until later”.

The work with the examinee consists of four stages:

1) actual execution,

3) use of analogies,

4) determination of sensitivity limits.

1st stage.Tables are given to the subject in the hands in the main position, in a certain sequence - according to the number on the back of the table. The subject is asked what the spots remind him of, what they look like. The instruction can be repeated several times. If the subject doubts the correctness of his answers, then he is told that there are no erroneous answers, since all people see different things on the tables. Bohm proposes to supplement the instructions with the following phrase: "You can rotate the tables as you like." According to Kloepfer et al., remarks about table rotation should not be included in the initial instruction, but when the subject himself begins to rotate the table, he is not interfered with. We recommend using Bohm's instructions.

Any clue as to the interpretation of spots should be avoided. Permissible rewards: "Yes", "Excellent", "See how well you do." If it is difficult to answer the first table, the experimenter behaves expectantly, but if the interpretation is still not given, one must proceed to the next table. If after the first answer there is a long pause, they ask: “What else? You can give several answers."

Time is not limited. It is allowed to interrupt work with one table after 8-10 answers.

All responses of the subject are recorded in the study protocol. Exclamations, facial expressions, the behavior of the subject and all the comments of the experimenter are recorded. The position of the table is marked with an angle, the top of which means the upper edge of the table, or with letters: Λ - the main position of the table (a), > - the upper edge of the table on the right (b), v - the table is turned upside down (c),< - верхний край таблицы слева (d). Локализация ответов описывается словесно или отмечается на специальной дополнительной схеме, где таблицы изображены в уменьшенном виде. Если речь идет не об основном положении таблицы, то обозначения типа «снизу», «сверху», «справа» рекомендуется заключать в скобки. Временные показатели фиксируются при помощи часов с секундной стрелкой; секундомер нежелателен, так как может вызвать экзаменационный стресс.

2nd stage. The survey required to clarify the answers. The main orientation of the survey is in the words: "where?", "How?" and why?" (“Show where it is”, “How did you get such an impression?”, “Why is this such and such an image?”). In this case, it is better to use the terminology of the subject himself. If, for example, the answer is " beautiful butterfly”, one might ask what makes a spot look like a butterfly and why it looks beautiful. The wording of subsequent questions will depend on the responses received. Leading questions should not inspire the subject with answers that do not reflect his personal perception.

If the subject finds it difficult to verbally designate the localization, he is offered to make a copy of the specified part of the spot using transparent paper or draw the image he sees. To clarify whether a human image is visible in motion, the experimenter asks the subject to tell in more detail about the perceived. Questions like: "Are we talking about the living or the dead?" - not recommended. To find out if color was used in the answer, they ask if the same image can be seen on reduced achromatic diagrams (see localization tables in Fig. 2.1).

If additional answers are given at this stage, they may be used for the overall score, but are not included in the calculation.

3rd stage. The use of analogies is optional and is used only where the survey did not reveal what features of the spots the subject relied on in his answers. They ask whether one or another determinant (color, movement, shades) indicated in one answer can be applied to other answers. The results obtained are referred to additional estimates.

4th stage. Determination of sensitivity limits. The need for it is less, the richer the initial protocol. At this stage, it is determined: 1) whether the subject can see the details and integrate them into the whole, 2) whether he can perceive human images and project movement on them, 3) whether he can perceive color, chiaroscuro and popular images.

The subject's answers are provoked by more and more specific questions. If the subject gives only complete answers, they say: “Some people can see something in certain parts of the table. Try it, maybe you can do it too." If the subject finds it difficult to fulfill this request, point to the usual detail (D) and ask: "What does it look like?". If this does not help to see the image in the detail of the spot, it can be said that some people see "animals" in the lateral pink areas of the table. VIII and "spiders" in the upper lateral blue spots of pl. x.

If the subject does not give popular answers, then he is shown several popular images and asked: “Do you think this looks like ...?”

When there are no color answers in the protocol, it is suggested to decompose all tables into groups according to some criterion. When separating groups, for example, by content, they are asked to divide the tables again according to another attribute. For the third time, you can offer to decompose the tables into pleasant and unpleasant. If within three Attempts the subject does not select a group of color tables, it is concluded that he does not respond to the color stimulus.

Response Encryption

Most domestic authors used two encryption methods. One of them - "classic Rorschach" - is presented by Bohm's monograph, the other - the so-called "American school", is most fully set out in the works of Klopfer and co-authors. Since there are differences between these two directions, the conclusions of authors using different designations in some cases become difficult to compare.

For the projective Rorschach test, you need ten pictures (cards) with ink spots: five are black, two are red and black, and three are multi-colored. The researcher shows cards with spots in a certain order, and then asks the test-taker what it could be. When the participant in the experiment has seen all the inkblots and shared the relevant considerations, the researcher again shows the cards one by one.

The test subject must name everything that he sees, clarify where he / she sees it and why the ink spot causes this or that image in him. The card can be twisted, tilted, turned upside down - that is, viewed as you please. All words and actions of the patient are recorded, and the duration of the responses is also noted. Lack of reaction or inability to describe what is depicted on the card may indicate the presence of a psychological blockage in the area represented by such a card, or a temporary unwillingness to accept such a sphere. Each Rorschach test response is decoded and classified using a specially developed system of symbols in 5 categories:

  1. Localization (selection for the response of the entire image or its individual details);
  2. Determinants (what exactly is used to form the answer: the shape of the image, its color, shape and color at the same time, etc.);
  3. Level of form (how adequately the form of the image is reflected in the answer, while the most frequently received interpretations are used as a criterion);
  4. Content (what or who exactly the answer concerns: people, animals, plants, inanimate objects, abstract figures, etc.);
  5. Originality - popularity (very rare answers are considered original, and those that are found in at least 30% of the surveyed are considered popular).
These categories have elaborate classifications and interpretations. Usually, "total estimates" are studied, i.e. sums of the same type of assessments, the relationship between them. The totality of all obtained relationships allows you to create a single and unique structure of interrelated personality traits. The responses are then analyzed and counted. Based on a series of mathematical calculations, the results of the test are summed up and the final result is interpreted based on the empirical data obtained.

Card 1. "Bat, butterfly, moth"

On the first picture of the Rorschach test, only black ink. The card with which the experiment begins will tell you how the patient perceives new and stressful tasks. Participants usually see in the image a bat, moth, butterfly, or the face of some animal like an elephant or a rabbit. The reaction to this card gives a general description of the person.

  • For some, a bat means something unclean or demonic, for someone - a path through darkness and rebirth.
  • Butterflies symbolize transition, transformation, and the ability to grow, change, and overcome obstacles.
  • The moth symbolizes a feeling of underestimation, dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, as well as weakness and irritation.
  • The muzzle of an animal, in particular an elephant, symbolizes the ability to respond to problems, fear and unwillingness to look inside oneself. This perception of the picture can also symbolize the presence of a serious problem that is being ignored, and serve as a remark on an issue that a person is trying to avoid.

