How sunflower oil is produced. How it's done, how it works, how it works

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Before reaching its consumers, sunflower oil passes difficult process production. This culture is one of the most widespread, so business in this industry is booming fast. The market for this product is unlimited and its production is non-waste.
The quality of the oil directly depends on the crop, which, after harvesting, goes into processing, as well as on the conditions of its storage.

The most important characteristics for a seed are its moisture content, ripening period and oil content. The higher it is, the more oil is obtained at the output. Also, the seeds that come for processing should be cleaned as best as possible, the content of garbage is allowed no more than 1%.

Seeds undergo additional cleaning, drying and separation of the peel from the core. After that, grinding takes place and the output is mint or pulp.
Vegetable oil is produced using two methods - pressing and extraction. The first method is the most environmentally friendly, but the output is less raw material.

What is the squeeze method? First, the pulp is heated in ovens at a temperature of 100-110 ° C, while stirring and moistening. After that, it is sent to special units, the so-called screw presses, where, in fact, the oil is pressed. After this method, the taste of oil is similar to roasted seeds. You can get oil by cold pressing, without the use of furnaces. It is more useful and contains more beneficial vitamins and minerals. But the risk of getting into such a product of agrochemistry increases. Sunflower oil, which is obtained by pressing, has a characteristic smell and taste; it is settled and filtered before bottling. The cake that remains after pressing is fed to livestock.

The extraction method implies the use in production organic solvents and takes place in specialized units - extractors. After this process, a micelle comes out, it is a solution of oil in a solvent. Meal also remains, which is a solid, fat-free waste. The solvent from the resulting products is distilled off using a distiller and a screw evaporator. The final product is subjected to further processing.

Refined sunflower oil, which almost does not smell, has a pale yellow color and has a very weak taste, mainly gets on store shelves. After all stages of its production, only essential fatty acids remain in it.

There are several stages of its production.
The first, which results in unrefined oil, getting rid of various impurities. The second is processing by some volume hot water, not higher than 70 °C, after which the product becomes transparent.
In the third step, free fatty acids are removed from the oil. Bleaching takes place in the fourth stage, after which it loses odors and a refined deodorized oil is obtained. And finally, it is frozen to rid it of wax, and margarines, mayonnaises, and so on are made from such raw materials.

The whole process of manufacturing sunflower oil in our time is fully automated. To start it, you need to draw up a competent business plan and not miss a single important detail.

Video - how sunflower oil is produced at the plant:

One of the best buys to get started own business is a mini oil production plant, because the demand for products is constant. If we consider the diversity of plant species, the most popular is sunflower oil. Therefore, it is important to consider the features of its production.

The essence of the production process

Thinking through all the details production cycle it is necessary to decide what type of sunflower oil - unrefined, refined will be produced. They differ in the degree of purification.

The cycle for the production of refined oil is more labor-intensive, as it includes chemical-technological methods for cleaning, which allows you to remove unwanted odors and extraneous tastes. If the goal is an unrefined type, then the process stops at the mechanical filtration phase, and the product retains the specific taste and rather expressive smell of natural vegetable oil.

How sunflower oil is produced

A novice businessman should take into account that despite the lower costs, the profit from the sale of unrefined oil is reduced, since its cost is lower, and demand is less.

The technological chain for the production of vegetable oil is quite branched, on average it consists of the following steps:

If sunflower oil is produced from a line of unrefined varieties, then there will be no refining operation in the cycle. Sometimes the heat treatment stage is eliminated in order to save on the purchase of equipment.

Heat treatment if available full cycle before pressing, it involves heating the raw materials in braziers. Optimum temperature for this operation is set in the range from 100 to 110°C.

The completeness of the subsequent extraction in the presses depends on a number of indicators - viscosity, pressure, density. The next stage involves filtration (settling, centrifugation), the purpose of which is to remove mechanical impurities. After this operation, unrefined oil is obtained, which can be sold.

