When can you plant raspberries in autumn Kemerovo. Care after planting in the fall

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Raspberry is a fairly "plastic" plant and can successfully reproduce both in spring and autumn. Even during the summer, it can be planted if the growing season took place with a closed root system. But how to plant raspberries in the fall, and what is the priority of autumn planting, you will now find out. Let's say a few words about the remontant form and other aspects of raspberry cultivation.

Autumn planting priority

The term for planting raspberry bushes depends on their cultivar, but the vast majority of species tolerate this procedure perfectly in the fall. Here are a few more different arguments in favor of the fact that planting raspberries in the fall is more appropriate:

  1. after fruiting, the culture prepares for overwintering and strengthens the rhizome;
  2. by the autumn period, it is possible to prepare a greater number of own-rooted cuttings;
  3. in spring, the plant directs its forces to the growth of shoots, and an underdeveloped root is not able to provide the ground part with the necessary substances;
  4. autumn is characterized by a more established climate, and 80% of air humidity has a beneficial effect on survival;
  5. more likely to prepare in 1.5–2 months seat, the time for the procedure itself has been increased (from mid-August to early October).

Raspberry transplantation in the fall goes well in the southern regions and in central Russia. In the spring, it is recommended to plant a crop in the northern regions due to the rapid onset of cold weather. After all, any plant needs time and heat to root. You can plant raspberries at any time from mid-August until frost, or rather, 20 days before their onset. This time is quite enough for the rooting of the seedling. We choose a cloudy or rainy day, and boldly plant the fruited branches with roots. When planting raspberries in the fall, two distinguishing factors will tell you:

  1. lack of berries on the branches;
  2. formed buds in the leaf growth zone;
  3. foliage yellowness.

If you bought planting material or stocked up your seedlings, but circumstances have changed and you could not plant, then we make a drop. Such storage will save the roots of the shoots from drying out and keep them alive until spring planting. We dig a hole 50-60 cm deep with a slope and put an armful of shoots into it. We place the roots in the middle of the hole, and put the branches on the slope. We fall asleep on top of the earth and water it. Next, we build a small mound of earth for insulation, and cover it with spruce branches or dry leaves on top and leave it until spring.

Choosing planting material

Transplanting raspberries in the fall should be accompanied by a competent choice of seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing not thick branches with large quantity buds (10 or more), and medium thickness and even thin shoots with 3-4 buds. If the branches are long, then they are cut to 35 cm from the root collar. The root system should be fibrous and well developed. Mature stems should not exceed three pieces on one bush. Planting raspberries in the fall may consist of their own seedlings. There is a "nettle" way of seating. Young shoots 20–25 cm high are dug up with roots in early June and planted in a permanent place, pouring plenty of water. It is better to choose shoots from the aisle so as not to disturb the bush.

Another way is cuttings. At the end of May or beginning of June, the side branches are cut and placed in pre-prepared holes at a slight slope. After falling asleep with soil, they are watered abundantly. So that the water does not go past, make a small depression in the seat, and mulch to prevent moisture loss. Also, young growth is additionally shaded with branches or translucent nonwoven fabric. Some gardeners prefer to pre-soak cuttings in a container of water while waiting for roots to regrow. If you want to grow a certain variety, and there is not enough planting material, then root cuttings or cuttings of the roots of the desired variety are used. In autumn, when digging up young growth or removing old fruiting branches, roots from 3 to 5 5 mm are selected and cut into 10–15 cm long. They are placed in a box with sand, moistened and put underground for the winter, and planted in the spring.

In order to properly transplant raspberries from root cuttings in the spring, it is necessary to prepare a place for autumn. We dig up the planting soil along with humus. It is better if it is in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Barren land is fertilized with a mixture of peat and sand in the following proportion:

  • peat 2 parts;
  • sand 1 part;
  • earth 1 part.

Choosing a place to land

How to plant raspberries in the fall so that they feel comfortable and enjoy the harvest? Abundant fruiting directly depends on the competent location of the raspberry. Since the plant does not like winds, drafts and shaded places, the south side of fences, walls of houses and fences will become ideal option for planting it.

Advice! “So that your landing does not grow beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, sorrel is planted along the edges of the raspberries. It will create a kind of barrier for further germination of the roots.

If you want to plant in the center of the site, then consider the fact that this culture loves the morning solstice and afternoon shading. Someone decides to increase productivity by arranging the planting row from south to north. Other gardeners shade plantings during the heat by cultivating a number of other tall crops, such as: sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, amaranth, corn, etc.

