View of the West Siberian Plain. Western Siberian Relief Shape

Gardening 14.10.2019

West Siberian Plain is one of the largest accumulative lowland plains of the globe. It extends from the banks of the Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan and from the Urals in the West to the medium-grained plateau in the east. Plain has in terms of the form of a trapezium narrowing to the north: the distance from the southern border to the north reaching almost 2500 kM, width - from 800 to 1900 kM, and the area is only a little less than 3 million. kM 2 .

In the Soviet Union, there are no more such extensive plains with such a weakly crossed terrain and such small fluctuations in relative heights. Comparative monotony of the relief determines the pronounced zonality of landscapes of Western Siberia - from the tundra in the north to the steppe in the south. Due to the weak drainage of the territory within its limits, hydromorphic complexes play a very prominent role: swamps and wetlands occupy a total of about 128 million here. h., and in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, many Solontsov, Sterode and Solonchakov.

The geographical position of the West Siberian Plain causes the transitional nature of its climate between the moderately continental Russian plain and sharply the continental climate of Central Siberia. Therefore, the country's landscapes are distinguished by a number of peculiar features: the natural areas here are somewhat shifted to the north compared to the Russian plain, the zone of the deciduous forests is missing, and the landscape differences in the zones are less noticeable than in the Russian plain.

The West Siberian Plain is the most oblivious and mastered (especially in the south) part of Siberia. Within its limits, Tyumen, Kurgan, Omskaya, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and North Kazakhstan region are located, a significant part of the Altai Territory, Kustanai, Kokchetav and Pavlodar regions, as well as some eastern regions of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions and the Western regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The acquaintance of Russians with Western Siberia for the first time took place, probably in the XI century, when Novgorod residents visited lower reaches. The hike Ermac (1581-1584) opens a brilliant period of great Russian geographical discoveries in Siberia and mastering its territory.

However, the scientific study of the nature of the country began only in the XVIII century, when the detachments were sent here by the Great North, and then academic expeditions. In the XIX century Russian scientists and engineers study the terms of shipping on Obi, Yenisei and the Kara Sea, the geological and geographical features of the track that was designed by the Siberian railway, deposits of salts in the steppe strip. A significant contribution to the knowledge of Western British Taiga and Steppes made research of soil and botanical expeditions of the disposal, undertaken in 1908-1914. In order to study the conditions of agricultural development of areas allocated to the resettlement of peasants from European Russia.

The study of nature and natural resources of Western Siberia after the Great October Revolution acquired completely different scope. There are no individual specialists or small detachments in the studies that were needed for development with productive forces, but hundreds of large integrated expeditions and many scientific institutions created in various cities of Western Siberia. Detailed and versatile studies were held here by the USSR Academy of Sciences (Kulundinskaya, Barabinsk, Gydanskaya and other expeditions) and its Siberian branch, West Siberian Geological Administration, Geological Institutions, Expeditions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydroproject and other organizations.

As a result of these studies, ideas about the relief of the country were significantly changed, detailed soil maps of many areas of Western Siberia were drawn up, measures were developed on the rational use of saline soils and the famous West Siberian black soils. Large practical importance was the forestiopological studies of Siberian geobotniks, the study of peat swamps and tundra pastures. But the work of geologists brought especially essential results. Deep drilling and special geophysical studies have shown that in the depths of many areas of Western Siberia, the richest fields of natural gas, large stocks of iron ore, brown coals and many other minerals, which are already served as a solid base for the development of the Western Siberia industry.

Geological structure and history of development of the territory

Taza Peninsula and Middle Obi in the section Nature of the World.

Many features of the nature of Western Siberia are due to the nature of its geological structure and development history. The entire territory of the country is located within the West Siberian epigerzinskie slab, the foundation of which is composed of deployed and metamorphiced Paleozoic sediments close to their similar breeds of the Urals, and in the south of the Kazakh Melkosopechnik. The formation of the main folded structures of the foundation of Western Siberia, having a predominantly meridional direction, belongs to the era of the Hercinic orogenesis.

The tectonic structure of the West Siberian Plate is quite heterogeneous. However, even its large structural elements are manifested in modern relief less distinct than the tectonic structures of the Russian platform. This is explained by the fact that the relief of the surface of Paleozoic rocks, lowered to a greater depth, is leveled here by the case of mesocynezoic sediments, the power of which exceeds 1000 m., and in separate depressions and syncles of Paleozoic foundation - 3000-6000 m..

Mesozoic Sweets of Western Siberia are represented by marine and continental sandy-clay sediments. The total power of them in some areas reaches 2500-4000 m.. The alternation of marine and continental facies indicates the tectonic mobility of the territory and repeated change of conditions and regime of sedimentation on the Western-Siberian stove at the beginning of the Mesozoic.

Paleogenic deposits are predominantly sea and consist of gray clays, argillites, glauconitic sandstones, whole and diatomites. They accumulated at the bottom of the Paleogenic Sea, which through lowering the Turgay Strait joined the Arctic pool with seas, located then on the territory of Central Asia. From Western Siberia, this sea left in the middle of oligocene, and therefore upper-plane deposits are presented here by sandy-clay continental facies.

Significant changes in the conditions of accumulation of sedimentary deposits occurred in neogen. Sweets of the rocks of the neogenic age, overlooking the surface mainly in the southern half of the plain, consist exclusively from continental lake-river deposits. They were formed in conditions of a low-shredded plain, coated first with rich subtropical vegetation, and later - with wide deciduous forests from representatives of the Turgay flora (beech, walnut, Grab, Lapina, etc.). In places there were areas of Savannan, where the giraffes, mastodonts, hipparones, camels lived at the time.

Even a large influence on the formation of landscapes of Western Siberia was provided by the events of the Quaternary period. During this time, the territory of the country experienced repeated lowering and was still the area mainly accumulating loose alluvial, lakes, and in the north of marine and glacial sediments. The power of quaternary cover reaches in the northern and central regions 200-250 m.. However, in the south, it decreases markedly (in some places to 5-10 m.), and in modern relief, the effects of differentiated neotectonic movements are clearly expressed, as a result of which the grinding raises occurred, often coinciding with the positive structures of the Mesozoic cover of sedimentary sediments.

Lower customs deposits are represented in the north of the plains with alluvial sands that fill the buried valleys. Allowy sole is located in them sometimes for 200-210 m. Below the modern level of the Kara Sea. Above them in the north, it is usually seen by smoker clays and loams with fossil residues of the Tundrov Flora, which indicates the noticeable cooling of Western Siberia. However, in the southern regions of the country, dark-willed forests with an admixture of birch and alder prevailed.

The middle-customer time in the northern half of the plain was the epoch of marine transgression and repeated glaciation. The most significant of them was Samarovskoye, the deposits of which the territories were found in the territory lying between 58-60 ° and 63-64 ° C. sh. According to the dominant at present, the views of the Samarovsky glacier, even in the extreme northern regions of the lowland, was not solid. The composition of Balunov shows that the sources of its nutrition were glaciers, descended from the Urals to the Obi Valley, and in the east - glaciers of the mountain arrays of the Taimyr and the Mediumness of the Plateau. However, even during the period of maximum development of glaciation on the West Siberian Plain, the Ural and Siberian glacial covers were not closed alone with the other, and the rivers of the southern regions, although they met the barrier formed by ice, but found a path to the north in the interval between them.

The deposits of the Samarovskaya thickness, along with typical glacial rocks, also includes sea and ice-marine clay and loam, formed at the bottom of the coming from the north of the sea. Therefore, typical forms of sea relief are expressed here less clearly than in the Russian plain. On the lake and fluviohydial plains, adjacent to the southern edge of the glaciers, then prevailed the forested landscapes, and in the extreme south of the country, lossoidal loams were formed, in which the pollen of steppe plants (wormwood, kermek) are found. Marine transgression continued in the post-chamber time, the deposits of which are presented in the north of Western Siberia by the Misa sands and clays of St. Schugovskaya Sweet. In the northeastern part of the plain, Moraine and glacier and sea loams are common, more young, Taza glaciation. The interledstial era, which began after the departure of the glacial cover, was marked by the spread of Kazantsevsky marine transgression, in whose deposits in the lower reaches of Yenisei and Obi enclosed residues of the thermal-loving sea fauna than inhabiting currently in the Kara Sea.

The latter, Zyryansky, glaciation was preceded by the regression of the Boreal Sea, caused by raising of the northern regions of the West Siberian Plain, the Urals and the Meshness of Siberian Plateau; The amplitude of these raises was only a few tens of meters. The maximum stage of development of Zyryansky glaciation, the glaciers went down to the areas of the princeing plain and the eastern foot of the Urals approximately 66 ° C. Sh. where there were a number of stadial final moraine. In the south of Western Siberia, at this time there was a movement of sand-clay quaternary sediments, the formation of eologous forms of relief and the accumulation of lessoidal loams.

Some researchers of the northern regions of the country draw a more complex picture of the events of the era of Quaternary glaciation of Western Siberia. Thus, according to geologist V. N. Saks and Geomorfolog G. I. Lazukov, the glaciation began here in the lower-qualitative time and consisted of four independent eras: Yarshi, Samarovskaya, Taza and Zyrianskaya. Geologists S. A. Yakovlev and V. A. Zubakov there are even six glaciations, referring the most ancient of them to Pliocene.

On the other hand, there are supporters and one-time glaciation of Western Siberia. Geographer A. I. Popov, for example, considers the deposits of the era of the beaming of the northern half of the country as a single water-glacial complex consisting of marine and glycial-sea clays, loam and sands containing the inclusions of the binary material. In his opinion, in the territory of Western Siberia there were no extensive glacial covers, as Typical Moraines are available only in the extreme Western (at the foot of the Urals) and the eastern (near the ledge of the medium-grained plateau) regions. The average part of the northern half of the plain in the era of glaciation was covered with waters of marine transgression; Boulders, concluded in its sediments, are listed here by icebergs, who left the edge of the glaciers, which descended from the medium-protein plateau. Only one quaternary glaciation of Western Siberia recognizes Geologist V. I. Gromov.

At the end of Zyryansky glaciation, the northern coastal regions of West Siberian plains once again occurred. The lowered areas were flooded with the waters of the Kara Sea and covered with marine sediments, the post-term selence terraces, the highest of which rises by 50-60 m. above the modern level of the Kara Sea. Then after the regression of the sea in the southern half of the plain, a new crossbill of rivers began. Due to small blocks of the bed in most river valleys of Western Siberia, side erosion prevailed, the deepening of the vallee went slowly, so they are usually a significant width, but a small depth. The processing of ice-time relief continued on weakly transmission spaces: in the north it was to level the surface under the influence of solifluction processes; In the southern, the extlen private provinces where more atmospheric precipitations dropped out, in the conversion of relief, the processes of a deluvial flush played a particularly prominent role.

Paleobotanic materials suggest that after glaciation there was a period with a somewhat sheer and warm climate than now. This is confirmed, in particular, the finds of the stumps and trunks of trees in the deposits of the tundra areas of Yamal and the Gyrian Peninsula 300-400 kM The north of the modern border of woody vegetation and a wide development in the south of the tundra zone of relics of large-scale peatlands.

Currently, there is a slow displacement of the boundaries of geographic zones to the south in the territory of the West Siberian Plain. Forests in many places occur on the forest-steppe, the forest-steppe elements penetrate into the steppe zone, and the tundra slowly displaces tree vegetation near the northern limit of rare-resistant forests. True, a person interferes in the south of the country in the natural course of this process: cutting out the forest, he not only suspends their natural advancing on the steppe, but also contributes to the displacement of the southern border of the forests to the north.


See the pictures of the nature of the West Siberian Plain: the Tazovsky Peninsula and Middle Ob in the section Nature of the World.

Scheme of the main orographic elements of the West Siberian Plain

The differentiated lowering of the Western Siberian Plate in the Mesozoic and Cane caused the predominance of the processes of accumulation of loose deposits, the powerful cover of which levels the irregularities of the surface of the Gercinsky foundation. Therefore, the modern West Siberian Plain is different as a whole flat surface. However, it cannot be considered as monotonous lowland, as it has been recently believed. In general, the territory of Western Siberia has a concave form. The lowest sections (50-100 m.) are located mainly in the central ( Kondinskaya and Middle Basic lowland) and northern ( Nizhneobskaya, Nadym and Purce Lowland) Road parts. Along Western, South and East Okrain, low (up to 200-250 m.) Hills: North-Socyvinskaya, Turinskaya, Ishimskaya, Priobskoye and Chulymo-Yenisei Plateau, Ketsko-tymskaya, Upnetovskaya, Nizhnyeniseyskaya. A distinctly pronounced strip of hills formed in the inside of the plain Siberian Hona (average height - 140-150 m.), extending from the west of Ob to East to Yenisei, and parallel to them Vasyuganskaya plain.

Some orographic elements of the Western Siberian Plain correspond to geological structures: gentle anticline raising is responsible, for example, Upnetovskaya and Lulimvore, but Barabinsk and Kondinskaya The lowlands are confined to the syncing of the foundation of the plate. However, in Western Siberia, non-dissent (inversion) morphostructures. These include, for example, Vasyugan Plain, which formed on the site of a canopy of syneclide, and a chulym-enzyme plateau, located in the zone of the basement of the foundation.

West Siberian Plain is usually divided into four large geomorphological areas: 1) marine accumulative plains in the north; 2) glacier and water-glacial plains; 3) relegations, mainly lake-alluvial, plains; 4) South Announced Plains (Resurrection, 1962).

The differences in the relief of these areas are explained by the history of their formation in the quarter, the nature and intensity of the newest tectonic movements, the zonal differences in modern exogenous processes. In the tundra zone, the form of relief is especially widely represented, the formation of which is associated with the harsh climate and the widespread spread of permafrost. Very common thermocarty basins, bullguns, spotted and polygonal tundras, are developed solifluction processes. For the southern same steppe provinces typical of numerous closed basins of suffosion origin, busy with salt marshes and lakes; The network of river valleys here is nehbust, and erosion form of relief on interfluries are rare.

The main elements of the relief of the West Siberian Plain are wide flat interferes and river valleys. Due to the fact that the share of interrection spaces accounts for most of the country's area, it is they determining the overall look of the plain relief. In many places, the slopes of their surface are insignificant, the flow of precipitation precipitation, especially in the leaning zone, is very difficult and interfluid is very wetrated. Large spaces are occupied by the swamps of the north of the line of the Siberian Railway, on the interfluents of Ob and Irtysh, in Vasyugal and the Barabinsk forest-steppe. However, in places the relief of the transfusion acquires the character of a wavy or hilly plain. Such areas are especially typical for some northern plain provinces, subjected to quaternary glaciation, which left the heap of stadial and bottom mines here. In the south - in the borah, in the Ishim and Kulundy Plains - the surface is often complicated by many numerical low manems stretching from the northeast to the south-west.

Another important element of the country's relief is river valleys. All of them were formed under conditions of small blocks of the surface, slow and calm flow of rivers. Due to differences in the intensity and characteristics of erosion, the appearance of the river valleys of Western Siberia is very diverse. There are here and well designed deep (up to 50-80 m.) Valleys of large rivers - Obi, Irtysh and Yenisei - with a steep right shore and the system of low terraces in the left bank. In places the width of them is several tens of kilometers, and the Valley of Ob in the lower reaches even 100-120 reaches kM. The valleys of most small rivers are often only deep ditches with poorly pronounced slopes; During his spring, the flooded water is entirely fills them with and poured even the neighboring regions.