Card 2. "Two people"

This Rorschach test card features a picture in red and black ink. Drawing is usually perceived as sexy. Patients often refer to red elements as blood. The reaction to this picture indicates ways to control feelings, physical pain or anger. People often see a person praying in a picture; or two figures; a person who looks at himself in a mirror, or a four-legged animal like a dog or an elephant.

  • The two figures symbolize codependency, an obsession with sex, ambiguous feelings about sex, or fixation on relationships.
  • A person who looks at himself in the mirror symbolizes self-centeredness or narcissism. It can be both negative and positive trait depending on the person's feelings.
  • The dog symbolizes a devoted and faithful friend. If the patient saw something negative, this may indicate the need to become aware of their own fears and feelings.
  • The elephant can symbolize thoughtfulness, memory and intelligence, but also a negative physical self-perception.
  • The bear can symbolize aggression, competition, independence, restoration, as well as a sense of vulnerability, insecurity, or openness and honesty (a play on words in English: bear - bear, bare - expose, discover, expose).
  • This card has a sexual meaning, so if someone sees a person who is praying, this may symbolize the attitude towards sex in the context of certain religious beliefs. Blood can mean that a person associates physical pain with religion, and also turns to prayer when experiencing difficult emotions (for example, anger), or associates anger with religion.

Card 3. "Two people"

The third drawing of the Rorschach test is a picture in red and black ink. The reaction to it indicates the patient's attitude towards other people in the process of social interaction. Common options for perceiving the image: two figures; a person looking in a mirror, a butterfly or a moth.

  • If a person sees a common meal of two people, this indicates an active social life. A person who sees two people washing hands, may feel insecure or unclean, and paranoid. A person who sees two people playing a certain game is subject to competition in social interaction.
  • A person who looks in the mirror symbolizes self-centeredness, neglect of others, or failure to perceive people as they are.

Card 4. "Animal skin, leather, carpet"

The fourth card is called "father's". On it is a shaded image in black ink. It is not uncommon for test subjects to see a large, sometimes eerie figure, more often male than female. The perception of these inkblots reflects the person's upbringing and attitude towards authority. People remember a large animal or a monster, an animal skin.

  • A large animal or monster can symbolize feelings of inferiority, intense fear before authorities or representatives of power, in particular before the father.
  • The skin of an animal can symbolize significant discomfort associated with the theme of the father. On the other hand, it may indicate that a person does not have problems with authority and inferiority.

Card 5. "Bat, butterfly, moth"

This picture of the Roroschach test has black ink stains. The reaction to this card, as well as to the first, reflects our essence. Usually the image is not perceived as threatening. After complex images on previous cards, this one is perceived by a person easier, so the answers are more detailed. If the patient's comments do not match the comments on the first card, this may indicate the influence of cards 2-4 on perception. Common options for perceiving an image are a bat, a butterfly, or a moth.

Card 6. "Animal skin, leather, carpet"

This map has black ink stains that differ from other maps in texture. The reaction to this image concerns the sphere of intimacy between people, which is why this picture of the Rorosach test is also called the “sex card”. Common options for perceiving the image: the skin of an animal, may indicate a fear of close relationships, gives rise to a feeling of emptiness and isolation in a person.

Card 7. "Human heads or faces"

This card has black ink stains commonly associated with femininity. Therefore, the main options for perceiving the image are women and children, and the card is called "mother's". If it is difficult for a person to describe what he saw, there may be problems with female figures in her life. Test-takers see on the map the heads or faces of women and children, as well as a kiss.

  • The heads of women symbolize the feelings of a person associated with the image of the mother. These feelings influence attitudes towards females in general.
  • The heads of children symbolize the feelings associated with childhood and the need to take care of the inner child. Such a perception may also indicate the need for analysis and adjustment of a person's relationship with his mother.
  • The kiss symbolizes a person's desire for love and reunion with the maternal image. This may indicate that a person once had a close relationship with his mother and is now looking for this closeness in other relationships - romantic or social.

Card 8. "Animals, not a cat or a dog"

This is a very vibrant card that uses grey, pink, orange and blue ink. This is not only the first multi-colored, but also an extremely complex picture of the Rorosach test. If this card or a dramatic change in the image confuses a person, this may indicate difficulty in responding to difficult situations or emotional stimuli. Common comments on this card are a four-legged animal, a butterfly, or a moth.

Card 9. "Man"

This card uses green, pink and orange ink. The spots on it are fuzzy, and it is not easy to recognize the image. Most people can't make sense of what they see. That is why this card determines a person's ability to cope with a lack of structure and confidence. Common answers: some kind of person or a vague creepy figure.

  • When it comes to a person, the patient's attitude towards this person indicates his ability to cope with the unsystematic nature of time and information.
  • The image of evil may indicate that for inner comfort a person needs structure in life and he does not tolerate uncertainty.

Card 10. "Crab, lobster, spider"

The last card of the Rorschach test is the brightest. The image uses orange, yellow, pink, green, gray and blue ink. The structure of the picture is similar to that of Card 8, but the complexity is similar to Card 9. Most people who are tested find the picture pleasant, but people who did not like the complex Card 9 may feel the same with this card. Such a reaction may indicate problems with similar, synchronous or compatible stimuli. Common perceptions include crab, lobster (lobster), spider, rabbit face, snake, or caterpillar.

  • The crab can symbolize a tendency to fixate on certain things or people, or indicate a person's importunity.
  • The lobster can symbolize strength, perseverance, and the ability to deal with minor problems. The lobster can also indicate that the person is afraid of hurting themselves or being hurt by others.
  • A spider can symbolize fear, a sense of confusion, or indicate that a person is in an uncomfortable position because of their own lies. The spider also symbolizes the domineering mother and female power.
  • The face of a rabbit can symbolize fertility and positive thinking.
  • Snakes can symbolize danger. A person who sees snakes may feel deceived or betrayed, and also fear the unknown. In addition, snakes are seen as a phallic symbol and refer to unacceptable or forbidden sex.
  • If a person sees caterpillars on the last card in the test, this indicates the prospects for development and the realization that the personality is constantly changing and evolving.

The projective method for studying the personality of the Rorschach Spot was created in 1921. The stimulus material consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetrical amorphous (weakly structured) images. The subject is asked to answer the question about what is depicted, what it looks like. To understand the method, Rorschach's ideas about the structure of personality are decisive. Rorschach proceeded from the position that a person's activity is determined by both internal and external motives, and therefore, the activity of a person is expressed the more clearly, the less stereotyped (structured) the stimuli causing activity are. In this regard, Rorschach introduces the concepts of introversion and extraversion, each of which corresponds to a set of certain personality traits associated with the predominant type of activity. The Rorschach typology is a qualitatively new stage understanding of intro and extraversion.



Unlike Jung, who understood introversion as a state, Rorschach believes that introversion also acts as a process. “In normals, the tendency to withdraw into oneself is mobile, short-lived ... normals can always restore the adaptation of function.” Introversion acts as a process, as a flexible possibility of withdrawing into oneself, depending on the circumstances and. environmental conditions. Only the rigid predominance of introversion tendencies allows us to speak of introversion as a pathological condition, and Rorschach repeatedly emphasizes this. Rorschach goes on to point out that the concept of introversion in the commonly explored sense is opposed to the concept of extraversion.

