Minecraft games how to get into space. Minecraft: Galacticraft Mod - Let's Go To Explore Space

Garden equipment 03.07.2020
Garden equipment

Do not forget to take an iron one with you to ensure the possibility of obtaining resources, and a sword for protection.

How to behave in Minecraft space

If you succeed make a portal to space in Minecraft, before moving to a new world, remember the basic rules of conduct.

Move around the islets that you meet. If ready-made planets are not enough for you, build new ones.

Collect steel from UFOs and space dust, craft new useful items from it.

Do not forget that the spacesuit must fully protect your character. The kit should include not only a helmet, but also boots. Otherwise, certain death awaits you.

You should not jump down from the islands, as the fall will cause great damage to the character.

Before space travel, pump your character properly and stock up on iron.

Is it possible to make a portal to space without mods

Despite what some say how to make a portal to space in Minecraft without cheats and mods, such a construction is impossible.

To build a portal, install Minecraft ModLoader.

Minecraft: Mod Galacticraft - let's go to explore space. How to make portals in Minecraft: to the city, space, heaven, hell and others

What people can do withMinecraft looks impressive, especially when it is able to transfer it, in the literal sense, to "another world". Maud Galacticraft released earlier this year transforms your settler into a construction astronaut capable of building a rocket, flying over the world, and exploring the solar system.

Sometimes complete freedom and a big world are not enough. Players got Minecraft, randomly from a generated world, which in fact can be infinite in any of the chosen directions. And what will they do? Micdoodle8 will create a mod Galacticraft allowing you to build a rocket, overcome gravity and go into open space, build an orbital station, land on the moon and create a settlement on the moon (by the way, there are mobs on the moon too).

Before leaving for space, you need to prepare, first to craft an oxygen mask (an iron helmet and eight glass blocks). But without a supply of oxygen and a system for supplying it, a mask in an airless space is useless. We need oxygen tubes and an oxygen concentrator. With pipes, everything is simple, you only need a few glass blocks. The oxygen concentrator is more difficult, you will need steel and tin ingots, an air valve and a tin canister. The valve and canister are easy to make from basic components, but that's not all - you need a compressor and oxygen cylinders.

As you already understood, preparing for a flight into space will take quite a lot of time. Galacticraft mod adds to Minecraft many recipes, materials and objects to build, plus a workbench NASA, where the rocket will be assembled from the head part, the engine, several stabilizers and many plating plates. After assembling the rocket, we climb into the cockpit, press the space bar and ... We find out that we have no fuel.

After refueling the rocket, again, we climb into the cockpit, press the space bar and ... Until the planet Minecraft! We're going to the moon!

During takeoff, you can control the movement of the rocket and by changing the flight from vertical to horizontal, you can go not on space travel, but fly around the far corners of your world.

But if you went into space, then in a minute the world Minecraft " but will disappear from sight and you will find yourself in open space. If you stock up on some materials in advance, you can build an orbital station, which is essentially just a floating platform above your world. Be careful if you fall from the orbital station, fall under the influence of gravity down to the surface of your world. Therefore, it is worth bringing a parachute with you.

Approaching the moon, we find ourselves inside the descent vehicle, which falls on the lunar surface. For a safe landing, the brake motors must be activated. The fall will slow down and after a soft landing you will take away the Moon of Peace. Minecraft with a gray surface and chunky hills.

As you walk on the moon, stop and capture the prints of your first footsteps in the dust of the lunar surface. If you've crafted a flag, you can place it at the landing site.

We're on the moon! This is great! But even though it is the moon, it is still the moon of the world Minecraft and it is filled with a variety of monsters lurking under the planet's surface. A few minutes of digging and you find yourself in a world filled with a variety of evil animals;) Yes, zombies and other monsters wear masks and oxygen tanks.

If you decide to travel a little in the Minecraft game, then you can fly to the moon or into space. Traveling is pretty easy. In this article we will talk about how to fly into space or to the moon in Minecraft and what modifications may be needed for this.

How to fly to the moon in Minecraft

In the standard version of the game, such a dimension does not exist, that is, the moon is not inhabited, and it is impossible to get on it. Therefore, in order to carry out a flight to the moon, you need to install the Galactic Craft mod.