See the pictures of the nature of the West Siberian Plain: the Tazovsky Peninsula and Middle Ob in the section Nature of the World.

Western Siberia is a country with a suspicious, continental climate. The high length of it from north to the south causes a distinct climate zonality and significant differences in the climatic conditions of the northern and southern parts of Western Siberia, associated with a change in the amount of solar radiation and the nature of the circulation of air masses, especially the streams of Western transfer. The southern provinces of the country, located in the depths of the mainland, at a large distance from the oceans, are characterized, moreover, greater climate continentality.

In the cold period within the country, two baric systems are interacted: areas with respect to elevated atmospheric pressure, located over the southern part of the plain, the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure, which in the first half of winter is stretched in the form of a hollow of the Icelandic bary minimum over the Kara Sea and the Northern Peninsula. In winter, the mass of continental air is dominated by moderate latitudes, which come from Eastern Siberia or are formed in place as a result of air intake over the plain territory.

In the border strip of areas of high and reduced pressure, cyclones are often passing. Especially often they are repeated in the first half of winter. Therefore, the weather in the seaside provinces is very unstable; On the coast of Yamal and the Gydansky Peninsula, strong winds are handed over, whose speed reaches 35-40 m / s. The temperature here is even somewhat higher than in neighboring forest tundra provinces located between 66 and 69 ° C. sh. However, the south of winter temperatures are gradually rising again. In general, winter is characterized by steady low temperatures, there are few thaws here. Minimum temperatures throughout Western Siberia are almost the same. Even near the southern border of the country, in Barnaul, there are frosts up to -50 -52 °, i.e., almost the same as in the extreme north, although the distance between these points is more than 2000 kM. Spring short, dry and relatively cold; April Even in the woodsobol zone is not quite spring month.

In the warm season over the country, low pressure is established, and a higher pressure area is formed above the northern ice ocean. In connection with this summer, weak northern or northeastern winds prevail and the role of Western air transfer is noticeably strengthened. In May, there is a rapid increase in temperatures, but often, during the invasions of the Arctic air, there are refunds of cold and frost. The warmer month is July, the average temperature of which is from 3.6 ° on the island of white to 21-22 ° in the Pavlodar area. The absolute maximum temperature is from 21 ° in the north (white island) to 40 ° in extreme southern regions (Rubtsovsk). High summer temperatures in the southern half of Western Siberia are explained by the arrival of heated continental air from the south - from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Autumn comes late. Back in September, the day is warm weather, but November is even in the south for a real winter month with frosts to - 20 -35 °.

Most of the precipitation falls in summer and is brought by the air masses coming from the West, from the side of the Atlantic. From May to October, Western Siberia receives up to 70-80% of the annual precipitation. Especially many of them in July and August, which is explained by intensive activities on the Arctic and Polar Fronts. The number of winter precipitation is relatively small and ranges from 5 to 20-30 mm / month. In the south in some winter months, snow sometimes does not fall at all. Significant fluctuations in precipitation in different years are characteristic. Even in a taiga, where these changes are less than in other areas, precipitation, for example, in Tomsk, falls from 339 mM. In a dry year to 769 mM. in wet. Especially large distinguishable is observed in the forest-steppe zone, where there are about 300-350 at the average long-term precipitation. mm / year In the wet years it drops to 550-600 mm / year, and in dry - only 170-180 mm / year.

The zonal differences of evaporation values, which depend on the amount of precipitation, air temperature and evaporating properties of the underlying surface are also significant. Moisture is most evaporated in the rich sediments southern half of the woodsobol zone (350-400 mm / year). In the north in coastal tundra, where in summer the humidity of the air is relatively large, the magnitude of evaporation does not exceed 150-200 mm / year. Approximately this is the same in the south of the steppe zone (200-250 mM.), which is explained by the smallest value of precipitation falling in the steppes. However, evaporation here reaches 650-700 mM., Therefore, in some months (especially in May) the number of evaporating moisture may exceed the amount of precipitation by 2-3 times. The lack of atmospheric precipitation is replenished in this case by moisture reserves in the soil, accumulated due to the autumn rains and melting of snow cover.

For the extreme southern regions of Western Siberia, drought is characterized mainly in May and June. They are observed on average after three or four years in periods with anticyclonal circulation and increased repeatability of invasions of arctic air. The dry air coming from the Arctic when passing over Western Siberia is heated and enriched with moisture, but heating it is more intense, so the air is increasingly removed from the saturation state. In this regard, evaporation increases, which leads to the occurrence of drought. In some cases, the cause of drought is also the flow of dry and warm air masses from the south - from Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

In winter, the territory of Western Siberia dresses a snow cover for a long time, the duration of which in the northern regions reaches 240-270 days, and in the south - 160-170 days. Due to the fact that the period of precipitation in solid form continues more than half a year, and thaws begin not earlier than March, the power of snow cover in the tundra and steppe zones in February is 20-40 cm, in a wooded strip - from 50-60 cm in the west to 70-100 cm in the eastern princesssey areas. In flames - tundra and steppe - provinces where strong winds and blizzards are in winter, the snow is very uneven, since the winds blow it with elevated elements of the relief in lowering, where powerful drifts are formed.

The harsh climate of the northern regions of Western Siberia, where heat entering the soil is not enough to maintain the positive temperature of rocks, contributes to the freezing of soils and the widespread eternal permafrost. On the Peninsula, Yamal, Tazovsky and Gydan Merzlot occurs everywhere. In these areas of the solid (fusion) of its propagation, the power of the frozen layer is very significant (up to 300-600 m.), and its low temperatures (on water-seated spaces - 4, -9 °, in the valleys -2, -8 °). South, within the limits of northern taiga to a latitude of about 64 °, the Merzlota is already found in the form of broken islands, intermittent with the Taliki. Her power decreases, temperatures rise to? 0.5 -1 °, and the depth of summer pulling is increasing, especially in areas folded with mineral rocks.


See the pictures of the nature of the West Siberian Plain: the Tazovsky Peninsula and Middle Ob in the section Nature of the World.

Western Siberia is rich in underground and surface waters; In the north of her coast is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea.

The entire territory of the country is located within the large West Siberian Artesian basin, in which the hydrogeogegis is allocated by several second-order pools: Tobolsky, Irtysh, Kulundin-Barnaul, Chuliam, Obsky, etc. due to the high capacity of the cover of loose sediments, consisting of alternating reproducible ( Sands, sandstones) and waterproof breeds, for artesian pools, a significant amount of aquifers are characterized by the suits of different ages - Jurassic, Melovy, Paleogenic and quaternary. The quality of the groundwater of these horizons is quite different. In most cases, the artesian waters of deep horizons are mineralized stronger than airing closer to the surface.

In some aquifers of the Obsters and Irtysh artesian pools at a depth of 1000-3000 m. There are hot salted water, most often chloride calcium-sodium composition. Their temperature is from 40 to 120 °, the daily flow rate of well reaches 1-1.5 thousand. m. 3, and total reserves - 65,000 kM 3; Such pressure water can be used for the heating of cities, greenhouses and greenhouses.

Underground waters of arid steppe and forest-steppe areas of Western Siberia are of great importance for water supply. In many areas of the Kulundin steppe to extract them deep tubular wells are built. The soil waters of quaternary sediments are used; However, in southern areas due to climatic conditions, weak surface drapery and slow circulation, they are often very salinated.

The surface of the West Siberian Plain is drained by many thousands of rivers, the total length of which exceeds 250 thousand. kM. These rivers are delivered to the Kara Sea annually about 1200 kM 3 waters - 5 times more than Volga. The density of the river network is not very large and changes in different places, depending on the relief and climatic features: in the Pool of Tajda it reaches 350 kM, and in the Barabinsk forest-steppe - only 29 kM per 1000. kM 2. Some southern regions of the country with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 445 thousand. kM 2 refer to the territories of a closed drain and differ in abundance of small lakes.

The main sources of nutrition of most rivers are melting snowy water and summer-autumn rain. In accordance with the nature of the power sources, the flow of the season is uneven: approximately 70-80% of its annual sum falls on the spring and summer. Especially a lot of water flows during the spring flood when the level of large rivers rises by 7-12 m. (in the lower reaches of Yenisei even to 15-18 m.). For a long time (in the south - five, and in the north - eight months), West Siberian rivers are ice. Therefore, during the winter months there are no more than 10% of the annual flow.

For the rivers of Western Siberia, including the largest - Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei are characterized by minor slopes and a small flow rate. So, for example, the fall of the passage of Obi on the plot from Novosibirsk to the mouth for 3000 kM Equally only 90. m., and its flow rate does not exceed 0.5 m / s.

The most important water artery of Western Siberia - River Ob With his large left influx of Irtysh. Ob belongs to the number of the greatest rivers of the globe. The area of \u200b\u200bits pool is almost 3 million. kM 2, and length - 3676 kM. Obi pool is located within several geographic areas; In each of them, the character and density of the river network is different. So, in the south, in the forest-steppe zone, OB takes a relatively few tributaries, but in the taiga band, their number increases significantly.

Below the inventions of Irtysh Ob turns into a powerful thread of up to 3-4 kM. Near the mouth near the river width, the places comes to 10 kMand depth - up to 40 m.. This is one of the most popular Siberia Rivers; She brings per year to a row on average 414 kM 3 waters.

Ob is a typical plain river. The slopes of her bed is small: the fall in the upper part is usually 8-10 cm, and below the mouth of Irtysh does not exceed 2-3 cm on 1. kM flows. For the spring and summer Stock Ob near Novosibirsk is 78% annual; Near the mouth (at Salekhard), the distribution of the flow of the seasons is: winter - 8.4%, spring - 14.6, summer - 56 and autumn - 21%.

Six River Basin River (Irtysh, Chulym, Ishim, Tobol, Ket and Condu) have a length of more than 1000 kM; The length of even some second-order tributaries sometimes exceeds 500 kM.

The largest of the tributaries - Irtysh, whose length is 4248 kM. Its origins lie outside the Soviet Union, in the mountains of Mongolian Altai. At a considerable part of his sharpening, Irtysh crosses the steppe of the Northern Kazakhstan and until Omsk almost does not have any tributaries. Only in the lower reaches, already within the taiga, there are several major rivers in it: Ishim, Tobol, and others, throughout Irtysh, shipping, but in the upper reaches in the summer, during the period of low water, shipping is difficult due to numerous focate.

Along the eastern border of the West Siberian Plain proceeds Yenisei - the most popular river of the Soviet Union. Length Its 4091. kM (If you consider for the source of the Selengu River, then 5940 kM); The pool area is almost 2.6 million. kM 2. As well as the Ob, the pool of the Yenisei is pulled out in the meridional direction. All major right-hand tributaries flow through the territory of the medium-grained plateau. With the plane wetlands of the Western Siberian Plain, only shorter and non-none left tributaries of the Yenisei begin.

Yenisei originates in the mountains of the Tuvinian ASSR. In the upper and middle course, where the river crosses the sangs of Sayan and the Meshismic Plateau folded by indigenous rocks, thresholds (Cossack, Osinovsky, etc.) are found in her direction. After the underlying of the lower Tunguska, the flow becomes calmer and slow, and the sand islands, breaking the river on the docks. Yenisei flows into the wide Yenisei lip of the Kara Sea; Its width near the mouth, located at the Brehov Islands, comes up to 20 kM.

For Yenisei, large fluctuations in costs for the seasons of the year are characterized. Minimal winter consumption of it near the mouth - about 2500 m. 3 / sMaximum in the period of flooding exceeds 132 thousand. m. 3 / s at an average of about 19 800 m. 3 / s. Over the year, the river makes more than 623 to its mouth kM 3 waters. In the lower reaches, the depth of Yenisei is very significant (places 50 m). This makes it possible to climb up the river more than 700 kM And reach the Igarka.

On the West Siberian Plain there are about one million lakes, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 100 thousand. kM 2. By origin, Kotlovin is divided into several groups: occupying primary unevenness of the flat relief; thermocarbon; Morny-glacial; Lakes of river valleys, which in turn are divided into floodplain and old man. Peculous lakes are "fogs" - are found in the Ural part of the plain. They are located in wide valleys, spread in the spring, sharply reducing their sizes in the summer, and by autumn, many do not disappear. In the forest-steppe and steppe areas of Western Siberia there are lakes that fill suffosionic or tectonic brands.

Soil, vegetation and animal world

See the pictures of the nature of the West Siberian Plain: the Tazovsky Peninsula and Middle Ob in the section Nature of the World.

The plain relief of Western Siberia contributes to pronounced zonality in the distribution of soils and vegetation cover. Within the country, there are gradually replacing one other tundra, timber, leafing, forest-steppe and steppe zone. The geographical zonality is thus reminded in general terms the system of the zonality of the Russian plain. However, the zones of the West Siberian Plains have a number of local specific features that are noticeably distinguished by them from similar zones of Eastern Europe. Typical zonal landscapes are located here on the dismembered and better drainaged placar and pruring sections. In weakly marked interrection spaces, the stock with which is difficult, and the soil is usually strongly moistened, marsh landscapes predominate in the northern provinces, and in the south - landscapes that are impaired under the influence of saline groundwater. Thus, there is a much greater than in Russian plain, the role in the distribution of soils and vegetation is played by the nature and demendant of the relief, which cause significant differences in soil moisture mode.

Therefore, in the country there are as far as two independent systems of latitudered zonality: the zonality of drainaged sites and the zonality of unfamiliar interfluve. The most distinct these differences are manifested in the character of soil. Thus, on the drained areas of the leashed zone, it is mainly formed by highly apolitical soils under coniferous taiga and turf-podzolic under birch forests, and in neighboring unfamiliar places - powerful podsoles, swamp and meadow-marsh soils. Drained spaces of the forest-steppe zone are most often leached and degraded chernozem or dark gray apotrole soils under birch slices; In the unfinished areas, they are replaced by marsh, salt-particle or meadow-chernozem soils. At the placory plots of the steppe zone prevail or ordinary chernozem, characterized by increased obesity, low power and linguriness (inhomogeneity) of soil horizons, or brown soils; On poorly drained areas among them, the spots of solid and the core sollets or salt-tall meadow-steppe soils are common among them.

Fragment of the Surgut Wood Taiga site (by V. I. Orlov)

There are some other features that distinguish the zones of Western Siberia from the zones of the Russian Plain. In the tundra zone extending much northerly than in Russian plain, large areas are occupied by the Arctic tundra, which are absent in the mainland areas of the European Union. Wood vegetation Festundra is represented mainly by the Siberian larch, and not fir, as in areas lying west of the Urals.

In the leaning zone, 60% of the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is occupied by swamps and weakly cooked marshy forests 1, the arrays of pine borov, occupying 24.5% of the wood painted area, and birch (22.6%), mainly secondary. Smaller squares are covered with damp darkened taiga from cedar (Pinus Sibirica)firing (Abies sibirica) and ate (Picea Obovata). Wide breeds (with the exception of linden, occasionally occurring in the southern regions) in the forests of Western Siberia are absent, in connection with which there is no zone of large forests.