The author believes that it is inconvenient to use such terminology, since it can be concluded that extraversion and introversion are opposites. In reality, “... the mental processes that produce introversion and extraversion are not opposite, but different, they are different like thinking and feeling, like movement and color.” It is also unjustified to oppose the intro- and extrovert as a “thinking” and “feeling” personality type, since adequate adaptation involves the participation of both affective and cognitive processes.

In the course of a clinical and experimental study of groups of healthy and mentally ill subjects, by comparing the clinical characteristics and characteristics of the responses, Rorschach identified two types of perception of stimulating material by the Rorschach Spot method. It turned out that some subjects tend to perceive spots in motion, in the images of people, animals or objects produced by them, the dynamic (kinesthetic [M]) aspect is emphasized first of all; other subjects, on the contrary, fix the color [C] aspect in their Answers. The type of perception, or "type of experience", according to Rorschach, characterizes predominantly introversive or extra-intense personality tendencies.

Four types of experience

Depending on the predominance (balance) of one or another type of activity, Rorschach distinguishes four main types of experience.
1. Extratensive type, in which one should distinguish between:
a) purely extra-intense - "color" responses in the absence of kinesthetic engrams, if М=0, and S С > 2 - extra-intense egocentric;
b) mixed extra-intense - 1C exceeds the amount of M by at least one.
2. Introversive type, which can be divided into:
a) pure introversive kinesthetic in the absence of “color”;
b) mixed introversive amount of M not less than one I. C.
3. Ambiqual type - the number of color responses is equal to the number of kinesthetic ones, deviation of the side up to 0.5 points is allowed.
4. Coartive ("narrowed") type - there are no both kinesthetic and "color" responses, or the number of one or the other does not exceed one.

Rorschach distinguished between coarted (OM and OS) and coartative (GM and 1C, IM and OS and OM) types of experience depending on the number of responses in color and kinesthetic, but this division is not of great practical importance. The predominance of one or another type of interpretation in the Rorschahan Spot method finds its expression in the corresponding psychological characteristics.

Domination of kinesthesia

More individual intelligence. Independent creativity. More "inner" life. Affect Stability Less adaptation. More intense than extensive connection Regularity, stability of movements. Awkwardness, clumsiness.

color dominance

Less personality. reproductive creativity
More "outer" life. Lability of affect
Great ability to adapt. More extensive than intensive
Restlessness, mobility of movements. Dexterity, dexterity

“Individual characteristics of both types show no absolute correlation with one another. Their relationship is not simple, not straightforward. If the subject, for example, exhibits 3M and 5S, we cannot say that any characteristic in question is present in the personality to a certain degree, or that a certain degree of individuality is combined with a certain degree of affective stability.

Each characteristic in the Rorschach Spot method is influenced by various factors such as mood, conscious logical functioning, unconscious... These groups can act as opposites, and this should be clearly distinguished, in a clinical, not in a psychological sense... By M type, it simply means that certain functions are developed to a noticeable degree. What appears clinically as an antithesis is psychologically a mere variation.

Thus, the type of experience is not an unchanging, fixed value. Obviously, the influence of alcohol (shift into extraversion), good mood, inspiration somewhat shift the formula of the type of experience to the side. notes that in all such cases the absolute number of M and C changes, while the ratio between them does not change or changes insignificantly.


The stimulus material of the Rorschach method (Rorschach Spots) consists of ten tables with polychrome and one-color images (five black-and-white tables - 1.4, 5, 6, 7 and five polychrome - 2.3, 8, 9, 10). The tables are presented to the subject in a certain sequence and position.


Despite the fact that there is still no complete theory linking the features of stimulus interpretation with personality characteristics, the validity of the test has been proven by numerous studies. The high retest reliability of both individual groups of indicators and the Rorschach Spot test as a whole was also confirmed.


There are discrepancies in the literature regarding the instructions offered to the subject, but most authors almost do not deviate from the classical form: “What could it be? What it looks like?". Such instructions should be limited to, the subject should not receive any additional information during the experiment. The experimenter should not ask any leading questions during the study, with the exception of clarifying, if necessary, the place in the image that the subject is interpreting. If the subject tries to find the “correct” answer, asks if he answered correctly, then it should be explained, then the answers may be different and it is only necessary to express your own opinion about the proposed images.

After the presentation of the tables, a survey follows. In this phase of the study, it becomes clear how the subject came to a particular answer, i.e., the survey is always focused on clarifying the localization of the image and its determinants. The experimenter is obliged to avoid direct or leading questions, and at the same time, his task is to obtain detailed information that facilitates the subsequent encryption of answers. To identify the localization of the answer on the table, you can ask questions like: “Where is ..?” or: “Show me…”. To clarify the determinants of the answer, it is sometimes enough simple questions: “What makes you think about ...?”, “Describe in more detail how you see ...”, etc.


Currently, there are quite a lot of variations of the schemes for analyzing the results obtained, which have both formal and interpretive differences in the Rorschach Spot method. Below is the original Rorschach chart, along with some of the most known variants interpretations.

Each response of the subject in the Rorschach Spot test is formalized into five categories in a certain sequence (localization, determinant, determination of the level of form, content, originality-popularity assessment), which makes it possible to obtain an answer formula. The character used to encrypt the response is the initial letter of a word, such as W (Whole). The Anglo-American system is used here, with other designations possible.

1. Localization features of interpretation:

W - interpretation of the presented image as a whole; D - interpretation of some significant, often chosen detail of the image; Db - interpretation of an unusual or small detail; S is the interpretation of the white space; Do - "oligophrenic detail" - interpretation of a fragment of the image where the majority sees the whole (for example, the subject sees the "head", "legs", while the majority sees "man"). In addition, answers may appear in which some detail or white space served as the starting point for interpreting the whole: DW - to build the whole source is a large detail; DdW - small detail; SW is white space.

2. Determinants:

F - the answer is determined only by the shape of the image; M - the imaginary movement of a person; FM - the imaginary movement of the animal; m - imaginary movement of inanimate objects; C - only the color of the image; CF - predominantly in shape, but color is also taken into account; c - light gray or gray; Fc - shape when taking into account light gray or gray color; c1 - black or dark gray; Fc' - the answer is determined by the shape when taking into account black or dark gray.

3. Mold level:

the form is evaluated with a positive (F+) or negative (F-) sign, which shows how adequately it is reflected in the created image. The criterion is the interpretation of the corresponding images and their details by healthy people. If there is no clearly defined shape in the created image (clouds, smoke, shore, etc.), the shape symbol is either not marked (F) or indicated as (F±).

4. The content of interpretations can be varied, so the most commonly used designations are given: H - the image of a person, A - the image of an animal, Hd - part (s) of a human figure. Ad - part(s) of the animal figure, Anat - anatomical content, Sex - responses of sexual content, PI - interpretation of the image as referring to flora, Ls – landscape. From - ornament. If no corresponding character is provided for the response, the content should be indicated by the full word.