Refining involves the passage of several stages:

  1. To remove phosphatides and make the oil clear, it is treated with hot (65-70°C) water (hydration process).
  1. A neutralization procedure can be carried out, in which the preheated oil is exposed to alkali. As a result of the reaction, free fatty acids are removed.

Classic continuous refining process Oil after these stages is called refined not deodorized. Deodorization completely removes pigments, volatile compounds, giving the resulting deodorized refined oil a light straw color.

Differences between a mini-factory and large enterprises

planning own production high-quality vegetable oil, you should pay attention to ready-made mini-factories, which have a number of advantages, unlike large enterprises.

  • Compactness. Mini plants do not require large areas, therefore, a novice entrepreneur does not need to spend significant funds if the premises are rented or specially built.
  • Mobility. If necessary, there are no difficulties when moving a mini-factory focused on the production of sunflower oil to another location.
  • Profitability. Significant savings observed at different points - the acquisition of equipment, wage, since a small number of people serve the production lines.
  • Efficiency. In a small business, changes can be quickly made to technological process in accordance with modern requirements.

Necessary equipment

If the decision on what type of vegetable oil will be produced has already been made, then the range of equipment offered by different manufacturers should be analyzed. It can be a household unit of small power or a high-performance mini-factory. The choice depends on the expected performance.

When planning to receive 30 tons or more per day, you need to purchase a fully equipped production line including both extraction and refining of sunflower oil. Having decided to receive no more than 10 tons per day, it is advisable to buy the right equipment separately:

  • a separator designed for cleaning seeds;
  • crushing and winding aggregate;
  • roller machine;
  • spinning machine;
  • brazier;
  • filters - 2-3 pieces needed to extract the oil;
  • apparatus for refining;
  • filling machine.

On the initial stage of becoming, you can not purchase a brazier by including it in perspective plan to expand production.

The main and important step in preparing for the start of activity is obtaining all permits, since serious requirements are imposed on food production. The premises are equipped in accordance with sanitary standards with water supply and sewerage. Regulatory indications for illumination must be observed, as well as the necessary measures for fire safety.

The area of ​​​​the room where the mini-factory will be installed is calculated based on the need to provide about 40 square meters. meters per ton of raw materials that are planned to be processed during the day. Be sure to provide for spacious warehouses focused on storing the production stock of raw materials, which should be enough for at least a month of operation of the mini-factory. Considering that during storage sunflower seed crumbles in a low layer, then the storage facilities should be spacious enough, almost twice the area production shop.

A place will be required for storing meal and husks - production waste remaining in the process of making vegetable oil. On warm days, they can be under a canopy. For year-round operation, you will need separate room for these purposes. The number of maintenance personnel depends on the degree of automation of the mini-factory. If the productivity is low, and all operations are performed according to a given program, then one or two people are enough.

Business plan

Starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to carry out serious marketing activities in advance in order to identify regular consumers of a certain type of sunflower oil. It is used not only as a food product and sold by retail outlets, but also serves as a raw material in different areas– cosmetic, paint and varnish, soap-making, medical industry.

One of the advantages of obtaining vegetable oil is wastelessness. During the hulling of the seeds, the husk is separated. If the oil is obtained by the extraction method, then meal is formed, and when using the pressing method, cake remains. All these types of waste find their consumer. Meal and cake serve as valuable feed. Husk - seed husk serves organic fertilizer, is a raw material for the manufacture of heat and sound insulation boards, as well as granulated fuel.

cost, payback

An important section of the business plan is the calculation of the projected profit, for which the upcoming costs of obtaining vegetable oil on the mini-factory line, designed for 5 tons / day, and possible profits are calculated.

Approximate capital expenditures (thousand rubles):

Total: 2350 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly operating expenses (thousand rubles):

  • rent of premises (at least 500 sq. meters) - 100;
  • wages (based on three people) - 60;
  • taxes - 70;
  • purchase of raw materials for the production of sunflower oil - 708;
  • advertising, utility bills, transportation costs - 100.

Total: cost finished products will amount to 1038 thousand rubles.

Income is determined based on the operation of equipment in one shift daily. Monthly output will be:

5 t/day: 3 shifts ∙ 30 days = 50 t.