1 For this reason, the zone is called in Western Siberia woodsobol.

An increase in climate continentality causes a relatively sharp transition from wooded landscapes to the dry steppe spaces of the southern regions of the West Siberian Plain. Therefore, the width of the forest-steppe zone in Western Siberia is much less than in the Russian plain, and from tree species in it are found mainly birch and aspen.

The West Siberian Plain is entirely part of the transitional Eurosibirsk zogeographic subdomain of the Palearctic. There are 478 species of vertebrates, including 80 species of mammals. The fauna of the country is young and in its composition differs little from the fauna of the Russian plain. Only in the eastern half of the country there are some oriental, the cencing forms: the Jungan hamster (Phodopus Sungorus), Burunduk (Eutamias Sibiricus) et al. In recent years, the Fauna of Western Siberia has been enriched by the acclimatized ondatra (Ondatra Zibethica), hare-russak (Lepus europaeus), American mink LUTREOLA VISON), protein television Sciurus Vulgaris Exalbidus), and in its reservoirs, Sazan (Cyprinus Carpio) and bream (Abramis Brama).

Natural resources

See the pictures of the nature of the West Siberian Plain: the Tazovsky Peninsula and Middle Ob in the section Nature of the World.

Natural wealth of Western Siberia has long served as the basis for the development of various industries. There are tens of millions of hectares of good arable land. Especially greater value is the land and forest land zones with their favorable climate and high-grade chernozems, gray forest and unsolicited chestnut soils, which occupy more than 10% of the country area. Due to the flatness of the relief, the development of land of the southern part of Western Siberia does not require large capital expenditures. For this reason, they were one of the priority areas for the development of virgin and landlords; In recent years, more than 15 million are involved in crop rotation here. h. New lands, increased production of grains and industrial crops (sugar beet, sunflower, etc.). Earth, located north, even in the South Town Strip, are still not enough and are a good reserve for development in the coming years. However, this will require significantly high labor costs and means for drainage, drawing and clearing lands from shrubs.

High economic value is the pastures of leafing, forest-steppe and steppe zones, especially filled meadows on the share of us, Irtysh, Yenisei and their large tributaries. The abundance of natural meadows creates a solid base for the further development of animal husbandry and a significant increase in its productivity. Important for the development of reindeer herding, the behable pastures of Tundra and Forestandra, which occupy more than 20 million in Western Siberia are important. h.; They make up more than half a million home deer.

A significant part of the plain is occupied by forests - birch, pine, cedar, fir, spruce and larch. The total wood paint area exceeds 80 million in Western Siberia. h.; Wood stock is about 10 billion. m. 3, and its annual increase is over 10 million. m. 3. Here are the most valuable forest arrays, which give wood for various sectors of the national economy. The most widely used forests are currently used along the valley of Obi, Lowovyev Irtysh and some of their shipping or alloy tributaries. But many forests, including particularly valuable arrays of the Kondov Pine, located between the Urals and Operation, are still weak.

Tens of large rivers Western Siberia and hundreds of their tributaries serve important shipping highways connecting southern areas with the extreme north. The total length of shipping rivers exceeds 25 thousand. kM. Approximately the same length of the rivers, on which wood alloy is carried out. Full-water rivers of the country (Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Tom, etc.) have large energy resources; In full use, they could provide more than 200 billion. kWh electricity per year. The first large Novosibirsk hydroelectric station on the OBS River of 400 thousand. kw joined in 1959; Above it was created by a reservoir of 1070 kM 2. In the future, it is assumed to build a hydropower plant on Yenisei (Osinovskaya, Igarskaya), in the upper reaches of Ob (Kamenskaya, Baturin), on Tom (Tomsk).

The waters of large West Siberian rivers can also be used for irrigation and flooding semi-desert and desert regions of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, already experiencing a significant drawback of water resources. Currently, design organizations are developing the main provisions and feasibility studies of the transfer of a part of the flow of Siberian rivers to the Pool of the Aral Sea. According to preliminary surveys, the implementation of the first stage of this project should ensure the annual transition of 25 kM 3 waters from Western Siberia to Central Asia. To this end, on the Irtysh, near Tobolsk, it is planned to create a large reservoir. From him to the south along the Tobol Valley and on the Turgay decrease in the Syr Darya pool to the reservoirs created there, Ob-Caspian canal will go to the reservoirs. More than 1500 kM. Water lifting on Tobolo-Aral watershed is assumed to be carried out by a system of powerful pumping stations.

At the following stages of the project, the volume of annually transferred water can be brought to 60-80 kM 3. Since the waters of Irtysh and Tobol will not be enough for this, the work of the second stage provides for the construction of dams and reservoirs on the upper Ob, and possibly on Chulam and Yenisei.

Naturally, the withdrawal of tens of cubic water kilometers from Ob and Irtasha should affect the mode of these rivers in their middle and lower current, as well as on changes in the landscapes of the territories adjacent to the projected reservoirs and transformation channels. The prediction of the nature of these changes is now a prominent place in scientific research of Siberian geographers.

More recently, many geologists, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe monotolds of the stories of the plain of powerful stump of loose sediments and the seeming simplicity of its tectonic structure, very carefully assessed the possibility of opening any valuable minerals in its depths. However, the geological and geophysical studies conducted in recent decades, accompanied by the drilling of deep wells, showed the fallacy of the previous ideas about the country's poverty of minerals and allowed the prospects for the use of its mineral resources in a new way.

As a result of these studies in the thickness of the Mesozoic (mainly Jurassic and niphelomel) sediments of the central regions of Western Siberia, more than 120 oil deposits are open. Major oil areas are located on average Priobye - Nizhnevartovsky (including the Samotlorsk deposit, which can produce oil to 100-120 million. t / year), Surgut (Ust-Balykskoe, West Surgut et al.) And South Balyksky (Mamontovskoe, Pravdinskoye, etc.) areas. In addition, there are deposits in Shaimsky district, in the Ural part of the plain.

In recent years, in the north of Western Siberia - in the lower reaches, the largest natural gas deposits are also open. The potential reserves of some of them (Urengoy, Bear, Polar) make up a few trillion cubic meters; Gas production at each can reach 75-100 billion. m. 3 per year. In general, the forecast gas reserves in the depths of Western Siberia are estimated at 40-50 trillion. m. 3, including by category A + B + C 1 - more than 10 trillion. m. 3 .

Oil and gas fields of Western Siberia

The discovery of both fields of oil and gas is of great importance for the development of the economy of Western Siberia and neighboring economic regions. Tyumen and Tomsk regions turn into important areas of oil producing, refineries and chemical industries. Already in 1975, more than 145 million was mined here. t. Oil and tens of billions of cubic meters of gas. For the delivery of oil to areas of consumption and processing, the Ust-Balyk oil pipelines were built - Omsk (965 kM), Shaim - Tyumen (436 km), Samotlor - Ust-Balyk - Kurgan - Ufa - Almetyevsk, in which oil gained access to the European part of the USSR - to the places of its greatest consumption. With the same purpose, the railway Tyumen - Surgut and gas pipelines, along which natural gas of Wessenosibirsk deposits go to the Urals, as well as to the central and northwestern regions of the European part of the Soviet Union. In the last five-year plan, the construction of a giant supergazonod Siberia - Moscow (its length of more than 3000 kM), in which the gas field of the bear is entered into Moscow. In the future, the gas of Western Siberia will go through pipelines and in Western European countries.

Also known deposits of brown coals were also known, dedicated to the Mesozoic and Neogenic sediments of the inhabitants of the plain (North-Soshivinsky, Yeniseiso-Chuliamsky and Ob-Irtysh pools). Western Siberia has both the colossal reserves of peat. In its peatlands, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds 36.5 million. h., I am concluded less than 90 billion. t. Air dry peat. This is almost 60% of all the peat resources of the USSR.

Geological studies led to the discovery of the field and other minerals. In the south-east, in the uppermal and paleogenic sandstones of Kolpashev and Bacchara, large deposits of olith iron ore are open. They run relatively shallow (150-400 m.), iron content in them - up to 36-45%, and the projected geological reserves of the West Siberian iron ore basin are estimated at 300-350 billion. t., including in the same Baccharian field - 40 billion. t.. Hundreds of millions of tons of cook and glauble salt, as well as tens of millions of tons of soda, are concentrated in numerous salted lakes in the south of Western Siberia. In addition, Western Siberia has huge stocks of raw materials for the production of building materials (sand, clay, markel); According to her Western and southern outskirts, there are local limestone deposits, granites, diabases.

Western Siberia is one of the most important economic and geographic areas of the USSR. About 14 million people live on its territory (average population density - 5 people per 1 kM 2) (1976). In cities and working villages there are engineering, refineries and chemical plants, forestry, light and food industries. Of great importance in the western Siberian economy have various agricultural branches. It produces about 20% of the USSR commercial grain, a significant number of different technical crops, a lot of oil, meat and wool.

Decisions of the XXV Congress of the CPSU are scheduled for further giant growth in the economy of Western Siberia and a significant increase in its importance in the economy of our country. In the coming years, it is planned to create new energy bases based on the use of cheap coal deposits and hydropower resources of Yenisei and Obi, develop the oil and gas industry, to create new centers of mechanical engineering and chemistry.

The main directions of the development of the national economy are planned to continue the formation of the West Siberian territorial-production complex, turn Western Siberia to the main base of the USSR for oil and gas production. In 1980, 300-310 million will be mined here. t. Oil and up to 125-155 billion m. 3 Natural Gas (about 30% of gas production in our country).

It is planned to continue the construction of the Tomsk petrochemical complex, to put into effect the first stage of the Achinsky oil refining plant, deploy the construction of the Tobolsky petrochemical complex, to build plants for oil gas processing, a system of powerful pipelines for transporting oil and gas from the Northwestern regions of Western Siberia to the European part of the USSR and to Oil refining plants of the eastern regions of the country, as well as the Railway of Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk and begin construction of the Surgut-Urengoy railway. The tasks of the five-year plan are envisaged to speed up the exploration of oil, natural gas and condensate deposits on average Priobye and the North of the Tyumen region. The preparation of wood, production of grain and animal products will also increase. In the southern regions of the country, it is planned to carry out a number of large reclamation activities - irrigation and watering large arrays of the Land of Kuludda and Priirtesheye, begin construction of the second stage of the ala system and Charysh group water supply, building drainage systems in the bara.


West Siberian Plain

West Siberian lowland, one of the largest low-loop accumulative plains of the globe. Located in C. From the small-scale plain of Kazakhstan and Altai Mountains, between the Urals on Z. and the medium-grained plateorem on B. Duration with S. on Yu. Up to 2500 km, With Z. on V. from 1000 to 1900 kM; The area is about 2.6 million. km 2. The surface is flat, weakly rested, with small amplitudes of heights. The heights of the lowlands of the northern and central regions do not exceed 50-150 m, Low rise (up to 220-300 m.) It is primarily characteristic of the Western, South and Eastern Outline of Plain. The strip of hills is also formed by the T. N. Siberian Honors extending in the middle part Z.-S. R. From almost to Yenisei. Everywhere the wide flat spaces of interfluve with minor slopes of the surface are dominated, highly swamped and places complicated by moraine hills and ridges (on C.) or low sandy manes (mainly on Yu.). Significant areas occupy flat ancient-lake basins - woodland. River valleys form a relatively rustic network and in the upper reaches most often are shallow hollows with poorly pronounced slopes. Only a few largest rivers flow in well-designed, deep (up to 50-80 m.) Valleins, with a steep right shore and the terrace system in the left bank.

Z.-S. R. Formed within the epigigzinskaya West Siberian slab, the foundation of which is composed of intensively deployed Paleozoic sediments. They are covered everywhere cover loose marine and continental meso-canine rocks (clays, sandstones, mergels, etc.) with a total capacity of over 1000 m. (in the foundations of the foundation up to 3000-4000 m.). The youngest, anthropogenic, deposits on Yu. - Alluvial and lakes, often covered with lassis and lessoidal sublinks; On S. - Ice, Sea and Glacial and Sea (Power Points up to 200 m.). In the case of loose deposits Z.-S. R. The horizons of groundwater are fresh and mineralized (including brisons), there are also hot (up to 100-150 ° C) water (see West Siberian Artesian Pool). In the depths of Z.-S. R. The richest industrial oil and natural gas fields are concluded (see West Siberian Oil and Gas Pool).

The climate is continental, rather severe. In winter over the plain, the mass of cold continental air is dominated by temperate latitudes, and in warm time, the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure is formed and the wet mass of air from the North Atlantic is more often received. The average annual temperatures from -10.5 ° C on C. up to 1-2 ° C on Yu., Average temperatures of January from -28 to -16 ° C, July from 4 to 22 ° C. The duration of the growing season in Extine Yu reaches 175-180 days. The bulk of precipitation is brought by the air masses with Z., mainly in July and August. The annual amount of precipitation from 200-250 mM. in tundra and steppe zones up to 500-600 the forest area. Power of snow cover from 20-30 cm in the steppe to 70-100 cmin the taiga of the prienesey districts.

The territory of the plain drains more than 2,000 rivers, the total length of which exceeds 250 thousand. km. The largest of them are Ob, Yenisei, Irtysh. The main sources of nutrition of rivers are melting snowy water and summer-autumn rain; Up to 70-80% of the annual flow falls on the spring and summer. Many lakes, the largest - chanes, killed and others. Part of the southern regions are filled with salty and bitter and salty water. Large rivers are important shipping and alloy highways connecting southern areas with northern; Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Tom possess, in addition, large reserves of hydropower resources.

Line relief Z.- S. R. Determines a clearly pronounced latitudinal geographic zonality. The specific feature of the majority zones of Western Siberia is excess ground moistening and, as a result of this, is the widespread dissemination of marsh landscapes aligning on Y. Solonians and salt marshes. The north of the plain is the tundra zone in which the landscapes of arctic, moss, lichen, and on Yu. - Shrubniki tundra are formed on the tundra arctic and tundra gley soils. The south of the launch of Fondra, where on peat-gleyev, guery-podzolic and swamp soils, complex complexes of landscapes of shrub tundra, spruce-larch retrofits, sphagnum and lowland swamps are developed. Most of Z.-S. R. refers to the forest (forest-swamp) zone, within which coniferous taiga, consisting of ate, fir, cedar, pine, Siberian larch prevails on podzolic soils; Only in the extreme Y. Zones of the Taiga arrays are replaced by a strip of fine forests from birch and aspen. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests exceeds 60 million. ha Wood reserves 9 billion m 3, And its annual increase of 100 million m 3. The forest zone is distinguished by the wide development of the rolling stock-sized sphagnum swamps, which accounted for more than 50% of the area. Forest zone animals are typical: brown bear, lynx, wolverine, curtain, otter, columns, sable, elk, Siberian roe, squirrel, chipmunk, ondatra, etc. Representatives of the fauna European-Siberian subdomains of the Palearctic.

The south of the subbands of small forests is a forest-steppe zone, where it is not everywhere with plowing meal meadows, birch-osine flips ("slices") and herbaceous swamps are formed leached and ordinary black windows, meadow-black earth, dark gray forest and swamp soils, solonts, soloki . Extreme southern part Z.- S. R. It occupies a steppe zone, on S. which even recently prevailed the varnopers, and on Yu. - Powder-Ticker Steppes. Now these steppes with their fertile black earth and dark chestnut soils are placed and only areas with saline soil places have retained their virginity.