5. Originality-popularity.

Original (Orig) answers are those that appear rarely (once or twice in a hundred protocols). Popular (Pop) responses are those found in at least 30% of normal adults. These answers are always positive. Thus, each interpretation of the subject receives a certain formalized form.

For example, the answer to table 2 - “two people shaking hands” takes on the form WM + HPop, i.e. the image is fully interpreted (W), the subject sees human beings in motion (M),the form is evaluated with a positive sign, since most of the subjects see two people in this image (+) *, in terms of content - human images (H), the answer is often (Pop). Table 8 - “some kind of predatory beast” (the side part of the image is interpreted). Answer formula: DF+APop. Table 10 - "fantastic flower" (WCFPI). The table is interpreted in full (W), the form is not taken into account, the color (CF) prevails, but the plant (PI) dominates the content. It is necessary to clarify what is considered the answer of the subject and what, therefore, is subject to formalization.

Despite the apparent simplicity, this question can arise, and it is often not easy to solve it. For example, the subject interprets table 5 as "bat or butterfly". The question is, is this one answer or two? Various exclamations, remarks, as well as new answers received during the survey are not subject to formalization. The answer “ink blot” should be formalized if this term was not mentioned in the instructions. We can assume that answers containing a noun are formalized regardless of whether they are given in a negative, interrogative form or in the form of alternatives. For example, “no, this is not a leaf”, “maybe this is a butterfly?”, “butterfly or leaf”. Sometimes it is suggested “or” - the answers are always described by two formulas. One answer is encrypted with several formulas in another case. For example, “rocket takeoff against the backdrop of thunderclouds, flames behind.”

Here the rich content of this engram cannot be covered by a single formula. But one cannot resort to increasing the number of formulas if the subject describes various parts of the seen image, clarifies it, for example: “two dancing people ... here are the arms, legs ...”. In this case, only one WM+HPop formula is needed. At the same time, table 10 is often * When formalizing the answer, one leading determinant is designated, therefore, in this entry, the form is present only in the sign, it is interpreted as a whole as “seabed”, “garden”, and then the answers follow the details of the image. In this case, they should be regarded as independent.

When the question arises which of the determinants in the Rorschach Spot method should be preferred when coding the answer, the following rules must be followed:

1. Kinesthetic determinants in any case have an advantage.
2. Determinants of color (FC, CF, C) take precedence over the others, with the exception of kinesthetic ones.
3. "Cross-and-shadow" determinants (black and gray color with their shades) have an advantage over other determinants, with the exception of kinesthetic and "color" determinants.


The total number of formalizable responses (R) varies considerably. The change in the number of responses depends on a number of factors, the most significant of which are: the richness of images of the subject's past experience, his mental state and the conditions of the experiment.

The social and cultural differences of the studied groups have a significant impact. The number of responses may indicate the richness of the images and the ease of updating them, however, without taking into account the “quality” of the responses, it is impossible to objectively assess these parameters. Not a large number of responses in itself is not pathological. Typically, protocols with fewer than 10 or 60 interpretations are of little value.

According to Rorschach in the Rorschach Spot method, the number of answers for adult healthy subjects is 15-30. The study time is taken into account as follows:

1) fix the time from the beginning to the end of the experiment (T);
2) average time spent on one answer (T/R);
3) determine the period of formation of a reaction to each table (t) - from the moment the table is presented to the beginning of the answer;
4) calculate the average reaction time - the sum of t to the number of tables;
5) separately calculate the average reaction time for color and single color tables.
On average, t in healthy adults ranges from 7 to 20 °.


One of important features is the sequence, i.e. the order in which they appear when interpreting the tables various ways perception. To a certain extent, consistency is an indicator of logic, disciplined thinking. It is assumed that usually a person initially seeks to give a holistic answer (W), then pays attention to large details (D), and then can move on to interpreting small details (Dd) and finally the background (S). Rorschach identified 5 types of sequence: rigid, ordered, inverse, free and chaotic. When all 10 tables are interpreted in the sequence presented above, this is considered evidence of a rigid, very rare sequence that is characteristic of pedantic persons, "slaves" of logic.

Experimental studies have shown that the appearance of a rigid sequence may be a sign of depression. A sequence is considered to be ordered if, while maintaining the indicated order in most tables, it varies depending on the structure of the spot itself. An unordered, or free, sequence is one in which unforeseen deviations are possible, but one can point to any characteristic way of perception. Emotional stability can contribute to this sequence.

The highest degree of free sequence - chaotic, most often appearing in mental patients, is obviously associated with adaptation disorders or (rarely) occurs in especially gifted individuals of the “artistic” type. The reverse sequence (from S to W) is as rare as the rigid one. Where sequencing is not possible (for example, only one answer per table is given), this should be marked with a question mark.


The interpretation of the test material presents significant difficulties, and it is this phase of working with the methodology that is most vulnerable to criticism. Until now, despite the huge popularity of the Rorschach test, numerous publications of the largest experts in the Rorschach technique, the basic principles of interpretation do not have a satisfactory theoretical justification. This applies primarily to the assessment of the psychological significance of certain categories of analysis. The Rorschach test diagnoses the structural characteristics of a personality: individual characteristics of the affective-need sphere and cognitive activity (cognitive style), intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts and measures to deal with them (defense mechanisms), the general orientation of the personality (type of experience), etc.

At the same time, the relationship of individual indicators (or their partners) with the indicated personality parameters has been proven only empirically. Indeed, it is still difficult to explain why, for example, responses of the “shape” type reflect rational intellectual tendencies, while responses of the “color” type reflect controlled or impulsive emotionality. Most often, it is believed that an isolated indicator acquires a psychological meaning in the “context”, i.e., it is determined by a combination of many indicators that form an integral configuration or pattern, however, many indicators have an independent diagnostic value.


According to Rorschach, many responses can be subdivided into confabulated and contaminated. In the first case, the subject, starting from any part of the image, creates a complete image, not taking into account the shape of the entire image. Such interpretations are designated as DW (may be DbW, SW, depending on which part was used to build the whole). Confabulations take place not only in answers like DW, but also in simple holistic or detail data that are completely unmotivated, “taken from the ceiling”.

W-contaminated responses are absent in healthy individuals and appear due to disorganization of thinking in mental illness. An example is Rorschach's interpretation of Table 4 by schizophrenic patients - "the liver of a statesman leading a respectable lifestyle." In this case, two types of answers to this table merge into a whole - “a person” and “any organ”. Not only W, but also D contaminated interpretations are POSSIBLE.

Picture Shapes

Depending on how much the image shape is taken into account in the interpretation, W answers are graded K3KW+ HW-. A significant amount of W + indicates high intelligence, richness of imagination, the subject's propensity for synthesis, a critical approach to actualized images. At the same time, numerous W- or DW- (DbW-, SW-) indicate a violation of critical abilities, inadequate synthesis. The appearance of contaminated W indicates a violation of thinking. According to Rorschach, a normal adult shows about six Ws on a protocol, and according to Piotrowski, with an IQ of 110 or more, the number of Ws goes up to ten. Often subjects interpret large image details (D). These are the most frequently encountered details, the choice of which is common for normal subjects, and they can be established statistically.