Like many other crops, raspberries love fertile soils, preferably prepared with green manure: rye, lupine, mustard and others. If you do not have such an opportunity, then a fertile layer created from organic and mineral fertilizers is brought under the roots of the seedlings. Compost is an excellent top dressing and is applied both during soil preparation and directly under the root. Loamy and sandy soils contribute to the competent cultivation of the plant. The disadvantage of the soil is the predominant amount of sand. Not every gardener can afford a place for raspberries to rest for a whole year. However, this approach not only minimizes the number of pests with the help of pesticides, but also contributes to the fight against weeds, and also allows the land to “rest” and “gain strength”. In any case, before digging, the introduction of manure, humus and ash will never become superfluous. The bottom of the prepared seat is laid with bark conifers and peat so that for several years they provide plants with useful microelements.

Support installation

To make it convenient to process and harvest the bushes, a trellis is installed. The design of the trellis is quite simple. It is used for trench planting. Along the row of raspberries, wooden or iron poles are evenly driven in. If the row is small, then it is enough to install the pillars only on the sides. Between them we stretch a wire of medium thickness (from 4 mm in cross section) at a height of about 1 meter. Further, as young shoots grow, another row of wire is pulled from below to support the young.

Before fruiting, we tie all the trunks of the bushes to the wire at an equal distance from each other. If the raspberry variety is quite high, then a wire is tied to the trellis at a height of 1.3 \ 1.5 meters. To prevent the wind from breaking high branches, we tie them to the highest wire.

Basic planting and care methods

How to plant raspberries in the fall so that it is convenient to pick berries? To do this, there is a trench method described above.

  • A trench is dug about 45 cm deep and 50–60 cm long. If the soil has a fertile layer, then we lay it on the bottom of the row or apply fertilizer. If the earth has a non-acidic environment, then you can add ash (it contains potassium).
  • After the trench settles a little (1–1.5 months), young growth can be planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  • Before planting, we process the roots in a solution of cow dung with water and clay. We simply dip the roots into it, then shake and straighten it over the surface of the hole.
  • We fall asleep with earth, tamp it down and do abundant watering of plantings. The location of the root collar does not really matter, as it is not clearly marked.
  • Next, we mulch the seat to retain moisture and shelter from the penetration of cold to the roots.

The bush method is more suitable for transplanting remontant varieties. Since remontance implies a greater intake of nutrients, the pits in the garden are prepared 1.5–2 meters apart. Fertilizers need to be applied 2 times more than for ordinary varieties, and also do not forget about superphosphate. This technology allows the bush to bear fruit for a long multi-year period. The rest of the frauds are carried out, as usual, in September or early October. Instead of a trellis, you can install props during the fruiting period. You learned how to plant raspberries in the fall, but remontant varieties require a more attentive attitude. Although this species is less prone to disease and resistant to frost, it needs thorough feeding. To bear fruit twice a year in summer and in autumn, strength is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the bush during planting, flowering and before winter. Also, the culture must be constantly nourished with moisture. Fertilizers are applied taking into account the composition of the soil in your garden.

Getting ready for winter

You learned how to transplant raspberries in the fall, and now let's talk about preparing for winter. In the southern regions, it is not necessary to cover the landings, but in the middle lane and in the northern regions they cannot do without shelter. It is worth noting that the shelters are designed for snow cover, which envelops and protects the bushes like a pillow. Therefore, the part that does not fall under the cover is at risk of frostbite. Here is a scheme for preparing the culture so that it does not freeze:

  • water if there is no rain;
  • loosen shallow;
  • we mulch with organic matter (peat, dry leaves from the forest, spruce branches);
  • long unripened shoots are cut off at the ends;
  • we tilt long mature shoots to the ground and tie them to the lower supports or the lower wire of the trellis;
  • in the northern regions they cover with several layers of lutrasil or spunbond, strengthening the lower edges of the material.

In such conditions, the raspberry is no longer in danger of freezing, and then it will give you delicious fruits in the summer cottage.

Almost every gardener knows that September and October are one of the most favorable months for planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Planting raspberries in the fall is also possible. Usually, after the summer days are over, gardeners try to give this shrub the most attention in order to get a wonderful harvest of delicious berries next season. However, not all summer residents know when it is better to plant raspberries so that they take root and prepare for wintering.

Landing time

There is no exact recommendation for a specific time when it is better to plant this shrub: it all depends on the raspberry variety and climatic conditions specific region. In a new place in the autumn, it is better to plant raspberries as soon as they ripen. How to know when raspberries are ready for autumn transplant? Everything is very simple: buds should develop on the root neck of the plant. So, if the raspberry variety is early, then the buds will begin to be visible on it by the second week from the beginning of September. On later varieties, the buds will be clearly visible by October. It is important to complete all planting activities 20 days before frost occurs. This time is enough for the shoots to take root and prepare for winter. Thus, the approximate recommended time frame autumn planting from mid-September to mid-October.