LIT: West Siberian lowland. Essays of Nature, M., 1963; Western Siberia, M., 1963.

N. I. Mikhashov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    West Siberian Plain ... Wikipedia

    Between the Urals in the West and the Meshness Plateorem in the East. OK. 3 million km & sup2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in Western, South and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    West Siberian Plain, between the Urals in the West and the Medium-Sivory Plateorem in the East. OK. 3 million km2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in ... ... Russian history

    One of the biggest on earth. Occupies b. h. Zap. Siberia, stretching out of the coast of the Kara Sea on S. to the Kazakh Melkosopechnik on Yu., From the Urals to Z. to the Middle Eybir Plateau at V.P. OK. 3 million km². Wide flat or ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Between the Urals in the West and the medium-grained plateorest in the east of about 3 million km2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in Western, South and East. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    West Siberian Plain - West Siberian Plain, West Siberian lowland. One of the largest low-loop accumulative plains of the globe. It occupies most of Western Siberia, stretching from the coast of the Kara Sea in the north to the Kazakh small variety and ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

West Siberian Plain (on the world map, it is not difficult to find) - one of the largest in Eurasia. It stretches for 2500 km from the harsh coast of the Arctic Ocean to the semi-desert territories of Kazakhstan and 1500 km away - from the Ural Mountains and to the Mighty Yenisei. All this terrain consists of two cup-shaped flat depressions and many wetlands. Siberian Honors, which rise by 180-200 meters stretch between these depadies.

The West Siberian Plain is a fairly interesting and fascinating moment that deserves a detailed consideration. This natural object is located almost at the same distance between the Atlantic and the mainland continentality center. About 2.5 million square meters. The CM has the area of \u200b\u200bthis huge plain. This distance is very impressive.

Climatic conditions

The geographical position of the West Siberian Plain on the mainland determines interesting climatic conditions. Therefore, the weather on most of the plain has a moderately continental nature. From the north, there are large arctic masses on this territory, which carry a strong cold in winter, and in the summer, the thermometer shows from + 5 ° C to + 20 ° C. In January, on the southern and northern sides, the temperature regime can vary from -15 ° C to -30 ° C. The lowest in winter was recorded in the north-east of Siberia - to -45 ° C.

Humidity on the plain also spreads gradually from the south to the north. With the beginning of the summer, most of its part falls on the steppes zone. In the middle of summer, in July, the heat captives all south of the plains, and the wet front moves to the north, thunderstorms and livni rushes over the taiga. At the end of August, the rains reach the tundra zone.

Water flows

Describing the geographical position of the West Siberian Plain, it is necessary to tell about the water system. A huge number of rivers take place on this territory, and there are numerous lakes and swamps here. The biggest and largest river - Ob with the influx of Irtysh. It is not only the largest in the region, but also one of the greatest in the world. On its area and the length of Ob is dominated among the rivers of Russia. It is still suitable for shipping aquatic streams of Pur, Nadym, Tobol and Taz.

Plain by the number of swamps is the world record holder. Such a huge area is not found on the globe. The swamps occupy an area of \u200b\u200b800 thousand square meters. km. There are several reasons for their formation: excess moisturizing, flat surface of the plain, a large amount of peat, as well as low air temperature.


This region is rich in minerals. It is largely affected by the geographical position of the West Siberian Plain. Here in huge quantities focused deposits of oil and gas. It has a large stock of peat - approximately 60% of the total number of in Russia is located on its extensive wetlands. There are deposits of iron ores. Siberia is rich and their hot waters that contain carbonate salts, chlorides, bromine and iodine.

Animal and floral worlds

The climate of the plain is such that there is a fairly poor flora compared to neighboring regions. This is especially noticeable in the taiga zone and tundra. The cause of such poverty of plants in a long-term glaciation, which does not allow plant to spread.

The fauna of the plains is also not very rich, despite the huge length of the territories. The geographical position of the West Siberian Plain is such that it is almost impossible to meet interesting individuals here. There are no unique animals living on this territory. All species that live here are common with the rest of the regions, both neighboring and all the mainland of Eurasia.

West Siberian Lowland The third largest plain on our planet after Amazonian and Russian. Its area is about 2.6 million square kilometers. The length of the West Siberian lowland from the north to the south (from the coast to the mountains of Southern Siberia and) is about 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from the west to the east (from to) - 1.9 thousand kilometers. The West Siberian lowland is quite clearly limited from the North of the Coastline of the Sea, with the south - the hits of Kazakhstan and the mountains, from the West - the East Farns of the Urals, and in the east - the Valley of the River Yenisei.

The surface of the Western-Siberian lowland is flat with a rather minor height difference. Small hills are characteristic mainly for Western, South and Eastern Okrain. There their height can reach about 250-300 meters. For the northern and central areas are characterized by lowlands with a height of 50-150 meters above sea level.

On the entire surface of the plains there are flat sections of the interrection, as a result of which they are significantly wetched. In the northern part there are sometimes small hills and sandy manes. Pretty impressive areas in the territory of the West Siberian lowland occupy ancient-basins, the so-called woodland. Here are mainly pronounced pretty shallow hollows. Only some of the largest rivers flow in deep (up to 80 meters) valleys.

River Yenisei

The influence on the nature of the relief of Western Siberia also provided a glacier. It was mainly its exposure to the northern part of the plain. At the same time, the water accumulated in the center of the lowland, as a result of which a fairly flat plain was formed. In the southern part there are slightly raised inclined plains with many shallow catlovin.

More than 2,000 rivers flow in the territory of West Siberian lowland. Their length is about 250 thousand kilometers. The largest are. They are not only shipping, but also used to produce energy. They feed mainly due to melt waters and rains (in the summer-autumn period). There is also a large number of lakes. In the southern regions, they are filled with salted water. West Siberian lowland belongs to the world record for the number of swamps per unit area (the area of \u200b\u200ba wetland is about 800 thousand square kilometers). The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors: excessive moisturizing, flat relief, and the ability of peat, existing here in large quantities, to keep a significant mass of water.

Because of the high length of the Western Siberian lowland from the north to the south and the relief of the relief in its adhesives there are many natural zones. In all areas, lakes and swamps occupy quite large areas. There are no, and the zone is quite insignificant.

A large area occupies a zone, which is explained by the Northern Regulations of the West Siberian Plain. The south is located a forest tundra area. As mentioned above, the forests on this territory are mainly coniferous. The woodular zone takes about 60% of the territory of the West Siberian lowland. For a strip of coniferous forests, a narrow zone of fine (mostly birch) forests should be narrow. The forest-steppe zone is formed in the conditions of a plane-rope. Surgeted soil water here is the cause of a large amount of swamps. In the extreme southern part of the West Siberian lowland is located, which for the most part of the decompat.

The flat southern regions of Western Siberia make a variety of mane - sandy ridges 3-10 meters high (sometimes up to 30 meters), covered with pine forest, and rings - birch and aspen groves that are scattered among steppes.

West Siberian Plain, occupying about 3 million. km 2,refers to the number of the greatest plains of the globe: in size it can be compared only with Amazon lowland.

The boundaries of the lowland are distinctly pronounced natural frontiers: in the north - the coastline of the Kara Sea, in the south - the Tourgay dining country, the foot of the Kazakh small-scale, Altai, Salair and Kuznetsky Alatau, in the West - the eastern foothills of the Urals, in the East - Valley p. Yenisei. The orographic boundaries of the lowlands coincide with the geological, which are considered to be the surfaces on the surface in some places at the edges of the lowlands of deployed Paleozoic and more ancient rocks, for example, in the south, in the Kazakh minleacher. In the Turgay deflection, which connects the West Siberian lowland with the plains of Central Asia, the border is carried out on the Kustanai Shaft, where the Dazozoic foundation lies at a depth of 50-150 m.from the surface. The length of the plain from north to south - 2500 km. The greatest width - 1500 kM- It reaches in the southern part. In the north of the lowland, the distance between the Western and Oriental dots is about 900-950 km.Almost all the territory of the lowland is located within the RSFSR - Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk National Districts, in the regions - Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo; In the edges - Altai and Krasnoyarsk. The southern part refers to the Kazakh SSR - to the regions of the Tselinsky region - Kustanai, North Kazakhstan, Kokchektav, Tselinograd, Pavlodar and Semipalatinskaya.

Relief and geological structure. The relief of the West Siberian Plain is characterized by complexity and diversity. At the huge mass of height fluctuations is insignificant. Maximum marks (250-300 m.) Focused in the western part of the plains - in the pre-Uralskaya. The southern and eastern parts of the plains are also raised compared to the central. In the south of the height reach 200-300 m.. In the central part of the plain, the absolute marks on the watersheds - about 50-150 m, and in the valleys less than 50 m.; for example, in the valley p. Obi, mouth r. Wah, height above sea level 35 m,and the city of Khanty-Mansiysk - 19m.

On the peninsulas, the surface rises: absolute marks on the Gydan Peninsula reach 150-183 m,and on Tazovskam - about 100 m.

In the general orographic plan, the West Siberian Plain has a concave shape with raised edges and with a lowered central part. Along its outlook, hill are located, plateau and inclined plains dropping to its central parts. Among them are the largest, are: North-Soshivinskaya, Tobolsko-Tavdinskaya, Ishimskaya, Ishimsk-Irtyskaya and Pavlodar inclined plains, Vasyugan, Priobskoye and Chulymo-Yenisei Plateau, Wah-Ketskaya and Midkomovskaya Hills, etc.

The north of the latitudes of Obi, from the Urals to Yenisei, one sublime after another, forming a single orographic axis of the West Siberian Plain - Siberian Honors, on which the Occo-Tazovsky and Occo-Puric Watersheds are held. All large lowlands are focused in the central parts of the plain - Khanty-Mansiyskaya, Surgut Polesie, Middle Make, Purskaya, Heather, Ust-Obskaya, Barabinsk and Kulundinskaya.

The reinforcement of the territory was created by a long geological history in her daiety. All West Siberian Plain is located in the field of Paleozoic folding and presents in the tectonic relation to the West Siberian Plate of the Ural-Siberian Epigerzin Platform. Folded structures that were on the site of the West Siberian Plain, as a result of tectonic movements dropped into various depths or at the end of the Paleozoic, or at the very beginning of the Mesozoic (in Triassa).

Deep drill holes in various areas of the plains were the Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks and reached the surface of the plate foundation at various depths: at the Makushkino railway station (at half a distance between the mound and Petropavlovsky) - at a depth of 693 m.(550 m. from sea level), in 70 kMeast of Petropavlovsk - at 920 M.(745 m.from the sea level), and in the city of Turgay - by 325 m.In the area of \u200b\u200bthe eastern slope of the North-Sosvinsky village, Paleozoic foundation is lowered to depth 1700-2200 m,and in the central part of the Khanty-Mansiysk depression - 3500-3700 m..

The lowered areas of the foundation formed syneclide and deflection. In some of them, the power of Mesozoic and Cenozoic loose deposits reaches more than 3000m 3.

In the north of the West Siberian Plate, in the course of the rivers of the Lower Obi and the pelvis, there is a comma-Taza synecline, and in the south, and in the course of the middle of Irtysh - Irtyskaya synecline and in the district of Kulundy Lake - Kulundy Vpadina. In the north slab in syncles, according to the latest data,

the foundation goes to a depth of 6000 m., and in some places - by 10,000 m.In the anttecles, the foundation lies at a depth of 3000-4000 m.from the surface.

According to the geological structure, the foundation of the West Siberian Plate, apparently, is heterogeneous. It is assumed that it consists of the folded structures of the Gersinsky, Caledonian, Baikal and more ancient ages.

Some major geological structures of the West Siberian Plate - syncizes and antteclicas - in the relief of the plain correspond to the sublime and low-lying sites. For example, lowlands-syneclide: Barabinsk lowland corresponds to the Omsk depression, the Khanty-Mansiysk lowland was formed on the site of the Khanty-Mansiysk depression. Examples of hill-antekliz are: Lyulinwor and Upnetovskaya. In the boundary parts of the West Siberian Plate, inclined plains correspond to monoclinal morphological structures, in which the total reduction in the topographic surface should lower the foundation in the plates syneeclamination. Such morphostructures include Pavlodar, Tobolsk-Tavdinsky inclined plains, etc.

During the Mesozoic, the entire territory was represented by the movable land plot, which experienced only epeyrogenic fluctuations with a general trend towards lowering, as a result of which the continental regime was replaced by sea. In marine pools accumulated powerful stones of precipitation. It is known that in Upper-Russia, the sea took the whole northern part of the plain. In the chalk period, many sections of the plain turned into a land. This is evidenced by the finds of the crust of weathelation and continental deposits.

The uppermal sea was changed tertiary. The deposits of Paleogenic seas smoothed a totretic relief and created the ideal plain plane of the West Siberian Plain. The maximum development of the sea reached Eocene Epoch: at that time they were covered with almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe West Siberian Plain and the connection of the sea pools of the Aral-Caspian depression from the West Siberian Plain was carried out through the Turgasian Strait. During the entire Paleogen, there was a gradual lowering of the stove, which reached the greatest depth in the eastern regions. This is evidenced by the power and nature of Paleogenic sediments to the east: in the West, in the priestly, the Sands, conglomerates and pebbles prevail in the Kazakh minleacher. Here they are highly raised and overlook the day surface or locate at small depths. Their power reaches in the West 40-100 m.To the east and north of the sediment fall under non -ogenic and quaternary sediments. For example, in the area of \u200b\u200bOmsk, Paleogenic deposits are detected by drilling wells at a depth of more than 300 m.from the surface, and even deeper they go north of Art. Tatar. Here they become thinner (clay, citches). In the false p. Irtysh in r. Ob and north by r. Obi Paleogenic layers are raised again and overlook the valleys of rivers in natural outcrops.

After a long marine regime, the primary accumulative plain is raised to the beginning of Neogene, and the continental mode was installed on it. Judging by the nature of the occurrence of Paleogenic sediments, it can be said that the primary accumulative sea plain had a cup-shaped structure of the relief: the whole was most lowered in the central part. This surface structure is neogene and predetermined mainly modern features of the relief of the West Siberian Plain. Susha was covered in this period by numerous lakes and lush subtropical vegetation. This is evidenced by the widespread extent of exclusively continental deposits consisting of alert, sand, sandy, loam and clay of lake and river origin. The best cuts of these sediments are known for the Rivers Irtyshu, Tavde, Tour and Tobol. In sediments, the remains of the flora (swolate cypress, sequoia, magnolia, linden, walnut) and fauna (giraffes, camels, mastodonts) are well preserved, which indicates warmer climatic conditions in neogen compared to modern.

In the quaternary period, there was a cold climate, which led to the development on the northern half of the plain of the glacial cover. The West Siberian Plain survived three coating glaciation (Samarovskoye, Tazovskoye and Zyrian). On the plain, the glaciers lowered from two centers: from the mountains of the New Earth, the Polar Urals and from the Mountains of the Borranga and Pouotnaya. The existence of two centers of weeding of the West Siberian Plain is proved by the spread of boulders. Covered glacial sediments cover huge plain spaces. However, in the western part of the plain - on the lower reaches of the Rivers Irtysh and Obi - boulders consist mainly of the Urals (granites, grandiorites), and in the eastern part - according to the valleys of the rivers of Waha, Obi, Greater Yugan and Salym, the fragments of the Gydan Peninsula prevail fragments of trappings, Brought from the northeast from the Taimyr Center. The glacial cover was descended during the Samarovsky glaciation on the aligned surface to the south, about 58 ° C. sh.

