What does the meadowsweet plant look like. Meadowsweet - unpretentious perennial for wet places

Landscaping and planning 19.05.2019
Landscaping and planning

Delicate meadowsweet curtains delight the eye with their exquisite sophistication, but most of all the plant is valued for its medicinal characteristics. After all, it is not for nothing that the people call it "a remedy for 40 ailments." What is meadowsweet grass, when and how to harvest it, and what diseases can be cured - detailed information You will find more about this later in the article.

What does the meadowsweet look like and where does it grow

At times Kievan Rus even children knew about the benefits of this unique herb. In almost every house, whips were made from its strong stems, which were called labasins. And various tinctures and dry potions could always be found on the shelves of local healers, who used the perennial as a natural antiseptic.

Did you know? In 1897, a young German chemist, Felix Hoffmann, developed a remedy for joint pain for his ailing father. Since the medicine was obtained from the meadowsweet, called "spirea" in everyday life, it was called "Aspirin". The literal translation sounds "made from spirea."

With the advent of synthetic medicines, this knowledge was lost, and today only a few harvest grass in order to all year round brew from it healthy teas with an unsurpassed honey aroma. This is already enough to disinfect the body from various microbes, eliminate possible inflammatory processes, improve mood and cheer up.

Meadowsweet characterized by strong perennial rhizomes, upright stems, broad pinnate leaves and white or pink flowering panicles. Delicate inflorescences appear from early June to mid-July. When meadowsweet blooms, a delicate aroma of honey spreads around. According to him, the healing herb, which is also popularly called "Ivan's color", can be recognized from afar.

In the wild, perennial thickets often grow to a height of one and a half meters and during flowering resemble the foam of an agitated sea. When the petals fall, the fruit begins to ripen, which resembles a spirally twisted polynut.

Did you know? One meadowsweet fruit produces about half a thousand grains, which are easily spread with the help of wind and water..

The characteristic signs of the meadowsweet are:

  • thick ribbed sprouts that branch only at the top;
  • dark green leaves that are very elm-like in shape;
  • white tomentum on inside foliage;
  • specific smell of inflorescences.
Experienced herbalists always look for wetlands when harvesting. Most often, these are water meadows or damp ravines, coasts of reservoirs. The plant easily adapts to any conditions, is not afraid of cold weather and loves moisture very much.

You can easily find perennials throughout the territory Central Europe and in the northern regions Central Asia.

Chemical composition

meadowsweet grass has wide application in cooking and traditional medicine, which owes its rich chemical composition. Among the nutrients, a special place is occupied by:

  • natural acetylsalicylic acid - contributes to the fight against pathogenic microorganisms (at one time, scientists synthesized this element from the meadowsweet for medicinal use);
  • tannins - mostly found in the roots, have antipyretic and analgesic effects;
  • (vitamin C) - gives an antioxidant, immunomodulatory and stabilizing effect;
  • glycosides - have an aggressive effect on pathogenic microflora, activate the heart muscle and eliminate fluid stagnation in tissues;
  • (catechins) - protect the walls of blood vessels from fragility, support metabolic processes in the body,.

Did you know? The second official name of the grass comes from "labazina". This is a long and very dense whip, which was used by shepherds for cattle. Such meadowsweet rods were considered the strongest, and they were always at hand. After all, pastures have always been arranged near water bodies.

Also among the components found to a lesser extent: phenolic compounds, coumarins and chalcones. The aerial part of the perennial contains phenol carboxylic acids, vanillin, methyl salicylate, steroids, camphor, fatty acids and salicylic aldehyde.

Medicinal properties

Although in everyday life the meadowsweet is called the "remedy for 40 diseases", but in fact its spectrum of action is much wider. In folk medicine, perennial is known as an antipyretic, analgesic, diaphoretic and antimicrobial substance. Herbalists advise taking it for as well as for gout, rheumatism, dysfunction of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

Various forms of drugs are prepared from the meadowsweet at home for the treatment of epilepsy, thrombophlebitis, viral infections, open wounds, stop bleeding and restore the body after suffering.

Did you know? Judging by the first mention of the medicinal properties of meadowsweet, people used the herb as early as 1600. The healers of that time treated the wounds of the soldiers in this way and disinfected the body of the sick.