Possible and. However, it is more preferable to do this in the autumn. If you comply the right technology, then raspberries will endure the winter well, and in the spring they will quickly grow, even ahead of a number of plants planted in April-May. In general, caring for autumn plantings is easier. The autumn weather also favors this: in September-October there will be no heat, which can make it difficult for seedlings to take root.

Raspberry varieties

What varieties can be grown in your area? Gardeners especially highlight the following.

  • "Brigantine". Bushes of this variety grow up to 1.8-2 m. The leaves of the bushes are usually large, corrugated. Berries reach a weight of 3-4 grams. Usually they grow large, with a large number of bones. The variety has good resistance to fungal diseases. Good frost resistance. On average, from one bush of such raspberries, you can get about 2.5 kg of berries.
  • "Raspberry Diamond". This is one of the best and most popular varieties. Usually gives a heavy harvest, due to which the shoots tend to the ground. It has soft green spikes of medium size. The leaves of this variety are slightly twisted and wrinkled. Raspberry berries on such bushes ripen large, ruby ​​red, with a characteristic sheen. The bones are also often large. One berry can weigh up to 4 grams. This variety tolerates hot weather and is resistant to drought.
  • "Eurasia". This is the most famous remontant variety raspberries. Differs in good productivity and the accelerated terms of maturing. From one such bush you can get up to 2.6 kg of berries. Grows up to 1.6 m in height. The berries are dark in color, can be stored for a long time without changing the taste and shape. The variety perfectly resists frost, is resistant to fungal diseases and some types of harmful insects. The berries on the bushes grow quite large and dense.
  • "Coral". This is a late-ripening dessert variety. Bushes grow up to 2 m in height. Berries of this variety have a pleasant taste. Their color is usually crimson, the size is large. The variety shows good yield. Usually from one bush you can collect up to 3 kg of raspberries.
  • "Aboriginal". Bushes of this variety grow, as a rule, to a height of 2 meters. The variety is upright, has no thorns. Possesses high yield: from a bush you can collect up to 5 kg of berries. The weight of one fruit can reach 8 grams. Berries are red, conical in shape. The taste is usually sour. The variety is highly disease resistant.

Culture requirements for soil and planting site

How to plant raspberries in the fall? This culture is able to survive in the shade. However, if you choose a shady place for this shrub, then later it can produce poor yields. In addition, when the plant is planted in the shade, its shoots become elongated, and full-fledged buds form only at their tops. As a result, there is a possibility that such a plant will not be able to endure the winter.

It is advisable to take a sunny and protected area from cold winds in the country for planting this fruit-bearing shrub. Raspberry beds are best oriented in a north-south direction: when this orientation is present, the crop will receive a lot during the day. sunlight. This recommendation is especially relevant for the northern regions, where even in summer there are quite a few warm and sunny days.

Raspberries grow well on drained and fertile soils. This shrub will also take root on sandy and sandy loamy soils, but in this case, the culture will require the introduction of a large number of organic fertilizers every year.

Not all novice gardeners know how to plant raspberries in the fall. This can be done both by the trench method and in the pits. But the first method is recognized as the most popular and is used everywhere, although it is more laborious. Trenches must be prepared in advance. It is better if this is done 20-25 days before planting. When the trenches are properly prepared, the harvest will be rich and crop care will be simplified.

The selected place for raspberries must be fenced off by driving pegs around the edges. Recommended dimensions of the trench for raspberries: width - 0.5-0.6 m, depth - 0.4-0.45 m. The length should be chosen based on the estimated length of the raspberry bush. The number of trenches corresponds to the number of future rows with raspberries.

An important stage is the release of soil for raspberries from perennial weeds. In the raspberry aisle regularly need to be dug up or cultivated. In order to have fewer weeds in them, they can be covered with old linoleum.

  • compost or rotted manure with a layer thickness of about 10 cm;
  • mineral fertilizer (for example, superphosphate);
  • biohumus.

Fertilizer may not be added to the trenches if the soil in the garden is fertile enough. After laying the nutrient mixture, the trench from above must be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of earth.

For planting, you should choose the most healthy plants. It is better if 2 people participate in the planting: one holds the raspberry seedling by the trunk, and the second sprinkles it with soil. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. When planting them in trenches, the roots should be straightened, watered and sprinkled with soil on top, compacting the upper layers.

To check whether the planting is done correctly, it is enough to try to pull out one of the seedlings. If it does not come out of the ground, this means that everything is done correctly, and if it pulls out easily, then it is better to transplant.

Some advise, after disembarkation, to make a raspberry garter according to the trellis principle. To protect the seedlings for the winter period, it is recommended to cover them in the fall from excess moisture and cold weather. To do this, you need to cover the roots with fallen leaves, and the shoots - with polyethylene, after pulling it on the frame.