The southern region of the glacier suspended the course of smudnikovye rivers, directed their waters in the pool of the Kara Sea. Part of the river water reached, apparently, the Kara Sea. Lake pools have lake pools at the southern edge of the glacier, there were powerful fluorified flows that flowed into the southwest, towards the Turgay Strait.

In the south of the West Siberian Plain, from the previations of the Urals to Irtysh, and in places and further to the east (Pretchemskoye plateau), lassoidal loams are common; They are locked on the surface of the intermale plateau, overlapping their indigenous rocks. It is assumed that the formation of lessoidal loams is associated with eol or eluvial processes, and perhaps these are delta and coastal sediments of the ancient seas.

In the interledstial periods, the northern part of the West Siberian lowland was flooded with the waters of boreal transgression, which penetrated the valleys of large rivers - Obi, Tazu, Poura, Yenisei, etc. Further, the sea waters came in the valley of the river. Yenisei - up to 63 ° C. sh. The central part of the Gydan Peninsula was the island among the sea borea.

The Borean Sea was significantly warmer modern, on which marine sediments, formed by thin sands and loams with the inclusion of thermo-loving mollusks indicate. They run at an altitude of 85-95 m.above the modern sea level.

The last glaciation in Western Siberia had no coating character. Glaciers, descended from the Urals, Taimyr and Norilsk Mountains, ended not far from their centers. This indicates the location of their final moraine and the lack of sea sediments of the last glaciation in the northern part of the West Siberian Plain. So, for example, sea

the deposits of boreal transgression in the north of the lowland are not covered by Morane.

In the distribution through various genetic types of relief, a sequential change is observed when moving from north to south, which allows the geomorphological zones to be isolated.

1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Carian sea stepped accumulative plains occupies the entire coastal strip of the Kara Sea, deeply going deep into the mainland on the rich, Taza and Yenisei lips. Plain is composed by marine clay and sands during boreal transgression; It raises to height 80 m.In the direction of the coastline, the height decreases, forming several marine terraces.

2. The zone of the communis-enzyme accumulative hilly and flatwille water-glacial plains is located between 70 and 57 ° C. t., From the Urals to Yenisei. On the peninsoles of Gydan and Yamal, it occupies the inner sections, stretching north of 70 ° C. sh., and in the pre-rally descends south of 60 ° C. sh., in the pool r. Tavda. In the central regions, to the southern border of the Samarovsky glaciation, this territory was covered with glacier cover. It is composed of curl clays, wound sands, loam.

Prevailing heights above sea level - 100-200 m.The surface of the plain plane, with moraine hills with a height of 30-40 m,with ridges and shallow lake hollows, grivial relief and with hollows of ancient flow. Large areas occupy snarling lowlines. Especially many lakes are found among the vast member of the communal-Taza plain.

3. The zone of proportioned water-accumulative plains is located south of the border of the maximum glaciation and extends from p. Tavda, south of the latitudent segment of the Valley of the Irtysh, to p. Yenisei.

4. The zone of extra-altitude flat and wavy-oxoous erosion-accumulative plains includes the requesterian plain located in the p. Ishima, Barabinis and Kulundy steppes. The main form of relief was created by powerful aquatic streams that formed wide hinders of the ancient runoff of the south-west direction filled with alluvial sediments. Waterproof releger areas have a grivy relief. Maja height 5-10. m.extracted mainly in the same direction as the hips of ancient drain. They are especially pronounced in the Kulundy and Barabinist steppes.

5. The zone of foothill denudation plains is adjacent to the mining facilities of the Urals, the Saalairski ridge and Kuznetsky Alatau. Poptic plains are the most raised areas of the territory of the West Siberian Plain; They are stacked by the sediments of mesozoic and tertiary ages and are blocked by quaternary lessoidal eluvial-deluvial sublinks. The surface of the plains is dissected by wide erosion valleys. Water partitions are flat, with closed basins, stocks, in some of them are lakes.

Thus, in the territory of the West Siberian Plain, geomorphological zonality is clearly revealed, which is due to the development history of the entire territory, especially in the Ice Age. Geomorphological zonality is predetermined by the activities of glaciers with quaternary tectonic movements, boreal transgression.

When comparing the geomorphological zones of the West Siberian and Russian plains, the general pattern is revealed, namely: and there and here

the narrow bands of the sea plains, the area of \u200b\u200bthe ice demolishment (located in the North-West and the Northeast), the zones of the glacial accumulation, the strip of the cauldron and an extlen private zone are distinguished. But in the Russian plain, the extreddental zone ends with sea plains, and in the West Siberian - the zone of foothill plains.

Valley of Obi and Irtysh River, reaching the width of 80- 120 km,pass through all the indicated geomorphological zones. Valleys cut through quaternary and tertiary deposits to a depth of 60-80 m.The floodplains of these rivers width 20-40 KMthey have numerous messengers, old men, coastal trees. Terraces rise over the floodplains. Everywhere in the valleys, two terraces of the accumulatory-erosion type with a height of 10-15 and about 40 are expressed m.In the foothills of the valleys are narrowed, the number of terraces increases to six, their height increases to 120 m.Valley have an asymmetrical structure. On steep slopes, ravines and landslides are developed.

Minerals are focused in indigenous and quaternary plain sediments. In Jurassic sediments there are deposits of coal, studied in the southwestern part of the plain and in the Turgay plain. The deposits of brown coals were found in the middle obi basin. The Middle Basin includes Tomsk, Pretchemskoye, Narym and Timskoye deposits. In the chalk sediments of the plains, phosphorites and bauxites opened in the northern part of the Turgay deflection are concentrated. Recently discovered among the chalk sediments of the iron ore deposits in the south of the West Siberian Plain and in the northwestern part of the Turgay deflection represented by the olithic Zheleznyaki. In recent years, in the territory of the West Siberian Plain, with deep drilling, iron ore deposits in the left bank of Obi, from Kolpashevo, were revealed. Najm, and, in addition, in the basins of the Vasyugan, Keta and Poma rivers. Iron ores contain iron - from 30 to 45%. The deposits of iron ores are open in the Kulundin steppe (district of Oz. Pile K, Art. Kulund, keys), they contain up to 22% iron. In the Tyumen region, large gas fields (Berezovskoye and Punginsky) are known. At the end of 1959, from the borehole, laid on the bank of the river. Conda (at the village of Shaim), the first industrial oil in Western Siberia was obtained. In March 1961, he scored a well in the center of the West Siberian lowland, in the middle of the river. Obi, at the village of Megion. Industrial oil is concentrated in the deposits of the Lower Chalk. Officer and gas fields are confined to Jurassic and chalk rocks. Paleogenic sediments of the southernmost of the lowland and the Turgay deflection have deposits of outerite iron ores, lignites and bauxite. Construction materials - sands and clays of marine and continental origin (Mesozoic and Quaternary), peatlands are widespread throughout. The peat reserves are huge. The total volume of explored peatings is calculated more than 400 million. m 2.air dry peat. The average power of peat reservoirs - 2.5-3 m.In some hips of ancient runoff (Tim-Paiduginskaya et al.) The power of the peat reservoirs reaches 5 - 6 m,In the lakes of the southern part there are large strains of salts (soda salt, mirabite, soda).

Climate. The climate of the West Siberian Plain is formed as a result of the interaction of a number of factors, namely:

1) geographic location. The main part of the surface is located in moderate latitudes, and the peninsula - for the polar circle.

The whole plain is removed by thousands of kilometers from the quiet and atlantic oceans. The greater length of the territory from the north to the south predetermines the different amount of total radiation, which significantly affects the distribution of air and soil temperature. Total radiation increases when moving from north to south from 60 to 110 kcal / cm 2per year and is distributed almost zonal. It reaches the greatest magnitude at all latitudes in July (Salekhard - 15.8 kcal / cm 2,in Pavlodar -16,7 kcal / cm 2).In addition, the position of the territory in moderate latitudes determines the receipt

air masses from the Atlantic Ocean under the action of West Eastern transfer. Significant remoteness of the West Siberian Plain from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans creates above the surface of its conditions for the formation of continental climate;

2) Pressure distribution. The areas of high (Asian anticyclone and the axis of Waikova) and low pressure (above Kara Sea and Central Asia) determine the strength of the wind, its direction and movement;

3) The relief of the marshy and concave plain, open to the Arctic Ocean, does not interfere with the invasion of cold Arctic air masses. They freely penetrate Kazakhstan, changing with their movement. The planeness of the territory contributes to the penetration far to the north of continental tropical air. Thus, meridional air circulation occurs. The Ural Mountains have a significant impact on the amount and distribution of plain precipitation, as a significant part of them falls on the Western slopes of the Urals? And on the West Siberian Plain, Western air masses come with already dry;

4) The properties of the underlying surface are greasy, wetlands and a significant amount of lakes - have a significant impact on the distribution of a number of meteorological elements.

In winter, the whole territory is greatly cooled. To the east of the West Siberian Plain, a stable region of the Asian maximum is formed. It is an axis of Waikov, extending through the southern part of the plain from November to March. Near the Kara Sea is stretched out of the low pressure of the Icelandic minimum: pressure decreases from the south to the north - to the Kara Sea. Therefore, the southern, southwestern and southeastern winds prevail.

Winter is characterized by steady negative temperatures. Absolute minima reaches from -45 to -54 °. January isotherms in the northern part of the plains have a meridional direction, but the south of the polar circle (about 63-65 Q. from. Sh.) - Southeast.

In the south, it passes isotherm -15 °, and in the northeast -30 °. The western part of the plain is warmer than Eastern, 10 °. This is explained by the fact that the western parts of the territory are under the influence of Western air masses, whereas in the east the territory is cooled under the action of Asian anti-kilon.

Snow cover in the north appears in the first decade of October and keeps on the peninsulas about 240-260 days. In late November, almost all the territory is covered with snow. In the south, the snow holds to 160 days and usually goes down at the end of April, and in the north - at the end of June (20 /VI).

In the summer over the entire Asia, as well as above the territory of the West Siberian plain, the pressure is lowered, so the Arctic air freely penetrates its territory. When driving to the south he warms up and is additionally moistened due to local evaporation. But the air warms up faster than moisturizing, which causes a decrease in its relative humidity. Warm Western air masses coming to the West Siberian Plain are transformed along the path more than the Arctic. The intensive transformation of both the arctic and atlantic air masses leads to the fact that the territory of the lowland is filled with dry continental temperate air having a high temperature. Cyclonic activity is most intensively developing in the northern part of the plain, due to the enhancement of temperature differences between the cold arctic and warm continental air, i.e. on the line of the Arctic Front. In the middle and southern parts of the plain, cyclonic activity weakened, but still cyclones penetrate here from the European territory of the USSR.

Middle July isotherms go almost in the latitudinal direction. In the extreme north, through about. White, passes isotherm + 5 °, the south of the polar circle goes isotherm with + 15 °, through steppe areas is stretched with a deviation to the southeast - to the Altai - isotherm +20, + 22 °. The absolute maximum in the north reaches + 27 °, and in the south + 41 °. Thus, when moving from north to south, changes in summer temperatures are more significant compared to winter. The growing season in connection with the temperature regime also changes when moving from north to south: in the north it reaches 100 days, and in the south - 175 days.

The sediments are distributed over the territory and at the time of the year unevenly. The greatest amount of precipitation is from 400 to 500 mM.- falls in the middle lane of the plain. To the north and to the south, the amount of precipitation decreases significantly (up to 257 mm -on O-ve Dixon and 207 mM.- in Semipalatinsk). The greatest amount of precipitation falls throughout the plain from May to October. But the maximum of precipitation gradually moves from the south to the north: in June he - in the steppe, in July - in the taiga, in August - in Tundra. Livni is observed when the cold front passes and under thermal convection.

In the middle and southern stripes of the plains of thunderstorms are from May to August. For example, in the Barabinsk and Kulundin steppes, there is a warm period from 15 to 20 days with thunderstorms. In Tobolsk, Tomsk, the Tselinograd marked for July to 7-8 days with thunderstorms. Under thunderstorms, the squalls, strong shines, hail.

West Siberian Plain intersect three climatic belts: arctic, subarctic and moderate.

Rivers and lakes. The Rivers of the West Siberian Plains belong to Obi basins, pelvis, Pura and Yenisei. The oskan pool covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 million. km 2.and is one of the greatest river basins in the USSR.

Large rivers - Ob, Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol - flow through several geographic areas, which determines the variety of morphological and hydrological characteristics of individual areas of the rivers and their valleys. All rivers of the West Siberian Plain are typically plain. They have small slopes: the average bias r. Obi - 0.000042, r. Irtysh from Omsk to mouth - 0.000022.

Rivers flowing into Ob and Irtysh have in summer within the Taiga flow rate area 0.1-0.3 m / s,and in spring flood - 1.0 m / s.All rivers flow in loose, mainly in quaternary sediments, have a large resolutionity of the bed, wide valleys with well-pronounced floats and terraces.

The largest rivers - Ob, Irtysh, Tobol - and many of their tributaries begin in the mountains. Therefore, they endure a large number of debris material on West Siberian plain and their hydrological regime partially depends on melting of snow and ice in the mountains. The main flow of the lowland rivers is directed to the North-North-West. This is associated with the features of the ice regime: on all the rivers of the ice station begins in the lower reaches and

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gradually goes upstream. In the north of the ice station lasts 219 days, and in the south - 162 days. Spring iceshirt begins in the upper parts of the pools and gradually moves to the mouths of the rivers, as a result of which powerful mockery of ice are formed on large rivers and the water level in rivers is sharply rising. This creates strong spills and leads to the energetic development of lateral erosion in the valleys.

In the south of the river, they open in April - May, in the north - from mid-May to mid-June. The duration of the spring ice drift is usually up to 25 days, but can reach up to 40 days. This is due to the following reasons: on the territory located in the lower flow of rivers, the spring comes later; Ice on rivers in the lower current reaches high power, and therefore a large amount of heat is spent on its melting.

Rivers freeze from north to south at a much lower period of time, about 10-15 days. The average duration of the navigation period in the upper reaches is 180-190 days (Novosibirsk - 185 days, in the lower reaches - 155 days).

West Siberian Rivers have mainly snow diet, but, in addition, rain and soil. All rivers have a spring flood, and it can continue for quite a long time. Spring flood gradually passes into a summer flood, which depends on rains and soil.

River Ob. Ob begins near the city of Biysk from the confluence of the Bii and Katun rivers. Obi length, counting from the location of these rivers, is equal to 3680 km,and if the beginning of Obi take the source p. Katun, then the length of it will be 4345 kM. The length of the Ob-Irtysh system from the sources of Irtysh to the Kara Sea (including the Obskaya Lip) - 6370 km.On aquifiness p. Ob occupies third place among the USSR rivers, yielding the first two places by Yenisei and Lena. Its average annual water consumption is 12,500 m 3 / s.

The largest tributaries r. Ob takes on the left (r. Irtysh with the rivers Ishim and Tobol), the right tributaries are much shorter, therefore the configuration of the river basin has an asymmetric form: the right-bank part of the basin is 33% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment, and the left-bank is 67%.