Sunflower oil is sold at an average of 40 rubles per kilogram. So the income will be:

40 ∙ 50000 = 2000000 = 2000 thousand rubles.

Profit will be equal to:

2000 - 1038 = 962 thousand rubles.

The payback of capital costs is:

2350 / 962 ≈ 2.5 months.

Video: Why cold pressed oil is better

Do you know that Russia is one of the world leaders not only in oil production, but also in the production of sunflower oil? I was also surprised to find out. To find out how such a necessary product in cooking is extracted from seeds, I went to Voronezh, to one of the largest Russian factories for the production of sunflower oil.

Before the main story, we learn about the history of sunflower oil.
As Wikipedia says, the evolution of the sunflower is like cultivated plant happened in Russian Empire, and industrial production associated with the name of Daniil Bokarev. In 1829, he invented a method for extracting oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in 1833, in the settlement of Alekseevka, Voronezh province (now the Belgorod region), the merchant Papushin, with the assistance of Bokarev, built the first oil mill in Russia. In 1834, Bokarev opened his own oil mill. In 1835, the export of butter abroad began. By 1860 there were about 160 oil mills in Alekseevka.

Plants for the production of sunflower oil are built in the immediate vicinity of the place where sunflower grows, that is, mainly in the black earth or in the southern regions of Russia. This is done not only to make it convenient to transport the seeds to the plant, but also to economic reasons- sunflower seeds weigh very little compared to the final product, and it is not advisable to carry them over long distances.

The plant that produces the well-known brand of sunflower oil "Oleina" in Russia was built not so long ago, in 2008. However, in a short time the company has taken a leading position among the producers of sunflower oil.

And we will probably go to the production and find out how sunflower oil is still made.

Everything starts here. In front of the entrance to the plant there is such a house with a canopy. This is the laboratory where the seed truck pulls up. Here the quality of incoming seeds to the plant is determined (weediness, moisture content, oil content, infestation with pests, etc.). If the seeds do not meet the requirements, they are taken back to the producer. There are dozens of such trucks with trailers in front of the entrance to the plant.

Then the seed truck is weighed.

Then you need to unload the seeds. This happens as follows - the truck drives onto a special lift, where it is fixed with chains, then it rises at an angle, and the seeds are unloaded into a special container. From there, they are sent along conveyor belts to be cleaned of litter and, if necessary, to a dryer for drying. And already the seeds can be transferred for storage in silos (storage facilities).

Huge cylindrical containers in the photo are the same storage facilities. Here the seeds are stored at a certain temperature. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield.

There are many different containers on the territory of the plant. Some are for storing seeds, others are for storing processed raw materials - cake, meal. What is it I will tell further.

By the way, it looks like this.

The plant has its own railway line. From here, processed raw materials (oil, meal) go to various regions.

But back to production. Seeds ready for processing are transported by conveyor belts to the first stage of production.

In the seed processing workshop, the seeds are crushed (destruction of the peel) and separated from the kernel

Caving occurs in these devices. Via centrifugal force the seeds are broken on the whips, resulting in a rushanka (kernel and husk). Then the kernels are separated from the husk and each part goes its own way for further processing.


The kernel is sent for moisture-thermal treatment to the braziers, where, heated up to 90C, it is prepared for oil extraction in presses. At this stage, pressing oil is obtained, which, after filtration, is sent for temporary storage, and the resulting solid and still oilseed cake is transferred to the next stage.

The characteristic taste of oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of roasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the oxidation products that form during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is the preservation of most of the useful substances in it: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy, rancid and becomes dangerous to health.

The cake remaining after pressing the oil is transferred to the extraction for a deeper extraction of the oil. or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called pressed, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. Such a product has high taste and nutritional properties.

In the photo, I am holding a piece of cake.

Hipsters are not allowed!

In this building there are devices for refining (cleaning) oil from accompanying organic impurities. Refined oil has practically no color, taste, smell. The cleaning process consists of several stages.