Rorschach recommends that 50 healthy subjects be examined to determine D, which reveals most of the usual responses to image details. Various authors have compiled lists of the most common parts that can be used as a guide, but the D areas are often completely different. The researcher must first of all rely on his own experience, not to mention the fact that there may be cultural, age, national and other differences between the surveyed groups.

Rorschach believes that if W is an indicator of a tendency to abstract, theoretical thinking, then D indicates practical, concrete intellectual activity. However, high correlations between these forms of thinking and the number of W and D in the protocols were not found.

Db - unusual, rare, usually small parts(sometimes it is necessary to denote as Db and a large detail, which happens if it is interpreted in a completely unusual aspect and unusual connection). An increased number of small details is uncharacteristic for adults, normal faces and, as a rule, does not exceed 5–10% of the total number of responses.

A large number of small details is always a sign of deviation from the norm. Db are frequent in "picky, petty critics", persons with a limited outlook, patients with epilepsy. At the same time, the responses of gifted people can act as a manifestation of acute observation, evidence of a search for something unusual.

A special form of Db is the choice for interpretation not of the actual figures, but of the space between them. Such responses are denoted by the symbol S. Rorschach meant by S the responses associated with inter-figure space, and later this category was expanded to include not only details formed by gaps in the image, but also borders and all white backgrounds.

Rorschach suggested that the white background of extroverts is interpreted as evidence of negativism, the desire to resist the influence of the environment, or for introverts - opposition to oneself, insecurity, a sense of inferiority, but this hypothesis has not been validated. At the same time, answers related to the interpretation of white space may indicate the ability to see phenomena from different angles, i.e., certain intellectual qualities.

Oligophrenic details (D) (the name was introduced by Rorschach, who, as shown by further research, mistakenly believed that such responses were typical for patients with oligophrenia), may be a sign of affective inhibition. Thus, Luzley-Usteri writes about the “internal uncertainty syndrome” in the case when two of the indicators of the Db-Do-S triad exceed the average value.


Rorschach attached great importance to the relationship to the proportions of responses of each type, and not their absolute number. The mutual combination of perception modes in one specific protocol is called a “perception type”. As a criterion for determining the type of perception, Rorschach used the ratios most often encountered in the examination of normal subjects:

8W - 23D - 2Db - IS American researchers consider the ratio: IW to 2D to be the norm, but this proportion changes with an increase in the number of answers.

An increase in the number of answers leads to an increase in the number of D, the ratio becomes IW to 3D, while a decrease in the number of answers causes the opposite - IW to ID or even 2W to ID. Pure D or Db types of perception are extremely rare, the W type is much more common. Usually, “W +” type is distinguished when about ten answers are given with good form with almost no indication of details (as a rule, subjects with high intelligence) and “W-” type - about the same number of answers, but with poor form (found in limited patients with schizophrenia). The type of perception in which there are very few or no W responses is called depleted.


The main point in the formalization of the answer, and then in understanding its psychological essence, is the definition of the determinant, that is, the factor that played the main role in the appearance of one interpretation or another. The determinants make it possible to judge:
1) about the degree of realism in the perception of reality
2) about activity directed outward or manifested in the imagination;
3) about the emotional attitude to the environment;
4) a tendency to anxiety, restlessness, stimulating or inhibiting the activity of the individual.


Form (F) is one of the most popular determinants of the answer and more than the weight of the rest characterizes the actual process of structuring, organizing indefinite material. But first of all, an assessment of the level of form is important. When determining the correspondence of the interpretation to the form of the stimulus, one should first of all rely on a statistical criterion. When a large number of people see the same object in one or another “spot” (or part of it), these are answers with a positive form. Rorschach, when assessing the level of form, proceeded from the data obtained during the examination of about 100 healthy subjects.

Original interpretations

But along with the statistical criterion, there is also a certain point, since rare, original interpretations, evaluated individually, can always appear. The level of form is indicated in responses in which the form is in the first place (FC, Fc, FM), as well as in kinesthetic determinants (M), where the sign of the form is of great importance. The number of F + answers reaches 70% of the total number of F answers, and with high intelligence F + reaches 85 - 95%.

Only in overly pedantic faces is it possible to have 100% F + Rorschach believes that in the process of removing uncertainty and structuring (with answers F and especially F +), the following factors are revealed: the ability to observe and controlled thinking, the richness of images. Very close is the interpretation of Luzley-Uster, who considers F + a manifestation of the conscious constructive tendencies of the individual, the ability to reasonably control his affective impulses. Klopfer also considers F+ to be an indicator of intellectual control and "ego strength", that is, the degree and quality of adaptation to reality.

Rorschach calculated F +% as equal to F ± / F 100. They began to use slightly different, enriched formulas:

100 (F + 0.5F±) 100 (F + 0.66F±)
F + % = or JF 2F

Kinesthetic indicators

Rorschach considered kinesthetic interpretations to be especially important indicators that determine the characteristics of the personality of the subject. At the same time, the definition of kinesthetic engrams is one of the most difficult elements in the study.

Kinesthetic interpretations are understood as those in which the subject sees the movement of a person, they are based on the more or less simultaneous perception and integration of three factors:

1) forms;
2) movements;
3) content - a vision of the image of a person.

It should be emphasized that "interpretations involving human beings are not always kinesthetic." The question always arises, “…does movement play a primary role in determining the response? Are we dealing with a truly sensed movement, or simply with a form that is reinterpreted as movement?

To assess the response as determined by movement, it is necessary to make sure that the subject not only sees but feels kinesthesia, empathizes with what he sees. During the experiment, sometimes it can even be observed that the subject involuntarily tries to make those movements that he puts into the image he created. These are definitely kinesthetic engrams. As M denotes those answers in which movement is carried out by animals, however, these acts must be anthropomorphic, that is, characteristic only of man. The decisive role in determining whether a movement is felt belongs to the survey.


Rorschach, and after him other researchers, subdivide kinesthesia into extensive and flexion (sweeping and constrained), assuming differences in the level of activity-passivity of persons demonstrating movements of various types. The former speak of active benevolence - a cooperative life attitude, the latter indicate passivity, a tendency to avoid difficulties, up to the position “away from the world”. The psychological interpretation of kinesthetic indicators is the most difficult and controversial part of working with the Rorschach test. The author considered M in connection with the introversive orientation of the personality, i.e., the ability of a person to “withdraw into himself”, creatively process affective conflicts and thereby achieve internal stability. Such an interpretation of the meaning of M seemed to be confirmed by a study of a certain contingent of subjects - actors, artists, people of mental labor.