According to the hydrographic and hydrological conditions and morphology of the valley of the r. Ob is divided into three parts: the upper bore - from the place of merge the rivers of the Bii and Katun to the mouth of the river. Tomi, Middle Ob - from the mouth of the r. Tomi to mouth r. Irtysh and Lower Ob - from the mouth of r. Irtysh to the Ob lip. The upper ob proceeds in the hilly foothills of the steppe altai. The main tributaries of the upper OIS are: right - r. Chuchysh and r. Inya, which flows around the Kuznetsk, the left - the River Charysh and Aley, flowing down from Altai.

The average rue flows through the marshy taiga plains, crossing Vasyugan-wetlands. This territory is characterized by excessive moisture, slightly slopes of the surface and a thick network of slowly current rivers. On average river. Ob on both sides takes a lot of tributaries. The lower ob proceeds in a wide valley through the northern tape of Taiga and Forestandra.

River Irtysh - the largest influx of p. Obi. His length - 4422 km,pool area - 1 595 680 km 2.The origins of Irtysh are at the edge of the glaciers ya elephant Mongolian Altai Mountains.

The largest tributaries of the Irtysh on the right are rivers Bukarthma, Om, Tara, Demyanka, and the left - Ishim, Tobol, Conda. Irtysh flows through the steppe, forest-steppe and taiga zone. Large tributaries, he gets in the taiga zone, and the most stormy - from Altai Mountains; in the steppe - from

Semipalatinsk to Omsk, i.e., over 1000 km,Irtysh almost does not have tributaries.

The most narrow section of the valley p. Irtysh - from the mouth of County to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Here the river flows in the mountain gorge. From Semipalatinsk r. Irtysh goes to the West Siberian Plain and is already a typical plain river with a wide valley - up to 10-20 kMwidths, and at the mouth - up to 30-35 km.River bed with numerous sandy islands is divided into sleeves; The slopes of the bed are insignificant, the shores are folded with sandy-clay sediments. Throughout the r. Irtysh is the rightmost shore.

Lake. On the West Siberian Plain many lakes. They are located in all natural zones of the plain and are common in both the valleys of rivers and watersheds. A large number of lakes are due to plainnost and weak drainage of the territory; activities of the cover glacier and its melting water; with mercury-faithful phenomena; rivers activity; Suffosic processes occurring in loose sediments of the southernmost lowland; The destruction of peatlands.

By origin, the Kotlovin of the Lake of the West Siberian Plain is divided into the following types: 1) lake basins who inherited the overtook areas of the ancient flow. Their education is associated with the activities of water flows in the boundary areas of the ancient glaciation and in the areas of the flow of the leenses of the Ob and Yenisei rivers during coating glaciation. Lakes of this type are located in the ancient hollows of the runoff. They have predominantly elongated or oval shape and insignificant (0.4-0.8 m.) depth: However, sometimes they reach the depth 25 m;2) lake hollows of intergreic slides of the Zandrovy Plains, the most common in the south in the forest-steppe and steppe; 3) old lakes of modern and ancient valleys of rivers. The formation of such lakes is associated with sharp changes in the river beds in accumulative sediments. Forms and sizes are very diverse; 4) Lake Basins caused by heat steering. They are distributed in the north of the plains in the conditions of many years of marzlot and are found on all elements of the relief. Their sizes are diverse, but not more than 2-3 kMin diameter, depth - up to 10-15 m.; 5) Moraine lake basins formed in low-depth deposits, especially in the boundary parts of the glacial coverings. An example of such lakes can serve as the Northern Group of Lakes on the Yenisei-Taza Meternrech within Siberian Urals. In the south of the forest zone, the ancient nasty lakes have already transitional stages; 6) Lake-grades formed in the decreases of the mouths of the duties in the lower reaches of the Ob and Irtysh rivers. During the spills and floods of the spring, the decrease is filled with water, forming huge reservoirs with an area of \u200b\u200bseveral hundred square kilometers and a depth of 1-3 m,and in robus - 5-10 m. In the summer, they gradually drop the water in the bed of the main river, and in the middle of the summer, and sometimes the plane areas covered with sludge remain in the place of the water bodies. Lakes - Sora - Favorite places for feeding many species of fish, as they quickly heated and rich in food; 7) Secondary lakes that are formed by the destruction of peatlands. They are common in wetlands on flat watersheds and river terraces. Thes of them reach from several square meters to several square kilometers at a depth of 1.5-2 m.There are no fish in them; 8) Suffosic lake basins common in southern lowlands. In loose sediments, of which dusty particles were washed under the action of groundwater, the soil is sedired. Westerns, funnels, saucers are formed on the surface. The emergence of kitelins of many saline and bitter-salt lakes is related, apparently with sufficient processes.

Groundwater. According to hydrogeological conditions, the West Siberian Plain is a huge artesian pool, which is called West Siberian. Ground waters of Western Siberia are characterized by a variety of conditions for climbing, chemical and regime. They lie at different depths in indigenous domozoas, meso-canineosoic and quaternary sediments. Water horizons are sands - marine and continental (alluvial and grind), sandstones, loams, sandy, clocks, dense fractured folded base tickets.

The main fields of modern food of the Artesian basin are located in the south-east and in the south (Chulyshmansky, Irtysh and Tobolsky pools). Waters moves from the south-east and south to the north.

The groundwater foundations are focused on rock cracks. They are distributed in the peripheral part of it to about 200-300 m.and at this depths are transfused into loose strata of the meso-cynozoa. This is confirmed by the almost complete lack of water in the deep wells of the central part of the pool.

In quaternary sediments of water mainly non-patients, with the exception of those areas where they are concentrated in interior fluorioxy sediments and among the sublibious stump of Priobsky plateau.

In the Irtysh and Tobolsk artesian water basins, quaternary sediments in the composition belong to fresh, salted and brine. On the rest of the West Siberian Basin of Water Quaternary Fresh Hyberbonate Sefayments with Mineralization, rarely exceeding 0.5 g / l

Rivers and Lakes of West Siberian Plains are widely used in the national economy. On the plain wetlands of the river are the most important means of the message. Ob River and its large tributaries - Irtysh, Tobol, Vasyugan, Parabel, Kat, Chul, Tom, Charysh and others are used for regular shipping. The total length of shipping routes within the West Siberian Plain is more than 20,000 km.Ob River connects the northern seaway with the railways of Siberia and Central Asia. The significant branching of the river systems of the West Siberian Plain allows the use of Ob and Irtysh's inflows for the transport of goods from the west to the east and back to long distances. The most significant disadvantage of the Obian basin as a transport highway is its isolation from neighboring river basins, despite the fact that the support of many tributaries p. Obi is suitable close to neighboring river basins; So, for example, the right-hand tributaries of the Ob - River Kat and are close to the left tributaries r. Yenisei; Left tributaries r. Obi and trust r. Tobol close to the pool r. Urals and to the pool r. Kama.

The Rivers of the West Siberian Plains have enormous energy resources: Ob annually resets 394 billion. m 3.water to the Kara Sea. This corresponds to approximately the amount of water 14 of these rivers as Don. On Obi, above the city of Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk HPP was built. On r. Irtysh built cascade of energy nodes. Rocky narrow valley r. Irtysh from the mouth of r. Buktarth to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk is most favorable for the construction of hydrostations. Ust-Kamenogorskaya HPP and Bukhbarminskaya HPP are built.

Ichthyofauna r. Ob is diverse. In some areas of the river, various fish have a commercial value. In the upper course, before the p. Cuulma, commercial fish are found: from sturgeon - sturgeon, sterlet; From salmon - Nelma, cheese, Muksun. Siberian roach (carp), crucian, pike, perch, pike, pike, perch, pike, pike, perch, pike, pike, perch, pillow, are caught by tributaries. On average river. Obi, where winter is strongly developed frozen phenomena, fish, demanding oxygen, go. Fisheries have fish living in rivers constantly, - roach (Chebak), Elets, Yauz, Karas, Pike, perch. In the summer, along the way to orcroids or on the feed, here they come here: sturgeon, nervma, cheese, Muksun. In the lower flow of the river - to the Ob lip - are found: sturgeon, Nelma, cheese, Pyrhyan, Muksun, etc.

In the southern part of the West Siberian Plain there are many mineral lakes with a large number of salt, soda, mirable and other chemical products.

Lakes are an essential source of water supply in many arid areas of the West Siberian Plain. But sharp fluctuations in the level of the lakes, especially those of which weak soaked nutrition affect their mineralization: in the fall, the volume of water in the lakes is usually sharply reduced, water becomes bitter and salty and, therefore, cannot be used for drinking. To reduce evaporation and preserve the sufficient volume of water in the lakes, resort to lake kotlovin mobby, to forest planting, snowstation on the waterboards,

an increase in the catchment areas with favorable topographic conditions by connecting several isolated catchment boilers.

Many lakes, especially Chane, Sartlan, Killinsky and others, have a fishing value. In the lakes are found: perch, Siberian roach, pike, crucian, are bred by Balkhash Sazan, bream. In cane and dies, lakes from spring to autumn finds a large amount of waterfowl.

On the lakes of the bara, the large number of geese and ducks are mined. In 1935, ondatra was released in the lake of the Western part of the Baraba. It acclimatized and spread widely.

Geographic zones. On the extensive West Siberian Plain, the latitudinal zonality of all components of nature, which formed in the post-year-old time, namely, climate, soil, vegetation, waters, animal world is exceptionally pronounced. Their combination, interconnection and interdependence create latitudinal geographic areas: Tundra and Festourpundra, Taiga, forest-steppe and steppe.

The natural zones of the West Siberian Plain but the occupied area are unequal (see Table 26).

It can be seen from the table that the dominant position occupies a forest zone, and the smallest area is busy with Festroy.

The natural zones of the West Siberian Plain are part of the geographical zones extending through the entire territory of the Soviet Union from the West to the East, and maintain their overall features. But thanks to the local Western liberty environmental conditions (flatness, widely developed clay and sandy sediments with horizontal occurrence, climate with transitions between moderately continental Russian plains and continental Siberia, strong wetlastics, special history of development of the territory in the hednikovy and glacial time, etc.) The zones of the West Siberian lowland have their own characteristics. So, for example, the subzone of mixed forests of the Russian Plain extends to the East only to the Urals. Oak forest-steppe Russian plains for the Ural does not go. The West Siberian is characterized by Osinovo-birch forest-steppe.

Tundra and Forestandra. From the shores of the Kara Sea and almost to the polar circle, between the eastern slope of the Urals and the lower river. Yenisei, stretch the Tundra and Forestandra. They occupy all the northern Peninsula (Yamal, Tazovsky and Gydan) and a narrow strip of the mainland of the plain.

The southern border of the tundra at the Ob and Tazovsky lips is running about 67 ° C. sh.; R. Yenisei she passes the north of Dudinka. Forestandra stretches with a narrow strip: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ob Lip, its south of its border goes to the south of the polar circle, east of the Orsk lip-in the polar circle; for the valley r. The pelvis border passes the north of the polar circle.

The main rocks, the heads of the peninsula and the islands adjacent to them are white, Sibiryakov, deer and others, are Quaternary - Ice and Sea. They run on an uneven surface of a quaternary relief and consist of clay and sand with rare boulders. The power of these deposits in the decreases of ancient relief reaches 70-80 m,and sometimes more.

Along the coast stretches the sea primary plain width of 20- 100 km.It is a series of sea terraces with different heights. There is an increase in the heights of the terraces to the south, which is caused by, apparently, quaternary raising. The surface of the terrace is smooth, with scattered crumpled lakes depth 3-4 m.On the surface of the sea terraces there are velages height 7-8 m, Basins blowing. The formation of eoloids is favored by: 1) the presence of non-vegetation of bulk sea sands; 2) weak ground moisturity in spring and summer; 3) Strong wind activity.

The inner parts of the peninsula have a hilly-sea surface with numerous small lakes.

The formation of modern relief of the peninsulas has a great influence with a long-term permafrost. The power of the active layer reaches in many sections of 0.5-0.3 m.Therefore, erosion activities, especially deep, weakened. Erosion activities impede the drizzling rains and numerous lakes that are flow regulators throughout the warm season. Therefore, floods on rivers do not arise. However, erosion activities are currently one of the main factors transforming the initial relief of the marine-hilly and sea plain: the valleys of the rivers wide, a lot of meander, young ravines on the ledges terraces, valleys and lake Kotlovin. The change in the slopes occurs as a result of a delusual flush, solifluction and landslides.

In the areas of development of many years of milling, thermal phenomena are common, as a result of which dips, funnels, saucers, lakes are formed. The occurrence of thermocartam forms is currently occurring; This is evidenced by submersible trunks and stumps, flooded trees and shrubs, cracks in the soil. On flat flat watersheds or on weakly inclined slopes, spotted tundra are formed. Lained vegetation spots reach in diameter from 1-2 to 30-50 m..

The harsh climate of the tundra is due to its northern position, the influence of the Cold Kara Sea and the entire Arctic basin, as well as lively cyclonic activities and cooling in the winter period of the neighboring area - the Asian Anticyclone region.

Winter in West Siberian Tundra compared to European more severe, but less foreman than east of r. Yenisei. Average January temperature -20-30 °. Winter weather types are dominated by the midst of October to May. The average monthly wind speed in Tundra -7-9 m / s, Maximum - 40. m / s,that at low temperatures reaching sometimes -52 °, creates greater weather rigidity. Snow cover lies about 9 months (from half of October to half of June). Under the action of strong winds, the snow is placed and therefore the power is uneven. The weather depends on the frequent passages of cyclones and on the invasions of the Arctic air masses from the Kara Sea and the polar continental of medium Siberia.

In the summer, the Arctic air invades the entire territory, but the process of its transformation is still weakly expressed. Summer in Tundra Cool, with frost and snowfall. The middle July temperature is about + 4, + 10 °; Maximum +20, + 22 ° (tomboys), it comes to +26, + 30 ° (new port); The temperature in the summer is reduced to -3, -6 °. In the forest tundra, the middle July temperatures +12, + 14 °. The temperature is above 10 ° on the southern border of the tundra - 700-750 °.

Annual precipitation - from 230 the northern to 300 mM B.southern part. Maximum precipitation falls in the summer, mainly in the form of long-term rains; Shni with thunderstorms are rare. Due to the disadvantage of heat, frequent precipitation, weak evaporation and with the presence of many years of permanent, the soil is very frozen, the relative humidity of the air is very large. Evaporation on the coast - 150 mm,and on the southern border of Fondra about 250 mm.The tundra and forest tundra zone is characterized by an excessive wet climate.

Groundwater lies shamelessly, which contributes to the root of the territory and the weak development of soil aerations. Most of the year, soil waters are embedded with ice.

The soil formation occurs in the parent rocks of the quaternary age - the clay and sandy sediments of glacial and marine origin. The soil is formed under conditions of low air and soil temperatures, a small amount of precipitation, minor drainage of the territory and lack of oxygen. All these conditions lead to the development of soils of the Gley-Bolotnaya type. However, the combination of local components of nature creates a variety in the formation of soil cover. The most common tundra gley and peat-swamp soils that are generated in conditions of strong humidification. In the sands, where there are no many years of marbles or it lies at a great depth, the wetlasture is missing and developing slightly proliferated soils. In Festundra, the process of formation of podzolic soil is expressed more: they are formed not only in the sands, but also on the sublinks. Therefore, the main types of Soil Tundra Gley-v-podzolic.