First, set up the NASA workbench and use it to assemble the rocket. After that, prepare the launch pad, install the rocket on it and refuel using the fuel loader. The fuel is produced from oil in a refinery. You will need a full tank to fly.

After that, you need to equip yourself for the journey. A new tab with slots for equipment will appear in the inventory. They must contain a parachute, an oxygen mask, a frequency module, oxygen equipment and two oxygen cylinders. You will also need tin, iron and aluminum ingots and an advanced semiconductor wafer to create a space station.

After loading the rocket, right-click on it and press the F key. The rocket inventory will open, into which you can load food, additional oxygen tanks, and more.

To go on a journey, press the spacebar. There will be a countdown, and in twenty seconds the rocket will take off. After takeoff, the launch pad will be destroyed. Then a menu will appear in which you can choose one of three items:

  • "Create a space station";
  • "Go to Earth";
  • Go to the Moon.

Select the last item and do not forget to hold down the "Space" key when landing on the moon, otherwise you will crash during landing.

When walking, traces remain on the surface of the Moon that do not disappear. Gravity has also been reduced so you can jump very high. The lunar surface is composed of lunar soil. On top of that, there are tons of caves, new mobs and locals living in the villages.

To return to Earth, take the rocket and the take-off pad from the inventory of the apparatus on which you landed, set it on the lunar surface and go home. Landing will take place with a parachute.

How to fly into space in Minecraft

The AstroCraft modification will allow you to go into outer space. First you need to make a portal. The portal to space is built and activated in the same way as the portal to the Nether (four blocks wide, five high; activated by a lighter). Before going into space, be sure to create a spacesuit (it is crafted like regular armor, only from wool). It is also not recommended to travel without weapons and food.

Using the portal, you will find yourself in open space. Be careful when exiting as the platform is rather small and you can accidentally fall to the ground and die.

In space, the role of aggressive mobs is played by UFOs, attacking when approaching a certain distance. After the destruction of a UFO, it drops a drop similar to gunpowder, falling out of creepers, but with a lighter shade. From three units of this "gunpowder" you can create sticks, which (together with space gunpowder) take part in crafting a space pickaxe. The space pickaxe is necessary for mining ore from asteroids (if you use any other pickaxe, then do not expect that mining will drop out when the block is destroyed).

If you jump in open space, you will climb to a great height and land smoothly without taking damage from the fall.

So, feel free to add variety to your game and conquer new territories!

In Minecraft, there are special portals for moving to different worlds. Also in the game there is a special mod that allows the player to travel into space. If before you took part only in a regular game, then the new worlds will be a real shock for you. However, to get there, especially into space, you will have to thoroughly prepare. And first of all, create a portal.

Travel to other planets and stars

In the event that you have Minecraft 1.2.5 installed, then to travel through the vastness of the galaxy you will have to make a space portal. Anyone with an advanced version of the game can resort to a more interesting and entertaining option and build a rocket, which is much more fun than a traditional teleportation device.

The creation of a space portal is not too different from similar passages to heaven or the Lower World. Almost all the difference lies in the material used, since the passage to travel to space can only be made of iron. To move freely in a vacuum, you will need to create a frame of iron blocks - four wide and six long. Inside this frame, there will be a passage for travel in space. However, it is not enough to build a portal, it still needs to be activated.

To start the teleportation device, you will need the most common lighter, which is created from coal and an iron ingot. As soon as you managed to do it, set fire to an empty space in the constructed frame, and as soon as the fire completely fills it, the portal will be activated.

In Minecraft, in addition to the traditional portal for space travel, using the MarsPlanetMod or MarsPlanetAlfa 1.0 mods, you can create a passage for moving to Mars. Before downloading the mod, make sure you have Forge already installed. Since there is no air on Mars, like on other planets, it is imperative to take care of a spacesuit, which can be made in the same way as any other armor, but only here wool is used as a material.

Space prepares the player for a lot of surprises and dangerous situations, so at least minimal precautions should be observed:

  • be sure to stock up on tools and materials;
  • take as much food as possible;
  • do not jump, otherwise you may die;
  • move only along the islands;
  • be sure to make a platform for safe movement;
  • be sure to take weapons to fend off UFOs.

Space travel is very exciting. It's always fun to explore new territories and worlds, filming all your adventures on video and sharing them on the Internet with friends.