In addition, there is a beneficial effect of herbs on the body in diseases and traumatic brain injuries. It is believed that the components contained in the plant do not allow the body to stimulate its mental activity.


foot bath

A foot bath from the meadowsweet will help to remove after a working day. Also, this procedure is effective in the event of spurs, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, foot injuries, and edema. In order to pamper your legs with a healing potion, you will need to pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. After the potion has been infused in a closed container for about 4 hours, it must be filtered and added to a bowl of warm water.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Harvesting of raw materials is carried out by cutting the tops of the shoots. Thus, you stock up on foliage and inflorescences at the same time. But you need to act carefully so that the petals do not crumble. The roots are dug up and shaken off the ground. Before drying, they must be thoroughly washed.

All blanks must be dried as soon as possible, otherwise they will become moldy and deteriorate. Experienced housewives know that to dry meadowsweet, like any other medicinal plant, it is necessary away from sunlight, since ultraviolet destroys healing substances.

A well-ventilated attic would be the ideal place for this. There, the potion is not exposed to precipitation, sun and polluted air from dusty and gassed roads.

Rhizomes can be dug up in autumn. For drying, after washing, they must be cut into bars 10 cm long. ready-made they are transformed into dark brown stripes. Their color may change, but this is already clear evidence of incorrect harvesting of plant material.

Dried meadowsweet is collected in paper bags or cloth bags and stored in a dry place.

Important! Dry preparations of meadowsweet retain their medicinal properties for 3 years. It should be noted that every year these qualities are becoming weaker..

Contraindications and harm

Meadowsweet has been tested for centuries and generations. It has been experimentally proven that the herb is not and also has practically no contraindications. Of course, self-treatment and self-diagnosis should not be done in any case.

Many gardeners grow meadowsweet on their plots, which has about 15 varieties. The airy inflorescence of meadowsweet smells like honey and has medicinal properties. It is planted in open ground by seeds or rhizome. Caring for the plant is quite simple: water on time, fertilize a couple of times.

Appearance, varietal variety of meadowsweet

In the wild form, meadowsweet or meadowsweet are found along the banks of rivers, on the outskirts of marshes, since the plant is quite moisture-loving. Meadowsweet is a perennial herb with an upright, strong stem that belongs to the Rose family.

Openwork white or pink panicles exude a vanilla-honey aroma, bloom in early summer. The leaves of the meadowsweet are pinnate or palmate, wide. Ornamental varieties are planted in the garden, on suburban area, in the flower beds. Although the plant reaches a height of 1 m, root system he has a small one, so you can not be afraid that she will "capture" the entire flower bed. This is another reason gardeners love to grow meadowsweet in their gardens.

For some reason, flies and mosquitoes do not like the smell of meadowsweet. And it attracts bees and wasps with its honey aroma, which ensures good pollination of cultivated plants.

There are several varieties of meadowsweet:

  • hand-shaped;

Meadowsweet palmate

  • narrow-bladed;
  • silk-screen;
  • naked;

Meadowsweet naked

  • Korean;
  • six-petal;
  • purple;

meadowsweet purple

  • red (North American species);
  • western.

Some of them can be seen in the photo. Ornamental varieties such as purple meadowsweet are grown in gardens. The flowers of this variety are bright red, after flowering, seeds of the same color are formed, which prolongs the decorative period. The lush flowers of meadowsweet terry have White color. Meadowsweet willow leaf blooms with soft pink buds.

Types of reproduction and planting rules

The meadowsweet has two types of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • rhizome.

Seeds can be purchased at a specialized store. Seeds are sown in spring and autumn.

Autumn sowing is carried out at home. Sow seeds in containers or boxes to a depth of 5-6 cm. Make sure that the soil is constantly wet. Water frequently, but little by little. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings need to be transplanted into separate pots. In the spring, when the soil warms up, it can be planted in open ground.

If you decide to sow seeds in the spring, then you need to do this immediately in open ground. Sowing depth is about 5-6 cm, deeper is not recommended. Do not compact the soil after sowing the seeds. After the appearance of seedlings, they are transplanted into flower beds. Since the meadowsweet will grow up to a meter in height, the distance between seedlings should be about half a meter.

In spring, meadowsweet can be sown immediately in open ground.

Reproduction by rhizome can also be done in autumn and spring. To do this, carefully dig out the rhizome of the mother plant, divide it into required amount parts. The rhizome is planted to a depth of 5-7 cm, watered, the soil is not compacted, so the meadowsweet will germinate faster.