When moving from north to south within the tundra there is a change in climate, soil formation and vegetation cover.

B. N. Towns highlighted the following tundra: 1) Arctic tundra; 2) typical tundra; 3) Southern Tundra; 4) Fundra.

The Arctic Tundra occupies the northern parts of the Yamal and Gydan Peninsula. A spotted tundra prevails in the Arctic Tundra. Its vegetation is very scarce and settled only on the hopes and cracks surrounding the naked stains of the soil. In the vegetation cover, sphagnum moss and shrubs are completely absent. The last occasionally come from the south of the valleys of rivers. The species composition is poor; The most typical species are: List( Alopecurus Alpinus.), sedge ( Carex Rigida.), moss ( Polytrichum strictum), Kisser ( Oxyria Digyna.), lugovik. ( Deschampsia Arctica.).

Typical tundra occupies the middle and southern parts of the Yamal and Gydan Peninsula and the Northern Piece of Tazovsky. The southern border of the tundra passes the north of the polar circle. The vegetation of typical tundra is varied. Mossi, lichen, disintegration and shrubs are widespread: they are found not only by river valleys, but also on watersheds.

The vegetation of a typical tundra forms three tiers: upper - shrub, consisting of birch(, Bagulnik ( LedumPalustre), Sustained Willow( Salix Glauca., S.. pulchra.), blueberries ( Vaccinium uliginosum); medium - herbaceous - from Osk(Sa r.eX rigida.), vyanki ( Empetrum Nigrum), cranberry ( Oxycoccos MicroCarpa O.. palustris), grass partridges (Dryas Octopetala.), matlika (ROA arctica.), puffy ( Eriophhorum Vaginatum). Sources prevail among other plants; Lower tier - lspikeno-moss. It consists of lichens: Allest( Alectoria.), zetraria ( Cetraria), olen MKA ( Cladonia Rangiferina.), mach - Hypnovy and Sfagnum( SPHAGNUM LENENSE.).

Typical tundra in separate areas is different: mossy tundra is formed on moistened clay soils. On the sublime drum and sandy areas, lichen tundra develops. In places of strong wind activity there are small sections of spotted clay tundra. In the spring and summer, moss tundra are good pasture lands for deer, who eat the fluffy, the foliage of shrubs and various herbs. In the ravines, on the slopes of the southern exposition, the tundra meadows consisting of dispersion. Meadows are used as summer pastures for deer.

According to the valleys of rivers, launching snapshots of IV shrubs are proged to the north. Compared to other plant groups, shrubs develop under conditions of smaller wetlands, more powerful snow cover and faster and deeply thawing the active layer of soil.

In the south, the typical tundra in the plant cover is beginning to prevail shrubs. They form thick thickets from birch and willow height up to 1.5-3 m.not only in the valleys of rivers, but also on watersheds, among moss and lichen tundras. The widespread development of shrub groups in more southern areas of the tundra is due to weakened wind activity in a winter period, more powerful snow cover and plenty of precipitation.

Tundra is gradually replaced by Festroy. In the northern part of the Fondra, small areas of the parel and cripples appear, which to the south increase and transfers in Taiga. In the forest tundra, the trees grow at some distance from each other; Between them there are areas of shrub, moss, lichen, and sometimes spotted tundra. The most favorable areas for woody vegetation are sandy areas protected from wind activity and well warmed. Forests consist of larch and ate. Under the wood canopy, dwarf birch birch and shrub alder are often found. Ground cover consists of sphagnum moss forming peatlands with a buggy surface. In dry sand places, where a rather powerful snow cover, the soil covers lichens, mainly a yagel. The main types of soil gleyevo-podzolic.

The slopes of river valleys and the terraces are covered by juicy pesto-colored meadows, consisting of buttercups, lights, valerians and berries. The meadows are a wonderful pasture for deer in summer and in the autumn periods, the habitat of many animals and birds.

For the tundra of the West Siberian Plain from the animal world, the most typical is homemade reindeer. It extracts meals all year round: a yagel, or deer moss, berries, mushrooms, leaves and grass. Large reindeer state farms and collective farms provided by pastures and veterinary and zootechnical points have been created in the tundra. The enemies of deer studies are wolves living in Festour Tundra and in Tundra.

Lescent, or polar fox, lives in Tundra and Forestandre. It feeds various foods, but the main food is served by the festers, or lemmings. In the spring ruins the nests of birds, jogging eggs and young chicks.

Lemming is a small tund rodent. It feeds on the bark of IV and dwarf birch, foliage of plants. Itself serves as food for many mammals and feathered predators. In the tundra Western Siberia there are two types of lemming: Obian and hoofs.

According to the valleys of the River Tundra, in forestry and thickets of shrubs, forest animals are found: protein, hare-white, fox, wolverine, which penetrate away to the north - in Tundra.

Especially a lot in the tundra of waterfowl, of which are the most typical of her landscape geese, ducks, swans, Gagars. All year round in the tundra lives a white partridge. White owl in Tundra is a day bird.

In winter, the tundra is poor birds: few of them remain living in severe climatic conditions. Southwerry, ducks, swans, the Red Camera, nesting only in Tundra and Fondundra, fly away to the south Obi to r. Yenisei. A migratory bird is also a falcon-sapsan, which is powered by a waterfowl. Migratory birds spend in the north of no more than 2-4.5 months a year.

About 9 months of the tundra is covered with snow. Snow cover power in places reaches 90-100 cm.Spring, white partridge, lemming burned in loose small snow. The compacted snow contributes to the light movement of animals Tundra: For example, the sandy walks freely. White partridge claws are lengthened and fingers to autumn are coated with thick cover of dense flexible feathers forming a wide elastic surface. By virtue of this, the increased support surface of the paw allows it, not falling deeply, run through the snow. With loose deep snow, the white partridge plunges into it to the abdomen and can only wander to shrubs with great difficulty. Low room areas are most favorable for deer, as they are freely getting out of the snow of the Yagel.

The most important economic problem of mastering the tundra is the development of vegetable growing. To do this, it is necessary to improve the soil by draining it, improving aeration, lowering the level of many years of permanent, protection of soils from freezing by accumulating snow in the fields, putting into the soil of manure. In the tundra can grow frost-resistant cultures.

Forest zone. Most of the West Siberian Plain Square is covered with forests - Taiga. The southern border of the forest zone roughly coincides with a parallel 56 ° C. sh.

The relief of the taiga zone is created by the accumulative activity of the mainland glaciation, thawed glacial and surface waters. Within the forest zone, the southern borders of the distribution of glacial cover were held. Therefore, north of them, the dominant type of relief are accumulative glacial plains, changed by the activities of melting glacier waters of the retreating maximum glacier and partly melting glacier waters of the latest glaciation.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe glacial plains is about 1/4 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire West Siberian Plain. The surface is composed by quaternary sediments - glacier, water-glacier, alluvial, lake. The power reaches them sometimes more than 100 m.

The forest area is included in the West East British Continental Climatic Area. Round year dominates the entire territory of continental moderate air.

Winter weather type is predominantly anti-cyclonic and is associated with an Asian anticyclone, but undergoing cyclones create unstable weather. Winter prolonged, with strong winds, frequent blizzards and rare thaws. The average temperature of January: -15 ° in the south-west and -26 ° in the east and northeast. Frosts are achieved in some areas -60 °. With the arrival of cyclone, temperatures can change dramatically. Snow cover lies about 150 days in the south of the zone and 200 days in the northeast. The height of the snow cover by the end of February reaches 20-30 cmin the south and 80 cmin the north-east. Snowproof lies from mid-October to mid-May.

In the summer, air from the north flows into the forest zone of the West Siberian Plain. On the way to the south, it is transformed and therefore in the northern regions is still quite wetree, in the southern regions it warms up and is increasingly removed from the saturation point. Summer throughout the entire territory is relatively short, but warm. Mid-Device temperatures + 17.8 ° (Tobolsk), + 20.4 ° (Tselinograd) and + 19 ° (Novosibirsk).

Number of drop-down precipitation - 400-500 mm,maximum - in the summer. Along the same latitudes in the European part of the Soviet Union, more precipitation falls in the European part of the Soviet Union than in Western Siberia.

Long-term winters with low temperatures in the northern part of the plains contribute to the existence of many years of permanent, the southern border passes from West to the East to about 61-62 ° C. sh. Under the channels of the roof of the frozen soil are significantly lower than on watersheds, and under the rivers Ob and Yenisei, it was not at all detected.

Ground waters are fresh and locked close to the surface (at a depth of 3-5 to 12-15 m). In watersheds are developed extensive sphagnum swamps. Rivers have minor slopes, flow slowly in wide, strongly messenger robes. With this, weak mineralization of river water (50-150 mg / L.) and weak aeration of stagnant water. Castles are formed in the rivers. The essence of the frozen phenomena is reduced to the following: in Ob and in its tributaries, a primer and swamp water is entered, containing a small amount of oxygen and many organic substances. With the formation of an oxygen from air from the ice of the ice, and the marsh water in the river continues to flow and absorb oxygen. This leads to a deficiency of oxygen and causes mass death of fish. The favored zone takes in the basin of Ob and Irtysha rivers area of \u200b\u200babout 1,060,000 km 2.To the north, the failed zone is moving to lower houses. Obi and applies even to a rude lip.

Soil. Soil formation occurs in plain conditions, strongly wetted relief covered with taiga vegetation. Mother breeds are diverse: glacier, fluvioxy, lake and eluvial-deluel are made up of sandy, sandy-clay and logless sediments, as well as lessoidal loams. For the forest zone of the plain are characterized by podzolic, podzolic-marsh and peat-swamp soils.

Vegetation. Within the forest zone, the following subzones are distinguished from the north to south.

1. The subzone of the foreframe larch edge. This subzone stretches the narrow strip from the pre-rally to p. Yenisei, expanding in the east.

Strip Raddlesy consists of a Siberian larch( Larix Sibirica.) with an admixture of ate ( Picea Obovata.) and cedar ( Pinus Sibirica.), especially in the southern part of the subzone, but the spruce is more common in the West than in the East. Forests are sparse, flavored areas are engaged in small massifles of swamps and tundra formations.

2. The northern taiga subzone is characterized by incurred declatted and widespread the spread of flat-bit safed swamps. Forests consist of larch with an admixture of ate, birch, cedar. In the northern part of the subzone, places are clean, without impurities. Larch forests are common in the sands, and south on the sands on river valleys and watersheds are pine bors. Ground cover of forests is formed by lichens and mshami. From the shrubs and herbs is typical: Toloknyanka, Shikha, Lilac, Oven (Carex Globularis. ) , chewy ( Equisetum Sylvaticum., E. pratense); the undergrowth consists of Yernik, the richness and blueberries. These forests occupy large areas closer to the Rivers Yenisei and Obi. In the middle of the North Taiga, the swamps dominate.

3. Subzone average taiga. Darky forests are formed by fir and cedar with admixture of larch and fir( Abies sibirica.). Larch is found in the entire area, but in small areas. More widely than in the northern taiga, the birch is common, which is often growing along with the aspen, forming birch-aspen forests. Dark taiga is characterized by a big closer, sullen. Dark forests are distributed within the subbands unevenly. The most significant arrays are concentrated in the middle and in the eastern parts. To the west of the Ob and Irtysh rivers, pine papers with sphagnum swamps are dominated. The forests of spruce and cedar are found mainly in the river valleys. They have a diverse herbal cover and thick thickets of shrubs from Siberian Svidin (Cornus Tatarica. ) , cherry, viburnum, honeysuckle ( Lonicera Altaica.).

4. South Taiga. For the southern taiga, the dominant breed is fir, birch and aspen forests are widespread. In the West, in South Town Forests, Lipa meets( Tilia Sibirica.) with herbal satellite - sick( AEGOPODIUM Podagraria). The middle and south taiga is distinguished by the urmanan-swampy.

5. Refrigerated Forestry Subzone Forms Most Birch Fluffy( Betula Pubescens.) and warts (IN. verrucosa.) and aspen ( Populus Tremula.), Alternating with herbal and sphagnous swamps, with meadows and pine forests. Spruce and fir enter the subzone of deciduous forests. Birch and aspen forests are confined to the turf-podzolic soils, leached chernozem and licorice.

Pine forests grow on the sands; The greatest area they occupy in the pool r. Tobol.

The deciduous forest subzone is gradually moving into a forest-steppe. In the West (west of the r. Isham), the forest-steppe is more obsended than in the east. This is related, apparently, with a large settling of soils by its central and eastern parts.

The animal world of West Siberian Taiga has many common species with European taiga. Everywhere in the taiga lives: Brown Bear, Lynx, Wolverine, Squirrel, Ermine. From the birds - the Ceremc, Tetra. The spread of many species of animals is limited by Obi and Yenisei Valley. For example, the sorridge, the European hedgehog does not penetrate the east further p. Obi; Behind Yenisei do not go from the birds of the hollow, the corner.

Rich animals pruring's taiga and secondary aspen-birch forests. The typical inhabitants of these forests are elk, hare-white, ermine, columns. Earlier in Western Siberia, a beaver was found in large quantities, but at present it has been preserved only on the left tributaries of Ob. Here was organized a beaver reserve for the rivers of the Conde and a small sugar. Ondatra (musky rat) is successfully divorced in the reservoirs. In many places, American mink was released in many places of West Siberian Taiga.

Birds nest in the taiga. Pine forests - favorite scene of the cedishment; In larch forests, the Siberian Klest is more common, the three-pailed woodwood tapping in the fryniki. There are few patches in the taiga, so they often say: Taiga is silent. The most diverse bird kingdom - on birch-oxic gari and on the banks of the rivers; Here you can find a waist, a reel, a long-tailed bullfight, a nightingale-redish. On water bodies - geese, ducks, slices; On moss marshes, far to the south, almost to the forest-steppe, the white partridge comes. Some birds arrive in the West Siberian Taiga from the Southeast. Many of them winch in China, Indochita, in the Stern Islands. The long-dead bullfinch, straw-redish and others fly back for the winter.

Fishery have: protein, fox, ermine, columns. From birds - Ryabchik, Tetrayev, Ceremonic and White Partridge.

Forest-steppe and steppe The West Siberian Plain was formed in special physico-geographical conditions, namely: on a flat weak-drained relief, at saline parents, in a significant distance from the oceans, with a more continental climate. Therefore, the appearance of them is sharply different from the forest-steppe and steppe of the Russian plain.

West Siberian forest-steppe stretches the narrow strip from the Urals to the previations of the salair grocery and Altai.

This is the southern part of the sea tertiary plain, coated with loose quaternary sediments, annularlyllivial and fluviohydial

sands, deluvial lessisal sublinks, lessisa and modern lake and alluvial sands and clays.

Indigenous breeds - tertiary clays, sands, loams - revealed by river valleys and go out in natural outcrops in indigenous shores or at the base of the terraces in the western, southern and south-eastern parts of the steppe zone, where tertiary rocks are raised and form a plateau or inclined plains.