Surprisingly, the Minecraft game was created for a long time by one person in his free time from the main work. The sandbox style has attracted a lot of attention from teenagers from all over the world. And the elements of survival made Minecraft much more interesting than other games in the same style.

New territories in Minecraft

Over time, new fashions began to emerge, allowing not only to create various, but everyday things, but also to introduce something new. For example, portals to Heaven and Hell, or a relatively recent addition that describes how to fly into space in Minecraft, and allows you to do it. In order to organize this journey for your toy hero, you need to download and install the appropriate mod. After that, you will have access to new territories, unique materials and evil aliens, striving to destroy you. How to make a portal to space in Minecraft?

Components needed for the construction

Iron blocks

For experienced players, obtaining them is straightforward. However, some, perhaps, still do not know how to get an iron block. To craft this material, you need to find ore. Usually it is located in the lower half of the Minecraft world, at a depth of up to 64 blocks. Sometimes there are quite good layers of metal ore. In addition, you can engage in gathering. Already finished iron blocks can sometimes be found in the jungle in the temple, in treasuries and

If you don’t take the trouble to find this material in time, then you will not be able to access items such as an iron pick, armor, door, bucket, minecarts, scissors and much more. And you can completely forget about how to make a portal to space in Minecraft.


This item is known to many players. Someone created a lighter for everyday needs, and someone with the help of it went to Hell. For those who have never used this item or have forgotten how to do it, we will tell you. All you need is one iron ingot and flint. You can find the last part by destroying blocks of gravel. The probability of finding it is 1/10. In the crafting panel, place an iron ingot in the first row in the second cell, and flint in the second row in the third cell, press "OK" and get a rather valuable item. However, do not forget that a lighter, like other things in Minecraft, has its own term of use, namely 64 times.

Survival items


This material is needed not so much for making a door to the universe as in order to survive there. After all, you know that space is a vacuum space in which an unprotected person will suffocate in a minute. The same rules apply in Minecraft. That is why you will need to create a wool spacesuit. Please note that if you are greedy or too lazy to create only, for example, a helmet and a suit, your character will live a little longer than an ordinary person who got into space without protection. Therefore, before directly activating the portal, double-check whether you have created all the details of the spacesuit. Also, don't forget to put it on right away!

The answer to the question of why you need a sword in space lies in the field of ufologists' knowledge. Militant inhabitants live on different planets, from which you will have to defend yourself. You can create this item in this way. Just like a pickaxe, it is recommended to create an iron or diamond sword, since the number of hits they inflict is much higher than the properties of the rest of the weapon. In the second row in the crafting window, sequentially place two blocks from the available materials (iron, diamonds or stone), place a stick in the lower cell in the same row. Voila, your sword is ready to cut off the heads of the aliens!

Remember that no food plant you know grows in space. Therefore, take with you as much food as possible, otherwise all your preparations and the creation of the necessary things for survival will go to dust.

We extract natural resources

Pick. As you can understand, this item is necessary for obtaining useful resources, with which the planets in space are surprisingly rich. Please note that the pickaxe must be iron, diamond or stone (at worst), but by no means wooden! If you still don’t know, you can do it as follows. After creating the three required blocks (iron or diamond), place them on the first line in the crafting window. Then get two sticks that you need to place in the second and third lines in the middle. Sticks can be crafted from planks. It seems that there is no need to describe this process.

The question of why it is necessary to choose from these three types of picks, and not create the simplest one, will be answered by the strength of this item. In comparison, you can swing a wooden tool and get a couple of natural resources only 60 times. But diamond - already 1562. The difference, it seems, you can see for yourself.

How to make a portal to space in Minecraft?

The door itself is built by analogy with the entrances to Heaven and Hell. But still, let's repeat the sequence of actions. It is necessary to create a frame of iron ingots in the size of 4 by 6 blocks. Inside it must have a hole, which must be set on fire with a lighter. After the actions taken, do not forget to put on a spacesuit and wait for the game to move you to a new reality.

Minecraft: portal to space - what to expect?

When you arrive in the territory of stars and planets, do not yawn! Evil aliens can attack you immediately after leaving the portal. If this does not happen - do not relax! On the first planet (island), danger will await you. Please note that without a pickaxe, sword and food, you will travel for a rather short time. Therefore, do not forget to bring these items with you.