Raspberry is a fairly unpretentious crop, planting which is preferable in autumn. To obtain good harvest, it is important to follow the correct planting technology and prepare the shrub for winter.

In autumn, along with planting, it is also possible to transplant raspberry bushes from one place to another.

The yield of autumn bushes will depend on several factors:

  • the right choice of variety;
  • appropriate place;
  • proper preplant preparation.

Raspberry is a shrub that can be planted in autumn or spring. However, planting raspberries in the fall is more appropriate. Moderate air temperature, autumn rains favorably affect the successful rooting of the plant. If you have time to plant a shrub three weeks before the start of a drop in temperature, the plant easily takes root and takes root. This article shows how to properly plant raspberries in the fall and the timing of planting, caring for raspberries.

Many gardeners plant raspberry cuttings in the spring, however, planting in the fall is more effective because it has a number of advantages. Under the same conditions, planting seedlings in mid-autumn will provide raspberries with a high survival rate and a bountiful harvest.

This is due to moderate temperature regime, the absence of a scorching, hot sun, as well as the presence of heavy autumn rains. This contributes to the successful rooting of planted cuttings.

Planted cuttings take root in autumn, passing into a period of calm. At this time, they rest, gain new strength, and with the onset of spring begin intensive growth. On the grown shoots, flower buds will form, which will subsequently bring a generous harvest. Therefore, autumn is the best time to plant raspberries.

Video “Autumn planting raspberries”

In this video you will see how to plant raspberries in the fall.

When to plant

There is no exact date when to plant raspberries in the fall. Favorable dates for planting raspberries in the fall are influenced by such circumstances as the climatological zone, the microclimate atmosphere, and the raspberry variety. According to the advice of experienced gardeners, when you can plant raspberries in the fall, the ideal period is to plant raspberry cuttings two to three weeks before the first frosts begin.

Planting and caring for the berry will differ depending on the location of the site. In each geographical zone, this happens differently: in the Moscow region and the northern parts of Ukraine much earlier than in the Kuban and in the southern regions of Ukraine. Regarding the approximate period of time when you can plant a berry, usually from the end of September to mid-October, and in the south of the country you can plant it until the end of October.

Location selection

Having decided on the period for planting berries in spring or autumn, you settled on the second option. In this case, the main thing is to choose a suitable place.

How to plant raspberries in autumn? You need to choose the right place. The perfect place for a raspberry nursery, a flat area with gentle slopes, no more than 5 °, is suitable. This is important condition, since with steep slopes the water, air and nutrient system for the fruitful development of raspberry cuttings deteriorates.

At higher elevations, plants experience a lack of moisture even during irrigation or rain, the quantity and quality of shoots deteriorate, root shoots grow slowly and become weak.
The area where the raspberry will grow needs abundant sunlight. The absence or lack of sunlight inhibits the ripening of fruits, slows down the formation of stem tissues, and reduces the frost resistance of the bush. This factor will further complicate the process of planting and caring for raspberries.

With significant shading, the raspberry bush will become more susceptible to disease and attack insect pests, which will significantly complicate the care of raspberries.

Abundant moisture in the soil is the key to a good and generous harvest of raspberries. The shrub needs maximum moisture during the ripening of berries and the development of shoots. But moisture alone is not enough, soil for raspberries needs loose, nutritious, containing useful minerals and organic components.

many amateur gardeners such a rule is known - the predecessor plants, in the area chosen for planting raspberries, should not have cultures of the nightshade family: tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, bell peppers, eggplants. The neighborhood of raspberries with strawberries is unacceptable.

But the area where currant bushes, gooseberries, plants from the legume family and onions grew is considered suitable.

Having chosen a favorable place for planting seedlings, you should follow the instructions on how to plant raspberries correctly.

How to prepare and plant seedlings

Before planting raspberries in the fall, young, strong seedlings with well-formed shoots should be selected. In this case, annual raspberry bushes are used.

Selected seedlings must be cut from the bush and prepared for planting and care.

Another landing option is to dig up a whole shrub, dividing it into parts so that each has at least one shoot. The roots of the bush are lowered into the water, where they are saturated with moisture.

Young and strong seedlings are separated from the main bush, produced step by step preparation: a seedling is taken from an adult bed, which is carefully separated from the main bush. The root system of the old bush is cut off, and the new roots are shaken and straightened.

Before planting, the seedling is shortened, the top of the shoot is cut for this, clearing the leaves.
In this case, the height of the seedling should be more than 40 cm. This length is considered optimal, it will allow the plant to take root more easily and eventually bring a bountiful harvest.

Usually gardeners use two methods of planting and growing raspberry bushes: bush and tape.

With the bush method, several bushes are planted in one hole at once, as a rule, this is suitable for small seedlings.