Attention! The root is placed horizontally. Make sure that the buds of young shoots are directed upwards.

Meadowsweet loves the sun, but not the scorching rays. Choose a slightly shaded area. In dense shade, the meadowsweet may not bloom. The soil should be light and neutral, with drainage. If the soil is heavy, add sand to the bottom of the hole, it will also serve as drainage. Acidic soil can be neutralized with lime.

Features of care: the timing of fertilization, the frequency of feeding, diseases and pests

Caring for the meadowsweet is very simple. If you applied humus or compost before planting, then during the growing season it is enough to apply complex fertilizers a couple of times. If the soil has not been used for a long time, or autumn top dressing was carried out, fertilizers can be applied 1 time in the spring.

The soil around the seedling needs to be loosened from time to time. Watering should be frequent, but not plentiful, so that there is no waterlogging. Excess water in the soil can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Attention! The soil must not be allowed to dry out. Meadowsweet is a moisture-loving plant. Does not tolerate drought well.

Meadowsweet is not very susceptible to diseases. Wild-growing specimens can be affected by rust, become covered powdery mildew. Decorative varieties almost do not get sick. Occasionally, ramulariasis may appear in the form of greenish spots. Against the disease, "Fundazol" or other fungicides are used.

Spend preventive treatment plants from disease

Among pests, aphids and tube-rollers can cause particular damage. Insecticides are used to control insects. Against aphids, you can use wood ash, an infusion of garlic, onions.

Advice. And better plant in the spring next to the meadowsweet high grades marigolds: beautiful, and the aphid will not bother.

With the onset of autumn, the stem is cut at a height of 5-6 cm. additional insulation the plant does not need, as it is frost-resistant.

The use of meadowsweet in landscape design, combination with other plants

Landscape design uses single and group plantings. A singly planted meadowsweet can "dilute" too bright design flower beds, as it resembles a cloud in shape. It can be planted in the center of the flower bed, around the circumference of undersized flowers. Group plantings can be planted in the background, this will create the effect of a foggy haze of pink or white.

Tall varieties of meadowsweet are used as hedges, undersized varieties are used to frame flower beds, like borders. The height of the plant allows you to use it to divide the site into zones. For example, you can separate the gazebo, sandbox, etc. Meadowsweet is used in mixborders. A flower bed of different varieties of meadowsweet looks beautiful.

Meadowsweet planted around the perimeter of a house or fence looks great. You can arrange a path leading to the house, it will look not just beautiful, but solemn and elegant.

Meadowsweet in landscape design

In landscape design, the meadowsweet goes well with ferns, lilies, astilba. In combination with hydrangea, you can create a picturesque fence. Meadowsweet is planted next to various varieties of hostas, marigolds. Use a combination of meadowsweet with different plants:

  • scabiosa Caucasian;

The genus Labaznik has more than 10 species distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Meadowsweet has its own history in culture, biological features, healing properties.

Now interest in meadowsweet is growing, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to get rare species. With varieties it is much easier, they can be purchased at nurseries.


Grows in Siberia, the Caucasus, Western Europe, Central Asia, Asia Minor. AT natural conditions forms large thickets in meadows near small rivers.

Elm-leaved meadowsweet is a tall, perennial plant, 1.5 m in height. The meadowsweet has thick rhizomes bearing countless buds from which flower shoots grow. Stems with large pinnate foliage.

The inflorescence of this meadowsweet is dense, consisting of cream or white flowers, retains its decorative effect for 25 days. Since about 8 inflorescences develop on this one plant, the flowering time is extended until the end of July.

The fruits are spirally twisted, they ripen in September. fruits in double flowers meadowsweet is not tied, and from this, the inflorescence loses all its decorative effect after flowering. The meadowsweet grows well in sunny places, as well as in partial shade, but is very picky about humidity.

Elm-leaved meadowsweet looks good in groups on the lawn. There are varieties:

Meadowsweet Aurea-with yellow-green foliage.

Meadowsweet Rosea-With pink flowers. Very rare to find in culture.

Meadowsweet "Captivity"("plena")- beautiful variety with white double, multiple flowers. The only disadvantages are its high growth, 1.7 m, and exposed shoots. But this can be easily fixed by planting the meadowsweet in the background.