The modern relief of the forest-steppe and steppe has an important effect of ancient streams, which formed wide extensions of the runoff, crossing the Priobskoe Plateau, Kulundy, Barabinsk lowland and other territories. Ancient hopes are directed from the northeast to the southwest. The bottoms are flat plane, folded loose sediments. Metersfit between the extensions of the runoff are stretched in the same as the hollow, the direction and the name of the "mane". There are modern rivers, which fall into or in Ob and Irtysh or in the lake, or are lost in the steppe. All these relief forms are clearly visible from the aircraft, especially early in spring, when snow spots are still preserved in them, and waterprooped spaces have already been freed from snow. One of the features of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia should be considered an abundance of lake kitlovin. They are common on flat watersheds and in river valleys. The largest of them are the lakes of the Barabinsk steppe, where the biggest shallow water is located. Chans and the Killed Lake. From the Lakes of the Kulundy steppe, the biggest Kuluddinskoye. Lakes Ishim steppe predominantly small. The major belongs to the lake. Seletatengiz. Many small lakes on the Ishimsk-Irtysk oblique plain and Ishim hill.

Thousands of lakes occupy a depression in ancient hollows; They constitute the remains of the former river beds. The shores of such lakes are low, often wetched or overgrown with a pine forest. Lakes with melt and rainwater, resulting from a surface runoff. For many reservoirs, the ground nutrition is essential.

The lakes periodically change their level, and consequently, the outlines and their water reserve: they dry, they are again filled with water 1. The change in the level of the lakes is associated with fluctuations in climatic conditions: with precipitation ratio and evaporation. Some influence on the change in the level of lakes has both human activity during the construction of dams, labeling, burning birch slices, mounted on the shores of the cane thickets. So, for example, in the Barabinsk, Kulundy and Ishim steppes after fires there were new lakes depth to 1.5-2 m.After turning off the coastal thickets of the reed and cane, some of the fresh lakes in the Kulundy steppe have become salt, since snow drifts have ceased to accumulate on them, which led to a sharp reduction of one of the most important sources of their nutrition.

Over the past 250 years (with XVII before middle XXc.) The seven complete cycles of fluctuations in the levels of the steppe lakes are usually from 20 to 47 years. Based on the analysis of atmospheric precipitation and the temperature regime, cycles of high and low activity of precipitation, warm and cold periods were revealed.

Thus, the dependence of the oscillation of the level of lakes from the oscillations of atmospheric precipitation and air temperature is planned.

It is assumed that the oscillations of the levels of individual lakes are associated with non-consonical movements. We have repeatedly recorded fluctuations in the levels of the lakes of the Chane.

In the steppes and forest-steppes, lakes predominate, containing saltwaten water (Chans, Killed and others) prevail. The lakes are divided into chemical composition on three types: hydrocarbonate (soda), chloride (salted itself) and sulfate (bitter-salty). According to the reserves of salt, soda and Mirablia, Lake Western Siberia occupy one of the first places in the USSR. Especially rich in salts Kulundy lakes.

The climate of the forest-steppe and steppe of the Western Siberian Plain differs from the forest-steppe climate and the Steppe of the Russian Plain larger continentality, manifested in increasing the annual amplitude of the air temperature and in reducing the amount of precipitation and the number of days with precipitation.

Winter long and cold: The average January temperature in the forest-steppe is lowered to -17, -20 °, sometimes frosts reach -50 °; In the steppes, the average temperatures of January -15, -16 °, frosts also reach -45, -50 °

In winter, the smallest amount of precipitation falls. For the first half of winter, snowfall and strong winds are characterized, the speed of which in the open steppe comes up to 15 m / s.The second half of the winter is dry, with weakened wind activity. Snow cover has a small (40-30 cm) Power and distributed over the surface of the forest-steppe and steppe unevenly.

In the spring, insolation and air temperature rapidly increase. Snow cover comes in April. The snow melts very quickly, in the steppe - sometimes in one week.

The average air temperature in the steppe comes in May to + 15 °, and the highest - up to + 35 °. However, in the first half of May there are strong frosts and snow storms. After snowing snow, the temperature rises very quickly: in the first decade of May, the average daily temperature exceeds + 10 °.

In the formation of spring dry weather, Sukhovi has great importance that are most frequent in May. During Sukhovye temperatures

the air reaches + 30 °, relative humidity is below 15%. Sukhoves are formed under southern winds arising from the western outskirts of Siberian anticyclones.

Summer in the forest-steppe and steppe roast and dry with frequent winds and dried weather types. In the forest-steppe, the average temperature is about + 19 °, in the steppe it rises to 22-24 °. Relative humidity reaches the steppe to 45-55%, and in the forest-steppe - up to 65-70%.

Drought and Sukhov are more often in the first half of summer. With summer sukhov, the air temperature may rise to +35, + 40 °, and relative humidity reaches about 20%. Drought and sukhov are due to penetration and intensive warming up of the Arctic air masses and the invasion of hot and dry air from Central Asia. Every year, especially in dry years, dust storms arise in the steppes from April to October. Their largest number falls on May and the beginning of June. In the summer, more than half of the annual amount of precipitation falls.

The first half of autumn is often warm. In September, the air temperature can reach + 30 °; However, there are freezes. The rapid drop in temperature is observed from October to November. In October, precipitation is increasing. Moisture accumulates in the soil in the fall, since at this time evaporation is slightly. In the northern part of the steppe snow cover appears at the end of October. Since November, sustainable frosts occur.

The history of the formation of the forest-steppe and steppe of the Western Siberian Plain into the tertiary and quaternary periods was sharply different from the history of the steppe formation and the forest-steppe of the Russian Plain. Therefore, the modern appearance of the forest-steppe and steppe of Western Siberia has its own characteristics that are most bright in the relief, soils and vegetation. Modern continental climate contributes to the development of more arid steppes of the West Siberian Plain compared to the Eastern European Plain and strengthens their differences.

In the forest-steppe and steppes of the Western Siberian Plain dominate primary flat weakly drained plains, covered with extensive swamps, numerous fresh and salty lakes, saucers, wide hollows and manes.

The frozen-beam network is weaker than in Russian plain. However, the manifestation of reverent activities is observed in all natural zones of the West Siberian Plain, and especially on inclined plains and a plateau, adjacent to the Urals and Altai, and according to the valleys of Ob and Irtysh rivers. In the steppes are widely developed by nivational ravines, the formation of which is due to the accumulation of snow under the action of strong winds from various natural obstacles, especially in beams and ravines. The soil-forming processes occur on the geologically young, weakly drainaged territory with saline soil, in conditions of insufficient moisture. The zonal soils of the forest-steppe Western Siberia are meadow-chernozem, leached and apodulated chernozem.

Solonits, solonges and soloki are widespread; Their formation is associated with shallow groundwater sitting, soil salinity and with reinforced evaporation. They are confined to the Turkish. Due to the increase in humidity, the process of washing the soil increased, which led to the destruction of solontsy and to the emergence of solid.

In the steppe zone, the southern and ordinary chernozems are developed, which are gradually moving into dark brown soils with a power of humus horizon to 50 m. and with a humus content within 3-4%. Dark brown soils have weak signs of brainstorm, a minor depth of boiling and a large number of plaster at a depth of 1m.

The forest-steppe of the West Siberian Plain is called birch forest-steppe. From the northern part of the forest-steppe, obstascence of the territory is about 45-60%. Isolated forest arrays from birch are called birch slices. The peels consist of a fluffy birch with an admixture of aspen, wart birch and in the undergrowth - willow. Herbal cover in rods is formed by steppe and forest species. Forest typical bounds( Rubus Saxatilis.), poupe ( Polygonatum OfficinaLe.) ; from shrubs - currants ( Ribes Nigrum). Of the coniferous rocks in the forest-steppes are spilled pine. Pine forests occupy sandy and sampling sites and enter the suggestion terraces of the valleys south to the steppe zone. Under the canopy of pine scenta, taiga vegetable groups are promoted - pine satellites: sphagnum swamps, on which they grow: pears, lingonberry, blueberries, cranberries, dewank, fluffy, sources and orchids. On the most elevated, dry places are the coarse-cooked coats of white coat with terrestrial cover from the deer lichen (Yagel). The soil cover of pine bors is very diverse and consists of subcases, dark color, darkened peat soils and salt marshes. But at the same time, in the herbal cover of southern pine hostesses, steppe species (Tymphak and Steppe Timofeevka) are common.

Steppe areas have a thick herbaceous cover consisting of typical meadow rhizuerous cereals: Vainika, meytalka meadow, steppe Timofeevka. Of the legumes often encounter: clover and peas, and from complex color - Tlavolok( Filipendula Hexapetala), solonechards appear on salt marshes.

When moving to the south of herbal cover, the steppes radiates, the species composition changes - steppe species begin to prevail, and meadow and forest species are noticeably reduced. Forest xerophytes dominate from cereal: Ticaccus( Festuca Sulcata.) and tonkonog ( Koeleria Gracilis.), appear novyi( Stipa Rubens., St.. capillata.). The most typical alfalfa( Medicago Falcata.) and Esparcet ( Onobrychis Arenaria.). Solving plants start to meet more often: licorice, Solyanka, a large plantain, Astragal. Birch slices are becoming less, and the obstascence of the territory is only 20-45%.

In West Siberian forest-steppe, as already noted, wetlands are widespread, which are called priests. Zahniki is covered with swamp vegetation: four, cane, reed, rogoz. They occupy reduced interracial spaces and are the final stage of overgrowing reservoirs. Especially abundant leaning in the Barabinsk steppe. In addition, mossh-sphagnum swamps, rare, depressed pine, are common in West Siberian forest-steppe. They are called rocks. Pine bors, leanters and rocks in the conditions of modern dry climate should be considered intrazonal vegetable groups formed in the ice age.

Steppes occupy the extreme south of West Siberian plains. Within the steppe zone of the Western Siberia, two subzones are distinguished: the Northern - a welcoming black coin steppe and the southern - ate-taper chestnut steppe. In the composition of the northern steppes, xerophytic narrow cereals are dominated: Kovyl reddish( Stipa Rubens.), hairstyle, tichak, tonkonog, desert oats ( Auenastrum Desertorum), Timofeevka. The difference is less abundant than in the steppes of the forest-steppe, and consists of alfalfa yellow, a boiler, Veronica, sleep-grass, laptop, wormwood.

According to the species and aspect, Wesnosybir steppes differ from the colorful European steppes of this subzone. In Siberian steppes there are no sage, Voronets, blush, clovers( Trifolium Montanum T.. alpestre), but the xerophytic difference prevails.

In the southern steppes of the West Siberian Plain, unrunner cereals are dominated: Ticacher, Tonkonog and Kovyl-Hair. Abundant rhizable steppe( Carex Sypina.). Cerophilic species predominate from the difference, for example: wormwood ( Artemisia Glauca., Atyatifolia.), onion ( Allium Lineare.) , adonis ( Adonis Wolgensis), peschany ( Arenaria Graminifolia.); many Siberian forms that do not come to the European steppe: ( Iris Scariosa.), goniolon ( Goniolimon Speciogum) and etc.

Herbal cover is resolved, and the docking of the steppe reaches 60-40%. On the shores of the lakes, in the solonges, the soloncents grow, for example, sea wormwood. In decreases with close occurrence of groundwater and on the shores of salt lakes, salt marshes with typical halophytic vegetation are dominated: salteros, salt barley, licorice.

In the steppes on river valleys, the flaorsmies of ancient flow, the logs are found in the legs, birch, in the sands - spots of pine hustlers (greenomoshikov, brusniknikov and and white cooked with a lot of steppe species). So, for example, in the valley of the r. Irtysh on the sandy right-bank terrace Extensive pine forests stretch from Semipalatinsk to Pavlodar.

The floodplains of large rivers are covered with meadow vegetation, which forms a thick juicy herbage from a pedestal, steppe alfalfa, avaid; Closer to the water dominate the marsh associations from reeds and sources. Wet floodplain meadows are an example of a sharp contrast with dry coil-ticker steppes that will quickly burn out in summer.

The northern and southern steppes are used as pastures and haymaking. Better part of the territory of the plastic.

The most significant natural difficulties for agriculture of the steppe zone of the West Siberian Plain are the dryness of its climate and the penetration of Sukhovyev.

Forest plantings and ribbon bors contribute to raising the crops of grain crops, as the humidity of the air and soil increases, and the amount of precipitation increases compared to the brass steppe. In tape boras and forest stripes, it is planned, in addition to major breeds, pines, a cherry oak, linden of the mellular, Amur larch, Velvet Amur, and in the undergrowth - Acacia Amur and Cherry Maak.

The fauna of the forest plant is more diverse than the steppe fauna, since the latter is characterized by monotony of environmental conditions on extensive areas. The fauna of the forest appendix includes forest and steppe species. By chaff and belt boras, the northern (taiga) elements penetrate into the south even in the coil-tanta steppes, and in the meadow-steppe plots, steppe elements enter the northern part of the forest-steppe; For example, in Kulundy pine bodes, along with steppe species - garden oatmeal, wildflower, a slicer of animals: protein, flying, deafness.

In the forest-steppe and steppes there are animals living in the tundra. They relate to the relics of the glacial period. White partridge occurs even in the steppes of Kazakhstan to 50, 5 ° C. Sh., its nestings are known for Oz. Chans. She never penetrates so far to the south as in West Siberian steppes. On the lakes of the forest-steppe and steppes there are seagull-laughter, typical of the tundra zone of the Taimyr.

The animal world of the forest-steppe and steppe has many common features in the composition of the fauna and its origin with the animal world of the European steppe and forest-steppe, but the geographical features of the West Siberian Plain predetermined its difference from the neighboring territories.

Many rodents are found from mammals in the forest-steppe and steppes: voles, steppe defrost, earthy hare - the largest of the tubes ( Allactaga Gaculus.); often there are a Jungan hamster, horse-suslik ( Citellus Erythrogenus.). For the steppe characteristic small, or gray, horselik, grounding (baybac).

From the predatory in the steppe and forest-steppe live: wolf, fox, steppe ferret. In the steppe comes from the south Little Fox - Corsac. In the forests of forest-steppes are found typical taiga species: speakers, caressing, ermine.

IN XIV- XIX.explosive In the steppes of the West Siberian Plain there were such animals that are currently distributed only in the forest zone. For example, in the valleys of the Tobol rivers, Ishim and Irtysh, the south of Petropavlovsk and Oz. Chans, a beaver was found, and near the city of Kostanov and between the cities of Petropavlovsky and the cennograpon met the Bear.

Among the birds of forest-steppe many European forms (ordinary oatmeal, Ivolga, Finch). In the steppe areas, ordinary and Siberian larks are numerous and occasionally there are strings and droughts. In the southern steppes, they are becoming more: the larks are four types (penetrates the desert into the steppe small, or gray, larks). There are crawling crane and steppe eagle. Tetrayev, gray and white partridges serve as a winter fishing.

Abundant insect fauna, consisting of small locust kills, which sometimes damage crops, and "Gnus" - mosquitoes, midges, are blind.

Four physico-geographical areas are allocated on the West Siberian Plain. Their emergence is due to the history of the development of the territory in a quarter and modern geographical zonality. Physico-geographical areas are located in the following order when moving from north to south: 1. Sea and naval plains of the tundra and forest tundar zones. 2. Moraine and closure plains of the forest zone. 3. Alluvial-lake and alluvial plains of forest and forest-steppe zones. 4. Area of \u200b\u200blake-alluvial and erosion plains with the cover of the Lessel rocks of the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Each of the listed areas has internal morphological, climatic and soil and vegetable differences, and therefore divided into physico-geographic areas.

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