With tape planting, raspberry cuttings are planted in a row one at a time. The main advantage of this method of disembarkation is the rational and economical use of the area of ​​​​the site.

Raspberries are planted in rows, the distance between which should be at least 4 m, and the distance between adjacent bushes should be 60 cm. For planting seedlings, trenches are dug, holes 25–30 cm deep. A layer of loose humus is laid on the bottom.

The plant should be planted in dry soil, carefully straightening the roots. They must be firmly attached to the soil. During planting, the soil is gradually and moderately compacted layer by layer.

It is worth avoiding excessive deepening of the seedling into the soil, as there is a risk that new shoots will not grow.
At the end of planting, make sure that the seedlings are firmly fixed in the soil. Then, around the bush, you need to make a hole, which is abundantly watered on the basis that each bush needs 5-7 liters of water. In the following days, it is enough to spray the plants, and in the future, to provide it with drip irrigation.

An effective tool for successful rooting Raspberry bushes are considered to be mulching with rabbit droppings, it retains moisture well, nourishes the soil, and prevents the appearance of weeds.

Preparing for winter

How to care for raspberries in the fall and how long before you start preparing for winter?

Gardeners with experience know that effective method preparing raspberries for wintering - the correct bending of the bush. This procedure must be performed before the onset of the first, even minor sub-zero temperatures. And in time - ideally in the afternoon, then the shoots have maximum flexibility, and the risk of breaking them when tilted to the ground will be minimal.

During the bending of the bush, the shoots are stacked on top of each other, then they are fixed with twine, twine.

Raspberries can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter. However, experienced gardeners claim that best time The year for planting is autumn. Planting raspberries in autumn- very difficult process. In order to collect a large number of ripe sweet berries in the summer, you need to carefully study the timing of the autumn planting and the basic rules for working with this shrub.

Why is it better to plant raspberries in the fall?

In most regions of Russia, warm but rainy weather is observed in early autumn. It is this climate that contributes to the rapid rooting of raspberries. This shrub, on the contrary, does not like heat and drought. During autumn planting, raspberries have time to develop their root system and accumulate nutrients for shoot growth in spring. In this case, raspberries begin to bear fruit the very next year. Only for some northern regions is spring planting preferable. This is due to the fact that frosty winters with little snow are most often observed in such an area. The exact timing of planting raspberries is determined according to the following parameters:

  • climate in the region.
  • Upcoming weather forecast.
  • Raspberry variety.
  • The growing season of the shrub.

In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant shrubs in the first decade of October. In the middle lane, as a rule, it is customary to carry out work at the end of September. In the northern regions, raspberries should be planted a little earlier, in early September. However, for all regions of Russia there is a general rule: you need to plant raspberries at least 2 weeks before the onset of serious frosts.

In addition, you need to carefully study the planting requirements for a particular raspberry variety. Early varieties should be planted in September, and late varieties in October. For winter-hardy shrubs it is not necessary to strictly observe the landing dates. Even if the work is carried out 1 - 2 weeks later than expected, they will have time to take root. The situation is completely different with varieties that are not resistant to frost. It is better to transfer their planting to the spring.

Experienced gardeners always take into account the growing season of the shrub. Raspberries should be planted only after the growth of its bushes has stopped. At the same time, the foliage from the shrub should fall intensively. These signs indicate that the so-called dormant period has come, in which planting work must be carried out. However, only experienced gardeners who have been caring for raspberry bushes for more than a year can determine the correct growing season. The rest should follow general rule that raspberries are planted from the last decade of September to the first decade of October. If for some reason it was not possible to plant raspberries on time, they must be stored until spring.

  1. Store in a cool, draft-free area.
  2. Digging into the ground.
  3. Snowing (digging packed seedlings under a dense layer of snow).

Seedlings can be purchased from a nursery, or you can take a cutting from your own formed raspberry bush. Seedlings must be mature and healthy. When choosing, it is better to be guided by the following rules:

  • You need to choose only annual shoots that extend from the root.
  • Carefully inspect the roots of the seedling. If necessary, they need to be cleaned and damaged roots removed.
  • The thickness of the root of the seedling must be at least 1 cm;

Place to land

Raspberries love sunlight and moisture. For this reason, you need to choose well-lit places. In the shade, raspberry bushes develop very poorly. The ripening time of the shoots increases, the berries ripen much later. In addition, raspberries that grow in the shade are much more vulnerable to insect pests and fungal infections. The place must be protected from drafts. There are no special requirements for the soil at the raspberry planting site. Ideally, the soil should be fertile and well-drained. If you plant raspberries in soil with a high sand content, the berries will appear about 2 weeks earlier than usual. Some gardeners recommend forming soil with a different composition. In one place it can be light loamy, in another sandy soil. In this case, ripe berries will delight much longer.