Meadowsweet "Aureovariegata"("Aureovariegata") - an unusual form with golden yellowish stains on the foliage. Despite the colorful appearance, for this variety, you need to carefully select the environment in order to increase decorative effect. Bright coloring is possible only in open areas.

Meadowsweet red

Under natural conditions grows in North America.

A powerful herbaceous perennial that forms large groups. Plant 2.3 m in height. stems with big leaves. Dense inflorescence of tiny pink flowers. Flowering occurs in August.

The plant is light-loving and demanding on soil moisture. It grows well and blooms in open areas and in partial shade. With a lot of shading, it may stop blooming. The fruits of the red meadowsweet, painted in raspberry color, are also decorative.

There are varieties with white, dark pink flowers, and undersized variety 30 cm tall.

Meadowsweet ordinary or six-petal

AT vivo found in the forest-steppe zone. The common meadowsweet grows in the steppes and meadows.

Plant 100 cm tall. Flowering stems have a basal rosette of leaves pinnately dissected into small slices. The stem foliage is similar, but smaller. Dark root tubers form on the roots. The flowers of the meadowsweet are large, cream or white, pink in buds.

Flowering occurs in May, 25 days. The six-petal meadowsweet does not lose its decorative effect even after its flowering. Meadowsweet - unpretentious plant, undemanding to moisture, grows well in open areas.

The six-petaled meadowsweet has the following forms: terry - a bush with dissected segments, which is a rarity in our country; large-flowered - with creamy yellow flowers.

Planting a meadowsweet: planting a meadowsweet is carried out in the fall no more than 5 cm to a depth. Rhizomes are placed horizontally. Labazniks are unpretentious. Prefer light loamy, fertile soils. No need to re-moisten the soil during the period autumn planting. Good watering they need in the summer. The soil should not be dry.

Care must be taken to monitor the plants planted on open space. Insufficient watering can lead to wilting of inflorescences and leaves.

Flowering shoots need to be cut in July, after flowering.

All meadowsweet are winter-hardy in Russia in the middle lane and do not require preparation for winter.

Reproduction of the meadowsweet

The meadowsweet propagates by seeds and vegetatively. For vegetative propagation rhizomes are cut into small pieces 5 cm long. They are planted in the soil or kept in a cool place in winter, in sawdust or in wet sand.

meadowsweet or meadowsweet

I happened to hear such words from my grandmother-herbalist: "Meadowsweet cures 40 diseases." There is a belief that the meadowsweet was called the meadowsweet by hunters because it served them as a shelter - a storehouse - to track down ducks. Meadowsweet meadowsweet has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times. It blooms for quite a long time from June to the end of July, at this time the tops-panicles with a small amount of leaves were torn off. In the villages and now in many bathhouses you will see twigs made from dry meadowsweet grass.

The meadowsweet flowers exude the most delicate aroma of honey, vanilla, almonds. From the end of June to the end of July, industrious bees buzz over the white fluffy panicles of meadowsweet flowers. The flower consists of small white or light cream five petals.

It is necessary to pay attention to how to recognize meadowsweet, because it differs from other species - for example, six-petal meadowsweet has spherical thickenings on the rhizomes (hence the name: meadowsweet peanuts). It's two different types meadowsweet. And they also differ in their effect on the body. Meadowsweet vyazolistny - perennial herbaceous plant up to 2 meters high. The stem is ribbed, the leaves are alternate pinnately compound, large, dark green above, and white-tomentose below. Slices of each leaf are ovate-lanceolate, sharp, serrated along the edge. The fruit is a composite achene, consisting of spirally twisted achenes. Creeping rhizome. In the meadowsweet, it is without thickenings.

Where can you find meadowsweet? It can be found along the banks of rivers, in swampy and water meadows, in grassy swamps in forests, in wetlands middle lane Russia, Altai, Urals, Far East.

Grass meadowsweet contains essential oils, glycosides gaulterin, spirein, heliotropin, vanillin, terpein, tannins, vitamin C, wax,

fats. The flowers contain essential oil, the phenolic glycoside spirein, and the rhizome contains gaulterin glycoside, which, upon hydrolysis, is cleaved to form

irritant methyl ester of salicylic acid (methyl salicylate).

In our folk medicine, meadowsweet is used as:

  1. astringent for diarrhea
  2. sweatshop,
  3. diuretic,
  4. choleretic,
  5. restorative,
  6. stimulating immunity,
  7. soothing
  8. anti-sclerotic,
  9. antiscorbutic,
  10. anti-inflammatory,
  11. painkiller,
  12. bactericidal,
  13. antiseptic agent.