At the first stage, the removal of phosphatides or hydration occurs - treatment with a small amount of hot - up to 70 ° C water. As a result, phospholipids become insoluble in oil and precipitate, after which they are separated on centrifugal separators. , Phospholipids useful material but not stable in oil. During storage, they form a precipitate in the oil and the oil begins to rancid, and when frying in a pan, they burn.

Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw, since hydration removes part of the phosphatides, but it is stored longer. This processing makes vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

In the second stage, the oil is bleached. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of natural origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the oil is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten to oxidize the finished product. After bleaching, the oil becomes light yellow in color.

Tools for maintaining oil filtration apparatus.

After bleaching, the oil is sent to the freezing section. Freezing is the removal of wax from oil. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Wax makes the oil cloudy and thus spoils it. marketable condition. The purification process in this case occurs when the oil is cooled to a temperature of 8-10 C and cellulose (of natural origin) is added, after holding the oil at this temperature and subsequent filtration, the oil is transparent.

Deodorization is the removal of free fatty acids and aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot live steam at high temperatures under high vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances and free fatty acids, which characterize the quality of the oil, are removed. In addition, deodorization removes odorants that give the oil taste and smell, as well as pesticides.

Removal of the above, undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil. Having passed all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal - without color, taste, smell. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils are made from such a product, used for canning, as well as for frying.


After all the circles of purification hell, the oil ends up in these huge containers. Sorry for once again using the word "huge", but the scale of production is such that everything here is huge).

The oil will go to individual customers in a tank.

We learned about the process of oil production and purification, now let's go to the final stage - to the bottling shop.

Seeing this slogan, another sphere of human activity came to my mind, which I will not voice now. What associations do you have?

But before visiting the workshop, you must put on bathrobes, a hat, shoe covers and wash your hands. Virtually all food production such rules.

Remember these rules.

The bottles into which the oil will be poured are made like everyone else plastic bottles from these preforms. For bottles of different capacities, the preforms are different.

They are loaded into this container, it moves the preforms to the blow molding machine, which, when desired temperature blows a bottle out of it.

It happens like this:

This is some simple magic.

And it gets into the next apparatus, where oil is poured. By the way, oil comes here through pipes from the same tanks of 500 and 800 cubic meters.

The bottle is screwed on with a cap and continues on its way.

At the next stage, the bottle is pasted over with a label.

Along the way, the devices detect incorrectly pasted bottles or those that do not meet the requirements - without a cap, etc. They are rejected.

I saw an interesting sign, what it means I do not know. Can someone tell me?

The bottles are then piled up so that the suction cup machine can fill the box in one go.

For transportation, they are folded in several rows and wrapped in polyethylene.

After that, electric cars place a pallet of boxes on a rack, waiting for the oil to travel to stores.
The plant's capacity allows processing 540,000 tons of raw materials and producing over 200 million bottles of sunflower oil per year.

Finally, I will clearly show all the stages of oil production in three pictures.

Now you know how sunflower oil is obtained. I hope you had the strength to read to the end)

Production food products is one of the most profitable and current species business. But, despite this, not all areas of activity in this area bring a good income. The production of sunflower oil in Russia attracts many start-up entrepreneurs, since such products are consumed in our country in huge quantities. How to open such a business, we will talk in this article.

Market analysis and business features

In our country, the production of sunflower oil occupies one of the leading places. It's highly profitable profitable business which anyone can do. Sunflower oil producers in Russia annually produce 7-10 million tons of products. If we translate these figures into money, we get about 90 billion rubles. Approximately half of the volume of production of these products falls on medium and small enterprises.

To open a plant for the production of sunflower oil, you will need a large start-up capital. The necessary knowledge can be acquired during the implementation of the project. The success of such an enterprise largely depends on your perseverance and determination. If you want to open a profitable promising business, sunflower oil production is the most the best way for start-up entrepreneurs.

Business pros and cons

Sunflower oil is an essential product, so there will always be a demand for it, regardless of economic conditions. According to experts, in our country the monthly consumption of this product is 1 liter per person. In addition, dozens of liters of sunflower oil are purchased by enterprises Catering.