Move from island to island by all available methods, but not jumping! By doing this habitual action, you could be killed! Also, don't forget to build yourself a platform.

In any case, after you have learned how to make a portal to space in Minecraft, a lot of exciting adventures and a huge amount of extracted unique resources await you!

Why build portals in minecraft?

For players who were not aware that there are portals in minecraft to the upper and lower worlds, this article will be interesting. It will tell about the possibilities of moving to hell and heaven, about how to get to such mysterious worlds. What dangers and adventures await you. If you like different maps, you can download new biomes from our website. If you play on a server with the portals plugin installed in minecraft, then you do not need to download it, you just need to follow the instructions and do the things you need.

There are different portals in the game hell, heaven, end and others. Also, the variety of the game is not limited to this, there is even a mod that allows the player to fly into space (read below and download it from our website).

And things like other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In hell and heaven in the game minecraft you can find the most difficult and durable ores that only exist in the game. There is no limit to adventure, quite interesting locations await you ahead, but at the same time dangerous and mysterious.

Make a portal to space

Friends before I describe portal construction into space, we want to tell you about a very cool alternative - to fly into space ON A ROCKET! It's just that the portal to space, unfortunately, can only be made in version 1.2.5, and this is wild old stuff, terribly inconvenient. Those who need the portal can safely flip through, but we highly recommend the rocket to everyone, it's much, MUCH COOLER!)))

This is all done, of course, also with the help of the mod. It is called Galacticraft(two more files are needed, you can find everything here, along with installation instructions!). We are using version 1.6.2, but there is also a link to 1.6.4.

This mod will open up the opportunity for you (in addition to flying to the Moon and Mars, which we will discuss below), to build your own space station! Just awesome thing!

We have described all the instructions for you in our review.

Well, now about the portal.

A portal to space is made in exactly the same way as a portal to hell, only not from obsidian, but from iron (read about the portal to hell below). And in order to actually open this very dimension - space, we need a mod, you can download it here.
To get along without air, we need a spacesuit. It is crafted in the same way as any armor, only from wool. The recipes are on the screenshots below.

Airless space is fraught with a lot of dangers, so you need to AT LEAST adhere to the most elementary rules:

  • stock up on supplies and tools in advance
  • don't forget to take more food
  • DO NOT JUMP! Otherwise, you will perish, like the author of the video below 🙂
  • move around the islets
  • do not forget to make yourself a platform on which you can move, otherwise you will die (again, as the author of the video)
  • do not forget to take a weapon - the UFO does not sleep!

This journey is incredibly exciting. New territories in minecraft it is always very interesting to study, because you do not know what awaits you in an unfamiliar area. It is even more interesting to film your adventures and post them on the Internet and show them to your friends.

Going on a trip to the moon

Yes, this is also possible!) And not with the help of a portal (there is no normal information about the portal to the moon, but if you suddenly know something about such a fashion, write in the comments plz), but on a rocket. It's cooler for many reasons, and it's quite affordable. We have all the necessary files on our website, see the links in this article.
Well, as for the flight to the moon itself, preparation for it is very similar to a flight into space (how do you live on your own space station, by the way? 🙂). Therefore, we will not paint a lot, everything is in the video, we watch it:

Make a portal to paradise (you need to download the mod)

ATTENTION! An important update from 03/09/14, read the details in the description of the mod - here.

This instruction will explain in detail to the players how to build a portal to heaven. First thing you need to do is download a mod that allows you to port. It is necessary to install it, otherwise the portal will not work (here is the link to the Aether 2 mod).

After you have installed this mod in minecraft, you will need a stone called a glostone and from this stone we build a kind of frame as shown in the video. Sizes 4 by 6 blocks. Players will also need water, pour water into the already prepared "frame". To do this, you need a bucket, the craft of which is shown in the picture below. Then be sure to collect water in a bucket (you can do it in any available reservoir) and pour it into the portal. It is imperative to fill in the entire frame of the portal, otherwise it will not work.

Players who do not want the portal to work all the time can make a button next to it that will turn it on and off.