This herb is the most natural healer!

Meadowsweet seed tincture vyazolistny in folk medicine is used for rehabilitation treatment after a stroke.

Composition and preparation: 2 teaspoons of meadowsweet seeds pour 1/2 cup of vodka, let it brew for 14 days in a dark, cool place. Shake daily. Strain. Take 1 dessert spoon in water 3 times daily with meals. The course is 21 days, then a break of at least 7 days.

In folk medicine, meadowsweet is widely used apply when:

  • pyelonephritis,
  • cystitis,
  • with edema,
  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • colds, flu, herpes,
  • shingles,
  • in gynecology in the treatment of infertility, endometriosis, erosion, thrush (in the form of douching)

Cooking meadowsweet water infusion ( it is suitable both inside and for douching): 4 teaspoons of meadowsweet grass are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day orally.

The well-known Bulgarian pharmacologist V. Petkov spoke very well about the medicinal properties of meadowsweet, he recommended an aqueous infusion of meadowsweet for gout and edema. In Russia, V. I. Dubin was engaged in meadowsweet. He recommended the use of meadowsweet for shingles, herpes, influenza, acute respiratory infections, in the complex treatment of viral hepatitis and pancreatitis.

In the folk medicine of Siberia and now, the infusion of meadowsweet grass with flowers is used for heart disease, tachycardia, dyspnea, as well as migraine and headache in in the form of tea: 1 tablespoon of meadowsweet flowers and leaves per 0.5 liter of boiling water, let it brew, drink like tea.

The optimal dose of meadowsweet per day is 3 grams of chopped dry grass with flowers.

The meadowsweet is used as antitoxic agent up to the treatment of alcohol poisoning, as well as snake bites.

Used in these cases rich infusion of flowers: 2 teaspoons of dried flowers pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and take 2 tablespoons 6 times a day.

Outwardly, the same infusion of meadowsweet grass is used for the treatment of wounds, pustules, acne, boils, psoriasis, as well as for the treatment of burns, Moreover to improve hair growth, in the form of enemas for hemorrhoids, in the form of douches for gynecological diseases.

AT tsarist Russia zemstvo doctors successfully treated rheumatism of the joints meadowsweet. At the same time, an infusion of herbs with flowers was used inside and an ointment from meadowsweet flowers on interior lard or badger lard was rubbed into the affected joints.

Cooking ointments : an ointment is prepared at the rate of 1 part of well-ground meadowsweet flowers and 5 parts of the fatty base. Pre-melt the fat, mix thoroughly with the powder from meadowsweet flowers.

In this case, meadowsweet flowers should be ground into a fine powder and ground with an equal part of fat or vaseline. Get an ointment.

Oil from grass and meadowsweet flowers, cooked at home, used in folk medicine to reduce temperature, relieve migraine and headaches, for the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatic pain, for joint and muscle pain, for the treatment of colds.

Preparation of meadowsweet oil at home: 50 grams of chopped meadowsweet herb, pour olive or sunflower oil so as to cover all the grass, mix. insist in dark place 14 days. Strain. At the beginning, you can heat it in a water bath, but do not boil.

How to use meadowsweet oil:

  • rub into the sore spot
  • massage with meadowsweet oil,
  • add to shower gel or bath foam,
  • apply to the aroma lamp for colds.

Contraindications for taking meadowsweet are:

  • individual intolerance,
  • intestinal atony, tendency to constipation,
  • hypotension, low blood pressure,
  • low platelets,
  • pregnancy.

For medicinal purposes, collect grass with flowers during flowering. dried in dark room. Shelf life 3 years.

Meadowsweet six-petal - you need to be able to distinguish

Meadowsweet in nature, there are about 15 species. In Russia, the most common meadowsweet is the elm-leaved meadowsweet, the six-petal meadowsweet (groundnuts), the common meadowsweet, the palm-shaped meadowsweet, and the Kamchatka meadowsweet. In folk medicine, meadowsweet and six-petal meadowsweet are widely used.