In addition, products are exported abroad and used as raw materials in other areas of production:

  • Making oil paint;
  • Production of margarine;
  • Cosmetics manufacturing;
  • Manufacture of certain medicinal products.

Such a wide range of applications allows you to easily sell products in large quantities at a good price. For start-up entrepreneurs, mini sunflower oil production is a win-win business option. Its only drawback is a large investment.

It is also worth noting separately the wastelessness of production. All the remains have found their application in other areas. Husk or meal is used for the production of feed mixtures for animals, since it contains a lot of protein. It is willingly bought by farmers who breed domestic animals.

Collection and execution of documents

To open the production of sunflower oil at home, you do not need to take special permits or licenses. Just register a private entrepreneur and get to work. Since this business is related to food, it should be noted that your company will be periodically inspected by various regulatory authorities, such as the fire department, SES and others. Therefore, it is better to obtain all necessary permits in advance. It is also important that you are registered as an agricultural producer. This will allow you to receive financial relief from the tax office.

Company location

This is the most main question to which you should refer Special attention during the development of a business plan for the production of sunflower oil. For each ton of seeds that the enterprise processes in one shift, 40 square meters will be needed. meters of area. After that, the minimum power of the line should be calculated in order to quickly pay off all initial investments. This is a rather complex issue that requires detailed consideration.

First of all, you will need three warehouses:

  1. For raw materials;
  2. For finished products;
  3. For waste.

In addition, you need to select three more zones in which you will place:

  1. Press shop;
  2. Refinery shop;
  3. Room for bottling and packaging products.

floors in industrial premises must have solid concrete base. The walls and ceiling are whitened with lime. Under the oil plant, which processes 25 tons of raw materials per day, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​3 thousand square meters. meters.


The cost of equipment for the production of sunflower oil ranges from 10-20 thousand dollars. The price largely depends on the performance of the units, their configuration and the manufacturer. If you want to open, you can buy equipment that is manually controlled. For a serious enterprise, you need to purchase an automatic line.

Basically, entrepreneurs use the following equipment:

  • Oil press of the required capacity;
  • Oil filter;
  • Roaster for seeds;
  • Separator.

Most best option for start-up entrepreneurs - a mini-factory. Its productivity is 100 kg/hour. To install such equipment, an area of ​​​​80 square meters is sufficient. meters. Production Line consists of screw press, oil tank, pump, filter and screw conveyor.


Sunflower oil production equipment must be maintained by qualified workers. If you install an automatic line, you will need much less maintenance personnel.

Also, experienced technologists and craftsmen should be hired. In addition, drivers, loaders and cleaners work at such enterprises. At home, the entire production process can be performed by one person.

Sunflower oil production technology

The sunflower oil production process consists of the following steps:

  • Raw materials are cleaned from foreign impurities. Cleaning is carried out in two stages. The first is in a special separator, the second is the separation of seeds from husks. To do this, use special rack-and-roll machines;
  • Grinding seeds with a roller machine;
  • The crushed seeds are sent to the brazier. They are a large boiler that is heated by gas burners;
  • Oil is squeezed out of the cleaned and processed kernels using a screw press;
  • The finished oil is defended, cooled and filtered to remove impurities;
  • Bottling.


Before starting the project, you should carefully calculate all the costs:
  1. Room rental - 100 thousand rubles;
  2. Equipment - 2 million rubles;
  3. Salary for workers - 200 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of an enterprise - 10-20 thousand rubles.

If you have nowhere to take such a large amount to open a small factory, pay attention to. Choose an inexpensive butter churn, install it in a garage or any other utility room and get to work.

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It is rather difficult to determine the profitability of this business, since it depends on the moisture and oil content of raw materials, seasonality and sunflower oil production technology. An average enterprise processes about 50 tons of raw materials per day. On average, the oil content of sunflower reaches 45%, while 5% is spent on technological losses and waste.