At the same time, subsequent experimental tests demonstrated the dependence of this indicator on a number of other factors, for example, adaptability, the degree of differentiation of the “I”, the possibility of openly responding to affective urges in outward behavior etc. There are also data on the connection of M with the singularities interpersonal relationships, in particular, a person's idea of ​​himself and his social environment, the ability to empathize and understand other people. According to these data, M is a multivariate variable, the specific value of which determines the context, i.e., a combination of all other indicators that is unique for a given person. The ambiguity of M partly stems from the fact that this determinant implicitly contains two other determinants -F and H. Apparently, therefore, Klopfer considers human kinesthesia to be a sign of a conscious, well-controlled, accepted by the subject inner life- own needs, fantasies and self-esteem.

Thus, human kinesthesia indicates:

- introversion;
- the maturity of the "I", expressed in the conscious acceptance of one's own inner world and good control over emotions;
- creative intelligence (at F +);
– affective stability and adaptability;
- the ability to empathize.

A normal adult with an average level of intelligence demonstrates from 2 to 4 M, and with a higher level of intelligence - 5 M and above. The optimal W:M ratio is 3.1. In a quantitative comparison with other determinants, each M interpretation is estimated at 1 point. In the analysis of the relationship between the World, one should proceed from the fact that the higher the percentage of positive forms, the more conscious control restrains the manifestation in activity of tendencies expressed in kinesthetic engrams.

Animal Movement (FM).

With the symbol FM, American psychologists designate the movements of animals, parts of the bodies of animals or their caricatures in the activities inherent in animals. Identification with FM kinesthesias is usually associated with the immaturity of the personality. In contrast to M kinesthesia, animals reflect less conscious, less controlled drives that are not fully accepted by the individual. Klopfer believes that FM represents a more primitive, infantile level of mental life than M. The complete absence of FM may indicate the suppression of primitive drives, perhaps due to their unacceptable content.

The movement of inanimate objects (t).

The cipher t denotes the movement of objects, the action of mechanical, abstract, symbolic forces. Depending on the clarity of the form, the symbols Fm (with a clear form), mF (with a less definite form) are sometimes used, and m in this case indicates the action of some forces. The evaluation of these interpretations can hardly be considered developed. On the one hand, Piotrowski connects interpretations with high level intelligence, since bringing movement to inanimate objects requires more "breaking reality" than is the case when interpreting the movement of people and animals in images. According to Klopfer, the appearance of kinesthesia of inanimate objects more than twice in the protocol indicates internal tension, conflict, indicates deep unconscious, 'uncontrollable impulses, unfulfilled desires. At the same time, a certain amount of FM and m in a certain ratio with M is acceptable and characterizes the richness and liveliness of the inner world of the individual, the spontaneity of its affective manifestations, developed imagination against the background of good control and adaptability.


Color as an objective sign of a stimulus is rarely used (no more than 3-5 responses per protocol). Color engrams are considered as representing the affective sphere: the more color is represented in the protocol, the stronger the individual reacts to emotional stimuli. FC responses indicate emotionality controlled by the intellect (F), indicate the ability to affectively contact with the environment and adapt to the surrounding reality. CF responses speak of efficiency, poorly controlled by the intellect, and little opportunity for adequate adaptation to the environment. C answers are a sign of emotional impulsivity, a tendency to affective outbursts, and an inability to adequately adapt to the environment. MS responses determined by kinesthesia and color at the same time are quite rare. Characteristic, as a rule, for gifted people, with a figurative type of thinking of artists.

No color responses

The absence of “color” answers in the protocol most often indicates inhibition of efficiency (neurosis, depression), but this is also possible with affective dullness in schizophrenia or due to dementia, with the exception of emotionally excitable oligophrenics. To evaluate the effectiveness, use the “color sum” formula S С = 0.5FC + ICF + 1.5С. For example, in the case of 3FC + 3CF + 1C, the “color sum” will be 1.5 + 3 + 1.5 = 6 (the exception is cases in which C is combined in the formula with another determinant that has an advantage, for example, FMC or tC; in in this case, “color” is estimated at 0.5 points). However, the "sum of color" says nothing about the degree of intellectual control and the ability to edeptate. To establish this, the ratio FC: (CF + C) is used.

Left-sided type (FC > CF + C) - stable, controllable efficiency, the ability to adapt to external stimuli. Right-handed - the efficiency is unstable, weak possibilities of adaptation. For normal adult faces, the approximate number of color interpretations is 3FC, ICF, OS.

Black and gray color

Rorschach first drew attention to interpretations determined by black or gray with shades, and referred them to “color”. To distinguish from interpretations of chromatic colors, he designated them (C). In understanding the origin of these shades, Rorschach proceeded from the fact that they also reflect efficiency, but inhibited by the subject, and indicate that he has difficulty adapting to the environment due to indecision and timidity. The psychological essence of these interpretations causes a lot of controversy among specialists. Different authors define these determinants in different ways and distinguish different amounts of them.

The rest is the system developed by Klopfer, however, due to its bulkiness, it is not always expedient to use it in practical work. The Piotrowski system seems to be convenient, in which only four symbols are used: c, Fc, c' and Fc'. The classification is based on the selection of determinants c' and c. The symbol c' denotes answers that take into account black or dark color, and the shape does not matter, for example, “black night”, “black clouds”. As c', those interpretations that are associated with the words “dirty”, “horrible”, etc. are designated. the same group in most cases includes “perspectives” and interpretations that take into account the character of the surface (gladkey, rough, etc.). Fc and Fc' denote those responses in which the form dominates, for example, "black butterfly" (Fc') or "animal skin with head and paws" (Fc).


When quantifying the “chiaroscuro” determinants, Fc or Fc’ is estimated at one point, c and c’ are 1.5 points. If these come together with other determinants, for example Ms, then they are estimated at 0.25 belle. Such an assessment matters when comparing these answers with others. According to Piotrowski, about 25% of the subjects have c’ answers, while interpretations are found in about 90% of the surveyed. The sum from the responses is significant if it exceeds two units, the number c' > 2 is also considered high.

Piotrowski believes that "chiaroscuro" interpretations reflect a deeply hidden tendency in the psyche to anxiety, restlessness, which stimulates or inhibits the activity of the individual. Moreover, answers with c indicate a decrease in activity in activities that cause anxiety and discomfort in order to overcome this state, while c’ indicates an increase in activity to achieve the same goal.
When studying relationships with other determinants, the most important is the ratio of IC to 2 s. It is known that C is an indicator of emotional excitability, expressed in external activity, and c is an indicator of inhibition of activity due to anxiety. The more E c in relation to S C, the more paralyzed is the activity (for example, obsessive states in neurosis). The optimal ratio: I, c - I, C, while a slight predominance of “color” is allowed up to 2 units.


Determining the content is the simplest step in formalizing the subject's response. As has already been shown, conditional values ​​are accepted for the most important, most frequently occurring content categories. The symptomatic value of this phenomenon is also not clear. Piotrowski believes that “red shock” is a sign of aggressiveness and fear. "Black shock". This concept was first introduced by Binder. According to the frequency of “black shock” stimulation, the tables are arranged in the following order: 4, 6, 7, 1, 5. According to Binder, “black shock” most often indicates a chronic disorder of behavior, anxiety, anxiety. Similarly to the “color shock”, an overcompensated “black shock” is possible. Kinesthetic shock is manifested by a departure from kinesthetic engrams when interpreting stimuli that suggest them (tables 1, 2, 3, 9), as well as a decrease in general level responses (appearance of Db-, Do, etc.). It is believed that kinesthetic shock is a sign of insufficient affectivity.