Meadowsweet six-petal grows in meadows, forest edges, glades in central Russia, in Altai, in the Urals, in the Far East. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, 30-80 cm high, with an oblique rhizome, its roots are thin, with tuberous, fusiform or almost spherical thickenings. Hence the name - peanuts. Stem erect, ribbed, almost leafless at the top. Radical leaves are larger, interrupted-pinnately compound, with numerous up to 20 pairs of deep serrated lobules, between which are smaller leaflets, stem leaves are smaller with fewer lobules. The leaves are green on both sides, glabrous above, slightly hairy below along the veins. The flowers are regular, white-pink, small, collected at the top of the stem in a fluffy panicle. The aroma of flowers is pleasant, fragrant, honey-almond.

The fruit is a cumulus achene. Blooms in June.

Unlike meadowsweet meadowsweet six-petal grows on dry light forest edges and clearings.

Chemical composition nodules of "peanuts" contains up to 36% tannins. They have an antioxidant, anti-cancer effect, astringent effect (for diarrhea), hemostatic effect.

The leaves contain gaulterin glycoside, which is hydrolyzed with the release of salicylic aldehyde. This causes anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous action. A small amount of ascorbic acid was found in the leaves. Found flavonoids, phenol compounds, phenylcarboxylic acids, catechins, essential oils, glycosides, fatty acids, wax. The chemical composition and explains the application.

Previously, the rhizome with roots was used in scientific medicine as part of the Zdrenko collection.

In folk medicine, the herb is used as hemostatic (unlike meadowsweet), antihemorrhoidal, astringent, as well as pain in the stomach, and nodules in the complex treatment of leukemia and blood diseases, for immunostimulation in oncology.

Grass is harvested during flowering. Shelf life 3 years.

The rhizome with roots is dug out when the snow melts (March, April) or in September-October. Rhizome and roots quickly, thoroughly rinse, cut into thin strips. Dry in a well-ventilated area or outdoors under a canopy. The finished raw material is:

rhizomes - whole or cut, uneven, tuberculate, up to 10 cm long, up to 1.5 cm thick, dark brown, pinkish in a break;

the roots are thin, cylindrical with thickenings in the middle part, longitudinally wrinkled, up to 15 cm long. The smell is characteristic, the taste is bitter-astringent.

A decoction of the roots of meadowsweet six-petalled in folk medicine is used in oncology of various localization, as well as in blood diseases, leukemia.

Decoction recipe: Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed roots into enamelware 1 cup boiling water, cook in a water bath for 35 minutes, let it brew. Strain.

pharmacist-herbalist Sorokina Vera Vladimirovna

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Pink family. In nature, it grows in temperate climate, meadowsweet can be found in meadows, banks of rivers or lakes. It is harvested during the flowering period, dried and used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions. The meadowsweet plant can also be grown at home - it has a long and abundant flowering.

plant description

Meadowsweet brings together more than 16 varieties, of which 4 are used in folk medicine. it perennials, which have a straight strong stem and leaves different shapes- they differ depending on the species. Grass meadowsweet in nature reproduces by seeds, grows rapidly and forms thickets. Bushes can reach 80 to 150 cm in height. Flowers form inflorescences, painted in white or bright shades, appear in late spring and early summer.

Types of meadowsweet and their use

The meadowsweet is grown as an ornamental plant, to decorate the garden or flower beds. For medicinal purposes, only 4 varieties are suitable: elm-leaved, six-petal, Kamchatka and palm-shaped. Varieties of this grass are easily distinguished by the shape of the leaves, the size and color of the flowers.

Meadowsweet six-petal (common)

Meadowsweet ordinary is one of the most beneficial species. mature plant does not exceed 60-80 cm in height, while it has a developed rhizome with tubers. It can be found in well-lit areas: in meadows and roadsides, and grass can also grow on forest edges. Flowers form paniculate inflorescences with a white tint and a pronounced smell.

This type of meadowsweet is used in medicinal purposes. From its root, leaves and dried flowers, infusions and decoctions are prepared. Such funds help with various pathologies:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (meadowsweet has a diuretic effect);
  • arthritis, arthrosis, joint pain of various origins;
  • rhizome decoction - for washing wounds, from bites of poisonous animals and insects.

Meadowsweet ordinary is a rather rare species. However, it has the most pronounced medicinal properties and has found application, including in official medicine.