Husk (seed coat) is 20% of total weight. Accordingly, 16 tons of oil are obtained from 50 tons of raw materials. The remaining 24 tons are meal and 10 tons are husks. If you convert tons to liters, you get 17.4 thousand liters. To date, the wholesale price of sunflower oil from the manufacturer is 35 rubles per 1 liter. Husk can be sold at 900 rubles per ton, and meal at 1.5 thousand rubles per ton. The total gross income of the enterprise will be approximately 725 thousand rubles.

A ton of oilseed sunflower costs 12,000 rubles. For one working day, it is necessary to purchase raw materials for 600 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the enterprise will bring a net profit of 125 thousand rubles. The profitability of such a business is 20%.

If the churn works in one shift for 24 working days, the monthly income will be 3 million rubles. With the deduction of all expenses, approximately 2 million rubles will remain.

Sales of finished products

As mentioned above, sunflower oil is a sought-after product, with the sale of which usually there are no problems. As a rule, sunflower oil wholesale from the manufacturer is purchased by supermarkets, shops, catering establishments and intermediaries.

The most important thing is to adhere to the high quality of products. Only in this case you will be able to find reliable sales markets and ensure high profitability of your enterprise.

Do you know that Russia is one of the world leaders not only in oil production, but also in the production of sunflower oil? I was also surprised to find out. To find out how such a necessary product in cooking is extracted from seeds, I went to Voronezh, to one of the largest Russian factories for the production of sunflower oil.

Today in a special report for a story about how sunflower gold is squeezed out of seeds.

Before the main story, we learn about the history of sunflower oil.
According to Wikipedia, the evolution of the sunflower as a cultivated plant took place in the Russian Empire, and industrial production is associated with the name of Daniil Bokarev. In 1829, he invented a method for extracting oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in 1833, in the settlement of Alekseevka, Voronezh province (now the Belgorod region), the merchant Papushin, with the assistance of Bokarev, built the first oil mill in Russia. In 1834, Bokarev opened his own oil mill. In 1835, the export of butter abroad began. By 1860 there were about 160 oil mills in Alekseevka.

Plants for the production of sunflower oil are built in the immediate vicinity of the place where sunflower grows, that is, mainly in the black earth or in the southern regions of Russia. This is done not only to make it convenient to transport seeds to the plant, but also for economic reasons - sunflower seeds weigh very little compared to the final product, and it is not advisable to carry them over long distances.

The plant that produces the well-known brand of sunflower oil "Oleina" in Russia was built not so long ago, in 2008. However, in a short time the company has taken a leading position among the producers of sunflower oil.

And we will probably go to the production and find out how sunflower oil is still made.

Everything starts here. In front of the entrance to the plant there is such a house with a canopy. This is the laboratory where the seed truck pulls up. Here the quality of incoming seeds to the plant is determined (weediness, moisture content, oil content, infestation with pests, etc.). If the seeds do not meet the requirements, they are taken back to the producer. There are dozens of such trucks with trailers in front of the entrance to the plant.

Then the seed truck is weighed.

Then you need to unload the seeds. This happens as follows - the truck drives onto a special lift, where it is fixed with chains, then it rises at an angle, and the seeds are unloaded into a special container. From there, they are sent along conveyor belts to be cleaned of litter and, if necessary, to a dryer for drying. And already the seeds can be transferred for storage in silos (storage facilities).

Huge cylindrical containers in the photo are the same storage facilities. Here the seeds are stored at a certain temperature. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield.

There are many different containers on the territory of the plant. Some are for storing seeds, others are for storing processed raw materials - cake, meal. What is it I will tell further.

By the way, it looks like this.

Move on. Traffic on the territory of the plant is organized more strictly than in the traffic rules: there are prohibition signs everywhere, and pedestrians are allowed to walk on the territory of the plant only along a dedicated lane.

The plant has its own railway line. From here, processed raw materials (oil, meal) go to various regions.

But back to production. Seeds ready for processing are transported by conveyor belts to the first stage of production.