Description (description).

The subject does not interpret the image, but only says something about it, for example, “some image that does not tell me anything.” When interpreting color tables, description acts as a kind of “color shock”. Bohm singles out kinesthetic description, a rather rare phenomenon (description mechanical movements out of touch with objects, for example, “something rotating around its axis”), which should be considered as a remark, not an answer. In his opinion, such descriptions are found almost exclusively in patients with schizophrenia. Color name. The subject only names the colors, but does not interpret them (“green”, blue”).

The color name should be distinguished from descriptive comments, which are sometimes used to clarify localization. Rorschach and Binder, when evaluating these answers, gave them the same importance as “pure color” [C]. However, Bohm and other researchers do not combine the name of the color with the actual "color" answers. If for children under the age of five the name of a color is usual, then for adults it is always a pathological sign.
An indication of the symmetry of the images. This is a fairly common phenomenon, but the symptomatic value of remarks about symmetry varies and depends on their kind. Single comments about the symmetry of the images offered to the subject are not significant. Indications of symmetry, which are of a stereotypical nature, as well as an obsessive desire to find the asymmetry of both parts and the image, are possible in patients with epilepsy.

The pedantry of the wording is expressed in a special, “widely branched” and stereotypical presentation, with a careful description of all kinds of details. For example, “there is symmetry here, vertical processes… black paint is applied unevenly”, “here again symmetry, processes… the same colors” (Table 3) and so on in the same style. Most often, such pedantry is a sign of an epileptic personality change.


Perseveration in the Rorschach Spot method is understood as the repetition of the same answer in content. There are three forms of perseveration.

1. Rough, organic, in which the same interpretation is repeated, and it often goes from one table to another. V severe cases the same interpretation applies to all ten tables. Rough perseveration is observed in patients with organic brain lesions, with epilepsy, schizophrenia and dementia.
2. A kind of “sticking” to the main topic, observed in true epilepsy. The subject does not give completely identical answers, but adheres to one, slightly variable content category (“dog's head”, “horse's head”, etc.).
3. A weakened form of perseveration, in which, against the background of answers of different content, the same answers appear. This does not apply to "popular" answers, because " Bat” can occur twice in the answers to 1 and 5 of the table. The repeatability of not quite ordinary answers is important here.

In addition, Bohm distinguishes perceptual perseveration, in which the subject constantly selects completely similar image details (often D and Db), but interprets them differently, and perceived detail perseveration, when the subject selects one detail (sometimes the entire image) and interprets it differently. The same is true for healthy individuals. Anatomical stereotypy is the preference for answers with anatomical content. With a high percentage of such interpretations (60 - 100%), the diagnosis of personality traits is impossible.


Often in pathological cases, anatomical stereotypy is combined with perseveration. As individual cases, “stereotyping of body parts” and “stereotyping of the face” are distinguished. The stereotypical preference for Hd responses (excluding “faces” and “heads”) most often indicates dementia (but localizations are Do responses “The stereotype of faces”, according to Bohm, is a sign of phobias and occurs in neuroses. Self-reference is manifested in a rude form in the introduction of his “I” into an interpretation, for example, “two people, one of which is me.”

In a weaker form, it is realized as a focus on one's own experiences (“it reminds me of a cat that we had at home”). A rough form of reference to oneself occurs in schizophrenia and epilepsy, less often in dementia, and milder forms are found in patients with neuroses. Rejection of color. This phenomenon was first described by Piotrowski and consists in the fact that the subject denies the influence of color on the interpretation, although he uses it (“... these are flowers, but not because of the color”). Piotrowski refers to such answers as “color shock”. Projection of color onto black images. Color (polychrome) is rarely introduced into the interpretation of black-and-gray tables by the subjects (“a magnificent colored butterfly” - Table 5).


According to Piotrowski, who interprets the Rorschach Spot, the subject in this case is trying to “make a good face on a bad game,” that is, as if imposing a joyful mood on himself in the absence of one. Such popular responses, index of realism and form-color responses, as well as a decrease in the proportion of holistic interpretations with poor form. In qualitative terms, the improvement in the perception of form is expressed in the gradual complication of the form of clearly perceived spots from popular answers to combinatorial ones. As the child grows older, the ways of perceiving spots become more diverse: the number of holistic answers decreases and the number of holistic answers increases. specific gravity responses to ordinary and small details and to a white background. From the age of 6-7, kinesthetic responses appear.

signs childhood

Characteristic signs of childhood in the interpretation of the Rorschach Spot method are confabulatory responses and a relatively large number of perseverations. At the age of 6-7 years, there are more kinesthetic responses in boys, and color responses in girls; at the same age, girls are ahead of boys in the development of perception of form. A similar study was conducted on younger schoolchildren (8-12 years old). Table 2 summarizes data for this age. In general, a slight decrease in the rate of development of visual perception was shown compared with preschool children. The following indicators undergo the greatest growth in this age period: the total number of responses, the number of interpretations of white spaces, the proportion of responses indicating human images, the number of kinesthetic and combinatorial responses. The last three of the listed categories of responses are positively correlated with school performance and are used to assess intelligence.

Average students 1.55+ -0.20 12.89+ -1.10 0.65+-0.16
Degree of reliability Р<0, 01 Р<0,01 Р<0,01
Indicator Good students
M 2.38 + -0.23 N% 17.79 + -1.22
Combinatorial responses 1.53 + -0.26

In addition, in the group of good students there was a higher total number of responses, a higher percentage of responses with a clear form, a lower proportion of integral responses with poor form and a “color sum” index, more responses to rare details and a white background, and fewer perseverations, but differences between groups for these indicators were not significant. Note: When using the Rorschach Spots method on children from 3 to 6 years old, a modification of the instruction was used, according to which the children were asked to guess what the spots look like. Starting from the age of 6, the procedure for conducting the experiment did not differ from the standard one.

Popular answers, indicated in tables 1 and 2 of the “Rorschach Spots” method as P, were determined according to the “adult” lists of I. G. Bespalko. According to his tables, the localization of area D was determined.

Rorschach test spots are known to many today. Its creator died very early, at the age of 37. He never saw the great success of the psychological tool he invented...

The Rorschach test is based on showing 10 five black and white, three color and two black and red. The psychologist in strict order shows the cards, asking the patient the question: "What does it look like?" Then, after the patient has given answers to the Rorschach test, the specialist again suggests looking at the cards, again in a certain sequence. The subject is asked to name everything that he could see on them, as well as in what place of the picture he saw this or that image, and what makes the patient give this particular answer. You can tilt, turn over the spots of Rorschach dough. You can manipulate them in all sorts of ways. At the same time, the psychologist conducting the Rorschach test accurately captures everything that the patient does and says during the test and during each response. The scores are then calculated and the responses are analyzed. Then, with the help of mathematical calculations, the result is obtained.