Elm-leaved meadowsweet is the most common variety. It is a high herbaceous plant, it can reach up to 150 cm. Its habitat in natural conditions is forest thickets, shores of swamps and reservoirs. This species is also used in folk medicine and is part of the official preparations. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for a number of diseases:

  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels, especially hypertension;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • dermatological problems, including burns, ulcers, diaper rash and dermatitis of any origin;
  • any inflammatory pathologies of internal organs;
  • cold appearances.

According to the photo, the meadowsweet is easy to distinguish from the ordinary. This plant is larger, has a straight strong stem and feathery leaves. The inflorescences are white, but they are larger and more lush.

Meadowsweet elegans

The elegans meadowsweet variety is distinguished by bright decorative inflorescences, painted in a purple hue. These are bushes of medium height (50-100 cm) with original palmate leaves. They grow quickly, so they can be used to create flower arrays or Meadowsweet can be added to bouquets, but more often it is planted in open ground.

This variety is popular for home breeding for several reasons:

  • unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention - plants tolerate temperature extremes well and adapt to weather conditions;
  • flowering duration - the period lasts throughout the summer;
  • ability to endure winter open field without shelter.

Photos of the meadowsweet elegans will be different. The shades of flowers vary from soft pink to bright crimson, the height of the plant also differs. It depends not only on growing conditions, but also on the method of reproduction - individuals grown from seeds are smaller and weaker.

Plena variety

Meadowsweet Captivity - these are low ornamental plants, which can reach up to 40 cm. They are popular in landscape design due to their spectacular appearance and carelessness. This variety adapts well both in the shade of trees or taller shrubs, and on open area. It is popular for decorating flower beds, creating lush flower arrays and low decorative borders.

In late May or early June, flower stalks up to 15 cm long appear on each bush. They are lush white inflorescences, which consist of flowers about 1 cm in diameter. The flowering period lasts at least a month.

Meadowsweet red Venusta

Meadowsweet Venusta is one of the largest varieties. Adult bushes can reach up to 2.5 m in height, they are distinguished by a particularly strong stem and a developed rhizome. Flowers are collected in lush inflorescences, acquire coloring various shades pink. Meadowsweet begins to bloom in early summer, but retains decorative look until the first frost due to the unusual shape of the leaves. They are large, five- or seven-bladed.

Red meadowsweet is wild plant. It can be found everywhere: in the forest-steppe zone, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. In landscape design, these flowers are popular for creating hedges, landscaping adjoining areas and recreation areas.

Bushes can be planted both in open areas and in the shade of trees and in mixed landings with more large plants. However, severe darkening can lead to loss of flowering.

Growing at home

Meadowsweet can be found in natural conditions. For medicinal purposes, it is collected during the flowering period, and it is also sold in pharmacies in dried, crushed form. At home, decorative varieties are often grown. They take root quickly, do not require daily care and shelter during the cold season.

There are two ways to propagate meadowsweet: seeds and division. The first method is simpler, it is enough to collect the seeds and plant them in late autumn. They need stratification (to endure the winter temperature drop), so spring planting not suitable for them. More reliable way- This is a cutting. For planting, rhizome sections or shoots with 2-3 vegetative buds are suitable. It is enough just to place them in the ground at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The procedure is carried out in September or April.

Meadowsweet is an unpretentious plant. It can thrive and bloom in shade or full sun, and can even tolerate brief periods of drought. However, there are a few rules that will help you achieve the fastest growth and lush flowering bushes:

  • maintain constant soil moisture in the flower bed;
  • periodically loosen the ground;
  • weeds are removed for decorative purposes - the meadowsweet quickly displaces foreign crops;
  • bushes can be transplanted at least 1 time in 5 years;
  • Neutral or slightly acid soils work best.

The meadowsweet has one feature - its rhizome grows upwards. If you do not periodically add new soil under the bush, it may be under the open sun.

Photos of the meadowsweet, planting and caring for which will not be difficult even for beginners, will be different. Due to the wide variety of varieties, you can choose between lower or taller varieties with flowers in different shades. These plants are more suitable for outdoor cultivation and landscaping, but they can also be grown under the cut. In bouquets, they are in harmony with other flowers, complement pastel colors and dilute brighter shades.

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is more than 15 varieties of wild herbs. They are used for decorative and medicinal purposes, collected in natural conditions or grown at home. Plants look impressive thanks to large bright inflorescences and leaves. unusual shape. it custom solution for decorating flower beds, lawns or prefabricated bouquets.

Meadowsweet in the garden - video

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