How to plant raspberries?

There are 2 methods of planting raspberries: artisanal and trench. In the first case, seedlings are planted in one hole in a group. In the second case, raspberries are planted in rows, one seedling per hole. Gardeners believe that the second method allows you to achieve greater yields and is the most useful for shrubs. The place for planting raspberries must be carefully dug up, weed plants removed and loosened. Form trenches with holes in the soil, the diameter of which should be 50 cm and a depth of about 30 cm. The distance between the holes is at least 60 cm, between the rows - at least 4 m. This distance can be reduced by several meters if there is little free space in the area territory.

Pour humus into the bottom of each well formed. After that, place the raspberry roots in this hole. It is important that the roots of the shrub are located horizontally. If they are pointing up or sticking out of the ground, the raspberries will die. Cover the roots with earth, but do not tamp tightly. At the end of planting, water the raspberries with plenty of water. For each seedling should take about 1 bucket. Over the next three days, raspberries should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Install support pegs at the beginning and end of each row. If desired, they can be placed more often, every 4 m.

To create bushes favorable conditions for development, you need to mulch the soil. To do this, a piece of land with raspberries can be covered sawdust, straw or peat. In regions with little snowy frosty winters, you can warm raspberries with polyethylene film. From it you need to create a frame around the bushes.

Raspberry care after planting

After landing on raspberries, they need intensive watering. The soil needs to be moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm. If it rains in the region, the intensity of irrigation decreases or stops altogether. The soil does not need additional fertilizer, since humus is introduced into the ground during planting. However, in order to protect young shoots from insect pests and infections, it is necessary to treat the soil around with a solution of copper sulfate. Before the first frost, bend down. To do this, raspberry bushes need to be bent over each other and fixed with twine. This work is best done in the afternoon. At this time of day, the bushes are the most flexible. In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the raspberries are covered with a layer of snow, without it the bushes will freeze.

In the spring, the shoots are freed from the rope, straightened and visually inspected. Frozen and damaged bushes should be removed. During flowering, raspberries are fertilized, bought in garden stores, mineral or organic fertilizers. Raspberries have not only a pleasant bright taste, but also contain great amount useful substances. In order to collect as many high-quality crops as possible, all planting rules must be observed.

Raspberries are a delicious berry that ripens in early summer. Few can get past this. fragrant fruit. It is not only tasty, but also very useful for the treatment of colds. If you decide to plant a red-pink beauty on your site, you need to know the timing and rules for planting raspberries in the fall.

When is it better to plant raspberries - in autumn or spring, in which month

It is believed that autumn is the most favorable time for planting raspberries. At this time, she will take root well, straighten the roots and grow new ones. Until the onset of the first frost, it will be fed from the ground with mineral fertilizers and will overwinter well. And in the spring, such seedlings will grow faster, waking up on a par with centenarians, and may even begin to bear fruit (if it is a remontant variety).

If you plant raspberries in the spring, and not in the fall, then the plant a long period takes root. Naturally, there is no talk of any harvest in the same year. Therefore, autumn is the best period for rooting young seedlings.

Another important question that needs to be answered: when is it better to plant raspberries in the fall, and in what month? be accepted you can plant raspberries in autumn in September, this time is the most suitable for the procedure.

AT different regions the timing of planting raspberries in the fall of course can vary. So, in the South of Russia, shrubs can be planted until the end of October, but in middle lane(Moscow region) it is desirable to be in time before the end of September. But the main condition is that there should be another 20-30 days before the first frost.

If you plant raspberries later than this time, then the sprouts may not have time to gain a foothold inside the soil. The result will be either complete freezing of the seedling, or a difficult winter, and then a long fight against diseases and weakness of the seedling. Therefore, it is recommended to have time to meet the recommended deadlines and plant raspberries in the autumn in a new place, while the temperature outside is around + 10 ... + 15 degrees.

The main guideline for starting planting work is the complete maturation of the seedling, when replacement buds appear on it, located on the root collar of the seedling. If the variety is early, then such eyes will appear in early September. In the case of a late variety, the buds will appear at the end of September.

Video: planting raspberry seedlings in autumn

Landing dates in different regions

Optimal planting dates for raspberries in the fall in the Middle lane (in the suburbs) and in the zone of risky farming (Volga region)- With September to October. It is possible to plant raspberries in these regions in the spring, but the autumn deepening makes the plant much stronger and more resilient.

Planting raspberries in autumn in Siberia and the Urals you need to have time to complete before the first days of September, but you should be guided by the weather. If the end of summer turned out to be cold, rainy, windy, then it is advisable not to plant a raspberry seedling in the Urals and Siberia at all, leaving this event for the spring period. The result of rooting in the fall will be death due to freezing or the appearance of a fungal disease due to high humidity air.