The Rorschach test is interpreted by a specialist. If a person does not evoke any associations with any ink spot, and he cannot say what he sees on it, this may mean that the object depicted on the card is blocked in his mind, or that the corresponding image is associated in the subconscious of the subject with a topic that he would not like to discuss at the moment. As you can see, the Rorschach test is not at all difficult to pass, but it is difficult to do it yourself. It is better to consult a psychologist for this. You can pass the Rorschach test yourself, but only a specialist can correctly interpret the results. However, you can use it to assess a person's personality in general terms.

First card

It has a smudge of black ink on it. This card is shown first when the blot test is done. The received answer allows us to assume how a person performs tasks that are new to him, and therefore related to stress. People usually say that this image looks like a butterfly, a moth, or the face of an animal (rabbit, elephant, etc.). The answer to the question displays the type as a whole.

For some, the image of a bat is associated with something unpleasant, while for others it is a symbol of rebirth, as well as the ability to navigate in the dark. Butterflies can symbolize transformation and transition, as well as the ability to overcome difficulties, change, grow. Moth means a feeling of ugliness and abandonment, as well as anxiety and weakness. The face of an animal (such as an elephant) symbolizes the ways in which we confront difficulties, as well as the fear of our inner problems. It can also mean a feeling of discomfort, talk about a problem that the respondent is currently trying to get rid of.

Second card

It has a red and black patch on it. Often people see something sexy on this card. The red color in the image is usually interpreted as blood, the reaction to which shows how a person can control his anger and feelings. Most often, respondents answer that this spot resembles two people, an act of prayer, a person looking into a mirror or a long-legged animal, for example, a bear, a dog or an elephant.

In the event that a person in a spot sees two people, this may indicate interdependence, an ambivalent attitude to sexual intercourse, an obsession with sex, or a focus on close relationships and connection with others. If it resembles a person reflected in a mirror, this indicates self-centeredness or a tendency to self-criticism. If the respondent sees a dog, then he is a loving and faithful friend. If this stain is perceived as something negative, it means that a person needs to face their fears. If it resembles an elephant, possible interpretations: a developed intellect, a tendency to think, a good memory. Sometimes, however, such a vision indicates a negative perception of the respondent's body. Bear means disobedience, independence, rivalry, aggression. The stain is reminiscent of sexuality, so if a person sees a person praying, this indicates an attitude towards sex in a religious context. If at the same time he notices blood, it means that he associates physical pain with religion or resorts to prayer, experiencing complex emotions (for example, anger), etc.

Third card

On it we see a spot of black and red ink. Perception of it speaks about the relationship of a person to others in the framework of interaction. Respondents most often see the image of two people, a person looking in a mirror, a moth or a butterfly. If a person notices two diners, then he leads an active social life. If the stain resembles two people washing their hands, this indicates a feeling of uncleanness, insecurity, or paranoid fear. If the respondent saw in him two people who are playing a game, it is often noted that in social interactions he takes the position of a rival. If the subject notices a person who looks at his reflection in the mirror, he may be inattentive to others, self-centered, unable to understand people.

Fourth card

Let's continue to describe the Rorschach spots. The 4th card is called "father's". On it we see a black spot and some blurry fuzzy parts of it. Many talk about something awesome and big. The reaction to this stain can reveal the attitude of the respondent to authorities, as well as the peculiarities of his upbringing. It most often resembles a huge animal or its hole or skin, or a monster.

If a person sees a monster or a large animal, this indicates a worship of authority and a sense of inferiority, an exaggerated fear of people in positions of power, including his own father. The skin of an animal often symbolizes the strong internal discomfort of the respondent when discussing topics related to the father. But it may also indicate that for him the problem of admiration for authorities or his inferiority is irrelevant.

Fifth card

This is a black spot. The association caused by him displays, as on the first card, the true "I". People, looking at the image, usually do not feel threatened. If the image that the respondent saw is significantly different from the answer received when they saw the 1st card, this indicates that, most likely, the Rorschach spots - from the 2nd to the 4th - made a big impression on this person. The image most often resembles a bat, moth or butterfly.

Sixth card

The image on it is also black, one-color. This card is distinguished by the texture of the spot. For a person, the image on it evokes intimacy, and therefore it is called a "sex card". Respondents most often note that the spot resembles the skin of an animal or a hole. This may mean a reluctance to enter into close relationships with other people and, as a result, a feeling of isolation from society and inner emptiness.

Seventh card

On this card, the spot is also black. Respondents usually associate it with the feminine principle. Most often, people see images of children and women in it. If a person finds it difficult to describe what is depicted, this may indicate that he has a difficult relationship with women. Often respondents note that the spot resembles the faces or heads of women and children. It can also remind you of a kiss. Women's heads testify to the feelings associated with the mother, affecting the attitude towards women in general. Children's heads mean an attitude towards childhood, the need to take care of a child living in a person's soul. Heads bowed for a kiss mean the desire to be loved, as well as reunite with the mother.

Eighth card

It has pink, gray, blue and orange colors. This is the first multi-colored card in the test and is especially difficult to interpret. If during the demonstration the respondent feels discomfort, it is likely that he has difficulty processing complex emotional stimuli or situations. People most often report seeing a butterfly, a quadruped, or a moth.

Ninth card

The spot on it includes pink, green and orange colors and has an indefinite outline. Most people find it difficult to determine what a given image resembles. Therefore, the card can assess how a person copes with uncertainty and the lack of a clear structure. Patients most often see the general outline of a person or a vague form of evil. If the respondent sees a person, then the feelings experienced at the same time indicate how successfully he can cope with the disorganization of information and time. An abstract image of evil can symbolize that a person needs a clear routine in life to feel comfortable, and he copes poorly with uncertainty.

Tenth card

The Rorschach psychological test ends with the 10th card. It has the most colors: yellow, and orange, and pink, and green, and blue, and gray. This card resembles the 8th in shape, and the 9th in complexity. At the sight of her, many experience pleasant feelings, except for those who are puzzled by the difficulty of identifying the image depicted on the 9th card, which the Rorschach test offers. The interpretation is most often as follows: spider, lobster, crab, rabbit head, caterpillars or snakes. Crab means a tendency to become attached to things and people, or tolerance. Lobster indicates tolerance, strength, ability to cope with problems, fear of harming oneself or fear of harm from another. A spider can mean fear, a feeling that the respondent has been tricked or forced into a difficult situation. The head of a rabbit speaks of a positive attitude towards life and reproductive ability. Snakes - a sense of danger, fear of the unknown, a feeling that a person has been deceived. In addition, they can mean forbidden or unacceptable sexual desires. Caterpillars testify to the understanding that people are constantly evolving and changing, they speak of growth prospects.

So, we have briefly described the Rorschach test. It is not easy to interpret the results on your own - a good knowledge of psychology is required. However, in general terms, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person based on this test.

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