Make portals to hell in minecraft

The portal allows you to teleport in minecraft, rather to a dark and scary location, in which evil lurks, there is no view of the moon and the sun, but all around is darkness. There are strong monsters that are ready to devour you. Therefore, before moving there, you still need to stock up on food, weapons, armor. You can build it according to a not very complicated system, if in your inventory, of course, there is a stone called obsidian. Many newcomers to minecraft do not know how to get this stone. Now I will tell you everything in detail. Obsidian can be obtained in 2 ways:

  1. You just need to craft a bucket, which was mentioned in point 2, you need to pour water into it (you can in any body of water) and find a place where there is lava. After pouring your water from a bucket onto lava, a natural phenomenon will occur in minecraft and you will get a stone that you just need, called obsidian.
  2. It is necessary to make a good pickaxe (starting from a diamond one) and dig deep underground, there you will find this stone, it is dark purple in color, which is immediately noticeable. The stone will be mined for a long time, because it has strong properties.


It is necessary to mine for minecraft with a pickaxe starting from a diamond one, if you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to use the first method, because obsidian will not be mined with simple pickaxes.

Actually, let's move on to the construction of the portal. You need to create an empty rectangle 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high from obsidian, as shown in the picture.

Then you will need to craft a lighter (required), the craft of which is shown in the picture below.

Bring the lighter to the base of the rectangle and the portal to hell will work. To teleport you need to go into it and wait a few seconds while it moves you.

What people can do withMinecraft looks impressive, especially when it is able to transfer it, in the literal sense, to "another world". Maud Galacticraft released earlier this year transforms your settler into a construction astronaut capable of building a rocket, flying over the world, and exploring the solar system.

Sometimes complete freedom and a big world are not enough. Players got Minecraft, randomly from a generated world, which in fact can be infinite in any of the chosen directions. And what will they do? Micdoodle8 will create a mod Galacticraft allowing you to build a rocket, overcome gravity and go into open space, build an orbital station, land on the moon and create a settlement on the moon (by the way, there are mobs on the moon too).

Before leaving for space, you need to prepare, first to craft an oxygen mask (an iron helmet and eight glass blocks). But without a supply of oxygen and a system for supplying it, a mask in an airless space is useless. We need oxygen tubes and an oxygen concentrator. With pipes, everything is simple, you only need a few glass blocks. The oxygen concentrator is more difficult, you will need steel and tin ingots, an air valve and a tin canister. The valve and canister are easy to make from basic components, but that's not all - you need a compressor and oxygen cylinders.

As you already understood, preparing for a flight into space will take quite a lot of time. Galacticraft mod adds to Minecraft many recipes, materials and objects to build, plus a workbench NASA, where the rocket will be assembled from the head part, the engine, several stabilizers and many plating plates. After assembling the rocket, we climb into the cockpit, press the space bar and ... We find out that we have no fuel.

After refueling the rocket, again, we climb into the cockpit, press the space bar and ... Until the planet Minecraft! We're going to the moon!

During takeoff, you can control the movement of the rocket and by changing the flight from vertical to horizontal, you can go not on space travel, but fly around the far corners of your world.

But if you went into space, then in a minute the world Minecraft " but will disappear from sight and you will find yourself in open space. If you stock up on some materials in advance, you can build an orbital station, which is essentially just a floating platform above your world. Be careful if you fall from the orbital station, fall under the influence of gravity down to the surface of your world. Therefore, it is worth bringing a parachute with you.

Approaching the moon, we find ourselves inside the descent vehicle, which falls on the lunar surface. For a safe landing, the brake motors must be activated. The fall will slow down and after a soft landing you will take away the Moon of Peace. Minecraft with a gray surface and chunky hills.

As you walk on the moon, stop and capture the prints of your first footsteps in the dust of the lunar surface. If you've crafted a flag, you can place it at the landing site.

We're on the moon! This is great! But even though it is the moon, it is still the moon of the world Minecraft and it is filled with a variety of monsters lurking under the planet's surface. A few minutes of digging and you find yourself in a world filled with a variety of evil animals;) Yes, zombies and other monsters wear masks and oxygen tanks.

Surprisingly, the Minecraft game was created for a long time by one person in his free time from the main work. The sandbox style has attracted a lot of attention from teenagers from all over the world. And the elements of survival made Minecraft much more interesting than other games in the same style.