Plant raspberries in autumn in the northern regions recommended so that the rows of beds are located from north to south. With this placement, landings will be received within a day maximum amount sunlight. This has a positive effect on the ripening of the crop and palatability berries.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in the fall

The technique for planting a young raspberry seedling is the same in both spring and autumn.

There are the following advantages of planting raspberries in the fall:

  • The weather in autumn is already not hot, the air humidity is increased, at night there are slight drops in temperature. All these conditions have a fruitful effect on the speed of releasing young roots by transplanted plants. In spring, on the contrary, air degrees can change dramatically from moderately warm to hot days. Such differences adversely affect the young seedling.
  • The internal juices of the plant in the autumn period are concentrated inside the cuttings.. Raspberries accumulate everything inside the stem nutrients, nourished from the transplanted soil. In the spring all the action is reversed. The shrub spends all its internal strength on the growth of shoots, so after planting it is very difficult for it to maintain both the root system and reproduce fresh leaves.
  • Planting material is sold at an affordable price in in large numbers so you can choose the variety you want. In addition, plants are often sold with leaves, and sometimes with berries, which can be seen, touched and even tasted. Based on the sample, it is possible to determine the quality and external data of seedlings.
  • Simple care for young raspberries after planting in the fall. The weather creates ideal conditions for excellent survival of seedlings. Almost 100% rooting after planting in autumn.


The only drawback of planting raspberries in the fall in September-October is the need to monitor the weather, namely to track the moments of temperature drop. The main thing is to correctly guess the timing of the most ideal time for planting a young raspberry seedling.

Thus, the need for planting young seedlings in the autumn period is obvious. At this point, after planting, raspberry seedlings will take root well, feed and overwinter well. Next spring, you can already expect the appearance of the first fruits with a fragrant smell.

How to plant raspberries in autumn - features and step by step instructions

Surely any novice gardener who decides to do this business is interested in how to plant raspberries in the fall. This is easy to do, especially if you follow this step-by-step instruction.

What should be a seedling

The choice of raspberry seedlings for planting in the fall is not carried out according to appearance stem, but according to the internal state of the root system. It should be well developed, without visible damage and putrid smell.

Only after you make sure of the quality of the root system, which has a large number of dormant basal buds, can you pay attention to the ground part. The stems should be woody in color, about 0.5-1 cm in diameter.

If the seedling is tall, then before planting it is cut to a level of 20-25 cm from the base. This is necessary so that it draws less nutrients on itself, giving the root system strength for rooting.

Note! If you want to plant or transplant a raspberry bush to a new place(and not buy and plant from scratch), then help you.

Landing place

It is recommended to choose a sunny place for growing raspberries, because a lot of sunlight is required for the ripening of berries, but it is better that the shrub is not under the scorching rays all the time. Of course, the plant can grow in partial shade, but then you won’t even have to dream of big harvests, despite all the care and abundance of top dressing.

Attention! Raspberry is a fairly unpretentious creature, it can grow in any territory. But if you want a bigger harvest and a rich taste of sweet berries, then before planting raspberries, you should pay attention to choosing a place for planting and preparing the soil.

In addition, the site must be protected from drafts and strong winds. Sometimes in the spring can happen strong hurricanes, which upholster tender foliage and spoil the ovaries of berries. Therefore, the moment of windy weather should also be taken into account.

What kind of soil is needed

The soil for planting raspberries must be fertile. When there are few nutrients in the soil, the leaves of the plant lose their saturated shade, becoming covered with yellowness with clearly defined veins.

The ideal soil for planting raspberries is loamy and sandy soil.

Note! It is important that the soil is well drained, and also allows moisture to pass to the roots without stagnation near the base.

After the landing site is selected, the territory is prepared. To prepare the soil for planting raspberries, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Dig up.
  2. Remove all kinds of weeds and numerous stones from it.
  3. At the end of the procedure, all dug up pieces of land must be broken.
  4. Remove the remnants of the roots of previous plants.
  5. Completely level the ground.

After preparing the soil, you can proceed directly to the planting procedure.

Landing methods

Planting young annual raspberry seedlings is carried out in several ways:

  1. bush;
  2. trench.

Bush method

Guided by the method of rooting seedlings using the bush method, you should not resort to preparing (fertilizing) the soil in advance. When planting, correctly place a raspberry seedling in the ground along following scheme:

  1. A pit is prepared 2 weeks before the start of work in the garden. The depth of the pit for planting raspberries should not exceed 30-40 cm, and the diameter should not exceed 30-40 cm.
  2. Further, compost or humus up to 4-5 kg ​​is laid in the planting hole. Additionally, when planting, mineral fertilizers are applied, consisting of potassium sulfate (10 gr.) Or wood ash (2 cups), superphosphate (15-20 grams).
  3. Half of the excavated soil is mixed with fertilizer and poured into the hole, filling it about halfway.
  4. After the seedling is placed in a hole. Its roots should be straightened, spreading them into different sides from the center of the recess.
  5. Raspberries should be planted at such a depth that the root neck is no more than 2-3 cm below ground level.
  6. As the soil falls asleep, the shrub is slightly shaken so that the soil penetrates into all the hollow spaces and fills everything with itself.