In the seed processing workshop, the seeds are crushed (destruction of the peel) and separated from the kernel

Caving occurs in these devices. With the help of centrifugal force, the seeds are broken against the whips, resulting in a rushanka (kernel and husk). Then the kernels are separated from the husk and each part goes its own way for further processing.


The kernel is sent for moisture-thermal treatment to the braziers, where, heated up to 90C, it is prepared for oil extraction in presses. At this stage, pressing oil is obtained, which, after filtration, is sent for temporary storage, and the resulting solid and still oilseed cake is transferred to the next stage.

The characteristic taste of oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of roasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the oxidation products that form during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is the preservation of most of the useful substances in it: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, quickly becomes cloudy, rancid and becomes dangerous to health.

The cake remaining after pressing the oil is transferred to the extraction for a deeper extraction of the oil. or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called pressed, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. Such a product has high taste and nutritional properties.

In the photo, I am holding a piece of cake.

Hipsters are not allowed!

In this building there are devices for refining (cleaning) oil from accompanying organic impurities. Refined oil has practically no color, taste, smell. The cleaning process consists of several stages.

At the first stage, the removal of phosphatides or hydration occurs - treatment with a small amount of hot - up to 70 ° C water. As a result, phospholipids become insoluble in oil and precipitate, after which they are separated on centrifugal separators. , Phospholipids are useful substances, but are not stable in oil. During storage, they form a precipitate in the oil and the oil begins to rancid, and when frying in a pan, they burn.

Refined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since hydration removes part of the phosphatides, but it is stored longer. Such processing makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

In the second stage, the oil is bleached. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of natural origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the oil is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten to oxidize the finished product. After bleaching, the oil becomes light yellow in color.

Tools for maintaining oil filtration apparatus.

After bleaching, the oil is sent to the freezing section. Freezing is the removal of wax from oil. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection from natural factors. Wax makes the oil cloudy and thereby spoils its presentation. The purification process in this case occurs when the oil is cooled to a temperature of 8-10 C and cellulose (of natural origin) is added, after holding the oil at this temperature and subsequent filtration, the oil is transparent.

Deodorization - the removal of free fatty acids and aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot live steam at high temperatures under high vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances and free fatty acids, which characterize the quality of the oil, are removed. In addition, deodorization removes odorants that give the oil taste and smell, as well as pesticides.

Removal of the above, undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil. Having passed all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal - without color, taste, smell. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils are made from such a product, used for canning, as well as for frying.


After all the circles of purification hell, the oil ends up in these huge containers. Sorry for once again using the word "huge", but the scale of production is such that everything here is huge).

The oil will go to individual customers in a tank.

We learned about the process of oil production and purification, now let's go to the final stage - to the bottling shop.

Seeing this slogan, another sphere of human activity came to my mind, which I will not voice now. What associations do you have?

But before visiting the workshop, you must put on bathrobes, a hat, shoe covers and wash your hands. Almost all food industries have such rules.

Remember these rules.

The bottles into which the oil will be poured are made like all plastic bottles from such preforms. For bottles of different capacities, the preforms are different.

They are loaded into this container, it moves the preforms to the blow molding machine, which at the right temperature blows the bottle out of it.

It happens like this:


This is some simple magic.

And it gets into the next apparatus, where oil is poured. By the way, oil comes here through pipes from the same tanks of 500 and 800 cubic meters.

The bottle is screwed on with a cap and continues on its way.


At the next stage, the bottle is pasted over with a label.


Along the way, the devices detect incorrectly pasted bottles or those that do not meet the requirements - without a cap, etc. They are rejected.


I saw an interesting sign, what it means I do not know. Can someone tell me?

The bottles are then piled up so that the suction cup machine can fill the box in one go.

For transportation, they are folded in several rows and wrapped in polyethylene.

After that, electric cars place a pallet of boxes on a rack, waiting for the oil to travel to stores.
The plant's capacity allows processing 540,000 tons of raw materials and producing over 200 million bottles of sunflower oil per year.

Finally, I will clearly show all the stages of oil production in three pictures.




Now you know how sunflower oil is obtained. I hope you had the strength to read to the end)

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