New territories in Minecraft

Over time, new fashions began to emerge, allowing not only to create various, but everyday things, but also to introduce something new. For example, portals to Heaven and Hell, or a relatively recent addition that describes how to fly into space in Minecraft, and allows you to do it. In order to organize this journey for your toy hero, you need to download and install the appropriate mod. After that, you will have access to new territories, unique materials and evil aliens, striving to destroy you. How to make a portal to space in Minecraft?

Components needed for the construction

Iron blocks

For experienced players, obtaining them is straightforward. However, some, perhaps, still do not know how to get an iron block. To craft this material, you need to find ore. Usually it is located in the lower half of the Minecraft world, at a depth of up to 64 blocks. Sometimes there are quite good layers of metal ore. In addition, you can engage in gathering. Already finished iron blocks can sometimes be found in the jungle in the temple, in treasuries and

If you don’t take the trouble to find this material in time, then you will not be able to access items such as an iron pick, armor, door, bucket, minecarts, scissors and much more. And you can completely forget about how to make a portal to space in Minecraft.


This item is known to many players. Someone created a lighter for everyday needs, and someone with the help of it went to Hell. For those who have never used this item or have forgotten how to do it, we will tell you. All you need is one iron ingot and flint. You can find the last part by destroying blocks of gravel. The probability of finding it is 1/10. In the crafting panel, place an iron ingot in the first row in the second cell, and flint in the second row in the third cell, press "OK" and get a rather valuable item. However, do not forget that a lighter, like other things in Minecraft, has its own term of use, namely 64 times.

Survival items


This material is needed not so much for making a door to the universe as in order to survive there. After all, you know that space is a vacuum space in which an unprotected person will suffocate in a minute. The same rules apply in Minecraft. That is why you will need to create a wool spacesuit. Please note that if you are greedy or too lazy to create only, for example, a helmet and a suit, your character will live a little longer than an ordinary person who got into space without protection. Therefore, before directly activating the portal, double-check whether you have created all the details of the spacesuit. Also, don't forget to put it on right away!

The answer to the question of why you need a sword in space lies in the field of ufologists' knowledge. Militant inhabitants live on different planets, from which you will have to defend yourself. You can create this item in this way. Just like a pickaxe, it is recommended to create an iron or diamond sword, since the number of hits they inflict is much higher than the properties of the rest of the weapon. In the second row in the crafting window, sequentially place two blocks from the available materials (iron, diamonds or stone), place a stick in the lower cell in the same row. Voila, your sword is ready to cut off the heads of the aliens!

Remember that no food plant you know grows in space. Therefore, take with you as much food as possible, otherwise all your preparations and the creation of the necessary things for survival will go to dust.

We extract natural resources

Pick. As you can understand, this item is necessary for obtaining useful resources, with which the planets in space are surprisingly rich. Please note that the pickaxe must be iron, diamond or stone (at worst), but by no means wooden! If you still don’t know, you can do it as follows. After creating the three required blocks (iron or diamond), place them on the first line in the crafting window. Then get two sticks that you need to place in the second and third lines in the middle. Sticks can be crafted from planks. It seems that there is no need to describe this process.

The question of why it is necessary to choose from these three types of picks, and not create the simplest one, will be answered by the strength of this item. In comparison, you can swing a wooden tool and get a couple of natural resources only 60 times. But diamond - already 1562. The difference, it seems, you can see for yourself.

How to make a portal to space in Minecraft?

The door itself is built by analogy with the entrances to Heaven and Hell. But still, let's repeat the sequence of actions. It is necessary to create a frame of iron ingots in the size of 4 by 6 blocks. Inside it must have a hole, which must be set on fire with a lighter. After the actions taken, do not forget to put on a spacesuit and wait for the game to move you to a new reality.

Minecraft: portal to space - what to expect?

When you arrive in the territory of stars and planets, do not yawn! Evil aliens can attack you immediately after leaving the portal. If this does not happen - do not relax! On the first planet (island), danger will await you. Please note that without a pickaxe, sword and food, you will travel for a rather short time. Therefore, do not forget to bring these items with you.

Move from island to island by all available methods, but not jumping! By doing this habitual action, you could be killed! Also, don't forget to build yourself a platform.

In any case, after you have learned how to make a portal to space in Minecraft, a lot of exciting adventures and a huge amount of extracted unique resources await you!

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