Raspberry bush planting scheme:

trench method

The second method of planting raspberries is the trench (tape) method. Not many people know him due to the fact that in most cases the bush planting method is used. If we compare both procedures, then landing in a trench is a more time-consuming and time-consuming method.

When using the trench method, a significant plus is the confidence that the entire raspberry will receive a uniform amount of nutrients. This procedure will increase the growth of green shoots and the yield of bushes.

Raspberry trench dimensions: width - 40 cm, depth - 40 cm, distance between seedlings 40-70 cm.

If it is required that raspberries do not let root seedlings into the entire territory of the site, then a dug hole in the ground is laid out on all sides with slate. It does not allow the roots to grow in different directions, blocking their movement.

At the bottom of the trench, a layer of pieces of wood is poured out, which have already begun to rot, turning into dust. A layer of humus (6-8 kg per 1 square meter), fallen leaves or cow dung is placed on top of them (this can be laid out in layers one by one or by mixing everything in one batch).

In addition, to fertilize raspberries when planting, you must add:

  1. Potassium sulphate - 40 grams per 1 sq. meter or
  2. Wood ash - 1 can or 0.5 kg.
  3. Superphosphate (granular) - 40 grams per 1 sq. meter.

From above, cover everything with black soil or garden soil. Such a layer of fertilizers when planting raspberries ensures that the bushes receive nutrients for a sufficiently long period.

Video: proper fit raspberries in autumn

Care after planting in the fall

After the seedling is buried in the ground, it is recommended to lightly tamp the soil.. This is necessary so that no hollow recesses remain inside the soil. Moisture can stagnate in them, which negatively affects the root system of the plant.

With a large amount of water constantly at the roots, a fungal disease may join them or they will begin to rot. Any outcome adversely affects the planted seedling.

Further care for young raspberries after planting in autumn should be permanent. It is periodically watered, focusing on the need for moisture, when the soil dries out.

Also, as a care, a raspberry seedling after planting in the fall is prepared for wintering. At the first sign of a decrease in temperature, it is recommended to mulch the root area or cover it with humus or sawdust.

Carefully! Fallen leaves - not the best the best option for mulching, as it may contain various pests that have the peculiarity of eating juice fruit plants. In addition, fungal diseases develop well in it.

A young plant often suffers from severe frosts, so experienced gardeners make a frame near the raspberry and stretch a film over it. This method is especially suitable for the cluster method. In this case, each plant will be carefully packed in plastic wrap.

The erected frame forms the necessary space in which there is enough oxygen for the plant to overwinter normally. In the spring, the insulation is removed at the first rays of the sun, so as not to provoke the accumulation of condensate.

Possible mistakes when planting raspberries in the fall

Any gardener dreams of getting big yields from his raspberries with delicious large fruits. But in most cases they do typical mistakes, which do not allow you to achieve the desired result:

  1. Landing too early. Early rooting allows the plant to sprout green shoots. Such activation of activity during the first frosts can provoke a decrease in the immunity of the plant.
  2. Bushes planted in the shade. The shrub does not have enough sunlight not for the ripening of berries, but for their formation. Therefore, the plant begins to reach for the sun, its shoots become thin, brittle and do not have time to mature by the due date of retirement. This situation leads to the freezing of part of the fruit buds at the ends of the shoots.
  3. Placement of seedlings on clay soil, which is characterized by stagnant moisture.
  4. During planting, the seedling was slightly pruned. Ground sprouts will begin to pull on nutrients. This does not allow the root system of the plant to take root firmly in the ground.
  5. Poor-quality planting material: too old, with overdried roots, etc., etc.. You should choose young seedlings of one year of age. Them root system should be at least 10-15 cm, and the stem is quite strong. If you buy seedlings in spontaneous markets, then the roots should be pulled with a damp cloth so that they do not dry out. Otherwise, it will be difficult to return them to their normal state.

Video: planting raspberries without errors

Thus, raspberry is not such a demanding shrub, although you cannot call it completely unpretentious either. But to get berries with rich taste data and large size, it is recommended to try a little. Planting raspberries in the fall is not difficult. The main thing is to act according to the rules: to produce proper training beds for raspberries and choose a quality seedling. Knowing all the features and secrets of planting raspberries, you will be able to get an amazing harvest in the future.

Video: how to plant raspberries in the fall

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